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Shadows’ Revolution
Cracking the Content and Breaking the Molds.

    Book Reading at SXSW
    March 2010

    Long web version                             available at
                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                              1
While most revolutions are violent and
  The deepest ones are subtle.

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                     2
“We can’t solve a problem in the same
        frame of mind in which we created it.”2

                     2   Adapted from a quote attributed to Albert Einstein.

                     Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                                     3
In other

               It is hard to see the fire
             when you are inside the pot.
                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      4
Why did it take so long for music companies
   to realize their waters were boiling?

               Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                  5
Will the newspapers follow the fate of
               the music industry?

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                     6
What about books?

             Will a Kindle-like gadget
                  replace them?

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      7
What about the other media industries?

                Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                   8
What about the electronic equipment we
 have to capture and play the old media?

               Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                  9
Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                10
Think about a couple who has only had a carriage
   as means of transport for their entire lives.

They never saw a car until we give them one.

                 Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                     11
First thing they do is to attach their horses
              to pull their new car.

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                     12
Second thing they do is to conclude…

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      13
Second thing they do is to conclude…

             …their old carriage was better!

                     Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                        14
How can we understand a car and its implications
   when all we know are carriages and horses?

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      15
Like that old couple, many of us once said:

               Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                  16
Because we keep trying to pull new
           ideas using our old horses.

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      17
But sometimes…
       old knowledge                wrong conclusions.

             old paradigms                        blinders
                restrain                          restrain
             our thoughts                       horse’s vision
                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                       18
Then we talk about technology life cycles...

         …clash of generations, behavioral fads...

                      Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                           19
… still searching inside the box...

…locked inside the literate-mass-media paradigm.
                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                          20
Because all these media products,
          our behavior, and our way of thinking…

… were shaped throughout the literate-mass-media era.
                      Book: “Shadows Revolution”
  March 2010                                       21
So, how can we get rid of our
             literate-mass-media blinders?

                      Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                         22
One way is to ask:

               How was life on earth
             before we got the blinders?

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                       23
Before Gutenberg and the printing press…

             … conversation, people interaction,
                      Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                         24
…knowledge was transferred through direct


                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                       25
Before writing technology,

      elaborated thoughts
         would be lost.

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      26
Before writing technology,

              complex ideas
             and institutions
              that depended
                 on them.

               Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                  27
Here are the fifteen…

                                             I mean,
                                               the ten

     Can you imagine laws, science, stock markets,
                  without writing?
                     Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                       28
- capture evanescent thoughts and ideas.

-reach and permanence.

               Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                  29
The Gutenberg Bible was one of the first
     mass-manufactured products in this world.

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                       30
First mass medium.                             One to many model.

                It opened the frontiers for
              other future mass productions.

                      Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                   31
mass production

     new products       virtuous                 affordable books
       innovation         cycle                  (& other products)

               information spread
                  and retention

      Incredible machines working for us.
                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                       32
“The ease with which information
   can be spread is critical to the rate at which
             innovation occurs.”3

                                    3   Adapted from a James Burke quote.

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                                  33
Standard of living well beyond old village imagination.

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
  March 2010                                        34
dramatic change in our way of
             communicating and thinking.

             Information = packaged good
                coughed out by a mold.
   Evanescent event became boxed content

                     Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                        35
live information                              inert content
             lost speed and fluidity of a
                     local debate

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                     36
live information                               inert content
                lost speed and fluidity of a
                        local debate
   Solutions as a                 solitaire exercise
result of participants           static snapshots of
    interactions                       thoughts

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                      37
live information                               inert content
                lost speed and fluidity of a
                        local debate
   Solutions as a                 solitaire exercise
result of participants           static snapshots of
    interactions                       thoughts

                 Social               Individual
               experience             experience

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                      38
From oral to literate societies
        Oral                   Literate

 Circular world of sound.            Cause and effect, linear
      Round villages                     grid-like cities

   “We moved toward the one-thing-at-a-time,
 one-thing-after-another, and take-time-to-think

                                               5   Joshua Meyrowitz.

                  Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                        39
From oral to literate societies
        Oral                   Literate
  Ever changing thought                 Feeling of Closure
  Evanescent Event                      Boxed Content
  Aggregative, Redundant, non- Analytical, Linear and
  hierarchical thought         Hierarchical thought
  Collective Creation                   Authorial authority
  Conservative and
                                        Investigative and Conciliatory
  Agonistically toned
  Pragmatic, Empathetic
                                        Individual Abstraction
  Group of Listeners                    Lonely Readers

                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                           40
After paper, other “mediums” came…

              Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                 41
Other mediums, which departed
            from the written world

But they were still locked in the old
 literate-mass-media paradigm.

                Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                   42
All following the same old formula

             1.   Capture a thought, a story, an idea.
             2.   Lock it inside a medium (paper, vinyl, film)
             3.   Make thousands of copies.
             4.   Mass advertise it. Mass distribute it.

                            Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                       43
By end of 20th century:
        -People had never known so much
                   never so homogeneous
                   prisoner of the same mold

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      44
By end of 20th century:
        -People had never known so much
                   never so homogeneous
                   prisoner of the same mold

                                   Following like cattle
                                the editors’ choices and
                           the authors’ pretense truths.

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                            45
Despite departing from written world…
 …still in the literate-mass-media paradigm
model: one-owns-the-truth, no-changes-anymore,


                Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                   46
Despite departing from written world…
 …still in the literate-mass-media paradigm
 model: one-owns-the-truth, no-changes-anymore,

   IDEAS                                        IDEAS
     &                       vs.                  &
   TRUTH                                        TRUTH

old village orality , many-to-many, conversation mode
                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                             47
But then came the digital medium.
                    It is different.

             And it is taking us somehow
             back to the old villages.

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                       48
In the literate-mass-media world…
       …authors and audience are apart.


    Loosely connected through one-way replicas.
                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                        49
Digital medium era: Connection to the original source,
       Rather than copies (or shadows of the real thing)

 Driving participation and blurring the lines
        between authors and consumers.
                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                             50
Back to the village – in steroids.
   Speed and fluidity of old conversations…

         + long-standing memory and reach
            of the literate-mass-media world.

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                       51
Back to the village

               I suggest you take a look at
                     this table online:
                or in the book available at

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                     52
One important take away...

                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                      53
iPod, Kindle, Hulu:
        just one small step into the future.

                 Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                     54
digital connection to the publisher
  + speed…
     … but still old model in a new medium
                 News                            News

                 News                                   News


Information  still content stuck in insulated ponds.

                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                     55
     connect the ponds, open the flow…

             inert content

                                                     New News
              alive event.

          …transforming the own nature
    of the news, of the music and of the thought.
                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                                      56
It is not about the content
               But about the contact.

 It is not about being served the truth or the show,
but about building the truth and the show together.
                   Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                        57
How do these changes affect our life?

             Book: “Shadows Revolution”
March 2010                                58
1st – It is not about content, but about contact. (preface)
     pings       radar screen


    Different way to achieve depth: chunks, collectively

                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                   59
2nd – Landgrab fight in the old media’s land. (chapter 5)
         no protected turf: changing nature of competition

                       packaged good


                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                   60
3rd – The crumbling advertising mold . (chapter 6)
        Old model: push / average / noisy / ineffective

        New model: pull / personal / selective

                           Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                               61
4th –From a Gaussian world to a Scale-Free world. (chapter 7)
      Static / slow / material abundance

                                       averages have no meaning
                                         outliers / dynamic / fast
                         intellectual and creative abundance
                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                          62
5th – The IP pipeline and
       the hypermedium.
        (chapter 8 and 9)

        Multiple one-way
        media pipes and
         scattered ponds


      Connected windows to
         the outside world

                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                         63
6th – The Digital Shelf (chapter 10)
   Decouple content from the medium
   Democratization of distribution and production

                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                          64
7th – Paradox of choice? (chapter 11)
       Instead of push a crowded set of pre-defined choices

          calm and uncluttered shelf: with infinite choice

                         Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                   65
8th – Mastermind design vs. bottom-up sprouting order
        Blurring the lines between authors and audience

              (Epilogue – The Breathing Mesh)

                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                               66
The Breathing Mesh
2008 SXSW – A signature moment
Sarah Lacy interviews Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
A clash between two worlds:

                      Interview didn’t go well

              audience didn’t like the way it was going

                       expressed disapproval

              crowd outcry during and after interview

                          Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                               67
The Breathing Mesh
2008 SXSW – A signature moment
Sarah Lacy interviews Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
A clash between two worlds:
 Literate-mass-media                 Scale-free world
 Top-down choices, one-way           Collective choices, two-way
 channel, author creates and         channel, collective creation
 audience consumes                   and consumption.
 Top-down control. Audience          Twitter. Find out what others
 sit and listen or get up and        are thinking. Participate.
 leave.                              Influence the outcome.
 Deliver pre-packed content          Open up dialogue

                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                          68
The Breathing Mesh
2008 SXSW – A signature moment
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Sarah Lacy.

After the interview:
 Literate-mass-media                  Scale-free world
                                      Bottom-up coalescent
 Top-down judgment: “good
                                      interpretation: “bad
 content was delivered”

 Crowd was rude. Interrupted.
 Didn’t allow her to deliver her
 plans smoothly.

                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                  69
The Breathing Mesh
2008 SXSW – A signature moment
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Sarah Lacy.

After the interview:
 Literate-mass-media             Scale-free world
                                 Bottom-up coalescent
 Top-down judgment: “good
                                 interpretation: “bad
 content was delivered”
                                 Sarah Lacy was rude. Tried to
 Crowd was rude. Interrupted.
                                 control. Kept them apart.
 Didn’t allow her to deliver her
                                 Pushed content, when they
 plans smoothly.
                                 wanted service and dialogue.

                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                      70
The Breathing Mesh

  The change:
  Literate-mass-media                  Scale-free world
  Hero doing it all                    Millions doing small pieces
  Pre-packed, pre-thought,             Services and evanescent
  one-way content                      experiences
                                       Bottom-up sprouting order
  mastermind design

   “Now, I can record and release a song and a
  month later if I don’t like a verse, I can change it.”

                        Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                          71
The Breathing Mesh
              We have opened the dams;
               connected the ponds;
                 broken the molds;
                released the content.

                     Instead of
     watching the shadows projected on the wall,
            we became part of the show…

                …and a new kind of life
              is emerging from the mesh.
                    Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                        72
Shadows’ Revolution
Cracking the Content and Breaking the Molds.

  Available at

             Releasing thoughts and stories from the
                 physical medium imprisonment.
                     Deposing the averages
March 2010             from “Shadowsmeaning.
                         Book: their Revolution”
Links for other presentations and the book
1st – It is not about content, but about contact. (preface)

2nd – Landgrab fight in the old media’s land. (chapter 5)

3rd – The crumbling advertising mold . (chapter 6)

4th –From a Gaussian world to a Scale-Free world. (chapter 7)

5th – The IP pipeline and the hypermedium. (chapter 8 and 9)

6th – The Digital Shelf (chapter 10)

7th – Paradox of choice? (chapter 11)

  book at             

                       Book: “Shadows Revolution”
 March 2010                                                   74

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The raise and fall of the literate-mass-media era - presentation #1 (main - 20 min. version) from Shadows Revolution book

  • 1. Shadows’ Revolution Cracking the Content and Breaking the Molds. Book Reading at SXSW March 2010 Long web version available at Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 1
  • 2. While most revolutions are violent and obvious… The deepest ones are subtle. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 2
  • 3. “We can’t solve a problem in the same frame of mind in which we created it.”2 2 Adapted from a quote attributed to Albert Einstein. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 3
  • 4. In other words: It is hard to see the fire when you are inside the pot. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 4
  • 5. Why did it take so long for music companies to realize their waters were boiling? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 5
  • 6. Will the newspapers follow the fate of the music industry? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 6
  • 7. What about books? Will a Kindle-like gadget replace them? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 7
  • 8. What about the other media industries? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 8
  • 9. What about the electronic equipment we have to capture and play the old media? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 9
  • 10. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 10
  • 11. Think about a couple who has only had a carriage as means of transport for their entire lives. They never saw a car until we give them one. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 11
  • 12. First thing they do is to attach their horses to pull their new car. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 12
  • 13. Second thing they do is to conclude… Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 13
  • 14. Second thing they do is to conclude… …their old carriage was better! Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 14
  • 15. How can we understand a car and its implications when all we know are carriages and horses? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 15
  • 16. Like that old couple, many of us once said: Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 16
  • 17. Because we keep trying to pull new ideas using our old horses. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 17
  • 18. But sometimes… old knowledge wrong conclusions. old paradigms blinders restrain restrain our thoughts horse’s vision Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 18
  • 19. Then we talk about technology life cycles... …clash of generations, behavioral fads... Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 19
  • 20. … still searching inside the box... …locked inside the literate-mass-media paradigm. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 20
  • 21. Because all these media products, our behavior, and our way of thinking… … were shaped throughout the literate-mass-media era. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 21
  • 22. So, how can we get rid of our literate-mass-media blinders? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 22
  • 23. One way is to ask: How was life on earth before we got the blinders? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 23
  • 24. Before Gutenberg and the printing press… … conversation, people interaction, collaboration… Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 24
  • 25. …knowledge was transferred through direct apprenticeship… … Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 25
  • 26. Before writing technology, elaborated thoughts would be lost. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 26
  • 27. Before writing technology, complex ideas and institutions that depended on them. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 27
  • 28. Here are the fifteen… …oops… I mean, the ten commandments. Can you imagine laws, science, stock markets, without writing? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 28
  • 29. Writing: - capture evanescent thoughts and ideas. Press: -reach and permanence. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 29
  • 30. The Gutenberg Bible was one of the first mass-manufactured products in this world. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 30
  • 31. First mass medium. One to many model. It opened the frontiers for other future mass productions. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 31
  • 32. mass production new products virtuous affordable books innovation cycle (& other products) information spread and retention Incredible machines working for us. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 32
  • 33. “The ease with which information can be spread is critical to the rate at which innovation occurs.”3 3 Adapted from a James Burke quote. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 33
  • 34. Standard of living well beyond old village imagination. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 34
  • 35. dramatic change in our way of communicating and thinking. Information = packaged good coughed out by a mold. Evanescent event became boxed content Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 35
  • 36. live information inert content lost speed and fluidity of a local debate Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 36
  • 37. live information inert content lost speed and fluidity of a local debate Solutions as a solitaire exercise result of participants static snapshots of interactions thoughts Learning Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 37
  • 38. live information inert content lost speed and fluidity of a local debate Solutions as a solitaire exercise result of participants static snapshots of interactions thoughts Learning Social Individual experience experience Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 38
  • 39. From oral to literate societies Oral Literate Circular world of sound. Cause and effect, linear Round villages grid-like cities “We moved toward the one-thing-at-a-time, one-thing-after-another, and take-time-to-think world.”5 5 Joshua Meyrowitz. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 39
  • 40. From oral to literate societies Oral Literate Ever changing thought Feeling of Closure Evanescent Event Boxed Content Aggregative, Redundant, non- Analytical, Linear and hierarchical thought Hierarchical thought Collective Creation Authorial authority Conservative and Investigative and Conciliatory Agonistically toned Pragmatic, Empathetic Individual Abstraction Participation Group of Listeners Lonely Readers Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 40
  • 41. After paper, other “mediums” came… Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 41
  • 42. Other mediums, which departed from the written world But they were still locked in the old literate-mass-media paradigm. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 42
  • 43. All following the same old formula 1. Capture a thought, a story, an idea. 2. Lock it inside a medium (paper, vinyl, film) 3. Make thousands of copies. 4. Mass advertise it. Mass distribute it. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 43
  • 44. By end of 20th century: -People had never known so much  never so homogeneous  prisoner of the same mold Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 44
  • 45. By end of 20th century: -People had never known so much  never so homogeneous  prisoner of the same mold Following like cattle the editors’ choices and the authors’ pretense truths. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 45
  • 46. Despite departing from written world… …still in the literate-mass-media paradigm model: one-owns-the-truth, no-changes-anymore, ready-to-produce-and-distribute-to-the-mass IDEAS & TRUTH Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 46
  • 47. Despite departing from written world… …still in the literate-mass-media paradigm model: one-owns-the-truth, no-changes-anymore, ready-to-produce-and-distribute-to-the-mass IDEAS IDEAS & vs. & TRUTH TRUTH old village orality , many-to-many, conversation mode Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 47
  • 48. But then came the digital medium. It is different. And it is taking us somehow back to the old villages. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 48
  • 49. In the literate-mass-media world… …authors and audience are apart. IDEAS & TRUTH Loosely connected through one-way replicas. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 49
  • 50. Digital medium era: Connection to the original source, Rather than copies (or shadows of the real thing) Driving participation and blurring the lines between authors and consumers. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 50
  • 51. Back to the village – in steroids. Speed and fluidity of old conversations… + long-standing memory and reach of the literate-mass-media world. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 51
  • 52. Back to the village I suggest you take a look at this table online: or in the book available at Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 52
  • 53. One important take away... Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 53
  • 54. iPod, Kindle, Hulu: just one small step into the future. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 54
  • 55. digital connection to the publisher + speed… … but still old model in a new medium News News Publisher News News News Information  still content stuck in insulated ponds. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 55
  • 56. Transformation: connect the ponds, open the flow… inert content New News ever-changing alive event. …transforming the own nature of the news, of the music and of the thought. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 56
  • 57. It is not about the content But about the contact. It is not about being served the truth or the show, but about building the truth and the show together. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 57
  • 58. How do these changes affect our life? Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 58
  • 59. Implications 1st – It is not about content, but about contact. (preface) pings  radar screen Shallow? Different way to achieve depth: chunks, collectively Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 59
  • 60. Implications 2nd – Landgrab fight in the old media’s land. (chapter 5) no protected turf: changing nature of competition Music Phone Retail packaged good services Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 60
  • 61. Implications 3rd – The crumbling advertising mold . (chapter 6) Old model: push / average / noisy / ineffective New model: pull / personal / selective Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 61
  • 62. Implications 4th –From a Gaussian world to a Scale-Free world. (chapter 7) Average-thinking Static / slow / material abundance averages have no meaning outliers / dynamic / fast intellectual and creative abundance Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 62
  • 63. Implications 5th – The IP pipeline and the hypermedium. (chapter 8 and 9) Multiple one-way media pipes and scattered ponds Vs. Connected windows to the outside world Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 63
  • 64. Implications 6th – The Digital Shelf (chapter 10) Decouple content from the medium Democratization of distribution and production Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 64
  • 65. Implications 7th – Paradox of choice? (chapter 11) Instead of push a crowded set of pre-defined choices calm and uncluttered shelf: with infinite choice Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 65
  • 66. Implications 8th – Mastermind design vs. bottom-up sprouting order Blurring the lines between authors and audience (Epilogue – The Breathing Mesh) Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 66
  • 67. The Breathing Mesh 2008 SXSW – A signature moment Sarah Lacy interviews Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) A clash between two worlds: Interview didn’t go well audience didn’t like the way it was going expressed disapproval crowd outcry during and after interview Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 67
  • 68. The Breathing Mesh 2008 SXSW – A signature moment Sarah Lacy interviews Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) A clash between two worlds: Literate-mass-media Scale-free world Top-down choices, one-way Collective choices, two-way channel, author creates and channel, collective creation audience consumes and consumption. Top-down control. Audience Twitter. Find out what others sit and listen or get up and are thinking. Participate. leave. Influence the outcome. Deliver pre-packed content Open up dialogue Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 68
  • 69. The Breathing Mesh 2008 SXSW – A signature moment Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Sarah Lacy. After the interview: Literate-mass-media Scale-free world Bottom-up coalescent Top-down judgment: “good interpretation: “bad content was delivered” conversation” Crowd was rude. Interrupted. Didn’t allow her to deliver her plans smoothly. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 69
  • 70. The Breathing Mesh 2008 SXSW – A signature moment Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Sarah Lacy. After the interview: Literate-mass-media Scale-free world Bottom-up coalescent Top-down judgment: “good interpretation: “bad content was delivered” conversation” Sarah Lacy was rude. Tried to Crowd was rude. Interrupted. control. Kept them apart. Didn’t allow her to deliver her Pushed content, when they plans smoothly. wanted service and dialogue. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 70
  • 71. The Breathing Mesh The change: Literate-mass-media Scale-free world Hero doing it all Millions doing small pieces Pre-packed, pre-thought, Services and evanescent one-way content experiences Top-down-hierarchical- Bottom-up sprouting order mastermind design “Now, I can record and release a song and a month later if I don’t like a verse, I can change it.” Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 71
  • 72. The Breathing Mesh We have opened the dams; connected the ponds; broken the molds; released the content. Instead of watching the shadows projected on the wall, we became part of the show… …and a new kind of life is emerging from the mesh. Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 72
  • 73. Shadows’ Revolution Cracking the Content and Breaking the Molds. Available at Releasing thoughts and stories from the physical medium imprisonment. Deposing the averages March 2010 from “Shadowsmeaning. Book: their Revolution” 73
  • 74. Links for other presentations and the book 1st – It is not about content, but about contact. (preface) 2nd – Landgrab fight in the old media’s land. (chapter 5) 3rd – The crumbling advertising mold . (chapter 6) 4th –From a Gaussian world to a Scale-Free world. (chapter 7) 5th – The IP pipeline and the hypermedium. (chapter 8 and 9) 6th – The Digital Shelf (chapter 10) 7th – Paradox of choice? (chapter 11) book at Book: “Shadows Revolution” March 2010 74

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi,Thank you for your time and attention. I’m presenting here some slides about my book: Shadows’ Revolution.This book is about how we are moving away from an era dominated by molds, mass-production and averages; an era when ideas and stories were called content and locked inside a medium.This book is about a revolution happening right now, probably the deepest one in the last 500 years…… however most people didn’t realize it yet.
  2. This is because while most revolutions are violent and obvious…The deepest ones are subtle.Because they bring new concepts we can’t even see, understand or articulate well as they don’t fit in our old paradigms.Einstein said something like:
  3. “We can’t solve a problem in the same frame of mind in which we created it.”In other words:
  4. It is hard to see the fire when you are inside the pot.
  5. Why did it take so long for music companies to realize their waters were boiling?
  6. Will the newspapers follow the fate of the music industry?
  7. What about books? Will a kinkle-like gadget replace them?
  8. What about the other media industries?(TV, Movies, communications, advertising…)
  9. And what will happen with all the electronic equipment we have in our houses to play the traditional media?Film cameras have gone.K7 tapes have gone.VCRs have gone.Whatwill happen to TVs, DVD players, Blue rays?
  10. I want to do this: … think about a couple who has only had a carriage as means of transport for their entire lives.
  11. They never saw a car until we give them one.
  12. First thing they do is to attach their horses to pull their new car…
  13. Second thing they do…… is to conclude…
  14. Their old carriage was better.… it was lighter, easier to be pulled by the horses.The point here is…
  15. How can we understand a car and its implications when all we know are carriages and horses?
  16. Like that old couple, many of us once said:Photographicfilm is betterCDs are betterNewspapers are betterNothing is like holding and feeling a physical book
  17. Because we keep trying to pull new ideas using our old horsesWe naturally use what we know to figure out what is coming.But sometimes our old knowledge take us to the wrong conclusions
  18. And old paradigms can restrain our thoughts as the blinders restrain the horse’s vision.Than we talk about technology lifecycles..
  19. … clash of generations behavioral fads…Without realizing we are still searching inside the box…
  20. …we are still locked inside the literate-mass-media paradigm.Because all those media products, our behavior and our way of thinking…
  21. Were shaped throughout the literate mass media era.
  22. So, how can we get rid of our literate mass media blinders?(I like this picture…He seems pretty happy with those blinders, don’t you think?)One way is to ask:
  23. How was life on earth before we got the blinders?How was life Before the literate mass media era…
  24. Before Gutenberg and the printing press…ideas were built through conversations…… through direct people interaction and collaboration…
  25. Knowledge was transferred… through direct apprenticeship.Before we had writing technology
  26. if thoughts were not expressed in easily remembered forms and were not constantly repeated, they would be lost.
  27. The absence of writing technology limited the development of complex ideas and the institutions that depended on them.
  28. Can you imagine laws, science, … stock markets, without writing?This cartoon I did was inspired on Mel Brooks’ History of the world part I.It give us an idea of the value of writing.Because sound has meaning at the exact moment it is going out of existence.
  29. Writing allowed us to capture evanescent thoughts and ideas.Then, the printing press allowed us to easily replicate the writing, increasing our ideas reach and permanenceand we now could spread them around the world
  30. The Gutenberg Bible was one of the first ……mass-manufactured products in the world.The paper was the first mass medium.
  31. The model – one to many instead of one to one – was much more productive.It opened the frontiers for other future mass productions.It fed a virtuous cycle where…
  32. Mass production leads to affordable books that leads to Information spread and retention that leads to innovation and new products to be mass produced and so on…Through this cycle we were able to build incredible machines to work for us.James Burke said:
  33. “The ease with which information can be spread…is critical to the rate at which change occurs.”
  34. The printing press and the mass production have raised the standard of living… at a levelthat the people from the old villages would never be able to imagine.And it also triggered a dramatic change in our way of communicating and thinking…
  35. Information became a packaged good being coughed out by a mold.An evanescent event became boxed content.
  36. But once live information became inert content it lost the speed and the fluidity of old debates……where propositions are refuted right away and solutions come out as a result of interactions among the participants.
  37. Learning became a solitaire exercise where we read static snapshots of thoughts in a printed book.What used to be a social experience became…
  38. … became an individual experience.
  39. When we moved from oral to literate societies,We moved from the circular world of sound expressed in its round villages and hutsTo the linear, cause-and-effect, grid-like cities.We moved toward the on-thing-at-a-time, one thing after another, and take time to think world.
  40. In the book, I get into details of the major transformations that happened in our way of thinking when we moved from oral to literate societies…I suggest you read it at or buy it amazon.comIt helps us to think in a different frame of mind than the one imposed by the literate-mass-media paradigms.
  41. After paper, other “mediums” came…
  42. Which departed from the written world but were still locked in the old literate-mass-media paradigm.They were all following the same oldformula…
  43. Capture a thought, a story, an idea.Lock it inside a medium (paper, vinyl, film STOCK)Make thousands of copies.Mass advertise it. Mass distribute it.This was a powerful model and by the end of the 20th century…
  44. … general people had never known so much and their knowledge had never been so homogeneous, because it was made prisoner of the same mold.People were following, like cattle, …
  45. the editors’ choices and WHAT THE AUTHORS BELIEVED WAS THE TRUTH.Despite the modern mediums departed from the written word, they were still in the model:
  46. One owns the truth, no-changes-anymore, because we are ready-to-produce-and-distribute-to-the-mass.Whichis in sharp contrast with the old village orality…
  47. …many-to-many, conversation mode where thoughts and truth were built collectively.But the digital medium is different.
  48. An it is somehow taking usback to the old villages.
  49. In the literate-mass-media world authors and audience were apart… loosely connected through the one-way replicas…
  50. But in the digital world we are connected to the original source……rather than to copies, which are only shadows of the real thing.This is driving participation and it is blurring the lines between authors and consumers.And we are going back to the village. But is a village in steroids… (next slide)
  51. … where we are getting back the speed and fluidity of old conversations…But keeping the long-standing memory and reach of the literate-mass-media world.
  52. In the book I talk extensively about each change summarized in this table.It puts side by side the changes from Oral to Literate and now to Digital, or as I am calling it: hyper-oral societies.I suggest you take a look at this table online or in the book. It is very instructive. It helps to understand what is coming …when we see the changes within this framework.
  53. … one important take away is…
  54. iPod, Kindle, Hulu,Are just one small step into the future.Because they are just transferring content from the old media to a new media.
  55. The digital connection to the publisher brings more speed.…But this is still the old model in a new medium.Information is still content stuck within insulated ponds.The big transformation happens when we connect the ponds and open the flow… (next slide)
  56. Then… inert content morphs back into ever-changing ALIVE event.… transforming the own nature of the news, of the music and of the thought.It is not anymore an individual thought …but some kind of alive collective thought, collective on-going news…It is not anymore about the content and the information,… but about the contact and the connectivity… (next slide)
  57. It is not anymore about being served the truth or the show,but about building the truth and the show together
  58. So…How do these changes affect our life?Most of the book addresses the implications of these changes in our lives and businesses.In the next slides I will give you an idea about what you can read about them in the book.
  59. The first implication is about the new paradigm on how we deal with our social networks: shorter contacts, with a lot more people.-> we keep in touch through pings, like in a radar screen.It seems shallow if we look at it through the lens of the old world.But, in fact it is just a different way to achieve depth: collectively; through chunks of information instead of long individual abstractions.There is a discussion about this implication in the book preface.
  60. Another implication, discussed in chapter 5, is related to how the business landscape is being reshaped. The silos have gone down and the nature of competition is changing. Packaged goods are being transformed into services.
  61. In chapter 6 there is discussion about a revolution in the advertising model, which is changing from: push, noisy, ineffective and directed to an average consumer to a pull model, driven by the consumer, more personal and selective.
  62. Chapter 7 addresses how we are moving from a static and slow Gaussian world dominated by average-thinking, which has brought material abundance to a new dynamic and fast-changing scale-free world, dominated by outliers where the averages have no meaning, which will bring intellectual and creative abundance.
  63. Chapters 8 and 9, discuss how the multiple one-way media pipelines that feed cds, dvds, movies, magazines, newspapers, and all different media into scattered storage places within our homes will be replaced by the IP pipeline, which will connect all the ponds. And all electronic equipment that play current media will be replace by screens, which will become connected windows to the outside world.
  64. Chapter 10 shows how our supply chains are being reshaped since the content has decoupled from the medium and the digital shelf has democratized the distribution and the production of information products and services.
  65. Chapter 11 defends the idea that overwhelming choice is a paradigm from the literate-mass-media world, which used to push a pre-defined crowded set of choices on consumers. It shows how google home page symbolizes the new world presenting infinite choices to be pulled from a calm and uncluttered shelf.
  66. And finally the last implication is presented in the last chapter of the book. It somehow summarizes the whole idea of the book and outline the clash between the two eras.It is about how the top-down mastermind design is giving way to a bottom-up sprouting order, blurring the lines between authors and audience.
  67. This chapter uses as an example what could be a signature moment for the new era that is coming. It happened in South by Southwest in 2008.Sarah Lacy was interviewing Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook.The interview didn’t go well. The audience didn’t like what was going on at the stage and expressed disapproval. They were vocal. There was a crowd outcry during and after the interview.In one side there was the old paradigm represented by Sarah Lacy.In the other side was the South by southwest audience composed by people who are riding the new wave of the new digital world and interactive media.
  68. The different perspectives are illustrated in this table:While the literate-mass-media world is about top-down choices, one-way channel, author creates and audience consumes,…… The mindset in the new digital scale-free world is about collective choices, two-way channel, collective creation and consumption.While the old world is about top-down control. Audience sit and listen or get up and leave if you are not happy……. The new world has twitter. And the audience could find out what the others were thinking. And they want to participate and influence the outcome of the event.While the old world is prepared to deliver a pre-packed content,…… The new world want an open dialogue.Even after the interview you can still see the different perspectives remain.
  69. Sarah Lacy declared that from her standpoint the interview was very successful because she was able to deliver very good content making Zuckerberg talk about important things… If this was an written interview, she probably would be right. But it was not. … and she didn’t realize that in this new world rather than top-down judgment what matters is the bottom-up coalescent interpretation of the crowd. And their evaluation was that the interview had been a “bad conversation.”Many people came on Lacy’s defense saying the crowd was rude. They interrupted. They didn’t allowed her to deliver her plans smoothly. But these defenses were also stuck in the old paradigm. Because in the new world the evaluation would be different:
  70. In the new world and for that audience, Sarah Lacy was the one that was rude. She tried to control them. She kept them apart. She tried to push content down their throat when they wanted service and dialogue.
  71. The world is changing.Instead of a hero doing it all – we are moving to millions doing small piecesInstead of pre-packed, pre-thought, one-way content.… we are moving to services and evanescent experiences.Instead of top-down hierarchical mastermind design……. We are moving to a bottom-up sprouting order.This is a quote I got from a musician:“Now, I can record and release a song and a month later if I don’t like a verse, I can change it.”His music is alive. It changes as he want.
  72. “ We have opened the dams; connected the ponds; broken the molds; released the content.Instead of watching the shadows projected on the wall, we became part of the show…… and a new kind of life is merging from the mesh.
  73. This is my last slide in this presentationThank you for your time and attention. And please, give me your feedback, share your thoughts.I don’t want this to be a one-way delivery but just the base, just the start of a great conversation.Thank you.