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Round 1 Goes to We the People
Posted by : George Washington
Post date: 06/13/2015 - 01:41
Round 2 Comes Tuesday
The One Bank, Revisited
Posted by: Sprott Money
Post date: 06/13/2015 - 06:39
Approximately two years ago, a
commentary was published entitled
“The One Bank”. The empirical
foundation for the article (and the
paradigm) was an extensive computer
model, produced...
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Pirates Stealing Cargo Again - 2 Ships
Attacked Off Singapore Coast In June
Posted by: CalibratedConfidence
Post date: 06/13/2015 - 08:17
Orkim manages a fleet of 11 ships
according their website and of those 11,
two are suspected of being hijacked in
early June.
American Dreaming - From G1 To Bilderberg
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2015 21:35 -0400
Barack Obama BRICs China France Germany Global Economy India Iran Iraq Italy Neocons
Obama Administration Poland Reality Transparency Ukraine White House
Submitted by Pepe Escobar,
What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to Italy, the
Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal – negotiations in
We start at the G7 in the Bavarian Alps – rather G1 with an added bunch of “junior partners” - as
US President Barack Obama gloated about his neo-con induced feat; regiment the EU to soon
extend sanctions on Russia even as the austerity-ravaged EU is arguably hurting even more than
Predictably, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande caved in –
even after being forced by realpolitik to talk to Russia and jointly carve the Minsk-2 agreement.
The hypocrisy-meter in the Bavarian Alps had already exploded with a bang right at the pre-
dinner speech by EU Council President Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister of Poland and certified
Russophobe/warmonger: “All of us would have preferred to have Russia round the G7 table. But
our group is not only a group (that shares) political or economic interests, but first of all this is
a community of values. And that is why Russia is not among us.”
So this was all about civilized “values” against “Russian aggression.”
The “civilized” G1 + junior partners could not possibly argue whether they would collectively risk a
nuclear war on European soil over a Kiev-installed ‘Banderastan’, sorry, “Russian aggression.”
Instead, the real fun was happening behind the scenes. Washington factions were blaming
Germany for making the West lose Russia to China, while adult minds in the EU – away from the
Bavarian Alps – blamed Washington.
Even juicier is a contrarian view circulating among powerful Masters of the Universe in the US
corporate world, not politics. They fear that in the next two to three years France will eventually
re-ally with Russia (plenty of historical precedents). And they – once again – identify Germany as
the key problem, as in Berlin forcing Washington to get involved in a Prussian ‘Mitteleuropa’
Americans fought two wars to prevent.
As for the Russians – from President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov downwards - a consensus
has emerged; it’s pointless to discuss anything substantial considering the pitiful intellectual
pedigree – or downright neo-con stupidity - of the self-described “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” Obama
administration policy makers and advisers. As for the “junior partners” – mostly EU minions – they
are irrelevant, mere Washington vassals.
It would be wishful thinking to expect the civilized “values” gang to propose alternatives for the
overwhelming majority of citizens of G7 nations getting anything other than Mac-jobs, or barely
surviving as hostages of finance-junkie turbo-capitalism which only benefits the one
percent.Rather easier to designate the proverbial scapegoat – Russia – and proceed with NATO-
infused fear/warmongering rhetoric.
Iron Lady Merkel also found time to pontificate on climate change – instilling all and sundry to
invest in a “low-carbon global economy.” Few noticed that the alleged deadline for full
“decarbonization” was set for the end of the 21st century, when this planet will be in deep, deep
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Achtung! Bilderberg!
Obama’s neocon-induced newspeak continues to rule that Russia dreams of recreating the Soviet
empire. Now compare it to what President Putin is telling Europe.
Last week, Putin found time to give an interview to the Milan-based Corriere della Sera at 2 am;
the interview was published as the Bavarian Alps show went on, and ahead of Putin’s June 10
visit to Italy. Russia’s geopolitical interests and US- Russia relations are depicted in excruciating
So Putin was a persona non grata at the G1 plus junior partners? Well, in Italy he visited the
Milan Expo; met Prime Minister Renzi and Pope Francis; reminded everyone about the “privileged
economic and political ties” between Italy and Russia; and stressed the 400 Italian companies
active in Russia and the million Russian tourists who visit Italy every year.
Crucially, he also evoked that consensus; Russia had represented an alternative view as a
member of the G8, but now “other powers” felt they no longer needed it. The bottom line: it’s
impossible to have an adult conversation with Obama and friends.
And right on cue, from Berlin –where he was displaying his sterling foreign policy credentials, Jeb
Bush, brother of destroyer of Iraq Dubya Bush, fully scripted by his neocon advisers, declared
Putin a bully and rallied Europe to fight, what else, “Russian aggression.”
The rhetorical haze over what was really discussed in the Bavarian Alps only began to dissipate
at the first chords of the real sound of music; the Bilderberg Group meeting starting this Thursday
at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria, only three days after the G1 plus junior partners.
Possible conspiracies aside, Bilderberg may be defined as an ultra-select bunch of elite lobbyists –
politicians, US corporate honchos, EU officials, captains of industry, heads of intelligence
agencies, European royals - organized annually in a sort of informal think tank/policy-forming
format, to advance globalization and all crucial matters related to the overall Atlanticist agenda.
Call it the prime Atlanticist Masters of the Universe talkfest.
To make things clear – not that they are big fans of transparency - the composition of the
steering committee is here. And this is what they will be discussing in Austria.
Naturally they will be talking about “Russian aggression” (as in who cares about failed Ukraine;
what we need is to prevent Russia from doing business with Europe).
Naturally they will be talking about Syria (as in the partition of the country, with the Caliphate
already a fact of post-Sykes-Picot life).
Naturally they will be talking about Iran (as in let’s do business, buy their energy and bribe them
into joining our club).
But the real deal is really the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – the
alleged “free trade” deal between the US and the EU. Virtually all major business/finance lobbyists
for the TTIP will be under the same Austrian roof.
And not by accident Bilderberg starts one day before “fast track” presidential authority is to be
debated at the US Congress.
WikiLeaks and a ton of BRICS
Enter WikiLeaks, with what in a fairer world would be a crucial spanner in the works.
The fast track authority would extend US presidential powers for no less than six years; that
includes the next White House tenant, which might well be ‘The Hillarator’ or Jeb “Putin is a bully”
This presidential authority to negotiate dodgy deals includes not only the TTIP but also the
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:49 | 6191548
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:53 | 6191567
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).
WikiLeaks, just in time, published the Healthcare Annex to the secret draft “Transparency”
chapter of the TPP, along with each country’s negotiating position. No wonder this draft is
secret. And there’s nothing “transparent” about it; it’s an undisguised hold-up of national
healthcare authorities by Big Pharma.
The bottom line is that these three mega-deals – TTP, TTIP and TiSA – are the ultimate template
of what could be politely described as global corporate governance, a Bilderberg wet dream. The
losers: nation-states, and the very concept of Western democracy. The winners: mega-
Julian Assange, in a statement, succinctly nailed it “It is a mistake to think of the TPP as a single
treaty. In reality there are three conjoined mega-agreements, the TiSA, the TPP and the TTIP,
all of which strategically assemble into a grand unified treaty, partitioning the world into the
West versus the rest. This 'Great Treaty' is described by the Pentagon as the economic core to
the US military's 'Asia Pivot.' The architects are aiming no lower than the arc of history. The
Great Treaty is taking shape in complete secrecy, because along with its undebated
geostrategic ambitions it locks into place an aggressive new form of transnational corporatism
for which there is little public support."
So this is the real Atlanticist agenda – the final touches being applied in the arc spanning the G1
+ added junior partners to Bilderberg (expect a lot of crucial phone calls from Austria to
Washington this Friday). NATO on trade. Pivoting to Asia excluding Russia and China. The West
vs. the rest.
Now for the counterpunch. As the show in the Bavarian Alps unrolled, the first BRICS
Parliamentarian Forum was taking place in Moscow – ahead of the BRICS summit in Ufa next
Neocons – with Obama in tow - knock themselves out dreaming that Russia has become
“isolated” from the rest of the world because of their sanctions. Since then Moscow has signed
major economic/strategic contracts with at least twenty nations. Next month, Russia will host
the BRICS summit – 45 percent of the world’s population, a GDP equivalent to the EU, and soon
bigger than the current G7 – as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit,
when India and Pakistan, currently observers, will be accepted as full members.
G1 plus junior partners? Bilderberg? Get a job; you’re not the only show in town, any town.
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191583
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191590
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:39 | 6191710
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:01 | 6191907
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:08 | 6191928
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 08:32 |
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:52 | 6191748
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:57 | 6191765
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:29 | 6191834
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:59 | 6191903
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 03:02 | 6192642
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 21:49 | 6192193
Somebody couldn't call in for Russian version of a 'HellFire'?
Waylon Bits
All teh leaves are brown, and teh sky is gay....
They will do anything, ANYTHING to ensure Bush or Clinton gets in...
Everything is prearranged and expected.....
Hillary was already promised the job back in 2008. They're looking
ahead. Look at the list of attendees. Then be particularly attuned to
anybody being diverted to the meeting for a day or two. Like Hillary
and Obie were just before the 2008 election when they went a missing for a
day + when the BB meeting was in Virginia.
They're way ahead of 2016. Way, way ahead.
That's why they are hurrying up
to put her on trial (and subsequently find her innocent), so they
can't be taken again to court...
If she wins, she walks away with Zero chance of being prosecuted again...
(She will win)
Long Russia as in learning Cyrillic and the language, buying RUB and looking at
places close to the 5000 public nuke shelters they built for citizens in 2012.
The N.W.O. continues to be built right before our eyes.
Treaty by treaty by treaty. Government + Corporations = Fascism. In this
case....World Fascism.
Fun Facts
Today the USA is a sovereign state in name only.
The money, media and blackmailed, bribed politico are under ZWO globalist
Nearly every decision and new law made are bad for America and Americans who are
routinely lied to by the government and the media in a propaganda operation that
would make Goebbels blush.
Treason Season
Today the USA is a sovereign state in name only.
Icke has said the concept of nationhood around the world has been
supplanted by banking franchises of the Rotschild cabal. Brilliant summation imo.
Destroying the concept of patriotism and nationhood is a natural
consequence of the ZWO mission to destroy traditional values.
The goal is to create a global population of brainwashed ultra-individualistic,
egoistic zombie-citizens with no roots (past) and no plans about the future;
the perfect kind of people to rule over. They're winning all over the place...
Yep...we build a better burger
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:40 | 6191855
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:09 | 6191929
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:18 | 6191957
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 00:07 | 6192470
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 07:44 | 6192776
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:54 | 6191571
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:29 | 6191682
Anyone out there ever seen a Chinese Jew?
Perhaps at some freak show?
Me neither!
Sammy Davis Jr.
Maybe Ray Charles has said this about Sammy Davis Jr..
Chinese and Japanese jews do exist. But you wouldnt know just by looking
at them.
Ms. Erable
To answer the question posed in the first paragraph:
Everyone involved in each listed group is in The Big Club and, if you're reading this,
you're not.
Mr Kurtz
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:43 | 6192015
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:50 | 6192038
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:54 | 6191575
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:08 | 6191921
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 22:39 | 6192313
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:56 | 6191582
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:03 | 6191613
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:07 | 6191624
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:10 | 6191630
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191586
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 03:51 | 6192669
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:01 | 6191607
And to quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it"
GC was essentially right, but he misspoke and had it backwards:
You are in the Big/Bug Club, along with billions
They are in the Small/Elite Club of some tens of thousands.
Think, for God's sake, man, the Elite are by definition in a SMALL club. Geez, clearly
contrarians have their share of people who simply regurgitate lines, w/o the usual
interim step of thinking things through.
Sorry to sound like such a hard ass, but this unfiltered quote just keeps getting
repeated, like mantra at a yoga session.
George was right about a lot of things, and he was wrong about some
things too.
He definitely blundered when he mispoke that it was a large club.
Count the Trillionaires and Billionaires and their family, and you will find, just as you
said, tens of thousands.
This is the connection:
Treason Season
And you thought the Dutch were so cute with their windmills and wooden clogs?
Founding Bilderberg member Prince "We had a lot of full!'' Bernhard was a member
of the "Reiter-SS."
Been saying for some time that the Wild Boer, House of Cabal Orange Dutch
are ruthless MF's.
Yen Cross
Was the Wikileaks $100k bounty filled?
WikiLeaks issues call for $100,000 bounty on monster trade treaty
i don't think so
66% of the goal
Yen Cross
Thanks fellas. Looks like I have a fan. ;-)
I wonder if those pledges roll over, or just get added to the "Juian Assange"
survival fund?
I fear these people. Not in and of themselves, in a one on one I could take them. But,
they have millions of men under arms that would do their bidding. For that reason, I
shall fear them.
They are not people, those filthy creatures are the festering embodiment of
sociopathy itself.
Speaking of Jeb Bush in the EU, I didnt see any raucous crowds of supporters, his
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:02 | 6191611
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:10 | 6191632
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:29 | 6191683
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 02:04 | 6192613
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:23 | 6191815
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:05 | 6191616
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:30 | 6191687
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 04:03 | 6192676
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:20 | 6191621
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:06 | 6191622
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:34 | 6191988
speeches tend to show no clips of public support, at all, none nada zippo, just a
bunch of scowling foreigners with no applause,, and Im pretty sure these are paid gigs
too, showing up must be a corporate mandate.
The BRICS are just another globaist front group tasked with playing "the good guys" to
the G7 "bad guys." The KGB thug Putin is no hero except to the Rockefeller/BRICS New
World Order. (check out the article about the G20 in the NWO
"KGB thug Putin"
Reminds me of the lemming/gov troll message boards.
The Delicate Genius
The only problem with this assertion is the rather significant evidence on the other
side of it.
Still you cannot deny that the BRICS are part of the G20 colluding with the the
western nations. Wake me up when the BRICS are not part of the G20 then i
will beleive without a doubt that this isnt a show. Anyone seeking salvation
with the BRICS could be in for a big dissapointment.
Veriton, my groin, your face, start sucking.
"What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to
Italy, the Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal –
negotiations in Washington?"
What did I win?
Liberty is a demand. Tyranny is submission..
Rock On Roger
Eezee question, eh?
Maybe you'll win the chance of putting your favorite tool into action.
Guillo On
Your prize is a life of powerless observation while they rape humanity again and
again until nothing is left but rubble and the remains of dead bodies.
Normalcy Bias
Make the most of your time, folks. If the collective imbecile known as 'mankind' doesn't
manage to exterminate itself in the next 20 years, it will be a miracle.
Bilderberg TPP TTIP TiSA vs Silk Road
Hey, Gringo,
Bilderberg + TPP + TTIP + TiSA = Manifest Destiny 2.0
A "Neocon/Zi'Borg Project, for a ZWO Century"
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Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:17 | 6191646
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:30 | 6191686
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:32 | 6191691
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:49 | 6192034
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:55 | 6192046
Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:39 | 6191708
"And right on cue, from Berlin –where he was displaying his sterling foreign policy
credentials, Jeb Bush, brother of destroyer of Iraq Dubya Bush, fully scripted by his
neocon advisers, declared Putin a bully and rallied Europe to fight, what else, “Russian
The current Putin is not even the real Putin ... just an actor.
Any clown, such as Jeb Bush, who tries to capitalize on bashing an actor is pretty much
... and as we know, the actor who has been standing in, in the Kerry wig, seems to have
ended his theatrical run. Has the original Kerry finally died, and so now they can name a
replacement? ... or what??
Just like big oil got its surprise so too will the Atlanticist agenda. Western populations
will eventually wake up and that is when the shit hits the fan. Holding up the
imaginary fabric of financial stabilty is the only thing working for these goons. What
happens if/when Russsia bails Greece. The rest of the PIGS will run for cover? The EU is like a
badly constructed car, it looks great but its junk.
Thomas Aquinas
"The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences
in those two so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism]
to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race
into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and
destroying each other."
Myron Fagan
God bless all
ILLUMINATI? Try the Zi'Borgs.
deleted duplicate
These G-meeting politicians are still only the servants of the Bilderberg attendees.
These are the "elected" folks who vie for the lucrative positions of pushing through
horrible laws and policies to increase the wealth and power of these elites.
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American dreaming from g1 to bilderberg

  • 1. home contributors store glossary archive rss donate Round 1 Goes to We the People Posted by : George Washington Post date: 06/13/2015 - 01:41 Round 2 Comes Tuesday The One Bank, Revisited Posted by: Sprott Money Post date: 06/13/2015 - 06:39 Approximately two years ago, a commentary was published entitled “The One Bank”. The empirical foundation for the article (and the paradigm) was an extensive computer model, produced... FREE Live Webinar Sponsored by: Tradespoon & MarketTaker Option Trades that are Working Right Now! Pirates Stealing Cargo Again - 2 Ships Attacked Off Singapore Coast In June Posted by: CalibratedConfidence Post date: 06/13/2015 - 08:17 Orkim manages a fleet of 11 ships according their website and of those 11, two are suspected of being hijacked in early June. TweetTweet Home American Dreaming - From G1 To Bilderberg Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2015 21:35 -0400 Barack Obama BRICs China France Germany Global Economy India Iran Iraq Italy Neocons Obama Administration Poland Reality Transparency Ukraine White House 19 Submitted by Pepe Escobar, What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to Italy, the Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal – negotiations in Washington? We start at the G7 in the Bavarian Alps – rather G1 with an added bunch of “junior partners” - as US President Barack Obama gloated about his neo-con induced feat; regiment the EU to soon extend sanctions on Russia even as the austerity-ravaged EU is arguably hurting even more than Russia. Predictably, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande caved in – even after being forced by realpolitik to talk to Russia and jointly carve the Minsk-2 agreement. The hypocrisy-meter in the Bavarian Alps had already exploded with a bang right at the pre- dinner speech by EU Council President Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister of Poland and certified Russophobe/warmonger: “All of us would have preferred to have Russia round the G7 table. But our group is not only a group (that shares) political or economic interests, but first of all this is a community of values. And that is why Russia is not among us.” So this was all about civilized “values” against “Russian aggression.” The “civilized” G1 + junior partners could not possibly argue whether they would collectively risk a nuclear war on European soil over a Kiev-installed ‘Banderastan’, sorry, “Russian aggression.” Instead, the real fun was happening behind the scenes. Washington factions were blaming Germany for making the West lose Russia to China, while adult minds in the EU – away from the Bavarian Alps – blamed Washington. Even juicier is a contrarian view circulating among powerful Masters of the Universe in the US corporate world, not politics. They fear that in the next two to three years France will eventually re-ally with Russia (plenty of historical precedents). And they – once again – identify Germany as the key problem, as in Berlin forcing Washington to get involved in a Prussian ‘Mitteleuropa’ Americans fought two wars to prevent. As for the Russians – from President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov downwards - a consensus has emerged; it’s pointless to discuss anything substantial considering the pitiful intellectual pedigree – or downright neo-con stupidity - of the self-described “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” Obama administration policy makers and advisers. As for the “junior partners” – mostly EU minions – they are irrelevant, mere Washington vassals. It would be wishful thinking to expect the civilized “values” gang to propose alternatives for the overwhelming majority of citizens of G7 nations getting anything other than Mac-jobs, or barely surviving as hostages of finance-junkie turbo-capitalism which only benefits the one percent.Rather easier to designate the proverbial scapegoat – Russia – and proceed with NATO- infused fear/warmongering rhetoric. Iron Lady Merkel also found time to pontificate on climate change – instilling all and sundry to invest in a “low-carbon global economy.” Few noticed that the alleged deadline for full “decarbonization” was set for the end of the 21st century, when this planet will be in deep, deep trouble. 91LikeLike ShareShare 4 User login Username: * Password: * Create new account Request new password Log in Zero Hedge Reads Acting Man Alt-Market Bearish News Boom Bust Blog Capitalist Exploits China Financial Markets Chris Martenson's Blog Contrary Investor Credit Writedowns Daneric's Elliott Waves DealBook Demonocracy Dr. Housing Bubble ETF Daily News ETF Digest First Rebuttal ForexLive Gains Pains & Capital Global Economic Analysis Hedge Accordingly Implode-Explode Investing Contrarian Jesse's Cafe Americain Liberty Blitzkrieg Market Folly Market Montage Max Keiser Search RanSquawk News The Fly Benzinga Pro New Comments Today's Top Stories Audio Commentary From RanSquawk: 06-12 16:30: RANsquawk - Today's Trading Edge 06-12 16:30: US MARKET WRAP - Greek default concerns weigh on US equities as the S... 06-12 16:30: Fitch affirms France 'AA', outlook stable 06-12 16:30: Fitch affirm UK 'AA+', outlook stable 06-12 16:30: Fitch affirm Sweden 'AAA', outlook stable 06-12 16:30: Valero Port Arthur, Texas in the US, reports that it is currently in... 06-12 16:30: RANSQUAWK AUDIO CLOSED FOR THE WEEK; THE DESK WILL REOPEN AT 0630BST... 06-12 15:57: CFTC oil speculators lower their WTI net long positions by 19,729... 06-13 11:44: Does the secret TPP help (Atomizer) 06-13 11:44: Yeah whatever. The largest (22winmag) 06-13 11:44: Issue arrest warrants for (q99x2) 06-13 11:44: Germany should annex or (two hoots) 06-13 11:43: The other dude was correct. (OneTinTrooper) 06-13 11:43: "The other 95.5% of the (LawsofPhysics) 06-13 11:43: My thoughts exactly RM; (BlackChicken) 06-13 11:42: What if I'm Al Sharpton? (One And Only) 06-13 11:41: The government should pay (q99x2) 06-13 11:41: A laborer is a slave. Just (Dewey Cheatum Howe) Contact Information: Tips: tips [ at ] General: info [ at ] Legal: legal [ at ] Advertising: ads [ at ] Abuse/Complaints: abuse [ at ] Suggested Reading: Make sure to read our "How To [Read/Tip Off] Zero Hedge Without Attracting The Interest Of [Human converted by
  • 2. Achtung! Bilderberg! Obama’s neocon-induced newspeak continues to rule that Russia dreams of recreating the Soviet empire. Now compare it to what President Putin is telling Europe. Last week, Putin found time to give an interview to the Milan-based Corriere della Sera at 2 am; the interview was published as the Bavarian Alps show went on, and ahead of Putin’s June 10 visit to Italy. Russia’s geopolitical interests and US- Russia relations are depicted in excruciating detail. So Putin was a persona non grata at the G1 plus junior partners? Well, in Italy he visited the Milan Expo; met Prime Minister Renzi and Pope Francis; reminded everyone about the “privileged economic and political ties” between Italy and Russia; and stressed the 400 Italian companies active in Russia and the million Russian tourists who visit Italy every year. Crucially, he also evoked that consensus; Russia had represented an alternative view as a member of the G8, but now “other powers” felt they no longer needed it. The bottom line: it’s impossible to have an adult conversation with Obama and friends. And right on cue, from Berlin –where he was displaying his sterling foreign policy credentials, Jeb Bush, brother of destroyer of Iraq Dubya Bush, fully scripted by his neocon advisers, declared Putin a bully and rallied Europe to fight, what else, “Russian aggression.” The rhetorical haze over what was really discussed in the Bavarian Alps only began to dissipate at the first chords of the real sound of music; the Bilderberg Group meeting starting this Thursday at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria, only three days after the G1 plus junior partners. Possible conspiracies aside, Bilderberg may be defined as an ultra-select bunch of elite lobbyists – politicians, US corporate honchos, EU officials, captains of industry, heads of intelligence agencies, European royals - organized annually in a sort of informal think tank/policy-forming format, to advance globalization and all crucial matters related to the overall Atlanticist agenda. Call it the prime Atlanticist Masters of the Universe talkfest. To make things clear – not that they are big fans of transparency - the composition of the steering committee is here. And this is what they will be discussing in Austria. Naturally they will be talking about “Russian aggression” (as in who cares about failed Ukraine; what we need is to prevent Russia from doing business with Europe). Naturally they will be talking about Syria (as in the partition of the country, with the Caliphate already a fact of post-Sykes-Picot life). Naturally they will be talking about Iran (as in let’s do business, buy their energy and bribe them into joining our club). But the real deal is really the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – the alleged “free trade” deal between the US and the EU. Virtually all major business/finance lobbyists for the TTIP will be under the same Austrian roof. And not by accident Bilderberg starts one day before “fast track” presidential authority is to be debated at the US Congress. WikiLeaks and a ton of BRICS Enter WikiLeaks, with what in a fairer world would be a crucial spanner in the works. The fast track authority would extend US presidential powers for no less than six years; that includes the next White House tenant, which might well be ‘The Hillarator’ or Jeb “Putin is a bully” Bush. This presidential authority to negotiate dodgy deals includes not only the TTIP but also the Minyanville Mises Institute Naked Capitalism Of Two Minds Oil Price Rebooting Capitalism Shanky's Tech Blog Slope of Hope StealthFlation Stratfor TF Metals Report The Burning Platform The Daily Crux The Economic Populist The Hammerstone Group The Market Ticker The Trader The Underground Investor The Vineyard Of The Saker Themis Trading Trim Tabs Blog Value Walk Variant Perception View From The Bridge Wolf Street Resources/The Treasury/Black Helicopters]" Guide It would be very wise of you to study our disclaimer, our privacy policy and our (non)policy on conflicts / full disclosure. Here's our Cookie Policy. How to report offensive comments Notice on Racial Discrimination. VIEWALL PARTNER CENTER TODAY'S OFFERS COMPARE BROKERS VectorVest Analyze Any Stock FREE! ClickHere TDA Get up to $600 + trade FREE for 60 days. Get Free Level II Quotes... Sponsored Financial Content Open a Forex Account and Get 60% Bonus on All Deposits. (IronFX (Exedra)) Top 10 Trading Mistakes with CFDs - Free 5 page guide (Guardian Stockbrokers) Increase your knowledge of CFD trading (Guardian Stockbrokers) Where is the clever money going? (MarketViews) Essential Guide to Inheritance Tax - Free 7 page Guide (Buckingham Gate) converted by
  • 3. TweetTweet Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:49 | 6191548 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:53 | 6191567 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). WikiLeaks, just in time, published the Healthcare Annex to the secret draft “Transparency” chapter of the TPP, along with each country’s negotiating position. No wonder this draft is secret. And there’s nothing “transparent” about it; it’s an undisguised hold-up of national healthcare authorities by Big Pharma. The bottom line is that these three mega-deals – TTP, TTIP and TiSA – are the ultimate template of what could be politely described as global corporate governance, a Bilderberg wet dream. The losers: nation-states, and the very concept of Western democracy. The winners: mega- corporations. Julian Assange, in a statement, succinctly nailed it “It is a mistake to think of the TPP as a single treaty. In reality there are three conjoined mega-agreements, the TiSA, the TPP and the TTIP, all of which strategically assemble into a grand unified treaty, partitioning the world into the West versus the rest. This 'Great Treaty' is described by the Pentagon as the economic core to the US military's 'Asia Pivot.' The architects are aiming no lower than the arc of history. The Great Treaty is taking shape in complete secrecy, because along with its undebated geostrategic ambitions it locks into place an aggressive new form of transnational corporatism for which there is little public support." So this is the real Atlanticist agenda – the final touches being applied in the arc spanning the G1 + added junior partners to Bilderberg (expect a lot of crucial phone calls from Austria to Washington this Friday). NATO on trade. Pivoting to Asia excluding Russia and China. The West vs. the rest. Now for the counterpunch. As the show in the Bavarian Alps unrolled, the first BRICS Parliamentarian Forum was taking place in Moscow – ahead of the BRICS summit in Ufa next month. Neocons – with Obama in tow - knock themselves out dreaming that Russia has become “isolated” from the rest of the world because of their sanctions. Since then Moscow has signed major economic/strategic contracts with at least twenty nations. Next month, Russia will host the BRICS summit – 45 percent of the world’s population, a GDP equivalent to the EU, and soon bigger than the current G7 – as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, when India and Pakistan, currently observers, will be accepted as full members. G1 plus junior partners? Bilderberg? Get a job; you’re not the only show in town, any town. Average: Your rating: None Average: 4.7 (18 votes) 19 » Login or register to post comments 34958 reads Printer-friendly version Send to friend - advertisements - Invest In Yuan The Dollar And Euro Are Doomed. These 3 Currencies Will Take Over. ted41776 are these the geniuses we have to thank for everything being so awesome right now? don't you worry, it'll only get better! TeamDepends The Lucies think they run the world. Boy, are they in for a big surprise!!! 91LikeLike ShareShare 4 Offers and Articles from the Web! To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Top 10 Richest Comedians Bringing you the most popular from the editors of Sponsored Content Login or register to post comments converted by
  • 4. Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191583 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191590 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:39 | 6191710 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:01 | 6191907 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:08 | 6191928 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 08:32 | 6192826 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:52 | 6191748 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:57 | 6191765 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:29 | 6191834 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:59 | 6191903 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 03:02 | 6192642 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 21:49 | 6192193 espirit Somebody couldn't call in for Russian version of a 'HellFire'? Waylon Bits All teh leaves are brown, and teh sky is gay.... BullyBearish They will do anything, ANYTHING to ensure Bush or Clinton gets in... wiser Everything is prearranged and expected..... knukles Hillary was already promised the job back in 2008. They're looking ahead. Look at the list of attendees. Then be particularly attuned to anybody being diverted to the meeting for a day or two. Like Hillary and Obie were just before the 2008 election when they went a missing for a day + when the BB meeting was in Virginia. They're way ahead of 2016. Way, way ahead. MonetaryApostate That's why they are hurrying up to put her on trial (and subsequently find her innocent), so they can't be taken again to court... If she wins, she walks away with Zero chance of being prosecuted again... (She will win) fascismlover Long Russia as in learning Cyrillic and the language, buying RUB and looking at places close to the 5000 public nuke shelters they built for citizens in 2012. Jumbotron The N.W.O. continues to be built right before our eyes. Treaty by treaty by treaty. Government + Corporations = Fascism. In this case....World Fascism. Fun Facts Today the USA is a sovereign state in name only. The money, media and blackmailed, bribed politico are under ZWO globalist control. Nearly every decision and new law made are bad for America and Americans who are routinely lied to by the government and the media in a propaganda operation that would make Goebbels blush. Treason Season Today the USA is a sovereign state in name only. Icke has said the concept of nationhood around the world has been supplanted by banking franchises of the Rotschild cabal. Brilliant summation imo. ThirdWorldDude Destroying the concept of patriotism and nationhood is a natural consequence of the ZWO mission to destroy traditional values. The goal is to create a global population of brainwashed ultra-individualistic, egoistic zombie-citizens with no roots (past) and no plans about the future; the perfect kind of people to rule over. They're winning all over the place... runswithscissors Yep...we build a better burger Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments converted by
  • 5. Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:40 | 6191855 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:09 | 6191929 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:18 | 6191957 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 00:07 | 6192470 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 07:44 | 6192776 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:54 | 6191571 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:29 | 6191682 Karaio Anyone out there ever seen a Chinese Jew? Perhaps at some freak show? No? Me neither! hehe! knukles Sammy Davis Jr. Karaio Maybe Ray Charles has said this about Sammy Davis Jr.. hehe. nosam Chinese and Japanese jews do exist. But you wouldnt know just by looking at them. williambanzai7 Ms. Erable To answer the question posed in the first paragraph: Everyone involved in each listed group is in The Big Club and, if you're reading this, you're not. Mr Kurtz Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments converted by
  • 6. Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:43 | 6192015 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:50 | 6192038 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:54 | 6191575 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:08 | 6191921 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 22:39 | 6192313 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:56 | 6191582 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:03 | 6191613 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:07 | 6191624 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:10 | 6191630 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 17:57 | 6191586 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 03:51 | 6192669 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:01 | 6191607 And to quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" Kirk2NCC1701 GC was essentially right, but he misspoke and had it backwards: You are in the Big/Bug Club, along with billions They are in the Small/Elite Club of some tens of thousands. Think, for God's sake, man, the Elite are by definition in a SMALL club. Geez, clearly contrarians have their share of people who simply regurgitate lines, w/o the usual interim step of thinking things through. Sorry to sound like such a hard ass, but this unfiltered quote just keeps getting repeated, like mantra at a yoga session. Seek_Truth Exactly. George was right about a lot of things, and he was wrong about some things too. He definitely blundered when he mispoke that it was a large club. Count the Trillionaires and Billionaires and their family, and you will find, just as you said, tens of thousands. Herdee This is the connection: founded-by-nazis/ Treason Season And you thought the Dutch were so cute with their windmills and wooden clogs? Founding Bilderberg member Prince "We had a lot of full!'' Bernhard was a member of the "Reiter-SS." WTFUD Been saying for some time that the Wild Boer, House of Cabal Orange Dutch are ruthless MF's. Yen Cross Was the Wikileaks $100k bounty filled? WikiLeaks issues call for $100,000 bounty on monster trade treaty kowalli i don't think so Moccasin 66% of the goal Yen Cross Thanks fellas. Looks like I have a fan. ;-) I wonder if those pledges roll over, or just get added to the "Juian Assange" survival fund? wendigo I fear these people. Not in and of themselves, in a one on one I could take them. But, they have millions of men under arms that would do their bidding. For that reason, I shall fear them. Kaervek They are not people, those filthy creatures are the festering embodiment of sociopathy itself. SmittyinLA Speaking of Jeb Bush in the EU, I didnt see any raucous crowds of supporters, his Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments converted by
  • 7. Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:02 | 6191611 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:10 | 6191632 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:29 | 6191683 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 02:04 | 6192613 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 19:23 | 6191815 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:05 | 6191616 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:30 | 6191687 Sat, 06/13/2015 - 04:03 | 6192676 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:20 | 6191621 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:06 | 6191622 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:34 | 6191988 speeches tend to show no clips of public support, at all, none nada zippo, just a bunch of scowling foreigners with no applause,, and Im pretty sure these are paid gigs too, showing up must be a corporate mandate. Veriton The BRICS are just another globaist front group tasked with playing "the good guys" to the G7 "bad guys." The KGB thug Putin is no hero except to the Rockefeller/BRICS New World Order. (check out the article about the G20 in the NWO section). TungstenBars "KGB thug Putin" Reminds me of the lemming/gov troll message boards. The Delicate Genius The only problem with this assertion is the rather significant evidence on the other side of it. LostandFound Still you cannot deny that the BRICS are part of the G20 colluding with the the western nations. Wake me up when the BRICS are not part of the G20 then i will beleive without a doubt that this isnt a show. Anyone seeking salvation with the BRICS could be in for a big dissapointment. WTFUD Veriton, my groin, your face, start sucking. kchrisc "What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to Italy, the Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal – negotiations in Washington?" Zion. What did I win? Liberty is a demand. Tyranny is submission.. Rock On Roger Eezee question, eh? Maybe you'll win the chance of putting your favorite tool into action. Guillo On Kaervek Your prize is a life of powerless observation while they rape humanity again and again until nothing is left but rubble and the remains of dead bodies. Normalcy Bias Make the most of your time, folks. If the collective imbecile known as 'mankind' doesn't manage to exterminate itself in the next 20 years, it will be a miracle. TungstenBars Bilderberg TPP TTIP TiSA vs Silk Road Kirk2NCC1701 Hey, Gringo, Bilderberg + TPP + TTIP + TiSA = Manifest Destiny 2.0 A "Neocon/Zi'Borg Project, for a ZWO Century" Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments converted by
  • 8. Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:17 | 6191646 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:30 | 6191686 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:32 | 6191691 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:49 | 6192034 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 20:55 | 6192046 Fri, 06/12/2015 - 18:39 | 6191708 BoPeople "And right on cue, from Berlin –where he was displaying his sterling foreign policy credentials, Jeb Bush, brother of destroyer of Iraq Dubya Bush, fully scripted by his neocon advisers, declared Putin a bully and rallied Europe to fight, what else, “Russian aggression.”" The current Putin is not even the real Putin ... just an actor. Any clown, such as Jeb Bush, who tries to capitalize on bashing an actor is pretty much pathetic. ... and as we know, the actor who has been standing in, in the Kerry wig, seems to have ended his theatrical run. Has the original Kerry finally died, and so now they can name a replacement? ... or what?? chisler Just like big oil got its surprise so too will the Atlanticist agenda. Western populations will eventually wake up and that is when the shit hits the fan. Holding up the imaginary fabric of financial stabilty is the only thing working for these goons. What happens if/when Russsia bails Greece. The rest of the PIGS will run for cover? The EU is like a badly constructed car, it looks great but its junk. Thomas Aquinas "The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other." Myron Fagan God bless all Kirk2NCC1701 ILLUMINATI? Try the Zi'Borgs. Kirk2NCC1701 deleted duplicate MrBoompi These G-meeting politicians are still only the servants of the Bilderberg attendees. These are the "elected" folks who vie for the lucrative positions of pushing through horrible laws and policies to increase the wealth and power of these elites. 1 2 next › last » Copyright ©2009-2015 Media, LTD; All Rights Reserved. Zero Hedge is intended for Mature Audiences. Familiarize yourself with our legal and use policies every time you engage the site: they're updated constantly without notice. Don't poke around on the site without reviewing our Cookie Policy; you expressly agree to our serving cookies unless they're disabled on your browser (instructions included). Happy surfing. Review our notice on Racial Discrimination. Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments Login or register to post comments converted by