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Child Development in the Context of Adversity
                               Experiential Canalization of Brain and Behavior

                                                                Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver
                                                                      New York University

The authors examine the effects of poverty-related adver-                         competing theories concerning development in middle and
sity on child development, drawing upon psychobiological                          later adulthood, the theory of selective optimization with
principles of experiential canalization and the biological                        compensation embodies the idea that the shaping of behav-
embedding of experience. They integrate findings from                              ior by biology and experience represents a general devel-
research on stress physiology, neurocognitive function,                           opmental process involving trade-offs. As development
and self-regulation to consider adaptive processes in re-                         takes away with one hand, it gives with the other.
sponse to adversity as an aspect of children’s development.                             The idea that development is shaped by biology and
Recent research on early caregiving is paired with re-                            experience coactively to promote specific abilities over
search in prevention science to provide a reorientation of                        others is known as experiential canalization (Gottlieb,
thinking about the ways in which psychosocial and eco-                            1991, 1997). Experiential canalization describes a general
nomic adversity are related to continuity in human devel-                         developmental process through which biology and typi-
opment.                                                                           cally occurring experience combine, often in ways that go
                                                                                  largely unnoticed, to influence behavior. A foundational
Keywords: stress, self-regulation, preventive intervention,                       demonstration of the process of the experiential canaliza-
poverty, development                                                              tion of development is provided by Gilbert Gottlieb’s re-

                                                                                  search on the development of the recognition of the ma-
         erceptual and cognitive development in infancy                           ternal call in mallard and wood duck hatchlings.
         and early childhood, perhaps throughout the life                         Recognition of the maternal call, in which the hatchling
         span, are to a considerable extent characterized by                      orients to the vocalizations of its own species and not to
the shaping and constraining of abilities by experience, by                       those of another, appears to be a classic example of instinc-
gain through loss. A widely cited illustrative example of                         tual behavior, meaning that it is hardwired and innate.
such environmentally induced specificity in development is                         Gottlieb demonstrated, however, that the wiring that un-
a decline in the ability to discriminate phonetic contrasts in                    derlies this behavior is malleable and that this seemingly
infancy. Between approximately 6 and 10 months of age,                            instinctual behavior is driven as much by experience as by
infants lose the ability to discriminate phonemes in nonna-                       genes. A central idea in the canalization model is that
tive languages while maintaining and strengthening the                            experience induces functional activity from the behavioral
ability to discriminate phonemes in the native language                           level to the cellular level to shape development to maxi-
(Kuhl, Williams, Lacerda, Stevens, & Lindblom, 1992;                              mize functioning within a specific expected environment.
Werker & Tees, 1986). With such a trade-off or narrowing                          As such, the environment in combination with genetic
of development in infancy, however, come gains in per-                            background directs the process of development; this com-
ceptual ability that enable the coordination of multiple                          bination functions as the source of information in a devel-
sensory attributes (Pons, Lewkowicz, Soto-Faraco, & Se-                           opmental system. In other words, directions for develop-
bastian-Galles, 2009). The tuning of perceptual networks to
      ´      ´
attend primarily to regularly occurring contrasts precedes
the development of the ability to integrate across perceptual                     This article was published Online First March 5, 2012.
networks, facilitating the emergence of more elaborate and                             Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver, Department of Applied Psychol-
                                                                                  ogy, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development,
complex types of perceptual experience (Lewkowicz &                               New York University.
Ghazanfar, 2009).                                                                      Clancy Blair acknowledges support from Eunice Kennedy Shriver
      The progressive selection and shaping of abilities has                      National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grants R01
also been proposed as a chief characteristic of life span                         HD51502 and P01 HD39667 (with co-funding from the National Institute
                                                                                  on Drug Abuse) and from Institute of Education Sciences Grant
development (Baltes, Staudinger, & Lindenberger, 1999).                           R305A100058. C. Cybele Raver acknowledges support from Eunice Ken-
In life span theory, development in later adulthood has                           nedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
been described as a process of selective optimization with                        Grant R01 HD046160.
compensation, in which ability within a given domain is                                Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
                                                                                  Clancy Blair, Department of Applied Psychology, Steinhardt School of
maintained by a narrowing of the focus and scope of                               Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University,
activities within that domain in order to compensate for a                        Kimball Hall, 8th Floor, 246 Greene Street, New York NY 10003. E-mail:
gradual decline in ability. Although only one of several                

May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist                                                                                                              309
© 2012 American Psychological Association 0003-066X/12/$12.00
Vol. 67, No. 4, 309 –318  DOI: 10.1037/a0027493
typical experience associated with socioeconomic status
                                                                 (SES) affects child development. It is well established that
                                                                 the material and psychosocial contexts of poverty adversely
                                                                 affect multiple aspects of development in children (Bradley
                                                                 & Corwin, 2002; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 2000; Noble,
                                                                 McCandliss, & Farah, 2007). Poverty affects where and
                                                                 how family members live, limiting housing options to those
                                                                 that are often characterized by higher levels of crowding,
                                                                 violence, and lack of safety (Evans, 2004; Kohen, Lev-
                                                                 enthal, Dahinten, & McIntosh, 2008). Economic hardship
                                                                 exacerbates conflict between adults, with children in poor
                                                                 households facing a higher probability of disrupted social
                                                                 relationships with key adults in their lives (Watson &
                                                                 McLanahan, 2011). As parents struggle with a range of
                                                                 stressors, the probability of parents’ depressive symptoms,
                                                                 emotional distress, and expressions of anger and aggression
                                                                 in the household also rises, with cascading effects on
                                                                 children’s psychological development (Ackerman &
                                                                 Brown, 2010; Foster & Brooks-Gunn, 2009; Molnar, Buka,
                                                                 Brennan, Holton, & Earls, 2003). Children in conditions of
Clancy Blair                                                     economic hardship face a wide array of dangers (e.g.,
                                                                 higher probability of exposure to environmental teratogens
                                                                 such as lead, higher levels of noise and crowding, and
                                                                 lower levels of household and neighborhood safety) and
ment are not simply encoded in DNA or present in the             simultaneously lower access to supportive environments,
environment in a predetermined sense (Oyama, 2000);              such as high-quality child care (Brooks-Gunn & Duncan,
rather, genetic information and environmental information        1997).
coactively and probabilistically determine behavioral and              The material and psychosocial hardships of poverty
psychological development.                                       are very real, and their effects on development are often
     Without reference to experiential canalization, little in   severe. As such, these effects, generally speaking, have
development makes sense. That is, without taking into            tended to be characterized within a deficit model in which
account functional relations across levels of analysis, ex-
                                                                 children are seen as lacking specific inputs, whether envi-
planations for processes of development become overly
                                                                 ronmental or genetic or both, that are needed to avoid
determined, and the individual contributions of either biol-
ogy or experience, of nature or nurture, are overemphasized      compromised development. For example, a gradient be-
(Lickliter & Honeycutt, 2003). Accordingly, experiential         tween the amount of input, such as maternal language, and
canalization, or the selective optimization of behavior in       output, such as vocabulary development in children, is well
response to experience, is a central aspect of what is known     established and has been shown to covary with income
as the developmental psychobiological model. This model          (Hart & Risley, 1985). Consideration of the context of
offers a framework for understanding the implications of         poverty only from a deficit-oriented, input– output perspec-
developmental trade-offs, of opportunities taken or fore-        tive on child development, however, is of less theoretical
closed, that are inherent in distinct developmental path-        and empirical value than one might hope. An important
ways. Such a perspective on development provides for             feature of the experiential canalization model is that it
greater complexity and specificity as well as for greater         indicates the relevance of focusing not only on the absence
probability of change or reversibility than is implied by an     of particular types of stimulation but also on the presence
additive or simple interactive model of biological and en-       of alternative types of stimulation that actively shape de-
vironmental inputs leading to child outcomes.                    velopment to meet a specific set of contingencies. Although
                                                                 cognition and behavior in children from low-income homes
Poverty, Parenting, and the                                      are often clearly differentiated from those of their middle-
Psychobiology of Self-Regulation                                 income counterparts, there is little to suggest that the mech-
     In this article we apply the developmental psychobi-        anisms underlying the observed differences, whether de-
ological model of experiential canalization to research on       fined in terms of environmental factors or in terms of
children’s development in the context of poverty-related         genetic similarity, are best explained in an additive, input–
adversity in an effort to break new ground for interpreting      output fashion. The principle of experiential canalization
recent research findings and for designing future research        indicates the need to focus on the ways in which variables
and preventive and therapeutic interventions. Consider-          across levels of analysis, from the genetic to the social,
ation of psychobiological processes may be particularly          combine to shape development in favor of one trajectory
important for understanding the ways in which variation in       over another and to promote continuity for good and for ill.

310                                                                               May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
which cognitive and social-emotional development in early
                                                               childhood is shaped by experience—most specifically, the
                                                               development of neural systems important for self-regula-
                                                               tion, defined here as the primarily volitional regulation of
                                                               attention, emotion, and executive functions for the pur-
                                                               poses of goal-directed actions (Blair & Ursache, 2011).
                                                                     The basis for the experiential canalization model of
                                                               self-regulation development is found in a number of animal
                                                               models that examined the effects of early experience on
                                                               development. This research (primarily with rats) has dem-
                                                               onstrated that chronic stress in the prenatal and/or very
                                                               early neonatal periods has multiple negative sequelae.
                                                               These studies demonstrate that early stress alters gene
                                                               expression and induces structural changes as well as
                                                               changes in connectivity in brain areas that underlie stress
                                                               response physiology (Karssen et al., 2007; Liston et al.,
                                                               2006; Patel, Katz, Karssen, & Lyons, 2008; Radley, Arias,
                                                               & Sawchenko, 2006). In turn, alteration of stress response
                                                               physiology influences activity in neural systems that un-
                                                               derlie self-regulation abilities, including executive func-
C. Cybele                                                      tions (Cerqueira, Mailliet, Almeida, Jay, & Sousa, 2007;
Raver                                                          Holmes & Wellman, 2009), or what can be considered
                                                               tendencies to a more reflective or more reactive response to
                                                               experience. This is because stress hormones are modulators
                                                               of neural activity in the brain (Arnsten, 2000; Yuen et al.,
Experiential Canalization of
                                                               2009) and at moderate levels of increase lead to long-term
Development in Low- Versus                                     synaptic potentiation in corticolimbic circuitry associated with
High-Resource Environments                                     prefrontal cortex (PFC), the seat of executive function abili-
Recent advances in neuroscience and neuropsychology il-        ties. At very high or very low levels of neuroendocrine in-
lustrate the developmental psychobiological model and ex-      crease, however, synaptic activity in PFC circuitry is de-
periential canalization of self-regulation development in      creased, and activity in brain systems associated with more
children. In the model shown in Figure 1, characteristics of   reactive forms of learning and behavior is increased (Ramos
the environment influence parents’ psychological function-      & Arnsten, 2007; Segal, Richter-Levin, & Maggio, 2010).
ing and in turn the quality of caregiving they provide.              Given the relations among the constructs in Figure 1,
Quality of caregiving is then in turn hypothesized to act as   it appears that one way in which early experience may
a key mediator of the linkage between children’s exposure      shape or program the development of the organism is by
to poverty-related hazard and subsequent physiological,        altering neural connectivity and sensitivity to neuroendo-
neurobiological, and cognitive development. In this pro-       crine levels in pathways that underlie tendencies to more
cess, the development of stress physiology is a central        reactive as opposed to more reflective responses to expe-
component of the model, one in which stress hormone            rience. With an increasingly established relation between
levels act as a primary canalizer or mechanism through         stress hormone levels and self-regulation, a central research

Figure 1
Model of the Experiential Canalization of Self-Regulation Development

May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist                                                                                     311
question concerns the extent to which effects of environ-       to stress and immune system functioning. Recent epidemi-
mental quality on the neural substrate that supports self-      ological findings suggest that low SES is consistently re-
regulation are mediated by and can be remediated through        lated to poorer health in later life (Jackson et al., 2004;
early experience, particularly early caregiving. The idea       Miller et al., 2009). One mechanistic interpretation of these
that caregiving acts as a key mediator of the effect of         findings is that alterations to stress and immune system
poverty on child development has been shown in a number         functioning in children in low-SES homes represent an
of studies (McLoyd, 1998). Research on early experience         adaptive trade-off. For example, low-SES background has
in animal models indicates the psychobiological shaping of      been associated with up-regulation of genes associated with
behavior and cognition through early caregiving effects on      adrenergic function and down-regulation of genes associ-
stress physiology. In one widely cited example, Meaney          ated with the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–
and collaborators (Meaney & Szyf, 2005) have shown that         adrenal (HPA) axis (Miller et al., 2009). Increased adren-
variation in naturally occurring maternal behavior in the rat   ergic and glucocorticoid responses to stimulation would
during the offspring’s first eight postnatal days is associ-     enable a more reactive and faster response to threats, both
ated with the expression of a gene that codes for the density   physical and psychosocial, and as such would confer an
of neural receptors for glucocorticoids in the hippocampus.     advantage in unsafe environments. Such a trade-off, how-
This effect is a highly meaningful one in that glucocorti-      ever, would come with short- and long-term costs to health
coid receptor density is central to the regulation of neu-      and well-being that would preferentially shape physical and
roendocrine levels, which, as noted above, are highly rel-      psychological development along particular trajectories
evant to the activity in brain areas associated with more       while limiting the likelihood of development along others.
volitional and proactive responses to stimulation (Robbins            The experiential canalization approach offers a
& Arnsten, 2009) and with complex learning and memory           sharper lens through which to reexamine models of poverty
(Liu, Diorio, Day, Francis, & Meaney, 2000).                    and child development. Although research on the canaliza-
      Although there are many interesting aspects of the        tion of development through caregiving and stress physi-
developmental process linking early caregiving experience       ology is in an early stage, a growing number of studies
to later behavior in the animal models described above, one     provide a neurobiological basis for well-documented asso-
of the most important from the standpoint of developmental      ciations between poverty and child physical and psycho-
psychobiology is that variation in the maternal behaviors in
                                                                logical health and development. For example, a longitudi-
the rat that initiate the cascade from the behavioral to the
                                                                nal study with pre- and early adolescent children has
genetic level and back again is in part driven by the quality
                                                                demonstrated that a cumulative risk index composed of
of the environment in which development is occurring. The
                                                                psychosocial and physical characteristics of the home en-
idea here is that environmental quality leads to particular
                                                                vironment differentiated high- from low-SES homes and
types of caregiving behaviors that initiate a physiological
                                                                was positively and linearly associated with an index of
cascade leading to patterns of development that are appro-
priate or beneficial for that environment (Cameron et al.,       stress physiology biomarkers in children that included car-
2005; Meaney, 2001, 2010). Such coactions among genes,          diovascular function, body mass index, and overnight lev-
behavior, and environments provide new insight into pro-        els of catecholamines and cortisol. Furthermore, the risk
cesses of development. These and other studies provide          index was associated with reduced delay of gratification,
growing evidence to support the idea that early caregiving      increased learned helplessness, greater psychological dis-
and stress physiology serve as primary conduits or sources      tress, and reduced working memory in children, indicating
of information in a developmental system. As such, early        links among poverty, stress physiology, and self-regulation
caregiving can be understood to shape the development of        (Evans, 2003; Evans & English, 2002; Evans & Scham-
child behavior in ways that are appropriate for the context     berg, 2009).
in which development is occurring.                                    A second longitudinal study beginning at birth that we
                                                                have been conducting with a large group of collaborators
Adaptation and Change in Development                            has followed a sample of 1,292 children from predomi-
The notion of developmental trade-offs in the experiential      nantly low-income and nonurban communities. This study,
canalization approach is consistent with a rationale for        known as the Family Life Project, has demonstrated that
future research that might profitably investigate the idea       poverty is associated with elevated cortisol in infancy and
that adversity in the context of poverty shapes neural de-      early childhood and that this association is mediated
velopment and perhaps also molecular genetic processes          through characteristics of the household (Blair, Raver, et
and leads to adaptations in behavior and mental states that     al., 2011; Hibel, Granger, Blair, Cox, & the Family Life
are relevant to that environment. Adaptive shaping of be-       Project Investigators, 2011). Furthermore, this study has
havior in low-resource environments, however, should not        shown that, as outlined above, parenting sensitivity medi-
be taken to imply the development of necessarily optimal        ates the relation between poverty and stress physiology
or desirable states of functioning. On the contrary, adapta-    (Blair et al., 2008; Mills-Koonce et al., 2011) and that, in
tion to low-resource environments involves short-term           combination, parenting sensitivity and elevated cortisol
“benefits” as well as long-term “costs” to the organism,         mediate the association between poverty and low levels of
both psychologically as well as physically, that are due to     executive function abilities in children (Blair, Granger, et
increased stress on organ systems resulting from alterations    al., 2011).

312                                                                              May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
Studies of young children in conditions of more ex-        adaptations but potentially harmful long-term sequelae. In
treme forms of compromised caregiving involving neglect          the context of maltreatment specifically, or in low-resource,
and maltreatment in infancy and early childhood also pro-        unpredictable caregiving environments more generally, al-
vide evidence of experiential canalization in the context of     tered HPA axis responsivity, biased attributional style, and
adversity. Children who have experienced exceptionally           hypervigilance to environmental cues allow for more rapid
harsh treatment from caregivers demonstrate alterations to       learning and response to conditions of threat (Champagne
HPA axis function including hyperactivity followed by            et al., 2008; Pollak, 2008). These processes, however, also
later hyporeactivity (Gunnar, Fisher, & the Early Experi-        increase the chances of negative interpersonal interactions
ence, Stress, and Prevention Network, 2006). An important        and high levels of difficulty in social contexts such as
aspect of this model is that it can be extended to include       school (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2009).
exposure to aggression from peers as well as adults. In a              Attention to potential exchanges or trade-offs that
sample of monozygotic twins discordant for the experience        make given behaviors rewarded and rewarding versus
of bullying, the bullied members of the twin pairs showed        problematic provides insight into ways that poverty-related
blunted, or hyporesponsive, cortisol secretion in response       adversity may profoundly shape children’s development.
to a lab stressor compared with their nonbullied but genet-      Attention to these trade-offs, however, also underscores
ically identical counterparts (Ouellet-Morin et al., 2011). In   ways in which neurocognitive and behavioral profiles of
contrast, the nonbullied twins showed an expected increase       self-regulation can be altered. A central implication of the
in cortisol secretion in response to the moderately stressful    experiential canalization approach is that the shaping of
lab task. These findings highlight the neurophysiological         development by experience offers an opportunity for repair
and behavioral trade-offs that accompany the process of          and reversal. Just as the system is open to shaping and
experiential canalization in the face of environmental           selective optimization in the face of high levels of disad-
adversity. In discussing their findings, the investigators        vantage, so too might the system be reoptimized to meet
squarely considered these trade-offs and addressed the           changing environmental demands and conditions. A san-
question of whether the blunted, hyporesponsive HPA              guine implication of models of experiential canalization,
axis profile demonstrated by the bullied children’s re-           however, is that there are few if any opportunities for an
sponse to psychosocial stress was “adaptive or detrimen-         “easy fix”: In setting aside input– output models of devel-
tal” (Ouellet-Morin et al., 2011, p. 580).                       opment, seemingly straightforward solutions for altering
      Here development may be giving with one hand—              children’s self-regulation and executive function will have
conferring developmental advantage through blunting of           a lower probability of success than will interventions that
the HPA axis to protect the brain from iatrogenic effects of     take canalizing processes across multiple levels into ac-
prolonged cortisol elevations—while taking away with the         count.
other—the blunting of the cortisol response leading to
longer term health costs. This set of trade-offs is mani-        Repair Through Mediating Mechanisms of
fested at the behavioral level as well in that chronic expo-     Caregiving
sure to others’ anger and aggression tunes children’s atten-     In the developmental psychobiological framework, experi-
tion and responsiveness in favor of heightened vigilance to      ential and biological influences on development are highly
emotionally negative stimuli (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2009;         intertwined. For this reason, supporting adults to maintain
Pollak, Messner, Kistler, & Cohn, 2009; Pollak, Vardi,           high levels of responsiveness, consistency, and warmth can
Putzer Bechner, & Curtin, 2005). Such heightened vigi-           be expected to lead to more flexible regulation of stress
lance may be beneficial in the short run, keeping children        physiology with cascading influences on child self-regula-
alert and ready to respond when facing potentially threat-       tion. A considerable body of research in prevention science
ening situations or interactions at home or at school. That      demonstrates that parenting intervention can be successful
same level of behavioral vigilance may translate to a level      in altering the quality of caregiving that adults provide to
of wariness or reticence with unfamiliar teachers and peers      young children while those adults navigate a large number
that carries longer term social costs. These findings provide     of stressful poverty-related hazards. Recent parent training
support for the idea that chronic exposure to adversity, such    programs have shown significant success in helping adults
as can occur more frequently in the context of poverty,          to acquire new caregiving goals and schema, alter their use
actively shapes physiological and behavioral development         of negative forms of discipline, and engage in more sensi-
in ways that are adaptive for that context.                      tive and responsive and less coercive and inept forms of
                                                                 caregiving, with short-term reductions in young children’s
Implications of Experiential Canalization for
                                                                 behavioral dysregulation (Brotman, Gouley, Klein, Cas-
Reversibility, Reoptimization, and
                                                                 tellanos, & Pine, 2003; Dishion et al., 2008; Dozier et al.,
                                                                 2009; Izard, Sann, Spelke, & Streri, 2009; Landry, Smith,
As noted above, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral         Swank, & Guttentag, 2008; Mendelsohn et al., 2005; Web-
adaptations to the context of adversity and compromised          ster-Stratton, 1998).
caregiving can result in objectively worse chances of pos-             For example, implementation of multiple years of the
itive life course outcomes. Applied to children in poverty,      SAFEChildren intervention supporting parenting practices
such a psychobiological process in development might             among low-income families facing high levels of violence
understandably be associated with short-term “beneficial”         led to significant increases in parents’ use of more stable,

May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist                                                                                    313
consistent forms of caregiving and limit setting, with con-      dismissiveness, disengagement, and withdrawal (Dozier,
comitant improvements in children’s regulation of atten-         2005; Dozier et al., 2009). In light of this cycle of escalat-
tion, impulsivity, and behavior (Tolan, Gorman-Smith,            ing dysregulation and withdrawal, Dozier and colleagues
Henry, & Schoeny, 2009). Effect sizes of these interven-         (2009) designed their intervention to support foster parents’
tions range from small impacts with “dilute” forms of            ability to structure a set of environmental contingencies
intervention (see Dishion et al., 2008) to larger effect sizes   that might canalize children’s more optimal trajectories of
for more intensive intervention efforts (e.g., d ϭ .5 for        regulation over time. In so doing, the interventionists con-
improvement in responsive caregiving and child attention         sidered that there are also significant trade-offs in shifting
deployment; Landry et al., 2008). An essential point from        into new patterns of emotional regulation and that caregiv-
the perspective of the experiential canalization of develop-     ers need to be supported in making greater investments in
ment is that these models of parent skills training often        approaching rather than withdrawing during emotionally
engage parents through attention to parents’ own regulatory      negative bouts of interaction with their foster children. The
profiles of affect, behavior, and cognition in conditions of      implication from such an approach is that caregivers would
high environmental stress (Dishion et al., 2008; Izard et al.,   need to concomitantly shift the expectations and responses
2009; Fisher & Stoolmiller, 2008). Equally important is          of others in additional environmental contexts, including,
that careful experimental designs in “real-world” contexts       for example, teachers in their children’s preschools, in
have dramatically increased our ability to make clear causal     order for their children’s altered forms of self-regulation to
inferences regarding the role of caregiving provided by          be sustained rather than transitory. In short, canalizing
adults as a critical mediating mechanism in canalization         models indicate that change in multiple, rather than single,
models of human development.                                     environmental contexts is necessary if newly canalized
      Studies of parenting training also provide some evi-       trajectories of responding are to be supported over time.
dence of effects on aspects of child self-regulation, includ-          While promising, the above findings provide limited
ing attention and emotion regulation (Landry, Smith, &           but suggestive evidence of canalizing processes in devel-
Swank, 2006). As well, evaluations of outcomes for chil-         opment and the potential malleability of development
dren experiencing extreme caregiving disruption that re-         through intervention and support. Within this framework, a
sults in foster care placement provide initial support for a     key question concerns whether intervening in cycles of
process by which changes in caregiving behavior are asso-        maladaptive caregiving and dysregulation in parent– child
ciated with changes in stress physiology that should be          interactions yields linked improvements both in child stress
conducive to executive function abilities and more reflec-        physiology and self-regulation abilities. Although no inter-
tive self-regulation of behavior. Children of foster care        vention studies to date have fully tested such a model, the
parents receiving training in emotionally supportive and         findings described above strongly indicate the need for
contingent behavior demonstrated a more typical pattern of       direct empirical examinations of this model. As well, two
diurnal cortisol change (higher morning levels and a con-        important points related to the foregoing concern prenatal
sistent decline through the day) as well as lower overall        experience as well as the possibility that some children may
cortisol levels (Dozier, Peloso, Lewis, Laurenceau, &            be more or less sensitive or susceptible to alterations to
Levine, 2008; Fisher, Stoolmiller, Gunnar, & Burraston,          experience. A substantial literature on the relation of pre-
2007). Similarly, preschool children at risk for conduct         natal experience to postnatal development indicates that
disorder in families receiving an intervention to promote        canalizing processes begin early and can have meaningful
responsive parenting demonstrated an appropriate increase        implications for later self-regulation (Davis & Sandman,
in cortisol in anticipation of a moderate social challenge       2010; Markham, Toth, & Lickliter, 2006). Similarly, the
relative to children in a randomly assigned control group        growing literature on differential susceptibility or biologi-
(Brotman et al., 2007).                                          cal sensitivity to context suggests that temperamental and
      Evidence from the obstacles and successes encoun-          physiological differences among children are central to the
tered within parenting interventions also highlights the         processes by which biology and experience coactively
extent to which canalizing processes are bidirectional and       shape development (Ellis, Boyce, Belsky, Bakermans-
reciprocal and the extent to which attention to this reci-       Kranenburg, & van Ijzendoorn, 2011).
procity, as a process of the active maintenance of patterns
of behavior, is needed to promote intervention efficacy.          Alternative Pathways to Repair Through
Children’s behaviors and regulatory profiles that may have        Mediating Mechanisms: Classroom-Based
been adaptive in the context of past environmental contin-       Intervention
gencies may also shape future environmental contingen-           Although findings emerging from the recent parenting in-
cies, eliciting continued styles of suboptimal care from         terventions discussed above are promising, it is important
adults in ways that are sometimes difficult to disrupt in         to underscore that behavioral change may be easier to
intervention contexts that focus only on adult behavior          engineer among some parents than among others (e.g.,
change. For example, in the preventive intervention for          among full-time working parents who are not able to attend
children in foster care noted above, family members              extensive trainings and workshops). Further, the estimated
needed interventionists’ support in order to avoid becoming      size of the effect or impact of those interventions on child
caught in an escalating cycle of rising negative arousal,        outcomes is generally small and may not be sustained
biased cognitive attributions, and behavioral responses of       unless the “dose” of intervention is high and continues

314                                                                               May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
across several developmental periods (see Landry et al.,           levels in children (Fernald & Gunnar, 2009). To our knowl-
2008). A clear implication from both theoretical and policy        edge, studies of antipoverty programs (such as evaluations
perspectives is that for many children, interventions target-      of the benefits of the Earned Income Tax Credit and of
ing the quality of caregiving represent only partial rather        conditional cash transfers) have not yet included assess-
than full solutions to children’s self-regulatory difficulty.       ments of whether children’s self-regulatory trajectories are
      One benefit of an experiential canalization approach is       affected. However, we view this potential line of inquiry as
that multiple ecological contexts can be viewed as positive        promising, with the caveat that the induction and facilita-
canalizers of self-regulation development. Those new, en-          tion of new patterns of stress reactivity and behavior may
riched environmental contexts can be viewed as mediators           be limited unless we are committed to substantial and
of the impact of poverty-related hazard on long-term tra-          sustained efforts to intervene across ecological settings and
jectories of development (Blair, 2002). For example, re-           across time.
sults from recent preschool intervention trials suggest that
exposure to cognitively stimulating and behaviorally well-         Conclusion
managed classrooms benefits low-income children’s exec-
utive functioning (Bierman, Nix, Greenberg, Blair, &               The evidence reviewed in the foregoing sections helps us to
Domitrovich, 2008; Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, & Munro               recognize that exposure to environmental adversity is a
2007; Morris, Raver, Lloyd, & Millenky, 2009; Raver,               primary shaper of development from the cellular to the
Jones, et al., 2011). An important qualification to these           behavioral and social levels. Environmental exposure, as a
findings is that it remains to be seen whether interventions        primary constituent of development, is like other contrib-
would benefit children to an even greater extent if both            utors to development, malleable. Poverty presents a reme-
home and preschool contexts were targeted. However,
                                                                   diable rather than a static set of environmental conditions
these intervention trials offer compelling evidence that
                                                                   that must be borne by families and children. The environ-
out-of-home environments may serve as additional medi-
ating influences for young children’s developmental trajec-         mental conditions of poverty, however, work to maintain
tories. These findings also provide powerful empirical sup-         continuity by constraining change across levels of analysis.
port for the claim that new experiences of environmental           Conceiving of development as a process of continuity
enrichment can be structured to capitalize on those biobe-         through adaptation provides us with large, new empirical
havioral and neurocognitive processes, such as the devel-          territory in which to test models of experiential canalization
opment of executive functioning, that may be “late break-          and the limits of developmental change. To do that, we can
ing” in developmental time.                                        deploy hybrid models of experimental design at the policy
      This theoretically motivated recognition of stage salience   level combined with careful measurement at the biobehav-
in considering experiential canalization might be profitably        ioral and neurocognitive levels to detect developmental
applied to a next generation of interventions: How can neu-        benefits across a broad array of pathways. Such hybrid
roendocrine and neurocognitive reorganizations that coincide       models of scientific inquiry also allow us to ask whether the
with key developmental transitions in early childhood, middle      timing of intervention is central to limiting the ultimate
childhood, and early adolescence be targeted through inter-        developmental cost of the hazard and maximizing the op-
vention, and in what settings would such interventions have        portunity for remedy.
maximal impact? We are only just beginning to understand                 Throughout this article we have argued that development
processes through which stress response physiology, cortico-       is shaped by biology and experience coactively to promote
limbic neural circuitry, and self-regulation behavior may be       specific abilities over others, in processes of gain through loss
shaped in developmental periods extending past infancy.            (Gottlieb, 1997). We have argued that advances in develop-
Pressing questions regarding normative patterns of change in       mental science may be powerfully fueled by recognition of the
stress physiology as well as specific biobehavioral mecha-          potential trade-offs posed by a given behavior and the envi-
nisms through which change occurs need to be tested within         ronmental contingencies that make such a behavior rewarded
experimental contexts offered by randomized controlled trials.     and rewarding versus problematic or costly to the individual.
      Experimental changes in the environmental conditions
                                                                   We have also outlined new ways to conceptualize develop-
of poverty itself offer an additional, powerful way to test
                                                                   mental continuity as a result of both socially and biobehav-
theoretical propositions laid out by the experiential canal-
ization approach. Do such interventions lead to reductions         iorally mediated processes rather than as a result of faulty or
in psychological stress, or lower wear and tear on the part        inadequate environmental input or genetic vulnerability. By
of adults and children, and are hypothesized reductions in         considering the processes linking early experience, stress
allostatic load in low-income families associated with mea-        physiology, and gene expression as canalizing forces that
surable changes in children’s neuroendocrine and neuro-            shape the development of brain and behavior, we offer a
cognitive functioning? Although evidence is sparse, a              model of development that is fundamentally plastic and re-
quasi-experimental study from the Opportunidades pover-            markably complex and that veers markedly away from simple
ty-alleviation program in Mexico suggests that among chil-         input– output, deficit-compensation models. In so doing, we
dren at high risk (with caregivers experiencing high de-           hope to shed light on the new directions that the fields of
pressive symptoms at baseline), community-level efforts to         developmental science, prevention science, and public policy
reduce poverty are associated with lower average cortisol          may take in the years ahead.

May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist                                                                                         315
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Blair raver ap_exp_canalization

  • 1. Child Development in the Context of Adversity Experiential Canalization of Brain and Behavior Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver New York University The authors examine the effects of poverty-related adver- competing theories concerning development in middle and sity on child development, drawing upon psychobiological later adulthood, the theory of selective optimization with principles of experiential canalization and the biological compensation embodies the idea that the shaping of behav- embedding of experience. They integrate findings from ior by biology and experience represents a general devel- research on stress physiology, neurocognitive function, opmental process involving trade-offs. As development and self-regulation to consider adaptive processes in re- takes away with one hand, it gives with the other. sponse to adversity as an aspect of children’s development. The idea that development is shaped by biology and Recent research on early caregiving is paired with re- experience coactively to promote specific abilities over search in prevention science to provide a reorientation of others is known as experiential canalization (Gottlieb, thinking about the ways in which psychosocial and eco- 1991, 1997). Experiential canalization describes a general nomic adversity are related to continuity in human devel- developmental process through which biology and typi- opment. cally occurring experience combine, often in ways that go largely unnoticed, to influence behavior. A foundational Keywords: stress, self-regulation, preventive intervention, demonstration of the process of the experiential canaliza- poverty, development tion of development is provided by Gilbert Gottlieb’s re- P search on the development of the recognition of the ma- erceptual and cognitive development in infancy ternal call in mallard and wood duck hatchlings. and early childhood, perhaps throughout the life Recognition of the maternal call, in which the hatchling span, are to a considerable extent characterized by orients to the vocalizations of its own species and not to the shaping and constraining of abilities by experience, by those of another, appears to be a classic example of instinc- gain through loss. A widely cited illustrative example of tual behavior, meaning that it is hardwired and innate. such environmentally induced specificity in development is Gottlieb demonstrated, however, that the wiring that un- a decline in the ability to discriminate phonetic contrasts in derlies this behavior is malleable and that this seemingly infancy. Between approximately 6 and 10 months of age, instinctual behavior is driven as much by experience as by infants lose the ability to discriminate phonemes in nonna- genes. A central idea in the canalization model is that tive languages while maintaining and strengthening the experience induces functional activity from the behavioral ability to discriminate phonemes in the native language level to the cellular level to shape development to maxi- (Kuhl, Williams, Lacerda, Stevens, & Lindblom, 1992; mize functioning within a specific expected environment. Werker & Tees, 1986). With such a trade-off or narrowing As such, the environment in combination with genetic of development in infancy, however, come gains in per- background directs the process of development; this com- ceptual ability that enable the coordination of multiple bination functions as the source of information in a devel- sensory attributes (Pons, Lewkowicz, Soto-Faraco, & Se- opmental system. In other words, directions for develop- bastian-Galles, 2009). The tuning of perceptual networks to ´ ´ attend primarily to regularly occurring contrasts precedes the development of the ability to integrate across perceptual This article was published Online First March 5, 2012. networks, facilitating the emergence of more elaborate and Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver, Department of Applied Psychol- ogy, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, complex types of perceptual experience (Lewkowicz & New York University. Ghazanfar, 2009). Clancy Blair acknowledges support from Eunice Kennedy Shriver The progressive selection and shaping of abilities has National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grants R01 also been proposed as a chief characteristic of life span HD51502 and P01 HD39667 (with co-funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse) and from Institute of Education Sciences Grant development (Baltes, Staudinger, & Lindenberger, 1999). R305A100058. C. Cybele Raver acknowledges support from Eunice Ken- In life span theory, development in later adulthood has nedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development been described as a process of selective optimization with Grant R01 HD046160. compensation, in which ability within a given domain is Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Clancy Blair, Department of Applied Psychology, Steinhardt School of maintained by a narrowing of the focus and scope of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University, activities within that domain in order to compensate for a Kimball Hall, 8th Floor, 246 Greene Street, New York NY 10003. E-mail: gradual decline in ability. Although only one of several May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist 309 © 2012 American Psychological Association 0003-066X/12/$12.00 Vol. 67, No. 4, 309 –318 DOI: 10.1037/a0027493
  • 2. typical experience associated with socioeconomic status (SES) affects child development. It is well established that the material and psychosocial contexts of poverty adversely affect multiple aspects of development in children (Bradley & Corwin, 2002; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 2000; Noble, McCandliss, & Farah, 2007). Poverty affects where and how family members live, limiting housing options to those that are often characterized by higher levels of crowding, violence, and lack of safety (Evans, 2004; Kohen, Lev- enthal, Dahinten, & McIntosh, 2008). Economic hardship exacerbates conflict between adults, with children in poor households facing a higher probability of disrupted social relationships with key adults in their lives (Watson & McLanahan, 2011). As parents struggle with a range of stressors, the probability of parents’ depressive symptoms, emotional distress, and expressions of anger and aggression in the household also rises, with cascading effects on children’s psychological development (Ackerman & Brown, 2010; Foster & Brooks-Gunn, 2009; Molnar, Buka, Brennan, Holton, & Earls, 2003). Children in conditions of Clancy Blair economic hardship face a wide array of dangers (e.g., higher probability of exposure to environmental teratogens such as lead, higher levels of noise and crowding, and lower levels of household and neighborhood safety) and ment are not simply encoded in DNA or present in the simultaneously lower access to supportive environments, environment in a predetermined sense (Oyama, 2000); such as high-quality child care (Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, rather, genetic information and environmental information 1997). coactively and probabilistically determine behavioral and The material and psychosocial hardships of poverty psychological development. are very real, and their effects on development are often Without reference to experiential canalization, little in severe. As such, these effects, generally speaking, have development makes sense. That is, without taking into tended to be characterized within a deficit model in which account functional relations across levels of analysis, ex- children are seen as lacking specific inputs, whether envi- planations for processes of development become overly ronmental or genetic or both, that are needed to avoid determined, and the individual contributions of either biol- ogy or experience, of nature or nurture, are overemphasized compromised development. For example, a gradient be- (Lickliter & Honeycutt, 2003). Accordingly, experiential tween the amount of input, such as maternal language, and canalization, or the selective optimization of behavior in output, such as vocabulary development in children, is well response to experience, is a central aspect of what is known established and has been shown to covary with income as the developmental psychobiological model. This model (Hart & Risley, 1985). Consideration of the context of offers a framework for understanding the implications of poverty only from a deficit-oriented, input– output perspec- developmental trade-offs, of opportunities taken or fore- tive on child development, however, is of less theoretical closed, that are inherent in distinct developmental path- and empirical value than one might hope. An important ways. Such a perspective on development provides for feature of the experiential canalization model is that it greater complexity and specificity as well as for greater indicates the relevance of focusing not only on the absence probability of change or reversibility than is implied by an of particular types of stimulation but also on the presence additive or simple interactive model of biological and en- of alternative types of stimulation that actively shape de- vironmental inputs leading to child outcomes. velopment to meet a specific set of contingencies. Although cognition and behavior in children from low-income homes Poverty, Parenting, and the are often clearly differentiated from those of their middle- Psychobiology of Self-Regulation income counterparts, there is little to suggest that the mech- In this article we apply the developmental psychobi- anisms underlying the observed differences, whether de- ological model of experiential canalization to research on fined in terms of environmental factors or in terms of children’s development in the context of poverty-related genetic similarity, are best explained in an additive, input– adversity in an effort to break new ground for interpreting output fashion. The principle of experiential canalization recent research findings and for designing future research indicates the need to focus on the ways in which variables and preventive and therapeutic interventions. Consider- across levels of analysis, from the genetic to the social, ation of psychobiological processes may be particularly combine to shape development in favor of one trajectory important for understanding the ways in which variation in over another and to promote continuity for good and for ill. 310 May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
  • 3. which cognitive and social-emotional development in early childhood is shaped by experience—most specifically, the development of neural systems important for self-regula- tion, defined here as the primarily volitional regulation of attention, emotion, and executive functions for the pur- poses of goal-directed actions (Blair & Ursache, 2011). The basis for the experiential canalization model of self-regulation development is found in a number of animal models that examined the effects of early experience on development. This research (primarily with rats) has dem- onstrated that chronic stress in the prenatal and/or very early neonatal periods has multiple negative sequelae. These studies demonstrate that early stress alters gene expression and induces structural changes as well as changes in connectivity in brain areas that underlie stress response physiology (Karssen et al., 2007; Liston et al., 2006; Patel, Katz, Karssen, & Lyons, 2008; Radley, Arias, & Sawchenko, 2006). In turn, alteration of stress response physiology influences activity in neural systems that un- derlie self-regulation abilities, including executive func- C. Cybele tions (Cerqueira, Mailliet, Almeida, Jay, & Sousa, 2007; Raver Holmes & Wellman, 2009), or what can be considered tendencies to a more reflective or more reactive response to experience. This is because stress hormones are modulators of neural activity in the brain (Arnsten, 2000; Yuen et al., Experiential Canalization of 2009) and at moderate levels of increase lead to long-term Development in Low- Versus synaptic potentiation in corticolimbic circuitry associated with High-Resource Environments prefrontal cortex (PFC), the seat of executive function abili- Recent advances in neuroscience and neuropsychology il- ties. At very high or very low levels of neuroendocrine in- lustrate the developmental psychobiological model and ex- crease, however, synaptic activity in PFC circuitry is de- periential canalization of self-regulation development in creased, and activity in brain systems associated with more children. In the model shown in Figure 1, characteristics of reactive forms of learning and behavior is increased (Ramos the environment influence parents’ psychological function- & Arnsten, 2007; Segal, Richter-Levin, & Maggio, 2010). ing and in turn the quality of caregiving they provide. Given the relations among the constructs in Figure 1, Quality of caregiving is then in turn hypothesized to act as it appears that one way in which early experience may a key mediator of the linkage between children’s exposure shape or program the development of the organism is by to poverty-related hazard and subsequent physiological, altering neural connectivity and sensitivity to neuroendo- neurobiological, and cognitive development. In this pro- crine levels in pathways that underlie tendencies to more cess, the development of stress physiology is a central reactive as opposed to more reflective responses to expe- component of the model, one in which stress hormone rience. With an increasingly established relation between levels act as a primary canalizer or mechanism through stress hormone levels and self-regulation, a central research Figure 1 Model of the Experiential Canalization of Self-Regulation Development May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist 311
  • 4. question concerns the extent to which effects of environ- to stress and immune system functioning. Recent epidemi- mental quality on the neural substrate that supports self- ological findings suggest that low SES is consistently re- regulation are mediated by and can be remediated through lated to poorer health in later life (Jackson et al., 2004; early experience, particularly early caregiving. The idea Miller et al., 2009). One mechanistic interpretation of these that caregiving acts as a key mediator of the effect of findings is that alterations to stress and immune system poverty on child development has been shown in a number functioning in children in low-SES homes represent an of studies (McLoyd, 1998). Research on early experience adaptive trade-off. For example, low-SES background has in animal models indicates the psychobiological shaping of been associated with up-regulation of genes associated with behavior and cognition through early caregiving effects on adrenergic function and down-regulation of genes associ- stress physiology. In one widely cited example, Meaney ated with the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary– and collaborators (Meaney & Szyf, 2005) have shown that adrenal (HPA) axis (Miller et al., 2009). Increased adren- variation in naturally occurring maternal behavior in the rat ergic and glucocorticoid responses to stimulation would during the offspring’s first eight postnatal days is associ- enable a more reactive and faster response to threats, both ated with the expression of a gene that codes for the density physical and psychosocial, and as such would confer an of neural receptors for glucocorticoids in the hippocampus. advantage in unsafe environments. Such a trade-off, how- This effect is a highly meaningful one in that glucocorti- ever, would come with short- and long-term costs to health coid receptor density is central to the regulation of neu- and well-being that would preferentially shape physical and roendocrine levels, which, as noted above, are highly rel- psychological development along particular trajectories evant to the activity in brain areas associated with more while limiting the likelihood of development along others. volitional and proactive responses to stimulation (Robbins The experiential canalization approach offers a & Arnsten, 2009) and with complex learning and memory sharper lens through which to reexamine models of poverty (Liu, Diorio, Day, Francis, & Meaney, 2000). and child development. Although research on the canaliza- Although there are many interesting aspects of the tion of development through caregiving and stress physi- developmental process linking early caregiving experience ology is in an early stage, a growing number of studies to later behavior in the animal models described above, one provide a neurobiological basis for well-documented asso- of the most important from the standpoint of developmental ciations between poverty and child physical and psycho- psychobiology is that variation in the maternal behaviors in logical health and development. For example, a longitudi- the rat that initiate the cascade from the behavioral to the nal study with pre- and early adolescent children has genetic level and back again is in part driven by the quality demonstrated that a cumulative risk index composed of of the environment in which development is occurring. The psychosocial and physical characteristics of the home en- idea here is that environmental quality leads to particular vironment differentiated high- from low-SES homes and types of caregiving behaviors that initiate a physiological was positively and linearly associated with an index of cascade leading to patterns of development that are appro- priate or beneficial for that environment (Cameron et al., stress physiology biomarkers in children that included car- 2005; Meaney, 2001, 2010). Such coactions among genes, diovascular function, body mass index, and overnight lev- behavior, and environments provide new insight into pro- els of catecholamines and cortisol. Furthermore, the risk cesses of development. These and other studies provide index was associated with reduced delay of gratification, growing evidence to support the idea that early caregiving increased learned helplessness, greater psychological dis- and stress physiology serve as primary conduits or sources tress, and reduced working memory in children, indicating of information in a developmental system. As such, early links among poverty, stress physiology, and self-regulation caregiving can be understood to shape the development of (Evans, 2003; Evans & English, 2002; Evans & Scham- child behavior in ways that are appropriate for the context berg, 2009). in which development is occurring. A second longitudinal study beginning at birth that we have been conducting with a large group of collaborators Adaptation and Change in Development has followed a sample of 1,292 children from predomi- The notion of developmental trade-offs in the experiential nantly low-income and nonurban communities. This study, canalization approach is consistent with a rationale for known as the Family Life Project, has demonstrated that future research that might profitably investigate the idea poverty is associated with elevated cortisol in infancy and that adversity in the context of poverty shapes neural de- early childhood and that this association is mediated velopment and perhaps also molecular genetic processes through characteristics of the household (Blair, Raver, et and leads to adaptations in behavior and mental states that al., 2011; Hibel, Granger, Blair, Cox, & the Family Life are relevant to that environment. Adaptive shaping of be- Project Investigators, 2011). Furthermore, this study has havior in low-resource environments, however, should not shown that, as outlined above, parenting sensitivity medi- be taken to imply the development of necessarily optimal ates the relation between poverty and stress physiology or desirable states of functioning. On the contrary, adapta- (Blair et al., 2008; Mills-Koonce et al., 2011) and that, in tion to low-resource environments involves short-term combination, parenting sensitivity and elevated cortisol “benefits” as well as long-term “costs” to the organism, mediate the association between poverty and low levels of both psychologically as well as physically, that are due to executive function abilities in children (Blair, Granger, et increased stress on organ systems resulting from alterations al., 2011). 312 May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
  • 5. Studies of young children in conditions of more ex- adaptations but potentially harmful long-term sequelae. In treme forms of compromised caregiving involving neglect the context of maltreatment specifically, or in low-resource, and maltreatment in infancy and early childhood also pro- unpredictable caregiving environments more generally, al- vide evidence of experiential canalization in the context of tered HPA axis responsivity, biased attributional style, and adversity. Children who have experienced exceptionally hypervigilance to environmental cues allow for more rapid harsh treatment from caregivers demonstrate alterations to learning and response to conditions of threat (Champagne HPA axis function including hyperactivity followed by et al., 2008; Pollak, 2008). These processes, however, also later hyporeactivity (Gunnar, Fisher, & the Early Experi- increase the chances of negative interpersonal interactions ence, Stress, and Prevention Network, 2006). An important and high levels of difficulty in social contexts such as aspect of this model is that it can be extended to include school (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2009). exposure to aggression from peers as well as adults. In a Attention to potential exchanges or trade-offs that sample of monozygotic twins discordant for the experience make given behaviors rewarded and rewarding versus of bullying, the bullied members of the twin pairs showed problematic provides insight into ways that poverty-related blunted, or hyporesponsive, cortisol secretion in response adversity may profoundly shape children’s development. to a lab stressor compared with their nonbullied but genet- Attention to these trade-offs, however, also underscores ically identical counterparts (Ouellet-Morin et al., 2011). In ways in which neurocognitive and behavioral profiles of contrast, the nonbullied twins showed an expected increase self-regulation can be altered. A central implication of the in cortisol secretion in response to the moderately stressful experiential canalization approach is that the shaping of lab task. These findings highlight the neurophysiological development by experience offers an opportunity for repair and behavioral trade-offs that accompany the process of and reversal. Just as the system is open to shaping and experiential canalization in the face of environmental selective optimization in the face of high levels of disad- adversity. In discussing their findings, the investigators vantage, so too might the system be reoptimized to meet squarely considered these trade-offs and addressed the changing environmental demands and conditions. A san- question of whether the blunted, hyporesponsive HPA guine implication of models of experiential canalization, axis profile demonstrated by the bullied children’s re- however, is that there are few if any opportunities for an sponse to psychosocial stress was “adaptive or detrimen- “easy fix”: In setting aside input– output models of devel- tal” (Ouellet-Morin et al., 2011, p. 580). opment, seemingly straightforward solutions for altering Here development may be giving with one hand— children’s self-regulation and executive function will have conferring developmental advantage through blunting of a lower probability of success than will interventions that the HPA axis to protect the brain from iatrogenic effects of take canalizing processes across multiple levels into ac- prolonged cortisol elevations—while taking away with the count. other—the blunting of the cortisol response leading to longer term health costs. This set of trade-offs is mani- Repair Through Mediating Mechanisms of fested at the behavioral level as well in that chronic expo- Caregiving sure to others’ anger and aggression tunes children’s atten- In the developmental psychobiological framework, experi- tion and responsiveness in favor of heightened vigilance to ential and biological influences on development are highly emotionally negative stimuli (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2009; intertwined. For this reason, supporting adults to maintain Pollak, Messner, Kistler, & Cohn, 2009; Pollak, Vardi, high levels of responsiveness, consistency, and warmth can Putzer Bechner, & Curtin, 2005). Such heightened vigi- be expected to lead to more flexible regulation of stress lance may be beneficial in the short run, keeping children physiology with cascading influences on child self-regula- alert and ready to respond when facing potentially threat- tion. A considerable body of research in prevention science ening situations or interactions at home or at school. That demonstrates that parenting intervention can be successful same level of behavioral vigilance may translate to a level in altering the quality of caregiving that adults provide to of wariness or reticence with unfamiliar teachers and peers young children while those adults navigate a large number that carries longer term social costs. These findings provide of stressful poverty-related hazards. Recent parent training support for the idea that chronic exposure to adversity, such programs have shown significant success in helping adults as can occur more frequently in the context of poverty, to acquire new caregiving goals and schema, alter their use actively shapes physiological and behavioral development of negative forms of discipline, and engage in more sensi- in ways that are adaptive for that context. tive and responsive and less coercive and inept forms of caregiving, with short-term reductions in young children’s Implications of Experiential Canalization for behavioral dysregulation (Brotman, Gouley, Klein, Cas- Reversibility, Reoptimization, and tellanos, & Pine, 2003; Dishion et al., 2008; Dozier et al., Intervention 2009; Izard, Sann, Spelke, & Streri, 2009; Landry, Smith, As noted above, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral Swank, & Guttentag, 2008; Mendelsohn et al., 2005; Web- adaptations to the context of adversity and compromised ster-Stratton, 1998). caregiving can result in objectively worse chances of pos- For example, implementation of multiple years of the itive life course outcomes. Applied to children in poverty, SAFEChildren intervention supporting parenting practices such a psychobiological process in development might among low-income families facing high levels of violence understandably be associated with short-term “beneficial” led to significant increases in parents’ use of more stable, May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist 313
  • 6. consistent forms of caregiving and limit setting, with con- dismissiveness, disengagement, and withdrawal (Dozier, comitant improvements in children’s regulation of atten- 2005; Dozier et al., 2009). In light of this cycle of escalat- tion, impulsivity, and behavior (Tolan, Gorman-Smith, ing dysregulation and withdrawal, Dozier and colleagues Henry, & Schoeny, 2009). Effect sizes of these interven- (2009) designed their intervention to support foster parents’ tions range from small impacts with “dilute” forms of ability to structure a set of environmental contingencies intervention (see Dishion et al., 2008) to larger effect sizes that might canalize children’s more optimal trajectories of for more intensive intervention efforts (e.g., d ϭ .5 for regulation over time. In so doing, the interventionists con- improvement in responsive caregiving and child attention sidered that there are also significant trade-offs in shifting deployment; Landry et al., 2008). An essential point from into new patterns of emotional regulation and that caregiv- the perspective of the experiential canalization of develop- ers need to be supported in making greater investments in ment is that these models of parent skills training often approaching rather than withdrawing during emotionally engage parents through attention to parents’ own regulatory negative bouts of interaction with their foster children. The profiles of affect, behavior, and cognition in conditions of implication from such an approach is that caregivers would high environmental stress (Dishion et al., 2008; Izard et al., need to concomitantly shift the expectations and responses 2009; Fisher & Stoolmiller, 2008). Equally important is of others in additional environmental contexts, including, that careful experimental designs in “real-world” contexts for example, teachers in their children’s preschools, in have dramatically increased our ability to make clear causal order for their children’s altered forms of self-regulation to inferences regarding the role of caregiving provided by be sustained rather than transitory. In short, canalizing adults as a critical mediating mechanism in canalization models indicate that change in multiple, rather than single, models of human development. environmental contexts is necessary if newly canalized Studies of parenting training also provide some evi- trajectories of responding are to be supported over time. dence of effects on aspects of child self-regulation, includ- While promising, the above findings provide limited ing attention and emotion regulation (Landry, Smith, & but suggestive evidence of canalizing processes in devel- Swank, 2006). As well, evaluations of outcomes for chil- opment and the potential malleability of development dren experiencing extreme caregiving disruption that re- through intervention and support. Within this framework, a sults in foster care placement provide initial support for a key question concerns whether intervening in cycles of process by which changes in caregiving behavior are asso- maladaptive caregiving and dysregulation in parent– child ciated with changes in stress physiology that should be interactions yields linked improvements both in child stress conducive to executive function abilities and more reflec- physiology and self-regulation abilities. Although no inter- tive self-regulation of behavior. Children of foster care vention studies to date have fully tested such a model, the parents receiving training in emotionally supportive and findings described above strongly indicate the need for contingent behavior demonstrated a more typical pattern of direct empirical examinations of this model. As well, two diurnal cortisol change (higher morning levels and a con- important points related to the foregoing concern prenatal sistent decline through the day) as well as lower overall experience as well as the possibility that some children may cortisol levels (Dozier, Peloso, Lewis, Laurenceau, & be more or less sensitive or susceptible to alterations to Levine, 2008; Fisher, Stoolmiller, Gunnar, & Burraston, experience. A substantial literature on the relation of pre- 2007). Similarly, preschool children at risk for conduct natal experience to postnatal development indicates that disorder in families receiving an intervention to promote canalizing processes begin early and can have meaningful responsive parenting demonstrated an appropriate increase implications for later self-regulation (Davis & Sandman, in cortisol in anticipation of a moderate social challenge 2010; Markham, Toth, & Lickliter, 2006). Similarly, the relative to children in a randomly assigned control group growing literature on differential susceptibility or biologi- (Brotman et al., 2007). cal sensitivity to context suggests that temperamental and Evidence from the obstacles and successes encoun- physiological differences among children are central to the tered within parenting interventions also highlights the processes by which biology and experience coactively extent to which canalizing processes are bidirectional and shape development (Ellis, Boyce, Belsky, Bakermans- reciprocal and the extent to which attention to this reci- Kranenburg, & van Ijzendoorn, 2011). procity, as a process of the active maintenance of patterns of behavior, is needed to promote intervention efficacy. Alternative Pathways to Repair Through Children’s behaviors and regulatory profiles that may have Mediating Mechanisms: Classroom-Based been adaptive in the context of past environmental contin- Intervention gencies may also shape future environmental contingen- Although findings emerging from the recent parenting in- cies, eliciting continued styles of suboptimal care from terventions discussed above are promising, it is important adults in ways that are sometimes difficult to disrupt in to underscore that behavioral change may be easier to intervention contexts that focus only on adult behavior engineer among some parents than among others (e.g., change. For example, in the preventive intervention for among full-time working parents who are not able to attend children in foster care noted above, family members extensive trainings and workshops). Further, the estimated needed interventionists’ support in order to avoid becoming size of the effect or impact of those interventions on child caught in an escalating cycle of rising negative arousal, outcomes is generally small and may not be sustained biased cognitive attributions, and behavioral responses of unless the “dose” of intervention is high and continues 314 May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist
  • 7. across several developmental periods (see Landry et al., levels in children (Fernald & Gunnar, 2009). To our knowl- 2008). A clear implication from both theoretical and policy edge, studies of antipoverty programs (such as evaluations perspectives is that for many children, interventions target- of the benefits of the Earned Income Tax Credit and of ing the quality of caregiving represent only partial rather conditional cash transfers) have not yet included assess- than full solutions to children’s self-regulatory difficulty. ments of whether children’s self-regulatory trajectories are One benefit of an experiential canalization approach is affected. However, we view this potential line of inquiry as that multiple ecological contexts can be viewed as positive promising, with the caveat that the induction and facilita- canalizers of self-regulation development. Those new, en- tion of new patterns of stress reactivity and behavior may riched environmental contexts can be viewed as mediators be limited unless we are committed to substantial and of the impact of poverty-related hazard on long-term tra- sustained efforts to intervene across ecological settings and jectories of development (Blair, 2002). For example, re- across time. sults from recent preschool intervention trials suggest that exposure to cognitively stimulating and behaviorally well- Conclusion managed classrooms benefits low-income children’s exec- utive functioning (Bierman, Nix, Greenberg, Blair, & The evidence reviewed in the foregoing sections helps us to Domitrovich, 2008; Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, & Munro recognize that exposure to environmental adversity is a 2007; Morris, Raver, Lloyd, & Millenky, 2009; Raver, primary shaper of development from the cellular to the Jones, et al., 2011). An important qualification to these behavioral and social levels. Environmental exposure, as a findings is that it remains to be seen whether interventions primary constituent of development, is like other contrib- would benefit children to an even greater extent if both utors to development, malleable. Poverty presents a reme- home and preschool contexts were targeted. However, diable rather than a static set of environmental conditions these intervention trials offer compelling evidence that that must be borne by families and children. The environ- out-of-home environments may serve as additional medi- ating influences for young children’s developmental trajec- mental conditions of poverty, however, work to maintain tories. These findings also provide powerful empirical sup- continuity by constraining change across levels of analysis. port for the claim that new experiences of environmental Conceiving of development as a process of continuity enrichment can be structured to capitalize on those biobe- through adaptation provides us with large, new empirical havioral and neurocognitive processes, such as the devel- territory in which to test models of experiential canalization opment of executive functioning, that may be “late break- and the limits of developmental change. To do that, we can ing” in developmental time. deploy hybrid models of experimental design at the policy This theoretically motivated recognition of stage salience level combined with careful measurement at the biobehav- in considering experiential canalization might be profitably ioral and neurocognitive levels to detect developmental applied to a next generation of interventions: How can neu- benefits across a broad array of pathways. Such hybrid roendocrine and neurocognitive reorganizations that coincide models of scientific inquiry also allow us to ask whether the with key developmental transitions in early childhood, middle timing of intervention is central to limiting the ultimate childhood, and early adolescence be targeted through inter- developmental cost of the hazard and maximizing the op- vention, and in what settings would such interventions have portunity for remedy. maximal impact? We are only just beginning to understand Throughout this article we have argued that development processes through which stress response physiology, cortico- is shaped by biology and experience coactively to promote limbic neural circuitry, and self-regulation behavior may be specific abilities over others, in processes of gain through loss shaped in developmental periods extending past infancy. (Gottlieb, 1997). We have argued that advances in develop- Pressing questions regarding normative patterns of change in mental science may be powerfully fueled by recognition of the stress physiology as well as specific biobehavioral mecha- potential trade-offs posed by a given behavior and the envi- nisms through which change occurs need to be tested within ronmental contingencies that make such a behavior rewarded experimental contexts offered by randomized controlled trials. and rewarding versus problematic or costly to the individual. Experimental changes in the environmental conditions We have also outlined new ways to conceptualize develop- of poverty itself offer an additional, powerful way to test mental continuity as a result of both socially and biobehav- theoretical propositions laid out by the experiential canal- ization approach. Do such interventions lead to reductions iorally mediated processes rather than as a result of faulty or in psychological stress, or lower wear and tear on the part inadequate environmental input or genetic vulnerability. By of adults and children, and are hypothesized reductions in considering the processes linking early experience, stress allostatic load in low-income families associated with mea- physiology, and gene expression as canalizing forces that surable changes in children’s neuroendocrine and neuro- shape the development of brain and behavior, we offer a cognitive functioning? Although evidence is sparse, a model of development that is fundamentally plastic and re- quasi-experimental study from the Opportunidades pover- markably complex and that veers markedly away from simple ty-alleviation program in Mexico suggests that among chil- input– output, deficit-compensation models. In so doing, we dren at high risk (with caregivers experiencing high de- hope to shed light on the new directions that the fields of pressive symptoms at baseline), community-level efforts to developmental science, prevention science, and public policy reduce poverty are associated with lower average cortisol may take in the years ahead. May–June 2012 ● American Psychologist 315
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