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Cloud industry
Alex Hilton on the
properties of
hybrid cloud
Saul Judah
Three expert
for eliminating
business processes
A piece from
Innovation Enterprise
on the need to harness
the potential of
Business Intelligence
Security safeguards key to big
data growth
There is significant economic potential in big data, but changes are needed to unlock it
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he impor-
tance of
Big Data
to the UK
was con-
firmed in
2012 when it was recog-
nised by the Government
as one of the 8 Great Tech-
nologies vital to the eco-
nomic and social future of
the UK. Big Data is a cata-
lyst for economic growth,
a key tool in achieving long
term productivity, essential
for job creation and vital to
maintaining the UK’s global
position as a digital society.
The UK has a fantastic op-
portunity to be a world-
leader in Big Data, and is
making steady progress.
However, we must do
more to highlight the so-
cial and economic oppor-
tunities and mitigate risks
facing the development
of Big Data technologies
in the UK.
To successfully unlock the
value of big data, we must
improve public trust in
Julian David
CEO, techUK
“We must improve
public trust in how
their personal data
is collected”
how their personal data is
collected, stored and used,
particularly given the grow-
ing cyber threat.
Having in place a legal
framework that allows
for business innovation
while also protecting per-
sonal information is cru-
cial. The new General Da-
ta Protection Regulation
(GDPR) in development
in the European Commis-
sion has the potential to
underpin consumer trust
and confidence. However, if
European policy-makers
do not properly consider
certain aspects, this could
have a chilling effect on
the growth of Big Data
industries in Europe.
The potential for Big Data
is huge. The Centre for
Economics & Business
Research estimated that by
2017 Big Data could contrib-
ute £216 billion and gener-
ate 58,000 new jobs in the
it right.
nformation. Intel-
ligence. Data. Call it
what you want, but
every savvy com-
pany needs it, be-
cause — used properly — it
can provide valuable in-
sight that increases business
productivity, profitability
Machine-generated data
is one of the fastest-grow-
ing and most complex areas
of Big Data. “Mobile phones,
application logs, network
infrastructure, cloud ser-
vices, sensors in cars and
planes — all of these things
and more generate ma-
chine data,” says Matthew
Davies, Head of Marketing at
operational intelligence plat-
“This is important infor-
mation that can help a
company deliver superi-
or IT operational analytics
and enhance its real time se-
curity intelligence; plus it
can pinpoint what a busi-
ness’ customers are doing
and how its products are per-
forming. Once our custom-
ers see what is possible with
machine data, they immedi-
The problem is, machine-
generated data is not easily
accessible.Splunk saw an op-
portunity as well as a need to
make machine data accessi-
ble, usable and valuable, and
develop solutions that allow
machine-generated data to
be easily collected, indexed,
searched and visualised. An
has more than 10,000 cus-
flying doctors in the Aus-
tralian outback - who use its
solutions to monitor the
temperatures of medicines
and locations of planes - to
blue chip companies such as
UniCredit, John Lewis,Voda-
UniCredit, for instance,
uses Splunk Enterprise
for real-time insights into
operational data and key
business metrics. The bank
has improved the experi-
ence it offers customers by
reducing services down-
time and provides vis-
ibility into key business
metrics such as served cli-
ents by bank branches, in-
ternet banking and mo-
bile banking channels, and
number of new opened
bank accounts.
John Lewis also uses Splunk,
in order to monitor its web-
site and customer journey to
ensure an excellent customer
experience; and Domino’s
pizza uses Splunk to support
its e-commerce environ-
ment, by studying e-com-
merce logs, troubleshooting
issues, assisting with moni-
toring, providing feedback
to developers and deliv-
ering real-time insights
“Increasingly, companies
are experiencing big ‘busi-
ness moments’,” says
Matthew Davies. “For in-
stance, a company might be
about to have a major outage
because a data base has run
out of memory.Machine data
provides insight in real time
so that problems like these
can be fixed faster, customer
experiences can be improved
protection can be provided
against a security attack,
and money can be saved.
That’s why it’s so vital in a
data is one
of the fastest
and most
areas of
Big Data”
Matthew Davies
Head of marketing,
Sue Daley
Head of Programme for
Big Data, Cloud & Mobile,
ccording to our latest re-
search on the state of
UK Cloud market, 84 per
cent of organisations
currently use at least one
Cloud service, up from
48 per cent in 2010. Moreover, 78 per cent
of those organisations use two or more
services, a significant increase on the
same figure recorded in 2014, highlight-
ing how the delivery model is making its
presence felt in businesses today.
This growth story owes much to the fact
that Cloud services are having a profound
impact on the design and delivery of organ-
isations’ IT capabilities and, as a result, on
the performance and flexibility of their busi-
nesses thereafter.At its heart,the concept of
tion though the
agile on-demand delivery of
with their customers, providing more flex-
ible and faster access to technology, reduc-
ing capital expenditure and shaving healthy
of an increasingly complex and diverse pic-
ture. Although penetration has increased
year-on-year,and indeed,faster thanwe had
anticipated, Cloud-based solutions still con-
stitute a relatively small part of the wider
IT estate and half of organisations expect to
keep specific applications and services on-
premise indefinitely. This, by no means, is
to suggest that appetite for Cloud is on the
wane; more a reflection of the fact that not
everything can or should be migrated.With
this being the case,the majority of organisa-
tionswill be maintaining Hybrid ITenviron-
Cloud computing is playing an increasingly
important role in businesses across the country,
regardless of their organisational size or the sector
they operate in, as business leaders turn to Cloud
services to transform their IT estates
Big Data analytics provide UK businesses with
the opportunity to combine, consolidate and
then analyse large datasets to find previously
hidden insights and knowledge. For example,
by identifying patterns in customer behaviour,
common customer likes and dislikes and previ-
ously unknown customer requirements busi-
nesses can develop personalised goods and ser-
vices based on consumers’ needs andwants.
es, of all size and sector, is being driven not only
by the ability to be more responsive to custom-
ers but also as a driver of operational efficiencies,
cost reductions, increased agility and as a tool
for gaining a single view of the lifecycle of data
across an organisation and its supply chain.
HybridITis hardly anew phenomenonas
it relates to the co-existence of multiple IT
deployment models –which has been true
for most businesses since the move away
from mainframes in the 1980s. But most
causes of a hybrid environment have his-
torically been the product of a transition
proach to IT is a useful one. Rather than
charging full-throttle towards one type of
infrastructure, businesses are now able to
pick and choose the types of IT that they
feel most comfortable with, and that are
most appropriate for their individual ap-
plications. Embracing a hybrid approach
an IT estate that will feed into the needs
of the organisation, evolving as-and-
when required.This bottom-up evolu-
jects,which tend to be expensive, dif-
el, but for most organisations it is one
of adopting Cloud alongside on-prem-
ise are proven and Hybrid ITis a natu-
ral and unstoppable evolution in the
IT landscape, which will serve to en-
hance business outcomes with
the continued investment of time
“Cloud is
the ways that
internally and
with their
Read the full story
Alex Hilton
CEO, Cloud Industry
Dr Tony Venus
Head of Standards and
Qualifications, Tech
early 90 per cent of em-
ployers identify data
analysis as a core skills
gap, according to Tech
Partnership research.
And with big data often cited as ‘the new
oil’ – the fuel for the economy over future
Filling those gaps needs a multifaceted
approach, but apprenticeships are an in-
creasingly popular way to attract
and train talented people. Tech Partner-
ship employers have recently developed
data analyst apprenticeship standards
which, if approved, will be available
from 2016. And the new Degree
sis specialism, giving participants an
academic training while immersing
George Hill
Managing editor and
online director, Innovation
tocreate competitive
The Ancient Greeks would use early
examples of coins to buy and sell, then
keep ledgers to keep a record of every-
thing they had traded that day. Early
homosapiens would paint pictures in caves to
show how many animals had been hunted that
day. Even Herodotus, arguably the first histori-
an, claims that there were tablets on the Pyra-
mids at Giza describing how many radishes, on-
ions and garlic had been consumed.
All of these are forms of business intelligence,
but not in the way we know it today.
In 2015 we have hundreds of Terabytes of
data to investigate how our businesses are
performing and what we can do to improve
performance. It may be several million times
more complex than in ancient times, but the
truth is that the businesses who utilise it, do so
for the same reasons: business success.
From the ways that data can help retailers
stock, sell and profit, through to how Google
and Facebook can make billions through user
data, it dictates every business decision today.
We learn about the inner workings of how
companies use their data due to our exten-
sive network of industry summits that we hold
across the world.We have one in London on
10th May, Big Data Innovation London. If you
were interested in finding out more about
how the world’s most successful companies
utilise their data, why not have a look?
the right data is provided to
the right person (or thing) in
the right time or place does
it become valuable. It’s not
how bigyour data is,it’swhat
you do with it.
The continued rise of digital
and information-based busi-
ness models will cause cas-
ualties in traditional indus-
tries, particularly among the
incumbents that are not pre-
pared for the digital world.
Gartner offers three key
recommendations for busi-
ness executives and infor-
mation leaders: start identi-
fying potential data-fuelled
disruptions, create an infor-
mation management strat-
egy and lastly, embed your
information strategy in the
heart of your business strat-
egy and governance process-
es. Only once you determine
what information can im-
pact your business strategy
and how you plan to collect
and organise it, are you in a
position to harness it effec-
tively. This could take the
form of self-service ana-
lytics, where employees in
different business units can
perform queries and gener-
ate analytical insights on the
company data most relevant
to their areas of expertise,
without necessarily need-
ing IT support or a degree in
data science.
An organisation with em-
ployees who are empowered
to experiment with and
learn from information and
analytics is one positioned
to innovate and capture rev-
enue from new trends and
markets. A coherent infor-
mation framework and
strategy is the means by
which companies can turn
data’s potential into com-
petitive advantage and prof-
it — the means to take con-
trol of and harness innova-
tion rather than be swept
away by it.
for the information age
The adage “knowledge
is power” is not new, yet
is increasingly valid in a
world where businesses
ponder how to harness
the unprecedented
volume and velocity of
data around us.
Gartner predicts that by 2020,
informationwill be used to re-
invent, digitalise or eliminate
80 per cent of all business
processes and products from
a decade earlier. The likes of
Uber and Airbnb demonstrate
how companies that simply
broker information can revo-
lutionise an industry without
owning any physical assets.
The huge success of such
companies is not just luck
or good timing. Underneath
outwardly simple business
models lies serious expertise
in managing data and har-
nessing its power. Data on
its own has potential, but is
inherently dumb. Only when
By Saul Judah, research director, Gartner
ne of the big-
gest issues
facing finance
houses today
centres on
running credit checks on
the client without causing
unnecessary complica-
tions for said client and one
increasingly successful way
to do this is to work with
smart data as opposed to big
data. One company that is
doing this is Creamfinance,
an online consumer finance
company that caters to near
prime consumers and that
was founded in 2012 in Lat-
via. It has subsequently expe-
rienced exponential growth,
expanding into Poland,
where its headquarters now
are, the Czech Republic, Slo-
vakia, Georgia and Austria,
where its IT system is based.
Unique Offering
“Creamfinance doesn’t
compete with banks: we
are providing smaller and
more convenient loans for
the consumer,” says Matiss
Ansviesulis, co-founder and
CEO of the company. “Our
business has expanded very
fast across different geo-
graphies because it is based
on technology that is about
managing the process of
approval for loans scoring
for clients and this can be
rolled out across borders
to different countries.” He
points out that while five of
the countries Creamfinance
operates in are members of
the EU, Georgia is not, a clear
indication that the business
model has the potential to
expand the company much
further still.
Understanding the options
Creamfinance provides three
types of loans: instalment
loans allowing customers
to borrow, say, €2,000 over
24 months and pay back the
capital and interest in mon-
thly instalments over two
years; lines of credit, which
are similar to a bank over-
draft and allow customers
to draw the credit they need
on a revolving basis and also
have a time limit; and small
loans. These will typically be
for a few hundred euros and
will be repayable within the
month, but although they
sound similar to the widely
criticised payday loans in
the UK, they are in fact quite
different. In much of Europe,
interest and regulation on
this type of loan is much
more tightly regulated than
has been the case in the UK.
Credit Risk
What these three types of
loan and indeed any type
of loan have in common,
of course, is that it is vital
to assess the credit risk of
the would-be lendee. Tradi-
tionally this has been done
through concentrating on a
process known as big data:
“This focuses on volume and
velocity, the size of the data
and how fast it can be pro-
cessed,” says Ansviesulis.
However, not only can this
be time consuming and labo-
rious: it can also frustrating
for the client who might have
to fill out pages of informa-
tion and then have to wait
for an answer. One of the rea-
sons behind Creamfinance’s
success is that it utilises a
different and considerably
more streamlined process
known as smart data.
Ensuring Accuracy
“We are much more
concerned with the value
and the accuracy of the data
we’re getting,” says Ansvie-
sulis. “We’re focused not on
getting as much data as pos-
sible but looking for data that
is valuable while ensuring
it is still accurate. For exa-
mple, we check with credit
rating bureaus to see if there
are unpaid loans or, say,
utility bills, but we also have
to check to make sure the
data is not obsolete.”
That not only speeds up the
process for Creamfinance,
but it makes life considerably
easier for the clients as well.
“The overriding feature of
what we provide is conve-
nience,” says Ansviesulis.
“We’re stripping away the
nonsense so many customers
have to go through and we
want to make it as simple
as possible, so clients can
get their loans with just one
click. Even now, it is still
difficult to get a loan and
the consumers don’t care if
they’re using a bank or not:
they care about the price and
Delivering on Promises
The success of Creamfi-
nance’s approach speaks for
itself. “For companies that
use big data as their driving
strategy, the client needs to
give a lot of information, fill
out a lot of forms and there’s
a big gap between what big
data promises and what it
delivers,” he says. “But we
are in the process of delive-
ring a prototype that sticks to
what we know and delivers
one click convenience. Smart
data is still not so mains-
tream but the value of what
it delivers is much higher
than big data. It actually
really works.”
Matiss Ansviesulis
Co-founder and CEO,
By Virginia Blackburn
Companies using a smarter
way to gather their data
Big Data.compressed

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  • 2. 2 FUTUREOFTECH.CO.UK MEDIAPLANETAN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET Looking into Big Data? Now it’s time to engage with rapid insight Wrangle, Analyse, Predict, Anticipate ...Iterate, Experiment, Study & Learn Hadoop can be tamed, timescales met, business users excited, executives educated Are you looking to get more value from your data? See for an informed future C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Kognitio_Guardian_BigData_201x90.pdf 1 27/11/2015 18:11:59 READ MORE ON FUTUREOFTECH.CO.UK Cloud industry Alex Hilton on the transformative properties of hybrid cloud solutions P4 Saul Judah Three expert recommendations for eliminating unnecessary business processes P6 Business Intelligence A piece from Innovation Enterprise on the need to harness the potential of Business Intelligence IN THIS ISSUE Security safeguards key to big data growth There is significant economic potential in big data, but changes are needed to unlock it Please recycleFollow us @MediaplanetUK Managing Director: Carl Soderblom Content and Production Manager: Henrietta Hunter Designer: Danielle Stagg Business Developer: Dominic McWilliam Project Manager: Octavian Donnelly E-mail: Mediaplanet contact info: Phone: +44 (0) 203 642 0737 E-mail: T he impor- tance of Big Data to the UK was con- firmed in 2012 when it was recog- nised by the Government as one of the 8 Great Tech- nologies vital to the eco- nomic and social future of the UK. Big Data is a cata- lyst for economic growth, a key tool in achieving long term productivity, essential for job creation and vital to maintaining the UK’s global position as a digital society. The UK has a fantastic op- portunity to be a world- leader in Big Data, and is making steady progress. However, we must do more to highlight the so- cial and economic oppor- tunities and mitigate risks facing the development of Big Data technologies in the UK. To successfully unlock the value of big data, we must improve public trust in Julian David CEO, techUK “We must improve public trust in how their personal data is collected” how their personal data is collected, stored and used, particularly given the grow- ing cyber threat. Having in place a legal framework that allows for business innovation while also protecting per- sonal information is cru- cial. The new General Da- ta Protection Regulation (GDPR) in development in the European Commis- sion has the potential to underpin consumer trust and confidence. However, if European policy-makers do not properly consider certain aspects, this could have a chilling effect on the growth of Big Data industries in Europe. The potential for Big Data is huge. The Centre for Economics & Business Research estimated that by 2017 Big Data could contrib- ute £216 billion and gener- ate 58,000 new jobs in the UKandIreland.Wemustget it right. @MediaplanetUK
  • 3. FUTUREOFTECH.CO.UK 3MEDIAPLANET AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET I nformation. Intel- ligence. Data. Call it what you want, but every savvy com- pany needs it, be- cause — used properly — it can provide valuable in- sight that increases business productivity, profitability andsecurity. Machine-generated data is one of the fastest-grow- ing and most complex areas of Big Data. “Mobile phones, application logs, network infrastructure, cloud ser- vices, sensors in cars and planes — all of these things and more generate ma- chine data,” says Matthew Davies, Head of Marketing at operational intelligence plat- form,Splunk. “This is important infor- mation that can help a company deliver superi- or IT operational analytics and enhance its real time se- curity intelligence; plus it can pinpoint what a busi- ness’ customers are doing and how its products are per- forming. Once our custom- ers see what is possible with machine data, they immedi- atelyseethebenefitofit.” Solutions The problem is, machine- generated data is not easily accessible.Splunk saw an op- portunity as well as a need to make machine data accessi- ble, usable and valuable, and develop solutions that allow machine-generated data to be easily collected, indexed, searched and visualised. An expertinitsfield,Splunknow has more than 10,000 cus- tomersacrosstheworld,from flying doctors in the Aus- tralian outback - who use its solutions to monitor the temperatures of medicines and locations of planes - to blue chip companies such as UniCredit, John Lewis,Voda- foneandTesco. UniCredit, for instance, uses Splunk Enterprise for real-time insights into operational data and key business metrics. The bank has improved the experi- ence it offers customers by reducing services down- time and provides vis- ibility into key business metrics such as served cli- ents by bank branches, in- ternet banking and mo- bile banking channels, and number of new opened bank accounts. Versatile John Lewis also uses Splunk, in order to monitor its web- site and customer journey to ensure an excellent customer Machine-generateddataisoneofthemostcomplexandfastestgrowingareasofbigdata–anditcangive businessesacompetitiveedge Bringingbigvaluetomachinedata COMMERCIAL FEATURE experience; and Domino’s pizza uses Splunk to support its e-commerce environ- ment, by studying e-com- merce logs, troubleshooting issues, assisting with moni- toring, providing feedback to developers and deliv- ering real-time insights tomarketing. “Increasingly, companies are experiencing big ‘busi- ness moments’,” says Matthew Davies. “For in- stance, a company might be about to have a major outage because a data base has run out of memory.Machine data provides insight in real time so that problems like these can be fixed faster, customer experiences can be improved protection can be provided against a security attack, and money can be saved. That’s why it’s so vital in a competitiveworld.” “Machine- generated data is one of the fastest growing and most complex areas of Big Data” Matthew Davies Head of marketing, Splunk
  • 4. INSPIRATION EXPERT TIPS Sue Daley Head of Programme for Big Data, Cloud & Mobile, techUK Read more at A ccording to our latest re- search on the state of UK Cloud market, 84 per cent of organisations currently use at least one Cloud service, up from 48 per cent in 2010. Moreover, 78 per cent of those organisations use two or more services, a significant increase on the same figure recorded in 2014, highlight- ing how the delivery model is making its presence felt in businesses today. This growth story owes much to the fact that Cloud services are having a profound impact on the design and delivery of organ- isations’ IT capabilities and, as a result, on the performance and flexibility of their busi- nesses thereafter.At its heart,the concept of Cloudisallaboutorganisationaltransforma- tion though the
agile on-demand delivery of ITsolutions;itisnotsomuchaboutthetech- nologyitself.Cloudistransformingtheways thatbusinessescommunicateinternallyand with their customers, providing more flex- ible and faster access to technology, reduc- ing capital expenditure and shaving healthy amountsoffofoverallITspends. ButwhatisclearisthatCloudisbutonepart of an increasingly complex and diverse pic- ture. Although penetration has increased year-on-year,and indeed,faster thanwe had anticipated, Cloud-based solutions still con- stitute a relatively small part of the wider IT estate and half of organisations expect to keep specific applications and services on- premise indefinitely. This, by no means, is to suggest that appetite for Cloud is on the wane; more a reflection of the fact that not everything can or should be migrated.With this being the case,the majority of organisa- tionswill be maintaining Hybrid ITenviron- mentsfortheforeseeablefuture. Cloud computing is playing an increasingly important role in businesses across the country, regardless of their organisational size or the sector they operate in, as business leaders turn to Cloud services to transform their IT estates HowHybrid Cloudsitsatthe heartofbusiness transformation 4 FUTUREOFTECH.CO.UK AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET Theroleof analytics Big Data analytics provide UK businesses with the opportunity to combine, consolidate and then analyse large datasets to find previously hidden insights and knowledge. For example, by identifying patterns in customer behaviour, common customer likes and dislikes and previ- ously unknown customer requirements busi- nesses can develop personalised goods and ser- vices based on consumers’ needs andwants. OveralltheadoptionofBigDatabyUKbusiness- es, of all size and sector, is being driven not only by the ability to be more responsive to custom- ers but also as a driver of operational efficiencies, cost reductions, increased agility and as a tool for gaining a single view of the lifecycle of data across an organisation and its supply chain.
  • 5. HybridITis hardly anew phenomenonas it relates to the co-existence of multiple IT deployment models –which has been true for most businesses since the move away from mainframes in the 1980s. But most causes of a hybrid environment have his- torically been the product of a transition processratherthananexplicitordeliberate strategy.Arguablythisisnolongerthecase andweareseeingHybridITestatesemerge bydesign. Fromabusinesspointofview,suchanap- proach to IT is a useful one. Rather than charging full-throttle towards one type of infrastructure, businesses are now able to pick and choose the types of IT that they feel most comfortable with, and that are most appropriate for their individual ap- plications. Embracing a hybrid approach givesbusinessestheflexibilitytoconstruct an IT estate that will feed into the needs of the organisation, evolving as-and- when required.This bottom-up evolu- tionaryapproachremovesmanyofthe risksofgrandall-encompassingITpro- jects,which tend to be expensive, dif- ficulttocoordinateandslowtoreactto changingbusinessrequirements. CloudisaprovenITdeploymentmod- el, but for most organisations it is one ofmanythat
willbeused.Thebenefits of adopting Cloud alongside on-prem- ise are proven and Hybrid ITis a natu- ral and unstoppable evolution in the IT landscape, which will serve to en- hance business outcomes with the continued investment of time andinnovation. “Cloud is transforming the ways that businesses communicate internally and with their customers” Read the full story futureoftech. MEDIAPLANET 5AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET Alex Hilton CEO, Cloud Industry Forum COLUMN Dr Tony Venus Head of Standards and Qualifications, Tech Partnership Tomorrow’s dataanalysts N early 90 per cent of em- ployers identify data analysis as a core skills gap, according to Tech Partnership research. And with big data often cited as ‘the new oil’ – the fuel for the economy over future decades–thisshortagematters. Filling those gaps needs a multifaceted approach, but apprenticeships are an in- creasingly popular way to attract and train talented people. Tech Partner- ship employers have recently developed data analyst apprenticeship standards which, if approved, will be available from 2016. And the new Degree Apprenticeshipscanincludeadataanaly- sis specialism, giving participants an academic training while immersing theminabusinessenvironment. PHOTO: ISHBONES
  • 6. 6 FUTUREOFTECH.CO.UK MEDIAPLANETAN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET COLUMN George Hill Managing editor and online director, Innovation Enterprise Utilisethepotentialof BusinessIntelligence tocreate competitive advantage The Ancient Greeks would use early examples of coins to buy and sell, then keep ledgers to keep a record of every- thing they had traded that day. Early homosapiens would paint pictures in caves to show how many animals had been hunted that day. Even Herodotus, arguably the first histori- an, claims that there were tablets on the Pyra- mids at Giza describing how many radishes, on- ions and garlic had been consumed. All of these are forms of business intelligence, but not in the way we know it today. In 2015 we have hundreds of Terabytes of data to investigate how our businesses are performing and what we can do to improve performance. It may be several million times more complex than in ancient times, but the truth is that the businesses who utilise it, do so for the same reasons: business success. From the ways that data can help retailers stock, sell and profit, through to how Google and Facebook can make billions through user data, it dictates every business decision today. We learn about the inner workings of how companies use their data due to our exten- sive network of industry summits that we hold across the world.We have one in London on 10th May, Big Data Innovation London. If you were interested in finding out more about how the world’s most successful companies utilise their data, why not have a look? the right data is provided to the right person (or thing) in the right time or place does it become valuable. It’s not how bigyour data is,it’swhat you do with it. The continued rise of digital and information-based busi- ness models will cause cas- ualties in traditional indus- tries, particularly among the incumbents that are not pre- pared for the digital world. Gartner offers three key recommendations for busi- ness executives and infor- mation leaders: start identi- fying potential data-fuelled disruptions, create an infor- mation management strat- egy and lastly, embed your information strategy in the heart of your business strat- egy and governance process- es. Only once you determine what information can im- pact your business strategy and how you plan to collect and organise it, are you in a position to harness it effec- tively. This could take the form of self-service ana- lytics, where employees in different business units can perform queries and gener- ate analytical insights on the company data most relevant to their areas of expertise, without necessarily need- ing IT support or a degree in data science. An organisation with em- ployees who are empowered to experiment with and learn from information and analytics is one positioned to innovate and capture rev- enue from new trends and markets. A coherent infor- mation framework and strategy is the means by which companies can turn data’s potential into com- petitive advantage and prof- it — the means to take con- trol of and harness innova- tion rather than be swept away by it. Threerecommendations for the information age NEWS The adage “knowledge is power” is not new, yet is increasingly valid in a world where businesses ponder how to harness the unprecedented volume and velocity of data around us. Gartner predicts that by 2020, informationwill be used to re- invent, digitalise or eliminate 80 per cent of all business processes and products from a decade earlier. The likes of Uber and Airbnb demonstrate how companies that simply broker information can revo- lutionise an industry without owning any physical assets. The huge success of such companies is not just luck or good timing. Underneath outwardly simple business models lies serious expertise in managing data and har- nessing its power. Data on its own has potential, but is inherently dumb. Only when By Saul Judah, research director, Gartner
  • 7. MEDIAPLANET 7AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT BY MEDIAPLANET COMMERCIAL FEATURE O ne of the big- gest issues facing finance houses today centres on running credit checks on the client without causing unnecessary complica- tions for said client and one increasingly successful way to do this is to work with smart data as opposed to big data. One company that is doing this is Creamfinance, an online consumer finance company that caters to near prime consumers and that was founded in 2012 in Lat- via. It has subsequently expe- rienced exponential growth, expanding into Poland, where its headquarters now are, the Czech Republic, Slo- vakia, Georgia and Austria, where its IT system is based. Unique Offering “Creamfinance doesn’t compete with banks: we are providing smaller and more convenient loans for the consumer,” says Matiss Ansviesulis, co-founder and CEO of the company. “Our business has expanded very fast across different geo- graphies because it is based on technology that is about managing the process of approval for loans scoring for clients and this can be rolled out across borders to different countries.” He points out that while five of the countries Creamfinance operates in are members of the EU, Georgia is not, a clear indication that the business model has the potential to expand the company much further still. Understanding the options Creamfinance provides three types of loans: instalment loans allowing customers to borrow, say, €2,000 over 24 months and pay back the capital and interest in mon- thly instalments over two years; lines of credit, which are similar to a bank over- draft and allow customers to draw the credit they need on a revolving basis and also have a time limit; and small loans. These will typically be for a few hundred euros and will be repayable within the month, but although they sound similar to the widely criticised payday loans in the UK, they are in fact quite different. In much of Europe, interest and regulation on this type of loan is much more tightly regulated than has been the case in the UK. Credit Risk What these three types of loan and indeed any type of loan have in common, of course, is that it is vital to assess the credit risk of the would-be lendee. Tradi- tionally this has been done through concentrating on a process known as big data: “This focuses on volume and velocity, the size of the data and how fast it can be pro- cessed,” says Ansviesulis. However, not only can this be time consuming and labo- rious: it can also frustrating for the client who might have to fill out pages of informa- tion and then have to wait for an answer. One of the rea- sons behind Creamfinance’s success is that it utilises a different and considerably more streamlined process known as smart data. Ensuring Accuracy “We are much more concerned with the value and the accuracy of the data we’re getting,” says Ansvie- sulis. “We’re focused not on getting as much data as pos- sible but looking for data that is valuable while ensuring it is still accurate. For exa- mple, we check with credit rating bureaus to see if there are unpaid loans or, say, utility bills, but we also have to check to make sure the data is not obsolete.” That not only speeds up the process for Creamfinance, but it makes life considerably easier for the clients as well. “The overriding feature of what we provide is conve- nience,” says Ansviesulis. “We’re stripping away the nonsense so many customers have to go through and we want to make it as simple as possible, so clients can get their loans with just one click. Even now, it is still difficult to get a loan and the consumers don’t care if they’re using a bank or not: they care about the price and convenience.” Delivering on Promises The success of Creamfi- nance’s approach speaks for itself. “For companies that use big data as their driving strategy, the client needs to give a lot of information, fill out a lot of forms and there’s a big gap between what big data promises and what it delivers,” he says. “But we are in the process of delive- ring a prototype that sticks to what we know and delivers one click convenience. Smart data is still not so mains- tream but the value of what it delivers is much higher than big data. It actually really works.” Matiss Ansviesulis Co-founder and CEO, Creamfinance PHOTO:CREAMFINANCE By Virginia Blackburn Companies using a smarter way to gather their data