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Promoting Brazilian Culture and Portuguese Language in Chicago Since 2006

                                     Brazil In Chicago

Our History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Our Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Student Snapshot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Casa Brasil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Our Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Moving Forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

                                                                                                                                                OUR History
                                                                                                                                                Brazil in Chicago was founded in October of 2006, by Marcelo
                                                                                                                                                Jarmendia. While he was confident that Brazil’s imminent
                                                                                                                                                economic boom would generate a demand for the Portuguese
                                                                                                                                                language, Marcelo had to overcome big obstacles in order
                                                                                                                                                to open a school dedicated exclusively to the Portuguese
                                                                                                                                                language: He had no employment authorization, absolutely
                                                                                                                                                no credit, and had just been diagnosed with HIV.
                                                                                                                                                But the demand already existed. Within merely a month
                                                                                                                                                after opening its doors, the school already had eight group
                                                                                                                                                classes. Since then, our growth has been quite impressive:
                                                                                                                                                in 2007 we grew 42%; in 2008, 54%. The following year,
                                                                                                                                                even while holding a 93% market share, we grew 25%.
                                                                                                                                                After 2009 we have been keeping a steady growth of 15%.
                                                                                                                                                It did not take long until Marcelo had to hire other teachers
                                                                                                                                                to keep up with the growing demand.

                                                                                                                                                   Since 2009 we are located at the Historic Alleyhouse
                                                                                                                                                of Lincoln Square, build in 1893.

                                                                                                                                            1   Brazil In Chicago
                                                                     Our founder and president, Marcelo Jarmendia, with our assistant
                                                                  director Victoria Carmona. Our team of instructors.

                                                                  Iris                Bradley       Adrianne          Elias

                                                                  Sofia               Ladi          Ariani            Marco

Marcelo Jarmendia                                                 Teachers
Marcelo Jarmendia was born in Bauru, São Paulo state. He          The team at Brazil in Chicago is as diverse as Brazil. We
grew up in the city of São Paulo and graduated in Social          currently have teachers from São Paulo (Marco and Sofia),
Sciences from the University of São Paulo. During the five        Paraná (Ladi), Rio Grande do Sul (Ariani) and Pernambuco
years in which he studied at USP, Marcelo also taught             (Elias). In the past four years, we have also had teachers
Spanish to several companies in São Paulo. On his vacations,      from other Brazilian states: MS, RJ, MG, BA, AM and CE.
Marcelo would visit different cities in the United States. The    Also like Brazil, Brazil in Chicago welcomes foreigners
last of these visits was in Chicago, months after graduating,     with open arms. For our mission of promoting the language
in 2004.                                                          of Camões would not be accomplished without connecting
Marcelo has always had a big interest for International           the two sides of the Atlantic with the Portuguese tongue.
Relations and for languages - whether it was studying             As it happens, for almost two years, we have been offering
or teaching them. In less than a month after his arrival in       European Portuguese, taught by Iris Vilares, from Lisbon.
Chicago, Marcelo began teaching Spanish and Portuguese            Additionally, our team also has two American teachers:
to people of several nationalities. With the knowledge            Bradley, who grew up in Salvador; and Adrianne, who
in Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science that he          lived in São Paulo.
recently acquired in college, he always incorporated a
significant amount of Brazilian culture into his classes.         Despite their differences, all of our teachers have degrees in
                                                                  humanities, and extensive experience teaching languages.
Marcelo’s services would soon be recommended to several
people interested in learning his language. Their interest        Marcelo could not administer the school and manage this
in Portuguese grew for various reasons, whether it was            team without the help of his right hand, Victoria Carmona.
because they would travel soon, were married to Brazilians,       Our Assistant Director grew up as an Argentine; her parents
or were taking Samba classes. It did not take too long before     are from Buenos Aires and they moved to the U.S. a few
his schedule was full. After renting a classroom in an Italian    months before she was born. Victoria gratuated with a
language school, Marcelo decided to open his own school.          degree in Linguistics and International Relations from the
                                                                  University of Chicago, and currently studies Law at Loyola
After exactly two years after his arrival, Marcelo opened         University.
the doors of Brazil in Chicago. Since then, Marcelo plays
an important role in his community: He helps preserve
the identity of Brazilians living in the US; he promotes the
work of Brazilian organizations, professionals, and artists in
Chicago; he offers services that prepares non-Brazilians to
have better experiences when dealing with Brazil or Brazilians;
and he contributes to the economy, by paying taxes, creating
jobs and hiring the services of several companies and

                                                              2   Brazil In Chicago


            Brazil in Chicago offers courses for all ages. For adults we offer regular
            Portuguese classes, Portuguese for Spanish speakers, cross-cultural
            training and specific courses, such as “Brazil, Language and Culture
            through Brazilian Cinema”; “Bate-Papo”; and “Brazil, History and Society”.
            We also offer cooking classes and Brazilian dance classes.

            For Brazilians, we offer English and Spanish classes.

            We also have classes for kids and teens, most of them of Brazilian descent.

                         3    Brazil In Chicago


  Besides classes, we have held and continue to offer several cultural
  activities, among them:
  •	 Working in Brazil Seminar”, taught by Edilson Ramos, a headhunter from São Paulo.

  • 	Cachaça tasting, with two members of the Brotherhood of the Pierced Glass, 		
  	 two experts of artisan cachaça (Kede and Claudia), and Phil Gomes, editor of 		
  	 Cachaçagora, which is the most read blog in English on the subject.

  • 	Brazilian short movies screening, with director Fábio Cruz.

  • 	Brazlian film screenings.

                                                                               Top Left; Making samba at one of our picnics
                                                                               at the park, near Montrose beach.

                                                                               Top Right; With a group of students at the U.S.-Brazil
                                                                               soccer match at the Solder Field, in 2008.

                                                                               Above; Mr. Kede preparing the final details
                                                                               for our cachaça tasting.

                                                                               Left; Brazilian short movies exhibit at our school,
                                                                               during the Chicago Latino Film Festival of 2009

                                                             4     Brazil In Chicago
Student Snapshot
INTEREST                                                                      DEMOGRAPHICS
Brazil in Chicago has had over 600 students from more than                    Generaly speaking, we can say that most our students are of
45 countries. Some of them came to us because they were                       young professionals (betweeen the ages of 19 and 38) and
dating or were married to Brazilians; Others because they were                multicultural (they have already studied another language).
doing activities related to Brazilian culture (Samba, Capoeira,
Jiu-jitsu, Music, etc). Many other students enroll for the simple
passion for languages. Lately, thanks to the booming of the                                                        	   6% 	    19-23
Brazilian economy, we have had students whose interest is                                                          	   36% 	   24-29
                                                                                                                   	   35% 	   30-38
linked to professional and economic opportunities in Brazil.                                                       	   15% 	   39-45
                                                                                                                   	   8% 	    45+
WHY Portuguese

                                      	   8% 	    Brazilian Culture
                                      	   14% 	   Loved One(S)
                                      	   22% 	   Passion For Languages
                                      	   2% 	    Study In Brazil
                                      	   22% 	   Travel
                                      	   32% 	   Work/Business

                                                                              Languages spoken, besides English

                                                                                                                   	   54% 	   Spanish
                                                                                                                   	   29% 	   None
                                                                                                                   	   5% 	    French
                                                                                                                   	   5% 	    Multiple
                                                                                                                   	   4% 	    Other
Something we deeply care about at Brazil in Chiago is the                                                          	   2% 	    German
                                                                                                                   	   1% 	    Italian
growing lack of interest in Brazilian culture among those
                                                                                                                   	   1% 	    Portuguese
who wish to study Portuguese. It is not difficult to make the                                                      	   1% 	    Arabic
connection between the increase of students interested in
learning Portuguese for business and the decrease of interest
in our culture.


                                                                                                                   	    9% 	   African-American
                                                                                                                   	    3% 	   Asian
                                                                                                                   	    3% 	   Brazilian Descendant
                                                                                                                   	   31% 	   Hispanic
                                                                                                                   	    1% 	   Middle Eastern
                                                                                                                   	    1% 	   Other
                                                                                                                   	   52% 	   White

                                      	   -8% 	   Brazilian Culture
                                      	   -3% 	   Loved One(S)
                                      	   +6% 	   Passion For
                                      	   -2% 	   Study In Brazil
                                      	   -2% 	   Travel                      SPANISH SPEAKERs
                                      	   +9% 	   Work/Business
                                                                              We are the only school to offer specific classes for Spanish
                                                                              speakers, whether they are native or second language speakers.
                                                                              The Hispanic community represent one third of our students,
                                                                              while classes for Spanish speakers represent half of both
                                                                              revenue and number of students.

                                                                          5   Brazil In Chicago

 Despite the increase in volume of students and revenue, thanks                          Vision
 to the expansion of the Brazilian economy, we do not want to                            To be the premier destination for persons,
 stop promoting Brazilian culture. So far we have been doing an                          organizations and businesses interested in
 exceptional job: after the students complete a course they fill our                     Brazilian culture and the Portuguese language.
 surveys where they indicate to be extremely satisfied with the
 cultural aspects learned in class - even those who had no interest
 in culture when they first enrolled.                                                    Our mission is to be an outstanding center
                                                                                         of Brazilian cultural exchange and Portuguese
 However our resources are limited. And with the current model - a for-profit
                                                                                         language instruction. We will attract and
 corporation - our reserves to promote culture are low. To face this problem,
                                                                                         retain exceptional educators, sponsors and
 Marcelo decided to turn his company into a non-profit organization. Our
                                                                                         partners to foster Brazilian culture at every
 NPO, Casa de Cultura Brasileira (CCB), is expected to be approved by
                                                                                         interest and experience level. Through core
 the state of Illinois in August 2011. Also called Casa Brasil, this organization
                                                                                         activities such as Portuguese language
 will promote Brazilian culture through events, exhibits and festivals. By
                                                                                         classes; cultural events featuring cuisine,
 raising funds from the governments and corporations of both Brazil and
                                                                                         dance, music, film and art; collaboration
 the U.S., CCB will be able to acquire Brazil in Chicago assets and build
                                                                                         with complementary organizations and
 Cultural Centers in the United States, starting in Chicago.
                                                                                         businesses; and participation in our local
                                                                                         communities, we will be the destination for
                                                                                         all things Brazilian.

                                                                6    Brazil In Chicago
The announcement of the transition from corporation                  Daione Mitchell
to NPO was made at the end of 2010, when Marcelo
called a meeting to the general public. Forty people                                    Daione was born in Salvador, Brazil but moved
                                                                                        to the US when she was 10 years old. She has
came: Brazilians, students, members of the artistic
                                                                                        lived in Los Angeles, New York, Washington
and business community. It was not easy to pick, but                                    D.C. and currently resides in Chicago and
for practical reasons we decided to limit our Board to                                  maintains dual citizenship. She is married
ten members. Below are their biographies:                                               and has two children. She and her family
                                                                     enjoy traveling and are excited about the 2014 World Cup and
Mariana Sgarbi                                                       2016 Olympics in Brazil. She currently works for GEM Realty
                                                                     Capital, a real estate investment company that invests in
                    Mariana was raised in Brazil and received        private-market real estate assets and publicly traded real
                    her two undergraduate degrees from Brazil-       estate securities. She attended American University in
                    ian universities. She graduated in Interna-      Washington D.C. where she received an International
                    tional Relations from the University of          Business Degree. She stays active year round playing
                    Brasilia and received her Bachelors in Law       soccer, participating in running and cycling races, and
                    from CEUB. Her post graduate degrees             during the summers she also does triathlons.
were obtained in England and in the United States, both in
Law. When living in Brazil, Mariana was a practicing attorney        Guilherme Kalili
at Pinheiro Neto Advogados. In 2001 Mariana’s husband was
relocated to Argentina where her family lived for three years.                          Guilherme is originally from Säo Paulo, but
In Buenos Aires, Mariana was seconded to Beccar Varela                                  moved to Chicago 6 years ago to work for a
Abogados for Brazilian matters, including the liaison with the                          large international bank. At that time it was a
Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires. The United States was the                            great career opportunity, and his plan was to
next step Mariana took to acompany her husband to another                               stay for 2-3 years. After 2 years living in
ex-patriate experience. Her legal career was interrupted but                            Chicago he met his now wife, Gina. Gina has
not her will to pursue other paths. In 2006 Mariana founded a        been a student at BIC for 2 years, that’s how Guilherme met
Brazilian mother’s group in the city of Indianapolis which is        Marcelo and learned about all the great work he is doing to
still active with 145 mother enrolled. In 2009 Mariana founded       promote our language, culture and values. He has 14+ years of
a group of the same nature in Illinois, in the city of Chicago. In   experience in finance and risk related areas in the USA and Brazil.
two years, the Chicago group has enrolled 230 mothers.
Mariana’s main goal with both groups is to instill Brazil’s          Coryn Shiflet
culture and language in her own two children and the children
of Brazilian families. Mariana currently presides both mother’s                         Coryn is passionate about all things Brazilian.
groups in the Midwest, volunteers for non-profit institutions                           Her love for Brazil began in 2004 when
and runs her own small home based business of hand-made                                 she enrolled in an honors course at Penn
jewelry design.                                                                         State called ‘Brazilian Art & Culture’ and
                                                                                        traveled to Brazil for the first time. She
Ryan Whitmore                                                                           was hooked and spent her graduate
                                                                     studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
                    Ryan Whitmore is the Chief Operating             studying Brazilian topics, learning Portuguese and thanks
                    Officer and Co-Founder of the Caregiver          to a Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship spent six
                    Relief Fund and The Wisdom Flame,                weeks in Salvador, Bahia in a language immersion program.
                    organizations which aid families with their      Her adoration for ‘all things Brazilian’ continued in Chicago
                    caregiving journeys. Ryan is also involved       where in addition to serving on the board of directors she is
                    in other entrepreneurial ventures focused        also continuing her Portuguese language studies with Brazil
on Brazil. Prior to this Ryan was a sell-side analyst at Howe        in Chicago and dances in a samba group with the Old Town
Barnes Hoefer & Arnett, a boutique investment bank. Before           School of Folk Music called Folia Brasil. She currently works
his role as an analyst Ryan worked as a trader on the Chicago        at the International Office at Northwestern University as an
Stock Exchange. He is a CFA Charterholder and graduated              International Student and Scholar Advisor with incoming
from the University of Southern Indiana. Ryan has been a             and current international students, faculty, staff and families
student at Brazil in Chicago for over 3 years and is very            on issues related to their immigration status, programming
excited to help Casa Brasil grow as a non-profit organization.       needs, and cultural adjustment. She especially enjoys
                                                                     meeting and practicing her Portuguese with any and all
                                                                     Brazilians that she meets!

                                                                 7   Brazil In Chicago

Brian Fitzpatrick                                                   Jeff Frank
                  Brian has recently moved to Chicago after                             Jeff is Midwest born and raised, but has
                  having lived in Säo Paulo the past 3.5 years                          also lived in New York, Los Angeles and
                  while working there, as well as throughout                            Chicago for the past 30 years. He is a tax
                  much of Latin America. He has an MBA                                  attorney by training.; He co-founded a law
                  from Kellogg and his professional back-                               firm in 1991, but withdrew in 2002 and
                  ground is multi functional and multi-industry,                        became “of counsel” so he could pursue
though currently he is the Executive Director of Strategy           social justice activities.
of Kaplan, one of the biggest education corporations in
                                                                    He first traveled to Brazil in 2002 to attend the World Social
the world.
                                                                    Forum in Porto Alegre and fell in love with the people and
Patricia Bingue                                                     culture. Also he became involved with the Movimento Sem
                                                                    Terra. Upon returning to the U.S., he became involved with
                     Patricia is Haitian by roots and Carioca by    the Friends of the MST becoming National Coordinator in 2009.
                     passion. She has been involved with BIC
                                                                    Jeff also began pro bono legal work in civil liberties,
                     as a student on & off since the days of our
                                                                    representing social movements, and serves on the board
                     first movie showing at Casa Italiana.
                                                                    of the National Lawyers Guild, an association of progressive
                    Her career started of as a software engineer    attorneys formed in 1937. He began working with attorneys
                    for Motorola, where she progressively moved     in Brazil representing the MST and other social movements,
into Management Consulting. After leaving the world of              including attorneys with Rede Nacional dos Advogados/as
manufacturing, she worked in several other industries               Populares and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos.
(Insurance, marketing, education, culture/ international
                                                                    He began learning Portuguese a few years ago and has
trade). Currently she is an Independent Operations Consultant
                                                                    been studying with Brazil in Chicago for about 3 years.
with a focus on the Latin America Region and non-profit/
cultural types of organizations.
                                                                    Teo Ornelas
She has also practiced capoeira (Baiana is her capoeira
                                                                                         Teo is from São Paulo and currently works
name). She believes Brazil is a power house and is setting
                                                                                         as a management consultant for Bain &
the stage for the other countries in the LATAM region to follow.
                                                                                         Company in the Chicago office. He
To her, this Cultural Center is natural extension of that image
                                                                                         focuses on transformational strategic
and responsibility.
                                                                                         initiatives specifically related to customer
Courtney Lochner                                                                         and marketing strategy. Teo helped
                                                                    companies in the retail, telecommunications, hospitality and
                   Courtney Lochner graduated from the              agribusiness industries to achieve higher revenues and
                   University of Paris, Sorbonne with a B.A.        profits. Prior to joining Bain in 2009 Teo received his MBA
                   in French and the University of Minnesota        from Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern
                   with a B.A. in Communication Studies in          University where he majored in Marketing, Strategy, Statistics
                   Intercultural Groups. Having lived in five       and Economics. Previously he worked for 5 years as a
                   countries and on three continents,               management consultant for Accenture in São Paulo, Brazil.
Courtney’s love for cultural immersion and understanding
                                                                    Teo worked with Brazil in Chicago in many occasions. Teo
began at a young age and led to her obsession with
                                                                    helped BiC better understand and target specific customer
linguistics. Today she is a Senior Manager at Marketing
                                                                    segment and the value inherent to the school’s operations.
Werks, an experiential marketing agency where she over-
sees the experiential marketing campaigns for Verizon and
Sony Electronics and is a strategic consultant for the LEGO
Systems, Inc. account. As a freelance writer, her work can
be found in Transitions Abroad, AOL Travel, Glamour
Magazine, and she has a novel is set for release in 2013.

                                                                8   Brazil In Chicago
                                                                                  Left; Preparing the next generations for a more multicultural
                                                                                  world, where Brazil will be an important player.

                                                                                  Below; Working together with other Latino organizations
                                                                                  to strength our identity and unity, in events like Chicago’s
                                                                                  1st Latin American Festival, in 2011.

                                                                                  Bottom; Building bridges between Brazil and other
                                                                                  cultures, one class at a time.

Since the beginning of Brazil in Chicago,
and especially now as Casa de Cultura
Brasileira, we work closely with organizations
in the academy and civil society that deal
with Brazil. Our main partners are the Brazilian
Mothers of Illinois and Partners of the
Americas - São Paulo-Illinois chapter.

Online Presence
Brazil in Chicago has a strong presence
in social media. Our blog is about to be
launched and will feature news of interest of
both our students and the Brazilian community      Our organization has a big presence in different aspects of Brazilian
living in Chicago.                                 culture and Portuguese language. In 2010 Brazil in Chicago sponsored
Our Facebook page is “liked” by 340 people;        the first Brazilian Business Network of Chicago. Recently, we
our newsletter has more than 900 subscribers.      represented Brazil in the First Latin American Cultural Festival of
We also have a YouTube channel and a               Chicago, in partnership with the Brazilian Mothers of Illinois and
Twitter account. For those interested in
                                                   the Capoeira school Gingarte.
business opportunities, we also have a
LinkedIn account.                                  In September we will have our big event to celebrate Brazilian independence
                                                   day. We will have a Cultural Fair where each Brazilian state will be represented
                                                   by the Brazilian families living in Illinois, with the help of our students. This
                                                   experience will be unique for both the children of Brazilians living in the
                                                   U.S. and for all non-Brazilians interested in Brazil. Through this event we
                                                   hope to raise funds to start the transfer of assets from Brazil in Chicago
                                                   to Casa de Cultura Brasileira.

                                                   We will also be sponsoring the II Brazilian Film Festival of Chicago, which
                                                   will be in November, by Partners of the Americas.

                                                              9    Brazil In Chicago
2212 w Sunnyside Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625

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Bic Press Kit -- Student Snapshot Portion

  • 1. Promoting Brazilian Culture and Portuguese Language in Chicago Since 2006 Brazil In Chicago
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Our History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Our Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Student Snapshot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Casa Brasil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Our Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Moving Forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 OUR History Brazil in Chicago was founded in October of 2006, by Marcelo Jarmendia. While he was confident that Brazil’s imminent economic boom would generate a demand for the Portuguese language, Marcelo had to overcome big obstacles in order to open a school dedicated exclusively to the Portuguese language: He had no employment authorization, absolutely no credit, and had just been diagnosed with HIV. But the demand already existed. Within merely a month after opening its doors, the school already had eight group classes. Since then, our growth has been quite impressive: in 2007 we grew 42%; in 2008, 54%. The following year, even while holding a 93% market share, we grew 25%. After 2009 we have been keeping a steady growth of 15%. It did not take long until Marcelo had to hire other teachers to keep up with the growing demand. Since 2009 we are located at the Historic Alleyhouse of Lincoln Square, build in 1893. 1 Brazil In Chicago
  • 3. OUR STAFF Our founder and president, Marcelo Jarmendia, with our assistant director Victoria Carmona. Our team of instructors. Iris Bradley Adrianne Elias Sofia Ladi Ariani Marco Marcelo Jarmendia Teachers Marcelo Jarmendia was born in Bauru, São Paulo state. He The team at Brazil in Chicago is as diverse as Brazil. We grew up in the city of São Paulo and graduated in Social currently have teachers from São Paulo (Marco and Sofia), Sciences from the University of São Paulo. During the five Paraná (Ladi), Rio Grande do Sul (Ariani) and Pernambuco years in which he studied at USP, Marcelo also taught (Elias). In the past four years, we have also had teachers Spanish to several companies in São Paulo. On his vacations, from other Brazilian states: MS, RJ, MG, BA, AM and CE. Marcelo would visit different cities in the United States. The Also like Brazil, Brazil in Chicago welcomes foreigners last of these visits was in Chicago, months after graduating, with open arms. For our mission of promoting the language in 2004. of Camões would not be accomplished without connecting Marcelo has always had a big interest for International the two sides of the Atlantic with the Portuguese tongue. Relations and for languages - whether it was studying As it happens, for almost two years, we have been offering or teaching them. In less than a month after his arrival in European Portuguese, taught by Iris Vilares, from Lisbon. Chicago, Marcelo began teaching Spanish and Portuguese Additionally, our team also has two American teachers: to people of several nationalities. With the knowledge Bradley, who grew up in Salvador; and Adrianne, who in Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science that he lived in São Paulo. recently acquired in college, he always incorporated a significant amount of Brazilian culture into his classes. Despite their differences, all of our teachers have degrees in humanities, and extensive experience teaching languages. Marcelo’s services would soon be recommended to several people interested in learning his language. Their interest Marcelo could not administer the school and manage this in Portuguese grew for various reasons, whether it was team without the help of his right hand, Victoria Carmona. because they would travel soon, were married to Brazilians, Our Assistant Director grew up as an Argentine; her parents or were taking Samba classes. It did not take too long before are from Buenos Aires and they moved to the U.S. a few his schedule was full. After renting a classroom in an Italian months before she was born. Victoria gratuated with a language school, Marcelo decided to open his own school. degree in Linguistics and International Relations from the University of Chicago, and currently studies Law at Loyola After exactly two years after his arrival, Marcelo opened University. the doors of Brazil in Chicago. Since then, Marcelo plays an important role in his community: He helps preserve the identity of Brazilians living in the US; he promotes the work of Brazilian organizations, professionals, and artists in Chicago; he offers services that prepares non-Brazilians to have better experiences when dealing with Brazil or Brazilians; and he contributes to the economy, by paying taxes, creating jobs and hiring the services of several companies and individuals. 2 Brazil In Chicago
  • 4. OFFERINGS Classes Brazil in Chicago offers courses for all ages. For adults we offer regular Portuguese classes, Portuguese for Spanish speakers, cross-cultural training and specific courses, such as “Brazil, Language and Culture through Brazilian Cinema”; “Bate-Papo”; and “Brazil, History and Society”. We also offer cooking classes and Brazilian dance classes. For Brazilians, we offer English and Spanish classes. We also have classes for kids and teens, most of them of Brazilian descent. 3 Brazil In Chicago
  • 5. OFFERINGS Continued Cultural ACTIVITIES Besides classes, we have held and continue to offer several cultural activities, among them: • Working in Brazil Seminar”, taught by Edilson Ramos, a headhunter from São Paulo. • Cachaça tasting, with two members of the Brotherhood of the Pierced Glass, two experts of artisan cachaça (Kede and Claudia), and Phil Gomes, editor of Cachaçagora, which is the most read blog in English on the subject. • Brazilian short movies screening, with director Fábio Cruz. • Brazlian film screenings. Top Left; Making samba at one of our picnics at the park, near Montrose beach. Top Right; With a group of students at the U.S.-Brazil soccer match at the Solder Field, in 2008. Above; Mr. Kede preparing the final details for our cachaça tasting. Left; Brazilian short movies exhibit at our school, during the Chicago Latino Film Festival of 2009 4 Brazil In Chicago
  • 6. Student Snapshot INTEREST DEMOGRAPHICS Brazil in Chicago has had over 600 students from more than Generaly speaking, we can say that most our students are of 45 countries. Some of them came to us because they were young professionals (betweeen the ages of 19 and 38) and dating or were married to Brazilians; Others because they were multicultural (they have already studied another language). doing activities related to Brazilian culture (Samba, Capoeira, AGE Jiu-jitsu, Music, etc). Many other students enroll for the simple passion for languages. Lately, thanks to the booming of the 6% 19-23 Brazilian economy, we have had students whose interest is 36% 24-29 35% 30-38 linked to professional and economic opportunities in Brazil. 15% 39-45 8% 45+ WHY Portuguese 8% Brazilian Culture 14% Loved One(S) 22% Passion For Languages 2% Study In Brazil 22% Travel 32% Work/Business Languages spoken, besides English 54% Spanish 29% None 5% French 5% Multiple 4% Other Something we deeply care about at Brazil in Chiago is the 2% German 1% Italian growing lack of interest in Brazilian culture among those 1% Portuguese who wish to study Portuguese. It is not difficult to make the 1% Arabic connection between the increase of students interested in learning Portuguese for business and the decrease of interest in our culture. CHANGE IN INTEREST 2006 - Present Ethnicity 9% African-American 3% Asian 3% Brazilian Descendant 31% Hispanic 1% Middle Eastern 1% Other 52% White -8% Brazilian Culture -3% Loved One(S) +6% Passion For -2% Study In Brazil -2% Travel SPANISH SPEAKERs +9% Work/Business We are the only school to offer specific classes for Spanish speakers, whether they are native or second language speakers. The Hispanic community represent one third of our students, while classes for Spanish speakers represent half of both revenue and number of students. 5 Brazil In Chicago
  • 7. CASA BRASIL Despite the increase in volume of students and revenue, thanks Vision to the expansion of the Brazilian economy, we do not want to To be the premier destination for persons, stop promoting Brazilian culture. So far we have been doing an organizations and businesses interested in exceptional job: after the students complete a course they fill our Brazilian culture and the Portuguese language. surveys where they indicate to be extremely satisfied with the cultural aspects learned in class - even those who had no interest Mission in culture when they first enrolled. Our mission is to be an outstanding center of Brazilian cultural exchange and Portuguese However our resources are limited. And with the current model - a for-profit language instruction. We will attract and corporation - our reserves to promote culture are low. To face this problem, retain exceptional educators, sponsors and Marcelo decided to turn his company into a non-profit organization. Our partners to foster Brazilian culture at every NPO, Casa de Cultura Brasileira (CCB), is expected to be approved by interest and experience level. Through core the state of Illinois in August 2011. Also called Casa Brasil, this organization activities such as Portuguese language will promote Brazilian culture through events, exhibits and festivals. By classes; cultural events featuring cuisine, raising funds from the governments and corporations of both Brazil and dance, music, film and art; collaboration the U.S., CCB will be able to acquire Brazil in Chicago assets and build with complementary organizations and Cultural Centers in the United States, starting in Chicago. businesses; and participation in our local communities, we will be the destination for all things Brazilian. 6 Brazil In Chicago
  • 8. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The announcement of the transition from corporation Daione Mitchell to NPO was made at the end of 2010, when Marcelo called a meeting to the general public. Forty people Daione was born in Salvador, Brazil but moved to the US when she was 10 years old. She has came: Brazilians, students, members of the artistic lived in Los Angeles, New York, Washington and business community. It was not easy to pick, but D.C. and currently resides in Chicago and for practical reasons we decided to limit our Board to maintains dual citizenship. She is married ten members. Below are their biographies: and has two children. She and her family enjoy traveling and are excited about the 2014 World Cup and Mariana Sgarbi 2016 Olympics in Brazil. She currently works for GEM Realty Capital, a real estate investment company that invests in Mariana was raised in Brazil and received private-market real estate assets and publicly traded real her two undergraduate degrees from Brazil- estate securities. She attended American University in ian universities. She graduated in Interna- Washington D.C. where she received an International tional Relations from the University of Business Degree. She stays active year round playing Brasilia and received her Bachelors in Law soccer, participating in running and cycling races, and from CEUB. Her post graduate degrees during the summers she also does triathlons. were obtained in England and in the United States, both in Law. When living in Brazil, Mariana was a practicing attorney Guilherme Kalili at Pinheiro Neto Advogados. In 2001 Mariana’s husband was relocated to Argentina where her family lived for three years. Guilherme is originally from Säo Paulo, but In Buenos Aires, Mariana was seconded to Beccar Varela moved to Chicago 6 years ago to work for a Abogados for Brazilian matters, including the liaison with the large international bank. At that time it was a Embassy of Brazil in Buenos Aires. The United States was the great career opportunity, and his plan was to next step Mariana took to acompany her husband to another stay for 2-3 years. After 2 years living in ex-patriate experience. Her legal career was interrupted but Chicago he met his now wife, Gina. Gina has not her will to pursue other paths. In 2006 Mariana founded a been a student at BIC for 2 years, that’s how Guilherme met Brazilian mother’s group in the city of Indianapolis which is Marcelo and learned about all the great work he is doing to still active with 145 mother enrolled. In 2009 Mariana founded promote our language, culture and values. He has 14+ years of a group of the same nature in Illinois, in the city of Chicago. In experience in finance and risk related areas in the USA and Brazil. two years, the Chicago group has enrolled 230 mothers. Mariana’s main goal with both groups is to instill Brazil’s Coryn Shiflet culture and language in her own two children and the children of Brazilian families. Mariana currently presides both mother’s Coryn is passionate about all things Brazilian. groups in the Midwest, volunteers for non-profit institutions Her love for Brazil began in 2004 when and runs her own small home based business of hand-made she enrolled in an honors course at Penn jewelry design. State called ‘Brazilian Art & Culture’ and traveled to Brazil for the first time. She Ryan Whitmore was hooked and spent her graduate studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Ryan Whitmore is the Chief Operating studying Brazilian topics, learning Portuguese and thanks Officer and Co-Founder of the Caregiver to a Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship spent six Relief Fund and The Wisdom Flame, weeks in Salvador, Bahia in a language immersion program. organizations which aid families with their Her adoration for ‘all things Brazilian’ continued in Chicago caregiving journeys. Ryan is also involved where in addition to serving on the board of directors she is in other entrepreneurial ventures focused also continuing her Portuguese language studies with Brazil on Brazil. Prior to this Ryan was a sell-side analyst at Howe in Chicago and dances in a samba group with the Old Town Barnes Hoefer & Arnett, a boutique investment bank. Before School of Folk Music called Folia Brasil. She currently works his role as an analyst Ryan worked as a trader on the Chicago at the International Office at Northwestern University as an Stock Exchange. He is a CFA Charterholder and graduated International Student and Scholar Advisor with incoming from the University of Southern Indiana. Ryan has been a and current international students, faculty, staff and families student at Brazil in Chicago for over 3 years and is very on issues related to their immigration status, programming excited to help Casa Brasil grow as a non-profit organization. needs, and cultural adjustment. She especially enjoys meeting and practicing her Portuguese with any and all Brazilians that she meets! 7 Brazil In Chicago
  • 9. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Continued Brian Fitzpatrick Jeff Frank Brian has recently moved to Chicago after Jeff is Midwest born and raised, but has having lived in Säo Paulo the past 3.5 years also lived in New York, Los Angeles and while working there, as well as throughout Chicago for the past 30 years. He is a tax much of Latin America. He has an MBA attorney by training.; He co-founded a law from Kellogg and his professional back- firm in 1991, but withdrew in 2002 and ground is multi functional and multi-industry, became “of counsel” so he could pursue though currently he is the Executive Director of Strategy social justice activities. of Kaplan, one of the biggest education corporations in He first traveled to Brazil in 2002 to attend the World Social the world. Forum in Porto Alegre and fell in love with the people and Patricia Bingue culture. Also he became involved with the Movimento Sem Terra. Upon returning to the U.S., he became involved with Patricia is Haitian by roots and Carioca by the Friends of the MST becoming National Coordinator in 2009. passion. She has been involved with BIC Jeff also began pro bono legal work in civil liberties, as a student on & off since the days of our representing social movements, and serves on the board first movie showing at Casa Italiana. of the National Lawyers Guild, an association of progressive Her career started of as a software engineer attorneys formed in 1937. He began working with attorneys for Motorola, where she progressively moved in Brazil representing the MST and other social movements, into Management Consulting. After leaving the world of including attorneys with Rede Nacional dos Advogados/as manufacturing, she worked in several other industries Populares and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos. (Insurance, marketing, education, culture/ international He began learning Portuguese a few years ago and has trade). Currently she is an Independent Operations Consultant been studying with Brazil in Chicago for about 3 years. with a focus on the Latin America Region and non-profit/ cultural types of organizations. Teo Ornelas She has also practiced capoeira (Baiana is her capoeira Teo is from São Paulo and currently works name). She believes Brazil is a power house and is setting as a management consultant for Bain & the stage for the other countries in the LATAM region to follow. Company in the Chicago office. He To her, this Cultural Center is natural extension of that image focuses on transformational strategic and responsibility. initiatives specifically related to customer Courtney Lochner and marketing strategy. Teo helped companies in the retail, telecommunications, hospitality and Courtney Lochner graduated from the agribusiness industries to achieve higher revenues and University of Paris, Sorbonne with a B.A. profits. Prior to joining Bain in 2009 Teo received his MBA in French and the University of Minnesota from Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern with a B.A. in Communication Studies in University where he majored in Marketing, Strategy, Statistics Intercultural Groups. Having lived in five and Economics. Previously he worked for 5 years as a countries and on three continents, management consultant for Accenture in São Paulo, Brazil. Courtney’s love for cultural immersion and understanding Teo worked with Brazil in Chicago in many occasions. Teo began at a young age and led to her obsession with helped BiC better understand and target specific customer linguistics. Today she is a Senior Manager at Marketing segment and the value inherent to the school’s operations. Werks, an experiential marketing agency where she over- sees the experiential marketing campaigns for Verizon and Sony Electronics and is a strategic consultant for the LEGO Systems, Inc. account. As a freelance writer, her work can be found in Transitions Abroad, AOL Travel, Glamour Magazine, and she has a novel is set for release in 2013. 8 Brazil In Chicago
  • 10. LOOKING FORWARD Left; Preparing the next generations for a more multicultural world, where Brazil will be an important player. Below; Working together with other Latino organizations to strength our identity and unity, in events like Chicago’s 1st Latin American Festival, in 2011. Bottom; Building bridges between Brazil and other cultures, one class at a time. OUR NETWORK Since the beginning of Brazil in Chicago, and especially now as Casa de Cultura Brasileira, we work closely with organizations in the academy and civil society that deal with Brazil. Our main partners are the Brazilian Mothers of Illinois and Partners of the Americas - São Paulo-Illinois chapter. Online Presence Brazil in Chicago has a strong presence in social media. Our blog is about to be launched and will feature news of interest of both our students and the Brazilian community Our organization has a big presence in different aspects of Brazilian living in Chicago. culture and Portuguese language. In 2010 Brazil in Chicago sponsored Our Facebook page is “liked” by 340 people; the first Brazilian Business Network of Chicago. Recently, we our newsletter has more than 900 subscribers. represented Brazil in the First Latin American Cultural Festival of We also have a YouTube channel and a Chicago, in partnership with the Brazilian Mothers of Illinois and Twitter account. For those interested in the Capoeira school Gingarte. business opportunities, we also have a LinkedIn account. In September we will have our big event to celebrate Brazilian independence day. We will have a Cultural Fair where each Brazilian state will be represented by the Brazilian families living in Illinois, with the help of our students. This experience will be unique for both the children of Brazilians living in the U.S. and for all non-Brazilians interested in Brazil. Through this event we hope to raise funds to start the transfer of assets from Brazil in Chicago to Casa de Cultura Brasileira. We will also be sponsoring the II Brazilian Film Festival of Chicago, which will be in November, by Partners of the Americas. 9 Brazil In Chicago
  • 11. 2212 w Sunnyside Ave. Chicago, IL 60625 312.284.1737