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I’m going to show you how a 56 year old man, who had been on blood
pressure meds for 12 years, was regularly in a state of hypertensive crisis,
had suffered 3 separate transient ischaemic attacks, and whose own doctor
warned him was just days away from a stroke... stunned the world of medical
science by lowering his systolic blood pressure by 105 points, and his diastolic
blood pressure by 72 points in the space of just 17 days – transforming his
health and adding years to his lifespan in the process.
And the most amazing thing is, he achieved this
remarkable turnaround using a 100% natural and
completely safe home-made protocol, which required
no medication of any kind.
But what might shock you even more is that in just a few seconds from now,
you’re going to discover that despite what your doctors have been telling you,
you don’t actually need any medication to control your blood pressure at all –
and never did.
And you’re probably going to become extremely angry
once I tell you that the solution I’m about to reveal – which
has been based on a world-renowned study into
hypertension which has published in countless peer-
reviewed medical journals all over the world – has been
deliberately suppressed by greedy and immoral
pharmaceutical companies who make billions from blood
pressure meds like ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin receptor
blockers, Calcium-channel blockers, Beta-blockers, and
And because of this, Big Pharma are doing everything
in their power to keep this solution hidden from the
very people who need it most.
So I urge you to keep watching, because as I speak, Big Pharma are trying to
force me to take down this presentation, because they do not want you to find
out that there’s a simple and 100% natural way for you to quickly and
dramatically lower your blood pressure, and transform your health in a matter
of days, so that you never need their blood pressure meds ever again.
This simple and easy-to-follow method is based on a bizarre treatment
method developed by a Cardiologist and Hypertension Specialist who spent
years studying a small and isolated tribe living in the depths of the Amazonian
rainforest, and it has already been used to help 23,867 people – of all ages –
to lower their blood pressure quickly, easily and safely.
Plus, what’s even more amazing is that despite the
incredible results that this method has achieved, it
can be put into practice from the comfort of your own
home, without the need for any medication of any
kind, without the risk of any side effects, and without
you having to see any more doctors at all.
So be sure to keep watching, because whether you’ve been
suffering for 1 week or 10 years, are 30 or 90 years old,
have mild or chronic hypertension, or are suffering from
moderate to severe side effects because of your meds, I’m
going to show you a fast, simple and proven way for you to
dramatically lower your blood pressure, transform your
overall health and wellbeing, and potentially add years, or
even decades to your life...
... And you can do it in just 17 days!
So put any plans you have on hold for just a few
minutes, and get comfortable, because it’s absolutely
crucial to your current and future health that you
watch every single second of this controversial
Because it could save your life.
Hi, as I mentioned at the beginning of this video, my name is David Riley.
And the 56 year old man I told you about earlier, who was
able to dramatically lower his blood pressure and
transform his long-term health in just 17 days, and with no
medication in sight... was me.
And I’m going to reveal exactly how I did it in just a second.
But before I do, I just want to say that I completely understand if you’re feeling
a little skeptical right now.
After all, what I’m telling you today pretty much flies in
the face of everything you’ve previously been told by
doctors, specialists, and the medical establishment in
In fact, if I were watching this video just 6 months ago, before I’d been able to
experience this life-changing treatment for myself, I would have been skeptical
To be honest, I wouldn’t have believed it at all – because
like millions of my fellow Americans, I’d been effectively
brainwashed into thinking that medication was the best
way to achieve a fast and permanent improvement in my
blood pressure levels.
But thankfully, I had an open mind.
I put this treatment to the test, and it worked better than I could have
ever imagined.
But don’t just take my word for it, because it’s worked for a whopping 23,867
other people too.
People like Gail Stevens and her husband Brian from
Flint, Michigan, who wrote into to say this:
"Hi David, when I read your story I realized just how similar it was to my husband's
condition. He had uncontrolled blood pressure for years and the doctors kept doing the
same tests over and over, and when they couldn't figure out what to do next they just
gave him more medication. He also had two stents put in and his carotid artery on the
right cleaned out. Despite the medication he was on, he never felt well and eventually
had a TIA, which terrified me. The doctors didn’t seem to have any idea what to do,
other than double or even triple his meds. After discovering your program, his BP came
down from 200/140 to 130/80 in just 3 weeks. The difference in his health and general
wellbeing has been phenomenal. Thank you so much!"
And then there’s Mariela Dominquez from Mitchell,
South Dakota, who said:
"After being diagnozed with high blood pressure in 2010 my life has been one big worry.
I discovered that I was allergic to ALL Ace Inhibitors after a series of severe reactions.
Despite going from drug to drug, nothing seemed to work. I would often feel dizzy and
would pass out, and I’d also feel a numbness in my limbs. All the doctors ever did was
give me a different drug. They didn’t seem to even consider any other options. Luckily,
my brother found your website and the change since then has been incredible! My blood
pressure went from 190/140 to 125/80 in 15 days, and my health has improved so much.
Everyone who suffers from HBP deserves to know about this."
And Selena G of Jefferson City, Missouri, wrote in to tell
me this:
"I used to be fit, strong, energetic, and I absolutely loved my life. I’d never really been ill,
but after being diagnozed with HBP everything changed. I was prescribed 8 different
medications within the first 3 months and all I could hear was everyone shouting
STROKE. Although the docs kept pushing me to take the meds, I was falling apart. I was
constantly fatigued and weak. My muscles wasted away and I went deaf in my left ear.
Eventually I blacked out while out shopping and woke up in the ambulance. I promised
myself that I would find another way to treat my BP, and fortunately for me I found
David’s website. Since then my blood pressure has dropped significantly and my health
has improved immeasurably. I’m so happy now and am returning to my former self, but
I’m still bitter and angry about the medical profession’s obsession with drugs, and the
fact that they constantly ignore natural treatments that are proven to work. David, thank
you from the bottom of my heart for taking on Big Pharma and bringing this program to
the American people."
Those are just three of the real-life success stories that I’ve received
over the last few months after deciding to make this secret treatment
program available to the public.
I can literally show you thousands more, but what you’re probably wondering
right now is what this method actually is, and how a regular and unremarkable
guy like me, with zero medical knowledge or training came to stumble upon it.
Well, I’m going to reveal exactly what it is in just a moment,
as well how it came to fall into my hands thanks to the hard
work of a respectable and hard-working cardiologist and
hypertension specialist who was forced out of his job
because he wasn’t prepared to bow to the wishes of Big
I’m also going to provide you with the medical
research that proves beyond all doubt why this
method is so successful in lowering blood pressure –
research that will both shock you, and probably make
you extremely angry, because if you’d known about it
sooner, you wouldn’t be suffering the way you are
So what is this secret treatment, and how did an average guy like me become
the first to experience its incredible health benefits?
Well, here’s how it happened...
Back in June 2003 I was a fit and healthy father of 3
celebrating my 44th birthday.
Or at least I thought I was fit and healthy.
Because what should have been an enjoyable, fun-filled day for my wife and
children turned into the beginning of a 12 year nightmare when I was rushed
to hospital after developing an excruciating headache, shortness of breath,
tightness in my chest, and a nosebleed.
I thought I was having a heart attack.
As I was whisked off to the emergency room, my youngest son Dominic took
my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and said; "Daddy, please don’t die."
It brought tears to my eyes, because for a good few minutes, I thought I
I really thought the jig was up.
But as it turned out, I was ok – at least for the time being anyway.
When the doctors took my blood pressure, it came out at 210/140.
I didn’t even know that this was dangerously high until
they told me.
As you probably know yourself, high blood pressure, or hypertension to give it
its medical name, carries no symptoms.
Which is why it’s called ‘the silent killer’.
So if you never have your blood pressure taken, you’ll
only find out about it when it suddenly hits you like a
ten tonne truck.
That’s what happened to me.
I had a stressful job, a recent death in the family, and 3 kids to look after, but I
had no idea my blood pressure was such a problem until that day.
But I left the hospital relieved that it wasn’t a heart
attack, or a stroke.
After all, it was just high blood pressure. How hard would that be to keep
under control, right?
Well, a lot – as it turned out.
Over the next 12 years I was put on a variety of
medications, from ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin
receptor blockers, Calcium-channel blockers, Beta-
blockers and diuretics.
Sometimes I was on 6, 7 or even 8 medications at once.
And during these years, I lost any faith I ever had in the medical profession.
Not a single doctor had even a basic understanding of
nutrition, even though changes to diet and lifestyle are
scientifically and medically proven to control blood
Instead, all they did was prescribe drug after drug just to get me out of the
The problem was, they didn’t seem to have a clue how my body would react
to each one.
It was like they were using a ‘suck it and see’
It was just trial and error... but hey, it wasn’t their body they were playing
around with, so what did it matter?
I went through so many different meds, and suffered from a
whole range of different health problems. There were so
many, I had no idea whether they were side effects of the
medication I was on, or simply my body breaking down as
a result of hypertension.
I experienced chest pains and irregular heart rhythms that scared the life
out of me.
My legs, hands and feet went numb for days at a time, at which point I was
just given another round of meds.
One drug turned me into a walking zombie, where I couldn’t think, focus, or
remember anything.
I developed erectile dysfunction, which stressed me
out even more, and I was moved onto another drug to
counteract that, which created a whole heap of new
side effects.
I was feeling wretched pretty much every day, unable to
escape the vicious pharmaceutical circle that I was now
trapped in.
Another incident saw my sodium levels plummet, and my creatinine, urea and
potassium levels all came back abnormal. A specialist told me that if I hadn’t
been scheduled for a blood test when I was, my kidney function would have
failed totally.
Panic and anxiety took over my life.
I was worried about what my blood pressure meds were doing to my body,
and whether they might be the leading cause of all my problems, but my
doctor was adamant that if I came off them, I’d put myself at serious risk of a
stroke or a heart attack.
I felt completely trapped and powerless.
I was dammed if I did, and dammed it I didn’t.
And then just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I got the biggest
fright of my life.
I was rushed to hospital with a transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke.
The brain can’t function without a steady supply of
oxygenated blood, and my high blood pressure had
led to a blood clot which had briefly blocked the flow
of blood to my brain.
Over the next year I suffered two more TIA’s.
Each time I came out of it OK, but I knew I’d been lucky.
And I might not be so fortunate next time.
The physician told me that I was facing a full-blown stroke, or even a heart
attack, and it could strike at any moment.
But his only solution was more meds.
Like many people with high blood pressure, I was a
ticking time-bomb, and I knew I needed to do
something about it, and fast.
But what?
Clearly medication wasn’t the answer.
Nothing had worked up to this point, and if I continued
along this road I knew I was heading for an early
So I decided to take my health into my own hands.
I scoured the internet looking for natural ways to treat hypertension.
I read every research paper and analysed hundreds of
clinical studies.
I visited my local library and combed through dozens of dusty old medical
And I tried every food, natural ingredient, herb, plant extract or supplement
that even remotely hinted at being able to treat high blood pressure.
Nothing worked.
But then just when I was close to giving up, something extraordinary
I stumbled upon an old and forgotten article from 1988
which would finally put me on the path to optimum health.
It was an interview with a Dr Miles Channing, a
cardiologist and hypertension specialist.
According to the article, back in 1982, Channing was the lead researcher on
the INTERSALT study, which sent an international research team across the
world to explore the link between salt intake and hypertension.
The study comprised 10,079 males and females, aged from 20 to 59 years,
belonging to 52 populations in 32 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and
During the study, which lasted 6 years, a remarkable discovery was
It was found that a tiny, isolated tribe living in the
rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil had ZERO
cases of hypertension.
This tiny tribe were known as the Yanomamo Indians.
In fact, their average blood pressure came out at an
astonishing 103/63 mmHg, compared to an average
of 120/74 for all of the other 51 populations.
And what’s more, their blood pressure did not increase with age.
Whatever they were doing had literally left them immune from hypertension.
But here’s the thing...
Although the study confirmed previous reports that high blood pressure could
be lowered by reducing salt intake – and this became the standard advice
given out by the medical establishment for the next 30 years – Dr Channing
knew that it wasn’t just a low salt intake that had managed to eliminate
hypertension from the Yanomamo Indian population, because other groups
he’d studied consumed barely any salt at all, yet there were still numerous
cases of hypertension within those populations.
And this is where things got really interesting...
Because according to the article, when the research
team left Brazil, Dr Channing stayed behind, and
spent the next 3 years studying the diet of the
Yanomamo Indians in an attempt to find the secret to
eliminating hypertension from Western society for
During his studies of the Yanomamo Indians, Dr Channing discovered that
higher protein diets with high fiber intakes led to a massive reduction in high
blood pressure risk, which was supported almost 30 years later, when a study
carried out at the Boston University School of Medicine, and published in the
American Journal of Hypertension in March 2015, reported a 59% risk
Dr Channing also discovered that the Yanomamo Indians’ diet was rich
in a little-known antioxidant known as Coenzyme Q10, which is found in
cold-water fish like salmon, tuna and herring, as well as dark leafy
greens, nuts, shellfish, pork, chicken and beef,
And once again, a study carried out at the Cardiac
Surgical Research Unit at Alfred Hospital in
Melbourne, and published in the Journal of human
Hypertension in April 2007, supported this, concluding
that coenzyme Q10 was able "to lower systolic blood
pressure by up to 17 points, and diastolic blood
pressure by up to 10 points."
In fact, over that 3 year period, Dr Channing was able to pinpoint the exact
foods, herbs, spices, berries and seeds that PREVENTED the Yanomamo
Indians from ever becoming hypertensive.
He knew he was onto something potentially ground-breaking.
He believed that he could eliminate hypertension for
good, just as the Yanomamo Indians had done, so
that no one would ever need to take blood pressure
meds ever again, or have to suffer the horrible side
effects that comes with them.
So Dr Channing put together a definitive list of ingredients
proven to lower blood pressure and reduce any risk of
The article concluded with Dr Channing stating that he intended to publish his
As I read the final paragraph, I was overcome with
excitement, and shocked at everything I’d just read.
There was hope at last.
I’d been through hell for 12 years, but it turned out there had been a proven to
way to beat this thing all along.
But why hadn’t anyone told me about it? Why didn’t the
doctors know about this? Why didn’t everyone on Earth
already have access to this information?
It would have saved millions of lives.
I couldn’t understand it at the time, and I searched relentlessly for Dr
Channing’s follow-up research, but I couldn’t find any mention of it anywhere,
or him.
Where was the paper that Dr Channing was planning
to publish all the way back in 1988?
I couldn’t find it anywhere.
So I decided that I had to get in touch with Dr Channing
Here was a natural and completely safe way to beat
hypertension. I simply couldn’t let that opportunity slip
through my grasp – so I searched for a way to contact
Dr Channing...
But there was sign of him anywhere.
No references to his work.
No contact details.
No mention of him anywhere.
Maybe he had died.
But if so, why wasn’t there any mention of him?
It seemed like the guy had simply vanished into thin air.
But why?
This was a respected cardiologist, medical researcher and
hypertension specialist with an unrivalled reputation,
decades of experience in his field, and a man who had
been involved in one of the most comprehensive and
successful hypertension studies of all time.
But he’d all but disappeared.
I couldn’t understand it.
I tried to contact the people behind the Intersalt Study.
I wrote letters and emails to former members of his research team, and to
medical schools and research institutions that had any kind of link to the
And I left hundreds of messages.
I received nothing back.
And then, just when I’d all but given up hope, I received an anonymous email.
It simply said this...
"Hi David, I believe you have been trying to get in
touch with me. My number is..."
The email was signed ‘Dr Channing’, and he left a phone
number for me to contact him on.
Excited at what he might have to tell me, I called the number immediately.
And what followed was the most incredible
conversation of my life.
Dr Channing explained to me that back in 1991, after completing his 3 year
study into the Yanomamo Indians, he decided to return to the US and put his
research to the test.
Working out of Harvard Medical School, Dr Channing set about trialling his
new diet – based on what he’d discovered studying the Yanomamo Indians –
on 237 patients with various degrees of hypertension.
Within an average of just 17 days, each and every patient
lowered their blood pressure levels dramatically, and
effectively reset it permanently.
Blood pressure levels fell from 210/140 to 115/68.
From 200/135 to 118/70.
From 190/120 to 116/74, and so on – and most
importantly, stabilised.
The results were astounding.
Dr Channing knew that he’d discovered a treatment that
would send shockwaves through the medical community –
a 100% natural and side-effect free treatment plan that
would allow anyone, regardless of age or gender, to lower
their blood pressure quickly and easily, and return
themselves to optimum health in a matter of days.
And crucially, eliminate the need for blood pressure
meds completely.
After completing the pilot study, Dr Channing told me that he’d requested
funding from Harvard Medical School to perform a larger study and get the
results published around the world, but after waiting for months, his request
was denied.
As it turned out, although the head of his department has been blown away by
his findings, when he’d taken Dr Channing’s proposal to his bosses, he was
told that while they supported his research in private, they couldn’t publish it,
and they wouldn’t be providing any further funding.
I asked why that was...
And the response still shocks me to this day.
Apparently, Harvard Medical School wouldn’t publicly support Dr Channing’s
research because his treatment plan didn’t include any medication.
I sat there open-mouthed as Dr Channing told me
It turned out that 75% of the medical school’s funding came from
pharmaceutical companies, and they’d made it crystal clear to Harvard that if
they allowed Dr Channing to publish his research, or even continue his work,
every single cent of that funding would disappear overnight.
Disgusted by the situation, Dr Channing quit, and never returned to medicine.
I was shocked at the time, but as Dr Channing explained the situation, it
all made perfect sense.
The last thing that Big Pharma wanted was a NATURAL treatment plan for
hypertension that could be categorically proven to work – because blood
pressure meds like ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin receptor blockers, Calcium-
channel blockers, Beta-blockers and diuretics rake in BILLIONS of dollars
every year.
In fact, to give you an idea of just how much money Big Pharma are making
from this market today, according to the Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention, a whopping 70 million Americans now suffer from high blood
pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 American adults.
And that’s not to mention all the medication that’s
prescribed to treat other health conditions that are
caused by high blood pressure, like angina, coronary
artery disease, irregular heart rhythms, kidney failure,
erectile dysfunction, stroke, neuropathy, osteoporosis,
and much more.
With a cash-cow like this, there was absolutely no way that Big Pharma were
going to allow anything to threaten it.
But that’s exactly what Dr Channing did.
Because way back in 1994, he decided to make his
treatment program available to the public.
He created a simple, easy-to-follow guide that showed people how to lower
their blood pressure naturally, without meds, and started handing it out in
hospitals, medical centres, and clinics.
But as word spread about the results that people were getting, he was
threatened and warned to keep his mouth shut.
Cars would follow him... he started to receive silent
phone calls, anonymous letters, and eventually he
was forced to go into hiding when his family were
"That was 20 years ago", Dr Channing said. "And I haven’t
dared to speak out since. I just couldn’t risk it."
As I listened to Dr Channing’s story, I was desperate for him to help me,
and I practically begged him to share his treatment program.
After telling him about my struggles with hypertension,
and the side effects I’d encountered from all of the
medication, Dr Channing agreed to hand over his
program, but only on one condition...
"I did not give you this", Dr Channing said. "I am not legally responsible for
what you do with it. This is on you", he said.
"Of course, I understand completely, I replied.
3 days later and I received Dr Channing’s program in the
The exact super-foods that Dr Channing had discovered were during his study
were all there – every ingredient, combination and amount required were laid
out, with detailed meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as
snacks and drinks.
I was also shown which supplements to take, how many I should take, and
exactly when I should take them, in order to maximize their efficiency.
My wife was as committed to the new diet as I was,
and helped me prepare all of my meals.
Straight away, I found myself constantly checking my home blood pressure
monitor for any change.
Day 1, 2, 3 and 4 passed, but there was little difference.
But Dr Channing had told me that it would typically
take around 2 weeks before I noticed any real effects.
But then on day 5, something remarkable happened, and it continued
every day for the next 2 weeks.
I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but my systolic and diastolic
blood pressure readings began to steadily fall day by day.
I went from a frightening 220/140 down to 140/90 in
just 5 days.
And over the next 10 days my blood pressure continued to
fall, until it had reached a perfectly healthy 113/71 by day
But not only that, I could FEEL the benefits too.
Over the next few days, I felt like I was being reborn.
My energy levels were up, and my chest felt less tight. I was more alert and
focused, my memory started to improve and all of the feeling came back to my
My kidney function bounced right back to where it had been more than a
decade earlier, and my erectile dysfunction, which had troubled me for years,
finally disappeared.
I was a new man.
My wife was stunned at the difference, and so was my doctor. He said that in
all his years practicing medicine, he’d never seen such a transformation in
someone’s health in such a short space of time.
Not wanting to jump the gun too soon, I waited until 30 days had passed to
see if my blood pressure was still stable.
It was.
It was showing 115/68, so I called Dr Channing to tell him the good news.
He picked up the phone and simply said three words:
"worked didn’t it?!"
I was laughing and crying at the same time, and
couldn’t stop thanking Dr Channing for helping me.
"We have to get this out there", I said to Dr Channing.
"There are millions of Americans suffering right now who need to know about
He finally agreed after much deliberation to allow me
to put it online for all to see.
"But they’ll find it", Dr Channing replied. "And they’ll get it
taken down. They always win David."
With Dr Channing’s help, I worked solidly for 9 weeks to turn his original
treatment plan into a comprehensive, step-by-step and easy-to-follow system
for treating high blood pressure without any medication at all.
And we called it...
Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol – A Natural, Safe and Scientifically
Proven Program for Lowering Blood Pressure from Home.
This protocol contains the exact step-by-step process that I took to
lower my blood pressure from a dangerous 220/140, all the way down to
a safe and healthy 115/68 in just 17 days – and it’s stayed at a healthy
level ever since.
Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol succeeded in just
17 days where medication had failed for 12 years.
And I want you to experience the same benefits yourself, starting today.
In The Blood Pressure Protocol, you will receive Dr Channing’s Yanomamo
Food Guide, which includes the most up-to-date and complete list of Dr
Channing’s miracle ingredients, scientifically proven to lower blood pressure.
These are the exact same ingredients consumed by
the Yanomamo Indians, a small and isolated tribe
who still live deep within the Amazonian rainforest,
and have zero cases of hypertension.
As well as this list of power foods, herbs, seeds, plants and berries, you will
also be given Dr Channing’s Hypertension-Busting Recipe Guide, which
comes complete with 21 delicious and easy to prepare recipes for lowering
blood pressure, including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And finally, you will also receive Dr Channing’s Super
Smoothie Bible, which contains 17 recipes for tasty and
nutritious shakes, which will allow you to reach your blood
pressure target even faster.
And they really work...
A recent study published in the journal Hypertension found that drinking a
500ml cup of Beetroot juice cut systolic blood pressure by 10 points, and
diastolic pressure by 4.8 points in just 3 hours!
And that’s just one ingredient I’m talking about.
In Dr Channing’s Super Smoothie Bible, you’ll receive
dozens of power foods, all clinically proven to lower
blood pressure, and you’ll be able to combine them
together to achieve maximum results.
Remember, this protocol is 100% natural, safe and side-effect free, so
there is absolutely zero risk.
And if you’re worried that this protocol might be tough to follow, don’t.
We’re not asking you to completely change your diet.
All you need to do is simply swap out certain foods for others, and add a few
other natural, safe and inexpensive foods, herbs, seeds, berries and other
natural ingredients which are all available from your local grocery store, and
mo more than a few pennies.
That’s literally all it takes to start lowering your blood pressure in the next few
days, and transform your health, both in the short and long-term.
Just imagine how that would feel...
Imagine knocking 50, 60, 70 or even 100+ points off your blood pressure
readings in a matter of days...
Imagine the relief at watching those numbers fall day by day, until your doctor
gives you the all clear in no more than a few weeks from today...
Imagine being able to dramatically reduce your risk of
succumbing to any number of deadly health
conditions, like stroke, heart failure, aneurysms,
kidney failure, and more, and turning your health
around in an instant...
Thousands of men and women just like you are doing exactly that right now,
thanks to Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol.
People like Laney Peters, from Austin, Texas, who said;
"Hi David and Dr Channing, I just wanted to thank you for such a fantastic program. In
just 4 weeks I have reduced my systolic blood pressure by 77 points, and my diastolic
pressure by 63 points and the difference in how I feel has been simply amazing. I’ve
been put on 9 different meds in the 12 months alone, because I wasn’t reacting well to
them, but thanks to your treatment my doctor says there’s no need to take any of them
anymore! He didn’t believe what he was seeing!"
And then there’s Jeffrey Beale, from Columbus, Ohio, who wrote in to say this;
"Hey David, my dad was recently diagnozed with stage 3 hypertension (176/111) and had
a cholesterol level of 259. Naturally, he was desperate to get these numbers down, but
he’d heard so many horror stories about BP meds and their side effects that he wanted
to try the natural route first. I was sceptical but I found Dr Channing’s guide and showed
it to my dad. Within 6 days his blood pressure started to fall, and by day 14 it was down
at 125/80. A week later and it was 118/72, and it has stayed around that level for a few
weeks now. I’m so glad that I found your guide. I dread to think where we’d be if we’d
listened to our friends and gone down the meds route."
And Michael Lander of Milwaukee, Wisconsin had this to say;
"3 years ago I was diagnosed with hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel
dizzy a lot, had awful cramps in my legs, and my potassium levels were very low, causing
my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while
I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and
ending up in a ditch. From that moment I knew I had to do something because my meds
weren’t working. I heard about your diet from a friend and thought I’d give it a shot. The
results have been remarkable. In just 21 days my blood pressure went from 175/110 to
125/70 and I honestly can’t remember feeling this good! Thank you so much David."
I have thousands more success stories just like those, from people all over the
world, thanking both myself and Dr Channing for developing this blood
pressure lowering protocol.
And because of the results people were getting, together
with the risks we were taking in putting this program out
there, I’m sure you can understand why we originally
considered charging as much as $597 for it.
After all, each individual ingredient contained within the protocol has been
scientifically proven to lower blood pressure in clinical trials, so when you add
a whole bunch of them together, and consume the recipes consistently, the
enormous power of this treatment program is pretty clear to see.
But here’s something that’s important for you to understand...
I didn’t create this program to make money.
I did it because after discovering the dramatic effects for myself, I couldn’t in
good conscious deny other people the same opportunity to transform their
health, just as I’ve been able to do.
And the last thing I wanted to do was price people out, and
deny millions of people the chance to experience what I’ve
experienced, a return to full and vibrant health.
So for that reason, I’m not going to ask you to pay
$597 – even though that’s still well short of what this
program is actually worth.
In fact, I’m not even going to ask for half that, or one tenth for that matter!
Instead, you can pick up Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol for a one-
time payment of just $37.
And all you need to do is click on the "Add to Cart"
button below.

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Blood pressure protocol

  • 1. I’m going to show you how a 56 year old man, who had been on blood pressure meds for 12 years, was regularly in a state of hypertensive crisis, had suffered 3 separate transient ischaemic attacks, and whose own doctor warned him was just days away from a stroke... stunned the world of medical science by lowering his systolic blood pressure by 105 points, and his diastolic blood pressure by 72 points in the space of just 17 days – transforming his health and adding years to his lifespan in the process. And the most amazing thing is, he achieved this remarkable turnaround using a 100% natural and completely safe home-made protocol, which required no medication of any kind. But what might shock you even more is that in just a few seconds from now, you’re going to discover that despite what your doctors have been telling you, you don’t actually need any medication to control your blood pressure at all – and never did. And you’re probably going to become extremely angry once I tell you that the solution I’m about to reveal – which has been based on a world-renowned study into hypertension which has published in countless peer- reviewed medical journals all over the world – has been
  • 2. deliberately suppressed by greedy and immoral pharmaceutical companies who make billions from blood pressure meds like ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin receptor blockers, Calcium-channel blockers, Beta-blockers, and more. And because of this, Big Pharma are doing everything in their power to keep this solution hidden from the very people who need it most. So I urge you to keep watching, because as I speak, Big Pharma are trying to force me to take down this presentation, because they do not want you to find out that there’s a simple and 100% natural way for you to quickly and dramatically lower your blood pressure, and transform your health in a matter of days, so that you never need their blood pressure meds ever again. This simple and easy-to-follow method is based on a bizarre treatment method developed by a Cardiologist and Hypertension Specialist who spent years studying a small and isolated tribe living in the depths of the Amazonian rainforest, and it has already been used to help 23,867 people – of all ages – to lower their blood pressure quickly, easily and safely. Plus, what’s even more amazing is that despite the incredible results that this method has achieved, it can be put into practice from the comfort of your own home, without the need for any medication of any kind, without the risk of any side effects, and without you having to see any more doctors at all. So be sure to keep watching, because whether you’ve been suffering for 1 week or 10 years, are 30 or 90 years old, have mild or chronic hypertension, or are suffering from moderate to severe side effects because of your meds, I’m
  • 3. going to show you a fast, simple and proven way for you to dramatically lower your blood pressure, transform your overall health and wellbeing, and potentially add years, or even decades to your life... ... And you can do it in just 17 days! So put any plans you have on hold for just a few minutes, and get comfortable, because it’s absolutely crucial to your current and future health that you watch every single second of this controversial presentation... Because it could save your life. Hi, as I mentioned at the beginning of this video, my name is David Riley. And the 56 year old man I told you about earlier, who was able to dramatically lower his blood pressure and transform his long-term health in just 17 days, and with no medication in sight... was me. And I’m going to reveal exactly how I did it in just a second. But before I do, I just want to say that I completely understand if you’re feeling a little skeptical right now. After all, what I’m telling you today pretty much flies in the face of everything you’ve previously been told by doctors, specialists, and the medical establishment in general.
  • 4. In fact, if I were watching this video just 6 months ago, before I’d been able to experience this life-changing treatment for myself, I would have been skeptical too. To be honest, I wouldn’t have believed it at all – because like millions of my fellow Americans, I’d been effectively brainwashed into thinking that medication was the best way to achieve a fast and permanent improvement in my blood pressure levels. But thankfully, I had an open mind. I put this treatment to the test, and it worked better than I could have ever imagined. But don’t just take my word for it, because it’s worked for a whopping 23,867 other people too. People like Gail Stevens and her husband Brian from Flint, Michigan, who wrote into to say this: "Hi David, when I read your story I realized just how similar it was to my husband's condition. He had uncontrolled blood pressure for years and the doctors kept doing the same tests over and over, and when they couldn't figure out what to do next they just gave him more medication. He also had two stents put in and his carotid artery on the right cleaned out. Despite the medication he was on, he never felt well and eventually had a TIA, which terrified me. The doctors didn’t seem to have any idea what to do, other than double or even triple his meds. After discovering your program, his BP came down from 200/140 to 130/80 in just 3 weeks. The difference in his health and general wellbeing has been phenomenal. Thank you so much!" And then there’s Mariela Dominquez from Mitchell, South Dakota, who said: "After being diagnozed with high blood pressure in 2010 my life has been one big worry. I discovered that I was allergic to ALL Ace Inhibitors after a series of severe reactions. Despite going from drug to drug, nothing seemed to work. I would often feel dizzy and would pass out, and I’d also feel a numbness in my limbs. All the doctors ever did was give me a different drug. They didn’t seem to even consider any other options. Luckily,
  • 5. my brother found your website and the change since then has been incredible! My blood pressure went from 190/140 to 125/80 in 15 days, and my health has improved so much. Everyone who suffers from HBP deserves to know about this." And Selena G of Jefferson City, Missouri, wrote in to tell me this: "I used to be fit, strong, energetic, and I absolutely loved my life. I’d never really been ill, but after being diagnozed with HBP everything changed. I was prescribed 8 different medications within the first 3 months and all I could hear was everyone shouting STROKE. Although the docs kept pushing me to take the meds, I was falling apart. I was constantly fatigued and weak. My muscles wasted away and I went deaf in my left ear. Eventually I blacked out while out shopping and woke up in the ambulance. I promised myself that I would find another way to treat my BP, and fortunately for me I found David’s website. Since then my blood pressure has dropped significantly and my health has improved immeasurably. I’m so happy now and am returning to my former self, but I’m still bitter and angry about the medical profession’s obsession with drugs, and the fact that they constantly ignore natural treatments that are proven to work. David, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking on Big Pharma and bringing this program to the American people." Those are just three of the real-life success stories that I’ve received over the last few months after deciding to make this secret treatment program available to the public. I can literally show you thousands more, but what you’re probably wondering right now is what this method actually is, and how a regular and unremarkable guy like me, with zero medical knowledge or training came to stumble upon it. Well, I’m going to reveal exactly what it is in just a moment, as well how it came to fall into my hands thanks to the hard work of a respectable and hard-working cardiologist and hypertension specialist who was forced out of his job because he wasn’t prepared to bow to the wishes of Big Pharma. I’m also going to provide you with the medical research that proves beyond all doubt why this method is so successful in lowering blood pressure –
  • 6. research that will both shock you, and probably make you extremely angry, because if you’d known about it sooner, you wouldn’t be suffering the way you are now. So what is this secret treatment, and how did an average guy like me become the first to experience its incredible health benefits? Well, here’s how it happened... Back in June 2003 I was a fit and healthy father of 3 celebrating my 44th birthday. Or at least I thought I was fit and healthy. Because what should have been an enjoyable, fun-filled day for my wife and children turned into the beginning of a 12 year nightmare when I was rushed to hospital after developing an excruciating headache, shortness of breath, tightness in my chest, and a nosebleed. I thought I was having a heart attack. As I was whisked off to the emergency room, my youngest son Dominic took my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and said; "Daddy, please don’t die." It brought tears to my eyes, because for a good few minutes, I thought I might. I really thought the jig was up. But as it turned out, I was ok – at least for the time being anyway. When the doctors took my blood pressure, it came out at 210/140. I didn’t even know that this was dangerously high until they told me.
  • 7. As you probably know yourself, high blood pressure, or hypertension to give it its medical name, carries no symptoms. Which is why it’s called ‘the silent killer’. So if you never have your blood pressure taken, you’ll only find out about it when it suddenly hits you like a ten tonne truck. That’s what happened to me. I had a stressful job, a recent death in the family, and 3 kids to look after, but I had no idea my blood pressure was such a problem until that day. But I left the hospital relieved that it wasn’t a heart attack, or a stroke. After all, it was just high blood pressure. How hard would that be to keep under control, right? Well, a lot – as it turned out. Over the next 12 years I was put on a variety of medications, from ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin receptor blockers, Calcium-channel blockers, Beta- blockers and diuretics. Sometimes I was on 6, 7 or even 8 medications at once. And during these years, I lost any faith I ever had in the medical profession. Not a single doctor had even a basic understanding of nutrition, even though changes to diet and lifestyle are scientifically and medically proven to control blood pressure.
  • 8. Instead, all they did was prescribe drug after drug just to get me out of the door. The problem was, they didn’t seem to have a clue how my body would react to each one. It was like they were using a ‘suck it and see’ approach. It was just trial and error... but hey, it wasn’t their body they were playing around with, so what did it matter? I went through so many different meds, and suffered from a whole range of different health problems. There were so many, I had no idea whether they were side effects of the medication I was on, or simply my body breaking down as a result of hypertension. I experienced chest pains and irregular heart rhythms that scared the life out of me. My legs, hands and feet went numb for days at a time, at which point I was just given another round of meds. One drug turned me into a walking zombie, where I couldn’t think, focus, or remember anything. I developed erectile dysfunction, which stressed me out even more, and I was moved onto another drug to counteract that, which created a whole heap of new side effects. I was feeling wretched pretty much every day, unable to escape the vicious pharmaceutical circle that I was now trapped in.
  • 9. Another incident saw my sodium levels plummet, and my creatinine, urea and potassium levels all came back abnormal. A specialist told me that if I hadn’t been scheduled for a blood test when I was, my kidney function would have failed totally. Panic and anxiety took over my life. I was worried about what my blood pressure meds were doing to my body, and whether they might be the leading cause of all my problems, but my doctor was adamant that if I came off them, I’d put myself at serious risk of a stroke or a heart attack. I felt completely trapped and powerless. I was dammed if I did, and dammed it I didn’t. And then just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I got the biggest fright of my life. I was rushed to hospital with a transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke. The brain can’t function without a steady supply of oxygenated blood, and my high blood pressure had led to a blood clot which had briefly blocked the flow of blood to my brain. Over the next year I suffered two more TIA’s. Each time I came out of it OK, but I knew I’d been lucky. And I might not be so fortunate next time. The physician told me that I was facing a full-blown stroke, or even a heart attack, and it could strike at any moment. But his only solution was more meds.
  • 10. Like many people with high blood pressure, I was a ticking time-bomb, and I knew I needed to do something about it, and fast. But what? Clearly medication wasn’t the answer. Nothing had worked up to this point, and if I continued along this road I knew I was heading for an early grave. So I decided to take my health into my own hands. I scoured the internet looking for natural ways to treat hypertension. I read every research paper and analysed hundreds of clinical studies. I visited my local library and combed through dozens of dusty old medical books. And I tried every food, natural ingredient, herb, plant extract or supplement that even remotely hinted at being able to treat high blood pressure. Nothing worked. But then just when I was close to giving up, something extraordinary happened. I stumbled upon an old and forgotten article from 1988 which would finally put me on the path to optimum health. It was an interview with a Dr Miles Channing, a cardiologist and hypertension specialist.
  • 11. According to the article, back in 1982, Channing was the lead researcher on the INTERSALT study, which sent an international research team across the world to explore the link between salt intake and hypertension. The study comprised 10,079 males and females, aged from 20 to 59 years, belonging to 52 populations in 32 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. During the study, which lasted 6 years, a remarkable discovery was made... It was found that a tiny, isolated tribe living in the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil had ZERO cases of hypertension. This tiny tribe were known as the Yanomamo Indians. In fact, their average blood pressure came out at an astonishing 103/63 mmHg, compared to an average of 120/74 for all of the other 51 populations. And what’s more, their blood pressure did not increase with age. Whatever they were doing had literally left them immune from hypertension. But here’s the thing... Although the study confirmed previous reports that high blood pressure could be lowered by reducing salt intake – and this became the standard advice given out by the medical establishment for the next 30 years – Dr Channing knew that it wasn’t just a low salt intake that had managed to eliminate hypertension from the Yanomamo Indian population, because other groups he’d studied consumed barely any salt at all, yet there were still numerous cases of hypertension within those populations. And this is where things got really interesting...
  • 12. Because according to the article, when the research team left Brazil, Dr Channing stayed behind, and spent the next 3 years studying the diet of the Yanomamo Indians in an attempt to find the secret to eliminating hypertension from Western society for good. During his studies of the Yanomamo Indians, Dr Channing discovered that higher protein diets with high fiber intakes led to a massive reduction in high blood pressure risk, which was supported almost 30 years later, when a study carried out at the Boston University School of Medicine, and published in the American Journal of Hypertension in March 2015, reported a 59% risk reduction. Dr Channing also discovered that the Yanomamo Indians’ diet was rich in a little-known antioxidant known as Coenzyme Q10, which is found in cold-water fish like salmon, tuna and herring, as well as dark leafy greens, nuts, shellfish, pork, chicken and beef, And once again, a study carried out at the Cardiac Surgical Research Unit at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, and published in the Journal of human Hypertension in April 2007, supported this, concluding that coenzyme Q10 was able "to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 17 points, and diastolic blood pressure by up to 10 points." In fact, over that 3 year period, Dr Channing was able to pinpoint the exact foods, herbs, spices, berries and seeds that PREVENTED the Yanomamo Indians from ever becoming hypertensive. He knew he was onto something potentially ground-breaking.
  • 13. He believed that he could eliminate hypertension for good, just as the Yanomamo Indians had done, so that no one would ever need to take blood pressure meds ever again, or have to suffer the horrible side effects that comes with them. So Dr Channing put together a definitive list of ingredients proven to lower blood pressure and reduce any risk of hypertension. The article concluded with Dr Channing stating that he intended to publish his research. As I read the final paragraph, I was overcome with excitement, and shocked at everything I’d just read. There was hope at last. I’d been through hell for 12 years, but it turned out there had been a proven to way to beat this thing all along. But why hadn’t anyone told me about it? Why didn’t the doctors know about this? Why didn’t everyone on Earth already have access to this information? It would have saved millions of lives. I couldn’t understand it at the time, and I searched relentlessly for Dr Channing’s follow-up research, but I couldn’t find any mention of it anywhere, or him. Where was the paper that Dr Channing was planning to publish all the way back in 1988? I couldn’t find it anywhere.
  • 14. So I decided that I had to get in touch with Dr Channing myself. Here was a natural and completely safe way to beat hypertension. I simply couldn’t let that opportunity slip through my grasp – so I searched for a way to contact Dr Channing... But there was sign of him anywhere. No references to his work. No contact details. No mention of him anywhere. Maybe he had died. But if so, why wasn’t there any mention of him? It seemed like the guy had simply vanished into thin air. But why? This was a respected cardiologist, medical researcher and hypertension specialist with an unrivalled reputation, decades of experience in his field, and a man who had been involved in one of the most comprehensive and successful hypertension studies of all time. But he’d all but disappeared. I couldn’t understand it. I tried to contact the people behind the Intersalt Study.
  • 15. I wrote letters and emails to former members of his research team, and to medical schools and research institutions that had any kind of link to the study. And I left hundreds of messages. I received nothing back. And then, just when I’d all but given up hope, I received an anonymous email. It simply said this... "Hi David, I believe you have been trying to get in touch with me. My number is..." The email was signed ‘Dr Channing’, and he left a phone number for me to contact him on. Excited at what he might have to tell me, I called the number immediately. And what followed was the most incredible conversation of my life. Dr Channing explained to me that back in 1991, after completing his 3 year study into the Yanomamo Indians, he decided to return to the US and put his research to the test. Working out of Harvard Medical School, Dr Channing set about trialling his new diet – based on what he’d discovered studying the Yanomamo Indians – on 237 patients with various degrees of hypertension. Within an average of just 17 days, each and every patient lowered their blood pressure levels dramatically, and effectively reset it permanently. Blood pressure levels fell from 210/140 to 115/68.
  • 16. From 200/135 to 118/70. From 190/120 to 116/74, and so on – and most importantly, stabilised. The results were astounding. Dr Channing knew that he’d discovered a treatment that would send shockwaves through the medical community – a 100% natural and side-effect free treatment plan that would allow anyone, regardless of age or gender, to lower their blood pressure quickly and easily, and return themselves to optimum health in a matter of days. And crucially, eliminate the need for blood pressure meds completely. After completing the pilot study, Dr Channing told me that he’d requested funding from Harvard Medical School to perform a larger study and get the results published around the world, but after waiting for months, his request was denied. As it turned out, although the head of his department has been blown away by his findings, when he’d taken Dr Channing’s proposal to his bosses, he was told that while they supported his research in private, they couldn’t publish it, and they wouldn’t be providing any further funding. I asked why that was... And the response still shocks me to this day. Apparently, Harvard Medical School wouldn’t publicly support Dr Channing’s research because his treatment plan didn’t include any medication.
  • 17. I sat there open-mouthed as Dr Channing told me why... It turned out that 75% of the medical school’s funding came from pharmaceutical companies, and they’d made it crystal clear to Harvard that if they allowed Dr Channing to publish his research, or even continue his work, every single cent of that funding would disappear overnight. Disgusted by the situation, Dr Channing quit, and never returned to medicine. I was shocked at the time, but as Dr Channing explained the situation, it all made perfect sense. The last thing that Big Pharma wanted was a NATURAL treatment plan for hypertension that could be categorically proven to work – because blood pressure meds like ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin receptor blockers, Calcium- channel blockers, Beta-blockers and diuretics rake in BILLIONS of dollars every year. In fact, to give you an idea of just how much money Big Pharma are making from this market today, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping 70 million Americans now suffer from high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 American adults. And that’s not to mention all the medication that’s prescribed to treat other health conditions that are caused by high blood pressure, like angina, coronary artery disease, irregular heart rhythms, kidney failure, erectile dysfunction, stroke, neuropathy, osteoporosis, and much more. With a cash-cow like this, there was absolutely no way that Big Pharma were going to allow anything to threaten it. But that’s exactly what Dr Channing did.
  • 18. Because way back in 1994, he decided to make his treatment program available to the public. He created a simple, easy-to-follow guide that showed people how to lower their blood pressure naturally, without meds, and started handing it out in hospitals, medical centres, and clinics. But as word spread about the results that people were getting, he was threatened and warned to keep his mouth shut. Cars would follow him... he started to receive silent phone calls, anonymous letters, and eventually he was forced to go into hiding when his family were threatened. "That was 20 years ago", Dr Channing said. "And I haven’t dared to speak out since. I just couldn’t risk it." As I listened to Dr Channing’s story, I was desperate for him to help me, and I practically begged him to share his treatment program. After telling him about my struggles with hypertension, and the side effects I’d encountered from all of the medication, Dr Channing agreed to hand over his program, but only on one condition... "I did not give you this", Dr Channing said. "I am not legally responsible for what you do with it. This is on you", he said. "Of course, I understand completely, I replied. 3 days later and I received Dr Channing’s program in the post.
  • 19. The exact super-foods that Dr Channing had discovered were during his study were all there – every ingredient, combination and amount required were laid out, with detailed meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks and drinks. I was also shown which supplements to take, how many I should take, and exactly when I should take them, in order to maximize their efficiency. My wife was as committed to the new diet as I was, and helped me prepare all of my meals. Straight away, I found myself constantly checking my home blood pressure monitor for any change. Day 1, 2, 3 and 4 passed, but there was little difference. But Dr Channing had told me that it would typically take around 2 weeks before I noticed any real effects. But then on day 5, something remarkable happened, and it continued every day for the next 2 weeks. I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but my systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings began to steadily fall day by day. I went from a frightening 220/140 down to 140/90 in just 5 days. And over the next 10 days my blood pressure continued to fall, until it had reached a perfectly healthy 113/71 by day 17. But not only that, I could FEEL the benefits too. Over the next few days, I felt like I was being reborn.
  • 20. My energy levels were up, and my chest felt less tight. I was more alert and focused, my memory started to improve and all of the feeling came back to my limbs. My kidney function bounced right back to where it had been more than a decade earlier, and my erectile dysfunction, which had troubled me for years, finally disappeared. I was a new man. My wife was stunned at the difference, and so was my doctor. He said that in all his years practicing medicine, he’d never seen such a transformation in someone’s health in such a short space of time. Not wanting to jump the gun too soon, I waited until 30 days had passed to see if my blood pressure was still stable. It was. It was showing 115/68, so I called Dr Channing to tell him the good news. He picked up the phone and simply said three words: "worked didn’t it?!" I was laughing and crying at the same time, and couldn’t stop thanking Dr Channing for helping me. "We have to get this out there", I said to Dr Channing. "There are millions of Americans suffering right now who need to know about this." He finally agreed after much deliberation to allow me to put it online for all to see. "But they’ll find it", Dr Channing replied. "And they’ll get it taken down. They always win David."
  • 21. With Dr Channing’s help, I worked solidly for 9 weeks to turn his original treatment plan into a comprehensive, step-by-step and easy-to-follow system for treating high blood pressure without any medication at all. And we called it... Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol – A Natural, Safe and Scientifically Proven Program for Lowering Blood Pressure from Home. This protocol contains the exact step-by-step process that I took to lower my blood pressure from a dangerous 220/140, all the way down to a safe and healthy 115/68 in just 17 days – and it’s stayed at a healthy level ever since. Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol succeeded in just 17 days where medication had failed for 12 years. And I want you to experience the same benefits yourself, starting today. In The Blood Pressure Protocol, you will receive Dr Channing’s Yanomamo Food Guide, which includes the most up-to-date and complete list of Dr Channing’s miracle ingredients, scientifically proven to lower blood pressure. These are the exact same ingredients consumed by the Yanomamo Indians, a small and isolated tribe who still live deep within the Amazonian rainforest, and have zero cases of hypertension. As well as this list of power foods, herbs, seeds, plants and berries, you will also be given Dr Channing’s Hypertension-Busting Recipe Guide, which comes complete with 21 delicious and easy to prepare recipes for lowering blood pressure, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. And finally, you will also receive Dr Channing’s Super Smoothie Bible, which contains 17 recipes for tasty and
  • 22. nutritious shakes, which will allow you to reach your blood pressure target even faster. And they really work... A recent study published in the journal Hypertension found that drinking a 500ml cup of Beetroot juice cut systolic blood pressure by 10 points, and diastolic pressure by 4.8 points in just 3 hours! And that’s just one ingredient I’m talking about. In Dr Channing’s Super Smoothie Bible, you’ll receive dozens of power foods, all clinically proven to lower blood pressure, and you’ll be able to combine them together to achieve maximum results. Remember, this protocol is 100% natural, safe and side-effect free, so there is absolutely zero risk. And if you’re worried that this protocol might be tough to follow, don’t. We’re not asking you to completely change your diet. All you need to do is simply swap out certain foods for others, and add a few other natural, safe and inexpensive foods, herbs, seeds, berries and other natural ingredients which are all available from your local grocery store, and mo more than a few pennies. That’s literally all it takes to start lowering your blood pressure in the next few days, and transform your health, both in the short and long-term. Just imagine how that would feel... Imagine knocking 50, 60, 70 or even 100+ points off your blood pressure readings in a matter of days...
  • 23. Imagine the relief at watching those numbers fall day by day, until your doctor gives you the all clear in no more than a few weeks from today... Imagine being able to dramatically reduce your risk of succumbing to any number of deadly health conditions, like stroke, heart failure, aneurysms, kidney failure, and more, and turning your health around in an instant... Thousands of men and women just like you are doing exactly that right now, thanks to Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol. People like Laney Peters, from Austin, Texas, who said; "Hi David and Dr Channing, I just wanted to thank you for such a fantastic program. In just 4 weeks I have reduced my systolic blood pressure by 77 points, and my diastolic pressure by 63 points and the difference in how I feel has been simply amazing. I’ve been put on 9 different meds in the 12 months alone, because I wasn’t reacting well to them, but thanks to your treatment my doctor says there’s no need to take any of them anymore! He didn’t believe what he was seeing!" And then there’s Jeffrey Beale, from Columbus, Ohio, who wrote in to say this; "Hey David, my dad was recently diagnozed with stage 3 hypertension (176/111) and had a cholesterol level of 259. Naturally, he was desperate to get these numbers down, but he’d heard so many horror stories about BP meds and their side effects that he wanted to try the natural route first. I was sceptical but I found Dr Channing’s guide and showed it to my dad. Within 6 days his blood pressure started to fall, and by day 14 it was down at 125/80. A week later and it was 118/72, and it has stayed around that level for a few weeks now. I’m so glad that I found your guide. I dread to think where we’d be if we’d listened to our friends and gone down the meds route." And Michael Lander of Milwaukee, Wisconsin had this to say; "3 years ago I was diagnosed with hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, had awful cramps in my legs, and my potassium levels were very low, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and ending up in a ditch. From that moment I knew I had to do something because my meds weren’t working. I heard about your diet from a friend and thought I’d give it a shot. The results have been remarkable. In just 21 days my blood pressure went from 175/110 to 125/70 and I honestly can’t remember feeling this good! Thank you so much David."
  • 24. I have thousands more success stories just like those, from people all over the world, thanking both myself and Dr Channing for developing this blood pressure lowering protocol. And because of the results people were getting, together with the risks we were taking in putting this program out there, I’m sure you can understand why we originally considered charging as much as $597 for it. After all, each individual ingredient contained within the protocol has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure in clinical trials, so when you add a whole bunch of them together, and consume the recipes consistently, the enormous power of this treatment program is pretty clear to see. But here’s something that’s important for you to understand... I didn’t create this program to make money. I did it because after discovering the dramatic effects for myself, I couldn’t in good conscious deny other people the same opportunity to transform their health, just as I’ve been able to do. And the last thing I wanted to do was price people out, and deny millions of people the chance to experience what I’ve experienced, a return to full and vibrant health. So for that reason, I’m not going to ask you to pay $597 – even though that’s still well short of what this program is actually worth. In fact, I’m not even going to ask for half that, or one tenth for that matter! Instead, you can pick up Dr Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol for a one- time payment of just $37.
  • 25. And all you need to do is click on the "Add to Cart" button below.