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Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

               Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of
                 development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem

                Olivier Berger <> - Télécom

                                            Jeudi 09/06/2011
                                             Séminaire IRILL

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Apologies / Excuses

      Mélange de transparents en anglais et français. . .
      Toutes mes excuses, all my apologies in advance, par avance.

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Large scale bugtracking
Definition : bugtracking

               NO : Looking for bugs in the code / programs
               YES : Looking for bug reports for these bugs

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports          Current efforts         More on OSLC   Conclusion


as @zack said
      Source : http ://

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Large scale : FLOSS ecosystem

               Lots of duplicate or related bug reports
               Not a single place where to monitor bugs
                     OK, launchpad, maybe. . . too much a silo anyway

               No interoperability of tools
               Manual work of maintainer / QA (bug triaging, etc.)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Who I am

          Since 2002 : Institut TELECOM / TELECOM
          SudParis / Computer Science dept. / PFTCR
                  Research on collaborative development
                  platforms, tools, process, in FLOSS communities
          Previously worked in service companies (Cap
          Gemini, IDEALX)
          R&D on FLOSS, forges, bugtracking, Linked
          Data, etc. (CALIBRE, HELIOS, COCLICO)
          (recent) Debian developer (obergix),
          contributor to FusionForge, etc.

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

About our recent collaborations

About HELIOS (over now)

                                                          Application Lifecycle Management
                                                          with Open Source tools
                                                          System@tic Paris Region

             http:                                        Partners : Alcatel-Lucent, Artenum,
       //heliosplatform.                                  TELECOM SudParis, Kalis,                                   Mandriva, Thales
                                                          First work on bugtracker
                                                          interoperability OSLC, MantisBT,
                                                          bts-link, UDD, Linked Data
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

About our recent collaborations

COCLICO (ongoing)


               Le projet COCLICO vise à redynamiser les communautés
               de forges logicielles en structurant un écosystème libre
               pour lequel il existe une masse critique d’acteurs en

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

About our recent collaborations

               Pôles de compétitivité
                     System@tic (Paris)

                     Minalogic (Grenoble)

               Financement public (partiel)
               2 ans (2009-2011)
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

About our recent collaborations

               9 participants principalement à Paris et Grenoble
                     Industriels :
                            Orange Labs,
                     PMEs :
                            CELI France,
                            Gnurandal (via Xerox),
                            Objet Direct
                     Academiques :
                            Institut TELECOM / Télécom Sud Paris
               Centrage fort sur le logiciel libre (est-ce que ça ne devrait pas
               être toujours comme cela avec du financement public ?)
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

About our recent collaborations

Objectifs du projet COCLICO (quoting its website)
               Re-dynamisation de la communautés logiciel libre des
               développeurs autour de la base de code historique des forges
               libres (FusionForge et Codendi)
               Définition d’un modèle d’intégration ouvert
               Intégrité des données et confidentialité
               Échange de données en temps réel entre les différentes forges
               Fonctionnalités pour utilisation industrielle et assurance qualité

                      traçabilité des informations,
                      support de méthodologies de génie logiciel,
                      interaction avec le poste de travail du développeur.
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Problem definition

The need for interlinked bug reports

               Help developers, maintainers, power users
               Monitoring work done around particular issues
               Not one single distribution channel
               Many venues for support : many distributions, many
               Redundancy of reports across trackers
               Final goal : ease of monitoring bug reports links all over the
               FLOSS ecosystem

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Problem definition

Existing tools : bts-link


               Monitoring status changes on upstream bugs around the
               Debian bugtracker
               Debian tool for package maintainers (and advanced users)
               Uses existing bug links (forwarded-to) set by humans :
                     Distribution (Debian) package bugs
                     “Upstream” project bugtrackers bugs
               Email notification for Debian packagers (or people monitoring
               Debian bugs)
               Supports lots of upstream bugtracker types (through specific
               connectors) : bugzilla (and issuezilla), gnats, launchpad,
               mantis, savane (from savanah), sourceforge trackers, trac,
               gforge (and fusionforge most probably), google code
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Problem definition

Existing tools : Eclipse Mylyn


               Mylyn Tasks (many other modules)
               Offers integrated bug tracking interfaces inside Eclipse
               Supports contexts attached to bug reports
               32 different connectors to bugtrackers to maintain

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Problem definition

Existing tools : SD (Simple defects)


               Distributed bugtracking.
               Think :
                     Bugzilla == Subversion
                     SD == Git (+ git-svn, etc.)
               CLI interface ;-)
               Again, many connectors needed to different bug trackers (RT,
               Hiveminder, Trac, GitHub, Google Code, Redmine, debbugs ?)
               Internal common representation (bug properties common base
               -> OSLC-CM) ?
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Problem definition

Issues for such tools

               Needs custom ad-hoc connectors/scrapers for each
               bugtracker : no standard APIs
               Not always very actively maintained (including bugtrackers)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Past efforts

Problems : interop / standardisation (lack of -)

               Until recently, no real standard for bugtrackers :
                     APIs / protocols
                     Interchange of (meta-)data representing Bugs/Issues (and
                     associate resources)
               Old school technology (Web 1.5 ?) : mashups difficult,
               ambiguous URIs, etc.

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Past efforts

Past efforts : our Helios_BT ontology

               PhD work as part of Helios project
               Bug/Issue representation
               Ontology, Schema (Semantic Web standards)
               Contributed to standardisation effort : baetle project
               http :// (dead now)
               Reuse of EvoOnt BOM http ://
               Semantic web techniques (RDF) : extensible
               Mapping bugtrackers data to RDF/Linked Data : prototype on
               UDD, bugzilla, etc. (D2R)
               TODO : Need to adjust to OSLC-CM that appeared in
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Past efforts

Our first Helios bug tracking ontology

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


SemWeb / Linked-Data

               Semantic Web, Linked Data, Web 3.0 hype (latest
               instanciation : http ://
               Linked (Open) Development Data
               Bugs (reports) become first class citizens of the SemWeb
               (content-negociation, RDFa, adapters, OSLC-CM . . . )


Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Linked Open Data

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
         Source : http ://
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC          Conclusion


(Public) Development artifacts part of Web 3.0 ?
               RDFa in pages for users / projects
               (recent COCLICO contributions to FusionForge 5.1)

   Example (proj. /projects/bts-link)                       Example (user /users/obergix)
   @prefix doap: <> .
                                                            @prefix doap: <> .
   @prefix foaf: <> .
                                                            @prefix foaf: <> .
   @prefix sioc: <> .
                                                            @prefix sioc: <> .
       doap:created "2006-04-28"@en ;
                                                             sioc:email_sha1 "20405e51683655b67655e50b2e46fb0f43
       doap:description "BTS-link provides a set of tool that allow our BTS to be linked to other popular BTS
                                                             sioc:member_of <
       doap:developer <>, <
                                                             sioc:name "obergix"@en ;
       doap:homepage <> ;
                                                             a sioc:UserAccount ;
       doap:maintainer <>, <
                                                             doap:developer <
       a sioc:UserAccount .
                                                             doap:maintainer <
                                                             a foaf:Person ;
                                                             foaf:account <
       a foaf:Person ;
                                                             foaf:name "Olivier Berger"@en .
       foaf:account <> .

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


OSLC-CM : a proposed standard for bugtracker

               OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) proposed
                     Web technology : REST, RDF, AJAX,
                     Open community, Open standard
                     OSLC-CM (Change Management) FLOSS implementations
                     developped in Helios and COCLICO
                            Mantis bugtracker (outdated now)
                            FusionForge trackers
                     Many more domains than trackers
               More on OSLC later

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange)


               Describe software package meta-data
               Mainly about licensing / copyright issues for the moment
               Linux Foundation, OSI, Black Duck, debian ( ?) => adoption
               Should be inter-operable with bug-tracking domain (RDF too)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


PlanetForge ontology ?

               Primary goal : model forge artifacts in a standard way using
               Forge project export / import feature being worked on in
               COCLICO, for FusionForge, to start with
                     Links the different tools dump formats (internal indentifiers)

               Standard format to be used in ForgePlucker project
               To be published on

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion



Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Introduction rapide à OSLC

          Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

          Open Source License Checker / Our
          Savior Lutheran Church
          En français :

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Showtime ! (nice IBM propaganda)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Communauté OSLC

          Communauté ouverte
          Lead : IBM/Rational
          Wiki pour specs
          Projet Open Source :
          Software License)
                  En cours de migration
                  vers Eclipse :
                  Eclipse Lyo proposal

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Shameless auto-promotion

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Spécifications : «standard» d’intéropérabilité

               Standard ouvert
                     patent non-assert covenant signé par participants
                     spécifications sous Creative Commons
                     domaines divers (ALM, PLM)
                             OSLC-CM (Change Management)
                             beaucoup d’autres domaines, au-delà des trackers de bugs
                     basé sur standards technologies Web : REST, RDF, AJAX,
                     Dublin Core
                     passe du modèle client-serveur au modèle Web (>= 2.0,
                     Linked Data)
                     pragmatique (PPCD)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

État d’avancement spécifications

               OSLC Core
               Divers groupes de travail, mais presque tout finalisé

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Domaine Change Management

               OSLC-CM (bugtrackers)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC       Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Format d’échange sémantique + extensible : RDF

   Example (XML)
                                                            Example (JSON)
                                                            "prefixes" : {
                                                               "oslc": "",
                                                               "rdf" : "
                                                               "foaf" : "http://",
                                                               "dcterms" : ""
         <dcterms:title>I love trash</dcterms:title>
                                                            "rdf:type" : { "rdf:resource" : "http://open-service
                                                            "rdf:about" : "",
            Anything dirty or dingy or dusty.
                                                            "dcterms:title" : "I love trash",
            Anything ragged or rotten or rusty.
                                                            "dcterms:modified" : "2002-10-10T12:00:00-05:00",
                                                            "dcterms:content" : "Anything dirty or dingy or dust
                                                            "dcterms:creator" : {
                                                               "foaf:name" : "Oscar T. Grouch"
                <foaf:name>Oscar T. Grouch</foaf:name>

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Example bugzilla report (through oslc-tools adapter)
      rapper -o turtle http://localhost:8282/bugz/changerequest?id=1

      @prefix   rdf: <> .
      @prefix   dcterms: <> .
      @prefix   oslc: <> .
      @prefix   oslc_cm: <> .
      @prefix   bugz: <> .
      @prefix   foaf: <http://> .

          oslc_cm:status "NEW" ;
          dcterms:contributor [
              foaf:name "" ;
              a foaf:Person
          ] ;
          dcterms:created "Fri May 20 17:36:00 CEST 2011" ;
          dcterms:identifier "1" ;
          dcterms:modified "Fri May 20 17:36:56 CEST 2011" ;
          dcterms:title "coin" ;
          bugz:component "TestComponent" ;
          bugz:opsys "Linux" ;
          bugz:platform "PC" ;
          bugz:priority "P3" ;
          bugz:product "TestProduct" ;
          bugz:version "unspecified" ;
          a oslc_cm:ChangeRequest .

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Entités du service Web (méta-modèle, découverte)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration


               opérations REST C,R,U,D classiques
                     Create (POST)
                     Retrieve (GET)
                     Update (PUT)
                     Delete (DEL)
               API orientées intégration, interop
                     ID resources == URLs (RDF, Linked Data)
                     APIs REST minimales + extensions de chaque produit
                     dialogues delegated -> scenarii AJAX
                     resource preview,

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration


Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Mashups AJAX (delegated dialogs)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Integration des outils de développement

               Auparavant : intégrations ad-hoc
               Aujourd’hui demain : interopérabilité basée sur les standards
               du Web (REST, OSLC)
               Patterns d’intégration d’outils
               ALMaaS (Cloud)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC          Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Mécanisme de preview des ressources générique basé sur

               Exemple : curl -H ’Accept: application/x-oslc-compact+xml’ http://fftrunk/users/labbenes

               <?xml version="1.0"?>
               <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

                 <oslc:Compact rdf:about="https://fftrunk/plugins/oslc/compact/user/labbenes">
                   <dcterms:title>M. Sabri LABBENE</dcterms:title>
                       <oslc:document rdf:ressource="https://fftrunk/plugins/oslc/compact/user/labbenes/type/small

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC       Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Exemple : Compact preview OSLC users FusionForge

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Intégration continue : FusionForge + Jenkins

               Jenkins (ex Hudson) comme Consumer OSLC-CM
                     Permet de créer des bugs en cas d’échecs des builds, sur le
                     bugtracker distant
                     Outil libre, Java, mashup Javascript, plugin OSLC-CM
                     publié sur GiHub
               Trackers FusionForge comme Provider OSLC-CM
                     Gère la base de suivi des bugs et expose son API via OSLC-CM
                     Délègue l’authentification aux consumers au nom des users de
                     la forge avec OAuth
                     Outil libre, PHP + Zend Framework, plugin OSLC-CM publié
                     sur SVN FusionForge

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Démonstration : FusionForge + jenkins

               Demo sur machine virtuelle
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction           Interlinking bug reports        Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM

Quid déploiement concret OSLC

                     Jazz, RTC
                     plugin provider FusionForge trackers
                     plugin consumer Hudson/Jenkins
                     Mylyn (bientôt ?)
                     plugin provider Mantis (obsolète)
                     Adaptateur pour Bugzilla (Java, dans oslc-tools)
               Projet OSLC-tools sur => Eclipse Lyo
                     devrait assurer plus d’intérêt pour OSLC

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Encore du boulot. . .
               OSLC-CM interface (RO ?) pour debbugs
               OSLC-CM support in bts-link
               Bug report forwarding tool
                     with SD (Simple Deffects) : Distributed bugtracker
                     middleware ?
               More RDF and REST URLs in :
                     forges (FOAF, DOAP in FusionForge, work in progress)
                     Debian’s PTS
                     facade for UDD -> RDF (SPDX + OSLC-CM + . . . )
               Semantic desktop integration (KDE, Nepomuk, . . . )
      someday (web app to monitor one’s
               bug reports)
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion


Plus d’interopérabilité, nouveaux usages ?

               Utilisation OSLC dans outils libres ?
                     Mylyn ? . . . Oui, mais quand ?
                     Eclipse Lyo
                     debbugs, bugzilla, LaunchPad... ?

               Nouveaux usages car plus d’interopérabilité ?
                     Puissance des standards décuplée :
                     OSLC + SPDX + PlanetForge + Helios_BT !
               Nouvelles oportunités
                     Linked Data pour les données de développement des projets
                     libres => mining pour études génie logiciel
               Qui vivra verra. . .
Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Questions, etc. ?


                                                 Questions ?

      En savoir plus
      @oberger :
      email :
      blog :

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
Introduction          Interlinking bug reports         Current efforts          More on OSLC   Conclusion

Questions, etc. ?

Copyright & License

               This presentation is under CC-by-SA license
               Illustrations empruntées aux spécifications OSLC specs (licence
               Creative Commons)
               Copyright (c) 2011 Olivier Berger, Institut Télécom
               Made with org-mode under emacs (org + beamer)

Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis
Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem

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Bug tracking à grande échelle et interopérabilité des outils de développement dans l’écosystème FLOSS

  • 1. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Jeudi 09/06/2011 Séminaire IRILL Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 2. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Purpose Apologies / Excuses Mélange de transparents en anglais et français. . . Toutes mes excuses, all my apologies in advance, par avance. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 3. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Purpose Large scale bugtracking Definition : bugtracking NO : Looking for bugs in the code / programs YES : Looking for bug reports for these bugs Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 4. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Purpose as @zack said Source : http :// Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 5. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Purpose Large scale : FLOSS ecosystem Lots of duplicate or related bug reports Not a single place where to monitor bugs OK, launchpad, maybe. . . too much a silo anyway No interoperability of tools Manual work of maintainer / QA (bug triaging, etc.) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 6. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Purpose Who I am Since 2002 : Institut TELECOM / TELECOM SudParis / Computer Science dept. / PFTCR team Research on collaborative development platforms, tools, process, in FLOSS communities Previously worked in service companies (Cap Gemini, IDEALX) R&D on FLOSS, forges, bugtracking, Linked Data, etc. (CALIBRE, HELIOS, COCLICO) (recent) Debian developer (obergix), contributor to FusionForge, etc. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 7. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion About our recent collaborations About HELIOS (over now) Application Lifecycle Management with Open Source tools System@tic Paris Region http: Partners : Alcatel-Lucent, Artenum, //heliosplatform. TELECOM SudParis, Kalis, Mandriva, Thales First work on bugtracker interoperability OSLC, MantisBT, bts-link, UDD, Linked Data Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 8. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion About our recent collaborations COCLICO (ongoing) Le projet COCLICO vise à redynamiser les communautés de forges logicielles en structurant un écosystème libre pour lequel il existe une masse critique d’acteurs en France. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 9. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion About our recent collaborations Financeurs Pôles de compétitivité System@tic (Paris) Minalogic (Grenoble) Financement public (partiel) 2 ans (2009-2011) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 10. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion About our recent collaborations Partenaires 9 participants principalement à Paris et Grenoble Industriels : Bull, Orange Labs, Xerox PMEs : CELI France, Bearstech, Gnurandal (via Xerox), Objet Direct Academiques : INRIA, Institut TELECOM / Télécom Sud Paris Centrage fort sur le logiciel libre (est-ce que ça ne devrait pas être toujours comme cela avec du financement public ?) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 11. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion About our recent collaborations Objectifs du projet COCLICO (quoting its website) Re-dynamisation de la communautés logiciel libre des développeurs autour de la base de code historique des forges libres (FusionForge et Codendi) Définition d’un modèle d’intégration ouvert Intégrité des données et confidentialité Échange de données en temps réel entre les différentes forges Fonctionnalités pour utilisation industrielle et assurance qualité traçabilité des informations, support de méthodologies de génie logiciel, interaction avec le poste de travail du développeur. etc. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 12. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Problem definition The need for interlinked bug reports Help developers, maintainers, power users Monitoring work done around particular issues Not one single distribution channel Many venues for support : many distributions, many bugtrackers Redundancy of reports across trackers Final goal : ease of monitoring bug reports links all over the FLOSS ecosystem Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 13. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Problem definition Existing tools : bts-link Monitoring status changes on upstream bugs around the Debian bugtracker Debian tool for package maintainers (and advanced users) Uses existing bug links (forwarded-to) set by humans : Distribution (Debian) package bugs “Upstream” project bugtrackers bugs Email notification for Debian packagers (or people monitoring Debian bugs) Supports lots of upstream bugtracker types (through specific connectors) : bugzilla (and issuezilla), gnats, launchpad, mantis, savane (from savanah), sourceforge trackers, trac, gforge (and fusionforge most probably), google code Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 14. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Problem definition Existing tools : Eclipse Mylyn Mylyn Tasks (many other modules) Offers integrated bug tracking interfaces inside Eclipse Supports contexts attached to bug reports 32 different connectors to bugtrackers to maintain Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 15. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Problem definition Existing tools : SD (Simple defects) Distributed bugtracking. Think : Bugzilla == Subversion SD == Git (+ git-svn, etc.) CLI interface ;-) Again, many connectors needed to different bug trackers (RT, Hiveminder, Trac, GitHub, Google Code, Redmine, debbugs ?) Internal common representation (bug properties common base -> OSLC-CM) ? Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 16. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Problem definition Issues for such tools Needs custom ad-hoc connectors/scrapers for each bugtracker : no standard APIs Proliferation Not always very actively maintained (including bugtrackers) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 17. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Past efforts Problems : interop / standardisation (lack of -) Until recently, no real standard for bugtrackers : APIs / protocols Interchange of (meta-)data representing Bugs/Issues (and associate resources) Old school technology (Web 1.5 ?) : mashups difficult, ambiguous URIs, etc. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 18. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Past efforts Past efforts : our Helios_BT ontology PhD work as part of Helios project Bug/Issue representation Ontology, Schema (Semantic Web standards) Contributed to standardisation effort : baetle project http :// (dead now) Reuse of EvoOnt BOM http :// Semantic web techniques (RDF) : extensible Mapping bugtrackers data to RDF/Linked Data : prototype on UDD, bugzilla, etc. (D2R) TODO : Need to adjust to OSLC-CM that appeared in between Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 19. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Past efforts Our first Helios bug tracking ontology Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 20. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Trends SemWeb / Linked-Data Semantic Web, Linked Data, Web 3.0 hype (latest instanciation : http :// Linked (Open) Development Data Bugs (reports) become first class citizens of the SemWeb (content-negociation, RDFa, adapters, OSLC-CM . . . ) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 21. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Trends Linked Open Data Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Source : http :// Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 22. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Trends (Public) Development artifacts part of Web 3.0 ? RDFa in pages for users / projects (recent COCLICO contributions to FusionForge 5.1) Example (proj. /projects/bts-link) Example (user /users/obergix) @prefix doap: <> . @prefix doap: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix foaf: <> . @prefix sioc: <> . @prefix sioc: <> . <> <> doap:created "2006-04-28"@en ; sioc:email_sha1 "20405e51683655b67655e50b2e46fb0f43 doap:description "BTS-link provides a set of tool that allow our BTS to be linked to other popular BTS sioc:member_of < doap:developer <>, < sioc:name "obergix"@en ; doap:homepage <> ; a sioc:UserAccount ; doap:maintainer <>, < <> <> doap:developer < a sioc:UserAccount . doap:maintainer < a foaf:Person ; <> foaf:account < a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Olivier Berger"@en . foaf:account <> . Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 23. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Standards OSLC-CM : a proposed standard for bugtracker interoperability OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) proposed standard Web technology : REST, RDF, AJAX, Open community, Open standard OSLC-CM (Change Management) FLOSS implementations developped in Helios and COCLICO Mantis bugtracker (outdated now) FusionForge trackers Jenkins Many more domains than trackers More on OSLC later Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 24. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Standards SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) Describe software package meta-data Mainly about licensing / copyright issues for the moment Linux Foundation, OSI, Black Duck, debian ( ?) => adoption Should be inter-operable with bug-tracking domain (RDF too) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 25. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Standards PlanetForge ontology ? Primary goal : model forge artifacts in a standard way using RDF Forge project export / import feature being worked on in COCLICO, for FusionForge, to start with Links the different tools dump formats (internal indentifiers) Standard format to be used in ForgePlucker project To be published on Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 26. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Standards Ontology Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 27. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Introduction rapide à OSLC Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Open Source License Checker / Our Savior Lutheran Church En français : http: // OslcCoreSpecificationOverviewFR Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 28. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Showtime ! (nice IBM propaganda) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 29. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Communauté OSLC Communauté ouverte Lead : IBM/Rational Wiki pour specs Projet Open Source : http://oslc-tools. (Apache Software License) En cours de migration vers Eclipse : Eclipse Lyo proposal Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 30. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Shameless auto-promotion Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 31. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Spécifications : «standard» d’intéropérabilité Standard ouvert patent non-assert covenant signé par participants spécifications sous Creative Commons domaines divers (ALM, PLM) OSLC-CM (Change Management) beaucoup d’autres domaines, au-delà des trackers de bugs Technologies basé sur standards technologies Web : REST, RDF, AJAX, Dublin Core passe du modèle client-serveur au modèle Web (>= 2.0, Linked Data) pragmatique (PPCD) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 32. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration État d’avancement spécifications OSLC Core Divers groupes de travail, mais presque tout finalisé Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 33. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Domaine Change Management OSLC-CM (bugtrackers) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 34. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Format d’échange sémantique + extensible : RDF Example (XML) <rdf:RDF Example (JSON) xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" { xmlns:oslc_blog=""> "prefixes" : { "oslc": "", <oslc_blog:Entry "rdf" : " rdf:about=""> "foaf" : "http://", "dcterms" : "" <dcterms:title>I love trash</dcterms:title> }, <dcterms:modified>2002-10-10T12:00:00-05:00</dcterms:modified> "rdf:type" : { "rdf:resource" : "http://open-service <dcterms:content> "rdf:about" : "", Anything dirty or dingy or dusty. "dcterms:title" : "I love trash", Anything ragged or rotten or rusty. "dcterms:modified" : "2002-10-10T12:00:00-05:00", </dcterms:content> "dcterms:content" : "Anything dirty or dingy or dust <dcterms:creator> "dcterms:creator" : { <foaf:Person> "foaf:name" : "Oscar T. Grouch" <foaf:name>Oscar T. Grouch</foaf:name> }, </foaf:Person> } </dcterms:creator> </oslc_blog:Entry> </rdf:RDF> Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 35. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Example bugzilla report (through oslc-tools adapter) rapper -o turtle http://localhost:8282/bugz/changerequest?id=1 @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix oslc: <> . @prefix oslc_cm: <> . @prefix bugz: <> . @prefix foaf: <http://> . <http://localhost:8282/bugz/changerequest?id=1> oslc_cm:status "NEW" ; dcterms:contributor [ foaf:name "" ; a foaf:Person ] ; dcterms:created "Fri May 20 17:36:00 CEST 2011" ; dcterms:identifier "1" ; dcterms:modified "Fri May 20 17:36:56 CEST 2011" ; dcterms:title "coin" ; bugz:component "TestComponent" ; bugz:opsys "Linux" ; bugz:platform "PC" ; bugz:priority "P3" ; bugz:product "TestProduct" ; bugz:version "unspecified" ; a oslc_cm:ChangeRequest . Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 36. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Entités du service Web (méta-modèle, découverte) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 37. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration APIs REST opérations REST C,R,U,D classiques Create (POST) Retrieve (GET) Update (PUT) Delete (DEL) API orientées intégration, interop ID resources == URLs (RDF, Linked Data) APIs REST minimales + extensions de chaque produit dialogues delegated -> scenarii AJAX resource preview, OAuth etc. Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 38. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Opérations Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 39. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Mashups AJAX (delegated dialogs) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 40. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Integration des outils de développement Auparavant : intégrations ad-hoc Aujourd’hui demain : interopérabilité basée sur les standards du Web (REST, OSLC) Patterns d’intégration d’outils ALMaaS (Cloud) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 41. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Mécanisme de preview des ressources générique basé sur content-negociation Spécifications Exemple : curl -H ’Accept: application/x-oslc-compact+xml’ http://fftrunk/users/labbenes <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:oslc=""> <oslc:Compact rdf:about="https://fftrunk/plugins/oslc/compact/user/labbenes"> <dcterms:title>M. Sabri LABBENE</dcterms:title> <oslc:shortTitle>labbenes</oslc:shortTitle> <oslc:smallPreview> <oslc:Preview> <oslc:document rdf:ressource="https://fftrunk/plugins/oslc/compact/user/labbenes/type/small <oslc:hintWidth>500px</oslc:hintWidth> <oslc:hintHeight>150px</oslc:hintHeight> </oslc:Preview> </oslc:smallPreview> </oslc:Compact> </rdf:RDF> Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 42. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Exemple : Compact preview OSLC users FusionForge Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 43. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Intégration continue : FusionForge + Jenkins Jenkins (ex Hudson) comme Consumer OSLC-CM Permet de créer des bugs en cas d’échecs des builds, sur le bugtracker distant Outil libre, Java, mashup Javascript, plugin OSLC-CM publié sur GiHub Trackers FusionForge comme Provider OSLC-CM Gère la base de suivi des bugs et expose son API via OSLC-CM Délègue l’authentification aux consumers au nom des users de la forge avec OAuth Outil libre, PHP + Zend Framework, plugin OSLC-CM publié sur SVN FusionForge Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 44. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Démonstration : FusionForge + jenkins Demo sur machine virtuelle Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 45. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Intégration et interopérabilité dans l’ALM Quid déploiement concret OSLC Propriétaire Jazz, RTC ... Libre plugin provider FusionForge trackers plugin consumer Hudson/Jenkins Mylyn (bientôt ?) plugin provider Mantis (obsolète) Adaptateur pour Bugzilla (Java, dans oslc-tools) Projet OSLC-tools sur => Eclipse Lyo devrait assurer plus d’intérêt pour OSLC Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 46. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Perspectives Encore du boulot. . . OSLC-CM interface (RO ?) pour debbugs OSLC-CM support in bts-link Bug report forwarding tool with SD (Simple Deffects) : Distributed bugtracker middleware ? More RDF and REST URLs in : forges (FOAF, DOAP in FusionForge, work in progress) Debian’s PTS facade for UDD -> RDF (SPDX + OSLC-CM + . . . ) Semantic desktop integration (KDE, Nepomuk, . . . ) someday (web app to monitor one’s bug reports) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 47. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Perspectives Plus d’interopérabilité, nouveaux usages ? Utilisation OSLC dans outils libres ? Mylyn ? . . . Oui, mais quand ? Eclipse Lyo debbugs, bugzilla, LaunchPad... ? Nouveaux usages car plus d’interopérabilité ? Puissance des standards décuplée : OSLC + SPDX + PlanetForge + Helios_BT ! Nouvelles oportunités Linked Data pour les données de développement des projets libres => mining pour études génie logiciel Qui vivra verra. . . Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 48. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Questions, etc. ? Fin Merci. Questions ? En savoir plus @oberger : email : blog : Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem
  • 49. Introduction Interlinking bug reports Current efforts More on OSLC Conclusion Questions, etc. ? Copyright & License This presentation is under CC-by-SA license Illustrations empruntées aux spécifications OSLC specs (licence Creative Commons) Copyright (c) 2011 Olivier Berger, Institut Télécom Made with org-mode under emacs (org + beamer) Olivier Berger <> - Télécom SudParis Large scale bug tracking and interoperability of development tools in the FLOSS ecosystem