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Artist of the Month
Find out who topped the charts this issue, pg. 10
Braden River High School
up close and personal.
Race to the Finish
Tips on how to finish the school year strong, pg. 16
what’s inside?
See how rock bands
are changing the world
through song.
Check out the editorial
on page 4.
Bye Bye
Case Gone Viral
Get the facts about the
Trayvon Martin shooting
case. Hear both sides
to the controversy
sweeping the nation on
page 3.
Life & Features
Key Club
Read about the clubs
recent fundraiser and the
tremoundous results.
Flip to page 5 for more.
Book Review
Featured this month: A
new novel that is gaining
recognition with new
readers everyday. Find
out the summary on 11.
Special Announcement
Want to find out who
senior athlete Mike
Pulawski is taking to
prom? Check it out on
page 14. It could be you!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
See how the club has expanded and grown, pg. 2
Humanitarian Act
A Pirate that spent his
spring break giving
back in another country
is portrayed on page 7.
April 2012 	Volume 5 Issue 4
With this season of weightlifting coming to a
quick end, three Pirate lifters headed to take the final
step in their last sporting event as high school athletes.
Working towards the goals of this accomplishment only
made the pay off of hard work even more fulfilling.
To qualify for Boys Weightlifting state finals, athletes must
second, third, or fourth to advance. These people are placed in
what is commonly referred to as “the pool” with other lifters and
are evaluated by their overall season to qualify. On April 4, Pirate
weightlifters traveled to Punta Gorda to compete at Charlotte
High School against the other members of Class 2A District 7.
After a meet that left spectators at the edge of their seats, the
results were tabulated and it was the moment of truth for who
would get to carry on, and who’s season was over. Senior Nathan
Kirkman was the only Pirate to push through to states with no
strings attached after receiving first place. Tyler Linde, Tyler
Pittman, and Mike Pulawski, all seniors, were placed in
the pool and awaited their results. A week
later it was announced that Linde and
Pittman had qualified, and unfortunately
Pulawski’s season had ended.
The weeks after this for the
young athletes were spent training
and focusing on their goals.
Weightlifting like
most sports requires off
season training in and
out of the weight room.
The pressure of having
to be at a certain weight
to compete has helped
to regulate how the lifters
exercise and their diets.
“Cutting weight before
something like this is really
important. Lifting every day,
seven days a week, dieting by
eating more protein and cutting
sugar and fat” said Tyler Linde.
Saturday April 21, the best
to compete against one another to call themselves the strongest
lifter in their weight class. This was the day that the entire season
led up to, and the day every hour of solid practice would count.
Tyler Pittman started off the day for the Pirates with both
his best Bench and Clean & Jerk at 265lbs giving him a 530lb
total. Tyler Linde was just 20lbs shy of reaching his 600lb goal
on Saturday benching 300lbs with a clean & jerk of 280lbs.
Pittman tied for 8th place in the 154lb weight class
but outweighed the other lifter, putting him in 10th.
“Senior season was great; I got to spend a lot of time with
all the guys. I progressed a lot. I’ll never forget any of it. Coach
I didn’t reach my personal best at states it’s alright” said Pittman.
Linde placed in the 183lb weight class,
also finishing his season off with 10th place.
“It was amazing to make it to states senior
by Christie Childers and Lainee Jennings
year with two of my good friends being there to
support me and keep me motivated,” said Linde
Last season, Kirkman was the lone Pirate to make it to
States; he was also in the 219lb weight class. In preparation
of this season Kirkman lost 20 pounds in order to be in
the 199lb weight class. This gave him an advantage against
other lifters because of his ability to reach a higher total.
“I worked out every day with Mountford after
school, I had Pittman work with me every day and he
made me mad sometimes, but it worked,” said Kirkman.
Kirkman also added 40lbs to his total from last
season, going from having his best bench at 315lbs
to 335lbs and his clean & jerk from 305lbs to 335lbs.
When results were announced, Kirkman placed 2nd
in the state, bringing home a silver medal for the River.
“Getting Nathan a medal was the next step really.
Getting him here to states last year was the first step and
this was the next,” said Mountford.
With his final year as a Pirate
coach and teacher, Coach Brian
Mountford has had a very
proud season with his team,
and finished strong bringing
three boys to states.
“I finished out with
the guys I had left.
It’s been a tradition
that we were good
at weightlifting and
I wanted to keep
it going as long as
I could,” explained
Mountford. “We took
counties, and took
three to states. Doing
well was everything I
strived for with them.”
Most students and
athletes Mountford has
worked with have been
with him their full high
school careers. Working
under his coaching, athletes have developed to be their
personal best. He has been a strong asset to the Pirate
family and holds the utmost respect from the student body
and faculty. This season has brought great triumph to his
team of weightlifters that dedicated their season to success.
All the senior lifters graduating this year have worked
with the team to leave behind a legacy of weightlifters.
There is great potential coming from the underclassman
and rising seniors. Advice that was unanimously
collected from Pittman, Kirkman, and Linde was to
“go hard, keep at it, and the hard work will pay off”.
This years team had an aspect that was similar to a
family. All their hard work paid off for this season and it is
something the boys will remain proud of together. Tyler
Linde explained, “we all had a really strong relationship and
bond. We pushed each other to reach the best we could be.”
From Left to Right: Tyler Pittman, Nathan Kirkman, and Tyler Linde
a Cha Cha
Cha Chia
From the
Full of
We have received a lot of questions about the identity
of Pirate Peggy. Since we can’t tell you who she is,
we figured we could at least tell you who she isn’t.
What makes a superhero super? The powers.
That’s what it comes down to. Without Spiderman’s
powers he’s a dorky photographer. Take away Storm’s
powers and I don’t know what her name would be. Sky?
Cloud? Lady in Cape and Spandex? Some of you are
probably thinking, “What about Ironman or Batman?”
They’ve got the power of wealth, and Benjamin
Franklin is a pretty strong ally to be carrying around in
their wallets. The powers determine the majority of a
superhero’s persona.
Some really stereotypical powers include anything
with ‘Super’ in the name. Super strength, super speed,
super breath, and no I’m not making that last one
up. These powers build certain archetypes, like The
Hulk, The Flash, and The Man with Far Too Many
Powers, A.K.A Superman. Then there’s powers that
relate to an enhancement that allows one to survive in
different environments. Flight belongs to Falcon, Angel,
Hawkman, and many more. Breathing under water
is a great habit for Namor and anyone with the word
‘Aqua’ in their name, whether it be Aquaman, Aquaboy,
or Aquababy. Then there’s those with invulnerability,
cloning, illusions, invisibility, teleportation, fire, water,
ice, metal, nature, poison, shapeshifting, forcefields, and
people that can shoot just about anything out of their
eye sockets. Plus, of course, the lamest of stereotypical
powers; size manipulation. Poor Antman, Atom, Yellow
Jacket, and Wasp, you got the short end of the stick.
But let’s give credit where credit is due, there are
some really cool, original powers out there; and of course
some mistakes. The power to...... I don’t know, meow
like a cat on cue? Good old Animalman, the name of
your ability is as vague as your alias. Bone manipulation
is awesomely sickening, and reanimation is always good
for a strange and emotional plot line. If a hero isn’t an
alien, or exposed to some radioactivity, than they come
equipped with powers like bullet time, accuracy, and
scaling walls that are really just highly trained senses.
Bullet time is called reflexes, accuracy is just good aim,
and scaling walls is called parkour.
I always respected X-Men the most, because they
had to get really obscure with their powers to keep
adding new members. Problem was that it became
clear when someone got a really awesome ability and
someone else got a bad idea. Magneto can manipulate
anything metal, Blob is fat. Rogue can absorb powers
and thoughts, Toad acts like a toad. You can see the
trade-offs. I always respected Spiderman for having such
an original inspiration for powers. They took everything
interesting about spiders and explored what a human
might do with those gifts. It’d be interesting to see what
another hero could be like if they spent that kind of
thought power on other animal’s abilities. Penguinman,
Armadilloman, Rabbitman, etc. could be a lot fun. Have
some heroes that play with gravity, or can see multiple
possibilities for a single situation before it happens. I
remain hopeful that someone will explore an unturned
field and find a gold mine of new ideas.
Truth is, most of the powers that make any sense,
and even a lot that don’t, have already been taken.
It’s seeing what heroes do with them, what their story
involves, and who they’ve got to fight that makes a
hero stand out. Powers determine a lot, but the fun of
superheroes is the different aspects and the way you
use them. Original ideas don’t exist anymore, it’s all
reinterpretation, but reinterpretation is a lot of fun, and
everyone’s got something to add to the story.
by Thomas Reese
A club that seemed like it was crashing and fading has
been given new life this year with an impressive rebound
of new members and a new location. The Fellowship of
Christian Athletes, or more
commonly known as FCA,
struggled to get more than
five students to attend their
gatherings last year; now
they have a full classroom.
“It’s not always about
the numbers. It is about the
hearts,” says co-leader and
impact of the messages and an
really drawn more people in.”
Along with their new
booming attendance, their
location for meetings has also
drastically improved. Now the
club meets in Mr. Blanco’s
room in the media center
cafeteria. Just walking through
the room can make anyone
feel the positive atmosphere
as the students begin to
gather and listen to music.
Jayra Carrasquillo,
senior, has been attending
since she first heard about it
this year. “We start off with
worshiping through music then
we move on to prayer and Bible study and then after that
we just hang out and have some snacks with our friends.”
Fulwood and her friend Ashlee Paro lead the meetings
every Wednesday right after school. Their combined
leadership and help of other members, they have
progressed FCA into quite
the popular club. They also
plan to start holding events
such as volunteer outreaches
and maybe even a field trip
in the future. Fundraisers will
be in their future to provide
money for these occasions.
Also, you may start to see
more of FCA around school
as their logo and shirt are
being planned as well.
Even though their
attendance is improving
dramatically, they are still
always looking for more
members to get involved
and attend. One huge
misconception with FCA
is that you have to be an
athlete to be involved with
the club. This is completely
false and they accept anyone
that is willing to spend
time with them even if you
aren’t necessarily strong in
faith. If you even think a
little that you would enjoy
being a part of FCA, please
feel free to go and check
it out. You might be pleasantly surprised at what they
have to offer as an up and coming club here at the River.
by Nicole Feldman
There will soon be a bulletin board in the cafeteria
featuring the faces of teenagers that lost their lives to bullying.
Those faces are of innocent teenagers that felt that life wasn’t
worth living anymore. No one helped them, or noticed the
signs of their problems. This is why hindsight is 20/20.
The Imagine Anti-Bullying Club is making the focus
of May “the bystanders.” The club will work on informing
the bystanders that feel that it is not any of their business.
Junior, Mariah Boudreaux, told her story of having
been bullied at Lakewood. She has
joined this club because, “I don’t want
anyone else to have to go through that.”
Anyone and everyone is invited
to the meetings every Monday in the
media center. Stop by even if you would
like to know what we are all about.
Nathan Evens, junior, was “curious
to see what the club was going to
do to help.” Evens joined the club
and has attended several meetings.
Imagine is reaching out by writing notes of support
to those who are being bullied. These notes will be
handed out to those who seem like they need a pick me
up: notes for encouragement, notes to make someone
smile, notes to give someone to talk to. The club is also
informing the bullies of the consequences of their actions.
Imagine hopes to share some of the stories featured
in the new movie Bully. This is the first featured
documentary that shows how bullying effects everyone.
It features real life stories with the real people who lived
through them. These people are teenagers just like you.
At a recent meeting, freshman and co-founder,
Savannah Bosch shared the stories of a few teens that had
committed suicide because of bullying. These stories helped
the members truly understand the severity of the topic.
Bosch desires that this club is taken seriously. She wants the
true message of bullying to spread around Braden River.
“Kids you go to school with should not
make you want to end your life,” said Bosch.
Recently a few members helped out with tickets
and other aspects of the Miss
BRHS Pageant to create a tasteful
presentation for the school. Proceeds
from admission benefitted the Anti-
Bullying club so that they can continue
their help around the community.
Imagine t-shirts are available
in Mrs. Stedman’s office in
Student Services. T-shirts feature
a peace sign and a pirate with
the message to stop bullying.
The cost is $10, and the support is priceless.
	 Our administrative student liaison, Mrs.
Stedman, is the sponsor of Imagine. She is very
passionate about the club, and she believes it is important
to love and accept all people. “I feel it in my heart for
everyone to show kindness to everybody.” says Stedman.
The Imagine club is just beginnign to make
their mark on tehir school and plan to continue their
goals. The club is enjoying the rewarding feelings that
they get by aiding in teh fight against bullying. Go to
check out what all the buzz is about. 	
by Enriqueta Balandra
anyone else to have
“I don’t want
to go through that
At around 3 a.m. on February 26, Trayvon Martin,
a young African American male, was on a trip to the local
gas station to pick up a bag of skittles and an Arizona
iced tea. On the way back to his father’s fiancé’s house,
which was in a gated community, he made a call to his
girlfriend telling her that he felt like he was being followed.
Around the same time that night, self appointed
w a t c h m a n
G e o r g e
Zimmerman, a
Hispanic, was
on duty. The
had fallen
victim to
r o b b e r i e s
lately, so
was a bit
edgy. While
roaming the
911 and told them that there was a suspicious male walking
the streets of the neighborhood. The 911 operator then
told him that there was no need to pursue the man. Instead
of waiting for the police, he continued to follow Martin.
The next couple minutes took a turn for the worse,
in which time, Martin was fatally shot for reasons that have
not yet been proven. There are two possible sides to the
story and neither of them has been confirmed. Zimmerman
told police Martin physically attacked him on the way
back to his SUV which left him with a broken nose and
a wound to the back of his head. At that point, he took
out his gun and allegedly killed Trayvon in self defense.
The Martin family, however, believes the events leading to
their son’s death happened very differently. Although there
is no clear evidence to disprove Zimmerman’s claim, the
Martin family strongly believes their son was not at fault
for the events that unfolded. They also believe that he
was a victim of racial profiling and cold-blooded murder.
During the time of the shooting, a 911 call was
made by an onlooker of the altercation in which there
are distinct cries for help from the victim. Forensic
voice identification experts are not able to completely
determine whose voice it was at this time, but they are
suggesting that Martin was the one who was crying for help.
Although Zimmerman has not yet stood trial, a
large number of people across the nation already believe
he is guilty and should be in prison. Many protests have
been assembled across the nation by people who believe
Martin was innocent. These “Justice for Trayvon”
protests have spread like wildfire across the nation and
people are begging for the arrest of George Zimmerman.
“I think they have every right to protest
and want information and answers,” says Erik
Nelson, a world history teacher at The River.
Many believe that the police have not efficiently
achieved a result in this case. “I really think [the police]
should deal with this situation better. I feel like nothing
is being done.” said junior Clarence McDowell.
Many African Americans have stated their views
that if Martin was a young white male wearing a hoodie
as opposed to being African-American, he may very well
not have brought on suspicions from Zimmerman and
may still have his life. People who support Zimmerman’s
side of the story disagree, saying that Martin had been
known to get in to trouble with the law the past couple
of years and Zimmerman was right to confront him
to stop what could have been a robbery, even though
Martin was allegedly just walking back to his house.
To this day, high schools teach on the topic of the
discrimination and racism and what brave leaders had to
go through to abolish segregation and gain equal rights.
Although racial discrimination is still present in our society,
many do not notice the direct effects of it in high school.
This case has hit very close to home due to its close
proximity geographically and emotionally. It also has made
many teenagers realize that the topics discussed in history
classes from years ago are still a prominent issue today.
This case has divided the nation with
advocates for both sides and many people putting
their opinions out in the open. Zimmerman has
been charged with second degree murder and
the case is on its way to trial. The
complete and utter truth may
never be known about the events
leading up to Martin’s death,
however justice can still be
served. We just have to
wait until conviction time.
by Rachel Arcuri & Brandon Hunyh
When trial rolls around for the case against George Zimmerman in the death of
Trayvon Martin, can the nation hold back their bias in order to get the right verdict?
Reggie Brown,
sophomore, expresses his
opinion and shows it off to
the school for all to see.
This year has brought upon many triumphs for one of
the most popular clubs on campus. Student Government
Association (SGA) has out done themselves once again with
their projects to benefit the student body, but it has also fallen
subject to some dilemmas because of a surplus of members.
In past years, SGA has had a maximum amount of
members that allowed around 50 students to be involved
in the Leadership class, and a few scattered members that
could not be included due to scheduling problems. The
2011-2012 school year
story compared to what
the club is accustomed
to. The club is maxed
out at 90+ members
with 60 students in the
class, which led to some
confusion and an inability
to communicate with
one another properly.
A major difference
for members of the class
this year was a change
in location. In past
years the club has been
housed in Mr. McLean’s
classroom. However, due
to size, the class had to be
moved to the cafeteria.
There are mixed views
about the effectiveness
of the change in area.
Some students think
that the cafeteria gives
more room to work on projects and like the idea of not
being confined in a classroom. Some members say it
has decreased camaraderie among members. Senior
member Nicole Hubbard, who has been in the class
during the location change, stated, “being in the cafeteria
has definitely separated the class. There’s a divide
between the juniors and the seniors, and people are off
in cliques. It makes it really hard to get things finished.”
SGA has always been prized on being one of the most
active and successful clubs on campus within the student
body, and that has not changed even during their struggle
to transition with more members. Homecoming Week
was said to be by students and staff “the best one yet” with
creative and versatile dress up days, and most memorable: a
bonfire that students did not want to leave even when it was
over. The holiday season brought on an immense amount
of success for the organization with the annual Pirate
Holiday festival that attracted crowds of students, staff,
and community members with their children. Thanks to
the work of Team McLean and Team French [competitive
sectors from within the Leadership class] our district
Varsity Basketball game had the largest fan base the court
has seen in seasons. Pirate
Puff girls’ football was
another outstanding event
with a great turn out and a
final show down between
the seniors and the juniors.
Players and fans alike
were enthusiastic about
the event that SGA spent
time and energy organizing
and hosting for the River.
Members have
been full of innovation,
creativity, and due to the
large size, have been able
to brainstorm an endless
amount of ideas for many
events. With new officers
chosen for the next school
year, confidence and peace
of mind have set in with the
potential of what they will
do. Newly elected president,
junior Brittney Rangel, is
confident in the ability of
the new officers to lead and execute a great year for the
student body. “We’re going to do everything in our power
to make SGA the best it has ever been,” said Rangel. “I
have a lot of great ideas and I know the new and returning
members of the club do as well. I’m hoping we’ll all be
able to pursue as many as we can during the year!”
The future officers and advisors alike share belief
that the club will continue to sail to success for the
coming school year with new and old members. Mr.
McLean stated, “Our hopes for the next year are to
take the lessons we’ve learned this year and make the
2012-2013 school year the most incredible one yet.”
A Year In Review: Student Government
by Christie Childers
President Billy Heller and senior Sarah Kinsey utilize
teamwork to decorate the gymnasium.
Mosaic, our literary magazine, is an extraordinary
outlet for students who enjoy the creative aspects of
life, such as short stories, poetry, and art. In a recent
meeting, Mosaic members reviewed submitted work
and discussed different qualities that can make one’s
writing stronger. Then they spent the rest of their time
choosing admitted work to place in this year’s magazine
At a regular meeting, Rebecca Saumell stated,
“we discuss things about how we’re going to get
Mosaic out there and how to get sponsors and
donations. We also talk a lot about deadlines.”
“[Mosaic started] last year with a senior project and
basically it’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” said
supervisor, Ms. Shasho. “I was a staff editor for the Kudzoo
in college, so when I heard I jumped at the chance.”
She realized that in English class, students don’t get
to express their creativity as much as they should and
decided to step up and become a leader for the group.
A literary magazine is a chance to get involved
and express originality as well as get published, which
can help college resumes tremendously. Mosaic is
in its second year and received 49 total entries. The
category with the most entries was short stories.
Lauren Olson, a member of the club, stated,
“I love English and writing and I think more people
should participate. Reading the different submissions
and getting to see what everyone’s interested in is what
I enjoy the most about being involved with Mosaic.”
Senior, Tessa Cullen, says that she joined the
club “’because I’ve always loved writing and if I could
have an effect on other people that would be cool.”
Ms. Shasho adds, “this year we’re just trying to publish
one magazine. The ultimate goal is to have print and have
an online edition. We want to have a print version in all of
the English classes and a copy on the internet.” Make sure
to keep your eyes open and read the Mosaic when it comes
out to see how students express themselves here at the River.
Lit. Mag
by Tiffany Campbell
Z The average person falls
asleep in 7 minutes
The student press of Braden River High
School has adopted this as its mission:
To publish news, information, and opinion articles
for and about student, faculty and administration
activities, interests and policies. To maintain
high ethical standards with regard to fairness,
personal and legal rights, responsibilities
and accuracy. To provide a forum for free
and responsible expression of student
opinion and present well-balanced,
locally researched coverage of issues
of broader student interest. To strive
for a high level of competency in the
technical aspects of writing, including
grammar, spelling, clarity, and precision. To
welcome diversity and increase the scope and
depth of our coverage in order to heighten
mutual understanding and awareness throughout
our entire school community.
Dear Pirate Peggy,
Dear Prom Pressure,
ALEXIA FERNANDEZ, Co-Editor-in-Chief
CLAIRE PATTERSON, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
THOMAS REESE, News & Opinions Editor
CHEYENNE HILL, Life & Features Editor
CAYTIE CHRISMAN, Entertainment Editor
KAYLEE WELLS, Co-Sports Editor
NICOLE FELDMAN, Graphics Editor
LISA HORNICK, Business Manager
With prom right around the corner I am beginning to feel
the pressure of the whole “date” situation. It’s not like I
don’t want a date, I am just torn between actually asking
someone or just going solo. I am extremely nervous to ask
a girl and if I don’t, I feel as if I will be left out with all my
friends. I just need some direction on whether or not I
should enjoy the company of a girl or just go by myself.
Many young teenagers often forget that prom is not meant
to compete with each other on having a date or whose
outfit is best , but instead to have fun with friends and enjoy
the last big night of the school year. Of course everyone
wants that special someone to take, but also remember that
that person doesn’t have to be someone your romantically
interested in. They can simply be a good friend that you
enjoy spending time with. However, in the end it is no one
else’s decision but yours. If you would rather go by yourself
then do what makes you happy. Friends may say you
have to have a date but that is not true at all. You
can have just as much fun with a big group of
friends. Though, if you have that urge to ask
someone in particular go ahead and
take the risk. What’s the worse they
could say? No? Don’t miss out on
an opportunity that you could regret
in the only live once.
-Pirate Peggy
-Prom Pressure
A cartoon by student artist: Tyler Richardson
In the past couple of years, people have begun to
stand up and take a position against bullying through
various forms of activism such as music and movies. This
has become quite the popular issue right now and bully
awareness has increased to a staggering high priority in
the eyes of the public, especially in the entertainment
industry. With the new release of the movie documentary,
“Bully,” people who have not personally experienced the
cruelty of bullying can see firsthand how damaging it is to
kids as they grow up. With all of this action happening,
it begs the question “Does all of this awareness and
support against bullying actually help the cause?”
The targeted audience is teenagers, obviously, and
what better way to reach the deep and hidden parts of their
mind than to take the music that they listen to and provide
an optimistic and heartening song about bullying and the
damageit creates.RiseAgainstandShinedownarejust two
of the many bands who have voiced their opinion through
song and gotten to the hearts of millions around the world.
Rise Against’s hit song “Make it Stop” takes on
the harassment against homosexuals and focuses on
the September suicides from gay
teens due to bullying. It
provides a chilling
and deep
its lyrics
and the
m u s i c
video is even more
powerful as it gives
a visual aid to how
poorly gay teens are
really treated. The
“It Gets Better”
project can also be
compared to the
same thing as they
provide awareness to the same cause to help the issue
and prevent more suicides from taking place. These types
of information give gay teens hope and encouragement
to keep going and that their lives will not always endure
the same cruelty that they are going through
now. They also provided people who
are oblivious to this with information that
allows them to fight against this brutality.
Shinedown’s recent single
entitled “Bully” gives sense of pride
and motivation to those that may be
depressed from dealing with bullies.
It provides them with the feeling that
they are not alone and other people are
going through the same thing as them.
“We don’t have to take this,
back against the wall; we don’t have
to take this, we can end it all.” This
line from Shinedown’s song continues
the positive message against bullying and
gives encouragement to take a stand.
Even at our school the Imagine Anti-
Bullying club has been trying to raise
awareness across the school by a variety
of ways. One time at lunch students were
asked to sign a banner as a pledge to taking a stand against
bullying which got significant results as it was completely
filled with signatures. They also have shirts that students
can purchase that raise awareness of the club and provides
an outlet for students to express their thoughts on bullying.
The bottom line is that the recent awareness
that has spread across the world is really making a
difference in people’s lives. If forces people to face
the issue and that is really the best thing for everyone.
It provides a sense of encouragement and family to
the victims and makes them aware that they are not the
only ones going through the pain of bullying day in and
day out. Hopefully this awareness can continue and can
one day alleviate the pain of bullying once and for all.
by Thomas Reese
Is all of the current
activism for bully
awareness through
music and movies
really worht it? Does
it even help the cause
against bullying?
Rise Against
JORDAN SANDERS, Assistant News & Opinions Editor
ABBY SUGDEN, Assistant News & Opinions Editor
ENRIQUETA BALANDRA, Assistant Life & Features Editor
KELSEY LUTZI, Assistant Life & Features Editor
MELISSA MCFALL, Assistant Life & Features Editor
EMILY MINGOTE, Assistant Entertainment Editor
ASHLEY STEINBACH, Assistant Entertainment Editor
JORDAN EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor
Horoscopes“Caring- Our way of Life,” is proudly displayed on the
backs of the Key Club T-shirts. This year, Braden River’s
Key Club has truly shown how much they care, acquiring
over 5,250 genuine service hours this year, an all-time high.
Last year over 250 students registered to be in Key
Club. Officers were not prepared for this staggeringly
high amount of members. As a result, Key Club went
to many reforms for the 2011-2012 school year. The
amount of members allowed in the club was capped to
100 and the club became more selective as to who they
let join. More people were put into officer to help run
the club. Stricter rules were implemented. For example,
members were required to obtain at least fifteen hours
per quarter and officers twenty. Attendance has also
been enforced more and the place of meetings has been
changed from the media center to the Ms. McNally’s room.
All the changes at first seemed overwhelming, but the
results have been amazing. Last summer board members
set a goal for all members to have an average of 50 hours
for this year. As of right now, there is an average of 65 hours
per member. The club has raised more money than ever
before for charity and has been able to send members to
the District Convention in Orlando at the lowest, most
affordable price since the school opened. The club has
worked more with Kiwanis, the adult level of the club and
made effort to reach out to builders club and k-kids, the
middle school and elementary school levels of Key Club.
This year Key Club took on its first annual sandbox
volleyball tournament. The tournament was organized
by Marc Medina with the help of Casey Davis and the
guidance and support of Ms. McNally the advisor. The
tournament reached out to people of all ages throughout
the community. The money made from the volleyball
tournament went to Eliminate- A Kiwanis global campaign
with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal
tetanus. The disease is extremely painful and kills over
60,000 newborn babies each year along with some
mothers. The tournament raised over 1,100 dollars.
“That is double of what my first goal was to raise for
project eliminate. Not only was it a success in that manner
but also on the unexpected number of participants that
showed up. 16 Teams and around 200 spectators/players
showed up which was a great accomplishment not only
for me but for the club as well,” Says project leader Marc
Medina. The tournament took five months to plan and
coordinate. “It was the biggest success of my senior year.”
Key Club recently had its elections for the 2012-2013
school year. A total of 14 officers were elected, one more
than the amount of officers next year. The club created
the position of K-Family relations- a person responsible
for coordinating all activities for the year with the other
branches of Key Club such as Kiwanis and Builder’s
Club. The new president will be Junior Stephanie Gray.
“I am proud to be a part of a club that has strong
character values and truly impacts the community and
the people in it,” Says president for the upcoming year
Stephanie Gray who will official take office in May.
Key Club has gone above and beyond its own
expectations and has laid strong foundations for the
years to come. Board members and their advisor have
contributed countless hours of work to making the
club as successful as it has been and the members have
exceeded the goals and hopes for the club. Without a
doubt this has been Key Club’s best year ever, and with the
foundation its laid it will continue to be an amazing club.
The 2011-2012 year for
the pirate FFA was a very
successful year at The River.
With these future farmers,
anything is possible. Whether
it being winning first place at
district or creating a feast for
teachers, the pirate FFA has
earned their appreciation
with their positive approach
on their agricultural ways.
A helping hand is
what these students give,
and that’s exactly what
they offer. March 5th 2012
was the seafood festival
and many FFA members
participated. In fact, many
FFA members participate in a series of events throughout
the year. It could be attending the monthly meetings
or assisting at fairs or even car washes. Or maybe FFA
week. Not only were the FFA members involved, plenty
of students joined in the fun filled week. Tuesday was
fishing day, Wednesday was Official dress/FFA shirt day,
Thursday was college day and Friday was western day;
and also the day of crowning of FFA’s Mr. and Miss.
The Parliamentary team placed 1st at district. The
team consists of Reagan Howard, Emily Melchior, Lizzie
King, Rachel Elek, Kayla Alexander, Sarah Adams, and
Thomas Huesman, all coached by Mr. Wheeler. Also,
FFA congratulated prepared public speaker Courtney
Wingate. The students placed 1st at Districts and will
be competing at State Convention in June in Orlando.
Furthermore, Manatee County FFA Chapters placed
1st in every event. This is what Mrs. Barry would call
a rare event. “Something I don’t think I’ve ever seen!”
But unfortunately all good things come to an end.
The last FFA meeting will be April 19th 2012. This The
meeting will talk about this years accomplishments and
things to do better next year. New officers are needed
and more members are wanted. This agricultural club
looks forward to next year and even more ahead to all the
success that’s bound for them, including the failures they
can work on and the things to do better next time. FFA
member Kendra Galvan, sophomore, says, “Next year were
hoping more and more students join. The more students
we get, the more chances we have of an even better year.”
Members of FFA put on a breakfast for the teachers on February 22.
FFA’s Frequent Fulfillment
by Alena Cantrill
The Key to Caringby Melissa McFall
January 20-February 18
This month you’ll be feeling and sharing the love!
You’re in a loving mood and whether it comes
from your significant other or your best friend, love
is in the air for you!
February 19-March 20
You’re always there for your friends in need and
this month your BFF will need your help with a
crisis. Take a second for yourself too so you don’t
get overwhelmed!
March 21-April 19
You have had your eyes set out on a new crush.
They’re totally oblivious, but find the courage to
make the first move. A major spring fling is waiting!
April 20-May 20
You may be feeling a bit down this month but take
a day to pamper yourself; eat what you want and do
what you want. It’ll turn your attitude around and
you’ll feel 100 percent better.
May 21-June 20
This April, friendship is super important! All of
your friends will be paying extra attention to you so
be sure to return the favor and make time for all of
your friends, it’ll pay off in the end!
June 21-July 22
Lately your significant other and best friend may
have seemed distant, but take time for a night out
and a long talk with both of them and soon enough
everything will return back to normal.
July 23-August 22
Whoa! This month the planets are in your
favor. You’ll be feeling super close to your BFF
and someone new(possibly a new crush) will
be introduced to you, and you’ll see sparks fly
August 23-September 22
You’ve been feeling super blah lately but with the
planets shifting, your confidence will boost and
everyone will notice your new found fire!
September 23-October 22
School has got you tied up as summer approaches
and your feeling stressed but take a day off to rest
with your BFF and let go of your busy schedule for
the day. You’ll feel new and refreshed when you
get back to work.
October 23-November 21
Let’s face it, you are bored with your crew, but
that’s okay! No one said you can’t make new
friends. Try bringing your new friends and your old
friends together, and let the fun begin!
November 22-December 21
Everyone knows about your fierce and ferocious
side when it comes to protecting your friends.
When someone new tries to come in between your
friendship, you will prove you’re a true friend, but
don’t judge too quickly, you might make a mistake
you’ll regret later.
December 22-January 19
Someone new has caught your eye, but you have
not built up the courage to say hi yet. Luckily, at the
end of the month you’ll feel a burst of confidence.
Write on their Facebook wall, and you will love the
Thomas Thomas and his opponent at the first annual Key
Club Sandbox Volleyball Tournament.
F r e n c h
C l u bby Kayla Clark
There are three social rules at this school that
stand the test of time: The grass is sacred, the lunch
room is a test of patience, and gum is as good as a
friendship bracelet. The last of the three is possibly
the most crucial and important of high school life.
Even with separate cliques and social differences
we all have the same common enemy: bad breath and
nothing can beat it like a fresh minty chew stick. The
providers of it instantly become your new ally and official
best friend. “I always find it really annoying when I’m
giving gum to one person or a friend and then suddenly
everyone in the room wants a piece,” said Kylee Tison.
Gum seems to be the only thing that people have
no shame in asking for, although there’s always that
hesitation of asking for a piece of paper or a pencil.
We have all experienced that instant moment of
disgust when our hand brushes the underneath of a desk,
immediately knowing that the dried out sticky mess we
just touched was someone’s gum, and without delay, reach
for the hand sanitizer. But what would possess someone
to put their gum under a desk or a water fountain, rather
than just get up and walk three feet to the nearest trashcan?
Although it’s not one of the many rules here at
Braden River, there are some teachers that still won’t
allow it in their class room because it’s a distraction
and students leave in the first convenient place they
can find and even on the floor. What most of those
teachers don’t understand though is that gum is actually
an advantage to students in high school. Studies have
shown that students who chewed gum during classroom
and homework situations have significantly higher
grades than the students who do not. Gum is known to
provide some degree of exercise, and to relieve stress.
It can’t be denied that we’ve all heard it, that
annoying popping noise, over and over again while
you’re desperately trying to focus on that test you spent
multiple hours studying for. “I don’t mind people chewing
gum around me, I even chew gum in class, but what really
annoys me is when someone can’t stop popping their gum
or even when they chew it as loud as humanly possibl,” said
sophomore Haley Wolfe. Let’s just remember the people
around us may not actually want to hear the gum in your
mouth or feel it under your desk and that we are all more
than capable of keeping it quiet and walking a few feet to
the trashcan that is more than likely sitting right next to you.
It’s possible that gum is more than just something
we chew on to entertain ourselves, and that maybe deep
down it represents an interesting parallel of student life.
The different brands like Orbit, 5, Wrigley’s, and Extra
are the equivalent of our different groups, interests,
ideas, and clubs. However, it doesn’t matter if we’re
peppermint, dreamsicle, or tropical splash; we all come
off of the same shelf, and find comfort in the fact that
you’re not the only one in the pack. So, can I have a piece?
by Katie Holt
The French culture is learned and appreciated
by millions all over the world, and has recently been
introduced as a new club that students can join on campus.
The first meeting was held in the beginning of the
school year, and officer positions were assigned by French
teacher, Mrs. Rencker. Kayla Clark had been chosen as
President, and Cindy Lu as Vice President to lead the new
club into popularity and success. Excitement arose as it was
apparent that this would be a great year for French Club.
The club’s main goal is to unite students who share a
common love for the French culture, and to further extend
their interests. Unique activities are planned in which the
club members can have an enjoyable experience, as well as
learn more about the exclusive culture.. So far, the member’s
of French club have attempted to create French art, played
a French ball game outside, learned multiple dances,
indulged in pastries, and studied popular French topics.
The club usually meets once a month, and has
many devoted members who plan the entertaining
activities. Food is usually always a part of the festivities,
and the members have had their fair share of new treats.
Omar Cruz-Urieta, junior, is an active member in
French Club and has developed a love for the language
in his two years of taking French. Cruz-Urieta says that
he joined French Club because he “wanted to learn more
about the French culture” and practice his speaking skills
with other students. Also, he says that “the President
and Mrs. Rencker make it enjoyable and fun to be in”.
In December, French Club celebrated by having a
“Secret Santa” activity in which members brought presents
and put them all in a big red bag. Then, members all reached
famous French card game, videos, and even stuffed animals.
Also, the members constructed a French Gingerbread
Village, in which they got to release their creative capabilities.
For Valentine’s Day, French Club met and made
Valentine’s Day cards in French. The cards were simple and
sweet, featuring small French phrases inside, and they were
decorated with hearts, glitter, and all shades of pink and red.
Recently, French Club participated in National
Foreign Language week, and all members met after
school in the cafeteria one day for a grand celebration.
Nutella on baguettes was provided in abundance
for all members, and Mrs. Rencker taught French
dances to everyone, and they performed them, as well.
With the school year not quite over, French
Club still has a couple more meetings to proceed with,
and hopes to end this year in a great, French fashion.
	 Art is a powerful tool, and whether it be a mural
on a wall or an App on your cellphone it’s everywhere.
	 Braden River’s art club isn’t best known for their
commnity service projects, but right now the club is in-
volved in a program that has them creating the decorations
for a special needs prom. They took on the assignment last
year when the theme was Masquerade, and created several
banners and a large wooden mask cut-out that were dis-
played at the prom. Hundreds of kids and their parents got
to come to the event and experience the art in person. “A
lot of these kids aren’t treated the same as you and me, and
the diseases they have often limits their lifespan to about
age 30, so it’s really special to give them a night to feel nor-
mal.” said Art Club advisor Mr. Ferrell. “ I got to see par-
ents moved to tears by the artwork my students had made,
and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.” Given
the exceedingly positive feedback from last year, the club
was asked to continue the partnership this year and access
thier creative resources to fulfill the new theme, Fairy Tale.
ing portraits of princes, dragons, fairies, and other mythical
are proving what capacble artists they are and expanding the
already favorable reputaion of Braden River’s art program.
A r t
C l u bby Nicole Feldman
is. Being one of the most controversial men in television has
made him somewhat of a household name in America. He
cannot bring himself to support the public school system, he
best interest to avoid mentioning government involvement.
His outspoken persona has some people labeling
him a legend. But what is the real John Stossel like?
Recently, Jordan Sanders and Alexia Fernandez, two
of Braden River’s Journalism Editors, were given
the opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with
Stossel after his presentation at the USF Stavros Center.
Thinking of an appropriate questionnaire was
no easy tasks for these two, young journalists. What
questions could possibly interest one of the most
renowned journalists in America? Stossel was co-anchor
of ABC’s “20/20” and dominated Primetime television
for six years, winning 19 Emmy’s in the process, and
becoming known for his thoroughly investigative approach
to reporting. He is praised for uncovering fraud and
scandals, and hated for his non-apologetic attitude,
when it comes to putting public officials on the spot.
greeted and introduced guests to the presentation. In
fact, they were the very first to personally meet and greet
John Stossel and to garner a first glimpse at the kind of
man they would have the opportunity of interviewing.
After handing out the nametags that permitted
access to Stossel’s presentation, it was time for the two
students to find their own nametag and take a seat.
Surrounding them was a room full of prestigious and
eminent adults, many of whom were a part of the Stavros
Center Board of Governors. Gus Stavros, the founder
and patron of the Stavros Center was also in attendance.
In all actuality, the presentation was considerably brief
if you kept an eye on the clock. However, time seemed
to stop whenever an overtly controversial subject was
tackled, which was ultimately every moment of his speech.
John Stossel’s every word was a flame, and the audience
ignited like dry grass. For every one of his sentences,
there was someone who reacted. Whether it was an
excited applause, a dramatic eye-roll, or an uncomfortable
squirm, Stossel undoubtedly connected to the audience.
He addressed his problems with Social Security, the
reason we’re in a recession, and his opinion of public school
teachers. He threw brazen quotes at the audience like darts,
answering one man’s question about Healthcare with, “Old
people like me just refuse to die! We stay around too long
and we’re sucking all the money from the government.”
Due to the nature of his presentation, it was quite
safe to assume that his personality would be domineering
and grand; which, as it turned out, was the correct
assumption. The two students penned controversial
questions, in hope that he would be impressed with their
background knowledge and depth. They discussed his
career as a hard-hitting journalist, and pulled at answers
about his ultra-controversial views. He semi-answered,
a bit overwhelmed with the substance of the questions.
Towards the end of their interview, he told Sanders
and Fernandez, “When I first saw you two; young and
meek looking, I thought you would probably be dolts. I
didn’t expect anything out of this, but you two are extremely
sharp. I’m having a lot more fun than I thought I would!”
Journalism Students MeettheRealDealby Jordan Sanders & Alexia Fernandez
Sanders and Fernandez at USF Stravros Center with John
While most high school students spent their spring
break at the beach, travelling with their families, or
catching up on some much needed sleep, senior Ian
Widner gave his time to school children in Ghana, Africa.
For many, the idea of planning a trip to a foreign
continent can be overwhelming and sometimes presents
itself to be an exceedingly long process. Ian was lucky
to have found an organization that allows young adults
to travel outside of the United States to contribute time
and effort to promote education and relief in third world
countries. Cross-Cultural Solutions specializes in short-
term volunteer abroad programs in 12 countries to allow
the opportunity for people to voyage around the world to
help make a difference. His two week trip was spent with
13 other young volunteers who had the same amount of
enthusiasm to spread knowledge around the country.
Every morning, Widner would wake up to the village
sunrise and set out for the day to the local school. In his two
weeks spent in Ghana, he spent time teaching a class of local
children and teenagers about the basics of English language
and other subjects. Because it is so rare that the children of
the village will stay in school, there is only one building that
houses classes for toddlers all the way up to young adults.
Children are taught English from a very young age in Ghana
because it is one of their primary languages saved volunteers
from being subject to a language barrier. However, his class
was made up of Kindergarteners who only knew the bare
minimum of English. Remembering what it was like to be
this young with a mind waiting to be cultivated, Widner
employed the use of flash cards to help the children learn
fundamental words and letters. Their final project for the
village was painting a group inspired mural of the solar
system. Most of the village people had no knowledge of a
planet other than Earth, and were completely unaware that
the Earth revolved around the sun. This was a contribution
that allowed the group to be creative, work together,
and leave behind something the rest of the community
could admire and learn from for generations to come.
Ghana is a coastal country in West Africa that lies
directly above the equator. A former British colony, the
country gained independence in 1957 and has continued
to prove itself as a lucrative area in a continent of chaos.
The geographic area has blessed its population with a great
deal of natural resources at their disposal such as gold,
oil, and privately grown crops. As far as most countries in
Africa are concerned, the amount of conflict taking place
within this country is low and the people are generally
peaceful with one another and with foreigners. This
factor comforted any reservations that Widner and his
mother had when deciding on taking their trip to Africa.
One of the most noticeable differences that Widner
picked up on quickly was the amount of trust that the
community members placed in one another. Children as
young as three years old explore the village by themselves
and were constantly engaging in playful conversation and
activity with the young volunteers. “There were always 5 to
10 kids outside of the volunteer house waiting to play soccer
of volleyball. I was really surprised when the parents of these
Coming from America was definitely a culture shock
in some aspects for the18 year old that had never travelled
outside the country. He recalled that the children would
get overly excited about simply getting their picture taken
because there were no mirrors in the village. Seeing
those pictures from Widner’s camera was the first time
a majority of the children had ever seen their own faces
before. The village life was almost primitive to what
everyone is accustomed to in metropolitan countries, but
Widner saw the people to be the same as everyone else.
The children enjoy playing sports with one another, and
were very excited when he presented them with coloring
books for their school materials. The adults all work long
days to make an honest living to support their families
and are very devoted to making better lives for their
children. Overall, the people of the village are very happy
and pleasant, which could be taken as a surprise to some
people. “People have this misconception that everywhere
in Africa is dangerous and that there are these violent
crimes happening all over,” according to Widner. “That
is not true. I felt just as safe [if not, safer] walking around
the town in Ghana at night as I would here at home.”
With just two weeks spent in the country, the young
humanitarian has grown even more admiration for the
country and a zealous urge to help educate the people.
He plans on potentially returning in the summer of
2012 to Africa, spending time in a Tanzanian village.
This passion has also helped spark future career goals
in the direction of the continent he has grown to love.
The opportunity to travel to Africa presented itself
after many years of discussion between Ian’s mother and
him about his passion for teaching children in their schools.
“I got the chance to go to Africa because of my awesome
Mother,” admitted Widner. “I have talked about wanting
to take the trip since I was in elementary school and she
travels and experiences within the country of Ghana would
end up being the most rewarding gift he has received in his
life thus far; a gift that allowed him to give back to others.
“They didn't have all the expensive, material items we
have and yet, they were the happiest community of people
I have ever met. The most valuable thing I learned in
Ghana was it’s the little things in life that bring happiness.”
by Christie Childers
Ian Widner, surrounded by village children, attended a Friday
night celebration of drums for the community members.
National Honor Society is a club that recognizes
those students who demonstrate four very important
qualities: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Advisor, Mr. Eller, explains “NHS is a way
to recognize outstanding students; it gives them a
way to serve their community and their school.”
The leaders of NHS are put to very high standards;
they are expected to be role models for not only the NHS
members, but also their fellow students. According to
Eller, this school year has been full of accomplishments
and new ideas. The club is not only a fun and exciting
way to get involved in the school, but it also helps students
further themselves for their future college careers. When
asked what she loves the most about NHS, president
Sarah Kinsey said, “NHS is a great club that allows well-
rounded individuals to be recognized for all that they do
for their communities and schools. The club itself helps
students to continue the work they have already done.”
During the 2011-2012 school year, they have
completed several service projects that have bettered not
only the school but also the community. Some of these
included, Walk for Life, The Jingle Bell Run, and an ice
cream social held for the staff here at the River. Among all of
the astonishing accomplishments that the club has acquired
this year, it also adds a high amount of credibility to the
school. Eller goes on to say, “We’ve had a very successful
school year and we’ve accomplished all that we wanted to.”
The members are very delighted to welcome the
enthusiastic incoming NHS students. They can expect
new ideas, projects, and opportunities from the new
members in the upcoming school year. On Tuesday,
April 10th, the new inductees were welcomed into the
club. During the induction ceremony, the members were
presented with certificates, took an oath, and continued
the tradition of lighting the candles to signify their new
memberships. National Honor Society can only expect
another successful year that will once again bring pride and
a sense of accomplishment to the members and the River.
S t r i v i n g F o r E x c e l l e n c e
by Carly Keller & Mackenzie Straley
Junior, Mariah Boudreaux, signs her pledge in National
Honor Society
Giving Back to Ghana
- A game piece for each player. Game
piece ideas: a pencil top eraser; a paper
clip; scrap of paper with your name on it;
anything small enough to fit on a square.
- A coin.
1.Place your pieces on START
2. Flip a coin. If it’s heads you move for-
ward two, if it’s tails you move forward
3. The tile you land on will instruct you
what to do.
4. Move only once per turn. For example,
if you land on a space that says move
back, and the tile you move back to says
lose turn, you do not a lose a turn. The
tile you move to does not apply.
5. Flip coin at the beginning of each turn.
6. First one to make it to Graduation 		
Try out for team.
Make Varsity!
Move 1 space
Join a club!
Move 1 space
Cookie Thursday.
Forgot a dollar.
Move back 1 space
Late to SAT’s!
Move back 2
Fail an AP
Move back 1
Move1spaceGet a 70% on
Witham’s Test.
Move 2 spaces
Bosco Sticks for
lunch. Run to
cafeteria. Move
1 space
Miss Bus!
Lose Turn
1 space
Smith don’t play.
Can’t move
until you flip
Get your
Move 1
Go to Prom out of
dress code.
Suspended. Lose
two turns
Flunk Algebra! Lose
elective. Can’t move
until flip tails
Lose two turns
Senior Project
Move 1 space
Artist of the Month:
The British-Irish boy band wasn’t always a quintet.
The boys entered The X Factor (UK), a game show, as
individual solo acts and it was the advice from the judges,
Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, and Nicole Scherzinger
(The Pussycat Dolls) that formed this boy band sensation.
“They went from strangers to true best friends.
They seem so genuine and you can tell from their video
diaries and from watching The X Factor performances
that they have such amazing personalities, the looks
are just a plus,” junior, Madison Martin mentioned.
Although they didn’t take the winning title in The
X Factor, the group came in third place behind runner-
up, Rebecca Ferguson, and winner Matt Cardle. One
Direction’s cover of “Forever Young,” which would have
been released if they had won, leaked onto the Internet
and caused a whirlwind of publicity. The boys ultimately
signed with Syco Music in the UK and Columbia Records
in the United States. Their debut album, Up All Night, was
released in the UK on November 21, 2011 and on March 13,
2012 in the US. The group’s first single, “What Makes You
I can’t believe that (person)
said yes! It took so
much consideration and planning to pull off the
way that I asked (person)
to prom. From
now on it’s all (adjective)
. Although, I do have to
go to (location)
to get (person)
a (noun)
. I can’t wait
to (verb)
the night away! It is going to be so
. (person)
is so (adjective)
and (adjective)
she will be great at (verb-ing)
. I can’t wait to
after prom with all of our friends! Prom
is such a (adjective)
way to remember the year and
this year… we are going all out! We are go-
ing to (verb)
and (verb)
all through the day and
night. It is going to be like a fairytale for(person)
Caytie’s MadLib(adjective)
by Ashley Steinbach & Cheyenne Hill
Lights, camera, action! Get the experience of being
on camera or have the chance to shoot a short film,
and join the club on campus known as Skills USA.
This club is not only county-wide, it is not only state-
wide, but it is in fact a country-wide club throughout most
public high schools. It is made up of students and teachers
working together to ensure a high work force for America.
Braden River only does
the T.V Production part
of Skills but along with TV
Production there are many
different outlets of this club.
These would include but not
limited to cooking, building/
maintenance, and hair/
design. This club enforces
team work throughout
the members and it helps
build confidence as well as
student. The official motto
ofSkillsis,“Preparingforleadershipintheworldofwork.” A
out with an increasingly mind for motivation and success.
The slogan “Champions at Work,” is truly what this
going now into its second year. TV Production teacher/
tennis coach, Abby Toole- Plummer is who originally
introduced this club to Braden River. Senior Kwamaine
Evans says, “When I first heard about this club, I knew right
away that I wanted to join. It was exactly what I loved to do
all put into a club.” This year for Skills USA was a building
and learning experience
for all new members. In
competition, members
got to witness what Skills
was all about along with
getting a better look
inside the television
production field. The
heat of the limelight
hit each member and
none shyed away.
Unfortunately, no
awards were won, but
a lot was gained and
learned thorughout this experience. Junior Tori Seidner
says, “Competition was tough, but made me stronger and
you better believe next year I am bringing home awards!”
If you are interested in the spotlight, thrive under
pressure, and are able to contribute well to any team, then
join Skills USA. Like the members say: “We’ve Got Skills.”
by Alessandra Delrose & Lisa Hornick
“We’ve Got Skills!”: T.V. Production
Interested in being one of the brightest students under the
spotlight? Read this informational article on Skills USA.
Photo Courtesy:
Beautiful” was released in the United States on February
14, 2012 and it became the highest Billboard Hot 100
debut for a UK act since 1998. The album topped the
chart instantly making One Direction the first UK group
to debut their first album at number one. Their next step
was to promote the album’s release; they performed
on the Today Show, 2012 Kid’s Choice Awards, SNL,
and an iCarly episode,“iGo One Direction!”. They then
announced a performance at Madison Square Garden
being held in December and sold out in less than 10
minutes. With all the excitement of the news, the world
can only expect bigger things from the quintet; the boys
have announced a US Summer Tour, a UK and Ireland
Arena Tour, a 2013 Australian and New Zealand Tour,
and most recently a U.S Arena Tour in the summer of
Senior Kimberly Barajas states, “They’re here
to stay, with all the upcoming international tours, they
will become a household name.” Fans keep hoping
every day that this boy band’s success continues on.
Every generation has their own stereotypical boy
band. Jackson 5 and The Osmonds reigned in the 70s,
New Kids on The Block and Boyz II Men topped charts
in the 80s, and *Nsync and the Backstreet Boys broke
hearts in the 90s. It’s only natural for this generation
to be infatuated with a boy band like One Direction.
Some may argue that the concept of a boy band
is overdone and unoriginal, but with the right kind of
talent and irresistible charm, the five mates from the UK
re-amp the concept and brought the cliché boy band
back to life. Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne,
Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson are the members
that make up this new worldwide phenomenon.
“They’re such an inspiring group. They’ve gotten
where they are today because of their dedication to doing
what they love, and they always make sure they remind
everyone that everything they do is for their fans,”
sophomore, Sami Michel explained about the group.
Deuce has worked toward this goal for her entire
life, and nothing is going to stop her. Her excitement
takes a turn when she is partnered with Fade; the
mysterious outcast found wandering the tunnels
claiming to be from Topside. Although accepted into
the enclave, he’s the most feared and most dangerous,
and it is Deuce’s job to try and stay alive beside him.
When given a perilous task, Fade and Deuce realize
the fate of the enclave is in danger. With Freaks growing
to be destroyed. Deception
is unravelled as questions
begin to surface and the
hunters realize the world
they accepted as the truth
was the biggest lie of them all.
Through the beginning
chapters, the author’s literal
description of thoughts and
events robs the reader of
experiencing it through the
character’s journey and their
own imagination. But this
dark thriller makes up for it
in the intense fight scenes, gripping story for survival, and
subtly integrated romance. In each chapter, Deuce’s fiery
passion makes her a tactile and terrifying heroine. Hunger
Games and dystopian fiction fans will be welcoming this
gritty and fast-pace new addition to young adult apocalyptic
fiction and will be counting down the days until Outpost, the
Over 700 students filled the auditorium for the 2012
Arts and Film Festival. This annual event is exclusive to
the Arts and Communication Academy, so only students
who are a part of the academy are eligible to attend. “I
like how the whole festival is revolved around the Arts and
Communication academy because everyone can relate
to one another,” stated senior, Jason Adamchak. The
event took place on March 9, 2012. Katie Santarsiero,
junior and Collin Wence, senior, served as the Masters
of Ceremonies for the festival. Performances from Legacy
Orchestra, Jazz Band, Dance Class, Pirate Players, and
River Rhapsody were fantastic. The students greatly
enjoyed the 15 films selected to be shown at the festival. It
was a great way for students to start out their spring breaks.
The first film category was Short Films and Spoofs.
“Battle of the Warriors 2” by Tyler Richardson, Nathan
2 Life: The Sequel” by Nicole Feldman won first place for
the category. Her film was also selected to be a part of the
Sarasota Film Festival. “I’d like to thank the academy, the
Arts and Communication academy that is, for their support
of my film endeavors. There is always a point where I just
want to say ‘forget it’ and give up on the project, but because
of the continued support I’ve received, I always complete
these videos with my BRHS peers in mind,” stated Feldman.
The second category was Music Videos. Ian Widner
received second place for his music video “Flow.” The first
place winners were juniors, Daphne Voncannon and Alexia
Moore, who created a unique video “D&L Reverse.” “We
The Tri-M Music Honor Society continues
to display their excellence here at Braden
River High School and in the community.
The band recently competed at the State level for Solo
and Ensemble. They returned from Orlando with a great
number of achievements of Superiors and Excellent music
ratings. Ashley Hall, junior, recalls, “Solo and Ensemble
was an awesome experience. A lot of successful music
performances occurred. The fact that Dr. Phillips High
School was right across the street from Universal made the
trip much more amazing.” Brianne Cozzette agrees, “It was a
by Enriqueta Balandra & Emily Mingote
by Katie Santarsiero
Ann Aguirre
Young Adult (YA), Science Fiction
by Kelsey Lutzi
Kelsey’s Korner
the world of Ann Aguirre’s first young-adult novel,
the post-apocalypse city of New York is teeming with
zombie-like monsters called “Freaks” after being
decimated by war and plague. Life expectancy ranges
in the early 20s and every day is a fight for survival.
Deuce, the heroine of the novel, wants nothing
more than to be a Huntress. Deep underground in the
subways below the city, communities live in enclaves
each with their own set of Elders to govern and keep
their people alive. Each
child or “brat” is named
by a number. But if you
survive until the age of
15, through a brutal ritual
of blood and burns, you
earn your official name
and place in society. The
enclave is separated into
three groups: Builders,
Breeders, and Hunters,
each rank designated by
the amount of scars burned
The Builders can create anything, the Breeders
are the elite and gorgeous that keep the enclave
populated, and the H unters are tasked with the job of
bringing home meat and venturing out into the tunnels
slaying Freaks. Deuce isn’t more at home than with
a pair of blades in her hands, and when her naming
day comes, she finally gets to call herself a Huntress.
Modern Music Masters
“When dark finally fell, I felt
weary enough to sleep without
worrying about the future. But
when we woke, the world had
changed ” (217).
got the idea to make the
video in reverse one day
when we were listening to
the song backwards. We
figured making a video in
reverse would be a good
idea because nobody
else would have the same
idea,” said Voncannon.
The Commercial
and PSA category was
the final category of the
festival. The second
place winners were
Haley Thomas and
Danni Goldman with
their video “Everyone’s
a Genius.” Ian Widner
was the winner of
his touching public
service announcement
“Poverty.” It is no
The hosts, Katie Santarsiero and Collin Wence, proudly smile for their photo after the
surprise Widner took
home two awards
this year. Widner,
who has been
accepted into The
Ringling Film
School, has always
had a love for making
videos. “When I was in first grade,
I was given a camcorder and I would always go
out and make silly videos with my friends,” said Widner.
The final award of the afternoon was the audience appeal
award. This award was decided based on the audience’s
reaction to films. This year, the award went to Tyler Pittman,
Nick Florio, Mason Bell, Simrun Merchandani, and Griffin
Rosnak, who created the film “Florida Shore Boyz”. The
boys got their idea for their film from the popular MTV
reality show, “Jersey Shore”. When “Florida Shore Boyz”
was announced the winner, the group of boys who created
the film jumped out of their seats and started giving everyone
high-fives. “When they announced us as the winner of the
audience appeal award, I was shocked, and very excited!”
said junior, Nick Florio. The boys proudly walked on stage
to collect their prize. “We gave out a lot of the candy, and
we hung up the prize basket in one of the boy’s room, so it
can remind us that we won,” stated senior, Tyler Pittman.
“What I liked about the film festival was getting
to see all of the videos. It is nice to see everyone’s
talents show up on the big screen,” stated Florio.
Band members dedicate plenty of freetime to their
instruments and music
In the past two months, all of the music classes
participated in Music Performance Assessments, or
MPAs. Legacy, Advanced Orchestra, and one of the
Intermediate Orchestras attended MPAs under the
direction of Kathy Cook, and their performances were
all of very high level. Both Concert Band and Wind
Ensemble received Excellents. All the choirs went to choral
MPAs at the District level; Rhapsody earned Superiors.
March was also a very exciting month as it was
Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate their passion
for music, Tri-M held multiple mini performances
in the courtyard before the morning bell. The string
ensemble provided beautiful tunes; Alyce Gillam
played solo and with a quintet; the brass quintet played
their piece loud and proud despite the early morning.
Braden River’s spring production of School House
Rock, directed by senior Colin Wence, premiered
in the auditorium on April 13 and 14. Several Tri-M
members were a part of the cast; they all worked hard
at rehearsals and were proud to show off their talents.
Tri-M is also planning a huge concert called Feast
and Fanfare. The audience will receive a catered dinner by
Carrabbas Italian Grill and a show by the Pirate Players. They
will then enjoy performances featuring Wind Ensemble,
River Rhapsody, Legacy, and the top Jazz Band. Tickets
are $15 and proceeds benefit the entire music department.
Anyone is welcomed to attend, so stop by the Orchestra
room or consult any Tri-M member for more information.
In a world of confusion...
it’s nice to know there is
someone you can turn to
Karen Berner Arcuri, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
counseling for: Teens
Evening and Saturday appointments
The military ball is an annual
celebration that takes place around the
nation for high school students who are
in the Junior ROTC program. This year
the ball was hosted by Southeast High
School at the Bradenton Auditorium. Each
year it is hosted by a different school in
Manatee County, and the students from
county come to celebrate together at once.
The young men wear their uniforms
to the ball and the ladies usually wear nice
formal or semi-formal dresses. Students
go through a receiving line before they
enter the venue, shaking hands with and
being greeted by notable people such as
the principle and other faculty members.
They were seated by schoolm and
the tables were decorated this year with
centerpieces featuring candles and bowls
of fish which someone from each table
got to take home at the end of the night.
Keynote speakers said a few words
and gave special recognitions, there was
a toast, and then dinner was served.
“The unique experience about the
dance is that all the Manatee county
high school JROTC programs come
together to learn a little bit about the
people behind the ROTC program
and also about the cadets from other
schools,” said junior Anabely Delatorre.
For dinner there was an option
of beef or chicken along with mash
potatoes, vegetables, and salad catered
by Cody’s. After dinner, the tables are
cleared for the dance floor. The faculty
shared a dance with their husbands and
wives and then the students danced. The
DJ played lots of Latin music this year.
Etiquette plays an important
role at the military ball. Everyone is
expected to be on their best behavior.
“All of the cadets showed a
lot of respect and acted decently,”
commented junior Hunter Hageman.
The boys acted like gentlemen,
helping to seat their dates and assist
clearing the tables and chairs away
to make room for the dance floor.
“It was very well organized! Everything
was classy and I really enjoyed my time
at the ball. The music and dancing was
also very enjoyable. I would definitely go
again,” Says Junior Jessica Villafane who
attended the ball for this first time this year.
“The military ball was for sure one
of the best nights I’ve had in a while.
I’m going to miss it,” reflected senior
Jordan Granata. The military ball is
a special night that JROTC students
will cherish in their memories forever.
by Melissa McFall
Students from Manatee County JROTC
celebrate on the dance floor after dinner
is served. Photo credit: Jennifer Edwards
The class of 2013 junior team has worn black
jerseys since they were freshmen and continued the
tradition, they came back in black with a new desire to win
leading them to the 2012 Pirate Puff football tournament
championship game for the second consecutive year.
The first game of the night pitted the seniors against the
freshmen. Melanie Wagner scored one of the two senior
touchdowns on a quarterback run. The other touchdown
the seniors scored was only a safety net for their first win in
the Pirate Puff tournament as the much improved senior
defense held the freshmen scoreless throughout the game.
The improvement of the defense helped
the seniors in their win as Senior Laura Otaiza
said “our team had a really good defense and I’m
impressed with how we did…we worked as a team”.
The juniors took on the sophomores in the second
game of the night. The sophomores started on offense to
begin the game, but were forced to give up possession in
seconds. It was apparent from the moment the juniors took
over on offense that they would control the game, scoring
three unanswered touchdowns over the course of the game
including a 58-yard touchdown run by Erica Glisson and
a 12-yard touchdown run by Demi-shay Watchorn . The
junior’s dominance of the game ended with a score of 21-0.
Sophomore team Coach Bob Sloman said “We played
a little timid. The juniors had a lot of experience, that we
did not and hats off to them, they played a fantastic game”.
The sophomores will definitely be back next year
in a good position if they can add more players. Coach
Sloman believes that will help them compete against teams
like the juniors whose roster more than doubled their
own. The depth of the junior team allowed them to rest
players unlike any other team in the tournament helping
them to reach the championship game against the seniors.
The final game of the night featured a rematch
between the juniors and the seniors. The juniors defeated
the seniors 35-0 the year before as sophomores, before
losing to the class of 2011 seniors in the championship
game. This game came down to the wire with both teams
scoreless at the half. The score stayed this way until the
juniors scored on a 6-yard run by Watchorn with a few
minutes left in the second half. Time ran out for the seniors
before they could get the ball past half field, and there was
nothing they could do but hold their heads high as they
walked off the field. It was a much closer game then the
year before which was a massive blowout. The class of
2013 secured their first championship as well as Coach
Dan McLean’s fourth and Coach Don French’s first.
“We had the heart of a champion,” exclaimed Coach
Dan McLean describing his team’s performance that night.
The juniors celebrated their win by naming Watchorn
offensive MVP and Mikala Furry defensive MVP.
by Kaylee Wells
Bring It On Home
With last year’s Final Four appearance the 2012
Braden River High School Lady Pirates Softball team
had a huge task to fulfill this season. The Pirates had
many returning players this season with
a different attitude for the game. The
will to win is outstanding and these ladies
know they have at the championship title.
“I’m definitely taking it more
seriously this year. I was kind of the
jokester last year, and after making it to
the final four my motivation grew a lot
towards becoming state champions this
year and I’m really trying to make my
last year my best season,” said senior
First Baseman Elena Lopez when she
was asked on how she has adjust her
attitude and efforts for her senior season.
This season the Lady Pirates went
nearly perfect in Manatee County play
going (10-1). A big part of the ladies success
is Junior Ace Pitcher Courtney Mirabella
who has played outstanding this season
204 strikeouts in 100 innings. She never
lets her success get to her head, she still is
humble and a very supportive teammate.
When Mirabella was asked
about the ways she shows herself
as leader and as a team player, she replied,
“By getting the team pumped from the dugout, and
cheering them on. I try to be a leader on and off the field”
by Jordan Edwards The biggest reason to the Ladies success this season
is the strong chemistry that these ladies have for one
another. Since suffering a very heartbreaking lost last year
in their final four championship run, they have gained
a strong bond that has proven itself on the diamond.
“Well this year we get along a lot more,
there’s no drama; and after making it to the State
Final Four last season, we’re more determined
to make it again because it’s more realistic to us.”
The Pirates ended their regular season with an
outstanding record of (20-5). They had their first post-
season matchup on Wednesday, April 18 against the
Venice High School Lady Indians (7-17). The Pirates
beat the Lady Indians 10-0, the game
ended in the 6th inning due to the
High School Mercy Rule Regulation.
Courtney Mirabella had a terrific game
with 13 strikeouts, and she also went
2-for-4 at bat with one RBI. Lopez went
3-for-4 (single, double, and a walk).
Allard brought the game to an end with
her winning hit that batted in Lopez.
On Friday April 20, the
Lady Pirates took on the Sarasota
Sailors in the Class 7A - District 11
Championship game winning the game
5-4. This was the first district win for the
softball program since 2008 and also
the third time this year the Pirates beat
the Sailors. Junior, Courtney Mirabella
pitched a total of 10 strikeouts on the
mound. Senior Elena Lopez as well
as junior Ashley Allard were major
contributors to the district title, Lopez
with a walkoff double in the eigth and
Allard with a two run single in the sixth.
Both teams advance to the Regional
Quarter Finals on Wednesday the 25th. If the Lady Pirates
and Sailors win, they will meet again two days later Friday
the 27th. Good luck to the Lady Pirates in their playoff run!
Junior Courtney Mirabella takes the mound in the Class 7A District 11 Championship Game
The date March 7, 2012 will
forever be cemented in both the history
of sports and the life of Lainee Jennings
as one of the saddest days ever. The day Peyton
Manning was officially no longer an Indianapolis Colt.
probably every column, I have an infatuation, obsession
and deep love for Peyton. In my eyes, he is perfect and can
do no wrong. I have grown up watching Manning, and when
I mean grown up watching him, I have literally watched
him play football since the year I was born. I was born in
February of ’94, Peyton began playing for Tennessee in
September of that same year, talk about a fan for life.
In the days prior to Peyton’s official release from
the Colts, I was in denial that it would actually happen
and Jim Irsay would come to his senses and keep the
single greatest thing to ever happen to his organization.
When it actually happened and I sat there watching the
press conference, I couldn’t help but sob the entire time.
Seeing Peyton choke up when thanking the staff and
organization was hard for me to watch and just enhanced
the water works. It had finally hit me; Peyton was no
longer a Colt. I have only seen Peyton sport three colors
in my life: Tennessee Orange, Colt Blue and White. Well
as of March 20th I will now have to get used to seeing him
wear my least favorite color combination previously worn
by my least favorite person, Bronco Orange and Blue.
Tim Tebow and I will forever be mortal enemies.
Never liked him, never will, and there is nothing anyone
can do to change the fact that he was a Gator (the worst
species on planet earth - Sorry Pearcy). So when little
Timmy Tebow was drafted to the Broncos I instantly
deemed them as my least favorite team in the NFL,
taking over the spot previously held by the Patriots and
Cowboys. I maybe watched five minutes of a Broncos
game when I was at a sports bar this season, but then
my gag reflex started to act up. Well, now I am forced
to swallow my pride and become a Broncos supporter,
NOT a fan. Never could I be a fan of an organization
who wanted Tim Tebow as a player let alone their first
round draft pick, but I will support the team that now
has the most important man in my life on their roster.
I am though, disappointed in Peyton’s choice of the
Broncos considering there was a lot of interest shown by
the Titans which would have brought him back home to
Tennessee. Living in Florida my whole life I never had the
opportunity to see Peyton play live and if he had gone
back to Tennessee the same year I am moving there for
college would have made life perfect. And although he did
choose the team that I liked the least, he proved one thing
that can never be denied, a Vol will forever trump a Gator.
I have now come to terms with Peyton being a Bronco
and accepted the fact he is now in Denver, remembering
he will forever be a Volunteer and that, in the end, is all
that matters. But now something I thought would never
happen has, something that I don’t think most people
could have ever thought of. The beloved Pat Summitt has
stepped down as the Lady Vols Basketball head coach.
Last August, Pat Summitt announced to the
world that she had been diagnosed with early onset
dementia, a form of Alzheimer’s. This was a shock
to the sporting world considering Pat is looked upon
as one of the strongest females and role models
alive. Although she recieved this diagnosis, Pat said
she was going to continue coaching her Lady Vols.
Pat Summitt is the most winningest coach in NCAA
Basketball for both men’s and women’s. The Lady Vols
have won eight national championships under Summitt
and 16 SEC Championships. She is a seven time NCAA
Coach of the Year and an eight time SEC Coach of the
year. Summitt has taken her team to March Madness
every season and every Sweet 16 except for 2009. On
two occasions her team has won consecutive National
Championships; the ‘96,’97, and ‘98 seasons as well
as ‘07 and ‘08. She is one of the greatest women in
sports, and one of the greatest coaches to every grace
the court. Pat has handed her position to longtime
assistant coach, Holly Warlick. Summitt will serve as
head coach emeritus and is receiving a million dollar
bonus and a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s
highest civilian honor from President Barack Obama,
Although I will never be able to witness Pat Summitt,
my hero, coach live or ever again, I will forever remember
all the times I’ve seen her on TV and been absolutely
blown away by her presence. I love you Pat, you are
one of my greatest inspirations as a female and I am
forever indebted to you because of what you have taught
me without directly speaking to me. “We Back Pat.”
Natalie Aluise,
Mike Pulawski
BIO: This senior athlete participates in
Weightlifting, Track & Field, and varsity
Football. He is intending on majoring
in Psychology next Fall and is hopefully
continuing on with football at the college level.
What is your favorite piece of clothing
Probably shoes, I really like shoes. I’m a big Vans guy.
If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?
I would try to put it in the bank so I wouldn’t have to work
much, make it last as long as possible
If you could speak to one type of animal what would it be
and what would you say?
I love cats so definitely a cat, probably just ask it what it is like
being a cat.
What are you looking forward to most in college?
Studying psychology, I’m really looking forward to a career in
psychology so getting field experience will be a great opportunity
to explore the field.
If you could invent anything what would it do?
Something that could help people fly, that would be pretty cool. I
think a lot of people would buy that.
Is there anything else you want to say?
yes and
Nick MurphyBIO: This senior athlete has participated
in Weightlifting and Varsity Football
since freshman year at Braden River.
He is majoring in Aerospace
Engineering at the University of
Central Florida where he plans
to join a fraternity.
What is your favorite breakfast
food? Why?
Eggs, pure protein. They’re delicious.
What was funniest thing you have ever experienced?
Any night with Tyler Pittman, Pittman is always a good time.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would
you like to see play the lead role as you? Why?
Anybody who played James Bond in any of James Bond movies,
Claire, Christie and the ladies love James Bond ;)
What has been your greatest accomplishment in high school?
Getting a safety (sacking the quarterback in the end zone) my first
starting varsity game sophomore year in the season opener against
Lakewood. It felt so good.
What are you going to miss most about being a Pirate?
Mrs. Kish’s first period, 50% Christie, 50% Claire, and 10%
something else -- because we always do things 110% here at the
When you were younger what was your dream
job? Has it changed since then? Why?
I really wanted to be an astronaut
cowboy, and that hasn’t changed. I’m
going to invent my own major at
UCF called Cowboy Aeronautics.
The school Track and Field team, which saw
its largest turnout of athletes in recent seasons, is
now already two weeks away from their district meet.
The boys and girls teams have already competed
in five meets, including the county championships,
with both individual and team accomplishments.
	 School records have been set from the one mile
event to the 4 by 100 meter relay and the shot put. Many
athletes are returning from last season and are now running,
jumping, and throwing new personal bests every
meet. Their hard work paid off at the Varsity
County meet, where the boys’ team placed 4th
in the county and the girls’ team placed 3rd.
	 Standout individuals from all ranges of
track and field events include junior sprinter and
pole vaulter Austin Fox who feels he is the
best at the 4 by 400 meter relay
because, “We have a good team
and work well together.” Thrower
and sprinter Kayla Gray, feels like
this season, is different from last
years because, “I’m focusing
more on my events and getting
faster times.” Junior distance
runner Alexis Cullen, and
Junior Bridget Lanier,
who competes in events
from long jump to
hurdles with constant
success, won the
pole vault and long
jump events in the
county meet. “My
favorite event is long
jump. I have been
doing the event
since freshmen
year. I like this
event the best
because every
jump is never
the same, you
never know
how many
feet you’re
going to jump,” said Lanier.
	 Some athletes are experiencing newfound success
through self-motivation, like distance runner Alexis Cullen,
who has set the female record in the mile, despite being
one of the only female distance runners on the entire team.
“Although it’s hard to run with basically all boys, I am a very
self motivated person and I love a good challenge. Running
is one of my favorite things to do and each day at practice
I put all my effort into training hard and giving it my all.
Even on the days when I am sore and tired from the days
previous workout, I still go to practice with a smile on my
face because I know one day all my hard work will pay off.”
	 The track team was re-districted this year and
faced significantly less competition at their district meet at
Armwood high school on April 20th, but went up against
local rivals like Bayshore and Lakewood Ranch. Lanier won
the Pole Vault event and took second place in the 300 meter
hurdles. The girls team placed 7th out of eight teams while
boys finished 5th. Other athletes qualifying for the Regional
meet include Junior Logan Jones, Junior Kiki Mitchell,
Kayla Gray, Senior Troy Gatling, and Junior Zac Durso.
The Right Track
by Matt McFall & Mary Stager
by Lainee Jennings
Senior Tyler Marshall signs his letter-of-intent to play soccer
at West Virginia Weslyan Univiersity.
Senior Ivo Lima signs his letter-of-intent to play soccer at
Jacksonville University.
Bff’s Signing to Play
Seniors Tyler Marshall and Ivo Lima grew up
playing soccer together. Now for the first time in
10 years they will be going their separate ways to
continue their love of soccer at the collegiate level.
Tyler Marshall and Ivo Lima began playing soccer
together on the Braden River Rage U9 team, since then
these two boys haven’t stopped playing side by side.
They have been on multiple Rage teams since then and
continued playing together on the FC Sarasota team as
well as Braden River Pirate soccer. Lima transferred
to Braden River his sophomore year from Southeast
after leaving the IB program. Starting next fall, Lima
and Marshall will be 720 miles apart, the farthest
they’ve been away from each other for a period of time.
On April 3, friends, family, coaches and fellow players
gathered to watch Tyler Marshall make school history by
being the first Pirate to sign a
letter-of-intent and accept
a scholarship to play
soccer in college.
“Its an honor
to represent soccer
for this school
because it isn’t
highly recognized
in high school
sports and being
the first Pirate to sign is an amazing feeling,” said Marshall.
Marshall has chosen to continue his soccer
career at West Virginia Wesleyan University in
Buckhannon, West Virginia where he will be studying
Business Management. Tyler was offered a full ride
scholarship amounting to 34,000 dollars a year, this
being a deciding factor in his choice of the school.
Lima also made history on 19th of April
by being the first to sign to a Division 1 school,
Jacksonville University where he will major in business.
“It feels great; it’s a great accomplishment to know that
I will be playing D1 with a lot of great players. I completed
a major goal I set for myself awhile ago, “said Lima.
it will be different to not be on the field together anymore.
W h e n asked how it has been to have
Tyler by his side all this time, Lima replied,
“It’s been good to have someone always
there that I can relate to not just on a
soccer level, but also at a personal
level. Playing soccer together has
also given us a great
friendship that a couple
hundred miles won’t
tarnish. We always
have Facebook.”
lead of 8-0. Starting pitcher junior Brooks Norton pitched
five shutout innings before senior Ryan Fischer was brought
in to finish out the game. Fischer pitched two innings and
secured the 8-0 win over Palmetto
with a strikeout of the last batter.
With that win, the pirates
wrap up a record of 14-11.
The pirates had a lot of success
in their district beating every
team except for Charlotte High
School on their way to a tie for
third in the district. The third
place finish secured the pirates
home field advantage for the first
round of the district tournament.
“They played hard all
year and did everything we
asked them to do,” Coach
Mike Verrill said about his team’s success this season.
	 While the regular season may have ended with
senior night, the season is not over for the pirates who are
headed to the district tournament next week with a home
game against Sarasota High School on April 24. This is a
good matchup for the pirates who have beaten Sarasota
twice this season and will hopefully make it three times when
they face them in the first round of the district tournament.
	 When asked about playoff hopes, senior
Ryan Fischer said “If we keep our confidence
up and play as a team, we should go far”.
Sliding into the Final Stretch
by Kaylee Wells
Pirate baseball ended the season with a win over
Palmetto High School on
April 19 to finish tied for
third in class 7A district
11 and secure home
field advantage for the
first round of the district
tournament in Coach
Mike Verrill’s first season.
Senior night began
with a ceremony honoring
the four seniors who played
their last regular season
home game that night.
Seniors Josh Brabson, Kevin
Dillingham, Ryan Fischer,
and Kelly Machuca were introduced to the crowd as they
walked across the diamond with their parents signifying
the end of their regular season pirate baseball careers.
Following the senior night festivities, the team went
right to work and scored three runs in the first inning.
The pirates went up 1-0 on a single by junior Dylan Lee
and then scored two more when senior Kelly Machuca
drove in two runs on a double. The core would remain
the same until the fourth inning when the pirates scored
four more runs to go ahead of Palmetto 7-0. The final run
of the game came in the sixth inning bring the pirates to a
Senior Ryan Fischer slides into third base
at the final regular season game April 19.

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  • 1. Artist of the Month Find out who topped the charts this issue, pg. 10 Braden River High School up close and personal. Race to the Finish Tips on how to finish the school year strong, pg. 16 what’s inside? See how rock bands are changing the world through song. Check out the editorial on page 4. Bye Bye Bullying News Case Gone Viral Get the facts about the Trayvon Martin shooting case. Hear both sides to the controversy sweeping the nation on page 3. Life & Features Key Club Read about the clubs recent fundraiser and the tremoundous results. Flip to page 5 for more. Entertainment Book Review Featured this month: A new novel that is gaining recognition with new readers everyday. Find out the summary on 11. Sports Special Announcement Want to find out who senior athlete Mike Pulawski is taking to prom? Check it out on page 14. It could be you! Fellowship of Christian Athletes See how the club has expanded and grown, pg. 2 Humanitarian Act A Pirate that spent his spring break giving back in another country is portrayed on page 7. April 2012 Volume 5 Issue 4 With this season of weightlifting coming to a quick end, three Pirate lifters headed to take the final step in their last sporting event as high school athletes. Working towards the goals of this accomplishment only made the pay off of hard work even more fulfilling. To qualify for Boys Weightlifting state finals, athletes must placefirstatSectionals.However,thereisachanceforboysplacing second, third, or fourth to advance. These people are placed in what is commonly referred to as “the pool” with other lifters and are evaluated by their overall season to qualify. On April 4, Pirate weightlifters traveled to Punta Gorda to compete at Charlotte High School against the other members of Class 2A District 7. After a meet that left spectators at the edge of their seats, the results were tabulated and it was the moment of truth for who would get to carry on, and who’s season was over. Senior Nathan Kirkman was the only Pirate to push through to states with no strings attached after receiving first place. Tyler Linde, Tyler Pittman, and Mike Pulawski, all seniors, were placed in the pool and awaited their results. A week later it was announced that Linde and Pittman had qualified, and unfortunately Pulawski’s season had ended. The weeks after this for the young athletes were spent training and focusing on their goals. Weightlifting like most sports requires off season training in and out of the weight room. The pressure of having to be at a certain weight to compete has helped to regulate how the lifters exercise and their diets. “Cutting weight before something like this is really important. Lifting every day, seven days a week, dieting by eating more protein and cutting sugar and fat” said Tyler Linde. Saturday April 21, the best liftersinthestatemetinKissimmee to compete against one another to call themselves the strongest lifter in their weight class. This was the day that the entire season led up to, and the day every hour of solid practice would count. Tyler Pittman started off the day for the Pirates with both his best Bench and Clean & Jerk at 265lbs giving him a 530lb total. Tyler Linde was just 20lbs shy of reaching his 600lb goal on Saturday benching 300lbs with a clean & jerk of 280lbs. Pittman tied for 8th place in the 154lb weight class but outweighed the other lifter, putting him in 10th. “Senior season was great; I got to spend a lot of time with all the guys. I progressed a lot. I’ll never forget any of it. Coach Mountfordisamazingandhepushedmeallyear,andeventhough I didn’t reach my personal best at states it’s alright” said Pittman. Linde placed in the 183lb weight class, also finishing his season off with 10th place. “It was amazing to make it to states senior by Christie Childers and Lainee Jennings year with two of my good friends being there to support me and keep me motivated,” said Linde Last season, Kirkman was the lone Pirate to make it to States; he was also in the 219lb weight class. In preparation of this season Kirkman lost 20 pounds in order to be in the 199lb weight class. This gave him an advantage against other lifters because of his ability to reach a higher total. “I worked out every day with Mountford after school, I had Pittman work with me every day and he made me mad sometimes, but it worked,” said Kirkman. Kirkman also added 40lbs to his total from last season, going from having his best bench at 315lbs to 335lbs and his clean & jerk from 305lbs to 335lbs. When results were announced, Kirkman placed 2nd in the state, bringing home a silver medal for the River. “Getting Nathan a medal was the next step really. Getting him here to states last year was the first step and this was the next,” said Mountford. With his final year as a Pirate coach and teacher, Coach Brian Mountford has had a very proud season with his team, and finished strong bringing three boys to states. “I finished out with the guys I had left. It’s been a tradition that we were good at weightlifting and I wanted to keep it going as long as I could,” explained Mountford. “We took counties, and took three to states. Doing well was everything I strived for with them.” Most students and athletes Mountford has worked with have been with him their full high school careers. Working under his coaching, athletes have developed to be their personal best. He has been a strong asset to the Pirate family and holds the utmost respect from the student body and faculty. This season has brought great triumph to his team of weightlifters that dedicated their season to success. All the senior lifters graduating this year have worked with the team to leave behind a legacy of weightlifters. There is great potential coming from the underclassman and rising seniors. Advice that was unanimously collected from Pittman, Kirkman, and Linde was to “go hard, keep at it, and the hard work will pay off”. This years team had an aspect that was similar to a family. All their hard work paid off for this season and it is something the boys will remain proud of together. Tyler Linde explained, “we all had a really strong relationship and bond. We pushed each other to reach the best we could be.” From Left to Right: Tyler Pittman, Nathan Kirkman, and Tyler Linde
  • 2. PIRATE PEGGY IS NOT... Elizabeth Garcia a Cha Cha Cha Chia Someone From the Cafeteria Full of Bacteria We have received a lot of questions about the identity of Pirate Peggy. Since we can’t tell you who she is, we figured we could at least tell you who she isn’t. NEWS2 What makes a superhero super? The powers. That’s what it comes down to. Without Spiderman’s powers he’s a dorky photographer. Take away Storm’s powers and I don’t know what her name would be. Sky? Cloud? Lady in Cape and Spandex? Some of you are probably thinking, “What about Ironman or Batman?” They’ve got the power of wealth, and Benjamin Franklin is a pretty strong ally to be carrying around in their wallets. The powers determine the majority of a superhero’s persona. Some really stereotypical powers include anything with ‘Super’ in the name. Super strength, super speed, super breath, and no I’m not making that last one up. These powers build certain archetypes, like The Hulk, The Flash, and The Man with Far Too Many Powers, A.K.A Superman. Then there’s powers that relate to an enhancement that allows one to survive in different environments. Flight belongs to Falcon, Angel, Hawkman, and many more. Breathing under water is a great habit for Namor and anyone with the word ‘Aqua’ in their name, whether it be Aquaman, Aquaboy, or Aquababy. Then there’s those with invulnerability, cloning, illusions, invisibility, teleportation, fire, water, ice, metal, nature, poison, shapeshifting, forcefields, and people that can shoot just about anything out of their eye sockets. Plus, of course, the lamest of stereotypical powers; size manipulation. Poor Antman, Atom, Yellow Jacket, and Wasp, you got the short end of the stick. But let’s give credit where credit is due, there are some really cool, original powers out there; and of course some mistakes. The power to...... I don’t know, meow like a cat on cue? Good old Animalman, the name of your ability is as vague as your alias. Bone manipulation is awesomely sickening, and reanimation is always good for a strange and emotional plot line. If a hero isn’t an alien, or exposed to some radioactivity, than they come equipped with powers like bullet time, accuracy, and scaling walls that are really just highly trained senses. Bullet time is called reflexes, accuracy is just good aim, and scaling walls is called parkour. I always respected X-Men the most, because they had to get really obscure with their powers to keep adding new members. Problem was that it became clear when someone got a really awesome ability and someone else got a bad idea. Magneto can manipulate anything metal, Blob is fat. Rogue can absorb powers and thoughts, Toad acts like a toad. You can see the trade-offs. I always respected Spiderman for having such an original inspiration for powers. They took everything interesting about spiders and explored what a human might do with those gifts. It’d be interesting to see what another hero could be like if they spent that kind of thought power on other animal’s abilities. Penguinman, Armadilloman, Rabbitman, etc. could be a lot fun. Have some heroes that play with gravity, or can see multiple possibilities for a single situation before it happens. I remain hopeful that someone will explore an unturned field and find a gold mine of new ideas. Truth is, most of the powers that make any sense, and even a lot that don’t, have already been taken. It’s seeing what heroes do with them, what their story involves, and who they’ve got to fight that makes a hero stand out. Powers determine a lot, but the fun of superheroes is the different aspects and the way you use them. Original ideas don’t exist anymore, it’s all reinterpretation, but reinterpretation is a lot of fun, and everyone’s got something to add to the story. by Thomas Reese A club that seemed like it was crashing and fading has been given new life this year with an impressive rebound of new members and a new location. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, or more commonly known as FCA, struggled to get more than five students to attend their gatherings last year; now they have a full classroom. “It’s not always about the numbers. It is about the hearts,” says co-leader and juniorSummerFulwood.“The impact of the messages and an increaseofadvertisementshave really drawn more people in.” Along with their new booming attendance, their location for meetings has also drastically improved. Now the club meets in Mr. Blanco’s room in the media center insteadoftheareaoutsideofthe cafeteria. Just walking through the room can make anyone feel the positive atmosphere as the students begin to gather and listen to music. Jayra Carrasquillo, senior, has been attending since she first heard about it this year. “We start off with worshiping through music then we move on to prayer and Bible study and then after that we just hang out and have some snacks with our friends.” Fulwood and her friend Ashlee Paro lead the meetings every Wednesday right after school. Their combined leadership and help of other members, they have progressed FCA into quite the popular club. They also plan to start holding events such as volunteer outreaches and maybe even a field trip in the future. Fundraisers will be in their future to provide money for these occasions. Also, you may start to see more of FCA around school as their logo and shirt are being planned as well. Even though their attendance is improving dramatically, they are still always looking for more members to get involved and attend. One huge misconception with FCA is that you have to be an athlete to be involved with the club. This is completely false and they accept anyone that is willing to spend time with them even if you aren’t necessarily strong in faith. If you even think a little that you would enjoy being a part of FCA, please feel free to go and check it out. You might be pleasantly surprised at what they have to offer as an up and coming club here at the River. by Nicole Feldman There will soon be a bulletin board in the cafeteria featuring the faces of teenagers that lost their lives to bullying. Those faces are of innocent teenagers that felt that life wasn’t worth living anymore. No one helped them, or noticed the signs of their problems. This is why hindsight is 20/20. The Imagine Anti-Bullying Club is making the focus of May “the bystanders.” The club will work on informing the bystanders that feel that it is not any of their business. Junior, Mariah Boudreaux, told her story of having been bullied at Lakewood. She has joined this club because, “I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that.” Anyone and everyone is invited to the meetings every Monday in the media center. Stop by even if you would like to know what we are all about. Nathan Evens, junior, was “curious to see what the club was going to do to help.” Evens joined the club and has attended several meetings. Imagine is reaching out by writing notes of support to those who are being bullied. These notes will be handed out to those who seem like they need a pick me up: notes for encouragement, notes to make someone smile, notes to give someone to talk to. The club is also informing the bullies of the consequences of their actions. Imagine hopes to share some of the stories featured in the new movie Bully. This is the first featured documentary that shows how bullying effects everyone. It features real life stories with the real people who lived through them. These people are teenagers just like you. At a recent meeting, freshman and co-founder, Savannah Bosch shared the stories of a few teens that had committed suicide because of bullying. These stories helped the members truly understand the severity of the topic. Bosch desires that this club is taken seriously. She wants the true message of bullying to spread around Braden River. “Kids you go to school with should not make you want to end your life,” said Bosch. Recently a few members helped out with tickets and other aspects of the Miss BRHS Pageant to create a tasteful presentation for the school. Proceeds from admission benefitted the Anti- Bullying club so that they can continue their help around the community. Imagine t-shirts are available in Mrs. Stedman’s office in Student Services. T-shirts feature a peace sign and a pirate with the message to stop bullying. The cost is $10, and the support is priceless. Our administrative student liaison, Mrs. Stedman, is the sponsor of Imagine. She is very passionate about the club, and she believes it is important to love and accept all people. “I feel it in my heart for everyone to show kindness to everybody.” says Stedman. The Imagine club is just beginnign to make their mark on tehir school and plan to continue their goals. The club is enjoying the rewarding feelings that they get by aiding in teh fight against bullying. Go to check out what all the buzz is about. by Enriqueta Balandra anyone else to have “I don’t want experience”TRAUMATIZING to go through that
  • 3. NEWS 3 At around 3 a.m. on February 26, Trayvon Martin, a young African American male, was on a trip to the local gas station to pick up a bag of skittles and an Arizona iced tea. On the way back to his father’s fiancé’s house, which was in a gated community, he made a call to his girlfriend telling her that he felt like he was being followed. Around the same time that night, self appointed w a t c h m a n G e o r g e Zimmerman, a Hispanic, was on duty. The neighborhood had fallen victim to r o b b e r i e s lately, so Zimmerman was a bit edgy. While roaming the neighborhood,hespottedMartin,whowaswearingahooded sweatshirt,andfeltlikehisbehaviorwassuspicious.Hecalled 911 and told them that there was a suspicious male walking the streets of the neighborhood. The 911 operator then told him that there was no need to pursue the man. Instead of waiting for the police, he continued to follow Martin. The next couple minutes took a turn for the worse, in which time, Martin was fatally shot for reasons that have not yet been proven. There are two possible sides to the story and neither of them has been confirmed. Zimmerman told police Martin physically attacked him on the way back to his SUV which left him with a broken nose and a wound to the back of his head. At that point, he took out his gun and allegedly killed Trayvon in self defense. The Martin family, however, believes the events leading to their son’s death happened very differently. Although there is no clear evidence to disprove Zimmerman’s claim, the Martin family strongly believes their son was not at fault for the events that unfolded. They also believe that he was a victim of racial profiling and cold-blooded murder. During the time of the shooting, a 911 call was made by an onlooker of the altercation in which there are distinct cries for help from the victim. Forensic voice identification experts are not able to completely determine whose voice it was at this time, but they are suggesting that Martin was the one who was crying for help. Although Zimmerman has not yet stood trial, a large number of people across the nation already believe he is guilty and should be in prison. Many protests have been assembled across the nation by people who believe Martin was innocent. These “Justice for Trayvon” protests have spread like wildfire across the nation and people are begging for the arrest of George Zimmerman. “I think they have every right to protest and want information and answers,” says Erik Nelson, a world history teacher at The River. Many believe that the police have not efficiently achieved a result in this case. “I really think [the police] should deal with this situation better. I feel like nothing is being done.” said junior Clarence McDowell. Many African Americans have stated their views that if Martin was a young white male wearing a hoodie as opposed to being African-American, he may very well not have brought on suspicions from Zimmerman and may still have his life. People who support Zimmerman’s side of the story disagree, saying that Martin had been known to get in to trouble with the law the past couple of years and Zimmerman was right to confront him to stop what could have been a robbery, even though Martin was allegedly just walking back to his house. To this day, high schools teach on the topic of the discrimination and racism and what brave leaders had to go through to abolish segregation and gain equal rights. Although racial discrimination is still present in our society, many do not notice the direct effects of it in high school. This case has hit very close to home due to its close proximity geographically and emotionally. It also has made many teenagers realize that the topics discussed in history classes from years ago are still a prominent issue today. This case has divided the nation with advocates for both sides and many people putting their opinions out in the open. Zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder and the case is on its way to trial. The complete and utter truth may never be known about the events leading up to Martin’s death, however justice can still be served. We just have to wait until conviction time. by Rachel Arcuri & Brandon Hunyh When trial rolls around for the case against George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, can the nation hold back their bias in order to get the right verdict? Reggie Brown, sophomore, expresses his opinion and shows it off to the school for all to see. This year has brought upon many triumphs for one of the most popular clubs on campus. Student Government Association (SGA) has out done themselves once again with their projects to benefit the student body, but it has also fallen subject to some dilemmas because of a surplus of members. In past years, SGA has had a maximum amount of members that allowed around 50 students to be involved in the Leadership class, and a few scattered members that could not be included due to scheduling problems. The 2011-2012 school year wasacompletelydifferent story compared to what the club is accustomed to. The club is maxed out at 90+ members with 60 students in the class, which led to some confusion and an inability to communicate with one another properly. A major difference for members of the class this year was a change in location. In past years the club has been housed in Mr. McLean’s classroom. However, due to size, the class had to be moved to the cafeteria. There are mixed views about the effectiveness of the change in area. Some students think that the cafeteria gives more room to work on projects and like the idea of not being confined in a classroom. Some members say it has decreased camaraderie among members. Senior member Nicole Hubbard, who has been in the class during the location change, stated, “being in the cafeteria has definitely separated the class. There’s a divide between the juniors and the seniors, and people are off in cliques. It makes it really hard to get things finished.” SGA has always been prized on being one of the most active and successful clubs on campus within the student body, and that has not changed even during their struggle to transition with more members. Homecoming Week was said to be by students and staff “the best one yet” with creative and versatile dress up days, and most memorable: a bonfire that students did not want to leave even when it was over. The holiday season brought on an immense amount of success for the organization with the annual Pirate Holiday festival that attracted crowds of students, staff, and community members with their children. Thanks to the work of Team McLean and Team French [competitive sectors from within the Leadership class] our district Varsity Basketball game had the largest fan base the court has seen in seasons. Pirate Puff girls’ football was another outstanding event with a great turn out and a final show down between the seniors and the juniors. Players and fans alike were enthusiastic about the event that SGA spent time and energy organizing and hosting for the River. Members have been full of innovation, creativity, and due to the large size, have been able to brainstorm an endless amount of ideas for many events. With new officers chosen for the next school year, confidence and peace of mind have set in with the potential of what they will do. Newly elected president, junior Brittney Rangel, is confident in the ability of the new officers to lead and execute a great year for the student body. “We’re going to do everything in our power to make SGA the best it has ever been,” said Rangel. “I have a lot of great ideas and I know the new and returning members of the club do as well. I’m hoping we’ll all be able to pursue as many as we can during the year!” The future officers and advisors alike share belief that the club will continue to sail to success for the coming school year with new and old members. Mr. McLean stated, “Our hopes for the next year are to take the lessons we’ve learned this year and make the 2012-2013 school year the most incredible one yet.” A Year In Review: Student Government by Christie Childers President Billy Heller and senior Sarah Kinsey utilize teamwork to decorate the gymnasium. Mosaic, our literary magazine, is an extraordinary outlet for students who enjoy the creative aspects of life, such as short stories, poetry, and art. In a recent meeting, Mosaic members reviewed submitted work and discussed different qualities that can make one’s writing stronger. Then they spent the rest of their time choosing admitted work to place in this year’s magazine At a regular meeting, Rebecca Saumell stated, “we discuss things about how we’re going to get Mosaic out there and how to get sponsors and donations. We also talk a lot about deadlines.” “[Mosaic started] last year with a senior project and basically it’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” said supervisor, Ms. Shasho. “I was a staff editor for the Kudzoo in college, so when I heard I jumped at the chance.” She realized that in English class, students don’t get to express their creativity as much as they should and decided to step up and become a leader for the group. A literary magazine is a chance to get involved and express originality as well as get published, which can help college resumes tremendously. Mosaic is in its second year and received 49 total entries. The category with the most entries was short stories. Lauren Olson, a member of the club, stated, “I love English and writing and I think more people should participate. Reading the different submissions and getting to see what everyone’s interested in is what I enjoy the most about being involved with Mosaic.” Senior, Tessa Cullen, says that she joined the club “’because I’ve always loved writing and if I could have an effect on other people that would be cool.” Ms. Shasho adds, “this year we’re just trying to publish one magazine. The ultimate goal is to have print and have an online edition. We want to have a print version in all of the English classes and a copy on the internet.” Make sure to keep your eyes open and read the Mosaic when it comes out to see how students express themselves here at the River. Lit. Mag by Tiffany Campbell z Z Z z Z The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes DID YOU KNOW?
  • 4. OPINIONS4 The student press of Braden River High School has adopted this as its mission: To publish news, information, and opinion articles for and about student, faculty and administration activities, interests and policies. To maintain high ethical standards with regard to fairness, personal and legal rights, responsibilities and accuracy. To provide a forum for free and responsible expression of student opinion and present well-balanced, locally researched coverage of issues of broader student interest. To strive for a high level of competency in the technical aspects of writing, including grammar, spelling, clarity, and precision. To welcome diversity and increase the scope and depth of our coverage in order to heighten mutual understanding and awareness throughout our entire school community. Dear Pirate Peggy, Dear Prom Pressure, CHRISTIE CHILDERS, Co-Editor-in-Chief ALEXIA FERNANDEZ, Co-Editor-in-Chief CLAIRE PATTERSON, Assistant Editor-in-Chief THOMAS REESE, News & Opinions Editor CHEYENNE HILL, Life & Features Editor CAYTIE CHRISMAN, Entertainment Editor LAINEE JENNINGS, Co-Sports Editor KAYLEE WELLS, Co-Sports Editor NICOLE FELDMAN, Graphics Editor LISA HORNICK, Business Manager ROLANDA ANTOINE RACHEL ARCURI TORY BERTRAN EMILY BORGES BRITTANY BORMAN JORDAN BUSH KATIE CAFIERO TIFFANY CAMPBELL KAYLA CLARK TAYLOR COBLENTZ JESSIE DAVIS ALESSANDRA DELROSE JESSICA DREGER CARLEY ENGELBERGER OLIVIA GARRO SAVANNAH HARDESTY KATIE HOLT With prom right around the corner I am beginning to feel the pressure of the whole “date” situation. It’s not like I don’t want a date, I am just torn between actually asking someone or just going solo. I am extremely nervous to ask a girl and if I don’t, I feel as if I will be left out with all my friends. I just need some direction on whether or not I should enjoy the company of a girl or just go by myself. Many young teenagers often forget that prom is not meant to compete with each other on having a date or whose outfit is best , but instead to have fun with friends and enjoy the last big night of the school year. Of course everyone wants that special someone to take, but also remember that that person doesn’t have to be someone your romantically interested in. They can simply be a good friend that you enjoy spending time with. However, in the end it is no one else’s decision but yours. If you would rather go by yourself then do what makes you happy. Friends may say you have to have a date but that is not true at all. You can have just as much fun with a big group of friends. Though, if you have that urge to ask someone in particular go ahead and take the risk. What’s the worse they could say? No? Don’t miss out on an opportunity that you could regret in the only live once. -Pirate Peggy ADVICE PIRATEPEGGY -Prom Pressure BRANDON HUYNH KIELY HUYNH CARLY KELLER SIENA KELLEY JAZMINN LUCAS CAYLYN MALONE MATTHEW MCFALL CIARRA MCNUTT KYLIA MUHAMMAD ALEX PASSMORE HALEIGH ROBERTS BAILEY RODGERS KATIE SANTARSIERO MARY STAGER MICHAYLA STODDARD MACKENZIE STRALEY IVERI WILSON A cartoon by student artist: Tyler Richardson In the past couple of years, people have begun to stand up and take a position against bullying through various forms of activism such as music and movies. This has become quite the popular issue right now and bully awareness has increased to a staggering high priority in the eyes of the public, especially in the entertainment industry. With the new release of the movie documentary, “Bully,” people who have not personally experienced the cruelty of bullying can see firsthand how damaging it is to kids as they grow up. With all of this action happening, it begs the question “Does all of this awareness and support against bullying actually help the cause?” The targeted audience is teenagers, obviously, and what better way to reach the deep and hidden parts of their mind than to take the music that they listen to and provide an optimistic and heartening song about bullying and the damageit creates.RiseAgainstandShinedownarejust two of the many bands who have voiced their opinion through song and gotten to the hearts of millions around the world. Rise Against’s hit song “Make it Stop” takes on the harassment against homosexuals and focuses on the September suicides from gay teens due to bullying. It provides a chilling and deep message through its lyrics and the m u s i c video is even more powerful as it gives a visual aid to how poorly gay teens are really treated. The “It Gets Better” project can also be compared to the same thing as they provide awareness to the same cause to help the issue and prevent more suicides from taking place. These types of information give gay teens hope and encouragement to keep going and that their lives will not always endure the same cruelty that they are going through now. They also provided people who are oblivious to this with information that allows them to fight against this brutality. Shinedown’s recent single entitled “Bully” gives sense of pride and motivation to those that may be depressed from dealing with bullies. It provides them with the feeling that they are not alone and other people are going through the same thing as them. “We don’t have to take this, back against the wall; we don’t have to take this, we can end it all.” This line from Shinedown’s song continues the positive message against bullying and gives encouragement to take a stand. Even at our school the Imagine Anti- Bullying club has been trying to raise awareness across the school by a variety of ways. One time at lunch students were asked to sign a banner as a pledge to taking a stand against bullying which got significant results as it was completely filled with signatures. They also have shirts that students can purchase that raise awareness of the club and provides an outlet for students to express their thoughts on bullying. The bottom line is that the recent awareness that has spread across the world is really making a difference in people’s lives. If forces people to face the issue and that is really the best thing for everyone. It provides a sense of encouragement and family to the victims and makes them aware that they are not the only ones going through the pain of bullying day in and day out. Hopefully this awareness can continue and can one day alleviate the pain of bullying once and for all. by Thomas Reese Is all of the current activism for bully awareness through music and movies really worht it? Does it even help the cause against bullying? Rise Against Shinedown Staffers JORDAN SANDERS, Assistant News & Opinions Editor ABBY SUGDEN, Assistant News & Opinions Editor ENRIQUETA BALANDRA, Assistant Life & Features Editor KELSEY LUTZI, Assistant Life & Features Editor MELISSA MCFALL, Assistant Life & Features Editor EMILY MINGOTE, Assistant Entertainment Editor ASHLEY STEINBACH, Assistant Entertainment Editor JORDAN EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor JILLIAN BIEBER, Advisor
  • 5. LIFE & FEATURES 5 April Horoscopes“Caring- Our way of Life,” is proudly displayed on the backs of the Key Club T-shirts. This year, Braden River’s Key Club has truly shown how much they care, acquiring over 5,250 genuine service hours this year, an all-time high. Last year over 250 students registered to be in Key Club. Officers were not prepared for this staggeringly high amount of members. As a result, Key Club went to many reforms for the 2011-2012 school year. The amount of members allowed in the club was capped to 100 and the club became more selective as to who they let join. More people were put into officer to help run the club. Stricter rules were implemented. For example, members were required to obtain at least fifteen hours per quarter and officers twenty. Attendance has also been enforced more and the place of meetings has been changed from the media center to the Ms. McNally’s room. All the changes at first seemed overwhelming, but the results have been amazing. Last summer board members set a goal for all members to have an average of 50 hours for this year. As of right now, there is an average of 65 hours per member. The club has raised more money than ever before for charity and has been able to send members to the District Convention in Orlando at the lowest, most affordable price since the school opened. The club has worked more with Kiwanis, the adult level of the club and made effort to reach out to builders club and k-kids, the middle school and elementary school levels of Key Club. This year Key Club took on its first annual sandbox volleyball tournament. The tournament was organized by Marc Medina with the help of Casey Davis and the guidance and support of Ms. McNally the advisor. The tournament reached out to people of all ages throughout the community. The money made from the volleyball tournament went to Eliminate- A Kiwanis global campaign with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. The disease is extremely painful and kills over 60,000 newborn babies each year along with some mothers. The tournament raised over 1,100 dollars. “That is double of what my first goal was to raise for project eliminate. Not only was it a success in that manner but also on the unexpected number of participants that showed up. 16 Teams and around 200 spectators/players showed up which was a great accomplishment not only for me but for the club as well,” Says project leader Marc Medina. The tournament took five months to plan and coordinate. “It was the biggest success of my senior year.” Key Club recently had its elections for the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 14 officers were elected, one more than the amount of officers next year. The club created the position of K-Family relations- a person responsible for coordinating all activities for the year with the other branches of Key Club such as Kiwanis and Builder’s Club. The new president will be Junior Stephanie Gray. “I am proud to be a part of a club that has strong character values and truly impacts the community and the people in it,” Says president for the upcoming year Stephanie Gray who will official take office in May. Key Club has gone above and beyond its own expectations and has laid strong foundations for the years to come. Board members and their advisor have contributed countless hours of work to making the club as successful as it has been and the members have exceeded the goals and hopes for the club. Without a doubt this has been Key Club’s best year ever, and with the foundation its laid it will continue to be an amazing club. The 2011-2012 year for the pirate FFA was a very successful year at The River. With these future farmers, anything is possible. Whether it being winning first place at district or creating a feast for teachers, the pirate FFA has earned their appreciation with their positive approach on their agricultural ways. A helping hand is what these students give, and that’s exactly what they offer. March 5th 2012 was the seafood festival and many FFA members participated. In fact, many FFA members participate in a series of events throughout the year. It could be attending the monthly meetings or assisting at fairs or even car washes. Or maybe FFA week. Not only were the FFA members involved, plenty of students joined in the fun filled week. Tuesday was fishing day, Wednesday was Official dress/FFA shirt day, Thursday was college day and Friday was western day; and also the day of crowning of FFA’s Mr. and Miss. The Parliamentary team placed 1st at district. The team consists of Reagan Howard, Emily Melchior, Lizzie King, Rachel Elek, Kayla Alexander, Sarah Adams, and Thomas Huesman, all coached by Mr. Wheeler. Also, FFA congratulated prepared public speaker Courtney Wingate. The students placed 1st at Districts and will be competing at State Convention in June in Orlando. Furthermore, Manatee County FFA Chapters placed 1st in every event. This is what Mrs. Barry would call a rare event. “Something I don’t think I’ve ever seen!” But unfortunately all good things come to an end. The last FFA meeting will be April 19th 2012. This The meeting will talk about this years accomplishments and things to do better next year. New officers are needed and more members are wanted. This agricultural club looks forward to next year and even more ahead to all the success that’s bound for them, including the failures they can work on and the things to do better next time. FFA member Kendra Galvan, sophomore, says, “Next year were hoping more and more students join. The more students we get, the more chances we have of an even better year.” Members of FFA put on a breakfast for the teachers on February 22. FFA’s Frequent Fulfillment by Alena Cantrill The Key to Caringby Melissa McFall Aquarius January 20-February 18 This month you’ll be feeling and sharing the love! You’re in a loving mood and whether it comes from your significant other or your best friend, love is in the air for you! Pisces February 19-March 20 You’re always there for your friends in need and this month your BFF will need your help with a crisis. Take a second for yourself too so you don’t get overwhelmed! Aries March 21-April 19 You have had your eyes set out on a new crush. They’re totally oblivious, but find the courage to make the first move. A major spring fling is waiting! Taurus April 20-May 20 You may be feeling a bit down this month but take a day to pamper yourself; eat what you want and do what you want. It’ll turn your attitude around and you’ll feel 100 percent better. Gemini May 21-June 20 This April, friendship is super important! All of your friends will be paying extra attention to you so be sure to return the favor and make time for all of your friends, it’ll pay off in the end! Cancer June 21-July 22 Lately your significant other and best friend may have seemed distant, but take time for a night out and a long talk with both of them and soon enough everything will return back to normal. Leo July 23-August 22 Whoa! This month the planets are in your favor. You’ll be feeling super close to your BFF and someone new(possibly a new crush) will be introduced to you, and you’ll see sparks fly instantly! Virgo August 23-September 22 You’ve been feeling super blah lately but with the planets shifting, your confidence will boost and everyone will notice your new found fire! Libra September 23-October 22 School has got you tied up as summer approaches and your feeling stressed but take a day off to rest with your BFF and let go of your busy schedule for the day. You’ll feel new and refreshed when you get back to work. Scorpio October 23-November 21 Let’s face it, you are bored with your crew, but that’s okay! No one said you can’t make new friends. Try bringing your new friends and your old friends together, and let the fun begin! Sagittarius November 22-December 21 Everyone knows about your fierce and ferocious side when it comes to protecting your friends. When someone new tries to come in between your friendship, you will prove you’re a true friend, but don’t judge too quickly, you might make a mistake you’ll regret later. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Someone new has caught your eye, but you have not built up the courage to say hi yet. Luckily, at the end of the month you’ll feel a burst of confidence. Write on their Facebook wall, and you will love the outcome! Thomas Thomas and his opponent at the first annual Key Club Sandbox Volleyball Tournament.
  • 6. LIFE & FEATURES6 F r e n c h C l u bby Kayla Clark There are three social rules at this school that stand the test of time: The grass is sacred, the lunch room is a test of patience, and gum is as good as a friendship bracelet. The last of the three is possibly the most crucial and important of high school life. Even with separate cliques and social differences we all have the same common enemy: bad breath and nothing can beat it like a fresh minty chew stick. The providers of it instantly become your new ally and official best friend. “I always find it really annoying when I’m giving gum to one person or a friend and then suddenly everyone in the room wants a piece,” said Kylee Tison. Gum seems to be the only thing that people have no shame in asking for, although there’s always that hesitation of asking for a piece of paper or a pencil. We have all experienced that instant moment of disgust when our hand brushes the underneath of a desk, immediately knowing that the dried out sticky mess we just touched was someone’s gum, and without delay, reach for the hand sanitizer. But what would possess someone to put their gum under a desk or a water fountain, rather than just get up and walk three feet to the nearest trashcan? Although it’s not one of the many rules here at Braden River, there are some teachers that still won’t allow it in their class room because it’s a distraction and students leave in the first convenient place they can find and even on the floor. What most of those teachers don’t understand though is that gum is actually an advantage to students in high school. Studies have shown that students who chewed gum during classroom and homework situations have significantly higher grades than the students who do not. Gum is known to provide some degree of exercise, and to relieve stress. It can’t be denied that we’ve all heard it, that annoying popping noise, over and over again while you’re desperately trying to focus on that test you spent multiple hours studying for. “I don’t mind people chewing gum around me, I even chew gum in class, but what really annoys me is when someone can’t stop popping their gum or even when they chew it as loud as humanly possibl,” said sophomore Haley Wolfe. Let’s just remember the people around us may not actually want to hear the gum in your mouth or feel it under your desk and that we are all more than capable of keeping it quiet and walking a few feet to the trashcan that is more than likely sitting right next to you. It’s possible that gum is more than just something we chew on to entertain ourselves, and that maybe deep down it represents an interesting parallel of student life. The different brands like Orbit, 5, Wrigley’s, and Extra are the equivalent of our different groups, interests, ideas, and clubs. However, it doesn’t matter if we’re peppermint, dreamsicle, or tropical splash; we all come off of the same shelf, and find comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one in the pack. So, can I have a piece? by Katie Holt The French culture is learned and appreciated by millions all over the world, and has recently been introduced as a new club that students can join on campus. The first meeting was held in the beginning of the school year, and officer positions were assigned by French teacher, Mrs. Rencker. Kayla Clark had been chosen as President, and Cindy Lu as Vice President to lead the new club into popularity and success. Excitement arose as it was apparent that this would be a great year for French Club. The club’s main goal is to unite students who share a common love for the French culture, and to further extend their interests. Unique activities are planned in which the club members can have an enjoyable experience, as well as learn more about the exclusive culture.. So far, the member’s of French club have attempted to create French art, played a French ball game outside, learned multiple dances, indulged in pastries, and studied popular French topics. The club usually meets once a month, and has many devoted members who plan the entertaining activities. Food is usually always a part of the festivities, and the members have had their fair share of new treats. Omar Cruz-Urieta, junior, is an active member in French Club and has developed a love for the language in his two years of taking French. Cruz-Urieta says that he joined French Club because he “wanted to learn more about the French culture” and practice his speaking skills with other students. Also, he says that “the President and Mrs. Rencker make it enjoyable and fun to be in”. In December, French Club celebrated by having a “Secret Santa” activity in which members brought presents and put them all in a big red bag. Then, members all reached inandchoseagiftthattheygottokeep.Amongthegiftswerea famous French card game, videos, and even stuffed animals. Also, the members constructed a French Gingerbread Village, in which they got to release their creative capabilities. For Valentine’s Day, French Club met and made Valentine’s Day cards in French. The cards were simple and sweet, featuring small French phrases inside, and they were decorated with hearts, glitter, and all shades of pink and red. Recently, French Club participated in National Foreign Language week, and all members met after school in the cafeteria one day for a grand celebration. Nutella on baguettes was provided in abundance for all members, and Mrs. Rencker taught French dances to everyone, and they performed them, as well. With the school year not quite over, French Club still has a couple more meetings to proceed with, and hopes to end this year in a great, French fashion. Art is a powerful tool, and whether it be a mural on a wall or an App on your cellphone it’s everywhere. Braden River’s art club isn’t best known for their commnity service projects, but right now the club is in- volved in a program that has them creating the decorations for a special needs prom. They took on the assignment last year when the theme was Masquerade, and created several banners and a large wooden mask cut-out that were dis- played at the prom. Hundreds of kids and their parents got to come to the event and experience the art in person. “A lot of these kids aren’t treated the same as you and me, and the diseases they have often limits their lifespan to about age 30, so it’s really special to give them a night to feel nor- mal.” said Art Club advisor Mr. Ferrell. “ I got to see par- ents moved to tears by the artwork my students had made, and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.” Given the exceedingly positive feedback from last year, the club was asked to continue the partnership this year and access thier creative resources to fulfill the new theme, Fairy Tale. Currentlytheclubmembersareworkingon6hang- ing portraits of princes, dragons, fairies, and other mythical creatures,alongwithafullonwoodencut-outofacastle.They are proving what capacble artists they are and expanding the already favorable reputaion of Braden River’s art program. A r t C l u bby Nicole Feldman Itdoesn’ttakeatruejournalisttoknowwhoJohnStossel is. Being one of the most controversial men in television has made him somewhat of a household name in America. He cannot bring himself to support the public school system, he detestsSocialSecurity,anditwouldcertainlybeineveryone’s best interest to avoid mentioning government involvement. His outspoken persona has some people labeling him a legend. But what is the real John Stossel like? Recently, Jordan Sanders and Alexia Fernandez, two of Braden River’s Journalism Editors, were given the opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with Stossel after his presentation at the USF Stavros Center. Thinking of an appropriate questionnaire was no easy tasks for these two, young journalists. What questions could possibly interest one of the most renowned journalists in America? Stossel was co-anchor of ABC’s “20/20” and dominated Primetime television for six years, winning 19 Emmy’s in the process, and becoming known for his thoroughly investigative approach to reporting. He is praised for uncovering fraud and scandals, and hated for his non-apologetic attitude, when it comes to putting public officials on the spot. AsAmbassador’stotheCenter,SandersandFernandez greeted and introduced guests to the presentation. In fact, they were the very first to personally meet and greet John Stossel and to garner a first glimpse at the kind of man they would have the opportunity of interviewing. After handing out the nametags that permitted access to Stossel’s presentation, it was time for the two students to find their own nametag and take a seat. Surrounding them was a room full of prestigious and eminent adults, many of whom were a part of the Stavros Center Board of Governors. Gus Stavros, the founder and patron of the Stavros Center was also in attendance. In all actuality, the presentation was considerably brief if you kept an eye on the clock. However, time seemed to stop whenever an overtly controversial subject was tackled, which was ultimately every moment of his speech. John Stossel’s every word was a flame, and the audience ignited like dry grass. For every one of his sentences, there was someone who reacted. Whether it was an excited applause, a dramatic eye-roll, or an uncomfortable squirm, Stossel undoubtedly connected to the audience. He addressed his problems with Social Security, the reason we’re in a recession, and his opinion of public school teachers. He threw brazen quotes at the audience like darts, answering one man’s question about Healthcare with, “Old people like me just refuse to die! We stay around too long and we’re sucking all the money from the government.” Due to the nature of his presentation, it was quite safe to assume that his personality would be domineering and grand; which, as it turned out, was the correct assumption. The two students penned controversial questions, in hope that he would be impressed with their background knowledge and depth. They discussed his career as a hard-hitting journalist, and pulled at answers about his ultra-controversial views. He semi-answered, a bit overwhelmed with the substance of the questions. Towards the end of their interview, he told Sanders and Fernandez, “When I first saw you two; young and meek looking, I thought you would probably be dolts. I didn’t expect anything out of this, but you two are extremely sharp. I’m having a lot more fun than I thought I would!” Journalism Students MeettheRealDealby Jordan Sanders & Alexia Fernandez Sanders and Fernandez at USF Stravros Center with John Stossel.
  • 7. LIFE & FEATURES 7 While most high school students spent their spring break at the beach, travelling with their families, or catching up on some much needed sleep, senior Ian Widner gave his time to school children in Ghana, Africa. For many, the idea of planning a trip to a foreign continent can be overwhelming and sometimes presents itself to be an exceedingly long process. Ian was lucky to have found an organization that allows young adults to travel outside of the United States to contribute time and effort to promote education and relief in third world countries. Cross-Cultural Solutions specializes in short- term volunteer abroad programs in 12 countries to allow the opportunity for people to voyage around the world to help make a difference. His two week trip was spent with 13 other young volunteers who had the same amount of enthusiasm to spread knowledge around the country. Every morning, Widner would wake up to the village sunrise and set out for the day to the local school. In his two weeks spent in Ghana, he spent time teaching a class of local children and teenagers about the basics of English language and other subjects. Because it is so rare that the children of the village will stay in school, there is only one building that houses classes for toddlers all the way up to young adults. Children are taught English from a very young age in Ghana because it is one of their primary languages saved volunteers from being subject to a language barrier. However, his class was made up of Kindergarteners who only knew the bare minimum of English. Remembering what it was like to be this young with a mind waiting to be cultivated, Widner employed the use of flash cards to help the children learn fundamental words and letters. Their final project for the village was painting a group inspired mural of the solar system. Most of the village people had no knowledge of a planet other than Earth, and were completely unaware that the Earth revolved around the sun. This was a contribution that allowed the group to be creative, work together, and leave behind something the rest of the community could admire and learn from for generations to come. Ghana is a coastal country in West Africa that lies directly above the equator. A former British colony, the country gained independence in 1957 and has continued to prove itself as a lucrative area in a continent of chaos. The geographic area has blessed its population with a great deal of natural resources at their disposal such as gold, oil, and privately grown crops. As far as most countries in Africa are concerned, the amount of conflict taking place within this country is low and the people are generally peaceful with one another and with foreigners. This factor comforted any reservations that Widner and his mother had when deciding on taking their trip to Africa. One of the most noticeable differences that Widner picked up on quickly was the amount of trust that the community members placed in one another. Children as young as three years old explore the village by themselves and were constantly engaging in playful conversation and activity with the young volunteers. “There were always 5 to 10 kids outside of the volunteer house waiting to play soccer of volleyball. I was really surprised when the parents of these childrendidn'tmindiftheywereplayingwithatotalstranger.” Coming from America was definitely a culture shock in some aspects for the18 year old that had never travelled outside the country. He recalled that the children would get overly excited about simply getting their picture taken because there were no mirrors in the village. Seeing those pictures from Widner’s camera was the first time a majority of the children had ever seen their own faces before. The village life was almost primitive to what everyone is accustomed to in metropolitan countries, but Widner saw the people to be the same as everyone else. The children enjoy playing sports with one another, and were very excited when he presented them with coloring books for their school materials. The adults all work long days to make an honest living to support their families and are very devoted to making better lives for their children. Overall, the people of the village are very happy and pleasant, which could be taken as a surprise to some people. “People have this misconception that everywhere in Africa is dangerous and that there are these violent crimes happening all over,” according to Widner. “That is not true. I felt just as safe [if not, safer] walking around the town in Ghana at night as I would here at home.” With just two weeks spent in the country, the young humanitarian has grown even more admiration for the country and a zealous urge to help educate the people. He plans on potentially returning in the summer of 2012 to Africa, spending time in a Tanzanian village. This passion has also helped spark future career goals in the direction of the continent he has grown to love. The opportunity to travel to Africa presented itself after many years of discussion between Ian’s mother and him about his passion for teaching children in their schools. “I got the chance to go to Africa because of my awesome Mother,” admitted Widner. “I have talked about wanting to take the trip since I was in elementary school and she decideditcouldbemygraduationgift.”Littledidheknowhis travels and experiences within the country of Ghana would end up being the most rewarding gift he has received in his life thus far; a gift that allowed him to give back to others. “They didn't have all the expensive, material items we have and yet, they were the happiest community of people I have ever met. The most valuable thing I learned in Ghana was it’s the little things in life that bring happiness.” by Christie Childers Ian Widner, surrounded by village children, attended a Friday night celebration of drums for the community members. National Honor Society is a club that recognizes those students who demonstrate four very important qualities: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Advisor, Mr. Eller, explains “NHS is a way to recognize outstanding students; it gives them a way to serve their community and their school.” The leaders of NHS are put to very high standards; they are expected to be role models for not only the NHS members, but also their fellow students. According to Eller, this school year has been full of accomplishments and new ideas. The club is not only a fun and exciting way to get involved in the school, but it also helps students further themselves for their future college careers. When asked what she loves the most about NHS, president Sarah Kinsey said, “NHS is a great club that allows well- rounded individuals to be recognized for all that they do for their communities and schools. The club itself helps students to continue the work they have already done.” During the 2011-2012 school year, they have completed several service projects that have bettered not only the school but also the community. Some of these included, Walk for Life, The Jingle Bell Run, and an ice cream social held for the staff here at the River. Among all of the astonishing accomplishments that the club has acquired this year, it also adds a high amount of credibility to the school. Eller goes on to say, “We’ve had a very successful school year and we’ve accomplished all that we wanted to.” The members are very delighted to welcome the enthusiastic incoming NHS students. They can expect new ideas, projects, and opportunities from the new members in the upcoming school year. On Tuesday, April 10th, the new inductees were welcomed into the club. During the induction ceremony, the members were presented with certificates, took an oath, and continued the tradition of lighting the candles to signify their new memberships. National Honor Society can only expect another successful year that will once again bring pride and a sense of accomplishment to the members and the River. S t r i v i n g F o r E x c e l l e n c e by Carly Keller & Mackenzie Straley Junior, Mariah Boudreaux, signs her pledge in National Honor Society Giving Back to Ghana
  • 8. WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY - A game piece for each player. Game piece ideas: a pencil top eraser; a paper clip; scrap of paper with your name on it; anything small enough to fit on a square. - A coin. DIRECTIONS: 1.Place your pieces on START 2. Flip a coin. If it’s heads you move for- ward two, if it’s tails you move forward one. 3. The tile you land on will instruct you what to do. 4. Move only once per turn. For example, if you land on a space that says move back, and the tile you move back to says lose turn, you do not a lose a turn. The tile you move to does not apply. 5. Flip coin at the beginning of each turn. 6. First one to make it to Graduation wins. Try out for team. Make Varsity! Move 1 space Join a club! Move 1 space Cookie Thursday. Forgot a dollar. Move back 1 space SteppedonGrass! GoBacktoStart Late to SAT’s! Move back 2 spaces DETENTION: SkipTurn Fail an AP Move back 1 PassHOPEclass. Gainanelective. Move1space StudyHard! Flipagainif Notinthelead TakeanAPClass Move1spaceGet a 70% on Witham’s Test. Move 2 spaces DressCode Violation Loseturn
  • 9. Graduation Finish Bosco Sticks for lunch. Run to cafeteria. Move 1 space Miss Bus! Lose Turn CaughtonSenior SkipDay! MovetoDETENTION Class 1 space Smith don’t play. Can’t move until you flip heads Exams!Panic! Loseturn GradBash! Move1space Get your yearbook! Move 1 space Showschoolspirit! Extraturn Go to Prom out of dress code. Suspended. Lose two turns PassFCAT! Move2spaces Flunk Algebra! Lose elective. Can’t move until flip tails Senioritis! Lose two turns Senior Project Success! Move 1 space Orientation Start
  • 10. ENTERTAINMENT10 Artist of the Month: The British-Irish boy band wasn’t always a quintet. The boys entered The X Factor (UK), a game show, as individual solo acts and it was the advice from the judges, Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, and Nicole Scherzinger (The Pussycat Dolls) that formed this boy band sensation. “They went from strangers to true best friends. They seem so genuine and you can tell from their video diaries and from watching The X Factor performances that they have such amazing personalities, the looks are just a plus,” junior, Madison Martin mentioned. Although they didn’t take the winning title in The X Factor, the group came in third place behind runner- up, Rebecca Ferguson, and winner Matt Cardle. One Direction’s cover of “Forever Young,” which would have been released if they had won, leaked onto the Internet and caused a whirlwind of publicity. The boys ultimately signed with Syco Music in the UK and Columbia Records in the United States. Their debut album, Up All Night, was released in the UK on November 21, 2011 and on March 13, 2012 in the US. The group’s first single, “What Makes You I can’t believe that (person) said yes! It took so much consideration and planning to pull off the (adjective) way that I asked (person) to prom. From now on it’s all (adjective) . Although, I do have to go to (location) to get (person) a (noun) . I can’t wait to (verb) the night away! It is going to be so (adjective) . (person) is so (adjective) and (adjective) so she will be great at (verb-ing) . I can’t wait to (verb) after prom with all of our friends! Prom is such a (adjective) way to remember the year and this year… we are going all out! We are go- ing to (verb) and (verb) all through the day and night. It is going to be like a fairytale for(person) . Caytie’s MadLib(adjective) by Ashley Steinbach & Cheyenne Hill Lights, camera, action! Get the experience of being on camera or have the chance to shoot a short film, and join the club on campus known as Skills USA. This club is not only county-wide, it is not only state- wide, but it is in fact a country-wide club throughout most public high schools. It is made up of students and teachers working together to ensure a high work force for America. Braden River only does the T.V Production part of Skills but along with TV Production there are many different outlets of this club. These would include but not limited to cooking, building/ maintenance, and hair/ design. This club enforces team work throughout the members and it helps build confidence as well as leadershipineachindividual student. The official motto ofSkillsis,“Preparingforleadershipintheworldofwork.” A bigpartofthisclubisthateverymemberwhojoinstrulywalks out with an increasingly mind for motivation and success. The slogan “Champions at Work,” is truly what this clubembodiesandit’sgreattohavethisclubhereattheRiver going now into its second year. TV Production teacher/ tennis coach, Abby Toole- Plummer is who originally introduced this club to Braden River. Senior Kwamaine Evans says, “When I first heard about this club, I knew right away that I wanted to join. It was exactly what I loved to do all put into a club.” This year for Skills USA was a building and learning experience for all new members. In competition, members got to witness what Skills was all about along with getting a better look inside the television production field. The heat of the limelight hit each member and none shyed away. Unfortunately, no awards were won, but a lot was gained and learned thorughout this experience. Junior Tori Seidner says, “Competition was tough, but made me stronger and you better believe next year I am bringing home awards!” If you are interested in the spotlight, thrive under pressure, and are able to contribute well to any team, then join Skills USA. Like the members say: “We’ve Got Skills.” by Alessandra Delrose & Lisa Hornick “We’ve Got Skills!”: T.V. Production Interested in being one of the brightest students under the spotlight? Read this informational article on Skills USA. Photo Courtesy: Beautiful” was released in the United States on February 14, 2012 and it became the highest Billboard Hot 100 debut for a UK act since 1998. The album topped the chart instantly making One Direction the first UK group to debut their first album at number one. Their next step was to promote the album’s release; they performed on the Today Show, 2012 Kid’s Choice Awards, SNL, and an iCarly episode,“iGo One Direction!”. They then announced a performance at Madison Square Garden being held in December and sold out in less than 10 minutes. With all the excitement of the news, the world can only expect bigger things from the quintet; the boys have announced a US Summer Tour, a UK and Ireland Arena Tour, a 2013 Australian and New Zealand Tour, and most recently a U.S Arena Tour in the summer of 2013.ItlooksliketheseboysarehostingaBritishInvasion. Senior Kimberly Barajas states, “They’re here to stay, with all the upcoming international tours, they will become a household name.” Fans keep hoping every day that this boy band’s success continues on. Every generation has their own stereotypical boy band. Jackson 5 and The Osmonds reigned in the 70s, New Kids on The Block and Boyz II Men topped charts in the 80s, and *Nsync and the Backstreet Boys broke hearts in the 90s. It’s only natural for this generation to be infatuated with a boy band like One Direction. Some may argue that the concept of a boy band is overdone and unoriginal, but with the right kind of talent and irresistible charm, the five mates from the UK re-amp the concept and brought the cliché boy band back to life. Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson are the members that make up this new worldwide phenomenon. “They’re such an inspiring group. They’ve gotten where they are today because of their dedication to doing what they love, and they always make sure they remind everyone that everything they do is for their fans,” sophomore, Sami Michel explained about the group.
  • 11. Deuce has worked toward this goal for her entire life, and nothing is going to stop her. Her excitement takes a turn when she is partnered with Fade; the mysterious outcast found wandering the tunnels claiming to be from Topside. Although accepted into the enclave, he’s the most feared and most dangerous, and it is Deuce’s job to try and stay alive beside him. When given a perilous task, Fade and Deuce realize the fate of the enclave is in danger. With Freaks growing smarterbytheday,theentirebalanceoftheirworldthreatens to be destroyed. Deception is unravelled as questions begin to surface and the hunters realize the world they accepted as the truth was the biggest lie of them all. Through the beginning chapters, the author’s literal description of thoughts and events robs the reader of experiencing it through the character’s journey and their own imagination. But this dark thriller makes up for it in the intense fight scenes, gripping story for survival, and subtly integrated romance. In each chapter, Deuce’s fiery passion makes her a tactile and terrifying heroine. Hunger Games and dystopian fiction fans will be welcoming this gritty and fast-pace new addition to young adult apocalyptic fiction and will be counting down the days until Outpost, the secondinstallment,whentherestofthemysteryisunraveled. ENTERTAINMENT 11 Over 700 students filled the auditorium for the 2012 Arts and Film Festival. This annual event is exclusive to the Arts and Communication Academy, so only students who are a part of the academy are eligible to attend. “I like how the whole festival is revolved around the Arts and Communication academy because everyone can relate to one another,” stated senior, Jason Adamchak. The event took place on March 9, 2012. Katie Santarsiero, junior and Collin Wence, senior, served as the Masters of Ceremonies for the festival. Performances from Legacy Orchestra, Jazz Band, Dance Class, Pirate Players, and River Rhapsody were fantastic. The students greatly enjoyed the 15 films selected to be shown at the festival. It was a great way for students to start out their spring breaks. The first film category was Short Films and Spoofs. “Battle of the Warriors 2” by Tyler Richardson, Nathan Paise,andAlexBinicardireceivedsecondplace,and“Drawn 2 Life: The Sequel” by Nicole Feldman won first place for the category. Her film was also selected to be a part of the Sarasota Film Festival. “I’d like to thank the academy, the Arts and Communication academy that is, for their support of my film endeavors. There is always a point where I just want to say ‘forget it’ and give up on the project, but because of the continued support I’ve received, I always complete these videos with my BRHS peers in mind,” stated Feldman. The second category was Music Videos. Ian Widner received second place for his music video “Flow.” The first place winners were juniors, Daphne Voncannon and Alexia Moore, who created a unique video “D&L Reverse.” “We The Tri-M Music Honor Society continues to display their excellence here at Braden River High School and in the community. The band recently competed at the State level for Solo and Ensemble. They returned from Orlando with a great number of achievements of Superiors and Excellent music ratings. Ashley Hall, junior, recalls, “Solo and Ensemble was an awesome experience. A lot of successful music performances occurred. The fact that Dr. Phillips High School was right across the street from Universal made the trip much more amazing.” Brianne Cozzette agrees, “It was a greatplacetomeettalentedmusiciansfromalloverthestate.” by Enriqueta Balandra & Emily Mingote by Katie Santarsiero Ann Aguirre Young Adult (YA), Science Fiction by Kelsey Lutzi Kelsey’s Korner WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE. In the world of Ann Aguirre’s first young-adult novel, the post-apocalypse city of New York is teeming with zombie-like monsters called “Freaks” after being decimated by war and plague. Life expectancy ranges in the early 20s and every day is a fight for survival. Deuce, the heroine of the novel, wants nothing more than to be a Huntress. Deep underground in the subways below the city, communities live in enclaves each with their own set of Elders to govern and keep their people alive. Each child or “brat” is named by a number. But if you survive until the age of 15, through a brutal ritual of blood and burns, you earn your official name and place in society. The enclave is separated into three groups: Builders, Breeders, and Hunters, each rank designated by the amount of scars burned ontothearmsofthemember. The Builders can create anything, the Breeders are the elite and gorgeous that keep the enclave populated, and the H unters are tasked with the job of bringing home meat and venturing out into the tunnels slaying Freaks. Deuce isn’t more at home than with a pair of blades in her hands, and when her naming day comes, she finally gets to call herself a Huntress. Modern Music Masters “When dark finally fell, I felt weary enough to sleep without worrying about the future. But when we woke, the world had changed ” (217). got the idea to make the video in reverse one day when we were listening to the song backwards. We figured making a video in reverse would be a good idea because nobody else would have the same idea,” said Voncannon. The Commercial and PSA category was the final category of the festival. The second place winners were Haley Thomas and Danni Goldman with their video “Everyone’s a Genius.” Ian Widner was the winner of his touching public service announcement “Poverty.” It is no The hosts, Katie Santarsiero and Collin Wence, proudly smile for their photo after the festival. surprise Widner took home two awards this year. Widner, who has been accepted into The Ringling Film School, has always had a love for making videos. “When I was in first grade, I was given a camcorder and I would always go out and make silly videos with my friends,” said Widner. The final award of the afternoon was the audience appeal award. This award was decided based on the audience’s reaction to films. This year, the award went to Tyler Pittman, Nick Florio, Mason Bell, Simrun Merchandani, and Griffin Rosnak, who created the film “Florida Shore Boyz”. The boys got their idea for their film from the popular MTV reality show, “Jersey Shore”. When “Florida Shore Boyz” was announced the winner, the group of boys who created the film jumped out of their seats and started giving everyone high-fives. “When they announced us as the winner of the audience appeal award, I was shocked, and very excited!” said junior, Nick Florio. The boys proudly walked on stage to collect their prize. “We gave out a lot of the candy, and we hung up the prize basket in one of the boy’s room, so it can remind us that we won,” stated senior, Tyler Pittman. “What I liked about the film festival was getting to see all of the videos. It is nice to see everyone’s talents show up on the big screen,” stated Florio. Band members dedicate plenty of freetime to their instruments and music In the past two months, all of the music classes participated in Music Performance Assessments, or MPAs. Legacy, Advanced Orchestra, and one of the Intermediate Orchestras attended MPAs under the direction of Kathy Cook, and their performances were all of very high level. Both Concert Band and Wind Ensemble received Excellents. All the choirs went to choral MPAs at the District level; Rhapsody earned Superiors. March was also a very exciting month as it was Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate their passion for music, Tri-M held multiple mini performances in the courtyard before the morning bell. The string ensemble provided beautiful tunes; Alyce Gillam played solo and with a quintet; the brass quintet played their piece loud and proud despite the early morning. Braden River’s spring production of School House Rock, directed by senior Colin Wence, premiered in the auditorium on April 13 and 14. Several Tri-M members were a part of the cast; they all worked hard at rehearsals and were proud to show off their talents. Tri-M is also planning a huge concert called Feast and Fanfare. The audience will receive a catered dinner by Carrabbas Italian Grill and a show by the Pirate Players. They will then enjoy performances featuring Wind Ensemble, River Rhapsody, Legacy, and the top Jazz Band. Tickets are $15 and proceeds benefit the entire music department. Anyone is welcomed to attend, so stop by the Orchestra room or consult any Tri-M member for more information.
  • 12. ENTERTAINMENT12 In a world of confusion... it’s nice to know there is someone you can turn to Karen Berner Arcuri, LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor counseling for: Teens Families Couples Evening and Saturday appointments 941-920-0189 The military ball is an annual celebration that takes place around the nation for high school students who are in the Junior ROTC program. This year the ball was hosted by Southeast High School at the Bradenton Auditorium. Each year it is hosted by a different school in Manatee County, and the students from county come to celebrate together at once. The young men wear their uniforms to the ball and the ladies usually wear nice formal or semi-formal dresses. Students go through a receiving line before they enter the venue, shaking hands with and being greeted by notable people such as the principle and other faculty members. They were seated by schoolm and the tables were decorated this year with centerpieces featuring candles and bowls of fish which someone from each table got to take home at the end of the night. Keynote speakers said a few words and gave special recognitions, there was a toast, and then dinner was served. “The unique experience about the dance is that all the Manatee county high school JROTC programs come together to learn a little bit about the people behind the ROTC program and also about the cadets from other schools,” said junior Anabely Delatorre. For dinner there was an option of beef or chicken along with mash potatoes, vegetables, and salad catered by Cody’s. After dinner, the tables are cleared for the dance floor. The faculty shared a dance with their husbands and wives and then the students danced. The DJ played lots of Latin music this year. Etiquette plays an important role at the military ball. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior. “All of the cadets showed a lot of respect and acted decently,” commented junior Hunter Hageman. The boys acted like gentlemen, helping to seat their dates and assist clearing the tables and chairs away to make room for the dance floor. “It was very well organized! Everything was classy and I really enjoyed my time at the ball. The music and dancing was also very enjoyable. I would definitely go again,” Says Junior Jessica Villafane who attended the ball for this first time this year. “The military ball was for sure one of the best nights I’ve had in a while. I’m going to miss it,” reflected senior Jordan Granata. The military ball is a special night that JROTC students will cherish in their memories forever. by Melissa McFall Military Ball Students from Manatee County JROTC celebrate on the dance floor after dinner is served. Photo credit: Jennifer Edwards
  • 13. 13SPORTS The class of 2013 junior team has worn black jerseys since they were freshmen and continued the tradition, they came back in black with a new desire to win leading them to the 2012 Pirate Puff football tournament championship game for the second consecutive year. The first game of the night pitted the seniors against the freshmen. Melanie Wagner scored one of the two senior touchdowns on a quarterback run. The other touchdown the seniors scored was only a safety net for their first win in the Pirate Puff tournament as the much improved senior defense held the freshmen scoreless throughout the game. The improvement of the defense helped the seniors in their win as Senior Laura Otaiza said “our team had a really good defense and I’m impressed with how we did…we worked as a team”. The juniors took on the sophomores in the second game of the night. The sophomores started on offense to begin the game, but were forced to give up possession in seconds. It was apparent from the moment the juniors took over on offense that they would control the game, scoring three unanswered touchdowns over the course of the game including a 58-yard touchdown run by Erica Glisson and a 12-yard touchdown run by Demi-shay Watchorn . The junior’s dominance of the game ended with a score of 21-0. Sophomore team Coach Bob Sloman said “We played a little timid. The juniors had a lot of experience, that we did not and hats off to them, they played a fantastic game”. The sophomores will definitely be back next year in a good position if they can add more players. Coach Sloman believes that will help them compete against teams like the juniors whose roster more than doubled their own. The depth of the junior team allowed them to rest players unlike any other team in the tournament helping them to reach the championship game against the seniors. The final game of the night featured a rematch between the juniors and the seniors. The juniors defeated the seniors 35-0 the year before as sophomores, before losing to the class of 2011 seniors in the championship game. This game came down to the wire with both teams scoreless at the half. The score stayed this way until the juniors scored on a 6-yard run by Watchorn with a few minutes left in the second half. Time ran out for the seniors before they could get the ball past half field, and there was nothing they could do but hold their heads high as they walked off the field. It was a much closer game then the year before which was a massive blowout. The class of 2013 secured their first championship as well as Coach Dan McLean’s fourth and Coach Don French’s first. “We had the heart of a champion,” exclaimed Coach Dan McLean describing his team’s performance that night. The juniors celebrated their win by naming Watchorn offensive MVP and Mikala Furry defensive MVP. by Kaylee Wells Bring It On Home With last year’s Final Four appearance the 2012 Braden River High School Lady Pirates Softball team had a huge task to fulfill this season. The Pirates had many returning players this season with a different attitude for the game. The will to win is outstanding and these ladies know they have at the championship title. “I’m definitely taking it more seriously this year. I was kind of the jokester last year, and after making it to the final four my motivation grew a lot towards becoming state champions this year and I’m really trying to make my last year my best season,” said senior First Baseman Elena Lopez when she was asked on how she has adjust her attitude and efforts for her senior season. This season the Lady Pirates went nearly perfect in Manatee County play going (10-1). A big part of the ladies success is Junior Ace Pitcher Courtney Mirabella who has played outstanding this season 204 strikeouts in 100 innings. She never lets her success get to her head, she still is humble and a very supportive teammate. When Mirabella was asked about the ways she shows herself as leader and as a team player, she replied, “By getting the team pumped from the dugout, and cheering them on. I try to be a leader on and off the field” by Jordan Edwards The biggest reason to the Ladies success this season is the strong chemistry that these ladies have for one another. Since suffering a very heartbreaking lost last year in their final four championship run, they have gained a strong bond that has proven itself on the diamond. “Well this year we get along a lot more, there’s no drama; and after making it to the State Final Four last season, we’re more determined to make it again because it’s more realistic to us.” The Pirates ended their regular season with an outstanding record of (20-5). They had their first post- season matchup on Wednesday, April 18 against the Venice High School Lady Indians (7-17). The Pirates beat the Lady Indians 10-0, the game ended in the 6th inning due to the High School Mercy Rule Regulation. Courtney Mirabella had a terrific game with 13 strikeouts, and she also went 2-for-4 at bat with one RBI. Lopez went 3-for-4 (single, double, and a walk). Allard brought the game to an end with her winning hit that batted in Lopez. On Friday April 20, the Lady Pirates took on the Sarasota Sailors in the Class 7A - District 11 Championship game winning the game 5-4. This was the first district win for the softball program since 2008 and also the third time this year the Pirates beat the Sailors. Junior, Courtney Mirabella pitched a total of 10 strikeouts on the mound. Senior Elena Lopez as well as junior Ashley Allard were major contributors to the district title, Lopez with a walkoff double in the eigth and Allard with a two run single in the sixth. Both teams advance to the Regional Quarter Finals on Wednesday the 25th. If the Lady Pirates and Sailors win, they will meet again two days later Friday the 27th. Good luck to the Lady Pirates in their playoff run! Junior Courtney Mirabella takes the mound in the Class 7A District 11 Championship Game
  • 14. SPORTS14 Jennings Uncensored The date March 7, 2012 will forever be cemented in both the history of sports and the life of Lainee Jennings as one of the saddest days ever. The day Peyton Manning was officially no longer an Indianapolis Colt. AssaidinpreviouscolumnsthatIhavewritten,actually probably every column, I have an infatuation, obsession and deep love for Peyton. In my eyes, he is perfect and can do no wrong. I have grown up watching Manning, and when I mean grown up watching him, I have literally watched him play football since the year I was born. I was born in February of ’94, Peyton began playing for Tennessee in September of that same year, talk about a fan for life. In the days prior to Peyton’s official release from the Colts, I was in denial that it would actually happen and Jim Irsay would come to his senses and keep the single greatest thing to ever happen to his organization. When it actually happened and I sat there watching the press conference, I couldn’t help but sob the entire time. Seeing Peyton choke up when thanking the staff and organization was hard for me to watch and just enhanced the water works. It had finally hit me; Peyton was no longer a Colt. I have only seen Peyton sport three colors in my life: Tennessee Orange, Colt Blue and White. Well as of March 20th I will now have to get used to seeing him wear my least favorite color combination previously worn by my least favorite person, Bronco Orange and Blue. Tim Tebow and I will forever be mortal enemies. Never liked him, never will, and there is nothing anyone can do to change the fact that he was a Gator (the worst species on planet earth - Sorry Pearcy). So when little Timmy Tebow was drafted to the Broncos I instantly deemed them as my least favorite team in the NFL, taking over the spot previously held by the Patriots and Cowboys. I maybe watched five minutes of a Broncos game when I was at a sports bar this season, but then my gag reflex started to act up. Well, now I am forced to swallow my pride and become a Broncos supporter, NOT a fan. Never could I be a fan of an organization who wanted Tim Tebow as a player let alone their first round draft pick, but I will support the team that now has the most important man in my life on their roster. I am though, disappointed in Peyton’s choice of the Broncos considering there was a lot of interest shown by the Titans which would have brought him back home to Tennessee. Living in Florida my whole life I never had the opportunity to see Peyton play live and if he had gone back to Tennessee the same year I am moving there for college would have made life perfect. And although he did choose the team that I liked the least, he proved one thing that can never be denied, a Vol will forever trump a Gator. I have now come to terms with Peyton being a Bronco and accepted the fact he is now in Denver, remembering he will forever be a Volunteer and that, in the end, is all that matters. But now something I thought would never happen has, something that I don’t think most people could have ever thought of. The beloved Pat Summitt has stepped down as the Lady Vols Basketball head coach. Last August, Pat Summitt announced to the world that she had been diagnosed with early onset dementia, a form of Alzheimer’s. This was a shock to the sporting world considering Pat is looked upon as one of the strongest females and role models alive. Although she recieved this diagnosis, Pat said she was going to continue coaching her Lady Vols. Pat Summitt is the most winningest coach in NCAA Basketball for both men’s and women’s. The Lady Vols have won eight national championships under Summitt and 16 SEC Championships. She is a seven time NCAA Coach of the Year and an eight time SEC Coach of the year. Summitt has taken her team to March Madness every season and every Sweet 16 except for 2009. On two occasions her team has won consecutive National Championships; the ‘96,’97, and ‘98 seasons as well as ‘07 and ‘08. She is one of the greatest women in sports, and one of the greatest coaches to every grace the court. Pat has handed her position to longtime assistant coach, Holly Warlick. Summitt will serve as head coach emeritus and is receiving a million dollar bonus and a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor from President Barack Obama, Although I will never be able to witness Pat Summitt, my hero, coach live or ever again, I will forever remember all the times I’ve seen her on TV and been absolutely blown away by her presence. I love you Pat, you are one of my greatest inspirations as a female and I am forever indebted to you because of what you have taught me without directly speaking to me. “We Back Pat.” UNCENSORED W E I G H T L I F T I N G Natalie Aluise, Mike Pulawski BIO: This senior athlete participates in Weightlifting, Track & Field, and varsity Football. He is intending on majoring in Psychology next Fall and is hopefully continuing on with football at the college level. What is your favorite piece of clothing Why? Probably shoes, I really like shoes. I’m a big Vans guy. If you had a million dollars how would you spend it? I would try to put it in the bank so I wouldn’t have to work much, make it last as long as possible If you could speak to one type of animal what would it be and what would you say? I love cats so definitely a cat, probably just ask it what it is like being a cat. What are you looking forward to most in college? Studying psychology, I’m really looking forward to a career in psychology so getting field experience will be a great opportunity to explore the field. If you could invent anything what would it do? Something that could help people fly, that would be pretty cool. I think a lot of people would buy that. Is there anything else you want to say? Check yes and return Nick MurphyBIO: This senior athlete has participated in Weightlifting and Varsity Football since freshman year at Braden River. He is majoring in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Central Florida where he plans to join a fraternity. What is your favorite breakfast food? Why? Eggs, pure protein. They’re delicious. What was funniest thing you have ever experienced? Any night with Tyler Pittman, Pittman is always a good time. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you? Why? Anybody who played James Bond in any of James Bond movies, Claire, Christie and the ladies love James Bond ;) What has been your greatest accomplishment in high school? Getting a safety (sacking the quarterback in the end zone) my first starting varsity game sophomore year in the season opener against Lakewood. It felt so good. What are you going to miss most about being a Pirate? Mrs. Kish’s first period, 50% Christie, 50% Claire, and 10% something else -- because we always do things 110% here at the River. When you were younger what was your dream job? Has it changed since then? Why? I really wanted to be an astronaut cowboy, and that hasn’t changed. I’m going to invent my own major at UCF called Cowboy Aeronautics. SENIOR SPOTLIGHTS
  • 15. SPORTS 15 The school Track and Field team, which saw its largest turnout of athletes in recent seasons, is now already two weeks away from their district meet. The boys and girls teams have already competed in five meets, including the county championships, with both individual and team accomplishments. School records have been set from the one mile event to the 4 by 100 meter relay and the shot put. Many athletes are returning from last season and are now running, jumping, and throwing new personal bests every meet. Their hard work paid off at the Varsity County meet, where the boys’ team placed 4th in the county and the girls’ team placed 3rd. Standout individuals from all ranges of track and field events include junior sprinter and pole vaulter Austin Fox who feels he is the best at the 4 by 400 meter relay because, “We have a good team and work well together.” Thrower and sprinter Kayla Gray, feels like this season, is different from last years because, “I’m focusing more on my events and getting faster times.” Junior distance runner Alexis Cullen, and Junior Bridget Lanier, who competes in events from long jump to hurdles with constant success, won the pole vault and long jump events in the county meet. “My favorite event is long jump. I have been doing the event since freshmen year. I like this event the best because every jump is never the same, you never know how many feet you’re going to jump,” said Lanier. Some athletes are experiencing newfound success through self-motivation, like distance runner Alexis Cullen, who has set the female record in the mile, despite being one of the only female distance runners on the entire team. “Although it’s hard to run with basically all boys, I am a very self motivated person and I love a good challenge. Running is one of my favorite things to do and each day at practice I put all my effort into training hard and giving it my all. Even on the days when I am sore and tired from the days previous workout, I still go to practice with a smile on my face because I know one day all my hard work will pay off.” The track team was re-districted this year and faced significantly less competition at their district meet at Armwood high school on April 20th, but went up against local rivals like Bayshore and Lakewood Ranch. Lanier won the Pole Vault event and took second place in the 300 meter hurdles. The girls team placed 7th out of eight teams while boys finished 5th. Other athletes qualifying for the Regional meet include Junior Logan Jones, Junior Kiki Mitchell, Kayla Gray, Senior Troy Gatling, and Junior Zac Durso. The Right Track by Matt McFall & Mary Stager by Lainee Jennings Senior Tyler Marshall signs his letter-of-intent to play soccer at West Virginia Weslyan Univiersity. Senior Ivo Lima signs his letter-of-intent to play soccer at Jacksonville University. Bff’s Signing to Play Seniors Tyler Marshall and Ivo Lima grew up playing soccer together. Now for the first time in 10 years they will be going their separate ways to continue their love of soccer at the collegiate level. Tyler Marshall and Ivo Lima began playing soccer together on the Braden River Rage U9 team, since then these two boys haven’t stopped playing side by side. They have been on multiple Rage teams since then and continued playing together on the FC Sarasota team as well as Braden River Pirate soccer. Lima transferred to Braden River his sophomore year from Southeast after leaving the IB program. Starting next fall, Lima and Marshall will be 720 miles apart, the farthest they’ve been away from each other for a period of time. On April 3, friends, family, coaches and fellow players gathered to watch Tyler Marshall make school history by being the first Pirate to sign a letter-of-intent and accept a scholarship to play soccer in college. “Its an honor to represent soccer for this school because it isn’t highly recognized in high school sports and being the first Pirate to sign is an amazing feeling,” said Marshall. Marshall has chosen to continue his soccer career at West Virginia Wesleyan University in Buckhannon, West Virginia where he will be studying Business Management. Tyler was offered a full ride scholarship amounting to 34,000 dollars a year, this being a deciding factor in his choice of the school. Lima also made history on 19th of April by being the first to sign to a Division 1 school, Jacksonville University where he will major in business. “It feels great; it’s a great accomplishment to know that I will be playing D1 with a lot of great players. I completed a major goal I set for myself awhile ago, “said Lima. Afteralltheseyearsplayingsoccertogether,bothagreed it will be different to not be on the field together anymore. W h e n asked how it has been to have Tyler by his side all this time, Lima replied, “It’s been good to have someone always there that I can relate to not just on a soccer level, but also at a personal level. Playing soccer together has also given us a great friendship that a couple hundred miles won’t tarnish. We always have Facebook.” lead of 8-0. Starting pitcher junior Brooks Norton pitched five shutout innings before senior Ryan Fischer was brought in to finish out the game. Fischer pitched two innings and secured the 8-0 win over Palmetto with a strikeout of the last batter. With that win, the pirates wrap up a record of 14-11. The pirates had a lot of success in their district beating every team except for Charlotte High School on their way to a tie for third in the district. The third place finish secured the pirates home field advantage for the first round of the district tournament. “They played hard all year and did everything we asked them to do,” Coach Mike Verrill said about his team’s success this season. While the regular season may have ended with senior night, the season is not over for the pirates who are headed to the district tournament next week with a home game against Sarasota High School on April 24. This is a good matchup for the pirates who have beaten Sarasota twice this season and will hopefully make it three times when they face them in the first round of the district tournament. When asked about playoff hopes, senior Ryan Fischer said “If we keep our confidence up and play as a team, we should go far”. Sliding into the Final Stretch by Kaylee Wells Pirate baseball ended the season with a win over Palmetto High School on April 19 to finish tied for third in class 7A district 11 and secure home field advantage for the first round of the district tournament in Coach Mike Verrill’s first season. Senior night began with a ceremony honoring the four seniors who played their last regular season home game that night. Seniors Josh Brabson, Kevin Dillingham, Ryan Fischer, and Kelly Machuca were introduced to the crowd as they walked across the diamond with their parents signifying the end of their regular season pirate baseball careers. Following the senior night festivities, the team went right to work and scored three runs in the first inning. The pirates went up 1-0 on a single by junior Dylan Lee and then scored two more when senior Kelly Machuca drove in two runs on a double. The core would remain the same until the fourth inning when the pirates scored four more runs to go ahead of Palmetto 7-0. The final run of the game came in the sixth inning bring the pirates to a Senior Ryan Fischer slides into third base at the final regular season game April 19.