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Broadening horizons with a
truly international education
Institutions that embrace the global
                                                 village give their pupils a head start
                                                 in an increasingly competitive world

for all
Globalisation is here to stay. Britain is no
longer a remote island, one step removed
from world events. No teacher or pupil has
been unaffected by recent world events such
as the bad mortgage lending in the US that
created a financial shockwave felt in every
household in the UK.
   Today’s schoolchildren are growing up
in a global community, and must be prepared
for the opportunities and challenges this
offers. Education plays a fundamental role
in this preparation, but an international
educational experience should not be
reserved for the academically elite or
socially mobile. All of our children will feel
the impact of this global shrinkage, whether
it be through contact with pupils who have

                                                 To boldly go
come to the UK from abroad, or after their
school career when they compete for jobs
in a more complex marketplace.
   As the 2012 London Olympics approaches,
the UK comes into focus for the world’s

                                                 where few
attention. This presents the perfect
opportunity for us to look outwards to
the world and for pupils to explore an
international dimension through all aspects

                                                 schools have
of the curriculum.
   Size, location or subject should not
hinder an international dimension within
a curriculum, as the schools on the

                                                 been before
following pages can testify. Commitment,
imagination and curiosity are what is
needed to open the school doors and
embrace the world at large.

                                                 Travel is said to broaden the mind, and that    deprivation is rife among the Bangladeshi
TES editor: Gerard Kelly                         was certainly true for 19-year-old Kawsar       population, who are often very narrow in
Supplement editor: Fiona Salvage                 Zaman from London, who spent a life-            seeking to learn about different cultures and
Produced by TSL Education Limited to a brief     changing six weeks in India over the summer     making the most of education,” he says.
agreed with the British Council and the DCSF.    as a Prime Minister’s Global Fellow.            “After returning [from India], I am even more
Paid for by the DCSF.                              Every year, the scheme sends 100 young        determined to make a difference for students
All editorial content commissioned by TSL        people to live and work in India, China or      in the UK to work hard and dream big.”
Education Limited.                               Brazil. Kawsar, who achieved three A-grade         Kawsar’s trip began in New Delhi with an
To give us your feedback or to suggest ideas,    A-Levels from City and Islington College, had   introduction to the language, politics and
contact           only ever traveled to Bangladesh before July.   economy, and trips to historic landmarks.
For sponsorship or advertising opportunities,      “I come from a community in Tower             This was followed by a stay with a host family,
contact            Hamlets in east London where economic           where Kawsar researched the differences
Beyond borders

                                                                                                    STR/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
                                                                                                                           ‘Some people ask
                                                                                                                           whether it’s science
                                                                                                                           or cultural exchange.
                                                                                                                           It’s both, and they
                                                                                                                           work well together’

                                                                                                                                    ll too often, the international
                                                                                                                                    dimension in the curriculum is
                                                                                                                                    confused with an emphasis on
                                                                                                                           modern languages. But there are plenty
                                                                                                                           of ways to incorporate it into non-
                                                                                                                           obvious subjects such as science and ICT.
                                                                                                                              Dr Eric Albone, director of the charity
                                                                                                                           Clifton Scientific Trust, has organised
                                                                                                                           science workshops since 2001 that bring
                                                                                                                           together over-16s from Japan and the UK to
                                                                                                                           live and work together (in either country).
                                                                                                                           Past projects include sleep patterns,
                                                                                                                           invertebrates, immunology and lasers.
                                                                                                                              “It gives meaning to what they’re doing,”
                                                                                                                           Dr Albone says. “They get to know each
                                                                                                                           other and share an understanding of each
                                                                                                                           other’s culture. Some people ask whether it
                                                                                                                           is science or a cultural exchange? It’s both,
                                                                                                                           and they work well together.”
                                                                                                                              Funded by the EC, eTwinning is a free
                                                                                                                           online collaboration tool for schools, run by
                                                                                                                           the British Council in the UK. Over 60,000
                                                                                                                           teachers have registered so far. Burnham
                                                                                                                           Market Primary School in Norfolk used the
                                                                                                                           site to run a project on Vikings with a
between English and Indian schooling, which       from an international perspective. At Tollgate                           Swedish school.
he will use to lobby for change in Tower          Primary in Plaistow, east London, 80 per cent                      is a similar site to
Hamlets (he’d like every school to have free      of children are from minority backgrounds.                               eTwinning, though most of the 33 projects
newspapers, as they do in India). His last two    But rather than using its diversity as an                                listed have been devised by charities, so
weeks were spent working at Shell.                excuse for differences, the school has                                   the resources are useful for raising pupils’
   “I don’t think I see things the way I used     embraced it through an international-based                               awareness of global issues. It’s free for
to,” he says. “Everything is now in the context   curriculum “that reflects our diversity, so                              teachers but they have to pay for pupils.
of the UK in the wider world and our new          kids are better motivated to learn”, head                                   eLanguages is a free web platform,
competition – the likes of India and China.”      Tom Canning explains. It’s an approach that                              funded by DCSF, for schools to
   It’s not just secondary pupils that benefit    has gained the school accreditation twice                                communicate globally and is available in
                                                  with the Department for Children, Schools                                23 languages. For key stage specific work,
The fellowship of learning                        and Families International School Award.                                 the east Asia strand of the British Council
Applications are now open for the 2010               In geography, pupils have looked at                                   programme Connecting Classrooms links
Prime Minister’s Global Fellowship scheme.        contrasting localities in Somalia and India,                             KS3 teachers and students with partners
The deadline for submissions is December          two of the communities represented in the                                in eastern Asia to develop joint projects
18, 2009.                                         school. In RE, they’ve focused on religious                              and explore curriculum similarities.
  To be eligible for a place on the project,      tolerance across faiths. The school also has                                Helen Trilling is international links co-
candidates need to be:                            close ties with Green Village School in                                  ordinator for Leicestershire County Council.
                                                  Bangladesh and links with schools in France,                             She set up relationships between 12 local
l 18 or 19 years old on July 1, 2010              Germany, Sweden and Turkey.                                              schools with partners in Thailand and
l Resident in England                                Mr Canning disputes the notion it is                                  Malaysia. At Limehurst High School in
l In full-time education at a state-              easier to offer an international dimension in a                          Loughborough, pupils have been using the
maintained school or college, in training or      school where more than 40 languages are                                  Connecting Classrooms IT platform to
apprenticeship, active in the youth sector in     spoken than in an all-white rural school. “It’s                          connect with their partner schools in
England or currently on a gap year.               really important we reflect modern Britain,”                             English, citizenship and science.
                                                  he says. “Attainment has gone through the                                   “It’s a textbook example of how the
l For more details go to:                         roof, and the international dimension has                                projects make something you’re studying                         been a real contributor to our success.”                                 in the curriculum real and exciting.”
                                                  Victoria Furness
The internet has opened doors for schools all over the
world to collaborate on projects, exchange valuable skills
and information, and broaden their pupils’ horizons

Partner up for smart net
gains and webbed feats
Adding an international dimension doesn't        link school is a real motivation. As part of the   joint arts and sports projects, and caught an
just make learning more exciting. It can also    Transatlantic School Innovation Alliance, a        overnight train to Beijing’s National Stadium
broaden horizons, open minds and turn            group of Year 10s have been collaborating with     to study its disabled access.
young people into global citizens.               a high school in Brooklyn, New York. They             “Many of our pupils had never been abroad
   For children who are getting to grips with    regularly use email and video conferencing to      before,” says Ms Briggs. “Yet suddenly they
a foreign language, overseas links give a real   exchange work and deliver presentations.           were travelling on planes and trains, visiting
sense of relevance and purpose. At Cronton           “If something is going to be seen on another   the homes of Chinese families and eating
CofE Primary School in Cheshire, lessons in      continent, our students invest more time in        with chopsticks. It was an unbelievable boost
a range of subjects are sometimes conducted      it. It’s also made them appreciate the value       to their confidence, and that’s had a positive
entirely in Spanish or German – then shared      of standard English, because if they speak         impact back at school.”
with partner schools in Seville and Berlin, as   Bermondsey slang and the New Yorkers                  As well as helping pupils feel good about
part of an EU-funded Comenius project.           speak Brooklyn slang, no one understands a         themselves, the trip also changed the way
   “In PE, for example, our pupils devised a     word! They’ve become confident dealing with        they see others. “Stubbin Wood isn’t very
warm-up exercise,” explains teacher Ian          people from outside their circle.”                 multicultural and going to China gave pupils
Thomas. “They filmed it with instructions in         Email, webcams and Skype have made it          a new perspective. They understand how it
German and sent the DVD to our partner           easy for schools to work together. But when        feels to be in a minority and appreciate that
school for them to try out. When children        pupils actually visit a partner school, the        underneath people are pretty much the same.
know they’re doing something for an              impact can be even greater. Carolyn Briggs,        Those lessons will stay with them for life.”
audience it gives them a boost. They’ve          of Stubbin Wood School in Derbyshire, took         Steven Hastings
become more engaged and more interested          children to visit their partner special school     l
in what’s going on in other countries.”          in Shanghai, thanks to DCSF funding for  
   Beth Humphreys, of City of London             China links, accessed through the British
Academy - Southwark, agrees working with a       Council. During the trip they worked on            partnerships-china

Be inspired by a brainstorming
study visit overseas and
give your teaching new impetus
                                                                                                                                Exchange is in the air

                                                                                                     CHRISTOPHER SCOTT/GETTY
                                                                                                                                Want to develop an international dimension
                                                                                                                                and find an international partner? DCSF
                                                                                                                                Global Gateway (
                                                                                                                                has all you need to know…
                                                                                                                                l School links can focus on one subject

                                                                                                                                or be curriculum-wide, whole-school or
                                                                                                                                year-specific, long-term or short-term. The
                                                                                                                                ‘Getting Started’ section outlines the options.
                                                                                                                                l You should provide contact details,

                                                                                                                                information about your school, and a brief
                                                                                                                                précis of your ideal partner.
                                                                                                                                l Ask the team for suggestions, browse the

                                                                                                                                database yourself, or simply sit tight and
                                                                                                                                wait for schools to get in touch.
                                                                                                                                l As well as finding new partners, you can

                                                                                                                                look into funding opportunities and ideas
                                                                                                                                for projects.
                                                                                                                                l You can also apply for the DCSF

                                                                                                                                International School Award.
                                                                                                                                For more information, email

A world of good
                                                                                                                               explore changes in three emerging economic
                                                                                                                               giants – Brazil, China and India – and how
                                                                                                                               they will affect the UK. Away from their
                                                                                                                               everyday lives, they will gain first-hand

ideas out there
                                                                                                                               experience of the challenges and
                                                                                                                               opportunities presented by these countries
                                                                                                                               and return full of inspiration, ready to
                                                                                                                               disseminate their learnings across the
                                                                                                                               secondary school system.
                                                                                                                               Steven Hastings
The Australians do great things with gifted      real-life situations. After that, he spent a week                             l
pupils. Finland has a unique approach to         at a school developing links and gathering                                    in-service-training
literacy. South Africa excels at raising         resources. “It’s changed the way I teach,”                                    l
achievement in its inner cities. For teachers    he says. “Now I’m able to conduct whole
wanting to develop new skills, studying          lessons in German. It’s more enjoyable for                                    The TIPD programme is funded by the
alternative practice overseas offers fresh       everyone.”                                                                    DCSF and delivered by the
ideas, a change of perspective and a chance to      Sixty teachers from the Specialist Schools                                 British Council, the Specialist Schools and
reflect.                                         and Academies Trust leadership programmes                                     Academies Trust, HTI/Merganser and the
   The DCSF Teachers’ International              are taking part in a new DCSF-funded scheme                                   League for the Exchange of Commonwealth
Professional Development (TIPD) programme        with the Global Teacher Project. They will                                    Teachers/CfBT
organises study visits to more than 80
countries, including a recent visit to observe   Going global
how Canadian schools promote thinking

skills. “It was brilliant,” says Michelle               ince registering with Global Gateway                                   on. The Georgians noticed we were founded
Brayford, of Brunswick House Primary in                 in April 2008, Gurney Pease Primary                                    in 1874. The Ugandan school liked the fact
Kent. “It highlighted what we were doing well           School in Darlington has established                                   we were strong on dance and music.
but also gave me inspiration. There were         five successful links around the world.                                          “Earlier this year a colleague and I visited
strategies and games I’ve integrated into           “We have a number of Polish children,”                                     our partners in Uganda, thanks to a DFID
lessons, and I still share ideas with teachers   says teacher Maureen Hobbs, “and that                                         Global School Partnerships grant, and soon
in Toronto.”                                     gave me the idea of linking there. I went to                                  two Ugandan teachers are coming here. In
   Overseas professional development gives       a Global Gateway taster session, talked it                                    the future, it might be possible to organise
your teaching new impetus and makes you          over with the head, then registered online.                                   an exchange involving pupils as well.”
more confident in the classroom. At Wilbury         “We had a lot in common with one school,                                      “I’m not surprised Gurney have
Primary School in north London, Robert           and exchanged emails and photos. Other                                        established so many successful links,” says
Tweddle found that he didn’t have a sufficient   schools saw our profile and got in touch.                                     Liz Hitchcock, editor of Global Gateway.
level of German. So he took advantage of a       We now have links with France, Uganda,                                        “They posted a great message, and log on
Comenius in-service training grant.              Georgia and a second school in Poland.                                        regularly, keeping them near the top. We’ve
   It meant a week’s intensive training in          “It’s worth spending time on your profile,                                 helped by suggesting potential partners,
Berlin, with language lessons in the mornings,   because you never know what people pick up                                    assisting with visas and funding advice.”
followed by afternoons speaking German in
An exciting range of initiatives are helping
schools overcome barriers to improving multicultural
skills by linking with their counterparts abroad

Why hands across the water
Now we live in a global society, students         Get international
need to improve their skills and cultural         British Council Connecting Classrooms
understanding to equip them for the world of      links clusters of UK schools with schools in
work and life. But bringing an international      over 60 countries around the world.
dimension to lessons can seem daunting when       Schools taking part are coordinated by a
faced with time constraints, funding concerns     local authority or similar body.
and an already crowded curriculum.                   Partnerships last two to three years
   Several initiatives have been established      initially, there is no joining fee and
to help schools overcome these barriers so        participating schools and coordinating
students and teachers can share knowledge         bodies receive grants to support activities.
and gain a greater understanding of how
children in other countries live and learn.       meeting inspection standards. They are living
By fostering an appreciation of languages,        parallel lives where ultimately the goal is the
lifestyles and cultures, these schemes help to    same: to get the best education for everyone.”
break down barriers within local communities.        He says the partnership is also helping
   Schools can have an impact on community        schools “win the hearts and minds” of local
cohesion by exploring multicultural and           parents who have links to Pakistan by
international issues in the classroom. The        encouraging a greater understanding of their
British Council’s Connecting Classrooms           culture and heritage.
programme helps schools foster intercultural         Lincolnshire County Council is one of 39
understanding within their own communities        local authorities taking part in the new
and between different societies. Through          Comenius Regio scheme. Schools, education
these partnerships, the scheme aims to create     authorities and local organisations such as
“a safer and more connected world for the         universities, the police and youth groups are
future”, says Olga Stanojlovic, director          teaming up with counterparts in Europe to
schools in education at the British Council.      tackle social problems and raise standards.
   Since 2006, a cluster of schools in Bradford   Launched last year by the European
have been partnered with schools in               Commission and managed by the British
Peshawar, Pakistan. The partnership focuses       Council, the programme funds partnerships
on improving community cohesion, as well as       between local authorities in the UK and other
developing leadership and raising standards.      European nations so they can address
Three schools in Bradford and five in             common issues such as bullying and
Peshawar, including one faith-based school,       underachievement of immigrant pupils.
share information about life in the two              Lincolnshire has a large number of
countries, dispelling stereotypes “such as all    migrants from Eastern Europe and needs to
people in the UK have blonde hair and wear        help children from these countries settle in to
suits”, says Rizwan Rehman, cohesion and          schools in the area. In contrast, Poland has
inclusion lead cluster co-ordinator for           been affected by the number of people leaving
Bradford Metropolitan District Council.           the country and needs to support those
   “Teachers from Bradford who saw the            children who return after spending time in
challenging conditions in Pakistan were           the UK education system.
moved to tears,” says Mr Rehman. “Teachers           This August, Lincolnshire council formed a
who visited the UK saw the effort involved in     partnership under the Regio scheme with its        hopes it will “give us a better understanding
                                                  counterpart in Lincoln’s twin city of              of issues facing people as they migrate and
Take your partner by the hand                     Radomsko, Poland, collaborating on migration       how communities adapt to those challenges”.
Schools can get their international work          and education issues. The partnership                 Arabic is a recent addition to the language
recognised through the framework provided         comprises three schools in Lincolnshire, the       assistant programme. This year St Peter’s
by the DCSF International School Award.           council, voluntary youth services and family       Church of England Aided School in Exeter
They must send a portfolio compiled across        support organisation Home-Start, along with        was one of the first in the UK to have an
the academic year that highlights their           seven schools in Radomsko, the city’s              Arabic British Council foreign language
commitment to encouraging students to             governing body and similar support groups.         assistant. These assistants can bring a fresh
become global citizens and show evidence             During reciprocal visits the partnership will   cultural perspective to language learning, as
they are doing collaborative work with a          discuss issues, then pool findings through web     well as providing access to authentic
partner school overseas. Schools receive          links and personnel exchanges. Towards the         teaching materials and improving student
accreditation for three years, become             end of the two years there will be conferences     confidence in communication.
ambassadors of the scheme and help                in each authority to publicise the project,           Exploring languages can help schools work
support others in their international work.       display findings and highlight good practice.      more closely with their local communities.                            Chris Williams, special projects consultant     This initiative, funded by the Department for
                                                  at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, says he       Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), allows
reap benefits at home

                                                                                                                                                     RUSSEL SACHS

foreign language assistants from 20 countries     French and German”. So in 2008, when the          them to find accommodation and making sure
worldwide to work in English schools, offering    British Council asked if the school would like    they don’t feel homesick”, Ms Sykes says.
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian,        to employ the first Arabic-speaking assistant       Schools that contact the British Council to
Chinese, Urdu, Arabic, Irish and Japanese.        for a year, it was keen to take up the offer.     take part in the scheme will find the benefits
The scheme also enables English language             With funding from the British Council and      are “immeasurable”, Ms Sykes says. “Having
assistants to teach overseas, with 2,100          Exeter University, Aisha Al Badawi from           an Arabic language assistant at the school
people visiting countries all over the world in   Oman was appointed as a language assistant,
the last academic year alone.                     helping to run Year 7 introductory classes in     Other useful organisations
   As a specialist language college, St Peter’s   Arabic and a 10-week module focusing on an        l SSAT

had previously benefited from having              understanding of the Arabic-speaking world        l UK-German Connection

assistants from France, Germany and Spain.        as part of Year 10’s citizenship lessons.
But Alison Sykes, its assistant head, says it     Students produced a brochure to help Islamic      l Development Education Association

was “crucial” to introduce Arabic to the          families settle in the area, and the school ran
curriculum, not only because Exeter has an        Arabic classes for residents, which has           l Plan International www.plan-

Islamic community, but also working in a          strengthened links with the local community.
global village means “people need to be              Staff need to be prepared to support a         l LECT

trained in languages other than the usual         language assistant by, for example, “helping
‘It has exposed children                                                                             Resources
to wider communities
and cultures’
has been a life-changing experience. It gives      months to find an overseas school to link         l DCSF    Global Gateway – the one-stop
students an insight into other people’s culture    with. A letter to Gambia’s Tanjeh Lower Basic     shop for the international dimension
and is a great motivating influence. It also       School led to teacher visits and joint work,
helps break down prejudices.”                      funded by the DFID Global School                  l Collaboration through ICT

   This year marks the 10th anniversary of         Partnerships scheme, managed by a         
the DCSF International School Award (ISA),         consortium including the British Council. 
an accreditation scheme run for DCSF by the           The school has no electricity, which makes
British Council that celebrates excellence in      communication difficult but possible, with        l Funding for collaborative curriculum

embedding an international dimension in the        children sharing pen pal letters and school       projects
school curriculum. The scheme helps schools        newspapers, staff sharing teaching methods,
support the idea of young global citizens and      and the three schools working together on 
also aims to encourage community cohesion.         such projects as “how we use waste”.              connectingclassrooms
   “The award is a fantastic way of celebrating,      “The partnership has enriched the      
recognising and embedding the international        curriculum, exposing children to wider    
dimensions of teaching and learning across         communities and cultures,” says Ms Phillips.      l Language assistants

schools,” says John Rolfe, ISA manager.            Receiving ISA accreditation has spurred   
   All schools are eligible for the award,         Stogumber and Crowcombe to do even more.          l Accreditation

whether multicultural or monocultural,             They have created a DVD to show the life of a
urban or rural, primary or secondary. Size is      family in Tanjeh, the sales of which will help    l Community cohesion

no obstacle, as Stogumber and Crowcombe            fund future projects, and hope to form a  
primary schools in Somerset have proved.           charity to support their work.                    communitycohesion
Stogumber has just 24 pupils and is federated         Ms Phillips believes it is possible to forge   l BBC World Class

to Crowcombe, which has 49. But their work         links with other countries, whatever a    
during the past four years on joint projects       school’s size. “Don’t be put off if you’re a      l London 2012

with a school in the Gambia earned them ISA        small school – that doesn’t matter. Making
accreditation in 2008.                             these partnerships work is about effort,
   It took Penny Phillips, a part-time primary     passion and a shared commitment.”
teacher and multicultural coordinator, six         Kathy Oxtoby

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TES British Council Supplement 13 November 2009

  • 1. WORLD CLASS Broadening horizons with a truly international education
  • 2. Institutions that embrace the global village give their pupils a head start in an increasingly competitive world Worldly wisdom for all Globalisation is here to stay. Britain is no longer a remote island, one step removed from world events. No teacher or pupil has been unaffected by recent world events such as the bad mortgage lending in the US that created a financial shockwave felt in every household in the UK. Today’s schoolchildren are growing up in a global community, and must be prepared for the opportunities and challenges this offers. Education plays a fundamental role in this preparation, but an international educational experience should not be reserved for the academically elite or socially mobile. All of our children will feel the impact of this global shrinkage, whether it be through contact with pupils who have To boldly go come to the UK from abroad, or after their school career when they compete for jobs in a more complex marketplace. As the 2012 London Olympics approaches, the UK comes into focus for the world’s where few attention. This presents the perfect opportunity for us to look outwards to the world and for pupils to explore an international dimension through all aspects schools have of the curriculum. Size, location or subject should not hinder an international dimension within a curriculum, as the schools on the been before following pages can testify. Commitment, imagination and curiosity are what is needed to open the school doors and embrace the world at large. Travel is said to broaden the mind, and that deprivation is rife among the Bangladeshi TES editor: Gerard Kelly was certainly true for 19-year-old Kawsar population, who are often very narrow in Supplement editor: Fiona Salvage Zaman from London, who spent a life- seeking to learn about different cultures and Produced by TSL Education Limited to a brief changing six weeks in India over the summer making the most of education,” he says. agreed with the British Council and the DCSF. as a Prime Minister’s Global Fellow. “After returning [from India], I am even more Paid for by the DCSF. Every year, the scheme sends 100 young determined to make a difference for students All editorial content commissioned by TSL people to live and work in India, China or in the UK to work hard and dream big.” Education Limited. Brazil. Kawsar, who achieved three A-grade Kawsar’s trip began in New Delhi with an To give us your feedback or to suggest ideas, A-Levels from City and Islington College, had introduction to the language, politics and contact only ever traveled to Bangladesh before July. economy, and trips to historic landmarks. For sponsorship or advertising opportunities, “I come from a community in Tower This was followed by a stay with a host family, contact Hamlets in east London where economic where Kawsar researched the differences
  • 3. Beyond borders STR/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ‘Some people ask whether it’s science or cultural exchange. It’s both, and they work well together’ A ll too often, the international dimension in the curriculum is confused with an emphasis on modern languages. But there are plenty of ways to incorporate it into non- obvious subjects such as science and ICT. Dr Eric Albone, director of the charity Clifton Scientific Trust, has organised science workshops since 2001 that bring together over-16s from Japan and the UK to live and work together (in either country). Past projects include sleep patterns, invertebrates, immunology and lasers. “It gives meaning to what they’re doing,” Dr Albone says. “They get to know each other and share an understanding of each other’s culture. Some people ask whether it is science or a cultural exchange? It’s both, and they work well together.” Funded by the EC, eTwinning is a free online collaboration tool for schools, run by the British Council in the UK. Over 60,000 teachers have registered so far. Burnham Market Primary School in Norfolk used the site to run a project on Vikings with a between English and Indian schooling, which from an international perspective. At Tollgate Swedish school. he will use to lobby for change in Tower Primary in Plaistow, east London, 80 per cent is a similar site to Hamlets (he’d like every school to have free of children are from minority backgrounds. eTwinning, though most of the 33 projects newspapers, as they do in India). His last two But rather than using its diversity as an listed have been devised by charities, so weeks were spent working at Shell. excuse for differences, the school has the resources are useful for raising pupils’ “I don’t think I see things the way I used embraced it through an international-based awareness of global issues. It’s free for to,” he says. “Everything is now in the context curriculum “that reflects our diversity, so teachers but they have to pay for pupils. of the UK in the wider world and our new kids are better motivated to learn”, head eLanguages is a free web platform, competition – the likes of India and China.” Tom Canning explains. It’s an approach that funded by DCSF, for schools to It’s not just secondary pupils that benefit has gained the school accreditation twice communicate globally and is available in with the Department for Children, Schools 23 languages. For key stage specific work, The fellowship of learning and Families International School Award. the east Asia strand of the British Council Applications are now open for the 2010 In geography, pupils have looked at programme Connecting Classrooms links Prime Minister’s Global Fellowship scheme. contrasting localities in Somalia and India, KS3 teachers and students with partners The deadline for submissions is December two of the communities represented in the in eastern Asia to develop joint projects 18, 2009. school. In RE, they’ve focused on religious and explore curriculum similarities. To be eligible for a place on the project, tolerance across faiths. The school also has Helen Trilling is international links co- candidates need to be: close ties with Green Village School in ordinator for Leicestershire County Council. Bangladesh and links with schools in France, She set up relationships between 12 local l 18 or 19 years old on July 1, 2010 Germany, Sweden and Turkey. schools with partners in Thailand and l Resident in England Mr Canning disputes the notion it is Malaysia. At Limehurst High School in l In full-time education at a state- easier to offer an international dimension in a Loughborough, pupils have been using the maintained school or college, in training or school where more than 40 languages are Connecting Classrooms IT platform to apprenticeship, active in the youth sector in spoken than in an all-white rural school. “It’s connect with their partner schools in England or currently on a gap year. really important we reflect modern Britain,” English, citizenship and science. he says. “Attainment has gone through the “It’s a textbook example of how the l For more details go to: roof, and the international dimension has projects make something you’re studying been a real contributor to our success.” in the curriculum real and exciting.” Victoria Furness
  • 4. The internet has opened doors for schools all over the world to collaborate on projects, exchange valuable skills and information, and broaden their pupils’ horizons Partner up for smart net gains and webbed feats Adding an international dimension doesn't link school is a real motivation. As part of the joint arts and sports projects, and caught an just make learning more exciting. It can also Transatlantic School Innovation Alliance, a overnight train to Beijing’s National Stadium broaden horizons, open minds and turn group of Year 10s have been collaborating with to study its disabled access. young people into global citizens. a high school in Brooklyn, New York. They “Many of our pupils had never been abroad For children who are getting to grips with regularly use email and video conferencing to before,” says Ms Briggs. “Yet suddenly they a foreign language, overseas links give a real exchange work and deliver presentations. were travelling on planes and trains, visiting sense of relevance and purpose. At Cronton “If something is going to be seen on another the homes of Chinese families and eating CofE Primary School in Cheshire, lessons in continent, our students invest more time in with chopsticks. It was an unbelievable boost a range of subjects are sometimes conducted it. It’s also made them appreciate the value to their confidence, and that’s had a positive entirely in Spanish or German – then shared of standard English, because if they speak impact back at school.” with partner schools in Seville and Berlin, as Bermondsey slang and the New Yorkers As well as helping pupils feel good about part of an EU-funded Comenius project. speak Brooklyn slang, no one understands a themselves, the trip also changed the way “In PE, for example, our pupils devised a word! They’ve become confident dealing with they see others. “Stubbin Wood isn’t very warm-up exercise,” explains teacher Ian people from outside their circle.” multicultural and going to China gave pupils Thomas. “They filmed it with instructions in Email, webcams and Skype have made it a new perspective. They understand how it German and sent the DVD to our partner easy for schools to work together. But when feels to be in a minority and appreciate that school for them to try out. When children pupils actually visit a partner school, the underneath people are pretty much the same. know they’re doing something for an impact can be even greater. Carolyn Briggs, Those lessons will stay with them for life.” audience it gives them a boost. They’ve of Stubbin Wood School in Derbyshire, took Steven Hastings become more engaged and more interested children to visit their partner special school l in what’s going on in other countries.” in Shanghai, thanks to DCSF funding for Beth Humphreys, of City of London China links, accessed through the British Academy - Southwark, agrees working with a Council. During the trip they worked on partnerships-china GETTY
  • 5. Be inspired by a brainstorming study visit overseas and give your teaching new impetus Exchange is in the air CHRISTOPHER SCOTT/GETTY Want to develop an international dimension and find an international partner? DCSF Global Gateway ( has all you need to know… l School links can focus on one subject or be curriculum-wide, whole-school or year-specific, long-term or short-term. The ‘Getting Started’ section outlines the options. l You should provide contact details, information about your school, and a brief précis of your ideal partner. l Ask the team for suggestions, browse the database yourself, or simply sit tight and wait for schools to get in touch. l As well as finding new partners, you can look into funding opportunities and ideas for projects. l You can also apply for the DCSF International School Award. For more information, email A world of good explore changes in three emerging economic giants – Brazil, China and India – and how they will affect the UK. Away from their everyday lives, they will gain first-hand ideas out there experience of the challenges and opportunities presented by these countries and return full of inspiration, ready to disseminate their learnings across the secondary school system. Steven Hastings l The Australians do great things with gifted real-life situations. After that, he spent a week l pupils. Finland has a unique approach to at a school developing links and gathering in-service-training literacy. South Africa excels at raising resources. “It’s changed the way I teach,” l achievement in its inner cities. For teachers he says. “Now I’m able to conduct whole wanting to develop new skills, studying lessons in German. It’s more enjoyable for The TIPD programme is funded by the alternative practice overseas offers fresh everyone.” DCSF and delivered by the ideas, a change of perspective and a chance to Sixty teachers from the Specialist Schools British Council, the Specialist Schools and reflect. and Academies Trust leadership programmes Academies Trust, HTI/Merganser and the The DCSF Teachers’ International are taking part in a new DCSF-funded scheme League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Professional Development (TIPD) programme with the Global Teacher Project. They will Teachers/CfBT organises study visits to more than 80 countries, including a recent visit to observe Going global how Canadian schools promote thinking S skills. “It was brilliant,” says Michelle ince registering with Global Gateway on. The Georgians noticed we were founded Brayford, of Brunswick House Primary in in April 2008, Gurney Pease Primary in 1874. The Ugandan school liked the fact Kent. “It highlighted what we were doing well School in Darlington has established we were strong on dance and music. but also gave me inspiration. There were five successful links around the world. “Earlier this year a colleague and I visited strategies and games I’ve integrated into “We have a number of Polish children,” our partners in Uganda, thanks to a DFID lessons, and I still share ideas with teachers says teacher Maureen Hobbs, “and that Global School Partnerships grant, and soon in Toronto.” gave me the idea of linking there. I went to two Ugandan teachers are coming here. In Overseas professional development gives a Global Gateway taster session, talked it the future, it might be possible to organise your teaching new impetus and makes you over with the head, then registered online. an exchange involving pupils as well.” more confident in the classroom. At Wilbury “We had a lot in common with one school, “I’m not surprised Gurney have Primary School in north London, Robert and exchanged emails and photos. Other established so many successful links,” says Tweddle found that he didn’t have a sufficient schools saw our profile and got in touch. Liz Hitchcock, editor of Global Gateway. level of German. So he took advantage of a We now have links with France, Uganda, “They posted a great message, and log on Comenius in-service training grant. Georgia and a second school in Poland. regularly, keeping them near the top. We’ve It meant a week’s intensive training in “It’s worth spending time on your profile, helped by suggesting potential partners, Berlin, with language lessons in the mornings, because you never know what people pick up assisting with visas and funding advice.” followed by afternoons speaking German in
  • 6. An exciting range of initiatives are helping schools overcome barriers to improving multicultural skills by linking with their counterparts abroad Why hands across the water Now we live in a global society, students Get international need to improve their skills and cultural British Council Connecting Classrooms understanding to equip them for the world of links clusters of UK schools with schools in work and life. But bringing an international over 60 countries around the world. dimension to lessons can seem daunting when Schools taking part are coordinated by a faced with time constraints, funding concerns local authority or similar body. and an already crowded curriculum. Partnerships last two to three years Several initiatives have been established initially, there is no joining fee and to help schools overcome these barriers so participating schools and coordinating students and teachers can share knowledge bodies receive grants to support activities. and gain a greater understanding of how children in other countries live and learn. meeting inspection standards. They are living By fostering an appreciation of languages, parallel lives where ultimately the goal is the lifestyles and cultures, these schemes help to same: to get the best education for everyone.” break down barriers within local communities. He says the partnership is also helping Schools can have an impact on community schools “win the hearts and minds” of local cohesion by exploring multicultural and parents who have links to Pakistan by international issues in the classroom. The encouraging a greater understanding of their British Council’s Connecting Classrooms culture and heritage. programme helps schools foster intercultural Lincolnshire County Council is one of 39 understanding within their own communities local authorities taking part in the new and between different societies. Through Comenius Regio scheme. Schools, education these partnerships, the scheme aims to create authorities and local organisations such as “a safer and more connected world for the universities, the police and youth groups are future”, says Olga Stanojlovic, director teaming up with counterparts in Europe to schools in education at the British Council. tackle social problems and raise standards. Since 2006, a cluster of schools in Bradford Launched last year by the European have been partnered with schools in Commission and managed by the British Peshawar, Pakistan. The partnership focuses Council, the programme funds partnerships on improving community cohesion, as well as between local authorities in the UK and other developing leadership and raising standards. European nations so they can address Three schools in Bradford and five in common issues such as bullying and Peshawar, including one faith-based school, underachievement of immigrant pupils. share information about life in the two Lincolnshire has a large number of countries, dispelling stereotypes “such as all migrants from Eastern Europe and needs to people in the UK have blonde hair and wear help children from these countries settle in to suits”, says Rizwan Rehman, cohesion and schools in the area. In contrast, Poland has inclusion lead cluster co-ordinator for been affected by the number of people leaving Bradford Metropolitan District Council. the country and needs to support those “Teachers from Bradford who saw the children who return after spending time in challenging conditions in Pakistan were the UK education system. moved to tears,” says Mr Rehman. “Teachers This August, Lincolnshire council formed a who visited the UK saw the effort involved in partnership under the Regio scheme with its hopes it will “give us a better understanding counterpart in Lincoln’s twin city of of issues facing people as they migrate and Take your partner by the hand Radomsko, Poland, collaborating on migration how communities adapt to those challenges”. Schools can get their international work and education issues. The partnership Arabic is a recent addition to the language recognised through the framework provided comprises three schools in Lincolnshire, the assistant programme. This year St Peter’s by the DCSF International School Award. council, voluntary youth services and family Church of England Aided School in Exeter They must send a portfolio compiled across support organisation Home-Start, along with was one of the first in the UK to have an the academic year that highlights their seven schools in Radomsko, the city’s Arabic British Council foreign language commitment to encouraging students to governing body and similar support groups. assistant. These assistants can bring a fresh become global citizens and show evidence During reciprocal visits the partnership will cultural perspective to language learning, as they are doing collaborative work with a discuss issues, then pool findings through web well as providing access to authentic partner school overseas. Schools receive links and personnel exchanges. Towards the teaching materials and improving student accreditation for three years, become end of the two years there will be conferences confidence in communication. ambassadors of the scheme and help in each authority to publicise the project, Exploring languages can help schools work support others in their international work. display findings and highlight good practice. more closely with their local communities. Chris Williams, special projects consultant This initiative, funded by the Department for at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, says he Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), allows
  • 7. reap benefits at home RUSSEL SACHS foreign language assistants from 20 countries French and German”. So in 2008, when the them to find accommodation and making sure worldwide to work in English schools, offering British Council asked if the school would like they don’t feel homesick”, Ms Sykes says. French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, to employ the first Arabic-speaking assistant Schools that contact the British Council to Chinese, Urdu, Arabic, Irish and Japanese. for a year, it was keen to take up the offer. take part in the scheme will find the benefits The scheme also enables English language With funding from the British Council and are “immeasurable”, Ms Sykes says. “Having assistants to teach overseas, with 2,100 Exeter University, Aisha Al Badawi from an Arabic language assistant at the school people visiting countries all over the world in Oman was appointed as a language assistant, the last academic year alone. helping to run Year 7 introductory classes in Other useful organisations As a specialist language college, St Peter’s Arabic and a 10-week module focusing on an l SSAT had previously benefited from having understanding of the Arabic-speaking world l UK-German Connection assistants from France, Germany and Spain. as part of Year 10’s citizenship lessons. But Alison Sykes, its assistant head, says it Students produced a brochure to help Islamic l Development Education Association was “crucial” to introduce Arabic to the families settle in the area, and the school ran curriculum, not only because Exeter has an Arabic classes for residents, which has l Plan International www.plan- Islamic community, but also working in a strengthened links with the local community. global village means “people need to be Staff need to be prepared to support a l LECT trained in languages other than the usual language assistant by, for example, “helping
  • 8. ‘It has exposed children Resources to wider communities and cultures’ has been a life-changing experience. It gives months to find an overseas school to link l DCSF Global Gateway – the one-stop students an insight into other people’s culture with. A letter to Gambia’s Tanjeh Lower Basic shop for the international dimension and is a great motivating influence. It also School led to teacher visits and joint work, helps break down prejudices.” funded by the DFID Global School l Collaboration through ICT This year marks the 10th anniversary of Partnerships scheme, managed by a the DCSF International School Award (ISA), consortium including the British Council. an accreditation scheme run for DCSF by the The school has no electricity, which makes British Council that celebrates excellence in communication difficult but possible, with l Funding for collaborative curriculum embedding an international dimension in the children sharing pen pal letters and school projects school curriculum. The scheme helps schools newspapers, staff sharing teaching methods, support the idea of young global citizens and and the three schools working together on also aims to encourage community cohesion. such projects as “how we use waste”. connectingclassrooms “The award is a fantastic way of celebrating, “The partnership has enriched the recognising and embedding the international curriculum, exposing children to wider dimensions of teaching and learning across communities and cultures,” says Ms Phillips. l Language assistants schools,” says John Rolfe, ISA manager. Receiving ISA accreditation has spurred All schools are eligible for the award, Stogumber and Crowcombe to do even more. l Accreditation whether multicultural or monocultural, They have created a DVD to show the life of a urban or rural, primary or secondary. Size is family in Tanjeh, the sales of which will help l Community cohesion no obstacle, as Stogumber and Crowcombe fund future projects, and hope to form a primary schools in Somerset have proved. charity to support their work. communitycohesion Stogumber has just 24 pupils and is federated Ms Phillips believes it is possible to forge l BBC World Class to Crowcombe, which has 49. But their work links with other countries, whatever a during the past four years on joint projects school’s size. “Don’t be put off if you’re a l London 2012 with a school in the Gambia earned them ISA small school – that doesn’t matter. Making accreditation in 2008. these partnerships work is about effort, It took Penny Phillips, a part-time primary passion and a shared commitment.” teacher and multicultural coordinator, six Kathy Oxtoby