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Jennings Uncensored
See what Lainee has to say this time, pg. 14
Braden River High School
up close and personal.
February 2012 Volume 5 Issue 3
Disappearing Act
Check out the Republican horse race, pg. 16
what’s inside?
Join the debate and
read opinions & view
points of other students.
Check it out, page 4.
Is Chivalry
10 More Minutes
Statistics and facts about
the importance of sleep
for growing teens,
page 2.
Life & Features
Evolution of Technology
See how dating and
relationships have
transformed over the
decades, page 5.
British Music
The phenomena of
artists from overseas is
hitting America. Check
these groups out, page
Liftin’ Ladies
Lady Pirate Weightlifters
are taking over and
excelling in a male
dominated sport. Read
about them, page 13.
Clothes for Bros
Get some guys fashion tips on, pg. 7
See a review of the
most recent Pirate
Player production,
Hunchback of Notre
Dame, page 13.
by Thomas Reese & Jordan Sanders
Recently, in an attempt to fight online piracy,
a bill has been introduced to the United States
to shut down any website that offers downloads of
pirated files such as music and movies. 	
These bills, known as SOPA (Stop Online
Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act,) would give
the United States Justice Department the power
to prevent these websites from obtaining funds to
run their sites by cutting off U.S advertisements.
This process works by allowing court orders
to shut down websites that contains copyright
infringement or any pirated material, whether they
know that it is illegal or if they are ignorant to it.
The overwhelming resistance to these new
bills is caused by the fear that these new powers
would shut down sites that are unknowingly
providing access to pirated material. This
means that if you upload a picture to your
website, like Tumblr or Blogspot, that is not
100 percent yours your site could be shut down
without notice and without due process of law.
What many people are not aware of is that
SOPA would cause even websites like Youtube
and, possibly, Facebook to shut down completely.
The act does not remove or flag only
specific songs that are considered pirated
content, it simply removes the site completely.
“Pirated content” can be as straightforward and
insignificant as a little girl singing her favorite
song, with her mother posting it on Youtube. If
SOPA was passed (aside from blocking Youtube
altogether), that little girl’s mother could
risk receiving a fine for thousands of dollars.
The blockage of sites like Youtube, or any
website that offers streaming music for free
can alter the way that famous artists promote
their music. Many artists use these websites
to not only spread their songs around, but to
gain popularity also. If these sites were taken
away, artists would find themselves at a loss.
Local musicians or music students in high
school and college would bedeeply affected as well.
Senior, Kris Carrier said, “With music being
a part of my daily life I often need to listen to the
pieces that I play to understand the style of the
music. SOPA would make it much harder to obtain
the recordings, because of the ability to block
the sites that have them. All I have to do now is
search for a song and have it streaming through my
speakers in just a few seconds, which helps share
styles and new ideas of music around the country.”
SOPA will also stunt journalism around the
web. If the internet is to be severely restricted,
the amount of information that the public
has access to today would lesson greatly.
Journalism has been straying away from
newspapers for decades, ever since the creation
of the television, and even more recently,
since the creation of blogs, due to the plethora
of sources available. SOPA and PIPA would
take away many of these common sources
that people have become accustomed to.
Everyone who could be impacted
by them feels as threatened by the laws.
“Since it’s not affecting anything in
my browsing experience on the web thus
far, I’m not concerned by these two bills
at the moment,” said junior, Sophie Bayer.
However one may feel about them, the
introduction of these pieces of legislation
have now caused people to focus on the
lack of internet laws there are and what
action to take in order to defend free rights.
“I don’t think this is fair because it limits the
access people have to music who might not be
able to afford it,” said senior, Mackenzie Meola.
“Music should be shared around the world.”
Daughter of
a Preacher
A Farm
on the
We have received a lot of questions about the identity
of Pirate Peggy. Since we can’t tell you who she is,
we figured we could at least tell you who she isn’t.
After the second semester settles in, and the apathy of
the final push begins to rear its ugly head, many students
start to think, “high school is so pointless, so why am I
even here?” These are all sure signs of laziness, but also
something completely normal called sleep deprivation.
High school student are scientifically proven to
need more sleep due to their rapidly growing bodies
and increased melatonin levels. Melatonin is the
chemical that regulates our sleeping schedules, and in
the morning. This large amount is what makes students
feel so tired. Data shows that it is difficult for teens to
fall asleep before 11 p.m and that their minds do not
come out of sleep mode until 8 a.m, regardless of
what time people fall asleep. Therefore, it is perfectly
normal to feel tired, especially at six in the morning
when a person wakes up and has to get ready for school.
This epidemic of sleep deprivation in students is
directly affecting academic performance and dropout rates
in high schools aroundAmerica. In a study that was done in
a Minneapolis high school, first period was changed from
teachers, and parents, a plethora of benefits were shown
such a significant reduction in school dropout rates, less
depression, and students reported earning higher grades.
“During exam week, that extra hour of sleep helps
so much! When I get to class at 8:40 I feel so much more
awake compared to 7:45,” stated junior Danielle Provan.
The cycle repeats itself every day for high school
students. Waking up exhausted, getting through
school all day barely awake, then it’s either off to
extracurricular activities or home to try and catch
up on loss of sleep, and then staying up late to finish
home work, simply because our bodies do not allow
us to fall asleep properly. That’s not even including the
Whether it’s the most heroic or the most ridiculous
thing you’ve ever seen, a superhero’s costume is their
bread and butter. It’s how you identify them and it pushes
the limit on dress code, to say the least.
Let’s start with female heroes. They don’t seem to
like wearing anything more than a bathing suit into battles,
which can’t be very safe. Ms. Marvel’s got a spandex
leotard with matching gloves and thigh high boots, paired
with a red sash and one of those little masks that make
you look like a thief in a Sunday morning cartoon strip.
Very interesting, but a more practical approach would be a
Kevlar vest. Other fem fatales like Starfire, Raven, Dagger,
Songbird, and Jean Grey have gone through periods of
trouser-less attire. Recently, Wonder Woman adopted a
leather jacket and leather slacks over top her classic red
and gold ensemble. Her new look can be credited to the
evolving image of women in media, and they can now rock
pants and still sell comics.
As for studios in general, DC makes things that look
really good on paper, but if you look closer these guys
wear some of the strangest things. Aquaman has a skin
tight shirt made out of fish scales. The proper reaction
to that is confusion with a hint of disgust. How do you
make a shirt out of fish scales? His Marvel counterpart,
The Sub-Mariner isn’t much better. He wears a fish scale
speedo. The problem may be with the underwater theme,
so I won’t count that one against DC, but try and explain
The Flash. A solid red tracksuit is practically impossible to
see in a real life situation. If he makes an appearance at the
London Olympics maybe it’ll be appropriate, but ‘til then
it’s just a joke. Batman’s suit is pretty dang cool, mostly
because it’s believable because it serves the practical
purpose of protecting the hero. The black makes him look
less heroic, which is perfect for his character. Now his
sidekick, Robin, isn’t as cool. The original Robin (there
have been like four now) was a circus performer, and I
think he brought his tights with him because he owns the
shortest shorts in Gotham. Add in his cape and signature
mask and it’s decent, but with some pants it would have
been even better.
Over to Marvel. They have a wide spectrum, leaning
from slightly kooky to the coolest thing you’ve ever
seen. I’ve always liked how the X-Men dress. I admire
Cyclops’s sweet visor, Wolverine’s funky head piece, and
even Gambit’s overcoat. Say what you will, but they have
style. Hulk, not so much. Purple pants. That’s it. We
obviously know what Spiderman wears, though it looks
quite troublesome to put together with all the intricate
webs. A lesser-known hero by the alias ‘Iron Fist’ intrigues
me greatly. He is some master kung-fu man that wears a
combination of obnoxious colors and classic dojo attire.
Moon Knight’s another one. If you know nothing about
him, he’s insane and enjoys punishing crime way too
much, but his all white suit and schizophrenic personality
make him stand out. Plenty of reasons why all white is a
bad idea, but it’s what he is sticking with.
What these heroes wear is really up to them, and
it says a lot about their character. Captain America is
patriotic, Thor is tough, Superman starts with an S, it goes
on and on. Everyday people are the same way, so what
are you saying with your clothes? That’s what fashion
is, a form of communication. I won’t pretend I know
everything about fashion, but I know I dress how I like to
look. The t-shirt converse combination is my thing, and
whatever that makes me is what I want to be. Superheroes
may not be the place to pick up fashion tips, but they
know who they are.
Ten More Minutes Please!by Abby Sugden
students that have a part time job which can sometimes
keep them later than 10 p.m., which can cause them to
be up until the morning hours finishing assignments.
When you look around your classroom, no matter
what subject you are in, you will most likely find one
or more students either completely sleeping or nodding
off. It could be because they are truly falling asleep
from boredom, but more than likely it is a case of being
in “sleep debt.” Sleep debt occurs when people do not
sleep enough for several nights in a row. Even staying
home for a whole day and sleeping, like many kids do
on the weekends, is still not enough to cancel out sleep
deprivation.To get out of “sleep debt” students should sleep
an extra hour or two a night, which is almost impossible
when they have to wake up at six o’clock for school.
Senior superlative winner for ‘Most Likely to Sleep in
Class’, Travis Jurgovan, commented on the issue of sleep
debt. “I’m actually a pretty active guy, I exercise and eat
properly, but for some reason I’m still always tired during
always helps but I can’t find time during the school week.”
The probability of schools around the nation
actually deciding to postpone their first bell is slim to
none right now. But students can make the best of the
situation and choose to follow a few of these helpful tips.
Organization is key; you should try to organize your
time better by not procrastinating to do assignments the
night before, move your after school nap time to 9 p.m.
to have an extra jumpstart on sleep, and even go to bed
a bit earlier on weekends to keep your sleep schedule
in line. There is nothing worse than having an out of
sync sleeping schedule. Each of these simple tips can
help enable teens to have a much healthier sleeping
pattern and can ultimately prevent sleep deprivation.
Computers in general are rapidly becoming
more and more essential to the success of an average
student, especially in high school. Now, the Florida
Department of Education hopes to make the transition
from the seemingly outdated paper-and-pencil
version to the modern computer-based version of the
Florida Comprehension Assessment Test (FCAT).
Last year, the 10th grade FCAT Mathematics
and Mathematics Retakes were taken in the computer-
based version. Algebra 1, Biology 1, and Geometry
End of Course exams were also computerized.
The specific tests to be administered in the computer
version this spring are grades six and 10 FCAT 2.0
Reading and FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake. Other End
of Course exams will also be taken on the computer.
Schools in Florida went through several
phases to ensure the stability of the computer-
based assessment. One of the phases was a trial in
which all 1,760 schools were asked to participate in.
The transition will be gradual. By the school year 2013-
2014, almost all of the FCAT test will be administered on the
Many students will struggle with the transition from
the paper-and-pencil based version of the FCAT to the
computer based version. Resulting scores will reflect
not only the student’s intellect and knowledge, but their
technological capabilities. This gives an unfair advantage
to those who work well with computers over those who
prefer to work on paper, and does not give the traditional
students the tools they have grown up with. This transition
leaves one wondering if the advantages of changing really
outweigh the disadvantages of such a drastic change.
: FCAT Goes Virtual
Easier and more efficient system of grading
Cheaper in the long run (Less annual costs)
Students get the same or even more amount of tools;
highlighting, underlining, marking questions with ‘review’
Quicker data and grade analysis
Allows question type to advance into incorporating
Possibility of computer failure or crashes
System deficiencies such as incorrect questions or
answers, or grading failures
Expensive upfront for advanced technology
Computer glitches
Not suitable for extended response questions
Student technological knowledge could interfere with
actual intellectual intelligence
by Jessica Dreger
by Nicole Feldman
Martin Luther King, Jr. could have stayed a simple man. His life could have consisted of spending time with his family, preaching the
Word to his congregation, far from the lime-light, away from the danger. But he felt a call and made a choice. He would sacrifice his simple
life, for one that would have him lead thousands in marches, spend nights in jail, be away from those he loved. It was these choices that
changed the world.
At sixteen, can I make choices that change the world? I passionately believe so. As a young African-American male, coming from a
single parent home, I can refuse to be a part of some statistic on violence or the drop-out rate. I can choose to be the change I want to see in
the world. I choose to be non-violent. I choose to use my talents as a positive influence in my community. I choose to respect my family. It is
through these daily choices that I am helping change the world.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, (and I quote) “Nonviolence means avoiding not only physical violence but also internal violence of spirit.
You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” (unquote) Many young men my age are packing guns and spewing hatred.
I choose not to. I choose to be a man of peace, to turn the other cheek when offended. To be honest, this isn’t always easy for me. There
is a lot of anger in society. I see it in other drivers on the road. I hear it at school. I watch it on the news. Sometimes I want to strike back
verbally, to be more aggressive, to have the final word. But I choose to control those emotions, rather than allowing those emotions to control
me. I choose to be a light in a very dark world.
Dr. King reminded his followers, (and I quote) “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?” (unquote)
He was an eloquent speaker and his powerful words made the world better for others. As he chose to use his talent to make a difference,
so do I. I sing and play the saxophone for charitable organizations, at my school, and at several local churches. I gave concerts for my
grandfather and other patients at his nursing home. Is this really making a difference? When a song can make a child spontaneously dance,
or a worshiper begin to praise, or a patient sing along, yes, I have changed the world.
And lastly, I choose to respect my family. I’m a teenager. I don’t always agree with my mother and her tough rules. I look around and
see everyone else staying out late and having more freedom. Most parents don’t seem to be as demanding of good grades as my mom
is, either. She pushes me to always be my best in everything I do. But I choose not to be rebellious. I choose to obey my mother and give
her the respect and love she deserves, knowing that she always wants what is best for me. Because of her guidance in my life, I excel
academically and am prepared for college and my future. I am confident in myself and my musical ability. By choosing to respect her and
her rules, I am the young man I am today…the young man with goals and dreams who is out to help change the world.
Is it easy to make the tough choices? No. It would easy to be angry or lazy. It would be easy to follow the crowd. But, Dr. Martin Luther
King made tough choices daily in order to make our world a better place, and I strive to follow his example.Yes, I may only be 16 years of
age, but I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can help make Dr. King’s dream a reality.
Legend has it that there was a
race organized by the Jade emperor
between 12 different animals to cross
a river. The order of the animals’
arrival determined the order of
their zodiac signs. To this day, each
Chinese New Year has an animal
that represents it, whether it is
the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon,
snake, horse, goat, monkey,
rooster, dog, or boar. Each
zodiac sign has certain
personality traits that
accompany it and this
can be substantially
important to future parents.
With 2012 being the year of
the dragon, many Chinese
women are rushing to get
pregnant in order to have
children in this special year.
The dragon is commonly used throughout China and
signifies sovereignty, royalty, and contribution to society,
which has many future parents buzzing with excitement.
Not only is the Chinese New Year famous for its
zodiac signs, but also for its time to reconnect with family
and celebrate. Similar to the U.S, the Chinese celebrate the
New Year at home. In daily life people are always busy,
so this time of the year is essential for family reunions.
Many adults in China that work in big cities get the chance
to go home and spend time with childhood friends.
You can find almost every household watching the
by Jordan Sanders
Spring Festival Gala, which is a special New Year’s show that
has music and dancing and streams from C.C.T.V, China
Central Television, just hours before midnight. There
are also other selections available to watch on T.V like
parades, the drum dance, lion dance, and dragon dance.
Food is served according to region, for example,
beef and dumplings in the north and a variety of
seafood and sticky rice in the south. Fireworks are very
popular for the Chinese New Year as well as traditions
like children receiving a red colored envelope from
their parents, which symbolizes good luck for the New
Year. These envelopes are usually filled with money
and include a four character idiom for good wishes.
Although our own Ms. Yi was not in China
this year, it didn’t stop her from celebrating.
“Chinese materials are limited here so I went to a show
and had dinner which included dumplings and spring rolls”.
The event was provided by the Confucius Institute at USF.
I classes with fun projects that many students have enjoyed.
Jordan Paxton, junior, is very interested in learning
the ancient traditions surrounding the New Year.
“Ms. Yi taught us how to make paper cuttings where
you fold and cut paper to make cool looking designs and
Chinese characters. There are so many phrases we have
learned that are common sayings in China for the New
Year that wish for happiness and health in the future.”
Learning about the Chinese New Year has made our
students more diverse and given them interest in finding
out about the traditions of others around the world. It gives
a glance into a completely different culture and provides
us with the opportunity to learn about a celebration
that has been taking place for thousands of years.
by Rachel Arcuri
by Enriqueta Balandra
Freshmen Danny Coronado and Savannah
Bosch are making a splash here at the River. They
have recently started an anti-bully committee named
IMAGINE. Bosch and Coronado, “wish to work toward
establishing a safe place and environment for all students,
faculty, and staff attending Braden River High School.”
Meetings are held in the media center on the first
and third Mondays of the month. Ms. Stedman heads
the committee as a sponsor as well as co-founders
Coronado and Bosch. IMAGINE had their first meeting
on January 23 where applications were made available.
Co-founder and freshman, Danny Coronado
has had first-hand experiences with bullying. The
message really hit home when he met Savannah and
heard her story. “I was really inspired on what she was
doing, so I wanted to get involved and take a stand.”
Bosch, co-founder of IMAGINE, first became
interested in the topic of anti-bullying when a friend
committed suicide because of cyber bullying. She created
a Facebook page in memory of her friend and within
the first week, she received over 7,000 likes. Bosch then
began getting very involved in her middle school by
giving presentations about anti-bullying. She succeeded
in getting her school to change their policy on bullying.
Coronado believes that, “[bullying] still exits
so that’s why these certain types of clubs should
be presented in every school to raise awareness.”
IN peace
-John Lennon
Bully Club
Year of the
To My Dearest,
This curious and ingenious love letter was
written by a young gentleman in hopes of attracting
a beautiful young lady to accompany me this Friday
night to the football game at the school . If you would
like to make it a date, check yes or no.
Yes [] No []
Love, Teddy
September 14th , 1941by Cheyenne Hill and Emily Mingote
her, but I would still date her anyway, and if they
were true friends they would try to like her.”
It all started with MySpace back in 2003 which over
time turned to Facebook. Now the Internet offers numerous
ways to meet such as Skype, dating sites, and creepy chat
rooms. Typical relationships start off with a Facebook
friend request, to liking pictures and statuses; friendships
increase through Facebook IM, to texting, to phone calls
and soon enough the two become “Facebook official.”
Nowadays, it seems as if a changed relationship status via
the Internet is the only way to confirm if one is available
or not. On the other hand, just years ago, the only way to
be certain would be to hear it from the two involved in the
relationship. Relationships were centered on understanding
and intimacy, but the principles have changed. Once
word gets out that a girl and guy are together, profiles
are lurked, statuses are liked, and posts are commented.
Senior Lauren Thomsen feels that a lot of
relationships depend on technology, “a lot of relationships
start with texting, communication is very minimal.”
with the rise and popularity of the internet and cell phones.
For example, Michael Kargauer, who has been dating
Taylor Myers for about 14 months, feels that their personal
relationship is not very public in terms of Facebook.
“We talk instead of posting it. Therefore, anyone who
From Old-School Letters to One Word Texts
Throughout many years, the classic romance between
a guy and a girl has dramatically transformed as an effect
of a world full of technological advances. The traditional
idea of love has slowly faded, along with the intimacy two
should have in a relationship, which can be blamed on the
modern day devices such as cell phones and computers.
One of the most obvious changes is the sincerity of
relationships. These days, couples must be defined as
together or not together. People usually cannot date and
hangout without assumptions from others that they are
in a relationship. The “in-between” stage simply does
not exist anymore. Teens are either considered friends
or boyfriend-girlfriends; once they are “talking”, they
are expected to announce their feelings to the public.
If not, rumors begin. With all this considered, the
critique of present-day connections seems almost pitiful.
In the twentieth century, a couple was “going steady”
after numerous dates, and the male did not have to ask the
girl out to win the approval of her friends or those around
him. It appears that there is more pressure today to win
her over than there was back then. It’s also difficult to
find a boyfriend or girlfriend without worrying about what
others will think; judgment is so common, so it seems as if
one must seek the consent of their friends before dating.
Junior Casey Anderson doesn’t let
his friends’ opinions affect who he dates.
“I would ask my friends why they don’t like
tries using Facebook to learn about us wouldn't find much.”
His girlfriend agrees. In fact, they waited a couple
days to make it “Facebook official.” Myers shares, “it
was mostly because I was kind of nervous to change it. I
finally did change it when my brother hacked into my
account and changed it from "single" to "it's complicated"
because at that point, it was definitely necessary.”
The internet has also been a major contributor
to fights between couples; a person might feel their
partner is unfaithful for liking another’s statuses and
pictures, or they might see something on someone else’s
profile page that arouses feelings of jealousy or doubt.
Along with that, the intensity of the meaning of words
has also decreased. Can anyone truly remember the day
that “I love you” really meant “I’m in love with you”?
Contrary, today’s society has given the three word phrase a
smaller, emptier meaning. The culprit? Abbreviations like
“ILY” unquestionably have less significance than the full
confession. This type of “text talk” makes it seem acceptable
for a couple to admit their love for each other after only two
weeks of dating. Similarly, symbols like hearts and winky
faces are flirtatious, but they can give off a false impression.
After exploring the advancements of technology, it is
evident that love is seen differently, and relationships have
evolved into a totally different light - a light so new that our
Raspberry TrifleEach celebration or dinner doesn’t have to follow with desserts that stack up
in calories. Instead, the raspberry trifle is a great and light dish that is perfect
after every meal. Don’t worry about the long preparation time! This quick and
easy recipe will get you out of the kitchen in no time so you can enjoy it too!
•1 pkg Betty Crocker 1-step
white angel
food cake mix.
•1 ¼ cups cold water as
called for on cake
mix package directions
•2 cups boiling water
•1 pkg sugar-free or regular
raspberry flavored gelatin
•2 pkg (10 oz each) frozen
sweetened raspberries,
•2 to 3 containers (6 oz each)
Yoplait Original 99% Fat
Free red raspberry yogurt.
Bake and cool cake as directed for angel
food (tube) pan. Tear cake into about ¾”
pieces. Pour boiling water on gelatin in
large bowl; stir until gelatin is dissolved.
Add raspberries. Refrigerate gelatin mixture
about fifteen minutes or until thickened but
not set. Layer half each of the cake pieces,
gelatin mixture and yogurt in 3-qt. glass bowl;
repeat. Garnish with reserved raspberries.
Refrigerate at least 2 hr. until firm. Cover
and refrigerate any remaining dessert.
Baking Directions
Popping with loveThis cookie pop recipe is simple and
sweet with a dash of fabulous! A Betty
Crocker recipe, with my special twist is
an easy way to win over anyone’s heart.
•3 cups all-purpose flour
•1 teaspoon baking soda
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
•1/4 cup packed brown sugar
•1 tablespoon lemon zest
•1 tablespoon lemon juice
•1 cup butter, softened
•2 large eggs
•2-3 tsp. of vanilla extract
•4 cups confectioners’ sugar
•3 tablespoons meringue powder
•1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
•1/2 cup - 3/4 cup warm water
soda, and salt into a bowl and then set aside. Put
all of the sugars and lemon zest in the bowl of an
electric mixer. Mix it on medium speed 30 seconds,
then add the butter; mix it until its pale and fluffy,
then mix in the eggs and lemon juice. Reduce speed
and gradually add flour mixture, and mix until just
combined, add in the vanilla and cinnamon until
mixed thoroughly (low speed). Scoop dough then
flatten with a spatula. Next, sprinkle tops with sandy
sugar. Bake for about 15 minutes then let cool.
Baking Directions Icing Directions
Beat the sugar and
meringue powder until
combined. Add the water
and beat on medium/high
speed until glossy and
stiff peaks form. To get
the right consistency you
may need to add more
powdered sugar or water.
Add red food coloring to
make the icing pink!
The student press of Braden River High
School has adopted this as its mission:
To publish news, information, and opinion articles
for and about student, faculty and administration
activities, interests and policies. To maintain
high ethical standards with regard to fairness,
personal and legal rights, responsibilities
and accuracy. To provide a forum for free
and responsible expression of student
opinion and present well-balanced,
locally researched coverage of issues
of broader student interest. To strive
for a high level of competency in the
technical aspects of writing, including
grammar, spelling, clarity, and precision. To
welcome diversity and increase the scope and
depth of our coverage in order to heighten
mutual understanding and awareness throughout
our entire school community.
Dear Pirate Peggy,
Dear Valentine Blues,
ALEXIA FERNANDEZ, Co-Editor-in-Chief
CLAIRE PATTERSON, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
THOMAS REESE, News & Opinions Editor
CHEYENNE HILL, Life & Features Editor
CAYTIE CHRISMAN, Entertainment Editor
KAYLEE WELLS, Co-Sports Editor
NICOLE FELDMAN, Graphics Editor
LISA HORNICK, Business Manager
JORDAN SANDERS, Assistant News & Opinions Editor
ABBY SUGDEN, Assistant News & Opinions Editor
ENRIQUETA BALANDRA,Assistant Life & Features Editor
KELSEY LUTZI, Assistant Life & Features Editor
MELISSA MCFALL, Assistant Life & Features Editor
EMILY MINGOTE, Assistant Entertainment Editor
ASHLEY STEINBACH, Assistant Entertainment Editor
JORDAN EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor
Rachel Arcuri
Tory Bertran
Emily Borges
Brittany Borman
Jordan Bush
Katie Cafiero
Kayla Clark
Taylor Coblentz
Jessie Davis
Alessandra Delrose
Jessica Dreger
Carley Engelberger
Olivia Garro
Savannah Hardesty
Katie Holt
With all this hype about Valentine’s Day I’m really
beginning to feel the pressure about asking someone to be
my valentine. My only problem is I don’t have anyone to
ask. I always thought the holiday was dumb and overrated
but now I’m feeling the pressure of being single. Haven’t
really felt the need to find a girl I’d like to date but now I
don’t know. I’m just confused about this whole valentine
thing. All my friends have someone, so what do I do?
Valentine’s Day should not be the only time you showing
your appreciation or love for someone. To be honest,
that should happen every day of the year, not just on a
specific holiday. However, don’t feel the need to find
someone just so you have a date; that deprives the entire
meaning. Just because your friends have girlfriends does
not necessarily mean you have to have one too. Every
one matures at different times, so why rush it? Enjoy
being a teenager without the stress of worrying
about who you want to ask out next. When the
time is right, you will feel it. Till then, just
enjoy the challenges life throws at you.
Those challenges will only make
you stronger and shape you into the
man any woman would want to date.
-Pirate Peggy
Chivalry is an individual characteristic that
revolves around your choice and your ethics. Trying
to answer this question that lurks our generation is
difficult because the answer varies. “Is chivalry alive
in you?” That is the question we should be asking.
The age of opening doors for women, seating them
at the dinner table, and treating them like princesses
seems like it is coming to an end as teenagers in our
society constantly disrespect women. Nowadays, it is
common to see guys break up with a text message,
cheat on their girlfriends like it is a daily routine, and
put themselves up on a pedestal high above others.
However, it is hard to blame them for this behavior
because some parents in this generation fail to properly
educate their children on a chivalrous lifestyle. There are
families still around that do prepare their children with the
right behavioral skills in this field; one of them being my
family. I was raised to actually adhere to these principles and
to treat my peers with respect. It basically all comes back
to the Golden Rule, “Do
unto others as you would
have them do unto you.”
Chivalry is not
limited to the way men
treat women. It is open
to the entire population
to treat each other in a courteous way. Whether it
is a man helping another man, or even a woman helping
a man, it is still an act of courtesy that everyone should
use. It is placing others above you and making them a
priority. Selflessness is the key to acting chivalrous.
Because chivalry is somewhat rare to witness in today’s
society, whenever someone does something courteous and
gallant, it often goes ignored. When the sinking of the
Italian cruise ship occurred, the news was flooded with
stories on how the Captain’s actions of abandonment were
cowardly and cold-blooded. The one thing that did not
make international attention was the complete bravery and
selfless actions displayed by the Italian rescue divers. They
put all of their priorities aside and risked their own lives to
save the people drowning in the ocean. That is chivalry.
Chivalry is not dead and there are still people
who exercise this characteristic every day. However, it
does appear to be rapidly declining as a new world of
technology is changing the way people communicate. It
will be interesting to see if chivalry will still be a part of the
next generation. It all comes back to the individual. Are
you willing to live a chivalrous lifestyle? I sure hope so…
Back in the day, relationships and casual dating were
treated with more care and creativity than our generations
attempt at flirtatious gestures and courting one another.
The real question most people ask: is chivalry truly dead?
Girls used to dream about finding their “knights in
shining armor”. Nowadays, if you can even get your date
to open the car door for you at a restaurant or buy your
movie ticket, that's about as close to shining armor as you're
going to get. Dating has completely transformed from the
generations before us, although poets like Shakespeare and
Robert Frost did leave a tough act to follow. Still, dating has
fallen ill since the days of our grandparents and even our
own parents and there is really no excuse for this epidemic.
Basic knowledge of chivalry can be traced back to
mothers and the attention they pay to the topic in regards
to their sons. If they are not being taught from the get-go
on the nuts and bolts of how to treat a lady, then chances
are it is going to slip right through the cracks with little
chance of returning. It is said that guys will treat their
girlfriends the way they
treat their mothers. This is
something many girls don’t
pay attention to and find
major disappointment later
in their romantic choices.
Some people could
blame this on the idea of the technological revolution.
It is so easy to get in contact with people now over social
networking, texting, and the phone that you have to
make almost no true effort to get to know one another.
Now, when you log onto your Facebook profile and see
that someone of questionable intentions “liked” your
photo or “poked” you, it is safe to assume that the person
doing said acts is trying to expressing attention towards
you. This is a pathetic and lackluster way to be told
you’re attractive or that someone wants to hang with you.
The music industry has also played a major role in the
transfiguration of respect for others and dignity. So many
artists feel the need to degrade others physically and sexually,
and this is a direct connection to the current generation with
all the issues. Not one specific genre is to blame, but the
lyrics generated these days in general are contributing to
the tarnished reputation of society in regards and affection.
Before all the media and entertainment outlets we
are accustomed to now, a person had a more wholesome
and developed idea of love, and would have had to make
a grand gesture such as a hand written letter or sending
flowers to catch the attention of someone they fancied.
chiv•al•ry [shiv-uh l-ree] noun, plural: -ries
1.Courteous behavior, especially toward women
2. The combination of qualities expected of a knight such as
courage, honor, justice, and readiness to help the weak.
“Chivalry is most definitely NOT
dead. I personally make it a goal of
mine to treat women with the utmost
respect they deserve. Whatever it takes
to accomplish that goal I will do.”
- Logan Jones, 11
-Valentine Blues
Brandon Huynh
Kiely Huynh
Carly KelleR
Siena Kelley
Alex Passmore
“Chivalry is alive in the beginning of
a relationship, but as it goes on, it
becomes a matter of constant repair
rather than enjoying each other.”
- Sarah Kinsey, 12
by Christie Childers &
Claire Patterson by Thomas Reese
January 20-February 18
The idea of love is a wonderful thing, and something you can believe
in fully. Take this day to dig in deeply and reflect on your desires.
If they’re not being met with your current partner or as a single
person, a private conversation with someone you trust can help you
move toward fulfilling your needs.
February 19-March 20
Even a romantic person like you can recognize that this Valentine’s
Day is more about digging deeper emotionally than an easy-breezy
time for relationships. The key is in recognizing that you deserve
love and affection without struggling for it.
March 21-April 19
It’s the little things that matter this Valentine’s Day. Instead of
indulging yourself with dining and dancing, make it a day to serve
others. It may not sound romantic, but it shows your generosity and
compassion which will have its perks in the end.
April 2-May 20
You may be feeling stressed out during this holiday but don’t let
it darken your mood. If you have a partner, seek a quiet, out-of-
the-way place where you can talk about intimate matters. If you’re
single, it’s better to be alone orwith someone you trust than to seek
romance under risky circumstances.
May 21-June 20
Valentine’s Day may start out on a sobering note, but don’t worry,
the fun will begin when you meet a loud and adventurous indi-
vidual. Remember to keep others’ feelings in mind as they may not
be having the best Valentine’s Day.
June 21-July 22
The sentimental feelings evoked on Valentine’s Day are mixed with
some complications this holiday. Insensitive remarks might provoke
uncomfortable feelings. Dealing with reality, though, is a key to
making love last.
July 23-August 22
The playful and generous side of your personality should shine and
make it easy for you to have a great time this holiday. However, a
sensitive person might react with jealousy or mistrust. Finding the
balance between the joy you’re seeking and the vulnerability of this
person is a challenge best met with kindness and a gentle sense of
August 23-September 22
Try to keep things simple this Valentine’s Day. Reconnecting with
someone you haven’t seen in awhile is a great way to celebrate this
holiday.You might also plan for a quiet evening out with friends, you
don’t need a date to enjoy this Valentine’s Day.
September 23-October 22
Your romantic taste tends toward the sweet side, which is what
Valentine’s Day is about. Yet there are powerful emotions arousing
control issues, or jealousy. Passion is part of the package, take this
oppourtunity to get closerwith someone special.
October 23-November 21
Passion is pulsing as you seek satisfaction on deeper levels than
you’ll find on any Valentine’s Day card. You’re not into flirting or
playing games but try talking to your crush. The signs are in your
favor and you might just get lucky.
November 22-December 21
Keeping a positive attitude is one of your strong points and a good
skill to have today. This V-Day you’ll be happier spending time in
a quiet place with a close friend. If you’re dissatisfied with your
partner, be honest but careful with yourwords.
December 22-January 19
who) you don’t want is equally important today. This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
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Abandoned Sites Club A cartoon by student artist: Tyler Richardson
Remember back to a time before TiVo, before Net-
flix, and before the Kardashians. A time when cartoons
ruled the world and life made sense. Now insert pu-
berty and cancel all the classic shows and you’ll see why
the age of animation has declined. That’s all beginning
to change, as new shows are making cartoons cool again.
I may be a rare case; a teenager that watches cartoons,
but they have this classic taste about them that resonates
even now. When I was a younger everyone watched the
same programs on Friday and Saturday, and between the
hours of 7 and 9 no one disturbed you. If you missed an ep-
isode, that was it. You had to hope for a holiday marathon,
or have a friend fill you in at recess.Shows like Ed, Edd,
N Eddy, Power Puff Girls, Courage the Cowardly Dog,
Teen Titans, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Fairly
Odd Parents, Rocko’s Modern Life, Hey Arnold, and
Chalk Zone were incredibly addicting, and it was a blessing
to our age group to grow up with these quality programs.
There was a time in middle school where I abandoned
my love of animation out of sheer disgust at the current pro-
grams. Chowder, The Adventures of FlapJack, Fanboy and
Chum Chum, even Ben 10 were just cheap, and lacking that
kind of humor that only cartoons can bring to the Party. I
was disturbed even more by the amount of live action shows
that appear on classically cartoon heavy channels. Nickel-
odeon tried so hard with shows like Unfabulous, The Na-
ked Brothers Band, and H2O, but failed pretty miserably.
Cartoon Network has no room to talk after the disaster that
was Out of Jimmy’s Head. Not all of Nickelodeon’s un-an-
imated shows were bad. I loved watching Drake and Josh,
Zoey 101, The Amanda Show, and iCarly, but the real
magic was with the cartoons. Nothing new come out of the
station in awhile, but they’ve hit a gold mine with Sponge-
Bob, and won’t be adding anything new for quite awhile.
Cartoon Network, on the other hand, is always chang-
ing their line-up. They’ve been action heavy, gross heavy,
humor heavy, and replaying classic shows, but they may
have just found their new groove. Regular Show, Adventure
Time, and MAD are all spectacular shows that appeal to
many different generations. The mature humor mixed with
the ridiculous premises liven it up for any age group. Regu-
lar Show is about a raccoon named Rigby and a blue bird
named Mordecai who work at a park and have ridiculous
adventures with board games, ducks, karaoke, and time
travel. It’s a really hilarious show worth watching. Adventure
Time is another one of those weird ones that appeal to ev-
erybody. Jake the magical dog and Finn the lovable human
go around the land of Ooo helping everyone who needs it.
The series is loopy and hilariously adorable, with a clever
mix of action. The writers and artists drew a lot of inspira-
tion from classic video games, and it adds a certain charm to
the show that no other series can match. If you’re not feeling
those, MAD is great option. It’s a culmination of pop cul-
ture parodies crammed into a 15 minute bit, and it’s incred-
ibly hard not to laugh. The sketches are all over the place.
They don’t get offensive with their pop culture jokes and
references, but they do make fun of things in the best way.
We have plenty of adult themed cartoons, like
Family Guy, South Park, and Futurama, but when’s
the last time you could sit down with a younger audi-
ence and not only stomach their shows, but be thor-
oughly entertained with them? With all these new
programs there’s never been a better time to tune in.
by Nicole Feldman
From crisp polos and blazers to vibrant watches, men’s
fashion is quickly skyrocketing and becoming the craze.
With inspiration from magazines and runway shows, a new
generation filled with crucial men’s fashion is approaching.
Lightweight blazers are an absolute must-have this
spring. Not too thick or too fancy, these coats make the
perfect addition to any outfit- night or day! Stray away
from classic black by purchasing one in an on-trend
earth tone such as army green, rustic red, or a navy blue.
Actor Zac Efron recently wore a lightweight blazer with
matching pants and a navy tee underneath for a bit of
subdued color. The matching essence of the outfit was
classic, and the tee underneath was a casual addition.
Khaki shorts are a very functional “staple” piece,
which means it can be worn in many different ways. These
versatile bottoms are a great day outfit, and can easily be
dressed up for nighttime. However, fit is very important.
Look for one that hits above the knee, and is not too wide.
Khaki shorts look phenomenal when paired with a polo
shirt, and you can finish the look off by strapping on a belt.
Boat shoes have been a major hit lately in the fashion
world- even girls have been spotted in them! In luscious
hues of beige and browns, it is wise to invest in an expensive
and reliable pair. More versatile than ever, these shoes can
be worn with any daytime look. If you adore the sailor-
inspired trend, then boat shoes paired with a lightweight
blazer creates the perfect, compliment-worthy outfit.
Tee Phung, a stylish junior here at The River,
says his style consists of “urban mixed with classy and
a hint of vintage.” On a date, Phung would wear “a nice
plaid button up shirt with a cardigan over it and dark
navy jeans.” He also explains that guys should definitely
Clothes for Bros
“try new things when it comes to clothing,” but that you
should always be “comfortable in the clothes you wear.”
For a more edgy look, leather jackets are the center
of attention when worn. In rich, dark tones, these ackets
look great when paired with jeans and motorcycle boots,
and look fantastic for a night out on the town. It is also wise
to invest in a good, quality leather jacket that will last years.
Actor Austin Butler has recently been spotted wearing
leather jackets. He pairs them with solid tees and jeans for an
effortless look. At times, Butler has topped off the look with
motorcycle boots to compliment the jacket and a casual hat.
If there is one staple piece that a guy should own,
it is a polo shirt! It is the basic top for all men- classic,
stylish, and timeless. In absolutely any color, these
shirts give off the right impression and can be worn
during the day with khaki shorts, or dressed up at night
with pants. Polo shirts look fantastic with boat shoes
for a daytime look, and will definitely get you noticed.
Brooke Conrad, a junior here at the River, loves
to wear anything hipster inspired and says he has a
“laid back style.” Conrad loves “variation in colors
that go well together” and he says that it’s important
to “add something unique to a personal style.”
For more daring men, pops of neon are currently
the craze! In watches, shoes, or even messenger bags,
vibrant colors are surely a hit. For the ultimate effect,
ensure that the rest of your outfit is toned down.
The simplicity of men’s fashion is what makes it so
easy, and yet what also makes it difficult to get right. It is
imperative that you choose trends that work for you, your
lifestyle, and your body. When done correctly, and with
the right pieces, you will look phenomenal day and night.
by Kayla Clark
Disaster struck on the night of January 13th after the
Isola del Giglio. The 114 thousand-ton ship then proceeded
to capsize just off the coast of the port city Giglio Porto.
Braden River’s own math teacher Mrs. Harwood
was on the Norwegian Sky cruise ship for a 3 night
cruise to the Bahamas when the disaster struck.
“We turned on our TV one morning and saw
it. Of course we were shocked and horrified. We
heard it was the captain’s error, so we were not
frightened. I knew it was a very rare occurrence.”
The biggest question is how such a large and new
cruise ship with nearly every modern convenience could
sink, despite so many advances in technology and safety?
Most cruise ships are equipped with computer navigation,
especially large ones like the Concordia itself. Cruise
ships are now required to have sufficient life boats for
all passengers onboard and have a muster drill in which
passengers are informed on what to do in an emergency.
So then what went wrong? It was in fact a human
error by the ship’s captain, after he took the ship off of
its arranged course to do a close sail-by of the island city.
In fact, this maneuver had been done three or four times
before. The captain is guilty of abandoning the ship before
every passenger had safely evacuated the half-sunken
vessel, for which he is facing charges of manslaughter.
Many students and most Floridians have been on a
cruise via companies like Royal Caribbean and Carnival,
which is the parent company of the Italian based Costa
Cruises. Carnival is no stranger to events like these;
in 2010 a fire on the Carnival Conquest left the ship
dead in the Gulf of Mexico. Passengers had to ride a
ship without power and, for a short time, no working
toilets. The question still remains: are cruise ships safe?
“I mean occurnaces like this are extremely rare
and it probably won’t happen again for a long time,”
stated junior, Evan Johnson. “with all the regulations
in cruise safety, like having enough life boats, there’s
no reason to worry, especially here in America.”
Johnson’s family travels on cruises but has not recently
taken a ship on vacation. Although he thinks the captain
is at fault for creating the problem intead of fixing it, he
feels confident that his family will still use cruise travel.
Since 2005, more than 100 million people worldwide
have taken cruises, and until the Costa Concordia
disaster there have only been 16 fatalities. Cruise
ships are safer than air, rail, and auto transportation.
In fact, a person is more likely to get in an accident
driving to the cruise port than sinking on the ship.
Harwood shared her thoughts on the cruise ship
industry after something like this, “I love cruises. I will
always continue to cruise. It’s like the time following an
airplane disaster. You think about the possibilities, but
you know they are rare, so you still fly. Cruises and air
flights are safer than automobiles really. I also think it
might be even safer now after such a disaster. The cruise
lines and captains will be more careful than before.”
After the recent Costa Concordia disaster in Italy, how safe is the cruise
ship industry, and how will it effect Florida’s Economy?
by Matthew McFall
Mr. Christy
Mrs. Scott
Coach Sloman
Mr. BaileyMrs. Cristello
Mr. Nelson
Mr. Pauley
Sr. Largo
Ms. Bernat
Ms. Toole
Mrs. Rencker
Mrs. Jurgovan
Mr. Page
Mrs. Gilray
Mrs. VonSeggern
Mrs. Ramsey
Mrs. Kish
Mr. Jenkins
Mrs. Hinton
Mrs. Goehring
Mrs. Dietz
Mrs. Bilous
Coach Engelberger
“Nothing fancy for Valentine’s
Day. Maybe I’ll write her a
“Valentine’s Day will be a lotof fun this year. Hopefullysome fights at the TampaBay Lightning game.”
“We’re not doing anything
special, but everyday should be
treated like Valentines Day.”
“My wife’s
birthday is on
the 13th so
it’s like double
duty for me.
We don’t
plan anything
special, but
whatever she
wants to do
I’ll take her
to do it. We
might even
stay up past
9 o’ clock.”
“Valentine’s evening will be ahomemade meal by candlelight,when the kids are all in bed”
You most likely would not recognize her if she was
strolling by on the streets of her Brooklyn neighborhood.
You may not have even recognized her name as it came
across VH1’s “Artist’s You Oughta Know.” But, you just
might recognize her smooth, sweet voice as it plays over
an Old Navy advertisement. Ingrid Michaelson is a gem
in the music industry; her voice is pure and enchanting.
Ingrid grew up in a very creative home; her mother
is a sculptor and father is a classical-music composer. It
was only natural for her to strike up an interest in the
arts, which is why she began taking piano lessons at the
age of four. Ingrid was also very interested in theater.
When she was younger she was involved in a drama
group called “Kids on Stage” and later received her
degree in theater at Binghamton University. Ingrid
planned to become a director for theatrical productions,
until she decided to pursue a career in music.
When she came to this conclusion, she began
by writing songs in her free time and performing in
a local coffee shop where she also worked as a barista.
Standing on stage with her black rimmed glasses,
minimum makeup and naturally straight hair flowing past
her shoulders, Ingrid Michaelson looks like any other
32-year-old. She has a very charming and pleasant voice
that fits her witty lyrics. Even though many people are not
completely familiar with her name, her sweet and good-
feeling songs such as “The Way I Am” and “Be Ok”
by Ashley Steinbach
Artist of the Month: Ingrid Michaelson
can instantly draw you into the artist’s world. Girls and
Boys, Ingrid Michaelson’s first debut album, was released
independently on her own label. Without the pressure of
being under a label’s strict eye, Ingrid had the freedom to
express herself without the shadow of a big label. Soon
enough, the right people began to notice this Indie-Pop
singer’s talent. Her songs began to be featured on TV
shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, and One Tree Hill.
As her popularity very steadily increased, she started
work on writing more music. Just recently, on January 29,
2012, Ingrid Michaelson released her fourth album titled,
Human Again. She describes her new project as “fiercer and
not as child-like.” Even if Ingrid Michaelson has decided
to retire her peppy style for a more grown-up sound, her
voice still embodies her personality of a genuine songwriter.
Most of her songs are based on love and relationships.
One song in particular, “The Way I Am,” which appears
on her first album Girls and Boys is a perfect Valentine’s Day
song. The lyrics possess a certain young love charm. The
song begins with: “If you were falling / then I would catch
you” and the mood is carried through the rest of the song.
Junior, Abby Passmore claims, “The
song always puts me in a good mood, I love
listening to Ingrid Michaelson while I’m driving.”
Whether you’re in a relationship this
Valentine’s Day or are just enjoying the
single life, it’s hard not to take notice of
Ingrid Michaelson’s coffee-shop-vibe.
Pirate Players Presents... Hunchback of Notre Dame
by Alexandria Passmore
With a bare stage and a limited amount of props, our
Pirate Players managed to bring Paris in 1482 to life. On the
and comedic version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Directed by senior Alexander Zickafoose, The
Hunchback of Notre Dame tells a story of two babies who
were switched at birth by a gypsy. When Esmeralda, the
lead character played by senior Jayra Carrasquillo, was
informed by her gypsy “mother” that she was kidnapped
as an infant, she sets out to find her birth mother.
Esmeralda is a young and beautiful dancer that attracts
men everywhere she goes. Junior Ethan Cahill takes on the
role of the hunchback,
Quasimodo, who was
raised and mistreated
by the evil Dom
Claude Frollo, played
by senior Colin
Wence. Dom had kept
Quasimodo hidden
away from the public
eye because of his
appearance. Frollo
trapped Quasimodo
in the bell tower where
he took on the job of
the bell ringer. One
day Frollo caught
a glimpse of the
beautiful Esmeralda,
and he ordered
Quasimodo to capture her. The story line goes on from
there. What could potentially be a serious tale was
transformed into a light hearted adventure full of humor.
“I had an amazing experience being involved in this
production,” said junior Alexis McCain. “I had a really fun
role as one of the gypsies and it was difficult not to laugh.”
The entire cast had awesome chemistry and brought
forth an abundance of personality and creativeness.
“The cast did amazing,” exclaimed the student director,
myself laughing backstage at things I never found funny.”
One character that stood out and really provoked the
“The goat was my favorite part of the whole
show,” laughed senior, Ian Widner, “That
“beeh” noise she kept making was so funny.”
During one point of the performance the players
involved the audience. Students were pulled from the
crowd onto the stage to contribute their silly faces for the
“Festival of Fools.”
Whoever could
make the ugliest face
would be deemed
the King of Fools.
The participants
from the audience
came up with some
spectacular faces
but of course the
hunchback ended
up winning the title.
“I was
disappointed that I
wasn’t selected to
go up on stage,” said
junior Carly Miers,
“I would have totally
beat Quasimodo;
no competition.”
	 The drama program started this year off 2,000
dollars in debt. This play was very beneficial to them
because it was inexpensive to produce and had a five
dollar entry fee. They profited 1,200 dollars from it and
are very grateful for the Pirate family encouragement
and for everyone who came out to support them!
Director, Alexander Zickafoose, gives the cast a pep talk backstage.
Caytie’s MadLib(adjective)
Today I saw (him/her)
again. (person)
so (adjective)
and (adjective)
. When (he/she)
looks at me with those (color)
eyes, it makes
my heart (verb)
and gives me that (adjective)
feeling like I have (nouns)
in my stomach.
When I see (person)
smile, it makes me
want to (verb)
! (he/she)
is my idea of a
person On February 14th,
will be mine, but for now (he/she)
will just remain sitting at (location)
at me with those eyes. (noun)
love is hard
to resist!
We Support
2215 60th Avenue East
Ellenton, Florida 34222
(941) 729-6447
The last time the British invaded we had Paul Revere
galloping across the land to warn us. Modern day we are
seeing an even greater English force working their way into our
system, but this one is for the better. It’s in the music industry.
	 While the most popular artists seem to be pop stars
like Katy Perry, rappers like T-Pain, and country singers like
Lady Antebellum, I’ve found new love in a genre I simply title
British. Artists that are topping charts in Europe are starting
to make waves in America, and I couldn’t be more pleased
with the outcome. Successful acts like The Beatles and ADELE
need no explanation; instead let’s focus on the less known acts.
It started for me with the song “Shut Up and Let Me Go” by
The Ting Tings. The catchy rhythms from Jules De Martino and
the original voice of their singer Katie White make an exciting
combination that was unlike anything else at the time. Preview
further into their repertoire and you’ll find their catchy tunes
“That’s Not My Name”, “Great DJ”, and “We Walk”. On a whim I
bought their whole album, and the rest of the songs were pretty
good, but it’s hit or miss for some of them. Their second album,
Sounds From Nowheresville, is set to release on March 15th,
and is sure to live up to the first one, if not outdo it entirely.
	 After my Ting Ting affair, another British duo popped
up on my radar and radio; La Roux. Their hit single “Bulletproof”
took the nation by storm, and they even got to perform it at
the New Years Eve celebration in Time Square. After casually
taking interest in their songs “In For The Kill”, “Tigerlily”, and
“Quicksand” I took a chance and got the full album, only to be
pleasantly surprised at the mixture and variety of songs, styles,
and sounds. The whole album was a work of art, and even
Elly Jackson, has a unique, androgynous style that makes
her stand out from the crowd of scantily dressed dolls that
our pop culture so usually represents. La Roux is currently
	 Now if you’re looking for something with a
little more oomph, Muse is a wonderful option. They
have this amazing synthesize-meets-rock-for-a-night-of-
video-games-and-awesomeness style that you can’t help
but enjoy. I’m not really sure what they are trying to say
with their lyrics, but that makes it more mysterious and
exciting when I’m listening to it. The song “Supermassive
Black Hole” was their first one to get noticed, and little by
little they gained popularity. Their songs started appearing
on movie soundtracks like The Twilight Sagas, and in
commercials, which sprung them to popularity. Their
last album, The Resistance, was a smashing success, and
earned them the chance to tour with U2 on the 360 tour.
	 If you dismissed Simon Cowell’s new show, the
X-Factor, then join the club. But you probably missed
the opportunity to hear about Rebecca Ferguson.
Her voice is this silky but gritty combination of Amy
Winehouse and Macy Grey, and even though she didn’t
win, her single “Nothing’s Real But Love” is topping
charts and working its way into iPods everywhere.
	 If none of these are your style so far, definitely
check out Ellie Goulding. Her biggest hit was “Lights”
which DJ’s from all around took a liking to, and did so many remakes
of that there were two separate albums titled Lights Remixes that
launched on iTunes. The most popular version was the Bassnectar
remix which spread across the internet like wildfire and connected
an audience to a new star. It’s easy to end your relationship with that
singer after that one song, but if you love finding new music dig a little
deeper into her discography. Her album Lights is full of wonderful songs
like “Starry Eyed”, “Under The Sheets”, “Animal”, “Guns and Horses”,
and a stellar cover of Elton John’s “Your Song”. The young singer is a
national celebrity over in Great Britain after her performance at the
Royal Wedding, and rightfully deserved. She’s made appearances in
songs with other artists, including “Wonderman” by Tinie Tempah,
and “Summit” by Skrillex. Her style and sound are so original,
with a clever combination of light, airy lyrics and a tinkle of techno.
	 If you’re content with the songs you have, good for you; but if
by Nicole Feldman
Kelsey’s Korner
Suzanne Collins
Young Adult (YA)
by Kelsey Lutzi
Imagine a world where the government
forced kids to battle to the death as a form of
repression. Welcome to the Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins
in 2008 but has continued to be the next teen sensation
since Twilight. The Hunger
Games is about a futuristic
United States that has been
divided into 12 districts. Each
district has to suffer through the
“reaping” once a year in which
a boy and a girl are chosen to
compete in the treacherous
Hunger Games, in which
only one tribute survives. The
government, headed at the
Capitol, has created the Hunger
Games as a way to repress their
people and make rebellion an
option they will never reach for.
When I first picked up the Hunger Games it was only
to understand what all the hype was about. I’m very critical
and when I say this book was good, I mean it compelled
me to buy all the merchandise, like a poster for my ceiling.
We start off in the morning of the “reaping.”
Suzanne Collins doesn’t wait to show us why her book
deserves the title “best seller.” Within a few pages we see
Katniss, the main character, screaming to volunteer as
tribute when her sister’s name is called and the crowd is
shocked. Next we meet District 12’s male tribute, Peeta
Mellark, the timid baker’s son who no one thought to
be a likely candidate in the Games. The only interaction
these two have had is one fleeting moment as kids, and
now they have been thrown together to fight for their
lives. From mutations, to forest fires, water sources being
drained, to blood thirsty teenagers, these two 16-year-olds
have to shed skin, sweat, and sanity to keep breathing.
Although targeted to a young audience, people of all
ages are becoming enthralled with this dystopian fiction.
The Hunger Games covers topics such as conformity,
corruptions in the government, and the idea that one day free
will may become obsolete. We watch as the self-empowered
huntress Katniss is stripped of
her boundaries, thrown into a
dress, and presented to the world
according to Capitol standards.
Each pair of tributes gets a mentor;
adding to the atmosphere of
discomfort and tension is the
new decision by Haymitch, their
mentor, that Katniss and Peeta will
be presented as a team. The idea
of winning the audience’s affection
through teamwork is an astonishing
plan that throws Katniss and the
rival tributes off guard. Through
the interviews, the dinners, and the
training sessions, Katniss and Peeta become the couple to
reckon with. You’d think the whole fight-a-bunch-of-kids-
until-the-death would be enough to make this book as great
as it is, but that’s only the half of it. What has the world
fawning over this gut-wrenching first installment is Peeta’s
declaration of love. Will this put the odds in their favor?
Beginning as enemies and ending as partners, readers
find themselves asking if Katniss’s love for Peeta is real
or a product of the Games. Can one of them be the 74th
victor? Suzanne Collins’ depth and moral truth makes
the prospect of the Hunger Games a frightening reason
that makes us question the direction our world is taking
today. Her description and attention to detail makes you a
passenger during their individual fights to be the last tribute
standing. From beginning to end, the Hunger Games keeps
you on the brink until you’re reaching for Catching Fire,
the second installment, before the last page is turned.
Be sure to catch the
movie in theaters on
March 23
Boys weightlifting has always been a successful program at Braden
River, but now the Lady Pirate lifters are making their mark.
Friday Janurary 25, the Girls Weigftlifting team visited Port
Charlotte High School for the FHSAA District 8 Sectional Meet.
The Pirates sent freshman Courtney Rapp (129), juniors Demi-shay
Watchorn (139), Michelle Tran (101) and Caytie Chrisman (110) as
well as senior Laura Otaiza (183).
“It (sectionals) was a very memorable experience and it showed
other people that just because we’re girls and we look small not to judge
us because we can be a beast in the weight room,” said Tran.
For the past four years, the boys have had lifters representing the school at
States including a State Championship for Tevin Bryant, but last year was the first
year a girl was there for the Pirates. The girls are taking over and proving that the
boys are not the only ones who can be great weightlifters.
Junior Demi-shay Watchorn said “Well I first started weightlifting; because
Caytie (Chrisman) started doing it but once I started I was addicted. I couldn’t
stop. I was in the weight room every day. It makes you feel empowered to be
doing what guys do. People always say guys are stronger, faster, and better. It
makes me feel like I can do whatever they could and by making it to sectionals I
proved my point. I may not lift as much but I can still do it”.
They have a desire to compete and win that is reflected in their performances
in their meets this season. Senior Laura Otaiza led the group with a great season
leading up to her qualification for the State meet.
Otaiza said “It’s definitely exciting because that has been my goal for this year
since my last competition last year. When I saw Taylor Nardone qualify for states
last year, I knew that I had to be next. Coach Mountford 		 has
been very supportive and strict this season, but I don’t mind that he was strict
because he knew I had potential and honestly a strict coach is a coach that
cares and knows you can be the best”.
Otaiza had a total of 275lbs. benched 145lbs. and clean & jerked
135lbs. winning her runner-up in the 183 lb. weight class. Laura’s second
place victory gave her a bid to the State meet in Kissimmee, February
11. Otaiza who is also a varsity cheerleader has UCA Nationals the
same day.
“There is going to be a lot of running back and forth but
Licata and Mountford have worked a schedule out that day so
that it can be possible for me to do both. Fingers
crossed!” said Otaiza.
The Pirate cheerleaders visited Kissimmee on Friday
February 3rd for the FHSAA State Cheerleading
Competition, placing 6th out of 14 in the semi-finals.
The weekend of February 11th the ladies went to the
Universal Cheerleading Assocation National High School
Championship. They were the first squad in Piratte history
to make it to Nationals. The ladies have had a successful
season placing second in FHSAA Region 3 Championship
and competing in multiple competitions. Good Luck Girls!
		 - Caytie Chrisman
boys Soccer
The Boys Soccer team had a great season that ended
in the Regional Quarter Final with a loss to Naples
Gulf Coast High School. Their record at the end of
the season was 16 wins, 6 losses, and 2 ties. Their wins
this season included a six to nothing win over Venice
High School on December 8 and an eight to nothing
win over Cardinal Mooney High School on January
3. They hit a high point this season when they played
in the District Championship game for the first time in
school history. They lost the District Championship
to Manatee, but it was still a great accomplishment for
the team. Next season they will have to replace many
senior who played their last game as pirates on
January 31 in the Regional Quarter Final loss.
Baseball Babes
by Lainee Jennings
No longer will the Pirates baseball team’s games have
more cheering parents than students. Junior Shelby
Graves was tired of the constant lack of support from
our student body. She decided to launch the first ever
Baseball Babes. This student ran organization offers
the time and support our baseball boys deserve. Each
Wednesday the girls meet at a specific location, usually
Starbucks or Chick-fil-A, to discuss new ideas and
promotions that could be done for the team. They plan
on ordering T-shirts and sweatshirts for themselves then
designing new ones for the student body to purchase.
The money raised will go towards benefitting the team
with extra’s such as team dinner and game-day goodie
bags. Braden River is excited to have these supportive
girls at our school. If you are interested in joining the
Baseball Babes organization please see Junior Shelby
Graves or Senior Claire Patterson for more information.
Or visit their Facebook page at http://m.facebook.
-Kaylee Wells
-Claire Patterson
boys basketball
The 2011-12 Braden River High School Pirates Boys
Basketball team has continued in their excellence this
season. The Pirates ended their regular season at home on
February 2nd with a victory in dominating fashion against
the Bayshore High School Bruins; the final score was 61-
36. With a record of 20-4, the boys have run the Manatee
and Sarasota County region. Leading Scorers Senior Trey
victories this season. With several hard-fought victories
and proof of the team’s excellence, they were ranked no.7
in the state of Florida and the no.1 seed in the Class 7A
District 11 tournament. The Pirates host the first Class 7A
District 11 game at home against the Charlotte High School
Tarpon on Wednesday, February 8th. Congratulations
on an awesome season Pirates and good luck on your
quest for the State Championship title.		
			 - Jordan Edwards
In a world of confusion...
it’s nice to know there is
someone you can turn to
Karen Berner Arcuri, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
counseling for: Teens
Evening and Saturday appointments
The Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team
have created a persistent foundation and have
diligently begun their season with a strong mindset.
To prepare, the girls started conditioning in November.
The tryout for the girls’ team was the week of January 16th,
and their team consists of ten players. They include seniors
Katie Booth and Aly Delrose, juniors Marie Babayan,
Mackenzie Lee, and Emily Mingote, and sophomores
Payton Diss and Natalie Marshall. The three freshmen
Tori Bernhardt, Jessica Thompson, and Daniela Ojeda are
looking forward to a great year. The team, coached by Abby
Toole, is ready to work hard and prove their athletic talent.
There are twelve matches scheduled, plus Districts
in April. The team practices 4-5 times a week, and the
players have challenge matches to determine their rank
among the team. At practice, the team does a variety of
drills and works on different strokes, including serves,
returns, forehands, backhands, volleys, and overheads.
All this training improves the player’s individual
performance, as well as the team’s overall ability.
Sophomore Natalie Marshall says she is
excited for the season, and that “the team is great.”
The boys’teamalsoconditionedforseveralweeksbefore
the season, and their tryout was the week of January 30th.
The girls’ first match was on February 7th at
Palmetto High School. Braden River won all their
matches: five singles and two doubles. The boys’
first match was at home; they also secured their
first victory against Palmetto. 	 	
Future home matches will be on February 23rd,
March 1st, and March 27th for the girls, and the boys
will play at home on February 16th, February 22nd, March
6th, March 27th, and March 29th. Anyone is welcome to
attend and watch, so support your Pirates’ Tennis Team!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
by Katie Santarsiero & Mary Stager
2012 Varsity Softball
Brittany Cole
Raelyn Bastien
Hannah Ryan
Kenya Yancey
Samantha Savage
Ashley Allard
Alyssa Patneaude
Courtney Mirabella
Hannah Loyer
Jessica Cadorette
Katie Huss
Elena Lopez
Emily Sadler
2012 Varsity Baseball
Jordan Guerrero				
Dylan Busby
Garrett Wilson
Forrest Wilson
Myles Straw
Eric Schappacher
Taylor Rahn
Tyler Pogue
Justin Phillips
Brooks Norton
Alec Neuzil
Dylan Lee
Robert Henderson
Jonathan George
Ryan Dyson
Kelly Machuca
Ryan Fischer
Kevin Dillingham
Joshua Brabson
It’s that time of year again. Both the baseball team
and softball team have been undergoing practices in
preparation for this season. The Lady Pirates have been
working hard to fulfill the spots of the six seniors they lost
this year. The boys have been practicing six days a week,
and three hours a day, in anticipation for the 2012 season.
“Our four seniors on the team, Kevin Dillingham,
Ryan Fischer, Josh Brabson, and Kelly Machuca have
been working very hard, and we have a lot of young arms
coming from the junior class.” said assistant coach, Matt
Bowling. “I think we are going to surprise some people
this season.” The team will have some new challenges
as the district has changed this season. “I think we have
one of the hardest districts in the state.” said Bowling.
The team has a whole new set of challenges this year
including a new head coach and replacing inportant parts of
the team that they lost in Garrett Russini, Jerrod Leinhauser,
and Dakota Wilson. They will also be faced with improving
a record of 10 wins and 17 losses from last season.
“If we stay close and focus on what needs
to be done, it will be a successful season.”
stated senior and team captain, Ryan Fischer.
The softball team has high standards set for themselves, as
they made it all the way to the state finals tournament last season.
“My predictions for this season are sticking together
as a team and winning states.” stated senior, Elena Lopez.
The Softball team will also have to replace seniors
contributing seniors that they lost last season including
Nicole Tira, Jada Schopfer, and Brianna Maxa. The
loss of important players on the team will have an effect
on the outcome of the season, but there is enough talent
on the team this year that they will likely be able to
overcome this obstacle. Softball has a strong group of
talented girls led by top pitcher junior Courtney Mirabella.
“Our biggest challenge this season will be having
a tougher district and not as much depth because
we lost six seniors, but we have girls that can step
in and fill those spots.” said junior, Ashley Allard..
by Emily Mingote
Mike Verrill’s first memory of being involved
in organized baseball was as a child playing Little
League in Norfolk, Virginia, from that first experience,
Coach Verrill has built a career around baseball. Now
Verrill brings 42 years of experience and 250 Varsity
wins to the River as the new Head Baseball Coach.
Coach Verrill lived in Manchester, Maine 52 years
before moving to Florida in 2003. The majority of Coach
Verrill’s playing career was happened before his high school
years as he only played one season, as a freshman, before
he was diagnosed with an illness that kept him off the field.
Growing up with seven brothers and sisters, Coach Verrill
knew he had to go to work right after graduating from
Hall-Dale High School in Maine, and in 1969 at age 18
he started his coaching career as a coach for Little League
Baseball and then Babe Ruth Baseball for nine years.
Coach Verrill got his first
opportunity to coach in
High School in 1980
when he was a Junior
Varsity Coach. After
three years as a Junior
Varsity coach, he coached
at Borden College in
Maine for one season
and then Maranacook
Community High School
for 14 years. The River’s
baseball program is
definitely inheriting a
lot of experience in the
addition of Coach Verrill.
Despite this being
his first season as the
Head Baseball Coach
at the River, Verrill
is excited to start the
season with the team he
believes in the power of
team chemistry and is
hoping to help facilitate
that as much as possible.
Coach Verrill
said his goal for the season is to “learn everything
I can about the school and get to know the kids”.
One of the most important things to Coach
Verrill is helping the boys who play for him to
achieve their goals in life in baseball and beyond.
Coach Verrill said “It’s all about helping
the kids for me, other than the sport”.
The fastest way to help the players achieve
their goals is to aid them in continuing the
winning tradition the baseball team has built and
Coach Verrill is optimistic about his first season.
The team started practice with Coach Verrill
in mid January and Verrill’s first impression of
the team was that “They work hard; they have a
pretty good baseball sense. I think they have the
sense of wanting to be a good team this year”.
by Kaylee Wells
Pirate Baseball brings in a new Head Coach for the
first time since school opened.
Seniors Matt McNabb and Melanie Wagner met through soccer when
they were younger and began dating almost a year and five months ago.
If you could describe each other in
one word what would it be?
Melanie: Unique
Matt: Wild
What are
you doing for
Matt: Just
dinner and
a movie, the
We are going
but he doesn’t
What is the secret to the success of
your relationship?
Matt: We were friends prior to dating,
so I basically knew her already.
What is Matt’s best quality?
He’s honest.
What is Melanie’s
best quality?
Her sense of
How do you
support each
other in your
Matt: I help her
practice on the
beach and I go to
the games.
I came to every soccer game this
season and I went to every soccer
game before.
The month of February
for most people is spent
obsessing over Valentine’s Day,
planning Spring Break Vacation, and beginning the
countdown until school is over. I’m not most people.
The second, and for me the most glorious month,
is filled with excitement from National Signing Day to
the Super Bowl, to my birthday. But, this February in
particular, is an upgrade from any other so far in my life.
The 2nd
of February marked the showdown for probably
the most insane rivalry at the River other than Lakewood;
Team French v. Team McLean. This competition, filled
with propaganda, made close friends, enemies, and forced
students to choose between two beloved figures on
campus. The countless commercials and campaigning
to win paid off when the gym was filled with students
there not only to choose their team, but to support the
basketball team on Senior Night. The amount of students
that came and the spirit showed was similar to that of a
college basketball game. One could only hope that free
food and items would not have to be the ticket to get
students to show spirit for their school and sports teams.
Now, I know Braden River is a relatively new school
and doesn’t have nearly as many alumni or as much
history as Manatee or Southeast, but that doesn’t
excuse some of the spirit issues at this school. Even
when a team is doing amazing, students still don’t show
up to games. The sad thing is that at most games, there
are more parents than students. However, for each sport
there is a group of students that are regulars at games
and constantly support that team. For that small group of
students there is group 10 times that, that refuses to go
to games. I understand if you don’t want to go to a game
because you don’t like that sport, but that right there
gives you no right to talk trash about the team playing it.
There are plenty of students who complain about
how bad certain teams are based on the record they hold,
yet those students don’t go to the games which makes
me wonder, hmmm. Nowadays, you don’t have to actually
witness how a team plays in order to form an opinion you
think is valid. Does this make sense? I think not. It seems
as though more people are obsessing over reaching five
million on Temple Run and playing that game rather
than going to an actual one. If more students showed
up to games or even participated during Homecoming
Week then maybe someday in the next couple of years,
Braden River might begin to resemble Manatee at
football games or even Port Charlotte at weightlifting
meets, not just BR v. LWR. It seems that students at
this school care more about distant professional teams
like the New York Giants and New England Patriots
than their own classmate’s accomplishments in sports.
The 46th Super Bowl and its festivities, in my opinion,
was one of the most anticipated SB’s in a while due in
large part to the rematch taking place. As most people
should know, I am madly in love with Peyton Manning; he’s
watch him play and this season he would be scheduled in
Tampa; just my luck. While everyone else was saying he
was done playing and wouldn’t see the locker room again,
I knew he wouldn’t let his neck stop him. Well look now,
he’s back. Lainee: 1, World: 0. His announcement was
more exciting than the whole Super Bowl itself. Although
witnessing Peyton’s less perfect, but still amazing brother,
Eli, beat Tom Brady yet again was beautiful as well as
Ahmad Bradshaw’s game winning touchdown, which I’m
positive confused America. But what I think confused
adolescent America the most was the Half Time Show.
I grew up listening to 80’s and 90’s music, knowing
every Madonna song from “Vogue” to “Don’t Tell Me.”
I loved her when she formed a British accent out of
nowhere and wore a unitard in her comeback a few years
ago. But what I didn’t love was the amount of ignorance
teenagers have in regard to her performance. A) Madonna
is not too old; she’s 53 and probably a better performer
than most young people today. B) The NFL isn’t aiming
to please teenagers. The Super Bowl is aimed towards
an audience of people over 30 because they’re the ones
who actually buy tickets. I highly doubt a 40 year old
wants to pay $5,000 for a ticket and be forced to listen
to the five personalities of Nicki Minaj for 10 minutes.
C) There were young and popular performers on stage
with her, but they have yet to earn enough experience
or credentials to play the half-time show. D) Madonna
is the reason the music is the way it is today. Without
Madge there wouldn’t be Lady Gaga and her craziness
or LMFAO and their wild and insane wardrobe. Madonna
is the originator. So please, before you ever diss an
icon like her again, think about it, type it, then delete it.
Coach Verrill pitching advice to senior player, Ryan Fischer.
Ten contenders, one
Party. The beginning of the
Republican Presidential race
was not only the start of one
of the most anti-climatic
and chaotic races for the
Republican Party, but also
the beginning of a downward
spiral that would eventually
bear witness to the dwindling
of potential Republican
Presidential nominees.
Then, there were four.
What many thought
would turn out to be one of
the most clear and decisive
presidential elections have
turned out to be the GOP
“horse race.” No clear victor
has stood out time and again as
the sole Republican nominee,
with votes carrying Mitt
Romney and Newt Gingrich
to almost equal standing in
votes. Rick Santorum suffered
defeat since his second place
finish in the New Hampshire
caucuses, while Ron Paul
has all but disappeared
off the face of the earth,
much like his predecessor,
Michele Bachmann.
by Alexia Fernandez
The number one question that all Floridians should
be asking themselves is this: What will become of the
Republican Party? With no definite leader to guide them
and with voters switching to and from candidates, what
The answer is: Yes. Never before has this happened
in the 21st
century, to either Party, and for it to be the
republicans that suffer from a severe case of commitment
are somewhat embarrassing. Conservatives would have
been better off if someone like Governor Chris Christie
of New Jersey had run for election, yet he endorsed
Romney. Granted the governor is widely unknown
compared to pariahs Sarah Palin and Donald Trump
(who, incidentally, endorsed Romney in January),
but there is no doubt that he has the charisma to have
been the Republican Obama. At this point in time, Mitt
Romney looks to be the sure victor, leaving Gingrich
to fumble in the wake of his new surge of popularity.
To say that Florida had something to do with his
new surge would be an understatement. Romney won
Florida with 46% of the vote, while Newt Gingrich
received 31%, Santorum 13% and Paul 7%. Florida
is a battleground state that candidates always fight
tooth and nail for; it’s also a state that has a history of
making voting mistakes. While nothing of the sort
happened during the primaries, the victor of the Florida
primaries surprised a few, shocked some, and set the
course for the following months until the Republican
Presidential nominee is announced. Mitt Romney is now
clearly the frontrunner of the GOP race, but will he stay
that way after a loss in two caucuses and a primary?
His stances on most issues have not proved quite as
controversial as the way he has presented them. Constantly,
and without failure to disappoint, Romney has given his
opinion on issues such as economy and social class and
caused uproar over the way he has phrased his responses.
Take for example, when he uttered the decisive words that
would cause a media backlash: “I’m not concerned about the
very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll
fix it.” His words caused a media upheaval and accusations
flew that Romney didn’t care about the poor, only about the
middle class and certainly his wealthy neighbors. If it wasn’t
obvious before, it certainly is now: while Romney may be
the most likely candidate for the nomination, he still has
much to learn in the coming months about public speaking
and revise his opinions. After his solid victory in Nevada,
however, Mitt Romney will only have to keep his mouth
tightly closed to gain a victory in the rest of the primaries.
Possibly the most exasperating thing about the situations
Romney places himself in is that it takes away the focus on
his policy ideas. He’s holding strong, but the big problem
swings back around to the face that most republican voters
are running around and voting for different candidates
each time. Santorum rose in the polls after winning the
Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and the Missouri primary.
A Romney obtained places in third and second, while
Gingrich was relegated to obscure places in third and fourth.
In the meantime, the best thing we can do is prepare for
the long-haul. Obama vs. Romney? Obama vs. Gingrich?
Obama vs. Santorum? The question of who will run against
Obama is not as important as asking if they’ll have the
backbone, wits, and charisma to run against a president who
won one of the most renowned elections inAmerican history.

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Jennings Uncensored covers sleep deprivation, superhero costumes

  • 1. Jennings Uncensored See what Lainee has to say this time, pg. 14 Braden River High School up close and personal. February 2012 Volume 5 Issue 3 Disappearing Act Check out the Republican horse race, pg. 16 what’s inside? Join the debate and read opinions & view points of other students. Check it out, page 4. Is Chivalry Dead? News 10 More Minutes Please... Statistics and facts about the importance of sleep for growing teens, page 2. Life & Features Evolution of Technology See how dating and relationships have transformed over the decades, page 5. Entertainment British Music The phenomena of artists from overseas is hitting America. Check these groups out, page 11. Sports Liftin’ Ladies Lady Pirate Weightlifters are taking over and excelling in a male dominated sport. Read about them, page 13. Clothes for Bros Get some guys fashion tips on, pg. 7 See a review of the most recent Pirate Player production, Hunchback of Notre Dame, page 13. by Thomas Reese & Jordan Sanders Recently, in an attempt to fight online piracy, a bill has been introduced to the United States Governmenttogivelawenforcementagenciesability to shut down any website that offers downloads of pirated files such as music and movies. These bills, known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act,) would give the United States Justice Department the power to prevent these websites from obtaining funds to run their sites by cutting off U.S advertisements. This process works by allowing court orders to shut down websites that contains copyright infringement or any pirated material, whether they know that it is illegal or if they are ignorant to it. The overwhelming resistance to these new bills is caused by the fear that these new powers would shut down sites that are unknowingly providing access to pirated material. This means that if you upload a picture to your website, like Tumblr or Blogspot, that is not 100 percent yours your site could be shut down without notice and without due process of law. What many people are not aware of is that SOPA would cause even websites like Youtube and, possibly, Facebook to shut down completely. The act does not remove or flag only specific songs that are considered pirated content, it simply removes the site completely. “Pirated content” can be as straightforward and insignificant as a little girl singing her favorite song, with her mother posting it on Youtube. If SOPA was passed (aside from blocking Youtube altogether), that little girl’s mother could risk receiving a fine for thousands of dollars. The blockage of sites like Youtube, or any website that offers streaming music for free can alter the way that famous artists promote their music. Many artists use these websites to not only spread their songs around, but to gain popularity also. If these sites were taken away, artists would find themselves at a loss. Local musicians or music students in high school and college would bedeeply affected as well. Senior, Kris Carrier said, “With music being a part of my daily life I often need to listen to the pieces that I play to understand the style of the music. SOPA would make it much harder to obtain the recordings, because of the ability to block the sites that have them. All I have to do now is search for a song and have it streaming through my speakers in just a few seconds, which helps share styles and new ideas of music around the country.” SOPA will also stunt journalism around the web. If the internet is to be severely restricted, the amount of information that the public has access to today would lesson greatly. Journalism has been straying away from newspapers for decades, ever since the creation of the television, and even more recently, since the creation of blogs, due to the plethora of sources available. SOPA and PIPA would take away many of these common sources that people have become accustomed to. Everyone who could be impacted by them feels as threatened by the laws. “Since it’s not affecting anything in my browsing experience on the web thus far, I’m not concerned by these two bills at the moment,” said junior, Sophie Bayer. However one may feel about them, the introduction of these pieces of legislation have now caused people to focus on the lack of internet laws there are and what action to take in order to defend free rights. “I don’t think this is fair because it limits the access people have to music who might not be able to afford it,” said senior, Mackenzie Meola. “Music should be shared around the world.”
  • 2. PIRATE PEGGY IS NOT... A Yearbook teacher The Daughter of a Preacher A Farm Creature Cheering on the Bleachers We have received a lot of questions about the identity of Pirate Peggy. Since we can’t tell you who she is, we figured we could at least tell you who she isn’t. NEWS2 After the second semester settles in, and the apathy of the final push begins to rear its ugly head, many students start to think, “high school is so pointless, so why am I even here?” These are all sure signs of laziness, but also something completely normal called sleep deprivation. High school student are scientifically proven to need more sleep due to their rapidly growing bodies and increased melatonin levels. Melatonin is the chemical that regulates our sleeping schedules, and in the morning. This large amount is what makes students feel so tired. Data shows that it is difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m and that their minds do not come out of sleep mode until 8 a.m, regardless of what time people fall asleep. Therefore, it is perfectly normal to feel tired, especially at six in the morning when a person wakes up and has to get ready for school. This epidemic of sleep deprivation in students is directly affecting academic performance and dropout rates in high schools aroundAmerica. In a study that was done in a Minneapolis high school, first period was changed from 7:15to8:40.Afterdatawascollectedfromthestudentbody, teachers, and parents, a plethora of benefits were shown such a significant reduction in school dropout rates, less depression, and students reported earning higher grades. “During exam week, that extra hour of sleep helps so much! When I get to class at 8:40 I feel so much more awake compared to 7:45,” stated junior Danielle Provan. The cycle repeats itself every day for high school students. Waking up exhausted, getting through school all day barely awake, then it’s either off to extracurricular activities or home to try and catch up on loss of sleep, and then staying up late to finish home work, simply because our bodies do not allow us to fall asleep properly. That’s not even including the Whether it’s the most heroic or the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen, a superhero’s costume is their bread and butter. It’s how you identify them and it pushes the limit on dress code, to say the least. Let’s start with female heroes. They don’t seem to like wearing anything more than a bathing suit into battles, which can’t be very safe. Ms. Marvel’s got a spandex leotard with matching gloves and thigh high boots, paired with a red sash and one of those little masks that make you look like a thief in a Sunday morning cartoon strip. Very interesting, but a more practical approach would be a Kevlar vest. Other fem fatales like Starfire, Raven, Dagger, Songbird, and Jean Grey have gone through periods of trouser-less attire. Recently, Wonder Woman adopted a leather jacket and leather slacks over top her classic red and gold ensemble. Her new look can be credited to the evolving image of women in media, and they can now rock pants and still sell comics. As for studios in general, DC makes things that look really good on paper, but if you look closer these guys wear some of the strangest things. Aquaman has a skin tight shirt made out of fish scales. The proper reaction to that is confusion with a hint of disgust. How do you make a shirt out of fish scales? His Marvel counterpart, The Sub-Mariner isn’t much better. He wears a fish scale speedo. The problem may be with the underwater theme, so I won’t count that one against DC, but try and explain The Flash. A solid red tracksuit is practically impossible to see in a real life situation. If he makes an appearance at the London Olympics maybe it’ll be appropriate, but ‘til then it’s just a joke. Batman’s suit is pretty dang cool, mostly because it’s believable because it serves the practical purpose of protecting the hero. The black makes him look less heroic, which is perfect for his character. Now his sidekick, Robin, isn’t as cool. The original Robin (there have been like four now) was a circus performer, and I think he brought his tights with him because he owns the shortest shorts in Gotham. Add in his cape and signature mask and it’s decent, but with some pants it would have been even better. Over to Marvel. They have a wide spectrum, leaning from slightly kooky to the coolest thing you’ve ever seen. I’ve always liked how the X-Men dress. I admire Cyclops’s sweet visor, Wolverine’s funky head piece, and even Gambit’s overcoat. Say what you will, but they have style. Hulk, not so much. Purple pants. That’s it. We obviously know what Spiderman wears, though it looks quite troublesome to put together with all the intricate webs. A lesser-known hero by the alias ‘Iron Fist’ intrigues me greatly. He is some master kung-fu man that wears a combination of obnoxious colors and classic dojo attire. Moon Knight’s another one. If you know nothing about him, he’s insane and enjoys punishing crime way too much, but his all white suit and schizophrenic personality make him stand out. Plenty of reasons why all white is a bad idea, but it’s what he is sticking with. What these heroes wear is really up to them, and it says a lot about their character. Captain America is patriotic, Thor is tough, Superman starts with an S, it goes on and on. Everyday people are the same way, so what are you saying with your clothes? That’s what fashion is, a form of communication. I won’t pretend I know everything about fashion, but I know I dress how I like to look. The t-shirt converse combination is my thing, and whatever that makes me is what I want to be. Superheroes may not be the place to pick up fashion tips, but they know who they are. Ten More Minutes Please!by Abby Sugden students that have a part time job which can sometimes keep them later than 10 p.m., which can cause them to be up until the morning hours finishing assignments. When you look around your classroom, no matter what subject you are in, you will most likely find one or more students either completely sleeping or nodding off. It could be because they are truly falling asleep from boredom, but more than likely it is a case of being in “sleep debt.” Sleep debt occurs when people do not sleep enough for several nights in a row. Even staying home for a whole day and sleeping, like many kids do on the weekends, is still not enough to cancel out sleep deprivation.To get out of “sleep debt” students should sleep an extra hour or two a night, which is almost impossible when they have to wake up at six o’clock for school. Senior superlative winner for ‘Most Likely to Sleep in Class’, Travis Jurgovan, commented on the issue of sleep debt. “I’m actually a pretty active guy, I exercise and eat properly, but for some reason I’m still always tired during theschoolday.Anextrahourortwoofsleepontheweekend always helps but I can’t find time during the school week.” The probability of schools around the nation actually deciding to postpone their first bell is slim to none right now. But students can make the best of the situation and choose to follow a few of these helpful tips. Organization is key; you should try to organize your time better by not procrastinating to do assignments the night before, move your after school nap time to 9 p.m. to have an extra jumpstart on sleep, and even go to bed a bit earlier on weekends to keep your sleep schedule in line. There is nothing worse than having an out of sync sleeping schedule. Each of these simple tips can help enable teens to have a much healthier sleeping pattern and can ultimately prevent sleep deprivation. Computers in general are rapidly becoming more and more essential to the success of an average student, especially in high school. Now, the Florida Department of Education hopes to make the transition from the seemingly outdated paper-and-pencil version to the modern computer-based version of the Florida Comprehension Assessment Test (FCAT). Last year, the 10th grade FCAT Mathematics and Mathematics Retakes were taken in the computer- based version. Algebra 1, Biology 1, and Geometry End of Course exams were also computerized. The specific tests to be administered in the computer version this spring are grades six and 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading and FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake. Other End of Course exams will also be taken on the computer. Schools in Florida went through several phases to ensure the stability of the computer- based assessment. One of the phases was a trial in which all 1,760 schools were asked to participate in. The transition will be gradual. By the school year 2013- 2014, almost all of the FCAT test will be administered on the computer,withexceptionstoelementaryreadingandscience. Many students will struggle with the transition from the paper-and-pencil based version of the FCAT to the computer based version. Resulting scores will reflect not only the student’s intellect and knowledge, but their technological capabilities. This gives an unfair advantage to those who work well with computers over those who prefer to work on paper, and does not give the traditional students the tools they have grown up with. This transition leaves one wondering if the advantages of changing really outweigh the disadvantages of such a drastic change. : FCAT Goes Virtual Easier and more efficient system of grading Lesspaperhassleandwaste(Environmentalconservation) Cheaper in the long run (Less annual costs) Students get the same or even more amount of tools; highlighting, underlining, marking questions with ‘review’ Quicker data and grade analysis Allows question type to advance into incorporating multimedia Possibility of computer failure or crashes System deficiencies such as incorrect questions or answers, or grading failures Expensive upfront for advanced technology Computer glitches Not suitable for extended response questions Student technological knowledge could interfere with actual intellectual intelligence by Jessica Dreger by Nicole Feldman NEWS 3 Martin Luther King, Jr. could have stayed a simple man. His life could have consisted of spending time with his family, preaching the Word to his congregation, far from the lime-light, away from the danger. But he felt a call and made a choice. He would sacrifice his simple life, for one that would have him lead thousands in marches, spend nights in jail, be away from those he loved. It was these choices that changed the world. At sixteen, can I make choices that change the world? I passionately believe so. As a young African-American male, coming from a single parent home, I can refuse to be a part of some statistic on violence or the drop-out rate. I can choose to be the change I want to see in the world. I choose to be non-violent. I choose to use my talents as a positive influence in my community. I choose to respect my family. It is through these daily choices that I am helping change the world. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, (and I quote) “Nonviolence means avoiding not only physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” (unquote) Many young men my age are packing guns and spewing hatred. I choose not to. I choose to be a man of peace, to turn the other cheek when offended. To be honest, this isn’t always easy for me. There is a lot of anger in society. I see it in other drivers on the road. I hear it at school. I watch it on the news. Sometimes I want to strike back verbally, to be more aggressive, to have the final word. But I choose to control those emotions, rather than allowing those emotions to control me. I choose to be a light in a very dark world. Dr. King reminded his followers, (and I quote) “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?” (unquote) He was an eloquent speaker and his powerful words made the world better for others. As he chose to use his talent to make a difference, so do I. I sing and play the saxophone for charitable organizations, at my school, and at several local churches. I gave concerts for my grandfather and other patients at his nursing home. Is this really making a difference? When a song can make a child spontaneously dance, or a worshiper begin to praise, or a patient sing along, yes, I have changed the world. And lastly, I choose to respect my family. I’m a teenager. I don’t always agree with my mother and her tough rules. I look around and see everyone else staying out late and having more freedom. Most parents don’t seem to be as demanding of good grades as my mom is, either. She pushes me to always be my best in everything I do. But I choose not to be rebellious. I choose to obey my mother and give her the respect and love she deserves, knowing that she always wants what is best for me. Because of her guidance in my life, I excel academically and am prepared for college and my future. I am confident in myself and my musical ability. By choosing to respect her and her rules, I am the young man I am today…the young man with goals and dreams who is out to help change the world. Is it easy to make the tough choices? No. It would easy to be angry or lazy. It would be easy to follow the crowd. But, Dr. Martin Luther King made tough choices daily in order to make our world a better place, and I strive to follow his example.Yes, I may only be 16 years of age, but I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can help make Dr. King’s dream a reality. Legend has it that there was a race organized by the Jade emperor between 12 different animals to cross a river. The order of the animals’ arrival determined the order of their zodiac signs. To this day, each Chinese New Year has an animal that represents it, whether it is the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, or boar. Each zodiac sign has certain personality traits that accompany it and this can be substantially important to future parents. With 2012 being the year of the dragon, many Chinese women are rushing to get pregnant in order to have children in this special year. The dragon is commonly used throughout China and signifies sovereignty, royalty, and contribution to society, which has many future parents buzzing with excitement. Not only is the Chinese New Year famous for its zodiac signs, but also for its time to reconnect with family and celebrate. Similar to the U.S, the Chinese celebrate the New Year at home. In daily life people are always busy, so this time of the year is essential for family reunions. Many adults in China that work in big cities get the chance to go home and spend time with childhood friends. You can find almost every household watching the by Jordan Sanders FIRST PLACE WINNER OF THE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ESSAY COMPETITION Spring Festival Gala, which is a special New Year’s show that has music and dancing and streams from C.C.T.V, China Central Television, just hours before midnight. There are also other selections available to watch on T.V like parades, the drum dance, lion dance, and dragon dance. Food is served according to region, for example, beef and dumplings in the north and a variety of seafood and sticky rice in the south. Fireworks are very popular for the Chinese New Year as well as traditions like children receiving a red colored envelope from their parents, which symbolizes good luck for the New Year. These envelopes are usually filled with money and include a four character idiom for good wishes. Although our own Ms. Yi was not in China this year, it didn’t stop her from celebrating. “Chinese materials are limited here so I went to a show and had dinner which included dumplings and spring rolls”. The event was provided by the Confucius Institute at USF. Ms.YihasincorporatedtheNewYearintoherChinese I classes with fun projects that many students have enjoyed. Jordan Paxton, junior, is very interested in learning the ancient traditions surrounding the New Year. “Ms. Yi taught us how to make paper cuttings where you fold and cut paper to make cool looking designs and Chinese characters. There are so many phrases we have learned that are common sayings in China for the New Year that wish for happiness and health in the future.” Learning about the Chinese New Year has made our students more diverse and given them interest in finding out about the traditions of others around the world. It gives a glance into a completely different culture and provides us with the opportunity to learn about a celebration that has been taking place for thousands of years. by Rachel Arcuri by Enriqueta Balandra Freshmen Danny Coronado and Savannah Bosch are making a splash here at the River. They have recently started an anti-bully committee named IMAGINE. Bosch and Coronado, “wish to work toward establishing a safe place and environment for all students, faculty, and staff attending Braden River High School.” Meetings are held in the media center on the first and third Mondays of the month. Ms. Stedman heads the committee as a sponsor as well as co-founders Coronado and Bosch. IMAGINE had their first meeting on January 23 where applications were made available. Co-founder and freshman, Danny Coronado has had first-hand experiences with bullying. The message really hit home when he met Savannah and heard her story. “I was really inspired on what she was doing, so I wanted to get involved and take a stand.” Bosch, co-founder of IMAGINE, first became interested in the topic of anti-bullying when a friend committed suicide because of cyber bullying. She created a Facebook page in memory of her friend and within the first week, she received over 7,000 likes. Bosch then began getting very involved in her middle school by giving presentations about anti-bullying. She succeeded in getting her school to change their policy on bullying. Coronado believes that, “[bullying] still exits so that’s why these certain types of clubs should be presented in every school to raise awareness.” ” “imagine life all the living,people, IN peace -John Lennon “IMAGINE” Bully Club Year of the
  • 3. LIFE & FEATURES 5 To My Dearest, This curious and ingenious love letter was written by a young gentleman in hopes of attracting a beautiful young lady to accompany me this Friday night to the football game at the school . If you would like to make it a date, check yes or no. Yes [] No [] Love, Teddy September 14th , 1941by Cheyenne Hill and Emily Mingote : her, but I would still date her anyway, and if they were true friends they would try to like her.” It all started with MySpace back in 2003 which over time turned to Facebook. Now the Internet offers numerous ways to meet such as Skype, dating sites, and creepy chat rooms. Typical relationships start off with a Facebook friend request, to liking pictures and statuses; friendships increase through Facebook IM, to texting, to phone calls and soon enough the two become “Facebook official.” Nowadays, it seems as if a changed relationship status via the Internet is the only way to confirm if one is available or not. On the other hand, just years ago, the only way to be certain would be to hear it from the two involved in the relationship. Relationships were centered on understanding and intimacy, but the principles have changed. Once word gets out that a girl and guy are together, profiles are lurked, statuses are liked, and posts are commented. Senior Lauren Thomsen feels that a lot of relationships depend on technology, “a lot of relationships start with texting, communication is very minimal.” Theprivacybetweentwopeoplehasvanishedgradually with the rise and popularity of the internet and cell phones. However,somecouplesknowhowtostaytruetooneanother. For example, Michael Kargauer, who has been dating Taylor Myers for about 14 months, feels that their personal relationship is not very public in terms of Facebook. “We talk instead of posting it. Therefore, anyone who From Old-School Letters to One Word Texts Throughout many years, the classic romance between a guy and a girl has dramatically transformed as an effect of a world full of technological advances. The traditional idea of love has slowly faded, along with the intimacy two should have in a relationship, which can be blamed on the modern day devices such as cell phones and computers. One of the most obvious changes is the sincerity of relationships. These days, couples must be defined as together or not together. People usually cannot date and hangout without assumptions from others that they are in a relationship. The “in-between” stage simply does not exist anymore. Teens are either considered friends or boyfriend-girlfriends; once they are “talking”, they are expected to announce their feelings to the public. If not, rumors begin. With all this considered, the critique of present-day connections seems almost pitiful. In the twentieth century, a couple was “going steady” after numerous dates, and the male did not have to ask the girl out to win the approval of her friends or those around him. It appears that there is more pressure today to win her over than there was back then. It’s also difficult to find a boyfriend or girlfriend without worrying about what others will think; judgment is so common, so it seems as if one must seek the consent of their friends before dating. Junior Casey Anderson doesn’t let his friends’ opinions affect who he dates. “I would ask my friends why they don’t like tries using Facebook to learn about us wouldn't find much.” His girlfriend agrees. In fact, they waited a couple days to make it “Facebook official.” Myers shares, “it was mostly because I was kind of nervous to change it. I finally did change it when my brother hacked into my account and changed it from "single" to "it's complicated" because at that point, it was definitely necessary.” The internet has also been a major contributor to fights between couples; a person might feel their partner is unfaithful for liking another’s statuses and pictures, or they might see something on someone else’s profile page that arouses feelings of jealousy or doubt. Along with that, the intensity of the meaning of words has also decreased. Can anyone truly remember the day that “I love you” really meant “I’m in love with you”? Contrary, today’s society has given the three word phrase a smaller, emptier meaning. The culprit? Abbreviations like “ILY” unquestionably have less significance than the full confession. This type of “text talk” makes it seem acceptable for a couple to admit their love for each other after only two weeks of dating. Similarly, symbols like hearts and winky faces are flirtatious, but they can give off a false impression. After exploring the advancements of technology, it is evident that love is seen differently, and relationships have evolved into a totally different light - a light so new that our grandparentswouldneverunderstand.Sothinkaboutit,does yoursignificantotherchangeyourheartorchangeyourstatus? Raspberry TrifleEach celebration or dinner doesn’t have to follow with desserts that stack up in calories. Instead, the raspberry trifle is a great and light dish that is perfect after every meal. Don’t worry about the long preparation time! This quick and easy recipe will get you out of the kitchen in no time so you can enjoy it too! Ingredients: •1 pkg Betty Crocker 1-step white angel food cake mix. •1 ¼ cups cold water as called for on cake mix package directions •2 cups boiling water •1 pkg sugar-free or regular raspberry flavored gelatin •2 pkg (10 oz each) frozen sweetened raspberries, thawed •2 to 3 containers (6 oz each) Yoplait Original 99% Fat Free red raspberry yogurt. Bake and cool cake as directed for angel food (tube) pan. Tear cake into about ¾” pieces. Pour boiling water on gelatin in large bowl; stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add raspberries. Refrigerate gelatin mixture about fifteen minutes or until thickened but not set. Layer half each of the cake pieces, gelatin mixture and yogurt in 3-qt. glass bowl; repeat. Garnish with reserved raspberries. Refrigerate at least 2 hr. until firm. Cover and refrigerate any remaining dessert. Baking Directions Popping with loveThis cookie pop recipe is simple and sweet with a dash of fabulous! A Betty Crocker recipe, with my special twist is an easy way to win over anyone’s heart. Ingredients: Cake: •3 cups all-purpose flour •1 teaspoon baking soda •1/4 teaspoon salt •1 3/4 cups granulated sugar •1/4 cup packed brown sugar •1 tablespoon lemon zest •1 tablespoon lemon juice •1 cup butter, softened •2 large eggs •2-3 tsp. of vanilla extract Icing: •4 cups confectioners’ sugar •3 tablespoons meringue powder •1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract •1/2 cup - 3/4 cup warm water First,Preheatovento350degrees.Mixflour,baking soda, and salt into a bowl and then set aside. Put all of the sugars and lemon zest in the bowl of an electric mixer. Mix it on medium speed 30 seconds, then add the butter; mix it until its pale and fluffy, then mix in the eggs and lemon juice. Reduce speed and gradually add flour mixture, and mix until just combined, add in the vanilla and cinnamon until mixed thoroughly (low speed). Scoop dough then flatten with a spatula. Next, sprinkle tops with sandy sugar. Bake for about 15 minutes then let cool. Baking Directions Icing Directions Beat the sugar and meringue powder until combined. Add the water and beat on medium/high speed until glossy and stiff peaks form. To get the right consistency you may need to add more powdered sugar or water. Add red food coloring to make the icing pink! OPINIONS4 theSpyglass The student press of Braden River High School has adopted this as its mission: To publish news, information, and opinion articles for and about student, faculty and administration activities, interests and policies. To maintain high ethical standards with regard to fairness, personal and legal rights, responsibilities and accuracy. To provide a forum for free and responsible expression of student opinion and present well-balanced, locally researched coverage of issues of broader student interest. To strive for a high level of competency in the technical aspects of writing, including grammar, spelling, clarity, and precision. To welcome diversity and increase the scope and depth of our coverage in order to heighten mutual understanding and awareness throughout our entire school community. Dear Pirate Peggy, Dear Valentine Blues, CHRISTIE CHILDERS, Co-Editor-in-Chief ALEXIA FERNANDEZ, Co-Editor-in-Chief CLAIRE PATTERSON, Assistant Editor-in-Chief THOMAS REESE, News & Opinions Editor CHEYENNE HILL, Life & Features Editor CAYTIE CHRISMAN, Entertainment Editor LAINEE JENNINGS, Co-Sports Editor KAYLEE WELLS, Co-Sports Editor NICOLE FELDMAN, Graphics Editor LISA HORNICK, Business Manager JORDAN SANDERS, Assistant News & Opinions Editor ABBY SUGDEN, Assistant News & Opinions Editor ENRIQUETA BALANDRA,Assistant Life & Features Editor KELSEY LUTZI, Assistant Life & Features Editor MELISSA MCFALL, Assistant Life & Features Editor EMILY MINGOTE, Assistant Entertainment Editor ASHLEY STEINBACH, Assistant Entertainment Editor JORDAN EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor JILLIAN BIEBER, Advisor Staffers ROLANDa ANTOINE Rachel Arcuri Tory Bertran Emily Borges Brittany Borman Jordan Bush Katie Cafiero tIFFANY cAMPBELL Kayla Clark Taylor Coblentz Jessie Davis Alessandra Delrose Jessica Dreger Carley Engelberger Olivia Garro Savannah Hardesty Katie Holt With all this hype about Valentine’s Day I’m really beginning to feel the pressure about asking someone to be my valentine. My only problem is I don’t have anyone to ask. I always thought the holiday was dumb and overrated but now I’m feeling the pressure of being single. Haven’t really felt the need to find a girl I’d like to date but now I don’t know. I’m just confused about this whole valentine thing. All my friends have someone, so what do I do? Valentine’s Day should not be the only time you showing your appreciation or love for someone. To be honest, that should happen every day of the year, not just on a specific holiday. However, don’t feel the need to find someone just so you have a date; that deprives the entire meaning. Just because your friends have girlfriends does not necessarily mean you have to have one too. Every one matures at different times, so why rush it? Enjoy being a teenager without the stress of worrying about who you want to ask out next. When the time is right, you will feel it. Till then, just enjoy the challenges life throws at you. Those challenges will only make you stronger and shape you into the man any woman would want to date. -Pirate Peggy Chivalry is an individual characteristic that revolves around your choice and your ethics. Trying to answer this question that lurks our generation is difficult because the answer varies. “Is chivalry alive in you?” That is the question we should be asking. The age of opening doors for women, seating them at the dinner table, and treating them like princesses seems like it is coming to an end as teenagers in our society constantly disrespect women. Nowadays, it is common to see guys break up with a text message, cheat on their girlfriends like it is a daily routine, and put themselves up on a pedestal high above others. However, it is hard to blame them for this behavior because some parents in this generation fail to properly educate their children on a chivalrous lifestyle. There are families still around that do prepare their children with the right behavioral skills in this field; one of them being my family. I was raised to actually adhere to these principles and to treat my peers with respect. It basically all comes back to the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Chivalry is not limited to the way men treat women. It is open to the entire population to treat each other in a courteous way. Whether it is a man helping another man, or even a woman helping a man, it is still an act of courtesy that everyone should use. It is placing others above you and making them a priority. Selflessness is the key to acting chivalrous. Because chivalry is somewhat rare to witness in today’s society, whenever someone does something courteous and gallant, it often goes ignored. When the sinking of the Italian cruise ship occurred, the news was flooded with stories on how the Captain’s actions of abandonment were cowardly and cold-blooded. The one thing that did not make international attention was the complete bravery and selfless actions displayed by the Italian rescue divers. They put all of their priorities aside and risked their own lives to save the people drowning in the ocean. That is chivalry. Chivalry is not dead and there are still people who exercise this characteristic every day. However, it does appear to be rapidly declining as a new world of technology is changing the way people communicate. It will be interesting to see if chivalry will still be a part of the next generation. It all comes back to the individual. Are you willing to live a chivalrous lifestyle? I sure hope so… Back in the day, relationships and casual dating were treated with more care and creativity than our generations attempt at flirtatious gestures and courting one another. The real question most people ask: is chivalry truly dead? Girls used to dream about finding their “knights in shining armor”. Nowadays, if you can even get your date to open the car door for you at a restaurant or buy your movie ticket, that's about as close to shining armor as you're going to get. Dating has completely transformed from the generations before us, although poets like Shakespeare and Robert Frost did leave a tough act to follow. Still, dating has fallen ill since the days of our grandparents and even our own parents and there is really no excuse for this epidemic. Basic knowledge of chivalry can be traced back to mothers and the attention they pay to the topic in regards to their sons. If they are not being taught from the get-go on the nuts and bolts of how to treat a lady, then chances are it is going to slip right through the cracks with little chance of returning. It is said that guys will treat their girlfriends the way they treat their mothers. This is something many girls don’t pay attention to and find major disappointment later in their romantic choices. Some people could blame this on the idea of the technological revolution. It is so easy to get in contact with people now over social networking, texting, and the phone that you have to make almost no true effort to get to know one another. Now, when you log onto your Facebook profile and see that someone of questionable intentions “liked” your photo or “poked” you, it is safe to assume that the person doing said acts is trying to expressing attention towards you. This is a pathetic and lackluster way to be told you’re attractive or that someone wants to hang with you. The music industry has also played a major role in the transfiguration of respect for others and dignity. So many artists feel the need to degrade others physically and sexually, and this is a direct connection to the current generation with all the issues. Not one specific genre is to blame, but the lyrics generated these days in general are contributing to the tarnished reputation of society in regards and affection. Before all the media and entertainment outlets we are accustomed to now, a person had a more wholesome and developed idea of love, and would have had to make a grand gesture such as a hand written letter or sending flowers to catch the attention of someone they fancied. chiv•al•ry [shiv-uh l-ree] noun, plural: -ries 1.Courteous behavior, especially toward women 2. The combination of qualities expected of a knight such as courage, honor, justice, and readiness to help the weak. “Chivalry is most definitely NOT dead. I personally make it a goal of mine to treat women with the utmost respect they deserve. Whatever it takes to accomplish that goal I will do.” - Logan Jones, 11 ADVICE PIRATEPEGGY -Valentine Blues Brandon Huynh Kiely Huynh Carly KelleR Siena Kelley JAZMINN LUCAS CAYLYN MALONE MATTHEW MCFALL CIARRA MCNUTT KYLIA MUHAMMAD Alex Passmore HALEIGH ROBERTS BAILEY RODGERS KATIE SANTARSIERO MARY STAGER MICHAYLA STODDARD MACKENZIE STRALEY IVERI WILSON “Chivalry is alive in the beginning of a relationship, but as it goes on, it becomes a matter of constant repair rather than enjoying each other.” - Sarah Kinsey, 12 by Christie Childers & Claire Patterson by Thomas Reese
  • 4. LIFE & FEATURES6 Aquarius January 20-February 18 The idea of love is a wonderful thing, and something you can believe in fully. Take this day to dig in deeply and reflect on your desires. If they’re not being met with your current partner or as a single person, a private conversation with someone you trust can help you move toward fulfilling your needs. Pisces February 19-March 20 Even a romantic person like you can recognize that this Valentine’s Day is more about digging deeper emotionally than an easy-breezy time for relationships. The key is in recognizing that you deserve love and affection without struggling for it. Aries March 21-April 19 It’s the little things that matter this Valentine’s Day. Instead of indulging yourself with dining and dancing, make it a day to serve others. It may not sound romantic, but it shows your generosity and compassion which will have its perks in the end. Taurus April 2-May 20 You may be feeling stressed out during this holiday but don’t let it darken your mood. If you have a partner, seek a quiet, out-of- the-way place where you can talk about intimate matters. If you’re single, it’s better to be alone orwith someone you trust than to seek romance under risky circumstances. Gemini May 21-June 20 Valentine’s Day may start out on a sobering note, but don’t worry, the fun will begin when you meet a loud and adventurous indi- vidual. Remember to keep others’ feelings in mind as they may not be having the best Valentine’s Day. Cancer June 21-July 22 The sentimental feelings evoked on Valentine’s Day are mixed with some complications this holiday. Insensitive remarks might provoke uncomfortable feelings. Dealing with reality, though, is a key to making love last. Leo July 23-August 22 The playful and generous side of your personality should shine and make it easy for you to have a great time this holiday. However, a sensitive person might react with jealousy or mistrust. Finding the balance between the joy you’re seeking and the vulnerability of this person is a challenge best met with kindness and a gentle sense of humor. Virgo August 23-September 22 Try to keep things simple this Valentine’s Day. Reconnecting with someone you haven’t seen in awhile is a great way to celebrate this holiday.You might also plan for a quiet evening out with friends, you don’t need a date to enjoy this Valentine’s Day. Libra September 23-October 22 Your romantic taste tends toward the sweet side, which is what Valentine’s Day is about. Yet there are powerful emotions arousing control issues, or jealousy. Passion is part of the package, take this oppourtunity to get closerwith someone special. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Passion is pulsing as you seek satisfaction on deeper levels than you’ll find on any Valentine’s Day card. You’re not into flirting or playing games but try talking to your crush. The signs are in your favor and you might just get lucky. Sagittarius November 22-December 21 Keeping a positive attitude is one of your strong points and a good skill to have today. This V-Day you’ll be happier spending time in a quiet place with a close friend. If you’re dissatisfied with your partner, be honest but careful with yourwords. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Knowingwhatyouwantisoneofyourstrengths,butknowingwhat(and who) you don’t want is equally important today. This Valentine’s Day isbettersuitedtotalkingaboutseriousemotionalissueswithafriend. Thegoodnewsisthatyoumaybereadytodiscusssomedifficultissues. Valentine’s Day Horoscopes PASA certified kiteboard instruction 941-447-8863 / Abandoned Sites Club A cartoon by student artist: Tyler Richardson Remember back to a time before TiVo, before Net- flix, and before the Kardashians. A time when cartoons ruled the world and life made sense. Now insert pu- berty and cancel all the classic shows and you’ll see why the age of animation has declined. That’s all beginning to change, as new shows are making cartoons cool again. I may be a rare case; a teenager that watches cartoons, but they have this classic taste about them that resonates even now. When I was a younger everyone watched the same programs on Friday and Saturday, and between the hours of 7 and 9 no one disturbed you. If you missed an ep- isode, that was it. You had to hope for a holiday marathon, or have a friend fill you in at recess.Shows like Ed, Edd, N Eddy, Power Puff Girls, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Teen Titans, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Fairly Odd Parents, Rocko’s Modern Life, Hey Arnold, and Chalk Zone were incredibly addicting, and it was a blessing to our age group to grow up with these quality programs. There was a time in middle school where I abandoned my love of animation out of sheer disgust at the current pro- grams. Chowder, The Adventures of FlapJack, Fanboy and Chum Chum, even Ben 10 were just cheap, and lacking that kind of humor that only cartoons can bring to the Party. I was disturbed even more by the amount of live action shows that appear on classically cartoon heavy channels. Nickel- odeon tried so hard with shows like Unfabulous, The Na- ked Brothers Band, and H2O, but failed pretty miserably. Cartoon Network has no room to talk after the disaster that was Out of Jimmy’s Head. Not all of Nickelodeon’s un-an- imated shows were bad. I loved watching Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, The Amanda Show, and iCarly, but the real magic was with the cartoons. Nothing new come out of the station in awhile, but they’ve hit a gold mine with Sponge- Bob, and won’t be adding anything new for quite awhile. Cartoon Network, on the other hand, is always chang- ing their line-up. They’ve been action heavy, gross heavy, humor heavy, and replaying classic shows, but they may have just found their new groove. Regular Show, Adventure Time, and MAD are all spectacular shows that appeal to many different generations. The mature humor mixed with the ridiculous premises liven it up for any age group. Regu- lar Show is about a raccoon named Rigby and a blue bird named Mordecai who work at a park and have ridiculous adventures with board games, ducks, karaoke, and time travel. It’s a really hilarious show worth watching. Adventure Time is another one of those weird ones that appeal to ev- erybody. Jake the magical dog and Finn the lovable human go around the land of Ooo helping everyone who needs it. The series is loopy and hilariously adorable, with a clever mix of action. The writers and artists drew a lot of inspira- tion from classic video games, and it adds a certain charm to the show that no other series can match. If you’re not feeling those, MAD is great option. It’s a culmination of pop cul- ture parodies crammed into a 15 minute bit, and it’s incred- ibly hard not to laugh. The sketches are all over the place. They don’t get offensive with their pop culture jokes and references, but they do make fun of things in the best way. We have plenty of adult themed cartoons, like Family Guy, South Park, and Futurama, but when’s the last time you could sit down with a younger audi- ence and not only stomach their shows, but be thor- oughly entertained with them? With all these new programs there’s never been a better time to tune in. by Nicole Feldman LIFE & FEATURES 7 From crisp polos and blazers to vibrant watches, men’s fashion is quickly skyrocketing and becoming the craze. With inspiration from magazines and runway shows, a new generation filled with crucial men’s fashion is approaching. Lightweight blazers are an absolute must-have this spring. Not too thick or too fancy, these coats make the perfect addition to any outfit- night or day! Stray away from classic black by purchasing one in an on-trend earth tone such as army green, rustic red, or a navy blue. Actor Zac Efron recently wore a lightweight blazer with matching pants and a navy tee underneath for a bit of subdued color. The matching essence of the outfit was classic, and the tee underneath was a casual addition. Khaki shorts are a very functional “staple” piece, which means it can be worn in many different ways. These versatile bottoms are a great day outfit, and can easily be dressed up for nighttime. However, fit is very important. Look for one that hits above the knee, and is not too wide. Khaki shorts look phenomenal when paired with a polo shirt, and you can finish the look off by strapping on a belt. Boat shoes have been a major hit lately in the fashion world- even girls have been spotted in them! In luscious hues of beige and browns, it is wise to invest in an expensive and reliable pair. More versatile than ever, these shoes can be worn with any daytime look. If you adore the sailor- inspired trend, then boat shoes paired with a lightweight blazer creates the perfect, compliment-worthy outfit. Tee Phung, a stylish junior here at The River, says his style consists of “urban mixed with classy and a hint of vintage.” On a date, Phung would wear “a nice plaid button up shirt with a cardigan over it and dark navy jeans.” He also explains that guys should definitely Clothes for Bros “try new things when it comes to clothing,” but that you should always be “comfortable in the clothes you wear.” For a more edgy look, leather jackets are the center of attention when worn. In rich, dark tones, these ackets look great when paired with jeans and motorcycle boots, and look fantastic for a night out on the town. It is also wise to invest in a good, quality leather jacket that will last years. Actor Austin Butler has recently been spotted wearing leather jackets. He pairs them with solid tees and jeans for an effortless look. At times, Butler has topped off the look with motorcycle boots to compliment the jacket and a casual hat. If there is one staple piece that a guy should own, it is a polo shirt! It is the basic top for all men- classic, stylish, and timeless. In absolutely any color, these shirts give off the right impression and can be worn during the day with khaki shorts, or dressed up at night with pants. Polo shirts look fantastic with boat shoes for a daytime look, and will definitely get you noticed. Brooke Conrad, a junior here at the River, loves to wear anything hipster inspired and says he has a “laid back style.” Conrad loves “variation in colors that go well together” and he says that it’s important to “add something unique to a personal style.” For more daring men, pops of neon are currently the craze! In watches, shoes, or even messenger bags, vibrant colors are surely a hit. For the ultimate effect, ensure that the rest of your outfit is toned down. The simplicity of men’s fashion is what makes it so easy, and yet what also makes it difficult to get right. It is imperative that you choose trends that work for you, your lifestyle, and your body. When done correctly, and with the right pieces, you will look phenomenal day and night. by Kayla Clark Disaster struck on the night of January 13th after the cruiseship“CostaConcordia”hitareefoffoftheItalianisland Isola del Giglio. The 114 thousand-ton ship then proceeded to capsize just off the coast of the port city Giglio Porto. Braden River’s own math teacher Mrs. Harwood was on the Norwegian Sky cruise ship for a 3 night cruise to the Bahamas when the disaster struck. “We turned on our TV one morning and saw it. Of course we were shocked and horrified. We heard it was the captain’s error, so we were not frightened. I knew it was a very rare occurrence.” The biggest question is how such a large and new cruise ship with nearly every modern convenience could sink, despite so many advances in technology and safety? Most cruise ships are equipped with computer navigation, especially large ones like the Concordia itself. Cruise ships are now required to have sufficient life boats for all passengers onboard and have a muster drill in which passengers are informed on what to do in an emergency. So then what went wrong? It was in fact a human error by the ship’s captain, after he took the ship off of its arranged course to do a close sail-by of the island city. In fact, this maneuver had been done three or four times before. The captain is guilty of abandoning the ship before every passenger had safely evacuated the half-sunken vessel, for which he is facing charges of manslaughter. Many students and most Floridians have been on a cruise via companies like Royal Caribbean and Carnival, which is the parent company of the Italian based Costa Cruises. Carnival is no stranger to events like these; in 2010 a fire on the Carnival Conquest left the ship dead in the Gulf of Mexico. Passengers had to ride a ship without power and, for a short time, no working toilets. The question still remains: are cruise ships safe? “I mean occurnaces like this are extremely rare and it probably won’t happen again for a long time,” stated junior, Evan Johnson. “with all the regulations in cruise safety, like having enough life boats, there’s no reason to worry, especially here in America.” Johnson’s family travels on cruises but has not recently taken a ship on vacation. Although he thinks the captain is at fault for creating the problem intead of fixing it, he feels confident that his family will still use cruise travel. Since 2005, more than 100 million people worldwide have taken cruises, and until the Costa Concordia disaster there have only been 16 fatalities. Cruise ships are safer than air, rail, and auto transportation. In fact, a person is more likely to get in an accident driving to the cruise port than sinking on the ship. Harwood shared her thoughts on the cruise ship industry after something like this, “I love cruises. I will always continue to cruise. It’s like the time following an airplane disaster. You think about the possibilities, but you know they are rare, so you still fly. Cruises and air flights are safer than automobiles really. I also think it might be even safer now after such a disaster. The cruise lines and captains will be more careful than before.” After the recent Costa Concordia disaster in Italy, how safe is the cruise ship industry, and how will it effect Florida’s Economy? by Matthew McFall
  • 5. Mr. Christy Mrs. Scott Coach Sloman Mr. BaileyMrs. Cristello Mr. Nelson Mr. Pauley Sr. Largo Ms. Bernat Ms. Toole Mrs. Rencker Mrs. Jurgovan Mr. Page Mrs. Gilray Mrs. VonSeggern Mrs. Ramsey Mrs. Kish Mr. Jenkins Mrs. Hinton Mrs. Goehring Mrs. Dietz Mrs. Bilous Coach Engelberger “Nothing fancy for Valentine’s Day. Maybe I’ll write her a poem.” “Valentine’s Day will be a lotof fun this year. Hopefullysome fights at the TampaBay Lightning game.” “We’re not doing anything special, but everyday should be treated like Valentines Day.” “My wife’s birthday is on the 13th so it’s like double duty for me. We don’t plan anything special, but whatever she wants to do I’ll take her to do it. We might even stay up past 9 o’ clock.” “Valentine’s evening will be ahomemade meal by candlelight,when the kids are all in bed”
  • 6. ENTERTAINMENT10 You most likely would not recognize her if she was strolling by on the streets of her Brooklyn neighborhood. You may not have even recognized her name as it came across VH1’s “Artist’s You Oughta Know.” But, you just might recognize her smooth, sweet voice as it plays over an Old Navy advertisement. Ingrid Michaelson is a gem in the music industry; her voice is pure and enchanting. Ingrid grew up in a very creative home; her mother is a sculptor and father is a classical-music composer. It was only natural for her to strike up an interest in the arts, which is why she began taking piano lessons at the age of four. Ingrid was also very interested in theater. When she was younger she was involved in a drama group called “Kids on Stage” and later received her degree in theater at Binghamton University. Ingrid planned to become a director for theatrical productions, until she decided to pursue a career in music. When she came to this conclusion, she began by writing songs in her free time and performing in a local coffee shop where she also worked as a barista. Standing on stage with her black rimmed glasses, minimum makeup and naturally straight hair flowing past her shoulders, Ingrid Michaelson looks like any other 32-year-old. She has a very charming and pleasant voice that fits her witty lyrics. Even though many people are not completely familiar with her name, her sweet and good- feeling songs such as “The Way I Am” and “Be Ok” by Ashley Steinbach Artist of the Month: Ingrid Michaelson can instantly draw you into the artist’s world. Girls and Boys, Ingrid Michaelson’s first debut album, was released independently on her own label. Without the pressure of being under a label’s strict eye, Ingrid had the freedom to express herself without the shadow of a big label. Soon enough, the right people began to notice this Indie-Pop singer’s talent. Her songs began to be featured on TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, and One Tree Hill. As her popularity very steadily increased, she started work on writing more music. Just recently, on January 29, 2012, Ingrid Michaelson released her fourth album titled, Human Again. She describes her new project as “fiercer and not as child-like.” Even if Ingrid Michaelson has decided to retire her peppy style for a more grown-up sound, her voice still embodies her personality of a genuine songwriter. Most of her songs are based on love and relationships. One song in particular, “The Way I Am,” which appears on her first album Girls and Boys is a perfect Valentine’s Day song. The lyrics possess a certain young love charm. The song begins with: “If you were falling / then I would catch you” and the mood is carried through the rest of the song. Junior, Abby Passmore claims, “The song always puts me in a good mood, I love listening to Ingrid Michaelson while I’m driving.” Whether you’re in a relationship this Valentine’s Day or are just enjoying the single life, it’s hard not to take notice of Ingrid Michaelson’s coffee-shop-vibe. Pirate Players Presents... Hunchback of Notre Dame by Alexandria Passmore With a bare stage and a limited amount of props, our Pirate Players managed to bring Paris in 1482 to life. On the weekendofJanuary27thedramateamperformedacharming and comedic version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Directed by senior Alexander Zickafoose, The Hunchback of Notre Dame tells a story of two babies who were switched at birth by a gypsy. When Esmeralda, the lead character played by senior Jayra Carrasquillo, was informed by her gypsy “mother” that she was kidnapped as an infant, she sets out to find her birth mother. Esmeralda is a young and beautiful dancer that attracts men everywhere she goes. Junior Ethan Cahill takes on the role of the hunchback, Quasimodo, who was raised and mistreated by the evil Dom Claude Frollo, played by senior Colin Wence. Dom had kept Quasimodo hidden away from the public eye because of his hideousandfrightening appearance. Frollo trapped Quasimodo in the bell tower where he took on the job of the bell ringer. One day Frollo caught a glimpse of the beautiful Esmeralda, and he ordered Quasimodo to capture her. The story line goes on from there. What could potentially be a serious tale was transformed into a light hearted adventure full of humor. “I had an amazing experience being involved in this production,” said junior Alexis McCain. “I had a really fun role as one of the gypsies and it was difficult not to laugh.” The entire cast had awesome chemistry and brought forth an abundance of personality and creativeness. “The cast did amazing,” exclaimed the student director, AlexanderZickafoose.“Theaudiencereactedsowell,Ifound myself laughing backstage at things I never found funny.” One character that stood out and really provoked the laughterwasDjalitheGoat,playedbyseniorNicoleFeldman. “The goat was my favorite part of the whole show,” laughed senior, Ian Widner, “That “beeh” noise she kept making was so funny.” During one point of the performance the players involved the audience. Students were pulled from the crowd onto the stage to contribute their silly faces for the “Festival of Fools.” Whoever could make the ugliest face would be deemed the King of Fools. The participants from the audience came up with some spectacular faces but of course the hunchback ended up winning the title. “I was disappointed that I wasn’t selected to go up on stage,” said junior Carly Miers, “I would have totally beat Quasimodo; no competition.” The drama program started this year off 2,000 dollars in debt. This play was very beneficial to them because it was inexpensive to produce and had a five dollar entry fee. They profited 1,200 dollars from it and are very grateful for the Pirate family encouragement and for everyone who came out to support them! Director, Alexander Zickafoose, gives the cast a pep talk backstage. Caytie’s MadLib(adjective) Today I saw (him/her) again. (person) is so (adjective) and (adjective) . When (he/she) looks at me with those (color) eyes, it makes my heart (verb) and gives me that (adjective) feeling like I have (nouns) in my stomach. When I see (person) smile, it makes me want to (verb) ! (he/she) is my idea of a (adjective) person On February 14th, (person) will be mine, but for now (he/she) will just remain sitting at (location) looking at me with those eyes. (noun) love is hard to resist! We Support BRHS’s Journalism Program! Go Pirates! 2215 60th Avenue East Ellenton, Florida 34222 (941) 729-6447 ENTERTAINMENT 11 The last time the British invaded we had Paul Revere galloping across the land to warn us. Modern day we are seeing an even greater English force working their way into our system, but this one is for the better. It’s in the music industry. While the most popular artists seem to be pop stars like Katy Perry, rappers like T-Pain, and country singers like Lady Antebellum, I’ve found new love in a genre I simply title British. Artists that are topping charts in Europe are starting to make waves in America, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. Successful acts like The Beatles and ADELE need no explanation; instead let’s focus on the less known acts. It started for me with the song “Shut Up and Let Me Go” by The Ting Tings. The catchy rhythms from Jules De Martino and the original voice of their singer Katie White make an exciting combination that was unlike anything else at the time. Preview further into their repertoire and you’ll find their catchy tunes “That’s Not My Name”, “Great DJ”, and “We Walk”. On a whim I bought their whole album, and the rest of the songs were pretty good, but it’s hit or miss for some of them. Their second album, Sounds From Nowheresville, is set to release on March 15th, and is sure to live up to the first one, if not outdo it entirely. After my Ting Ting affair, another British duo popped up on my radar and radio; La Roux. Their hit single “Bulletproof” took the nation by storm, and they even got to perform it at the New Years Eve celebration in Time Square. After casually taking interest in their songs “In For The Kill”, “Tigerlily”, and “Quicksand” I took a chance and got the full album, only to be pleasantly surprised at the mixture and variety of songs, styles, and sounds. The whole album was a work of art, and even wonaGrammyforBestElectronic/DanceAlbum.Thesinger, Elly Jackson, has a unique, androgynous style that makes her stand out from the crowd of scantily dressed dolls that our pop culture so usually represents. La Roux is currently workingonasecondalbumsettoreleasesometimethisyear. Now if you’re looking for something with a little more oomph, Muse is a wonderful option. They have this amazing synthesize-meets-rock-for-a-night-of- video-games-and-awesomeness style that you can’t help but enjoy. I’m not really sure what they are trying to say with their lyrics, but that makes it more mysterious and exciting when I’m listening to it. The song “Supermassive Black Hole” was their first one to get noticed, and little by little they gained popularity. Their songs started appearing on movie soundtracks like The Twilight Sagas, and in commercials, which sprung them to popularity. Their last album, The Resistance, was a smashing success, and earned them the chance to tour with U2 on the 360 tour. If you dismissed Simon Cowell’s new show, the X-Factor, then join the club. But you probably missed the opportunity to hear about Rebecca Ferguson. Her voice is this silky but gritty combination of Amy Winehouse and Macy Grey, and even though she didn’t win, her single “Nothing’s Real But Love” is topping charts and working its way into iPods everywhere. If none of these are your style so far, definitely check out Ellie Goulding. Her biggest hit was “Lights” which DJ’s from all around took a liking to, and did so many remakes of that there were two separate albums titled Lights Remixes that launched on iTunes. The most popular version was the Bassnectar remix which spread across the internet like wildfire and connected an audience to a new star. It’s easy to end your relationship with that singer after that one song, but if you love finding new music dig a little deeper into her discography. Her album Lights is full of wonderful songs like “Starry Eyed”, “Under The Sheets”, “Animal”, “Guns and Horses”, and a stellar cover of Elton John’s “Your Song”. The young singer is a national celebrity over in Great Britain after her performance at the Royal Wedding, and rightfully deserved. She’s made appearances in songs with other artists, including “Wonderman” by Tinie Tempah, and “Summit” by Skrillex. Her style and sound are so original, with a clever combination of light, airy lyrics and a tinkle of techno. If you’re content with the songs you have, good for you; but if you’realwaysonthelookoutforanewartisttoinvestin,trysomeofthese. by Nicole Feldman Kelsey’s Korner Suzanne Collins Young Adult (YA) by Kelsey Lutzi Imagine a world where the government forced kids to battle to the death as a form of repression. Welcome to the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins in 2008 but has continued to be the next teen sensation since Twilight. The Hunger Games is about a futuristic United States that has been divided into 12 districts. Each district has to suffer through the “reaping” once a year in which a boy and a girl are chosen to compete in the treacherous Hunger Games, in which only one tribute survives. The government, headed at the Capitol, has created the Hunger Games as a way to repress their people and make rebellion an option they will never reach for. When I first picked up the Hunger Games it was only to understand what all the hype was about. I’m very critical and when I say this book was good, I mean it compelled me to buy all the merchandise, like a poster for my ceiling. We start off in the morning of the “reaping.” Suzanne Collins doesn’t wait to show us why her book deserves the title “best seller.” Within a few pages we see Katniss, the main character, screaming to volunteer as tribute when her sister’s name is called and the crowd is shocked. Next we meet District 12’s male tribute, Peeta Mellark, the timid baker’s son who no one thought to be a likely candidate in the Games. The only interaction these two have had is one fleeting moment as kids, and now they have been thrown together to fight for their lives. From mutations, to forest fires, water sources being drained, to blood thirsty teenagers, these two 16-year-olds have to shed skin, sweat, and sanity to keep breathing. Although targeted to a young audience, people of all ages are becoming enthralled with this dystopian fiction. The Hunger Games covers topics such as conformity, corruptions in the government, and the idea that one day free will may become obsolete. We watch as the self-empowered huntress Katniss is stripped of her boundaries, thrown into a dress, and presented to the world according to Capitol standards. Each pair of tributes gets a mentor; adding to the atmosphere of discomfort and tension is the new decision by Haymitch, their mentor, that Katniss and Peeta will be presented as a team. The idea of winning the audience’s affection through teamwork is an astonishing plan that throws Katniss and the rival tributes off guard. Through the interviews, the dinners, and the training sessions, Katniss and Peeta become the couple to reckon with. You’d think the whole fight-a-bunch-of-kids- until-the-death would be enough to make this book as great as it is, but that’s only the half of it. What has the world fawning over this gut-wrenching first installment is Peeta’s declaration of love. Will this put the odds in their favor? Beginning as enemies and ending as partners, readers find themselves asking if Katniss’s love for Peeta is real or a product of the Games. Can one of them be the 74th victor? Suzanne Collins’ depth and moral truth makes the prospect of the Hunger Games a frightening reason that makes us question the direction our world is taking today. Her description and attention to detail makes you a passenger during their individual fights to be the last tribute standing. From beginning to end, the Hunger Games keeps you on the brink until you’re reaching for Catching Fire, the second installment, before the last page is turned. Be sure to catch the movie in theaters on March 23
  • 7. ENTERTAINMENT12 Boys weightlifting has always been a successful program at Braden River, but now the Lady Pirate lifters are making their mark. Friday Janurary 25, the Girls Weigftlifting team visited Port Charlotte High School for the FHSAA District 8 Sectional Meet. The Pirates sent freshman Courtney Rapp (129), juniors Demi-shay Watchorn (139), Michelle Tran (101) and Caytie Chrisman (110) as well as senior Laura Otaiza (183). “It (sectionals) was a very memorable experience and it showed other people that just because we’re girls and we look small not to judge us because we can be a beast in the weight room,” said Tran. For the past four years, the boys have had lifters representing the school at States including a State Championship for Tevin Bryant, but last year was the first year a girl was there for the Pirates. The girls are taking over and proving that the boys are not the only ones who can be great weightlifters. Junior Demi-shay Watchorn said “Well I first started weightlifting; because Caytie (Chrisman) started doing it but once I started I was addicted. I couldn’t stop. I was in the weight room every day. It makes you feel empowered to be doing what guys do. People always say guys are stronger, faster, and better. It makes me feel like I can do whatever they could and by making it to sectionals I proved my point. I may not lift as much but I can still do it”. They have a desire to compete and win that is reflected in their performances in their meets this season. Senior Laura Otaiza led the group with a great season leading up to her qualification for the State meet. Otaiza said “It’s definitely exciting because that has been my goal for this year since my last competition last year. When I saw Taylor Nardone qualify for states last year, I knew that I had to be next. Coach Mountford has been very supportive and strict this season, but I don’t mind that he was strict because he knew I had potential and honestly a strict coach is a coach that cares and knows you can be the best”. Otaiza had a total of 275lbs. benched 145lbs. and clean & jerked 135lbs. winning her runner-up in the 183 lb. weight class. Laura’s second place victory gave her a bid to the State meet in Kissimmee, February 11. Otaiza who is also a varsity cheerleader has UCA Nationals the same day. “There is going to be a lot of running back and forth but Licata and Mountford have worked a schedule out that day so that it can be possible for me to do both. Fingers crossed!” said Otaiza. 13SPORTS Sports Briefs Cheerleading The Pirate cheerleaders visited Kissimmee on Friday February 3rd for the FHSAA State Cheerleading Competition, placing 6th out of 14 in the semi-finals. The weekend of February 11th the ladies went to the Universal Cheerleading Assocation National High School Championship. They were the first squad in Piratte history to make it to Nationals. The ladies have had a successful season placing second in FHSAA Region 3 Championship and competing in multiple competitions. Good Luck Girls! - Caytie Chrisman boys Soccer The Boys Soccer team had a great season that ended in the Regional Quarter Final with a loss to Naples Gulf Coast High School. Their record at the end of the season was 16 wins, 6 losses, and 2 ties. Their wins this season included a six to nothing win over Venice High School on December 8 and an eight to nothing win over Cardinal Mooney High School on January 3. They hit a high point this season when they played in the District Championship game for the first time in school history. They lost the District Championship to Manatee, but it was still a great accomplishment for the team. Next season they will have to replace many senior who played their last game as pirates on January 31 in the Regional Quarter Final loss. Baseball Babes by Lainee Jennings No longer will the Pirates baseball team’s games have more cheering parents than students. Junior Shelby Graves was tired of the constant lack of support from our student body. She decided to launch the first ever Baseball Babes. This student ran organization offers the time and support our baseball boys deserve. Each Wednesday the girls meet at a specific location, usually Starbucks or Chick-fil-A, to discuss new ideas and promotions that could be done for the team. They plan on ordering T-shirts and sweatshirts for themselves then designing new ones for the student body to purchase. The money raised will go towards benefitting the team with extra’s such as team dinner and game-day goodie bags. Braden River is excited to have these supportive girls at our school. If you are interested in joining the Baseball Babes organization please see Junior Shelby Graves or Senior Claire Patterson for more information. Or visit their Facebook page at http://m.facebook. com/event.php?eid=275370335856001&refid=25 -Kaylee Wells -Claire Patterson boys basketball The 2011-12 Braden River High School Pirates Boys Basketball team has continued in their excellence this season. The Pirates ended their regular season at home on February 2nd with a victory in dominating fashion against the Bayshore High School Bruins; the final score was 61- 36. With a record of 20-4, the boys have run the Manatee and Sarasota County region. Leading Scorers Senior Trey BryantandJuniorTrevonYounghaveledtheteamtomany victories this season. With several hard-fought victories and proof of the team’s excellence, they were ranked no.7 in the state of Florida and the no.1 seed in the Class 7A District 11 tournament. The Pirates host the first Class 7A District 11 game at home against the Charlotte High School Tarpon on Wednesday, February 8th. Congratulations on an awesome season Pirates and good luck on your quest for the State Championship title. - Jordan Edwards
  • 8. SPORTS 15 In a world of confusion... it’s nice to know there is someone you can turn to Karen Berner Arcuri, LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor counseling for: Teens Families Couples Evening and Saturday appointments 941-920-0189 The Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team have created a persistent foundation and have diligently begun their season with a strong mindset. To prepare, the girls started conditioning in November. The tryout for the girls’ team was the week of January 16th, and their team consists of ten players. They include seniors Katie Booth and Aly Delrose, juniors Marie Babayan, Mackenzie Lee, and Emily Mingote, and sophomores Payton Diss and Natalie Marshall. The three freshmen Tori Bernhardt, Jessica Thompson, and Daniela Ojeda are looking forward to a great year. The team, coached by Abby Toole, is ready to work hard and prove their athletic talent. There are twelve matches scheduled, plus Districts in April. The team practices 4-5 times a week, and the players have challenge matches to determine their rank among the team. At practice, the team does a variety of drills and works on different strokes, including serves, returns, forehands, backhands, volleys, and overheads. All this training improves the player’s individual performance, as well as the team’s overall ability. Sophomore Natalie Marshall says she is excited for the season, and that “the team is great.” The boys’teamalsoconditionedforseveralweeksbefore the season, and their tryout was the week of January 30th. The girls’ first match was on February 7th at Palmetto High School. Braden River won all their matches: five singles and two doubles. The boys’ first match was at home; they also secured their first victory against Palmetto. Future home matches will be on February 23rd, March 1st, and March 27th for the girls, and the boys will play at home on February 16th, February 22nd, March 6th, March 27th, and March 29th. Anyone is welcome to attend and watch, so support your Pirates’ Tennis Team! Take Me Out to the Ball Game by Katie Santarsiero & Mary Stager 2012 Varsity Softball Brittany Cole Raelyn Bastien Hannah Ryan Kenya Yancey Samantha Savage Ashley Allard Alyssa Patneaude Courtney Mirabella Hannah Loyer Jessica Cadorette Katie Huss Elena Lopez Emily Sadler 2012 Varsity Baseball Jordan Guerrero Dylan Busby Garrett Wilson Forrest Wilson Myles Straw Eric Schappacher Taylor Rahn Tyler Pogue Justin Phillips Brooks Norton Alec Neuzil Dylan Lee Robert Henderson Jonathan George Ryan Dyson Kelly Machuca Ryan Fischer Kevin Dillingham Joshua Brabson So. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Fr. So. So. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. It’s that time of year again. Both the baseball team and softball team have been undergoing practices in preparation for this season. The Lady Pirates have been working hard to fulfill the spots of the six seniors they lost this year. The boys have been practicing six days a week, and three hours a day, in anticipation for the 2012 season. “Our four seniors on the team, Kevin Dillingham, Ryan Fischer, Josh Brabson, and Kelly Machuca have been working very hard, and we have a lot of young arms coming from the junior class.” said assistant coach, Matt Bowling. “I think we are going to surprise some people this season.” The team will have some new challenges as the district has changed this season. “I think we have one of the hardest districts in the state.” said Bowling. The team has a whole new set of challenges this year including a new head coach and replacing inportant parts of the team that they lost in Garrett Russini, Jerrod Leinhauser, and Dakota Wilson. They will also be faced with improving a record of 10 wins and 17 losses from last season. “If we stay close and focus on what needs to be done, it will be a successful season.” stated senior and team captain, Ryan Fischer. The softball team has high standards set for themselves, as they made it all the way to the state finals tournament last season. “My predictions for this season are sticking together as a team and winning states.” stated senior, Elena Lopez. The Softball team will also have to replace seniors contributing seniors that they lost last season including Nicole Tira, Jada Schopfer, and Brianna Maxa. The loss of important players on the team will have an effect on the outcome of the season, but there is enough talent on the team this year that they will likely be able to overcome this obstacle. Softball has a strong group of talented girls led by top pitcher junior Courtney Mirabella. “Our biggest challenge this season will be having a tougher district and not as much depth because we lost six seniors, but we have girls that can step in and fill those spots.” said junior, Ashley Allard.. by Emily Mingote SPORTS14 Jennings Uncensored UNCENSORED Mike Verrill’s first memory of being involved in organized baseball was as a child playing Little League in Norfolk, Virginia, from that first experience, Coach Verrill has built a career around baseball. Now Verrill brings 42 years of experience and 250 Varsity wins to the River as the new Head Baseball Coach. Coach Verrill lived in Manchester, Maine 52 years before moving to Florida in 2003. The majority of Coach Verrill’s playing career was happened before his high school years as he only played one season, as a freshman, before he was diagnosed with an illness that kept him off the field. Growing up with seven brothers and sisters, Coach Verrill knew he had to go to work right after graduating from Hall-Dale High School in Maine, and in 1969 at age 18 he started his coaching career as a coach for Little League Baseball and then Babe Ruth Baseball for nine years. Coach Verrill got his first opportunity to coach in High School in 1980 when he was a Junior Varsity Coach. After three years as a Junior Varsity coach, he coached at Borden College in Maine for one season and then Maranacook Community High School for 14 years. The River’s baseball program is definitely inheriting a lot of experience in the addition of Coach Verrill. Despite this being his first season as the Head Baseball Coach at the River, Verrill is excited to start the season with the team he believes in the power of team chemistry and is hoping to help facilitate that as much as possible. Coach Verrill said his goal for the season is to “learn everything I can about the school and get to know the kids”. One of the most important things to Coach Verrill is helping the boys who play for him to achieve their goals in life in baseball and beyond. Coach Verrill said “It’s all about helping the kids for me, other than the sport”. The fastest way to help the players achieve their goals is to aid them in continuing the winning tradition the baseball team has built and Coach Verrill is optimistic about his first season. The team started practice with Coach Verrill in mid January and Verrill’s first impression of the team was that “They work hard; they have a pretty good baseball sense. I think they have the sense of wanting to be a good team this year”. by Kaylee Wells Pirate Baseball brings in a new Head Coach for the first time since school opened. Seniors Matt McNabb and Melanie Wagner met through soccer when they were younger and began dating almost a year and five months ago. If you could describe each other in one word what would it be? Melanie: Unique Matt: Wild What are you doing for Valentine’s Day? Matt: Just dinner and a movie, the basics. Melanie: We are going parasailing, but he doesn’t know. What is the secret to the success of your relationship? Matt: We were friends prior to dating, so I basically knew her already. What is Matt’s best quality? He’s honest. What is Melanie’s best quality? Her sense of humor. How do you support each other in your sports? Matt: I help her practice on the beach and I go to the games. Melanie: I came to every soccer game this season and I went to every soccer game before. The month of February for most people is spent obsessing over Valentine’s Day, planning Spring Break Vacation, and beginning the countdown until school is over. I’m not most people. The second, and for me the most glorious month, is filled with excitement from National Signing Day to the Super Bowl, to my birthday. But, this February in particular, is an upgrade from any other so far in my life. The 2nd of February marked the showdown for probably the most insane rivalry at the River other than Lakewood; Team French v. Team McLean. This competition, filled with propaganda, made close friends, enemies, and forced students to choose between two beloved figures on campus. The countless commercials and campaigning to win paid off when the gym was filled with students there not only to choose their team, but to support the basketball team on Senior Night. The amount of students that came and the spirit showed was similar to that of a college basketball game. One could only hope that free food and items would not have to be the ticket to get students to show spirit for their school and sports teams. Now, I know Braden River is a relatively new school and doesn’t have nearly as many alumni or as much history as Manatee or Southeast, but that doesn’t excuse some of the spirit issues at this school. Even when a team is doing amazing, students still don’t show up to games. The sad thing is that at most games, there are more parents than students. However, for each sport there is a group of students that are regulars at games and constantly support that team. For that small group of students there is group 10 times that, that refuses to go to games. I understand if you don’t want to go to a game because you don’t like that sport, but that right there gives you no right to talk trash about the team playing it. There are plenty of students who complain about how bad certain teams are based on the record they hold, yet those students don’t go to the games which makes me wonder, hmmm. Nowadays, you don’t have to actually witness how a team plays in order to form an opinion you think is valid. Does this make sense? I think not. It seems as though more people are obsessing over reaching five million on Temple Run and playing that game rather than going to an actual one. If more students showed up to games or even participated during Homecoming Week then maybe someday in the next couple of years, Braden River might begin to resemble Manatee at football games or even Port Charlotte at weightlifting meets, not just BR v. LWR. It seems that students at this school care more about distant professional teams like the New York Giants and New England Patriots than their own classmate’s accomplishments in sports. The 46th Super Bowl and its festivities, in my opinion, was one of the most anticipated SB’s in a while due in large part to the rematch taking place. As most people should know, I am madly in love with Peyton Manning; he’s perfect.ThisseasonwasjustdepressingbecauseIcouldn’t watch him play and this season he would be scheduled in Tampa; just my luck. While everyone else was saying he was done playing and wouldn’t see the locker room again, I knew he wouldn’t let his neck stop him. Well look now, he’s back. Lainee: 1, World: 0. His announcement was more exciting than the whole Super Bowl itself. Although witnessing Peyton’s less perfect, but still amazing brother, Eli, beat Tom Brady yet again was beautiful as well as Ahmad Bradshaw’s game winning touchdown, which I’m positive confused America. But what I think confused adolescent America the most was the Half Time Show. I grew up listening to 80’s and 90’s music, knowing every Madonna song from “Vogue” to “Don’t Tell Me.” I loved her when she formed a British accent out of nowhere and wore a unitard in her comeback a few years ago. But what I didn’t love was the amount of ignorance teenagers have in regard to her performance. A) Madonna is not too old; she’s 53 and probably a better performer than most young people today. B) The NFL isn’t aiming to please teenagers. The Super Bowl is aimed towards an audience of people over 30 because they’re the ones who actually buy tickets. I highly doubt a 40 year old wants to pay $5,000 for a ticket and be forced to listen to the five personalities of Nicki Minaj for 10 minutes. C) There were young and popular performers on stage with her, but they have yet to earn enough experience or credentials to play the half-time show. D) Madonna is the reason the music is the way it is today. Without Madge there wouldn’t be Lady Gaga and her craziness or LMFAO and their wild and insane wardrobe. Madonna is the originator. So please, before you ever diss an icon like her again, think about it, type it, then delete it. Coach Verrill pitching advice to senior player, Ryan Fischer.
  • 9. OPINION Ten contenders, one Party. The beginning of the Republican Presidential race was not only the start of one of the most anti-climatic and chaotic races for the Republican Party, but also the beginning of a downward spiral that would eventually bear witness to the dwindling of potential Republican Presidential nominees. Then, there were four. What many thought would turn out to be one of the most clear and decisive presidential elections have turned out to be the GOP “horse race.” No clear victor has stood out time and again as the sole Republican nominee, with votes carrying Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to almost equal standing in votes. Rick Santorum suffered defeat since his second place finish in the New Hampshire caucuses, while Ron Paul has all but disappeared off the face of the earth, much like his predecessor, Michele Bachmann. by Alexia Fernandez TheDisappearingAct The number one question that all Floridians should be asking themselves is this: What will become of the Republican Party? With no definite leader to guide them and with voters switching to and from candidates, what directionisthePartyheadedtoward?Shoulditbeworrying thattheGOPcan’tseemtofindabalancedstandingin2012? The answer is: Yes. Never before has this happened in the 21st century, to either Party, and for it to be the republicans that suffer from a severe case of commitment are somewhat embarrassing. Conservatives would have been better off if someone like Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey had run for election, yet he endorsed Romney. Granted the governor is widely unknown compared to pariahs Sarah Palin and Donald Trump (who, incidentally, endorsed Romney in January), but there is no doubt that he has the charisma to have been the Republican Obama. At this point in time, Mitt Romney looks to be the sure victor, leaving Gingrich to fumble in the wake of his new surge of popularity. To say that Florida had something to do with his new surge would be an understatement. Romney won Florida with 46% of the vote, while Newt Gingrich received 31%, Santorum 13% and Paul 7%. Florida is a battleground state that candidates always fight tooth and nail for; it’s also a state that has a history of making voting mistakes. While nothing of the sort happened during the primaries, the victor of the Florida primaries surprised a few, shocked some, and set the course for the following months until the Republican Presidential nominee is announced. Mitt Romney is now clearly the frontrunner of the GOP race, but will he stay that way after a loss in two caucuses and a primary? His stances on most issues have not proved quite as controversial as the way he has presented them. Constantly, and without failure to disappoint, Romney has given his opinion on issues such as economy and social class and caused uproar over the way he has phrased his responses. Take for example, when he uttered the decisive words that would cause a media backlash: “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it.” His words caused a media upheaval and accusations flew that Romney didn’t care about the poor, only about the middle class and certainly his wealthy neighbors. If it wasn’t obvious before, it certainly is now: while Romney may be the most likely candidate for the nomination, he still has much to learn in the coming months about public speaking and revise his opinions. After his solid victory in Nevada, however, Mitt Romney will only have to keep his mouth tightly closed to gain a victory in the rest of the primaries. Possibly the most exasperating thing about the situations Romney places himself in is that it takes away the focus on his policy ideas. He’s holding strong, but the big problem swings back around to the face that most republican voters are running around and voting for different candidates each time. Santorum rose in the polls after winning the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and the Missouri primary. A Romney obtained places in third and second, while Gingrich was relegated to obscure places in third and fourth. In the meantime, the best thing we can do is prepare for the long-haul. Obama vs. Romney? Obama vs. Gingrich? Obama vs. Santorum? The question of who will run against Obama is not as important as asking if they’ll have the backbone, wits, and charisma to run against a president who won one of the most renowned elections inAmerican history. Where DidAllThePoliticians Go? 16