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Britain Of The European Union
The issue of Britain remaining in the European Union, and the consequences of a potential British
exit– sometimes shortened to "Brexit"– from the European Union, have come to the forefront of
public debate. While some say that Britain's egress from the EU would benefit it economically,
others argue that the contrary is true, and that there would be detrimental economic consequences
for Britain and Europe. In truth, the issue is much more complex and multifaceted. Brexit must be
looked at in terms of its socioeconomic consequences on immigration, the job market, and trade;
and also its political effects on British sovereignty. It has been claimed through the last coalition
government, and the Labour government before that, that 3–3.5 ... Show more content on ...
Some studies have tried to assess the impact of EU regulations affecting businesses– the EU being
able to pass legislation on matters such as product specifications, competition, employment terms,
health and safety, and consumer protection– using Impact Assessments (IAs). Looking at a smaller
number of regulations but with the largest associated costs, the British Chamber of Commerce
estimated the costs of regulations annually to be £7.6 billion and the cost since 1998 being about
£60.8 billion. Both studies reached a consensus that the Working Time Directive, the Pollution
Directive, the Data Protection Directive and the Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods were the
most expensive regulations. But both Open Europe and the British Chamber of Commerce came to
the conclusion that the benefit–cost ratio of EU regulation was 1.02, while the benefit–cost ratio of
regulations imposed by the UK government was 2.35.
Countries that are in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)– countries that are not in the
European Union but do have access to the Single Market– must abide by EU economic regulations.
Joining the EFTA has provided an option for Britain to leave the EU but remain the Single Market.
However, this leaves Britain in a quandary: do they accept the EU's regulations or risk being forced
out of the Single Market? A complete withdrawal would also mean that at least in the short–term,
Britain would have to retain some of the EU regulations
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The European Union ( Eu )
In its historical context discuss why and how the EU was set up and the advantages and
disadvantages of membership. The European Union (EU) was founded in 1957 and is constructed of
28 member countries comprising a total population of half a billion people with a collective
currency – the Euro, and economy worth £11 trillion . With 21 million companies operating in the
EU by 2012 the magnitude of the EU's global presence spans immensely from economic and
political policy to health, safety and regulations – both as an enterprise and an individual, human
rights legislations, and trade, but mainly through the 70 years that the world has been free from war.
However, understanding and analysing the complexity, its growth, its aims and ... Show more
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The emergence of the USSR led to the spread of communist ideologies throughout Eastern Europe,
with countries such as Albania and Bulgaria being the first to fall. In 1947, the need to contain
communism was arguably a top priority for the USA and thus, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall
Plan; an aid package worth $17 billion were formed as a means to prevent this spread and
successfully helped rebuild and kick–start the European economies. The integration of Europe not
only acted a buffer to prevent war between France and Germany, but also acted as containment
method of the growing communist threat, highlighted in the NATO alliance of 1949, which
integrated countries of the world more deeply. Overcoming the Franco–German rivalry was of great
importance to lessen the tension between the two. Franco–German interests were reconciled by
pooling coal and steel resources under a supranational High Authority partly due to the coal rich
Rhur region West Germany possessed; this was the Schuman Plan (1950). Consequently, after the
foundation had been set out in the Schuman Plan, Jean Monet proposed the formation of the
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952 with the aim to further establish a common
market in coal and steel products, but one with generous provisions for workers' rights. This was
largely successful as the removal of tariffs further improved the cooperation and interdependence,
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The European Union
The European Union was initially set up as a means to terminate the conflict that occurred within
Europe throughout the 20th century, culminating with the end of The Second World War (WWII)
and The Cold War that followed. The EU ultimately aimed to bring the member countries together
in order to form an 'ever closer union' between the countries of Europe, thus preventing a future
battle. The Union started as the European Economic Community (EEC), which was established in
1957, and over the years endured numerous adjustments to form the politico–economic union that
we know of today. Following WWII in 1945, Europe was not only in ruin but was also extremely
divided, with a distinct rivalry between France and Germany. In 1947 USA developed The Marshall
Plan; a program of aid that donated $13bn towards the recovery of Southern and Western Europe,
which led to the receiving nations experiencing rapid economic growth of between 15%–25% . The
50's were dominated by a Cold War; a divide between the Democratic West, led by USA, and the
Communist East, USSR. This was a long period of uncertainty in which each side expected the
other to invade. It fundamentally developed into a conflict fuelled by propaganda, deceit and spies.
Both sides had the new advantage of nuclear weapons, which neither wanted to deploy. The tension
seemed unresolvable; it became evident that a solution needed to be arranged and that unity could
only be established by a federal Europe. The French Foreign
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The European Union ( Eu )
Following the end of World War II, the European Union (EU) was formed with the aim to advance
economic cooperation and interdependence among member states. With the creation of the
European Single Market, and the implementation of the Euro as a common currency, the EU has
been able to achieve economic and political integration on a supranational and global scale. Each
member state agrees to be bound by the rules of the union, and in return they receive economic,
political and social benefits. Westphalian sovereignty is not feasible in a system such as the
European Union's, for in order to achieve peace, security, and stability, states must abandon their
right to self determination (Art. 3 TEU). Membership in the European Union has ... Show more
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The creation of the Single European Market led to a major development in economic and political
European integration. It is managed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and currently the Euro is
used in nineteen EU states. The ECB monitors and regulates the European Union's interest rates.
Risks associated with exchange rates disappeared, and the costs are reduced in comparison to
individual state currencies. Individuals travelling throughout the Eurozone only need to carry one
currency. Not all EU member states share the Euro, states have a free will and may choose whether
to adopt the currency or not. Countries can be members of the European Union without sharing the
single currency of the Eurozone. Being united by one currency brings political and economic
stability to the EU's member states. The Euro creates a larger economy as well as a homogenous
market where states are able to co operate towards one common goal. Each member state
contributes towards the European Union, through taxes. In return, the money is put into the
Eurozone economy. The size of the EU's budget means that it is able to fund collective projects,
such as policies governing the agricultural sector, that member states would not be able to fund
alone. As seen in Figure 1 (Appendix A), natural resources, such as fisheries and agriculture,
represents roughly 40% of the European Union's budget. Agriculture is financed
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The European Union Essay
In the course of fifty years, the European Union has expanded from six countries united under
economic treaties to a large collective of twenty–five sovereign nations. Maintaining the union
within such a large group has grown more difficult as numerous treaties have been drafted to control
the governance of the European Union. To reduce the number of treaties in the union, the
convention decided to draft a Constitution, which now moves through the process of ratification in
each of the sovereign nations. The Constitution works to set up a basis for the expansion of the
Union and the requirements that need to be met when a country seeks entry into the Union. But with
the greater controls the EU seeks to place on the ... Show more content on ...
The proposal limited the life span of the treaty to fifty years, meaning it would expire in 2002. The
treaty "was the first significant step towards European integration going beyond
intergovernmentalism, establishing a supranational authority whose independent institutions had the
power to bind its constituent member States" . From there, the countries decided to expand their
connections with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This treaty created the European Atomic Energy
Community and the European Economic Community, both of which helped strengthen economic
ties between the countries. The member states strove to create a "common market" amongst
themselves by removing trade barriers1. This common market was created slowly with a lengthy
transitional period, "during which tariff barriers would be removed and a common external customs
tariff set up"2. It was at this point that the High Authority transformed into the Commission, an
executive authority within the treaties. The Parliamentary Assembly, Court of Justice and Council of
Ministers each then evolved by 1967. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht formally created the
European Union through new forms of collaboration in inter–governmental affairs of defense and
justice1. One of the original goals for the European Union was to spread jurisdiction in countries to
help combat international crime organizations and terrorist movements. The expanded
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The Customs Union And The European Union
The customs union is first and foremost an essential component of the internal market of the
European Union. The customs union is a free trade area with a common external tariff. This is the
common external tariff that transforms a free trade area into a customs union. The European Union
has also developed a common trade policy with third countries which is a complement of the
customs union. The customs union is a central element of the trade policy.
The customs union and the common commercial policy are two of five exclusive competences or
federal powers of the European Union; the other three are the competition rules, monetary policy
and the conservation of marine biological resources.
The first object of the Common Market was created ... Show more content on ...
3). It includes twenty–five member states of the European Union with the exception of certain
"outermost" regions; the overseas territories and the territorial communities of France are, for
example, excluded. It also includes states and territories that are not members of the EU such as
Monaco, San Marino, Jungholtz and Mittelberg, as well as Andorra (the latter only for manufactured
products). Also part of the customs territory of the territorial sea, the inland maritime waters and the
airspace of the Member States of the European Union.
The common external tariff has replaced national tariffs (tariffs in particular); it consists of all duties
on imports into the territory of the Community of products from third countries. For certain
agricultural products the TEC has been replaced by agricultural levies. The resources come from the
TEC and agricultural levies form part of own resources and the budget of the European Union.
Community preference is to give priority to Community production with imports from third
countries to the Community, using three main instruments: customs duties, levies and export
In principle, the TEC applies to agricultural products imported from outside the Community. But for
the agricultural products that are subject to market organizations, TEC is replaced by an agricultural
The agricultural levy allows to enforce
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The European Union
There are few glaring events that will go down in history as the defining geopolitical events of this
century. Great Brittan's recent results from a referendum heldon on June 23, 2016 to decide if it
should leave the European Union (EU) is one such glaring event. Brexit, the acronym for this
referendum, is synonymous with the contemporary populist sentiment supporting nationalism,
economic autonomy, curbing immigration, and defying elitist politicians who do not understand the
reality of the working classes. As a result of feelings of lost power and economic insecurity by the
working class people, the citizens of Britain voted 52% to 48% to leave the EU in hopes of
industrial reform. It was a surprise even to those who voted yes to the referendum. Britten has a new
Prime Minister, Theresa May, who still needs to work out how the exit will be negotiated within a
two year time period. While many Brits believe leaving the union will give back hope to Britain as a
country that the EU had taken away, there remain several issues from this vote that have created
great uncertainty in Britain and in the world at large. First, the memorandum is being challenged in
court, because it should have been an act of parliament. This will delay the Prime Minister's
initiation of the Article 50 process that parts Britten from the EU. Second, Britten is divided over the
result; those who voted against leaving (the urban elite and younger workers) feel betrayed by the
older workers who they
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The European Union
Human dignity, democracy, freedom, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights, these are
the core values that comprise the organization: the European Union. From economics to politics, the
organization has grown to include most of the European countries. Their policies emphasize the rule
of law; meaning every action executed within the organization is founded on treaties, along with the
agreement of the participating countries. Its focus continues to promote human rights, as well as
making their institution more transparent and democratic. The European Union is constantly
growing and refining itself into a world–renowned organization.
The success of the current European Union can be accredit to the diverse group of visionaries that
founded the group. These visionaries include Konrad Adenauer, Joseph Bech, Jonah Beyen, Winston
Churchill, Alcide De Gasperi, Walter Hallstein, Sicco Mansholt, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman,
Paul–Henri Spaak, and Altiero Spinelli ("The History"). Despite their various backgrounds, these
founding fathers had one goal: to make Europe prosperous. The union began as a European Coal
and Steel Company (ECSC), which was established by the Treaty of Paris following World War II.
This organization consisted of the six founding countries, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, France,
Germany, and the Netherlands. The organization would then rename itself to the European
Economic Community (EEC) as a result of the Treaty of Paris as well as
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The European Union As A European Community
The European Union formed in 1956, firstly as a European Community until further expansion.
"The Union was not the first attempt at European cooperation, but it has been the boldest in
conception, the most developed and the most successful," (Watts). With the first countries to join
such as Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Holland, then many other countries joining for years
after. It was formed in search of mutual benefit between the European countries after the impact that
World War II took on Europe, and it created a huge benefit for Europe and its citizens, allowing
travel to citizens freely within Europe, but in recent years we have seen a surplus of people wanting
to come to Europe. While, the European Union has been a strong advantage for Europe, the open
borders have become out of control and the future does not look as promising.
With European countries allowing an open border, meaning anyone within Europe could travel and
live wherever they pleased was great for the people of Europe, but this now has made
complications. "Since 2011, an estimated 200,000 Syrians have died from the conflict within their
borders, and close to half of the country's residents have been uprooted. Roughly 3.5 m illion people
are categorized as "internally displaced," while 3 million have fled the country," (Hussein). While
not all 3 million have been fleeing to Europe, they actually started to escape to their neighboring
countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan but with
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The European Union
reason, the common citizens of Briton believe that exiting the EU is the only way they can solve
their economic problems. Thus, the leading party of the United Kingdom has approved a
referendum on UK's membership of the European Union. Opinion polls show that British citizens
have a different perspective on the issue. A recent study conducted by center for European reform
showed that "The younger generation of Britons favors European Union because it offers a good
economic prospect. At the same time, the older generation perceives the EU as an anti–democratic
institution. Experts form European commission suggests that the possibility of Britain exiting the
EU has a profound effect on economics, business, and immigration of policies of Europeans."
(Simon, Philip, 9, 67). Even though most people see the economic problem as the main cause of for
UK for rejecting the European Union, others also consider the refugee crisis as a pressing issue. A
recent study conducted by the royal institute of international affairs show that "attitudes toward
immigration are the strongest predictor of whether somebody will vote to leave the EU. Those who
feel that immigration is having negative effects on Britain are 50 per cent likely to vote out of EU.
In contrast, those who hold more positive attitudes towards immigration are 11 percent more likely
to vote in."(Matthew, Milazzo, 8) In the last couple of years Briton has seen a massive increase in
the number of immigrants. Most of these
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European Union And The European Crisis
Since the inception of the European Union, it has been plagued with numerous problems and
currently it is facing in of the biggest problems right after dealing with an economy in recession to a
point where Greece had to be bailed out. There is unrest like none other among the European Union
member countries to withdrawing from the union led by the United Kingdom. This is in the wake of
eastern European being buried in civil war as is the case with Ukraine and the war threatening to
spill over to Poland. Its unending war with Russia is leading to the unrest worsening. The United
Kingdom as the main driver of the European Union policy driver has been meddling in the affairs of
Russia and Ukraine leading to Russia threatening to cut off its oil supply to Europe as it is the main
producers and supply of oil to Europe.
These factored in with other factors have led to the European crisis s discussed below;
Cultural differences
The European Union is comprised of member countries that have and practice different cultures and
this brings about an effect on how they associate with each other. This divides are along religious
line but far from the truth, they aren't based on religious matters. They are on policy and how liberal
the countries are in a quest to ensure that they remain in line with their citizens beliefs. In so doing
they have formed a difference that the European Union hasn't been able to eradicate and this has led
to problems. The difference comes in the way of staunch
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The Eu Union Of The European Union
Luxembourg is a small country located in between France, Germany, and Belgium. This small
country also is one of the founding countries of the European Union. Despite not being vocal as
some of the more significant countries, Luxembourg still impacts the European Union. The Council
of the European Union, the co–legislative body, has each of the twenty–eight member states rotating
as the president of the European Union. The president is not a person, but rather one of the member
states. Every 6 months a new member state sets the agenda and leads the Council. Member states try
to push agendas in favor of their country. Luxembourg has last held the presidency from July to
December 2015. During this presidency, Luxembourg pushed focus on the single market's digital
dimension and the migrant crisis facing the European Union. These major concerns do not only
concern the European Union but also Luxembourg. A major concern of the European Union not too
long ago was the Euro crisis. Luxembourg was thankfully not as impacted by the Euro crisis, but it
did impact the EU in its entirety. The European Union and member states like Luxembourg
experience a dynamic relationship; the choices and events impacting the EU also impact that
member state and the interests of member states like Luxembourg impact the European Union.
Despite its stature in the EU, Luxembourg has a principal role as any other country in the European
Union. Unlike many of the other member states, Luxembourg is
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The European Union
The History:
Brexit is the abbreviation nickname given to the 2016 referendum in which the United Kingdom
voted to leave their membership in the European Union. In order for the vote to be official they must
use a little known provision in their membership clause with the European Union called the Article
50 or the Lisbon Treaty. The European Union was a political and economic cooperation where
participating countries used their collective financial and social practices to strengthen social and
economic stability. "The European Union began in 1951 as the European Coal and Steel
Community, an effort by six nations to heal the fissures of World War II through duty–free trade. In
1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community, or Common Market"
(Erlanger 2015). On February 20th 2016 David Cameron Britain's Prime Minister proposed the
Referendum for England that would allow a vote to remain or leave the European Union. While
David Cameron is in favor of staying in the European his actions prompted many including
London's Mayor Boris Johnson and Justice Secretary Boris Johnson to pledge their support for the
Leave campaign. Many Britons who voted to leave were worried about increasing strain of
European Markets including those found in Greece who were under incredible financial strain from
internal economic policies that threatened the entire region. However "This didn 't affect the UK
directly, as it uses the pound rather than the Euro. But some Britons
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The European Union
History: The European Union is a group of democratic countries, which was founded in 1957, with
6 countries signing the Treaty of Rome. (Roberts, 2008). It was to increase economic prosperity
and contribute to an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe and committed to working
together e.g. shared currency, financial management, legislative, judicial and executive bodies,
regulatory and planning bodies. The main objectives of the EU was to create a unified business
environment, the harmonization of company laws and taxation and the freedom of the movement of
capital which is closely related to bringing company law of member states into closer agreement.
Moreover, The EU set directives for the countries to follow in an attempt to harmonize accounting
practices. The two main directives are the fourth directive and the seventh directive, which we will
discuss below. IASC was founded in 1973 to form a uniform standard of accounting and financial
report to help reduce cost from handling different accounting practices and coordinating them. IASC
was restructured to IASB in 2001 to increase the quality of accounting standards and to promote the
use and rigorous application of those standards. (IASB, 2015). The objective of IASB is to adjust to
the changing environment of international business. (IFRS, 2015).It can help set the accounting
standards which are understandable and which are of high quality and is easier to implement. It
helps the users to make economic
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The Union And The European Union
The European Union is an entity that is seen nowhere else in the world. It is not a government, it is
not an international organization, and it is not just an association of states. The European Union
members, instead, have decided to turnover part of their sovereignty to the Union so that many
decisions can be made at the institutions leadership level. This partnership includes 28 diverse
democracies built together on the basis of complex treaties. Although the goals of this organization
were to assist with expanding economic prosperity, peace and stability throughout its member states,
the European Union has been faced with ever–pressing concerns in the recent past that are very
serious and may in fact become fatal to the continued coalescing between members. These problems
can be categorized into three categories; economic, social, and political.
Economically, the last 6 or so years have been nothing short of dismal for the European Union and
its members. Due to the diversity among its members own national economic policies, the European
Union's economic configuration and its single currency were shown to be somewhat incoherent. The
European Union's gross domestic product only grew a measly one percent in 2013, compared to the
United States' 2.2 percent growth. In December 2014, unemployment among member nations of the
European Union hovered around 11.4 percent, while the United States unemployment rate held at
around 5.6 percent. Even though in the U.S. we are ever
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European Union Dbq
At the end of World War 2, most countries in Europe were in a wreck. Cities were decimated and
economy was failing, it was the time to rebuild. The European Union was an effective way to help
Europe rebuild. The EU first started as just a common market for steel and coal, but quickly grew
into a union of countries united as one. It is a great opportunity for countries in Europe as the it was
created for the sole purpose of preserving peace and preventing another World War on the rebuilding
continent. The EU is also very beneficial to countries as it has the best economy in the world, for the
peace efforts and the ability to support its members.
One of the major benefits of membership in the EU is its strong economy. All members of the EU
shares a common market making trade within the EU cheaper and more affordable. According to the
CIA World Factbook, The EU has the highest GDP in the world in 2014 with 18.4T ... Show more
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Out of the 28 members of the EU, there is ought to be a country with a weaker economy. Based off
of Nauro F. Campos, Fabrizio and Luigi Moretti's research, countries that recently joined (2004) the
EU like Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary now has an economy much higher than their
synthetic GDP. Which is the predicted GDP if they didn't join the EU (Doc B). This information
proves that the EU does actually work economically as countries in the organization by improving
their economy and supporting them. Another example of this economic growth is Poland. According
to Mitchell A. Orenstein, the Polish economy had been growing "rapidly" for 20 years. At more than
4% a year. He also stated that some German industries are able to produce goods in Poland for
cheaper than China. These examples show how the EU is able to support its members economically
and still benefit the stronger members at the same time. Benefiting both sides brings peace in
between the countries, which brings me to this last
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The Union Policy Of The European Union
What most people don't realise is just how deeply being a member of the European Union affects us
in our everyday lives. It doesn't just affect our law and big political issues but also our culture, the
NHS and job prospects. In this essay I will only be focusing on a tiny amount of the issues raised
out of the enormous range including how being a member of the European Union affects our laws,
jobs and immigration. I will try to weigh up all of the arguments for each side and, hopefully, come
to a conclusion.
Whether being a member of the European Union is the best thing for the United Kingdom is a very
complex issue with many different layers, therefore, making it hard to reach a definite and final
verdict without spending ... Show more content on ...
This policy evidently has many benefits however most people are seemingly only concerned with
the fact that it allows anybody within the EU to immigrate to the UK and we can't refuse them.
There has been a huge increase of the number of people coming to live in the UK over the past few
years with the UK population reaching 64,596,800 in June of 2015 – almost half a million more
than the previous year .
However you have to remember that this influx of immigrants isn't just happening in the United
Kingdom, it is happening throughout the world on a major scale. For example it was reported that
by the 7th June 2015 that over 50,000 migrants had already arrived in Italy after crossing the
Mediterranean Sea –from Libya– in treacherous conditions and this is deemed to be only the
beginning. There has been a 750% increase in the amount of migrants going to Greece this year,
63% of which are from Syria .
The main issue that arises is over who should take these immigrants into their countries within the
EU as there are many plans being drawn up to relocate some of them through a quota system,
however not everyone wants this. The British Prime Minister David Cameron is one example of
people who want to reject the proposal about enforcing quotas of immigrants in EU countries (due
to public opinion) and he is not alone in this as many others are of the same view; these include
most of
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The Future Of The European Union
What the framework of our constitution can do is organize the way in which we argue about our
future. All of its elaborate machinery – its separation of powers and checks and balances and
federalist principles and Bill of Rights – are designed to force us into a conversation, a "deliberative
democracy" in which all citizens are required to engage in a process of testing their ideas against an
external reality, persuading others of their point of view, and building shifting alliances of consent.
Barack Obama, 2006 1.0 Introduction
In the past years, the possible future of the European Union (EU) has been of increasing interest to
social and political scientists as well as the public. Since 2008, the EU has experienced events such
as the economic crisis and the 2014 European Parliament election, which have fostered intense
debates around the legitimising basis of the EU (Zielonka, 2014). Furthermore, with the election of
David Cameron in the 2015 United Kingdom general election even the possibility of the United
Kingdom leaving the EU has been discussed. Although many social and political scientists do not
believe such a scenario (REFERENCE), one could argue that there is an increasing need for the EU
to redefine itself in order not to experience a genuine 'downfall'. Consequently, an alternative theory
of EU integration challenging the classical intergovernmental and neofunctional understandings of
the EU has gained increasing support among political scientists.
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Multilingualism And The European Union
«Nous ne coalisons pas des Etats, nous unissons des peuples »
These words, pronounced by Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of the European Union, well
summarize the values underlying the Union's approach towards multilingualism.
In the following lines, I will briefly analyse the competing forces that concurred to the introduction
of multilingualism in the EU, the main legal issues that it creates in terms of legal certainty and how
the CJEU seems to be approaching them.
The Union's approach to multilingualism is strictly linked to its political transformation from a
purely economic entity (ECCS) to a peculiar "new legal order" , which finds its legitimacy in ...
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Council Regulation 1/58, which significantly was the first act of the EEC, recognizes today 23
official and working languages of the Union.
EU multilingualism constitutes the result of historical and political tensions. As the Union's legal
system as a whole, it reflects a compromise between the Member States' will to both protect their
sovereignty and national identity and to enhance their cooperation .
On the one hand, language, as an expression of sovereignty, represents a symbolic affirmation of
power that Member States have traditionally been reluctant to give up .
On the other hand, the EU represents a "reaction" to the negation of rights of the II WW, which inter
alia lead to the strong affirmation of national languages over the foreign and minority ones . This is
why the Treaties embedded almost from the outset those individual linguistic rights recognized only
a few years earlier by Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In this sense, the Union's multilingualism can be seen both negatively, as preservation of the
national identities of its Member States, and positively, as one of its most ambitious democratic
EU multilingualism creates however a number of legal issues.
Firstly, having more than one "official language" inevitably leads to incoherencies between the
different versions of the same legal
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The European Union ( Eu )
In this essay I will discuss why and how the European Union (EU) was set up and the advantages
and disadvantages of membership. The EU was set up after World War II in 1939– 1945, bringing
harmony and peace among the EU. I will also explain and evaluate the political and economic
situation between Post War Europe and understand the historical development of the European
Post War Europe had been largely affected by the Second World War and having a huge factor to
play in this was the rise of communism. This meant that such beneficial and valuable things such as
gold, oil and diamonds were falling in demand in the economy. George C. Marshall a military leader
from Virginia pushed a plan to help rebuild Europe after the war this is ... Show more content on ...
The French Foreign minister, Robert Schuman proposed the creation of the Franco– German
production of ECSC to provide setting up of the common foundations for economic development as
a first step in the federation of Europe. This created a common high authority within the framework
of an organization in which other European countries could participate economically and politically
in order to secure lasting peace. The Minister Robert Schuman invited other states to join this treaty
based on the idea that European unity is the key to peace. Solidarity in production he said would
make war between France and Germany 'not merely unthinkable but materially impossible'
The ECSC began to consolidate European countries in order to shelter unity and peace. There were
six founders that played this part. Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the
Netherlands all united and began negotiating a treaty. After becoming the founding fathers of the
European Union in 1951 they influenced the creation of the EU we live in today, sharing inspiring
ideas to unite the EU in a peaceful manner. Setting out objectives and rules for the EU institutions
the founding fathers amended to make the EU more efficient and transparent to prepare for new
member countries; introducing new areas of cooperation.
The EU treaties sought closer economic, social, and political ties to achieve
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European Commission Of The European Union
European Commission
This is the part of the EU which is designed to uphold the interests of the EU as a whole, not an EU
member state individually. Each member must not be biased to their national state. It as many
responsibilities that include;
– To draft laws and proposals for the parliament and council to consider
– To implement European laws
– Works alongside the court of justice to make sure that the EU laws are followed
– Represents the EU international area
Court of Justice
This court has the task of ensuring that all 27 members of the EU has its law applied equally
throughout. Most of the cases referred to the tem by the national courts of the member states.
EU Decision Making
When making a decision, the EU members have to go ... Show more content on ...
Representatives from the commission must also attend the meetings to join in with the discussion
because they were the ones who wanted to introduce the law. Once an agreement has been reached,
the agreed text is then sent to the council as well as the parliament for a final reading so that the law
can finally be adopted.
Consultation – Under the decision making procedure the commission gives its proposal to the
parliament and council, just like the co–decision procedure, but in this case it is the council that
must take responsibility for consulting with parliament as well as other EU bodies. In all cases,
parliament can:
– Approve the proposal made by the commission
– Reject the proposal
– They can also ask for amendments to be made
Assent – This is the method of making decisions in which the council must obtain the European
parliaments agreement before decisions are made. This procedure is exactly the same as the
consultation procedure, apart from the fact that the parliament cannot amend the proposal: It must
either be accepted or rejected.
EU's decisions affecting UK Public Services
These are some of the EU's decisions which affect the UK's public services:
Single currency – In 1999 the European Union introduced a single currency. This is called the euro.
The euro became the legal currency of 11 EU states; however, the UK and Denmark opted out. Of
the 27 EU members, 16 of them have the euro as
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The European Union Essay
As former Prime Minister David Cameron stated, "A vote to leave is the gamble of the century. And
it would be our children's futures on the table if we were to roll the dice" (Ketil). On June 23, more
than half of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. A myriad of UK's citizens had
no knowledge of what their vote would do.1 In the United States, the electoral college elects the
president while taking in the consideration of the public's vote. When the public voted on the
referendum, they believed it was an opinion poll and higher officials would vote somewhat based on
the people's standpoint, such as how America's democracy works. Britains want to be able to expand
without the EU's assistance but profound consequences awaits. Society should be against Britain's
exit because it will change immigration reforms, plummet trade agreements, lead to the crash of the
euro currency, and for more other reasons. The European Union was created mainly to bring
political strength, economical stability, and unity to Europe (Wilkinson). The idea arose after WWII
when leaders realized it was much easier getting the goods and services needed to rebuild from
neighboring countries. Rebuilding was a bigger priority than having to concur on trade agreements
and pay extra money, money that they didn't have, on tariffs. 28 out of 50 countries in Europe
decided to join the union. It's main economic focus has been to have a free trade agreement within
the nations ("What Is the EU? –
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The European Union Essay
The European Union
2.1.2. MEMBER STATES OF ... Show more content on ...
The Union's functions are spreading from purely economic and monetary up to the social and
security matters; it has become an integral part of government for almost each European country.
The missions and visions for the European Union we seek is really the big picture of the Union that
we have in our mind for the future of this organization. Thus we need to come together and look out
for what the picture is like and where does the overlapping occur.
Although an implicit agreement seems to have been reached that European Union is something
much more than simply an international organization of a kind, there seems to be no distinct vision
of what it is then. What is European Union? What should we call it? What should we compare it to?
Or is it completely unique and incomparable?
The issue of the basic idea of the European Union is something that should be elaborated by
especially a convention like this. It is important that the people of the Union make it clear for
themselves what they see in it and what they would like to see. If the union is unique, can we define
it somehow? I think this convention should try to seek out the innovative ideas that are not limited
by the traditional
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The European Union ( Eu )
When it was first founded in 1958, the European Union (EU) was a small organization of only six
countries and was referred to as the European Economic Union. Created in the aftermath of World
War II, they believed it's first steps should be to foster economic cooperation between countries
using the idea that "countries that trade with one another become economically interdependent and
so more likely to avoid conflict." Today, it has evolved into an organization, which includes 28
members, that spans across a variety of policy areas including health, environment, and external
relations and security. The EU is based on the rule of law which states "everything it does is
founded on treaties, voluntarily and democratically agreed by its member countries." It is governed
by the principle of a representative democracy. Citizens are directly represented at Union level in
the European Parliament and Member States are represented in the European Council and the
Council of the EU. Since the European Union's founding over fifty years ago, there have been many
changes and issues that have both positively and negatively impacted its existence. The most recent
issues include persistent tension, economic depression, the rise of anti–EU, and a lack of leadership.
Because the European Union is made up of multiple countries, lead by multiple leaders, there is
obviously going to be some types of conflict among the nations. A common topic that is widely
disagreed on is the enlargement of the
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The European Union
The European Union was formed after WW2 in the late 1940s. The main purpose behind the
establishment of the European Union was to end the period of wars between neighbouring countries
and unite all of Europe as one strong economy. The nations officially started joining the European
Council in 1949. The initial six nations that acted as founding members for the European Union
were Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherland (European Commision, 2014).
Overtime, more nations joined in and united 28 countries till 2015. The additional countries that
joined in included Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
and the United Kingdom (European Commision, 2015). The European Union was created to
strengthen the economy of the continent and to provide a better quality life to the general population
of Europe. Also, uniting countries provided combat and military advantages through power in
numbers. The single European Act was signed in 1987 with the aim of eventually creating a "single
market" for trade. This policy allowed for easier trade, more citizen interaction on issues such as the
environment and security, and easier travel through the different countries. This time was generally
recognized as the period when the modern EU arose due to the
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The Union Of The European Union
Brexiters are desperate and angry with everything and everyone that suggests that the British people
should vote to remain in the European Union in the 23 June 2016 referendum. The recent victim of
their desperation and ire has been no less a personage than the US President Barrack Obama
himself. President Obama was in London recently to wish the Queen her happy 90th birthday and
help Prime Minister David Cameron win the referendum in which the British people will vote
whether they want to remain in the EU or leave. The Leave campaigners have sought to create a
bubble that Britain outside the EU will be a prosperous paradise at the center of the universe, free
from pesky European countries. But Obama punctured their bubble by announcing that Britain
outside the EU will be less powerful, less secure, and less prosperous, and it will have to wait for
five to 10 years to sign a trade agreement with the United States. That was shattering for the Leave
campaign. Boris Johnson, the leader of the Leave campaign and mayor of London, was so angry
that he descended into the invective. He said President Obama had anti–colonial mindset obtained
from his Kenyan father. Although the reference was made to the removal of British Prime Minister
Churchill 's from the Oval Office, the mayor was angry because of his intervention on behalf of the
Remain campaign. The anger has been on the rise, especially after the latest opinion polls have
given a slight edge to the Remain campaign over
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The European Union ( Eu )
The European Union (EU) is the most successful supranational organization in the world to promote
and spread democracy. Without the values and result–based monitoring systems structured through
this organization, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and ultimately the entire world would be a
significantly different place. The EU's uniqueness and undeniable success stems from its strategic
use of integration as key to enlargement and the effective 'Europeanization' of countries. Though
there are dissenters who would argue the European Union's lack of effectiveness in the enlargement
process since 1989, there is value in noting that enlargement is an on–going phenomenon and not an
entity with an expiry date.
Europe, in the aftermath of World War Two was, in Tony Judt's words, "utterly shattered, hopeless,
and exhausted." Any publication written about this time period will emphasize that the war was a
dramatically civilian experience, especially considering the long lasting mental strain of the interwar
period. Although this terror did not end post–1945 for the Balkans and most of Eastern Europe, the
changed international environment in the 1990s provided new opportunities for the promotion of
With this dreadful snapshot of post–1945 Europe illustrated, it becomes evident that Europe is a
legacy built around war, and despite this has been one of the most successful supranational
organizations in democracy promotion. What began as nothing more than a trading bloc through
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The European Union ( Eu )
The European Union (EU) is not a typical international organization. With a mixture of
supranational and intergovernmental institutions, its unique structure has become a distinctive
political system with some resembles a federation. With no path to trace, the EU must determine
which direction it should follow suit. However, these difficult discussions foster constant dispute
over how much further integration of member states should proceed. Support for the EU moving
towards a federation faces opposition by euro–sceptics who believe further integration should be
taken with caution. After the initial project of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was
launched by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. Six European ... Show more content on ...
Driven by the desire to prevent another World War, many of the founding fathers of the European
union envisioned a federalist Europe. Monnet was adamant on the idea that the center of the
community should exist a supranational body. Originally established after World War Two, what is
now the European Union was formally the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The
ECSC was established on the basis that trade and pooling of both commodities would prevent
rearmament and another war. Established on the 18th April 1951, by the Treaty of Paris, the
founding six member states ( France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) have
expanded until it tripling in size. Today, after rapid phases and slower periods of integration, the EU
is composed of 28 member–states after. Over 60 years of enlargement, the European union has yet
to has still not reached its territorial limits, with numerous application still being processed.
Undefined frontiers exist in the Balkans and Turkey, as well as in eastern Europeans regions. With
economic interdependence, European countries have united economically and politically with the
goal of maintaining peace. The question yet to be answered is, how far and deep should political
integration go?
Federalism Defined
The functions of the European Union are often compared
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Globalization And The European Union
There are in some areas of globalization that can cause drawbacks, which were made prevalent with
the European Union. The main drawback within the European Union was its economy. If one
country within the organization were to have economic crisis then that country would affect all other
country members. This was made clear in 2010 with the economic crisis presented in Greece. Many
other countries within the Union were left to bail out the Greece economy; which in turn, hurt their
own economies. The situation with Greece and the other European Union members is still a current
issue; however, Union members say that they will continue to contribute to struggling economies.
The world will continue to globalize businesses, economies, and ... Show more content on ...
As of 2012, only seventeen of members of the European Union have decided to use Euros as their
currency. In order for the members that adopted the Euro as their currency to successfully help their
economic problems, the Eurozone members had to follow strict instructions put into place the
European Union. The strict policies included strict control over inflation, government debt, and
long–term interest rates (Mckee 525). The union put these strict policies into place to give the union
the tools that it needed to take in order to help fix the economic crisis in each country participating
in the Eurozone. Without the full cooperation of each country, it could cause the plans to fix the
economic crisis within each country to fail because of the different interests by each individual
Addressing some issues, the European Union decided to issue 750 million Euros in order to start the
process of financial stability for the whole union (Mckee 524). Over time, the union learned that that
the amount of money was not enough in order to help each countries' individual financial crisis. As
of now, the union has to increase the amount of money they are feeding to countries in hopes of
fixing the economic issues. The continuing issue with the European Union's economic plans is
finding the money to keep funding countries with low economic growth. Furthermore, the union
also has to figure out how to deal with the issues that are outside of the European Union's borders.
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The European Union
It is true that the European Union is taking the steps to have the rebuilding of security against
terrorism. The military forces have started to take the actions in order to cope with the increasing
issue of terrorism. However, it is also true that the miss–conception has been formed regarding the
image of Muslims in the Europe as they are being subjected to wrong treatments for the terrorist
impressions as research reports that "...The Ministry of Defense decided to deploy 10,500 soldiers to
sensitive areas, with nearly half of them assigned to the protection of the country 's 717 Jewish
schools..." The news has also reported the Muslims as being the angry citizens whom have
presented the light of terrorism that present across the border ... Show more content on ...
The current image of the Muslims portrayed by the media is wrong as they consider Muslims to be
responsible for the terrorism as well, as the author Robert Leiken stated in his article as "Jihadist
networks span Europe from Poland to Portugal, thanks to the spread of radical Islam among the
descendants of guest workers once recruited to shore up Europe 's postwar economic miracle...".
This statement given by the article clearly shows that the element of ethos has been neglected totally
in terms of the Muslims because they have been subjected directly towards the terrorism aspect
irrespective of the fact that there are much evidences to support this argument or not. This is the
reason why the Muslims have been subjected to suspicion treatments in countries like the United
States because of the Al–Qaida experiences, which the United States previously had . According to
the source, "Europe Angry Muslims", there has been a state of anger among the people regarding the
image of Muslims. This news has also reported the Muslims being the angry citizens who have
presented the ray of terrorism present across the border of the United States with that of Mexico.
This report has also presented the way that the Muslims are considered to be belonging from the
radical Islam as stated by the author.
He has tried to convince the readers and calling these
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The European Union
The European Union was created by the idea and hope for unity and integrity. However, as it
enlarges to 28 countries, many problems arise. The Union 's inability to find its place in the divided
and dynamical modern world leads to it having more of a supportive role to greater powers as
Russia and the US. The countries within it are severely divided and unable to reach a common
strategy concerning major issues and if they not resolve this lack of coherence, the EU risks to be
pushed in the sidelines and to lose its international reputation as a consolidated unity.
One of the main reasons for the division of the European countries, is dictated by the different
opinions concerning the political relations with the US and Russia. For example, during the war in
Iraq, the EU lacked any sign of unity concerning the support of the US military action. On the one
side stood Britain that supported the Bush administration, and on the other France and Germany
were crafting an anti–war strategy. (Peterson, 2004) This major clash between certain EU countries
with the US led to the Transatlantic rift. Even though a conclusion was reached, the member states
still remained divided concerning the question of reconstruction of Iraq. As the French Foreign
Minister, Hubbert Verdine, stated: "its hard to take responsibility of a war we thought was wrong,
now that the United States find itself in a traditional colonial trap" (Peterson, 2004).
Yet even though the lack of coherence made the EU
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The Union Of The European Union
Brexiters are angry now, especially after US President Barrack Obama 's recent visit to the United
Kingdom. They are so angry and troubled that they descended into ad hominem against the US
President Obama was in London to with the Queen her happy 90th birthday and tell the British
people that voting to leave the European Union in the 23 June 2016 referendum is a terrible idea. It
was in sharp contrast to what the Leave campaigners had been promising them.
The Leave campaigners have been trying to create a bubble that Britain outside the European Union
will be a prosperous paradise at the center of universe, free from pesky European countries. But
Obama punctured their bubble by telling the British that Britain outside the EU will be less
powerful, less secure, and less prosperous and it will have to wait for five to 10 years to sign a trade
agreement with the United States.
Boris Johnson, the leader of the Leave campaign and mayor of London, was so angry that he
descended into the invective. He said President Obama had anti–colonial mindset obtained from his
Kenyan father. Although the reference was made to the removal of British Prime Minister Churchill
's from the Oval Office, the mayor was angry because of his intervention on behalf of the Remain
The anger has been on the rise, especially after the latest opinion polls have given about 3% edge to
the Remain campaign over the Leave campaign. Before that, Britain was divided almost in the
middle at
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European Integration And The European Union
Over the years as the European identity developed, it inevitably came across the issue of justice and
home affairs (JHA) and to what extant it had dictation over its member states' borders. As the
European Community and later the European Union established and expanded its policies over
issues such as asylum, immigration and police, judicial cooperation, many began to criticize the
European Union saying it was relinquishing the sovereignty of its member states. As the mandate
over justice and home affairs moved from the national level to the European level, the EU had to
figure how much jurisdiction they could have over member states' borders without imposing on the
national governments or living up to its reputation as 'Fortress Europe.'
I. The Initial Cooperation As the European Community continued to grow, immigration became a
more prominent problem. There were increased movements between Western European countries as
well as increases in labor and family unification migration. After World War 2, Western Europe
became a major place for immigration and so now not only was there mass movements between the
western countries, but also mass movements from outside countries. All of this led to a spike in
asylum applications and greater concern over cross–border organized crime as it strained the border
controls of the Western European countries dealing with so much migration.
As immigration continued to rise and the border patrols weakened, there was a need for greater
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The Crisis Of The European Union
Inflation, crisis, recession, fear, unemployment rise, debt, and depression are some of the commonly
used phrases in relation to failing economies. There are many different factors that contribute to the
downfall of an economy, whether it be the political structure, the aftermath of a war, or the role of
government itself. A failing economy's severity can vary based on the specific country's situation. In
comparison to the world, there have been a few countries under the European Union that have
continually worsened economically through the years: Greece and Spain.
To understand the economic issues arising in Greece and Spain, one must have an understanding on
the basis of the European Union. The European Union (EU) came into existence on ... Show more
content on ...
3). There have been a number of factors contributing to Greece's fiscal crisis– both endogenous and
exogenous. When focusing on the endogenous causes of the fiscal crisis, "there is no doubt that
running consistently widening public deficits in conjunction with declining external competitiveness
played a decisive role on the deteriorating fiscal stance of the Greek economy" (Kouretas, Vlamis,
2010, 394). Greece's deficit has risen to 12.7%, which is more than four times higher than the
European rules have allowed (BBC News, 2010, para. 8). On the other hand, the main exogenous
implication is the timing of response. "The Eurozone governments failed to give a clear signal
indicating their readiness to support Greece, while the Greek fiscal crisis was escalating," because
many EU Member States were unsure of how much assistance they could individually given to a
country in financial difficulty (Kouretas, Vlamis, 2010, 396). In addition, Greece has been facing
problems with the underground economy, which is also known as the "shadow economy." The
shadow economy focuses on criminal activity, such as drugs sales, smuggling, gambling, etc. and
focuses on legal transactions that are conducted in cash and unreported to fiscal or other competent
authorities (Katsios, 2006, 62). Greece has been accountable for about 27–30% of the GNP for the
underground economies in comparison to various European countries (67). With all these financial
issues going on in Greece, there is a
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The European Union ( Eu )
The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental union of European states composed of 28
countries. The EU's emphasis is to encourage economic and social harmony between nations.
There are advantages of being part of the European Union such as assurance of worker's rights,
low–cost of products and free movement. Despite the benefits, the EU has caused countries to
expend a high amount of money on the membership and it has also lead to overpopulation and
inequality between big and smaller countries. The European Union was created with the aim of
preventing wars between European countries. In 2012, the EU won the Nobel Peace prize due to the
contribution to peace and reconciliation in Europe. Being part of the EU not only avoids conflict ...
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With these conveniences, citizens have better work and education opportunities. The EU have
created their own currency, there euro. Currently, 18 out of 28 European countries have adopted the
euro. Adopting a single currency for all the members of the EU is vital for a unified society and for
the elimination of fees implicated in currency exchange. It also facilities business transactions and
traveling through Europe. In addition, a single currency promotes economic equality between all the
counties when obtaining supplies. Currently, the prices of cars in the United Kingdom are overprice
compared to any other places. Implementing the euro throughout all Europe would reduce the price
disparities, eliminate exchange rates, create unity among countries and improve the economic
growth. Above all, the EU also brings economic and political disadvantages. Being a member of the
European Union is expensive. The cost varies from £300 and £873 per head of every country. The
issue is that countries such as the United Kingdom pay more than what they get back from the EU
budget. Their cost of membership is £15bn gross or £6.883 billion net (Disadvantages of EU
Membership). Around 40% of the money is spend toward the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
and had resulted in high price of goods and oversupply. Due to this issues, the EU had to purchase
the surplus which resulted in a huge lost of money. In addition to the amount of money that is being
spent, much
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The Formation Of The European Union
The formation of the European Union was a turning point in the stability of relationships between
European countries, allowing the exploration of true diplomacy among the nations, and it brought
along the possibility of peace through the exchange of people and support. The European Union was
jump started and driven by its desire to be able to stay in economic competition with both the Soviet
Union and the United States of America.
The purpose of the European Union (EU) was to bring European countries together to help ease
both political and economic relationships in Europe. The formation of this group made up of a
"family" of democratic European countries was created for the sole purpose of mutually beneficial
economic and political peace which was exactly what was needed in the 1950's. The EU is unique
so unlike anything that has ever been, and the idea for it came to be while the world was still
recovering from the catastrophic economic affects that were brought along by World War II which
ended in 1945. Europe was drastically affected by the war having been caught in the middle, and
since most of Europe was used as a battlefield a lot of it was left to nothing more than rubble.
European countries quickly came to the realization that if they ever had to handle this sort of
situation again in the future they would again fall, and thus began the inspiration for a change. They
came to the conclusion that the more
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A Report On The European Union
The European Union contains just 7% of the world's population, but produces 1/3 of the world's
Gross National Product (Delegation of the EU to the US). A single market merges all 28 countries of
the EU into one economic free–trade zone with no trade tariffs imposed on one another. The EU
accounts for 51% of all trade that the UK conducts with the world (The Data Team 2). Since its
admittance to the Union in 1973, Britain's economy has grown from 326 million Euros per capita to
6,116 million Euros per capita in quarter four of 2012. Despite its economic benefits, many have
voiced concern over its undemocratic practices. In a summary of the court case Van Loos v.
Netherlands Inland Revenue administration, the European Union decided to strike ... Show more
content on ...
In order to recover from its economic losses, President Schuman of France proposed a single market
for the free trade of coal and steel. In an address delivered to the French Assembly, he remarked,
"The pooling of coal and steel production... will change the destinies of those regions which have
long been devoted to the manufacture of munitions of war, of which they have been the most
constant victims." President Schuman's motives were not only the rebuilding of Europe's economy,
but also the assurance that Germany and France would never get into another war again. In 1951,
the Treaty of Paris was officially signed establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
(European Commission). The countries of Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, West
Germany, and Italy were the first countries to join.
As these countries experienced economic success, they hoped to expand the Coal and Steel
Community to something much more vast. In the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Economic
Community was established (CVCE). The EEC didn't just allow the free trade of coal and steel, but
also eliminated all trade tariffs completely. This enticed other countries including Britain to join the
Community. As the EEC continued to expand and prosper, it also started venturing into the role of
governing. It sought to emulate the model of that of
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European Union Essay
The European Union has been a success as an international organization
The European Union is a political community constituted as an international organization whose
aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries.
According to the Article 3 of the European Union Treaty, Union's aim is to promote peace, its values
and the well–being of its peoples. It is based on the values of freedom, democracy, equality, law
enforcement and respect for human rights and dignity.
The European Union played a very important role in transforming post–communist countries into
democratic states with functioning market economies and the rule of law. The massive transfer of
institutional and legal know–how from member ... Show more content on ...
A common trade policy, a common agricultural policy, many aspects of social and environmental
policy, and a common currency (the euro) that is used by it member states.
One of the most remarkable successes of the European Union is ensuring peace and stability is
maintained in Europe and other parts of the world. Prior to the formation of the union, European
nations experience disharmony related to both World War I and II. The first step towards peace
building was the formation of European Coal and Steel Community. Since then, the union has
formulated several peace policies with the aim of ensuring peace thrive amongst members and their
EU does is about bringing people in Europe closer together. It tries to make it easier for Europeans
to buy and sell things to each other. This is done by changing the rules that control trade. The Union
is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law
and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Moreover, the
societies of the Member States are characterised by pluralism, non–discrimination, tolerance,
justice, solidarity and equality between women and men. These values play an important role,
especially in two specific cases.
The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sustainable development of
Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability,
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The European Union ( Eu )
The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental organization of states that includes 28 countries
that are spread over Western Europe and more recently includes some Eastern European countries as
well. Shortly after World War II various countries and governments in Europe started to grow closer
together to help strengthen themselves economically as well as make it much less likely that another
world war would be much less likely to happen. Over time, these Western European countries grew
closer together and the European Union was born. The member countries of the European Union are
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom. In the future the European Union will have to make some hard decisions on whether or
not to join closer together militarily and also on how to react to emerging threats such as those
posed by an antagonistic Russia which is becoming more powerful in the region. There is also much
speculation on which, if any countries will join in the future or if the European Union will even be
relevant in the future. With so many economies tied together it certainly makes a union on such a
massive scale seem ripe for failure. In order to reduce the chance of war and increase the economic
strength of European countries, the
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Britain Of The European Union

  • 1. Britain Of The European Union The issue of Britain remaining in the European Union, and the consequences of a potential British exit– sometimes shortened to "Brexit"– from the European Union, have come to the forefront of public debate. While some say that Britain's egress from the EU would benefit it economically, others argue that the contrary is true, and that there would be detrimental economic consequences for Britain and Europe. In truth, the issue is much more complex and multifaceted. Brexit must be looked at in terms of its socioeconomic consequences on immigration, the job market, and trade; and also its political effects on British sovereignty. It has been claimed through the last coalition government, and the Labour government before that, that 3–3.5 ... Show more content on ... Some studies have tried to assess the impact of EU regulations affecting businesses– the EU being able to pass legislation on matters such as product specifications, competition, employment terms, health and safety, and consumer protection– using Impact Assessments (IAs). Looking at a smaller number of regulations but with the largest associated costs, the British Chamber of Commerce estimated the costs of regulations annually to be £7.6 billion and the cost since 1998 being about £60.8 billion. Both studies reached a consensus that the Working Time Directive, the Pollution Directive, the Data Protection Directive and the Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods were the most expensive regulations. But both Open Europe and the British Chamber of Commerce came to the conclusion that the benefit–cost ratio of EU regulation was 1.02, while the benefit–cost ratio of regulations imposed by the UK government was 2.35. Countries that are in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)– countries that are not in the European Union but do have access to the Single Market– must abide by EU economic regulations. Joining the EFTA has provided an option for Britain to leave the EU but remain the Single Market. However, this leaves Britain in a quandary: do they accept the EU's regulations or risk being forced out of the Single Market? A complete withdrawal would also mean that at least in the short–term, Britain would have to retain some of the EU regulations ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The European Union ( Eu ) In its historical context discuss why and how the EU was set up and the advantages and disadvantages of membership. The European Union (EU) was founded in 1957 and is constructed of 28 member countries comprising a total population of half a billion people with a collective currency – the Euro, and economy worth £11 trillion . With 21 million companies operating in the EU by 2012 the magnitude of the EU's global presence spans immensely from economic and political policy to health, safety and regulations – both as an enterprise and an individual, human rights legislations, and trade, but mainly through the 70 years that the world has been free from war. However, understanding and analysing the complexity, its growth, its aims and ... Show more content on ... The emergence of the USSR led to the spread of communist ideologies throughout Eastern Europe, with countries such as Albania and Bulgaria being the first to fall. In 1947, the need to contain communism was arguably a top priority for the USA and thus, the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan; an aid package worth $17 billion were formed as a means to prevent this spread and successfully helped rebuild and kick–start the European economies. The integration of Europe not only acted a buffer to prevent war between France and Germany, but also acted as containment method of the growing communist threat, highlighted in the NATO alliance of 1949, which integrated countries of the world more deeply. Overcoming the Franco–German rivalry was of great importance to lessen the tension between the two. Franco–German interests were reconciled by pooling coal and steel resources under a supranational High Authority partly due to the coal rich Rhur region West Germany possessed; this was the Schuman Plan (1950). Consequently, after the foundation had been set out in the Schuman Plan, Jean Monet proposed the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952 with the aim to further establish a common market in coal and steel products, but one with generous provisions for workers' rights. This was largely successful as the removal of tariffs further improved the cooperation and interdependence, which ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The European Union The European Union was initially set up as a means to terminate the conflict that occurred within Europe throughout the 20th century, culminating with the end of The Second World War (WWII) and The Cold War that followed. The EU ultimately aimed to bring the member countries together in order to form an 'ever closer union' between the countries of Europe, thus preventing a future battle. The Union started as the European Economic Community (EEC), which was established in 1957, and over the years endured numerous adjustments to form the politico–economic union that we know of today. Following WWII in 1945, Europe was not only in ruin but was also extremely divided, with a distinct rivalry between France and Germany. In 1947 USA developed The Marshall Plan; a program of aid that donated $13bn towards the recovery of Southern and Western Europe, which led to the receiving nations experiencing rapid economic growth of between 15%–25% . The 50's were dominated by a Cold War; a divide between the Democratic West, led by USA, and the Communist East, USSR. This was a long period of uncertainty in which each side expected the other to invade. It fundamentally developed into a conflict fuelled by propaganda, deceit and spies. Both sides had the new advantage of nuclear weapons, which neither wanted to deploy. The tension seemed unresolvable; it became evident that a solution needed to be arranged and that unity could only be established by a federal Europe. The French Foreign ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The European Union ( Eu ) Following the end of World War II, the European Union (EU) was formed with the aim to advance economic cooperation and interdependence among member states. With the creation of the European Single Market, and the implementation of the Euro as a common currency, the EU has been able to achieve economic and political integration on a supranational and global scale. Each member state agrees to be bound by the rules of the union, and in return they receive economic, political and social benefits. Westphalian sovereignty is not feasible in a system such as the European Union's, for in order to achieve peace, security, and stability, states must abandon their right to self determination (Art. 3 TEU). Membership in the European Union has ... Show more content on ... The creation of the Single European Market led to a major development in economic and political European integration. It is managed by the European Central Bank (ECB) and currently the Euro is used in nineteen EU states. The ECB monitors and regulates the European Union's interest rates. Risks associated with exchange rates disappeared, and the costs are reduced in comparison to individual state currencies. Individuals travelling throughout the Eurozone only need to carry one currency. Not all EU member states share the Euro, states have a free will and may choose whether to adopt the currency or not. Countries can be members of the European Union without sharing the single currency of the Eurozone. Being united by one currency brings political and economic stability to the EU's member states. The Euro creates a larger economy as well as a homogenous market where states are able to co operate towards one common goal. Each member state contributes towards the European Union, through taxes. In return, the money is put into the Eurozone economy. The size of the EU's budget means that it is able to fund collective projects, such as policies governing the agricultural sector, that member states would not be able to fund alone. As seen in Figure 1 (Appendix A), natural resources, such as fisheries and agriculture, represents roughly 40% of the European Union's budget. Agriculture is financed ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The European Union Essay Introduction In the course of fifty years, the European Union has expanded from six countries united under economic treaties to a large collective of twenty–five sovereign nations. Maintaining the union within such a large group has grown more difficult as numerous treaties have been drafted to control the governance of the European Union. To reduce the number of treaties in the union, the convention decided to draft a Constitution, which now moves through the process of ratification in each of the sovereign nations. The Constitution works to set up a basis for the expansion of the Union and the requirements that need to be met when a country seeks entry into the Union. But with the greater controls the EU seeks to place on the ... Show more content on ... The proposal limited the life span of the treaty to fifty years, meaning it would expire in 2002. The treaty "was the first significant step towards European integration going beyond intergovernmentalism, establishing a supranational authority whose independent institutions had the power to bind its constituent member States" . From there, the countries decided to expand their connections with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This treaty created the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Economic Community, both of which helped strengthen economic ties between the countries. The member states strove to create a "common market" amongst themselves by removing trade barriers1. This common market was created slowly with a lengthy transitional period, "during which tariff barriers would be removed and a common external customs tariff set up"2. It was at this point that the High Authority transformed into the Commission, an executive authority within the treaties. The Parliamentary Assembly, Court of Justice and Council of Ministers each then evolved by 1967. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht formally created the European Union through new forms of collaboration in inter–governmental affairs of defense and justice1. One of the original goals for the European Union was to spread jurisdiction in countries to help combat international crime organizations and terrorist movements. The expanded ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Customs Union And The European Union The customs union is first and foremost an essential component of the internal market of the European Union. The customs union is a free trade area with a common external tariff. This is the common external tariff that transforms a free trade area into a customs union. The European Union has also developed a common trade policy with third countries which is a complement of the customs union. The customs union is a central element of the trade policy. The customs union and the common commercial policy are two of five exclusive competences or federal powers of the European Union; the other three are the competition rules, monetary policy and the conservation of marine biological resources. The first object of the Common Market was created ... Show more content on ... 3). It includes twenty–five member states of the European Union with the exception of certain "outermost" regions; the overseas territories and the territorial communities of France are, for example, excluded. It also includes states and territories that are not members of the EU such as Monaco, San Marino, Jungholtz and Mittelberg, as well as Andorra (the latter only for manufactured products). Also part of the customs territory of the territorial sea, the inland maritime waters and the airspace of the Member States of the European Union. The common external tariff has replaced national tariffs (tariffs in particular); it consists of all duties on imports into the territory of the Community of products from third countries. For certain agricultural products the TEC has been replaced by agricultural levies. The resources come from the TEC and agricultural levies form part of own resources and the budget of the European Union. Community preference is to give priority to Community production with imports from third countries to the Community, using three main instruments: customs duties, levies and export refunds. In principle, the TEC applies to agricultural products imported from outside the Community. But for the agricultural products that are subject to market organizations, TEC is replaced by an agricultural levy. The agricultural levy allows to enforce ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The European Union There are few glaring events that will go down in history as the defining geopolitical events of this century. Great Brittan's recent results from a referendum heldon on June 23, 2016 to decide if it should leave the European Union (EU) is one such glaring event. Brexit, the acronym for this referendum, is synonymous with the contemporary populist sentiment supporting nationalism, economic autonomy, curbing immigration, and defying elitist politicians who do not understand the reality of the working classes. As a result of feelings of lost power and economic insecurity by the working class people, the citizens of Britain voted 52% to 48% to leave the EU in hopes of industrial reform. It was a surprise even to those who voted yes to the referendum. Britten has a new Prime Minister, Theresa May, who still needs to work out how the exit will be negotiated within a two year time period. While many Brits believe leaving the union will give back hope to Britain as a country that the EU had taken away, there remain several issues from this vote that have created great uncertainty in Britain and in the world at large. First, the memorandum is being challenged in court, because it should have been an act of parliament. This will delay the Prime Minister's initiation of the Article 50 process that parts Britten from the EU. Second, Britten is divided over the result; those who voted against leaving (the urban elite and younger workers) feel betrayed by the older workers who they ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The European Union Introduction Human dignity, democracy, freedom, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights, these are the core values that comprise the organization: the European Union. From economics to politics, the organization has grown to include most of the European countries. Their policies emphasize the rule of law; meaning every action executed within the organization is founded on treaties, along with the agreement of the participating countries. Its focus continues to promote human rights, as well as making their institution more transparent and democratic. The European Union is constantly growing and refining itself into a world–renowned organization. History The success of the current European Union can be accredit to the diverse group of visionaries that founded the group. These visionaries include Konrad Adenauer, Joseph Bech, Jonah Beyen, Winston Churchill, Alcide De Gasperi, Walter Hallstein, Sicco Mansholt, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Paul–Henri Spaak, and Altiero Spinelli ("The History"). Despite their various backgrounds, these founding fathers had one goal: to make Europe prosperous. The union began as a European Coal and Steel Company (ECSC), which was established by the Treaty of Paris following World War II. This organization consisted of the six founding countries, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. The organization would then rename itself to the European Economic Community (EEC) as a result of the Treaty of Paris as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The European Union As A European Community The European Union formed in 1956, firstly as a European Community until further expansion. "The Union was not the first attempt at European cooperation, but it has been the boldest in conception, the most developed and the most successful," (Watts). With the first countries to join such as Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Holland, then many other countries joining for years after. It was formed in search of mutual benefit between the European countries after the impact that World War II took on Europe, and it created a huge benefit for Europe and its citizens, allowing travel to citizens freely within Europe, but in recent years we have seen a surplus of people wanting to come to Europe. While, the European Union has been a strong advantage for Europe, the open borders have become out of control and the future does not look as promising. With European countries allowing an open border, meaning anyone within Europe could travel and live wherever they pleased was great for the people of Europe, but this now has made complications. "Since 2011, an estimated 200,000 Syrians have died from the conflict within their borders, and close to half of the country's residents have been uprooted. Roughly 3.5 m illion people are categorized as "internally displaced," while 3 million have fled the country," (Hussein). While not all 3 million have been fleeing to Europe, they actually started to escape to their neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan but with ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The European Union reason, the common citizens of Briton believe that exiting the EU is the only way they can solve their economic problems. Thus, the leading party of the United Kingdom has approved a referendum on UK's membership of the European Union. Opinion polls show that British citizens have a different perspective on the issue. A recent study conducted by center for European reform showed that "The younger generation of Britons favors European Union because it offers a good economic prospect. At the same time, the older generation perceives the EU as an anti–democratic institution. Experts form European commission suggests that the possibility of Britain exiting the EU has a profound effect on economics, business, and immigration of policies of Europeans." (Simon, Philip, 9, 67). Even though most people see the economic problem as the main cause of for UK for rejecting the European Union, others also consider the refugee crisis as a pressing issue. A recent study conducted by the royal institute of international affairs show that "attitudes toward immigration are the strongest predictor of whether somebody will vote to leave the EU. Those who feel that immigration is having negative effects on Britain are 50 per cent likely to vote out of EU. In contrast, those who hold more positive attitudes towards immigration are 11 percent more likely to vote in."(Matthew, Milazzo, 8) In the last couple of years Briton has seen a massive increase in the number of immigrants. Most of these ... Get more on ...
  • 11. European Union And The European Crisis Since the inception of the European Union, it has been plagued with numerous problems and currently it is facing in of the biggest problems right after dealing with an economy in recession to a point where Greece had to be bailed out. There is unrest like none other among the European Union member countries to withdrawing from the union led by the United Kingdom. This is in the wake of eastern European being buried in civil war as is the case with Ukraine and the war threatening to spill over to Poland. Its unending war with Russia is leading to the unrest worsening. The United Kingdom as the main driver of the European Union policy driver has been meddling in the affairs of Russia and Ukraine leading to Russia threatening to cut off its oil supply to Europe as it is the main producers and supply of oil to Europe. These factored in with other factors have led to the European crisis s discussed below; Cultural differences The European Union is comprised of member countries that have and practice different cultures and this brings about an effect on how they associate with each other. This divides are along religious line but far from the truth, they aren't based on religious matters. They are on policy and how liberal the countries are in a quest to ensure that they remain in line with their citizens beliefs. In so doing they have formed a difference that the European Union hasn't been able to eradicate and this has led to problems. The difference comes in the way of staunch ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Eu Union Of The European Union Luxembourg is a small country located in between France, Germany, and Belgium. This small country also is one of the founding countries of the European Union. Despite not being vocal as some of the more significant countries, Luxembourg still impacts the European Union. The Council of the European Union, the co–legislative body, has each of the twenty–eight member states rotating as the president of the European Union. The president is not a person, but rather one of the member states. Every 6 months a new member state sets the agenda and leads the Council. Member states try to push agendas in favor of their country. Luxembourg has last held the presidency from July to December 2015. During this presidency, Luxembourg pushed focus on the single market's digital dimension and the migrant crisis facing the European Union. These major concerns do not only concern the European Union but also Luxembourg. A major concern of the European Union not too long ago was the Euro crisis. Luxembourg was thankfully not as impacted by the Euro crisis, but it did impact the EU in its entirety. The European Union and member states like Luxembourg experience a dynamic relationship; the choices and events impacting the EU also impact that member state and the interests of member states like Luxembourg impact the European Union. Despite its stature in the EU, Luxembourg has a principal role as any other country in the European Union. Unlike many of the other member states, Luxembourg is ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The European Union The History: Brexit is the abbreviation nickname given to the 2016 referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to leave their membership in the European Union. In order for the vote to be official they must use a little known provision in their membership clause with the European Union called the Article 50 or the Lisbon Treaty. The European Union was a political and economic cooperation where participating countries used their collective financial and social practices to strengthen social and economic stability. "The European Union began in 1951 as the European Coal and Steel Community, an effort by six nations to heal the fissures of World War II through duty–free trade. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community, or Common Market" (Erlanger 2015). On February 20th 2016 David Cameron Britain's Prime Minister proposed the Referendum for England that would allow a vote to remain or leave the European Union. While David Cameron is in favor of staying in the European his actions prompted many including London's Mayor Boris Johnson and Justice Secretary Boris Johnson to pledge their support for the Leave campaign. Many Britons who voted to leave were worried about increasing strain of European Markets including those found in Greece who were under incredible financial strain from internal economic policies that threatened the entire region. However "This didn 't affect the UK directly, as it uses the pound rather than the Euro. But some Britons ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The European Union History: The European Union is a group of democratic countries, which was founded in 1957, with 6 countries signing the Treaty of Rome. (Roberts, 2008). It was to increase economic prosperity and contribute to an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe and committed to working together e.g. shared currency, financial management, legislative, judicial and executive bodies, regulatory and planning bodies. The main objectives of the EU was to create a unified business environment, the harmonization of company laws and taxation and the freedom of the movement of capital which is closely related to bringing company law of member states into closer agreement. Moreover, The EU set directives for the countries to follow in an attempt to harmonize accounting practices. The two main directives are the fourth directive and the seventh directive, which we will discuss below. IASC was founded in 1973 to form a uniform standard of accounting and financial report to help reduce cost from handling different accounting practices and coordinating them. IASC was restructured to IASB in 2001 to increase the quality of accounting standards and to promote the use and rigorous application of those standards. (IASB, 2015). The objective of IASB is to adjust to the changing environment of international business. (IFRS, 2015).It can help set the accounting standards which are understandable and which are of high quality and is easier to implement. It helps the users to make economic ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Union And The European Union The European Union is an entity that is seen nowhere else in the world. It is not a government, it is not an international organization, and it is not just an association of states. The European Union members, instead, have decided to turnover part of their sovereignty to the Union so that many decisions can be made at the institutions leadership level. This partnership includes 28 diverse democracies built together on the basis of complex treaties. Although the goals of this organization were to assist with expanding economic prosperity, peace and stability throughout its member states, the European Union has been faced with ever–pressing concerns in the recent past that are very serious and may in fact become fatal to the continued coalescing between members. These problems can be categorized into three categories; economic, social, and political. Economically, the last 6 or so years have been nothing short of dismal for the European Union and its members. Due to the diversity among its members own national economic policies, the European Union's economic configuration and its single currency were shown to be somewhat incoherent. The European Union's gross domestic product only grew a measly one percent in 2013, compared to the United States' 2.2 percent growth. In December 2014, unemployment among member nations of the European Union hovered around 11.4 percent, while the United States unemployment rate held at around 5.6 percent. Even though in the U.S. we are ever ... Get more on ...
  • 16. European Union Dbq At the end of World War 2, most countries in Europe were in a wreck. Cities were decimated and economy was failing, it was the time to rebuild. The European Union was an effective way to help Europe rebuild. The EU first started as just a common market for steel and coal, but quickly grew into a union of countries united as one. It is a great opportunity for countries in Europe as the it was created for the sole purpose of preserving peace and preventing another World War on the rebuilding continent. The EU is also very beneficial to countries as it has the best economy in the world, for the peace efforts and the ability to support its members. One of the major benefits of membership in the EU is its strong economy. All members of the EU shares a common market making trade within the EU cheaper and more affordable. According to the CIA World Factbook, The EU has the highest GDP in the world in 2014 with 18.4T ... Show more content on ... Out of the 28 members of the EU, there is ought to be a country with a weaker economy. Based off of Nauro F. Campos, Fabrizio and Luigi Moretti's research, countries that recently joined (2004) the EU like Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary now has an economy much higher than their synthetic GDP. Which is the predicted GDP if they didn't join the EU (Doc B). This information proves that the EU does actually work economically as countries in the organization by improving their economy and supporting them. Another example of this economic growth is Poland. According to Mitchell A. Orenstein, the Polish economy had been growing "rapidly" for 20 years. At more than 4% a year. He also stated that some German industries are able to produce goods in Poland for cheaper than China. These examples show how the EU is able to support its members economically and still benefit the stronger members at the same time. Benefiting both sides brings peace in between the countries, which brings me to this last ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Union Policy Of The European Union What most people don't realise is just how deeply being a member of the European Union affects us in our everyday lives. It doesn't just affect our law and big political issues but also our culture, the NHS and job prospects. In this essay I will only be focusing on a tiny amount of the issues raised out of the enormous range including how being a member of the European Union affects our laws, jobs and immigration. I will try to weigh up all of the arguments for each side and, hopefully, come to a conclusion. Immigration Whether being a member of the European Union is the best thing for the United Kingdom is a very complex issue with many different layers, therefore, making it hard to reach a definite and final verdict without spending ... Show more content on ... This policy evidently has many benefits however most people are seemingly only concerned with the fact that it allows anybody within the EU to immigrate to the UK and we can't refuse them. There has been a huge increase of the number of people coming to live in the UK over the past few years with the UK population reaching 64,596,800 in June of 2015 – almost half a million more than the previous year . However you have to remember that this influx of immigrants isn't just happening in the United Kingdom, it is happening throughout the world on a major scale. For example it was reported that by the 7th June 2015 that over 50,000 migrants had already arrived in Italy after crossing the Mediterranean Sea –from Libya– in treacherous conditions and this is deemed to be only the beginning. There has been a 750% increase in the amount of migrants going to Greece this year, 63% of which are from Syria . The main issue that arises is over who should take these immigrants into their countries within the EU as there are many plans being drawn up to relocate some of them through a quota system, however not everyone wants this. The British Prime Minister David Cameron is one example of people who want to reject the proposal about enforcing quotas of immigrants in EU countries (due to public opinion) and he is not alone in this as many others are of the same view; these include most of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Future Of The European Union What the framework of our constitution can do is organize the way in which we argue about our future. All of its elaborate machinery – its separation of powers and checks and balances and federalist principles and Bill of Rights – are designed to force us into a conversation, a "deliberative democracy" in which all citizens are required to engage in a process of testing their ideas against an external reality, persuading others of their point of view, and building shifting alliances of consent. Barack Obama, 2006 1.0 Introduction In the past years, the possible future of the European Union (EU) has been of increasing interest to social and political scientists as well as the public. Since 2008, the EU has experienced events such as the economic crisis and the 2014 European Parliament election, which have fostered intense debates around the legitimising basis of the EU (Zielonka, 2014). Furthermore, with the election of David Cameron in the 2015 United Kingdom general election even the possibility of the United Kingdom leaving the EU has been discussed. Although many social and political scientists do not believe such a scenario (REFERENCE), one could argue that there is an increasing need for the EU to redefine itself in order not to experience a genuine 'downfall'. Consequently, an alternative theory of EU integration challenging the classical intergovernmental and neofunctional understandings of the EU has gained increasing support among political scientists. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Multilingualism And The European Union MULTILINGUALISM AND LEGAL CERTAINTY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION «Nous ne coalisons pas des Etats, nous unissons des peuples » These words, pronounced by Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of the European Union, well summarize the values underlying the Union's approach towards multilingualism. In the following lines, I will briefly analyse the competing forces that concurred to the introduction of multilingualism in the EU, the main legal issues that it creates in terms of legal certainty and how the CJEU seems to be approaching them. SOME HISTORY The Union's approach to multilingualism is strictly linked to its political transformation from a purely economic entity (ECCS) to a peculiar "new legal order" , which finds its legitimacy in ... Show more content on ... Council Regulation 1/58, which significantly was the first act of the EEC, recognizes today 23 official and working languages of the Union. "UNITED IN DIVERSITY" EU multilingualism constitutes the result of historical and political tensions. As the Union's legal system as a whole, it reflects a compromise between the Member States' will to both protect their sovereignty and national identity and to enhance their cooperation . On the one hand, language, as an expression of sovereignty, represents a symbolic affirmation of power that Member States have traditionally been reluctant to give up . On the other hand, the EU represents a "reaction" to the negation of rights of the II WW, which inter alia lead to the strong affirmation of national languages over the foreign and minority ones . This is why the Treaties embedded almost from the outset those individual linguistic rights recognized only a few years earlier by Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this sense, the Union's multilingualism can be seen both negatively, as preservation of the national identities of its Member States, and positively, as one of its most ambitious democratic goals. LEGAL ISSUES OF EUROPEAN MULTILINGUALISM EU multilingualism creates however a number of legal issues. Firstly, having more than one "official language" inevitably leads to incoherencies between the different versions of the same legal
  • 20. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The European Union ( Eu ) In this essay I will discuss why and how the European Union (EU) was set up and the advantages and disadvantages of membership. The EU was set up after World War II in 1939– 1945, bringing harmony and peace among the EU. I will also explain and evaluate the political and economic situation between Post War Europe and understand the historical development of the European Union. Post War Europe had been largely affected by the Second World War and having a huge factor to play in this was the rise of communism. This meant that such beneficial and valuable things such as gold, oil and diamonds were falling in demand in the economy. George C. Marshall a military leader from Virginia pushed a plan to help rebuild Europe after the war this is ... Show more content on ... The French Foreign minister, Robert Schuman proposed the creation of the Franco– German production of ECSC to provide setting up of the common foundations for economic development as a first step in the federation of Europe. This created a common high authority within the framework of an organization in which other European countries could participate economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The Minister Robert Schuman invited other states to join this treaty based on the idea that European unity is the key to peace. Solidarity in production he said would make war between France and Germany 'not merely unthinkable but materially impossible' The ECSC began to consolidate European countries in order to shelter unity and peace. There were six founders that played this part. Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands all united and began negotiating a treaty. After becoming the founding fathers of the European Union in 1951 they influenced the creation of the EU we live in today, sharing inspiring ideas to unite the EU in a peaceful manner. Setting out objectives and rules for the EU institutions the founding fathers amended to make the EU more efficient and transparent to prepare for new member countries; introducing new areas of cooperation. The EU treaties sought closer economic, social, and political ties to achieve ... Get more on ...
  • 22. European Commission Of The European Union European Commission This is the part of the EU which is designed to uphold the interests of the EU as a whole, not an EU member state individually. Each member must not be biased to their national state. It as many responsibilities that include; – To draft laws and proposals for the parliament and council to consider – To implement European laws – Works alongside the court of justice to make sure that the EU laws are followed – Represents the EU international area Court of Justice This court has the task of ensuring that all 27 members of the EU has its law applied equally throughout. Most of the cases referred to the tem by the national courts of the member states. EU Decision Making When making a decision, the EU members have to go ... Show more content on ... Representatives from the commission must also attend the meetings to join in with the discussion because they were the ones who wanted to introduce the law. Once an agreement has been reached, the agreed text is then sent to the council as well as the parliament for a final reading so that the law can finally be adopted. Consultation – Under the decision making procedure the commission gives its proposal to the parliament and council, just like the co–decision procedure, but in this case it is the council that must take responsibility for consulting with parliament as well as other EU bodies. In all cases, parliament can: – Approve the proposal made by the commission – Reject the proposal – They can also ask for amendments to be made Assent – This is the method of making decisions in which the council must obtain the European parliaments agreement before decisions are made. This procedure is exactly the same as the consultation procedure, apart from the fact that the parliament cannot amend the proposal: It must either be accepted or rejected. EU's decisions affecting UK Public Services These are some of the EU's decisions which affect the UK's public services: Single currency – In 1999 the European Union introduced a single currency. This is called the euro. The euro became the legal currency of 11 EU states; however, the UK and Denmark opted out. Of the 27 EU members, 16 of them have the euro as ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The European Union Essay As former Prime Minister David Cameron stated, "A vote to leave is the gamble of the century. And it would be our children's futures on the table if we were to roll the dice" (Ketil). On June 23, more than half of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. A myriad of UK's citizens had no knowledge of what their vote would do.1 In the United States, the electoral college elects the president while taking in the consideration of the public's vote. When the public voted on the referendum, they believed it was an opinion poll and higher officials would vote somewhat based on the people's standpoint, such as how America's democracy works. Britains want to be able to expand without the EU's assistance but profound consequences awaits. Society should be against Britain's exit because it will change immigration reforms, plummet trade agreements, lead to the crash of the euro currency, and for more other reasons. The European Union was created mainly to bring political strength, economical stability, and unity to Europe (Wilkinson). The idea arose after WWII when leaders realized it was much easier getting the goods and services needed to rebuild from neighboring countries. Rebuilding was a bigger priority than having to concur on trade agreements and pay extra money, money that they didn't have, on tariffs. 28 out of 50 countries in Europe decided to join the union. It's main economic focus has been to have a free trade agreement within the nations ("What Is the EU? – ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The European Union Essay The European Union 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. MISSIONS AND VISIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 1.2. THE GENERAL VIEW OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 1.3. THE LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT FOR EUROPEAN UNION 2 2. THE EUROPEAN UNION 4 2.1. HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 4 2.1.1. HOW THE EU WAS BUILT 4 2.1.2. MEMBER STATES OF ... Show more content on ... The Union's functions are spreading from purely economic and monetary up to the social and security matters; it has become an integral part of government for almost each European country. The missions and visions for the European Union we seek is really the big picture of the Union that we have in our mind for the future of this organization. Thus we need to come together and look out for what the picture is like and where does the overlapping occur. 1.2. THE GENERAL VIEW OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Although an implicit agreement seems to have been reached that European Union is something much more than simply an international organization of a kind, there seems to be no distinct vision of what it is then. What is European Union? What should we call it? What should we compare it to? Or is it completely unique and incomparable? The issue of the basic idea of the European Union is something that should be elaborated by especially a convention like this. It is important that the people of the Union make it clear for themselves what they see in it and what they would like to see. If the union is unique, can we define it somehow? I think this convention should try to seek out the innovative ideas that are not limited by the traditional ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The European Union ( Eu ) When it was first founded in 1958, the European Union (EU) was a small organization of only six countries and was referred to as the European Economic Union. Created in the aftermath of World War II, they believed it's first steps should be to foster economic cooperation between countries using the idea that "countries that trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid conflict." Today, it has evolved into an organization, which includes 28 members, that spans across a variety of policy areas including health, environment, and external relations and security. The EU is based on the rule of law which states "everything it does is founded on treaties, voluntarily and democratically agreed by its member countries." It is governed by the principle of a representative democracy. Citizens are directly represented at Union level in the European Parliament and Member States are represented in the European Council and the Council of the EU. Since the European Union's founding over fifty years ago, there have been many changes and issues that have both positively and negatively impacted its existence. The most recent issues include persistent tension, economic depression, the rise of anti–EU, and a lack of leadership. Because the European Union is made up of multiple countries, lead by multiple leaders, there is obviously going to be some types of conflict among the nations. A common topic that is widely disagreed on is the enlargement of the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The European Union The European Union was formed after WW2 in the late 1940s. The main purpose behind the establishment of the European Union was to end the period of wars between neighbouring countries and unite all of Europe as one strong economy. The nations officially started joining the European Council in 1949. The initial six nations that acted as founding members for the European Union were Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherland (European Commision, 2014). Overtime, more nations joined in and united 28 countries till 2015. The additional countries that joined in included Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom (European Commision, 2015). The European Union was created to strengthen the economy of the continent and to provide a better quality life to the general population of Europe. Also, uniting countries provided combat and military advantages through power in numbers. The single European Act was signed in 1987 with the aim of eventually creating a "single market" for trade. This policy allowed for easier trade, more citizen interaction on issues such as the environment and security, and easier travel through the different countries. This time was generally recognized as the period when the modern EU arose due to the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Union Of The European Union Brexiters are desperate and angry with everything and everyone that suggests that the British people should vote to remain in the European Union in the 23 June 2016 referendum. The recent victim of their desperation and ire has been no less a personage than the US President Barrack Obama himself. President Obama was in London recently to wish the Queen her happy 90th birthday and help Prime Minister David Cameron win the referendum in which the British people will vote whether they want to remain in the EU or leave. The Leave campaigners have sought to create a bubble that Britain outside the EU will be a prosperous paradise at the center of the universe, free from pesky European countries. But Obama punctured their bubble by announcing that Britain outside the EU will be less powerful, less secure, and less prosperous, and it will have to wait for five to 10 years to sign a trade agreement with the United States. That was shattering for the Leave campaign. Boris Johnson, the leader of the Leave campaign and mayor of London, was so angry that he descended into the invective. He said President Obama had anti–colonial mindset obtained from his Kenyan father. Although the reference was made to the removal of British Prime Minister Churchill 's from the Oval Office, the mayor was angry because of his intervention on behalf of the Remain campaign. The anger has been on the rise, especially after the latest opinion polls have given a slight edge to the Remain campaign over ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The European Union ( Eu ) The European Union (EU) is the most successful supranational organization in the world to promote and spread democracy. Without the values and result–based monitoring systems structured through this organization, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and ultimately the entire world would be a significantly different place. The EU's uniqueness and undeniable success stems from its strategic use of integration as key to enlargement and the effective 'Europeanization' of countries. Though there are dissenters who would argue the European Union's lack of effectiveness in the enlargement process since 1989, there is value in noting that enlargement is an on–going phenomenon and not an entity with an expiry date. Europe, in the aftermath of World War Two was, in Tony Judt's words, "utterly shattered, hopeless, and exhausted." Any publication written about this time period will emphasize that the war was a dramatically civilian experience, especially considering the long lasting mental strain of the interwar period. Although this terror did not end post–1945 for the Balkans and most of Eastern Europe, the changed international environment in the 1990s provided new opportunities for the promotion of democracy. With this dreadful snapshot of post–1945 Europe illustrated, it becomes evident that Europe is a legacy built around war, and despite this has been one of the most successful supranational organizations in democracy promotion. What began as nothing more than a trading bloc through ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The European Union ( Eu ) Introduction The European Union (EU) is not a typical international organization. With a mixture of supranational and intergovernmental institutions, its unique structure has become a distinctive political system with some resembles a federation. With no path to trace, the EU must determine which direction it should follow suit. However, these difficult discussions foster constant dispute over how much further integration of member states should proceed. Support for the EU moving towards a federation faces opposition by euro–sceptics who believe further integration should be taken with caution. After the initial project of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was launched by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. Six European ... Show more content on ... Background Driven by the desire to prevent another World War, many of the founding fathers of the European union envisioned a federalist Europe. Monnet was adamant on the idea that the center of the community should exist a supranational body. Originally established after World War Two, what is now the European Union was formally the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The ECSC was established on the basis that trade and pooling of both commodities would prevent rearmament and another war. Established on the 18th April 1951, by the Treaty of Paris, the founding six member states ( France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) have expanded until it tripling in size. Today, after rapid phases and slower periods of integration, the EU is composed of 28 member–states after. Over 60 years of enlargement, the European union has yet to has still not reached its territorial limits, with numerous application still being processed. Undefined frontiers exist in the Balkans and Turkey, as well as in eastern Europeans regions. With economic interdependence, European countries have united economically and politically with the goal of maintaining peace. The question yet to be answered is, how far and deep should political integration go? Federalism Defined The functions of the European Union are often compared ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Globalization And The European Union There are in some areas of globalization that can cause drawbacks, which were made prevalent with the European Union. The main drawback within the European Union was its economy. If one country within the organization were to have economic crisis then that country would affect all other country members. This was made clear in 2010 with the economic crisis presented in Greece. Many other countries within the Union were left to bail out the Greece economy; which in turn, hurt their own economies. The situation with Greece and the other European Union members is still a current issue; however, Union members say that they will continue to contribute to struggling economies. The world will continue to globalize businesses, economies, and ... Show more content on ... As of 2012, only seventeen of members of the European Union have decided to use Euros as their currency. In order for the members that adopted the Euro as their currency to successfully help their economic problems, the Eurozone members had to follow strict instructions put into place the European Union. The strict policies included strict control over inflation, government debt, and long–term interest rates (Mckee 525). The union put these strict policies into place to give the union the tools that it needed to take in order to help fix the economic crisis in each country participating in the Eurozone. Without the full cooperation of each country, it could cause the plans to fix the economic crisis within each country to fail because of the different interests by each individual country. Addressing some issues, the European Union decided to issue 750 million Euros in order to start the process of financial stability for the whole union (Mckee 524). Over time, the union learned that that the amount of money was not enough in order to help each countries' individual financial crisis. As of now, the union has to increase the amount of money they are feeding to countries in hopes of fixing the economic issues. The continuing issue with the European Union's economic plans is finding the money to keep funding countries with low economic growth. Furthermore, the union also has to figure out how to deal with the issues that are outside of the European Union's borders. In ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The European Union It is true that the European Union is taking the steps to have the rebuilding of security against terrorism. The military forces have started to take the actions in order to cope with the increasing issue of terrorism. However, it is also true that the miss–conception has been formed regarding the image of Muslims in the Europe as they are being subjected to wrong treatments for the terrorist impressions as research reports that "...The Ministry of Defense decided to deploy 10,500 soldiers to sensitive areas, with nearly half of them assigned to the protection of the country 's 717 Jewish schools..." The news has also reported the Muslims as being the angry citizens whom have presented the light of terrorism that present across the border ... Show more content on ... The current image of the Muslims portrayed by the media is wrong as they consider Muslims to be responsible for the terrorism as well, as the author Robert Leiken stated in his article as "Jihadist networks span Europe from Poland to Portugal, thanks to the spread of radical Islam among the descendants of guest workers once recruited to shore up Europe 's postwar economic miracle...". This statement given by the article clearly shows that the element of ethos has been neglected totally in terms of the Muslims because they have been subjected directly towards the terrorism aspect irrespective of the fact that there are much evidences to support this argument or not. This is the reason why the Muslims have been subjected to suspicion treatments in countries like the United States because of the Al–Qaida experiences, which the United States previously had . According to the source, "Europe Angry Muslims", there has been a state of anger among the people regarding the image of Muslims. This news has also reported the Muslims being the angry citizens who have presented the ray of terrorism present across the border of the United States with that of Mexico. This report has also presented the way that the Muslims are considered to be belonging from the radical Islam as stated by the author. He has tried to convince the readers and calling these ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The European Union The European Union was created by the idea and hope for unity and integrity. However, as it enlarges to 28 countries, many problems arise. The Union 's inability to find its place in the divided and dynamical modern world leads to it having more of a supportive role to greater powers as Russia and the US. The countries within it are severely divided and unable to reach a common strategy concerning major issues and if they not resolve this lack of coherence, the EU risks to be pushed in the sidelines and to lose its international reputation as a consolidated unity. One of the main reasons for the division of the European countries, is dictated by the different opinions concerning the political relations with the US and Russia. For example, during the war in Iraq, the EU lacked any sign of unity concerning the support of the US military action. On the one side stood Britain that supported the Bush administration, and on the other France and Germany were crafting an anti–war strategy. (Peterson, 2004) This major clash between certain EU countries with the US led to the Transatlantic rift. Even though a conclusion was reached, the member states still remained divided concerning the question of reconstruction of Iraq. As the French Foreign Minister, Hubbert Verdine, stated: "its hard to take responsibility of a war we thought was wrong, now that the United States find itself in a traditional colonial trap" (Peterson, 2004). Yet even though the lack of coherence made the EU ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Union Of The European Union Brexiters are angry now, especially after US President Barrack Obama 's recent visit to the United Kingdom. They are so angry and troubled that they descended into ad hominem against the US president. President Obama was in London to with the Queen her happy 90th birthday and tell the British people that voting to leave the European Union in the 23 June 2016 referendum is a terrible idea. It was in sharp contrast to what the Leave campaigners had been promising them. The Leave campaigners have been trying to create a bubble that Britain outside the European Union will be a prosperous paradise at the center of universe, free from pesky European countries. But Obama punctured their bubble by telling the British that Britain outside the EU will be less powerful, less secure, and less prosperous and it will have to wait for five to 10 years to sign a trade agreement with the United States. Boris Johnson, the leader of the Leave campaign and mayor of London, was so angry that he descended into the invective. He said President Obama had anti–colonial mindset obtained from his Kenyan father. Although the reference was made to the removal of British Prime Minister Churchill 's from the Oval Office, the mayor was angry because of his intervention on behalf of the Remain campaign. The anger has been on the rise, especially after the latest opinion polls have given about 3% edge to the Remain campaign over the Leave campaign. Before that, Britain was divided almost in the middle at ... Get more on ...
  • 34. European Integration And The European Union Over the years as the European identity developed, it inevitably came across the issue of justice and home affairs (JHA) and to what extant it had dictation over its member states' borders. As the European Community and later the European Union established and expanded its policies over issues such as asylum, immigration and police, judicial cooperation, many began to criticize the European Union saying it was relinquishing the sovereignty of its member states. As the mandate over justice and home affairs moved from the national level to the European level, the EU had to figure how much jurisdiction they could have over member states' borders without imposing on the national governments or living up to its reputation as 'Fortress Europe.' I. The Initial Cooperation As the European Community continued to grow, immigration became a more prominent problem. There were increased movements between Western European countries as well as increases in labor and family unification migration. After World War 2, Western Europe became a major place for immigration and so now not only was there mass movements between the western countries, but also mass movements from outside countries. All of this led to a spike in asylum applications and greater concern over cross–border organized crime as it strained the border controls of the Western European countries dealing with so much migration. As immigration continued to rise and the border patrols weakened, there was a need for greater ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Crisis Of The European Union Inflation, crisis, recession, fear, unemployment rise, debt, and depression are some of the commonly used phrases in relation to failing economies. There are many different factors that contribute to the downfall of an economy, whether it be the political structure, the aftermath of a war, or the role of government itself. A failing economy's severity can vary based on the specific country's situation. In comparison to the world, there have been a few countries under the European Union that have continually worsened economically through the years: Greece and Spain. To understand the economic issues arising in Greece and Spain, one must have an understanding on the basis of the European Union. The European Union (EU) came into existence on ... Show more content on ... 3). There have been a number of factors contributing to Greece's fiscal crisis– both endogenous and exogenous. When focusing on the endogenous causes of the fiscal crisis, "there is no doubt that running consistently widening public deficits in conjunction with declining external competitiveness played a decisive role on the deteriorating fiscal stance of the Greek economy" (Kouretas, Vlamis, 2010, 394). Greece's deficit has risen to 12.7%, which is more than four times higher than the European rules have allowed (BBC News, 2010, para. 8). On the other hand, the main exogenous implication is the timing of response. "The Eurozone governments failed to give a clear signal indicating their readiness to support Greece, while the Greek fiscal crisis was escalating," because many EU Member States were unsure of how much assistance they could individually given to a country in financial difficulty (Kouretas, Vlamis, 2010, 396). In addition, Greece has been facing problems with the underground economy, which is also known as the "shadow economy." The shadow economy focuses on criminal activity, such as drugs sales, smuggling, gambling, etc. and focuses on legal transactions that are conducted in cash and unreported to fiscal or other competent authorities (Katsios, 2006, 62). Greece has been accountable for about 27–30% of the GNP for the underground economies in comparison to various European countries (67). With all these financial issues going on in Greece, there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The European Union ( Eu ) The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental union of European states composed of 28 countries. The EU's emphasis is to encourage economic and social harmony between nations. There are advantages of being part of the European Union such as assurance of worker's rights, low–cost of products and free movement. Despite the benefits, the EU has caused countries to expend a high amount of money on the membership and it has also lead to overpopulation and inequality between big and smaller countries. The European Union was created with the aim of preventing wars between European countries. In 2012, the EU won the Nobel Peace prize due to the contribution to peace and reconciliation in Europe. Being part of the EU not only avoids conflict ... Show more content on ... With these conveniences, citizens have better work and education opportunities. The EU have created their own currency, there euro. Currently, 18 out of 28 European countries have adopted the euro. Adopting a single currency for all the members of the EU is vital for a unified society and for the elimination of fees implicated in currency exchange. It also facilities business transactions and traveling through Europe. In addition, a single currency promotes economic equality between all the counties when obtaining supplies. Currently, the prices of cars in the United Kingdom are overprice compared to any other places. Implementing the euro throughout all Europe would reduce the price disparities, eliminate exchange rates, create unity among countries and improve the economic growth. Above all, the EU also brings economic and political disadvantages. Being a member of the European Union is expensive. The cost varies from £300 and £873 per head of every country. The issue is that countries such as the United Kingdom pay more than what they get back from the EU budget. Their cost of membership is £15bn gross or £6.883 billion net (Disadvantages of EU Membership). Around 40% of the money is spend toward the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and had resulted in high price of goods and oversupply. Due to this issues, the EU had to purchase the surplus which resulted in a huge lost of money. In addition to the amount of money that is being spent, much ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Formation Of The European Union The formation of the European Union was a turning point in the stability of relationships between European countries, allowing the exploration of true diplomacy among the nations, and it brought along the possibility of peace through the exchange of people and support. The European Union was jump started and driven by its desire to be able to stay in economic competition with both the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The purpose of the European Union (EU) was to bring European countries together to help ease both political and economic relationships in Europe. The formation of this group made up of a "family" of democratic European countries was created for the sole purpose of mutually beneficial economic and political peace which was exactly what was needed in the 1950's. The EU is unique so unlike anything that has ever been, and the idea for it came to be while the world was still recovering from the catastrophic economic affects that were brought along by World War II which ended in 1945. Europe was drastically affected by the war having been caught in the middle, and since most of Europe was used as a battlefield a lot of it was left to nothing more than rubble. European countries quickly came to the realization that if they ever had to handle this sort of situation again in the future they would again fall, and thus began the inspiration for a change. They came to the conclusion that the more ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Report On The European Union The European Union contains just 7% of the world's population, but produces 1/3 of the world's Gross National Product (Delegation of the EU to the US). A single market merges all 28 countries of the EU into one economic free–trade zone with no trade tariffs imposed on one another. The EU accounts for 51% of all trade that the UK conducts with the world (The Data Team 2). Since its admittance to the Union in 1973, Britain's economy has grown from 326 million Euros per capita to 6,116 million Euros per capita in quarter four of 2012. Despite its economic benefits, many have voiced concern over its undemocratic practices. In a summary of the court case Van Loos v. Netherlands Inland Revenue administration, the European Union decided to strike ... Show more content on ... In order to recover from its economic losses, President Schuman of France proposed a single market for the free trade of coal and steel. In an address delivered to the French Assembly, he remarked, "The pooling of coal and steel production... will change the destinies of those regions which have long been devoted to the manufacture of munitions of war, of which they have been the most constant victims." President Schuman's motives were not only the rebuilding of Europe's economy, but also the assurance that Germany and France would never get into another war again. In 1951, the Treaty of Paris was officially signed establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (European Commission). The countries of Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, West Germany, and Italy were the first countries to join. As these countries experienced economic success, they hoped to expand the Coal and Steel Community to something much more vast. In the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Economic Community was established (CVCE). The EEC didn't just allow the free trade of coal and steel, but also eliminated all trade tariffs completely. This enticed other countries including Britain to join the Community. As the EEC continued to expand and prosper, it also started venturing into the role of governing. It sought to emulate the model of that of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. European Union Essay The European Union has been a success as an international organization The European Union is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries. According to the Article 3 of the European Union Treaty, Union's aim is to promote peace, its values and the well–being of its peoples. It is based on the values of freedom, democracy, equality, law enforcement and respect for human rights and dignity. The European Union played a very important role in transforming post–communist countries into democratic states with functioning market economies and the rule of law. The massive transfer of institutional and legal know–how from member ... Show more content on ... A common trade policy, a common agricultural policy, many aspects of social and environmental policy, and a common currency (the euro) that is used by it member states. One of the most remarkable successes of the European Union is ensuring peace and stability is maintained in Europe and other parts of the world. Prior to the formation of the union, European nations experience disharmony related to both World War I and II. The first step towards peace building was the formation of European Coal and Steel Community. Since then, the union has formulated several peace policies with the aim of ensuring peace thrive amongst members and their associates. EU does is about bringing people in Europe closer together. It tries to make it easier for Europeans to buy and sell things to each other. This is done by changing the rules that control trade. The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Moreover, the societies of the Member States are characterised by pluralism, non–discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men. These values play an important role, especially in two specific cases. The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The European Union ( Eu ) The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental organization of states that includes 28 countries that are spread over Western Europe and more recently includes some Eastern European countries as well. Shortly after World War II various countries and governments in Europe started to grow closer together to help strengthen themselves economically as well as make it much less likely that another world war would be much less likely to happen. Over time, these Western European countries grew closer together and the European Union was born. The member countries of the European Union are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. In the future the European Union will have to make some hard decisions on whether or not to join closer together militarily and also on how to react to emerging threats such as those posed by an antagonistic Russia which is becoming more powerful in the region. There is also much speculation on which, if any countries will join in the future or if the European Union will even be relevant in the future. With so many economies tied together it certainly makes a union on such a massive scale seem ripe for failure. In order to reduce the chance of war and increase the economic strength of European countries, the ... Get more on ...