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Based on the article, Everyone is Going Through Something,
respond by writing three thoughtful, well-constructed
paragraphs on the human experience of this one athlete who was
sidelined for a time due to mental illness. What did you learn
from this young man's experience, and what will apply these
lessons to your career in social work. To earn maximum points
(5 possible grade points), be sure that what you write is well
constructed as to original content, with perfect grammar,
sentence structure, punctuation, and in form (three separate
paragraphs as instructed).
Everyone Is Going Through Something
by Kevin Love
Mar 6 2018
Photo by
Stacy Revere/Getty Images
Photo by
Stacy Revere/Getty Images
Kevin Love
Cleveland Cavaliers
Mar 6 2018
On November 5th, right after halftime against the Hawks, I had
a panic attack.
It came out of nowhere. I’d never had one before. I didn’t even
know if they were real. But it was real — as real as a broken
hand or a sprained ankle. Since that day, almost everything
about the way I think about my mental health has changed.
“I did one seemingly little thing that turned out to be a big
Kevin Love discusses his decision to seek help after suffering
from a panic attack. (0:54)
I’ve never been comfortable sharing much about myself. I
turned 29 in September and for pretty much 29 years of my life
I have been protective about anything and everything in my
inner life. I was comfortable talking about basketball — but that
came natural. It was much harder to share personal stuff, and
looking back now I know I could have really benefited from
having someone to talk to over the years. But I didn’t share —
not to my family, not to my best friends, not in public. Today,
I’ve realized I need to change that. I want to share some of my
thoughts about my panic attack and what’s happened since. If
you’re suffering silently like I was, then you know how it can
feel like nobody really gets it. Partly, I want to do it for me, but
mostly, I want to do it because people don’t talk about mental
health enough. And men and boys are probably the farthest
I know it from experience. Growing up, you figure out really
quickly how a boy is supposed to act. You learn what it takes to
“be a man.” It’s like a playbook: Be strong. Don’t talk about
your feelings. Get through it on your own. So for 29 years of
my life, I followed that playbook. And look, I’m probably not
telling you anything new here. These values about men and
toughness are so ordinary that they’re everywhere … and
invisible at the same time, surrounding us like air or water.
They’re a lot like depression or anxiety in that way.
So for 29 years, I thought about mental health as someone else’s
problem. Sure, I knew on some level that some people benefited
from asking for help or opening up. I just never thought it was
for me. To me, it was form of weakness that could derail my
success in sports or make me seem weird or different.
Christian Petersen/Getty Images
Then came the panic attack.
It happened during a game.
It was November 5th, two months and three days after I turned
29. We were at home against the Hawks — 10th game of the
season. A perfect storm of things was about to collide. I was
stressed about issues I’d been having with my family. I wasn’t
sleeping well. On the court, I think the expectations for the
season, combined with our 4–5 start, were weighing on me.
I knew something was wrong almost right after tip-off.
I was winded within the first few possessions. That was strange.
And my game was just off. I played 15 minutes of the first half
and made one basket and two free throws.
After halftime, it all hit the fan. Coach Lue called a timeout in
the third quarter. When I got to the bench, I felt my heart racing
faster than usual. Then I was having trouble catching my breath.
It’s hard to describe, but everything was spinning, like my brain
was trying to climb out of my head. The air felt thick and
heavy. My mouth was like chalk. I remember our assistant
coach yelling something about a defensive set. I nodded, but I
didn’t hear much of what he said. By that point, I was freaking
out. When I got up to walk out of the huddle, I knew I couldn’t
reenter the game — like, literally couldn’t do it physically.
Coach Lue came up to me. I think he could sense something was
wrong. I blurted something like, “I’ll be right back,” and I ran
back to the locker room. I was running from room to room, like
I was looking for something I couldn’t find. Really I was just
hoping my heart would stop racing. It was like my body was
trying to say to me, You’re about to die. I ended up on the floor
in the training room, lying on my back, trying to get enough air
to breathe.
The next part was a blur. Someone from the Cavs accompanied
me to the Cleveland Clinic. They ran a bunch of tests.
Everything seemed to check out, which was a relief. But I
remember leaving the hospital thinking, Wait … then what the
hell just happened?
Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune
I was back for our next game against the Bucks two days later.
We won, and I had 32. I remember how relieved I was to be
back on the court and feeling more like myself. But I distinctly
remember being more relieved than anything that nobody had
found out why I had left the game against Atlanta. A few people
in the organization knew, sure, but most people didn’t and no
one had written about it.
A few more days passed. Things were going great on the court,
but something was weighing on me.
Why was I so concerned with people finding out?
It was a wake-up call, that moment. I’d thought the hardest part
was over after I had the panic attack. It was the opposite. Now I
was left wondering why it happened — and why I didn’t want to
talk about it.
Call it a stigma or call it fear or insecurity — you can call it a
number of things — but what I was worried about wasn’t just
my own inner struggles but how difficult it was to talk about
them. I didn’t want people to perceive me as somehow less
reliable as a teammate, and it all went back to the playbook I’d
learned growing up.
This was new territory for me, and it was pretty confusing. But
I was certain about one thing: I couldn’t bury what had
happened and try to move forward. As much as part of me
wanted to, I couldn’t allow myself to dismiss the panic attack
and everything underneath it. I didn’t want to have to deal with
everything sometime in the future, when it might be worse. I
knew that much.
So I did one seemingly little thing that turned out to be a big
thing. The Cavs helped me find a therapist, and I set up an
appointment. I gotta stop right here and just say: I’m the last
person who’d have thought I’d be seeing a therapist. I remember
when I was two or three years into the league, a friend asked me
why NBA players didn’t see therapists. I scoffed at the idea. No
way any of us is gonna talk to someone. I was 20 or 21 years
old, and I’d grown up around basketball. And on basketball
teams? Nobody talked about what they were struggling with on
the inside. I remember thinking, What are my problems? I’m
healthy. I play basketball for a living. What do I have to worry
about? I’d never heard of any pro athlete talking about mental
health, and I didn’t want to be the only one. I didn’t want to
look weak. Honestly, I just didn’t think I needed it. It’s like the
playbook said — figure it out on your own, like everyone else
around me always had.
Jeff Haynes/NBAE/Getty Images
But it’s kind of strange when you think about it. In the NBA,
you have trained professionals to fine-tune your life in so many
areas. Coaches, trainers and nutritionists have had a presence in
my life for years. But none of those people could help me in the
way I needed when I was lying on the floor struggling to
Still, I went to my first appointment with the therapist with
some skepticism. I had one foot out the door. But he surprised
me. For one thing, basketball wasn’t the main focus. He had a
sense that the NBA wasn’t the main reason I was there that day,
which turned out to be refreshing. Instead, we talked about a
range of non-basketball things, and I realized how many issues
come from places that you may not realize until you really look
into them. I think it’s easy to assume we know ourselves, but
once you peel back the layers it’s amazing how much there is to
still discover.
A message from Kevin Love's Grandma
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“Happy Birthday, Kevin.”
Kevin’s grandmother records a greeting for his 25th birthday in
2013. (0:33)
Since then, we’ve met up whenever I was back in town,
probably a few times each month. One of the biggest
breakthroughs happened one day in December when we got to
talking about my Grandma Carol. She was the pillar of our
family. Growing up, she lived with us, and in a lot of ways she
was like another parent to me and my brother and sister. She
was the woman who had a shrine to each of her grandkids in her
room — pictures, awards, letters pinned up on the wall. And she
was someone with simple values that I admired. It was funny, I
once gave her a random pair of new Nikes, and she was so
blown away that she called me to say thank you a handful of
times over the year that followed.
When I made the NBA, she was getting older, and I didn’t see
her as often as I used to. During my sixth year with the T-
Wolves, Grandma Carol made plans to visit me in Minnesota for
Thanksgiving. Then right before the trip, she was hospitalized
for an issue with her arteries. She had to cancel her trip. Then
her condition got worse quickly, and she fell into a coma. A few
days later, she was gone.
I was devastated for a long time. But I hadn’t really ever talked
about it. Telling a stranger about my grandma made me see how
much pain it was still causing me. Digging into it, I realized
that what hurt most was not being able to say a proper goodbye.
I’d never had a chance to really grieve, and I felt terrible that I
hadn’t been in better touch with her in her last years. But I had
buried those emotions since her passing and said to myself, I
have to focus on basketball. I’ll deal with it later. Be a man.
The reason I’m telling you about my grandma isn’t really even
about her. I still miss her a ton and I’m probably still grieving
in a way, but I wanted to share that story because of how eye-
opening it was to talk about it. In the short time I’ve been
meeting with the therapist, I’ve seen the power of saying things
out loud in a setting like that. And it’s not some magical
process. It’s terrifying and awkward and hard, at least in my
experience so far. I know you don’t just get rid of problems by
talking about them, but I’ve learned that over time maybe you
can better understand them and make them more manageable.
Look, I’m not saying, Everyone go see a therapist. The biggest
lesson for me since November wasn’t about a therapist — it was
about confronting the fact that I needed help.
Brandon Dill/AP Images
One of the reasons I wanted to write this comes from reading
DeMar’s comments last week about depression. I’ve played
against DeMar for years, but I never could’ve guessed that he
was struggling with anything. It really makes you think about
how we are all walking around with experiences and struggles
— all kinds of things — and we sometimes think we’re the only
ones going through them. The reality is that we probably have a
lot in common with what our friends and colleagues and
neighbors are dealing with. So I’m not saying everyone should
share all their deepest secrets — not everything should be
public and it’s every person’s choice. But creating a better
environment for talking about mental health … that’s where we
need to get to.
Because just by sharing what he shared, DeMar probably helped
some people — and maybe a lot more people than we know —
feel like they aren’t crazy or weird to be struggling with
depression. His comments helped take some power away from
that stigma, and I think that’s where the hope is.
I want to make it clear that I don’t have things figured out about
all of this. I’m just starting to do the hard work of getting to
know myself. For 29 years, I avoided that. Now, I’m trying to
be truthful with myself. I’m trying to be good to the people in
my life. I’m trying to face the uncomfortable stuff in life while
also enjoying, and being grateful for, the good stuff. I’m trying
to embrace it all, the good, bad and ugly.
I want to end with something I’m trying to remind myself about
these days: Everyone is going through something that we can’t
I want to write that again: Everyone is going through something
that we can’t see.
The thing is, because we can’t see it, we don’t know who’s
going through what and we don’t know when and we don’t
always know why. Mental health is an invisible thing, but it
touches all of us at some point or another. It’s part of life. Like
DeMar said, “You never know what that person is going
Mental health isn’t just an athlete thing. What you do for a
living doesn’t have to define who you are. This is an everyone
thing. No matter what our circumstances, we’re all carrying
around things that hurt — and they can hurt us if we keep them
buried inside. Not talking about our inner lives robs us of really
getting to know ourselves and robs us of the chance to reach out
to others in need. So if you’re reading this and you’re having a
hard time, no matter how big or small it seems to you, I want to
remind you that you’re not weird or different for sharing what
you’re going through.
Just the opposite. It could be the most important thing you do. It
was for me.
Kevin Love
Cleveland Cavaliers
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keyVariableQuestionScaleidcustomer labelid_clustercustomer
cluster labeltaste1. I often put taste first before I think about the
price1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreecoupon2.
To me, finding a coupon to use before purchasing a pizza is
critical1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly
agreediscount3. When I find an opportunity to buy a pizza for a
huge discount I stop and buy1 = strongly disagree, 2 =
somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 =
strongly agreefavorite4. I generally stick with my favorite pizza
place1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeflavor5.
I’m more concerned than most people with the flavor of the
pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeleave6.
I’m not a big fan of pizza, I can take it or leave it1 = strongly
disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat
agree, and 5 = strongly agreespecials7. Specials on pizza
motivate me to purchase more pizzas1 = strongly disagree, 2 =
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strongly agreeserve8. I would be embarrassed to serve my
friends cheap pizza like Little Caesars1 = strongly disagree, 2 =
somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 =
strongly agreemoney9. I don’t like to spend a lot of money on
pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly
agreeoccasion10. I think eating pizza is a special occasion1 =
strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 =
somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreesports1. I am a
competitive person and very much enjoy participating in sports1
= strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 =
somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreetravel2. I love to travel,
see new places, and taste new foods1 = strongly disagree, 2 =
somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 =
strongly agreepolitics3. I take a great deal of interest in local
and national politics1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat
disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly
agreeincomeAnnual household income: 1 = below $30k, 2 =
30k-50k, 3 = 50k-75k, 4 = 75k-100k, and 5 = over $100k
famsizeFamily Size3 through 9loyalty1. I consider myself to be
a loyal Pizza Hut customer1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat
disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly
agreesatisfy2. Overall, I am satisfied with Pizza Hut1 = strongly
disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat
agree, and 5 = strongly agreequality3. Pizza Hut has the best
quality pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 =
undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreevalue4.
Pizza Hut gives me a lot of value for the dollar1 = strongly
disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat
agree, and 5 = strongly agreeph_fov1. During the past six
months the number of times you or family member purchased a
meal from Pizza Hutlc_fov2. During the past six months the
number of times you or family member purchased a meal from
Little Caesarsnightoff3. The amount of money you have spent at
Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Mom’s Night Off”
buying situationgpv4. The amount of money you have spent at
Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Good Price /
Value” buying situationtreat5. The amount of money you have
spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Kid’s
Treat” buying situationfamily6. The amount of money you have
spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Family
Meal” buying situationspendtotal spending (adding up

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Based on the article, Everyone is Going Through Something, respo.docx

  • 1. Based on the article, Everyone is Going Through Something, respond by writing three thoughtful, well-constructed paragraphs on the human experience of this one athlete who was sidelined for a time due to mental illness. What did you learn from this young man's experience, and what will apply these lessons to your career in social work. To earn maximum points (5 possible grade points), be sure that what you write is well constructed as to original content, with perfect grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and in form (three separate paragraphs as instructed). Everyone Is Going Through Something by Kevin Love Mar 6 2018 Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images Kevin Love Cleveland Cavaliers Mar 6 2018 On November 5th, right after halftime against the Hawks, I had a panic attack. It came out of nowhere. I’d never had one before. I didn’t even know if they were real. But it was real — as real as a broken hand or a sprained ankle. Since that day, almost everything about the way I think about my mental health has changed. “I did one seemingly little thing that turned out to be a big thing.” Kevin Love discusses his decision to seek help after suffering
  • 2. from a panic attack. (0:54) progressbar I’ve never been comfortable sharing much about myself. I turned 29 in September and for pretty much 29 years of my life I have been protective about anything and everything in my inner life. I was comfortable talking about basketball — but that came natural. It was much harder to share personal stuff, and looking back now I know I could have really benefited from having someone to talk to over the years. But I didn’t share — not to my family, not to my best friends, not in public. Today, I’ve realized I need to change that. I want to share some of my thoughts about my panic attack and what’s happened since. If you’re suffering silently like I was, then you know how it can feel like nobody really gets it. Partly, I want to do it for me, but mostly, I want to do it because people don’t talk about mental health enough. And men and boys are probably the farthest behind. I know it from experience. Growing up, you figure out really quickly how a boy is supposed to act. You learn what it takes to “be a man.” It’s like a playbook: Be strong. Don’t talk about your feelings. Get through it on your own. So for 29 years of my life, I followed that playbook. And look, I’m probably not telling you anything new here. These values about men and toughness are so ordinary that they’re everywhere … and invisible at the same time, surrounding us like air or water. They’re a lot like depression or anxiety in that way. So for 29 years, I thought about mental health as someone else’s problem. Sure, I knew on some level that some people benefited from asking for help or opening up. I just never thought it was for me. To me, it was form of weakness that could derail my success in sports or make me seem weird or different. Christian Petersen/Getty Images Then came the panic attack. It happened during a game. It was November 5th, two months and three days after I turned 29. We were at home against the Hawks — 10th game of the
  • 3. season. A perfect storm of things was about to collide. I was stressed about issues I’d been having with my family. I wasn’t sleeping well. On the court, I think the expectations for the season, combined with our 4–5 start, were weighing on me. I knew something was wrong almost right after tip-off. I was winded within the first few possessions. That was strange. And my game was just off. I played 15 minutes of the first half and made one basket and two free throws. After halftime, it all hit the fan. Coach Lue called a timeout in the third quarter. When I got to the bench, I felt my heart racing faster than usual. Then I was having trouble catching my breath. It’s hard to describe, but everything was spinning, like my brain was trying to climb out of my head. The air felt thick and heavy. My mouth was like chalk. I remember our assistant coach yelling something about a defensive set. I nodded, but I didn’t hear much of what he said. By that point, I was freaking out. When I got up to walk out of the huddle, I knew I couldn’t reenter the game — like, literally couldn’t do it physically. Coach Lue came up to me. I think he could sense something was wrong. I blurted something like, “I’ll be right back,” and I ran back to the locker room. I was running from room to room, like I was looking for something I couldn’t find. Really I was just hoping my heart would stop racing. It was like my body was trying to say to me, You’re about to die. I ended up on the floor in the training room, lying on my back, trying to get enough air to breathe. The next part was a blur. Someone from the Cavs accompanied me to the Cleveland Clinic. They ran a bunch of tests. Everything seemed to check out, which was a relief. But I remember leaving the hospital thinking, Wait … then what the hell just happened? Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune I was back for our next game against the Bucks two days later. We won, and I had 32. I remember how relieved I was to be back on the court and feeling more like myself. But I distinctly remember being more relieved than anything that nobody had
  • 4. found out why I had left the game against Atlanta. A few people in the organization knew, sure, but most people didn’t and no one had written about it. A few more days passed. Things were going great on the court, but something was weighing on me. Why was I so concerned with people finding out? It was a wake-up call, that moment. I’d thought the hardest part was over after I had the panic attack. It was the opposite. Now I was left wondering why it happened — and why I didn’t want to talk about it. Call it a stigma or call it fear or insecurity — you can call it a number of things — but what I was worried about wasn’t just my own inner struggles but how difficult it was to talk about them. I didn’t want people to perceive me as somehow less reliable as a teammate, and it all went back to the playbook I’d learned growing up. This was new territory for me, and it was pretty confusing. But I was certain about one thing: I couldn’t bury what had happened and try to move forward. As much as part of me wanted to, I couldn’t allow myself to dismiss the panic attack and everything underneath it. I didn’t want to have to deal with everything sometime in the future, when it might be worse. I knew that much. So I did one seemingly little thing that turned out to be a big thing. The Cavs helped me find a therapist, and I set up an appointment. I gotta stop right here and just say: I’m the last person who’d have thought I’d be seeing a therapist. I remember when I was two or three years into the league, a friend asked me why NBA players didn’t see therapists. I scoffed at the idea. No way any of us is gonna talk to someone. I was 20 or 21 years old, and I’d grown up around basketball. And on basketball teams? Nobody talked about what they were struggling with on the inside. I remember thinking, What are my problems? I’m healthy. I play basketball for a living. What do I have to worry about? I’d never heard of any pro athlete talking about mental health, and I didn’t want to be the only one. I didn’t want to
  • 5. look weak. Honestly, I just didn’t think I needed it. It’s like the playbook said — figure it out on your own, like everyone else around me always had. Jeff Haynes/NBAE/Getty Images But it’s kind of strange when you think about it. In the NBA, you have trained professionals to fine-tune your life in so many areas. Coaches, trainers and nutritionists have had a presence in my life for years. But none of those people could help me in the way I needed when I was lying on the floor struggling to breathe. Still, I went to my first appointment with the therapist with some skepticism. I had one foot out the door. But he surprised me. For one thing, basketball wasn’t the main focus. He had a sense that the NBA wasn’t the main reason I was there that day, which turned out to be refreshing. Instead, we talked about a range of non-basketball things, and I realized how many issues come from places that you may not realize until you really look into them. I think it’s easy to assume we know ourselves, but once you peel back the layers it’s amazing how much there is to still discover. A message from Kevin Love's Grandma Quality Auto 1920p1280p720p480p320p Rewind 10 Seconds Next Up Live 00:00 00:32 00:32 Closed Captions Settings Fullscreen “Happy Birthday, Kevin.” Kevin’s grandmother records a greeting for his 25th birthday in 2013. (0:33)
  • 6. Since then, we’ve met up whenever I was back in town, probably a few times each month. One of the biggest breakthroughs happened one day in December when we got to talking about my Grandma Carol. She was the pillar of our family. Growing up, she lived with us, and in a lot of ways she was like another parent to me and my brother and sister. She was the woman who had a shrine to each of her grandkids in her room — pictures, awards, letters pinned up on the wall. And she was someone with simple values that I admired. It was funny, I once gave her a random pair of new Nikes, and she was so blown away that she called me to say thank you a handful of times over the year that followed. When I made the NBA, she was getting older, and I didn’t see her as often as I used to. During my sixth year with the T- Wolves, Grandma Carol made plans to visit me in Minnesota for Thanksgiving. Then right before the trip, she was hospitalized for an issue with her arteries. She had to cancel her trip. Then her condition got worse quickly, and she fell into a coma. A few days later, she was gone. I was devastated for a long time. But I hadn’t really ever talked about it. Telling a stranger about my grandma made me see how much pain it was still causing me. Digging into it, I realized that what hurt most was not being able to say a proper goodbye. I’d never had a chance to really grieve, and I felt terrible that I hadn’t been in better touch with her in her last years. But I had buried those emotions since her passing and said to myself, I have to focus on basketball. I’ll deal with it later. Be a man. The reason I’m telling you about my grandma isn’t really even about her. I still miss her a ton and I’m probably still grieving in a way, but I wanted to share that story because of how eye- opening it was to talk about it. In the short time I’ve been meeting with the therapist, I’ve seen the power of saying things out loud in a setting like that. And it’s not some magical process. It’s terrifying and awkward and hard, at least in my experience so far. I know you don’t just get rid of problems by talking about them, but I’ve learned that over time maybe you
  • 7. can better understand them and make them more manageable. Look, I’m not saying, Everyone go see a therapist. The biggest lesson for me since November wasn’t about a therapist — it was about confronting the fact that I needed help. Brandon Dill/AP Images One of the reasons I wanted to write this comes from reading DeMar’s comments last week about depression. I’ve played against DeMar for years, but I never could’ve guessed that he was struggling with anything. It really makes you think about how we are all walking around with experiences and struggles — all kinds of things — and we sometimes think we’re the only ones going through them. The reality is that we probably have a lot in common with what our friends and colleagues and neighbors are dealing with. So I’m not saying everyone should share all their deepest secrets — not everything should be public and it’s every person’s choice. But creating a better environment for talking about mental health … that’s where we need to get to. Because just by sharing what he shared, DeMar probably helped some people — and maybe a lot more people than we know — feel like they aren’t crazy or weird to be struggling with depression. His comments helped take some power away from that stigma, and I think that’s where the hope is. I want to make it clear that I don’t have things figured out about all of this. I’m just starting to do the hard work of getting to know myself. For 29 years, I avoided that. Now, I’m trying to be truthful with myself. I’m trying to be good to the people in my life. I’m trying to face the uncomfortable stuff in life while also enjoying, and being grateful for, the good stuff. I’m trying to embrace it all, the good, bad and ugly. I want to end with something I’m trying to remind myself about these days: Everyone is going through something that we can’t see. I want to write that again: Everyone is going through something that we can’t see. The thing is, because we can’t see it, we don’t know who’s
  • 8. going through what and we don’t know when and we don’t always know why. Mental health is an invisible thing, but it touches all of us at some point or another. It’s part of life. Like DeMar said, “You never know what that person is going through.” Mental health isn’t just an athlete thing. What you do for a living doesn’t have to define who you are. This is an everyone thing. No matter what our circumstances, we’re all carrying around things that hurt — and they can hurt us if we keep them buried inside. Not talking about our inner lives robs us of really getting to know ourselves and robs us of the chance to reach out to others in need. So if you’re reading this and you’re having a hard time, no matter how big or small it seems to you, I want to remind you that you’re not weird or different for sharing what you’re going through. Just the opposite. It could be the most important thing you do. It was for me. Kevin Love Cleveland Cavaliers Featured Stories dataidtastecoupondiscountfavoriteflavorleavespecialsservemone yoccasionsportstravelpoliticsincomefamsizeloyaltysatisfyquality valueph_fovlc_fovnightoffgpvtreatfamilyspend11145124415241 11624524150150557083254225524231325144241501005565662 55215525142337255366101530551101325422552424232414424 15020050706145124415241135243141401505065861451244152 51136154342001015457085145124415251535244231001004555 71451244152512252442515020204080392542255242313331431 51503015358040145124415243425144241010201035754114512 44152525261442480151035605752245214251554455541321550
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  • 10. 05515245295224521425243534553110130070152157722123222 21122431433300151515452222123222211113323322000151530 23121221122211245234310000151560255215525151224144221 51010010308255215525151326244221210150103563145124415 25152814422100100102046554545554455445454310625151351 01854344555445544314635537425158010130965224521425143 55555412214010751023545224521425343454543121160065102 35595115512524232555543111130156010215444455544554332 54455381015101250150484455544554541553553982015125016 04555454555445433445538815012501406944555445444523545 43962515120016050445554455444334355386550100015516445 55445544354535547615101100135175545455544441453554761 51590012021445554454444544354376351585013552445554454 45454545537600120012019554545554453344454366010105011 57555454555444534435536625080010572445554455454545454 39440251050170145545455544453344554842515100014092445 55445545444435548425012001451004455544544455453442843 51510001508755454555444543445537430158001259055454555 44542444554641508501007851155125243535455531031250550 18056522452142535444554312114510650220 keyVariableQuestionScaleidcustomer labelid_clustercustomer cluster labeltaste1. I often put taste first before I think about the price1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreecoupon2. To me, finding a coupon to use before purchasing a pizza is critical1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreediscount3. When I find an opportunity to buy a pizza for a huge discount I stop and buy1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreefavorite4. I generally stick with my favorite pizza place1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeflavor5. I’m more concerned than most people with the flavor of the pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeleave6.
  • 11. I’m not a big fan of pizza, I can take it or leave it1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreespecials7. Specials on pizza motivate me to purchase more pizzas1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeserve8. I would be embarrassed to serve my friends cheap pizza like Little Caesars1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreemoney9. I don’t like to spend a lot of money on pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeoccasion10. I think eating pizza is a special occasion1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreesports1. I am a competitive person and very much enjoy participating in sports1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreetravel2. I love to travel, see new places, and taste new foods1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreepolitics3. I take a great deal of interest in local and national politics1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeincomeAnnual household income: 1 = below $30k, 2 = 30k-50k, 3 = 50k-75k, 4 = 75k-100k, and 5 = over $100k famsizeFamily Size3 through 9loyalty1. I consider myself to be a loyal Pizza Hut customer1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreesatisfy2. Overall, I am satisfied with Pizza Hut1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreequality3. Pizza Hut has the best quality pizza1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreevalue4. Pizza Hut gives me a lot of value for the dollar1 = strongly disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = undecided, 4 = somewhat agree, and 5 = strongly agreeph_fov1. During the past six months the number of times you or family member purchased a
  • 12. meal from Pizza Hutlc_fov2. During the past six months the number of times you or family member purchased a meal from Little Caesarsnightoff3. The amount of money you have spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Mom’s Night Off” buying situationgpv4. The amount of money you have spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Good Price / Value” buying situationtreat5. The amount of money you have spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Kid’s Treat” buying situationfamily6. The amount of money you have spent at Pizza Hut during the past six months in the “Family Meal” buying situationspendtotal spending (adding up nightoff+gpv+treat+family)