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May 22 2023
I am back from walking to Hamilton gardens, through town and along the river banks. It is four
hours since leaving Tim and Chrissy place.
It was longer walk than I expected. On the way back, I had a lunch special at an Indian restaurant,
including a kingfisher beer. I was thirsty.
The restaurant was playing Indian music. It was easy to imagine I was in India for a short while. The
tandoori butter chicken with plain naan’s and rice was delicious and well worth the $18.
Now, i am back to my temporary home, I do have a sore back. I do have a depressed dog on my
Chloe the dog is missing her mother. Unfortunately Chrissy and Tim is away for six weeks,
travelling through France and Italy and other parts of Europe.
Chloe had a restless night, whimpering to her self. The first night was fine. I suspect Chrissy has not
being separated from Chloe for a while.
After the second day, Chloe the dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Chloe the dog was so
depressed this morning, she could barely manage her way to her feeding bowl. Chloe looked forlorn
and sad. Chloe the dog was not happy.
With a lot of fussing, I did manage to get Chloe to eat her food and even go for a walk earlier. Chloe
was excited on my return from the walk, but the excitement faded quickly.
Chloe is anchored to her sleeping pad and looking miserable.
It seems dogs suffer from depression, much like humans do. The most common reason for a dog’s
depression is missing their owner. Chloe is missing Chrissy.
I am hoping, Chloe is feeling better tomorrow.
If anyone should be depressed, it should be me. My old HP desktop computer failed. The computer
repair man said, the hard drive crashed after 18 years. A record since hard drive normally last 8 to
I may not have backed up for a while. I may have lost journal entries for 2023 up to now. I may have
lost previous excel expense spreadsheets.
In times like this, I am disappointed with myself. From now on, I will back up after each use.
At age 62, a individual needs to be philosophical about all the writing stuff lost.
I have already purchased a second hand computer from Trade me. It includes all cables, monitor,
keyboard and mouse, plus windows office. This desktop will also have Wi-Fi.
The Indian seller phoned me to offer an upgrade to I5 for another $60.
I agreed figuring $270 all up including freight is a good deal. $60 is one week of smoking. Since I
have given up smoking, the upgrade cost nothing.
Time will tell if the deal pans out.
May 25 2023
Today is Thursday. Today, like yesterday was a much shorter walk to mid Victoria street for lunch.
I ate a lunch special 1/2 rice , 1/2 butter chicken curry. One kingfisher beer.
Today is not like Monday’s foolishness. All the way to Hamilton Gardens is a long way to walk,
only to be turned back. “This entrance is closed”.
I was more than disappointed.
It was walking all that way, only for all that extra effort to go for nothing.
I was tired and very thirsty by the time I came across a wonderful Indian restaurant that was busy,
and had a lunch special.
Today is the last day of treating myself to dining out in a restaurant. This experience reminds me of
travelling abroad.
I am honoured that Tim would want me to look after his two adorable cats. The names elude me for
now. There cats name’s start with T. Tiva and something else. I am honoured that Chrissy would
want me to look after her adorable dog. I am happy to report, Chloe the dog is much happier in
recent days. This is a great relief.
I am reminded of a recent episode of friends I saw. It was similar to a childhood game we used to
play called bluff or dare. Which party is going to cave in first?
I am a paranoid type of guy. I already know that Tim has security cameras set up outside and inside
of his house. I have always felt uneasy about this. It is creepy for family and friends. It is like we are
being constantly monitored. I am being watched all the time. 24 hours a a day.
It is nearly 5 am in the morning in Paris. Tim could be reading this journal right now, as I write.
Paranoia aside, all of a sudden, I am becoming aware of how I look. The clothes I wear are looking
old. I need to scrub up. I should be shaving each day. I should be taking care of my body, both diet
and exercise.
I am talking out loud a lot. It is mostly deliberately for the benefit of the animals. Nonetheless the
talking out loud was becoming excessive. I am as self conscious as ever.
This brief excursion to Hamilton will end tomorrow. Dan-no will arrive to look after The dogs and
the cats and the house.
I will head back to Otorohanga tomorrow afternoon. I will stop of at Frankton to pick up some split
mong beans. My shopping mission to Hamilton is complete. I have a 2 way upright vacuum cleaner
from Kmart for less than $100. I have a set of queen sheets from Briscoes at prices more affordable
than normal.
I have decided, my left foot seems to be healing well. The global pandemic is officially over. Now is
the time to go travelling again. If I have retired early, now is the time to travel because I have no
pension to lose.
I will need to apply for a five year Indian visa. I have been resisting up until now because of a lack
of motivation. Travelling is less fun at my age.
I have changed my mind, because you do adjust to different writing styles quickly.
I am writing from my IPad using pages, instead of typing on a keyboard utilising an older version of
word on a old HP compaq desktop.
It means, I can write anywhere away from home in Otorohanga. My journal is all backed up in the
iCloud and can be accesses at any time, so long as I remember the user name and password. The
IPAD is a miracle device. I love Steve Jobs and Apple.
In many ways, this years journal starting late is due to hard drive failure, on old technology.
This event is like a fresh beginning. It is a change of focus in Ian’s life. You could call it a coming of
age milestone.
The ability to let go of the small things easily. It was only months and months of “code” after all.
The ability to move on so quickly from such a writing loss is admirable.
Writing about it helps.
26 May 2023
I said a sad goodbye to Chloe the dog and the two cats that Tim adopted. Danno is in charge of Tim
and Chrissie house pets now.
Danno arrived earlier than expected. I completed my shopping before midday. This includes a new
rug for near the fire and a blue throw for one our leather lounges. I have eye glass cleaner and split
mung beans. I filled up my car with the $50 petrol gift voucher Chrissie gave me, for my week
troubles. It was no trouble at all.
Back home, I have paid the IRD taxes owed by Keith. I have plugged in our brand spanking new
Anko 2 in 1 stand up vacuum cleaner to charge. This will take a few hours.
I have placed the new rug of black and white diamonds design, beside the fire. The rug colours
match our wooden and large coffee table and brown coloured wood container.
The blue throw transforms the previously cold blue leather into a soft, welcoming blue fabric. The
recovered blue sofa is now warm to set on.
The next time I am in Hamilton, I will be visiting Kmart again for three more blue throws for $25
each. This means we have a recovered lounge suite, all courtesy of Ian and all up for $100.
It is all my contribution towards celebrating my rewards in gold share investments. It is my
contribution to being on the positive side of the ledger for change.
It is also Ian’s commitment when he sold these Canadian gold company shares. Ian said he would
recover the lounge suite.
It turns out, Kmart will deliver for free on my order. Life is becoming increasingly easier and
29 May 2023
I am back from walking around town. It is a typical winter day in New Zealand. Overcast and
miserable with a high probability of rain.
It was taking some time to adjust to this new writing style. It is more difficult to get into the flow
I am waiting for the delivery of my new desktop computer with Microsoft office installed.
This may take as long as two weeks.
I can’t wait.
Meanwhile, I will struggle on with endless prompts from “pages” to help with the speed of my
typing on my IPAD screen.
I must persevere and remember the three “D”s.
I will get through this temp writing process inconvenience somehow. I need to type with a keyboard.
Otherwise it is literally just a computer generated AI by Apple, working to help me along with my
writing journey.
The thoughts while walking, included my previous boss at DOC while working in Auckland, around
four years ago.
Michael and I could commensurate with one another. Michael lost a father, I lost a son.
Sometimes I get sad and dramatic at times, while stoned.
Unlike Michael, I am extremely lucky. I have retired early from the workforce by choice. This is the
choice of sharing a house with my twin brother and living with a smaller budget.
I acknowledge, there are many good reasons why any capable person should keep working to 65 and
above in New Zealand. Reason number one is because it gives you a reason to live. It gives an
individual extra $$$ in retirement. It feels great to be still contributing something at age 70 +.
Yeah and it also gives you something to do, forced to be more social.
Alas, I could never be one those individuals. There is far too much atheist in me. I am prone to
believe in science. Humans are a freak phenomenon associated with evolution.
This being the case, this clock of life in this human body is ticking away. Maybe, there is no
afterlife. This conscious life is it. This conscious life as human is as good as it gets.
Ian is not really being selfish, as being mathematically minded and honest with himself. Ian is a
strong introvert. Ian has never really enjoyed his working life, the wrong vocation for his
temperament and wellbeing.
Ian should have been a chef or a nurse. It is too late now.
Ian has used up maybe 75% of his life span. 25 % of your life remaining to spend how you wish. I
reckon this is not too much to ask.
Whatever has happened in the past in my life. This is unable to be changed. It is not possible to
rewind the clock back to a previous time.
Pretending that any incident or outburst never occurred.
I now belong to the 60 plus club. I have given my forty odd years of service and experience to
someone else to profit from. I have already contributed enough over the year’s to this capital system.
A system that I have come to despise when there are more healthy options.
In France, workers retire at 60. This got me thinking a lot. Thinking to a point where my
Presbyterian farmer background has deserted me. These ideas are delusional. I no longer feel any
lasting guilt.
I have converted to more socialist thinking. Maybe if you have no other choice, you would work
until you drop. You would still be working when you took your last breath.
But not if you gave the older people a choice.
Most people would favour an earlier retirement date. 60 is agreeable.
It is a shock to be 60 plus. Society should have more sympathy for our age group. All of a sudden,
old age is thrust upon us. Some of us never recover fully from this milestone passed.
At 60 plus, we are past our “best by” date. We are becoming more forgetful and forgettable.
We are starting to slow down and out of touch with the younger generations. Our bodies are starting
to get older as we age. We are less strong. We should bow out now from the workforce with a degree
of dignity and respect whilst we still are able. We can look back at our accomplishments with some
60 is a good age to retire. Hopefully this gives the average worker person, 20 plus years of living
without the need to work again. It is great to qualify for a government pension. 60 is the preferred
retirement age from the masses. However in New Zealand, you need to be 65.
I am only fortunate to have budgeted ahead to fund retiring early.
I am both lucky and spoiled to be in this situation. Most working people are not.
While walking through town earlier, a thought crossed my mind. I am betraying myself by not
travelling at this time. It will never be more convenient. The global pandemic has passed. Imagine
two years away from New Zealand before I turn 65. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I will never be younger. Keith would love having the house to himself.
All it would take is to apply for a five year visa for India.
Jun 1 2023
I have returned from walking around town. It is drizzling now. The computer I brought off Trade me
has still not arrived. This is coming up to 14 days.
This means I could have been ripped off on Trade me for the first time.
It also means another day of using pages. It also means another day without the use of a keyboard. I
am being taunted by the appearance of three prompt words to choose from, or keep spelling the word
out for myself, one tap at a time. It feels like I have been demoted to become a one finger typist,
before I was ten.
In other ways, my bad spelling is taken away. I take That as good. I suspect this way of prompts
writing does improves typing ability for people like me.
I should be happy to be more up to date with modern technology. But it is bound to take some to
There are some other advantages. It is all backed up by the iCloud. As long as I remember to back up
every day. It turns out, this is easy. I can share this document with anyone, including email and
social media.
While figuring out how to save documents from the iPad to iCloud, I discovered how to covert pages
to word. I can achieve a lot of other things by the tap of my index finger, or other fingers.
I hate to admit this. I am as vulnerable as I have ever being for a while. My old Compaq HP
computer that recently died was technology before Wi-Fi came along. It was off the internet.
I admit, there were some days when I was most tempted to post a document to my blog.
The last one was titled “1234”. It was the previous entry on my days journey/journal.
It kind of summed up the sentiment off how I felt at the time.
This document and other journal entries have been lost to “hard drive failure”
This is common killer of computers after only ten years. Hard drives have a limited lifetime of about
ten years. I was lucky the hard drive lasted to 18. It sure does suck about so much treasured data,
being lost to the unknown world of “gone” or take $$$ to retrieve.
Time has passed and I am very much of the philosophy “what will be will be”.
Naturally, I am disappointed with such a huge loss of writing material and other personal
It was all my own fault for not listening to my own advice.
“Backup every time” I become negligent through over confidence in the past experiences. Up to
then, my computer had been 100 % reliable.
It is time to let this sense of loss go. It is time to move on.
Once I get used to this style of writing, I’ll be able to write from anywhere, and without electricity
for up to 8 hours at a time.
It will entail utilising both hands. One hand is to hold the iPads screen and one hand to type.
It is not ideal, but it does work and is better than nothing.
To be able to select the correct words using one of my right fingers, I have no need of a second
keyboard, ie like the Magic Keyboard provided by Apple.
I am kind of saving myself $$$ by continuing working with pages and not replacing word. This does
come with some sacrifice. It means I have no easy way to get hold of all my previous work, all
backed up on memory sticks.
In many ways, I am glad this material is lost to me. It belongs to a previous time in my life when I
was more interested in $$$. Maybe my ego was not always behaving himself. Maybe my ego was
being selfish and only thinking about himself. Feeling sorry about myself. There were no
considerations for other people’s feelings.
More than anything else, this material was about the past. And the past is easy to let go of when you
are living in the present. This is logical when you consider. It is impossible to change the past. There
is only one place where you can make change happen. Now.
Today is the first day of winter in New Zealand. It is 17c outside and overcast and drizzling. This is
warmer than normal. I have 3 more months of this climate to look forward to. Frosty morning starts,
condensation on the windows. Cold room. Cold house in the mornings. A fire going in the evening.
These recent days without the need for a desktop computer, I am writing with my iPads from
anywhere in the house. I am relaxing on the comfort of our newly covered leather lounge suite. This
is located in the lounge and close to the fireplace. Great views of the countryside looking West.
The cover is a double blue and unnaturally soft, navy blue blanket. It is a joy to sit down on.
Writing is still not the same as sitting in my chair in my room and typing away on a keyboard, while
staring at a screen/monitor. It is not the same writing rhythm.
I admit, I do not adjust to change well. I am nearly 63. It is perfectly natural to expect some
resistance when you have become accustomed to how it was. I had taught myself to touch type. This
skill has become redundant at the moment.
The positive is being able to use pages to write on my iPad, I can share with everyone, from
anywhere in the house the Wi-Fi reaches. My writing has become much more accessible than ever
before. I guess this is what I wanted. With pages, I can continue to be a wannabe writer and travel
around the globe.
This is the sad part. I am no further ahead in applying for an Indian visa. I am still not in the
travelling mood unless it is Monday and Thursday.
All the motivation for travelling to Asia has gone due to recent experiences. There were some times
travelling alone, when you would become homesick. These are the times you are remembering. All
the times of relative discomfort, lack of quality food choices, dodgy fried food, poor food hygiene by
local restaurants, getting sick and diarrhoea.
The relentless heat in the hot season at this time of year. No air conditioning. Mosquitoes. The
relentless sounds of fans in the ceilings. No electricity for hours. Too hot, no sleep. Rainy season is
here or coming soon.
I am in no hurry to travel to India until after the rainy season ends. This time around, South India
seems a logical change in Indian scenery and culture. I have never been to Sri Lanka before.
This means I have several months to get my psychological act together. I need to get back into a
regular routine in the morning. This includes daily meditation and back and yoga exercises, all
before breakfast.
I am lucky enough to be in this most fortunate position. I can afford to travel to Asia. I can afford the
time because I am no longer working. I have retired from the workforce, a few years earlier than
usual. I need to take advantage of my early retirement by travelling abroad while I still can.
There is only one problem. The motivation is gone.
Monday 5 June
I am back from walking around town. It is midday and overcast and 13 C outside. The courier has
not arrived with my second hand computer purchased off Trade me. I have texted the seller on
Friday. Hammedan responded quickly to send his apologies. There was a mistake with the labels
and has computer been posted today at 11am on overnight delivery. Sic.
It is a long weekend celebrating our new King called Charles third. I guess I can expect the courier
to call tomorrow.
It is disappointing to still be writing in this way on pages with mainly one finger. I need to be able to
type on a keyboard for my writing to flow.
It has been a few weeks without a computer. I am still conscious, I have no idea how much of my
writing stuff was lost to previous computers hardware failure. All this years writing efforts gone
It seems, everything is being backed up by the cloud these days including this, so long as I am using
pages or another Apple product. But I am a boomer and by my nature. I am less secure about my
stuff being dependent on the internet working.
I like to be able to access my digital stuff 100% of the time and backup is memory sticks.
Access to my stuff, is in no shape or form depending on someone else’s technology, ie outside of my
What I am about to say may sound egotistical and reverse ageism. It kind of is, but more like stating
a fact. Boomers are the best generation to choose leaders from in 2023.
There needs a be a lower age limit set of 60 plus for all leadership roles outside of entrepreneurship.
It means there would be a minimum age for all ministers, governors, senators, prime ministers and
presidents and Mayors.
The reason are logical. It is based on the number of years living as human. Past a certain age and a
lifetime of experience has passed you by, in what seems like the blink of an eye. You begin to look
at life more differently, less about yourself, more about what really counts. It was impossible to be
able to save everything or everyone. For humanity to thrive. A sense of wisdom is dawning…
By age 60+, you have learned about humility. You have witnessed the death and loss and suffering
of many loved and trusted ones. You have been hurt badly by your body and mental health being less
than ideal at times. You have been let down by other people. You have seen it all from a political
perspective. At long last, You’re ego is fading away to humility through irrelevance.
As a wannabe yogi, killing this ego is our number one mission. It does seem that old age becomes
our saviour in this regard. As we get beyond a milestone age, Our ego slowly fades away to
background noise, barely noticed. We stop thinking about egotistical things.
These are the kind of leaders, us humans need right now. Leaders must have 60 plus human years of
experience to be capable of making wise decisions. Otherwise their is a risk that personal passions of
youth, may persuade a decision to be based on emotion rather than leadership experience.
Sometimes, a leader needs to make the hard calls.
Sometimes, a degree of sacrifice in lives lost or wounded in a pandemic or war, a degree of sacrifice
must be taken or conceded, as a suitable compromise, to maintain economic stability and long term
prosperity for a country dependent on tourism and exports to thrive. This is a tough decision for any
inexperienced leader to make. What counts more? Trying to outrun or even defeat/ eliminate nature,
or just let nature loose to do its job.
(This is assuming covid-19 is natural and not man made)
An experienced leader would be more likely to ride a natural global pandemic out. This vaccine has
been rushed through and the side effects remain unknown. An experienced leader would have taken
the side effects risk into his/her/ other decision making abilities. The health consequences of taking
an experimental vaccine is too high to recommend. The health risks are far too high to enforce or
make mandatory.
Several years later, there is mounting evidence from reputable sources. The known side effects from
taking the covid vaccine are not good for some individuals with heart conditions.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
I am back from walking around town. It is a chill 15C outside, but the exercising for an
hour, soon warms you up. It is 14.5C in my room and I am still warm. There is no need for
any extra heating apart from adding a couple of layers of clothing and a winter woolen hat.
I am happy to say that Hameed delivered the replacement computer and Microsoft office I
needed. There have been a few hiccups along the way, including a late delivery and a few
hiccups setting up including error messages. Thankfully the error messages have
disappeared. This morning the computer started up normally. No issues at all.
I am dissappointed there is no wi-fi, however this is probably a good thing. I am at no risk
from viruses from the internet. I am at no risk from hacking.
All my stuff is backed up every session on a memory stick. From now on, the most stuff I
can loose is one days work.
On the walk today, I was kind of sad. Up until now, I only guessed all of 2023 had not been
backed up. Now I know. I have already spent an afternoon updating our shared home
expenseses spreadsheet courtesy of Microsoft Excel.
Alas, I had not backed up for over a year because I forgot. I needed to sort out and enter 12
months worth of shared expenses.
This sheared expenses spreadsheet is designed to be fool proof and will not add up if a
mistake had been made. However it does take a while to become accustomed to the layout.
After 12 months of entries, I have figured out, there is only one initial entry that is important
to get correct. This is the entry for the next months shared expenses spreadsheet. The $$$
owing from the previous month. Once you add in the months expenses, everything else
takes care of itself.
This spreadsheet is brilliant record of each monthly expenses over four years. After four
years, Keith currenly owes me $584.31.
It is kind of unspeakable to comtemplate nearly five months worlth of journal entries, gone
It hurts actually. It is not like I can make the actual wannabe yogi journal 2023 from January
the first, magically come back by entering the known information again.
Memory is like that when you get to 62. Memory is kind of getting overloaded, my short
term memory is shot. It is absolutely shocking at times, especially when I am nervous.
As if I could because I ever reread what I write. What I have written in the past is
completely gone from my mind, the instant it is written.
It hurts, because I thought I finally thought, I had a peice that I would be o.k. with my
audience. All those people who were interested in getting to know me, who I really was. It
was called “1234” and was exactly 1234 words long. It was a peice I could be proud of. It
was kind of like a coming out peice. A single days “wannabe” yogi journal entry.
All this confessional material is gone. I need to accept this as fate, yet I am to blame for my
own misfortune. Over confidence in old technology and letting time pass by so quickly
without noticing.
I am to blame myself. I did not back up my work everytime. I was a fool. I am also a fool
who does not take sufficient security precautions. I like to think by working offline and
backing up all my work on a memory stick. I am as secure as you can get.
It is wierd, how all this is working out in my favour. The more I think about it. Hameed has
done me a great favour. With no wi-fi card, I am unable to connect to the internet.
This computer can never get viruses and suffer from hacking.
I would be writing this, while connected to the internet through Microsoft edge with decades
old operating software. I would be prey because of outdated security against the lastest
known viruses and countless version updates.
In next to no time, there are error messages and pop ups appearing out of no-where. Your
computer becomes unusable and is infected with malwhare, everwhere you look.
Your computer starts up and after a few minutes, your computer shuts down. A message
appears out of nowhere. It is message of blackmail.
How much is you stuff worth? You must pay 10 Bitcoin, otherwise all is lost, or all will be
I have no need to worry about that threat. However, this version of office is different to the
previous one replaced. This version does not have spelling and grammar check. These are
add on’s apparently. I will need to pay an ongoing online subscription for from Microsoft. I
am not likely to bother since I currently have no internet access with this computer.
I am still a little sore about being over sold on my latest purchase on Trade Me. I have not
exactly got what I ordered. I will not be leaving a favourable comment. Instead, I will leave
no comment at all.
I fear my writing ability is about to take a turn for the worse without spell and grammer
check In some ways, maybe it will mean that the writing flows with more rthym because
there are less interuptions and going back to correct, every second line.
I am happy to report, I am able to get a sense of this inner voice, lurking in the background
of my psyche.
The hidden voice that kind of tells me, what to write down in advance. This voice is not
possible to be represented on pages. This voice is not possible when I am unable to type
with both thumps and four fingers. This voice in not possible when Ian is straight.
I am back to the stage when this inner voice is trying to tell me to take things one small
baby step at a time. The first baby step is to apply for a five year India visa. The perfect visa
to have a home base somewhere in India, somewhere in Asia, over the next couple of years.
I am repeating myself. However, this recent loss of personal stuff hurts a lot and is on my
mind. It was nearly 6 months worth of journal entries. I am kind of sad and angry with
myself. It was a lot of words for a wannabe writer to loose.
It is like working for nothing for nearly six months. You feel ripped off.
The disturbing part was my shock discovery that I was overlooking all my previous stuff
that was backed up from the past, at least ten years worth and maybe more. The past stuff all
seemed meaningless and distant and of no real importance. It was out of date.
I am in no rush to travel because as far as writing goes. Disregarding my recent loss of
creative material or work. I am finding the status quo is a kind of writing nirvana. I am
finally allowing myself the freedom to write, without any other help from a checking
program. I am writing without any speller and grammer checker. This writing will most
definitely require editing for both spelling and grammer, ie by someone else who is very
good at English.
I guess you could say as a wannabe writer. This is some kind of milestone. From today, my
writing work is no longer being checked by anyone else. This writing work is raw. Most of
all. Ian learnt a long time ago. An individual needs to learn to go with the flow. It is when
you go against the flow, this is when you will get yourself into trouble.
What will be, will be and all that. At age 62, I no longer care that much about anything,
It is more about being practical. My writing needs to quickly adjust to zero spell and
grammer checking.
Ian always knew there was was this risk about also getting a soft version of Microsoft office
2007. Ian did buy this computer, software and monitor off TradeMe second hand.
It has taken far longer for the replacement desktop to arrive, than I expected. After three
long weeks. I am finally back to the status quo writing enviroment. I am back to writing on a
keyboard with a modern monitor on top of another HP Compaq computer.
I guess all things considered, I should not be complaining too much. Everything else about
the trade seems to be behaving, including the keyboard, mouse and moniter. Excell is fine.
On the positive side. The moniter is widescreen and no longer square.
It is so great to be back to typing again with ten “fingers” It is so great to be back to writing
normally again.
I suspect this sense of normalcy is what elderly humans crave. There are exceptions, but I
suspect once you get beyound 60, you have long ago given up, with keeping up. There is
already too much change going on in this world. You are already blown away with the level
of change that as occurred in your lifetime. Your childhood days already seem like some
fictional movie scenario best described as chavanist and male dominated and sexist in every
At 60+, I discovered, I love being at home the best. I love relying on older technolgy like a
physical keyboard whenever possible.
You may become stuck into some kind of regular routine without fail. However you love the
predictability of it all. You cave to the inevitably. Sadly you become just like your parents at
this age. “old”
You hardly ever leave home. You are bound to have aches and pains including a sore back,
most likely lower back. My lower back in killing me at the moment. My lower back has
been killing me all day, ever since I woke up, last night while sleeping, and the day before
and the night before that...
Sometimes an individual needs to adjust to the present. At 62, there are some days when my
back in hurting especially bad, in the middle of winter when it is coldest. I sometimes crave
an end to it all if I am brutally honest. And then I come to my senses.
The body aging is all about getting old. I should learn to embrace this aging process as an
entirely natural and expected process. Aging is something to be celebrated, assuming you
live to an older age in the first place. Aging is not something to be feared.
However you look at things, aging or retiring is a huge lifestyle change to undergo. Retiring
is a huge lifesyte change for a lot of retiring people. This is the reason why there are
increasing numbers of retirees who continue to work, well into their seventies, even eighties
and beyound.
Most people need to maintain a sense of worth.
I sometimes feel guilty about being different to my older siblings and cousins. I do not get
my sense of worth from working for someone else, or working until the day I die.
I have no qualms about retiring from the workforce early. I live on a meagre budget and I
am lucky enough to have sufficient savings. I am lucky enought to be able to afford to retire
from the workforce, several years earlier than 65. I share a home with my twin brother
called Keith who is out with his friend Louis.
Taking an early retirement means I can take a step back from this dreaded capitalistic
system and look afresh. I am no longer caught up. I have no further need to secure extra
income by working or selling my services to someone else. I am free of this capitalist
system in this way.
I have no further need to gamble my savings away with large investments in the share
I can afford to play safe from now on with any potential losses minimised to more
manageble levels.
In my current state of mind, it does make a lot of sense to go travelling soon. I should travel
while I can afford to both financially and physically and mentally. Just in case, inflation is
not tamed easily as the authorites predict. Just in case my savings worth is decimated within
a mere decade.
Maybe I could consider travelling to India early next year, say mid February at the earliest.
It would be towards the end of the New Zealand summer.
I would fly to Delhi via Bangkok/Bhangkok and head to the mountains. I would head to the
Himalayas. There is a lot of places to choose from at this time of year including Rishshikesh
and Manali and later Leh. Spring and summer lie ahead. It is a great season to be spending
time in the mountains, escaping the simmering and hot heat of the Indian summer on the
plains below. It is a great season to be lapping up the mountain scenary, raging rivers and
nature. You are living with mountain cultures of India and all that history. Life is good.
The moment it cools down in Autumn, I head to Varanassi. I may need to fly to Katmandu
first to satisfy the India tourist visa requirements. In 2024, I will fly from the mountains and
Katmandu. Overnight buses to India are hard work at 60+.
After three months in Varanassi, I head to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is another country to add to
the list of countres visited. The previous country was Indonesia. The previous country
before that was Myanma or Burma.
By this time, I will have a portable keyboard that is compact and light to travel with. I will
have a stand for my IPAD to use as a moniter.
Writing in Sri Lanka some time in 2024 will be like Ian writing this right now. Ian will still
be touch typing on a keyboard while looking ahead into a monitor to check what he has
typed and making typo corrections.
The only difference will be the size in devices. The IPAD screen size while writing in Sri
Lanka in 2024 will be a lot smaller than now. The Apple magic keyboard will be lot smaller
than now.
I should stop dreaming about travelling and stick to thre present. The sun has set on another
winter day in New Zealand. I need to bring in Keith’s washing before it gets damp.
Monday, June 12, 2023
I am back from my walk around town and a few instant coffees. It is past 1pm and it is only
12.5C in my room, but I am warm enouth. Spending some time outdoors does that to your
I am happy to report the replacement computer has started up with windows 10 and
Microsoft Office 2007. This replacement software is an upgrade in the previous windows
operating system and office.
It has been a week and there are no issues with my replacement desktop computer that was
purchased off TradeMe, for $270 including freight from Auckland.
The main issue is there is no wi-fi capability when there was supposed to be. Word is
without a spell or grammar checker.
I am in two minds to leave a review on the Trade Me site. A bad review is taken as a big
negative for future wannabe traders. Even a neutral review is frowned on.
Hameed has still delivered the goods, I do have a functioning HP compaq, desktop
computer. Just not all the goods that was implied by the listing.
I will leave a neutral review, talking about prompt communication when asked questions
and outstanding packaging when the desktop computer and screen and keyboard and mouse,
did arrive at my house.
It now 1.11 and I am pondering what I should write about today. A thought did come to
mind while I was outside, setting down on our outdoor table wooden seats and drinking
instant coffee. It felt great to be outside in the winter sun.
I am lucky, our house has unrestricted views of a small natural bush reserve. In this natural
bush reserve, a natural ecosystem is thriving. There are native birds like kiwi and Tui and
Kereru. There are even older reptiles like the rare tuatara lizard. This natural bush researve
covers many hectares and is full of native trees such as rimu and tawa and totara and native
ferns and native grasses. The natural bush reserve hosts hundreds of birds like startlings and
sparrows at night. At this time of year, the starlings flock in at dusk. Against a rising full
moon in the East, they starlings descend in the forests, looking much like like native bats.
I can watch these descending bats for many minutes, usually when I am gathering the nights
firewood and chopping the kindling.
This nightly fire collectiong chore is risking my limbs and fingers and toes. In other words,
the axe needs sharpening, the handle is cracked and my aim and strenght is not what it used
to be. My aim was never great.
I was thinking, in the daytime when you look around Otorohanga and the surrounding farms
full of green grass. I wonder, exactly, what type of land has more “life” per hectare?
Native Bush or green grass or roads or buildings or houses or apartments or airway runways
or bridges?
A person does not have to think for very long before he/she understands. Perhaps not fully
knowing what this observation means.
Mankind is a destroyer of natural ecosysems by his/her very nature, much like the otter likes
to build dams.
However, mankind likes to build things wherever possible. Mankind can build cities in the
middle of a desert and pretty much everywhere else including natural rain forests.
Unlike a Otter, the materials for these cities are not necessarily natural. The materials may
be man made. These materials including adhesives, explosives, chemicals, concrete,
ashphalt, wood, steel, plastic, and glass.
This is the number one issue associated with the previous observation. Man by his/her
nature creates a lot of toxic product. These toxic products and by products turn out to be
harmful to the environmant and natural ecosystems, Ecosystems include natural bush
reserves and rainforests replaced with our farming land, polluted water ways and oceans, let
alone our polluted atmosphere.
Mankind is destroying natural diversity down to almost nothing. Mankind is like a virus to
natural ecosytems and all natural species. It is known, the fatality rate can be as high as
100% due to mankinds influence and the destruction of natural habitats. The death rate of
some natural species such as frog, or bird, or spider, or insect or reptile or plant or tree or
fish or mammal is know to soley occur in large numbers, 100% due to mankinds species
Yet bad as this observation is, acid rain beats anything that Mankind can offer in regards to
“ species killers”
In Hindu mythology, these are the beginning days of the Kali Yuga. There are three other
Yuga’s. The Kali Yuga is supposed to be the shortest Yuga by far, but is still over far too
many millenium to count.
It is rumoured, the Kali Yuga is the Yuga where ingnorance reigns. There is less
“concsciousness” available. You could say, this is the Yuga when planet Earth more
conscious life forms goes to sleep. This age is called the Iron “Yuga “ The other Yugas is
this repetitive cosmic dance are also compared to metals. These metal names are Bronze,
Silver or Gold.
The Kali yuga is better known as manifesting from the natural cycle of time, time on a larger
scale. This larger scale also comes with seasons. It should be known that much like life on
planet Earth, there are seasons in Heaven as well.
I suspect this will be the Yuga when either mankind blows everything up on planet Earth. Or
Man kind ceases to exist, once the acid rain arrives in volumes and spreads around the globe
in huge clouds.
My advice as an imaginarly alien advising humans. My advice from an advanced species
point of view. My pov would be to make the most of it. Whatever life you have, enjoy the
status quo while you still can.
The Death of mankind and everything else on this planet is almost certain. That is once the
volcanoes start erupting and the continents start tearing apart. Nature always wins in the end.
And then after some time of turmoil near the continental plates and fault zones. A planet like
“Earth” calms down again.
The evolutionary process of conscious life starts all over again. In this natural evolutionary
process, it seems diversity will reign again for a time. Then a more more advanced species
will manifest and discover science. Through application of this new found science, mankind
will destroy everything through nuclear weapons, maybe.
Human’s need to understand. A planets lifeforms evolution occurs over too many millenia to
be counted meaningfully.
We all live on an incredibly hostile planet with regular and predictable cycles of earthquakes
along fault lines, of volcanies and super volcanoes like Yellowstone and Lake Taupo
erupting suddenly and violently.
There is vast destruction of all forms of life on this planet. The death of life is due to the
acid rain and choking atmosphere. There is a lack of oxygen due to poisonous and toxic
volcanic gases.
This is an mass extinction event. Everything dies.
Death of life, is unfortunaley a regular cyclic event occuring in the beginning stages of the
Kali Yuga. Death of life happens as a matter of course, over vast periods of time as the
cyclic yuga’s fly by and another tetra yuga looms ahead.
It should be known These vast periods already passed, are meaningless to humans
appreciation of time. It is 100% associated with which pov you take.
If you take the view of father time. It is kind of obvious when you think about it. ‘We’ or
our solar system are part of a huge and expanding universe. Just as we circle around the sun
due to a natural cosmic phenomenon know as gravity.
Our huge sun circles around “our” very own black hole. This black hole is an
incomprehensible degree larger than our sun. Thankfully, our sun is far far away from the
centre, hardly impacted at all by this black holes huge levels of gravity, much like our
planets moon.
In other worlds, the orbit around this back hole has become stabilised to near zero change.
Me thinks that it is difficult concept for humans to grasp hold of. The best analogy for
humans to comprehend, is to imagine looking at life through a never ending spiral, repeating
itself. Over and over again.
Maybe, all that humans need to know is this. Humans are obviously the pinacle of intelligent
life on this planet at this time. As an intelligent species. It is time we acknowledged that out
ultimage fate is inevitable. Death of our species and all other natural ecosystems on this
glorius planet. This is the bleak scenario lurking ahead in time, on planet earth, no-matter
what mankind does or has not done. It is like predicting sun rise and sunset. It is just how
nature works on a cosmic scale.
This is the reason why this imaganary alien or advance species would like to plea humanites
sense of being 100% practical.
If we only have say, 5000 years to go, ie before the volcanoes start erupting en mass
combined with violent earthquakes. This is the proverbial doomsday or total extinction
event which lies ahead of us all.d
Mankind should know in advance. This doomsday event has occured many times in the past.
Too many times to count...
Mankind is not the first advanced species to have evolved from planet earth.
Mankind needs to get with the present predicament, presented from father time.
Mankind needs to literally maximise the ‘year’s’ left, breathing on this planet.
In these coming years, decades and centuries. In makes a lot sense for Man kind to start
restoring natural ecosystems. Mankind needs to help out endangered species, and allow all
native existing species in countries to thrive, and then live on, without human intervention.
If all of mankind and women put our minds to it.
In a matter of decades, Earth becomes the proverbial Pandora, of James Cameroun fame.
The pandora before the human infaders come along.
Mankind learns how to create his/her own heaven on earth.
This task is made easy by asking this simple heavenly vision: “where exactly would you see
the diversity of nature manifesting on earth?”
How much natural diversity would there be in heaven, the pinnacle of God’s creation, where
no-body ever gets hurt?
Mankind can observe the problem God’s creation faces. Nature is cruel, but human nature
can become the cruelest of all and ironically; also the most kindest and most caring to a
God would be utterly confused about who and what is the bad guy here?
An advanced species pov, would point out the obvious. It is only the present and perspective
that count in the end. Life is really only about two leters. The proverbial “2P’s.
All human’s or individuals of age, should do this. This is an hour activity designed to
improve humanities changes/chances, of longterm survival.
Give yourself a well deserved break in the present. Give yourself some time to be alone by
yourself today. Today is the day, you give yourself a treat.
This treat will starting the moment you wake up in the morning. What I am about to do
I am about to have a well deserved break at some stage. I am going to dedicate one hour of
my valuable time to relax.
I am going to freeing my mind from all distractions. I am away from distractions of the past
and future worries or achievments. I am away from all obligations from work and family.
In this upcoming one hour break I am allowing myself this luxury of time to comtemplate
the big D. This is the most important thing that I can do to benefit my life. It is somewhat
ironic that by benefitting my own life, I am benefitting everybody else’s life as well!
A person needs to learn to live in the present. The present is all that counts or the only thing
that counts.
This is where perspective comes in. With perspective, the present could be observed as
extending into the future, even projecting back into the past.
In the present, the passing of time is a wonderful phenomen to witness. To be conscious of
being human and living a human lifetime and living throught the aging process from birth,
child to youth to adult to old age and death. If you are lucky.
To be conscious that human lifetimes vary depending on diet and DNA and a certain degree
of luck or misfortune. A human’s fortunes are largely dictacted by his/her parental traits and
gifts and wealth. Under this capitalistic system, a human lifeforms primary source of
freedom, is the ability to be or become wealthy. To be rich is to be free.
This primarily depends where the dice lands at your birth.
In the present, a person with perspective is more likely to believe in karma. Karma kind of
explains everything. Karma works in the most mysterious of ways sometimes. Karma works
is ways that are totally unexplainable.
It helps to understand how karma works. It helps if you can fathom how sometimes,
challenges in life are good.
“bad karma” or when undersirable events or adverse outcomes manifest themselves. All
these past memories of “bad karma” incidents, regrets, or ongoing experiences of
This “bad karma” turns out to be good karma with the benefit of hindsight.
Somehow this “bad karma” has become good. You are glad this “bad karma” occured in
your life. You are a much better person because of this“bad karma” experience. You begin
to understand for the first time in your human life. And being 60+ sure helps master this
Everything in life occurs for some reason linked to the past. More importantly, my idea of
“bad karma” may be different to yours.
“bad karma” is when you get hurt and wounded emotionally, enough to be sad and
melancholic for long periods in your human life. You could say “bad karma” is not getting
your own way or being sad.
Good karma is the proverbial good karma scenario. Good karma is when your life turns out
great. Good karma is when you can get hurt and wounded emotionally, you have gained
some kind of bad karma immunity.
You continue to remain optimistic and happy and content with whatever happens in your
life. Good karma is when you get on with life, with a smile, always willing to help out
others, no matter what the circumstances, good or bad.
Good karma is when your human personality is always positive and always caring. Good
karma is when your human personaliy is living in the present full time. Good karma is when
you are not bothered by the smaller things in life.
Alas, good karma cannot be taught so easily to humans, least not in the kali yuga age...”
The alien or advanced species voice signs off.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
It is 2.30 pm and 13C. I am back from walking around town.
The computer brought of Trade Me started up again without any error messages, but has
annoying popups about windows defender being out of date. I need to close these popups
down every time.
Apart from that, word and excel behave normally apart from spell and grammar checker. All
is good.
I have checked all the negative and neutral comments about Hameed. There is a common
thread. I am not the only trader waiting a long time for the courier to arrive. I was not the
only trader mislead with details, such as missing wi-fi and incomplete office plugins. Good
packaging and prompt communication on any issues, until no communication at all.
I have decided to pass on giving Hammed neutral feedback as a measure of good will. I
wasn’t so much ripped of, as mislead. If Hameed had ripped me off, ie with dodgy software
and hardware or goods that did not arrive. I would have been absolutely scathingly negative
with my Trade Me feedback. This is the best way to warn other buyers off dealing with a
dodgy trader. There a a lot of scammer traders out there. Buying stuff off Trade Me, is
always a risk of being disappointed and ripped off. You want to help other honest traders out
when you can.
I am off to visit my sister and brother in law at Algies Bay on Thursday. They asked me to
look after their cat called Yoda for the coming weekend. They are off to Napier for a few
days. No pressure.
I agreed because I need a break and a change in scenery. I suspect, I am getting itchy feet to
travel again and the first destination in mind would be Thailand.
Maybe there is no need to get any 5 year visa for India. One way air tickets offer a lot of
flexibility and air fares seem to be on the way down again.
The plan could be to be on the lookout for one-way air fares to Bangkok. I could spend a
month in Thailand and a month exploring Vietnam. Vietnam is a country I have never
visited before. On the way to Vietnam, I could spend a month in Cambodia.
In next to no time, I am back in India for a month before leaving for Sri Lanka around
Christmas. I spend a month in Sri Lanka and then back to India for a month. In March, I
head to Nepal. This will be my last view of the glorius mountain views from Pokhara lake.
Back to India for a month.
This is as far as I have got. Instead of applying for a five year Indian tourist visa, I just wing
it instead, one month in a country at a time. Apparently the New Zealand passport is right up
their with regards to ease of travel throughout Asia, Europe and the America’s and Africa
and Oceanea, pretty much every country around the globe.
It will mean turning into a nomad for a while. I will be continuously on the move. The
longest I can stay in one place is around 3 ½ weeks.
I am suspecting I will just need to adjust to writing with pages. There will be no need for
touch typing with a keyboard, instead I will use a couple of fingers on my IPAD screen.
Ian has decided that it does make more sense to use spelling and grammar aids, and word
prompts. It is some pride egotistical notion about Ian not wanting people, to know what bad
spelling and grammer and the many typo’s I make.
I do love to be able to touch type though. Touch typing is a skill I needed to learn. I took
lessons in a classroom after work. It involved lots of repetive practice with letter drills and
typing lessons at home. Today, my typing skills are still not great, but I am o.k. at times. I
have no need to look at the keyboard when I am typing. I will always prefer writing with a
keyboard with a big monitor. But I can learn to adjust without a keyboard when needed.
Writing with pages in the near future will be like a writing experiment for me. Will there be
any noticable difference in writing quality? How would you judge?
A boring and repetitive journal with inproved spelling and grammer and higher vocubulary
is still a boring and repetitive journal.
As a reader, does the story reel you in, where you need to read on to find out, what happens
next? Are the characters real and believable?
If the writing and story line is good, a reader can overlook the odd typo or poor gammer and
spelling errors. Hooked is hooked. This is the skill of any sucessful fiction writer. Get the
readers hooked from the very first, until the very last page. Get the readers to read the entire
damn book, from cover to cover. Then and only then will any wannabe writer publish, a best
selling fictional book.
Ian will never know if his journal become best selling non fictional books, because Ian’s
journals will only ever be published after his death.
My theorical death will be at age 94 according to an aghori guru from Varanassi in India.
This means the theoretical date for Ian’s journals to be pubished would be in 32 years from
now. The effective year would be after 2055.
There is going to be a lot water pass under the bridge in 32 years. A lot. Considering how
much the world has already changed in 23 years, the exponential change in coming decades
will be almost incomprehensible in scale and depth. Where would the average human being
even start to imagine, what the world would be like then?
I am 62 and I have decided to retire from the work force earlier than the usual age of 65. I
am lucky, I have savings to help me out until pension time. I share a free hold house. I am
able to live on a meagre budget for food and drink.
I have a lot of spare time up my sleeve to ponder about things. I like to get stoned on special
muffins occassionally.
I need to get my head around all the change that is coming our way. It is a great time to be
living, if living with lots of change is your style. My style would be to slow all this change,
all the way down, a lot. Before we $#@$ it all up for everyone else living on this glorious
and diverse planet.
I have faced the dreaded facts. This is not going to happen.
At 62, it is not as though the future in 2055 is going to matter that much to me. As an
athiest, why should I care what happens to future generations? But I do for some reason. It is
because I have a conscience. I care about what happens to the future of humanity as a
species. I want man to travel through space to hospitable planets in distant solar systems. I
watched Star Trek as a kid.
Tis a great dream to have. Maybe one day, man will conquer space travel?
Until that fated day, Man needs to be very careful with protecting what he/she already has.
Planet Earth and the diverse life forms that live here. Mankind needs to become more
conscious about what a human life is, by imagining what life would be like, with all life
forms gone. Killed by toxins of various kinds, polluting the land, lakes and waterway ways
and the oceans. Killed by toxic food and a toxic atmosphere.
Monday, June 19, 2023
I am back from walking around town after driving back from Auckland. (Algies Bay near
Today was the first day the new motorway bypass for Wakworth opened for traffic. You
could say, I was one of the first vehicles to drive on it.
Looking after Yoda the cat is turning out to be a regular occurence while my sister and
brother in law go away. This time they were away for a long weekend. This time Elva and
Alan were visiting a daugher and grandson and family in Napier.
Yoda only misbehaved once while they were way. Yoda urninated on the lino in the kitchen
on the first night. It was no big drama to clean up with a bucket and cloth. I a way, it was my
own fault. I figured it was not raining outside so Yoda would use the catdoor. I did no need
to leave the kitchen door open to the outside as well. My mistake.
However the four day break from Otorohanga did have its initial dramas for my my sister.
Elva was about to leave work when the heart pains occured. Elva works at the Glenfield
Medical centre. Elva chest hurt on the RHS, had turned faint, uneasy and was not feelting
well. Rebecca or becca/i the nurse quickly took an ECG. The results looked serious enough
to call for an ambulance for North Shore A@E, immediately.
Becci is good friends with my sister and after Alan took the call, we both were shocked.
Alan wasted no time getting into the car, while I quickly skulled nearly a glass of beer and
joined him.
Luckily I was in a state of denial and could not believe it would be too serious. Alan was
ringing all his children to let them know what was happening.
I suspect I was a calming influence for Allan who was obviously upset. This was his life
partner we are talking about. This could potentially have been a heart attack.
I was confident Elva would be o.k. and in around thirty minutes, we would know for sure.
Sure enough, it all ended well at A@E after 12am. The nurses and doctors were outstanding
in their efforts to maximise the health response for both patient and their family.
We all got back to Algies Bay around 2pm. The road works and detours on the way home
had not been kind to us. I drove Elva’s Nissa Leaf back, following close behind Alan’s
diesal beast. Navigation has never been my strong point since I loose my sense of direction
Google news popped up an article about 4 climate records that are plain scaring climate
change scientists.
One; CO2 levels have maxed out at 425 in April, for the year 2023. Not so long ago, CO2
levels were below 400ppm. 400 is already regarded as dangerously high. “Such dangerously
high levels of CO2 will inevitably lead to rapid global warming if tipping points are
breached” “ Positive feedback and self reinforcing loops take over”
As the ocean warms, the more the ice melts from beneath, the more the ocean levels rise.
Two; In previous months the Antartica ice levels are at historic lows for this time of year.
The scary part is the margin. A record margin. An record outlier that is about to become the
Three; May was another record average land temperature for the time of year. It maxed out
greater than 1.5C. An record outlier that is about to become the norm.
1.5C is the level the world government have previously agreed not to exceed, or at least aim
for as max. This 1.5C max was recorded in the UN climate change agreement, set in stone in
a climate change agreement by COP21, Paris, 2015.
Four; May and June are are recording record ocean surface tempertures, way, way above the
norm. Indeed record ocean surface temperatures so far beyound the norm, it is
The forth record leads us directly to record number two, which leads as to record number
one. Record number three just goes to prove the planet is warming all over.
Climate change scientists in the know are all of the same opinion. They all knew the planet
was going to warm. They had no idea it was going to warm so fast.
Are these climate change scientist worried on behalf of the rest of us?
I suspect, some of these climate change scientists are panicking. I know, I am.
New Zealand had a serious wake up call earlier this year. First it was the historic Auckland
floods that were unprecendented in all of Aucklands weather history. There were absolutely
unbelievable flooding scenes on television. This was the type of flooding that occurs
overseas, in some other country. Alas, this flooding was occurring in New Zealands biggest
cities. Motorways, roads and streets have become raging rivers. Cars and other vehicles,
even sheds and houses are floating away in the torrents of water, flowing downhill and
filling up all low lying areas, without suitable drainage. Soul destroying mudslindes taking
away peoples homes and the people and pets living inside.
Second it was cyclone Gabrielle devastating the Gisbourne and Hawkes Bay area with
torrential rain and unprecendented flooding. These floods were even beyound the history
breaking floods of yore.
Cyclone Gabrielle will go down as New Zealand’s most costliest weather related disaster -
ever. Many lives were lost and the damage caused by debris and mud and the force of rapid
water flows, is just shocking to the eye. Infrasture such as vulnerable bridges and roads, took
a hiding to one.
There is mud and silt, many feet deep, everywhere you look. Sometimes the mud has
ovetaken entire houses and other buildings. The mud has completely covered vehicles and
crops for acre/hectare after hectare. It has to be seen, to be believed. There have been so
many livelihoods lost in a flash.
Nature can be cruel to humans sometimes. Cruel enough to make you cry. This is the truly
sadest fact about global warming. In this particular case of global warming for our glorious
This particular case of global warming for our planet is 110% caused by man. There is no
“expletive” doubt about this fact. There is no doubt, because it is proven by many reputable
scientists as fact. Reputable scientists would not be true to their cause if they made things up
or faked the data – now would they?
There is only one reason why climate action has not taken place. It is 110% a manifestation
associated with whatever man made “system” of power, powerful humans have come up
with over time.
The climate deniers have been winning up to now. It is overdue time, that this all changed.
The workers need to revolt again. The workers need to revolt against this biased capitalist
system rewarding the few. The workers need to revolt against this dreaded capitalistic
system, leading us all to absolute ruin.
What mankind needs right now is an awakening to the truth. What mankind needs to
understand is mankind is facing a retribution of kind. This is not the retribution of God, or
whatever you think or do not think, God may exactly be. Let it be known. If there is God to
be known, felt and seen and touched. This god is Planet Earth, humans and all the other
species that God in his wisdom has created, for us all to enjoy.
This is the retribution of Gaia or mother nature, aka as Planet Earth ecosystem. This
ecosystem is extending all the way, out into space. This is retribution for “expletive” it up in
the first place. This was through all manner of selfishnish. This was through out and out
greed. There was an inherent lack of consideration for other human and other non human
The colonial powers sure have a lot of explaining to do. Progress was never supposed to be
without due care, of what we already have or already exists.
Progess can be done nicely and without excessive harm.
In the year 2023, This is an “expletive” “expletive” climate emergency going on. It is time
to get real with out governments and this capitalistic system that is leading us all astray. The
most powerful men and woman on planet earth are those powerful man and woman with the
most money.
Those with the most $$$ will always have the most influence. It is just how this capitalist
game is rigged. Those with the most $$$ will always have the advantage. Those people with
the most money would be classified as elite humans in any simulated AI game play. The top
These elite humans will be the first humans to travel through space and experience a real
sense of weighless ness. These elite humans will be the first humans to look down at our
glorius planet earth from above. To be able to see planet earth from above is like an
awakening of sorts.
Our planet is breath taking away beautiful. In an instance a human being gains a sense of
perpective. These elite humans are what you called the “lucky” humans. Any human being
capable of such feats could only be described as lucky enough to have incredibly good
karma. To be one of the very first humans to experience space travel. WOW!
One of the first humans to be able to experience the very best planet Earth “life” experience.
It is like an impossible opporturnity to turn down, ie if you can afford it.
Space travel is all through human endeaver and is a somewhat humbling experience for
everyone involved.
But if you ever get the chance to be able to look down at your very own home, your home
planet from space. THEN OMG!!!
Your human priorities on life on planet Earth have instantously being transformed. You
mission in life from now on is simple. Protect what we aready have because – because this is
a miracle creation to behold.
Maybe, just maybe. Planet Earth is Gods best creation yet...
I have been given a joint. In my altered state, I do feel Human beings have a deep sense of
responsibility to act like Vishnu. Human beings need to protect mother Earth, aka as nature.
This includes all other life species like fauna and funga. Human beings need to protect our
oceans and waterways. There is a reason why planet Earth is so special and this reason starts
with the letter D. I feel like I am repeating myself.
D stands for diversity. You could say that at the end of the day. It is 110% man’s
responsibility to take leadership on this issue. It is humanity sole cause to save the planets
species numbers from becoming decimated...
Taking the hard road when it comes to removing or discouraging weeds. Taking the hard
road when it comes to reducing man-made pollutants that are highly toxic and damaging to
the environment.
This is the best sign of early onset dementia or in my case. The natural aging process of the
human species. I will repeat myself, over and over again, like I am talking to myself.
I am reminded of one of the eightfold way. This Buddha way to enlightenment teaches us all
about speech. A person should always speak the truth if asked and never lie.
This is the most difficult Buddha precept to follow for many aspiring Buddhist’s, including
In the year 2023, most people lie habitually. At the end of the day, most humans are well,
Most humans will take the path of least resistance and are reluctant to offend anybody else,
ie if they can get away with it. It is assumed that any brutal honesty in regards to your
personal opionion on personal subjects. This honestly is prone to brutal retaliation on any
‘touchy” subject. All those previous relationships risk being destroyed into ashes.
It is much easier to play safe and agree or disagree on que. Most humans beings learn this
lesson at a early age, a right of ritual passage for survival as a normal child. This is the way
you made and kept friends. That is unless, you were the class bully.
It never used to be this way in days of yore. In the days of yore, people tended to say what
was on their minds. Most people would brush all this criticism as the cost of an honest
society. There is no need to take offence with ‘my’ opinion or observation, unless offence
was intended.
Then again in days of yore, most people tended to have a simple life. A simple life tended to
come with a lot of manual and often back breaking work and endless chores. This is the kind
of back breaking work the peasants tended to do. All those human slaves on all those grand
cotten plantations in the south. All with a single human master. The sole master of said
plantation. The plantation owner was always white and absolutely racist.
The times have sure changed since them more simple days, then again; you must be
absolutely joking. You must be absolutely taking the piss. The only thing that has changed
is this. This dreaded capitalist system has tricked us again. Us human workers are still mere
slaves. The ultimate irony is we are slaves by our very own choice – We choose to chase the
higher $$$ for wages and profit. All us humans thrive on a bargain.
All us humans may or not like to admit it, the almighty master who we worhsip. Our master
is undoubtedly the almighty $$$.
As a Vishnu devotee, it is sufficient to make me vommit. I kid you not. This $$$ is the devil
you have been looking for all this time. The proverbial 666 and in the flesh, so to speak.
As a Vishu devotee and obviously. This opinion is from an idealistic and not necessarily
realistic perspective. “Mankind needs to learn to worship something else besides $$$ and
rather urgently”
I hate to say it, however mankind could not really be considered as an “advanced” species,
when we worship something so shallow and false. $$$ are all too easily manipulated by
influential people with lots of $$$. $$$ can be printed at will by the central bank, aka QE.
QE is sometimes necessary to stimulate the economy. Billions and Billions and Billions of
dollars generated over a relative short period of time, by developed country after country.
QE supposidly saved New Zealands economy from failing, when the global pandemic hit
everyone. This was wasy back in 2020.
QE is the eternal $$$ tree for all those credible central banks in the world, including New
Zealand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Japan, China, Russia etc.
Humanity should let use this $$$ creation tree, to all of humanities advantage. Lets make the
changes we all need to make, ie to survive unpredented climate change, We all agree. We all
need to make these changes and pronto. We ALL need to urgently take the necessary
precautions agains the worst.
I repeat myself in a sense of desperation and hopelessness at the same time. In some kind of
outrageous hope for mankind to come to its senses, en mass.
The solution to unprecended climate change is somewhat a no brainer. Climate change is
caused by a warming planet. A warming planet is caused by excessive greenhouse gas
emissions, over many human generations.
The solution ahead of us, only requires a degreee of trust of humanity and common sense.
Mankind needs a higher authority in change of making the big decisions, when an existential
crisis manifests itself clearly, for the entire planet to be concerned en mass.
These would be all those big decisions like national security issues between the super
powers. The solution would be all about the United Nations Security Council holding the
nuclear codes for all the nuclear weapons in the world.
From this moment on. There is absolutely no chance that any tyranical and crazy leader of
any single nuclear armed country like the US, Russia or North Korea, is going to detroy the
world. All of mankinds potential, will be able to be saved for sure.
The UN security council will take this nuclear war between the superpowers. This nuclear
option - completely off the table. Mankind will never be able to destroy himself, by fighting
with himself.
From this moment, Nuclear weapons will only ever be used in case there is an asteroid that
needs blowing up, or in the worst case scenario. Alien space ships are attacking. This is a
life of death crisis, utilising nuclear weapons as a weapon. But only ever, on behalf of all of
Any reasonable human with a degree of optimism about mankinds future ahead. We all
know, the UN security council chairman needs to take control of all nuclear weapon
detonation codes.
This is a health and safety issue of the utmost importance for every single human being,
currently living on this glorius planet. AND all those generations that follow.
This political change must be made at the earliest convenience. This change must be made
on behalf of the entire planets health and wellbeing. This change is adding another layer to
the hierachy of political and civil power. The top power in the land so to speak.
Now it is official, the UN represents the world. The buck for the best interests of humanity
stops here. The UN is the ultimate benovolent benefactor in times of disaster and tragedy,
representing the very best expertise and leadership in all spheres of human knowledge and
subjects. The main goal of the UN is to rise living standards and reducing poverty around
the globe. This would be a a matter of some urgency.
The main goal of the UN is to protect endangered species and maintain species diversity as
previously mentioned. The UN main mandate is to take care of our home planet and explore
space travel as a matter of right.
Exploring space is what advanced and benevolent species do.
Holding a global referendum in regards to empowering the United Nations would be the
easy part.
This is the hard part. A binding referendum such as this is so outlandous and ridiculous. It
would be impossible to get global agreement on. Imagine super power countries the USA,
Russia an China, surrendering their countries authority to a higher authority such as the UN.
It is never going to fly.
This unfortunate reality, means mankinds future is looking increasingly shaky and uncertain.
There is going to be a higher probability of drought leading to famine, water and food
shortages in under developed, even developed countries. Increasing floods caused by
increased rainfall caused by global warming.
Climate change is beginning to take its toll on everyone.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
I have sent a text to Hameed to say that trade did not meet my expectations. “there was no
wi-fi, any chance of a refund for the upgrade for the I5 chip?” I have not heard back, nor do
I expect to.
Next week, I should post a negative review to TradeMe, but I not in the habit of not making
enemies unless I need/have to. Is it worth the trouble and unwanted drama? It is the
Buddhist way.
At the end of the day, I am back typing again on Microsoft word like before. The monitor is
widescreen. I have a better mouse and keyboard and computer. I paid $260 which is around
a month costs of smoking. I have given up smoking a couple of months ago. In some ways,
the replacement computer paid for itself with some $ left over.
It is 11:11am and 12.5C. The sun sets around 5:05pm. Tomorrow is the shortest days of the
year. It means Hurricane season is approaching in the US. This Hurrican season, the
predictions for the number of hurricanes has fallen. After three years of La Nina, El Nino is
officially here, having passed the 0.5C threshold. In another three months, El Nino will be
In El Nino, previous weather patterns change. This usually means fewer hurricanes form in
the Atlantic ocean. However El Nino is when ocean temperatures in the tropics are warmer
than usual. Hurricanes/cyclones that form, tend to be stronger.
The science models are suggesting this El Nino, equitorial sea surface temperatures or SST;
will rise to over 1.5C above average. This is likely to occur later this year and heading into
El Nino weather pattern tends to bring hotter temperatures and droughts in many locations.
These are the locations negatively impacted by the changed weather patterns and winds.
The hottest years on record have all been during the El Nino weather phenomenon. 2024 is
going to be a record breaking years for temperatures around the globe.
It is past 2pm. I am back from shopping at Countown to replace Keith’s beers in the fridge. I
brought a pack of 18, to replace the two, I drank last night. I also brough some nice red wine
to drink this afternoon. The price of alcohol goes up by 10% at the beginning of July.
July the first is the day when excise tax and road toll increase. It is also the dya when excise
tax for fuel returns to normal. The price of fuel will increase by 30c a liter. Driving around
the place is about to cost more.
I keep thinking about this travelling gig. If I am going to travel, now is the time, when I am
not collecting any pension. Covid-19 restictions and vaccination requirements have been
lifted. Travelling to places like India has returned back to normal.
Yet, I am struggling to find the motivation. My energy levels remain low and I get
exhausted easily with any physical exertion. Walking is o.k., so long as it is flat. I am no
longer able to mow our without stopping for a break, sometimes several breaks.
Our section is not flat.
This is one of the dreaded side effects of growing old. Any heart weakness and other genetic
deficiencies start to manifest with a vengence. If you have smoked all your life, your hearts
and lungs are struggling due to obvious reasons.
You run out of breath and get tired easily. Your back and other parts of your body hurts; as a
matter of course. It is not that much fun getting out of bed in the morning. The body aches
so much.
You get cold in winter and you suffer in the heat. Hot days are especially exhausting
because all your bodies energy is being used to keep cool.
You look into the mirror or at any recent photos. You are taken back in horror. Your
younger days are over!
It is not surprising, in old age, you prefer to spend most your time, in the comfort of your
own home. (if you are one of the lucky ones, independant enought and wealthy enough and
physically able still; ie, you are not in a rest home)
There are genetic exceptions who remain physically able to their very last steps. These are
the very lucky humans.
The heat pump is working most days of the year, maybe in combination with fires in the
winter. If you are lucky enought to afford the electricity and firewood. You maintain the
optimum temperature of comfort, say 22C. You only leave your home when you have to,
like for shopping and social events.
You are now old. You look forward to visitors and your hobbies and interests and the latest
news and family and not much else.
In other words, you are not so interested in leaving the comforts of your home for very long.
These days a pensioner does not need to live his/her home for shopping. All shopping can be
done from the convenience of your favorite arm chair. This is usually located in your
lounge. Online shopping these days includes supermarkets, fast food and alcohol.
It is easy to comprehend how many older people become isolated in their own homes and
It is easy to comprehend how many older people become dependant on visitors for
It would be nice to say, this sort of isolation and sense of lonliness could be prevented. An
individual just needs to remain “young” in his/her own mind.
Alas, nature is cruel sometimes. Getting old means getting old. There is no escape from this
A older person does not have the some physical energy or physical skills of a younger
person. And this has a lot to do with this phsychological fact. An older person has a lot more
life experience. An older person is much more likely to suffer from the “jaded” syndrome.
The jaded syndrome goes something like this.You have seen or heard or experienced it all
before. Nothing is new apart from unrelenting pain, sorrow and the death of loved ones that
you have known in your life.
Ironically, loved ones can include complete strangers such as famous actors, muscians,
artists and leaders.
Getting old means waking up and discovering. Yet another influential or loved person from
your distant past, has passed.
Perhaps the sadest part of this jaded syndrome, is the family and friends that you have lost
touch with over the years.
Family and friends move on with their lives. You are not longer a part of their life in a
meaningful way.
I am onto my second glass of red wine and I can safely say. I am no longer able to legally
drive a vehicle. I suspect. Alcohol is like a truth serum. Old age is something you can never
fully prepare yourself for as your body and mental facilities inevitably decays. Life is over
before you know it. Life is so short. This fact at 62 is sobering.
There is nothing to prepare you for growing out, after experiencing the exuberance of youth
and the feeling of invincibility and all of life’s early potential based on goodwill and hope.
The only advantage of old age, is that old age allows you the opportunity for perspective. A
sense of wisdom accumalated from a lifetime of experiences. The important things in life
you have learned over the passing years. Lessons that you can pass onto the younger
generations that follow. The important things in life to make the generations that follow,
life more meaningful.
Alas, I fear the meaningful aspect in all human life, regardless of one’sage. This is
somewhat personal. It is not universal. This meaning full aspect varies from individual, even
within families and cultures. What does not change is this. Every single human individual,
yearns for a sense of meaning and ‘family’ in their life. As a human individual gets older,
this sense of meaning changes to something less tangible. The mystery of death looms and
this mystery of death changes absolutely everything. What exactly is important about having
a human life?
An older person is more likely to say. Only god knows... While a person searching for
enlightenment would say. Isn’t it obvious?
Thursday, June 22, 2023
I am back from my shorter walk along the Waipa River stopbanks. It is drizzling outside.
That person searching for enlightenment is me. “Ian” is a temporary vehicle on this
deserving path towards zero suffering and a blissful state of being.
In this temporary body, complete with mind. My mind has a recent past that is firmly based
on my belief system from a youngish age. I run across the friendly and holy mantra
chanting “Hari Krishna’s” joyfully dancing down the main street of Chrischurch.
One the the Hari Krishna lads, gifted a copy of the Bgahavad Gita for my troubles.
I remember. I had started a new job as a cadet aged around 19. This job involved training
near Chrischurch airport. I was in “town” for the first time, with my recently made
friends/aviation cadets. We were heading to one of the many bars to celebrate the end of the
first week of civil aviation training.
I was an avid reader at the time. This book was about discussions between Krishna and
Arjuna. Krishna was god. In an instance, I understood the POV of Arjuna, ie taking to God
in the first person. It all made sense at some level. I was no longer searching about who God
I learnt that the Bhavada Gita is scripture for Hinduism. One of many scriptures including
the Ramayana and Mahabharata. I learnt that Buddhism is a recent branch of Hinduism. I
learn at lot about the Atman while attending the SOP in Auckland. I learnt a lot with my
travels through Asia including India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore.
Eastern belief systems and cultures has all the answers that work for me; personally.
I learnt that Western belief systems are also based on a recent branch of Hunduism, however
the Christian scriptures are less pure. Some parts of the scriptures were lost in the editing
process a few centuries back. This cutting/deleting process, was mainly instigated by
emperors at the time. One particular Emporor whose name started with a C. This constantine
emperor was less than honest. The words of the holy bible at the time; were changed. Some
words starting with the dreaded “R” were even deleted and taken away. Nothing written in
any Christian holy scriptures today; should ever be taken literally. That would be a grave
mistake. It would not be what the author wanted or desired. And certainly not what Jesus
intended. God forbid.
Stories are told to get a message across. Sometimes stories are told to entertain. Stories
should never be taken any further than that. This especially applies to any scripture books.
We are living in the year 2023. Edition after edition. How would you know a good edition
from fake?
It is translation after translation and if you are a English reader. From the pure Arabic and
Latin and Roman and Barbarian to English over many many years. These stories originated
long before the printing press. These stories and recollections were largely passed on by
word of mouth. This method of recollection is fraught with small errors, continuting to creep
in, over each generation the story/message is passed onto.
Lets me brutally honest on behalf of everyone reading the holy bible today. I hate to be the
person to spread the sad news. However after centuries, I would not be so confident. Have
you ever played the game called Chinese Whispers?
Yet for some illogical and highly disturbing reason. Christians love quoting scripture, every
chance they get. It is more than annoying for me. It is amazing that I remain so good
humoured about it. I suspect, I know, any logic is lost on born again Christian friends. I
have a few. I know that deep down. They care for me and they want to save me from hell.
I just learn to become patient and say nothing while the preaching goes on. The first break in
conversational flow, I subtlely change the subject to something else. If we are outside, I
point out something beautiful in nature, the clouds in the sky, the birds in the trees, the
sheep and the cattle in the paddock, the river or lake or ocean or mountain and farmland and
towns and cities and flowers and lawns and hedges in council gardens. The fresh air. “It is
such a nice day to be outside, life is great”
I often need to refrain my true opinion about doomsday and liberation/heaven cults. There
are a lot of these cults an indidual can fall prey to. Yet cults are none other than a personal
belief system that has turned popular. A belief system talking about immortality. What
individual is not curious about that?
A great example in recent times is the Church of Scientology. The founder is Ron Hubbard.
Ron was a previous writer of science fiction books.
What does Ron have to offer that no other religion or belief system has up to now? This
would be the enlightened state called “clear” theoten. This state can only be achieved by
completing special indoctrination courses that cost $$$ to complete, over many years.
Ron Hubbard is the master story teller by default. “Ron Hubbard is an immortal being from
beyound space” Ron has a special mission, to pass on a message to followers. Ron can
deliver the path towards a liberated being.
It should be noted for any individual who has been to university and likes to check the facts
first. This so called “scriptural” book written by Ron called “Dianetics: The modern science
of Mental Health”. This book was written in 1950.
This book is science fiction. I note; fictional book. This book is 110%, a man made belief
system and story about a formed religion based on levels of consciousness. A fictional
science fiction story for the purpose of entertainment.
Ron only ever started this church and self belief gig for a laugh. Ron was curious to see, just
how far this newly formed church could go. In the beginning, it was a more like a humorous
joke taken too far. Imagine, being able to write your own creation story with millions of
You could say, the chuch of scientology outcome in the year 2013 has exceeded Ron’s
expectations. Ron still has just under ten million followers. They include Tom Cruise and
John Travalta amongst other movie legends.
However Ron remains the most reverred figure. Ron is the founder and creator of this
church of scientology. Ron is the immortal legend and it all come from writing a single
science fiction book. All it takes is to write a best seller. The rest took care of itself.
Ron proved himself to be great salesman and great commander of the “Sea Org” members
club. The Sea Org membership is the ultimate fan club of adoration; if there ever was one...
This is also one of the unfortunate side effects from growing older. You do tend to become
more sceptical and circumspect about anything and everything. Most things you previously
thought you knew, that was proved to be wrong. For example, I grew up in a Presbyterian
family. I went to Sunday School most Sundays with my twin brother. We were a regular
church going family as kids. The church and church outings were a regular feature in our
lives. We had heard our fair share of Sunday sermons and the rituals associated with
babtism. I had a good idea about God’s expectations and what being a good Christian is. It is
important to surrender to Jesus, as the only way to God. Otherwise you will end up in hell”
It has been proven over and over again over time. There is no singular way or path to know
God. Nor is there a hell, any more than the average level of sufferning the average human
has already experienced in senior age, or for just being different. (both mentally and
Suffering is very much a personal and ralative aspect of being. You could say that suffering
is primarily psychological, albeit sometimes physical as well.
At 62, I feel duped when I was younger. I should have been learned this fact from a very
young age. I should have able to look at Eastern scriptures and mythical commics at the
same time as reading the childrens version of the Christian Bible. I feel robbed somehow.
There is no single God. There are multiple Gods, yet all these gods are one single
consciousness” Tis a miracle to behold this forbidden “R” word in Christianity. Rebirth on
planet Earth after death.
My perspective in life would have changed many years before now. I would have had all
those extra years of “Ian” living a more enlightened life. I would have learnt to have less
fear of hell and demons. I would be much more relaxed about my death at a much earlier
age than I was.
I die, only to be reborn some time later. There is no lesson to be learnt as human apart the
lesson of being humble. An individual should learn to be grateful for what they already
They not only have a human body, they also have a human mind. A human mind capable of
creating gods from nothing but imagination or fiction. This is a miracle to beyond – thus
faith is born.
I have am onto my first glass of the truth serum. I am having a beer. Sometimes Ian as a
wannabe writer, is prone to taking the piss. If Ian was going to be brutally honest, about the
belief system he favors as most likely true. This would have to be the randomness and
timelessness of evolution.
How over many billions of years, out of nothing, sentiant lifeforms manifest. Then an
advanced species like humans comes along, but only recently. It is beyound the pail.
Mankind is kind of a freak species to have evolved on this planet we call Earth. Somehow,
Mankind evolved from other manmmals called Apes and only a few million years ago,
maybe less.
Mankind has evolved so fast in the twentieth century, that man can travel beyound this
planet, ie to our planets moon. Man can send up sattilites that orbit the earth. Mankind is
able to send data sending sensors/objects, to other planets in our solar system, amongst an
entire host of other remakable accomplishments in space. This includes setting up an
international and manned space station, orbiting planet Earth.
A place for international astonauts to play human guenni pig. Scientist back on earth can
monitor the human bodies ability to adapt to an environment of weighlessess in space over
many months.
Back on Earth, the doctors go rabid with tests and observational data. Over time, a
reoccuring pattern manifests. Weightlessness has these side effects on the human body and
mental health.
What if, when records come to be broken. Mankind has already broken the record for the
most advanced species in the known and unknown universe. Mankind is the first inter
galactal species to actually live in space for months at a time. The first advanced species to
leave his home planet for somewhere else.
Maybe just maybe, Mankind is the ultimate “freak” and “one of a kind” species. Mankind is
the first species, capable of such god like thoughts; in the first place?
As an potential outsider to all this, I would hypothetically be from an even more advanced
species than mankind. I am obviously a fictional alien species from a distant planet in
another galaxy. My advanced species has lived a lot longer than the human species. Over
time, our species has conquered space travel. Our species is capable of visiting distant
planets like Earth, at will.
I am this fictional and hypothetical alien, looking on from an immutable distance with high
levels of knowledge gained from well; life experiences passed on down, through the
generations. I have gained an outsider perspect of the human species, a POV, distant from
any previous Earthly biases.
After a thorough investigation, I would spell in out in plain terms. There is a lot riding on
Mankind, to get it right this century. You know, the proverbial S word that has four letters
and end with t.
We all need to ensure that the path forward for mankind, is of the heavenly kind. Tis not
hellish in any shape or form. This opportunity for another advanced species like Man to
evolve further. This opportunity may never come up again. We simply cannot afford to
mess it up, after coming so far and so fast.
More importantly. The biggest risk to mankinds ongoing security and well being, is Man
fighing amongst himself. The super powers leaders of the moment, firing off nuclear armed
missiles at each others countryside over ideology and ethnic pride. There is far too much
false news around the causes of global warming and climate change. No individual knows
for sure what is true anymore.
Mankind is at war, but mankind is not at war with himself. Mankind is at war with fighting
unprecedented climate change, sea level rise and the associated perils that lie ahead.
This is not the time for division and denial about well known and substantiated facts. This is
the time for mankind to unite together as one fighing force. Difficult and hard decisions lie
ahead for everyone. We all need to be on the same team to get through these perils in one
peace, and relatively unscathed. We all need to look out for one another, to increase our
chances of survival together. Then and only then, will humanily live through the coming
There will be another tale about war and conquest. This time the tale has a happy ending.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
The news of the moment is about the Wagner Group staging a military coup in
Russia. The Wagner group totals around 50,000 mercenary soldiers. Is is a private military
group operating independantly of the Russia army. It is organised by President Putin to help
with fighting in parts of Ukraine and other missions.
It has been widely reported the top general in the Wagner Group was unhappy with Russian
support in recent months. There were adequate supplies of weapon and amunition and fuel
and everything else including water and food and medication. Wagner forces were the target
of Russian missile attacks on “enemy” targets. His soldiers were being treated like fodder.
This collateral damage is not acceptable for any self respecting army looking after its own
forces The general was indicating he felt badly let down and his soldiers were paying a
heavy price. The Wagner chief has now gone one further: “vow to topple Russian military
leaders for incompetance”
There is so much spin and propaganda these days, it is hard to know what is true. It is
known that powerful Russian leaders are famous for purges, ie when their power is
threatened. According to news reports, there is a mutiny going on in Russia at this time.
The Russian authorites are saying, this mutiny will be squashed. There is an internet curfew
in force throughout Russia. There are checkpoints on all major roads, there are soldiers
walking down the streets.
Already, a Russian city called Rostov with 1.1 million people has been peacefully taken
over. This city is now ruled by Wagner group terrorists.
This is a dramatic turn of events in the war in Ukraine. A significant and strategic force of
merceniary and professional soldiers fighting a war in Ukraine, on behalf of Russia. 50,000
armed forces of Russia, have defected to the other side and moved their fight to Russian
military command instead.
This attempted coup is changing everything about the possible outcomes in this war. Is
President Putin’s reign of undisputed power for decades, about to end?
I would suspect not. This could be a script, straight out of a war movie. It is kind of
predictable how it ends. This attempted coup is all about military control. Who controls the
Russian army?
It does seem that the war in Ukraine is stretching Russia’s military machine and chain of
command. You can understand why the top military commanders in the Russian army are
tetchy about this Wagner Group. An independant and rougue mility force operating outside
the law and Russian military command structure, and all managed and paid for; by President
Putin himself.
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Backup of Wannabe yogi journal 2023.docx
Backup of Wannabe yogi journal 2023.docx
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Backup of Wannabe yogi journal 2023.docx

  • 1. May 22 2023 I am back from walking to Hamilton gardens, through town and along the river banks. It is four hours since leaving Tim and Chrissy place. It was longer walk than I expected. On the way back, I had a lunch special at an Indian restaurant, including a kingfisher beer. I was thirsty. The restaurant was playing Indian music. It was easy to imagine I was in India for a short while. The tandoori butter chicken with plain naan’s and rice was delicious and well worth the $18. Now, i am back to my temporary home, I do have a sore back. I do have a depressed dog on my hands. Chloe the dog is missing her mother. Unfortunately Chrissy and Tim is away for six weeks, travelling through France and Italy and other parts of Europe. Chloe had a restless night, whimpering to her self. The first night was fine. I suspect Chrissy has not being separated from Chloe for a while. After the second day, Chloe the dog is suffering from separation anxiety. Chloe the dog was so depressed this morning, she could barely manage her way to her feeding bowl. Chloe looked forlorn and sad. Chloe the dog was not happy. With a lot of fussing, I did manage to get Chloe to eat her food and even go for a walk earlier. Chloe was excited on my return from the walk, but the excitement faded quickly. Chloe is anchored to her sleeping pad and looking miserable. It seems dogs suffer from depression, much like humans do. The most common reason for a dog’s depression is missing their owner. Chloe is missing Chrissy. I am hoping, Chloe is feeling better tomorrow. If anyone should be depressed, it should be me. My old HP desktop computer failed. The computer repair man said, the hard drive crashed after 18 years. A record since hard drive normally last 8 to 10. I may not have backed up for a while. I may have lost journal entries for 2023 up to now. I may have lost previous excel expense spreadsheets. In times like this, I am disappointed with myself. From now on, I will back up after each use. At age 62, a individual needs to be philosophical about all the writing stuff lost. I have already purchased a second hand computer from Trade me. It includes all cables, monitor, keyboard and mouse, plus windows office. This desktop will also have Wi-Fi. The Indian seller phoned me to offer an upgrade to I5 for another $60. I agreed figuring $270 all up including freight is a good deal. $60 is one week of smoking. Since I have given up smoking, the upgrade cost nothing. Time will tell if the deal pans out. May 25 2023 Today is Thursday. Today, like yesterday was a much shorter walk to mid Victoria street for lunch. I ate a lunch special 1/2 rice , 1/2 butter chicken curry. One kingfisher beer. Today is not like Monday’s foolishness. All the way to Hamilton Gardens is a long way to walk, only to be turned back. “This entrance is closed”. I was more than disappointed. It was walking all that way, only for all that extra effort to go for nothing. I was tired and very thirsty by the time I came across a wonderful Indian restaurant that was busy, and had a lunch special. Today is the last day of treating myself to dining out in a restaurant. This experience reminds me of travelling abroad. I am honoured that Tim would want me to look after his two adorable cats. The names elude me for now. There cats name’s start with T. Tiva and something else. I am honoured that Chrissy would want me to look after her adorable dog. I am happy to report, Chloe the dog is much happier in recent days. This is a great relief.
  • 2. I am reminded of a recent episode of friends I saw. It was similar to a childhood game we used to play called bluff or dare. Which party is going to cave in first? I am a paranoid type of guy. I already know that Tim has security cameras set up outside and inside of his house. I have always felt uneasy about this. It is creepy for family and friends. It is like we are being constantly monitored. I am being watched all the time. 24 hours a a day. It is nearly 5 am in the morning in Paris. Tim could be reading this journal right now, as I write. Paranoia aside, all of a sudden, I am becoming aware of how I look. The clothes I wear are looking old. I need to scrub up. I should be shaving each day. I should be taking care of my body, both diet and exercise. I am talking out loud a lot. It is mostly deliberately for the benefit of the animals. Nonetheless the talking out loud was becoming excessive. I am as self conscious as ever. This brief excursion to Hamilton will end tomorrow. Dan-no will arrive to look after The dogs and the cats and the house. I will head back to Otorohanga tomorrow afternoon. I will stop of at Frankton to pick up some split mong beans. My shopping mission to Hamilton is complete. I have a 2 way upright vacuum cleaner from Kmart for less than $100. I have a set of queen sheets from Briscoes at prices more affordable than normal. I have decided, my left foot seems to be healing well. The global pandemic is officially over. Now is the time to go travelling again. If I have retired early, now is the time to travel because I have no pension to lose. I will need to apply for a five year Indian visa. I have been resisting up until now because of a lack of motivation. Travelling is less fun at my age. I have changed my mind, because you do adjust to different writing styles quickly. I am writing from my IPad using pages, instead of typing on a keyboard utilising an older version of word on a old HP compaq desktop. It means, I can write anywhere away from home in Otorohanga. My journal is all backed up in the iCloud and can be accesses at any time, so long as I remember the user name and password. The IPAD is a miracle device. I love Steve Jobs and Apple. In many ways, this years journal starting late is due to hard drive failure, on old technology. This event is like a fresh beginning. It is a change of focus in Ian’s life. You could call it a coming of age milestone. The ability to let go of the small things easily. It was only months and months of “code” after all. The ability to move on so quickly from such a writing loss is admirable. Writing about it helps. 26 May 2023 I said a sad goodbye to Chloe the dog and the two cats that Tim adopted. Danno is in charge of Tim and Chrissie house pets now. Danno arrived earlier than expected. I completed my shopping before midday. This includes a new rug for near the fire and a blue throw for one our leather lounges. I have eye glass cleaner and split mung beans. I filled up my car with the $50 petrol gift voucher Chrissie gave me, for my week troubles. It was no trouble at all. Back home, I have paid the IRD taxes owed by Keith. I have plugged in our brand spanking new Anko 2 in 1 stand up vacuum cleaner to charge. This will take a few hours. I have placed the new rug of black and white diamonds design, beside the fire. The rug colours match our wooden and large coffee table and brown coloured wood container. The blue throw transforms the previously cold blue leather into a soft, welcoming blue fabric. The recovered blue sofa is now warm to set on. The next time I am in Hamilton, I will be visiting Kmart again for three more blue throws for $25 each. This means we have a recovered lounge suite, all courtesy of Ian and all up for $100.
  • 3. It is all my contribution towards celebrating my rewards in gold share investments. It is my contribution to being on the positive side of the ledger for change. It is also Ian’s commitment when he sold these Canadian gold company shares. Ian said he would recover the lounge suite. It turns out, Kmart will deliver for free on my order. Life is becoming increasingly easier and convenient. 29 May 2023 I am back from walking around town. It is a typical winter day in New Zealand. Overcast and miserable with a high probability of rain. It was taking some time to adjust to this new writing style. It is more difficult to get into the flow I am waiting for the delivery of my new desktop computer with Microsoft office installed. This may take as long as two weeks. I can’t wait. Meanwhile, I will struggle on with endless prompts from “pages” to help with the speed of my typing on my IPAD screen. I must persevere and remember the three “D”s. Discipline Determination Dedication I will get through this temp writing process inconvenience somehow. I need to type with a keyboard. Otherwise it is literally just a computer generated AI by Apple, working to help me along with my writing journey. The thoughts while walking, included my previous boss at DOC while working in Auckland, around four years ago. Michael and I could commensurate with one another. Michael lost a father, I lost a son. Sometimes I get sad and dramatic at times, while stoned. Unlike Michael, I am extremely lucky. I have retired early from the workforce by choice. This is the choice of sharing a house with my twin brother and living with a smaller budget. I acknowledge, there are many good reasons why any capable person should keep working to 65 and above in New Zealand. Reason number one is because it gives you a reason to live. It gives an individual extra $$$ in retirement. It feels great to be still contributing something at age 70 +. Yeah and it also gives you something to do, forced to be more social. Alas, I could never be one those individuals. There is far too much atheist in me. I am prone to believe in science. Humans are a freak phenomenon associated with evolution. This being the case, this clock of life in this human body is ticking away. Maybe, there is no afterlife. This conscious life is it. This conscious life as human is as good as it gets. Ian is not really being selfish, as being mathematically minded and honest with himself. Ian is a strong introvert. Ian has never really enjoyed his working life, the wrong vocation for his temperament and wellbeing. Ian should have been a chef or a nurse. It is too late now. Ian has used up maybe 75% of his life span. 25 % of your life remaining to spend how you wish. I reckon this is not too much to ask. Whatever has happened in the past in my life. This is unable to be changed. It is not possible to rewind the clock back to a previous time. Pretending that any incident or outburst never occurred. I now belong to the 60 plus club. I have given my forty odd years of service and experience to someone else to profit from. I have already contributed enough over the year’s to this capital system. A system that I have come to despise when there are more healthy options.
  • 4. In France, workers retire at 60. This got me thinking a lot. Thinking to a point where my Presbyterian farmer background has deserted me. These ideas are delusional. I no longer feel any lasting guilt. I have converted to more socialist thinking. Maybe if you have no other choice, you would work until you drop. You would still be working when you took your last breath. But not if you gave the older people a choice. Most people would favour an earlier retirement date. 60 is agreeable. It is a shock to be 60 plus. Society should have more sympathy for our age group. All of a sudden, old age is thrust upon us. Some of us never recover fully from this milestone passed. At 60 plus, we are past our “best by” date. We are becoming more forgetful and forgettable. We are starting to slow down and out of touch with the younger generations. Our bodies are starting to get older as we age. We are less strong. We should bow out now from the workforce with a degree of dignity and respect whilst we still are able. We can look back at our accomplishments with some pride. 60 is a good age to retire. Hopefully this gives the average worker person, 20 plus years of living without the need to work again. It is great to qualify for a government pension. 60 is the preferred retirement age from the masses. However in New Zealand, you need to be 65. I am only fortunate to have budgeted ahead to fund retiring early. I am both lucky and spoiled to be in this situation. Most working people are not. While walking through town earlier, a thought crossed my mind. I am betraying myself by not travelling at this time. It will never be more convenient. The global pandemic has passed. Imagine two years away from New Zealand before I turn 65. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I will never be younger. Keith would love having the house to himself. All it would take is to apply for a five year visa for India. Jun 1 2023 I have returned from walking around town. It is drizzling now. The computer I brought off Trade me has still not arrived. This is coming up to 14 days. This means I could have been ripped off on Trade me for the first time. It also means another day of using pages. It also means another day without the use of a keyboard. I am being taunted by the appearance of three prompt words to choose from, or keep spelling the word out for myself, one tap at a time. It feels like I have been demoted to become a one finger typist, before I was ten. In other ways, my bad spelling is taken away. I take That as good. I suspect this way of prompts writing does improves typing ability for people like me. I should be happy to be more up to date with modern technology. But it is bound to take some to adjust. There are some other advantages. It is all backed up by the iCloud. As long as I remember to back up every day. It turns out, this is easy. I can share this document with anyone, including email and social media. While figuring out how to save documents from the iPad to iCloud, I discovered how to covert pages to word. I can achieve a lot of other things by the tap of my index finger, or other fingers. I hate to admit this. I am as vulnerable as I have ever being for a while. My old Compaq HP computer that recently died was technology before Wi-Fi came along. It was off the internet. I admit, there were some days when I was most tempted to post a document to my blog. The last one was titled “1234”. It was the previous entry on my days journey/journal. It kind of summed up the sentiment off how I felt at the time. This document and other journal entries have been lost to “hard drive failure” This is common killer of computers after only ten years. Hard drives have a limited lifetime of about ten years. I was lucky the hard drive lasted to 18. It sure does suck about so much treasured data, being lost to the unknown world of “gone” or take $$$ to retrieve. Time has passed and I am very much of the philosophy “what will be will be”.
  • 5. Naturally, I am disappointed with such a huge loss of writing material and other personal information. It was all my own fault for not listening to my own advice. “Backup every time” I become negligent through over confidence in the past experiences. Up to then, my computer had been 100 % reliable. It is time to let this sense of loss go. It is time to move on. Once I get used to this style of writing, I’ll be able to write from anywhere, and without electricity for up to 8 hours at a time. It will entail utilising both hands. One hand is to hold the iPads screen and one hand to type. It is not ideal, but it does work and is better than nothing. To be able to select the correct words using one of my right fingers, I have no need of a second keyboard, ie like the Magic Keyboard provided by Apple. I am kind of saving myself $$$ by continuing working with pages and not replacing word. This does come with some sacrifice. It means I have no easy way to get hold of all my previous work, all backed up on memory sticks. In many ways, I am glad this material is lost to me. It belongs to a previous time in my life when I was more interested in $$$. Maybe my ego was not always behaving himself. Maybe my ego was being selfish and only thinking about himself. Feeling sorry about myself. There were no considerations for other people’s feelings. More than anything else, this material was about the past. And the past is easy to let go of when you are living in the present. This is logical when you consider. It is impossible to change the past. There is only one place where you can make change happen. Now. Today is the first day of winter in New Zealand. It is 17c outside and overcast and drizzling. This is warmer than normal. I have 3 more months of this climate to look forward to. Frosty morning starts, condensation on the windows. Cold room. Cold house in the mornings. A fire going in the evening. These recent days without the need for a desktop computer, I am writing with my iPads from anywhere in the house. I am relaxing on the comfort of our newly covered leather lounge suite. This is located in the lounge and close to the fireplace. Great views of the countryside looking West. The cover is a double blue and unnaturally soft, navy blue blanket. It is a joy to sit down on. Writing is still not the same as sitting in my chair in my room and typing away on a keyboard, while staring at a screen/monitor. It is not the same writing rhythm. I admit, I do not adjust to change well. I am nearly 63. It is perfectly natural to expect some resistance when you have become accustomed to how it was. I had taught myself to touch type. This skill has become redundant at the moment. The positive is being able to use pages to write on my iPad, I can share with everyone, from anywhere in the house the Wi-Fi reaches. My writing has become much more accessible than ever before. I guess this is what I wanted. With pages, I can continue to be a wannabe writer and travel around the globe. This is the sad part. I am no further ahead in applying for an Indian visa. I am still not in the travelling mood unless it is Monday and Thursday. All the motivation for travelling to Asia has gone due to recent experiences. There were some times travelling alone, when you would become homesick. These are the times you are remembering. All the times of relative discomfort, lack of quality food choices, dodgy fried food, poor food hygiene by local restaurants, getting sick and diarrhoea. The relentless heat in the hot season at this time of year. No air conditioning. Mosquitoes. The relentless sounds of fans in the ceilings. No electricity for hours. Too hot, no sleep. Rainy season is here or coming soon. I am in no hurry to travel to India until after the rainy season ends. This time around, South India seems a logical change in Indian scenery and culture. I have never been to Sri Lanka before.
  • 6. This means I have several months to get my psychological act together. I need to get back into a regular routine in the morning. This includes daily meditation and back and yoga exercises, all before breakfast. I am lucky enough to be in this most fortunate position. I can afford to travel to Asia. I can afford the time because I am no longer working. I have retired from the workforce, a few years earlier than usual. I need to take advantage of my early retirement by travelling abroad while I still can. There is only one problem. The motivation is gone. Monday 5 June I am back from walking around town. It is midday and overcast and 13 C outside. The courier has not arrived with my second hand computer purchased off Trade me. I have texted the seller on Friday. Hammedan responded quickly to send his apologies. There was a mistake with the labels and has computer been posted today at 11am on overnight delivery. Sic. It is a long weekend celebrating our new King called Charles third. I guess I can expect the courier to call tomorrow. It is disappointing to still be writing in this way on pages with mainly one finger. I need to be able to type on a keyboard for my writing to flow. It has been a few weeks without a computer. I am still conscious, I have no idea how much of my writing stuff was lost to previous computers hardware failure. All this years writing efforts gone “pfhroomzip” It seems, everything is being backed up by the cloud these days including this, so long as I am using pages or another Apple product. But I am a boomer and by my nature. I am less secure about my stuff being dependent on the internet working. I like to be able to access my digital stuff 100% of the time and backup is memory sticks. Access to my stuff, is in no shape or form depending on someone else’s technology, ie outside of my home. What I am about to say may sound egotistical and reverse ageism. It kind of is, but more like stating a fact. Boomers are the best generation to choose leaders from in 2023. There needs a be a lower age limit set of 60 plus for all leadership roles outside of entrepreneurship. It means there would be a minimum age for all ministers, governors, senators, prime ministers and presidents and Mayors. The reason are logical. It is based on the number of years living as human. Past a certain age and a lifetime of experience has passed you by, in what seems like the blink of an eye. You begin to look at life more differently, less about yourself, more about what really counts. It was impossible to be able to save everything or everyone. For humanity to thrive. A sense of wisdom is dawning… By age 60+, you have learned about humility. You have witnessed the death and loss and suffering of many loved and trusted ones. You have been hurt badly by your body and mental health being less than ideal at times. You have been let down by other people. You have seen it all from a political perspective. At long last, You’re ego is fading away to humility through irrelevance. As a wannabe yogi, killing this ego is our number one mission. It does seem that old age becomes our saviour in this regard. As we get beyond a milestone age, Our ego slowly fades away to background noise, barely noticed. We stop thinking about egotistical things. These are the kind of leaders, us humans need right now. Leaders must have 60 plus human years of experience to be capable of making wise decisions. Otherwise their is a risk that personal passions of youth, may persuade a decision to be based on emotion rather than leadership experience. Sometimes, a leader needs to make the hard calls. Sometimes, a degree of sacrifice in lives lost or wounded in a pandemic or war, a degree of sacrifice must be taken or conceded, as a suitable compromise, to maintain economic stability and long term prosperity for a country dependent on tourism and exports to thrive. This is a tough decision for any
  • 7. inexperienced leader to make. What counts more? Trying to outrun or even defeat/ eliminate nature, or just let nature loose to do its job. (This is assuming covid-19 is natural and not man made) An experienced leader would be more likely to ride a natural global pandemic out. This vaccine has been rushed through and the side effects remain unknown. An experienced leader would have taken the side effects risk into his/her/ other decision making abilities. The health consequences of taking an experimental vaccine is too high to recommend. The health risks are far too high to enforce or make mandatory. Several years later, there is mounting evidence from reputable sources. The known side effects from taking the covid vaccine are not good for some individuals with heart conditions. Thursday, June 8, 2023 I am back from walking around town. It is a chill 15C outside, but the exercising for an hour, soon warms you up. It is 14.5C in my room and I am still warm. There is no need for any extra heating apart from adding a couple of layers of clothing and a winter woolen hat. I am happy to say that Hameed delivered the replacement computer and Microsoft office I needed. There have been a few hiccups along the way, including a late delivery and a few hiccups setting up including error messages. Thankfully the error messages have disappeared. This morning the computer started up normally. No issues at all. I am dissappointed there is no wi-fi, however this is probably a good thing. I am at no risk from viruses from the internet. I am at no risk from hacking. All my stuff is backed up every session on a memory stick. From now on, the most stuff I can loose is one days work. On the walk today, I was kind of sad. Up until now, I only guessed all of 2023 had not been backed up. Now I know. I have already spent an afternoon updating our shared home expenseses spreadsheet courtesy of Microsoft Excel. Alas, I had not backed up for over a year because I forgot. I needed to sort out and enter 12 months worth of shared expenses. This sheared expenses spreadsheet is designed to be fool proof and will not add up if a mistake had been made. However it does take a while to become accustomed to the layout. After 12 months of entries, I have figured out, there is only one initial entry that is important to get correct. This is the entry for the next months shared expenses spreadsheet. The $$$ owing from the previous month. Once you add in the months expenses, everything else takes care of itself. This spreadsheet is brilliant record of each monthly expenses over four years. After four years, Keith currenly owes me $584.31. It is kind of unspeakable to comtemplate nearly five months worlth of journal entries, gone forever. It hurts actually. It is not like I can make the actual wannabe yogi journal 2023 from January the first, magically come back by entering the known information again. Memory is like that when you get to 62. Memory is kind of getting overloaded, my short term memory is shot. It is absolutely shocking at times, especially when I am nervous. As if I could because I ever reread what I write. What I have written in the past is completely gone from my mind, the instant it is written. It hurts, because I thought I finally thought, I had a peice that I would be o.k. with my audience. All those people who were interested in getting to know me, who I really was. It was called “1234” and was exactly 1234 words long. It was a peice I could be proud of. It was kind of like a coming out peice. A single days “wannabe” yogi journal entry.
  • 8. All this confessional material is gone. I need to accept this as fate, yet I am to blame for my own misfortune. Over confidence in old technology and letting time pass by so quickly without noticing. I am to blame myself. I did not back up my work everytime. I was a fool. I am also a fool who does not take sufficient security precautions. I like to think by working offline and backing up all my work on a memory stick. I am as secure as you can get. It is wierd, how all this is working out in my favour. The more I think about it. Hameed has done me a great favour. With no wi-fi card, I am unable to connect to the internet. This computer can never get viruses and suffer from hacking. I would be writing this, while connected to the internet through Microsoft edge with decades old operating software. I would be prey because of outdated security against the lastest known viruses and countless version updates. In next to no time, there are error messages and pop ups appearing out of no-where. Your computer becomes unusable and is infected with malwhare, everwhere you look. Your computer starts up and after a few minutes, your computer shuts down. A message appears out of nowhere. It is message of blackmail. How much is you stuff worth? You must pay 10 Bitcoin, otherwise all is lost, or all will be revealed. I have no need to worry about that threat. However, this version of office is different to the previous one replaced. This version does not have spelling and grammar check. These are add on’s apparently. I will need to pay an ongoing online subscription for from Microsoft. I am not likely to bother since I currently have no internet access with this computer. I am still a little sore about being over sold on my latest purchase on Trade Me. I have not exactly got what I ordered. I will not be leaving a favourable comment. Instead, I will leave no comment at all. I fear my writing ability is about to take a turn for the worse without spell and grammer check In some ways, maybe it will mean that the writing flows with more rthym because there are less interuptions and going back to correct, every second line. I am happy to report, I am able to get a sense of this inner voice, lurking in the background of my psyche. The hidden voice that kind of tells me, what to write down in advance. This voice is not possible to be represented on pages. This voice is not possible when I am unable to type with both thumps and four fingers. This voice in not possible when Ian is straight. I am back to the stage when this inner voice is trying to tell me to take things one small baby step at a time. The first baby step is to apply for a five year India visa. The perfect visa to have a home base somewhere in India, somewhere in Asia, over the next couple of years. I am repeating myself. However, this recent loss of personal stuff hurts a lot and is on my mind. It was nearly 6 months worth of journal entries. I am kind of sad and angry with myself. It was a lot of words for a wannabe writer to loose. It is like working for nothing for nearly six months. You feel ripped off. The disturbing part was my shock discovery that I was overlooking all my previous stuff that was backed up from the past, at least ten years worth and maybe more. The past stuff all seemed meaningless and distant and of no real importance. It was out of date. I am in no rush to travel because as far as writing goes. Disregarding my recent loss of creative material or work. I am finding the status quo is a kind of writing nirvana. I am finally allowing myself the freedom to write, without any other help from a checking
  • 9. program. I am writing without any speller and grammer checker. This writing will most definitely require editing for both spelling and grammer, ie by someone else who is very good at English. I guess you could say as a wannabe writer. This is some kind of milestone. From today, my writing work is no longer being checked by anyone else. This writing work is raw. Most of all. Ian learnt a long time ago. An individual needs to learn to go with the flow. It is when you go against the flow, this is when you will get yourself into trouble. What will be, will be and all that. At age 62, I no longer care that much about anything, anyway. It is more about being practical. My writing needs to quickly adjust to zero spell and grammer checking. Ian always knew there was was this risk about also getting a soft version of Microsoft office 2007. Ian did buy this computer, software and monitor off TradeMe second hand. It has taken far longer for the replacement desktop to arrive, than I expected. After three long weeks. I am finally back to the status quo writing enviroment. I am back to writing on a keyboard with a modern monitor on top of another HP Compaq computer. I guess all things considered, I should not be complaining too much. Everything else about the trade seems to be behaving, including the keyboard, mouse and moniter. Excell is fine. On the positive side. The moniter is widescreen and no longer square. It is so great to be back to typing again with ten “fingers” It is so great to be back to writing normally again. I suspect this sense of normalcy is what elderly humans crave. There are exceptions, but I suspect once you get beyound 60, you have long ago given up, with keeping up. There is already too much change going on in this world. You are already blown away with the level of change that as occurred in your lifetime. Your childhood days already seem like some fictional movie scenario best described as chavanist and male dominated and sexist in every facet. At 60+, I discovered, I love being at home the best. I love relying on older technolgy like a physical keyboard whenever possible. You may become stuck into some kind of regular routine without fail. However you love the predictability of it all. You cave to the inevitably. Sadly you become just like your parents at this age. “old” You hardly ever leave home. You are bound to have aches and pains including a sore back, most likely lower back. My lower back in killing me at the moment. My lower back has been killing me all day, ever since I woke up, last night while sleeping, and the day before and the night before that... Sometimes an individual needs to adjust to the present. At 62, there are some days when my back in hurting especially bad, in the middle of winter when it is coldest. I sometimes crave an end to it all if I am brutally honest. And then I come to my senses. The body aging is all about getting old. I should learn to embrace this aging process as an entirely natural and expected process. Aging is something to be celebrated, assuming you live to an older age in the first place. Aging is not something to be feared. However you look at things, aging or retiring is a huge lifestyle change to undergo. Retiring is a huge lifesyte change for a lot of retiring people. This is the reason why there are
  • 10. increasing numbers of retirees who continue to work, well into their seventies, even eighties and beyound. Most people need to maintain a sense of worth. I sometimes feel guilty about being different to my older siblings and cousins. I do not get my sense of worth from working for someone else, or working until the day I die. I have no qualms about retiring from the workforce early. I live on a meagre budget and I am lucky enough to have sufficient savings. I am lucky enought to be able to afford to retire from the workforce, several years earlier than 65. I share a home with my twin brother called Keith who is out with his friend Louis. Taking an early retirement means I can take a step back from this dreaded capitalistic system and look afresh. I am no longer caught up. I have no further need to secure extra income by working or selling my services to someone else. I am free of this capitalist system in this way. I have no further need to gamble my savings away with large investments in the share market. I can afford to play safe from now on with any potential losses minimised to more manageble levels. In my current state of mind, it does make a lot of sense to go travelling soon. I should travel while I can afford to both financially and physically and mentally. Just in case, inflation is not tamed easily as the authorites predict. Just in case my savings worth is decimated within a mere decade. Maybe I could consider travelling to India early next year, say mid February at the earliest. It would be towards the end of the New Zealand summer. I would fly to Delhi via Bangkok/Bhangkok and head to the mountains. I would head to the Himalayas. There is a lot of places to choose from at this time of year including Rishshikesh and Manali and later Leh. Spring and summer lie ahead. It is a great season to be spending time in the mountains, escaping the simmering and hot heat of the Indian summer on the plains below. It is a great season to be lapping up the mountain scenary, raging rivers and nature. You are living with mountain cultures of India and all that history. Life is good. The moment it cools down in Autumn, I head to Varanassi. I may need to fly to Katmandu first to satisfy the India tourist visa requirements. In 2024, I will fly from the mountains and Katmandu. Overnight buses to India are hard work at 60+. After three months in Varanassi, I head to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is another country to add to the list of countres visited. The previous country was Indonesia. The previous country before that was Myanma or Burma. By this time, I will have a portable keyboard that is compact and light to travel with. I will have a stand for my IPAD to use as a moniter. Writing in Sri Lanka some time in 2024 will be like Ian writing this right now. Ian will still be touch typing on a keyboard while looking ahead into a monitor to check what he has typed and making typo corrections. The only difference will be the size in devices. The IPAD screen size while writing in Sri Lanka in 2024 will be a lot smaller than now. The Apple magic keyboard will be lot smaller than now. I should stop dreaming about travelling and stick to thre present. The sun has set on another winter day in New Zealand. I need to bring in Keith’s washing before it gets damp.
  • 11. Monday, June 12, 2023 I am back from my walk around town and a few instant coffees. It is past 1pm and it is only 12.5C in my room, but I am warm enouth. Spending some time outdoors does that to your body. I am happy to report the replacement computer has started up with windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2007. This replacement software is an upgrade in the previous windows operating system and office. It has been a week and there are no issues with my replacement desktop computer that was purchased off TradeMe, for $270 including freight from Auckland. The main issue is there is no wi-fi capability when there was supposed to be. Word is without a spell or grammar checker. I am in two minds to leave a review on the Trade Me site. A bad review is taken as a big negative for future wannabe traders. Even a neutral review is frowned on. Hameed has still delivered the goods, I do have a functioning HP compaq, desktop computer. Just not all the goods that was implied by the listing. I will leave a neutral review, talking about prompt communication when asked questions and outstanding packaging when the desktop computer and screen and keyboard and mouse, did arrive at my house. It now 1.11 and I am pondering what I should write about today. A thought did come to mind while I was outside, setting down on our outdoor table wooden seats and drinking instant coffee. It felt great to be outside in the winter sun. I am lucky, our house has unrestricted views of a small natural bush reserve. In this natural bush reserve, a natural ecosystem is thriving. There are native birds like kiwi and Tui and Kereru. There are even older reptiles like the rare tuatara lizard. This natural bush researve covers many hectares and is full of native trees such as rimu and tawa and totara and native ferns and native grasses. The natural bush reserve hosts hundreds of birds like startlings and sparrows at night. At this time of year, the starlings flock in at dusk. Against a rising full moon in the East, they starlings descend in the forests, looking much like like native bats. I can watch these descending bats for many minutes, usually when I am gathering the nights firewood and chopping the kindling. This nightly fire collectiong chore is risking my limbs and fingers and toes. In other words, the axe needs sharpening, the handle is cracked and my aim and strenght is not what it used to be. My aim was never great. I was thinking, in the daytime when you look around Otorohanga and the surrounding farms full of green grass. I wonder, exactly, what type of land has more “life” per hectare? Native Bush or green grass or roads or buildings or houses or apartments or airway runways or bridges? A person does not have to think for very long before he/she understands. Perhaps not fully knowing what this observation means. Mankind is a destroyer of natural ecosysems by his/her very nature, much like the otter likes to build dams. However, mankind likes to build things wherever possible. Mankind can build cities in the middle of a desert and pretty much everywhere else including natural rain forests. Unlike a Otter, the materials for these cities are not necessarily natural. The materials may be man made. These materials including adhesives, explosives, chemicals, concrete, ashphalt, wood, steel, plastic, and glass. This is the number one issue associated with the previous observation. Man by his/her nature creates a lot of toxic product. These toxic products and by products turn out to be
  • 12. harmful to the environmant and natural ecosystems, Ecosystems include natural bush reserves and rainforests replaced with our farming land, polluted water ways and oceans, let alone our polluted atmosphere. Mankind is destroying natural diversity down to almost nothing. Mankind is like a virus to natural ecosytems and all natural species. It is known, the fatality rate can be as high as 100% due to mankinds influence and the destruction of natural habitats. The death rate of some natural species such as frog, or bird, or spider, or insect or reptile or plant or tree or fish or mammal is know to soley occur in large numbers, 100% due to mankinds species dominance. Yet bad as this observation is, acid rain beats anything that Mankind can offer in regards to “ species killers” In Hindu mythology, these are the beginning days of the Kali Yuga. There are three other Yuga’s. The Kali Yuga is supposed to be the shortest Yuga by far, but is still over far too many millenium to count. It is rumoured, the Kali Yuga is the Yuga where ingnorance reigns. There is less “concsciousness” available. You could say, this is the Yuga when planet Earth more conscious life forms goes to sleep. This age is called the Iron “Yuga “ The other Yugas is this repetitive cosmic dance are also compared to metals. These metal names are Bronze, Silver or Gold. The Kali yuga is better known as manifesting from the natural cycle of time, time on a larger scale. This larger scale also comes with seasons. It should be known that much like life on planet Earth, there are seasons in Heaven as well. I suspect this will be the Yuga when either mankind blows everything up on planet Earth. Or Man kind ceases to exist, once the acid rain arrives in volumes and spreads around the globe in huge clouds. My advice as an imaginarly alien advising humans. My advice from an advanced species point of view. My pov would be to make the most of it. Whatever life you have, enjoy the status quo while you still can. The Death of mankind and everything else on this planet is almost certain. That is once the volcanoes start erupting and the continents start tearing apart. Nature always wins in the end. And then after some time of turmoil near the continental plates and fault zones. A planet like “Earth” calms down again. The evolutionary process of conscious life starts all over again. In this natural evolutionary process, it seems diversity will reign again for a time. Then a more more advanced species will manifest and discover science. Through application of this new found science, mankind will destroy everything through nuclear weapons, maybe. Human’s need to understand. A planets lifeforms evolution occurs over too many millenia to be counted meaningfully. We all live on an incredibly hostile planet with regular and predictable cycles of earthquakes along fault lines, of volcanies and super volcanoes like Yellowstone and Lake Taupo erupting suddenly and violently. There is vast destruction of all forms of life on this planet. The death of life is due to the acid rain and choking atmosphere. There is a lack of oxygen due to poisonous and toxic volcanic gases. This is an mass extinction event. Everything dies.
  • 13. Death of life, is unfortunaley a regular cyclic event occuring in the beginning stages of the Kali Yuga. Death of life happens as a matter of course, over vast periods of time as the cyclic yuga’s fly by and another tetra yuga looms ahead. It should be known These vast periods already passed, are meaningless to humans appreciation of time. It is 100% associated with which pov you take. If you take the view of father time. It is kind of obvious when you think about it. ‘We’ or our solar system are part of a huge and expanding universe. Just as we circle around the sun due to a natural cosmic phenomenon know as gravity. Our huge sun circles around “our” very own black hole. This black hole is an incomprehensible degree larger than our sun. Thankfully, our sun is far far away from the centre, hardly impacted at all by this black holes huge levels of gravity, much like our planets moon. In other worlds, the orbit around this back hole has become stabilised to near zero change. Me thinks that it is difficult concept for humans to grasp hold of. The best analogy for humans to comprehend, is to imagine looking at life through a never ending spiral, repeating itself. Over and over again. Maybe, all that humans need to know is this. Humans are obviously the pinacle of intelligent life on this planet at this time. As an intelligent species. It is time we acknowledged that out ultimage fate is inevitable. Death of our species and all other natural ecosystems on this glorius planet. This is the bleak scenario lurking ahead in time, on planet earth, no-matter what mankind does or has not done. It is like predicting sun rise and sunset. It is just how nature works on a cosmic scale. This is the reason why this imaganary alien or advance species would like to plea humanites sense of being 100% practical. If we only have say, 5000 years to go, ie before the volcanoes start erupting en mass combined with violent earthquakes. This is the proverbial doomsday or total extinction event which lies ahead of us all.d Mankind should know in advance. This doomsday event has occured many times in the past. Too many times to count... Mankind is not the first advanced species to have evolved from planet earth. Mankind needs to get with the present predicament, presented from father time. Mankind needs to literally maximise the ‘year’s’ left, breathing on this planet. In these coming years, decades and centuries. In makes a lot sense for Man kind to start restoring natural ecosystems. Mankind needs to help out endangered species, and allow all native existing species in countries to thrive, and then live on, without human intervention. If all of mankind and women put our minds to it. In a matter of decades, Earth becomes the proverbial Pandora, of James Cameroun fame. The pandora before the human infaders come along. Mankind learns how to create his/her own heaven on earth. This task is made easy by asking this simple heavenly vision: “where exactly would you see the diversity of nature manifesting on earth?” How much natural diversity would there be in heaven, the pinnacle of God’s creation, where no-body ever gets hurt?
  • 14. Mankind can observe the problem God’s creation faces. Nature is cruel, but human nature can become the cruelest of all and ironically; also the most kindest and most caring to a fault. God would be utterly confused about who and what is the bad guy here? An advanced species pov, would point out the obvious. It is only the present and perspective that count in the end. Life is really only about two leters. The proverbial “2P’s. All human’s or individuals of age, should do this. This is an hour activity designed to improve humanities changes/chances, of longterm survival. Give yourself a well deserved break in the present. Give yourself some time to be alone by yourself today. Today is the day, you give yourself a treat. This treat will starting the moment you wake up in the morning. What I am about to do today?. I am about to have a well deserved break at some stage. I am going to dedicate one hour of my valuable time to relax. I am going to freeing my mind from all distractions. I am away from distractions of the past and future worries or achievments. I am away from all obligations from work and family. In this upcoming one hour break I am allowing myself this luxury of time to comtemplate the big D. This is the most important thing that I can do to benefit my life. It is somewhat ironic that by benefitting my own life, I am benefitting everybody else’s life as well! A person needs to learn to live in the present. The present is all that counts or the only thing that counts. This is where perspective comes in. With perspective, the present could be observed as extending into the future, even projecting back into the past. In the present, the passing of time is a wonderful phenomen to witness. To be conscious of being human and living a human lifetime and living throught the aging process from birth, child to youth to adult to old age and death. If you are lucky. To be conscious that human lifetimes vary depending on diet and DNA and a certain degree of luck or misfortune. A human’s fortunes are largely dictacted by his/her parental traits and gifts and wealth. Under this capitalistic system, a human lifeforms primary source of freedom, is the ability to be or become wealthy. To be rich is to be free. This primarily depends where the dice lands at your birth. In the present, a person with perspective is more likely to believe in karma. Karma kind of explains everything. Karma works in the most mysterious of ways sometimes. Karma works is ways that are totally unexplainable. It helps to understand how karma works. It helps if you can fathom how sometimes, challenges in life are good. “bad karma” or when undersirable events or adverse outcomes manifest themselves. All these past memories of “bad karma” incidents, regrets, or ongoing experiences of unhappiness. This “bad karma” turns out to be good karma with the benefit of hindsight. Somehow this “bad karma” has become good. You are glad this “bad karma” occured in your life. You are a much better person because of this“bad karma” experience. You begin to understand for the first time in your human life. And being 60+ sure helps master this lesson. Everything in life occurs for some reason linked to the past. More importantly, my idea of “bad karma” may be different to yours.
  • 15. “bad karma” is when you get hurt and wounded emotionally, enough to be sad and melancholic for long periods in your human life. You could say “bad karma” is not getting your own way or being sad. Good karma is the proverbial good karma scenario. Good karma is when your life turns out great. Good karma is when you can get hurt and wounded emotionally, you have gained some kind of bad karma immunity. You continue to remain optimistic and happy and content with whatever happens in your life. Good karma is when you get on with life, with a smile, always willing to help out others, no matter what the circumstances, good or bad. Good karma is when your human personality is always positive and always caring. Good karma is when your human personaliy is living in the present full time. Good karma is when you are not bothered by the smaller things in life. Alas, good karma cannot be taught so easily to humans, least not in the kali yuga age...” The alien or advanced species voice signs off. Tuesday, June 13, 2023 It is 2.30 pm and 13C. I am back from walking around town. The computer brought of Trade Me started up again without any error messages, but has annoying popups about windows defender being out of date. I need to close these popups down every time. Apart from that, word and excel behave normally apart from spell and grammar checker. All is good. I have checked all the negative and neutral comments about Hameed. There is a common thread. I am not the only trader waiting a long time for the courier to arrive. I was not the only trader mislead with details, such as missing wi-fi and incomplete office plugins. Good packaging and prompt communication on any issues, until no communication at all. I have decided to pass on giving Hammed neutral feedback as a measure of good will. I wasn’t so much ripped of, as mislead. If Hameed had ripped me off, ie with dodgy software and hardware or goods that did not arrive. I would have been absolutely scathingly negative with my Trade Me feedback. This is the best way to warn other buyers off dealing with a dodgy trader. There a a lot of scammer traders out there. Buying stuff off Trade Me, is always a risk of being disappointed and ripped off. You want to help other honest traders out when you can. I am off to visit my sister and brother in law at Algies Bay on Thursday. They asked me to look after their cat called Yoda for the coming weekend. They are off to Napier for a few days. No pressure. I agreed because I need a break and a change in scenery. I suspect, I am getting itchy feet to travel again and the first destination in mind would be Thailand. Maybe there is no need to get any 5 year visa for India. One way air tickets offer a lot of flexibility and air fares seem to be on the way down again. The plan could be to be on the lookout for one-way air fares to Bangkok. I could spend a month in Thailand and a month exploring Vietnam. Vietnam is a country I have never visited before. On the way to Vietnam, I could spend a month in Cambodia. In next to no time, I am back in India for a month before leaving for Sri Lanka around Christmas. I spend a month in Sri Lanka and then back to India for a month. In March, I head to Nepal. This will be my last view of the glorius mountain views from Pokhara lake. Back to India for a month.
  • 16. This is as far as I have got. Instead of applying for a five year Indian tourist visa, I just wing it instead, one month in a country at a time. Apparently the New Zealand passport is right up their with regards to ease of travel throughout Asia, Europe and the America’s and Africa and Oceanea, pretty much every country around the globe. It will mean turning into a nomad for a while. I will be continuously on the move. The longest I can stay in one place is around 3 ½ weeks. I am suspecting I will just need to adjust to writing with pages. There will be no need for touch typing with a keyboard, instead I will use a couple of fingers on my IPAD screen. Ian has decided that it does make more sense to use spelling and grammar aids, and word prompts. It is some pride egotistical notion about Ian not wanting people, to know what bad spelling and grammer and the many typo’s I make. I do love to be able to touch type though. Touch typing is a skill I needed to learn. I took lessons in a classroom after work. It involved lots of repetive practice with letter drills and typing lessons at home. Today, my typing skills are still not great, but I am o.k. at times. I have no need to look at the keyboard when I am typing. I will always prefer writing with a keyboard with a big monitor. But I can learn to adjust without a keyboard when needed. Writing with pages in the near future will be like a writing experiment for me. Will there be any noticable difference in writing quality? How would you judge? A boring and repetitive journal with inproved spelling and grammer and higher vocubulary is still a boring and repetitive journal. As a reader, does the story reel you in, where you need to read on to find out, what happens next? Are the characters real and believable? If the writing and story line is good, a reader can overlook the odd typo or poor gammer and spelling errors. Hooked is hooked. This is the skill of any sucessful fiction writer. Get the readers hooked from the very first, until the very last page. Get the readers to read the entire damn book, from cover to cover. Then and only then will any wannabe writer publish, a best selling fictional book. Ian will never know if his journal become best selling non fictional books, because Ian’s journals will only ever be published after his death. My theorical death will be at age 94 according to an aghori guru from Varanassi in India. This means the theoretical date for Ian’s journals to be pubished would be in 32 years from now. The effective year would be after 2055. There is going to be a lot water pass under the bridge in 32 years. A lot. Considering how much the world has already changed in 23 years, the exponential change in coming decades will be almost incomprehensible in scale and depth. Where would the average human being even start to imagine, what the world would be like then? I am 62 and I have decided to retire from the work force earlier than the usual age of 65. I am lucky, I have savings to help me out until pension time. I share a free hold house. I am able to live on a meagre budget for food and drink. I have a lot of spare time up my sleeve to ponder about things. I like to get stoned on special muffins occassionally. I need to get my head around all the change that is coming our way. It is a great time to be living, if living with lots of change is your style. My style would be to slow all this change, all the way down, a lot. Before we $#@$ it all up for everyone else living on this glorious and diverse planet. I have faced the dreaded facts. This is not going to happen.
  • 17. At 62, it is not as though the future in 2055 is going to matter that much to me. As an athiest, why should I care what happens to future generations? But I do for some reason. It is because I have a conscience. I care about what happens to the future of humanity as a species. I want man to travel through space to hospitable planets in distant solar systems. I watched Star Trek as a kid. Tis a great dream to have. Maybe one day, man will conquer space travel? Until that fated day, Man needs to be very careful with protecting what he/she already has. Planet Earth and the diverse life forms that live here. Mankind needs to become more conscious about what a human life is, by imagining what life would be like, with all life forms gone. Killed by toxins of various kinds, polluting the land, lakes and waterway ways and the oceans. Killed by toxic food and a toxic atmosphere. Monday, June 19, 2023 I am back from walking around town after driving back from Auckland. (Algies Bay near Wakworth) Today was the first day the new motorway bypass for Wakworth opened for traffic. You could say, I was one of the first vehicles to drive on it. Looking after Yoda the cat is turning out to be a regular occurence while my sister and brother in law go away. This time they were away for a long weekend. This time Elva and Alan were visiting a daugher and grandson and family in Napier. Yoda only misbehaved once while they were way. Yoda urninated on the lino in the kitchen on the first night. It was no big drama to clean up with a bucket and cloth. I a way, it was my own fault. I figured it was not raining outside so Yoda would use the catdoor. I did no need to leave the kitchen door open to the outside as well. My mistake. However the four day break from Otorohanga did have its initial dramas for my my sister. Elva was about to leave work when the heart pains occured. Elva works at the Glenfield Medical centre. Elva chest hurt on the RHS, had turned faint, uneasy and was not feelting well. Rebecca or becca/i the nurse quickly took an ECG. The results looked serious enough to call for an ambulance for North Shore A@E, immediately. Becci is good friends with my sister and after Alan took the call, we both were shocked. Alan wasted no time getting into the car, while I quickly skulled nearly a glass of beer and joined him. Luckily I was in a state of denial and could not believe it would be too serious. Alan was ringing all his children to let them know what was happening. I suspect I was a calming influence for Allan who was obviously upset. This was his life partner we are talking about. This could potentially have been a heart attack. I was confident Elva would be o.k. and in around thirty minutes, we would know for sure. Sure enough, it all ended well at A@E after 12am. The nurses and doctors were outstanding in their efforts to maximise the health response for both patient and their family. We all got back to Algies Bay around 2pm. The road works and detours on the way home had not been kind to us. I drove Elva’s Nissa Leaf back, following close behind Alan’s diesal beast. Navigation has never been my strong point since I loose my sense of direction easily. Google news popped up an article about 4 climate records that are plain scaring climate change scientists. One; CO2 levels have maxed out at 425 in April, for the year 2023. Not so long ago, CO2 levels were below 400ppm. 400 is already regarded as dangerously high. “Such dangerously
  • 18. high levels of CO2 will inevitably lead to rapid global warming if tipping points are breached” “ Positive feedback and self reinforcing loops take over” As the ocean warms, the more the ice melts from beneath, the more the ocean levels rise. Two; In previous months the Antartica ice levels are at historic lows for this time of year. The scary part is the margin. A record margin. An record outlier that is about to become the norm. Three; May was another record average land temperature for the time of year. It maxed out greater than 1.5C. An record outlier that is about to become the norm. 1.5C is the level the world government have previously agreed not to exceed, or at least aim for as max. This 1.5C max was recorded in the UN climate change agreement, set in stone in a climate change agreement by COP21, Paris, 2015. Four; May and June are are recording record ocean surface tempertures, way, way above the norm. Indeed record ocean surface temperatures so far beyound the norm, it is unprecendented. The forth record leads us directly to record number two, which leads as to record number one. Record number three just goes to prove the planet is warming all over. Climate change scientists in the know are all of the same opinion. They all knew the planet was going to warm. They had no idea it was going to warm so fast. Are these climate change scientist worried on behalf of the rest of us? I suspect, some of these climate change scientists are panicking. I know, I am. New Zealand had a serious wake up call earlier this year. First it was the historic Auckland floods that were unprecendented in all of Aucklands weather history. There were absolutely unbelievable flooding scenes on television. This was the type of flooding that occurs overseas, in some other country. Alas, this flooding was occurring in New Zealands biggest cities. Motorways, roads and streets have become raging rivers. Cars and other vehicles, even sheds and houses are floating away in the torrents of water, flowing downhill and filling up all low lying areas, without suitable drainage. Soul destroying mudslindes taking away peoples homes and the people and pets living inside. Second it was cyclone Gabrielle devastating the Gisbourne and Hawkes Bay area with torrential rain and unprecendented flooding. These floods were even beyound the history breaking floods of yore. Cyclone Gabrielle will go down as New Zealand’s most costliest weather related disaster - ever. Many lives were lost and the damage caused by debris and mud and the force of rapid water flows, is just shocking to the eye. Infrasture such as vulnerable bridges and roads, took a hiding to one. There is mud and silt, many feet deep, everywhere you look. Sometimes the mud has ovetaken entire houses and other buildings. The mud has completely covered vehicles and crops for acre/hectare after hectare. It has to be seen, to be believed. There have been so many livelihoods lost in a flash. Nature can be cruel to humans sometimes. Cruel enough to make you cry. This is the truly sadest fact about global warming. In this particular case of global warming for our glorious planet. This particular case of global warming for our planet is 110% caused by man. There is no “expletive” doubt about this fact. There is no doubt, because it is proven by many reputable scientists as fact. Reputable scientists would not be true to their cause if they made things up or faked the data – now would they?
  • 19. There is only one reason why climate action has not taken place. It is 110% a manifestation associated with whatever man made “system” of power, powerful humans have come up with over time. The climate deniers have been winning up to now. It is overdue time, that this all changed. The workers need to revolt again. The workers need to revolt against this biased capitalist system rewarding the few. The workers need to revolt against this dreaded capitalistic system, leading us all to absolute ruin. What mankind needs right now is an awakening to the truth. What mankind needs to understand is mankind is facing a retribution of kind. This is not the retribution of God, or whatever you think or do not think, God may exactly be. Let it be known. If there is God to be known, felt and seen and touched. This god is Planet Earth, humans and all the other species that God in his wisdom has created, for us all to enjoy. This is the retribution of Gaia or mother nature, aka as Planet Earth ecosystem. This ecosystem is extending all the way, out into space. This is retribution for “expletive” it up in the first place. This was through all manner of selfishnish. This was through out and out greed. There was an inherent lack of consideration for other human and other non human inhabitants. The colonial powers sure have a lot of explaining to do. Progress was never supposed to be without due care, of what we already have or already exists. Progess can be done nicely and without excessive harm. In the year 2023, This is an “expletive” “expletive” climate emergency going on. It is time to get real with out governments and this capitalistic system that is leading us all astray. The most powerful men and woman on planet earth are those powerful man and woman with the most money. Those with the most $$$ will always have the most influence. It is just how this capitalist game is rigged. Those with the most $$$ will always have the advantage. Those people with the most money would be classified as elite humans in any simulated AI game play. The top 1%. These elite humans will be the first humans to travel through space and experience a real sense of weighless ness. These elite humans will be the first humans to look down at our glorius planet earth from above. To be able to see planet earth from above is like an awakening of sorts. Our planet is breath taking away beautiful. In an instance a human being gains a sense of perpective. These elite humans are what you called the “lucky” humans. Any human being capable of such feats could only be described as lucky enough to have incredibly good karma. To be one of the very first humans to experience space travel. WOW! One of the first humans to be able to experience the very best planet Earth “life” experience. It is like an impossible opporturnity to turn down, ie if you can afford it. Space travel is all through human endeaver and is a somewhat humbling experience for everyone involved. But if you ever get the chance to be able to look down at your very own home, your home planet from space. THEN OMG!!! Your human priorities on life on planet Earth have instantously being transformed. You mission in life from now on is simple. Protect what we aready have because – because this is a miracle creation to behold. Maybe, just maybe. Planet Earth is Gods best creation yet... I have been given a joint. In my altered state, I do feel Human beings have a deep sense of responsibility to act like Vishnu. Human beings need to protect mother Earth, aka as nature.
  • 20. This includes all other life species like fauna and funga. Human beings need to protect our oceans and waterways. There is a reason why planet Earth is so special and this reason starts with the letter D. I feel like I am repeating myself. D stands for diversity. You could say that at the end of the day. It is 110% man’s responsibility to take leadership on this issue. It is humanity sole cause to save the planets species numbers from becoming decimated... Taking the hard road when it comes to removing or discouraging weeds. Taking the hard road when it comes to reducing man-made pollutants that are highly toxic and damaging to the environment. This is the best sign of early onset dementia or in my case. The natural aging process of the human species. I will repeat myself, over and over again, like I am talking to myself. I am reminded of one of the eightfold way. This Buddha way to enlightenment teaches us all about speech. A person should always speak the truth if asked and never lie. This is the most difficult Buddha precept to follow for many aspiring Buddhist’s, including me. In the year 2023, most people lie habitually. At the end of the day, most humans are well, human. Most humans will take the path of least resistance and are reluctant to offend anybody else, ie if they can get away with it. It is assumed that any brutal honesty in regards to your personal opionion on personal subjects. This honestly is prone to brutal retaliation on any ‘touchy” subject. All those previous relationships risk being destroyed into ashes. It is much easier to play safe and agree or disagree on que. Most humans beings learn this lesson at a early age, a right of ritual passage for survival as a normal child. This is the way you made and kept friends. That is unless, you were the class bully. It never used to be this way in days of yore. In the days of yore, people tended to say what was on their minds. Most people would brush all this criticism as the cost of an honest society. There is no need to take offence with ‘my’ opinion or observation, unless offence was intended. Then again in days of yore, most people tended to have a simple life. A simple life tended to come with a lot of manual and often back breaking work and endless chores. This is the kind of back breaking work the peasants tended to do. All those human slaves on all those grand cotten plantations in the south. All with a single human master. The sole master of said plantation. The plantation owner was always white and absolutely racist. The times have sure changed since them more simple days, then again; you must be absolutely joking. You must be absolutely taking the piss. The only thing that has changed is this. This dreaded capitalist system has tricked us again. Us human workers are still mere slaves. The ultimate irony is we are slaves by our very own choice – We choose to chase the higher $$$ for wages and profit. All us humans thrive on a bargain. All us humans may or not like to admit it, the almighty master who we worhsip. Our master is undoubtedly the almighty $$$. As a Vishnu devotee, it is sufficient to make me vommit. I kid you not. This $$$ is the devil you have been looking for all this time. The proverbial 666 and in the flesh, so to speak. As a Vishu devotee and obviously. This opinion is from an idealistic and not necessarily realistic perspective. “Mankind needs to learn to worship something else besides $$$ and rather urgently” I hate to say it, however mankind could not really be considered as an “advanced” species, when we worship something so shallow and false. $$$ are all too easily manipulated by
  • 21. influential people with lots of $$$. $$$ can be printed at will by the central bank, aka QE. QE is sometimes necessary to stimulate the economy. Billions and Billions and Billions of dollars generated over a relative short period of time, by developed country after country. QE supposidly saved New Zealands economy from failing, when the global pandemic hit everyone. This was wasy back in 2020. QE is the eternal $$$ tree for all those credible central banks in the world, including New Zealand, Australia, UK, US, Canada, Japan, China, Russia etc. Humanity should let use this $$$ creation tree, to all of humanities advantage. Lets make the changes we all need to make, ie to survive unpredented climate change, We all agree. We all need to make these changes and pronto. We ALL need to urgently take the necessary precautions agains the worst. I repeat myself in a sense of desperation and hopelessness at the same time. In some kind of outrageous hope for mankind to come to its senses, en mass. The solution to unprecended climate change is somewhat a no brainer. Climate change is caused by a warming planet. A warming planet is caused by excessive greenhouse gas emissions, over many human generations. The solution ahead of us, only requires a degreee of trust of humanity and common sense. Mankind needs a higher authority in change of making the big decisions, when an existential crisis manifests itself clearly, for the entire planet to be concerned en mass. These would be all those big decisions like national security issues between the super powers. The solution would be all about the United Nations Security Council holding the nuclear codes for all the nuclear weapons in the world. From this moment on. There is absolutely no chance that any tyranical and crazy leader of any single nuclear armed country like the US, Russia or North Korea, is going to detroy the world. All of mankinds potential, will be able to be saved for sure. The UN security council will take this nuclear war between the superpowers. This nuclear option - completely off the table. Mankind will never be able to destroy himself, by fighting with himself. From this moment, Nuclear weapons will only ever be used in case there is an asteroid that needs blowing up, or in the worst case scenario. Alien space ships are attacking. This is a life of death crisis, utilising nuclear weapons as a weapon. But only ever, on behalf of all of mankind. Any reasonable human with a degree of optimism about mankinds future ahead. We all know, the UN security council chairman needs to take control of all nuclear weapon detonation codes. This is a health and safety issue of the utmost importance for every single human being, currently living on this glorius planet. AND all those generations that follow. This political change must be made at the earliest convenience. This change must be made on behalf of the entire planets health and wellbeing. This change is adding another layer to the hierachy of political and civil power. The top power in the land so to speak. Now it is official, the UN represents the world. The buck for the best interests of humanity stops here. The UN is the ultimate benovolent benefactor in times of disaster and tragedy, representing the very best expertise and leadership in all spheres of human knowledge and subjects. The main goal of the UN is to rise living standards and reducing poverty around the globe. This would be a a matter of some urgency.
  • 22. The main goal of the UN is to protect endangered species and maintain species diversity as previously mentioned. The UN main mandate is to take care of our home planet and explore space travel as a matter of right. Exploring space is what advanced and benevolent species do. Holding a global referendum in regards to empowering the United Nations would be the easy part. This is the hard part. A binding referendum such as this is so outlandous and ridiculous. It would be impossible to get global agreement on. Imagine super power countries the USA, Russia an China, surrendering their countries authority to a higher authority such as the UN. It is never going to fly. This unfortunate reality, means mankinds future is looking increasingly shaky and uncertain. There is going to be a higher probability of drought leading to famine, water and food shortages in under developed, even developed countries. Increasing floods caused by increased rainfall caused by global warming. Climate change is beginning to take its toll on everyone. Tuesday, June 20, 2023 I have sent a text to Hameed to say that trade did not meet my expectations. “there was no wi-fi, any chance of a refund for the upgrade for the I5 chip?” I have not heard back, nor do I expect to. Next week, I should post a negative review to TradeMe, but I not in the habit of not making enemies unless I need/have to. Is it worth the trouble and unwanted drama? It is the Buddhist way. At the end of the day, I am back typing again on Microsoft word like before. The monitor is widescreen. I have a better mouse and keyboard and computer. I paid $260 which is around a month costs of smoking. I have given up smoking a couple of months ago. In some ways, the replacement computer paid for itself with some $ left over. It is 11:11am and 12.5C. The sun sets around 5:05pm. Tomorrow is the shortest days of the year. It means Hurricane season is approaching in the US. This Hurrican season, the predictions for the number of hurricanes has fallen. After three years of La Nina, El Nino is officially here, having passed the 0.5C threshold. In another three months, El Nino will be dominent. In El Nino, previous weather patterns change. This usually means fewer hurricanes form in the Atlantic ocean. However El Nino is when ocean temperatures in the tropics are warmer than usual. Hurricanes/cyclones that form, tend to be stronger. The science models are suggesting this El Nino, equitorial sea surface temperatures or SST; will rise to over 1.5C above average. This is likely to occur later this year and heading into 2024. El Nino weather pattern tends to bring hotter temperatures and droughts in many locations. These are the locations negatively impacted by the changed weather patterns and winds. The hottest years on record have all been during the El Nino weather phenomenon. 2024 is going to be a record breaking years for temperatures around the globe. It is past 2pm. I am back from shopping at Countown to replace Keith’s beers in the fridge. I brought a pack of 18, to replace the two, I drank last night. I also brough some nice red wine to drink this afternoon. The price of alcohol goes up by 10% at the beginning of July. July the first is the day when excise tax and road toll increase. It is also the dya when excise tax for fuel returns to normal. The price of fuel will increase by 30c a liter. Driving around the place is about to cost more.
  • 23. I keep thinking about this travelling gig. If I am going to travel, now is the time, when I am not collecting any pension. Covid-19 restictions and vaccination requirements have been lifted. Travelling to places like India has returned back to normal. Yet, I am struggling to find the motivation. My energy levels remain low and I get exhausted easily with any physical exertion. Walking is o.k., so long as it is flat. I am no longer able to mow our without stopping for a break, sometimes several breaks. Our section is not flat. This is one of the dreaded side effects of growing old. Any heart weakness and other genetic deficiencies start to manifest with a vengence. If you have smoked all your life, your hearts and lungs are struggling due to obvious reasons. You run out of breath and get tired easily. Your back and other parts of your body hurts; as a matter of course. It is not that much fun getting out of bed in the morning. The body aches so much. You get cold in winter and you suffer in the heat. Hot days are especially exhausting because all your bodies energy is being used to keep cool. You look into the mirror or at any recent photos. You are taken back in horror. Your younger days are over! It is not surprising, in old age, you prefer to spend most your time, in the comfort of your own home. (if you are one of the lucky ones, independant enought and wealthy enough and physically able still; ie, you are not in a rest home) There are genetic exceptions who remain physically able to their very last steps. These are the very lucky humans. The heat pump is working most days of the year, maybe in combination with fires in the winter. If you are lucky enought to afford the electricity and firewood. You maintain the optimum temperature of comfort, say 22C. You only leave your home when you have to, like for shopping and social events. You are now old. You look forward to visitors and your hobbies and interests and the latest news and family and not much else. In other words, you are not so interested in leaving the comforts of your home for very long. These days a pensioner does not need to live his/her home for shopping. All shopping can be done from the convenience of your favorite arm chair. This is usually located in your lounge. Online shopping these days includes supermarkets, fast food and alcohol. It is easy to comprehend how many older people become isolated in their own homes and unfit. It is easy to comprehend how many older people become dependant on visitors for company. It would be nice to say, this sort of isolation and sense of lonliness could be prevented. An individual just needs to remain “young” in his/her own mind. Alas, nature is cruel sometimes. Getting old means getting old. There is no escape from this fate. A older person does not have the some physical energy or physical skills of a younger person. And this has a lot to do with this phsychological fact. An older person has a lot more life experience. An older person is much more likely to suffer from the “jaded” syndrome.
  • 24. The jaded syndrome goes something like this.You have seen or heard or experienced it all before. Nothing is new apart from unrelenting pain, sorrow and the death of loved ones that you have known in your life. Ironically, loved ones can include complete strangers such as famous actors, muscians, artists and leaders. Getting old means waking up and discovering. Yet another influential or loved person from your distant past, has passed. Perhaps the sadest part of this jaded syndrome, is the family and friends that you have lost touch with over the years. Family and friends move on with their lives. You are not longer a part of their life in a meaningful way. I am onto my second glass of red wine and I can safely say. I am no longer able to legally drive a vehicle. I suspect. Alcohol is like a truth serum. Old age is something you can never fully prepare yourself for as your body and mental facilities inevitably decays. Life is over before you know it. Life is so short. This fact at 62 is sobering. There is nothing to prepare you for growing out, after experiencing the exuberance of youth and the feeling of invincibility and all of life’s early potential based on goodwill and hope. The only advantage of old age, is that old age allows you the opportunity for perspective. A sense of wisdom accumalated from a lifetime of experiences. The important things in life you have learned over the passing years. Lessons that you can pass onto the younger generations that follow. The important things in life to make the generations that follow, life more meaningful. Alas, I fear the meaningful aspect in all human life, regardless of one’sage. This is somewhat personal. It is not universal. This meaning full aspect varies from individual, even within families and cultures. What does not change is this. Every single human individual, yearns for a sense of meaning and ‘family’ in their life. As a human individual gets older, this sense of meaning changes to something less tangible. The mystery of death looms and this mystery of death changes absolutely everything. What exactly is important about having a human life? An older person is more likely to say. Only god knows... While a person searching for enlightenment would say. Isn’t it obvious? Thursday, June 22, 2023 I am back from my shorter walk along the Waipa River stopbanks. It is drizzling outside. That person searching for enlightenment is me. “Ian” is a temporary vehicle on this deserving path towards zero suffering and a blissful state of being. In this temporary body, complete with mind. My mind has a recent past that is firmly based on my belief system from a youngish age. I run across the friendly and holy mantra chanting “Hari Krishna’s” joyfully dancing down the main street of Chrischurch. One the the Hari Krishna lads, gifted a copy of the Bgahavad Gita for my troubles. I remember. I had started a new job as a cadet aged around 19. This job involved training near Chrischurch airport. I was in “town” for the first time, with my recently made friends/aviation cadets. We were heading to one of the many bars to celebrate the end of the first week of civil aviation training. I was an avid reader at the time. This book was about discussions between Krishna and Arjuna. Krishna was god. In an instance, I understood the POV of Arjuna, ie taking to God in the first person. It all made sense at some level. I was no longer searching about who God is.
  • 25. I learnt that the Bhavada Gita is scripture for Hinduism. One of many scriptures including the Ramayana and Mahabharata. I learnt that Buddhism is a recent branch of Hinduism. I learn at lot about the Atman while attending the SOP in Auckland. I learnt a lot with my travels through Asia including India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore. Eastern belief systems and cultures has all the answers that work for me; personally. I learnt that Western belief systems are also based on a recent branch of Hunduism, however the Christian scriptures are less pure. Some parts of the scriptures were lost in the editing process a few centuries back. This cutting/deleting process, was mainly instigated by emperors at the time. One particular Emporor whose name started with a C. This constantine emperor was less than honest. The words of the holy bible at the time; were changed. Some words starting with the dreaded “R” were even deleted and taken away. Nothing written in any Christian holy scriptures today; should ever be taken literally. That would be a grave mistake. It would not be what the author wanted or desired. And certainly not what Jesus intended. God forbid. Stories are told to get a message across. Sometimes stories are told to entertain. Stories should never be taken any further than that. This especially applies to any scripture books. We are living in the year 2023. Edition after edition. How would you know a good edition from fake? It is translation after translation and if you are a English reader. From the pure Arabic and Latin and Roman and Barbarian to English over many many years. These stories originated long before the printing press. These stories and recollections were largely passed on by word of mouth. This method of recollection is fraught with small errors, continuting to creep in, over each generation the story/message is passed onto. Lets me brutally honest on behalf of everyone reading the holy bible today. I hate to be the person to spread the sad news. However after centuries, I would not be so confident. Have you ever played the game called Chinese Whispers? Yet for some illogical and highly disturbing reason. Christians love quoting scripture, every chance they get. It is more than annoying for me. It is amazing that I remain so good humoured about it. I suspect, I know, any logic is lost on born again Christian friends. I have a few. I know that deep down. They care for me and they want to save me from hell. I just learn to become patient and say nothing while the preaching goes on. The first break in conversational flow, I subtlely change the subject to something else. If we are outside, I point out something beautiful in nature, the clouds in the sky, the birds in the trees, the sheep and the cattle in the paddock, the river or lake or ocean or mountain and farmland and towns and cities and flowers and lawns and hedges in council gardens. The fresh air. “It is such a nice day to be outside, life is great” I often need to refrain my true opinion about doomsday and liberation/heaven cults. There are a lot of these cults an indidual can fall prey to. Yet cults are none other than a personal belief system that has turned popular. A belief system talking about immortality. What individual is not curious about that? A great example in recent times is the Church of Scientology. The founder is Ron Hubbard. Ron was a previous writer of science fiction books. What does Ron have to offer that no other religion or belief system has up to now? This would be the enlightened state called “clear” theoten. This state can only be achieved by completing special indoctrination courses that cost $$$ to complete, over many years.
  • 26. Ron Hubbard is the master story teller by default. “Ron Hubbard is an immortal being from beyound space” Ron has a special mission, to pass on a message to followers. Ron can deliver the path towards a liberated being. It should be noted for any individual who has been to university and likes to check the facts first. This so called “scriptural” book written by Ron called “Dianetics: The modern science of Mental Health”. This book was written in 1950. This book is science fiction. I note; fictional book. This book is 110%, a man made belief system and story about a formed religion based on levels of consciousness. A fictional science fiction story for the purpose of entertainment. Ron only ever started this church and self belief gig for a laugh. Ron was curious to see, just how far this newly formed church could go. In the beginning, it was a more like a humorous joke taken too far. Imagine, being able to write your own creation story with millions of followers. You could say, the chuch of scientology outcome in the year 2013 has exceeded Ron’s expectations. Ron still has just under ten million followers. They include Tom Cruise and John Travalta amongst other movie legends. However Ron remains the most reverred figure. Ron is the founder and creator of this church of scientology. Ron is the immortal legend and it all come from writing a single science fiction book. All it takes is to write a best seller. The rest took care of itself. Ron proved himself to be great salesman and great commander of the “Sea Org” members club. The Sea Org membership is the ultimate fan club of adoration; if there ever was one... This is also one of the unfortunate side effects from growing older. You do tend to become more sceptical and circumspect about anything and everything. Most things you previously thought you knew, that was proved to be wrong. For example, I grew up in a Presbyterian family. I went to Sunday School most Sundays with my twin brother. We were a regular church going family as kids. The church and church outings were a regular feature in our lives. We had heard our fair share of Sunday sermons and the rituals associated with babtism. I had a good idea about God’s expectations and what being a good Christian is. It is important to surrender to Jesus, as the only way to God. Otherwise you will end up in hell” It has been proven over and over again over time. There is no singular way or path to know God. Nor is there a hell, any more than the average level of sufferning the average human has already experienced in senior age, or for just being different. (both mentally and physically) Suffering is very much a personal and ralative aspect of being. You could say that suffering is primarily psychological, albeit sometimes physical as well. At 62, I feel duped when I was younger. I should have been learned this fact from a very young age. I should have able to look at Eastern scriptures and mythical commics at the same time as reading the childrens version of the Christian Bible. I feel robbed somehow. There is no single God. There are multiple Gods, yet all these gods are one single consciousness” Tis a miracle to behold this forbidden “R” word in Christianity. Rebirth on planet Earth after death. My perspective in life would have changed many years before now. I would have had all those extra years of “Ian” living a more enlightened life. I would have learnt to have less fear of hell and demons. I would be much more relaxed about my death at a much earlier age than I was. I die, only to be reborn some time later. There is no lesson to be learnt as human apart the lesson of being humble. An individual should learn to be grateful for what they already have.
  • 27. They not only have a human body, they also have a human mind. A human mind capable of creating gods from nothing but imagination or fiction. This is a miracle to beyond – thus faith is born. I have am onto my first glass of the truth serum. I am having a beer. Sometimes Ian as a wannabe writer, is prone to taking the piss. If Ian was going to be brutally honest, about the belief system he favors as most likely true. This would have to be the randomness and timelessness of evolution. How over many billions of years, out of nothing, sentiant lifeforms manifest. Then an advanced species like humans comes along, but only recently. It is beyound the pail. Mankind is kind of a freak species to have evolved on this planet we call Earth. Somehow, Mankind evolved from other manmmals called Apes and only a few million years ago, maybe less. Mankind has evolved so fast in the twentieth century, that man can travel beyound this planet, ie to our planets moon. Man can send up sattilites that orbit the earth. Mankind is able to send data sending sensors/objects, to other planets in our solar system, amongst an entire host of other remakable accomplishments in space. This includes setting up an international and manned space station, orbiting planet Earth. A place for international astonauts to play human guenni pig. Scientist back on earth can monitor the human bodies ability to adapt to an environment of weighlessess in space over many months. Back on Earth, the doctors go rabid with tests and observational data. Over time, a reoccuring pattern manifests. Weightlessness has these side effects on the human body and mental health. What if, when records come to be broken. Mankind has already broken the record for the most advanced species in the known and unknown universe. Mankind is the first inter galactal species to actually live in space for months at a time. The first advanced species to leave his home planet for somewhere else. Maybe just maybe, Mankind is the ultimate “freak” and “one of a kind” species. Mankind is the first species, capable of such god like thoughts; in the first place? As an potential outsider to all this, I would hypothetically be from an even more advanced species than mankind. I am obviously a fictional alien species from a distant planet in another galaxy. My advanced species has lived a lot longer than the human species. Over time, our species has conquered space travel. Our species is capable of visiting distant planets like Earth, at will. I am this fictional and hypothetical alien, looking on from an immutable distance with high levels of knowledge gained from well; life experiences passed on down, through the generations. I have gained an outsider perspect of the human species, a POV, distant from any previous Earthly biases. After a thorough investigation, I would spell in out in plain terms. There is a lot riding on Mankind, to get it right this century. You know, the proverbial S word that has four letters and end with t. We all need to ensure that the path forward for mankind, is of the heavenly kind. Tis not hellish in any shape or form. This opportunity for another advanced species like Man to evolve further. This opportunity may never come up again. We simply cannot afford to mess it up, after coming so far and so fast. More importantly. The biggest risk to mankinds ongoing security and well being, is Man fighing amongst himself. The super powers leaders of the moment, firing off nuclear armed missiles at each others countryside over ideology and ethnic pride. There is far too much
  • 28. false news around the causes of global warming and climate change. No individual knows for sure what is true anymore. Mankind is at war, but mankind is not at war with himself. Mankind is at war with fighting unprecedented climate change, sea level rise and the associated perils that lie ahead. This is not the time for division and denial about well known and substantiated facts. This is the time for mankind to unite together as one fighing force. Difficult and hard decisions lie ahead for everyone. We all need to be on the same team to get through these perils in one peace, and relatively unscathed. We all need to look out for one another, to increase our chances of survival together. Then and only then, will humanily live through the coming centuries. There will be another tale about war and conquest. This time the tale has a happy ending. Saturday, June 24, 2023 The news of the moment is about the Wagner Group staging a military coup in Russia. The Wagner group totals around 50,000 mercenary soldiers. Is is a private military group operating independantly of the Russia army. It is organised by President Putin to help with fighting in parts of Ukraine and other missions. It has been widely reported the top general in the Wagner Group was unhappy with Russian support in recent months. There were adequate supplies of weapon and amunition and fuel and everything else including water and food and medication. Wagner forces were the target of Russian missile attacks on “enemy” targets. His soldiers were being treated like fodder. This collateral damage is not acceptable for any self respecting army looking after its own forces The general was indicating he felt badly let down and his soldiers were paying a heavy price. The Wagner chief has now gone one further: “vow to topple Russian military leaders for incompetance” There is so much spin and propaganda these days, it is hard to know what is true. It is known that powerful Russian leaders are famous for purges, ie when their power is threatened. According to news reports, there is a mutiny going on in Russia at this time. The Russian authorites are saying, this mutiny will be squashed. There is an internet curfew in force throughout Russia. There are checkpoints on all major roads, there are soldiers walking down the streets. Already, a Russian city called Rostov with 1.1 million people has been peacefully taken over. This city is now ruled by Wagner group terrorists. This is a dramatic turn of events in the war in Ukraine. A significant and strategic force of merceniary and professional soldiers fighting a war in Ukraine, on behalf of Russia. 50,000 armed forces of Russia, have defected to the other side and moved their fight to Russian military command instead. This attempted coup is changing everything about the possible outcomes in this war. Is President Putin’s reign of undisputed power for decades, about to end? I would suspect not. This could be a script, straight out of a war movie. It is kind of predictable how it ends. This attempted coup is all about military control. Who controls the Russian army? It does seem that the war in Ukraine is stretching Russia’s military machine and chain of command. You can understand why the top military commanders in the Russian army are tetchy about this Wagner Group. An independant and rougue mility force operating outside the law and Russian military command structure, and all managed and paid for; by President Putin himself.