SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Design Priorities
•   Feedback == assessment
•   Focus on qualitative feedback to improve projects
•   Prompt iteration and resubmission of projects
•   Nurture mentorship through sustained feedback
Overview / Map                           
•       Splash: select Badges/Learners/Projects      •          Attach badge to a course
•       Badge creation process
•       Badge review / awarding
•       Badge gallery []
•       Project gallery []
•       Learner gallery []
•       My Badges / badges created and dashboard
•       Each Badge has it’s own unique URL
•       Each Learner has unique URL
Use cases for
User 1: Domain Knowledge Ace

•          Has expertise in some area and wants to see if he or she qualifies for a pre-
           existing badge
•          Intended next action: read About Badges, see gallery, apply for a badge
User 2: Course Creator
•          Has created a learning experience on P2PU or elsewhere and would like to
           create a Badge for that course
•          Intended next action: see gallery, create a Badge, revisit and
           associate with their course
User 3: Badge Expert
•          Has visited badges.p2pu before to apply for a Badge and has received one
•          Intended next action: review 2-3 badges, create a badge
Badge UX: 1/3
            About Badges          Create a1Badge     Review a Badge                                   My Badges

All About Badges
 At P2PU, badges are a form of feedback that learners give to each other to iterate and improve
 their projects. On, you can create a badge, submit work for a badge, or, if you      Upon sign-in
 are an “expert” and already possess the badge, award it to someone else. Find out more....
                                                                                                     “My Badges”

Badge We Love.

                                         Crystal Ball Badge
                                         This badge signifies that the user has completed the
                                                                                                    thumbnails s/b
                                         CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor.
                                                                                                      set to scale
                                                                                                   160px x 160 px
                                         Requirements                                                 per badges
                                         User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and                 specs
                                         upload an image of their app to the comments
                                         section of the task in order to receive this badge.

                                             Apply for Badge           Meet the Experts


Got Expertise? Apply for a Spiffy Badge.
     Most Awarded         Newest         P2PU Favorites       All         Search
Badge UX: 2/3
Got Expertise? Apply for a Spiffy Badge.
    Most Awarded   Newest    P2PU Favorites   All    Search

                                                                           “All” kicks to

                                                    Create a New Badge

Roll Call: Meet the Learners.                                              “All” kicks to
       Experts     Newbies      Most Active   All    Search                  learners

                                                         See More
Badge UX: 3/3

Projects in the Community
      Newest        Most Active   P2PU Favorites   All   Search                                   “All” kicks to

                                                                                         and resubmitted

                                                          See More       “awaiting
                                                                     review” to newest
                                                                        so those are
                                     1                                    seen 1st

 Alternate layout
 for projects (No
     FB tho):
Create a Badge:
User is provided with 2 choices:

•Upload your own image
   •Functionality: upload, resize or crop image/thumbnail preview (nice-to-have),
   success message that image meets requirements

   •Output: 160px by 160 px .png file
   •Functionality: selection of shapes, icons and colors to choose
   •Output: 160px by 160 px .png file
Badge UX: Create a Badge
                  About Badges        Create a Badge
                                      Create a 1             Review a Badge                                     My Badges
                                                             Need to include
Home / Create a Badge                                        160px x 160 px                                    Can we kick
                                                            Need guidance: use                                  to “Create
                                                               googledraw                                     Account” from
   Create a Badge                                                                                             here and save
      We’ve created a series of tools to help you design and implement your badge easily.

                                                                                            Or use:
   Upload Your Own                                                                          Badge-o-Matic

                                                                        Save Your                           Save Your
                                                                         Badge                               Badge
Badge UX: Create a Badge
                About Badges      Create a Badge
                                  Create a 1           Review a Badge                                                                  My Badges

Home / Create a Badge / Enter Requirements

      Step 2: Enter Requirements
          Here’s where we get to the nitty gritty--the “requirements” of the badge. Things to think about:
          • Purpose: What do people need to be able to do in order to get this here Badge you’re making?
          • Clarity: Requirements should be clear and easy to understand.
          • Appeal: Why would someone want your Badge? Is it adorable? Clever? Succinct? What you say here is as
          important as how you say it.

          For more help, see our rockin’ badge gallery for folks who do it well.

          Badge Headline:

           What are you calling your Badge? Grab someone’s attention
           and make a learner interested.

          Badge Subtitle:

           Think about this as a short description. What are experts who
           hold this badge masters of?

          Signs of Mastery:                                                                                        Rollover popup to
            What specific skills should people with this badge
            demonstrate with their project?

                                                                  Save and
Badge UX: Create a Badge
                About Badges      Create a Badge
                                  Create a 1          Review a Badge                                              My Badges

Home / Create a Badge / Preview

    Step 3: Preview Badge                                                                        “Edit” kicks
         Check out how your badge will appear to learners.                                      back to step 1,
                                                                                                 image input
                                          Crystal Ball Badge
                                          This badge signifies that the user has completed the
                                          CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor.

                                          User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and
                                          upload an image of their app to the comments
                                          section of the task in order to receive this badge.

                                                          Edit Badge
Badge UX: Create a Badge
                About Badges       Create a Badge
                                   Create a 1          Review a Badge                               My Badges

Home / Create a Badge / Success!

    Step 4: Success!
         Booyah! Your Badge has been created and implemented. Check it out!

                                           Crystal Ball Badge
                                           This badge signifies that the user has completed the
                                           CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor.

                                           User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and
                                           upload an image of their app to the comments
                                           section of the task in order to receive this badge.

                                            Let folks know!

         This Badge has been created and added to your profile. Visit to add it to a
         P2PU course.
                                                                                   Create another
Badge UX: Apply for Badge
     Learner                                                                                      Modal opens
 submits project       Submit Project for Content Marketing Badge                                 with questions
  for a specific                   An expert with this badge has created a blog,                     about the
                                  installed analytics, and created a voice
      badge                       and tone style guide for their site.                                project

                         Project Title?

                              SUBMIT PROJECT FOR:
                         Project URL?
                              CONTENT MARKETING BADGE

                         What steps did youfor your project? this task?
                           What’s the URL take to complete

                            What steps did you take to complete this task?
                         What would you do differently next time? (If anything)

                         Upload Screenshot (recommended)                                    Learner is asked to
                                                                                           give some context to
                         Tags associated with project: music, art, literature
                                                                                           help direct the nature
                                                                                              of the feedback
   Submit Project:
   Content Marketing                                                              Submit
Review a Badge                               Review Project for Content Marketing Badge
                                                           An expert with this badge has created a blog, installed
                                                           analytics, and created a voice
                                                           and tone style guide for their site.

 Experts are sent to                                                             Project title: Robots in Love
                                                                                 Project URL: http://
                                                                                                          160 x 160
                                                                                 Steps Involved: Installed tumblr,
                                                                                 analytics, voice and tone guide.

                                                                                 Reflection for next time: I would
                                                                                 have used another theme.

Experts can see the context of the project,   Your Feedback to Mozzadrella
and give personalized feedback                     KUDOS

                                                 What is strong about this project?


   Expert is prompted to focus on what          What is unclear about this project?

   works well, unclear areas, and areas to        CONCERNS

   improve                                      What is incorrect, missing, or doesn’t work about this project?

                                              In your Expert opinion, has this learner earned
  Expert either awards badge, or asks         the Badge?
                                                                                 Yes, award          No, but send

  learner to revise and resubmit                                                   Badge             my feedback
Badge UX: Badge Dashboard
Appears in both         1

a learner’s profile
and at
 Key Features:
 •Badges: Earned, Under
                              Badges                                           Feedback

    Review, Awarded to        Earned     Under Review      Awarded   Created    Latest   Your Projects   Peer Projects

    others, Badges you                 Content Marketing
                                       Earned 10/01/2012
                                                                                    Dirk Kahnerelli
                                                                                    resubmitted work

    created                            SoundCloud Maestro
                                       Earned 12/04/2012
                                                                                    Vanessa Browne

 •Feedback: latest activity
                                                                                    earned the Music
                                                                                    Hacker badge

    from feedback partners,
    feedback on your
    projects, feedback
    you’ve left for others
Badge UX: Resubmit for Badge
                      Revised Project for Content Marketing Badge
                                 An expert with this badge has created a blog,
                                 installed analytics, and created a voice
                                 and tone style guide for their site.

                      Previous Submission
                                                Project title: Robots in Love
                             SUBMIT      PROJECT FOR: http://
                                                Project URL:
                             CONTENT MARKETING BADGE
                         160 xthe URL for your analytics, voice and tone guide.
                                                     Steps Involved: Installed tumblr,
                          What’s               project?

                           What steps did you take to complete this task? I would
                                                   Reflection for next time:
                                                     have used another theme.


                        What have you changed, added, or revised about
                        your project?

  Submit Project:
  Content Marketing     Do you have a new URL for your project?

Badge UX: Project Pg--no feedback
                About Badges         Create a Badge
                                     Create a 1             Review a Badge                                                    My Badges

Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects
                                                                                   Nav is
                                                                             awkward, maybe            Option appears
 Project for Content Marketing Badge                                         put my projects up       even if expert isn’t
          An expert with this badge has created a blog,
          installed analytics, and created a voice
                                                                              in top nav near     signed in, prompt sign-in
          and tone style guide for their site.                                 “my badges”?                onclick.
 Project Submission for Mozzadrella
                                                                                                    Button only appears if
                                                                                                    the project has yet to
                                   Project title: Robots in Love
                                   Project URL: http://                                                  get badge.

       160 x 160
                                   Steps Involved: Installed tumblr,
                                   analytics, voice and tone guide.

                                   Reflection for next time: I would
                                   have used another theme.

                                                          Review this
Badge UX: Project Pg--w feedback
                 About Badges         Create a Badge
                                      Create a 1             Review a Badge                                                    My Badges

Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects
                                                                                    Nav is
                                                                              awkward, maybe            Option appears
 Project for Content Marketing Badge                                          put my projects up       even if expert isn’t
           An expert with this badge has created a blog,
           installed analytics, and created a voice
                                                                               in top nav near     signed in, prompt sign-in
           and tone style guide for their site.                                 “my badges”?                onclick.
 Project Submission for Mozzadrella
                                                                                                     Button only appears if
                                                                                                     the project has yet to
                                    Project title: Robots in Love
                                    Project URL: http://                                                  get badge.

       160 x 160
                                    Steps Involved: Installed tumblr,
                                    analytics, voice and tone guide.

                                    Reflection for next time: I would
                                    have used another theme.

                                                           Review this

 Feedback from Riskycud: Version 1.0


    Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and
Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects

  Feedback from Riskycud: Version 1.0


     Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and
     Soundcloud to create a fascinating experience.


      Did the piece need to be in two parts? Maybe you could share
      it within some electronic music groups?


     I didn’t see the re-use of a previous piece on SoundCloud.

                                   Feedback submitted 2/27/2013

  Resubmission from Mozzadrella: Version 1.1


     Made the piece one part only, shared with the Electronic group
     for feedback, reused another piece on SoundCloud.

       NEW URL

                                      Revision submitted 3/1/2013

  Feedback from SchmidtPhi: Version 1.1

Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects

  Feedback from SchmidtPhi: Version 1.1


      Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and
      Soundcloud to create a fascinating experience.


      Did the piece need to be in two parts? Maybe you could share
      it within some electronic music groups?


     I didn’t see the re-use of a previous piece on SoundCloud.

                         Huzzah! Badge Awarded 3/2/2013
Badge UX: Add Badge to Course
                  My Badges

                                                                      My Badges

                 organizers can
                  Upon sign-in
                add badge from
                 “My Badges”                           Badges
                either left nav or
                     top nav

                                      Modal opens
                                     with search box
                                       to discover

                                                                Badge defaults
                                                                to last task, but
                                                                organizers can
                                                                  change it in

  Add a Badge
Badge UX: Add Badge to Course
                  My Badges
                                     Add a Badge to Your P2PU Course
                                                                                                                My Badges
                                               Badges are a way for learners to get feedback on
                                               their projects. If you’ve created a badge on
                                     , you can add it from here. You might
                                               also find badges that other folks have created that
                     Course                    might suit your course.
                 organizers can
                  Upon sign-in
                add badge from
                 “My Badges”         Find Your Badge        Search
                either left nav or
                    appears          Results                                                   Select
                     top nav
                                               Crystal Ball Badge
                                               Requirements: User must complete the
                                               CrystalBall tutorial and upload an image of their
                                               app to the comments section of the task in order
                                               to receive this badge.

                                               Hack Day Badge
                                               Requirements: The user will get this badge when
                                               they complete the CrystalBall, PaintPot, Invent, and
                                               No Text While Driving tutorials.
                                                                                                          Badge defaults
                                                                                                          to last task, but
                                                                         1      2      ...   4          organizers can
                                                                                                            change it in
                                                                                       Create my own
                                                                   Add Badge
  Add a Badge                                                                              Badge
Notifications Scheme


                                                                     How often
                                                    #1               should this
              # 1:                              3 folks are          notification
          Submission                             awaiting             be? Every
            Success                               review               month?

      # 2a:              # 2b:
     Badge             You have         # 2a:                      #2b
    awarded!           feedback     [Learner X]               Folks are still
                                     has revised                 awaiting
                                         and                     review--
                                    resubmitted               spread the luv
       3a:                #3b
   Reflection: 3      Reminder to
   months ago         revise and
   you learned         resubmit         #3a:
    [Badge X].                     Your feedback
                                   was useful! Mad
    See who is                         props.
   earning the
   Create your
   own badge.
                                   Create a badge

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Badge Spec for P2PU

  • 1. Design Priorities • Feedback == assessment • Focus on qualitative feedback to improve projects • Prompt iteration and resubmission of projects • Nurture mentorship through sustained feedback relationships
  • 2. Overview / Map • Splash: select Badges/Learners/Projects • Attach badge to a course • Badge creation process • Badge review / awarding • Badge gallery [] • Project gallery [] • Learner gallery [] • My Badges / badges created and dashboard [] • Each Badge has it’s own unique URL • Each Learner has unique URL
  • 3. Use cases for User 1: Domain Knowledge Ace 1 • Has expertise in some area and wants to see if he or she qualifies for a pre- existing badge • Intended next action: read About Badges, see gallery, apply for a badge User 2: Course Creator • Has created a learning experience on P2PU or elsewhere and would like to create a Badge for that course • Intended next action: see gallery, create a Badge, revisit and associate with their course User 3: Badge Expert • Has visited badges.p2pu before to apply for a Badge and has received one • Intended next action: review 2-3 badges, create a badge
  • 4. Badge UX: 1/3 About Badges Create a1Badge Review a Badge My Badges All About Badges At P2PU, badges are a form of feedback that learners give to each other to iterate and improve their projects. On, you can create a badge, submit work for a badge, or, if you Upon sign-in are an “expert” and already possess the badge, award it to someone else. Find out more.... “My Badges” appears Badge We Love. Crystal Ball Badge Note-- This badge signifies that the user has completed the thumbnails s/b CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor. set to scale 160px x 160 px Requirements per badges User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and specs upload an image of their app to the comments section of the task in order to receive this badge. Apply for Badge Meet the Experts 1 Got Expertise? Apply for a Spiffy Badge. Most Awarded Newest P2PU Favorites All Search
  • 5. Badge UX: 2/3 Got Expertise? Apply for a Spiffy Badge. 1 Most Awarded Newest P2PU Favorites All Search “All” kicks to badges Create a New Badge Roll Call: Meet the Learners. “All” kicks to 1 Experts Newbies Most Active All Search learners See More
  • 6. Badge UX: 3/3 1 Projects in the Community Newest Most Active P2PU Favorites All Search “All” kicks to projects “Most Active”=revised and resubmitted Set See More “awaiting review” to newest so those are 1 seen 1st Alternate layout for projects (No FB tho):
  • 7. Create a Badge: 1 User is provided with 2 choices: •Upload your own image •Functionality: upload, resize or crop image/thumbnail preview (nice-to-have), success message that image meets requirements •Output: 160px by 160 px .png file •Badge-o-Matic •Functionality: selection of shapes, icons and colors to choose •Output: 160px by 160 px .png file
  • 8. Badge UX: Create a Badge About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Need to include checklist: >200k Home / Create a Badge 160px x 160 px Can we kick Need guidance: use to “Create googledraw Account” from Create a Badge here and save badge? We’ve created a series of tools to help you design and implement your badge easily. Or use: Upload Your Own Badge-o-Matic Save Your Save Your Badge Badge
  • 9. Badge UX: Create a Badge About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Home / Create a Badge / Enter Requirements Step 2: Enter Requirements Here’s where we get to the nitty gritty--the “requirements” of the badge. Things to think about: • Purpose: What do people need to be able to do in order to get this here Badge you’re making? • Clarity: Requirements should be clear and easy to understand. • Appeal: Why would someone want your Badge? Is it adorable? Clever? Succinct? What you say here is as important as how you say it. For more help, see our rockin’ badge gallery for folks who do it well. Badge Headline: What are you calling your Badge? Grab someone’s attention and make a learner interested. Badge Subtitle: Think about this as a short description. What are experts who hold this badge masters of? Signs of Mastery: Rollover popup to gallery? What specific skills should people with this badge demonstrate with their project? Save and Preview
  • 10. Badge UX: Create a Badge About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Home / Create a Badge / Preview Step 3: Preview Badge “Edit” kicks Check out how your badge will appear to learners. back to step 1, image input Crystal Ball Badge This badge signifies that the user has completed the CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor. Requirements User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and upload an image of their app to the comments section of the task in order to receive this badge. Publish Edit Badge Badge
  • 11. Badge UX: Create a Badge About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Home / Create a Badge / Success! Step 4: Success! Booyah! Your Badge has been created and implemented. Check it out! Crystal Ball Badge This badge signifies that the user has completed the CrystalBall tutorial in App Inventor. Requirements User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and upload an image of their app to the comments section of the task in order to receive this badge. Let folks know! This Badge has been created and added to your profile. Visit to add it to a P2PU course. Create another Badge
  • 12. Badge UX: Apply for Badge Learner Modal opens submits project Submit Project for Content Marketing Badge with questions for a specific An expert with this badge has created a blog, about the installed analytics, and created a voice badge and tone style guide for their site. project Project Title? SUBMIT PROJECT FOR: Project URL? CONTENT MARKETING BADGE What steps did youfor your project? this task? What’s the URL take to complete What steps did you take to complete this task? What would you do differently next time? (If anything) Upload Screenshot (recommended) Learner is asked to give some context to Tags associated with project: music, art, literature help direct the nature of the feedback Submit Project: Content Marketing Submit
  • 13. Review a Badge Review Project for Content Marketing Badge An expert with this badge has created a blog, installed analytics, and created a voice and tone style guide for their site. Experts are sent to Project title: Robots in Love Project URL: http:// 160 x 160 Steps Involved: Installed tumblr, analytics, voice and tone guide. Reflection for next time: I would have used another theme. Experts can see the context of the project, Your Feedback to Mozzadrella and give personalized feedback KUDOS What is strong about this project? QUESTIONS Expert is prompted to focus on what What is unclear about this project? works well, unclear areas, and areas to CONCERNS improve What is incorrect, missing, or doesn’t work about this project? In your Expert opinion, has this learner earned Expert either awards badge, or asks the Badge? Yes, award No, but send learner to revise and resubmit Badge my feedback
  • 14. Badge UX: Badge Dashboard Appears in both 1 a learner’s profile and at Key Features: •Badges: Earned, Under Badges Feedback Review, Awarded to Earned Under Review Awarded Created Latest Your Projects Peer Projects others, Badges you Content Marketing Earned 10/01/2012 Dirk Kahnerelli resubmitted work created SoundCloud Maestro Earned 12/04/2012 Vanessa Browne •Feedback: latest activity earned the Music Hacker badge from feedback partners, feedback on your projects, feedback you’ve left for others
  • 15. Badge UX: Resubmit for Badge Revised Project for Content Marketing Badge An expert with this badge has created a blog, installed analytics, and created a voice and tone style guide for their site. Previous Submission Project title: Robots in Love SUBMIT PROJECT FOR: http:// Project URL: CONTENT MARKETING BADGE 160 xthe URL for your analytics, voice and tone guide. 160 Steps Involved: Installed tumblr, What’s project? What steps did you take to complete this task? I would Reflection for next time: have used another theme. Revisions What have you changed, added, or revised about your project? Submit Project: Content Marketing Do you have a new URL for your project? Submit
  • 16. Badge UX: Project Pg--no feedback About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects Nav is awkward, maybe Option appears Project for Content Marketing Badge put my projects up even if expert isn’t An expert with this badge has created a blog, installed analytics, and created a voice in top nav near signed in, prompt sign-in and tone style guide for their site. “my badges”? onclick. Project Submission for Mozzadrella Button only appears if the project has yet to Project title: Robots in Love Project URL: http:// get badge. 160 x 160 Steps Involved: Installed tumblr, analytics, voice and tone guide. Reflection for next time: I would have used another theme. Review this Project
  • 17. Badge UX: Project Pg--w feedback About Badges Create a Badge Badge Create a 1 Review a Badge My Badges Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects Nav is awkward, maybe Option appears Project for Content Marketing Badge put my projects up even if expert isn’t An expert with this badge has created a blog, installed analytics, and created a voice in top nav near signed in, prompt sign-in and tone style guide for their site. “my badges”? onclick. Project Submission for Mozzadrella Button only appears if the project has yet to Project title: Robots in Love Project URL: http:// get badge. 160 x 160 Steps Involved: Installed tumblr, analytics, voice and tone guide. Reflection for next time: I would have used another theme. Review this Project Feedback from Riskycud: Version 1.0 KUDOS Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and
  • 18. Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects Feedback from Riskycud: Version 1.0 KUDOS Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and Soundcloud to create a fascinating experience. 1 QUESTIONS Did the piece need to be in two parts? Maybe you could share it within some electronic music groups? CONCERNS I didn’t see the re-use of a previous piece on SoundCloud. Feedback submitted 2/27/2013 Resubmission from Mozzadrella: Version 1.1 CHANGES Made the piece one part only, shared with the Electronic group for feedback, reused another piece on SoundCloud. NEW URL Revision submitted 3/1/2013 Feedback from SchmidtPhi: Version 1.1 KUDOS
  • 19. Home / My Badges / Feedback / My Projects Feedback from SchmidtPhi: Version 1.1 KUDOS Project artfully uses multimedia, video editing software, and Soundcloud to create a fascinating experience. 1 QUESTIONS Did the piece need to be in two parts? Maybe you could share it within some electronic music groups? CONCERNS I didn’t see the re-use of a previous piece on SoundCloud. Huzzah! Badge Awarded 3/2/2013
  • 20. Badge UX: Add Badge to Course My Badges My Badges Course organizers can Upon sign-in add badge from “My Badges” Badges either left nav or appears top nav Modal opens with search box to discover badges Badge defaults to last task, but organizers can change it in “Content” Add a Badge
  • 21. Badge UX: Add Badge to Course My Badges Add a Badge to Your P2PU Course My Badges Badges are a way for learners to get feedback on their projects. If you’ve created a badge on, you can add it from here. You might also find badges that other folks have created that Course might suit your course. organizers can Upon sign-in add badge from “My Badges” Find Your Badge Search Badges either left nav or appears Results Select top nav Crystal Ball Badge Requirements: User must complete the CrystalBall tutorial and upload an image of their app to the comments section of the task in order to receive this badge. Hack Day Badge Requirements: The user will get this badge when they complete the CrystalBall, PaintPot, Invent, and No Text While Driving tutorials. Badge defaults to last task, but  1 2 ... 4  organizers can change it in “Content” Create my own Add Badge Add a Badge Badge
  • 22. Notifications Scheme Expert Learner How often #1 should this # 1: 3 folks are notification Submission awaiting be? Every Success review month? # 2a: # 2b: Badge You have # 2a: #2b awarded! feedback [Learner X] Folks are still has revised awaiting and review-- resubmitted spread the luv Notification 3a: #3b Reflection: 3 Reminder to months ago revise and you learned resubmit #3a: [Badge X]. Your feedback was useful! Mad See who is props. earning the badge. Create your own badge. #4a: Create a badge