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                        HILTON GRAND HABTOOR - BEIRUT, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2012

               Mr. Maurice SEHNAOUI,                                                 Ms. Cherie BLAIR,                                                    Ms. Tania MOUSSALLEM,                                                   Ms. Toyin ADENIJI,
               Chairman, General Manager, BLC Bank.                                  Founder and Patron of                                                Assistant General Manager heading                                       Head of Women in Business - IFC.
                                                                                     the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women.                               the Strategic Development and Financial
                                                                                                                                                           Management Group at BLC bank-
                                                                                                                                                          Board Member in USB Bank, Cyprus.

Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui is the Chairman of the Board of Directors        Ms. Cherie Blair is an active campaigner on equality and human      Ms. Tania Moussallem joined BLC bank in 2008 where she                   Ms. Toyin Adeniji heads IFC’s Global Women in Business Program
and General Manager of BLC Bank since 2008, and Chairman of           rights issues. She has spoken across the world on both issues       initiated, headed and implemented several strategic and innovative       (WIN) in the Sustainable Business Advisory Department, charged
the Board of Directors of USB Bank PLC (Cyprus) since 2011.           and also on the need for improved work/life balance for both        development projects involving external and organic growth for           with creating opportunities for women in business in the developing
He holds a degree in Economics (June 1967) from Saint Joseph          women and men. In 2008, Cherie set up her charity, the Cherie       the bank. Areas covered include acquisitions, finance, technology,       world.
University of Beirut. He was a former Minister of Energy and          Blair Foundation for Women. She believes that by empowering         corporate social responsibility, etc. latest of which is the We          Ms. Adeniji is a Financial Services professional with experience in
Water from 2004 to 2005. Mr. Sehnaoui was the Chairman–               and supporting women around the world, they can play an             Initiative, subject of today’s conference. She had started her carrier   international development, microfinance, and small and medium
General Manager of Société Générale de Banque au Liban from           increasingly important role in their economies and societies.       at Société Générale de Banque au Liban where she held several            enterprise development. Prior to leading the WIN program, Ms.
1984 to 2007, the Chairman of Société Générale Cyprus Ltd.            The Foundation works with women in Africa, South Asia and           managerial positions and headed among others Investment Banking,         Adeniji conceived and promoted Susu Microfinance Bank Ltd
from 1990 to 2008 and the Vice Chairman of Société Générale           the Middle East, helping them generate their own income             Specialized Financing and SMEs Departments. In parallel, she acted       in Nigeria: one of the first five microfinance banks to obtain an
Jordan from 2000 and until 2008. He is a Board member and             and developing projects which encourage them to become              as Deputy Head of the Corporate and Investment Banking Division.         operating license from the Central Bank of Nigeria. She established
holds participations in a number of companies and owns a large        successful and self-sustaining entrepreneurs.                       She developed as well an extensive experience in privatization of        Susu Microfinance Bank Ltd. after having previously worked
real estate portfolio including prestigious buildings in the Beirut   Cherie is also closely involved with over 20 charities. She is      the energy and water and waste water sectors including a 6 months        at IFC as an investment officer for 12 years. While serving as an
city center. He is Chevalier of the French “Légion d’Honneur”         Honorary Vice President of Barnados, President of the Loomba        period as member of the Minister of Energy and Water Cabinet.            investment officer for the African Enterprise Fund, she gained
and Officer of the French “Ordre National du Mérite”.                 Foundation, Patron of Scope and Patron of a number of charities,    She holds a Masters degree in Finance & Communication from               extensive experience in providing financial assistance to small and
                                                                      including Breast Cancer Care. Cherie is also Vice-Chair of the US   Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales                medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Ms. Adeniji has an MBA from
                                                                      Secretary of State’s International Council for Women’s Business     ESSEC, France and a degree in Business Administration from the           Harvard Business School.
                                                                      Leadership and Honorary Chair of the World Justice Project.         American University of Beirut.

GENDER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                                                                                                                                                                           MODERATOR

               Mr. Najib ANWAR CHOUCAIR,                                               Ms. Rana GHANDOUR SALHAB,                                                  Ms. Kristin HETLE,                                                     Mr. Xavier REILLE,
               Executive Director and Head of the                                      Regional Talent & Communications Partner,                                  Director,Strategic Partnerships,                                       Manager, MENA Financial Market Advisory.
               Banking Department at Banque Du Liban.                                  Deloitte Middle East.                                                      Advocacy, Civil Society, Communications
               High Impact Analytics: Integrating Diversity                            A case study: The Deloitte Middle East Retention &                         and Resource Mobilization Division in UN
               and Inclusion into the economy. What are the                            Advancement of Women Initiative                                            Women, a UN agency dedicated to gender

               opportunities?                                                                                                                                     equality and women’s empowerment.
                                                                                                                                                 Flexible, Inclusive, Integrative Change Models: Lessons and best
Mr. Choucair graduated with a degree in Business Management           Ms. Rana has regional responsibility for talent and communications         practices from leading companies applying the UN WEPs                   Mr. Xavier joined IFC in 2011 to lead its Financial Market advisory
from the Lebanese American University. Mr. Choucair is also           at Deloitte in the Middle East. Before joining Deloitte, she was at                                                                                program in the Arab world. He has been a senior manager with
an active member of the open market committee and the Basel           Andersen, an HR Director in the EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India          Ms. Hetle, a national of Norway, has her background from the UN         the World Bank for 10 years. He is at the origin of the Microfinance
committee and a contributor to Doing Business -World Bank.            & Africa) regional management team. During her career, she worked          system, government service, the private sector and media. Before        Information exchange and he is also the founder of the Microfinance
Mr. Choucair organized and participated in a number of conferences    in the education and corporate sectors, in different countries and         joining UN Women she served as Director of Communications               Gateway, the knowledge platform of the microfinance industry.
and seminars held jointly with IMF, World Bank, EIB and IFC and has   provided human capital consulting services to multinational and            for the Ministry of Labour in Norway. Until 2008, she was Chief of      Xavier managed the G8 access to finance for MENA from 2005
Launched initiatives to promote micro-credit, lending to SMEs and     leading companies in the region. Rana is a co-chair of the MENA            Communications in UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund,            to 2008 and lead CGAP/World Bank transparency and technology
the establishment of Registry for movable Assets, and the financial   Entrepreneurship Action Group of the World Economic Forum                  where she spearheaded several public awareness campaigns for            programs from 2000 to 2005.
Statement Center for Corporate.                                       (WEF). She is actively involved in women advancement, corporate            women’s health . Prior to that, Ms. Hetle was CEO of Media Lion         Before joining CGAP, Xavier set up several microfinance investment
                                                                      responsibility, and youth skills building initiatives, and is a frequent   Inc., a company she co-founded, specializing in communication           funds in Southeast Asia. He also worked for SIDI, a venture capital
                                                                      contributor to regional conferences and has spoken at Harvard              strategies and media training for corporate leaders. She was also       company focusing on SME. Xavier has been a board member of
                                                                      University, and other leading institutions in the Middle East and          a media advisor for the President of the Norwegian Red Cross. Ms.       several banks and investment companies. He has authored over
                                                                      abroad. Rana launched and is leading the Deloitte ME women                 Hetle is a journalist by training, and anchored a variety of programs   20 publications on access to finance topics. Xavier graduated from
                                                                      initiative, DRAW (Deloitte Retention and Advancement of Women)             in Norwegian Public Radio for almost 20 years. Ms. Hetle studied        French Grande Ecole ENSIA and completed a banking certificate
                                                                      which aims at championing women advancement in the region and              Human Geography and Romance languages at the University of              with CEFEB.
                                                                      creating solutions, programs, networks and processes to advance            Oslo, and Journalism at the Oslo University College.
                                                                      women to leadership positions in the MENA region.

CHALLENGES OF SME’S AND WOMEN IN BUSINESS                                                                                                                                                                      MODERATOR

              Ms. Randa ABOUSLEIMAN,                                            Ms. Marcela NAVARRO,                                                   Ms. Hanan SAAB,                                                        Ms. Mona CHEMALI KHALAF,
              Managing Partner in                                               Executive Business Manager to CEO Corporate                            Founder of Pharmamed.                                                  Economist and Independent Consultant on
              Abousleiman and Partners.                                         Banking Division at Royal Bank of Scotland.                            SMEs and Women in Business financing gap.                              Gender and Development Issues.
              Overview of the Lebanese Legal Framework and                      Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in
              its challenges affecting SMEs, in particular Women                developed countries. What are the similarities
              in Business.                                                      with Lebanon?

Ms. Randa Abousleiman holds an LL.M. degree in Corporate           Ms. Marcela plays an active role as part of the CBD ExCo            Ms. Saab’s main focus is the importation and marketing of medical       Ms. Mona Chemali Khalaf is a former Professor of Economics
Law from New York University School of Law, a Masters              team. She is responsible for identifying and developing new         supplies and novelty pharmaceutical products, based on exclusive        and was the Director of the Institute for Women’s Studies in
of International Affairs with a specialization in Finance from     ventures, working closely with CBD CEO and Executive. She           representation from renowned foreign companies. Over the years,         the Arab World at the Lebanese American University. She is
Columbia University School of International Affairs, a Maîtrise    joined RBS in 2010. Marcela worked for ABN AMRO, where              she worked on enhancing her skills by attending courses and             on the Advisory Board of the Gender Economic Research and
en Droit from Saint Joseph University- Beirut and a B.A. in        she progressed from local to regional to global responsibilities,   workshops as a speaker and participant on subjects related to           Policy Analysis Initiative (GERPA), established by the World Bank
Political Science from the American University of Beirut. Ms.      leveraging her innovative and entrepreneurial approach, as well     business, Women Empowerment, Gender Issues, Pharmaceuticals             and CAWTAR in 2006. She is on the editorial board of Al-Raida,
Abousleiman is a member of the Beirut Bar Association and a        as her her strong knowledge and experience of international         and others in Lebanon and abroad. These workshops and                   a magazine that addresses women’s issues in the Arab world
member of the legal committee of the Association of Banks          propositions and flow business. In the last two years, she has      conferences were organized by MEPI, OECD, World Bank,                   and has authored several publications that focus on women’s
in Lebanon where she is working on various amendments to           made a significant contribution to the Chief Executive Office.      Woodrow Wilson, MEDA Forum, The Economist and others. Ms.               empowerment through education and work. She is presently
the Lebanese Banking Laws. Ms. Abousleiman is also part            Marcela has recently joined WeConnect Europe as Chair, and          Saab is one of twelve founding members of the Lebanese League           undertaking research on migration and its impact on women and
of the team instituted by the World Bank and the office of         is an advisor to the Board of RBS Foundation India. She has         for Women in Business (LLWB) that was incepted late 2006 and            the family. Ms. Khalaf was the coordinator of the World Bank’s
the Prime Minister in order to reform the investment climate       an MBA of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (among the           serves currently as the president of the organization, a founding and   Gender Consultative Council in the MENA Region and was
in Lebanon and a member of the Steering Committee that is          top 2 Universities of Colombia) an Advanced Management              board member of the MENA Business Women Network (MENA                   member of the Lebanese NGO Commission for the Preparation
currently negotiating and drafting the law on Public- Private      Programme at IESE (University of Navarra) and recently              BWN) and the executive of the Lebanese Hub.                             of the 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women; the Lebanese
Partnerships in Lebanon. Ms. Abousleiman has been awarded          completed an Executive Banking Programme at INSEAD.                                                                                         National Commission for Women Affairs; and the Board of
the International Financial Law Review National Law Firm of the                                                                                                                                                Trustees of the United Nations International Research and
Year Award in 2006, 2008 and 2010.                                                                                                                                                                             Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW).

Registration and Welcome Drink								                                                                         3:00PM - 4:00PM

Opening Speeches							                                                                                        4:00PM - 4:30PM
Ms. Tania Moussallem, Assistant General Manager - BLC Bank
 s. Toyin Adeniji, Head of Women in Business - IFC

Panel 1 - Gender Diversity and Inclusion                                                                       4:30PM - 5:30PM
Moderator:	 Mr. Xavier Reille, Manager Financial Markets Advisory - IFC MENA
Panelists:	 Mr. Najib Choucair, Director - Banking Department, Central Bank of Lebanon
	           Ms. Rana Ghandour Salhab, Regional Talent and Communications Partner - Deloitte Middle East
	           Ms. Kristin Hetle, Director of the Strategic Partnerships Division - UN Women

Panel 2 - Challenges of SMEs and Women in Business                                                               5:30PM - 6:30PM
Moderator:	 Ms. Mona Khalaf, Member of the Advisory Board - Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis 	
	           Initiative (GERPA); Assistant Professor of Economics - LAU
Panelists:	 Me. Randa Abousleiman, Partner - Abousleiman  Partners Law cabinet
	           Ms. Marcela Navarro, Executive Business Manager - Corporate Banking Division, Royal Bank of Scotland
	           Ms. Hanan Saab, Managing Director - Pharmamed; Founding Member of LLWB

Keynote Speech										                                                                                       6:30PM - 6:50PM
Ms. Cherie Blair, Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women

Closing Speech                                                                                                 6:50PM - 7:00PM
Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Chairman General Manager - BLC Bank

Cocktail Reception                                                                                                      7:00PM

          we@ b l c b an k . c o m • w w w . b l c b a n k . com •   1510
                                                                                                          managed by

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Blc conference booklet

  • 2. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Mr. Maurice SEHNAOUI, Ms. Cherie BLAIR, Ms. Tania MOUSSALLEM, Ms. Toyin ADENIJI, Chairman, General Manager, BLC Bank. Founder and Patron of Assistant General Manager heading Head of Women in Business - IFC. the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women. the Strategic Development and Financial Management Group at BLC bank- Board Member in USB Bank, Cyprus. Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui is the Chairman of the Board of Directors Ms. Cherie Blair is an active campaigner on equality and human Ms. Tania Moussallem joined BLC bank in 2008 where she Ms. Toyin Adeniji heads IFC’s Global Women in Business Program and General Manager of BLC Bank since 2008, and Chairman of rights issues. She has spoken across the world on both issues initiated, headed and implemented several strategic and innovative (WIN) in the Sustainable Business Advisory Department, charged the Board of Directors of USB Bank PLC (Cyprus) since 2011. and also on the need for improved work/life balance for both development projects involving external and organic growth for with creating opportunities for women in business in the developing He holds a degree in Economics (June 1967) from Saint Joseph women and men. In 2008, Cherie set up her charity, the Cherie the bank. Areas covered include acquisitions, finance, technology, world. University of Beirut. He was a former Minister of Energy and Blair Foundation for Women. She believes that by empowering corporate social responsibility, etc. latest of which is the We Ms. Adeniji is a Financial Services professional with experience in Water from 2004 to 2005. Mr. Sehnaoui was the Chairman– and supporting women around the world, they can play an Initiative, subject of today’s conference. She had started her carrier international development, microfinance, and small and medium General Manager of Société Générale de Banque au Liban from increasingly important role in their economies and societies. at Société Générale de Banque au Liban where she held several enterprise development. Prior to leading the WIN program, Ms. 1984 to 2007, the Chairman of Société Générale Cyprus Ltd. The Foundation works with women in Africa, South Asia and managerial positions and headed among others Investment Banking, Adeniji conceived and promoted Susu Microfinance Bank Ltd from 1990 to 2008 and the Vice Chairman of Société Générale the Middle East, helping them generate their own income Specialized Financing and SMEs Departments. In parallel, she acted in Nigeria: one of the first five microfinance banks to obtain an Jordan from 2000 and until 2008. He is a Board member and and developing projects which encourage them to become as Deputy Head of the Corporate and Investment Banking Division. operating license from the Central Bank of Nigeria. She established holds participations in a number of companies and owns a large successful and self-sustaining entrepreneurs. She developed as well an extensive experience in privatization of Susu Microfinance Bank Ltd. after having previously worked real estate portfolio including prestigious buildings in the Beirut Cherie is also closely involved with over 20 charities. She is the energy and water and waste water sectors including a 6 months at IFC as an investment officer for 12 years. While serving as an city center. He is Chevalier of the French “Légion d’Honneur” Honorary Vice President of Barnados, President of the Loomba period as member of the Minister of Energy and Water Cabinet. investment officer for the African Enterprise Fund, she gained and Officer of the French “Ordre National du Mérite”. Foundation, Patron of Scope and Patron of a number of charities, She holds a Masters degree in Finance & Communication from extensive experience in providing financial assistance to small and including Breast Cancer Care. Cherie is also Vice-Chair of the US Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Ms. Adeniji has an MBA from Secretary of State’s International Council for Women’s Business ESSEC, France and a degree in Business Administration from the Harvard Business School. Leadership and Honorary Chair of the World Justice Project. American University of Beirut. •3
  • 3. PANEL 1: GENDER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION MODERATOR Mr. Najib ANWAR CHOUCAIR, Ms. Rana GHANDOUR SALHAB, Ms. Kristin HETLE, Mr. Xavier REILLE, Executive Director and Head of the Regional Talent & Communications Partner, Director,Strategic Partnerships, Manager, MENA Financial Market Advisory. Banking Department at Banque Du Liban. Deloitte Middle East. Advocacy, Civil Society, Communications High Impact Analytics: Integrating Diversity A case study: The Deloitte Middle East Retention & and Resource Mobilization Division in UN and Inclusion into the economy. What are the Advancement of Women Initiative Women, a UN agency dedicated to gender   opportunities? equality and women’s empowerment. Flexible, Inclusive, Integrative Change Models: Lessons and best Mr. Choucair graduated with a degree in Business Management Ms. Rana has regional responsibility for talent and communications practices from leading companies applying the UN WEPs Mr. Xavier joined IFC in 2011 to lead its Financial Market advisory from the Lebanese American University. Mr. Choucair is also at Deloitte in the Middle East. Before joining Deloitte, she was at program in the Arab world. He has been a senior manager with an active member of the open market committee and the Basel Andersen, an HR Director in the EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India Ms. Hetle, a national of Norway, has her background from the UN the World Bank for 10 years. He is at the origin of the Microfinance committee and a contributor to Doing Business -World Bank. & Africa) regional management team. During her career, she worked system, government service, the private sector and media. Before Information exchange and he is also the founder of the Microfinance Mr. Choucair organized and participated in a number of conferences in the education and corporate sectors, in different countries and joining UN Women she served as Director of Communications Gateway, the knowledge platform of the microfinance industry. and seminars held jointly with IMF, World Bank, EIB and IFC and has provided human capital consulting services to multinational and for the Ministry of Labour in Norway. Until 2008, she was Chief of Xavier managed the G8 access to finance for MENA from 2005 Launched initiatives to promote micro-credit, lending to SMEs and leading companies in the region. Rana is a co-chair of the MENA Communications in UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, to 2008 and lead CGAP/World Bank transparency and technology the establishment of Registry for movable Assets, and the financial Entrepreneurship Action Group of the World Economic Forum where she spearheaded several public awareness campaigns for programs from 2000 to 2005. Statement Center for Corporate. (WEF). She is actively involved in women advancement, corporate women’s health . Prior to that, Ms. Hetle was CEO of Media Lion Before joining CGAP, Xavier set up several microfinance investment responsibility, and youth skills building initiatives, and is a frequent Inc., a company she co-founded, specializing in communication funds in Southeast Asia. He also worked for SIDI, a venture capital contributor to regional conferences and has spoken at Harvard strategies and media training for corporate leaders. She was also company focusing on SME. Xavier has been a board member of University, and other leading institutions in the Middle East and a media advisor for the President of the Norwegian Red Cross. Ms. several banks and investment companies. He has authored over abroad. Rana launched and is leading the Deloitte ME women Hetle is a journalist by training, and anchored a variety of programs 20 publications on access to finance topics. Xavier graduated from initiative, DRAW (Deloitte Retention and Advancement of Women) in Norwegian Public Radio for almost 20 years. Ms. Hetle studied French Grande Ecole ENSIA and completed a banking certificate which aims at championing women advancement in the region and Human Geography and Romance languages at the University of with CEFEB. creating solutions, programs, networks and processes to advance Oslo, and Journalism at the Oslo University College. women to leadership positions in the MENA region. •5
  • 4. PANEL 2: CHALLENGES OF SME’S AND WOMEN IN BUSINESS MODERATOR Ms. Randa ABOUSLEIMAN, Ms. Marcela NAVARRO, Ms. Hanan SAAB, Ms. Mona CHEMALI KHALAF, Managing Partner in Executive Business Manager to CEO Corporate Founder of Pharmamed. Economist and Independent Consultant on Abousleiman and Partners. Banking Division at Royal Bank of Scotland. SMEs and Women in Business financing gap. Gender and Development Issues. Overview of the Lebanese Legal Framework and Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in its challenges affecting SMEs, in particular Women developed countries. What are the similarities in Business. with Lebanon? Ms. Randa Abousleiman holds an LL.M. degree in Corporate Ms. Marcela plays an active role as part of the CBD ExCo Ms. Saab’s main focus is the importation and marketing of medical Ms. Mona Chemali Khalaf is a former Professor of Economics Law from New York University School of Law, a Masters team. She is responsible for identifying and developing new supplies and novelty pharmaceutical products, based on exclusive and was the Director of the Institute for Women’s Studies in of International Affairs with a specialization in Finance from ventures, working closely with CBD CEO and Executive. She representation from renowned foreign companies. Over the years, the Arab World at the Lebanese American University. She is Columbia University School of International Affairs, a Maîtrise joined RBS in 2010. Marcela worked for ABN AMRO, where she worked on enhancing her skills by attending courses and on the Advisory Board of the Gender Economic Research and en Droit from Saint Joseph University- Beirut and a B.A. in she progressed from local to regional to global responsibilities, workshops as a speaker and participant on subjects related to Policy Analysis Initiative (GERPA), established by the World Bank Political Science from the American University of Beirut. Ms. leveraging her innovative and entrepreneurial approach, as well business, Women Empowerment, Gender Issues, Pharmaceuticals and CAWTAR in 2006. She is on the editorial board of Al-Raida, Abousleiman is a member of the Beirut Bar Association and a as her her strong knowledge and experience of international and others in Lebanon and abroad. These workshops and a magazine that addresses women’s issues in the Arab world member of the legal committee of the Association of Banks propositions and flow business. In the last two years, she has conferences were organized by MEPI, OECD, World Bank, and has authored several publications that focus on women’s in Lebanon where she is working on various amendments to made a significant contribution to the Chief Executive Office. Woodrow Wilson, MEDA Forum, The Economist and others. Ms. empowerment through education and work. She is presently the Lebanese Banking Laws. Ms. Abousleiman is also part Marcela has recently joined WeConnect Europe as Chair, and Saab is one of twelve founding members of the Lebanese League undertaking research on migration and its impact on women and of the team instituted by the World Bank and the office of is an advisor to the Board of RBS Foundation India. She has for Women in Business (LLWB) that was incepted late 2006 and the family. Ms. Khalaf was the coordinator of the World Bank’s the Prime Minister in order to reform the investment climate an MBA of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (among the serves currently as the president of the organization, a founding and Gender Consultative Council in the MENA Region and was in Lebanon and a member of the Steering Committee that is top 2 Universities of Colombia) an Advanced Management board member of the MENA Business Women Network (MENA member of the Lebanese NGO Commission for the Preparation currently negotiating and drafting the law on Public- Private Programme at IESE (University of Navarra) and recently BWN) and the executive of the Lebanese Hub. of the 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women; the Lebanese Partnerships in Lebanon. Ms. Abousleiman has been awarded completed an Executive Banking Programme at INSEAD. National Commission for Women Affairs; and the Board of the International Financial Law Review National Law Firm of the Trustees of the United Nations International Research and Year Award in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW). •7
  • 5. Registration and Welcome Drink 3:00PM - 4:00PM Opening Speeches 4:00PM - 4:30PM Ms. Tania Moussallem, Assistant General Manager - BLC Bank M s. Toyin Adeniji, Head of Women in Business - IFC Panel 1 - Gender Diversity and Inclusion 4:30PM - 5:30PM Moderator: Mr. Xavier Reille, Manager Financial Markets Advisory - IFC MENA Panelists: Mr. Najib Choucair, Director - Banking Department, Central Bank of Lebanon Ms. Rana Ghandour Salhab, Regional Talent and Communications Partner - Deloitte Middle East Ms. Kristin Hetle, Director of the Strategic Partnerships Division - UN Women Panel 2 - Challenges of SMEs and Women in Business 5:30PM - 6:30PM Moderator: Ms. Mona Khalaf, Member of the Advisory Board - Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis Initiative (GERPA); Assistant Professor of Economics - LAU Panelists: Me. Randa Abousleiman, Partner - Abousleiman Partners Law cabinet Ms. Marcela Navarro, Executive Business Manager - Corporate Banking Division, Royal Bank of Scotland Ms. Hanan Saab, Managing Director - Pharmamed; Founding Member of LLWB Keynote Speech 6:30PM - 6:50PM Ms. Cherie Blair, Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Closing Speech 6:50PM - 7:00PM Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Chairman General Manager - BLC Bank Cocktail Reception 7:00PM we@ b l c b an k . c o m • w w w . b l c b a n k . com • 1510 managed by