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Assignment 15: Research

    Chelsea Fashole-Luke
         Laura Cuk
         Rosie Zein
Chelsea Fashole-Luke – 7357

Laura Cuk – 7341

Rosie Zein – 7479
Inspiration from real film opening
                                           Montage style
                                           opening sequence.

                                           Enigmas are
Cast names flickering on a black           presented to the
screen, emphasises the sinister            audience, as to who
atmosphere of the sequence.                this character is.
Inspiration from real film opening sequences

                   Starts with a
                   close up of an
                   American flag
                   and a narrators
                   voice can be

                     Cinema Verite –
                     camera style and
                     direct address
                     towards the

             Enigmas created – the
             audience wants to know the
             country got into the state of
             being known as ‘Zombieland’.

               The titles are interactive with
               the images of the opening
               sequence. For example, the
               letters in the names are
               affected by the movement of
               the characters.
Inspiration from real film opening sequences
To Kill A Mocking Bird

                         Close up shot of
                         a box – the
                         audience does
                         not yet know
                         what the
                         contents are.
Creates an enigma because the
                                    audience doesn’t know what
                                    the film is about, and the
                                    childlike imagery of crayons
                                    and the lullaby-like music in
The title of the film is
                                    the background contrasts with
displayed as part of the
                                    the harsh title of ‘To Kill A
diegesis of the film. The
                                    Mocking Bird’.
child prints in the words
onto the paper.

 Montage style opening sequence,
 with names and credits displayed
 over the images.

    Each shot fades into the
Real film opening sequence ‘Psycho’
My inspiration from this film opening sequence is the use of the tense music. The
violins made the opening sequence give a sense of anticipation.

                                                            The use of the dark background gave off a gothic mood.

                                            The style of the
                                            credits/fonts come
                                            across the screen and
                                            fix the letter together.
Real film opening sequence ‘Se7en’
This films opening sequence was inspirational because it used the convention
from a thriller and that is montage editing.

                                                                     The style of the credits/ fonts are
                                                                     flickering on and off of the screen.

                                           The style of the
                                           opening sequence is
                                           enigmatic. It makes the
                                           audience curious as to
                                           what the character is
                                           doing throughout the
Inspiration from real film opening
Sucker Punch : My thoughts on the opening scene..
 I liked it because it was very dark and sinister.
 It introduces the main character and creates enigmas like
  what happens to the girl after she is taken away?
 I liked how the sound combined with the video created an
  intense atmosphere and the volume control was used really
Inspiration from real films
                                   Hard Candy
- Online social interaction
- Control over another character
- Emotional manipulation
Inspiration from real films
- Obsessiveness
- Captivity
- Stalking of a person
Inspiration from real films
                                   The Social Network
- The making of a social network
- Life changing invention
- Online interaction
Inspiration from real films
             Characters: Hayley Stark (Ellen
             With the consideration of the age of
             the character, her representation
             connotes her vulnerability.
             This stereotype is challenged
             because she soon appears to be the
             more dominant role in the end.

                       The colour used
                       in this scene was
                       very sterile
Hard Candy
Inspiration from real films
Fatal Attraction

                   This is a thriller film about a married man’s
                   one night stand comes back to haunt him. That
                   lover become obsessed with him and begins to
                   stalk him and his family.

                   After the man continues to reject this ‘lover’
                   her rage becomes more intense and starts to
                   escalate into violence.
Inspiration from real films
When a stranger calls

                This is a thriller film where there is a villain that is calling
                with an unknown identity.

                A teenaged girl has a job babysitting and then she starts
                getting these peculiar unknown calls from someone.

                The teenager then realises there is a man wearing a mask
                in the house and she knows that she must save herself and
                the child she is babysitting.
Inspiration from real films
 Phone Booth:
This film is very intense and suspenseful as the villain is unknown. In the film the man
has to stay on the phone with the villain, or the villain will kill his loved one however,
ultimately the man knows he will die.

 When a stranger calls:
This is a thriller film which also has a villain who’s identity is unknown and this relates
to our opening sequence. In this film a teenaged girl goes over to babysit at some
peoples house and while there she starts getting calls from an unknown number.
There turns out to be a masked man in the house, and the girl has to save herself
And the children she is babysitting.
Genre and conventions
   Psychological Thriller
Convention                               Explanation                                 Example from real film

1. Perception of reality                 The main character is unaware or has        Shutter Island
                                         no sense of true events that occur in
                                         the reality outside their mind.
2. Death of a loved one                  The death of a loved one causes or          Memento
                                         spurs the main character to go through
                                         several actions or events, such as the
                                         need for revenge.
3. Mystery/enigmas                       The opening sequence shows an               Se7en
                                         unknown person going through various
                                         unconventional actions, eg. Cutting the
                                         skin off their fingers.
4. Mental danger – to do with the mind   The main character has hallucinations       Black Swan
                                         or sees things that happened,
                                         differently causing them to think certain
                                         things have happened, when in fact
                                         they have not.
5. Identity                              The main character is seen to have          Identity
                                         multiple personalities, struggling to
                                         make sense of their true identity. This
                                         makes it unclear to the audience,
                                         presenting enigmas such as what their
                                         true personality is.
Genre and Conventions
• Genre: Psychological thriller

    Convention        Explanation                  Evidence from real film

    Tension music     The music makes the          Psycho
                      opening sequence seem        (the violins gets higher pitched
                      eerie and suspenseful        and gives a sense of anticipation)
    Flashbacks        Flashbacks are used to       Momento
                      show a thought or memory.    (Momento is not filmed in
                      Commonly shown in black      chronological order –
                      and white lighting
    Montage editing   Connotes the juxtaposition   Se7en - all the different types of
                      of seemingly unconnected     shots of images are all over the
                      images in order to create    place.
Genre and conventions
Convention                 Explanation                   Example from real film
1. Incorporates elements of Mystery to keep the film     Seven
mystery and drama           suspenseful and drama to
                            connect with the
                            characters emotions
2. Deep focus on the       to be able to understand      Phone booth
characters state of mind   the character
3. The film is usually     Usually first person          Momento
narrated.                  narration to get an idea of
                           what is going through the
                           characters mind.
4. The music used within   To set the atmosphere of a    A woman in black
the film is usually high   typical thriller film.
pitched and eerie
Themes/topic mindmap
Research on topic/themes
The dangers of social media

Dangers include:
- Fraud
- Identity theft
- Stolen information
- Exposure of personal information (twitter, Facebook etc.)
Research on topic/themes
        Online relationships

Many people in online
relationships (romantic and               These people are
platonic) lie about their real            known as ‘Catfish’ –
identity.                                 the term used to
                                          describe someone
                                          who creates fake
                                          profiles using other
                                          peoples information
   The TV show ‘Catfish’ which sets out   and/or pictures
   to discover if people in online
   relationships are genuine or not.      Source:
Research on topic/themes
    Online communities

More and more people       Some online can    However, some online
now have access to the     be beneficial to   communities can be quite
internet, which means      people,            harming to people - mostly
online communities can     becoming a         mentally. E.g.. Online
grow quicker than in the   place of support   communities for people with
past.                      and friendship.    eating disorders looking for
                                              ‘thinsporation’ and ‘support’
                                              from other who share the
                                              same disorders.

Research on topic/themes
Cyber stalking

Research on topic/themes
• Online relationships
On the internet many people who are involved in online relationships
tend to lie about their real identity.

An example of this would be the reality TV show ‘Catfish’.

                                          This TV show receives messages from
                                          people who have been messaging
                                          someone for quite some time and would
                                          like to meet them. This shows helps these
                                          people to figure out whether or not these
                                          ‘catfishes’ are who they say they are.

                                          The term catfish is used when someone has
                                          used a fake picture or a fake account. Almost
                                          like stolen identity.
Research on topic/themes
• Real life situations

• Our opening sequence is going to be based on a
  real life situation where an intense online
  relationship has a bad side to it. An example of
  this would be the movie that I also chose for an
  inspiration film; Hard Candy.
Research on topic/themes
Reality/ Real life situations:
 Our Opening sequence is based around social
  networking and the ‘bad side’ to it.
 An example of this in a film is the film ‘Hard Candy’.
 The reality within these films makes them
all the more scary, as it means that the things
in the film can happen to people in real life.
Research on topic/themes
 Our opening sequence also includes the theme of unknown
 An example of this is in the films Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  and Friday the 13th.

 This theme is used regularly in thriller films as it creates a lot of
  suspense as the audience doesn’t know who the villain is and
  creates an enigma
Research on topic/themes
 Our opening sequence is based on the psychological thriller
  genre and will include a character who is fixated on another
 The mind plays an important role in psychological thrillers as it
  is mainly about the villain being mentally unstable and this
  leads them to become villains and be evil.
 Some examples of these characters are, Jigsaw (Saw),
  Scarecrow (Batman), Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men)
Research on topic/themes
Characters either fear or are fascinated by
This can also link to the theme of the mind as
 being fascinated by death links to the idea of a
 psychopathic villain.
Some examples of these characters are
First Location (FLASHBACK):
On a bus going towards/ past an area with business buildings.

Second Location (FLASHBACK):
A busy café, probably in a shopping area like Whiteleys. The character would be sitting in the area
outside the café.
Third Location (FLASHBACK):
Outside an office building – the character will be coming out of the building in work clothes.

Forth Location (FLASHBACK):
On a busy normal street where the characters will be crossing the street on opposite sides.
Inspirational characters

                         - She is strong and
                         - Her identity is an
                         - She goes against the
                           stereotype that women
                           are weak
                         - She emphasises that
                           women can be just a
                           strong as men
Inspirational characters
• #1 Catwoman
                Catwoman’s identity is unknown, it is

                She challenges the stereotype of woman
                being less dominant than males.

                Throughout the film she connotes that
                females can be as dominant as men.
Inspirational characters
• #2 Hayley Stark (Hard Candy)

 At first she connotes a weak, vulnerable teenager, but then switches it all around
 and becomes the more dominant gender role.
Inspirational characters
Lisbeth Salander (The girl with the dragon tattoo)

Lisbeth is an inspirational character because:
 She overcomes her fears
 She is a strong character
 She saves the second main character from the
Inspirational Characters
Sarah Connor ( terminator 2: Judgement day)

Sarah is an inspirational character because:
 She is a strong character
 She tries to help protect others
 She is selfless
 She fights against evil
The people acting in our opening sequence will be Rosie and Laura. They are
available often and good for the role because.......

               Strengths                                Weaknesses
               Hard working and reliable.               May fall behind in work
               Uses artistic abilities in the filming
               and editing.

               Strengths                                Weaknesses
               Hard working and sensible                Find it difficult to meet deadlines
Actor of the stalker?

                  I wanted the stalker to be played by a girl because a common
                  stalker is a guy.
                  I planned on using the same plot of the characters like hard
                  candy (girl is the psycho in the end).

                  Good actress
                  Capable of hiding identity
                  Artistic skills can be applied in costumes and props etc.
Actor playing Danny Archer:

                    We wanted to challenge the stereotype of a
                    vulnerable girl.
                    We wanted the victim to be a brunette instead of a
                    blonde character.

Costume and props
• Costume of stalker
 I wanted the stalker to wear all black clothing to give a sense
 of mystery. This connotes that I am reinforcing a stereotype.
Costume and props
Costume of victim:
The costume I want the victim to wear would be something basic
like a plain white t-shirt and denim jeans with white converses.
Titles and credits
                             Paranorman: The title of the film
                             stays within the genre of spooky, yet
                             mild comic horror and gore.

                            The creepy hand and
                            the ‘N’s being bigger
                            than the other letters
                            emphasises this.

      The fall: The tile appears within
      the smoke in the movie.

         It the disappears as it is fanned
         away by the character, along with
         the smoke.
Titles and credits
             Twin Peaks: Very basic, but
             allows the audience to at least
             understand that the title is also
             the name of the setting of the

                   Red Lights: also simple, yet
                   affective teamed with the
                   sinister music.

                The title on a black background creates
                emphasis on the flickers of red light that
                momentarily surround the title.

             The name of the main character is
             also the name of the film.

               The presentation of the title fits in with
               the high school theme of the film, by
               showing the audience the title on a
               student ID card.
‘Disembark’ – under category of dark/brooding –
- Creates mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere
- You don’t know where the music is going at first, leads
   the audience to question what I going to happen next

‘City Cranes/ - under category of ‘eerie/ethereal’ –
- Sounds very eerie
- Not knowing what to expect
- Creates a chill in the atmosphere
Mainstream or independent
• Mainstream films are big budget films whereas independent films have a
  smaller budget.
• Our film would be a mainstream film as it is not a hard hitting film which
  considers issues within society, it would be a film which appeals to a wider
  audience and so would need to have a bigger budget to be able to
  distribute to many places.

                      Some examples of mainstream films are:
                      The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

                      Some examples of independent films are:
                      A separation
                      Train spotting
Target audience
Our target audience would be a mass audience
 as it would be a mainstream film we would it
 expect it to attract many viewers.

Also, our chosen genre (psychological thriller)
  usually attracts a large audience.
BBFC and film rating
•   To understand what BBFC and film ratings were we researched it and found the official site.
•   We found the different types of ratings which are U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18 and R18.
BBFC rating
                                    Here are the different types of

Our opening sequence is rated 15.
Production Company #1
• Hammer Film Production
I chose this as one of my possible production
companies to produce my film because this type of
company specialising in producing psychological
Production company #2
• Lions Gate Entertainment
I chose this as one of my possible production
companies to produce my film because this particular
company produced one of my inspirational films ‘Hard
Production companies
Before choosing our production company we researched our genre to see which
   production companies were most commonly used.

BLACK SWAN:        Black Swan is a thriller mystery film which used the Fox Searchlight
                   Pictures as their production company and also as it is a
                   conglomerate they used it for their distribution company.
Production Companies

           Se7en is a crime/mystery/thriller film which only has two
           production companies which are Cecchi Gori Pictures and
           New Line Cinema.
Production Companies

               Memento is a mystery thriller film that had four production
               companies and only the Newmarket company was used as a
               distributor out of the four.
Production Companies
•   After doing some research we decided that the would have two production
    companies which would be Cross Creek Pictures and New Line Cinema.
• We decided to use these production companies as they are very successful and
    well known.
Click here to watch the New Line Cinema logo
Click here to watch the Cross Creek Pictures logo
Distribution companies
• As New Line Cinema is part of the Warner bros. Corporation it also
  distributes its own films.
• For example, New Line Cinema was both the producers and distributers of
• So for our distribution company we decided to use New Line Cinema asit
  would mean we would pay less.

• Another distribution company we could use would be

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Assignment 15 finished research

  • 1. Assignment 15: Research Chelsea Fashole-Luke Laura Cuk Rosie Zein
  • 2. Chelsea Fashole-Luke – 7357 Laura Cuk – 7341 Rosie Zein – 7479
  • 3. Inspiration from real film opening sequences Se7en Montage style opening sequence. Enigmas are Cast names flickering on a black presented to the screen, emphasises the sinister audience, as to who atmosphere of the sequence. this character is.
  • 4. Inspiration from real film opening sequences Zombieland Starts with a close up of an American flag and a narrators voice can be heard. Cinema Verite – handheld camera style and direct address towards the camera.
  • 5. Zombieland Enigmas created – the audience wants to know the country got into the state of being known as ‘Zombieland’. The titles are interactive with the images of the opening sequence. For example, the letters in the names are affected by the movement of the characters.
  • 6. Inspiration from real film opening sequences To Kill A Mocking Bird kill-a-mockingbird/ Close up shot of a box – the audience does not yet know what the contents are.
  • 7. Creates an enigma because the audience doesn’t know what the film is about, and the childlike imagery of crayons and the lullaby-like music in The title of the film is the background contrasts with displayed as part of the the harsh title of ‘To Kill A diegesis of the film. The Mocking Bird’. child prints in the words onto the paper. Montage style opening sequence, with names and credits displayed over the images. Each shot fades into the next.
  • 8. Real film opening sequence ‘Psycho’ My inspiration from this film opening sequence is the use of the tense music. The violins made the opening sequence give a sense of anticipation. The use of the dark background gave off a gothic mood. The style of the credits/fonts come across the screen and fix the letter together.
  • 9. Real film opening sequence ‘Se7en’ This films opening sequence was inspirational because it used the convention from a thriller and that is montage editing. The style of the credits/ fonts are flickering on and off of the screen. The style of the opening sequence is enigmatic. It makes the audience curious as to what the character is doing throughout the sequence.
  • 10. Inspiration from real film opening sequences Sucker Punch : My thoughts on the opening scene..  I liked it because it was very dark and sinister.  It introduces the main character and creates enigmas like what happens to the girl after she is taken away?  I liked how the sound combined with the video created an intense atmosphere and the volume control was used really well.
  • 11. Inspiration from real films Hard Candy Story/plot/theme: - Online social interaction - Control over another character - Emotional manipulation
  • 12. Inspiration from real films Misery Story/plot/theme: - Obsessiveness - Captivity - Stalking of a person
  • 13. Inspiration from real films The Social Network Story/plot/theme: - The making of a social network - Life changing invention - Online interaction
  • 14. Inspiration from real films Characters: Hayley Stark (Ellen Paige). With the consideration of the age of the character, her representation connotes her vulnerability. This stereotype is challenged because she soon appears to be the more dominant role in the end. The colour used in this scene was very sterile Hard Candy
  • 15. Inspiration from real films Fatal Attraction This is a thriller film about a married man’s one night stand comes back to haunt him. That lover become obsessed with him and begins to stalk him and his family. After the man continues to reject this ‘lover’ her rage becomes more intense and starts to escalate into violence.
  • 16. Inspiration from real films When a stranger calls This is a thriller film where there is a villain that is calling with an unknown identity. A teenaged girl has a job babysitting and then she starts getting these peculiar unknown calls from someone. The teenager then realises there is a man wearing a mask in the house and she knows that she must save herself and the child she is babysitting.
  • 17. Inspiration from real films  Phone Booth: This film is very intense and suspenseful as the villain is unknown. In the film the man has to stay on the phone with the villain, or the villain will kill his loved one however, ultimately the man knows he will die.  When a stranger calls: This is a thriller film which also has a villain who’s identity is unknown and this relates to our opening sequence. In this film a teenaged girl goes over to babysit at some peoples house and while there she starts getting calls from an unknown number. There turns out to be a masked man in the house, and the girl has to save herself And the children she is babysitting.
  • 18. Genre and conventions Psychological Thriller Convention Explanation Example from real film 1. Perception of reality The main character is unaware or has Shutter Island no sense of true events that occur in the reality outside their mind. 2. Death of a loved one The death of a loved one causes or Memento spurs the main character to go through several actions or events, such as the need for revenge. 3. Mystery/enigmas The opening sequence shows an Se7en unknown person going through various unconventional actions, eg. Cutting the skin off their fingers. 4. Mental danger – to do with the mind The main character has hallucinations Black Swan or sees things that happened, differently causing them to think certain things have happened, when in fact they have not. 5. Identity The main character is seen to have Identity multiple personalities, struggling to make sense of their true identity. This makes it unclear to the audience, presenting enigmas such as what their true personality is.
  • 19. Genre and Conventions • Genre: Psychological thriller Convention Explanation Evidence from real film Tension music The music makes the Psycho opening sequence seem (the violins gets higher pitched eerie and suspenseful and gives a sense of anticipation) Flashbacks Flashbacks are used to Momento show a thought or memory. (Momento is not filmed in Commonly shown in black chronological order – and white lighting Montage editing Connotes the juxtaposition Se7en - all the different types of of seemingly unconnected shots of images are all over the images in order to create place. meaning.
  • 20. Genre and conventions Convention Explanation Example from real film 1. Incorporates elements of Mystery to keep the film Seven mystery and drama suspenseful and drama to connect with the characters emotions 2. Deep focus on the to be able to understand Phone booth characters state of mind the character 3. The film is usually Usually first person Momento narrated. narration to get an idea of what is going through the characters mind. 4. The music used within To set the atmosphere of a A woman in black the film is usually high typical thriller film. pitched and eerie
  • 22. Research on topic/themes The dangers of social media Dangers include: - Fraud - Identity theft - Stolen information - Exposure of personal information (twitter, Facebook etc.)
  • 23. Research on topic/themes Online relationships Many people in online relationships (romantic and These people are platonic) lie about their real known as ‘Catfish’ – identity. the term used to describe someone who creates fake profiles using other peoples information The TV show ‘Catfish’ which sets out and/or pictures to discover if people in online relationships are genuine or not. Source:
  • 24. Research on topic/themes Online communities More and more people Some online can However, some online now have access to the be beneficial to communities can be quite internet, which means people, harming to people - mostly online communities can becoming a mentally. E.g.. Online grow quicker than in the place of support communities for people with past. and friendship. eating disorders looking for ‘thinsporation’ and ‘support’ from other who share the same disorders. Source:
  • 25. Research on topic/themes Cyber stalking Source:
  • 26. Research on topic/themes • Online relationships On the internet many people who are involved in online relationships tend to lie about their real identity. An example of this would be the reality TV show ‘Catfish’. This TV show receives messages from people who have been messaging someone for quite some time and would like to meet them. This shows helps these people to figure out whether or not these ‘catfishes’ are who they say they are. The term catfish is used when someone has used a fake picture or a fake account. Almost like stolen identity.
  • 27. Research on topic/themes • Real life situations • Our opening sequence is going to be based on a real life situation where an intense online relationship has a bad side to it. An example of this would be the movie that I also chose for an inspiration film; Hard Candy.
  • 28. Research on topic/themes Reality/ Real life situations:  Our Opening sequence is based around social networking and the ‘bad side’ to it.  An example of this in a film is the film ‘Hard Candy’.  The reality within these films makes them all the more scary, as it means that the things in the film can happen to people in real life.
  • 29. Research on topic/themes Identity:  Our opening sequence also includes the theme of unknown identity.  An example of this is in the films Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th.  This theme is used regularly in thriller films as it creates a lot of suspense as the audience doesn’t know who the villain is and creates an enigma
  • 30. Research on topic/themes Mind:  Our opening sequence is based on the psychological thriller genre and will include a character who is fixated on another character.  The mind plays an important role in psychological thrillers as it is mainly about the villain being mentally unstable and this leads them to become villains and be evil.  Some examples of these characters are, Jigsaw (Saw), Scarecrow (Batman), Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men)
  • 31. Research on topic/themes Death: Characters either fear or are fascinated by death. This can also link to the theme of the mind as being fascinated by death links to the idea of a psychopathic villain. Some examples of these characters are Jigsaw(Saw)
  • 32. Locations First Location (FLASHBACK): On a bus going towards/ past an area with business buildings. Second Location (FLASHBACK): A busy café, probably in a shopping area like Whiteleys. The character would be sitting in the area outside the café.
  • 33. Locations Third Location (FLASHBACK): Outside an office building – the character will be coming out of the building in work clothes. Forth Location (FLASHBACK): On a busy normal street where the characters will be crossing the street on opposite sides.
  • 34. Inspirational characters Catwoman - She is strong and independent. - Her identity is an enigma - She goes against the stereotype that women are weak - She emphasises that women can be just a strong as men
  • 35. Inspirational characters • #1 Catwoman Catwoman’s identity is unknown, it is enigmatic. She challenges the stereotype of woman being less dominant than males. Throughout the film she connotes that females can be as dominant as men.
  • 36. Inspirational characters • #2 Hayley Stark (Hard Candy) At first she connotes a weak, vulnerable teenager, but then switches it all around and becomes the more dominant gender role.
  • 37. Inspirational characters Lisbeth Salander (The girl with the dragon tattoo) Lisbeth is an inspirational character because:  She overcomes her fears  She is a strong character  She saves the second main character from the Villain
  • 38. Inspirational Characters Sarah Connor ( terminator 2: Judgement day) Sarah is an inspirational character because:  She is a strong character  She tries to help protect others  She is selfless  She fights against evil
  • 39. Actors The people acting in our opening sequence will be Rosie and Laura. They are available often and good for the role because....... Strengths Weaknesses Hard working and reliable. May fall behind in work Uses artistic abilities in the filming and editing. Strengths Weaknesses Hard working and sensible Find it difficult to meet deadlines
  • 40. Actors Actor of the stalker? I wanted the stalker to be played by a girl because a common stalker is a guy. I planned on using the same plot of the characters like hard candy (girl is the psycho in the end). Strengths: Good actress Capable of hiding identity Artistic skills can be applied in costumes and props etc.
  • 41. Actors Actor playing Danny Archer: We wanted to challenge the stereotype of a vulnerable girl. We wanted the victim to be a brunette instead of a blonde character. Strengths: Reliable Sensible
  • 42. Costume and props • Costume of stalker I wanted the stalker to wear all black clothing to give a sense of mystery. This connotes that I am reinforcing a stereotype.
  • 43. Costume and props Costume of victim: The costume I want the victim to wear would be something basic like a plain white t-shirt and denim jeans with white converses.
  • 44. Titles and credits Paranorman: The title of the film stays within the genre of spooky, yet mild comic horror and gore. The creepy hand and the ‘N’s being bigger than the other letters emphasises this. The fall: The tile appears within the smoke in the movie. It the disappears as it is fanned away by the character, along with the smoke.
  • 45. Titles and credits Twin Peaks: Very basic, but allows the audience to at least understand that the title is also the name of the setting of the film. Red Lights: also simple, yet affective teamed with the sinister music. The title on a black background creates emphasis on the flickers of red light that momentarily surround the title. The name of the main character is also the name of the film. The presentation of the title fits in with the high school theme of the film, by showing the audience the title on a student ID card.
  • 46. Music/sounds ‘Disembark’ – under category of dark/brooding – - Creates mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere - You don’t know where the music is going at first, leads the audience to question what I going to happen next ‘City Cranes/ - under category of ‘eerie/ethereal’ – - Sounds very eerie - Not knowing what to expect - Creates a chill in the atmosphere
  • 47. Mainstream or independent • Mainstream films are big budget films whereas independent films have a smaller budget. • Our film would be a mainstream film as it is not a hard hitting film which considers issues within society, it would be a film which appeals to a wider audience and so would need to have a bigger budget to be able to distribute to many places. Some examples of mainstream films are: Avatar Titanic The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Some examples of independent films are: A separation Train spotting
  • 48. Target audience Our target audience would be a mass audience as it would be a mainstream film we would it expect it to attract many viewers. Also, our chosen genre (psychological thriller) usually attracts a large audience.
  • 49. BBFC and film rating • To understand what BBFC and film ratings were we researched it and found the official site. • We found the different types of ratings which are U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18 and R18.
  • 50. BBFC rating Here are the different types of ratings: Our opening sequence is rated 15.
  • 51. Production Company #1 • Hammer Film Production I chose this as one of my possible production companies to produce my film because this type of company specialising in producing psychological thrillers.
  • 52. Production company #2 • Lions Gate Entertainment I chose this as one of my possible production companies to produce my film because this particular company produced one of my inspirational films ‘Hard Candy’.
  • 53. Production companies Before choosing our production company we researched our genre to see which production companies were most commonly used. BLACK SWAN: Black Swan is a thriller mystery film which used the Fox Searchlight Pictures as their production company and also as it is a conglomerate they used it for their distribution company.
  • 54. Production Companies SE7EN: Se7en is a crime/mystery/thriller film which only has two production companies which are Cecchi Gori Pictures and New Line Cinema.
  • 55. Production Companies MEMENTO: Memento is a mystery thriller film that had four production companies and only the Newmarket company was used as a distributor out of the four.
  • 56. Production Companies • After doing some research we decided that the would have two production companies which would be Cross Creek Pictures and New Line Cinema. • We decided to use these production companies as they are very successful and well known. Click here to watch the New Line Cinema logo Click here to watch the Cross Creek Pictures logo
  • 57. Distribution companies • As New Line Cinema is part of the Warner bros. Corporation it also distributes its own films. • For example, New Line Cinema was both the producers and distributers of Se7en. • So for our distribution company we decided to use New Line Cinema asit would mean we would pay less. • Another distribution company we could use would be
  • 58. Fin.