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Jl. Rambutan No.338 Kelurahan Buladu Kecamatan Kota Barat Telp / Fax : (0435) 823504 Kode Pos : 96136
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Kisi–Kisi Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang
Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
Kelas /Peminatan : XII
Penyusun : Dra. Sunarsi Dai, M. Pd.
Sitti Wahidah N. Kh. Nisa Ilahude, S.Pd.
No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor
Bentuk Soal
Reading -
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/
pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan
bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan
keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam
topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Legend L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
1 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Legend L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
2 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Legend L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
3 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
4 Pilihan ganda
No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor
Bentuk Soal
Reading -
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam Dialog L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a dialog.
5 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Dialog L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a dialog.
6 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Dialog L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a dialog.
7 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Dialog L1
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a dialog.
8 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
9 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a narrative text
10 Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text,
peserta didik menentukan content of the
Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text,
peserta didik menentukan grammar yang
digunakan dalam kalimat
Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text,
peserta didik menentukan structure of the
Pilihan ganda
No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor
Bentuk Soal
Reading -
Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik
menentukan mental or physical action verb
Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik
menentukan personal voice
Pilihan ganda
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text,
peserta didik menentukan meaning of
words in text
16 Menjodohkan
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan events
of narrative text in correct order.
17 Menjodohkan
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text,
peserta didik menentukan explanation of
18 Menjodohkan
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan details
of the text
19 Menjodohkan
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan
meaning of words in the text
20 Menjodohkan
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct
word used in the text.
Jawaban singkat
/ Isian
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct
word used in the text.
Jawaban singkat
/ Isian
No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor
Bentuk Soal
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct
word used in the text.
Jawaban singkat
/ Isian
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct
word used in the text.
Jawaban singkat
/ Isian
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text
(Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct
word used in the text.
Jawaban singkat
/ Isian
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text,
peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat
terkait text
26 Esai / Uraian
Reading -
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text,
peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat
terkait text
27 Esai / Uraian
Reading -
Dialog L3
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat
menyimpulkan pesan moral dari
percakapan itu.
28 Esai / Uraian
Reading -
Dialog L3
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat
mengaitkan informasi yang diperoleh
dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu
29 Esai / Uraian
Reading -
Dialog L3
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat
mengemukakan pendapat dari sudut
pandangnya tentang peran yang baik dalam
bermedia sosial.
30 Esai / Uraian
Jl. Rambutan No.338 Kelurahan Buladu Kecamatan Kota Barat Telp / Fax : (0435) 823504 Kode Pos : 96136
Website : Email :
Kartu Soal Pilihan Ganda Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran 2022 - 2023
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
Kelas/Peminatan : XII
Penyusun : Dra. SUNARSI DAI, M. Pd.
Sitti Wahidah N. Kh. Nisa Ilahude, S.Pd.
Nomor Soal 1
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi
sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik
juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana
untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik
kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Legend
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of a narrative text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
The Story of Pak Pesut
A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew
him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were
planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some
villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he
had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out.
One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house.
He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried
that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot
that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water
in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's
family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish".
1. What did the beggar ask for?
A. The cooking pot
B. The fish
C. The wealth
D. The rice
E. The water
Kunci Jawaban: D
Nomor Soal 2
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi
sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik
juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana
untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik
kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Legend
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of a narrative text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
The Story of Pak Pesut
A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew
him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were
planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some
villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he
had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out.
One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house.
He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried
that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot
that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water
in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's
family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish".
2. Why did pak Pesut ask his family to eat the very hot rice?
A. The family were hungry.
B. It was the last rice they had.
C. He didn’t want the rice to be stolen.
D. The rice was still fresh from the pot.
E. He didn’t want to give the rice to the beggar.
Kunci Jawaban: C
Nomor Soal 3
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi
sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik
juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana
untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik
kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Legend
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of a narrative text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
The Story of Pak Pesut
A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew
him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were
planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some
villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he
had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out.
One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house.
He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried
that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot
that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water
in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's
family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish".
3. Do you think the beggar did something good to the Pesuts? Why
A. Yes. He wanted to express his gratitude
B. Yes. He loved the family
C. No. He let the family to learn a lesson
D. Yes. He knew the rice was in the cooking pot
E. No. The family sent him away.
Kunci Jawaban: C
Nomor Soal 4
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi
sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik
juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana
untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik
kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of a narrative text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. One day, a poor man was cutting down
some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of the mice grew frightened "Please,
leave the tree standing" said he mice to the woodcutter, "and I'll give you a piece of gold every day."
The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of the mice took out a piece of gold from under
the roots of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter then took the gold home and showed
it to his wife.
After a few days, his wife asked him, "Where does the gold come from?" "Don't worry about that," he
said, "just keep it," Which specific type of narrative text is this story?
A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her. "If you don't tell me," she said, "I'll go
and tell the government or even the king that you're a robber."
The woodcutter was frightened of his wife. So he said, "Every evening the king of the mice gives me
a piece of gold taken from under the roots of the tree."
"Oh Gosh, you are so stupid!" his wife said. "You've been tricked by a mouse. He gives you one
piece of gold every evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why don't you cut
down the tree and take it all away?"
The woodcutter did as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he looked under the roots, the
gold was not there as the king of the mice had taken them away before the cutting.
On one fine night, the king of the mice crept up to the woodcutter's house and took all the gold
back. The woodcutter was as poor as before.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe the king of mice who lived inside a banyan tree in a forest.
B. To present information about the woodcutter and the king of mice.
C. To inform the readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice.
D. To entertain the readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice.
E. To tell the readers that the woodcutter was a poor man at the end of the story.
Kunci Jawaban: D
Nomor Soal 5
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi
sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik
juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana
untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik
kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi
teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan
kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of a dialog.
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Read the conversation, and answer the questions number 5-8!
Rudi : What is Kalimantan like?
Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not
been touched by humans yet.
Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there?
Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island,
Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more.
Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place
Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It
is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless
jellyfish live. It was simply amazing.
Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish?
Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish
and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent
years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so,
please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are
sting less and so adorable.
Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect
that species from extinction.
5. What is the conversation mostly about?
A. The beauty of Kalimantan and its problematic underwater preservation
B. One island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake
C. The stingless jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years.
D. There is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan.
E. Theres a nature that has not been touched by humans yet in Kalimantan
Kunci Jawaban: A
Nomor Soal 6
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan,
tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan
situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan
mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan
menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam
berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan
memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur
dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan
detailed information of a dialog.
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Rudi : What is Kalimantan like?
Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not
been touched by humans yet.
Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there?
Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island,
Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more.
Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place
Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It
is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless
jellyfish live. It was simply amazing.
Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish?
Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish
and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent
years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so,
please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are
sting less and so adorable.
Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect
that species from extinction.
6. Based on the conversation, there are special things you can find in Kakaban Island, except…
A. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in East Kalimantan
B. One island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake
C. The jellyfish population reduction is because people swim around them.
D. There is so many beautiful places like Derawan archipelago and Maratua Island.
E. The stingless jellyfish lived there.
Kunci Jawaban: D
Nomor Soal 7
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis,
dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan,
dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan
bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan,
mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami
teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris
yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed
information of a dialog.
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Rudi : What is Kalimantan like?
Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not
been touched by humans yet.
Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there?
Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island,
Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more.
Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place
Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It
is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless
jellyfish live. It was simply amazing.
Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish?
Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish
and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent
years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so,
please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are
sting less and so adorable.
Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect
that species from extinction.
7. Where is the exact location of Kakaban Island?
A. Berau, East Kalimantan
B. One of Indonesian archipelago
C. Pine Island
D. Sanglaki Island
E. Derawan archipelago
Kunci Jawaban: A
Nomor Soal 8
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan
detailed information of a dialog.
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Rudi : What is Kalimantan like?
Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not
been touched by humans yet.
Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there?
Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island,
Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more.
Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place
Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It
is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless
jellyfish live. It was simply amazing.
Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish?
Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish
and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent
years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so,
please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are
sting less and so adorable.
Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect
that species from extinction.
8. The closest meaning of word Reduced in the conversation is…
A. decreased
B. increase
C. enlarge
D. put up
E. extend
Kunci Jawaban: B
Nomor Soal 9
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
This text is for questions number 9-10.
Overfishing occurs when more fish are removed from the ecosystem than can naturally replace
themselves. For thousands of years, people have fished sustainably; with their level of technology, they
could never catch anything approaching close to the replacement rate of the stock. That changed with the
expansion and modernization of fishing to become the commercial fishing industry. Enormous trawlers,
better techniques for finding shoals, and nets miles long that catch many tons of fish at a time are the
new, terrifying reality. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as of 2022, nearly a
third of all monitored global fish stocks are overfished, and over 60% are fished to the maximum
sustainable yield.
9. What is the text mostly about?
A. Overfishing happened in global.
B. People have fished sustainably for thousand years.
C. Modernization of fishing
D. Net miles long that catch many tons of fish
E. Fish are removed from the ecosystem
Kunci Jawaban: D
Nomor Soal 10
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
menentukan detailed information of text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Overfishing occurs when more fish are removed from the ecosystem than can naturally replace
themselves. For thousands of years, people have fished sustainably; with their level of technology, they
could never catch anything approaching close to the replacement rate of the stock. That changed with the
expansion and modernization of fishing to become the commercial fishing industry. Enormous trawlers,
better techniques for finding shoals, and nets miles long that catch many tons of fish at a time are the
new, terrifying reality. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as of 2022, nearly a
third of all monitored global fish stocks are overfished, and over 60% are fished to the maximum
sustainable yield.
10. The word replace in first sentence is closest meaning to?
A. Take
B. Remove
C. Put back
D. Dismiss
E. Depose
Kunci Jawaban: C
Nomor Soal 11
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Discussion Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan
content of the text
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, out earth has become
a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
There are plenty of softwares that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In a
mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail
in our smart phone or listen to our favorite button broadcast by streaming it on our table.
With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is that children may be exposed to
violence and explicit contents that are only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate
contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children’s well-
Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its
11. After reading the text, decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. The text talks about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet.
2. Internet can make us smart.
3. People should not use Internet.
4. Internet brings more harm than good.
5. The main idea of paragraph 2 is Internet has some adventages.
Kunci Jawaban:
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
Nomor Soal 12
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Discussion Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan
grammar yang digunakan dalam kalimat
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, out earth has become
a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
There are plenty of softwares that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In a
mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail
in our smart phone or listen to our favorite button broadcast by streaming it on our table.
With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is that children may be exposed to
violence and explicit contents that are only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate
contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children’s well-
Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its
12. After reading the text, what things make you think why the children should be observed by their
parents? Tick (√) the correct answer!
A. Because the children may be wxposedto violence.
B. Because Internet has been the most outstanding invention.
C. Because some explicit contents that are only suitable for
D. Because with internet, out earth has become a global village.
Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
E. Because there are thousands of such inappropriate contents on
the internet which can be easily found.
Kunci Jawaban A, B, E
Nomor Soal 13
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Discussion Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XII
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan
structure of the text.
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
Promoting Tourism: Good or Bad?
Lots of tourists visit our town, but many people argue whether this is good or bad for the community. Each
side has their own viewpoints.
Those in favor of the tourist industry argue that tourism brings money to the town and creates employment.
Business owners also support
13. From the viewpoint of those who disagree with tourist industry, who will not likely receive the most
financial benefit?
A. Business owners
B. The local people
C. International hotel owners
D. The local community
E. The local government.
Jawaban: A, B, D, E
Nomor Soal 14
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Discussion Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan mental or physical
action verb
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
14. Categorize whether the verbs in sentences are physical/action (P) or mental (M)
1. Lots of tourists visit our town.
2. Business owners also support this saying that tourism
promotes development in town.
3. People against tourism.
4. The tourism develops a better understanding of other
5. They argue that several unpleasant incidents in the
1. P
2. M
3. M
4. P
5. M
Nomor Soal 15
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Personal voice
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan personal voice
Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
15. Based on the picture, tick (√) the sentence with correct personal voice!
A. I understand how the use of fish toxins endanger humans’
B. The use of fish toxins endangers humans’ health.
C. I believe many people still use bombs for fishing.
D. Fishing using traditional equipment is better than using
E. I feel that old generations think only to exploit the sea.
Kunci Jawaban:
Nomor Soal 16
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Discussion Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text, peserta didik menentukan
meaning of words in text
Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M)
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (visit/ visitors) need to be a
little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing
advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
16. Based on the stimulus above, connect the words in English to the right meaning!
Words Meanings
Explore (v) 1. a. Go from one place to another.
Travel (v) 2. b.
Suffering from sickness or nausea
caused by the motion of a ship at sea.
Snorkel (n) 3. c.
Travel in or through (an unfamiliar
country or area) in order to learn
about or familiarize oneself with it.
Destination (n) 4. d.
A short tube for a swimmer to
breathe through while keeping their
face under water.
Seasick(adj) 5. e.
A place that people will make a
special trip to visit.
The character and atmosphere of a
Characteristic of the countryside
rather than the town.
Kunci Jawaban:
1. C 2. A. 3. D 4. E. 5. B
Nomor Soal 17
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Legend
Buku Acuan/Referensi Menentukan elements (character) of narrative text
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan events of narrative text in correct order.
Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M)
On the other hand, Tumenggung Marubai still got a lot of catches. This made Bujang Beji even
more jealous.
“What?” Bujang Beji yelled “No one is better than me!”
He must have the best of everything – everyone knows that. What could be better? Bujang Beji
was successful in catching many fish, but seeing what Tumenggung Marubay got, Bujang Beji was
bothered. So Bujang Beji decided to get rid of Tumenggung Marubai’s luck, once and for all. Then, Bujang
Beji began to think and he found the way he thought was the best. The very finest idea crossed his mind,
“I have to cover the flow of the Melawi River with a large rock upstream, so the fish will settle there,”
thought Bujang Beji. He planned to use a large stone from the hills of Nanga Silat. Then, he departed for
the hills. He brought the rock in his hand. Then all of a sudden, far away, he heard the sound of girls
laughing at him. His attention was distracted, Bujang Beji accidentally stepped on a thorn, reflexively he
dropped the stone that he was holding.
Bujang Beji was caught in anger. Bujang Beji found that it was the khayangan goddesses who
laughed at him. “You will pay for this!” he shouted as he stamped his foot pierced by a poisonous thorn
on one of the nearby hills. Bujang Beji’s failed to close the Melawi River. All because of the goddesses of
“I will take revenge.” Said Bujang Beji.
Bujang Beji planned to reach the land of heaven by using the kumpang mambu tree, which is a kind
of giant wooden tree whose end rises to the sky. He started planting the scented tree. In just a few days the
tree had grown so high that the top was invisible to the naked eye. Right before climbing the Kumpang
Bambu, he did a superstition ritual in order to get protection from the holy spirits of the land and animal
spirits. However, there were two animals that Bujang Beji forgot to offer, they were a group of termites
and bears. It made them angry. They also negotiated to thwart Bujang Beji. “Let’s just gnaw the bamboo
tree until it’s broken!” proposed the bear. The Termite agreed. Then they started to do it. At that time,
Bujang Beji had almost reached the land of heaven, he fell into the ground and died instantly. Thus, Bujang
Beji’s attempt to harm the goddesses of heaven also failed.
Tumenggung Marubai was spared from Bujang Beji’s evil intentions. Nowadays, the peak of Nanga
Silat Hill is well known as Bukit Kelam. It has become one of the tourist attractions in Sintang, West
Kalimantan, and has become a tourist forest area with very beautiful scenery.
17. Read the text one more time, then put these events in order.
Bujang Beji and Tumenggung Marubai, were friends who likes to go
fishing together.
Bujang Beji heard the sound of girls laughing at him. His attention was
distracted, Bujang Beji accidentally stepped on a thorn, reflexively he
dropped the stone that he was holding.
Bujang Beji planned to cover the flow of the Melawi River with a large
rock upstream from the hills of Nanga Silat.
Bujang Beji had almost reached the land of heaven, he fell into the ground
and died instantly.
Bujang Beji did a superstition ritual in order to get protection from the holy
spirits of the land and animal spirits. However, there were two animals that
Bujang Beji forgot to offer, they were a group of termites and bears.
The termites and bears were angry and decided to gnaw the bamboo tree
until it’s broken.
Bujang Beji planned to reach the land of heaven by using the kumpang
mambu tree
Bujang Beji had never caught as many fish as Tumenggung Marubai did,
he felt so envious that he thought of a way to beat him.
Kunci Jawaban:
Nomor Soal 18
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Menentukan elements (character) of narrative text
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik menentukan
explanation of pictures.
Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M)
18. Decide which explanation fits the picture.
A. Dina is stressed right now
B. Dina spends most of her time on social media
C. Indah said that social media really affected Dina’s mental health
D. Andi can control herself in using social media
E. Trolls are not a big problem in social media.
F. Dina decided to read more than spend time on social media.
Kunci Jawaban:
Nomor Soal 19
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XIIU
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan details of the text
Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M)
Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through
so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on
Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her
Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her?
Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really
affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she
tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her
insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She
could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’
and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took
down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of
identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is
crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention
from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind.
Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in
handling this. Did that happen to you also?
Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health.
Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy
mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen
to you too?
Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books.
Indah : I hope so.
Kunci jawaban:
Nomor Soal 20
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XII
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan meaning of words in the text
Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M)
20. Match the words with the suitable meaning!
1. Clickbait ( ) ( ) A. Our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing.
2. Cancel culture ( ) ( ) B. A text or thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention
and views.
3. Feed ( ) ( ) C. Removing someone someone out of professional or social
circle or termination of social media account abuse.
4. Gaslighting ( ) ( ) D. Psychological abuse where a person or group make someone
feel they are not abused.
5. Mental Health ( ) ( ) E. Content from social media accounts you are subscribes to.
( ) F. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come
( ) G. Extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful.
Kunci Jawaban:
1. B
2. C
3. E
4. D
5. A
Nomor Soal 21
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan correct word used in the text.
Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I)
Choose the correct words to complete this text!
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little
selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to
visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a
wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other
historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center
of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was
built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in
history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of
Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The
other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically
quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore.
Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest
on the way to deserted beaches.
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text!
Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace
Thrilling thriving
Kunci Jawaban: visitors
Nomor Soal 22
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan correct word used in the text.
Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I)
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little
selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to
visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a
wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other
historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center
of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was
built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in
history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of
Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The
other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically
quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore.
Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest
on the way to deserted beaches.
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text!
Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace
Thrilling thriving
Kunci Jawaban: Thriving
Nomor Soal 23
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan correct word used in the text.
Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I)
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little
selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to
visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a
wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other
historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center
of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was
built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in
history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of
Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The
other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically
quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore.
Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest
on the way to deserted beaches.
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text!
Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace
Thrilling thriving
Kunci Jawaban: Mansions
Nomor Soal 24
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan correct word used in the text.
Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I)
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little
selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to
visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a
wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other
historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center
of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was
built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in
history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of
Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The
other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically
quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore.
Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest
on the way to deserted beaches.
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text!
Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace
Thrilling thriving
Kunci Jawaban: Palace
Nomor Soal 25
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Narrative text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
Level Kognitif L1
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik
menentukan correct word used in the text.
Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I)
The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia.
It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little
selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to
visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages.
Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a
wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other
historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center
of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was
built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in
history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of
Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The
other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically
quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore.
Tourists can check out clove and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of
forest on the way to deserted beaches.
Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text!
Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace
Thrilling thriving
Kunci Jawaban: nutmeg
Nomor Soal 26
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Argument text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan
pendapat terkait text
Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian
Amazing Underwater Splendors of Derawan Islands
With abundant wonders spread across the mainland you may think that this huge piece of land may
offer only a little off its vast coastline. Well, guess again, for in fact Kalimantan has some of the best
diving destinations in the world.
Situated just off the coast of Berau Regency in East Kalimantan, the Derawan Islands are considered
the third best dive destination in the world. Warm, isolated islands with soft white sandy beaches fringed
with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing
underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and
sometimes, whales, Derawan is indeed everyone’s dream of the perfect tropical paradise.
Comprising a total of 31 islands, the most fascinating feature here is the atoll of Kakaban Island where
you can swim with thousands of unique and truly rare stingless jellyfish. Other divers’ darling here is the
waters around Sangalaki Island which is filled with some of the most fascinating sea creatures such as
Manta Alfredi (PariHantu), which only exists in Derawan, Barracudas, Stingrays, giant squids and more.
Meanwhile the waters around Maratua Island are the habitat of cuttlefish, lobsters, ghostpipe fish, blue-
ring octopus, nudibranch, pigmy seahorses, ribbon eels, scorpion fish, and other sea dwellers.
Answer the questions based on the text above!
26. Do you think it is important to preserve the sea of Kalimantan? Why?
Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang Kalimantan
Nomor Soal 27
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Arguent Text
Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan
pendapat terkait text
Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian
Amazing Underwater Splendors of Derawan Islands
With abundant wonders spread across the mainland you may think that this huge piece of land may
offer only a little off its vast coastline. Well, guess again, for in fact Kalimantan has some of the best
diving destinations in the world.
Situated just off the coast of Berau Regency in East Kalimantan, the Derawan Islands are considered
the third best dive destination in the world. Warm, isolated islands with soft white sandy beaches fringed
with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing
underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and
sometimes, whales, Derawan is indeed everyone’s dream of the perfect tropical paradise.
Comprising a total of 31 islands, the most fascinating feature here is the atoll of Kakaban Island where
you can swim with thousands of unique and truly rare stingless jellyfish. Other divers’ darling here is the
waters around Sangalaki Island which is filled with some of the most fascinating sea creatures such as
Manta Alfredi (PariHantu), which only exists in Derawan, Barracudas, Stingrays, giant squids and more.
Meanwhile the waters around Maratua Island are the habitat of cuttlefish, lobsters, ghostpipe fish, blue-
ring octopus, nudibranch, pigmy seahorses, ribbon eels, scorpion fish, and other sea dwellers.
27. Give your opinion regarding people who wants to destruct the nature of Derawan Island.
Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang orang-orang yang mencoba
menghancurkan alam di pulau Derawan
Nomor Soal 28
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI
Level Kognitif L3
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan pesan moral
dari percakapan itu.
Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian
Read again the stimulus 8 above, and answer the questions 28-30!
Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now?
Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through
so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos.
Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her
Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her?
Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really
affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she
tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her
insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She
could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’
and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took
down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of
identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is
crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention
from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind.
Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in
handling this. Did that happen to you also?
Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health.
Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy
mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen
to you too?
Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books.
Indah : I hope so.
28. What kind of moral values that can you get from the conversation?
Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan moral value yang mereka dapatkan dari percakapan
Nomor Soal 29
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengaitkan informasi yang
diperoleh dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu sendiri.
Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian
Read again the stimulus 8 above, and answer the questions 28-30!
Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now?
Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through
so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos.
Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her
Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her?
Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really
affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she
tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her
insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She
could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’
and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took
down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of
identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is
crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention
from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind.
Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in
handling this. Did that happen to you also?
Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health.
Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy
mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen
to you too?
Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books.
Indah : I hope so.
29. Did you have a similar experience? Explain!
Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik pegalaman mereka dalam bersosial media
Nomor Soal 30
Elemen Reading - memirsa
Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks
lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai
dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga
diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk
berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi
berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks
secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa
Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam
Materi Dialog
Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI
Level Kognitif L2
Indikator Soal
Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengaitkan informasi yang
diperoleh dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu sendiri.
Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian
Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now?
Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through
so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos.
Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her
Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her?
Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really
affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she
tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her
insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She
could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’
and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took
down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of
identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is
crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention
from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind.
Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in
handling this. Did that happen to you also?
Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health.
Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy
mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen
to you too?
Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books.
Indah : I hope so.
30. Give your opinion about how to be a good social media user!
Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang menjadi pengguna sosial media
yang baik.

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  • 1. PEMERINTAH PROVINSI GORONTALO DINAS PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, PEMUDA DAN OLAHRAGA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA NEGERI 2 GORONTALO) Jl. Rambutan No.338 Kelurahan Buladu Kecamatan Kota Barat Telp / Fax : (0435) 823504 Kode Pos : 96136 Website : Email : KOTA GORONTALO Kisi–Kisi Soal Penilaian Sumatif Akhir Jenjang Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas /Peminatan : XII Penyusun : Dra. Sunarsi Dai, M. Pd. Sitti Wahidah N. Kh. Nisa Ilahude, S.Pd. No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor Soal Bentuk Soal 1 Reading - memirsa Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Legend L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 1 Pilihan ganda 2 Reading - memirsa Legend L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 2 Pilihan ganda 3 Reading - memirsa Legend L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 3 Pilihan ganda 4 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 4 Pilihan ganda
  • 2. No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor Soal Bentuk Soal 5 Reading - memirsa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Dialog L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. 5 Pilihan ganda 6 Reading - memirsa Dialog L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. 6 Pilihan ganda 7 Reading - memirsa Dialog L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. 7 Pilihan ganda 8 Reading - memirsa Dialog L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. 8 Pilihan ganda 9 Reading - memirsa ArgumentT ext L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 9 Pilihan ganda 10 Reading - memirsa ArgumentT ext L1 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text 10 Pilihan ganda 11 Reading - memirsa Discussion Text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan content of the text 11 Pilihan ganda kompleks 12 Reading - memirsa Discussion Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan grammar yang digunakan dalam kalimat 12 Pilihan ganda kompleks 13 Reading - memirsa Discussion Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan structure of the text. 13 Pilihan ganda kompleks
  • 3. No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor Soal Bentuk Soal 14 Reading - memirsa Discussion text L1 Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan mental or physical action verb 14 Pilihan ganda kompleks 15 Reading - memirsa Personal voice L1 Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan personal voice 15 Pilihan ganda kompleks 16 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text, peserta didik menentukan meaning of words in text 16 Menjodohkan 17 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan events of narrative text in correct order. 17 Menjodohkan 18 Reading - memirsa Argument text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik menentukan explanation of pictures. 18 Menjodohkan 19 Reading - memirsa Argument Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan details of the text 19 Menjodohkan 20 Reading - memirsa Argument Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan meaning of words in the text 20 Menjodohkan 21 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. 21 Jawaban singkat / Isian 22 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. 22 Jawaban singkat / Isian
  • 4. No Elemen Capaian Pembelajaran Materi Level Kognitif Indikator Soal Nomor Soal Bentuk Soal 23 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. 23 Jawaban singkat / Isian 24 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. 24 Jawaban singkat / Isian 25 Reading - memirsa Narrative Text L1 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. 25 Jawaban singkat / Isian 26 Reading - memirsa Argument Text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat terkait text 26 Esai / Uraian 27 Reading - memirsa Argument Text L2 Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat terkait text 27 Esai / Uraian 28 Reading - memirsa Dialog L3 Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan pesan moral dari percakapan itu. 28 Esai / Uraian 29 Reading - memirsa Dialog L3 Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengaitkan informasi yang diperoleh dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu sendiri. 29 Esai / Uraian 30 Reading - memirsa Dialog L3 Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengemukakan pendapat dari sudut pandangnya tentang peran yang baik dalam bermedia sosial. 30 Esai / Uraian
  • 5.
  • 6. PEMERINTAH PROVINSI GORONTALO DINAS PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, PEMUDA DAN OLAHRAGA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA NEGERI 2 GORONTALO) Jl. Rambutan No.338 Kelurahan Buladu Kecamatan Kota Barat Telp / Fax : (0435) 823504 Kode Pos : 96136 Website : Email : KOTA GORONTALO Kartu Soal Pilihan Ganda Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2022 - 2023 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kelas/Peminatan : XII Penyusun : Dra. SUNARSI DAI, M. Pd. Sitti Wahidah N. Kh. Nisa Ilahude, S.Pd. Nomor Soal 1 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Legend Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : The Story of Pak Pesut A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out. One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house. He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish".
  • 7. 1. What did the beggar ask for? A. The cooking pot B. The fish C. The wealth D. The rice E. The water Kunci Jawaban: D Nomor Soal 2 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Legend Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : The Story of Pak Pesut A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out. One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house. He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish". 2. Why did pak Pesut ask his family to eat the very hot rice? A. The family were hungry. B. It was the last rice they had. C. He didn’t want the rice to be stolen. D. The rice was still fresh from the pot. E. He didn’t want to give the rice to the beggar.
  • 8. Kunci Jawaban: C Nomor Soal 3 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Legend Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : The Story of Pak Pesut A long time ago, at a village in East Kalimantan, there lived a rich family of Pak Pesut. Everybody knew him, not because of his wealth, but because of his stinginess. During a long dry season, the villagers were planning to leave the village and look for the place that has enough water for cultivating rice. Some villagers went to Pak Pesut's house to inform him about a new place. He refused to join them believing he had enough rice to survive before their stock of rice ran out. One morning, when Pak Pesut's wife was cooking their last stock of rice, a beggar came to his house. He asked for some rice, but pak Pesut lied to him saying that he didn't have any rice. Pak Pesut was worried that the beggar would steal the rice, so he told his family to eat hot rice from the cooking pot. It was so hot that they felt their mouths burning. Without even thinking twice, the Pesuts suddenly jumped into the water in order to cool their mouths off. Seeing the incident, the beggar prayed to God and amazingly Pak Pesut's family slowly changed into fish similar to dolphins. Since then, everybody called the fish, "Pesut Fish". 3. Do you think the beggar did something good to the Pesuts? Why A. Yes. He wanted to express his gratitude B. Yes. He loved the family C. No. He let the family to learn a lesson D. Yes. He knew the rice was in the cooking pot E. No. The family sent him away. Kunci Jawaban: C
  • 9. Nomor Soal 4 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a narrative text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. One day, a poor man was cutting down some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of the mice grew frightened "Please, leave the tree standing" said he mice to the woodcutter, "and I'll give you a piece of gold every day." The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of the mice took out a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter then took the gold home and showed it to his wife. After a few days, his wife asked him, "Where does the gold come from?" "Don't worry about that," he said, "just keep it," Which specific type of narrative text is this story? A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her. "If you don't tell me," she said, "I'll go and tell the government or even the king that you're a robber." The woodcutter was frightened of his wife. So he said, "Every evening the king of the mice gives me a piece of gold taken from under the roots of the tree." "Oh Gosh, you are so stupid!" his wife said. "You've been tricked by a mouse. He gives you one piece of gold every evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why don't you cut down the tree and take it all away?" The woodcutter did as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he looked under the roots, the gold was not there as the king of the mice had taken them away before the cutting. On one fine night, the king of the mice crept up to the woodcutter's house and took all the gold back. The woodcutter was as poor as before. 4. What is the purpose of the text? A. To describe the king of mice who lived inside a banyan tree in a forest. B. To present information about the woodcutter and the king of mice. C. To inform the readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice. D. To entertain the readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice. E. To tell the readers that the woodcutter was a poor man at the end of the story. Kunci Jawaban: D
  • 10. Nomor Soal 5 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : Read the conversation, and answer the questions number 5-8! Rudi : What is Kalimantan like? Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not been touched by humans yet. Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there? Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island, Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more. Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless jellyfish live. It was simply amazing. Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish? Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so, please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are sting less and so adorable. Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect that species from extinction. 5. What is the conversation mostly about? A. The beauty of Kalimantan and its problematic underwater preservation B. One island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake C. The stingless jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. D. There is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. E. Theres a nature that has not been touched by humans yet in Kalimantan Kunci Jawaban: A
  • 11. Nomor Soal 6 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : Rudi : What is Kalimantan like? Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not been touched by humans yet. Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there? Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island, Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more. Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless jellyfish live. It was simply amazing. Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish? Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so, please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are sting less and so adorable. Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect that species from extinction. 6. Based on the conversation, there are special things you can find in Kakaban Island, except… A. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in East Kalimantan B. One island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake C. The jellyfish population reduction is because people swim around them. D. There is so many beautiful places like Derawan archipelago and Maratua Island. E. The stingless jellyfish lived there. Kunci Jawaban: D
  • 12. Nomor Soal 7 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : Rudi : What is Kalimantan like? Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not been touched by humans yet. Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there? Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island, Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more. Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless jellyfish live. It was simply amazing. Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish? Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so, please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are sting less and so adorable. Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect that species from extinction. 7. Where is the exact location of Kakaban Island? A. Berau, East Kalimantan B. One of Indonesian archipelago C. Pine Island D. Sanglaki Island E. Derawan archipelago Kunci Jawaban: A Nomor Soal 8 Elemen Reading - memirsa
  • 13. Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of a dialog. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : Rudi : What is Kalimantan like? Sam : Very beautiful and pleasant place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not been touched by humans yet. Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there? Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island, Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more. Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place Sam : Do you know? …. Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Berau, East Kalimantan. It is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a saltwater lake where stingless jellyfish live. It was simply amazing. Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? … great! Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish? Sam : Yeah, we have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish and they are so adorable. It is too bad; the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so, please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are sting less and so adorable. Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect that species from extinction. 8. The closest meaning of word Reduced in the conversation is… A. decreased B. increase C. enlarge D. put up E. extend Kunci Jawaban: B
  • 14. Nomor Soal 9 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : This text is for questions number 9-10. Overfishing occurs when more fish are removed from the ecosystem than can naturally replace themselves. For thousands of years, people have fished sustainably; with their level of technology, they could never catch anything approaching close to the replacement rate of the stock. That changed with the expansion and modernization of fishing to become the commercial fishing industry. Enormous trawlers, better techniques for finding shoals, and nets miles long that catch many tons of fish at a time are the new, terrifying reality. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as of 2022, nearly a third of all monitored global fish stocks are overfished, and over 60% are fished to the maximum sustainable yield. Source: solutions?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn0aDhGt7-oFHozxGC7RjAsH3h1OifJHf77t1iN4mp-wxq0mj60g82xoCEDgQAvD_BwE 9. What is the text mostly about? A. Overfishing happened in global. B. People have fished sustainably for thousand years. C. Modernization of fishing D. Net miles long that catch many tons of fish E. Fish are removed from the ecosystem Kunci Jawaban: D
  • 15. Nomor Soal 10 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menentukan detailed information of text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda (PG) SOAL : Overfishing occurs when more fish are removed from the ecosystem than can naturally replace themselves. For thousands of years, people have fished sustainably; with their level of technology, they could never catch anything approaching close to the replacement rate of the stock. That changed with the expansion and modernization of fishing to become the commercial fishing industry. Enormous trawlers, better techniques for finding shoals, and nets miles long that catch many tons of fish at a time are the new, terrifying reality. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as of 2022, nearly a third of all monitored global fish stocks are overfished, and over 60% are fished to the maximum sustainable yield. Source: solutions?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn0aDhGt7-oFHozxGC7RjAsH3h1OifJHf77t1iN4mp-wxq0mj60g82xoCEDgQAvD_BwE 10. The word replace in first sentence is closest meaning to? A. Take B. Remove C. Put back D. Dismiss E. Depose Kunci Jawaban: C Nomor Soal 11 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Discussion Text
  • 16. Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan content of the text Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK) SOAL : Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, out earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are plenty of softwares that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In a mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smart phone or listen to our favorite button broadcast by streaming it on our table. With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is that children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that are only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children’s well- being. Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its disadvantages. 11. After reading the text, decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1. The text talks about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet. 2. Internet can make us smart. 3. People should not use Internet. 4. Internet brings more harm than good. 5. The main idea of paragraph 2 is Internet has some adventages. Kunci Jawaban: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T Nomor Soal 12 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Discussion Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI
  • 17. Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan grammar yang digunakan dalam kalimat Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK) SOAL : Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet, out earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are plenty of softwares that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In a mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smart phone or listen to our favorite button broadcast by streaming it on our table. With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages. One of them is that children may be exposed to violence and explicit contents that are only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm children’s well- being. Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its disadvantages. 12. After reading the text, what things make you think why the children should be observed by their parents? Tick (√) the correct answer! A. Because the children may be wxposedto violence. B. Because Internet has been the most outstanding invention. C. Because some explicit contents that are only suitable for adults. D. Because with internet, out earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. E. Because there are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. Kunci Jawaban A, B, E Nomor Soal 13 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Discussion Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XII Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang discussion text, peserta didik menentukan structure of the text. Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK)
  • 18. SOAL : Promoting Tourism: Good or Bad? Lots of tourists visit our town, but many people argue whether this is good or bad for the community. Each side has their own viewpoints. Those in favor of the tourist industry argue that tourism brings money to the town and creates employment. Business owners also support 13. From the viewpoint of those who disagree with tourist industry, who will not likely receive the most financial benefit? A. Business owners B. The local people C. International hotel owners D. The local community E. The local government. Jawaban: A, B, D, E Nomor Soal 14 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Discussion Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan mental or physical action verb Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK) SOAL : 14. Categorize whether the verbs in sentences are physical/action (P) or mental (M) 1. Lots of tourists visit our town. 2. Business owners also support this saying that tourism promotes development in town. 3. People against tourism. 4. The tourism develops a better understanding of other cultures. 5. They argue that several unpleasant incidents in the community.
  • 19. KUNCI JAWABAN: 1. P 2. M 3. M 4. P 5. M Nomor Soal 15 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Personal voice Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik menentukan personal voice Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Kompleks (PGK) SOAL : 15. Based on the picture, tick (√) the sentence with correct personal voice! A. I understand how the use of fish toxins endanger humans’ health. B. The use of fish toxins endangers humans’ health. C. I believe many people still use bombs for fishing. D. Fishing using traditional equipment is better than using bomb. E. I feel that old generations think only to exploit the sea. Kunci Jawaban: A,C,E
  • 20. Nomor Soal 16 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Discussion Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text, peserta didik menentukan meaning of words in text Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M) SOAL : The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (visit/ visitors) need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. 16. Based on the stimulus above, connect the words in English to the right meaning! Words Meanings Explore (v) 1. a. Go from one place to another. Travel (v) 2. b. Suffering from sickness or nausea caused by the motion of a ship at sea. Snorkel (n) 3. c. Travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it. Destination (n) 4. d. A short tube for a swimmer to breathe through while keeping their face under water. Seasick(adj) 5. e. A place that people will make a special trip to visit. f. The character and atmosphere of a place. g. Characteristic of the countryside rather than the town. Kunci Jawaban: 1. C 2. A. 3. D 4. E. 5. B
  • 21. Nomor Soal 17 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Legend Buku Acuan/Referensi Menentukan elements (character) of narrative text Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan events of narrative text in correct order. Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M) SOAL : On the other hand, Tumenggung Marubai still got a lot of catches. This made Bujang Beji even more jealous. “What?” Bujang Beji yelled “No one is better than me!” He must have the best of everything – everyone knows that. What could be better? Bujang Beji was successful in catching many fish, but seeing what Tumenggung Marubay got, Bujang Beji was bothered. So Bujang Beji decided to get rid of Tumenggung Marubai’s luck, once and for all. Then, Bujang Beji began to think and he found the way he thought was the best. The very finest idea crossed his mind, “I have to cover the flow of the Melawi River with a large rock upstream, so the fish will settle there,” thought Bujang Beji. He planned to use a large stone from the hills of Nanga Silat. Then, he departed for the hills. He brought the rock in his hand. Then all of a sudden, far away, he heard the sound of girls laughing at him. His attention was distracted, Bujang Beji accidentally stepped on a thorn, reflexively he dropped the stone that he was holding. Bujang Beji was caught in anger. Bujang Beji found that it was the khayangan goddesses who laughed at him. “You will pay for this!” he shouted as he stamped his foot pierced by a poisonous thorn on one of the nearby hills. Bujang Beji’s failed to close the Melawi River. All because of the goddesses of heaven. “I will take revenge.” Said Bujang Beji. Bujang Beji planned to reach the land of heaven by using the kumpang mambu tree, which is a kind of giant wooden tree whose end rises to the sky. He started planting the scented tree. In just a few days the tree had grown so high that the top was invisible to the naked eye. Right before climbing the Kumpang Bambu, he did a superstition ritual in order to get protection from the holy spirits of the land and animal spirits. However, there were two animals that Bujang Beji forgot to offer, they were a group of termites and bears. It made them angry. They also negotiated to thwart Bujang Beji. “Let’s just gnaw the bamboo tree until it’s broken!” proposed the bear. The Termite agreed. Then they started to do it. At that time, Bujang Beji had almost reached the land of heaven, he fell into the ground and died instantly. Thus, Bujang Beji’s attempt to harm the goddesses of heaven also failed. Tumenggung Marubai was spared from Bujang Beji’s evil intentions. Nowadays, the peak of Nanga Silat Hill is well known as Bukit Kelam. It has become one of the tourist attractions in Sintang, West Kalimantan, and has become a tourist forest area with very beautiful scenery.
  • 22. 17. Read the text one more time, then put these events in order. 1 Bujang Beji and Tumenggung Marubai, were friends who likes to go fishing together. 2 Bujang Beji heard the sound of girls laughing at him. His attention was distracted, Bujang Beji accidentally stepped on a thorn, reflexively he dropped the stone that he was holding. 3 Bujang Beji planned to cover the flow of the Melawi River with a large rock upstream from the hills of Nanga Silat. 4 Bujang Beji had almost reached the land of heaven, he fell into the ground and died instantly. 5 Bujang Beji did a superstition ritual in order to get protection from the holy spirits of the land and animal spirits. However, there were two animals that Bujang Beji forgot to offer, they were a group of termites and bears. 6 The termites and bears were angry and decided to gnaw the bamboo tree until it’s broken. 7 Bujang Beji planned to reach the land of heaven by using the kumpang mambu tree Bujang Beji had never caught as many fish as Tumenggung Marubai did, he felt so envious that he thought of a way to beat him. Kunci Jawaban: Nomor Soal 18 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Menentukan elements (character) of narrative text Level Kognitif L2
  • 23. Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik menentukan explanation of pictures. Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M) SOAL : 18. Decide which explanation fits the picture. Explanation: A. Dina is stressed right now B. Dina spends most of her time on social media C. Indah said that social media really affected Dina’s mental health D. Andi can control herself in using social media E. Trolls are not a big problem in social media. F. Dina decided to read more than spend time on social media. Kunci Jawaban: A B C F Nomor Soal 19 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XIIU Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan details of the text Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M) SOAL : Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
  • 24. Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos. Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her again? Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her? Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’ and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind. Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in handling this. Did that happen to you also? Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health. Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen to you too? Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books. Indah : I hope so. 19. Kunci jawaban:
  • 25. Nomor Soal 20 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XII Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan meaning of words in the text Bentuk Soal Menjodohkan (M) 20. Match the words with the suitable meaning! 1. Clickbait ( ) ( ) A. Our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. 2. Cancel culture ( ) ( ) B. A text or thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and views. 3. Feed ( ) ( ) C. Removing someone someone out of professional or social circle or termination of social media account abuse. 4. Gaslighting ( ) ( ) D. Psychological abuse where a person or group make someone feel they are not abused. 5. Mental Health ( ) ( ) E. Content from social media accounts you are subscribes to. ( ) F. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come ( ) G. Extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful. Kunci Jawaban: 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. A
  • 26. Nomor Soal 21 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I) SOAL : Choose the correct words to complete this text! The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore. Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest on the way to deserted beaches. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text! Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace Thrilling thriving Kunci Jawaban: visitors
  • 27. Nomor Soal 22 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I) SOAL : The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore. Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest on the way to deserted beaches. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text! Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace Thrilling thriving Kunci Jawaban: Thriving
  • 28. Nomor Soal 23 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I) SOAL : The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore. Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest on the way to deserted beaches. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text! Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace Thrilling thriving Kunci Jawaban: Mansions
  • 29. Nomor Soal 24 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I) SOAL : The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore. Tourists can check out and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest on the way to deserted beaches. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text! Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace Thrilling thriving Kunci Jawaban: Palace
  • 30. Nomor Soal 25 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Narrative text Buku Acuan/Referensi Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI Level Kognitif L1 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang narrative text (Legend), peserta didik menentukan correct word used in the text. Bentuk Soal Jawaban Singkat / Isian (JS / I) SOAL : The Maluku Islands is the name given to a group of islands spread over a vast area of Eastern Indonesia. It would take months to explore even the major island groups in any depth so (21) … need to be a little selective. My favorite place to visit is the Banda Islands. Of course, there are some amazing advantages to visiting the islands but there are also disadvantages. Some of them who see the benefit of Banda islands will consider this place as a museum piece and a wonderful place. There are nineteenth century villas, a museum, a colonial church and various other historically important buildings in Banda Neira. In addition to that this place was also popular as the center of a (22) … trade in spices. It had two forts dating back to the seventeenth century. The older one was built by the Portuguese and the younger, Fort Belgica, was built by the Dutch. Those who are interested in history can spend a leisurely few days here investigating forts, spice traders’ (23) … and residences of Indonesian nationalist leaders who were sent into … here during the last phase of the colonial era. The other most favorite place is the early nineteenth century governor’s (24) … because the area is scenically quite wonderful with a huge active volcano looms over the town and rich coral gardens just offshore. Tourists can check out clove and (25) …. plantations or follow island trails that pass through pockets of forest on the way to deserted beaches. Choose the correct words in the box to complete the text! Visitors mansions nutmeg exile palace Thrilling thriving Kunci Jawaban: nutmeg
  • 31. Nomor Soal 26 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Argument text Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat terkait text Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian SOAL : Amazing Underwater Splendors of Derawan Islands With abundant wonders spread across the mainland you may think that this huge piece of land may offer only a little off its vast coastline. Well, guess again, for in fact Kalimantan has some of the best diving destinations in the world. Situated just off the coast of Berau Regency in East Kalimantan, the Derawan Islands are considered the third best dive destination in the world. Warm, isolated islands with soft white sandy beaches fringed with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and sometimes, whales, Derawan is indeed everyone’s dream of the perfect tropical paradise. Comprising a total of 31 islands, the most fascinating feature here is the atoll of Kakaban Island where you can swim with thousands of unique and truly rare stingless jellyfish. Other divers’ darling here is the waters around Sangalaki Island which is filled with some of the most fascinating sea creatures such as Manta Alfredi (PariHantu), which only exists in Derawan, Barracudas, Stingrays, giant squids and more. Meanwhile the waters around Maratua Island are the habitat of cuttlefish, lobsters, ghostpipe fish, blue- ring octopus, nudibranch, pigmy seahorses, ribbon eels, scorpion fish, and other sea dwellers. Answer the questions based on the text above! 26. Do you think it is important to preserve the sea of Kalimantan? Why? Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang Kalimantan
  • 32. Nomor Soal 27 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Arguent Text Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan ilustrasi tentang argument text, peserta didik mengungkapkan pendapat terkait text Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian SOAL : Amazing Underwater Splendors of Derawan Islands With abundant wonders spread across the mainland you may think that this huge piece of land may offer only a little off its vast coastline. Well, guess again, for in fact Kalimantan has some of the best diving destinations in the world. Situated just off the coast of Berau Regency in East Kalimantan, the Derawan Islands are considered the third best dive destination in the world. Warm, isolated islands with soft white sandy beaches fringed with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and sometimes, whales, Derawan is indeed everyone’s dream of the perfect tropical paradise. Comprising a total of 31 islands, the most fascinating feature here is the atoll of Kakaban Island where you can swim with thousands of unique and truly rare stingless jellyfish. Other divers’ darling here is the waters around Sangalaki Island which is filled with some of the most fascinating sea creatures such as Manta Alfredi (PariHantu), which only exists in Derawan, Barracudas, Stingrays, giant squids and more. Meanwhile the waters around Maratua Island are the habitat of cuttlefish, lobsters, ghostpipe fish, blue- ring octopus, nudibranch, pigmy seahorses, ribbon eels, scorpion fish, and other sea dwellers. 27. Give your opinion regarding people who wants to destruct the nature of Derawan Island. Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang orang-orang yang mencoba menghancurkan alam di pulau Derawan
  • 33. Nomor Soal 28 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI Level Kognitif L3 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan pesan moral dari percakapan itu. Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian SOAL : Read again the stimulus 8 above, and answer the questions 28-30! Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now? Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos. Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her again? Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her? Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’ and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind. Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in handling this. Did that happen to you also? Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health. Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen to you too? Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books. Indah : I hope so. 28. What kind of moral values that can you get from the conversation? Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan moral value yang mereka dapatkan dari percakapan
  • 34. Nomor Soal 29 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengaitkan informasi yang diperoleh dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu sendiri. Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian SOAL : Read again the stimulus 8 above, and answer the questions 28-30! Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now? Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos. Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her again? Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her? Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’ and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind. Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in handling this. Did that happen to you also? Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health. Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen to you too? Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books. Indah : I hope so. 29. Did you have a similar experience? Explain! Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik pegalaman mereka dalam bersosial media
  • 35. Nomor Soal 30 Elemen Reading - memirsa Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir fase, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menggunakan teks lisan, tulis, dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/ pembacanya. Peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris sederhana untuk berdiskusi dan menyampaikan keinginan/ perasaan, mengeksplorasi berbagai teks dalam berbagai macam topik kontekstual, memahami teks secara mendalam, dan memproduksi teks lisan dan tulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dengan kosakata yang lebih beragam Materi Dialog Buku Acuan/Referensi Buku Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA Kelas XI Level Kognitif L2 Indikator Soal Disajikan sebuah dialog, peserta didik dapat mengaitkan informasi yang diperoleh dengan kehidupan nyata peserta didik itu sendiri. Bentuk Soal Esai / Uraian SOAL : Indah: Hello Andi, have you heard Dina is stressful now? Andi : No! She only said to me yesterday that she was so active in social media like scrolling through so many news feeds, looking at some clickbaits, updating her status, and commenting on photos. Indah : I’m pretty sure that she hasn’t told you the whole story about her. Have you ever contacted her again? Andi : I called her yesterday but she did not tell me anything. Why don’t you tell me about her? Indah : She told me that she was really addicted to it and claimed it was a vicious circle. It really affected her mental health. When she updated her status and photo in her social media accounts, she tried to share her best and brightest moments in her life. However, later on she struggled with her insecurity because she started to compare her behind-the- scenes status with other people’s status. She could easily feel jealous with other happiness. Moreover, she was obsessed with being given “like ‘’ and “comment” from other viewers about her current status. She also experienced anxiety and even took down her photo if there was no likeness on it. She said this condition truly changed her sense of identity because she saw her self-worth based on what others think about her. You know what is crazy about her, Andy. She could take hundreds of photos to make sure that it could invite attention from others in social media. It is obvious that she is not in her right mind. Andi : I never expected her problem to go that far. This is the time for her to stage an intervention in handling this. Did that happen to you also? Indah : Fortunately, No! I am aware of the danger of social media to my mental health. Sometimes also it is used by trolls to create toxic ambiance. They can easily destroy mentality by doing gaslighting, bullying harshly, and canceling culture. How about you? Did it happen to you too? Andi : Not to me, I prioritize living in my reality and try to be in someone’s good books. Indah : I hope so. 30. Give your opinion about how to be a good social media user! Kunci Jawaban: Peserta didik menuliskan pendapat mereka tentang menjadi pengguna sosial media yang baik.