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Round 1 Entry


                The International Day Event


                       Micanvas 2007

Entry by –

Team Name:      Cerebrus Partners
Participants:   Ajay, Sajith
Institute:       Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad
Phone:          Ajay : 09913548084,
                Sajith: 09225501525
Address:        MICA, Shela Village, Ahmedabad 380058
“India, officially the Republic of India is a sovereign country in South Asia. It is
the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second most populous
country,   and   the   most   populous democracy in         the   world…….” says – the present day reference of the world. Is India just this or a
lot more? What does India exactly mean? What does it stand for? How do people
across the globe perceive India and Indians? These were the questions that
cropped up our minds when we took up the task of branding India.
      While walking this path we realised that unlike branding a product,
branding a nation was much more dynamic with different stakeholders at
different points in time. Most the nations branded themselves to attract
tourists. But we realised that this was a very narrow outlook to the task of
branding India, a task which might even determine the pure existence of India
in future. For eg. in the present day religously bipolarised world where there is
a constant fight between the christian nations and the muslim nations, India
considered to be a Hindu country might be left alone to defend it itself against
external forces or internal terroists. Depening on the perception of our country
to be a tolerant country which is the breeding ground for religious thought and
better living or an agressive Hindu nation depends the political stand that the
other nations take towards us. The perception of political stalwarts like George
Bush, President of United States of America, Pervez Musharaf, President of
Pakistan, Angela Merkel, The German Chancellor, etc. towards India, Indian
Government and Indians would affect the relations of these countries with
India. Similary the perceptions of influential people like Pope Benedict XVI ,
the religous leader of Catholics across the world, of Oprah Winfrey, host of the
highest rated talk show, of Majid Majidi, renowened Iranian film director
among others shape the opinion of the general public across the globe.

Considering the social, political and economical reasons to brand India we
classified our stakeholders among whom we need to position India as the

1] Foreign Governements
This relevance of this class has been explained earlier.

2] Foreign multinational and transnational companies
Large companies today have a turnover which is much larger than the GDP of
many small countries and their investment patterns would influence the growth
of a country like India which needs to be fuelled to foreign money to sutain the
current pace of growth.

3] International Organisations / associations
United Nations, World Bank, SAARC, European Union today influence the
outlook of its members / participants toward different nations

4] Foreign nationals
Depending on their perception of India they choose to travel to this country as
a tourist giving a big boost to the tourist industry. Their genaralised perception
influence the perspective of the government at large. Their perceptions of
India also affect their behaviour towards Indians who vist or stay in their

5] Indian Nationals
They are the consumers of Brand India, Brand Ambassodors of India as well as
the product itself.
We tried to understand the perceptions of these classes in our research. The
methodology of this and the findings of the same are given below.
We conducted an exhaustive primary research to find out perception of various
stakeholders about India.

To gauge the perceptions of various stakeholders about India and Indians

In-depth Interviews: We chose a sample across the classification of Indian
Nationals and conducted in-depth discussion with them. The video and audio
recordings of few of the discussions are given in the annexure.

Our interviewees include
   -   Mr. Amitabh Pathak, Inspector General of Police, Law and Order,
       Gujarat State
   -   Ms. Anita Karwal, Ex-Collector, Ahmedabad, Incharge-Nirmal Gujarat
   -   Mr. Dinesh Kapadia, Under Secretary, Social Welfare and Empowerment
       Department, Government of Gujarat
   -   Mr. Rajeev Tiwari, State Representative, United Nations Population Fund
   -   Mr. R V Rajan, Rural Communication Expert and Mentor, Anugrah
       Madison, India
   -   Management Students from Mudra Institute of Communications,
   -   Students, Delhi Public School, Bopal, Ahmedabad
   -   Villagers, Shela Village, Ahmedabad

Online co-ordinated Interviews: We sent our questions and discussion topics to
various stakeholders considered by us except the rural population. We got
responses from people across the globe belonging to different fields.
Our Online interviewees include
    -   Mr. Nagarajan Vittal, Former Chairmen, Central Vigilance Commission
    -   Mr. Himanshu Vashishtha, Managing Director, AC Nielson, UAE
    -   Prof R.R.K. Sharma, HOD, IME, IIT-K
    -   Mr. Arul, Dean, Presidency College
    -   Deepika Arora, Dean, Rai Business School, Delhi
    -   Shantanu Wagde, Student (Handicapped since birth)
    -   Students of Foreign Nationalities
    -   Engineering and Management Students from India
    -   Working Professionals
    -   Others

Our sample included people from different age-groups, socio-economic
background, educational background and nationalities. We classified our
sample based on the following criteria:
-   Age
-   Nationality
-   Urban/Rural (For Indians Only)
-   Gender
-   Occupation
-   Educational Background
Classification of our Sample:

No. of Respondents: 110

1. Age-wise Distribution:

                      Below 15        15-24    24-40          Above 40

2. Based on Nationality:


                                                                              No. of People




                                                          0    5    10   15
3. Urban/Rural (For Indians Only)

                                                                            No. of People
                                   Urban                Rural






                                                                                                      No. of people


          Students   Private Service Government   Homemakers   Unemployed   Retired   Self Employed
                      Professionals   Servants
5. Based on Gender:

                                                           53        Male
                  57                                                 Female

6.Educational Background





                                                                     No. of People






                           i te

                                        0   10   20   30        40
We conducted an exhaustive secondary research to find out various perceptions
about India, on certain parameters (fields) like Economy, Art and Culture,
Nuclear Power, Education, Entertainment, Agriculture, Science & Technology,
Sociological Status, Youth Development and other important parameters.

We covered the following topics in our secondary research:
(In Alphabetical Order)
  -   Base line Survey Report
  -   BBC Survey: About India and Pakistan
  -   Bicultural views on India
  -   Brief Analysis of Religious Data
  -   Canadian Perception about India
  -   Celebrating ties between India and Australia
  -   Changing US Perceptions: India as a Knowledge Economy
  -   Engaging India: Touting Tourism
  -   GE’s perception about India
  -   Global Trade Negotiations
  -   IMF Report and World Bank Report on India
  -   IMRB report on Government Initiatives
  -   India and China: Need for radical realignment
  -   India and Globalization
  -   India as a poor country
  -   India can never be a Hindu State
  -   India give its image problem an airing
  -   India Shining or Whining
  -   India Project Portfolio
  -   India’s External Debt
  -   Medical Tourism
  -   Misleading views of India from Philadelphia
  -   Nuclear India and Non Proliferation treaty
-   Offshore outsourcing
-   Perception in US: Tracking the entire history
-   Proportion and growth rate of religious communities
-   Slum Data: Part 1
-   Slum Data: part 2
-   Slum Data Highlights
-   Speech to India: India-Australia chamber of Commerce by Minister of
    External Affairs, Australia
-   World Bank Report: Agriculture and Rural Development
-   World Bank Report: Foreign Trade
-   World Bank Report: HIV/AIDS
-   World bank Report: Malnutrition
-   World Bank Report: Urbanization
-   World Bank Report: Water
-   World Wide Survey: Comparing Indian and Chinese Government

Please refer the attached folder for the detailed reports.
Relevant Findings from the Primary Research:

  -   “Chalta Hai”: An indiscipline attitude showed by majority of Indians and
      Indian organizations is perceived to be a major negative of India. We
      observed a life like example of this attitude during our primary research.
      As mentioned earlier, we had sent our questions and discussion topics to
      various    stakeholders     across     the     globe.     We      received
      acknowledgement/denials from most of the people/organizations. This
      included acknowledgements from the Government of Japan, Microsoft,
      Government of Chinese Republic (Taiwan), Steve Waugh and interview
      denials from Tony Blair, Roger Federer and White House. However, we
      were really disappointed when the same request sent to Indian Prime
      Minister’s office (PMO) was neither acknowledged nor denied. Despite
      sending a reminder after a week, no action was taken.

  -   Health, Hygiene and cleanliness were the major issues both in India and
      abroad. The dilapidated state of cleanliness and hygiene is clearly visible
      to a foreigner as soon as he/she lands on Indian soil. The sorry state of
      Delhi and Mumbai Airports speaks volumes about the general cleanliness
      state in the country. The lack of public toilets and peoples’ habit of
      disposing off anywhere was considered as one of the most shameful and
      disgusting issue. It was also observed that people related state of health
and hygiene in the country to its social progress. “Jab tak public toilet
    nahin honge tab tak mahilaon ki izzat aur aaburu nahi hogi”, this
    statement reflected the sentiments of the respondents about the
    sanitation issues. This problem was mainly attributed to two reasons: lack
    of attitude to remain clean and lack of resources to maintain it.

-   Corruption:

-   In India and abroad, India is perceived as a corrupt nation. Corruption has
    become the integral part of our system. “How does one get a license, a
    degree, or an approval of a building plan? How do you have an FIR filed,
    an emergency attended to, a real criminal arrested, a damsel in distress
    treated, …. ? Colleges are sanctioned to politicians who care two hoots
    for education; Selection policies are framed to favour greater revenue
    with no attention to quality or suitability. No concern for the law or
    ethics: Eg, the petrol bunks charge the new price a day before the
    announced time – with no compunction at all. (I went to five petrol
    bunks, one after the other the same day, and heard: “We know it’s from
    tomorrow, but we have started today”; “What can we do, our manager
    has told us to charge the new price – the manager is not here now”; “Pay
    this price and take the petrol or just leave”; “This is our price; do what
    you like – go complain to anyone you like. …”. This statement clearly
    explains how the evil of corruption has soaked into our system.
Knowledge economy:
India is considered as a booming knowledge economy (this transformation
happened due to development in Information and Technology). Of late India
has become the hub for outsourcing activities and is considered as
indispensable by the companies worldwide. Although India is perceived as a
knowledge economy, many people perceive India as a source of cheap labor
and a place fit for doing backend office work and a hub for call centre

Social and economic disparity:

-   Two extreme ends of social strata are visible: English speaking, well-
    educated person and on the other hand poor people suffering from
    poverty, hunger and malnutrition. This clearly indicates the economic
    disparity among the Indian people.
-   Spirituality: Different positive and negative connotations are associated
    with Spirituality, Religion and Conservative traditions. India is thought of
    as a hub for spirituality and Yoga and attracts positive reactions from all
    over the world. The religious aspects are considered as semi-positive (or
    semi-negative) largely due to few incidents of communal disharmony. The
    traditional   conservative   Indians   are   perceived   as   backward   and

-   Casteism is considered as a serious blot on the face of humanity. The
    perception among foreign nationals about the caste system in India is that
    of old Varna System and they find it difficult for India to be freed from
    this problem in the near future.

-   High Growth rate: People across the world wonder how is it possible for a
    country like India with a huge unemployed, under nourished and poverty
    ridden population to grow at the rate of 9%. “People ask us with disbelief
    about our progress whenever we go abroad. They wonder how it is

-   Hardworking Indian:

-   Indians are generally perceived to be very hard working and determined
    people. It is widely believed that given the right opportunity and
resources Indians are capable of handling any task. Indian youth that
    constitutes more than 50% of the population is perceived as the biggest
    strength of India and is assumed as the biggest growth driver in the

-   Politics and the politicians are considered as the curse for the country.
    Add to it, red-tapism, corruption, bureaucracy, nepotism and predilection
    and you have got the complete recipe of putting off any person-Indian or
    International. “India is a sea of corruption, dishonesty and lawlessness”.
    Various scams and scandals that have happened in India in the past are
    talked about in the other countries and brings a bad name to the country

-   Gender inequality is still a major issue especially in rural India. People
    of foreign origin clearly specified ill treatment of women as a part of
    Indian culture. “Aurat bahar kaise aa sakti hai, usko to humain lana
    padta hai”. This statement from a male villager indicates the existence of
    patriarchal society. It is an irony that in villages, India is perceived as
    Bharat Mata but at the same time women are continuously suppressed by
    the male dictators.

-   India Superpower: People across the globe believe that India would
    emerge as a superpower in the next few years. India would be recognized
    for its intellectual population, its contribution in the software industry,
    spirituality and yoga and a responsible nuclear power. India is perceived
    as a progressive nation that has built a solid platform and is about to
    take off.

-   When compared to China, India is perceived as a democratic, genuine
    and responsible country. “I would feel more’lost’ in China, too many
    people, more impersonal. India feels closer.” “Indians make me think
    deeply while communicating with them an’ it is very inspirational
emotion. I have no attraction towards China or Chinese people.” It is
    agreed that there is a fair competition between India and China; however
    China has got a slight edge over India at this point of time.

-   Population: Although young Indian population is considered as an asset,
    International Forums such as United Nations and World Bank feel that
    because of the high population growth the benefit of the government
    initiatives is not percolating down to lower social strata. “Whatever
    progress India make, it is countered by the increase in population”.

  -   As per BBC Survey, Gandhi was the primary association that came to
      respondents’ minds when asked to choose the top three things they
      associate with India.

Poverty scored particularly highly as a response for India among residents of
Western European Countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Denmark) and
Brazil. Most respondents in the Asia Pacific countries like Singapore, Japan and
Hong Kong voted for symbols associated with modern India like development
and technology.

Certain commonly associated symbols with contemporary India like cricket,
Bollywood and outsourcing were selected only in markets such as the UK, USA
and Australia.

Asked to rank India from a global economic standpoint drew in some interesting
responses from the respondents. Americans ranked India 10th from a global
economic perspective, as did respondents in UK and Singapore. Rather
surprisingly, Italians gave India a rank as low as 100 - an interesting result given
that India’s chief of the ruling party - Sonia Gandhi - is of Italian origin.
Half the respondents chose Hinduism as a predominant religion in India.
Unexpectedly however, Buddhism ranked second as the principal religion in the
country perhaps due to the increased media coverage and awareness in the
West following, for example, Richard Gere’s public devotion to Buddhism.

- India is considered as place where one can find a "more enlightened version"
of   oneself. It is considered as place where miracles can occur. “I was saved
from drowning in a river by a rope, which could not be traced to a source
when I reached land.”

- Australians perceive India in a completely new light because of religio-
cultural tourist trail of pilgrimages to India seeking spiritual enlightenment or
adventure, relations forged by trade, Multi-national Corporations, and now
the “academic traffic” between the two countries through ever increasing
numbers of international students, Memoranda of Understanding, University
exchange, writers’ programmes and so on.

- The Americans today see India as a vibrant democracy with a booming
economy. India manages disasters like the tsunami and earthquake, without
demeaning itself by seeking foreign aid. The two million-strong American Indian
community is respected as a group of high achievers. Cities like Bangalore,
Hyderabad and Chennai are virtually household names as technology-savvy
Indians manage American corporate accounts and online systems repairs.
- The 2001 CIA report entitled “Global Trends 2015” held that while then India
would continue to grow vibrantly, its neighbors like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and
Nepal would become increasingly integrated with the Indian economy and
would face serious internal problems.

- The country lays claim to diverse landscapes of beaches, Himalayan
mountain, deserts and jungles. India has historic forts, temples, wildlife parks,
religious festivals, a vibrant arts scene and of course, bustling cities. Yet the
popular perception of travel in India is that it is for hardened travelers who can
withstand discomfort, illness, distressing displays of poverty and general chaos.
In a survey of Americans’ perceptions of India, the Chicago Council on Global
Affairs found that those polled ranked India dead last among nine countries in
terms of future world influence behind China, the UK, Russia and France. Other
countries expect India to rise but not by much. Surprisingly, India is not seen as
a top source of innovation. This despite the fact that India is the world’s
second-fastest growing economy; that it is the second-most populous country in
the world, with half of its inhabitants under the age of 25; and that its star
home-grown businesses are emerging as world-class companies.

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs attributed this sharp misperception
partly to the influence of tourism. China reported 46.8m international tourist
visits in 2005, far more than the meager 3.9m India claimed that year,
according to the World Tourism Organization.

  - "Enemy Number One" was how India Defense Minister George Fernandes
   described China in May 1998, a few days before India shocked the world
   with a series of nuclear tests [1]. This was a disturbing reminder of the
   state of bilateral relations after a war in 1962 and several bloody border
   skirmishes in 1967, 1986 and 1987. [2] Cold relations between the two Asian
   giants, however, stand in the way of addressing major threats from common
   elements, such as foreign-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir and Xinjiang.
   Though largely ignored, there are other areas of aligned interest as India
   and China, among the fastest growing economies in the world, seek to enter
   a global trade environment where the rules have already been set. A radical
   rethink of each country's strategic focus is essential to address critical
   political, military and economic issues facing the two Asian giants in the
   21st century.

  - "The change in nomenclature which rids India of a decades-old label comes
   from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
   which has decided to whittle down the already marginal US assistance to
   India and eventually eliminate it because of India's thriving economy."
   Overall aid to India, where 80 percent of the population lives on less than
   $2 a day, would be cut 35 percent in 2008, to $81 million, on the theory
   that India has one of the best-performing economies in the world.

  - The medical tourism market is estimated to be worth around $333 million
   now, but officials hope that the new campaign will help increase this to $2
   billion by 2012.
- Within the health care sector, however, there is a realization that this will
  remain an optimistic aspiration until India transforms its infrastructure.
  Although there are a growing number of private hospitals with good
  facilities and staff, the standard of care across the health service remains
  very unpredictable

- US stand on Nuclear Deal:
Offshore outsourcing -- firms subcontracting important parts of their
businesses to firms in other countries -- are changing the nature of global
business. In India, outsourcing has sparked an economic boom, and those
working in the industry are making new lives that balance traditional Indian
family values with Western-style social and economic mores. But in India, as
in the United States, the long-term impact of outsourcing is still unclear.

The slowdown in agricultural growth has become a major cause for concern.
 India’s rice yields are one-third of China’s and about half of those in
 Vietnam and Indonesia. With the exception of sugarcane, potato and tea,
 the same is true for most other agricultural commodities. The Government
 of India places high priority on reducing poverty by raising agricultural
 productivity. However, bold action from policymakers will be required to
 shift away from the existing subsidy-based regime that is no longer
 sustainable, to build a solid foundation for a highly productive,
 internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector.

Recent data suggests there are signs of a decline in HIV prevalence among
 sex workers in areas where focused interventions have been implemented,
particularly in the southern states although overall prevalence levels among
 this group continues to be high. Data also indicate that there is a slow
 decrease in HIV prevalence among the general population in southern
 states. Although more analysis is required, this probably means that the
 number of people becoming newly infected with HIV is decreasing. This
 decrease is more perceptible in states such as Tamil Nadu where the
 intensity of HIV prevention efforts has been high.

    -     India’s urban areas make a major contribution to the country’s
 economy. Although less than 1/3 of India’s people live in cities and towns,
 these areas generate over 2/3 of the country’s GDP and account for 90% of
 government revenues. India’s towns and cities have expanded rapidly as
 increasing numbers migrate to towns and cities in search of economic
 opportunity. Slums now account for 1/4 of all urban housing. In Mumbai,
 more than half the population lives in slums, many of which are situated
 near employment centers in the heart of town, unlike in most other cities in
 developing countries.

    - World Bank’s comparison of India and China:

                           India-       India-        China-      China-
                            1996         2005          1996        2005

Voice and accountability   52.2         58.2          4.6         4.8

Political stability        14.9         22.1          34.6        33.2
                           50.7         54.0          66.8        55.5
Regulatory quality         44.4         48.3          54.1        46.3
Rule of law                61.0         57.1          48.1        45.2

Control of corruption      40.3         52.9          56.3        37.9

Simple average             43.9         48.8          44.1        37.2

  •   Highly educated , skilled ,young, capable & dynamic human resources
  •   English speaking & analytical students
  •   World class business-social-spiritual –political leader, Professor,
      scientist, Manager-Doctor-Engineer-Civil servants etc
  •   Very rich in Natural & Living resources
  •   Biodiversity & Traditional knowledge base
  •   Diversity vs. Ideas-Innovation-Integration
  •   Powerful spiritual strength (yoga-Ayurvada-Healing-therapy services)
  •   Geographical location (whole markets are shifting toward Asian nations)
  •   India Strategic position at various platforms
  •   Big democracy, Big market & free media
  •   Range of emerging professional champions
  •   IT & Software superpower


  •   Lack of trained & skill work force
  •   Small supply of specialize professional
  •   “Chalta Hai” Attitude of Indians
  •   Poor state of Health, hygiene and cleanliness
  •   Increasing population
  •   Lack of effective & execution framework
  •   Lack of transparency-Trust-Responsibility
  •   Fear of sharing knowledge & taking risk
  •   Slow absorption of Innovation & change
  •   Absence of greater technology impetus
  •   Unawareness: Quality-Standardization
THREATS (Internal & external):

   •   A feeling of unstable government
   •   Rupee appreciation leading to Indian products and services becoming
       incompetent in the international markets
   •   Self centered political leadership
   •   Slow & Dysfunctional judiciary and corrupt law enforcers
   •   Emergence of China as an Economic and political Superpower
   •   Mechanistic -stable-Layered-complex system
   •   Corruption, Ignorance & Complacency
   •   High competitive & marketing forces
   •   To patent Indian intellectual property by outsider (unawareness about
       own research)
   •   Fast change Internet-information technology& new Inventions-
   •   Diversity vs. Imbalance- clashes
   •   Regional-Religion-caste-culture conflicts
   •   Terrorism


   •   Big potential market in education Sector & emerging new market
       Segment in services (create it)
   •   One of the largest consuming market
   •   General Agreement of trade on Services
   •   Research & Development capability
   •   Generate intellectual property
   •   Competition- cost – Quality service
   •   Tourism, health sector, food processing
   •   Rural economy development & social transformation ( PURA model )
How do people imagine India as a person? (From primary research)

“India is a girl, comes from a poor background but has toiled her way through,
though may be she is not well educated she is knowledgable and through her
efforts has reached a stage from where she can make a good career for herself
and help her family grow”

“A middle aged village lady – a lil shy, not outgoing, hardworking”

“a girl 21, volunteer, attached to her family”

“Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent, character-
high moral values, behaviour- ethical”

“A very lively lady with most of the essential skill sets, most of them polished,
some of them unpolished, experimenting with various opportunities”

 “Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent, character-
 high moral values, behaviour- ethical”

 Most of our respondents saw India as a responsible girl / woman who has
 come from a poor background but is rising her life through her hard work and

 We want to project an image of a beautiful young nation which is working
 hard to achieve those dreams that the freedom fighters saw for India. There
 are problems like corruption, casteism, terrorism, etc. She does not deny
 these but is working constructively to resolve them. These problems do not
 stop her aspirations to rise and be respected in the world so as to get her
 homeland the respect and admiration they are so worthy of. This India is a
 land of opportunities, open to experiments, ready to mingle with the world to
build a better tomorrow for the coming generations. From these our Brand
Vision, Branding Idea, Brand positioning statement and Advertising Positioning
statement given below have emerged

Brand Vision:
India Everywhere
Our vision for brand India is to achieve a status where it is pretty much
omnipresent. As in nothing in the world happens without considering the
opinion of India / Indians.

Branding Idea:
The New Dawn
There are problems within India, which have been mentioned earlier. But
there are a lot of positives too. The best of all is the new found confidence
among Indians that they are as good as the rest or even better in many areas.
There is an acceptance of the Indian capability among the foreign nationals
too. The new dawn symbolizes to the world a changed nation that is homely,
peace loving, clean and developed welcoming the international audience to
visit India for leisure and is out to prove its worth to global opportunities
coming its way. This convey to the Indians that we have arrived and we need
to keep up the good work done by the earlier generations to sustain the
current growth of India in terms of economics and power.
Our thought is to make this an idea that people would like to be associated
with, such that India does not have to spend heavily on mass media to convey
this message. An idea that would be lapped up by the man on the street to
the corporate who would use this in their advertising campaigns. A complete
integrated communication plan for this would be provided in Round 2 by our
Brand Positioning Statement:
India International
India here stands for things that are considered truly Indian by people within
the country and outside. It stands for India’s diversity, spirituality, yoga,
colourfullness, family values, loving people, etc. While international stands
for the best standards in the world be it science or literature or economy.
This positioning statement is in sync with the Brand Vision of India.

Advertising Positioning Statement
Join us in the journey
A call to all the classes identified earlier be a part of this new interesting,
exciting and challenging journey.
Annexure 1

                             Primary Research Data

Name :Anoop Sreerangan

Age :23

Sex :M

Occupation :Software Engineer

Nationality :Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?Power

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?intelligent

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :flowers,tiger,Amitabh,poor,Dirty politicians

About Indians :

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
attitude, character, behavior)

Age:20, Sex F, Attitude:simple, Charactr:sati savithri,

4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?


4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

  Cant say

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

   Invention of ZERO

6] How does India affect your lives?

   not much

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?

   Unity(Its still left)
8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

  Dirty Politics
Name : Mr. Arul

Sex :    Male

Occupation :    Dean, Presidency College, Calcutta

Nationality :     Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
A big, multi-religious, economically vibrant and politically rotten country.

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India: A maze (Bhoolbhulaiya)!

About Indians: A pack of wolves!

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

A lot of repetitive movement with little achievement. People exist to serve
the government and its gangsters.

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

Freedom at the cost of all responsibilities.
6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

A feeling of impotence.

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

I don’t know.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

Cheap labour.

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
Erosion of self-respect
(How does one get a license, a degree, or an approval of a building plan? How
do you have an FIR filed, an emergency attended to, a real criminal arrested, a
damsel in distress treated, …. ? Colleges are sanctioned to politicians who
care two hoots for education; Selection policies are framed to favour greater
revenue with no attention to quality or suitability. No concern for the law or
ethics: Eg, the petrol bunks charge the new price a day before the announced
time – with no compunction at all. (I went to five petrol bunks, one after the
other the same day, and heard: “We know it’s from tomorrow, but we have
started today”; “What can we do, our manager has told us to charge the new
price – the manager is not here now”; “Pay this price and take the petrol or
just leave”; “This is our price; do what you like – go complain to anyone you
like. …” )

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
Its talent and resources.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

The “chalta hai” and the “might is right” attitudes; Lack of accountability.

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)

 A stud bull with impaired eyesight and a defective psychological gene.

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

 That of a good counselor, with a gun in the pocket for self-defense.

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

 An emaciated beast burdened with the incorrigibly monstrous offsprings he

Name : Binuraj K.R
Age :   30
Sex :   Male
Occupation :      Sr. Software Engineer
Nationality :     India

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
The change in perception of other countries about "India Shining" and
feeling proud to be part this changing phase of Inda.

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
A sense of pride and "superiority complex" J

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think
of India?
About India :
Indian Flag / Indian Map / Indian Festivals /Indian growth in IT field

About Indians :
4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)

Age 25 / sometimes 80
Sex Female
Attitude Flamboyant

4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
Friendly and motherly J

4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
A real tycoon in all the fileds

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
World should come to India if they want to get ahead in the next century.
They have no choice.

6] How does India affect your lives?
Indian cultural values

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?
Indian cultural values based on family

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

Irresponsible politicians and politics with no vision for next century.

Caste based reservation in all fields is the real curse for India's smooth

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India
/ Indians.

Indians should positively see all issues that Indis has/had in the past.
Name: Deepanvita H


Sex: F

Occupation: MBA student

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
Spirituality, mystic, mythology

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
Simple, naive

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : swastika, kumkum, tajmahal, temples

About Indians : saree, colorful, incredulous, a farmer

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
Indians are hardworkers and not really street smart

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
India is democratic which china isnt
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
 Hub for outsourcing

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 It is a growing power, the volume of consumers for MNCs

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 The huge earning population

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

13] Imagine India as a person. Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age,
Sex, attitude, character, behaviour)
 A middle aged village lady – a lil shy, not outgoing, hardworking

14] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 I would Teach her to be more confident and smarter

15] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
A successful entrepreneur given she learns the right skills.
Name : Mr. Deepika Arora

Sex :    F

Occupation :     Dean, Rai Bussiness school

Nationality :     Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
 The Map of India ranging from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and From Gujarat to
West Bengal

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
Many aspects
   1. IT professional
   2. An executive at an MNC
   3. A farmer slogging in the fields

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :
   1. The Map of India
   2. Cultural dances

About   Indians :
   1.   IT professional
   2.   An executive at an MNC
   3.   A farmer slogging in the fields

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
The vastness and the growth of the country

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
1. Being a citizen one is very proud and patriotic towards ones country

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
China evokes the feeling of extremely organized yet bounded whereas India
shows freedom

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
 1. We are showing the world the way of life through culture and values

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
1. Growing education
2. Culture

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
1. Corruption
2. Poverty
13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 1. Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent,
 character- high moral values, behaviour- ethical
 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 1. Respectful
 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 Much ahead of other countries in the world
Name : Dipti Pawar

Age :   24

Sex : Female

Occupation : Service

Nationality : Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
The country where I live and the pledge “INDIA is my country ….”

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
nothing much than a common man leaving in india

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : flag , map of India , Indian cricket team, Indo – Pak relation

About Indians :

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)
Age - young
Sex – Female
Choices -
Lifestyle -
attitude –
character -
4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
a developed modern mother providing automation in almost everything to her
children, and lot of competition amongst her children

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
6] How does India affect your lives?
The Indian economy can affect on the jobs / incomes

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?
youth , india has lots of talented people ,

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
Terrorism, corruption , population

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India /
Name : Manish Mahajan

Age : 26

Sex : M

Occupation : Service

Nationality : Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?

diversity, culture, beliefs, traditions, Hinduism, poverty, corruption, casteism,

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?

An 'Indian' for me shall always remain the rural farmer toiling hard to make his
ends meet. All the glitz and glamour of quasi commercialization doesnt seep in
for me.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

the colors of our flag, the map off corrs

About Indians :

the rural countryside, villages, certainly not the urban picture.

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)

age - 100 years or more
sex - female
choices -
lifestyle - very simple
attitude - strong willed, rise from the ashes
character -
behaviour - been there seen there. a person who listens

4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

a very close endearing relationship with love and sacrifice for her

4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

the cultural diversity. unique.

6] How does India affect your lives?

everyhting about my life is writ with India!!!

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?

burgeoning middle class, intellectual capital, hardworking population, cultural
diversity, unique geographical blend

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

only two.. population and religion. everything else can be traced back to these

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India
/ Indians.
Name : Fabrice

Sex : male

Occupation : Student

Nationality : French

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
Coulorful, exotic animals, lots of people, Gandhi, busy cities, breathtaking

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
Dark hair, dark skin, welcoming, IT pro lol !!

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think
of India? Pictures of landscapes from the movie “A Passage to India”, Indian

About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
they suggest the hugeness of the country, somehow wild and peaceful at the
same time…

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection
with India?
Want to go to experience a totally different life…

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
I would feel more “lost” in China, too many people more impersonal , India
feels closer
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
Lots of IT engineers, call centres, and really into IT and software design

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

not directly

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
The fact that English is spoken, which makes a strong connection to business
and IT

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)
a person with different sides: warm, welcoming and nurturing, like a mother,
and a young business oriented male, who knows a lot about world competition

13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
Ready to beat China lol !
Name : Levrat Vanessa ESCEM 2A
Age : 21
Sex : Girl
Occupation : student, business school
Nationality :French
Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
Harshal !!
Well, Culture (cinema with Bolliwood, jewelry, silk / talor, traditionnal music)

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
new technology engineers, english speaking business men but also very poor
people at the bottom of the society.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think
of India?
About India :
   The several representation of gods and goddesses on every bases : clothes,
furniture, jewelry

About Indians : dark haired people, beautiful girls (bolliwood actress & miss

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
a religious country, very traditional

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
An indian temple visited in Thailand, Buddha Bar cds, indian songs mixed by
Claude Chal a very famous dj in France.

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
modesty / self effacement

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
very difficult to anwser...

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
   Honestly for the moment, my relations with India are limited. I really don't
know if they will intensify in the next years...
Some few cultural things inspired my daily life such as Yoga, Buddhist
principles, food, music.

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
emergeant country, new technologies

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
system of casts, demographic problems, economy
Name : Shefali Joshi

Age : 33 years

Sex : Female

Occupation : Service

Nationality : Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?

My country my home.

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?

A person who I can connect with. A warm, friendly and emotional person.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of

About India : The Indian tricolour, a diverse multi-linguistic culture, mouth-
watering cuisine

About Indians : Vibrant lot of people

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)

Age: around 25 years
Sex: maybe a female as a female's life is always challenging and she always
wants to do more
Choices: Blend of traditional and modern
Lifestyle: In cities its definitely upper middle class
Attitude: Positive, Enthusiastic
Character: Someone who is standing at the beginning of a promising future,
who wants to achieve more, who wants to be at par with the rest of the world.
Behaviour: An emotional person striking a perfect balance between culture and
4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

A warm friendly relationship

4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

One of the 'developed' countries. Am tired of being considered as a developing

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

India is a perfect example where people strike a balance of their values and
culture with modern thoughts, science and technology.

6] How does India affect your lives?

It makes me feel positive and young.

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?

A strong talented young working force and a positive attitutde towards

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

Corruption and population

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India /
Name : Hélène
Age : 21 years old
Sex : Female
Occupation : French student in a business school ESCEM
Nationality : French

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
Big country with high population rate

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
Poverty, traditions and castes

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think
of India?

About India :
big cities
   Beautiful countryside
The red point in women front head

About Indians :
their multicoloured clothes
their smile

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
humility, high importance of values and family

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
Indians who came in my school

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection
with India?
quite good instant in Indian food restaurants

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
More democratic, India is not Asian country for me
More genuine
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
Intelligence in computers
Your culture

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
Capacity to adapt

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
Big population
Unfair treatment toward women

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)
a girl 21, volunteer, attached to her family

13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 I hope she can have an interesting job as well paid as men
Name : Himanshu Vashishtha

Age : 33

Sex : Male

Occupation : Service

Nationality : Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
Home, Crowds, Population, Dynamic, Growth

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
Intelligent, Hard Working, Shabby

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Taj, Trains, Himalayas

About Indians : Traditional dress, Indian food, crowded places

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

Strong associations and positioning the country has in our mind. The diversity
and natural beauty that survives among the vast population.

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
Travel, treks, nature, school / college related

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
Warmth, love, welcoming

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
China has no emotional link.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
- Contributes hard working people who are sincere and intelligent.
- Indian cusine
9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
 - Growth in India has direct financial implications from investments point of
- Performance in Cricket does affect eh mood in the next day

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 - Population with the appropriate work culture and ethics to become a world

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
- Red tape and corruption

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 Male, 24, College student, Studying commerce and doing a computer course,
 fascinated by western values, from rural background, moved to the city for
 studies. Honest, not very well traveled in the world. Gets lost in procedures
 for setting up his enterprise.

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 Not close friend. But know of him and help him out occasionally.

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 Savvy, smart, well traveled, big businessmen doing global deals.

Name: Jayshree Gayakwad
Age: 31
Sex: F
Occupation: Housemaid
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? It feels nice to
think about our independent nation

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? I feel proud

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? The rich culture

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Rising crime

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) 100 yr old man (like a sadhu)

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Grandfather

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? He would become
Name : Levrat Vanessa ESCEM 2A
Age : 21
Sex : Girl
Occupation : student, business school
Nationality :French
Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
Harshal !!
Well, Culture (cinema with Bolliwood, jewelry, silk / talor, traditionnal

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
new technology engineers, english speaking business men but also very poor
people at the bottom of the society.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think
of India?
About India :
The several representation of gods and goddesses on every bases : clothes,
furniture, jewelry

About Indians : dark haired people, beautiful girls (bolliwood actress &
miss universe)

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? a
religious country, very traditional

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? An
indian temple visited in Thailand, Buddha Bar cds, indian songs mixed by
Claude Chal a very famous dj in France.

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection
with India?
modesty / self effacement

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
very difficult to anwser...

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
Honestly for the moment, my relations with India are limited. I really
don't know if they will intensify in the next years...
Some few cultural things inspired my daily life such as Yoga, Buddhist
principles, food, music.

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
emergeant country, new technologies

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
system of casts, demographic problems, economy

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)

13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line
Name: Malti Wagde
Age: 80
Sex: F
Occupation: Homemaker (retired ☺ )
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Bharat mata ki jai

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Maharashtrian

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Holkars and Peshwas

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Don’t know

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Everything is good

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) a young maharshtrian female

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Cant ans

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Cant ans
Name: Manish
Age: 28
Sex: M
Occupation: Labour supervisor
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Poor people

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Poor people

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Rich culture

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? corruption

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) Middle aged female

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? In the same state
Name : N. Vitthal

Age : 69

Nationality : Indian

Occupation : Retired, Former Chairman Central Vigilance Commission

I am a 69 year old Indian.These are my answers:

1.My home country,large old and dynamic.

2Bright self absorbed individual.

3Chattering ,colourful crowds.

4Lively vibrant culture

5Tolerant ,helpful friends.

6Pride and happiness.

7Chin a to me signals hard working disciplined inscrutable highly pragmatic

8Teach how to somehow get along in spte of all difficulties

9Yes Every thing I am is due to India .After all I am an Indian.

10This is my home.I was born here I hope to die here.

11Never say die spirit.

12Indiscipline .Corruption

13.1A cheerful young man proud of his heritage ans skills.

13.2 am his grand father.

13.3 Aself confident major player inthe global scene.
Name: Niraj Verma

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Occupation: Software Engineer

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
 My Home

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
We (us)

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :
The Indian Flag and the map of India

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
The map represents the existence of India on the earth and the flag represents
the Country India itself around the globe.

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
There are too many to list as I have been born and brought up in India and have
so many memories associated with India

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
This is my country and that’s where I want to go back to.

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
Its different as China is not my Home and my Country.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
On top of my head I can’t think of anything that India provides to world and no
other country can, it’s all competitive in today’s world.

But the culture and tradition is one aspect in which India makes a unique
contribution to the world.

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
All the possible ways.

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 I live in India so all the systems prevalent within India affect me daily
(Judicial, Legislative etc.)

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 There are a lot of natural resources which are positives for India but are not
utilized to the complete possible extent.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
The corruption and illiteracy are the two biggest negatives of India.

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 India has a lot of different moods in different places, at few places it acts
 like its rich and spents a lot of money and at others acts like its poor and
 skips meals. It has a lot of strength and the spirit to fight back, its just that
 its suffering from a few diseases and just like everybody there are two
 portions of a human, one is ready to fight these diseases but the others not.
 But India has started taking medicines and a good treatment, we just need to
 see when it recovers to the normal.

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 I see India ten years down the line as very competitive and giving tough
 competition to the rest of the world in all spheres.
Name: Pratibha Wagde
Age: 50
Sex: F
Occupation: Homemaker
Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? The Himalayas,
oceans, etc

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Feeling of

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? secularism

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Lack of taking
responsibility about things

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) ageless female (bharat mata)
13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother

13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? At the top of the
Name: Rajesh Singh Rathore

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Occupation: S/W Eng.

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
   Feeling of Unity

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
   Proud citizen of India

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Tri-color (National Flag)

About Indians : Successful people

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
   Diverse people living together

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
   Current progress in financial sector

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
   I feel proud by looking at growth India is doing in each and every possible
field and making note to other countries.

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
Same as when you heard about your rivals.
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 Country’s progress has a great contribution in your personal growth.

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 Work force of intellectual people.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
 Government rules

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 Young, Dynamic and promising

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 A good partner to be with both of us can progress rapidly.

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 World leader
Name: Rashmi Ramtani

Age: 24

Sex:   Female

Occupation: Software Engineer

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
A nation of diverse cultures blended into harmony

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
A software geek ☺

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :
The Taj Mahal / The Himalayas / the backwaters of Kerala / Mumbai’s local
trains / the desert of Rajasthan / bubbling energy of Goa / the scenic beauty
of Andaman islands/ the crowded metropolitans

About Indians :
People celebrating festivities together /Software professionals carrying a
laptop /Farmers striving in scorching heat /the dabbawallahs of Mumbai
working in a seemingly natural rhythm / the Yogacharyas and sages emanating

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
The rich cultural heritage and its striking diversity – as if a million worlds have
come together

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
My entire life ☺
6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
Connectedness with India …a sense of competition with China…
(Hindi Cheeni bhai bhai – Not anymore ☺)

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
I think it is the intellectual prowess of the Indians which benefits the entire

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 In everyway I believe ☺

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
Her brain pool / rich heritage / unity in diversity / spiritual ideals

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
Religious dogmatism / lack of infrastructure

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 A youth still striving to make a mark on the globe with it’s never say die spirit
 while fighting its own contravening forces

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 A mentor

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 A matured individual acknowledged worldwide as an intellectual force
Name : Regimantas Gervelis

Age : 21

Sex : male

Occupation : student / general manager – coordinator for development in an
international company

Nationality : Lithuanian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Interesting
culture, exotic, kind and friendly people, something attractive not only for
traveling in but having relations with too

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Too bad that I
have not been to India, but anyway the Indians I’ve met in any part of the
world are impressive, driving, inspiring people

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Taj Mahal, dances, music, old culture and (too bad) poverty and
war against Pakistan

About Indians : people with the very specific temper from the far east

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? No
particular idea – I simply don not like getting involved into deep analysis, but
overall I think India has to look for it’s own way to built a good future

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Quite few
friends from India who live in Europe and friends that I met whilst studying in

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
India? Indians make me think deeply while communicating with them an’ it’s
very inspirational emotion
7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke? Personally I cannot even compare India and china. I have no
attraction towards China and Chinese people.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
India has the potencial to do so (to contribute to the worlds life) but I see no
particular and clear direction where it goes. At the moment only individuals
form India create the image of the country, although it should be supported by
the country itself to build image

9] Does India affect your lives in any way? At the moment I have no strong
relations with India by plan to look for some kind of communication

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? As for any country – the
main thing is people – they are nice and talented – this is the place to start the
own country’s way

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Personally I don not see
clear direction to the prospective of this country. Quality but not the quantity
should be preferred.

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) age 25, male, on the crossroads of the life,
 trying to take various challenges, and fighting for the right place, too little
 sense of self – control, but on the other hand, this is a part of attraction.
 Character: ambitious but young and inexperienced, has many choices and
 trying to take up all of them. Simply should have priorities (more or less).

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Such a
 person would be a good friend of mine – same situation, same thinking way,
 but trying to enter a new level of life and open new opportunities

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 It should a successful person with some background but still exploring new
 life levels
Name: Sampada Wagde

Age: 23 yrs

Sex: Female

Occupation: Software Engg

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
 Home sweet home.

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
Here’s someone you can trust.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : mysticism, pomp and show, land of the maharajas

About Indians : saaris, jewels

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? The
glorious past of the country

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Its my
homeland, all my personal memories are associated with India and Indians –
what do you mean by the question?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
Again, its home…….

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
I have no feelings or emotions about China
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
 It tells the world the meaning of unity in hold a country as diverse
as India under one central administration is no joke…

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
 In all possible ways it does..

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 I live in India, follow its socio economic norms and customs

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 Its diversity, quantity and quality of human resources

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
 The compromising attitude

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 An ageless woman (a mother maybe..) with all the qualities of an Indian
 mother..(well that’s the picture they stamp on our mind in school, right?) the
 good old Bharat Mata.

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 In the same place. (she is ageless you see)
Name: Santosh kumar Khuntia

Age:   26

Sex:   Male

Occupation: software professional

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
 Software industry , Bollywood , 24-hour news channel , cricket

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
Tolerance & compatibility

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Busy roads during morning hours & The National Flag

About Indians : A Proud man with high self-esteem

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
More & more no of people are getting involved in work & are always proud of
what they do .

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
Am born & brought up here in India

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
The Values in my life.

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
Not sure

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
It spreads the message of peace. Created awareness about Yoga & Pranayam
Makes life simpler for the people thru its software industry .

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 The freedom of speech & action as an democratic country makes me feel

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 Democracy, The youth population , compatibility of Indian people

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
 Cheap politics & Corruption

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 35,female, - , -, Optimistic & ready to go , Bold & Courageous, Still afraid to
 take a plunge to new ideas ( all r in the same order as mentioned)(

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 As a friend & colleague

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 On the moon ,inspiring others ☺
Name: Shantanu Wagde (Handicapped)
Age: 18
Sex: M
Occupation: Student
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? The map of India

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? The farmers

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Self sufficiency

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Westernization due to lot
of foreign companies

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) A man as old as the sun

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? He is my
13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Developed and
Name: Shruti Raole

Age: 26 Yrs

Sex: Female

Occupation: Private Service Industry

Nationality: Indian


1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
 Is mine; Corruption

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
We all

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :
Dividing lines between states

About Indians :
Always tolerating

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
Only diversity

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
Coming across different types of people (from different states, locations) gives
many different experiences

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
 It is very close to heart

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
Sorry, I don’t know
8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
Indians excel in almost all the fields they are given to work into, but same is
not the case with other country people where they are restricted very much to
their fields only.

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 Can’t tell the difference exactly as I have never stayed out of India

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 Age: In thousands
 Sex: Female
 Choices: Did not understand this
 Lifestyle: Diversified
 Attitude: “Just Do it”
 Character: Sorry, I don’t know
 Behavior: Loving

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 I’m her lover ☺

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 On the top of the world, indeed!
Name: Shyam Wagde
Age: 53
Sex: M
Occupation: Service (civil engg)
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Colorful map of

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Feeling of pride

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Its brilliant youth

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Petty politics

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) an ageless female (bharat mata)

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? At the top of the
Name: Siddhartha Das

Age: 24 years

Sex: Male

Occupation: Software Engineer

Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
My home

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Chak De India

About Indians : Saluting the National Flag

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
All till except 2.5 months when I was out of India

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
All feelings and emotions are born here in India…. And will die here in India

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
I have never been to China and never would like to be there(China).

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
 I am not concerned with the world…. To me its everything….. I am a selfish

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
Have never thought of it……but its always with me…. And I suppose with every
other Indian.

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?
 Already replied

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
 I have never come across negatives… Me being a positive person.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
Already replied

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)
 60 yrs, Female, Friendly, I don’t know….. cant describe as a personality

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
 Obviously very close.

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 Don’t know. I have never seen myself 10 days down the line.
Name: Vishnu
Age: 43
Sex: M
Occupation: Driver
Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Hindu people

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Honest people

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

About Indians :

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India? unity

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? crime

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior) a young man

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Don’t know

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? In the same state
Name : Sarika Chuni

Age : 24

Sex : Female

Occupation : Marketing Exec.

Nationality : Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?

Crowds. Queues. Red Tape.

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?

R.K. Laxman's common man.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

The Tricolour, Hindu Gods and Godesses, Street Urchins, Dilapidated buildings
right next to fancy ones (Contrasts).

About Indians :

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)

21-year-old, male, working in a private company, fond of big malls and
multiplexes. Easy-going. Dislikes working under someone. Wants to start his
own business once he gathers enough experience. Religious. Culturally

4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

Having started his own venture, struggling to keep it afloat. Thinking of going
back to a normal 9-5.

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

Code coolies. (Don't know if that is unique though)

6] How does India affect your lives?

Like it does every Indian's. Economically, socially, culturally. Not politically as
much, though it is invariably linked to the others.

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?

Perseverance. Persistence. Population. Optimism.

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

Stubbornness. Population. Over-optimism. Red Tape.

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India /
Name : Suhasini

Age : 24

Occupation : Student

Nationality : Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?
      Heterogeneity - culture.

2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?
A person saluting the tricolor with national anthem at the backdrop. ( I could
not think of anything specific) so over exaggeration here.

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :
       Images of temples, suburbs of Mumbai or crowded Calcutta, vast fields.

About Indians:
       Politicians claded in khadi attire, a teacher teaching in a small school, A
typical panwala, A techno savvy metro-sexual person.

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?
About India:
An enriching place to travel both in terms of scenic beauty and in terms of
divers people.

About Indians :
They are hardworking and resourceful people trying to bring a balance between
the ethnic and western culture.

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?
   • The air-force camps where I stayed had a tolerant culture unlike cities
      and in general civilian life.
•   The tolerance level in cities is comparatively less than found in rural

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with
Richness in heritage, cautiousness in occupying center stage in world forum,
anger about the corruption prevailing, Helplessness about the fact it is seen as
yet another ally of US.

7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?
China is aggressive but constrained from within, Though the country projects
one voice it is not a balanced and debated opinion.
India on the other hand being democratic, though projects a chaotic image, but
has healthy way of approaching things by debating.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
Rich technological contributions.

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

As a foreign national ( no)
As Indian ( yes)

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

It surrounding environment will determine the way I react to a particular
situation, the govt policies affect my way of taking decisions and u can think of
innumerable reasons

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
The democratic way of life, The balancing act that is still going on in
liberalization, The rich youth population India has.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

The corruption prevailing in system, The loss of ethical stances in various
issues, The strong divide cropping up between rich and poor.

13] Imagine India as a person. Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age,
Sex, attitude, character, behaviour)

Sex- female

A very lively lady with most of the essential skill sets, most of them polished,
some of them unpolished, experimenting with various opportunities

14] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
India is a good ally --- a kind of assistance to a leader…

15] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
 One of the ‘BIG TWO’ in total Asian perspective. Definitely not overtaking
china unless there is an internal conflict in china.
Name : Vikram Chitale
Age :28years
Sex :Male
Occupation : Service
Nationality :Indian

Kindly write your opinion of the following topics.

1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?
Ans: A Nation of Great Heros

2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?
Ans: All Indians are my brothers and sisters

3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India : Ashoka Chakara and National Anthem

About Indians :

4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions

4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices,
lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior)
Ans: Wide Spread and Mixture of variety of Sex,Creed and Religion

4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
Ans:Mother Land
4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?
Ans: Global Equipped and Economically healthy country

5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
Ans:Place of Education and prosperity and a democratic country

6] How does India affect your lives?
Ans: Democracy and Avaibility of resources

7] What do you consider are the positives of India?
Ans: Education,development,democracy

8] What do you consider are the negatives of India?
Ans: Politics and Poverty

9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India /
Ans: Country of peace,prosperity,affection and unity

Name: Vijay Gupta


Sex: M

Occupation: IT Consultant

Nationality: Indian

1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind?


2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind?

Intelligent yet lazy people

 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of
About India :

TajMahal, Movies, Bad Roads

About Indians :

Warmth yet laziness

4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal?

India has immense potential in almost every field be it
Tourism/IT/Manufacturing but impotent govts and attitude of people is a big

5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India?

I have grown up here and have lived in North/Central and southern India

6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with

It’s a born here / lived here and will die here feeling
7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those
China might evoke?

It’s a fair competition where China has an edge right now.

8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?

Intelligent Population.

9] Does India affect your lives in any way?

I live here, dear.

10] If yes, how does India affect your lives?

11] What do you consider are the positives of India?

Waking up to the global possibilities and putting in some efforts.

12] What do you consider are the negatives of India?

Lots of corruption, and resilient attitude of people in general

13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle,
 attitude, character, behavior)

 21, F, sluggish and lazy in almost all walks of life but spends youthful
 moments sometimes.

 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?

 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line?

 Leading the world.
Branding India Part 1, 2007
Branding India Part 1, 2007

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Branding India Part 1, 2007

  • 1. Round 1 Entry For COLLOQUIUM The International Day Event At Micanvas 2007 Entry by – Team Name: Cerebrus Partners Participants: Ajay, Sajith Institute: Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad Email: Phone: Ajay : 09913548084, Sajith: 09225501525 Address: MICA, Shela Village, Ahmedabad 380058
  • 2. “India, officially the Republic of India is a sovereign country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world…….” says – the present day reference of the world. Is India just this or a lot more? What does India exactly mean? What does it stand for? How do people across the globe perceive India and Indians? These were the questions that cropped up our minds when we took up the task of branding India. While walking this path we realised that unlike branding a product, branding a nation was much more dynamic with different stakeholders at different points in time. Most the nations branded themselves to attract tourists. But we realised that this was a very narrow outlook to the task of branding India, a task which might even determine the pure existence of India in future. For eg. in the present day religously bipolarised world where there is a constant fight between the christian nations and the muslim nations, India considered to be a Hindu country might be left alone to defend it itself against external forces or internal terroists. Depening on the perception of our country to be a tolerant country which is the breeding ground for religious thought and better living or an agressive Hindu nation depends the political stand that the other nations take towards us. The perception of political stalwarts like George Bush, President of United States of America, Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan, Angela Merkel, The German Chancellor, etc. towards India, Indian Government and Indians would affect the relations of these countries with India. Similary the perceptions of influential people like Pope Benedict XVI , the religous leader of Catholics across the world, of Oprah Winfrey, host of the
  • 3. highest rated talk show, of Majid Majidi, renowened Iranian film director among others shape the opinion of the general public across the globe. Considering the social, political and economical reasons to brand India we classified our stakeholders among whom we need to position India as the following 1] Foreign Governements This relevance of this class has been explained earlier. 2] Foreign multinational and transnational companies Large companies today have a turnover which is much larger than the GDP of many small countries and their investment patterns would influence the growth of a country like India which needs to be fuelled to foreign money to sutain the current pace of growth. 3] International Organisations / associations United Nations, World Bank, SAARC, European Union today influence the outlook of its members / participants toward different nations 4] Foreign nationals Depending on their perception of India they choose to travel to this country as a tourist giving a big boost to the tourist industry. Their genaralised perception influence the perspective of the government at large. Their perceptions of India also affect their behaviour towards Indians who vist or stay in their countries. 5] Indian Nationals They are the consumers of Brand India, Brand Ambassodors of India as well as the product itself.
  • 4. We tried to understand the perceptions of these classes in our research. The methodology of this and the findings of the same are given below.
  • 6. PRIMARY RESEARCH: We conducted an exhaustive primary research to find out perception of various stakeholders about India. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To gauge the perceptions of various stakeholders about India and Indians METHODOLOGY: In-depth Interviews: We chose a sample across the classification of Indian Nationals and conducted in-depth discussion with them. The video and audio recordings of few of the discussions are given in the annexure. Our interviewees include - Mr. Amitabh Pathak, Inspector General of Police, Law and Order, Gujarat State - Ms. Anita Karwal, Ex-Collector, Ahmedabad, Incharge-Nirmal Gujarat Project - Mr. Dinesh Kapadia, Under Secretary, Social Welfare and Empowerment Department, Government of Gujarat - Mr. Rajeev Tiwari, State Representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNDP) - Mr. R V Rajan, Rural Communication Expert and Mentor, Anugrah Madison, India - Management Students from Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad - Students, Delhi Public School, Bopal, Ahmedabad - Villagers, Shela Village, Ahmedabad Online co-ordinated Interviews: We sent our questions and discussion topics to various stakeholders considered by us except the rural population. We got responses from people across the globe belonging to different fields.
  • 7. Our Online interviewees include - Mr. Nagarajan Vittal, Former Chairmen, Central Vigilance Commission - Mr. Himanshu Vashishtha, Managing Director, AC Nielson, UAE - Prof R.R.K. Sharma, HOD, IME, IIT-K - Mr. Arul, Dean, Presidency College - Deepika Arora, Dean, Rai Business School, Delhi - Shantanu Wagde, Student (Handicapped since birth) - Students of Foreign Nationalities - Engineering and Management Students from India - Working Professionals - Others SAMPLING: Our sample included people from different age-groups, socio-economic background, educational background and nationalities. We classified our sample based on the following criteria: - Age - Nationality - Urban/Rural (For Indians Only) - Gender - Occupation - Educational Background
  • 8. Classification of our Sample: No. of Respondents: 110 1. Age-wise Distribution: 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Below 15 15-24 24-40 Above 40 2. Based on Nationality: - a ni ua th Li 21 E A U Indians No. of People K Foreign U Nationals 89 ce an Fr SA U 0 5 10 15
  • 9. 3. Urban/Rural (For Indians Only) 80 70 60 50 40 No. of People 30 20 10 0 Urban Rural Occupation: 30 25 20 15 No. of people 10 5 0 Students Private Service Government Homemakers Unemployed Retired Self Employed Professionals Servants
  • 10. 5. Based on Gender: 53 Male 57 Female 6.Educational Background s se ur Co l na sio es es at of du Pr ra No. of People G st es Po at du ra G ol ho Sc h ig H w te lo ra Be i te Ill 0 10 20 30 40
  • 12. SECONDARY RESEARCH: We conducted an exhaustive secondary research to find out various perceptions about India, on certain parameters (fields) like Economy, Art and Culture, Nuclear Power, Education, Entertainment, Agriculture, Science & Technology, Sociological Status, Youth Development and other important parameters. We covered the following topics in our secondary research: (In Alphabetical Order) - Base line Survey Report - BBC Survey: About India and Pakistan - Bicultural views on India - Brief Analysis of Religious Data - Canadian Perception about India - Celebrating ties between India and Australia - Changing US Perceptions: India as a Knowledge Economy - Engaging India: Touting Tourism - GE’s perception about India - Global Trade Negotiations - IMF Report and World Bank Report on India - IMRB report on Government Initiatives - India and China: Need for radical realignment - India and Globalization - India as a poor country - India can never be a Hindu State - India give its image problem an airing - India Shining or Whining - India Project Portfolio - India’s External Debt - Medical Tourism - Misleading views of India from Philadelphia - Nuclear India and Non Proliferation treaty
  • 13. - Offshore outsourcing - Perception in US: Tracking the entire history - Proportion and growth rate of religious communities - Slum Data: Part 1 - Slum Data: part 2 - Slum Data Highlights - Speech to India: India-Australia chamber of Commerce by Minister of External Affairs, Australia - World Bank Report: Agriculture and Rural Development - World Bank Report: Foreign Trade - World Bank Report: HIV/AIDS - World bank Report: Malnutrition - World Bank Report: Urbanization - World Bank Report: Water - World Wide Survey: Comparing Indian and Chinese Government Please refer the attached folder for the detailed reports.
  • 15. Relevant Findings from the Primary Research: - “Chalta Hai”: An indiscipline attitude showed by majority of Indians and Indian organizations is perceived to be a major negative of India. We observed a life like example of this attitude during our primary research. As mentioned earlier, we had sent our questions and discussion topics to various stakeholders across the globe. We received acknowledgement/denials from most of the people/organizations. This included acknowledgements from the Government of Japan, Microsoft, Government of Chinese Republic (Taiwan), Steve Waugh and interview denials from Tony Blair, Roger Federer and White House. However, we were really disappointed when the same request sent to Indian Prime Minister’s office (PMO) was neither acknowledged nor denied. Despite sending a reminder after a week, no action was taken. - Health, Hygiene and cleanliness were the major issues both in India and abroad. The dilapidated state of cleanliness and hygiene is clearly visible to a foreigner as soon as he/she lands on Indian soil. The sorry state of Delhi and Mumbai Airports speaks volumes about the general cleanliness state in the country. The lack of public toilets and peoples’ habit of disposing off anywhere was considered as one of the most shameful and disgusting issue. It was also observed that people related state of health
  • 16. and hygiene in the country to its social progress. “Jab tak public toilet nahin honge tab tak mahilaon ki izzat aur aaburu nahi hogi”, this statement reflected the sentiments of the respondents about the sanitation issues. This problem was mainly attributed to two reasons: lack of attitude to remain clean and lack of resources to maintain it. - Corruption: - In India and abroad, India is perceived as a corrupt nation. Corruption has become the integral part of our system. “How does one get a license, a degree, or an approval of a building plan? How do you have an FIR filed, an emergency attended to, a real criminal arrested, a damsel in distress treated, …. ? Colleges are sanctioned to politicians who care two hoots for education; Selection policies are framed to favour greater revenue with no attention to quality or suitability. No concern for the law or ethics: Eg, the petrol bunks charge the new price a day before the announced time – with no compunction at all. (I went to five petrol bunks, one after the other the same day, and heard: “We know it’s from tomorrow, but we have started today”; “What can we do, our manager has told us to charge the new price – the manager is not here now”; “Pay this price and take the petrol or just leave”; “This is our price; do what you like – go complain to anyone you like. …”. This statement clearly explains how the evil of corruption has soaked into our system.
  • 17. Knowledge economy: India is considered as a booming knowledge economy (this transformation happened due to development in Information and Technology). Of late India has become the hub for outsourcing activities and is considered as indispensable by the companies worldwide. Although India is perceived as a knowledge economy, many people perceive India as a source of cheap labor and a place fit for doing backend office work and a hub for call centre activities. Social and economic disparity: - Two extreme ends of social strata are visible: English speaking, well- educated person and on the other hand poor people suffering from poverty, hunger and malnutrition. This clearly indicates the economic disparity among the Indian people.
  • 18. - Spirituality: Different positive and negative connotations are associated with Spirituality, Religion and Conservative traditions. India is thought of as a hub for spirituality and Yoga and attracts positive reactions from all over the world. The religious aspects are considered as semi-positive (or semi-negative) largely due to few incidents of communal disharmony. The traditional conservative Indians are perceived as backward and uneducated. - Casteism is considered as a serious blot on the face of humanity. The perception among foreign nationals about the caste system in India is that of old Varna System and they find it difficult for India to be freed from this problem in the near future. - High Growth rate: People across the world wonder how is it possible for a country like India with a huge unemployed, under nourished and poverty ridden population to grow at the rate of 9%. “People ask us with disbelief about our progress whenever we go abroad. They wonder how it is possible”. - Hardworking Indian: - Indians are generally perceived to be very hard working and determined people. It is widely believed that given the right opportunity and
  • 19. resources Indians are capable of handling any task. Indian youth that constitutes more than 50% of the population is perceived as the biggest strength of India and is assumed as the biggest growth driver in the future. - Politics and the politicians are considered as the curse for the country. Add to it, red-tapism, corruption, bureaucracy, nepotism and predilection and you have got the complete recipe of putting off any person-Indian or International. “India is a sea of corruption, dishonesty and lawlessness”. Various scams and scandals that have happened in India in the past are talked about in the other countries and brings a bad name to the country - Gender inequality is still a major issue especially in rural India. People of foreign origin clearly specified ill treatment of women as a part of Indian culture. “Aurat bahar kaise aa sakti hai, usko to humain lana padta hai”. This statement from a male villager indicates the existence of patriarchal society. It is an irony that in villages, India is perceived as Bharat Mata but at the same time women are continuously suppressed by the male dictators. - India Superpower: People across the globe believe that India would emerge as a superpower in the next few years. India would be recognized for its intellectual population, its contribution in the software industry, spirituality and yoga and a responsible nuclear power. India is perceived as a progressive nation that has built a solid platform and is about to take off. - When compared to China, India is perceived as a democratic, genuine and responsible country. “I would feel more’lost’ in China, too many people, more impersonal. India feels closer.” “Indians make me think deeply while communicating with them an’ it is very inspirational
  • 20. emotion. I have no attraction towards China or Chinese people.” It is agreed that there is a fair competition between India and China; however China has got a slight edge over India at this point of time. - Population: Although young Indian population is considered as an asset, International Forums such as United Nations and World Bank feel that because of the high population growth the benefit of the government initiatives is not percolating down to lower social strata. “Whatever progress India make, it is countered by the increase in population”.
  • 22. RELEVANT FINDINGS FROM THE SECONARY RESEARCH - As per BBC Survey, Gandhi was the primary association that came to respondents’ minds when asked to choose the top three things they associate with India. Poverty scored particularly highly as a response for India among residents of Western European Countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Denmark) and Brazil. Most respondents in the Asia Pacific countries like Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong voted for symbols associated with modern India like development and technology. Certain commonly associated symbols with contemporary India like cricket, Bollywood and outsourcing were selected only in markets such as the UK, USA and Australia. Asked to rank India from a global economic standpoint drew in some interesting responses from the respondents. Americans ranked India 10th from a global economic perspective, as did respondents in UK and Singapore. Rather surprisingly, Italians gave India a rank as low as 100 - an interesting result given that India’s chief of the ruling party - Sonia Gandhi - is of Italian origin.
  • 23. Half the respondents chose Hinduism as a predominant religion in India. Unexpectedly however, Buddhism ranked second as the principal religion in the country perhaps due to the increased media coverage and awareness in the West following, for example, Richard Gere’s public devotion to Buddhism. - India is considered as place where one can find a "more enlightened version" of oneself. It is considered as place where miracles can occur. “I was saved from drowning in a river by a rope, which could not be traced to a source when I reached land.” - Australians perceive India in a completely new light because of religio- cultural tourist trail of pilgrimages to India seeking spiritual enlightenment or adventure, relations forged by trade, Multi-national Corporations, and now the “academic traffic” between the two countries through ever increasing numbers of international students, Memoranda of Understanding, University exchange, writers’ programmes and so on. - The Americans today see India as a vibrant democracy with a booming economy. India manages disasters like the tsunami and earthquake, without demeaning itself by seeking foreign aid. The two million-strong American Indian community is respected as a group of high achievers. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai are virtually household names as technology-savvy Indians manage American corporate accounts and online systems repairs.
  • 24. - The 2001 CIA report entitled “Global Trends 2015” held that while then India would continue to grow vibrantly, its neighbors like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal would become increasingly integrated with the Indian economy and would face serious internal problems. - The country lays claim to diverse landscapes of beaches, Himalayan mountain, deserts and jungles. India has historic forts, temples, wildlife parks, religious festivals, a vibrant arts scene and of course, bustling cities. Yet the popular perception of travel in India is that it is for hardened travelers who can withstand discomfort, illness, distressing displays of poverty and general chaos. In a survey of Americans’ perceptions of India, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that those polled ranked India dead last among nine countries in terms of future world influence behind China, the UK, Russia and France. Other countries expect India to rise but not by much. Surprisingly, India is not seen as a top source of innovation. This despite the fact that India is the world’s second-fastest growing economy; that it is the second-most populous country in the world, with half of its inhabitants under the age of 25; and that its star home-grown businesses are emerging as world-class companies. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs attributed this sharp misperception partly to the influence of tourism. China reported 46.8m international tourist
  • 25. visits in 2005, far more than the meager 3.9m India claimed that year, according to the World Tourism Organization. - "Enemy Number One" was how India Defense Minister George Fernandes described China in May 1998, a few days before India shocked the world with a series of nuclear tests [1]. This was a disturbing reminder of the state of bilateral relations after a war in 1962 and several bloody border skirmishes in 1967, 1986 and 1987. [2] Cold relations between the two Asian giants, however, stand in the way of addressing major threats from common elements, such as foreign-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir and Xinjiang. Though largely ignored, there are other areas of aligned interest as India and China, among the fastest growing economies in the world, seek to enter a global trade environment where the rules have already been set. A radical rethink of each country's strategic focus is essential to address critical political, military and economic issues facing the two Asian giants in the 21st century. - "The change in nomenclature which rids India of a decades-old label comes from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has decided to whittle down the already marginal US assistance to India and eventually eliminate it because of India's thriving economy." Overall aid to India, where 80 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day, would be cut 35 percent in 2008, to $81 million, on the theory that India has one of the best-performing economies in the world. - The medical tourism market is estimated to be worth around $333 million now, but officials hope that the new campaign will help increase this to $2 billion by 2012.
  • 26. - Within the health care sector, however, there is a realization that this will remain an optimistic aspiration until India transforms its infrastructure. Although there are a growing number of private hospitals with good facilities and staff, the standard of care across the health service remains very unpredictable - US stand on Nuclear Deal:
  • 27. Offshore outsourcing -- firms subcontracting important parts of their businesses to firms in other countries -- are changing the nature of global business. In India, outsourcing has sparked an economic boom, and those working in the industry are making new lives that balance traditional Indian family values with Western-style social and economic mores. But in India, as in the United States, the long-term impact of outsourcing is still unclear. The slowdown in agricultural growth has become a major cause for concern. India’s rice yields are one-third of China’s and about half of those in Vietnam and Indonesia. With the exception of sugarcane, potato and tea, the same is true for most other agricultural commodities. The Government of India places high priority on reducing poverty by raising agricultural productivity. However, bold action from policymakers will be required to shift away from the existing subsidy-based regime that is no longer sustainable, to build a solid foundation for a highly productive, internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector. Recent data suggests there are signs of a decline in HIV prevalence among sex workers in areas where focused interventions have been implemented,
  • 28. particularly in the southern states although overall prevalence levels among this group continues to be high. Data also indicate that there is a slow decrease in HIV prevalence among the general population in southern states. Although more analysis is required, this probably means that the number of people becoming newly infected with HIV is decreasing. This decrease is more perceptible in states such as Tamil Nadu where the intensity of HIV prevention efforts has been high. - India’s urban areas make a major contribution to the country’s economy. Although less than 1/3 of India’s people live in cities and towns, these areas generate over 2/3 of the country’s GDP and account for 90% of government revenues. India’s towns and cities have expanded rapidly as increasing numbers migrate to towns and cities in search of economic opportunity. Slums now account for 1/4 of all urban housing. In Mumbai, more than half the population lives in slums, many of which are situated near employment centers in the heart of town, unlike in most other cities in developing countries. - World Bank’s comparison of India and China: India- India- China- China- Measure 1996 2005 1996 2005 Voice and accountability 52.2 58.2 4.6 4.8 Political stability 14.9 22.1 34.6 33.2 Government 50.7 54.0 66.8 55.5 effectiveness Regulatory quality 44.4 48.3 54.1 46.3 Rule of law 61.0 57.1 48.1 45.2 Control of corruption 40.3 52.9 56.3 37.9 Simple average 43.9 48.8 44.1 37.2
  • 30. STRENGTHS • Highly educated , skilled ,young, capable & dynamic human resources • English speaking & analytical students • World class business-social-spiritual –political leader, Professor, scientist, Manager-Doctor-Engineer-Civil servants etc • Very rich in Natural & Living resources • Biodiversity & Traditional knowledge base • Diversity vs. Ideas-Innovation-Integration • Powerful spiritual strength (yoga-Ayurvada-Healing-therapy services) • Geographical location (whole markets are shifting toward Asian nations) • India Strategic position at various platforms • Big democracy, Big market & free media • Range of emerging professional champions • IT & Software superpower WEAKNESSES: • Lack of trained & skill work force • Small supply of specialize professional • “Chalta Hai” Attitude of Indians • Poor state of Health, hygiene and cleanliness • Increasing population • Lack of effective & execution framework • Lack of transparency-Trust-Responsibility • Fear of sharing knowledge & taking risk • Slow absorption of Innovation & change • Absence of greater technology impetus • Unawareness: Quality-Standardization
  • 31. THREATS (Internal & external): • A feeling of unstable government • Rupee appreciation leading to Indian products and services becoming incompetent in the international markets • Self centered political leadership • Slow & Dysfunctional judiciary and corrupt law enforcers • Emergence of China as an Economic and political Superpower • Mechanistic -stable-Layered-complex system • Corruption, Ignorance & Complacency • High competitive & marketing forces • To patent Indian intellectual property by outsider (unawareness about own research) • Fast change Internet-information technology& new Inventions- Technology-Innovations • Diversity vs. Imbalance- clashes • Regional-Religion-caste-culture conflicts • Terrorism OPPORTUNITIES • Big potential market in education Sector & emerging new market Segment in services (create it) • One of the largest consuming market • General Agreement of trade on Services • Research & Development capability • Generate intellectual property • Competition- cost – Quality service • Tourism, health sector, food processing • Rural economy development & social transformation ( PURA model )
  • 33. How do people imagine India as a person? (From primary research) “India is a girl, comes from a poor background but has toiled her way through, though may be she is not well educated she is knowledgable and through her efforts has reached a stage from where she can make a good career for herself and help her family grow” “A middle aged village lady – a lil shy, not outgoing, hardworking” “a girl 21, volunteer, attached to her family” “Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent, character- high moral values, behaviour- ethical” “A very lively lady with most of the essential skill sets, most of them polished, some of them unpolished, experimenting with various opportunities” “Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent, character- high moral values, behaviour- ethical” Most of our respondents saw India as a responsible girl / woman who has come from a poor background but is rising her life through her hard work and determination. We want to project an image of a beautiful young nation which is working hard to achieve those dreams that the freedom fighters saw for India. There are problems like corruption, casteism, terrorism, etc. She does not deny these but is working constructively to resolve them. These problems do not stop her aspirations to rise and be respected in the world so as to get her homeland the respect and admiration they are so worthy of. This India is a land of opportunities, open to experiments, ready to mingle with the world to
  • 34. build a better tomorrow for the coming generations. From these our Brand Vision, Branding Idea, Brand positioning statement and Advertising Positioning statement given below have emerged Brand Vision: India Everywhere Our vision for brand India is to achieve a status where it is pretty much omnipresent. As in nothing in the world happens without considering the opinion of India / Indians. Branding Idea: The New Dawn There are problems within India, which have been mentioned earlier. But there are a lot of positives too. The best of all is the new found confidence among Indians that they are as good as the rest or even better in many areas. There is an acceptance of the Indian capability among the foreign nationals too. The new dawn symbolizes to the world a changed nation that is homely, peace loving, clean and developed welcoming the international audience to visit India for leisure and is out to prove its worth to global opportunities coming its way. This convey to the Indians that we have arrived and we need to keep up the good work done by the earlier generations to sustain the current growth of India in terms of economics and power. Our thought is to make this an idea that people would like to be associated with, such that India does not have to spend heavily on mass media to convey this message. An idea that would be lapped up by the man on the street to the corporate who would use this in their advertising campaigns. A complete integrated communication plan for this would be provided in Round 2 by our team.
  • 35. Brand Positioning Statement: India International India here stands for things that are considered truly Indian by people within the country and outside. It stands for India’s diversity, spirituality, yoga, colourfullness, family values, loving people, etc. While international stands for the best standards in the world be it science or literature or economy. This positioning statement is in sync with the Brand Vision of India. Advertising Positioning Statement Join us in the journey A call to all the classes identified earlier be a part of this new interesting, exciting and challenging journey.
  • 36. Annexure 1 Primary Research Data Name :Anoop Sreerangan Age :23 Sex :M Occupation :Software Engineer Nationality :Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind?Power 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind?intelligent 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India :flowers,tiger,Amitabh,poor,Dirty politicians About Indians : 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions
  • 37. 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Age:20, Sex F, Attitude:simple, Charactr:sati savithri, 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Mother 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Cant say 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Invention of ZERO 6] How does India affect your lives? not much 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? Unity(Its still left) 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Dirty Politics
  • 38. Name : Mr. Arul Sex : Male Occupation : Dean, Presidency College, Calcutta Nationality : Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? A big, multi-religious, economically vibrant and politically rotten country. 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Unreliable. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India: A maze (Bhoolbhulaiya)! About Indians: A pack of wolves! 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? A lot of repetitive movement with little achievement. People exist to serve the government and its gangsters. 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Freedom at the cost of all responsibilities.
  • 39. 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? A feeling of impotence. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? I don’t know. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Cheap labour. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Yes. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? Erosion of self-respect (How does one get a license, a degree, or an approval of a building plan? How do you have an FIR filed, an emergency attended to, a real criminal arrested, a damsel in distress treated, …. ? Colleges are sanctioned to politicians who care two hoots for education; Selection policies are framed to favour greater revenue with no attention to quality or suitability. No concern for the law or ethics: Eg, the petrol bunks charge the new price a day before the announced time – with no compunction at all. (I went to five petrol bunks, one after the other the same day, and heard: “We know it’s from tomorrow, but we have started today”; “What can we do, our manager has told us to charge the new price – the manager is not here now”; “Pay this price and take the petrol or
  • 40. just leave”; “This is our price; do what you like – go complain to anyone you like. …” ) 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Its talent and resources. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? The “chalta hai” and the “might is right” attitudes; Lack of accountability. 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) A stud bull with impaired eyesight and a defective psychological gene. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? That of a good counselor, with a gun in the pocket for self-defense. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? An emaciated beast burdened with the incorrigibly monstrous offsprings he sired. ***
  • 41. Name : Binuraj K.R Age : 30 Sex : Male Occupation : Sr. Software Engineer Nationality : India Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? The change in perception of other countries about "India Shining" and feeling proud to be part this changing phase of Inda. 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? A sense of pride and "superiority complex" J 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Indian Flag / Indian Map / Indian Festivals /Indian growth in IT field About Indians : 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Age 25 / sometimes 80 Sex Female Attitude Flamboyant 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her?
  • 42. Friendly and motherly J 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? A real tycoon in all the fileds 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? World should come to India if they want to get ahead in the next century. They have no choice. 6] How does India affect your lives? Indian cultural values 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? Indian cultural values based on family 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Irresponsible politicians and politics with no vision for next century. Caste based reservation in all fields is the real curse for India's smooth progress. 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians. Indians should positively see all issues that Indis has/had in the past.
  • 43. Name: Deepanvita H Age:25 Sex: F Occupation: MBA student Nationality: Indian Questionnaire 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Spirituality, mystic, mythology 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Simple, naive 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : swastika, kumkum, tajmahal, temples About Indians : saree, colorful, incredulous, a farmer 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Indians are hardworkers and not really street smart 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? mysterious 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? India is democratic which china isnt
  • 44. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Hub for outsourcing 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Yes 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? It is a growing power, the volume of consumers for MNCs 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? The huge earning population 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? corruption 13] Imagine India as a person. Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, attitude, character, behaviour) A middle aged village lady – a lil shy, not outgoing, hardworking 14] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? I would Teach her to be more confident and smarter 15] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? A successful entrepreneur given she learns the right skills.
  • 45. Name : Mr. Deepika Arora Sex : F Occupation : Dean, Rai Bussiness school Nationality : Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? The Map of India ranging from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and From Gujarat to West Bengal 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Many aspects 1. IT professional 2. An executive at an MNC 3. A farmer slogging in the fields 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : 1. The Map of India 2. Cultural dances About Indians : 1. IT professional 2. An executive at an MNC 3. A farmer slogging in the fields 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? The vastness and the growth of the country 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 1. Being a citizen one is very proud and patriotic towards ones country 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Respect 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke?
  • 46. China evokes the feeling of extremely organized yet bounded whereas India shows freedom 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 1. We are showing the world the way of life through culture and values 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? 1. Growing education 2. Culture 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? 1. Corruption 2. Poverty 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 1. Young, Female, Varied choices , lifestyle- free and independent, character- high moral values, behaviour- ethical 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? 1. Respectful 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Much ahead of other countries in the world
  • 47. Name : Dipti Pawar Age : 24 Sex : Female Occupation : Service Nationality : Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? The country where I live and the pledge “INDIA is my country ….” 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? nothing much than a common man leaving in india 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : flag , map of India , Indian cricket team, Indo – Pak relation About Indians : 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Age - young Sex – Female Choices - Lifestyle - attitude – character - Behaviour 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Mother 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? a developed modern mother providing automation in almost everything to her children, and lot of competition amongst her children 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
  • 48. 6] How does India affect your lives? The Indian economy can affect on the jobs / incomes 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? youth , india has lots of talented people , 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Terrorism, corruption , population 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians.
  • 49. Name : Manish Mahajan Age : 26 Sex : M Occupation : Service Nationality : Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? diversity, culture, beliefs, traditions, Hinduism, poverty, corruption, casteism, population 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? An 'Indian' for me shall always remain the rural farmer toiling hard to make his ends meet. All the glitz and glamour of quasi commercialization doesnt seep in for me. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : the colors of our flag, the map off corrs About Indians : the rural countryside, villages, certainly not the urban picture. 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) age - 100 years or more sex - female choices - lifestyle - very simple attitude - strong willed, rise from the ashes
  • 50. character - behaviour - been there seen there. a person who listens 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? a very close endearing relationship with love and sacrifice for her 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? unchanged 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? the cultural diversity. unique. 6] How does India affect your lives? everyhting about my life is writ with India!!! 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? burgeoning middle class, intellectual capital, hardworking population, cultural diversity, unique geographical blend 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? only two.. population and religion. everything else can be traced back to these two 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians.
  • 51. Name : Fabrice Sex : male Occupation : Student Nationality : French Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Coulorful, exotic animals, lots of people, Gandhi, busy cities, breathtaking ladscapes 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? Dark hair, dark skin, welcoming, IT pro lol !! 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? Pictures of landscapes from the movie “A Passage to India”, Indian flag About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? they suggest the hugeness of the country, somehow wild and peaceful at the same time… 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Want to go to experience a totally different life… 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? I would feel more “lost” in China, too many people more impersonal , India feels closer
  • 52. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Lots of IT engineers, call centres, and really into IT and software design 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? not directly 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? The fact that English is spoken, which makes a strong connection to business and IT 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) a person with different sides: warm, welcoming and nurturing, like a mother, and a young business oriented male, who knows a lot about world competition 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? 13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Ready to beat China lol !
  • 53. Name : Levrat Vanessa ESCEM 2A Age : 21 Sex : Girl Occupation : student, business school Nationality :French Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Harshal !! Well, Culture (cinema with Bolliwood, jewelry, silk / talor, traditionnal music) 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? new technology engineers, english speaking business men but also very poor people at the bottom of the society. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The several representation of gods and goddesses on every bases : clothes, furniture, jewelry About Indians : dark haired people, beautiful girls (bolliwood actress & miss universe) 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? a religious country, very traditional 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? An indian temple visited in Thailand, Buddha Bar cds, indian songs mixed by Claude Chal a very famous dj in France. 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? modesty / self effacement kindness 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? very difficult to anwser... 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Honestly for the moment, my relations with India are limited. I really don't know if they will intensify in the next years... Some few cultural things inspired my daily life such as Yoga, Buddhist
  • 54. principles, food, music. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? emergeant country, new technologies 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? system of casts, demographic problems, economy
  • 55. Name : Shefali Joshi Age : 33 years Sex : Female Occupation : Service Nationality : Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? My country my home. 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? A person who I can connect with. A warm, friendly and emotional person. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The Indian tricolour, a diverse multi-linguistic culture, mouth- watering cuisine About Indians : Vibrant lot of people 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Age: around 25 years Sex: maybe a female as a female's life is always challenging and she always wants to do more Choices: Blend of traditional and modern Lifestyle: In cities its definitely upper middle class Attitude: Positive, Enthusiastic Character: Someone who is standing at the beginning of a promising future, who wants to achieve more, who wants to be at par with the rest of the world. Behaviour: An emotional person striking a perfect balance between culture and modernism.
  • 56. 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? A warm friendly relationship 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? One of the 'developed' countries. Am tired of being considered as a developing country........ 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? India is a perfect example where people strike a balance of their values and culture with modern thoughts, science and technology. 6] How does India affect your lives? It makes me feel positive and young. 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? A strong talented young working force and a positive attitutde towards progress. 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Corruption and population 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians.
  • 57. Name : Hélène Age : 21 years old Sex : Female Occupation : French student in a business school ESCEM Nationality : French Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Big country with high population rate 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? Poverty, traditions and castes 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : big cities Beautiful countryside The red point in women front head About Indians : their multicoloured clothes their smile 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? humility, high importance of values and family 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Indians who came in my school 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? quite good instant in Indian food restaurants 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? More democratic, India is not Asian country for me More genuine
  • 58. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Intelligence in computers Your culture 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? no 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Capacity to adapt 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Big population Unfair treatment toward women Castes 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) a girl 21, volunteer, attached to her family 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Friendship 13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? I hope she can have an interesting job as well paid as men
  • 59. Name : Himanshu Vashishtha Age : 33 Sex : Male Occupation : Service Nationality : Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Home, Crowds, Population, Dynamic, Growth 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Intelligent, Hard Working, Shabby 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Taj, Trains, Himalayas About Indians : Traditional dress, Indian food, crowded places 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? Strong associations and positioning the country has in our mind. The diversity and natural beauty that survives among the vast population. 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Travel, treks, nature, school / college related 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Warmth, love, welcoming 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? China has no emotional link. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? - Contributes hard working people who are sincere and intelligent. - Indian cusine
  • 60. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? - Growth in India has direct financial implications from investments point of view - Performance in Cricket does affect eh mood in the next day 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? - Population with the appropriate work culture and ethics to become a world leader 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? - Red tape and corruption 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Male, 24, College student, Studying commerce and doing a computer course, fascinated by western values, from rural background, moved to the city for studies. Honest, not very well traveled in the world. Gets lost in procedures for setting up his enterprise. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Not close friend. But know of him and help him out occasionally. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Savvy, smart, well traveled, big businessmen doing global deals. ***
  • 61. Name: Jayshree Gayakwad Age: 31 Sex: F Occupation: Housemaid Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? It feels nice to think about our independent nation 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? I feel proud 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? The rich culture 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Rising crime 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 100 yr old man (like a sadhu) 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Grandfather 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? He would become healthier
  • 62. Name : Levrat Vanessa ESCEM 2A Age : 21 Sex : Girl Occupation : student, business school Nationality :French Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Harshal !! Well, Culture (cinema with Bolliwood, jewelry, silk / talor, traditionnal music) 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? new technology engineers, english speaking business men but also very poor people at the bottom of the society. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The several representation of gods and goddesses on every bases : clothes, furniture, jewelry About Indians : dark haired people, beautiful girls (bolliwood actress & miss universe) 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? a religious country, very traditional 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? An indian temple visited in Thailand, Buddha Bar cds, indian songs mixed by Claude Chal a very famous dj in France. 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? modesty / self effacement kindness 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? very difficult to anwser... 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
  • 63. Honestly for the moment, my relations with India are limited. I really don't know if they will intensify in the next years... Some few cultural things inspired my daily life such as Yoga, Buddhist principles, food, music. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? emergeant country, new technologies 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? system of casts, demographic problems, economy 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? 13.3 ] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line
  • 64. Name: Malti Wagde Age: 80 Sex: F Occupation: Homemaker (retired ☺ ) Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Bharat mata ki jai 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Maharashtrian people 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Holkars and Peshwas About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Don’t know 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Everything is good 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) a young maharshtrian female 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Cant ans 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Cant ans
  • 65. Name: Manish Age: 28 Sex: M Occupation: Labour supervisor Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Poor people 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Poor people 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Rich culture 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? corruption 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Middle aged female 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? In the same state
  • 66. Name : N. Vitthal Age : 69 Nationality : Indian Occupation : Retired, Former Chairman Central Vigilance Commission I am a 69 year old Indian.These are my answers: 1.My home country,large old and dynamic. 2Bright self absorbed individual. 3Chattering ,colourful crowds. 4Lively vibrant culture 5Tolerant ,helpful friends. 6Pride and happiness. 7Chin a to me signals hard working disciplined inscrutable highly pragmatic people 8Teach how to somehow get along in spte of all difficulties 9Yes Every thing I am is due to India .After all I am an Indian. 10This is my home.I was born here I hope to die here. 11Never say die spirit. 12Indiscipline .Corruption 13.1A cheerful young man proud of his heritage ans skills. 13.2 am his grand father. 13.3 Aself confident major player inthe global scene.
  • 67. Name: Niraj Verma Age: 24 Sex: Male Occupation: Software Engineer Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? My Home 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? We (us) 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The Indian Flag and the map of India About Indians : Hospitality 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? The map represents the existence of India on the earth and the flag represents the Country India itself around the globe. 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? There are too many to list as I have been born and brought up in India and have so many memories associated with India 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? This is my country and that’s where I want to go back to. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Its different as China is not my Home and my Country. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
  • 68. On top of my head I can’t think of anything that India provides to world and no other country can, it’s all competitive in today’s world. But the culture and tradition is one aspect in which India makes a unique contribution to the world. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? All the possible ways. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? I live in India so all the systems prevalent within India affect me daily (Judicial, Legislative etc.) 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? There are a lot of natural resources which are positives for India but are not utilized to the complete possible extent. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? The corruption and illiteracy are the two biggest negatives of India. 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) India has a lot of different moods in different places, at few places it acts like its rich and spents a lot of money and at others acts like its poor and skips meals. It has a lot of strength and the spirit to fight back, its just that its suffering from a few diseases and just like everybody there are two portions of a human, one is ready to fight these diseases but the others not. But India has started taking medicines and a good treatment, we just need to see when it recovers to the normal. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Friendship. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? I see India ten years down the line as very competitive and giving tough competition to the rest of the world in all spheres.
  • 69. Name: Pratibha Wagde Age: 50 Sex: F Occupation: Homemaker Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? The Himalayas, oceans, etc 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Feeling of oneness 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? secularism 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Lack of taking responsibility about things 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) ageless female (bharat mata)
  • 70. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? At the top of the world
  • 71. Name: Rajesh Singh Rathore Age: 29 Sex: Male Occupation: S/W Eng. Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Feeling of Unity 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Proud citizen of India 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Tri-color (National Flag) About Indians : Successful people 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? Diverse people living together 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Current progress in financial sector 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? I feel proud by looking at growth India is doing in each and every possible field and making note to other countries. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Same as when you heard about your rivals.
  • 72. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Intellectuality 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Yes 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? Country’s progress has a great contribution in your personal growth. 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Work force of intellectual people. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Government rules 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Young, Dynamic and promising 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? A good partner to be with both of us can progress rapidly. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? World leader
  • 73. Name: Rashmi Ramtani Age: 24 Sex: Female Occupation: Software Engineer Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? A nation of diverse cultures blended into harmony 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? A software geek ☺ 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The Taj Mahal / The Himalayas / the backwaters of Kerala / Mumbai’s local trains / the desert of Rajasthan / bubbling energy of Goa / the scenic beauty of Andaman islands/ the crowded metropolitans About Indians : People celebrating festivities together /Software professionals carrying a laptop /Farmers striving in scorching heat /the dabbawallahs of Mumbai working in a seemingly natural rhythm / the Yogacharyas and sages emanating knowledge 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? The rich cultural heritage and its striking diversity – as if a million worlds have come together 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? My entire life ☺
  • 74. 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Pride 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Connectedness with India …a sense of competition with China… (Hindi Cheeni bhai bhai – Not anymore ☺) 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? I think it is the intellectual prowess of the Indians which benefits the entire globe 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Yes 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? In everyway I believe ☺ 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Her brain pool / rich heritage / unity in diversity / spiritual ideals 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Religious dogmatism / lack of infrastructure 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) A youth still striving to make a mark on the globe with it’s never say die spirit while fighting its own contravening forces 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? A mentor 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? A matured individual acknowledged worldwide as an intellectual force
  • 75. Name : Regimantas Gervelis Age : 21 Sex : male Occupation : student / general manager – coordinator for development in an international company Nationality : Lithuanian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Interesting culture, exotic, kind and friendly people, something attractive not only for traveling in but having relations with too 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Too bad that I have not been to India, but anyway the Indians I’ve met in any part of the world are impressive, driving, inspiring people 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Taj Mahal, dances, music, old culture and (too bad) poverty and war against Pakistan About Indians : people with the very specific temper from the far east 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? No particular idea – I simply don not like getting involved into deep analysis, but overall I think India has to look for it’s own way to built a good future 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Quite few friends from India who live in Europe and friends that I met whilst studying in France 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Indians make me think deeply while communicating with them an’ it’s very inspirational emotion
  • 76. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Personally I cannot even compare India and china. I have no attraction towards China and Chinese people. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? India has the potencial to do so (to contribute to the worlds life) but I see no particular and clear direction where it goes. At the moment only individuals form India create the image of the country, although it should be supported by the country itself to build image 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? At the moment I have no strong relations with India by plan to look for some kind of communication 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? As for any country – the main thing is people – they are nice and talented – this is the place to start the own country’s way 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Personally I don not see clear direction to the prospective of this country. Quality but not the quantity should be preferred. 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) age 25, male, on the crossroads of the life, trying to take various challenges, and fighting for the right place, too little sense of self – control, but on the other hand, this is a part of attraction. Character: ambitious but young and inexperienced, has many choices and trying to take up all of them. Simply should have priorities (more or less). 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Such a person would be a good friend of mine – same situation, same thinking way, but trying to enter a new level of life and open new opportunities 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? It should a successful person with some background but still exploring new life levels
  • 77. Name: Sampada Wagde Age: 23 yrs Sex: Female Occupation: Software Engg Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Home sweet home. 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Here’s someone you can trust. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : mysticism, pomp and show, land of the maharajas About Indians : saaris, jewels 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? The glorious past of the country 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Its my homeland, all my personal memories are associated with India and Indians – what do you mean by the question? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Again, its home……. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? I have no feelings or emotions about China
  • 78. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? It tells the world the meaning of unity in hold a country as diverse as India under one central administration is no joke… 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? In all possible ways it does.. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? I live in India, follow its socio economic norms and customs 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Its diversity, quantity and quality of human resources 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? The compromising attitude 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) An ageless woman (a mother maybe..) with all the qualities of an Indian mother..(well that’s the picture they stamp on our mind in school, right?) the good old Bharat Mata. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Mother-child 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? In the same place. (she is ageless you see)
  • 79. Name: Santosh kumar Khuntia Age: 26 Sex: Male Occupation: software professional Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Software industry , Bollywood , 24-hour news channel , cricket 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Tolerance & compatibility 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Busy roads during morning hours & The National Flag About Indians : A Proud man with high self-esteem 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? More & more no of people are getting involved in work & are always proud of what they do . 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Am born & brought up here in India 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? The Values in my life. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Not sure 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world?
  • 80. It spreads the message of peace. Created awareness about Yoga & Pranayam Makes life simpler for the people thru its software industry . 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Yes 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? The freedom of speech & action as an democratic country makes me feel good. 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Democracy, The youth population , compatibility of Indian people 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Cheap politics & Corruption 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 35,female, - , -, Optimistic & ready to go , Bold & Courageous, Still afraid to take a plunge to new ideas ( all r in the same order as mentioned)( 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? As a friend & colleague 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? On the moon ,inspiring others ☺
  • 81. Name: Shantanu Wagde (Handicapped) Age: 18 Sex: M Occupation: Student Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? The map of India 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? The farmers 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Self sufficiency 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Westernization due to lot of foreign companies 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) A man as old as the sun 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? He is my father
  • 82. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Developed and prosperous
  • 83. Name: Shruti Raole Age: 26 Yrs Sex: Female Occupation: Private Service Industry Nationality: Indian Questionnaire:-- 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Is mine; Corruption 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? We all 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Dividing lines between states About Indians : Always tolerating 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? Only diversity 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? Coming across different types of people (from different states, locations) gives many different experiences 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? It is very close to heart 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? Sorry, I don’t know
  • 84. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Indians excel in almost all the fields they are given to work into, but same is not the case with other country people where they are restricted very much to their fields only. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? Maybe 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? Can’t tell the difference exactly as I have never stayed out of India 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Differences 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Differences 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Age: In thousands Sex: Female Choices: Did not understand this Lifestyle: Diversified Attitude: “Just Do it” Character: Sorry, I don’t know Behavior: Loving 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? I’m her lover ☺ 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? On the top of the world, indeed!
  • 85. Name: Shyam Wagde Age: 53 Sex: M Occupation: Service (civil engg) Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Colorful map of India 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Feeling of pride 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Its brilliant youth 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Petty politics 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) an ageless female (bharat mata) 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? mother 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? At the top of the world
  • 86. Name: Siddhartha Das Age: 24 years Sex: Male Occupation: Software Engineer Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? My home 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Me 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Chak De India About Indians : Saluting the National Flag 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? Nationality 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? All till except 2.5 months when I was out of India 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? All feelings and emotions are born here in India…. And will die here in India 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? I have never been to China and never would like to be there(China). 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? I am not concerned with the world…. To me its everything….. I am a selfish guy. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way?
  • 87. Have never thought of it……but its always with me…. And I suppose with every other Indian. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? Already replied 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? I have never come across negatives… Me being a positive person. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Already replied 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 60 yrs, Female, Friendly, I don’t know….. cant describe as a personality 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Obviously very close. 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Don’t know. I have never seen myself 10 days down the line.
  • 88. Name: Vishnu Age: 43 Sex: M Occupation: Driver Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Hindu people 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Honest people 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : About Indians : 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? unity 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? crime 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) a young man 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Don’t know 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? In the same state
  • 89. Name : Sarika Chuni Age : 24 Sex : Female Occupation : Marketing Exec. Nationality : Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Crowds. Queues. Red Tape. 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? R.K. Laxman's common man. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : The Tricolour, Hindu Gods and Godesses, Street Urchins, Dilapidated buildings right next to fancy ones (Contrasts). About Indians : 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 21-year-old, male, working in a private company, fond of big malls and multiplexes. Easy-going. Dislikes working under someone. Wants to start his own business once he gathers enough experience. Religious. Culturally confused. 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Cordial.
  • 90. 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Having started his own venture, struggling to keep it afloat. Thinking of going back to a normal 9-5. 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Code coolies. (Don't know if that is unique though) 6] How does India affect your lives? Like it does every Indian's. Economically, socially, culturally. Not politically as much, though it is invariably linked to the others. 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? Perseverance. Persistence. Population. Optimism. 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Stubbornness. Population. Over-optimism. Red Tape. 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians.
  • 91. Name : Suhasini Age : 24 Occupation : Student Nationality : Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Heterogeneity - culture. 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? A person saluting the tricolor with national anthem at the backdrop. ( I could not think of anything specific) so over exaggeration here. 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Images of temples, suburbs of Mumbai or crowded Calcutta, vast fields. About Indians: Politicians claded in khadi attire, a teacher teaching in a small school, A typical panwala, A techno savvy metro-sexual person. 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? About India: An enriching place to travel both in terms of scenic beauty and in terms of divers people. About Indians : They are hardworking and resourceful people trying to bring a balance between the ethnic and western culture. 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? • The air-force camps where I stayed had a tolerant culture unlike cities and in general civilian life.
  • 92. The tolerance level in cities is comparatively less than found in rural india. 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? Richness in heritage, cautiousness in occupying center stage in world forum, anger about the corruption prevailing, Helplessness about the fact it is seen as yet another ally of US. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? China is aggressive but constrained from within, Though the country projects one voice it is not a balanced and debated opinion. India on the other hand being democratic, though projects a chaotic image, but has healthy way of approaching things by debating. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Rich technological contributions. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? As a foreign national ( no) As Indian ( yes) 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? It surrounding environment will determine the way I react to a particular situation, the govt policies affect my way of taking decisions and u can think of innumerable reasons 11] What do you consider are the positives of India?
  • 93. The democratic way of life, The balancing act that is still going on in liberalization, The rich youth population India has. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? The corruption prevailing in system, The loss of ethical stances in various issues, The strong divide cropping up between rich and poor. 13] Imagine India as a person. Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, attitude, character, behaviour) Age-27 Sex- female A very lively lady with most of the essential skill sets, most of them polished, some of them unpolished, experimenting with various opportunities 14] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? India is a good ally --- a kind of assistance to a leader… 15] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? One of the ‘BIG TWO’ in total Asian perspective. Definitely not overtaking china unless there is an internal conflict in china.
  • 94. Name : Vikram Chitale Age :28years Sex :Male Occupation : Service Nationality :Indian Kindly write your opinion of the following topics. 1] When you hear 'India' what immediately springs to mind? Ans: A Nation of Great Heros 2] When you hear 'Indian' what immediately springs to mind? Ans: All Indians are my brothers and sisters 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : Ashoka Chakara and National Anthem About Indians : 4] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 4.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) Ans: Wide Spread and Mixture of variety of Sex,Creed and Religion 4.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? Ans:Mother Land 4.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Ans: Global Equipped and Economically healthy country 5] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Ans:Place of Education and prosperity and a democratic country 6] How does India affect your lives? Ans: Democracy and Avaibility of resources 7] What do you consider are the positives of India? Ans: Education,development,democracy 8] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Ans: Politics and Poverty 9] Please feel free to write in any Thing else you want express about India / Indians.
  • 95. Ans: Country of peace,prosperity,affection and unity Name: Vijay Gupta Age:26 Sex: M Occupation: IT Consultant Nationality: Indian 1] When you hear ‘India’ what immediately springs to mind? Growth/Corruption 2] When you hear ‘Indian’ what immediately springs to mind? Intelligent yet lazy people 3] What visuals/ images / signs / symbols come to your mind when you think of India? About India : TajMahal, Movies, Bad Roads About Indians : Warmth yet laziness 4] What do these visuals / images and signs / symbols suggest or signal? India has immense potential in almost every field be it Tourism/IT/Manufacturing but impotent govts and attitude of people is a big obstacle. 5] What personal memories or associations do you have about India? I have grown up here and have lived in North/Central and southern India 6] What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with India? It’s a born here / lived here and will die here feeling
  • 96. 7] How do the feelings and emotions India evokes in you differ from those China might evoke? It’s a fair competition where China has an edge right now. 8] According to you what unique contribution does India make to the world? Intelligent Population. 9] Does India affect your lives in any way? I live here, dear. 10] If yes, how does India affect your lives? 11] What do you consider are the positives of India? Waking up to the global possibilities and putting in some efforts. 12] What do you consider are the negatives of India? Lots of corruption, and resilient attitude of people in general 13] Imagine India as a person and then answer the following questions 13.1] Give a brief about his/her personality. (eg. Age, Sex, choices, lifestyle, attitude, character, behavior) 21, F, sluggish and lazy in almost all walks of life but spends youthful moments sometimes. 13.2] What kind of a relationship would you have with him / her? 13.3] Where do you see him / her 10 years down the line? Leading the world.