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ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
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Module 9
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
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Content ............................................................................... P.2
Chapter “1” Anatomy of Head & neck ................................ P.3
Chapter “2” Neuro-Anatomy .............................................. P.20
Chapter “3” Anatomy of Special sense ............................... P.47
Chapter “4” Embryology of Head & Neck & CNS ................. P.55
Chapter “5” Histology of Central Nervous System .............. P.65
Chapter “6” Histology of Special Sense ................................ P.78
Chapter “7” Medical Biochemistry of CNS ........................... P.87
Chapter “8” Physiology of Autonomic Nervous System ...... P.91
Chapter “9” Physiology of Sensory System ......................... P.106
Chapter “10” Physiology of Motor System ......................... P.121
Chapter “11” Physiology of Central Nervous system ......... P.136
Chapter “12” Physiology of Special Sense .......................... P.156
Chapter “13” Pharmacology of Central Nervous System ... P.164
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
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Chapter “1”
Anatomy of
Head & Neck
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
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1. The dense connective tissue
layer of the scalp is called: -
a. Peripheral layer.
b. Fatty layer
c. Vascular layer
d. Central layer
2. The third layer of the scalp is
the aponeurosis of: -
a. buccinators muscle
b. occipitofrontalis muscle
c. masseter muscle
d. none of the above
3. Black eye is caused by
bleeding in: -
a. Aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis
b. periosteum
c. dense C.T
d. loose connective tissue
4. Which of the following is a
branch from the internal
carotid artery: -
a. supra orbital artery
b. superficial temporal artery
c. posterior auricular artery
d. occipital artery
5. The area of the scalp in front of
the auricle is supplied by all of
the following except: -
a. supra orbital artery
b. supra trochlear artery
c. occipital artery
d. superficial temporal artery
6. The motor nerve to the
preauricular part of the scalp
is: -
a. posterior auricular nerve
b. temporal branch of fascial nerve
c. trigeminal nerve
d. maxillary nerve
7. The occipitofrontalis muscle is
supplied by:
a. temporal branch of fascial nerve
b. posterior auricular branch of facial
c. occipital nerve
d. A and B
8. All of the following are sensory
supply to the preauricular area
of the scalp except: -
a. auriclo temporal nerve
b. zygomatico temporal nerve
c. great auricular nerve
d. supra orbital nerve
9. All of the following are
branches from cervical spinal
nerves except: -
a. supra orbital nerve
b. lesser occipital nerve
c. great auricular nerve
d. none of the above
10.Occipitofrontalis muscle: -
a. has frontal and occipital bellies
b. supplied by branches of fascial
c. moves the scalp forward and
d. all of the above
11.About the ophthalmic artery,
what’s true?
a. Branch of internal carotid
b. Share origin with occipital artery
c. give 2 branches supplying scalp
d. A & C
e. A & B
12.About Anastomoses between
internal & external carotid
artery, choose FALSE answer
a. Occurs in front of auricle
b. 3 main arteries form it
c. External carotid share by its
superficial temporal branch.
d. No False Answer
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13.T/F Scalp cut may lead to
systemic embolus.
a. True
b. False
14.T/F C.T Septa in the dense
layer limit bleeding of scalp cut
a. True
b. False
15.T/F C 2,3 is responsible for
nerve supply to anterior part of
scalp in front of auricle.
a. True
b. False
16.Following branches share in
sensory supply of scalp
a. Great auricular
b. Zygomatico temporal
c. Transverse Cervical
d. Lesser occipital
17....... Bleeds profusely if injured
A) skin
B) Pericranium
C) Dense connective tissue
D) Loose connective tissue
18.Black eyes are cause by
A) bleeding in the loose connective
tissue that don't reach the eyelids
B) Bleeding in the skin that reach the
C) Massive bleeding of the loose C.T
that reach the eyelids
D) Bleeding of the dense connective
19.Skin of the scalp extends from
the eyelids ant. To the nuchal
lines post. And temporal lines
on each side
A) true
B) False
20.There are 10 arteries that
supply the scalp on each side
A) true
B) False
21.The scalp is supplied by 10
nerves on each side
A) true
B) False
22.The separation between the
skull and the scalp occurs at ...
A) the fourth layer
B) Loose connective tissue
C) The layer that when bleed
massively, may cause black eyes
D) All of the above
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. C
17. C
18. C
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2- Face
1. Superficial temporal vein unites
with the maxillary vein forming: -
a. external jugular vein
b. internal jugular vein
c. anterior fascial vein
d. posterior fascial vein
2. The only tributary of the
subclavian vein is: -
a. external nasal vein
b. external jugular vein
c. occipital vein
d. common fascial vein
3. Which of the following muscles is
pierced by parotid duct : -
a. buccinators muscle
b. orbicularis oris muscle
c. frontalis muscle
d. mentalis muscle
4. The middle fibers of the
buccinators muscle is inserted
into: -
a. upper lip
b. lower lip
c. A and B
d. none of the above
5. The motor supply of the face is
carried by:
a. Cranial Nerve V
b. Cranial Nerve VII
c. Cranial Nerve X
d. Cranial Nerve V2
6. All of the following are branches
of the facial nerve except: -
a. temporal nerve
b. mandibular nerve
c. buccal nerve
d. maxillary nerve
7. All the face is sensory supplied
by the trigeminal nerve except: -
a. the upper lip
b. the lower lip
c. the area over the angle of the
d. the mental area
8. The maxillary nerve gives the
following branch except: -
a. zygomaticotemporal
b. zygomatico facial
c. infraorbital
d. external nasal
9. The upper eyelid is supplied by
the following nerves except: -
a. supratrochlear nerve
b. supra orbital nerve
c. palpebral branch of lacrimal
d. palpebral branch of infra orbital
10.The buccal nerve is branch from:
a. ophthalmic nerve
b. mandibular nerve
c. maxillary nerve
d. facial nerve
11.All of the following are branches
of the facial artery except: -
a. superior labial
b. inferior labial
c. angular
d. mental
12.The transverse facial artery is a
branch from: -
a. facial artery
b. occipital artery
c. superficial temporal artery
d. internal carotid artery
13.The common facial vein ends in
a. internal jugular vein
b. external jugular vein
c. subclavian vein
d. maxillary vein
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14.Concerning parotid gland:
a. its duct pierces the buccinators
b. posterior facial nerve begins inside
c. the Cranial Nerve VII divides into its
motor branches inside it.
d. All is true
15.Concerning Cranial Nerve V1
a. Sensory supply to all face
b. Lies within the cavernous sinus
c. Give 2 branches share in sensory
supply of scalp
d. All is true
16.Muscles of the face are attached
A) Bones of the face
B) Skin of the face
C) A&B
D) None of the above
17.All of the following are branches
of external carotid artery
a) Superficial temporal artery
b) Supraorbital artery
c) Maxillary
d) Fascial artery
18.T/F: Pulsation of the fascial artery
can be felt behind the angel of the
a) True
b) False
19.All of the following are Branches
of fascial artery except
a) Transverse facial artery
b) Inferior labial
c) Superior labial
d) Lateral nasal
20.Facial nerve gives 6 terminal
branches when it enters inside
the parotid gland
a) True
b) False
21.The skin covering the angle of the
mandible is supplied by
a) Great auricular nerve
b) Trigeminal nerve
c) Fascial nerve
d) None of the above
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. A
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3-Dural folds &
4-Venous Sinuses
1. From the attachment of falx
cerebri all except:
a. Crista galli.
b. Upper surface of tentorium
c. to the lips of the sagittal sulcus on
the inner aspect of skull cap.
d. Upper border of petrous temporal
2. Venous sinuses found in falx
cerebri all except ………
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Inferior sagittal sinus
c. Superior petrosal sinus
d. Straight sinus
3. The attached margin of
Tentorium cerebelli is attached
to all except ……….
a. crista galli.
b. posterior clinoid process
c. upper border of petrous temporal
d. the margin of the groove for
transverse sinus.
4. Venous sinuses related to
tentorium are all except ………
a. Straight
b. superior sagittal
c. Superior petrosal sinus in the
attached margin.
d. Transverse sinus in the attached
5. from the single sinuses found
in the cranial cavity are all
except ……
a. Superior sagittal.
b. Inferior sagittal.
c. Straight sinus.
d. Cavernous
6. from the paired sinuses are all
except ………
a. Superior petrosal.
b. Inferior petrosal.
c. Occipital
d. Transverse sinus.
7. It begins at the apex of falx
cerebri above the crista galli
and ends a little to the right of
the internal occipital
protuberance by turning to the
right side and becoming the
right transverse sinus. This is:
a. superior sagittal
b. inferior sagittal
c. straight
d. transverse
8. Uniting with the great cerebral
vein to form the straight sinus
this is ….
a. superior sagittal
b. inferior sagittal
c. straight
d. transverse
9. It is situated at the line of
junction of the falx cerebri with
the tentorium cerebelli this is:
a. superior sagittal
b. inferior sagittal
c. straight
d. transverse the roof of the cavernous
sinus there is ……….
a. internal carotid artery
b. Body of sphenoid
c. Pituitary gland
d. temporal lobe of the brain
11.nerves found at the lateral wall
of the cavernous sinus are all
a. Oculomotor (III)
b. trochlear (IV)
c. Abducent (VI)
d. Maxillary (V2)
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12.T/F: Cranial Nerve IV pierces
the tentorium cerebelli in front
of the point of crossing
a. True
b. False
13.Confluence of sinuses may
receive blood from
a. SSS
b. ISS
c. SS
d. A & B
e. A & C
f. B& C
14.Circular sinuses (Venous
circle) is formed by:
a. SSS & ISS
b. SSS & SS
c. Cavernous & Intercavernous
d. Occipital & Sigmoid
15.Which structure pass
superiorly to cavernous
a. Pituitary gland
b. Sphenoid bone
c. Cranial nerve III
d. Internal Carotid Artery
16.Infection of cavernous sinuses
may cause ophthalmoplegia
due to:
a. Cranial nerve irritation
b. Internal Carotid artery rapture
c. Nerve compression
d. Passage through superficial
middle cerebral vein
17.Fatal problem of cavernous
sinuses infection is:
a. Pulsating exophthalmos
b. Squint
c. Ophthalmoplegia
d. Cavernous sinuses thrombosis
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
13. E
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. D
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5- Posterior Triangle
1. The side of the neck is divided
into anterior and posterior
triangles by: -
a. platysma muscle
b. sternomastiod muscle
c. trapezius muscle
d. levator scapular
2. The posterior border of the
posterior triangle is
a. sternomastiod muscle
b. Scalenus muscle
c. trapezius muscle
d. clavicle
3. The following muscles form
the floor of the posterior
triangle except: -
a. semispinalis capitis
b. splenius capitus
c. levator scabulae
d. omohyoid muscle
4. All of the following pierce the
investing layer of the deep
fascia except: -
a. external jugular vein
b. L.V
c. internal jugular vein
d. supraclavicular nerve
5. The posterior triangle contains
the following nerves except: -
a. spinal part of accessory nerve
b. glossopharyngeal nerve
c. roots and trunks of brachial plexus
d. cutaneous branches of cervical
6. All of the following are
cutaneous branches of the
cervical plexus except: -
a. great occipital nerve
b. great auricular nerve
c. lesser occipital
d. transverse cervical
7. The nerve running parallel to
the sternomastiod muscle is: -
a. great auricular nerve
b. supra clavicular nerve
c. transverse cervical nerve
d. lesser occipital nerve
8. The supra scapular artery is a
branch from: -
a. common carotid artery
b. facial artery
c. subclavian artery
d. transverse cervical artery
9. The supra scapular vein end
a. internal jugular vein
b. external jugular vein
c. subclavian vein
d. none of the above
10.The Post Triangle is divided
into supraclavicular and
occipital triangles by:
a) Sternomastiod
b) Omohyiod
c) Anterior belly of digastric
d) Posterior belly of digastric
11.Digastric muscle is supplied
a) Spinal accessory
b) Facial Nerve
c) Trigeminal Nerve
d) Ansa Cervicalis
e) A & D
f) B & C
12.Hyoid bone has attachment of
a) Sternomastiod
b) Digastric
c) Superior belly of omohyiod.
d) Both B & C
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13.T/F: Investing layer of deep
fascia covers the muscles of
floor of Post. Triangle.
a) True
b) False
14.T/F: The Digastric muscle is
derived from the 2nd
pharyngeal arch
a) True
b) False
15.The following structure pass in
the roof of posterior triangle of
a) Internal carotid artery
b) Facial nerve
c) Suprascapular Artery
d) External jugular vein
16.Concerning sternomastiod
muscle, all are False except:
a) The external jugular vein
begins superficial to it.
b) It Separates the 2 triangles of
the neck
c) Its motor supply is Cranial
Nerve VII
d) A & C
e) A & B
f) All are true
17.Concerning Great Auricular
Nerve, All False except
a) It’s a branch of cervical
b) Supplies the skin behind
auricle and all mandible
c) Branch of Trigeminal Nerve.
d) None of Above
18.All of the following can be
considered a part of the neck
triangles except:
a) Scalenus medias
b) Scalenus anterior
c) Splenius capitis
d) Semispinalis capitis
19.Which of the following is the
most superficial muscle?
a. Semi spinalis capitis
b. Splenius capitis
c. Scalenus medias
d. Levator Scapulae
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. B
11. F
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. E
17. A
18. B
19. A
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6- Anterior Triangles of
1. All of the following are the
boundaries of anterior triangle
of the neck except:
a. Mid line of the neck
b. Inferior border of the maxilla
c. Inferior border of the mandible
d. Anterior border of the
2. A Structure is found in both
digastric and submental
a. Omohyiod muscle
b. Hypoglossal
c. Sternihyoid muscle
d. Mylohyoid muscle
3. Superior bellies of omohyiod
muscle is a common boundary
a. Digastric and submental
b. Digastric and muscular triangle
c. Muscular triangle and carotid
d. Carotid triangle and digastric
4. All of the following are
contents of carotid triangle
a. External carotid artery
b. Carotid sheath
c. Superficial cervical lymph
d. Sympathetic trunk
5. Ansa Cervicalis supply all the
following except:
a. Sternihyoid muscle
b. Sternothyroid muscle
c. Thyrohyoid muscle
d. Infrahyoid muscle
6. A salivary gland can be seen in
which of the following:
a. Digastric triangle
b. Submental triangle
c. Carotid triangle
d. Muscular triangle
7. All of the following are found in
pairs except:
a. Submental triangle
b. Digastric triangle
c. Carotid triangle
d. Muscular triangle
8. All of the following muscles
are attached to hyoid bone
a. Sternomastoid muscle
b. Anterior bellies of Digastric
c. Superior bellies of omohyiod
d. Posterior bellies of Digastric
9. The base of the submental
triangle is:
a. Thyroid cartilage
b. Maxilla
c. Hyoid bone
d. Mandible
10.All of the following are
boundaries of the carotid
triangle except:
a. anterior border of
b. anterior belly of digastric
c. superior belly of omohyiod
d. posterior belly of digastric
11.Sympathetic trunk is one of the
carotid triangle contents:
a. true
b. false
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12.Nerve to thyrohyoid arise from
a. c2
b. c1
c. c3
d. none of the above
13.Hypoglossus and thyrohyoid
form the floor of muscular
a. true
b. false
14.Inferior belly of omohyoid is
one of carotid triangle
a. true
b. false
15.The floor of carotid triangle is
formed by:
a. Hypoglossus
b. thyrohyoid
c. middle and inferior constrictors
of the pharynx
d. all of the above
16.Vagus nerve is one of the
carotid sheath contents:
a. true
b. false
17.All of the following are
contents of the carotid sheath
a. common carotid artery
b. vagus nerve
c. internal jugular vein
d. external carotid artery
18.Superior belly of omohyoid is
one of the muscular triangle
a. true
b. false
19.Sternohyoid is one of the
muscles forming the deep
layer of Infrahyoid muscles
a. true
b. false
20.The inferior root of Ansa
Cervicalis nerve arises from:
a. c1
b. c5
c. c3
d. c2 &c3
21.The common structure
between submandibular and
submental triangle:
a) Anterior belly of digastric.
b) Superior belly of omohyoid
c) Hyoid bone
d) Nerve to mylohyoid
e) A & D
22.The common structure
between the digastric &
Carotid triangles:
a) Superior belly of omohyoid
b) Hyoid bone
c) Posterior belly of digastric.
d) Nerve to mylohyoid
e) A & B
23.The common structure
between the carotid and
muscular triangle:
a) Ant. border of Sternomastoid.
b) Hyoid bone.
c) Posterior belly of digastric.
d) Inferior belly of omohyoid.
e) A & D.
f) A & C.
24.Hyoid bone is related to:
a) Submandibular triangle
b) Submental triangle
c) Muscular triangle
d) Carotid triangle
25.The nerve passing inside the
carotid sheath is
a) Sympathetic chain
b) Ansa Cervicalis
c) Cranial Nerve VII
d) Vagus Nerve
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26.The Superior belly of
omohyoid muscle is a .... of the
muscular triangle
a) Floor
b) Boundary
c) Content
d) A & B
e) B & C
27.Concerning the
Submandibular salivary
glands and Lymph nodes:
a) The ant Facial vein only pass
superficial to them
b) The Facial Artery only passes
superficial to them.
c) Both artery and vein pass
d) The artery is superficial and
the vein is deep.
28.Ansa Cervicalis pass ... to
carotid sheath, Sympathetic
chain passes ...
a) Anterior, Posterior.
b) Posterior, Anterior.
c) Both Anterior.
d) Both Posterior.
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. E
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. E
27. C
28. A
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7- Lymphatic Drainage
of Head & Neck
1. Lymphatic drainage of
preauricular part of the scalp: -
a. parotid L.N
b. mastoid L.N
c. occipital L.N
d. submental L.N
2. The lymph drainage of the tip
of the tongue is into
a. submental L.N
b. submandibular L.N
c. parotid L.N
d. mastoid L.N
3. The terminal destination of the
lymph drainage in the face and
neck is the junction between
subclavian vein and ……
a. Internal jugular vein
b. External jugular vein
c. Anterior facial vein
d. Retromandibular vein
4. Which of the following ducts is
related to the brachial plexus?
a. Tubal tonsil
b. Upper deep cervical lymph node
c. Lower deep cervical lymph nodes
d. Lingual tonsil
5. Which of the following is one
of the tributaries of the jugulo-
omohyoid lymph nodes?
a. Back of the tongue
b. Tonsils
c. Upper part of the pharynx
d. Lower part of the pharynx
6. Jugulo digastric lymph nodes
lie behind the internal jugular
a. true
b. false
7. Jugulo omohyoid lymph nodes
lie behind the intermediate
tendon of omohyiod
a. true
b. false
8. Thyroid gland drains directly
to the jugular trunk
a. true
b. false
9. Adenoid is one of the
transverse superficial lymph
a. true
b. false
10.Posterior region of the scalp is
drained to:
a. Occipital lymph node
b. Post auricular lymph node
c. Parotid lymph node
d. Submandibular lymph node
11.Nasopharynx can drain
directly to the deep lymph
a. true
b. false
12.T/F: Post auricular lymph
nodes lie deep to the mastoid
a. true
b. false
13.Above the vocal cord in the
larynx drains to:
a. Upper deep cervical lymph
b. Lower deep cervical lymph
c. Submandibular lymph nodes
d. Submental lymph nodes
14.Middle ear drains to:
a. Preauricular lymph nodes
b. Submandibular lymph nodes
c. Mastoid lymph nodes
d. Submental lymph nodes
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15.The Tongue is drained by:
a) submental lymph nodes
b) submandibular lymph nodes
c) jugulo-digastric lymph nodes.
d) A & C
e) All of Above
16.Enlarged jugulo-omohyoid
lymph nodes indicates:
a) Pancreatic cancer.
b) Stomach cancer.
c) Hepatoma.
d) All of Above.
17.Which of the following lymph
nodes is the site of drainage of
the scalp and lies in the
posterior triangle of the neck?
a. Mastoid lymph node
b. Occipital lymph node
c. Supraclavicular lymph node
d. Parotid lymph node
18.Whaldyer's ring is considered:
a. Deep vertical lymph nodes
b. Deep transverse lymph nodes
c. Superficial transverse lymph
d. Superficial vertical lymph
19.The mastoid lymph nodes
drain all of the following
structures except:
a- lateral surface of the auricle
b- scalp over the auricle
c- posterior wall of the auditory
d- Medial surface of the auricle
20.The Internal Jugular vein is
related to:
a- Superficial Cervical LN.
b- Deep Cervical LN.
c- Anterior Cervical LN.
d- None of Above.
1 – A
2 – A
3 – A
4 – C
5 – D
6 – B
7 – B
8 – B
9 – B
10 - A
11 – A
12 – B
13 – A
14 – A
15 – E
16 – B
17 – B
18 – B
19 – A
20 – B
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8&9 - The Last 4 Cranial
1. The following Nerves is pure
motor nerves:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
e. All except D
2. The last 4 cranial Nerves
Originate from Medulla
Oblongata only except:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Accessory Nerve
d. Hypoglossal Nerve.
3. The nerve passing between
ICA & ECA is
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
4. The nerve passing between IJV
& ICA is
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
5. The nerve deep to hyoglossal
muscle is
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
6. The nerve which pass through
foramen magnum is:
a. Spinal Accessory Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Cranial Accessory Nerve
7. The deepest Cranial Nerve in
carotid Sheath is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Hypoglossal Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
8. The nerve pass superficial to
both ICA & ECA is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Accessory Nerve
d. Cranial Nerve XII
9. The nerve piercing
Sternomastoid muscle is:
a. Vagus Nerve.
b. Cranial Nerve IX.
c. Hypoglossal Nerve.
d. Spinal Accessory Nerve.
10.T/F: The Glossopharyngeal
pass between CCA & EJV at
the level of upper border of
thyroid cartilage.
a. True
b. False
11.The nerve passing between
superior and middle
constrictors of pharynx is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
12.Cranial Accessory Nerve joins
the ... ganglion of Vagus.
a. Inferior
b. Superior
13.The longest cranial nerve in
body is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve IX
c. Facial Nerve
d. Accessory Nerve
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14.T/F: C5,6,7 share in formation
of Accessory nerve
a. True
b. False
15.The 2 parts of Accessory Nerve
are joined at
a. Foramen Magnum
b. Jugular foramen
c. Below Jugular Foramen
d. Above Jugular Foramen
e. All Except B
16.T/F: Spinal Accessory Nerve
joins the inferior ganglia of
vagus to give supply to larynx
a. True
b. False
17.The nerve appearing in
posterior triangle of neck:
a. Vagus Nerve.
b. Cranial Nerve IX.
c. Hypoglossal Nerve.
d. Accessory Nerve.
18.The superficial Nerve to
Hyoglossal Muscle is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve XII
c. Cranial Nerve IX
d. Accessory Nerve
19.T/F: Inferior root of Ansa
Cervicalis is carried by
Hypoglossal Nerve.
a. True
b. False
20.Parasympathetic secretomotor
supply to Parotid Gland is
carried by a branch of:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve XII
c. Cranial Nerve IX
d. Accessory Nerve
21.T/F: Ansa Cervicalis Loop pass
deep to carotid Sheath.
a. True
b. False
22.The most important
parasympathetic nerve in body
a. Vagus Nerve.
b. Cranial Nerve IX.
c. Hypoglossal Nerve.
d. Accessory Nerve
23.T/F: All muscles of larynx are
supplied by external laryngeal
nerve except cricothyroid
supplied by recurrent
laryngeal nerve.
a. true
b. false
24.Thyrohyoid & Geniohyoid are
supplied by
a. Vagus Nerve.
b. C 1.2,3
c. Hypoglossal Nerve.
d. C 1
25.Tensor Palati Muscle is
supplied by:
a. Cranial Nerve VII
b. Cranial Nerve IX.
c. Cranial Nerve V.
d. Cranial Nerve X.
26.Spinal Accessory Nerve
a. Trapezius muscle
b. Latissimus Dorsi
c. Sternomastoid
d. Both A & C
27.T/F: Posterior third of tongue
receive motor supply by
Lingual branch of Cranial
Nerve IX.
a. true
b. false
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28.The following nerves are mixed
nerves between vagus nerve
and cranial accessory nerve:
a. superior laryngeal Nerve
b. recurrent laryngeal
c. pharyngeal
d. all are true
29.T/F: All mucosa of larynx
above & below the vocal cords
are supplied by both Vagus &
Cranial Accessory Nerve.
a. true
b. false
30.The carotid body is sensory
supplied by:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve XII
c. Cranial Nerve IX
d. Accessory Nerve
31.Which nerves shares is
formation of cardiac plexus:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve XII
c. Cranial Nerve IX
d. Accessory Nerve
32.The nerve lying deep to
submandibular gland is:
a. Vagus Nerve
b. Cranial Nerve XII
c. Cranial Nerve IX
d. Accessory Nerve
33.T/F: The right recurrent vagus
pass around the aortic arch.
a. true
b. false
34.Site of formation of Ansa
Cervicalis is:
a. At jugular foramen
b. At foramen Magnus
c. Opposite to lower part of
d. At level of upper border of
thyroid cartilage
35.Which following has a mixed
supply between Vagus and
Cranial accessory nerve?
a. tensor Palati muscle.
b. cricothyroid muscle.
c. stylopharyngeal muscle.
d. hyoglossal muscle.
1- D
2- C
3- B
4- A
5- B
6- A
7- C
8- D
9- D
10- B
11- B
12- A
13- A
14- B
15- B
16- B
17- D
18- B
19- B
20- C
21- B
22- A
23- B
24- D
25- C
26- D
27- B
28- D
29- A
30- C
31- A
32- B
33- B
34- C
35- B
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Chapter “2”
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1- Cerebral Hemispheres
1. Concerning the inferolateral
border of cerebral
a) Present the pre-occipital notch.
b) Its anterior part called
supercillary border.
c) None of above
d) All of above
2. Concerning central sulcus:
a) The upper end lies midway
between frontal and occipital
b) It extends on the medial surface
of cerebral hemispheres.
c) It ends above the horizontal
ramus of lateral sulcus.
d) All of Above
e) All except C
3. The stem of lateral sulcus is
present on the ... surface while
it ends at the ... surface of
cerebral hemisphere.
a) Inferior, Medial.
b) Medial, Superolateral.
c) Inferior, Superolateral.
d) Superolateral, Medial
e) Superolateral, Inferior
4. Area 8 is responsible for:
a) Frontal eye field area
b) Motor speech area
c) Primary somato-motor area.
d) Auditory area
5. Area of Wernicke’s
destruction causes:
a) Sensory aphasia
b) Deadness
c) Word Blindness
d) Somatomotor loss
6. Secondary Motor Area is
a) Area 4
b) Area 6
c) Area 8
d) Area 10
7. Area 8 is present at
a) Superior Parietal Gyrus.
b) Superior Frontal Gyrus
c) Middle Frontal Gyrus
d) Inferior Frontal Gyrus
8. Broca’s Area is responsible
a) Motor Speech.
b) Somatic sensation
c) Auditory
d) Primary motor
9. Somatosensory associated
area is present at
a) Superior frontal gyrus.
b) Superior occipital gyrus
c) Superior parietal gyrus
d) Superior temporal gyrus.
10.The central sulcus separates
between the following areas:
a) Primary & Secondary motor
b) Primary & secondary sensory
c) Primary motor & Primary
Sensory areas.
d) Secondary motor &
Secondary sensory areas.
11.All following sulci present on
Superolateral surface of
cerebral hemisphere except:
a) Intraparietal sulcus
b) Collateral Sulcus
c) Anterior ramus of lateral sulcus
d) Lunate Sulcus
12.Which Gyri is not visible on
Superolateral surface of
cerebral hemisphere?
a) Post Central Sulcus
b) Para Central Sulcus
c) Pre Central Sulcus
d) All of Above
13.Motor Area of LL lies in:
a) Post Central Sulcus
b) Para Central Sulcus
c) Pre Central Sulcus
d) Inferior Parietal Lobule.
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14.Lower part of precentral gyrus
a) Sensory area
b) Motor area for head
c) Area of hearing
d) Broca’s Area
15.T/F: Temporal lobe is
concerned with speech.
a) True
b) False
16.T/F: Pre central gyrus receives
direct sensory input
a) True
b) False
17.Limbic association area
receives blood supply by
a) ICA
b) Posterior Cerebral Artery.
c) Middle cerebral Artery
d) Anterior Cerebral Artery.
18.Lingual Gyrus is responsible
a) Motor area
b) Sensory area
c) Speech area
d) Visual Area
19.All surfaces of occipital lobe
are supplied by:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) All of above
20.Upper 1 inch of Superolateral
surface is supplied by:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) All of above
21.The lower 1 inch of
Superolateral surface is
supplied by:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) All of above
22.T/F: all tentorial surface of
cerebral hemisphere is
supplied by posterior cerebral
a) True
b) False
23.The artery passing in the
callosal sulcus is:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) All of above
24.Temporal pole is supplied by:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) A & B
e) A & C
f) All of above
25.The Motor area of cerebral
cortex is supplied by:
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
d) A & B
e) A & C
f) All of above
26.Cerebellar Tonsil is supplied
a) Anterior cerebral Artery
b) Posterior cerebral Artery
c) Middle cerebral artery
27.Inner ear is supplied by:
c) Pontine branches of Basilar A.
d) Labyrinthine A.
28.The largest branch of 4th part
of vertebral artery is:
c) Anterior Spinal Artery.
d) Labyrinthine A.
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29.The basilar artery is NOT
related to following nerves:
a) Cranial Nerve III
b) Cranial Nerve VI
c) Cranial Nerve XII
d) No correct answer
30.Pontine Sulcus is site of
passage for the ... artery.
a) Vertebral A
b) Basilar A.
1- D
2- E
3- C
4- A
5- C
6- B
7- C
8- A
9- C
10- C
11- B
12- B
13- B
14- B
15- B
16- B
17- D
18- D
19- B
20- A
21- B
22- B
23- A
24- C
25- E
26- D
27- D
28- A
29- C
30- B
2- Spinal Cord
1. The length of the spinal cord is
a. 10 cm
b. 20 cm
c. 30 cm
d. 45 cm
2. The cervical enlargement
corresponds to:
a. Lumber plexus
b. Brachial plexus
c. Sacral plexus
d. Cervical plexus
3. The uterine period in which the
spinal cord occupies all the
vertebral canal is:
a. 1st month
b. 1st two months
c. 1st three months
d. 1st four months
4. Meninges surrounding the
spinal cord end at the level of:
a. S1
b. S2
c. S3
d. S4
5. All of the following can be
found clearly in the gray matter
a. Blood capillaries
b. Neuroglia
c. Myelinated nerve fibers
d. Nerve soma
6. Lumbosacral nucleus in
central group is present in:
a. C1
b. C2
c. S1
d. C7
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7. Lateral group of anterior gray
matter can't be found in:
a. Thoracic
b. Lumber
c. Cervical
d. Sacral
8. T1 has all of the following
a. Visceral gray
b. Medial group
c. Lateral group
d. Nucleus dorsalis
9. Anterior spinal artery arises
a. Basilar artery
b. Subclavian artery
c. Vertebral arteries
d. Aorta
10.Which of the following is the
site where longitudinal
branches of posterior spinal
artery branches?
a. Ventral root
b. Dorsal root
c. Gray matter
d. White matter
11.Radicularis magna supply
origin of:
a. Cervical plexus
b. Pharyngeal plexus
c. Brachial plexus
d. Lumber plexus
12.Anterior spinal vein passes
a. Anteromedian sulcus
b. Posteromedian septum
c. Ventral root
d. Dorsal root
13.Internal venous plexus lies
a. Dura matter
b. Extra dural space
c. Periosteum
d. Tubular sheath
14.Lumber cistern is found in:
a. Subarachnoid space
b. Pia matter
c. Dura matter
d. Arachnoid matter
15.Linea splendens lies in:
a. Dorsal root
b. Ventral root
c. Anteromedian sulcus
d. Posteromedial septum
16.Last process of ligamneta
denticulate is attached to:
a. L1
b. L2
c. L3
d. L4
17.T/F: Spinal segments lie
opposite to corresponding
a. True
b. False
18.Posterior intermediate septum
is found at:
a. Lumbar
b. All Thoracic
c. Upper thoracic
d. Cervical
e. B & D
f. C & D
19.T/F: Nucleus suppling the
limbs is found in all segments
of spinal cord.
a. True
b. False
20.Nucleus of Clarke is found in
all following spinal segment
a. Cervical
b. Thoracic
c. Lumbar
d. Sacral
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21.Posterior spinal artery
a. Anterior 2/3
b. Anterior 2/3
c. Posterior 2/3
d. Posterior 1/3
22.T/F: The spinal dural sheath
joins the epineurium of
a. True
b. False
23.Intervertebral venous plexus is
found at:
a. Epidural Space.
b. Subarachnoid space.
c. Septum posticum.
d. Linea splendens.
24.T/F: Spinal dura is formed of 2
layers but do not form dural
a. True
b. False
25.T/F: CSF is found in the space
between dura mater and
arachnoid mater.
a. True
b. False
26.Cauda Equina is found at:
a. Epidural Space.
b. Subarachnoid space.
c. Septum posticum.
d. Linea splendens.
27.T/F: Ligamenta Denticulata is
attached to 1st sacral spinal
a. True
b. False
1- D
2- B
3- C
4- B
5- C
6- C
7- A
8- C
9- C
10- B
11- D
12- A
13- B
14- A
15- C
16- A
17- B
18- F
19- B
20- D
21- D
22- A
23- A
24- B
25- B
26- B
27- B
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3- Brain Stem
1. Posteromedian sulcus in the
medulla oblongata continue as
a. Intermediate sulcus
b. Anteriomedian fissure
c. Posteromedian septum
d. Dorsal root
2. Which of the following form the
a. Corticospinal nuclei
b. Inferior olivary nuclei
c. Corticospinal fibers
d. Cuneate nuclei
3. All of the following pass
through the posterolateral
sulcus except:
a. Hypoglossal nerve
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. Vagus nerve
d. Cranial accessory nerve
4. The groove found in the
pontine transverse fibers is for
a. Basilar artery
b. Basal vein
c. Vertebral artery
d. Superior cerebellar artery
5. Which of the following nerves
exit through the junction
between pons and pyramid?
a. Trigeminal nerve
b. Abducent nerve
c. Facial nerve
d. Vestibular nerve
6. Motor decussation occurs at:
a. Anteromedial fissure
b. Anterolateral sulcus
c. Posterolateral sulcus
d. Inferior fovea.
7. The medial fasciculus is
a. Gracile.
b. Cuneate.
8. Which tubercle extend to a
higher level?
a. Gracile
b. Cuneate.
9. The area between the 2 inferior
peduncle is called:
a. Inferior fovea
b. Superior fovea
c. Basilar groove.
d. None of above.
10.Nerve emerging through the
junction between the pons and
middle cerebellar peduncle is:
a. Abducent
b. Facial
c. Vagus
d. Trigeminal
11.Nerve emerging at the
anterolateral sulcus is:
a. Glossopharyngeal.
b. Hypoglossal.
c. Vagus.
d. Trigeminal.
12.All of following emerge
through the posterolateral
sulcus except:
a. Cranial Nerve IX
b. Cranial Nerve X
c. Cranial Nerve XI
d. Cranial Nerve XII
13.Which following group of
nerve emerge through the
a. Cranial nerve I – II – III – IV.
b. Cranial nerve X: XII.
c. Cranial Nerve V – VII
d. None of above.
14.T/F: The medial eminence of
pons is separated from lower
vestibular area by the superior
a. True
b. False
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15.Which is medial at lower
border of pons?
a. Facial nerve
b. Abducent nerve
c. Vestibule-cochlear.
d. Trigeminal.
16.Cerebral peduncle is formed of
all except:
a. Crus cerebri
b. Substantia nigra
c. Tegmentum
d. Tectum
17.Colliculi are separated by:
a. Cruciform sulcus
b. Posteromedian sulcus
c. Anteromedian sulcus
d. Intermediate sulcus
18.Corpora Quadrigemina is:
a. Cruciform sulcus
b. Colliculi
c. Frenulum velli
d. Brachium
19.Superior colliculi are
associated with:
a. Inferior brachium
b. Lateral geniculate
c. Frenulum vellum
d. Medial geniculate
20.All of the following enters in
the dorsal surface of the pons
a. Lateral vestibular nucleus
b. Medial vestibular nucleus
c. Facial nerve
d. Abducent nerve
21.T/F: Basal vein crosses the
cerebral peduncle
a. True
b. False
22.T/F: Substania nigra is a layer
of white matter
a. True
b. False
23.T/F: Hypoglossal trigone is the
most lateral part of inferior
floor of the 4th ventricle.
a. True
b. False
24.T/F: Groove between pyramid
and olive is called is
posterolateral sulcus
a. True
b. False
25.All following cross the crus
cerebri except:
a. Basal vein.
b. Superior cerebellar artery.
c. Inferior cerebellar artery.
d. Trochlear nerve.
26.T/F: Substania nigra is
pigmented white matter has a
melanin pigment.
a. True
b. False
27.T/F: the colliculi lie below
superior medullary vellum and
above pineal body.
a. True
b. False
28.The only nerve emerging from
posterior aspect of brain stem
a. CN II
c. CN IV
d. CN VI
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1- C
2- C
3- A
4- A
5- B
6- A
7- A
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- B
12- D
13- C
14- B
15- A
16- D
17- A
18- B
19- B
20- B
21- A
22- B
23- B
24- B
25- C
26- B
27- B
28- C
4- Cranial Nerve Nuclei
1. All of the following are pure
sensory except:
a. Olfactory neve
b. cranial nerve II
c. Abducent nerve
d. Vestibulocochlear
2. Trigeminal nucleus is:
a. pure motor
b. pure sensory
c. mixed nucleus
d. no true answer.
3. Fascial nucleus is … but optic
nucleus is … and accessory is
a. mixed, sensory, motor
b. sensory, motor, mixed
c. motor, sensory, mixed
d. sensory, mixed, motor
4. 4.All pure motor nucleus are:
a. GVE
b. GSE
c. GSA
d. SVA
5. Trochlear nerve is present in:
a. pons
b. midbrain
c. medulla
d. none of the above
6. Trochlear nerve supply
a. lateral rectus
b. medial rectus
c. superior rectus
d. inferior rectus
7. The following nerve supply
muscles of eye:
a. oculomotor
b. Abducent
c. trochlear
d. all of the above
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8. Abducent nucleus lie in:
a. 3rd ventricle
b. lateral ventricle
c. 4th ventricle
d. lower part of midbrain
9. Sensory nerves arise from
nuclei in the midbrain:
a. True
b. False
10.Edinger Westphal nucleus is
the motor nucleus of
oculomotor nerve:
a. true
b. false
11.Trigeminal nerve has … nuclei:
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 2
12.The trigeminal nucleus that is
responsible for proprioception
a. mesencephalic
b. motor
c. sensory
d. spinal
13.T/F: Superior salivary nucleus
of fascial nerve is sympathetic
nucleus that supply all glands
except parotid
A. true
b. false
14.Superior salivary nucleus is …
but Edinger Westphal nucleus
is ...
a. parasympathetic, sympathetic
b. sympathetic, parasympathetic
c. both are sympathetic
d. both are parasympathetic
15.Spinal part of accessory nerve
arises from
a. Anterior horn cell
b. Lateral horn cell
c. Posterior horn cell
d. none of the above
16.Ambiguous nucleus is the
nucleus of
a. glossopharyngeal
b. accessory
c. both of them
d. none of them
17.Taste and olfaction sensation
is carries by:
a. G.V.E
b. G.V.A
c. S.V.A
d. S.S.A
18.The following nuclei are
presented in the midbrain
a. oculomotor nucleus
b. Edinger Westphal nucleus
c. trochlear nucleus
d. facial nucleus
19.Nucleus ambiguous is found
a. medulla oblongata
b. midbrain
c. pons
d. spinal cord
20.The lateral rectus muscle of
the eye is supplied from:
a. oculomotor nucleus
b. abducent nucleus
c. trochlear nucleus
d. hypoglossal nucleus
21.The trochlear nucleus
a. lateral rectus muscle
b. superior oblique muscle
c. palate glossus muscle
d. none of the above
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22.The motor nucleus of
trigeminal nerve supplies all of
the following except:
a. anterior belly of digastric
b. mylohyoid
c. stylohyoid
d. tensor tympani
23.Nucleus ambiguous gives
fibers to the following nerve:
a. accessory nerve
b. facial nerve
c. trigeminal nerve
d. hypoglossal nerve
24.The only muscle derived from
the third branchial arch is:
a. tensor palate
b. mylohyoid
c. platysma
d. stylopharyngeal
25.The facial nucleus supplies the
following muscles except:
a. muscles of the face
b. occipitofrontalis muscle
c. stylopharyngeal muscle
d. stylohyoid
26.The fibers forming the cranial
outflow of the parasympathetic
nervous system:
a. G.S.E
b. S.V.E
c. G.V.E
d. G.V.A
27.The parasympathetic part of
the oculomotor nerve is:
a. superior salivary nucleus
b. inferior salivary nucleus
c. solitary nucleus
d. Edinger Westphal nucleus
28.Inferior salivary nucleus gives
preganglionic fibers to:
a. lacrimal glands
b. parotid gland
c. submandibular gland
d. buccal gland
29.The following nucleus gives
rise to general visceral efferent
a. Edinger Westphal nucleus
b. superior salivary nucleus
c. inferior salivary nucleus
d. all of the above
30.Which of the following nuclei
receive visceral afferent
a. solitary nucleus
b. olivary nucleus
c. hypoglossal nucleus
d. none of the above
31.Solitary nucleus receives
general sensory fibers running
a. vagus nerve
b. glossopharyngeal nerve
c. trigeminal nerve
d. both A and B
32.Sensation from the respiratory
tract, abdominal viscera and
GIT are received by:
a. facial nucleus
b. superior salivary nucleus
c. solitary nucleus
d. trochlear nucleus
33.Taste sensation is carried by
the following except:
a. facial nerve
b. glossopharyngeal nerve
c. vagus nerve
d. trigeminal nerve
34.Cardiorespiratory nucleus
mediates reflex control of:
a. cardiovascular system
b. respiratory system
c. gastrointestinal system
d. all of the above
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35.Which of the following is not a
sensory trigeminal nucleus?
a. mesencephalic nucleus
b. solitary nucleus
c. main sensory nucleus
d. none of the above
36.The nucleus responsible for
receiving pain and
temperature from the head is:
a. spinal nucleus of trigeminal
b. main sensory nucleus
c. superior salivary nucleus
d. mesencephalic nucleus
37.S.S.A include the following
a. vestibular nucleus
b. cochlear nucleus
c. solitary nucleus
d. all of the above
1- C
2- C
3- A
4- B
5- B
6- A
7- D
8- C
9- B
10- B
11- C
12- A
13- B
14- D
15- A
16- C
17- B
18- C
19- D
20- A
21- B
22- B
23- C
24- A
25- D
26- C
27- C
28- D
29- B
30- D
31- A
32- D
33- C
34- D
35- D
36- B
37- A
38- C
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5- White matter of
1. One of the following lies in the
anterior limb of the internal
a. Anterior thalamic radiation
b. Posterior thalamic radiation
c. Superior thalamic radiation
d. Inferior thalamic radiation
2. Where can occipito pontine
fibers be found?
a. Anterior limb of internal
b. Genu of the internal capsule
c. Thalamo lentiform part of
posterior limb
d. Retro lentiform part of
posterior limb of internal
3. How internal capsule is related
to the lentiform nucleus?
a. Medially
b. Superiorly
c. Laterally
d. Inferiorly
4. Blood supply of the genu is:
a. Anterior cerebral artery
b. Posterior cerebral artery
c. Internal carotid artery
d. None of the above
5. All of the following receive two
arterial blood supplies except:
a. Anteromedial part of the
anterior limb of internal
b. Genu of the internal capsule
c. Thalamo lentiform part of
posterior limb
d. Retro lentiform part of
posterior limb
6. Which of the following is
concerned with connection
between two different sides in
the cortex?
a. Commissural fibers
b. Association fibers
c. Projection fibers
d. All of the above
7. Long association fibers lying
in the medial surface is:
a. Uncinate fibers
b. Cingulum
c. Superior longitudinal
d. Fronto occipital fasciculus
8. The lateral boundary of corona
radiata is:
a. Uncinate fibers
b. Cingulum
c. Fronto occipital fasciculus
d. Superior Longitudinal
9. The long association fiber
connecting between occipital
lobe and temporal lobe is:
a. Superior longitudinal
b. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
c. Fronto occipital fasciculus
d. Cingulum
10.Which of the following are
associated with orbital surface
of the frontal lobe?
a. Cingulum
b. Rostrum of corpus callosum
c. Both
d. None of the above
11.Forceps minor radiates from:
a. Rostrum
b. Genu
c. Body
d. Splenium
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12.Splenium of the corpus
callosum radiate fibers related
a. Posterior horn of lateral
b. Anterior horn of lateral
c. 3rd ventricle
d. 4th ventricle
13.Which of the following is most
a. Cerebral aqueduct
b. Posterior commissure
c. Habenular commissure
d. None of the above
14.All of the following are
connected by the anterior
commissure except:
a. Olfactory bulb
b. Amygdaloid body
c. Posterior perforated body
d. Pyriform body
15.The following are association
fibers except:
a. Tapetum
b. Cingulum
c. Superior longitudinal bundle
d. Inferior longitudinal bundle
e. Uncinate fasciculus
16.The following are different long
association fibers except:
a. Uncinate fasciculus
b. Cingulum
c. Superior longitudinal bundle
d. Anterior longitudinal bundle
e. Inferior longitudinal bundle
17.The following are commissural
fibers EXCEPT:
a. Corpus callosum
b. Habenular commissure
c. The group of fibers which lies
just above and behind the
upper end of the aqueduct of
d. Internal arcuate fibers
18.The largest commissure in
brain is:
a. Optic chiasma
b. Corpus callosum
c. Internal capsule
d. Corona radiata
19.The type of fibers of corpus
callosum is:
a. Fibers for vision
b. Association fibers
c. Projection fibers
d. Commissural fibers
e. Long association fibers
20.The following are parts of
corpus callosum EXCEPT:
a. Rostrum
b. Truck
c. Genu
d. Tapetum
e. Splenium
1- A
2- D
3- A
4- C
5- B
6- A
7- B
8- D
9- B
10- B
11- B
12- A
13- C
14- C
15- A
16- D
17- D
18- B
19- D
20- D
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6- Diencephalon
1. The components of the
diencephalon are all except:
a. thalamus
b. hypothalamus
c. stria habenularis
d. pons.
e. C & D
2. The lateral boundary of the
thalamus is the:
a. the posterior limb of the
internal capsule.
b. the cavity of the third ventricle
c. the lentiform nucleus
d. epi thalamus
3. The superior relations to the
thalamus are:
a. the body of lateral ventricle
b. the thalamo striate vein
c. the choroid plexus
d. all of the above
4. The inferior relations of
thalamus are including all of
the following except
a. tegmentum of the midbrain
b. the hypothalamus
c. fornix
d. sub thalamus
5. The lateral part of the thalamus
lying lateral to the internal
medullary stria is subdivided
a. dorsolateral part
b. ventromedial
c. both
d. none of above
6. The function of the thalamus is
integration of the information
from the:
a. cerebellum
b. basal ganglia
c. reticular formation of the brain
d. all of the above
7. The anterior thalamic radiation
connects the anterior and
medial nuclei with the:
a. frontal lobe.
b. parietal lobe.
c. occipital lobe.
d. pre central gyrus.
8. The superior thalamic
radiation connects the lateral
and the ventral nuclei with:
a. temporal lobe
b. the parietal lobe
c. pre and post central gyri
d. occipital lobe
9. The blood supply of the
thalamus is the:
a. posterior cerebral artery
b. anterior cerebral artery
c. basilar artery
d. A & C
10.Epi thalamus consists of all of
the following except:
a. pineal body
b. habenular nuclei
c. habenular commissure
d. the choroid plexus
11.The medial geniculate body is
a relay nucleus in the
a. pathway of hearing
b. pathway of vision
c. pathway of smelling
d. all of above
12.The Meta thalamus consists of:
a. medial geniculate body
b. lateral geniculate body
c. both of them
d. no correct answer
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13.the following is true regarding
the thalamus
a. it contains the pulvinar
b. it’s a part of the diencephalon
c. it contains the internal
medullary lamina
d. it shares in the boundaries of
third ventricle
e. it is NOT connected to its
fellow on the other side.
14.The following structures are
related to the superior surface
of thalamus EXCEPT
a. Stria terminalis
b. Body of lentiform nucleus
c. Body of caudate nucleus
d. Body of lateral ventricle
e. None of above
15.The following is true about
medial geniculate body
a. It’s situated on inferior aspect
of pulvinar.
b. It’s connected with the
superior colliculus of mid
c. It’s a relay nucleus in pathway
of hearing.
d. Fibers arising from it forming
the auditory radiation.
16.T/F: thalamus is a mass of
white matter while the stria
medullaris thalami is a band of
grey matter
a. True
b. False
17.T/F: Inter thalamic adhesion is
a white matter band.
a. True
b. False
18.All of the following is from the
white matter except:
a. External medullary lamina
b. Internal medullary lamina
c. Inter thalamic adhesion
d. stria medullaris thalami
e. none of above
19.The only sensation that does
not relay in thalamus is
a. Hearing
b. Vision
c. Touch
d. Olfaction
e. None of above
20.Functions of thalamus include
all of following except:
a. Subjective feelings
b. Integration of information
c. Control voluntary movements
d. None of above
21.The optic radiation connects
the ... with ... lobe of cerebrum.
a. MGB with temporal lobe
b. MGB with occipital lobe
c. LGB with temporal lobe
d. LGB with occipital lobe
e. None of above
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1- E
2- A
3- D
4- C
5- C
6- D
7- A
8- C
9- D
10- D
11- A
12- C
13- E
14- B
15- B
16- B
17- B
18- C
19- D
20- D
21- D
6- Ventricular system &
1. The roof of the anterior horn of
the lateral ventricle is:
a. Body of corpus callosum
b. Genu of corpus callosum
c. Head of caudate Nucleus
d. Rostrum
2. The medial wall of the body of
lateral ventricle is:
a. Septum Pellucidum
b. Head of caudate nucleus
c. Fornix
d. Tapetum
e. A & B
f. A & C
3. Floor of the inferior horn of the
lateral ventricle is formed by:
a. Forceps
b. Calcar avis
c. Tapetum
d. Collateral Eminence.
4. Which of the following lies in
both floor and lateral wall of
the anterior horn of lateral
a. Tail of caudate nucleus
b. Rostrum
c. Septum Pellucidum
d. Head of caudate nucleus
5. Which part of the caudate
nucleus can be found in the
inferior horn of Lateral
a. Body
b. Head
c. Tail
d. All of the above
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6. Amygdaloid nucleus lies in the
roof of:
a. Anterior horn of lateral
b. Body of lateral ventricle
c. Inferior horn of lateral
d. Posterior horn of lateral
7. Which of the following is the
cavity of Diencephalon?
a. Lateral ventricle
b. Third ventricle
c. 4th ventricle
d. All of the above
8. All of the following are situated
in the anterior wall of the third
ventricle except:
a. Anterior commissure
b. Anterior column of the fornix
c. Lamina terminalis
d. Habenular commissure
9. Lateral ventricle is connected
to the 3rd ventricle by
a. Interventricular foramen of
b. Aqueduct of Silvius
c. Optic recess
d. Pineal recess
10.The upper lateral wall of the 4th
ventricle is formed of:
a. Superior cerebellar peduncle
b. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
c. Cuneate
d. Gracile
11.The cerebellum occupies the
middle part of the roof of:
a. 3rd ventricle
b. 4th ventricle
c. Body of lateral ventricle
d. All of the above
12.The following are parts of
lateral ventricle:
a. Inferior horn
b. Posterior horn
c. Anterior horn
d. Body
e. Lateral horn
13.As regard the anterior horn of
lateral ventricle, all are true
a. It extends to the frontal lobe.
b. Corpus callosum forms its
c. Fornix forms its medial wall.
d. Head of caudate forms the
14.The fornix forms the following
part of the body of lateral
a. Anterior wall
b. Lateral wall
c. Roof
d. Floor
e. Medial wall
15.The floor of central horn of
lateral ventricle is related to
the following structures except
a. Thalamus
b. Body of caudate nucleus
c. Stria terminalis
d. Basal vein
16.The following structures form
the floor of the central part of
lateral ventricle EXCEPT:
a. Stria terminalis
b. Tail of caudate
c. Thalamus
d. Thalamo striate vein
17.The parts which shares in the
medial wall of the posterior
horn of lateral ventricle is:
a. Tapetum
b. Forceps major
c. Forceps minor
d. Splenium of corpus callosum
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18.Roof & lateral wall of posterior
horn of lateral ventricle is
formed by fibers of:
a. Forceps major
b. Forceps minor
c. Tapetum
d. Fornix
19.The cavity between the 2
thalami is
a. Lateral ventricle
b. Third ventricle
c. Forth ventricle
d. The aqueduct of Sylvius
20.Concerning the 3rd ventricle,
all are true EXCEPT:
a. It has a choroid plexus in its
b. It communicates with the 4th
ventricle by means of cerebral
c. It communicates with the
lateral ventricle through the
interventricular foramina.
d. The hypothalamus shares in
its floor
e. Communicates with the
subarachnoid spaces through
openings in its roof.
21.The thalamus forms the
following wall of the third
a. Roof
b. Floor
c. Anterior wall
d. Medial wall
e. Lateral wall
22.As regard the 3rd ventricle, all
are correct except:
a. Its anterior wall is formed by
stria terminalis
b. It’s the cavity between 2
c. Bounded posteriorly by
posterior commissure
d. Optic chiasma forming part of
its floor
23.The following structures form
the anterior wall of the third
ventricle except:
a. Stria terminalis
b. Lamina terminalis
c. Anterior commissure
d. Column of fornix
e. None of above
24.Which of the following parts
form the anterior wall of lateral
a. Lamina terminalis
b. Stria terminalis
c. Stria medullaris
d. Optic chiasma
25.The following structure share
in the floor of 3rd ventricle
a. Optic chiasma
b. Infundibular recess
c. Mammillary bodies
d. Tapetum
e. Tegmentum
26.As regard the 3rd ventricle,
tegmentum of midbrain is
considered as part of its:
a. Floor
b. Roof
c. Anterior wall
d. Lateral wall
e. Posterior wall
27.The following structures form
the floor of the 3rd ventricle
a. Anterior perforated substance
b. Optic chiasma
c. Mammillary bodies
d. Infundibulum of pituitary
28.As regard the 3rd ventricle, the
pineal body is considered as
part of its:
a. Floor
b. Anterior wall
c. Posterior wall
d. Lateral wall
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29.The following are foramina
present in the fourth ventricle
a. Magendie
b. Luschka
c. Cerebral aqueduct
d. Interventricular
e. Central canal of spinal cord
30.Concerning the floor of fourth
ventricle, all are true except
a. The abducent nucleus lies
deep to facial colliculus.
b. The facial colliculus lies in its
upper half next to midline.
c. The hypoglossal triangle is
lateral to the vagal triangle.
d. It contains the superior fovea
in its upper part
e. The vestibular area is
adjacent to the lateral triangle.
31.The following nuclei that lie in
the floor of 4th ventricle
a. Vestibulo cochlear
b. Vagal
c. Facial
d. Glossopharyngeal
e. Hypoglossal
32.Concerning the fourth
ventricle, all are correct
a. The cerebellum is behind its
b. The median aperture
connects it with the sub
arachnoid space
c. The abducent nucleus lies
under the facial colliculus
d. The gracile and cuneate
tubercles lie in its floor
33.Concerning the fourth
ventricle, the facial colliculus
a. Oculomotor nucleus
b. Abducent nucleus
c. Cochlear nucleus
d. Facial nucleus
1- A
2- F
3- D
4- D
5- C
6- C
7- B
8- D
9- A
10- A
11- B
12- E
13- C
14- E
15- D
16- B
17- B
18- C
19- B
20- E
21- E
22- A
23- A
24- A
25- D
26- A
27- A
28- C
29- D
30- C
31- D
32- D
33- B
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8- Basal Ganglia
1. The basal ganglia are formed
of following except:
a. Lentiform nucleus
b. Amygdaloid nucleus
c. Claustrum
d. Internal capsule
2. The basal ganglia include all of
the following except:
a. Globus padillus
b. Caudate nucleus
c. Lentiform nucleus
d. Sub thalamic nucleus
e. None of above
3. Caudate nucleus formed of:
a. Head, body, lateral wall,
medial wall
b. Head, lateral wall, medial
wall, tail
c. Head, body, tail.
d. None of the above
4. The head of Caudate nucleus
is related to:
a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior
horn of lateral ventricle
b. Floor of central part of lateral
c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral
d. Lentiform nucleus
5. The body of Caudate nucleus
is related to:
a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior
horn of lateral ventricle
b. Floor of central part of lateral
c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral
d. Lentiform nucleus
6. The tail of Caudate nucleus is
related to:
a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior
horn of lateral ventricle
b. Floor of central part of lateral
c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral
d. Lentiform nucleus
7. The antero-inferior part of
Caudate nucleus is related to:
a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior
horn of lateral ventricle
b. Floor of central part of lateral
c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral
d. Lentiform nucleus
8. Corpus striatum are:
a. Caudate & Claustrum
b. Caudate & Lentiform
c. Caudate & Amygdaloid
d. Caudate & corpus callosum
9. Corpus striatum is:
a. Blank
b. White
c. Striated
d. All of the above
10.The Lentiform nucleus is:
a. Biconvex lens like
b. Biconcave lens like
c. Uni convex lens like
d. Uni concave lens like
11.The Lentiform nucleus is
divided by:
a. Medial medullary lamina
b. Medial pallidal segment
c. Lateral medullary lamina
d. Lateral pallidal segment
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12.The subdivision of The
Lentiform nucleus are:
a. Cortical medial & Basolateral
b. Basolateral & Central
c. Internal capsule & external
d. Putamen & Globus pallidas
13.The medial relation of The
Lentiform nucleus:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Corona radiata
d. Anterior commissure
14.The lateral relation of The
Lentiform nucleus:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Corona radiata
d. Anterior commissure
15.The inferior relation of The
Lentiform nucleus:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Corona radiata
d. Anterior commissure
16.The anterior relation of The
Lentiform nucleus:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Corona radiata
d. Anterior commissure
17.The superior relation of The
Lentiform nucleus:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Corona radiata
d. Anterior commissure
18.Claustrum is located between:
a. Caudate & Lentiform
b. Lentiform & amygdaloidal
c. Lentiform & insula
d. None of the above
19.Claustrum is separated from
Lentiform by:
a. Internal capsule
b. External capsule
c. Cerebral cortex
d. Internal pallidal segment
20.Amygdaloid is located:
a. Above tip of inferior horn of
lateral ventricle
b. Below tip of inferior horn of
lateral ventricle
c. Above tip of anterior horn of
lateral ventricle
d. Below tip of anterior horn of
lateral ventricle
21.Axons of Amygdaloid nucleus
is called
a. stria terminalis
b. medullary stria
c. lateral medullary lamina
d. none of above
22.Regarding caudate nucleus, all
are true except
a. It’s a large C shape mass of
grey mater.
b. It’s formed of head, body and
c. Its head is continuous with the
Globus pallidus.
d. Its head is related to floor of
central horn of lateral
e. Its tail is continuous with the
Amygdaloid body.
23.The structure separating the
head of caudate from the
lentiform is:
a. Anterior commissure
b. Rostrum of corpus callosum
c. Anterior limb of internal
d. Posterior limb of internal
e. None of above
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24.The following is true regarding
the caudate nucleus EXCEPT:
a. Its tail lies in the floor of the
inferior horn of lateral
b. The lower part of the head
fuses with the lentiform
c. It’s a part of corpus striatum.
d. Its head lies in the lateral wall
of anterior horn of lateral
1- D
2- D
3- C
4- A
5- B
6- C
7- D
8- B
9- C
10- A
11- C
12- D
13- A
14- B
15- D
16- C
17- C
18- C
19- B
20- A
21- A
22- D
23- C
24- A
9- Cerebellum
1. The cerebellum is the posterior
part of the midbrain
a. True
b. False
2. The cerebellum lies in the …
Cranial fossa
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
3. The pons and medulla are
separated from the cerebellum
anteriorly by the
a. Lateral ventricle
b. Third ventricle
c. Fourth ventricle
d. All of the above
4. … covers superiorly the
cerebellum and separates it
from cerebrum
a. Falx cerebelli
b. Falx cerebri
c. Tentorium cerebelli
d. None of the above
5. …is the most anterior part of
the superior vermis
a. Nodule
b. Uvula
c. Pyramid
d. Lingula
6. The inferior medullary velum
forms the bed of … in
a. Tube vermis
b. Vermis
c. Cerebellar tonsil
d. Medullary vellum
7. superior medullary vellum is a
thin sheet of white matter
forming the tonsillar bed
a. True
b. False
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8. The cerebellum shows a wide
U shape anterior notch that
lodges the falx cerebelli
a. True
b. False
9. …separates the anterior lope
from the posterior lobe of
a. Fissure prima
b. Horizontal fissure
c. Post pyramidal fissure
d. Retro tonsillar fissure
10.Which structure passes
through foramen magnum?
a. Lingula
b. Nodule
c. Tuber
d. Cerebellar tonsil
11.T/F: the inferior medullary
velum is a thin sheet of grey
mater forming the tonsillar
a. True
b. False
12.The superior surface of
cerebellum shows ... lobe/s.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. More than 3
13.The spinal cerebellum is the ...
a. Anterior
b. Middle
c. Posterior
d. Flocculonodular.
e. B & C
14.The vestibular nuclei lie in ...
a. Anterior
b. Middle
c. Posterior
d. Flocculonodular.
e. B & C
15.The cerebral cerebellum
represents the ... of the
superior cerebellar surface.
a. Anterior 1/3
b. Anterior 2/3
c. Posterior 1/3
d. Posterior 2/3
16.Voluntary muscle movement
coordination is done by:
a. Anterior
b. Middle
c. Posterior
d. Flocculonodular.
e. B & C
17.T/F: PICA supplies the
cerebellum including its tonsil
a. True
b. False
18.The largest cerebellar
peduncle is:
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Middle
d. All are same size.
19.The Cerebellar peduncle
containing mainly afferent
fibers is ...
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Middle
d. All are same
20.Dentate rubral tract is afferent
of ... peduncle.
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Middle
d. Not related to cerebellum
21.Cerebello reticular tract is
efferent of ... peduncle.
a. Superior
b. Inferior
c. Middle
d. All are same size
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22.Concerning cerebellum, all are
true EXCEPT:
a. It’s connected with medulla
b. It contains inferior olivary
c. Its tonsillar bed is formed by
inferior medullary velum
d. Its anterior lobe receives
spinocerebellar fibers
e. Its middle lobe receives the
cortico -ponto -cerebellar
23.The fissure between anterior
and posterior lobes of the
cerebellum is:
a. Horizontal fissure
b. Pre pyramidal fissure
c. Post pyramidal fissure
d. Retro tonsillar fissure
e. Fissure prima
24.The posterior notch of the
cerebellum is occupied by
a. Falx cerebri
b. Falx cerebelli
c. Tentorium cerebelli
d. Pons and medulla
25.The following are nuclei of
cerebellum EXCEPT:
a. Dentate
b. Emboliform
c. Solitary
d. Globose
e. Fastigial
26.Concerning the superior
cerebellar peduncle, all are
true EXCEPT:
a. Contain fibers which
decussate in the midbrain
b. Contain the dorsal
spinocerebellar tract
c. Contain fibers to thalamus
d. Shares in lateral boundary of
4th ventricle
e. Contain fibers to red nucleus
27.Which of following tracts pass
through the middle cerebral
a. Cerebro- ponto- cerebellar.
b. Cuneo- cerebellar
c. Dorsal spinocerebellar
d. Ventral spinocerebellar
28.Concerning the cortico ponto
cerebellar tract, all are true
a. Its first neuron arises from the
association area of different
cortical lobes.
b. The second neuron are
present in pons
c. The tract crosses the midline
to reach the middle cerebellar
d. Its function is to put the
cerebellum under control of
e. It controls the muscle tone
29.The inferior cerebellar
peduncle contains the
following tract except:
a. Ventral spinocerebellar
b. Dorsal spinocerebellar
c. Olivo cerebellar tract
d. Vestibulo cerebellar tract
e. Cerebello vestibular tract
30.The most anterior part of the
superior vermis is
a. Nodule
b. Lingula
c. Pyramid
d. Uvula
31.The following are parts of
inferior vermis except:
a. Uvula
b. Pyramid
c. Lingula
d. Nodule
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32.The cerebellar lobe which is
concerned with equilibrium is:
a. Superior vermis
b. Flocculonodular
c. Anterior lobe
d. Posterior lobe
33.For Flocculonodular lobe of
cerebellum, all are true except:
a. It includes both floccule and
their peduncles.
b. It includes the nodule
c. Has a vestibular connection
d. Has a spinal connection
e. None of above
34.One of the following arteries
share in supplying the
cerebellum and no a branch of
basilar artery:
a. Pontine branches
b. Superior cerebellar artery
c. Medullary branches
d. Anterior inferior cerebellar
e. Posterior inferior cerebellar
35.As regard the anterior lobe of
cerebellum, all are true except:
a. It’s responsible for controlling
the muscle tone
b. It’s present anterior to fissure
prima on the superior surface
of cerebellum
c. It’s supplied by the superior
cerebellar artery
d. Its connected with the
cerebral cortex
e. None of above
36.As regard the cerebellum, all
are true except:
a. The anterior lobe is smaller
than the posterior lobe
b. Horizontal fissure lies on the
posterior lobe
c. The lingual bed is formed by
the superior medullary velum
d. The tonsillar bed is formed by
anterior medullary velum
e. None of above
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1- B
2- B
3- C
4- C
5- D
6- C
7- B
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- B
12- B
13- A
14- D
15- D
16- E
17- B
18- C
19- B
20- A
21- B
22- B
23- E
24- B
25- C
26- B
27- A
28- E
29- A
30- B
31- C
32- B
33- D
34- E
35- D
36- D
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Chapter “3”
Anatomy of
Special Sense
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1- Extra orbital structures
1. The muscles or nerves that are
responsible for adducting the
eyeball include all of following
a. Superior rectus
b. Medial rectus muscle
c. Inferior oblique
d. Oculomotor nerve
e. Inferior rectus muscle
2. The following muscle are
inserted into the eyeball
a. Inferior oblique
b. Superior oblique
c. Levator palpebrae
d. Medial rectus
e. Lateral rectus
3. The oculomotor nerve supply
all of following muscles except
a. Superior rectus
b. Inferior rectus
c. Lateral rectus
d. Medial rectus
e. None of above
4. Concerning the oculomotor
nerve, all are true except
a. Runs in relation to cavernous
b. Enter the orbit through the
superior orbital fissure.
c. Its superior branch supplies
the superior oblique muscle.
d. Its inferior branch supplies the
inferior oblique muscle.
e. Contains parasympathetic
5. The ophthalmic artery gives
the following branches except:
a. Anterior ethmoidal
b. Posterior ethmoidal
c. Central retinal
d. Supratrochlear
e. Intra-orbital
6. The dilator pupillae is supplied
a. Sympathetic through short
ciliary nerve.
b. Sympathetic through long
ciliary nerve.
c. Parasympathetic through
short ciliary nerve.
d. Parasympathetic through
long ciliary nerve.
7. The sphincter pupillae muscle
is supplied by para-
sympathetic NS through fibers
a. CN II
c. CN IV
d. CN VI
8. The short ciliary nerve
supplies all of following
a. Dilator pupillae
b. Ciliary muscle
c. Sphincter pupillae
d. None of above.
9. When the eye is abducted,
which muscle cause
a. The recti muscles
b. The oblique muscles
c. The ciliary muscle
d. All of above
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10.Superior rectus cause
elevation of eye in which of the
following conditions?
a. Neutral eye
b. Abducted eye
c. Adducted eye
d. A & B
e. All of above
11.The following muscle cause
depression of eye when the
eye is neutral or adducted:
a. Inferior oblique
b. Superior oblique
c. Medial rectus
d. Lateral rectus
12.The smallest branch of
ophthalmic nerve is:
a. Lacrimal
b. Naso ciliary
c. Frontal
d. Optic
13.the smallest nerve is
b. CN X
c. CN V
d. CN IV
14.The highest structure in orbit
a. Lacrimal
b. Naso ciliary
c. Frontal
d. Optic
15.T/F: In the optic canal, the optic
nerve passes above the
ophthalmic nerve.
a. True
b. False
16.T/F: Branch of the ciliary
ganglion supplies the dilator
pupillae muscle.
a. True
b. False
17.All of following pass through
the superior orbital fissure
a. Superior & inferior ophthalmic
b. Naso ciliary nerve.
c. CN VI
d. None of above
e. All of above.
18.All of the following are related
to the roof of the orbit except:
a. Trochlea
b. Optic nerve
c. Infra orbital vessels
d. Lacrimal gland
19.All of the following forms the
medial wall of the orbit except:
a. Lacrimal bone
b. Ethmoid bone
c. Body of sphenoid
d. Greater wing of sphenoid
20.Which of the following bones
forms a part of two boundaries
of the orbit?
a. Zygomatic
b. Maxilla
c. Lacrimal bone
d. Ethmoid
21.Most lateral structure passing
inside the superior orbital
a. Lacrimal nerve
b. Frontal nerve
c. Trochlear nerve
d. Abducent nerve
22.All of the following openings
are found in the lateral wall of
the orbit except:
a. Superior orbital fissure
b. Ethmoid fissure
c. Zygomatico temporal canal
d. Zygomatico facial canal
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23.All of the following can be
found in the orbit except:
a. Vessels
b. Muscles
c. Nerves
d. Lymph nodes
24.All of the following are intrinsic
muscles in the eye ball except:
a. Sphincter papillae
b. Dilator papillae
c. Lateral rectus
d. Ciliary body
25.One of the following has
different nerve supply from the
a. Superior rectus
b. Lateral rectus
c. Medial rectus
d. Inferior rectus
26.If both superior and inferior
rectus contract together:
a. No motion occurs
b. Deviation to lateral side
c. Deviation to medial side
d. Protrusion of eye ball
27.Optic nerve is the cranial nerve
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
28.Optic nerve is connected to the
other side by:
a. Optic chiasma
b. Anterior perforating process
c. Mammillary body
d. Optic tract
29.Zygomatic nerve is a branch
a. Ophthalmic nerve
b. Maxillary nerve
c. Mandibular nerve
d. None of the above
30.Supratrochlear nerve is a
branch from:
a. Optic nerve
b. Frontal nerve
c. Lacrimal nerve
d. Naso ciliary nerve
31.Length of optic nerve is:
a. 1 cm
b. 2 cm
c. 3 cm
d. 4 cm
32.Terminal branch of the
ophthalmic artery is
a. Dorsal nasal
b. Supero trochlear
c. Both
d. None
33.The sinus to which orbit is
drained to is:
a. Cavernous sinuses
b. Superior sagittal sinuses
c. Inferior sagittal sinuses
d. Transverse sinuses
34.Lateral palpebral artery is
branched from:
a. Ophthalmic artery
b. Lacrimal artery
c. Central artery of the retina
d. Dorsal nasal artery
35.Apex of the orbit is directed:
a. Posteriorly
b. Anteriorly
c. Laterally
d. Medially
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1- C
2- C
3- C
4- C
5- E
6- B
7- B
8- A
9- A
10- D
11- B
12- A
13- D
14- C
15- B
16- B
17- D
18- C
19- D
20- A
21- A
22- B
23- D
24- C
25- B
26- C
27- B
28- A
29- B
30- B
31- D
32- C
33- A
34- A
35- A
2- Ear
1. Labyrinth is the middle part of
a. true
b. false
2. Ear pinna is formed of:
a. elastic cartilage
b. hyaline cartilage
c. white fibro cartilage
d. bone
3. Collection of sound waves is
the function of:
a. auditory meatus
b. auricle
c. middle ear
d. external ear
e. B & C
f. A & B
4. External ear is supplied by:
a. fascial nerve
b. glossopharyngeal nerve
c. vagus nerve
d. chorda tympani
5. The lateral 2/3 of the external
auditory meatus is bone:
a. true
b. false
6. External auditory meatus is:
a. v-shaped curved
b. s-shaped curved
c. c-shaped curved
d. straight
7. Isthmus is the:
a. cartilaginous part of auditory
b. auricle
c. bony constriction in the
external auditory meatus
d. the whole external auditory
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8. Cartilaginous part of the
auditory meatus is rich in:
a. seruminous glands
b. sebaceous glands
c. goblets cells
d. none of the above
9. All of the following is true
about tympanic membrane
a. separates the external ear
from the middle ear
b. formed of pars flaccid and
pars tense
c. formed of 3 layers
d. all the above are true
10.Cone of light represent the:
a. Postero superior part of
tympanic membrane
b. Postero inferior part of
tympanic membrane
c. Antero inferior part of
tympanic membrane
d. Antero superior part of
tympanic membrane
11.The outer layer of the tympanic
membrane is formed of … but
the middle is formed of … & the
inner layer is formed of …
a. skin, fibrous, mucous
b. fibrous, skin, mucous
c. mucous, fibrous, skin
d. skin, mucous, fibrous
12.T/F: The 3 layers of tympanic
membrane has the same nerve
a. true
b. false
13.T/F: Middle ear has six walls:
a. true
b. false
14.Facial canal is present in:
a. posterior wall
b. anterior wall
c. medial wall
d. lateral wall
e. A&B
f. A&C
15.Stapedius muscle is related to
a. mastoid wall
b. carotid wall
c. medial wall
d. tegmental wall
e. none of above
16.Glossopharyngeal nerve
a. inner ear and oropharynx
b. inner ear and nasopharynx
c. middle ear and oropharynx
d. middle ear and nasopharynx
17.Tensor tympani is supplied by:
a. facial
b. maxillary
c. mandibular
d. trigeminal
18.Hyperacusis resulted from
a. paralysis in stapedius muscle
b. lesion in the fascial nerve
c. transmission of sound
vibration without dimenusion
of stapedius muscle
d. all of the above except (C)
e. all of the above
19.T/F: Cochlea is formed of 2
a. true
b. false
20.Receptors of hearing is
present in:
a. utricle
b. semicircular canal
c. cochlear duct
d. saccule
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21.The nerve supplies the skin of
the auricle near the external
acoustic meatus
a. Vagus nerve
b. Hypoglossal nerve
c. Vestibulocochlear nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal-nerve
22.T/F: In the bony part (lateral
1/3) of The external acoustic
meatus There is a constriction
called isthmus
a. True
b. False
23.T/F: The subcutaneous tissues
of the cartilaginous part of The
external acoustic meatus are
rich in seruminous glands
which secrete serumin
a. True
b. False
24.Which of the following
statements about the tympanic
membrane is incorrect?
a. When examined by auto
scope or direct light the antero
inferior part of the membrane
appears bright
b. Its Middle is containing
chorda tympani nerve
c. Its inner layer is Formed of
fibrous tissue
d. The outer surface of its inner
layer is innervated by branch
of vagus nerve
e. None of above
25.All of the following about the
relations of the middle ear are
correct except:
a. The Medial wall is related to
the facial canal
b. The anterior wall is related to
aditus to mastoid antrum
c. The Floor is related to the
tympanic branch of the
glossopharyngeal nerve
d. The mastoid wall is Related to
facial canal
26.A branch of the vagus nerve
a. the skin of the auricle near the
external acoustic meatus.
b. the outer surface of the
tympanic membrane
c. the inner surface of the
tympanic membrane
d. the middle ear
e. A & B
f. B & C
g. All of above
27.T/F: Hyperacusis can occur in
cases of facial paralysis due to
paralysis of the tensor tympani
a. true
b. false
28.Which of the following
statements about the
membranous labyrinth is
a. It is in the form of
membranous sac inside the
bony labyrinth
b. Outside the sac lies the
perilymph between the sac
and the bony labyrinth
c. It is composed of: Utricle,
Saccule, semicircular duct
and tympanic membrane
d. Formed of a sac is filled with
a viscous fluid with low Na
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1- B
2- A
3- E
4- C
5- B
6- B
7- C
8- A
9- D
10- C
11- A
12- B
13- A
14- F
15- A
16- C
17- C
18- E
19- B
20- C
21- A
22- B
23- A
24- C
25- B
26- E
27- B
28- C
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Chapter “4”
Embryology of
Head & Neck &
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1- Branchial Arches
1. Branchial arches are:
2. Branchial arch develop from:
a. above downward around
b. above downward around
c. below upward around larynx
d. below upward around
3. TF: The first arch is called
maxillary arch:
a. true
b. false
4. Ectoderm is separated by:
a. pouch
b. arch
c. cleft
d. no true answer
5. T/F: Second arch is divided to
mandibular and maxillary:
a. true
b. false
6. Mandibular arch may be
supplied by:
a. Mandibular nerve
b. chorda tympanic branch of
fascial nerve
c. both of them
d. none of them
7. Which of the following is
a. second arch contain Meckel’s
b. second arch is supplied by
glossopharyngeal nerve
c. second arch is called
d. None is true
8. Choose the matching sentence
a. first arch contain Meckel’s
b. second arch supplied by
external laryngeal nerve
c. third arch give sternomastiod
d. fourth arch give thyroid
9. TF: All ossicles originate from
Mandibular arch
a. true
b. false
10.Muscles of mastication is
supplied by:
a. Mandibular nerve
b. Maxillary nerve
c. External Laryngeal nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve
11.T/F: Third arch give the lower
part of epiglottis and the fourth
arch give upper part of
a. true
b. false
12.Embryonic origin of hyoid
a. second arch only
b. third arch only
c. both of them
d. none of them
13.T/F: Embryonic origin of
thyroid is 6th arch only:
a. true
b. false
14.T/F: The 6th arch give all
muscles of larynx
a. true
b. false
15.T/F: Arytenoid originate from
the 6th arch only
a. true
b. false
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16.First cleft will form:
a. Diverticulum
b. Operculum
c. both of them
d. None of them
17.Diverticulum will form:
a. Middle ear cavity
b. Auditory tube
c. both of them
d. None of them
18.Palatine tonsil originate from
a. first pouch
b. second pouch
c. first cleft
d. second cleft
19.T/F: The third arch form the
inferior parathyroid but the
fourth arch form superior
a. true
b. false
20.The third pouch divide into:
a. superior, inferior wings
b. anterior, posterior wings
c. ventral, dorsal wings
d. doesn't divide at all
21.If there is failure in obliteration
of the cervical sinus
a. Internal cervical sinus
b. branchial cyst
c. branchial fistula
d. external cervical sinus
22.In … there is continuation
between pharynx and outside:
a. branchial fistula
b. branchial cyst
c. internal cervical sinus
d. external cervical sinus
1- A
2- B
3- B
4- C
5- B
6- C
7- D
8- A
9- B
10- A
11- B
12- C
13- B
14- B
15- A
16- A
17- A
18- B
19- B
20- C
21- D
22- A
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2- Face Embryology
1. Face originate from:
a. Ectoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Mesoderm
2. Face originate from 3 different
a. true
b. false
3. T/F: Frontonasal process
formed by:
a. Ectoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Endoderm
4. Frontonasal process is divided
a. medial nasal process
b. Lateral nasal process
c. Nasal pit
d. Tuberculum impair
5. Embryonic origin of eye cavity
a. Maxillary + frontonasal
b. Mandibular + frontonasal
c. only maxillary
d. only mandibular
6. Buried part of medial nasal
process will form:
a. primitive palate
b. definitive palate
c. nose cavity
d. ala of nose
7. Which of the these is
a. Medial nasal process form ala
of nose
b. lateral nasal process form tip
of nose
c. medial nasal process form
d. nasal pits form tip of nose
8. Nasolacrimal groove is formed
a. medial nasal + maxillary
b. lateral nasal + maxillary
c. medial nasal + mandibular
d. lateral nasal + mandibular
9. T/F: Nasolacrimal duct extends
from angle of eye to nose
a. true
b. false
10.Face is supplied by:
a. Ophthalmic nerve
b. Mandibular nerve
c. Maxillary nerve
d. All of them
11.All of the following is multi
origin except:
a. cheek
b. eye lid
c. upper jaw
d. upper lip
12.The most common
abnormality of the face:
a. cleft upper lip
b. cleft lower lip
c. macro stomia
d. micro stomia
13.T/F: Cleft upper lip is more
common in females than
a. true
b. false
14.Nasolacrimal duct is exposed
to surface in:
a. cleft upper lip
b. macro stomia
c. micro stomia
d. oblique fascial cleft
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1- A
2- A
3- B
4- C
5- A
6- A
7- C
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- C
12- A
13- B
14- D
3- Palate
1. The primitive palate is formed
a. maxillary process +
b. inter maxillary process +
c. mandibular process +
d. inter mandibular process +
2. T/F: The definitive palate is
formed by the buried part of
medial nasal process:
a. true
b. false
3. The processes that arise from
the maxillary process is called:
a. palatine process
b. lingual process
c. tubal process
d. none of the above
4. T/F: The 2 process that form
the palate grow laterally to
meet and fuse until they meet
the tongue and change the
direction of growth:
a. true
b. false
5. When the two palatine process
meet each other the … will be
a. primitive palate
b. definitive palate
c. the whole palate
d. no true answer
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6. The nasal septum joins the
newly formed palate in:
a. tuberculum impairs
b. copula of Hiss
c. incisive fossa
d. primitive palate
e. none of above
7. The soft palate is formed by
a. anterior three fifth
b. posterior three fifth
c. anterior two fifth
d. posterior two fifth
8. The anomaly which is
associated with cleft upper lip
a. bifid palate
b. cleft soft palate
c. cleft soft and hard palate
d. perforated palate
9. Failure of fusion of two
palatine process at the mid line
a. cleft soft palate
b. perforated palate
c. cleft hard palate
d. all of the above
4. Tongue
1. Muscles of the tongue are
derived from:
a. occipital myotome
b. parietal myotome
c. frontal myotome
d. temporal myotome
2. Muscles of tongue are
supplied by:
a. glossopharyngeal nerve
b. fascial nerve
c. hypoglossal nerve
d. vagus nerve
3. Tongue is developed from:
a. ectoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch
b. mesoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch
c. endoderm of 1st, 2nd, 4th arch
d. endoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch
4. Medial swelling arises from:
a. first arch
b. second arch
c. third arch
d. all of the above
5. Tuberculum impair:
a. medial swelling from first arch
b. medial swelling from second
c. lateral swelling from first arch
d. lateral swelling from second
6. The anterior two third of the
tongue is formed by:
a. Lateral 2 swellings and copula
of Hiss
b. 2 medial swellings and 1
lateral swelling
c. 2 lateral swellings and
tuberculum impair
d. 2 lateral swellings only
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7. T/F: The 2 lateral swellings
burry copula of Hiss
a. true
b. false
8. The mucosa of tongue is
supplied by:
a. mandibular nerve
b. glossopharyngeal
c. Internal laryngeal nerves of
d. all of them
9. Frenulum linguae:
a. between tongue and floor of
b. between anterior two third
and posterior one third of the
c. between lateral 2 swellings
d. between copula of Hiss and
tuberculin impair
10.T/F: The fourth arch burry the
third arch
a. true
b. false
11.Choose the matching phrase:
a. bifid tongue: incomplete
fusion of medial lingual
b. tri fid tongue: abnormal
elongation of copula of Hiss
c. ankloglossia: attachment of
frenulum ligulae to the tip of
the tongue
d. macro glossia: small tongue
12.Hemi glossia occur due to
failure of:
a. fusion of lateral swellings
b. fusion of medial swelling
c. development of lateral swelling
d. development of medial
13.One of them is responsible for
taste sensation:
a. hypoglossal nerve
b. glossopharyngeal nerve
c. internal laryngeal nerve
d. chorda tympani nerve
1- A
2- C
3- D
4- D
5- A
6- C
7- B
8- D
9- A
10- B
11- C
12- C
13- D
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5- Development of
1. The Origin of CNS:
a. Ectoderm
b. Endoderm
c. Mesoderm
2. Neural plate appears
a. 4th week cranial to primitive
b. 4th week caudal to primitive
c. 3rd week cranial to primitive
d. 3rd week caudal to primitive
3. The neural tube is formed by
fusion of 2 neural folds at the
4th month
a. True
b. False
4. The neural tube begins in:
a. cervical region
b. thoracic region
c. lumbar region
d. all of above
5. Diencephalon is formed in
a. 3rd week
b. 4th week
c. 5th week
d. 6th week
6. Optic vesicles are contents of
a. diencephalon
b. mesencephalon
c. telencephalon
d. rhomb encephalon
7. Hind brain is divided into:
a. myelencephalon,
b. diencephalon, telencephalon
c. myelencephalon,
d. diencephalon,
8. Myelencephalon give … but
metencephalon give …
a. pons, medulla
b. medulla, pons
c. midbrain, medulla
d. midbrain, pons
9. Pontine flexure appears
between medulla and pons
a. True
b. False
10.Cephalic flexure appears in:
a. pons
b. medulla
c. midbrain
d. all of the above
11.Ventricles are formed from
a. neural plate
b. flexures
c. neural crest
d. neural canal
12.Neural crest cells originate
a. Ectoderm
b. neural plate
c. Endoderm
d. A & B
e. A & C
13.All of the following are
derivatives from neural crest
cells except:
a. arachnoid
b. dura matter
c. pia matter
d. odontoblast
14.Spinal cord originates from:
a. caudal part of neural tube
b. caudal part of neural plate
c. cranial part of neural tube
d. cranial part of neural plate
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15.Mantle layer is:
a. The future white matter
b. The future grey matter
c. Both of them
d. None of them
16.Myelination of the marginal
layer give:
a. white matter
b. grey matter
c. both of them
d. none of them
17.Choose the correct:
a. dorsal thickness: motor area:
alar plate
b. dorsal thickness: sensory
area: basal plate
c. ventral thickness: motor area:
alar plate
d. ventral thickness: motor area:
basal plate
18.The 2 plates are separated
from each other by sulcus
a. True
b. False
19.The neural tissue is normal in:
a. Meningocele
b. Meningomyocele
c. Syringomyelocele
d. Spina pifida occulta
20.Abnormalities occur in
lumbosacral region only
a. true
b. False
21.Dilatation of neural canal occur
a. Spina pifida occulta
b. Meningocele
c. Meningomyocele
d. Syringomyelocele
22.During development of
medulla, the roof plate is
covered with:
a. Arachnoid
b. pia matter
c. dura matter
d. all of the above
23.Tela choroida is:
a. single layer of ependymal +
b. bilayer of ependymal + dura
c. single layer of ependymal +
d. bilayer of ependymal + dura
24.After extension of the roof
plate the alar plate become …
to basal plate
a. lateral
b. medial
c. above
d. below
25.GSE is motor to skeletal
a. True
b. False
26.GVE is lateral to SVE
a. True
b. False
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1- A
2- C
3- B
4- A
5- C
6- A
7- A
8- B
9- A
10- C
11- D
12- D
13- B
14- A
15- B
16- A
17- D
18- A
19- D
20- A
21- D
22- B
23- C
24- A
25- A
26- A
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Chapter “5”
Histology of CNS
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1- Synapse & Ganglia
1. The peripheral nervous system
a. Nerve endings
b. Ganglia
c. 12 pairs of cranial nerves
d. All of the previous
e. A and b
2. Synapses are which are
commonly found in the
nervous system are
a. Axodendritic and axosomatic
b. Axoaxonic and dendrodendritic
c. Axodendritic and dendrodendritic
d. Axosomatic and Axoaxonic
3. Which of the following is
incorrect about electrical
a. It is a gap junction
b. providing for cells electrical
c. Transmission of impulse is Direct
and unidirectional
d. Less commonly present in the
nervous system than chemical
4. When the neurotransmitter
hyperpolarizes the
postsynaptic membrane the
synapse is inhibitory
a. True
b. False
5. Bulbous expansion found at
the termination of the axon
a. Terminal bouton
b. Presynaptic membrane
c. Synaptic cleft
d. Postsynaptic membrane
6. A gap of 20 nm between the pre
and post synaptic membranes
a. Terminal bouton
b. Presynaptic membrane
c. Synaptic cleft
d. Post synaptic membrane
7. An electron dense membrane
of the target neuron at the site
of synapse.
a. Synaptic cleft
b. Postsynaptic membrane
c. Presynaptic membrane
8. Ganglion cells of Craniospinal
ganglia are
a. Unipolar
b. Pseudo unipolar
c. Dipolar
d. Multipolar
9. Septa in the Craniospinal
ganglia are ... to the capsule
a. Parallel
b. Perpendicular
c. Scattered
d. None of the above
10.Nerve fibers in Craniospinal
ganglia are:
a. Unipolar
b. Myelinated
c. Non myelinated
d. Dipolar
11.All of the following are present
in the Craniospinal ganglia
a. Synapse
b. Nerve fibers
c. Ganglion cells
d. Capsule
12.All of the following are present
in the autonomic ganglia
a. Synapse
b. Nerve fibers
c. Ganglion cells
d. Thick Capsule surrounding it all
13.Which of them has motor
a. Autonomic ganglia
b. Craniospinal ganglia
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 67
14.Where does synapse lie?
a. Bet ganglion and postganglionic
b. Bet preganglionic fibers and
c. Bet ganglion cells
d. In Craniospinal ganglia
15.Craniospinal ganglia exists in:
a. All cranial nerves
b. Spinal nerves as dorsal ganglia
c. Spinal nerves as ventral ganglia
d. All of the above
16.The autonomic ganglia have
incomplete layer of satellite
A. True
B. False
17.The cranio-spinal are thin and
mostly unmyelinated
a. True
b. False
1 – D
2 – A
3 – C
4 – A
5 – A
6 – C
7 – B
8 – B
9 – A
10 – B
11 – A
12 – D
13 – A
14 – B
15 – B
16 – A
17 – B
2- Nerve Endings &
1. Motor nerve endings transmit
impulse to:
a. skeletal muscle
b. gland
c. neuron
d. all of the above
e. all of the above except (c)
2. Which is the receptor
a. motor nerve ending
b. sensory nerve ending
3. The following is naked nerve
a. free nerve endings
b. Meissner’s corpuscles
c. Pacinian corpuscle
d. all of the above
4. Naked nerve fibers
a. unmyelinated without neurilemma
b. unmyelinated with neurilemma
c. myelinated without neurilemma
d. myelinated with neurilemma
5. The free nerve endings include:
a. Thermoceptor
b. peritrichail free nerve ending
c. nociceptor
d. all of the above
6. The pain receptors are found in:
a. granular layer of epidermis
b. granular layer of dermis
c. deep layer of dermis
d. deep layer of epidermis
7. Pain receptor is found in all of
the following except:
a. granular layer of epidermis
b. corneal and buccal mucosa
c. around hair follicle
d. tympanic membrane
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 68
8.Thermoceptor…. basal lamina,
but the nociceptor …basal lamina
a. penetrates, parallel
b. parallel, penetrate
c. both are parallel
d. both penetrate
9. The mechano receptors are:
a. plexus of Bounet
b. Merkel's disc
c. Meissner’s corpuscle
d. all of the above
10. Which of these encapsulated
receptors is specialized for fine
a. Pacinian’s corpuscle
b. Ruffini's corpuscle
c. Meissner’s corpuscle
d. Markel’s disc
11. TF: Meissner’s corpuscle
lying with its long axis
perpendicular to the skin:
a. true
b. false
12. The sensory nerve enters the
Meissner’s corpuscle from:
a. lower part
b. side
c. central core
d. any site of the corpuscle
13. T/F: Extrafusal muscle fibers
receive motor nerve supply by
gamma nerve.
a. True
b. False
14. The layers of Schwan cell in
Pacinian is separated from each
other by:
a. collagen fibers
b. fibroblast
c. tissue fluid
d. A&C
15. Which of the nerve ending
penetrate the basal lamina:
a. nociceptor
b. Markel’s
c. both of them
d. None of them
16. Which type of nerve endings is
found near musculotendinous
a. Muscle spindle
b. Tendon spindle
c. Ruffini’s corpuscle
d. A&B
17. The interior spindle cavity
a. Intrafusal muscle fibers
b. Gelatinous substance
c. Both of them
d. None of the them
18. TF: The nerve enters the
Pacinian from the central core and
Ruffini’s from the lower part:
a. True
b. False
19. The sensory nerve fiber is:
a. Afferent
b. Efferent
20. Maintaining the sensitivity of
muscle spindle is the function of:
a. Motor nerve
b. Flower spray ending
c. Annulospiral ending
d. all of the above
21. The flower spray is absent
a. Nuclear chain
b. Tendon spindle
c. Nuclear bag
d. All of the above
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 69
22.Effernet nerve fibers of muscle
spindles come out from:
a. Lateral horn cell
b. Anterior horn cell
c. Both of them
d. None of them
23.Muscle spindles contain… and
tendon spindles contain….
a. Intrafusal muscle fibers, wavy
collagen fibers
b. wavy collagen fibers, Intrafusal
muscle fibers
c. Both contain wavy collagen fibers.
d. Both contain Intrafusal muscle
24. Muscle spindles differ from
tendon spindle in:
a. Muscle spindle contain Intrafusal
muscle fibers
b. Muscle spindle has both efferent
and afferent nerve fibers
c. Muscle spindle is monitor for
change in length but tendon
spindles is monitor for force of
d. All is true
1- E
2- B
3- D
4- A
5- D
6- A
7- C
8- B
9- D
10- C
11- A
12- A
13- B
14- D
15- C
16- D
17- C
18- B
19- A
20- A
21- C
22- B
23- A
24- D
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 70
3- Cerebrum & BBB
1. The deep grooves that can be
seen in cerebrum are called:
a. Sulci
b. Gyri
2. The two cerebral hemispheres
are connected together by thick
band of grey matter called corpus
a. True
b. False
3. All of the following statements
are correctly describing the
pyramidal cells except:
a. The apex is directed to the cortical
surface. a thick branching
dendrite arises from the base of
the cell and passes into the
underlying white matter.
b. form Bitz Cells.
c. they are well developed in motor
4. Which of the following is in
incorrect about Betz cells
a. It's The largest cells of the cortex
b. It's One of the huge upper motor
c. It's of stellate type
d. It's found in the motor cortex
5. The stellate cells transmit motor
and sensory impulses from and to
the cerebrum
a. True
b. False
6. The following are examples of
stellate cells except:
a. Horizontal cells of Cajal
b. Fusiform cells
c. Cells of Martinotti
d. Astrocytes
7. the molecular layer is formed
mainly of:
a. small stellate cells
b. neuroglia
c. Axons and Dendrites
d. small horizontal neurons
8. the inner granular layer is
formed mainly of:
a. small stellate nerve cell bodies
b. neuroglia
c. Axons and Dendrites
d. small horizontal neurons
9. All of the following statements
are right about Martinotti cells
a. They are present in the
polymorphic layer
b. They are small and unipolar
c. Their axons proceed towards the
surface giving collaterals on their
10. Martinotti Cells are present
mainly in ... layer.
a. Molecular.
b. Internal Granular.
c. Internal Pyramidal.
d. Multiform.
11. Capillaries of BBB are:
a. Fenestrated.
b. Non fenestrated.
12.Neuropils ae formed of:
a. Processes of Neurons.
b. Processes of Astrocytes.
c. Tissue fluid in-between.
d. All of Above.
13. All of the following are
histological layers of the cerebral
cortex Except:
a. Pyramidal
b. Molecular
c. Granular
d. Purkinje
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 71
14.The horizontal cells of the Cajal
are present in:
a. Molecular layer
b. Pyramidal layer
c. Granular layer
d. Multiform layer
15. The Martinotti cells are
prominent in:
a. Molecular layer
b. Pyramidal layer
c. Granular layer
d. Multiform layer
16. The well-developed area in the
motor area of cerebral cortex is:
a. Pyramidal
b. Polymorphic
c. Granular
d. Molecular
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. A
4- Spinal Cord
1. The white matter present in …
of spinal cord but … in the
a. central, peripheral
b. peripheral, central
c. central in both
d. peripheral in both
2. Posteromedian septum and
antero median septum present
in the … but the central canal
present in …
a. grey and white, grey
b. grey and white, white
c. grey, white
d. white, grey
3. T/F: Ventral horn is the motor
nuclei and the posterior horn is
sensory nuclei
a. true
b. false
4. The anterior horn is broad in all
of the following except:
a. cervical
b. lumber
c. thoracic
d. sacral
5. Which of the following nuclei is
absent in thoracic segments?
a. medial group of ant. horn
b. central group of ant. horn
c. lateral group of ant. horn
d. all of the above
e. B & C
f. A & B
6. T/F: The dorsal horn contains
afferent neurons
a. true
b. false
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 72
7. The large multipolar is …
neurons, but small multipolar
is …
a. afferent, efferent
b. efferent, afferent
c. both efferent
d. both afferent
8. The main sensory nucleus is:
a. Substania gelatinosa of Rolandi
b. nucleus proprius
c. nucleus thoracicus
d. none of the above
9. T/F: All of the nucleus of the
dorsal horn cell present in all
segments of spinal cord
a. true
b. false
10.Substania gelatinosa of
Rolandi continue as:
a. lateral spinothalamic
b. dorsal spinocerebellar
c. ventral spinocerebellar
d. ventral spinothalamic
11.Clark's column is responsible
a. pain sensation
b. crude touch and vibration
c. proprioceptive sensation
d. fine touch
12.Lateral horn is
parasympathetic nuclei
a. true
b. false
13.In … the autonomic neurons
give parasympathetic without
forming lateral horn
a. S1 – S4
b. S2-S4
c. S3 - C4
d. S1-S3
14.T/F: Commissural neurons and
intersegmental neurons are
types of associative nuclei
a. true
b. false
15.The nerves in the white matter
a. myelinated
b. unmyelinated
c. naked
16.T/F: The nucleus is formed by
cell bodies but the nerve fibers
are formed by fibers
a. true
b. false
17.The postero intermediate
sulcus present in the
a. lumber level
b. sacral level
c. cervical level
d. all of the above
18.The white matter is equal to the
grey matter in:
a. Lumbar level
b. sacral level
c. thoracic level
d. cervical level
ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience
P a g e | 73
1- b
2- a
3- a
4- c
5- e
6- a
7- b
8- b
9- b
10- d
11- c
12- b
13- b
14- a
15- a
16- a
17- c
18- a
5- Brain Stem
1. Medulla is connected to the
cerebellum through:
a. superior cerebellar peduncle
b. middle cerebellar peduncle
c. inferior cerebellar peduncle
d. central canal
2. the central canal end is
continuous with:
a. lateral ventricle
b. second ventricle
c. third ventricle
d. fourth ventricle
3. TF: The lower part of the
medulla is called closed medulla
but the middle part of the medulla
is called open medulla
a. true
b. false
4. The lower medulla is called:
a. closed medulla
b. motor decussating
c. both of them
d. none of them
5. The central canal is present in
… of lower medulla and … in the
middle medulla
a. central, posterior
b. posterior, central
c. both central
d. both posterior
6. All of these tracts present in the
lower medulla except:
a. sulco marginal tract
b. corticobulbar tract
c. gracile and cuneate tract
d. corticospinal tract
7. Gracile and cuneate nucleus is
small in:
a. upper medulla
b. lower medulla
c. middle medulla
d. none of above

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  • 1. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 1 ASM New Booklet Module 9 C N S
  • 2. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 2 Content Content ............................................................................... P.2 Chapter “1” Anatomy of Head & neck ................................ P.3 Chapter “2” Neuro-Anatomy .............................................. P.20 Chapter “3” Anatomy of Special sense ............................... P.47 Chapter “4” Embryology of Head & Neck & CNS ................. P.55 Chapter “5” Histology of Central Nervous System .............. P.65 Chapter “6” Histology of Special Sense ................................ P.78 Chapter “7” Medical Biochemistry of CNS ........................... P.87 Chapter “8” Physiology of Autonomic Nervous System ...... P.91 Chapter “9” Physiology of Sensory System ......................... P.106 Chapter “10” Physiology of Motor System ......................... P.121 Chapter “11” Physiology of Central Nervous system ......... P.136 Chapter “12” Physiology of Special Sense .......................... P.156 Chapter “13” Pharmacology of Central Nervous System ... P.164
  • 3. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 3 Chapter “1” Anatomy of Head & Neck
  • 4. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 4 1-Scalp: 1. The dense connective tissue layer of the scalp is called: - a. Peripheral layer. b. Fatty layer c. Vascular layer d. Central layer 2. The third layer of the scalp is the aponeurosis of: - a. buccinators muscle b. occipitofrontalis muscle c. masseter muscle d. none of the above 3. Black eye is caused by bleeding in: - a. Aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis muscle b. periosteum c. dense C.T d. loose connective tissue 4. Which of the following is a branch from the internal carotid artery: - a. supra orbital artery b. superficial temporal artery c. posterior auricular artery d. occipital artery 5. The area of the scalp in front of the auricle is supplied by all of the following except: - a. supra orbital artery b. supra trochlear artery c. occipital artery d. superficial temporal artery 6. The motor nerve to the preauricular part of the scalp is: - a. posterior auricular nerve b. temporal branch of fascial nerve c. trigeminal nerve d. maxillary nerve 7. The occipitofrontalis muscle is supplied by: a. temporal branch of fascial nerve b. posterior auricular branch of facial nerve c. occipital nerve d. A and B 8. All of the following are sensory supply to the preauricular area of the scalp except: - a. auriclo temporal nerve b. zygomatico temporal nerve c. great auricular nerve d. supra orbital nerve 9. All of the following are branches from cervical spinal nerves except: - a. supra orbital nerve b. lesser occipital nerve c. great auricular nerve d. none of the above 10.Occipitofrontalis muscle: - a. has frontal and occipital bellies b. supplied by branches of fascial nerve c. moves the scalp forward and backward d. all of the above 11.About the ophthalmic artery, what’s true? a. Branch of internal carotid b. Share origin with occipital artery c. give 2 branches supplying scalp d. A & C e. A & B 12.About Anastomoses between internal & external carotid artery, choose FALSE answer a. Occurs in front of auricle b. 3 main arteries form it c. External carotid share by its superficial temporal branch. d. No False Answer
  • 5. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 5 13.T/F Scalp cut may lead to systemic embolus. a. True b. False 14.T/F C.T Septa in the dense layer limit bleeding of scalp cut wound. a. True b. False 15.T/F C 2,3 is responsible for nerve supply to anterior part of scalp in front of auricle. a. True b. False 16.Following branches share in sensory supply of scalp except: a. Great auricular b. Zygomatico temporal c. Transverse Cervical d. Lesser occipital 17....... Bleeds profusely if injured A) skin B) Pericranium C) Dense connective tissue D) Loose connective tissue 18.Black eyes are cause by A) bleeding in the loose connective tissue that don't reach the eyelids B) Bleeding in the skin that reach the eyelids C) Massive bleeding of the loose C.T that reach the eyelids D) Bleeding of the dense connective tissue 19.Skin of the scalp extends from the eyelids ant. To the nuchal lines post. And temporal lines on each side A) true B) False 20.There are 10 arteries that supply the scalp on each side A) true B) False 21.The scalp is supplied by 10 nerves on each side A) true B) False 22.The separation between the skull and the scalp occurs at ... A) the fourth layer B) Loose connective tissue C) The layer that when bleed massively, may cause black eyes D) All of the above 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. C 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.D
  • 6. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 6 2- Face 1. Superficial temporal vein unites with the maxillary vein forming: - a. external jugular vein b. internal jugular vein c. anterior fascial vein d. posterior fascial vein 2. The only tributary of the subclavian vein is: - a. external nasal vein b. external jugular vein c. occipital vein d. common fascial vein 3. Which of the following muscles is pierced by parotid duct : - a. buccinators muscle b. orbicularis oris muscle c. frontalis muscle d. mentalis muscle 4. The middle fibers of the buccinators muscle is inserted into: - a. upper lip b. lower lip c. A and B d. none of the above 5. The motor supply of the face is carried by: a. Cranial Nerve V b. Cranial Nerve VII c. Cranial Nerve X d. Cranial Nerve V2 6. All of the following are branches of the facial nerve except: - a. temporal nerve b. mandibular nerve c. buccal nerve d. maxillary nerve 7. All the face is sensory supplied by the trigeminal nerve except: - a. the upper lip b. the lower lip c. the area over the angle of the mandible d. the mental area 8. The maxillary nerve gives the following branch except: - a. zygomaticotemporal b. zygomatico facial c. infraorbital d. external nasal 9. The upper eyelid is supplied by the following nerves except: - a. supratrochlear nerve b. supra orbital nerve c. palpebral branch of lacrimal nerve d. palpebral branch of infra orbital nerve 10.The buccal nerve is branch from: a. ophthalmic nerve b. mandibular nerve c. maxillary nerve d. facial nerve 11.All of the following are branches of the facial artery except: - a. superior labial b. inferior labial c. angular d. mental 12.The transverse facial artery is a branch from: - a. facial artery b. occipital artery c. superficial temporal artery d. internal carotid artery 13.The common facial vein ends in a. internal jugular vein b. external jugular vein c. subclavian vein d. maxillary vein
  • 7. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 7 14.Concerning parotid gland: a. its duct pierces the buccinators muscles. b. posterior facial nerve begins inside it. c. the Cranial Nerve VII divides into its motor branches inside it. d. All is true 15.Concerning Cranial Nerve V1 a. Sensory supply to all face b. Lies within the cavernous sinus c. Give 2 branches share in sensory supply of scalp d. All is true 16.Muscles of the face are attached to: A) Bones of the face B) Skin of the face C) A&B D) None of the above 17.All of the following are branches of external carotid artery a) Superficial temporal artery b) Supraorbital artery c) Maxillary d) Fascial artery 18.T/F: Pulsation of the fascial artery can be felt behind the angel of the mandible. a) True b) False 19.All of the following are Branches of fascial artery except a) Transverse facial artery b) Inferior labial c) Superior labial d) Lateral nasal 20.Facial nerve gives 6 terminal branches when it enters inside the parotid gland a) True b) False 21.The skin covering the angle of the mandible is supplied by a) Great auricular nerve b) Trigeminal nerve c) Fascial nerve d) None of the above 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. A
  • 8. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 8 3-Dural folds & 4-Venous Sinuses 1. From the attachment of falx cerebri all except: a. Crista galli. b. Upper surface of tentorium cerebelli. c. to the lips of the sagittal sulcus on the inner aspect of skull cap. d. Upper border of petrous temporal bone 2. Venous sinuses found in falx cerebri all except ……… a. Superior sagittal sinus b. Inferior sagittal sinus c. Superior petrosal sinus d. Straight sinus 3. The attached margin of Tentorium cerebelli is attached to all except ………. a. crista galli. b. posterior clinoid process c. upper border of petrous temporal bone d. the margin of the groove for transverse sinus. 4. Venous sinuses related to tentorium are all except ……… a. Straight b. superior sagittal c. Superior petrosal sinus in the attached margin. d. Transverse sinus in the attached margin. 5. from the single sinuses found in the cranial cavity are all except …… a. Superior sagittal. b. Inferior sagittal. c. Straight sinus. d. Cavernous 6. from the paired sinuses are all except ……… a. Superior petrosal. b. Inferior petrosal. c. Occipital d. Transverse sinus. 7. It begins at the apex of falx cerebri above the crista galli and ends a little to the right of the internal occipital protuberance by turning to the right side and becoming the right transverse sinus. This is: a. superior sagittal b. inferior sagittal c. straight d. transverse 8. Uniting with the great cerebral vein to form the straight sinus this is …. a. superior sagittal b. inferior sagittal c. straight d. transverse 9. It is situated at the line of junction of the falx cerebri with the tentorium cerebelli this is: a. superior sagittal b. inferior sagittal c. straight d. transverse the roof of the cavernous sinus there is ………. a. internal carotid artery b. Body of sphenoid c. Pituitary gland d. temporal lobe of the brain 11.nerves found at the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus are all except: a. Oculomotor (III) b. trochlear (IV) c. Abducent (VI) d. Maxillary (V2)
  • 9. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 9 12.T/F: Cranial Nerve IV pierces the tentorium cerebelli in front of the point of crossing a. True b. False 13.Confluence of sinuses may receive blood from a. SSS b. ISS c. SS d. A & B e. A & C f. B& C 14.Circular sinuses (Venous circle) is formed by: a. SSS & ISS b. SSS & SS c. Cavernous & Intercavernous d. Occipital & Sigmoid 15.Which structure pass superiorly to cavernous sinuses? a. Pituitary gland b. Sphenoid bone c. Cranial nerve III d. Internal Carotid Artery 16.Infection of cavernous sinuses may cause ophthalmoplegia due to: a. Cranial nerve irritation b. Internal Carotid artery rapture c. Nerve compression d. Passage through superficial middle cerebral vein 17.Fatal problem of cavernous sinuses infection is: a. Pulsating exophthalmos b. Squint c. Ophthalmoplegia d. Cavernous sinuses thrombosis 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C 12.B 13. E 14. C 15. D 16. C 17. D
  • 10. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 10 5- Posterior Triangle 1. The side of the neck is divided into anterior and posterior triangles by: - a. platysma muscle b. sternomastiod muscle c. trapezius muscle d. levator scapular 2. The posterior border of the posterior triangle is a. sternomastiod muscle b. Scalenus muscle c. trapezius muscle d. clavicle 3. The following muscles form the floor of the posterior triangle except: - a. semispinalis capitis b. splenius capitus c. levator scabulae d. omohyoid muscle 4. All of the following pierce the investing layer of the deep fascia except: - a. external jugular vein b. L.V c. internal jugular vein d. supraclavicular nerve 5. The posterior triangle contains the following nerves except: - a. spinal part of accessory nerve b. glossopharyngeal nerve c. roots and trunks of brachial plexus d. cutaneous branches of cervical plexus 6. All of the following are cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus except: - a. great occipital nerve b. great auricular nerve c. lesser occipital d. transverse cervical 7. The nerve running parallel to the sternomastiod muscle is: - a. great auricular nerve b. supra clavicular nerve c. transverse cervical nerve d. lesser occipital nerve 8. The supra scapular artery is a branch from: - a. common carotid artery b. facial artery c. subclavian artery d. transverse cervical artery 9. The supra scapular vein end in: a. internal jugular vein b. external jugular vein c. subclavian vein d. none of the above 10.The Post Triangle is divided into supraclavicular and occipital triangles by: a) Sternomastiod b) Omohyiod c) Anterior belly of digastric d) Posterior belly of digastric 11.Digastric muscle is supplied by: a) Spinal accessory b) Facial Nerve c) Trigeminal Nerve d) Ansa Cervicalis e) A & D f) B & C 12.Hyoid bone has attachment of .... a) Sternomastiod b) Digastric c) Superior belly of omohyiod. d) Both B & C
  • 11. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 11 13.T/F: Investing layer of deep fascia covers the muscles of floor of Post. Triangle. a) True b) False 14.T/F: The Digastric muscle is derived from the 2nd pharyngeal arch a) True b) False 15.The following structure pass in the roof of posterior triangle of neck: a) Internal carotid artery b) Facial nerve c) Suprascapular Artery d) External jugular vein 16.Concerning sternomastiod muscle, all are False except: a) The external jugular vein begins superficial to it. b) It Separates the 2 triangles of the neck c) Its motor supply is Cranial Nerve VII d) A & C e) A & B f) All are true 17.Concerning Great Auricular Nerve, All False except a) It’s a branch of cervical plexuses b) Supplies the skin behind auricle and all mandible c) Branch of Trigeminal Nerve. d) None of Above 18.All of the following can be considered a part of the neck triangles except: a) Scalenus medias b) Scalenus anterior c) Splenius capitis d) Semispinalis capitis 19.Which of the following is the most superficial muscle? a. Semi spinalis capitis b. Splenius capitis c. Scalenus medias d. Levator Scapulae 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. F 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. E 17. A 18. B 19. A
  • 12. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 12 6- Anterior Triangles of Neck 1. All of the following are the boundaries of anterior triangle of the neck except: a. Mid line of the neck b. Inferior border of the maxilla c. Inferior border of the mandible d. Anterior border of the sternomastiod 2. A Structure is found in both digastric and submental triangles a. Omohyiod muscle b. Hypoglossal c. Sternihyoid muscle d. Mylohyoid muscle 3. Superior bellies of omohyiod muscle is a common boundary of: a. Digastric and submental triangle b. Digastric and muscular triangle c. Muscular triangle and carotid triangle d. Carotid triangle and digastric triangle 4. All of the following are contents of carotid triangle except: a. External carotid artery b. Carotid sheath c. Superficial cervical lymph nodes d. Sympathetic trunk 5. Ansa Cervicalis supply all the following except: a. Sternihyoid muscle b. Sternothyroid muscle c. Thyrohyoid muscle d. Infrahyoid muscle 6. A salivary gland can be seen in which of the following: a. Digastric triangle b. Submental triangle c. Carotid triangle d. Muscular triangle 7. All of the following are found in pairs except: a. Submental triangle b. Digastric triangle c. Carotid triangle d. Muscular triangle 8. All of the following muscles are attached to hyoid bone except: a. Sternomastoid muscle b. Anterior bellies of Digastric muscles c. Superior bellies of omohyiod muscles d. Posterior bellies of Digastric muscles 9. The base of the submental triangle is: a. Thyroid cartilage b. Maxilla c. Hyoid bone d. Mandible 10.All of the following are boundaries of the carotid triangle except: a. anterior border of Sternomastoid b. anterior belly of digastric muscle c. superior belly of omohyiod d. posterior belly of digastric muscle 11.Sympathetic trunk is one of the carotid triangle contents: a. true b. false
  • 13. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 13 12.Nerve to thyrohyoid arise from a. c2 b. c1 c. c3 d. none of the above 13.Hypoglossus and thyrohyoid form the floor of muscular triangle: a. true b. false 14.Inferior belly of omohyoid is one of carotid triangle boundaries a. true b. false 15.The floor of carotid triangle is formed by: a. Hypoglossus b. thyrohyoid c. middle and inferior constrictors of the pharynx d. all of the above 16.Vagus nerve is one of the carotid sheath contents: a. true b. false 17.All of the following are contents of the carotid sheath except: a. common carotid artery b. vagus nerve c. internal jugular vein d. external carotid artery 18.Superior belly of omohyoid is one of the muscular triangle boundaries: a. true b. false 19.Sternohyoid is one of the muscles forming the deep layer of Infrahyoid muscles a. true b. false 20.The inferior root of Ansa Cervicalis nerve arises from: a. c1 b. c5 c. c3 d. c2 &c3 21.The common structure between submandibular and submental triangle: a) Anterior belly of digastric. b) Superior belly of omohyoid c) Hyoid bone d) Nerve to mylohyoid e) A & D 22.The common structure between the digastric & Carotid triangles: a) Superior belly of omohyoid b) Hyoid bone c) Posterior belly of digastric. d) Nerve to mylohyoid e) A & B 23.The common structure between the carotid and muscular triangle: a) Ant. border of Sternomastoid. b) Hyoid bone. c) Posterior belly of digastric. d) Inferior belly of omohyoid. e) A & D. f) A & C. 24.Hyoid bone is related to: a) Submandibular triangle b) Submental triangle c) Muscular triangle d) Carotid triangle 25.The nerve passing inside the carotid sheath is a) Sympathetic chain b) Ansa Cervicalis c) Cranial Nerve VII d) Vagus Nerve
  • 14. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 14 26.The Superior belly of omohyoid muscle is a .... of the muscular triangle a) Floor b) Boundary c) Content d) A & B e) B & C 27.Concerning the Submandibular salivary glands and Lymph nodes: a) The ant Facial vein only pass superficial to them b) The Facial Artery only passes superficial to them. c) Both artery and vein pass superficial d) The artery is superficial and the vein is deep. 28.Ansa Cervicalis pass ... to carotid sheath, Sympathetic chain passes ... a) Anterior, Posterior. b) Posterior, Anterior. c) Both Anterior. d) Both Posterior. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. D 21. E 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. E 27. C 28. A
  • 15. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 15 7- Lymphatic Drainage of Head & Neck 1. Lymphatic drainage of preauricular part of the scalp: - a. parotid L.N b. mastoid L.N c. occipital L.N d. submental L.N 2. The lymph drainage of the tip of the tongue is into a. submental L.N b. submandibular L.N c. parotid L.N d. mastoid L.N 3. The terminal destination of the lymph drainage in the face and neck is the junction between subclavian vein and …… a. Internal jugular vein b. External jugular vein c. Anterior facial vein d. Retromandibular vein 4. Which of the following ducts is related to the brachial plexus? a. Tubal tonsil b. Upper deep cervical lymph node c. Lower deep cervical lymph nodes d. Lingual tonsil 5. Which of the following is one of the tributaries of the jugulo- omohyoid lymph nodes? a. Back of the tongue b. Tonsils c. Upper part of the pharynx d. Lower part of the pharynx 6. Jugulo digastric lymph nodes lie behind the internal jugular vein a. true b. false 7. Jugulo omohyoid lymph nodes lie behind the intermediate tendon of omohyiod a. true b. false 8. Thyroid gland drains directly to the jugular trunk a. true b. false 9. Adenoid is one of the transverse superficial lymph nodes a. true b. false 10.Posterior region of the scalp is drained to: a. Occipital lymph node b. Post auricular lymph node c. Parotid lymph node d. Submandibular lymph node 11.Nasopharynx can drain directly to the deep lymph nodes a. true b. false 12.T/F: Post auricular lymph nodes lie deep to the mastoid process. a. true b. false 13.Above the vocal cord in the larynx drains to: a. Upper deep cervical lymph nodes b. Lower deep cervical lymph nodes c. Submandibular lymph nodes d. Submental lymph nodes 14.Middle ear drains to: a. Preauricular lymph nodes b. Submandibular lymph nodes c. Mastoid lymph nodes d. Submental lymph nodes
  • 16. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 16 15.The Tongue is drained by: a) submental lymph nodes b) submandibular lymph nodes c) jugulo-digastric lymph nodes. d) A & C e) All of Above 16.Enlarged jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes indicates: a) Pancreatic cancer. b) Stomach cancer. c) Hepatoma. d) All of Above. 17.Which of the following lymph nodes is the site of drainage of the scalp and lies in the posterior triangle of the neck? a. Mastoid lymph node b. Occipital lymph node c. Supraclavicular lymph node d. Parotid lymph node 18.Whaldyer's ring is considered: a. Deep vertical lymph nodes b. Deep transverse lymph nodes c. Superficial transverse lymph nodes d. Superficial vertical lymph nodes 19.The mastoid lymph nodes drain all of the following structures except: a- lateral surface of the auricle b- scalp over the auricle c- posterior wall of the auditory meatus d- Medial surface of the auricle 20.The Internal Jugular vein is related to: a- Superficial Cervical LN. b- Deep Cervical LN. c- Anterior Cervical LN. d- None of Above. 1 – A 2 – A 3 – A 4 – C 5 – D 6 – B 7 – B 8 – B 9 – B 10 - A 11 – A 12 – B 13 – A 14 – A 15 – E 16 – B 17 – B 18 – B 19 – A 20 – B
  • 17. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 17 8&9 - The Last 4 Cranial Nerves 1. The following Nerves is pure motor nerves: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve e. All except D 2. The last 4 cranial Nerves Originate from Medulla Oblongata only except: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Accessory Nerve d. Hypoglossal Nerve. 3. The nerve passing between ICA & ECA is a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve 4. The nerve passing between IJV & ICA is a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve 5. The nerve deep to hyoglossal muscle is a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve 6. The nerve which pass through foramen magnum is: a. Spinal Accessory Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Cranial Accessory Nerve 7. The deepest Cranial Nerve in carotid Sheath is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Hypoglossal Nerve d. Accessory Nerve 8. The nerve pass superficial to both ICA & ECA is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Accessory Nerve d. Cranial Nerve XII 9. The nerve piercing Sternomastoid muscle is: a. Vagus Nerve. b. Cranial Nerve IX. c. Hypoglossal Nerve. d. Spinal Accessory Nerve. 10.T/F: The Glossopharyngeal pass between CCA & EJV at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage. a. True b. False 11.The nerve passing between superior and middle constrictors of pharynx is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve 12.Cranial Accessory Nerve joins the ... ganglion of Vagus. a. Inferior b. Superior 13.The longest cranial nerve in body is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve IX c. Facial Nerve d. Accessory Nerve
  • 18. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 18 14.T/F: C5,6,7 share in formation of Accessory nerve a. True b. False 15.The 2 parts of Accessory Nerve are joined at a. Foramen Magnum b. Jugular foramen c. Below Jugular Foramen d. Above Jugular Foramen e. All Except B 16.T/F: Spinal Accessory Nerve joins the inferior ganglia of vagus to give supply to larynx a. True b. False 17.The nerve appearing in posterior triangle of neck: a. Vagus Nerve. b. Cranial Nerve IX. c. Hypoglossal Nerve. d. Accessory Nerve. 18.The superficial Nerve to Hyoglossal Muscle is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve XII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Accessory Nerve 19.T/F: Inferior root of Ansa Cervicalis is carried by Hypoglossal Nerve. a. True b. False 20.Parasympathetic secretomotor supply to Parotid Gland is carried by a branch of: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve XII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Accessory Nerve 21.T/F: Ansa Cervicalis Loop pass deep to carotid Sheath. a. True b. False 22.The most important parasympathetic nerve in body is: a. Vagus Nerve. b. Cranial Nerve IX. c. Hypoglossal Nerve. d. Accessory Nerve 23.T/F: All muscles of larynx are supplied by external laryngeal nerve except cricothyroid supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve. a. true b. false 24.Thyrohyoid & Geniohyoid are supplied by a. Vagus Nerve. b. C 1.2,3 c. Hypoglossal Nerve. d. C 1 25.Tensor Palati Muscle is supplied by: a. Cranial Nerve VII b. Cranial Nerve IX. c. Cranial Nerve V. d. Cranial Nerve X. 26.Spinal Accessory Nerve supplies: a. Trapezius muscle b. Latissimus Dorsi c. Sternomastoid d. Both A & C 27.T/F: Posterior third of tongue receive motor supply by Lingual branch of Cranial Nerve IX. a. true b. false
  • 19. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 19 28.The following nerves are mixed nerves between vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve: a. superior laryngeal Nerve b. recurrent laryngeal c. pharyngeal d. all are true 29.T/F: All mucosa of larynx above & below the vocal cords are supplied by both Vagus & Cranial Accessory Nerve. a. true b. false 30.The carotid body is sensory supplied by: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve XII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Accessory Nerve 31.Which nerves shares is formation of cardiac plexus: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve XII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Accessory Nerve 32.The nerve lying deep to submandibular gland is: a. Vagus Nerve b. Cranial Nerve XII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Accessory Nerve 33.T/F: The right recurrent vagus pass around the aortic arch. a. true b. false 34.Site of formation of Ansa Cervicalis is: a. At jugular foramen b. At foramen Magnus c. Opposite to lower part of larynx. d. At level of upper border of thyroid cartilage 35.Which following has a mixed supply between Vagus and Cranial accessory nerve? a. tensor Palati muscle. b. cricothyroid muscle. c. stylopharyngeal muscle. d. hyoglossal muscle. 1- D 2- C 3- B 4- A 5- B 6- A 7- C 8- D 9- D 10- B 11- B 12- A 13- A 14- B 15- B 16- B 17- D 18- B 19- B 20- C 21- B 22- A 23- B 24- D 25- C 26- D 27- B 28- D 29- A 30- C 31- A 32- B 33- B 34- C 35- B
  • 20. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 20 Chapter “2” Neuro-Anatomy
  • 21. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 21 1- Cerebral Hemispheres 1. Concerning the inferolateral border of cerebral hemisphere: a) Present the pre-occipital notch. b) Its anterior part called supercillary border. c) None of above d) All of above 2. Concerning central sulcus: a) The upper end lies midway between frontal and occipital poles. b) It extends on the medial surface of cerebral hemispheres. c) It ends above the horizontal ramus of lateral sulcus. d) All of Above e) All except C 3. The stem of lateral sulcus is present on the ... surface while it ends at the ... surface of cerebral hemisphere. a) Inferior, Medial. b) Medial, Superolateral. c) Inferior, Superolateral. d) Superolateral, Medial e) Superolateral, Inferior 4. Area 8 is responsible for: a) Frontal eye field area b) Motor speech area c) Primary somato-motor area. d) Auditory area 5. Area of Wernicke’s destruction causes: a) Sensory aphasia b) Deadness c) Word Blindness d) Somatomotor loss 6. Secondary Motor Area is a) Area 4 b) Area 6 c) Area 8 d) Area 10 7. Area 8 is present at a) Superior Parietal Gyrus. b) Superior Frontal Gyrus c) Middle Frontal Gyrus d) Inferior Frontal Gyrus 8. Broca’s Area is responsible for: a) Motor Speech. b) Somatic sensation c) Auditory d) Primary motor 9. Somatosensory associated area is present at a) Superior frontal gyrus. b) Superior occipital gyrus c) Superior parietal gyrus d) Superior temporal gyrus. 10.The central sulcus separates between the following areas: a) Primary & Secondary motor areas. b) Primary & secondary sensory areas. c) Primary motor & Primary Sensory areas. d) Secondary motor & Secondary sensory areas. 11.All following sulci present on Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere except: a) Intraparietal sulcus b) Collateral Sulcus c) Anterior ramus of lateral sulcus d) Lunate Sulcus 12.Which Gyri is not visible on Superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere? a) Post Central Sulcus b) Para Central Sulcus c) Pre Central Sulcus d) All of Above 13.Motor Area of LL lies in: a) Post Central Sulcus b) Para Central Sulcus c) Pre Central Sulcus d) Inferior Parietal Lobule.
  • 22. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 22 14.Lower part of precentral gyrus is: a) Sensory area b) Motor area for head c) Area of hearing d) Broca’s Area 15.T/F: Temporal lobe is concerned with speech. a) True b) False 16.T/F: Pre central gyrus receives direct sensory input a) True b) False 17.Limbic association area receives blood supply by a) ICA b) Posterior Cerebral Artery. c) Middle cerebral Artery d) Anterior Cerebral Artery. 18.Lingual Gyrus is responsible for: a) Motor area b) Sensory area c) Speech area d) Visual Area 19.All surfaces of occipital lobe are supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) All of above 20.Upper 1 inch of Superolateral surface is supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) All of above 21.The lower 1 inch of Superolateral surface is supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) All of above 22.T/F: all tentorial surface of cerebral hemisphere is supplied by posterior cerebral artery. a) True b) False 23.The artery passing in the callosal sulcus is: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) All of above 24.Temporal pole is supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) A & B e) A & C f) All of above 25.The Motor area of cerebral cortex is supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) A & B e) A & C f) All of above 26.Cerebellar Tonsil is supplied by: a) Anterior cerebral Artery b) Posterior cerebral Artery c) Middle cerebral artery d) AICA e) PICA 27.Inner ear is supplied by: a) PICA b) AICA c) Pontine branches of Basilar A. d) Labyrinthine A. 28.The largest branch of 4th part of vertebral artery is: a) PICA b) AICA c) Anterior Spinal Artery. d) Labyrinthine A.
  • 23. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 23 29.The basilar artery is NOT related to following nerves: a) Cranial Nerve III b) Cranial Nerve VI c) Cranial Nerve XII d) No correct answer 30.Pontine Sulcus is site of passage for the ... artery. a) Vertebral A b) Basilar A. c) AICA d) PICA 1- D 2- E 3- C 4- A 5- C 6- B 7- C 8- A 9- C 10- C 11- B 12- B 13- B 14- B 15- B 16- B 17- D 18- D 19- B 20- A 21- B 22- B 23- A 24- C 25- E 26- D 27- D 28- A 29- C 30- B 2- Spinal Cord 1. The length of the spinal cord is about: a. 10 cm b. 20 cm c. 30 cm d. 45 cm 2. The cervical enlargement corresponds to: a. Lumber plexus b. Brachial plexus c. Sacral plexus d. Cervical plexus 3. The uterine period in which the spinal cord occupies all the vertebral canal is: a. 1st month b. 1st two months c. 1st three months d. 1st four months 4. Meninges surrounding the spinal cord end at the level of: a. S1 b. S2 c. S3 d. S4 5. All of the following can be found clearly in the gray matter except: a. Blood capillaries b. Neuroglia c. Myelinated nerve fibers d. Nerve soma 6. Lumbosacral nucleus in central group is present in: a. C1 b. C2 c. S1 d. C7
  • 24. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 24 7. Lateral group of anterior gray matter can't be found in: a. Thoracic b. Lumber c. Cervical d. Sacral 8. T1 has all of the following except: a. Visceral gray b. Medial group c. Lateral group d. Nucleus dorsalis 9. Anterior spinal artery arises from: a. Basilar artery b. Subclavian artery c. Vertebral arteries d. Aorta 10.Which of the following is the site where longitudinal branches of posterior spinal artery branches? a. Ventral root b. Dorsal root c. Gray matter d. White matter 11.Radicularis magna supply origin of: a. Cervical plexus b. Pharyngeal plexus c. Brachial plexus d. Lumber plexus 12.Anterior spinal vein passes through: a. Anteromedian sulcus b. Posteromedian septum c. Ventral root d. Dorsal root 13.Internal venous plexus lies inside: a. Dura matter b. Extra dural space c. Periosteum d. Tubular sheath 14.Lumber cistern is found in: a. Subarachnoid space b. Pia matter c. Dura matter d. Arachnoid matter 15.Linea splendens lies in: a. Dorsal root b. Ventral root c. Anteromedian sulcus d. Posteromedial septum 16.Last process of ligamneta denticulate is attached to: a. L1 b. L2 c. L3 d. L4 17.T/F: Spinal segments lie opposite to corresponding vertebrae. a. True b. False 18.Posterior intermediate septum is found at: a. Lumbar b. All Thoracic c. Upper thoracic d. Cervical e. B & D f. C & D 19.T/F: Nucleus suppling the limbs is found in all segments of spinal cord. a. True b. False 20.Nucleus of Clarke is found in all following spinal segment except: a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. Sacral
  • 25. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 25 21.Posterior spinal artery supplies: a. Anterior 2/3 b. Anterior 2/3 c. Posterior 2/3 d. Posterior 1/3 22.T/F: The spinal dural sheath joins the epineurium of neurons. a. True b. False 23.Intervertebral venous plexus is found at: a. Epidural Space. b. Subarachnoid space. c. Septum posticum. d. Linea splendens. 24.T/F: Spinal dura is formed of 2 layers but do not form dural sinuses, a. True b. False 25.T/F: CSF is found in the space between dura mater and arachnoid mater. a. True b. False 26.Cauda Equina is found at: a. Epidural Space. b. Subarachnoid space. c. Septum posticum. d. Linea splendens. 27.T/F: Ligamenta Denticulata is attached to 1st sacral spinal nerve. a. True b. False 1- D 2- B 3- C 4- B 5- C 6- C 7- A 8- C 9- C 10- B 11- D 12- A 13- B 14- A 15- C 16- A 17- B 18- F 19- B 20- D 21- D 22- A 23- A 24- B 25- B 26- B 27- B
  • 26. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 26 3- Brain Stem 1. Posteromedian sulcus in the medulla oblongata continue as a. Intermediate sulcus b. Anteriomedian fissure c. Posteromedian septum d. Dorsal root 2. Which of the following form the pyramid? a. Corticospinal nuclei b. Inferior olivary nuclei c. Corticospinal fibers d. Cuneate nuclei 3. All of the following pass through the posterolateral sulcus except: a. Hypoglossal nerve b. Glossopharyngeal nerve c. Vagus nerve d. Cranial accessory nerve 4. The groove found in the pontine transverse fibers is for a. Basilar artery b. Basal vein c. Vertebral artery d. Superior cerebellar artery 5. Which of the following nerves exit through the junction between pons and pyramid? a. Trigeminal nerve b. Abducent nerve c. Facial nerve d. Vestibular nerve 6. Motor decussation occurs at: a. Anteromedial fissure b. Anterolateral sulcus c. Posterolateral sulcus d. Inferior fovea. 7. The medial fasciculus is a. Gracile. b. Cuneate. 8. Which tubercle extend to a higher level? a. Gracile b. Cuneate. 9. The area between the 2 inferior peduncle is called: a. Inferior fovea b. Superior fovea c. Basilar groove. d. None of above. 10.Nerve emerging through the junction between the pons and middle cerebellar peduncle is: a. Abducent b. Facial c. Vagus d. Trigeminal 11.Nerve emerging at the anterolateral sulcus is: a. Glossopharyngeal. b. Hypoglossal. c. Vagus. d. Trigeminal. 12.All of following emerge through the posterolateral sulcus except: a. Cranial Nerve IX b. Cranial Nerve X c. Cranial Nerve XI d. Cranial Nerve XII 13.Which following group of nerve emerge through the pons? a. Cranial nerve I – II – III – IV. b. Cranial nerve X: XII. c. Cranial Nerve V – VII d. None of above. 14.T/F: The medial eminence of pons is separated from lower vestibular area by the superior fovea. a. True b. False
  • 27. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 27 15.Which is medial at lower border of pons? a. Facial nerve b. Abducent nerve c. Vestibule-cochlear. d. Trigeminal. 16.Cerebral peduncle is formed of all except: a. Crus cerebri b. Substantia nigra c. Tegmentum d. Tectum 17.Colliculi are separated by: a. Cruciform sulcus b. Posteromedian sulcus c. Anteromedian sulcus d. Intermediate sulcus 18.Corpora Quadrigemina is: a. Cruciform sulcus b. Colliculi c. Frenulum velli d. Brachium 19.Superior colliculi are associated with: a. Inferior brachium b. Lateral geniculate c. Frenulum vellum d. Medial geniculate 20.All of the following enters in the dorsal surface of the pons except: a. Lateral vestibular nucleus b. Medial vestibular nucleus c. Facial nerve d. Abducent nerve 21.T/F: Basal vein crosses the cerebral peduncle a. True b. False 22.T/F: Substania nigra is a layer of white matter a. True b. False 23.T/F: Hypoglossal trigone is the most lateral part of inferior floor of the 4th ventricle. a. True b. False 24.T/F: Groove between pyramid and olive is called is posterolateral sulcus a. True b. False 25.All following cross the crus cerebri except: a. Basal vein. b. Superior cerebellar artery. c. Inferior cerebellar artery. d. Trochlear nerve. 26.T/F: Substania nigra is pigmented white matter has a melanin pigment. a. True b. False 27.T/F: the colliculi lie below superior medullary vellum and above pineal body. a. True b. False 28.The only nerve emerging from posterior aspect of brain stem is a. CN II b. CN III c. CN IV d. CN VI
  • 28. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 28 1- C 2- C 3- A 4- A 5- B 6- A 7- A 8- B 9- A 10- D 11- B 12- D 13- C 14- B 15- A 16- D 17- A 18- B 19- B 20- B 21- A 22- B 23- B 24- B 25- C 26- B 27- B 28- C 4- Cranial Nerve Nuclei 1. All of the following are pure sensory except: a. Olfactory neve b. cranial nerve II c. Abducent nerve d. Vestibulocochlear 2. Trigeminal nucleus is: a. pure motor b. pure sensory c. mixed nucleus d. no true answer. 3. Fascial nucleus is … but optic nucleus is … and accessory is … a. mixed, sensory, motor b. sensory, motor, mixed c. motor, sensory, mixed d. sensory, mixed, motor 4. 4.All pure motor nucleus are: a. GVE b. GSE c. GSA d. SVA 5. Trochlear nerve is present in: a. pons b. midbrain c. medulla d. none of the above 6. Trochlear nerve supply a. lateral rectus b. medial rectus c. superior rectus d. inferior rectus 7. The following nerve supply muscles of eye: a. oculomotor b. Abducent c. trochlear d. all of the above
  • 29. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 29 8. Abducent nucleus lie in: a. 3rd ventricle b. lateral ventricle c. 4th ventricle d. lower part of midbrain 9. Sensory nerves arise from nuclei in the midbrain: a. True b. False 10.Edinger Westphal nucleus is the motor nucleus of oculomotor nerve: a. true b. false 11.Trigeminal nerve has … nuclei: a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 2 12.The trigeminal nucleus that is responsible for proprioception is a. mesencephalic b. motor c. sensory d. spinal 13.T/F: Superior salivary nucleus of fascial nerve is sympathetic nucleus that supply all glands except parotid A. true b. false 14.Superior salivary nucleus is … but Edinger Westphal nucleus is ... a. parasympathetic, sympathetic b. sympathetic, parasympathetic c. both are sympathetic d. both are parasympathetic 15.Spinal part of accessory nerve arises from a. Anterior horn cell b. Lateral horn cell c. Posterior horn cell d. none of the above 16.Ambiguous nucleus is the nucleus of a. glossopharyngeal b. accessory c. both of them d. none of them 17.Taste and olfaction sensation is carries by: a. G.V.E b. G.V.A c. S.V.A d. S.S.A 18.The following nuclei are presented in the midbrain except: a. oculomotor nucleus b. Edinger Westphal nucleus c. trochlear nucleus d. facial nucleus 19.Nucleus ambiguous is found in: a. medulla oblongata b. midbrain c. pons d. spinal cord 20.The lateral rectus muscle of the eye is supplied from: a. oculomotor nucleus b. abducent nucleus c. trochlear nucleus d. hypoglossal nucleus 21.The trochlear nucleus supplies: a. lateral rectus muscle b. superior oblique muscle c. palate glossus muscle d. none of the above
  • 30. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 30 22.The motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve supplies all of the following except: a. anterior belly of digastric b. mylohyoid c. stylohyoid d. tensor tympani 23.Nucleus ambiguous gives fibers to the following nerve: a. accessory nerve b. facial nerve c. trigeminal nerve d. hypoglossal nerve 24.The only muscle derived from the third branchial arch is: a. tensor palate b. mylohyoid c. platysma d. stylopharyngeal 25.The facial nucleus supplies the following muscles except: a. muscles of the face b. occipitofrontalis muscle c. stylopharyngeal muscle d. stylohyoid 26.The fibers forming the cranial outflow of the parasympathetic nervous system: a. G.S.E b. S.V.E c. G.V.E d. G.V.A 27.The parasympathetic part of the oculomotor nerve is: a. superior salivary nucleus b. inferior salivary nucleus c. solitary nucleus d. Edinger Westphal nucleus 28.Inferior salivary nucleus gives preganglionic fibers to: a. lacrimal glands b. parotid gland c. submandibular gland d. buccal gland 29.The following nucleus gives rise to general visceral efferent fibers: a. Edinger Westphal nucleus b. superior salivary nucleus c. inferior salivary nucleus d. all of the above 30.Which of the following nuclei receive visceral afferent fibers? a. solitary nucleus b. olivary nucleus c. hypoglossal nucleus d. none of the above 31.Solitary nucleus receives general sensory fibers running in: a. vagus nerve b. glossopharyngeal nerve c. trigeminal nerve d. both A and B 32.Sensation from the respiratory tract, abdominal viscera and GIT are received by: a. facial nucleus b. superior salivary nucleus c. solitary nucleus d. trochlear nucleus 33.Taste sensation is carried by the following except: a. facial nerve b. glossopharyngeal nerve c. vagus nerve d. trigeminal nerve 34.Cardiorespiratory nucleus mediates reflex control of: a. cardiovascular system b. respiratory system c. gastrointestinal system d. all of the above
  • 31. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 31 35.Which of the following is not a sensory trigeminal nucleus? a. mesencephalic nucleus b. solitary nucleus c. main sensory nucleus d. none of the above 36.The nucleus responsible for receiving pain and temperature from the head is: a. spinal nucleus of trigeminal b. main sensory nucleus c. superior salivary nucleus d. mesencephalic nucleus 37.S.S.A include the following except: a. vestibular nucleus b. cochlear nucleus c. solitary nucleus d. all of the above 1- C 2- C 3- A 4- B 5- B 6- A 7- D 8- C 9- B 10- B 11- C 12- A 13- B 14- D 15- A 16- C 17- B 18- C 19- D 20- A 21- B 22- B 23- C 24- A 25- D 26- C 27- C 28- D 29- B 30- D 31- A 32- D 33- C 34- D 35- D 36- B 37- A 38- C
  • 32. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 32 5- White matter of cerebrum 1. One of the following lies in the anterior limb of the internal capsule: a. Anterior thalamic radiation b. Posterior thalamic radiation c. Superior thalamic radiation d. Inferior thalamic radiation 2. Where can occipito pontine fibers be found? a. Anterior limb of internal capsule b. Genu of the internal capsule c. Thalamo lentiform part of posterior limb d. Retro lentiform part of posterior limb of internal capsule 3. How internal capsule is related to the lentiform nucleus? a. Medially b. Superiorly c. Laterally d. Inferiorly 4. Blood supply of the genu is: a. Anterior cerebral artery b. Posterior cerebral artery c. Internal carotid artery d. None of the above 5. All of the following receive two arterial blood supplies except: a. Anteromedial part of the anterior limb of internal capsule b. Genu of the internal capsule c. Thalamo lentiform part of posterior limb d. Retro lentiform part of posterior limb 6. Which of the following is concerned with connection between two different sides in the cortex? a. Commissural fibers b. Association fibers c. Projection fibers d. All of the above 7. Long association fibers lying in the medial surface is: a. Uncinate fibers b. Cingulum c. Superior longitudinal fasciculus d. Fronto occipital fasciculus 8. The lateral boundary of corona radiata is: a. Uncinate fibers b. Cingulum c. Fronto occipital fasciculus d. Superior Longitudinal fasciculus 9. The long association fiber connecting between occipital lobe and temporal lobe is: a. Superior longitudinal fasciculus b. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus c. Fronto occipital fasciculus d. Cingulum 10.Which of the following are associated with orbital surface of the frontal lobe? a. Cingulum b. Rostrum of corpus callosum c. Both d. None of the above 11.Forceps minor radiates from: a. Rostrum b. Genu c. Body d. Splenium
  • 33. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 33 12.Splenium of the corpus callosum radiate fibers related to: a. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle c. 3rd ventricle d. 4th ventricle 13.Which of the following is most superior? a. Cerebral aqueduct b. Posterior commissure c. Habenular commissure d. None of the above 14.All of the following are connected by the anterior commissure except: a. Olfactory bulb b. Amygdaloid body c. Posterior perforated body d. Pyriform body 15.The following are association fibers except: a. Tapetum b. Cingulum c. Superior longitudinal bundle d. Inferior longitudinal bundle e. Uncinate fasciculus 16.The following are different long association fibers except: a. Uncinate fasciculus b. Cingulum c. Superior longitudinal bundle d. Anterior longitudinal bundle e. Inferior longitudinal bundle 17.The following are commissural fibers EXCEPT: a. Corpus callosum b. Habenular commissure c. The group of fibers which lies just above and behind the upper end of the aqueduct of Sylvius d. Internal arcuate fibers 18.The largest commissure in brain is: a. Optic chiasma b. Corpus callosum c. Internal capsule d. Corona radiata 19.The type of fibers of corpus callosum is: a. Fibers for vision b. Association fibers c. Projection fibers d. Commissural fibers e. Long association fibers 20.The following are parts of corpus callosum EXCEPT: a. Rostrum b. Truck c. Genu d. Tapetum e. Splenium 1- A 2- D 3- A 4- C 5- B 6- A 7- B 8- D 9- B 10- B 11- B 12- A 13- C 14- C 15- A 16- D 17- D 18- B 19- D 20- D
  • 34. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 34 6- Diencephalon 1. The components of the diencephalon are all except: a. thalamus b. hypothalamus c. stria habenularis d. pons. e. C & D 2. The lateral boundary of the thalamus is the: a. the posterior limb of the internal capsule. b. the cavity of the third ventricle c. the lentiform nucleus d. epi thalamus 3. The superior relations to the thalamus are: a. the body of lateral ventricle b. the thalamo striate vein c. the choroid plexus d. all of the above 4. The inferior relations of thalamus are including all of the following except a. tegmentum of the midbrain b. the hypothalamus c. fornix d. sub thalamus 5. The lateral part of the thalamus lying lateral to the internal medullary stria is subdivided into a. dorsolateral part b. ventromedial c. both d. none of above 6. The function of the thalamus is integration of the information from the: a. cerebellum b. basal ganglia c. reticular formation of the brain stem d. all of the above 7. The anterior thalamic radiation connects the anterior and medial nuclei with the: a. frontal lobe. b. parietal lobe. c. occipital lobe. d. pre central gyrus. 8. The superior thalamic radiation connects the lateral and the ventral nuclei with: a. temporal lobe b. the parietal lobe c. pre and post central gyri d. occipital lobe 9. The blood supply of the thalamus is the: a. posterior cerebral artery b. anterior cerebral artery c. basilar artery d. A & C 10.Epi thalamus consists of all of the following except: a. pineal body b. habenular nuclei c. habenular commissure d. the choroid plexus 11.The medial geniculate body is a relay nucleus in the a. pathway of hearing b. pathway of vision c. pathway of smelling d. all of above 12.The Meta thalamus consists of: a. medial geniculate body b. lateral geniculate body c. both of them d. no correct answer
  • 35. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 35 13.the following is true regarding the thalamus a. it contains the pulvinar b. it’s a part of the diencephalon c. it contains the internal medullary lamina d. it shares in the boundaries of third ventricle e. it is NOT connected to its fellow on the other side. 14.The following structures are related to the superior surface of thalamus EXCEPT a. Stria terminalis b. Body of lentiform nucleus c. Body of caudate nucleus d. Body of lateral ventricle e. None of above 15.The following is true about medial geniculate body EXCEPT: a. It’s situated on inferior aspect of pulvinar. b. It’s connected with the superior colliculus of mid brain. c. It’s a relay nucleus in pathway of hearing. d. Fibers arising from it forming the auditory radiation. 16.T/F: thalamus is a mass of white matter while the stria medullaris thalami is a band of grey matter a. True b. False 17.T/F: Inter thalamic adhesion is a white matter band. a. True b. False 18.All of the following is from the white matter except: a. External medullary lamina b. Internal medullary lamina c. Inter thalamic adhesion d. stria medullaris thalami e. none of above 19.The only sensation that does not relay in thalamus is a. Hearing b. Vision c. Touch d. Olfaction e. None of above 20.Functions of thalamus include all of following except: a. Subjective feelings b. Integration of information c. Control voluntary movements d. None of above 21.The optic radiation connects the ... with ... lobe of cerebrum. a. MGB with temporal lobe b. MGB with occipital lobe c. LGB with temporal lobe d. LGB with occipital lobe e. None of above
  • 36. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 36 1- E 2- A 3- D 4- C 5- C 6- D 7- A 8- C 9- D 10- D 11- A 12- C 13- E 14- B 15- B 16- B 17- B 18- C 19- D 20- D 21- D 6- Ventricular system & CSF 1. The roof of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle is: a. Body of corpus callosum b. Genu of corpus callosum c. Head of caudate Nucleus d. Rostrum 2. The medial wall of the body of lateral ventricle is: a. Septum Pellucidum b. Head of caudate nucleus c. Fornix d. Tapetum e. A & B f. A & C 3. Floor of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle is formed by: a. Forceps b. Calcar avis c. Tapetum d. Collateral Eminence. 4. Which of the following lies in both floor and lateral wall of the anterior horn of lateral ventricle? a. Tail of caudate nucleus b. Rostrum c. Septum Pellucidum d. Head of caudate nucleus 5. Which part of the caudate nucleus can be found in the inferior horn of Lateral ventricle: a. Body b. Head c. Tail d. All of the above
  • 37. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 37 6. Amygdaloid nucleus lies in the roof of: a. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Body of lateral ventricle c. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle d. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle 7. Which of the following is the cavity of Diencephalon? a. Lateral ventricle b. Third ventricle c. 4th ventricle d. All of the above 8. All of the following are situated in the anterior wall of the third ventricle except: a. Anterior commissure b. Anterior column of the fornix c. Lamina terminalis d. Habenular commissure 9. Lateral ventricle is connected to the 3rd ventricle by a. Interventricular foramen of Monoro b. Aqueduct of Silvius c. Optic recess d. Pineal recess 10.The upper lateral wall of the 4th ventricle is formed of: a. Superior cerebellar peduncle b. Inferior cerebellar peduncle c. Cuneate d. Gracile 11.The cerebellum occupies the middle part of the roof of: a. 3rd ventricle b. 4th ventricle c. Body of lateral ventricle d. All of the above 12.The following are parts of lateral ventricle: a. Inferior horn b. Posterior horn c. Anterior horn d. Body e. Lateral horn 13.As regard the anterior horn of lateral ventricle, all are true EXCEPT: a. It extends to the frontal lobe. b. Corpus callosum forms its roof. c. Fornix forms its medial wall. d. Head of caudate forms the floor. 14.The fornix forms the following part of the body of lateral ventricle. a. Anterior wall b. Lateral wall c. Roof d. Floor e. Medial wall 15.The floor of central horn of lateral ventricle is related to the following structures except a. Thalamus b. Body of caudate nucleus c. Stria terminalis d. Basal vein 16.The following structures form the floor of the central part of lateral ventricle EXCEPT: a. Stria terminalis b. Tail of caudate c. Thalamus d. Thalamo striate vein 17.The parts which shares in the medial wall of the posterior horn of lateral ventricle is: a. Tapetum b. Forceps major c. Forceps minor d. Splenium of corpus callosum
  • 38. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 38 18.Roof & lateral wall of posterior horn of lateral ventricle is formed by fibers of: a. Forceps major b. Forceps minor c. Tapetum d. Fornix 19.The cavity between the 2 thalami is a. Lateral ventricle b. Third ventricle c. Forth ventricle d. The aqueduct of Sylvius 20.Concerning the 3rd ventricle, all are true EXCEPT: a. It has a choroid plexus in its roof. b. It communicates with the 4th ventricle by means of cerebral aqueduct. c. It communicates with the lateral ventricle through the interventricular foramina. d. The hypothalamus shares in its floor e. Communicates with the subarachnoid spaces through openings in its roof. 21.The thalamus forms the following wall of the third ventricle: a. Roof b. Floor c. Anterior wall d. Medial wall e. Lateral wall 22.As regard the 3rd ventricle, all are correct except: a. Its anterior wall is formed by stria terminalis b. It’s the cavity between 2 thalami c. Bounded posteriorly by posterior commissure d. Optic chiasma forming part of its floor 23.The following structures form the anterior wall of the third ventricle except: a. Stria terminalis b. Lamina terminalis c. Anterior commissure d. Column of fornix e. None of above 24.Which of the following parts form the anterior wall of lateral ventricle? a. Lamina terminalis b. Stria terminalis c. Stria medullaris d. Optic chiasma 25.The following structure share in the floor of 3rd ventricle EXCPET: a. Optic chiasma b. Infundibular recess c. Mammillary bodies d. Tapetum e. Tegmentum 26.As regard the 3rd ventricle, tegmentum of midbrain is considered as part of its: a. Floor b. Roof c. Anterior wall d. Lateral wall e. Posterior wall 27.The following structures form the floor of the 3rd ventricle EXCEPT: a. Anterior perforated substance b. Optic chiasma c. Mammillary bodies d. Infundibulum of pituitary gland 28.As regard the 3rd ventricle, the pineal body is considered as part of its: a. Floor b. Anterior wall c. Posterior wall d. Lateral wall
  • 39. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 39 29.The following are foramina present in the fourth ventricle except: a. Magendie b. Luschka c. Cerebral aqueduct d. Interventricular e. Central canal of spinal cord 30.Concerning the floor of fourth ventricle, all are true except a. The abducent nucleus lies deep to facial colliculus. b. The facial colliculus lies in its upper half next to midline. c. The hypoglossal triangle is lateral to the vagal triangle. d. It contains the superior fovea in its upper part e. The vestibular area is adjacent to the lateral triangle. 31.The following nuclei that lie in the floor of 4th ventricle except: a. Vestibulo cochlear b. Vagal c. Facial d. Glossopharyngeal e. Hypoglossal 32.Concerning the fourth ventricle, all are correct except: a. The cerebellum is behind its floor b. The median aperture connects it with the sub arachnoid space c. The abducent nucleus lies under the facial colliculus d. The gracile and cuneate tubercles lie in its floor 33.Concerning the fourth ventricle, the facial colliculus overlies: a. Oculomotor nucleus b. Abducent nucleus c. Cochlear nucleus d. Facial nucleus 1- A 2- F 3- D 4- D 5- C 6- C 7- B 8- D 9- A 10- A 11- B 12- E 13- C 14- E 15- D 16- B 17- B 18- C 19- B 20- E 21- E 22- A 23- A 24- A 25- D 26- A 27- A 28- C 29- D 30- C 31- D 32- D 33- B
  • 40. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 40 8- Basal Ganglia 1. The basal ganglia are formed of following except: a. Lentiform nucleus b. Amygdaloid nucleus c. Claustrum d. Internal capsule 2. The basal ganglia include all of the following except: a. Globus padillus b. Caudate nucleus c. Lentiform nucleus d. Sub thalamic nucleus e. None of above 3. Caudate nucleus formed of: a. Head, body, lateral wall, medial wall b. Head, lateral wall, medial wall, tail c. Head, body, tail. d. None of the above 4. The head of Caudate nucleus is related to: a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Floor of central part of lateral ventricle c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle d. Lentiform nucleus 5. The body of Caudate nucleus is related to: a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Floor of central part of lateral ventricle c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle d. Lentiform nucleus 6. The tail of Caudate nucleus is related to: a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Floor of central part of lateral ventricle c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle d. Lentiform nucleus 7. The antero-inferior part of Caudate nucleus is related to: a. Floor & lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle b. Floor of central part of lateral ventricle c. Roof of inferior horn of lateral ventricle d. Lentiform nucleus 8. Corpus striatum are: a. Caudate & Claustrum b. Caudate & Lentiform c. Caudate & Amygdaloid d. Caudate & corpus callosum 9. Corpus striatum is: a. Blank b. White c. Striated d. All of the above 10.The Lentiform nucleus is: a. Biconvex lens like b. Biconcave lens like c. Uni convex lens like d. Uni concave lens like 11.The Lentiform nucleus is divided by: a. Medial medullary lamina b. Medial pallidal segment c. Lateral medullary lamina d. Lateral pallidal segment
  • 41. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 41 12.The subdivision of The Lentiform nucleus are: a. Cortical medial & Basolateral b. Basolateral & Central c. Internal capsule & external capsule d. Putamen & Globus pallidas 13.The medial relation of The Lentiform nucleus: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Corona radiata d. Anterior commissure 14.The lateral relation of The Lentiform nucleus: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Corona radiata d. Anterior commissure 15.The inferior relation of The Lentiform nucleus: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Corona radiata d. Anterior commissure 16.The anterior relation of The Lentiform nucleus: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Corona radiata d. Anterior commissure 17.The superior relation of The Lentiform nucleus: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Corona radiata d. Anterior commissure 18.Claustrum is located between: a. Caudate & Lentiform b. Lentiform & amygdaloidal c. Lentiform & insula d. None of the above 19.Claustrum is separated from Lentiform by: a. Internal capsule b. External capsule c. Cerebral cortex d. Internal pallidal segment 20.Amygdaloid is located: a. Above tip of inferior horn of lateral ventricle b. Below tip of inferior horn of lateral ventricle c. Above tip of anterior horn of lateral ventricle d. Below tip of anterior horn of lateral ventricle 21.Axons of Amygdaloid nucleus is called a. stria terminalis b. medullary stria c. lateral medullary lamina d. none of above 22.Regarding caudate nucleus, all are true except a. It’s a large C shape mass of grey mater. b. It’s formed of head, body and tail. c. Its head is continuous with the Globus pallidus. d. Its head is related to floor of central horn of lateral ventricle. e. Its tail is continuous with the Amygdaloid body. 23.The structure separating the head of caudate from the lentiform is: a. Anterior commissure b. Rostrum of corpus callosum c. Anterior limb of internal capsule d. Posterior limb of internal capsule e. None of above
  • 42. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 42 24.The following is true regarding the caudate nucleus EXCEPT: a. Its tail lies in the floor of the inferior horn of lateral ventricle. b. The lower part of the head fuses with the lentiform nucleus. c. It’s a part of corpus striatum. d. Its head lies in the lateral wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle. 1- D 2- D 3- C 4- A 5- B 6- C 7- D 8- B 9- C 10- A 11- C 12- D 13- A 14- B 15- D 16- C 17- C 18- C 19- B 20- A 21- A 22- D 23- C 24- A 9- Cerebellum 1. The cerebellum is the posterior part of the midbrain a. True b. False 2. The cerebellum lies in the … Cranial fossa a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Inferior d. Superior 3. The pons and medulla are separated from the cerebellum anteriorly by the a. Lateral ventricle b. Third ventricle c. Fourth ventricle d. All of the above 4. … covers superiorly the cerebellum and separates it from cerebrum a. Falx cerebelli b. Falx cerebri c. Tentorium cerebelli d. None of the above 5. …is the most anterior part of the superior vermis a. Nodule b. Uvula c. Pyramid d. Lingula 6. The inferior medullary velum forms the bed of … in cerebellum a. Tube vermis b. Vermis c. Cerebellar tonsil d. Medullary vellum 7. superior medullary vellum is a thin sheet of white matter forming the tonsillar bed a. True b. False
  • 43. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 43 8. The cerebellum shows a wide U shape anterior notch that lodges the falx cerebelli a. True b. False 9. …separates the anterior lope from the posterior lobe of cerebellum a. Fissure prima b. Horizontal fissure c. Post pyramidal fissure d. Retro tonsillar fissure 10.Which structure passes through foramen magnum? a. Lingula b. Nodule c. Tuber d. Cerebellar tonsil 11.T/F: the inferior medullary velum is a thin sheet of grey mater forming the tonsillar bed. a. True b. False 12.The superior surface of cerebellum shows ... lobe/s. a. One b. Two c. Three d. More than 3 13.The spinal cerebellum is the ... lobe. a. Anterior b. Middle c. Posterior d. Flocculonodular. e. B & C 14.The vestibular nuclei lie in ... lobe. a. Anterior b. Middle c. Posterior d. Flocculonodular. e. B & C 15.The cerebral cerebellum represents the ... of the superior cerebellar surface. a. Anterior 1/3 b. Anterior 2/3 c. Posterior 1/3 d. Posterior 2/3 16.Voluntary muscle movement coordination is done by: a. Anterior b. Middle c. Posterior d. Flocculonodular. e. B & C 17.T/F: PICA supplies the cerebellum including its tonsil a. True b. False 18.The largest cerebellar peduncle is: a. Superior b. Inferior c. Middle d. All are same size. 19.The Cerebellar peduncle containing mainly afferent fibers is ... a. Superior b. Inferior c. Middle d. All are same 20.Dentate rubral tract is afferent of ... peduncle. a. Superior b. Inferior c. Middle d. Not related to cerebellum 21.Cerebello reticular tract is efferent of ... peduncle. a. Superior b. Inferior c. Middle d. All are same size
  • 44. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 44 22.Concerning cerebellum, all are true EXCEPT: a. It’s connected with medulla b. It contains inferior olivary nucleus c. Its tonsillar bed is formed by inferior medullary velum d. Its anterior lobe receives spinocerebellar fibers e. Its middle lobe receives the cortico -ponto -cerebellar fibers 23.The fissure between anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum is: a. Horizontal fissure b. Pre pyramidal fissure c. Post pyramidal fissure d. Retro tonsillar fissure e. Fissure prima 24.The posterior notch of the cerebellum is occupied by a. Falx cerebri b. Falx cerebelli c. Tentorium cerebelli d. Pons and medulla 25.The following are nuclei of cerebellum EXCEPT: a. Dentate b. Emboliform c. Solitary d. Globose e. Fastigial 26.Concerning the superior cerebellar peduncle, all are true EXCEPT: a. Contain fibers which decussate in the midbrain b. Contain the dorsal spinocerebellar tract c. Contain fibers to thalamus d. Shares in lateral boundary of 4th ventricle e. Contain fibers to red nucleus 27.Which of following tracts pass through the middle cerebral peduncle? a. Cerebro- ponto- cerebellar. b. Cuneo- cerebellar c. Dorsal spinocerebellar d. Ventral spinocerebellar 28.Concerning the cortico ponto cerebellar tract, all are true except: a. Its first neuron arises from the association area of different cortical lobes. b. The second neuron are present in pons c. The tract crosses the midline to reach the middle cerebellar peduncle d. Its function is to put the cerebellum under control of cortex e. It controls the muscle tone 29.The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains the following tract except: a. Ventral spinocerebellar b. Dorsal spinocerebellar c. Olivo cerebellar tract d. Vestibulo cerebellar tract e. Cerebello vestibular tract 30.The most anterior part of the superior vermis is a. Nodule b. Lingula c. Pyramid d. Uvula 31.The following are parts of inferior vermis except: a. Uvula b. Pyramid c. Lingula d. Nodule
  • 45. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 45 32.The cerebellar lobe which is concerned with equilibrium is: a. Superior vermis b. Flocculonodular c. Anterior lobe d. Posterior lobe 33.For Flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum, all are true except: a. It includes both floccule and their peduncles. b. It includes the nodule c. Has a vestibular connection d. Has a spinal connection e. None of above 34.One of the following arteries share in supplying the cerebellum and no a branch of basilar artery: a. Pontine branches b. Superior cerebellar artery c. Medullary branches d. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery e. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery 35.As regard the anterior lobe of cerebellum, all are true except: a. It’s responsible for controlling the muscle tone b. It’s present anterior to fissure prima on the superior surface of cerebellum c. It’s supplied by the superior cerebellar artery d. Its connected with the cerebral cortex e. None of above 36.As regard the cerebellum, all are true except: a. The anterior lobe is smaller than the posterior lobe b. Horizontal fissure lies on the posterior lobe c. The lingual bed is formed by the superior medullary velum d. The tonsillar bed is formed by anterior medullary velum e. None of above
  • 46. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 46 1- B 2- B 3- C 4- C 5- D 6- C 7- B 8- B 9- A 10- D 11- B 12- B 13- A 14- D 15- D 16- E 17- B 18- C 19- B 20- A 21- B 22- B 23- E 24- B 25- C 26- B 27- A 28- E 29- A 30- B 31- C 32- B 33- D 34- E 35- D 36- D
  • 47. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 47 Chapter “3” Anatomy of Special Sense
  • 48. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 48 1- Extra orbital structures 1. The muscles or nerves that are responsible for adducting the eyeball include all of following except a. Superior rectus b. Medial rectus muscle c. Inferior oblique d. Oculomotor nerve e. Inferior rectus muscle 2. The following muscle are inserted into the eyeball except: a. Inferior oblique b. Superior oblique c. Levator palpebrae d. Medial rectus e. Lateral rectus 3. The oculomotor nerve supply all of following muscles except a. Superior rectus b. Inferior rectus c. Lateral rectus d. Medial rectus e. None of above 4. Concerning the oculomotor nerve, all are true except a. Runs in relation to cavernous sinus. b. Enter the orbit through the superior orbital fissure. c. Its superior branch supplies the superior oblique muscle. d. Its inferior branch supplies the inferior oblique muscle. e. Contains parasympathetic fibers 5. The ophthalmic artery gives the following branches except: a. Anterior ethmoidal b. Posterior ethmoidal c. Central retinal d. Supratrochlear e. Intra-orbital 6. The dilator pupillae is supplied by: a. Sympathetic through short ciliary nerve. b. Sympathetic through long ciliary nerve. c. Parasympathetic through short ciliary nerve. d. Parasympathetic through long ciliary nerve. 7. The sphincter pupillae muscle is supplied by para- sympathetic NS through fibers along: a. CN II b. CN III c. CN IV d. CN VI 8. The short ciliary nerve supplies all of following except: a. Dilator pupillae b. Ciliary muscle c. Sphincter pupillae d. None of above. 9. When the eye is abducted, which muscle cause elevation? a. The recti muscles b. The oblique muscles c. The ciliary muscle d. All of above
  • 49. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 49 10.Superior rectus cause elevation of eye in which of the following conditions? a. Neutral eye b. Abducted eye c. Adducted eye d. A & B e. All of above 11.The following muscle cause depression of eye when the eye is neutral or adducted: a. Inferior oblique b. Superior oblique c. Medial rectus d. Lateral rectus 12.The smallest branch of ophthalmic nerve is: a. Lacrimal b. Naso ciliary c. Frontal d. Optic 13.the smallest nerve is a. CN III b. CN X c. CN V d. CN IV 14.The highest structure in orbit is: a. Lacrimal b. Naso ciliary c. Frontal d. Optic 15.T/F: In the optic canal, the optic nerve passes above the ophthalmic nerve. a. True b. False 16.T/F: Branch of the ciliary ganglion supplies the dilator pupillae muscle. a. True b. False 17.All of following pass through the superior orbital fissure except a. Superior & inferior ophthalmic vein. b. Naso ciliary nerve. c. CN VI d. None of above e. All of above. 18.All of the following are related to the roof of the orbit except: a. Trochlea b. Optic nerve c. Infra orbital vessels d. Lacrimal gland 19.All of the following forms the medial wall of the orbit except: a. Lacrimal bone b. Ethmoid bone c. Body of sphenoid d. Greater wing of sphenoid 20.Which of the following bones forms a part of two boundaries of the orbit? a. Zygomatic b. Maxilla c. Lacrimal bone d. Ethmoid 21.Most lateral structure passing inside the superior orbital fissure: a. Lacrimal nerve b. Frontal nerve c. Trochlear nerve d. Abducent nerve 22.All of the following openings are found in the lateral wall of the orbit except: a. Superior orbital fissure b. Ethmoid fissure c. Zygomatico temporal canal d. Zygomatico facial canal
  • 50. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 50 23.All of the following can be found in the orbit except: a. Vessels b. Muscles c. Nerves d. Lymph nodes 24.All of the following are intrinsic muscles in the eye ball except: a. Sphincter papillae b. Dilator papillae c. Lateral rectus d. Ciliary body 25.One of the following has different nerve supply from the others: a. Superior rectus b. Lateral rectus c. Medial rectus d. Inferior rectus 26.If both superior and inferior rectus contract together: a. No motion occurs b. Deviation to lateral side c. Deviation to medial side d. Protrusion of eye ball 27.Optic nerve is the cranial nerve number: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 28.Optic nerve is connected to the other side by: a. Optic chiasma b. Anterior perforating process c. Mammillary body d. Optic tract 29.Zygomatic nerve is a branch of: a. Ophthalmic nerve b. Maxillary nerve c. Mandibular nerve d. None of the above 30.Supratrochlear nerve is a branch from: a. Optic nerve b. Frontal nerve c. Lacrimal nerve d. Naso ciliary nerve 31.Length of optic nerve is: a. 1 cm b. 2 cm c. 3 cm d. 4 cm 32.Terminal branch of the ophthalmic artery is a. Dorsal nasal b. Supero trochlear c. Both d. None 33.The sinus to which orbit is drained to is: a. Cavernous sinuses b. Superior sagittal sinuses c. Inferior sagittal sinuses d. Transverse sinuses 34.Lateral palpebral artery is branched from: a. Ophthalmic artery b. Lacrimal artery c. Central artery of the retina d. Dorsal nasal artery 35.Apex of the orbit is directed: a. Posteriorly b. Anteriorly c. Laterally d. Medially
  • 51. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 51 1- C 2- C 3- C 4- C 5- E 6- B 7- B 8- A 9- A 10- D 11- B 12- A 13- D 14- C 15- B 16- B 17- D 18- C 19- D 20- A 21- A 22- B 23- D 24- C 25- B 26- C 27- B 28- A 29- B 30- B 31- D 32- C 33- A 34- A 35- A 2- Ear 1. Labyrinth is the middle part of ear: a. true b. false 2. Ear pinna is formed of: a. elastic cartilage b. hyaline cartilage c. white fibro cartilage d. bone 3. Collection of sound waves is the function of: a. auditory meatus b. auricle c. middle ear d. external ear e. B & C f. A & B 4. External ear is supplied by: a. fascial nerve b. glossopharyngeal nerve c. vagus nerve d. chorda tympani 5. The lateral 2/3 of the external auditory meatus is bone: a. true b. false 6. External auditory meatus is: a. v-shaped curved b. s-shaped curved c. c-shaped curved d. straight 7. Isthmus is the: a. cartilaginous part of auditory meatus b. auricle c. bony constriction in the external auditory meatus d. the whole external auditory meatus
  • 52. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 52 8. Cartilaginous part of the auditory meatus is rich in: a. seruminous glands b. sebaceous glands c. goblets cells d. none of the above 9. All of the following is true about tympanic membrane except: a. separates the external ear from the middle ear b. formed of pars flaccid and pars tense c. formed of 3 layers d. all the above are true 10.Cone of light represent the: a. Postero superior part of tympanic membrane b. Postero inferior part of tympanic membrane c. Antero inferior part of tympanic membrane d. Antero superior part of tympanic membrane 11.The outer layer of the tympanic membrane is formed of … but the middle is formed of … & the inner layer is formed of … a. skin, fibrous, mucous b. fibrous, skin, mucous c. mucous, fibrous, skin d. skin, mucous, fibrous 12.T/F: The 3 layers of tympanic membrane has the same nerve supply a. true b. false 13.T/F: Middle ear has six walls: a. true b. false 14.Facial canal is present in: a. posterior wall b. anterior wall c. medial wall d. lateral wall e. A&B f. A&C 15.Stapedius muscle is related to a. mastoid wall b. carotid wall c. medial wall d. tegmental wall e. none of above 16.Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies: a. inner ear and oropharynx b. inner ear and nasopharynx c. middle ear and oropharynx d. middle ear and nasopharynx 17.Tensor tympani is supplied by: a. facial b. maxillary c. mandibular d. trigeminal 18.Hyperacusis resulted from a. paralysis in stapedius muscle b. lesion in the fascial nerve c. transmission of sound vibration without dimenusion of stapedius muscle d. all of the above except (C) e. all of the above 19.T/F: Cochlea is formed of 2 turns a. true b. false 20.Receptors of hearing is present in: a. utricle b. semicircular canal c. cochlear duct d. saccule
  • 53. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 53 21.The nerve supplies the skin of the auricle near the external acoustic meatus a. Vagus nerve b. Hypoglossal nerve c. Vestibulocochlear nerve d. Glossopharyngeal-nerve 22.T/F: In the bony part (lateral 1/3) of The external acoustic meatus There is a constriction called isthmus a. True b. False 23.T/F: The subcutaneous tissues of the cartilaginous part of The external acoustic meatus are rich in seruminous glands which secrete serumin a. True b. False 24.Which of the following statements about the tympanic membrane is incorrect? a. When examined by auto scope or direct light the antero inferior part of the membrane appears bright b. Its Middle is containing chorda tympani nerve c. Its inner layer is Formed of fibrous tissue d. The outer surface of its inner layer is innervated by branch of vagus nerve e. None of above 25.All of the following about the relations of the middle ear are correct except: a. The Medial wall is related to the facial canal b. The anterior wall is related to aditus to mastoid antrum c. The Floor is related to the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve d. The mastoid wall is Related to facial canal 26.A branch of the vagus nerve supplies: a. the skin of the auricle near the external acoustic meatus. b. the outer surface of the tympanic membrane c. the inner surface of the tympanic membrane d. the middle ear e. A & B f. B & C g. All of above 27.T/F: Hyperacusis can occur in cases of facial paralysis due to paralysis of the tensor tympani muscle a. true b. false 28.Which of the following statements about the membranous labyrinth is incorrect? a. It is in the form of membranous sac inside the bony labyrinth b. Outside the sac lies the perilymph between the sac and the bony labyrinth c. It is composed of: Utricle, Saccule, semicircular duct and tympanic membrane d. Formed of a sac is filled with a viscous fluid with low Na content
  • 54. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 54 1- B 2- A 3- E 4- C 5- B 6- B 7- C 8- A 9- D 10- C 11- A 12- B 13- A 14- F 15- A 16- C 17- C 18- E 19- B 20- C 21- A 22- B 23- A 24- C 25- B 26- E 27- B 28- C
  • 55. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 55 Chapter “4” Embryology of Head & Neck & CNS
  • 56. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 56 1- Branchial Arches 1. Branchial arches are: a.6 b.7 c.5 d.4 2. Branchial arch develop from: a. above downward around larynx b. above downward around pharynx c. below upward around larynx d. below upward around pharynx 3. TF: The first arch is called maxillary arch: a. true b. false 4. Ectoderm is separated by: a. pouch b. arch c. cleft d. no true answer 5. T/F: Second arch is divided to mandibular and maxillary: a. true b. false 6. Mandibular arch may be supplied by: a. Mandibular nerve b. chorda tympanic branch of fascial nerve c. both of them d. none of them 7. Which of the following is correct? a. second arch contain Meckel’s cartilage b. second arch is supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve c. second arch is called mandibular d. None is true 8. Choose the matching sentence a. first arch contain Meckel’s cartilage b. second arch supplied by external laryngeal nerve c. third arch give sternomastiod muscle d. fourth arch give thyroid cartilage 9. TF: All ossicles originate from Mandibular arch a. true b. false 10.Muscles of mastication is supplied by: a. Mandibular nerve b. Maxillary nerve c. External Laryngeal nerve d. Glossopharyngeal nerve 11.T/F: Third arch give the lower part of epiglottis and the fourth arch give upper part of epiglottis: a. true b. false 12.Embryonic origin of hyoid bone: a. second arch only b. third arch only c. both of them d. none of them 13.T/F: Embryonic origin of thyroid is 6th arch only: a. true b. false 14.T/F: The 6th arch give all muscles of larynx a. true b. false 15.T/F: Arytenoid originate from the 6th arch only a. true b. false
  • 57. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 57 16.First cleft will form: a. Diverticulum b. Operculum c. both of them d. None of them 17.Diverticulum will form: a. Middle ear cavity b. Auditory tube c. both of them d. None of them 18.Palatine tonsil originate from a. first pouch b. second pouch c. first cleft d. second cleft 19.T/F: The third arch form the inferior parathyroid but the fourth arch form superior parathyroid: a. true b. false 20.The third pouch divide into: a. superior, inferior wings b. anterior, posterior wings c. ventral, dorsal wings d. doesn't divide at all 21.If there is failure in obliteration of the cervical sinus a. Internal cervical sinus b. branchial cyst c. branchial fistula d. external cervical sinus 22.In … there is continuation between pharynx and outside: a. branchial fistula b. branchial cyst c. internal cervical sinus d. external cervical sinus 1- A 2- B 3- B 4- C 5- B 6- C 7- D 8- A 9- B 10- A 11- B 12- C 13- B 14- B 15- A 16- A 17- A 18- B 19- B 20- C 21- D 22- A
  • 58. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 58 2- Face Embryology 1. Face originate from: a. Ectoderm b. Endoderm c. Mesoderm 2. Face originate from 3 different process: a. true b. false 3. T/F: Frontonasal process formed by: a. Ectoderm b. Mesoderm c. Endoderm 4. Frontonasal process is divided by: a. medial nasal process b. Lateral nasal process c. Nasal pit d. Tuberculum impair 5. Embryonic origin of eye cavity a. Maxillary + frontonasal b. Mandibular + frontonasal c. only maxillary d. only mandibular 6. Buried part of medial nasal process will form: a. primitive palate b. definitive palate c. nose cavity d. ala of nose 7. Which of the these is matching? a. Medial nasal process form ala of nose b. lateral nasal process form tip of nose c. medial nasal process form filtrium d. nasal pits form tip of nose 8. Nasolacrimal groove is formed by: a. medial nasal + maxillary b. lateral nasal + maxillary c. medial nasal + mandibular d. lateral nasal + mandibular 9. T/F: Nasolacrimal duct extends from angle of eye to nose a. true b. false 10.Face is supplied by: a. Ophthalmic nerve b. Mandibular nerve c. Maxillary nerve d. All of them 11.All of the following is multi origin except: a. cheek b. eye lid c. upper jaw d. upper lip 12.The most common abnormality of the face: a. cleft upper lip b. cleft lower lip c. macro stomia d. micro stomia 13.T/F: Cleft upper lip is more common in females than males. a. true b. false 14.Nasolacrimal duct is exposed to surface in: a. cleft upper lip b. macro stomia c. micro stomia d. oblique fascial cleft
  • 59. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 59 1- A 2- A 3- B 4- C 5- A 6- A 7- C 8- B 9- A 10- D 11- C 12- A 13- B 14- D 3- Palate Embryology 1. The primitive palate is formed by: a. maxillary process + frontonasal b. inter maxillary process + frontonasal c. mandibular process + frontonasal d. inter mandibular process + frontonasal 2. T/F: The definitive palate is formed by the buried part of medial nasal process: a. true b. false 3. The processes that arise from the maxillary process is called: a. palatine process b. lingual process c. tubal process d. none of the above 4. T/F: The 2 process that form the palate grow laterally to meet and fuse until they meet the tongue and change the direction of growth: a. true b. false 5. When the two palatine process meet each other the … will be formed a. primitive palate b. definitive palate c. the whole palate d. no true answer
  • 60. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 60 6. The nasal septum joins the newly formed palate in: a. tuberculum impairs b. copula of Hiss c. incisive fossa d. primitive palate e. none of above 7. The soft palate is formed by ossifying: a. anterior three fifth b. posterior three fifth c. anterior two fifth d. posterior two fifth 8. The anomaly which is associated with cleft upper lip is: a. bifid palate b. cleft soft palate c. cleft soft and hard palate d. perforated palate 9. Failure of fusion of two palatine process at the mid line is: a. cleft soft palate b. perforated palate c. cleft hard palate d. all of the above 1-B 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-D 8-C 9-B 4. Tongue Embryology 1. Muscles of the tongue are derived from: a. occipital myotome b. parietal myotome c. frontal myotome d. temporal myotome 2. Muscles of tongue are supplied by: a. glossopharyngeal nerve b. fascial nerve c. hypoglossal nerve d. vagus nerve 3. Tongue is developed from: a. ectoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch b. mesoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch c. endoderm of 1st, 2nd, 4th arch d. endoderm of 1st, 2nd, 3rd arch 4. Medial swelling arises from: a. first arch b. second arch c. third arch d. all of the above 5. Tuberculum impair: a. medial swelling from first arch b. medial swelling from second arch c. lateral swelling from first arch d. lateral swelling from second arch 6. The anterior two third of the tongue is formed by: a. Lateral 2 swellings and copula of Hiss b. 2 medial swellings and 1 lateral swelling c. 2 lateral swellings and tuberculum impair d. 2 lateral swellings only
  • 61. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 61 7. T/F: The 2 lateral swellings burry copula of Hiss a. true b. false 8. The mucosa of tongue is supplied by: a. mandibular nerve b. glossopharyngeal c. Internal laryngeal nerves of vagus d. all of them 9. Frenulum linguae: a. between tongue and floor of mouth b. between anterior two third and posterior one third of the tongue c. between lateral 2 swellings d. between copula of Hiss and tuberculin impair 10.T/F: The fourth arch burry the third arch a. true b. false 11.Choose the matching phrase: a. bifid tongue: incomplete fusion of medial lingual swellings b. tri fid tongue: abnormal elongation of copula of Hiss c. ankloglossia: attachment of frenulum ligulae to the tip of the tongue d. macro glossia: small tongue 12.Hemi glossia occur due to failure of: a. fusion of lateral swellings b. fusion of medial swelling c. development of lateral swelling d. development of medial swelling 13.One of them is responsible for taste sensation: a. hypoglossal nerve b. glossopharyngeal nerve c. internal laryngeal nerve d. chorda tympani nerve 1- A 2- C 3- D 4- D 5- A 6- C 7- B 8- D 9- A 10- B 11- C 12- C 13- D
  • 62. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 62 5- Development of CNS 1. The Origin of CNS: a. Ectoderm b. Endoderm c. Mesoderm 2. Neural plate appears a. 4th week cranial to primitive node b. 4th week caudal to primitive node c. 3rd week cranial to primitive node d. 3rd week caudal to primitive node 3. The neural tube is formed by fusion of 2 neural folds at the 4th month a. True b. False 4. The neural tube begins in: a. cervical region b. thoracic region c. lumbar region d. all of above 5. Diencephalon is formed in a. 3rd week b. 4th week c. 5th week d. 6th week 6. Optic vesicles are contents of a. diencephalon b. mesencephalon c. telencephalon d. rhomb encephalon 7. Hind brain is divided into: a. myelencephalon, metencephalon b. diencephalon, telencephalon c. myelencephalon, telencephalon d. diencephalon, metencephalon 8. Myelencephalon give … but metencephalon give … a. pons, medulla b. medulla, pons c. midbrain, medulla d. midbrain, pons 9. Pontine flexure appears between medulla and pons a. True b. False 10.Cephalic flexure appears in: a. pons b. medulla c. midbrain d. all of the above 11.Ventricles are formed from a. neural plate b. flexures c. neural crest d. neural canal 12.Neural crest cells originate from: a. Ectoderm b. neural plate c. Endoderm d. A & B e. A & C 13.All of the following are derivatives from neural crest cells except: a. arachnoid b. dura matter c. pia matter d. odontoblast 14.Spinal cord originates from: a. caudal part of neural tube b. caudal part of neural plate c. cranial part of neural tube d. cranial part of neural plate
  • 63. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 63 15.Mantle layer is: a. The future white matter b. The future grey matter c. Both of them d. None of them 16.Myelination of the marginal layer give: a. white matter b. grey matter c. both of them d. none of them 17.Choose the correct: a. dorsal thickness: motor area: alar plate b. dorsal thickness: sensory area: basal plate c. ventral thickness: motor area: alar plate d. ventral thickness: motor area: basal plate 18.The 2 plates are separated from each other by sulcus limitans a. True b. False 19.The neural tissue is normal in: a. Meningocele b. Meningomyocele c. Syringomyelocele d. Spina pifida occulta 20.Abnormalities occur in lumbosacral region only a. true b. False 21.Dilatation of neural canal occur in: a. Spina pifida occulta b. Meningocele c. Meningomyocele d. Syringomyelocele 22.During development of medulla, the roof plate is covered with: a. Arachnoid b. pia matter c. dura matter d. all of the above 23.Tela choroida is: a. single layer of ependymal + dura b. bilayer of ependymal + dura c. single layer of ependymal + pia d. bilayer of ependymal + dura 24.After extension of the roof plate the alar plate become … to basal plate a. lateral b. medial c. above d. below 25.GSE is motor to skeletal muscles a. True b. False 26.GVE is lateral to SVE a. True b. False
  • 64. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 64 1- A 2- C 3- B 4- A 5- C 6- A 7- A 8- B 9- A 10- C 11- D 12- D 13- B 14- A 15- B 16- A 17- D 18- A 19- D 20- A 21- D 22- B 23- C 24- A 25- A 26- A
  • 65. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 65 Chapter “5” Histology of CNS
  • 66. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 66 1- Synapse & Ganglia 1. The peripheral nervous system includes a. Nerve endings b. Ganglia c. 12 pairs of cranial nerves d. All of the previous e. A and b 2. Synapses are which are commonly found in the nervous system are a. Axodendritic and axosomatic b. Axoaxonic and dendrodendritic c. Axodendritic and dendrodendritic d. Axosomatic and Axoaxonic 3. Which of the following is incorrect about electrical synapses? a. It is a gap junction b. providing for cells electrical coupling c. Transmission of impulse is Direct and unidirectional d. Less commonly present in the nervous system than chemical synapses 4. When the neurotransmitter hyperpolarizes the postsynaptic membrane the synapse is inhibitory a. True b. False 5. Bulbous expansion found at the termination of the axon a. Terminal bouton b. Presynaptic membrane c. Synaptic cleft d. Postsynaptic membrane 6. A gap of 20 nm between the pre and post synaptic membranes a. Terminal bouton b. Presynaptic membrane c. Synaptic cleft d. Post synaptic membrane 7. An electron dense membrane of the target neuron at the site of synapse. a. Synaptic cleft b. Postsynaptic membrane c. Presynaptic membrane 8. Ganglion cells of Craniospinal ganglia are a. Unipolar b. Pseudo unipolar c. Dipolar d. Multipolar 9. Septa in the Craniospinal ganglia are ... to the capsule a. Parallel b. Perpendicular c. Scattered d. None of the above 10.Nerve fibers in Craniospinal ganglia are: a. Unipolar b. Myelinated c. Non myelinated d. Dipolar 11.All of the following are present in the Craniospinal ganglia except a. Synapse b. Nerve fibers c. Ganglion cells d. Capsule 12.All of the following are present in the autonomic ganglia except: a. Synapse b. Nerve fibers c. Ganglion cells d. Thick Capsule surrounding it all 13.Which of them has motor function? a. Autonomic ganglia b. Craniospinal ganglia
  • 67. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 67 14.Where does synapse lie? a. Bet ganglion and postganglionic fibers b. Bet preganglionic fibers and ganglion c. Bet ganglion cells d. In Craniospinal ganglia 15.Craniospinal ganglia exists in: a. All cranial nerves b. Spinal nerves as dorsal ganglia c. Spinal nerves as ventral ganglia d. All of the above 16.The autonomic ganglia have incomplete layer of satellite cells A. True B. False 17.The cranio-spinal are thin and mostly unmyelinated a. True b. False 1 – D 2 – A 3 – C 4 – A 5 – A 6 – C 7 – B 8 – B 9 – A 10 – B 11 – A 12 – D 13 – A 14 – B 15 – B 16 – A 17 – B 2- Nerve Endings & Receptors: 1. Motor nerve endings transmit impulse to: a. skeletal muscle b. gland c. neuron d. all of the above e. all of the above except (c) 2. Which is the receptor a. motor nerve ending b. sensory nerve ending 3. The following is naked nerve fibers: a. free nerve endings b. Meissner’s corpuscles c. Pacinian corpuscle d. all of the above 4. Naked nerve fibers a. unmyelinated without neurilemma b. unmyelinated with neurilemma c. myelinated without neurilemma d. myelinated with neurilemma 5. The free nerve endings include: a. Thermoceptor b. peritrichail free nerve ending c. nociceptor d. all of the above 6. The pain receptors are found in: a. granular layer of epidermis b. granular layer of dermis c. deep layer of dermis d. deep layer of epidermis 7. Pain receptor is found in all of the following except: a. granular layer of epidermis b. corneal and buccal mucosa c. around hair follicle d. tympanic membrane
  • 68. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 68 8.Thermoceptor…. basal lamina, but the nociceptor …basal lamina a. penetrates, parallel b. parallel, penetrate c. both are parallel d. both penetrate 9. The mechano receptors are: a. plexus of Bounet b. Merkel's disc c. Meissner’s corpuscle d. all of the above 10. Which of these encapsulated receptors is specialized for fine touch: a. Pacinian’s corpuscle b. Ruffini's corpuscle c. Meissner’s corpuscle d. Markel’s disc 11. TF: Meissner’s corpuscle lying with its long axis perpendicular to the skin: a. true b. false 12. The sensory nerve enters the Meissner’s corpuscle from: a. lower part b. side c. central core d. any site of the corpuscle 13. T/F: Extrafusal muscle fibers receive motor nerve supply by gamma nerve. a. True b. False 14. The layers of Schwan cell in Pacinian is separated from each other by: a. collagen fibers b. fibroblast c. tissue fluid d. A&C 15. Which of the nerve ending penetrate the basal lamina: a. nociceptor b. Markel’s c. both of them d. None of them 16. Which type of nerve endings is found near musculotendinous junction: a. Muscle spindle b. Tendon spindle c. Ruffini’s corpuscle d. A&B 17. The interior spindle cavity contains: a. Intrafusal muscle fibers b. Gelatinous substance c. Both of them d. None of the them 18. TF: The nerve enters the Pacinian from the central core and Ruffini’s from the lower part: a. True b. False 19. The sensory nerve fiber is: a. Afferent b. Efferent 20. Maintaining the sensitivity of muscle spindle is the function of: a. Motor nerve b. Flower spray ending c. Annulospiral ending d. all of the above 21. The flower spray is absent from: a. Nuclear chain b. Tendon spindle c. Nuclear bag d. All of the above
  • 69. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 69 22.Effernet nerve fibers of muscle spindles come out from: a. Lateral horn cell b. Anterior horn cell c. Both of them d. None of them 23.Muscle spindles contain… and tendon spindles contain…. a. Intrafusal muscle fibers, wavy collagen fibers b. wavy collagen fibers, Intrafusal muscle fibers c. Both contain wavy collagen fibers. d. Both contain Intrafusal muscle fibers 24. Muscle spindles differ from tendon spindle in: a. Muscle spindle contain Intrafusal muscle fibers b. Muscle spindle has both efferent and afferent nerve fibers c. Muscle spindle is monitor for change in length but tendon spindles is monitor for force of contraction d. All is true Answers: 1- E 2- B 3- D 4- A 5- D 6- A 7- C 8- B 9- D 10- C 11- A 12- A 13- B 14- D 15- C 16- D 17- C 18- B 19- A 20- A 21- C 22- B 23- A 24- D
  • 70. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 70 3- Cerebrum & BBB 1. The deep grooves that can be seen in cerebrum are called: a. Sulci b. Gyri 2. The two cerebral hemispheres are connected together by thick band of grey matter called corpus callosum. a. True b. False 3. All of the following statements are correctly describing the pyramidal cells except: a. The apex is directed to the cortical surface. a thick branching dendrite arises from the base of the cell and passes into the underlying white matter. b. form Bitz Cells. c. they are well developed in motor centers. 4. Which of the following is in incorrect about Betz cells a. It's The largest cells of the cortex b. It's One of the huge upper motor neurons c. It's of stellate type d. It's found in the motor cortex 5. The stellate cells transmit motor and sensory impulses from and to the cerebrum a. True b. False 6. The following are examples of stellate cells except: a. Horizontal cells of Cajal b. Fusiform cells c. Cells of Martinotti d. Astrocytes 7. the molecular layer is formed mainly of: a. small stellate cells b. neuroglia c. Axons and Dendrites d. small horizontal neurons 8. the inner granular layer is formed mainly of: a. small stellate nerve cell bodies b. neuroglia c. Axons and Dendrites d. small horizontal neurons 9. All of the following statements are right about Martinotti cells except: a. They are present in the polymorphic layer b. They are small and unipolar c. Their axons proceed towards the surface giving collaterals on their way. 10. Martinotti Cells are present mainly in ... layer. a. Molecular. b. Internal Granular. c. Internal Pyramidal. d. Multiform. 11. Capillaries of BBB are: a. Fenestrated. b. Non fenestrated. 12.Neuropils ae formed of: a. Processes of Neurons. b. Processes of Astrocytes. c. Tissue fluid in-between. d. All of Above. 13. All of the following are histological layers of the cerebral cortex Except: a. Pyramidal b. Molecular c. Granular d. Purkinje
  • 71. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 71 14.The horizontal cells of the Cajal are present in: a. Molecular layer b. Pyramidal layer c. Granular layer d. Multiform layer 15. The Martinotti cells are prominent in: a. Molecular layer b. Pyramidal layer c. Granular layer d. Multiform layer 16. The well-developed area in the motor area of cerebral cortex is: a. Pyramidal b. Polymorphic c. Granular d. Molecular 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. A 4- Spinal Cord 1. The white matter present in … of spinal cord but … in the brain a. central, peripheral b. peripheral, central c. central in both d. peripheral in both 2. Posteromedian septum and antero median septum present in the … but the central canal present in … a. grey and white, grey b. grey and white, white c. grey, white d. white, grey 3. T/F: Ventral horn is the motor nuclei and the posterior horn is sensory nuclei a. true b. false 4. The anterior horn is broad in all of the following except: a. cervical b. lumber c. thoracic d. sacral 5. Which of the following nuclei is absent in thoracic segments? a. medial group of ant. horn b. central group of ant. horn c. lateral group of ant. horn d. all of the above e. B & C f. A & B 6. T/F: The dorsal horn contains afferent neurons a. true b. false
  • 72. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 72 7. The large multipolar is … neurons, but small multipolar is … a. afferent, efferent b. efferent, afferent c. both efferent d. both afferent 8. The main sensory nucleus is: a. Substania gelatinosa of Rolandi b. nucleus proprius c. nucleus thoracicus d. none of the above 9. T/F: All of the nucleus of the dorsal horn cell present in all segments of spinal cord a. true b. false 10.Substania gelatinosa of Rolandi continue as: a. lateral spinothalamic b. dorsal spinocerebellar c. ventral spinocerebellar d. ventral spinothalamic 11.Clark's column is responsible for: a. pain sensation b. crude touch and vibration c. proprioceptive sensation d. fine touch 12.Lateral horn is parasympathetic nuclei a. true b. false 13.In … the autonomic neurons give parasympathetic without forming lateral horn a. S1 – S4 b. S2-S4 c. S3 - C4 d. S1-S3 14.T/F: Commissural neurons and intersegmental neurons are types of associative nuclei a. true b. false 15.The nerves in the white matter are: a. myelinated b. unmyelinated c. naked 16.T/F: The nucleus is formed by cell bodies but the nerve fibers are formed by fibers a. true b. false 17.The postero intermediate sulcus present in the following: a. lumber level b. sacral level c. cervical level d. all of the above 18.The white matter is equal to the grey matter in: a. Lumbar level b. sacral level c. thoracic level d. cervical level
  • 73. ASM New Booklet – Neuroscience P a g e | 73 1- b 2- a 3- a 4- c 5- e 6- a 7- b 8- b 9- b 10- d 11- c 12- b 13- b 14- a 15- a 16- a 17- c 18- a 5- Brain Stem 1. Medulla is connected to the cerebellum through: a. superior cerebellar peduncle b. middle cerebellar peduncle c. inferior cerebellar peduncle d. central canal 2. the central canal end is continuous with: a. lateral ventricle b. second ventricle c. third ventricle d. fourth ventricle 3. TF: The lower part of the medulla is called closed medulla but the middle part of the medulla is called open medulla a. true b. false 4. The lower medulla is called: a. closed medulla b. motor decussating c. both of them d. none of them 5. The central canal is present in … of lower medulla and … in the middle medulla a. central, posterior b. posterior, central c. both central d. both posterior 6. All of these tracts present in the lower medulla except: a. sulco marginal tract b. corticobulbar tract c. gracile and cuneate tract d. corticospinal tract 7. Gracile and cuneate nucleus is small in: a. upper medulla b. lower medulla c. middle medulla d. none of above