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Specialized Backend Course
Best Place to Became a Developer
Backend is the backbone of any web application and
being a good backend developer takes time and experi-
ence. When it comes to backend development opportu-
nities are endless. But we will try to cover the most
common and widely used concepts and best practices.
60+ weeks - 2 CPW
A Long Journey for Long Career
Total 120+ Classes
Structured and Detailed Lectures
Regular Fee - 75K BDT
Fruitful Invesment for Your Career
What You Will Learn
The Beautiful Web Programming Language
NodeJS Runtime and Core Modules
Express Web Framework
API and It's Documentation
Real -Time Application
NodeJS Design Patterns
Basic Idea about Web Design
Basic Knowledge about Web Application
30 WPM Typing Speed (Minimum)
Laptop and Internet Connection
10 hrs/week Practicing Time (Minimum)
Basic Programming Skills
Highlighted Technologies
Modern Javascript and Typescript
Express and Strapi Framework
MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL and Sequelize
Twilio, Send Grid and Cloudinary
Prisma Graphql and Apollo
Socket Programming using
Backend is the backbone of any web application. Nowadays every application needs a backend and database to
store users' basic information, usage and application-related data. Being a perfect backend developer is not
very hard but it takes a lot of time, effort and guidelines. There are a lots of backend technologies out there, but
the easiest one is NodeJS. If you are already a frontend developer and know how to code in Javascript, learning
NodeJS and being a backend developer will be very easy for you. Here you have to learn some techniques to de-
velop web applications.
We have divided our bootcamp into 13 main sections. they are -
1 Rebuild Programming Skills
7 Understand REST API
8 Integrate Third-Party Services
9 Build Real-Time Applications
10 The Beauty of GraphQL
2 NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon
3 Understand Web Development
4 Journey Begins as A Backend Developer 11 Testing NodeJS Applications
12 Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Application
13 Group Project
5 Persistent Data Storage - Databases
6 Complete Web Application - Front to Back
NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon:
Still now some people think NodeJS is a Javascript Framework but it is not. NodeJS is a runtime that comes with built-in libraries and gives us the opportunities to run Javas-
cript code almost everywhere. In this section we will understand NodeJS, it's architecture, built-in modules and most importantly - how we can use NodeJS as our scripting
Rebuild Programming Skills:
At first, we have to ensure that we have a clear understanding of Javascript as this is our main weapon to deal with NodeJS. Also, we can use Typescript, which is a superset
of Javascript. Typescript is more versatile, more powerful than Javascript. In the first section of our bootcamp we will cover modern Javascript alongside with Typescript.
Understand Web Development:
In NodeJS there is nothing with web development, NodeJS is just a compiler who can run Javascript outside of web browsers. But we can easily create a web application
using NodeJS. At first, we have to understand what is a web application, how it works and then how to build it. In this section, we will try to cover the core concepts of web
Journey Begins as A Backend Developer:
In this section, we will start our backend journey by learning and understanding ExpressJS a lightweight NodeJS micro-framework. We will cover the core concept and usage
of ExpressJS by implementing small projects.
Persistent Data Storage - Databases:
We will need a good database server to store our clients' information. We will cover MongoDB, the best NoSQL database and also learn about Mongoose ORM. We will also
cover MySQL as a SQL database server and Sequelize ORM.
Complete Web Application - Front to Back:
In this section, we will create a complete multipage web application and will cover a lot of technologies like - session cookies, authentication, file upload, flash message and
lot more. Actually, in this section, we will learn all the necessary tools needed to be a backend developer by creating a full-stack project.
Understand REST API:
Today, the main task of a backend developer is creating and managing REST APIs. In this section, we will cover REST API specification, API Documentation and implement
our own APIs. We will learn API Authentication and File Upload using REST API.
Build Real-Time Applications:
Nowadays users expect real-time interaction from our applications. In this section, we will learn how to integrate real-time interaction using
Integrate Third-Party Services:
As a backend developer we always have to communicate with third-party solutions like email and messages. In this section, we will learn the most common third party ser-
vices like payment integration, email services, SMS service and two-factor authentication, storage services and lot more.
The Beauty of GraphQL:
Nowadays, we are hearing about GraphQL a lot which is a great alternative to REST API. In this section, we will learn about GraphQL core concepts and implement it using
Prisma and Apollo.
Testing NodeJS Applications:
Testing applications are very very important for continuous integration. In this section, we will learn about different testing techniques like unit testing, integration testing
using jest. We will also cover continuous integration in this section.
Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Applications:
In this section, we will learn how we can deploy our NodeJS application on different platforms using different techniques like ssh and docker.
Group Projects: After completing the whole course we will do a group project.
01 Introduction Class
02 Bootcamp Planning and Environment
Section No : 00
Total Class: 02 Total Hour: 04
Introduction and Bootcamp Planning
Topics Covered in This Section
Bootcamp Planning
Environment Setup
Backend Roadmap
This is our orientation class. We will introduce
with each other and celebrate our new journey.
This is a very long bootcamp and we must have
a perfect plan to complete it and obviously
track our progress.
03 Variables, Data Types, Operators
and Basic Operations 04 Control Statements
05 Arrays and Objects in Javascript
06 Working with Javascript Functions
07 Inner Function, Lexical Scope
and Closure 08 Understanding Functional
Programming in Javascript
Section No : 01
Total Class: 14 Total Hour: 28
Rebuild Programming Skills
Topics Covered in This Section
Programming Fundamentals
ES6+ Class and Inheritances
Arrays and Objects
Functional Programming
Asynchronous Javascript
Scopes, Closure and Execution Context
Error Handling
Control Statements
Variables, Data Types, Operators, Basic
Conditions, Loops, Break and Continue, Basic
Array, Uses of Array, Array Common Methods,
Object, Uses of Objects. Object Common Meth-
ods and Techniques
What is Function, Declaring Functions, Invoking
Functions, Parameters and Arguments, Rest
and Spread Operator, Return Statement.
Function Expression vs Function Declaration,
Functions As A Value, Inner Functions, Function
Scope, Lexical Scope, Closure
What is Functional Programming,Pure Function,
First-Class Function, Higher-Order Function,
Callback Function, Recursive Function & Clo-
sure. How to Return Function.
09 Callback Functions, Function
Compositions and Currying 10 Understand Map, Filter and Reduce
11 Understand ES6 Classes
12 Understand ES6 Inheritances
13 Error Handling and Debugging
Javascript Code 14 Scope, Closure and Execution Context
15 Asynchronous Programming in
Javascript 16 Common Utility Tools and Recap
What is Currying, What is Function Composi-
tion, Implementation of Array Callback Function
What is Inheritance, How to Implement Inheri-
tance, Benefits of Inheritance, Inheritance Real
Life Examples
Understand Asynchronous Javascript, Store
Result Returned from Asynchronous Function,
How does Javascript Handle Asynchronous
Behaviour, AJAX and Callback Function, Promise
& Async Await
Map, Filter, Reduce, Sort, Find, FindIndex, Some,
What is Error, Why Should We Throw An Error,
How to Handle Errors, Error Handling Using If
Else, Try Catch Block, Create Custom Errors
Destructuring, Short Hand Conditions, Symbols,
For of Loop, Iterator and Generator, Sets and
What is Class, How to Declare A Class, Con-
structor, Class Properties and Methods, Static
Methods, Class and Objects
What is Execution Context, Creation and Execu-
tion of A Execution Context, Variable Object
Creation, Hoisting and Variable, Object, Scope,
Nested Scope aand Lexical Scoping, Scope
17 Understand NodeJS and Explore I
t's Default Modules 18 File System, Path and OS Modules
19 NodeJS Events and Event Loop
20 Console, ReadLine, Buffer and
Stream Modules 21 HTTP, NET, URL and Query
String Modules 22 Process, Child Process, Worker
Thread and Cluster Modules
Section No : 02
Total Class: 10 Total Hour: 20
NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon
Topics Covered in This Section
Understand NodeJS
News Letter Application (No Framework)
NodeJS Web Server
NodeJS Scripting
NodeJS Popular Modules
What is NodeJS, NodeJS Architecture , Global
Object, Module System
23 Web Scrapping & CSV Processing
using NodeJS 24 File Arrangement & Directory Cleanup
using NodeJS 25 Create HTTP Server using NodeJS
26 Complete Website using NodeJS
(No Framework)[Newsletter Applications]
27 Multipage Web Application
Architecture 28 REST API and Modern Backend
Applications 29 Micro Service Architecture and
Backend Applications
30 Scale Web Application
Section No : 03
Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08
Understand Web Development
Topics Covered in This Section
Understanding Backend Development
DevOps Concepts
How to Scale Web App
Microservices vs Monolithic Applications
System Architecture Big Picture
What is a web application, How does it works,
What does backend developers do
What is REST API, How does it work, Which
problem REST API is solving, Third-Party Ser-
System Architecture Big Picture, Monolithic
Architecture vs Micro Service Architecture,
Third-Party Services, Multiple Applications Inte-
Horizontal Scaling vs Vertical Scaling , Caching
and It's Importance, Database Scaling, DevOps
31 First Web Server Using ExpressJS
32 Routes and Middleware
33 Work with Template Engines
34 Project - URL Shortener
Section No : 04
Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08
Journey Begins as A Backend Developer
Topics Covered in This Section
ExpressJS Framework
Template Engine
Request and Response Object
Understand ExpressJS, Requests & Responses.
ExpressJS API
What is Router & Middleware. How to Create
Router , Importance of Middleware, Third-Party
Middleware, Custom Middleware
What is Template Engine, Why do we need it,
Different Template Engines, EJS Template
35 Understand Databases
36 Start with MongoDB Database
37 Aggregation
38 Data Models
39 Indexes and Searching
40 Transactions and Atomicity
Section No : 05.1
Total Class: 12 Total Hour: 24
Persistent Data Storage - MongoDB Databases
Topics Covered in This Section
Understand Databases
NoSQL Database Design Concepts
Mongoose ORM
MongoDB Advanced Concepts
MongoDB Database
What is Database, Variety of Database Solu-
tions, SQL vs NoSQL
Installing MongoDB Database, Mongo Shell,
CRUD Operations
Aggregation Pipeline, Map and Reduce
Schema Validation, Data Modelling Concepts,
Data Modelling Patterns
How does Indexing Work, Single-Field Indexing,
Muti-Field Indexing, Different Indexing Tech-
What is Transaction, Atomicity, Operation,
Sessions, Read/Write Concern/Preference
41 Implement Databases with Express
Applications 42 Introduction to Mongoose
43 Mongoose CRUD Operations
44 Mongoose Validations and Middleware
45 Create Relations and Populate
Documents 46 How to Design NoSQL Database
for Complex Data Structure
Mongo Driver, Environment Variables,
Mongoose Connection, Schema, Schema
Types, Models, Documents, Queries
47 Understand Relational Databases
Management System 48 Basic SQL Queries
49 Basic Joins and Operators
50 Implement Databases with
Express Applications 51 Introduction to Sequelize
52 Sequelize CRUD Operations and
Section No : 05.2
Total Class: 07 Total Hour: 14
Persistent Data Storage - SQL Databases
Topics Covered in This Section
Understand RDBMS
Database Design Concepts
Sequelize ORM
MySQL Databases
SQL Language
What is RDBMS, Popular RDBMS System,
Concept Behind RDBMS, Install MySQL
Create Table, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Select
and Select Distinct, SQL Where, SQL AND, OR,
NOT, SQL Insert, Delete and Query, Drop Table
Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Join, Self
MySQL Driver, Environment Variables, Configu-
Dialects, Data Types, Model Definition and
Usage, Querying
53 Package, Access Modifier and
Package, Access Modifier, Encapsulation
54 Shopping Cart Project Architecture
55 Database Design and Models
56 Integrate Authentications System
57 Understand Session and Cookies
58 Implement Multi Auth -
Google and Facebook 59 Implement Inventory - I
Section No : 06
Total Class: 20 Total Hour: 40
Complete Web Application Front to Back
Topics Covered in This Section
NodeJS Web Application Architecture
Admin Dashboard
Multi Auth System
E commerce Project
Complete Fullstack Project
Understand Requirements, Database Design,
Project Architecture, File Architecture,
Necessary Third Party Tools
Create Database , Data Schema & Data Models What is Authentication, How does Authentica-
tion work. Understand Passport Library, Pass-
word Hashing. Implement Local Auth.
What is Session, Cookies. Session Cookie
Based Authentication
What is Multi Auth, OAuth2. Google & Facebook
60 Implement Inventory - II
61 Implement Shopping Cart - I
62 Implement Shopping Cart - II
63 Implement Payment Gateway Stripe
64 Implement Invoice System
65 Implement PDF and HTML Invoices
66 Send Invoices Via Email
67 Implement Order with Different Status
68 Implement Admin Dashboard I (Profile)
69 Implement Admin Dashboard II
(Inventory) 70 Implement Admin Dashboard III
(Payments) 71 Implement Admin Dashboard IV
72 File Uploads
73 Final Touch
74 REST API and It's Importance
75 REST API CRUD Applications
76 REST API Authentication
77 REST API File Upload
78 API Documentation using Swagger
Section No : 07
Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10
Understand REST API
Topics Covered in This Section
REST API Specification
REST API Documentation
REST API File Upload
REST API Authentication
What is REST API, REST API Specifications,
Open API Specifications, REST API Examples,
Necessary Tools
79 Cloudinary and AWS S3 Cloud Storage
80 Vimeo Video Storage Service
81 GSuite, Mailgun, AWS SES and
Node Mailer
81 Stripe and Paypal Integration
83 Twilio SMS Services and
Phone Verification 84 Two-Factor Authentication
Section No : 08
Total Class: 06 Total Hour: 12
Integrate Third-Party Services
Topics Covered in This Section
Cloud Storages
SMS Services
Payment Gateway
Email Services
85 Understand Socket Programming
86 Introduction to
87 Implement Real Time Chat
Application - I
88 Implement Real Time Chat
Application - II (Notification) 89 Introducing Pusher
Section No : 09
Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10
Build Real-Time Applications
Topics Covered in This Section
Socket Programming
Chat Application
Push Notification
90 Microserivce and It's Architecture
91 Implement Microservices
92 Understand Event Queue and
93 Understand CRON Jobs and Schedule
94 Understand Distributed Logging
with Winston and Log Service 95 Understand Distributed Caching
with Redis
Section No : 10
Total Class: 08 Total Hour: 16
Microservices and Workers
Topics Covered in This Section
What is Microservice
Winston and Redis
Event Queue
CRON Job and Schedules
NGINX Server
API Gateway
How to Create Microservices
What is Microservice, How to create microser-
vice applications, Microservice Detailed Picture
96 API Gateway
97 Configure NGINX Server
Topics Covered in This Section
98 Understand GraphQL
99 Queries and Mutations
100 Schemas and Types
101 Query Validations
102 Install Prisma and GraphQL Yoga
103 Understand Prisma
Section No : 11
Total Class: 08 Total Hour: 16
The Beauty of GraphQL
Apollo Client
GraphQL Yoga
GraphQL Theory
104 Prisma Data Modelling and Schema
105 Prisma, GraphQL Yoga and Apllo
Project Setup
Travis CI
106 Understand Different Type of Testing
107 NodeJS Built in Testing Module
108 Introduction to JEST
109 Test Driven Development
110 Understand Automated Testing
111 Understand CI/CD with Travis CI
Section No : 12
Total Class: 06 Total Hour: 12
Testing NodeJS Applications
Topics Covered in This Section
Testing Techniques
TDD vs BDD12
Unit Testing, Integration Testing, End to End
112 Get Ready for Production
113 Deploy NodeJS Application to
Heroku 114 Deploy NodeJS Application to
115 Deploy NodeJS Application to
Digital Ocean 116 Deploy NodeJS Application to
Digital Ocean using Docker
Section No : 13
Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10
Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Applications
Topics Covered in This Section
Production ready application
Operating Cloud Server
Git and SSH
Different Deployment Technique
117 Project - Git and Workflow
118 Project - Management
119 Project - Architecture and Planning
120 Project - Create Layout
Section No : 14
Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08
Group Projects
Topics Covered in This Section
Git and Github
Project Layout
Project Architecture
Project Management with Trello
20+ WEEK
43+ WEEK
50+ WEEK
50+ WEEK
26+ WEEK
Backend Development Bootcamp - Node [Online & Offline] In Bangla

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Backend Development Bootcamp - Node [Online & Offline] In Bangla

  • 1. BACKEND DEVELOPMENT BOOTCAMP Specialized Backend Course Best Place to Became a Developer
  • 2. BACKEND DEVELOPMENT BOOTCAMP Backend is the backbone of any web application and being a good backend developer takes time and experi- ence. When it comes to backend development opportu- nities are endless. But we will try to cover the most common and widely used concepts and best practices. 60+ weeks - 2 CPW A Long Journey for Long Career Total 120+ Classes Structured and Detailed Lectures Regular Fee - 75K BDT Fruitful Invesment for Your Career
  • 3. What You Will Learn The Beautiful Web Programming Language NodeJS Runtime and Core Modules Express Web Framework API and It's Documentation Real -Time Application NodeJS Design Patterns Prerequisites Basic Idea about Web Design Basic Knowledge about Web Application 30 WPM Typing Speed (Minimum) Laptop and Internet Connection 10 hrs/week Practicing Time (Minimum) Basic Programming Skills Highlighted Technologies Modern Javascript and Typescript Express and Strapi Framework MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL and Sequelize Twilio, Send Grid and Cloudinary Prisma Graphql and Apollo Socket Programming using
  • 4. Backend is the backbone of any web application. Nowadays every application needs a backend and database to store users' basic information, usage and application-related data. Being a perfect backend developer is not very hard but it takes a lot of time, effort and guidelines. There are a lots of backend technologies out there, but the easiest one is NodeJS. If you are already a frontend developer and know how to code in Javascript, learning NodeJS and being a backend developer will be very easy for you. Here you have to learn some techniques to de- velop web applications. We have divided our bootcamp into 13 main sections. they are - 1 Rebuild Programming Skills 7 Understand REST API 8 Integrate Third-Party Services 9 Build Real-Time Applications 10 The Beauty of GraphQL 2 NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon 3 Understand Web Development 4 Journey Begins as A Backend Developer 11 Testing NodeJS Applications 12 Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Application 13 Group Project 5 Persistent Data Storage - Databases 6 Complete Web Application - Front to Back
  • 5. NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon: Still now some people think NodeJS is a Javascript Framework but it is not. NodeJS is a runtime that comes with built-in libraries and gives us the opportunities to run Javas- cript code almost everywhere. In this section we will understand NodeJS, it's architecture, built-in modules and most importantly - how we can use NodeJS as our scripting weapon. Rebuild Programming Skills: At first, we have to ensure that we have a clear understanding of Javascript as this is our main weapon to deal with NodeJS. Also, we can use Typescript, which is a superset of Javascript. Typescript is more versatile, more powerful than Javascript. In the first section of our bootcamp we will cover modern Javascript alongside with Typescript. Understand Web Development: In NodeJS there is nothing with web development, NodeJS is just a compiler who can run Javascript outside of web browsers. But we can easily create a web application using NodeJS. At first, we have to understand what is a web application, how it works and then how to build it. In this section, we will try to cover the core concepts of web development. Journey Begins as A Backend Developer: In this section, we will start our backend journey by learning and understanding ExpressJS a lightweight NodeJS micro-framework. We will cover the core concept and usage of ExpressJS by implementing small projects. Persistent Data Storage - Databases: We will need a good database server to store our clients' information. We will cover MongoDB, the best NoSQL database and also learn about Mongoose ORM. We will also cover MySQL as a SQL database server and Sequelize ORM. Complete Web Application - Front to Back: In this section, we will create a complete multipage web application and will cover a lot of technologies like - session cookies, authentication, file upload, flash message and lot more. Actually, in this section, we will learn all the necessary tools needed to be a backend developer by creating a full-stack project. Understand REST API: Today, the main task of a backend developer is creating and managing REST APIs. In this section, we will cover REST API specification, API Documentation and implement our own APIs. We will learn API Authentication and File Upload using REST API.
  • 6. Build Real-Time Applications: Nowadays users expect real-time interaction from our applications. In this section, we will learn how to integrate real-time interaction using Integrate Third-Party Services: As a backend developer we always have to communicate with third-party solutions like email and messages. In this section, we will learn the most common third party ser- vices like payment integration, email services, SMS service and two-factor authentication, storage services and lot more. The Beauty of GraphQL: Nowadays, we are hearing about GraphQL a lot which is a great alternative to REST API. In this section, we will learn about GraphQL core concepts and implement it using Prisma and Apollo. Testing NodeJS Applications: Testing applications are very very important for continuous integration. In this section, we will learn about different testing techniques like unit testing, integration testing using jest. We will also cover continuous integration in this section. Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Applications: In this section, we will learn how we can deploy our NodeJS application on different platforms using different techniques like ssh and docker. Group Projects: After completing the whole course we will do a group project.
  • 7. 01 Introduction Class 02 Bootcamp Planning and Environment Setup Section No : 00 Total Class: 02 Total Hour: 04 Introduction and Bootcamp Planning Topics Covered in This Section Bootcamp Planning Environment Setup Backend Roadmap This is our orientation class. We will introduce with each other and celebrate our new journey. This is a very long bootcamp and we must have a perfect plan to complete it and obviously track our progress.
  • 8. 03 Variables, Data Types, Operators and Basic Operations 04 Control Statements 05 Arrays and Objects in Javascript 06 Working with Javascript Functions 07 Inner Function, Lexical Scope and Closure 08 Understanding Functional Programming in Javascript Section No : 01 Total Class: 14 Total Hour: 28 Rebuild Programming Skills Topics Covered in This Section Programming Fundamentals ES6+ Class and Inheritances Arrays and Objects Functional Programming Asynchronous Javascript Scopes, Closure and Execution Context Error Handling Control Statements Variables, Data Types, Operators, Basic Calculations Conditions, Loops, Break and Continue, Basic Functions Array, Uses of Array, Array Common Methods, Object, Uses of Objects. Object Common Meth- ods and Techniques What is Function, Declaring Functions, Invoking Functions, Parameters and Arguments, Rest and Spread Operator, Return Statement. Function Expression vs Function Declaration, Functions As A Value, Inner Functions, Function Scope, Lexical Scope, Closure What is Functional Programming,Pure Function, First-Class Function, Higher-Order Function, Callback Function, Recursive Function & Clo- sure. How to Return Function.
  • 9. 09 Callback Functions, Function Compositions and Currying 10 Understand Map, Filter and Reduce 11 Understand ES6 Classes 12 Understand ES6 Inheritances 13 Error Handling and Debugging Javascript Code 14 Scope, Closure and Execution Context 15 Asynchronous Programming in Javascript 16 Common Utility Tools and Recap avascript What is Currying, What is Function Composi- tion, Implementation of Array Callback Function What is Inheritance, How to Implement Inheri- tance, Benefits of Inheritance, Inheritance Real Life Examples Understand Asynchronous Javascript, Store Result Returned from Asynchronous Function, How does Javascript Handle Asynchronous Behaviour, AJAX and Callback Function, Promise & Async Await Map, Filter, Reduce, Sort, Find, FindIndex, Some, Every What is Error, Why Should We Throw An Error, How to Handle Errors, Error Handling Using If Else, Try Catch Block, Create Custom Errors Destructuring, Short Hand Conditions, Symbols, For of Loop, Iterator and Generator, Sets and Maps What is Class, How to Declare A Class, Con- structor, Class Properties and Methods, Static Methods, Class and Objects What is Execution Context, Creation and Execu- tion of A Execution Context, Variable Object Creation, Hoisting and Variable, Object, Scope, Nested Scope aand Lexical Scoping, Scope Chain
  • 10. 17 Understand NodeJS and Explore I t's Default Modules 18 File System, Path and OS Modules 19 NodeJS Events and Event Loop 20 Console, ReadLine, Buffer and Stream Modules 21 HTTP, NET, URL and Query String Modules 22 Process, Child Process, Worker Thread and Cluster Modules Section No : 02 Total Class: 10 Total Hour: 20 NodeJS - A Perfect Scripting Weapon Topics Covered in This Section Understand NodeJS News Letter Application (No Framework) NodeJS Web Server NodeJS Scripting NodeJS Popular Modules What is NodeJS, NodeJS Architecture , Global Object, Module System
  • 11. 23 Web Scrapping & CSV Processing using NodeJS 24 File Arrangement & Directory Cleanup using NodeJS 25 Create HTTP Server using NodeJS 26 Complete Website using NodeJS (No Framework)[Newsletter Applications]
  • 12. 27 Multipage Web Application Architecture 28 REST API and Modern Backend Applications 29 Micro Service Architecture and Backend Applications 30 Scale Web Application Section No : 03 Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08 Understand Web Development Topics Covered in This Section Understanding Backend Development DevOps Concepts How to Scale Web App Microservices vs Monolithic Applications System Architecture Big Picture What is a web application, How does it works, What does backend developers do What is REST API, How does it work, Which problem REST API is solving, Third-Party Ser- vices System Architecture Big Picture, Monolithic Architecture vs Micro Service Architecture, Third-Party Services, Multiple Applications Inte- gration Horizontal Scaling vs Vertical Scaling , Caching and It's Importance, Database Scaling, DevOps Idea
  • 13. 31 First Web Server Using ExpressJS 32 Routes and Middleware 33 Work with Template Engines 34 Project - URL Shortener Section No : 04 Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08 Journey Begins as A Backend Developer Topics Covered in This Section ExpressJS Framework Template Engine Middleware Routes Request and Response Object Understand ExpressJS, Requests & Responses. ExpressJS API What is Router & Middleware. How to Create Router , Importance of Middleware, Third-Party Middleware, Custom Middleware What is Template Engine, Why do we need it, Different Template Engines, EJS Template Engine
  • 14. 35 Understand Databases 36 Start with MongoDB Database 37 Aggregation 38 Data Models 39 Indexes and Searching 40 Transactions and Atomicity Section No : 05.1 Total Class: 12 Total Hour: 24 Persistent Data Storage - MongoDB Databases Topics Covered in This Section Understand Databases NoSQL Database Design Concepts Mongoose ORM MongoDB Advanced Concepts MongoDB Database What is Database, Variety of Database Solu- tions, SQL vs NoSQL Installing MongoDB Database, Mongo Shell, CRUD Operations Aggregation Pipeline, Map and Reduce Schema Validation, Data Modelling Concepts, Data Modelling Patterns How does Indexing Work, Single-Field Indexing, Muti-Field Indexing, Different Indexing Tech- niques What is Transaction, Atomicity, Operation, Sessions, Read/Write Concern/Preference
  • 15. 41 Implement Databases with Express Applications 42 Introduction to Mongoose 43 Mongoose CRUD Operations 44 Mongoose Validations and Middleware 45 Create Relations and Populate Documents 46 How to Design NoSQL Database for Complex Data Structure Mongo Driver, Environment Variables, Configurations Mongoose Connection, Schema, Schema Types, Models, Documents, Queries
  • 16. 47 Understand Relational Databases Management System 48 Basic SQL Queries 49 Basic Joins and Operators 50 Implement Databases with Express Applications 51 Introduction to Sequelize 52 Sequelize CRUD Operations and Hooks Section No : 05.2 Total Class: 07 Total Hour: 14 Persistent Data Storage - SQL Databases Topics Covered in This Section Understand RDBMS Database Design Concepts Sequelize ORM MySQL Databases SQL Language What is RDBMS, Popular RDBMS System, Concept Behind RDBMS, Install MySQL Database Create Table, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Select and Select Distinct, SQL Where, SQL AND, OR, NOT, SQL Insert, Delete and Query, Drop Table Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Join, Self Join MySQL Driver, Environment Variables, Configu- rations Dialects, Data Types, Model Definition and Usage, Querying
  • 17. 53 Package, Access Modifier and Encapsulation Package, Access Modifier, Encapsulation
  • 18. 54 Shopping Cart Project Architecture 55 Database Design and Models 56 Integrate Authentications System 57 Understand Session and Cookies 58 Implement Multi Auth - Google and Facebook 59 Implement Inventory - I Section No : 06 Total Class: 20 Total Hour: 40 Complete Web Application Front to Back Topics Covered in This Section NodeJS Web Application Architecture Admin Dashboard Multi Auth System E commerce Project Complete Fullstack Project Understand Requirements, Database Design, Project Architecture, File Architecture, Necessary Third Party Tools Create Database , Data Schema & Data Models What is Authentication, How does Authentica- tion work. Understand Passport Library, Pass- word Hashing. Implement Local Auth. What is Session, Cookies. Session Cookie Based Authentication What is Multi Auth, OAuth2. Google & Facebook Authentication.
  • 19. 60 Implement Inventory - II 61 Implement Shopping Cart - I 62 Implement Shopping Cart - II 63 Implement Payment Gateway Stripe 64 Implement Invoice System 65 Implement PDF and HTML Invoices 66 Send Invoices Via Email 67 Implement Order with Different Status 68 Implement Admin Dashboard I (Profile)
  • 20. 69 Implement Admin Dashboard II (Inventory) 70 Implement Admin Dashboard III (Payments) 71 Implement Admin Dashboard IV (Customers) 72 File Uploads 73 Final Touch
  • 21. 74 REST API and It's Importance 75 REST API CRUD Applications 76 REST API Authentication 77 REST API File Upload 78 API Documentation using Swagger Section No : 07 Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10 Understand REST API Topics Covered in This Section REST API Specification REST API Documentation REST API File Upload REST API Authentication What is REST API, REST API Specifications, Open API Specifications, REST API Examples, Necessary Tools
  • 22. 79 Cloudinary and AWS S3 Cloud Storage 80 Vimeo Video Storage Service 81 GSuite, Mailgun, AWS SES and Node Mailer 81 Stripe and Paypal Integration 83 Twilio SMS Services and Phone Verification 84 Two-Factor Authentication Section No : 08 Total Class: 06 Total Hour: 12 Integrate Third-Party Services Topics Covered in This Section Cloud Storages SMS Services Payment Gateway Email Services
  • 23. 85 Understand Socket Programming 86 Introduction to 87 Implement Real Time Chat Application - I 88 Implement Real Time Chat Application - II (Notification) 89 Introducing Pusher Section No : 09 Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10 Build Real-Time Applications Topics Covered in This Section Socket Programming Chat Application Push Notification
  • 24. 90 Microserivce and It's Architecture 91 Implement Microservices 92 Understand Event Queue and RabbitMQ 93 Understand CRON Jobs and Schedule 94 Understand Distributed Logging with Winston and Log Service 95 Understand Distributed Caching with Redis Section No : 10 Total Class: 08 Total Hour: 16 Microservices and Workers Topics Covered in This Section What is Microservice Winston and Redis Event Queue CRON Job and Schedules NGINX Server API Gateway How to Create Microservices What is Microservice, How to create microser- vice applications, Microservice Detailed Picture
  • 25. 96 API Gateway 97 Configure NGINX Server
  • 26. Topics Covered in This Section 98 Understand GraphQL 99 Queries and Mutations 100 Schemas and Types 101 Query Validations 102 Install Prisma and GraphQL Yoga 103 Understand Prisma Section No : 11 Total Class: 08 Total Hour: 16 The Beauty of GraphQL GraphQL Apollo Client GraphQL Yoga Prisma GraphQL Theory
  • 27. 104 Prisma Data Modelling and Schema 105 Prisma, GraphQL Yoga and Apllo Project Setup
  • 28. Travis CI CI/CD JEST 106 Understand Different Type of Testing 107 NodeJS Built in Testing Module 108 Introduction to JEST 109 Test Driven Development 110 Understand Automated Testing 111 Understand CI/CD with Travis CI Section No : 12 Total Class: 06 Total Hour: 12 Testing NodeJS Applications Topics Covered in This Section Testing Techniques TDD vs BDD12 Unit Testing, Integration Testing, End to End Testing
  • 29. 112 Get Ready for Production 113 Deploy NodeJS Application to Heroku 114 Deploy NodeJS Application to AWS EC2 115 Deploy NodeJS Application to Digital Ocean 116 Deploy NodeJS Application to Digital Ocean using Docker Section No : 13 Total Class: 05 Total Hour: 10 Deployment Techniques of NodeJS Applications Topics Covered in This Section Production ready application Docker Operating Cloud Server Git and SSH Different Deployment Technique
  • 30. 117 Project - Git and Workflow 118 Project - Management 119 Project - Architecture and Planning 120 Project - Create Layout Section No : 14 Total Class: 04 Total Hour: 08 Group Projects Topics Covered in This Section Git and Github Project Layout Project Architecture Project Management with Trello