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Tapasya college of commerce and management is committed to achieving excellence in education
with values and commitment. This institution imparts the students with necessary knowledge and
skills to become truly successful in their field of choice.
This college has a well - developed R&D department with all the necessary facilities. One of the
well -known colleges in the city, Tapasya college has a highly experienced faculty with most of
them being phD holders. It has various student clubs facilities for the overall development of
Tapasya college promotes and encourage a style of teaching that prioritizes student autonomy, voice
and empowerment. Tapasya college management belives that a teacher's role is to facilitate self -
directed learning more than instruct.
Among the finest colleges in the city, Tapasya college in Telangana is known for offering excellent
The Institute is a co-educational grant college recognized to the osmania university. They create very
diversified curriculum that requires efficient learning methods. Tapasya college enhances the overall
development of students and encourages every individual's talent and creativity.
Tapasya college placement serves an outstanding platform for the students to gain specific skills
related to their subject of choice to stay ahead of the competition by providing them with live
projects, internships that provides adequate corporate exposure.
Every students initial thoughts is , "which course should I take after I finish school ? "
First and foremost , avoid following the crowd/trends or succumbing to herd mentally , since doing
so could be the worst decision of your life . Next , because this is a pivotal period in anyone's life ,
the obvious response is to select a course based on individual aptitude and interest . Furthermore ,
while every sector has a wide range of career options , selecting the perfect one for you should be
your top priority .
It is important to know about all the streams, its scope and changing trends. This widens the outlook
and makes the student ready for a perfect career choice. Now to give an outline of the stream choices
available, we can say that all the courses can be divided into four categories.
Science: Mathematical and biological sciences that leads towards engineering and medical/non-
medical careers typically.
Commerce: This is one of the popular streams among students are inclined towards Business and
Management. It can also go towards professional courses like CA, CS or CMA
Humanities: These are the non-science subjects like Psychology, History, Geography, Political
sciences and Sociology to name few. Students from the Humanities stream make their career
towards teaching or they can also prepare themselves for competitive exams.
Other: Some non-conventional careers like acting, gaming, interior design, movie making and
journalism fall under this category. With certifications and proper training, students can excel in
these careers. Stream selection after 10th is more of an exploration and research.
As adults, the best way to encourage a student to come to a decision is to provide a lot of career-
related resources, career discussions, and positive exposure towards a career. It is very important
to put all the career options in front of students and explain to them about each choice. This is the
time to explore and take the decision of a lifetime, As said by Gandhiji, The future depends on what
you do today.
"Tapasya college of commerce and management ( TCCM) was born out of dream of various ideas
coming together to construct students career , with great passion and an opportunity ceased. "TCCM
is committed to achieving excellence in education with human values and social commitment. The
institution imparts students with necessary knowledge and skills to become truly successful in their
field of choice. Dedicate time and effort today to reap its benefits for years to come. Put God first in
all you do and remember undeterred faith will build bridges to sail through life with ease. Employ
humility in your approach to issues and actions. We want to increase students confidence and
commitment to their desired goal as well as provide them with a curriculum that is appropriate for
their career path .TCCM's educational approach will assist our students in making the most of their
abilities not only in India but also in other countries. Planning, Commitment, Hard Work and
Sincerity are ingredients to success and self-actualization is the result of applying these aforesaid
principles. Be focused. Reject every form of distraction and pride. In your effort to actualize your
ambition, know your stumbling blocks; confront them; challenge them and win over them. As long
as they are with TAPASYA. I pledge that TCCM will continue to promote top-notch excellence and
students will enjoy their studies and receive the plentiful harvest.
The students who choose CEC will study three principal subjects (i.e.) Civics,
Economics and Commerce in two years of their intermediate. After intermediate, Students can do a
regular degree in Commerce by studying B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) with electives as
(General/Computers),(Honors),(Foreign Trade), BA (Bachelor of Arts) with different Electives
as EPP (Economic, Public Administration, Political Science), PLP(Psychology, Literature, Political
Science), HLP (History, Literature, Political Science), HEP (History, Economics, Political
Science), PEP (Psychology, Economics, Political Science), HPP (History, Public Administration,
Political Science). At Post Graduation/Masters level Students can do MBA,, MA, etc. They
can also pursue professional courses like LLB, CA, CS, ICWA, CFA, CPA, CIMA, BBA, BBM, etc.,
followed by MBA,, MA, LLM,.etc at Post Graduate level to choose career as Lawyer,
Chartered Accountant, Economist, Investment Analyst, Insurance Advisor, Stock trader, Banker,
Government jobs or private jobs in Multinational Organisations,etc. CEC students can also choose
mainstream courses like BA, B.Com, B.Ed after Graduation to start their own or family Business,
Corporate/ Private Jobs, lecturer, Professor, Probationary Officers in different Nationalised Banks,
Government Jobs, UPSC-IAS, IPS, IFC,IRS,TSPSC by appearing for Group I and Group II
Examinations., Indian Railways, Indian Police Department, Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian
Airforce, etc.
Fashion is much more than just clothes. It is an important component of our aesthetic and cultural
history. Fashion's style is refreshed as it evolves with the setting of its time and being attentive to
today's youthful talents, who mix ethnic and geographical influences and hail from all corners of
the globe. Fashion is a technique of communicating with others that completely uses the modern
media system (from television to the Internet), which is why it is so successful. Its territory is wide,
encompassing several places that have long been overrun by accessories. One of the most popular
fields of study among today's kids is fashion. With the correct fashion design courses, you may start
at the beginning and work your way up to mastering the art of dressmaking. To become a
successful fashion designer, from fashion illustration to choosing the right kind of fabric, giving
them the right cut and perfect fit – you have to ace it all. Because there is so much to learn in order
to become a professional in this sector, it's critical that you select a college and a course that meets
all of your requirements. Tapasya , one of the leading fashion designing institutes in Hyderabad,
has over 13 years' expertise in the field of creative education. You'll learn how to make beautiful
dresses, crop tops, jackets, skirts, anarkalis, lehengas, sarees, and more with our carefully picked
textile design courses. Beginners and those who wish to enhance their drawing, designing or
stitching skills may benefit from our Fashion Design courses.
MEC group is the heart of commerce group which comprises combining integral subjects
i.e. Mathematics, Economics, Commerce. One of the advantages of studying MEC group subjects in
class 12th curriculum by students is, it opens wider career prospects. This article is for you as it will
provide in-depth about what is MEC Course and list of corresponding courses to the MEC group of
subjects. If students studies MEC as the main subjects in the 12th standard, it is obvious for them
to choose professional course in commerce. Commerce subject is spread in various fields such as
marketing, finance, business, management, IT, etc.
Students can pursue various graduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses in finance,
marketing, business, and various other commerce subjects which lands them a successful career in
commerce industries. The MEC group, which combines integral courses such as mathematics,
economics, and commerce, is at the centre of the commerce group. One of the benefits of students
studying MEC group subjects in the 12th grade curriculum is that it broadens their employment
options. This page is for you since it will explain in detail what a MEC Course is and provide a list of
courses that correspond to the MEC group of subjects. If MEC is one of the main courses in 12th
grade, it is natural for pupils to pursue a professional career in commerce. Marketing, finance,
business, management, information technology, and other subjects are all covered under the
commerce subject. Students can enroll in a variety of graduate, postgraduate, diploma, and
certificate programes in finance, marketing, business, and other commerce-related areas, which
will lead to a job offer.
Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It’s a powerful, essential part of our daily
lives and affects how we live, work, play and heal. Comfortable homes , functional workplaces and
beautiful public spaces-that’s interior design at work. Designers craft spaces that anticipate our
needs and appeal to our emotions while pulling from a broad set of skills and technical knowledge.
Interior design has changed dramatically since the early 20th century when it was just beginning to
emerge as a profession. Architects were tasked with the task of finishing the architectural interiors
of buildings until a few decades ago. The idea of separating the design of the structure from the
design of its inside began around the 1950s. It began as a result of the complexities connected with
office workplaces, healthcare facilities, and other types of situations that necessitate professional
interior design knowledge. This, along with a number of other variables, has aided in the
professionalisation of the specialised field of interior design . Interior design has evolved into a
well-respected profession that millions of young people want to pursue. According to an article
published in India Today in January 2020, the country need more than 1 lakh Interior Designers.
Since the early 1990s, when India became more liberal, designing dynamic living spaces and offices
that represent the owner's status/style has become the standard. Urbanites, as well as upwardly
mobile families in non-metros, are enthusiastic about investing in the design of their homes and
workplaces. Interior design has evolved into a well-respected profession that millions of young
people want to pursue. Many creative brains have a knack with design, drawing a line here and
there and, voila! a beautiful yet functional space design appears. If you're among the creative types
who find designing places - both residential and commercial - simple and enjoyable, an exciting
career in interior design awaits you. Apart from inspiration and ideas, it's a good idea to get
practical and academic training from one of the leading interior design institutions, such as
Tapasya, before pursuing it as a lifelong career.
If you ask any class 10th students about their goals for the future, they will give you contradicting
answers. This isn't to suggest they aren't ambitious; there are simply too many lucrative
professional options these days, and students desire guidance from their parents and academics in
deciding which path is best for them. Choosing a major after 10th grade is a life-changing and
career-defining decision. As a result, rather than waiting until the last minute, students should
begin researching their options as soon as possible so that they may make an informed and
thoughtful choice. Depending on what you want to do in the end, you have a variety of
alternatives, including science, engineering, medicine, mass media, law, arts and so on. For
example, if a student want to pursue a profession in law, they should enroll in intermediate
commerce classes. Similarly, students interested in becoming doctors should enroll in BIPC in
Intermediate. Because of the multiple professional opportunities accessible after Intermediate,
choose which course to take in Intermediate is not as simple as it sounds. However, each student
can ask oneself a few questions to assist them decide on a specialism.
What are their aspirations? This is the most crucial question that every student should consider. It
is not required for everyone to know the answer to this question, but by asking it, they can begin to
consider their possibilities and determine which path of study or career interests them the most.
Some of them, on the other hand, may already have a life goal in mind, in which case they should
concentrate on colleges and curricula in order to gain the essential skills to achieve their goal.
If they've chosen a particular course because it's what their friends are doing? or do they choose
their work path based on their passions? It's only natural that some of them choose a specific
subject because they want to stay in touch with their friends after school. However, it's worth
mentioning that in order to succeed, people must be enthusiastic about the path they're taking. In
addition, no matter whatever path they take in life, they will have several possibilities to make new
What examinations should students take in order to complete this course? In most cases, students
must pass the 10th grade with flying colors in order to enroll in Intermediate. However, depending
on their professional choice, students may need to pass tests following Intermediate. It's usually a
good idea to keep an eye out for junior colleges that prepare students for these tests.
What job options exist after completing the course? Last but not least, everyone should keep an
eye out for job openings in their chosen field. They should also inquire about job openings and
compensation packages. Some institutions provide campus placements during the final semester,
and getting into one of these colleges will give them an advantage in finding a job after graduation.
These are just a few questions to consider before deciding on a career path.
A new chapter of your life will begin once you finish high school. You'll need to make some
important decisions at this time. For a clear path from your academic life to your professional life,
you may need to pick a career that sparks your interest. If you lack information or are unable to
choose your dream job in this case, you may find yourself in a bind or be unsure of what to do next.
Furthermore, this is the only time most students make incorrect selections as a result of being
influenced by family or disinformation. Every person has their own set of abilities, strengths, and
weaknesses; however, you must also know who you want to be and what makes you happy since
making the right selection is crucial to your future career. However, if you are still undecided about
what road you want to take, you can open the door to intriguing chances on the other side. Today,
you'll learn about the intermediate courses offered in Telangana after 10th grade and how they can
help you advance in your career.
The process of stream selection intimidates students since they have never contemplated the next
obstacle they would confront. It's time for a student to make yet another transition, and this time
it's a big one. The good news is that there are a variety of tools available to aid students in making
well-informed selections.
There are numerous things to consider when contemplating possible courses following the tenth.
But you can't just choose any stream, right? Rather of chasing popular mainstream possibilities, it is
preferable to gain a wide understanding of the most recent careers and make an informed
decision. Examine the list of courses available after tenth grade and choose the best option for you.
You usually do not get a chance to choose your subjects at school. However, you can experience
genuine freedom immediately after completing school through the SSC/CBSE/ICSE method. Yes,
you have complete control over your subject selection. However, with freedom comes
responsibility, as your decision now could have long-term consequences. So now you must ask
yourself, and approach with prudence, the following question: which intermediate/junior college
stream/subjects should I choose?
The three core areas of civics, economics and commerce offer a solid foundation in the two years
of intermediate/junior college. This popular course provides a thorough grasp of how business
operate and how financial records are kept. In addition, an understanding of how economics
affects an organisation and a country is learned. Additionally, students who chose CEC in their
junior college years get social science material through civics. The successful students who have
finished Intermediate can now look forward to many career-oriented courses with the information
gathered in two years. Scholars who begin their journey with CEC can expect an array of
opportunities, ranging from B.COM and BBA at the undergraduate level to MBA, CA, CS OR ICWA in
later years.
Without doubt, commerce has aided India's spectacular progress over the last few decades, and it
continues to fuel expansion. With the introduction of internet, buyers and sellers may
communicate with one another on a national and worldwide scale, making transaction easier. CEC
can benefit a student who is interested in accounting, commerce, economics or civics in this case.
Last but not least, it might be worthwhile to enroll at Tapasya Educational Institutions, which is the
top college for CEC in Hyderabad.
CEC is an exceptional choice after completion of the 10th standard. The scholar has various study
options ahead like soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate. Students can be parts
of numerous three-year Bachelor's degree courses including B.COM, BA, BBA. Students can get an
honored role in corporate world after pursuing the course. CEC group also opens doors for a variety
of job opportunities and career options. All in all, if finance interests you, it is the best alternatives
for you. A course should only be pursued if it interests you and your competencies and career goals
are in line with it. The student must experience a good feeling while studying these subjects and
then only he/she should pursue this course because there are the subjects that he'll have to study
for the rest of the period. Do check if your chosen career requires a CEC group or if it requires
something entirely different. The CEC group is very important in today's world where financial
education is the need of the hour. If a person has a good source of finance but poor financial
management, that financial is wasted. This is where the CEC group enters and spreads awareness
of financial literacy. Understanding these subjects is very much important due to the value they
add to an individual. CEC is a wonderful choice as after completion of CEC, the student can go for
CS, ICWA and CA. Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, scholars can join
several 3 years Bachelor's degree courses such as B.COM, BBA, BA. They can understand their
finances very well and even manage them appropriate. This course has always been one of the
most demanded ones! Since not everyone understands finance, every organization needs people
who are well taught in financial and economic courses. There is a lot of scope for the people
pursuing the CEC group. With the importance of financial literacy being focused upon at initial
levels in the school itself, there is an awareness for the same created. This group of subjects has
dynamic scope. The group has higher possibilities than other groups. To get Government jobs the
above group could be very beneficial to the scholars. Pupils may also enter into the accounting field
by the guides ICWA / CA. The C.E.C group could be very beneficial for the state-wise secretariat
jobs/authorities jobs for the early career. There is an enhancing demand for the ones who’ve
finished commerce courses. There also are different possibilities for commerce students in
insurance, mutual funds, banking, capital market, investment banking, import, export corporations
and financial fields.
The CA (Chartered Accountant) is a prestigious and hard profession. In India, CA is a solid
alternative for higher education. It is the company's primary activity. The ICAI (Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India) runs the CA programme in India (Indian Chartered Accountants
Institute). A chartered accountant works as a private counselor or in an organization's accounting
department. In the event of a disagreement, bankruptcy, or other financial difficulties, a Chartered
Accountant is crucial. After completing this course, you will be qualified to work in industries such
as auditing, cost accounting, tax management, management accounting, consultation and financial
work. It takes 5 years to complete the CA course. By the year 2006, the ICAI has launched the three
level of this course.
CPT (Common Proficiency Test)
IPCC (Integrated Professional Computer Course)
FC (Final Course)
The CPT is the entry-level foundation course involves the quantitative aptitude test, general
economics, mercantile laws and accounting. The IPCC has two groups. It covers the working
knowledge of the core subjects. It is specially designed to improve the knowledge of accounting
standards. The CA final course covers the advanced knowledge of financial reporting, management
accounting. strategic financial management, professional ethics, information systems control and
advanced auditing.
Students who have passed their plus two examination can take the ICAI's foundation level
examination. After passing group 1st, students must complete a three-year on-the-job training
programme known as "articleship" with an employer.
BBA is a bachelor's degree programme in business administration that teaches students managerial
and entrepreneurial abilities. The three-year programme gives academic and practical expertise in
business, trade, and administration. The course builds business knowledge and entrepreneurial
skills in students so that they can become effective leaders in the future. A BBA course is a
wonderful career choice if you have good communication skills, enjoy problem-solving, and have a
passion for time management and teamwork.
Tapasya College Of Commerce And Management (TMCC), which is affiliated with OU University in
Telangana, provides a three-year Bachelor of Business Administration curriculum. The course
covers academic knowledge as well as managerial abilities such as analytical thinking, decision-
making, and social skills, ensuring that students develop holistically.
The course focuses on establishing a strong foundation in basic business disciplines. Students learn
the skills needed to start and run a business in a variety of professions. The following is a list of
popular BBA.
The course focuses on establishing a strong foundation in basic business disciplines. Students learn
the skills needed to start and run a business in a variety of professions. The following is a list of
popular BBA courses:
* Finance
* Marketing
* Accounting
*Business Analytics
* Human Resources Management
* Banking And Insurance
* International Business
* E-Commerce
* Business Economics
* Healthcare & Hospitality Management
* Travel & Tourism Management
* Event Management
* Retail Management
* Logistics and supply chain Management
* Computer Application
* Media Management.
BBA is easily one of the best courses to do after 12th.It will put you on the correct path towards the
right career and financial success. It will also improve you as a person, making you smarter and
more confident. Not many undergrad courses out there that can do that for you. So, choose to do a
BBA degree, and be ready to have a fantastic learning experience and career (Maybe abroad).
Doing the BBA course from the right college is just as important as anything else. To know morw
about our BBA course, and what it can do for your career, get in touch with our counsellors at the
earliest. They will guide you well.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course impart knowledge of the principles perfect for a
career in the corporate world. The course helps for future business and management career goals.
BBA course allows candidates to enter into the field of management. Students learn various
aspects of effective business management. The course is designed to train students effectively in
management education. The course focuses on communication skills which help in
entrepreneurship. Students develop leadership qualities, decision-making skills, and good
communication skills by the end of the course. Successful graduates of this course can opt for a
range of jobs from sectors like finance, marketing, sales, management and education. BBA
programs offer management training to prepare students to successfully work in any type of
organization. The course methodology involves training through practical experience in the form of
case studies, projects, presentations, industrial visits and interaction with experts from the
industry. The course is designed to provide exposure to organizational working and learn the
application of theoretical concepts in real life business situations. The program includes intense
industry internship, several live industry projects, global immersion programs, surveys of real-life
situations and hands-on experience in the world of business. Thus we are one of the top best BBA
colleges in Hyderabad, India.
➤The prime reason for doing BBA can be better Job Opportunities. There exist many sectors in
which the students get placed. In the world of business and corporate management, this presents
lucrative career options.
➤By learning a BBA course, students can acquire management skills at a very early stage. It helps
a student learn the knowledge of the business world and act as a leader to take decisions in the
business world.
➤This course helps in building tactical skills.
➤Students get 3 year's time period to learn the concepts comprehensively. Students can face
greater challenges during the course. The course helps develop a holistic approach towards
➤Students can get better pay packages at an early stage of life.
➤Students not only get bookish knowledge but also practical knowledge through projects and
practical's of concepts like marketing, sales, human resource, finance etc.
➤If a student wants to learn MBA course after BBA then it will be easier for students as they can
grasp things quickly and easily.
The most popular undergrad course in the country is the Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com). This
course is done after the 12th grade. You must choose a stream for your 12th grade, such as
commerce, science, or the arts, and students who chose commerce continue in the stream by
choosing B. Com. Students from different streams, on the other hand, are permitted to pursue a B.
Com. This is because this course offers a wide range of opportunities for future education and
career advancement.
One of the most important benefits of a B. Com. degree is that you can get a solid job and begin
working immediately after graduation. You can also pursue postgraduate degrees such as the MBA
or the PGDM. What you study in your B. Com. degree shapes your future.
B. Com degree is split into three years of study. Every year, you must choose a specialisation. In
addition, you are allowed to have two backlogs every year. However, in order to advance to the
next year, these backlog subjects must be cleared in the following semester. You will have to
repeat the year if you do not pass them or if you fail more than two topics.
The B. Com programme is not open to everyone. You must meet certain eligibility conditions in
order to be considered. The following are the criteria:
➤You must have passed your 12th grade in commerce.
➤12th standard graduates from other streams may also apply based on the discretion uniersity
and college.
➤Cut-off percentages exist at colleges. You must have received a score that is more than or equal
to the cut-off percentage. Then and only then will you be admitted. Colleges continue to lower cut-
off percentages until all seats are filled.
➤Private institutions can offer direct admission regardless of a candidate's grade point average.
B. Com. remains the most popular undergrad course in India as there is a lot of scope for making
careers. Commerce is the most important industry in the country. It is one of the highest
contributors to the economy. So, as the economy grows, the commerce industry will also grow
along with careers in it. Therefore, a B. Com. has a lot of scope and will set you up for an excellent
Before deciding to do B. Com., you have to know what jobs and careers become available to you.
This will help you decide the subjects and specializations to choose and further motivate you to do
well in your course.
1. Accountants
After specializing in accounting subjects, you can become an accountant and land a good job.
Many companies are in constant need of good accountants and they also pay well.
2. Banker
Many commerce students aim for banking jobs. These are some of the cushiest jobs that have
excellent pay and benefits. Banking jobs also have a lot of job security.
3. Office Administrators
Office administrators are the ones in charge of running an office. They have many important
roles and responsibilities. They are also in charge of managing the petty cash.
4. Marketing Executives
Owing to a B. Com. graduate’s knowledge of products, services,finance, accounting, and
marketing, they do well in the field of marketing. Marketing jobs also come with additional
perks like sales commissions.
5. Insurance Brokers
Insurance is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. Many B. Com. graduates find
stable careers in this industry. Insurance broker have high earning potential.
The first thing that we need to know before going further is the full form of MEC. MEC stands for
the three core commerce subjects, namely, Mathematics, economics, and Commerce. These three
subjects actually are the soul of the commerce stream. We can find one or two of these core
commerce subjects in streams like arts and science. One big advantage of doing MEC subjects in
your 10+2 is that it exposes you to a wide variety of fields to carry forward your career. Here, in this
blog, we would be talking about the courses that you can pursue in your higher education that
correspond to the MEC subjects.
MEC Full Form
MEC stands for mathematics, economics, and commerce, as previously stated. This is one of the
most popular streams among students once they complete their tenth grade. Its appeal stems from
the fact that it exposes students to the real world and prepares them for careers in sectors such as
accounting, finance, business organization and management, economics, and many more. The
advantage of choosing this option is that it offers students with a basic understanding of the
disciplines and prepares them to pursue any of them as a graduating major. Through lectures,
examinations, and projects, students will gain a grasp of many ideas connected to trading,
business, and finance. It will lay a solid foundation for the future.
MEC Subjects
 MEC forms the soul of the commerce stream and comprises of mathematics, economics, and
 It is one of the most opted streams after 10th as it opens to the students a great field of
careers like in accounting, marketing, business organization, management, IT, finance,
computer application, etc.
 After studying MEC subjects in 10+2, students have a large number of courses that they can
go for at the graduation level. Some of them are BBA, BMS, BCA, BBS, BBE and B.Com. . Not
just these, students can also pursue honors programs like BA English Hons., BA mathematics
hons., and BA economics Hons. Etc.
 Adding on to the advantage of opting MEC subjects is that students can also take up arts
courses for graduation.
 It makes mainly three fields open to the students namely commerce, arts and education and
 Also, those who study these subjects have a good knowledge of the business world.
MEC Courses To Do After 12th.
The MEC Courses make a wide range of courses accessible to the students in both arts and
Commerce streams. Here is a list of top courses to pursue after 12th that include the MEC subjects.
1. BSC in mathematics
2. BA in economics
3. BA English literature (hons.)
4. CA- Chartered accountant
5. CS- Company secretary
6. Bachelor of information technology
7. BJMC- Bachelor of journalism and mass communication.
MEC Courses For Commerce Students
After doing MEC subjects in your class 12, it is preferable to go for some professional course.
Starting from management to computer applications, there are a number of courses that
Commerce students can pursue for the graduation and post graduation. List of these courses are:-
1. BBA- bachelor of business administration
2. BCA- bachelor of computer application
3. B. Com.- Bachelor of commerce
4. BSC mathematics
5. BA economics hons.
6. BBM- bachelor of business and management
7. CA- Chartered accountant
8. BFA- bachelor of finance and accounting
9. MBA- master’s in business administration or in some specialized field like finance, HR,
digital marketing etc.
10. MCA- Master’s of computer application
Pursuing any of these courses for your graduation will definitely land you up in a successful career
in commerce Field.
Why to Choose CEC Course Group After 10th: Importance, Benefits,Future.
CEC: It’s a diverse group that includes commerce, economics alongside civics. Since it is a diverse
group you’ll get to study contemporary-day accountancy with basics, so that it will be useful in
further studies like B.Com (General/Computers), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), BBM
(Bachelor of Business Management) etc. It also consists of civics, you can also understand political
sciences, public management, and write civil service examinations. CEC is an excellent choice and
after CEC students can be part of graduating courses and later do MBA (Master of Business
Administration) which is likewise very popular and whose candidates are recruited like hotcakes
around the world.
Why Choose CEC Course Group After 10th
C.E.C. is an exceptional choice after completion of the 10th standard. The scholar has various study
options ahead like Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, students can be a
part of numerous three-year Bachelor’s degree courses including B.COM, B.A., BBM, and BBA.
students can get an honoured role in the corporate world after pursuing the course. CEC group also
opens doors for a variety of job opportunities and career options. All in all, if finance interests you,
it is the best alternative for you.
CEC Course: Importance, Benefits, Future
Highlight about Goal and Interest of user
A course should only be pursued if it interests you and your competencies and career goals are in
line with it. The student must experience a good feeling while studying these subjects and then
only should he pursue this course because these are the subjects that he’ll have to study for the
rest of the period. Do check if your chosen career.
C.E.C. is a wonderful choice as after completion of C.E.C, the student can go for CS, ICWA, and CA.
Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, scholars can join several 3 years
Bachelor’s degree courses such as B.COM, B.A., BBM, and BBA. Other benefits of this course
include the financial knowledge a student now has access to. They can understand their finances
very well and even manage them appropriately.
Future Scope
This course has always been one of the most demanded ones! Since not everyone understands
finance, every organization needs people who are well taught in financial and economic courses.
There is a lot of scope for the people pursuing the CEC group. With the importance of financial
literacy being focused upon at initial levels in the school itself, there is an awareness for the same
created. This group of subjects has dynamic scope.
Career Opportunities
The group has higher possibilities than other groups. To get Government jobs the above group
could be very beneficial to the scholars. Pupils may also enter into the accounting field by the
guides ICWA / CA. The C.E.C group could be very beneficial for the state-wise secretariat
jobs/authorities jobs for the early career. There is an enhancing demand for the ones who’ve
finished commerce courses. There also are different possibilities for commerce students in
insurance, mutual funds, banking, capital market, investment banking, import, export corporations
and financial fields.
CA is a professional degree offered by the INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA
(ICAI). ICAI is one of the largest accounting bodies in the world. Recognized as a professional
degree in many other countries also. Chartered Accounting also known as chartered
accounting, is a professional practice of accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial
assessment for an individual or organization. The following are the requirements for taking
the CA course: CA Foundation Exam (earlier known as Common Proficiency Test or CPT) CA
Intermediate Exam (Integrated Professional Competence or IPC) CA Final Exam. The CMA
programme is becoming increasingly popular among commerce students, particularly those
who want to work in cost and management accounting (CMA) The following are the
requirements for taking the CMA course: Foundation Course CMA Inter and CMA Final. The
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a professional accounting
organization with members all over the world. It is a UK-based course that is recognised in
over 180 countries. ACCA provides rewarding career opportunities in accountancy, audit,
management, and taxation all over the world. ACCA's acceptance and demand are
skyrocketing all over the world, particularly in India.
There are THREE Levels in this course
1. CA Foundation
2. CA Inter
3. CA Final
Students Who completed Intermediate (+2)
At TAPASYA what we Offer
1. The Best Coaching
2. Classes along with study Hours
3. Weekly regular Exams
4. Care till Examination
5. Mock Exams before Appearing for FINAL EXAM
6. Doubt solving session
7. Revision Classes
8. Motivation
9. Mentoring
Our Success 60:40 Formulae
We teach the complete syllabus within 60% Available time and 40% we will conduct revision
sessions & Exams till Final Examination
Due to this you can revise the subject more times and appear for exams with utmost confidence.
It brought changes in many students result
Chartered Accountant is an appellation, per se rendered to an accounting professional who has
earned for himself a certification from a statutory body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI) being the sole statutory body in India that was established in 1949 under the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949 and the ICAI has been conducting the most prestigious albeit arduous CA
exams since then wherein the institute certifies a candidate as a qualified Chartered Accountant on
successful completion of all the three levels that this eclectic course comprises of, along with the
rigorous and gruelling three years of training and today we shall be succinctly talking about its
initial level i.e. the CA Foundation exam, which has replaced the erstwhile Common Proficiency
Test (CPT) since 1st July, 2017.
But prior to that, the question which would first strike our naive minds is that why as students, we
must take upon this onerous and exigent profession and hence if one may talk about some of the
attractive and umpteen opportunities that knocks the door for a CA professional, you would be
amazed to know that in recent times, the demand for qualified and bright Chartered Accountants
has increased manifolds. India alone scouts for around 7500 to 10000 CAs every year, with the
numbers only rising constantly.
Almost all the industries and innumerable business organizations, both in India and also overseas
have a mandatory need of a CA professional for handling their expansive accounting department.
A CA can hence work as an employee in a firm or can even choose to have his own independent
practice, with boundless growth in his professional life.
If employed in a firm, a chartered accountant plays an indispensable and a critical role in several
multidisciplinary domains such as internal auditing, forensic audit, statutory audit, taxation
advisory, financial reporting, banking and several services alike but on the contrary, if a CA
professional desires to work independently, he can even do so in several wide-ranging and
multifarious sectors such as a CA can be his own boss and can have his consultancy business as he
is competent to render his advisory services to his clients, that may include both companies and
also individuals, he can also provide independent auditing services to his clients. A Chartered
Accountant is absolutely adept with the labyrinth stock market and he can easily get a firm grip
over its nitty-gritty intricacies wherefrom a CA can expect immeasurable returns and also, if a CA
has the conviction to nurture young, budding minds, in that case, he can even embark on a noble
profession of teaching and imparting his invaluable knowledge to his pupils, which is a profession
that is not only tremendously gratifying but in today's day and age, it is also considered as a
remunerative and a rewarding venture.
It is therefore evident that there are no dearth of opportunities for a qualified and knowledgeable
Chartered Accountant however the journey for becoming an accomplished CA is not a cakewalk,
per se. It requires strenuous efforts by the student along with the right motivation and guidance
from his teachers but however we shall now elucidate the three eclectic and taxing levels that a
student must clear so as to don the hat of a highly learned CA professional.
It is evident that there is no dearth of opportunities for a qualified and knowledgeable Chartered
Accountant however the journey for becoming an accomplished CA is not a cakewalk, per se. It
requires strenuous efforts by the student along with the right motivation and guidance from his
teachers but however we shall now elucidate the three eclectic and taxing levels that a student
must clear so as to don the hat of a highly learned CA professional. The three levels are as follows -
CA Foundation
CA Intermediate
CA Final
As a quick review to your question, conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the
three-level CA-Chartered Accountancy Exam is one of the toughest to crack in the world. The
exams first level is Common Proficiency Test (CPT) followed by the Integrated Professional
Competence Course (IPCC). It s true that this exam demands a lot of self-study with immense
practices, yet effective preparation from your instructor is very much crucial. The job demand for
qualified chartered accountancy in the job market is rising day by day but apparently, the passing
ratio of the exam is still less than 5 percent. CA exam is the third and final round where a candidate
fuses all their blood and sweat together to crack this round. Millions of people in our country
dream to become a CA because it is one of the most reverential, on demand and best-paid jobs in
India. As per the Pay Scale, Inc., The regular salary for a Chartered Accountant is Rs. 706,946 per
year. The highest paying skills related jobs are Budget Management, Evaluation & Management
Auditing, SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling, Strategic Accounts and Financial Advisor .
Simply, it is one of the most profitable and dynamic profession that exists in the market today.
Since the concept of globalization and privatization revolves around endlessly, CAs has been
authorized to be auditors of companies in India as per the Companies Act. The core of all the
business, CA course is one of the finest practical and theoretical education alignments. Career
Opportunities (India) As we see the rising demand of CA s in the market, but not everyone can
clear the CA exam. Remember, it is one of the toughest courses to crack in India with passing
percentage of less than 5 percent. Therefore, there is a huge demand for qualified chartered
accountants in the job market today. This professional degree course offers a lot of career options
including, Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, Manager/Chief Manager- Internal Audits,
Lecturer or Professor, Head (Training), Chief Manager (System), Advisor to the Government and so
on. Among all, the top three careers are: 1. Chief Accountant: The role of chief accountant of a
company is to serve several roles including the grounding of entire budgetary reports or documents
related matter such as investment decisions for the firm. They also look in implementing financial
strategies created by administration/ management and many more.
2. Chief Financial Officer: CFO also known as the Chief Financial and Operating Officer (CFOO)
is a corporate officer, who is in charge of managing the financial risks such as planning, recording,
reporting etc. of the company.
3. Manager/Chief Manager- Internal Audits: they handle the audit sector including, credit
audits covering wholesale banking. They likewise tend to lead a group of auditors, interact with
various stakeholders for smooth operation, find key risks and monitor various key aspects of the
company that need to be enclosed during the audit.
A Chartered Accountant is a qualified professional who handles a wide range of responsibilities
within the accountancy spectrum. CAs are always in demand due to their technical competence,
veracity, and professional standards. Every company requires individuals who possess the
incredible knowledge of financial laws and regulations and can handle the monetary issues without
worrying about the legal ramifications that might jeopardize the business. A CA course is a
professional degree that is offered by certified Chartered Accountancy bodies throughout the
world and aims to equip students with complete knowledge of Financial Management and
Auditing, Fiscal Laws, Regulations, Strategic Financial Management, Ethics, amongst others.It
generally takes 5 years to complete a CA course and is structured to help you gain footing in the
finance industry. The course consists of numerous levels along with an Articleship program that has
to be completed before becoming a certified CA. However, it is to be kept in mind that each
country has its own set of requirements in terms of certificates and degrees to allow you to work as
a CA. In India, candidates interested in becoming a CA have to take take a series of exams
conducted by ICAI. The three levels of CA Exam in India are the CA Foundation, CA
IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence) Examination, and the CA Final. In order to get the CA
certification, candidates need to clear all the levels. One can do this course after class 12th as well
as after graduation. The ones who decide on becoming a CA AFTER GRADUATION are exempted
from the CA foundation or the CPT Exam. Apart from that, the entire procedure remains the same
for everyone.
CA Course Duration After 10th
Earlier, students were eligible for CPT Courses after the 10th class but from July 2017, any new
registration is seized under CPT. So, now if you wish to pursue CA Course Duration After 10th, you
need to pass your class 12th to take the CA Foundation test. So, if you do not have to take multiple
attempts, you can crack the entire course in 6.5 years.
CA Course Duration After BCom
After BCom or any other graduation, the course of CA takes a minimum of 3 years to crack.
However, if you go for any extra attempts, that will take you six months extra for each case.
Graduates are allowed to apply for CA intermediate without having to pass the foundation level.
However, they have to complete 9 months of articleship training to appear in CA Intermediate
examination and before that, you must undergo ITT and OT programs.
CA Course Duration After MBA
The CA Course duration follows the same path as that for bachelor’s degree. You can directly apply
for the CA Intermediate course and skip the foundation course. However, you have to complete 9
months of articleship training to appear in CA Intermediate examination and before that, you must
undergo ITT and OT program.
Career Prospects
There are numerous career options you can discover after completing a CA Course. Some of the
major areas offering numerous opportunities in this field include:
 Taxation
 Auditing
 Management Consultancy Services
 Pursue Civil/Government services
 Career in the Insurance Sector
 Investment Banking
Why is CA a Good Career Option?
This professional degree course offers you the flexibility to pursue higher education such as CFA,
MBA, and more. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on study hours as you don’t have to visit a
college to study. Also, you can easily control the pace of your study and preparations without
stressing yourself.
Articleship is a compulsory feature of this curriculum because it provides you with practical
experience and knowledge. Moreover, you can easily select the company you want to work with.
Though, most CA’s tend to become entrepreneurs after acquiring the needed experience as they
like to be their boss. If you’re not interested in being an entrepreneur, then you can always become
a tax adviser and consultant as well. One of the prime aspects of this course is that you can easily
keep up with consistency. If you want a break, then you can surely afford to take breaks and offs.
Also, you can come back after brushing up and enhancing your knowledge as per the current
Eligibility Criteria
Interested candidates should pass their 10th and 12th qualifying examinations from a certified
board of education or equivalent examination. Students qualifying for their senior secondary exams
or an equivalent exam can register for their CA Foundation exams. The CA Foundation exam is the
entrance level exam for becoming a CA. While there are no minimum marks criteria for scores in
the senior secondary exam, students should have cleared the exam to apply for the CA courses.
After registration for the CA Foundation exams, the candidates will have to wait at least four
months before filling the examination form to appear for an attempt. The ICAI mandates this
period for the preparation of the exam.
Before you decide to take the Integrated Professional Competence Examination, you must pass the
CA Foundation Exam.
Another route of being eligible for the IPCC is the direct entry for graduates or postgraduates.
Candidates having a graduate degree are exempted from giving the CA Foundation exams if they
meet the minimum marks criteria of 55% for Commerce graduates and 60% for other stream
There is no upper age limit to register for the CA course, provided that the candidate fulfills the
education criteria.
Aspirants will be required to clear three exams to become a CA. These are the CA Foundation
exam, the CA Intermediate Exam, and the CA Final exam.
A well-skilled Chartered Accountant plays an essential role and handles different financial duties in
a firm. They perform Auditing & Assurance, Tax Consultancy, Accounting Services, Accountants &
Finance Outsourcing, and Financial Reporting.
Almost every registered company or firm under the Company Act has a CA that ensures to manage
different tasks like Financial Controllers, Finance Managers, Financial Advisers, or Directors and
inspect their accounts.
After becoming a CA, there are multiple scopes and jobs for interested individuals pursuing the
Chartered Accountant course. Moreover, aspiring professionals can either work in a firm or even
start with their private practice if they like.
CA Scope in India
In India, the position of Chartered Accountants is a highly sought-after post. CAs have several
options, ranging from entrepreneurship to working in private firms to working with government
agencies. In addition, there is much security and scope for Chartered Accountants in India for many
reasons, such as the provision that every registered firm is obligated under the Company Act to
appoint a CA for managing various financial aspects.
The kinds of jobs in the private sector for CAs majorly depend on the company type and city. Large
companies offer higher job opportunities in more nuanced and specialized skill sets. Keeping pace
with new and upcoming technologies and practices also determines the possibility of expansion for
Chartered Accountants.
Moreover, the scope for CA is expansive, and the job options are plenty. They are demanded in all
industries and, as a result, have a wide array of options.
Career Options & Opportunities
According to the latest reports, the demand for CA's in the manufacturing and financial services
industries has been rising rapidly. If you’re interested in making your Charter Accountancy career,
find the best coaching institute for the CA final. Tapasya college offering this course to aspiring
individuals. All you need to do is find the perfect one and start with your studies.
There are a lot of areas that provide employment opportunities to CAs. For example, they can
work in the ranks of financial reporters, financial strategists, investment advisors, advisors in
mergers and acquisitions, etc. Some of these areas are discussed here.
There are a lot of areas that provide employment opportunities to CAs. For example, they can work
in the ranks of financial reporters, financial strategists, investment advisors, advisors in mergers
and acquisitions, etc.
What is Chartered Accountancy and How to Become a CA.
One of the most common professions in India is chartered accounting. This is a difficult job to break into, but if you do, you will be
rewarded with a rewarding career path, high pay, and widespread recognition. People admire chartered accountants for a variety of
reasons, not the least of which is that becoming one is not easy. The path to becoming a chartered accountant or CA is tough and it can
be easily said that it is one of the, if not the toughest profession.
We like to keep our career advice as authentic and honest as possible, therefore we had to start with the toughest realities of this field.
Let's get started with this career guide if you consider yourself to be determined and dedicated.
What is chartered accountancy?
Accountancy and chartered accountancy are fundamentally the same thing. The job entails overseeing the financial operations of a company.
Accounting, budgeting, auditing, business planning, and taxation are all part of this.
The distinction between an accountant and a chartered accountant is that the latter has completed years of intensive training and passed many
exams in various parts of accounting in order to obtain the designation of chartered accountant.
What does a chartered accountant do?
Charteredaccountantsare specialistswhooperate inavarietyof industries,managinganentity'sfinances,offeringfinancial advice,and
assistingwithmoneymanagement.Thiscouldbe fora company,an individual,orthe government.
Why build a career in chartered accountancy?
The simple reason to pursue a career in chartered accounting is that it is a well-paying and stable field. Every firm requires someone to manage
their accounts,assist with tax filing, and conduct audits. The prospects for work as a chartered accountant are limitless. Chartered accountants are
the solution to every organization's financial management demands, regardless of industry.
Scope of chartered accountancy
As a chartered accountant,you can work in the following sectors:
 Businesses and industries
 Chartered accountant firms
 Consultancy firms
 Institutions
 Capital market services
 Financial institutions
 Independent practice.
In the industriesindicatedabove,charteredaccountantsare constantlyingreatdemand.Youcanwork fora companyor an organisation,
assistingwithaccounting,finance,taxation,andauditing.Youcan alsoworkon yourown andprovide yourservicestoanyone whoneedsthem.
Anothersource of employmentisfinancialorganisations,whichare continuouslyonthe huntforqualifiedcharteredaccountants.Another
methodtoput your accountingtalentstouse isto workfor a consultingfirm.Charteredaccountantsare assignedtocustomersbyconsulting
firmsto assistthemwiththeirshortandlong-termfinancial goals.A consultancyfirmmaybe the appropriate optionforyouif youwantto work
for several clients.

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ARTICLES 1 (1).docx

  • 1. TAPASYA COLLEGE Tapasya college of commerce and management is committed to achieving excellence in education with values and commitment. This institution imparts the students with necessary knowledge and skills to become truly successful in their field of choice. This college has a well - developed R&D department with all the necessary facilities. One of the well -known colleges in the city, Tapasya college has a highly experienced faculty with most of them being phD holders. It has various student clubs facilities for the overall development of students. Tapasya college promotes and encourage a style of teaching that prioritizes student autonomy, voice and empowerment. Tapasya college management belives that a teacher's role is to facilitate self - directed learning more than instruct. Among the finest colleges in the city, Tapasya college in Telangana is known for offering excellent studies. The Institute is a co-educational grant college recognized to the osmania university. They create very diversified curriculum that requires efficient learning methods. Tapasya college enhances the overall development of students and encourages every individual's talent and creativity. Tapasya college placement serves an outstanding platform for the students to gain specific skills related to their subject of choice to stay ahead of the competition by providing them with live projects, internships that provides adequate corporate exposure.
  • 2. THE END WHAT TO DO AFTER MY SCHOOLING? Every students initial thoughts is , "which course should I take after I finish school ? " First and foremost , avoid following the crowd/trends or succumbing to herd mentally , since doing so could be the worst decision of your life . Next , because this is a pivotal period in anyone's life , the obvious response is to select a course based on individual aptitude and interest . Furthermore , while every sector has a wide range of career options , selecting the perfect one for you should be your top priority . It is important to know about all the streams, its scope and changing trends. This widens the outlook and makes the student ready for a perfect career choice. Now to give an outline of the stream choices available, we can say that all the courses can be divided into four categories. Science: Mathematical and biological sciences that leads towards engineering and medical/non- medical careers typically. Commerce: This is one of the popular streams among students are inclined towards Business and Management. It can also go towards professional courses like CA, CS or CMA
  • 3. Humanities: These are the non-science subjects like Psychology, History, Geography, Political sciences and Sociology to name few. Students from the Humanities stream make their career towards teaching or they can also prepare themselves for competitive exams. Other: Some non-conventional careers like acting, gaming, interior design, movie making and journalism fall under this category. With certifications and proper training, students can excel in these careers. Stream selection after 10th is more of an exploration and research. As adults, the best way to encourage a student to come to a decision is to provide a lot of career- related resources, career discussions, and positive exposure towards a career. It is very important to put all the career options in front of students and explain to them about each choice. This is the time to explore and take the decision of a lifetime, As said by Gandhiji, The future depends on what you do today. THE END CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE "Tapasya college of commerce and management ( TCCM) was born out of dream of various ideas coming together to construct students career , with great passion and an opportunity ceased. "TCCM is committed to achieving excellence in education with human values and social commitment. The
  • 4. institution imparts students with necessary knowledge and skills to become truly successful in their field of choice. Dedicate time and effort today to reap its benefits for years to come. Put God first in all you do and remember undeterred faith will build bridges to sail through life with ease. Employ humility in your approach to issues and actions. We want to increase students confidence and commitment to their desired goal as well as provide them with a curriculum that is appropriate for their career path .TCCM's educational approach will assist our students in making the most of their abilities not only in India but also in other countries. Planning, Commitment, Hard Work and Sincerity are ingredients to success and self-actualization is the result of applying these aforesaid principles. Be focused. Reject every form of distraction and pride. In your effort to actualize your ambition, know your stumbling blocks; confront them; challenge them and win over them. As long as they are with TAPASYA. I pledge that TCCM will continue to promote top-notch excellence and students will enjoy their studies and receive the plentiful harvest. WHAT IF I CHOOSE CEC AFTER MY SCHOOL? The students who choose CEC will study three principal subjects (i.e.) Civics, Economics and Commerce in two years of their intermediate. After intermediate, Students can do a regular degree in Commerce by studying B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) with electives as (General/Computers),(Honors),(Foreign Trade), BA (Bachelor of Arts) with different Electives as EPP (Economic, Public Administration, Political Science), PLP(Psychology, Literature, Political Science), HLP (History, Literature, Political Science), HEP (History, Economics, Political Science), PEP (Psychology, Economics, Political Science), HPP (History, Public Administration, Political Science). At Post Graduation/Masters level Students can do MBA,, MA, etc. They
  • 5. can also pursue professional courses like LLB, CA, CS, ICWA, CFA, CPA, CIMA, BBA, BBM, etc., followed by MBA,, MA, LLM,.etc at Post Graduate level to choose career as Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Economist, Investment Analyst, Insurance Advisor, Stock trader, Banker, Government jobs or private jobs in Multinational Organisations,etc. CEC students can also choose mainstream courses like BA, B.Com, B.Ed after Graduation to start their own or family Business, Corporate/ Private Jobs, lecturer, Professor, Probationary Officers in different Nationalised Banks, Government Jobs, UPSC-IAS, IPS, IFC,IRS,TSPSC by appearing for Group I and Group II Examinations., Indian Railways, Indian Police Department, Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Airforce, etc. THE END FASHION DESIGNING WITH TCCM . Fashion is much more than just clothes. It is an important component of our aesthetic and cultural history. Fashion's style is refreshed as it evolves with the setting of its time and being attentive to today's youthful talents, who mix ethnic and geographical influences and hail from all corners of the globe. Fashion is a technique of communicating with others that completely uses the modern media system (from television to the Internet), which is why it is so successful. Its territory is wide, encompassing several places that have long been overrun by accessories. One of the most popular fields of study among today's kids is fashion. With the correct fashion design courses, you may start
  • 6. at the beginning and work your way up to mastering the art of dressmaking. To become a successful fashion designer, from fashion illustration to choosing the right kind of fabric, giving them the right cut and perfect fit – you have to ace it all. Because there is so much to learn in order to become a professional in this sector, it's critical that you select a college and a course that meets all of your requirements. Tapasya , one of the leading fashion designing institutes in Hyderabad, has over 13 years' expertise in the field of creative education. You'll learn how to make beautiful dresses, crop tops, jackets, skirts, anarkalis, lehengas, sarees, and more with our carefully picked textile design courses. Beginners and those who wish to enhance their drawing, designing or stitching skills may benefit from our Fashion Design courses. THE END WHAT IS MEC GROUP IN INTERMEDIATE? MEC group is the heart of commerce group which comprises combining integral subjects i.e. Mathematics, Economics, Commerce. One of the advantages of studying MEC group subjects in class 12th curriculum by students is, it opens wider career prospects. This article is for you as it will provide in-depth about what is MEC Course and list of corresponding courses to the MEC group of
  • 7. subjects. If students studies MEC as the main subjects in the 12th standard, it is obvious for them to choose professional course in commerce. Commerce subject is spread in various fields such as marketing, finance, business, management, IT, etc. Students can pursue various graduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses in finance, marketing, business, and various other commerce subjects which lands them a successful career in commerce industries. The MEC group, which combines integral courses such as mathematics, economics, and commerce, is at the centre of the commerce group. One of the benefits of students studying MEC group subjects in the 12th grade curriculum is that it broadens their employment options. This page is for you since it will explain in detail what a MEC Course is and provide a list of courses that correspond to the MEC group of subjects. If MEC is one of the main courses in 12th grade, it is natural for pupils to pursue a professional career in commerce. Marketing, finance, business, management, information technology, and other subjects are all covered under the commerce subject. Students can enroll in a variety of graduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programes in finance, marketing, business, and other commerce-related areas, which will lead to a job offer. THE END INTERIOR DESIGNING WITH TCCM Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It’s a powerful, essential part of our daily lives and affects how we live, work, play and heal. Comfortable homes , functional workplaces and
  • 8. beautiful public spaces-that’s interior design at work. Designers craft spaces that anticipate our needs and appeal to our emotions while pulling from a broad set of skills and technical knowledge. Interior design has changed dramatically since the early 20th century when it was just beginning to emerge as a profession. Architects were tasked with the task of finishing the architectural interiors of buildings until a few decades ago. The idea of separating the design of the structure from the design of its inside began around the 1950s. It began as a result of the complexities connected with office workplaces, healthcare facilities, and other types of situations that necessitate professional interior design knowledge. This, along with a number of other variables, has aided in the professionalisation of the specialised field of interior design . Interior design has evolved into a well-respected profession that millions of young people want to pursue. According to an article published in India Today in January 2020, the country need more than 1 lakh Interior Designers. Since the early 1990s, when India became more liberal, designing dynamic living spaces and offices that represent the owner's status/style has become the standard. Urbanites, as well as upwardly mobile families in non-metros, are enthusiastic about investing in the design of their homes and workplaces. Interior design has evolved into a well-respected profession that millions of young people want to pursue. Many creative brains have a knack with design, drawing a line here and there and, voila! a beautiful yet functional space design appears. If you're among the creative types who find designing places - both residential and commercial - simple and enjoyable, an exciting career in interior design awaits you. Apart from inspiration and ideas, it's a good idea to get practical and academic training from one of the leading interior design institutions, such as Tapasya, before pursuing it as a lifelong career. THE END
  • 9. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR INTERMEDIATE COURSE? If you ask any class 10th students about their goals for the future, they will give you contradicting answers. This isn't to suggest they aren't ambitious; there are simply too many lucrative professional options these days, and students desire guidance from their parents and academics in deciding which path is best for them. Choosing a major after 10th grade is a life-changing and career-defining decision. As a result, rather than waiting until the last minute, students should begin researching their options as soon as possible so that they may make an informed and thoughtful choice. Depending on what you want to do in the end, you have a variety of alternatives, including science, engineering, medicine, mass media, law, arts and so on. For example, if a student want to pursue a profession in law, they should enroll in intermediate commerce classes. Similarly, students interested in becoming doctors should enroll in BIPC in Intermediate. Because of the multiple professional opportunities accessible after Intermediate, choose which course to take in Intermediate is not as simple as it sounds. However, each student can ask oneself a few questions to assist them decide on a specialism. What are their aspirations? This is the most crucial question that every student should consider. It is not required for everyone to know the answer to this question, but by asking it, they can begin to consider their possibilities and determine which path of study or career interests them the most. Some of them, on the other hand, may already have a life goal in mind, in which case they should concentrate on colleges and curricula in order to gain the essential skills to achieve their goal.
  • 10. If they've chosen a particular course because it's what their friends are doing? or do they choose their work path based on their passions? It's only natural that some of them choose a specific subject because they want to stay in touch with their friends after school. However, it's worth mentioning that in order to succeed, people must be enthusiastic about the path they're taking. In addition, no matter whatever path they take in life, they will have several possibilities to make new friends. What examinations should students take in order to complete this course? In most cases, students must pass the 10th grade with flying colors in order to enroll in Intermediate. However, depending on their professional choice, students may need to pass tests following Intermediate. It's usually a good idea to keep an eye out for junior colleges that prepare students for these tests. What job options exist after completing the course? Last but not least, everyone should keep an eye out for job openings in their chosen field. They should also inquire about job openings and compensation packages. Some institutions provide campus placements during the final semester, and getting into one of these colleges will give them an advantage in finding a job after graduation. These are just a few questions to consider before deciding on a career path. THE END
  • 11. WHICH COURSE TO CHOOSE AFTER 10TH ? A new chapter of your life will begin once you finish high school. You'll need to make some important decisions at this time. For a clear path from your academic life to your professional life, you may need to pick a career that sparks your interest. If you lack information or are unable to choose your dream job in this case, you may find yourself in a bind or be unsure of what to do next. Furthermore, this is the only time most students make incorrect selections as a result of being influenced by family or disinformation. Every person has their own set of abilities, strengths, and weaknesses; however, you must also know who you want to be and what makes you happy since making the right selection is crucial to your future career. However, if you are still undecided about what road you want to take, you can open the door to intriguing chances on the other side. Today, you'll learn about the intermediate courses offered in Telangana after 10th grade and how they can help you advance in your career. The process of stream selection intimidates students since they have never contemplated the next obstacle they would confront. It's time for a student to make yet another transition, and this time it's a big one. The good news is that there are a variety of tools available to aid students in making well-informed selections. There are numerous things to consider when contemplating possible courses following the tenth. But you can't just choose any stream, right? Rather of chasing popular mainstream possibilities, it is preferable to gain a wide understanding of the most recent careers and make an informed decision. Examine the list of courses available after tenth grade and choose the best option for you.
  • 12. THE END THE BEST WAY TO CHOOSE YOUR CAREER PATH ? You usually do not get a chance to choose your subjects at school. However, you can experience genuine freedom immediately after completing school through the SSC/CBSE/ICSE method. Yes, you have complete control over your subject selection. However, with freedom comes responsibility, as your decision now could have long-term consequences. So now you must ask yourself, and approach with prudence, the following question: which intermediate/junior college stream/subjects should I choose? The three core areas of civics, economics and commerce offer a solid foundation in the two years of intermediate/junior college. This popular course provides a thorough grasp of how business operate and how financial records are kept. In addition, an understanding of how economics affects an organisation and a country is learned. Additionally, students who chose CEC in their junior college years get social science material through civics. The successful students who have finished Intermediate can now look forward to many career-oriented courses with the information gathered in two years. Scholars who begin their journey with CEC can expect an array of opportunities, ranging from B.COM and BBA at the undergraduate level to MBA, CA, CS OR ICWA in later years. Without doubt, commerce has aided India's spectacular progress over the last few decades, and it continues to fuel expansion. With the introduction of internet, buyers and sellers may
  • 13. communicate with one another on a national and worldwide scale, making transaction easier. CEC can benefit a student who is interested in accounting, commerce, economics or civics in this case. Last but not least, it might be worthwhile to enroll at Tapasya Educational Institutions, which is the top college for CEC in Hyderabad. WHAT IF YOU TAKE CEC AFTER 10TH . CEC is an exceptional choice after completion of the 10th standard. The scholar has various study options ahead like soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate. Students can be parts of numerous three-year Bachelor's degree courses including B.COM, BA, BBA. Students can get an honored role in corporate world after pursuing the course. CEC group also opens doors for a variety of job opportunities and career options. All in all, if finance interests you, it is the best alternatives for you. A course should only be pursued if it interests you and your competencies and career goals are in line with it. The student must experience a good feeling while studying these subjects and then only he/she should pursue this course because there are the subjects that he'll have to study for the rest of the period. Do check if your chosen career requires a CEC group or if it requires something entirely different. The CEC group is very important in today's world where financial education is the need of the hour. If a person has a good source of finance but poor financial management, that financial is wasted. This is where the CEC group enters and spreads awareness of financial literacy. Understanding these subjects is very much important due to the value they add to an individual. CEC is a wonderful choice as after completion of CEC, the student can go for CS, ICWA and CA. Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, scholars can join several 3 years Bachelor's degree courses such as B.COM, BBA, BA. They can understand their
  • 14. finances very well and even manage them appropriate. This course has always been one of the most demanded ones! Since not everyone understands finance, every organization needs people who are well taught in financial and economic courses. There is a lot of scope for the people pursuing the CEC group. With the importance of financial literacy being focused upon at initial levels in the school itself, there is an awareness for the same created. This group of subjects has dynamic scope. The group has higher possibilities than other groups. To get Government jobs the above group could be very beneficial to the scholars. Pupils may also enter into the accounting field by the guides ICWA / CA. The C.E.C group could be very beneficial for the state-wise secretariat jobs/authorities jobs for the early career. There is an enhancing demand for the ones who’ve finished commerce courses. There also are different possibilities for commerce students in insurance, mutual funds, banking, capital market, investment banking, import, export corporations and financial fields. THE END BASIC INFO ABOUT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. The CA (Chartered Accountant) is a prestigious and hard profession. In India, CA is a solid alternative for higher education. It is the company's primary activity. The ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) runs the CA programme in India (Indian Chartered Accountants Institute). A chartered accountant works as a private counselor or in an organization's accounting department. In the event of a disagreement, bankruptcy, or other financial difficulties, a Chartered
  • 15. Accountant is crucial. After completing this course, you will be qualified to work in industries such as auditing, cost accounting, tax management, management accounting, consultation and financial work. It takes 5 years to complete the CA course. By the year 2006, the ICAI has launched the three level of this course. CPT (Common Proficiency Test) IPCC (Integrated Professional Computer Course) FC (Final Course) The CPT is the entry-level foundation course involves the quantitative aptitude test, general economics, mercantile laws and accounting. The IPCC has two groups. It covers the working knowledge of the core subjects. It is specially designed to improve the knowledge of accounting standards. The CA final course covers the advanced knowledge of financial reporting, management accounting. strategic financial management, professional ethics, information systems control and advanced auditing. Students who have passed their plus two examination can take the ICAI's foundation level examination. After passing group 1st, students must complete a three-year on-the-job training programme known as "articleship" with an employer. THE END
  • 16. WHAT IS BBA? BBA is a bachelor's degree programme in business administration that teaches students managerial and entrepreneurial abilities. The three-year programme gives academic and practical expertise in business, trade, and administration. The course builds business knowledge and entrepreneurial skills in students so that they can become effective leaders in the future. A BBA course is a wonderful career choice if you have good communication skills, enjoy problem-solving, and have a passion for time management and teamwork. Tapasya College Of Commerce And Management (TMCC), which is affiliated with OU University in Telangana, provides a three-year Bachelor of Business Administration curriculum. The course covers academic knowledge as well as managerial abilities such as analytical thinking, decision- making, and social skills, ensuring that students develop holistically. The course focuses on establishing a strong foundation in basic business disciplines. Students learn the skills needed to start and run a business in a variety of professions. The following is a list of popular BBA. BBA COURSES LIST. The course focuses on establishing a strong foundation in basic business disciplines. Students learn the skills needed to start and run a business in a variety of professions. The following is a list of popular BBA courses: * Finance
  • 17. * Marketing * Accounting *Business Analytics * Human Resources Management * Banking And Insurance * International Business * E-Commerce * Business Economics * Healthcare & Hospitality Management * Travel & Tourism Management * Event Management * Retail Management * Logistics and supply chain Management * Computer Application
  • 18. * Media Management. BBA is easily one of the best courses to do after 12th.It will put you on the correct path towards the right career and financial success. It will also improve you as a person, making you smarter and more confident. Not many undergrad courses out there that can do that for you. So, choose to do a BBA degree, and be ready to have a fantastic learning experience and career (Maybe abroad). Doing the BBA course from the right college is just as important as anything else. To know morw about our BBA course, and what it can do for your career, get in touch with our counsellors at the earliest. They will guide you well. THE END BENEFITS OF PURSUING BBA IN TCCM Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) course impart knowledge of the principles perfect for a career in the corporate world. The course helps for future business and management career goals. BBA course allows candidates to enter into the field of management. Students learn various aspects of effective business management. The course is designed to train students effectively in management education. The course focuses on communication skills which help in entrepreneurship. Students develop leadership qualities, decision-making skills, and good
  • 19. communication skills by the end of the course. Successful graduates of this course can opt for a range of jobs from sectors like finance, marketing, sales, management and education. BBA programs offer management training to prepare students to successfully work in any type of organization. The course methodology involves training through practical experience in the form of case studies, projects, presentations, industrial visits and interaction with experts from the industry. The course is designed to provide exposure to organizational working and learn the application of theoretical concepts in real life business situations. The program includes intense industry internship, several live industry projects, global immersion programs, surveys of real-life situations and hands-on experience in the world of business. Thus we are one of the top best BBA colleges in Hyderabad, India. ➤The prime reason for doing BBA can be better Job Opportunities. There exist many sectors in which the students get placed. In the world of business and corporate management, this presents lucrative career options. ➤By learning a BBA course, students can acquire management skills at a very early stage. It helps a student learn the knowledge of the business world and act as a leader to take decisions in the business world. ➤This course helps in building tactical skills.
  • 20. ➤Students get 3 year's time period to learn the concepts comprehensively. Students can face greater challenges during the course. The course helps develop a holistic approach towards management. ➤Students can get better pay packages at an early stage of life. ➤Students not only get bookish knowledge but also practical knowledge through projects and practical's of concepts like marketing, sales, human resource, finance etc. ➤If a student wants to learn MBA course after BBA then it will be easier for students as they can grasp things quickly and easily. THE END BENEFITS OF PURSUING B.COM IN TCCM The most popular undergrad course in the country is the Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com). This course is done after the 12th grade. You must choose a stream for your 12th grade, such as commerce, science, or the arts, and students who chose commerce continue in the stream by choosing B. Com. Students from different streams, on the other hand, are permitted to pursue a B. Com. This is because this course offers a wide range of opportunities for future education and career advancement.
  • 21. One of the most important benefits of a B. Com. degree is that you can get a solid job and begin working immediately after graduation. You can also pursue postgraduate degrees such as the MBA or the PGDM. What you study in your B. Com. degree shapes your future. B. Com degree is split into three years of study. Every year, you must choose a specialisation. In addition, you are allowed to have two backlogs every year. However, in order to advance to the next year, these backlog subjects must be cleared in the following semester. You will have to repeat the year if you do not pass them or if you fail more than two topics. The B. Com programme is not open to everyone. You must meet certain eligibility conditions in order to be considered. The following are the criteria: ➤You must have passed your 12th grade in commerce. ➤12th standard graduates from other streams may also apply based on the discretion uniersity and college. ➤Cut-off percentages exist at colleges. You must have received a score that is more than or equal to the cut-off percentage. Then and only then will you be admitted. Colleges continue to lower cut- off percentages until all seats are filled. ➤Private institutions can offer direct admission regardless of a candidate's grade point average.
  • 22. B. Com. remains the most popular undergrad course in India as there is a lot of scope for making careers. Commerce is the most important industry in the country. It is one of the highest contributors to the economy. So, as the economy grows, the commerce industry will also grow along with careers in it. Therefore, a B. Com. has a lot of scope and will set you up for an excellent career. Before deciding to do B. Com., you have to know what jobs and careers become available to you. This will help you decide the subjects and specializations to choose and further motivate you to do well in your course. 1. Accountants After specializing in accounting subjects, you can become an accountant and land a good job. Many companies are in constant need of good accountants and they also pay well. 2. Banker Many commerce students aim for banking jobs. These are some of the cushiest jobs that have excellent pay and benefits. Banking jobs also have a lot of job security. 3. Office Administrators Office administrators are the ones in charge of running an office. They have many important roles and responsibilities. They are also in charge of managing the petty cash.
  • 23. 4. Marketing Executives Owing to a B. Com. graduate’s knowledge of products, services,finance, accounting, and marketing, they do well in the field of marketing. Marketing jobs also come with additional perks like sales commissions. 5. Insurance Brokers Insurance is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. Many B. Com. graduates find stable careers in this industry. Insurance broker have high earning potential. THE END WHAT IS MEC? The first thing that we need to know before going further is the full form of MEC. MEC stands for the three core commerce subjects, namely, Mathematics, economics, and Commerce. These three subjects actually are the soul of the commerce stream. We can find one or two of these core commerce subjects in streams like arts and science. One big advantage of doing MEC subjects in your 10+2 is that it exposes you to a wide variety of fields to carry forward your career. Here, in this
  • 24. blog, we would be talking about the courses that you can pursue in your higher education that correspond to the MEC subjects. MEC Full Form MEC stands for mathematics, economics, and commerce, as previously stated. This is one of the most popular streams among students once they complete their tenth grade. Its appeal stems from the fact that it exposes students to the real world and prepares them for careers in sectors such as accounting, finance, business organization and management, economics, and many more. The advantage of choosing this option is that it offers students with a basic understanding of the disciplines and prepares them to pursue any of them as a graduating major. Through lectures, examinations, and projects, students will gain a grasp of many ideas connected to trading, business, and finance. It will lay a solid foundation for the future. MEC Subjects  MEC forms the soul of the commerce stream and comprises of mathematics, economics, and Commerce.  It is one of the most opted streams after 10th as it opens to the students a great field of careers like in accounting, marketing, business organization, management, IT, finance, computer application, etc.  After studying MEC subjects in 10+2, students have a large number of courses that they can go for at the graduation level. Some of them are BBA, BMS, BCA, BBS, BBE and B.Com. . Not just these, students can also pursue honors programs like BA English Hons., BA mathematics hons., and BA economics Hons. Etc.
  • 25.  Adding on to the advantage of opting MEC subjects is that students can also take up arts courses for graduation.  It makes mainly three fields open to the students namely commerce, arts and education and training.  Also, those who study these subjects have a good knowledge of the business world. MEC Courses To Do After 12th. The MEC Courses make a wide range of courses accessible to the students in both arts and Commerce streams. Here is a list of top courses to pursue after 12th that include the MEC subjects. 1. BSC in mathematics 2. BA in economics 3. BA English literature (hons.) 4. CA- Chartered accountant 5. CS- Company secretary 6. Bachelor of information technology 7. BJMC- Bachelor of journalism and mass communication. MEC Courses For Commerce Students After doing MEC subjects in your class 12, it is preferable to go for some professional course. Starting from management to computer applications, there are a number of courses that Commerce students can pursue for the graduation and post graduation. List of these courses are:- 1. BBA- bachelor of business administration
  • 26. 2. BCA- bachelor of computer application 3. B. Com.- Bachelor of commerce 4. BSC mathematics 5. BA economics hons. 6. BBM- bachelor of business and management 7. CA- Chartered accountant 8. BFA- bachelor of finance and accounting 9. MBA- master’s in business administration or in some specialized field like finance, HR, digital marketing etc. 10. MCA- Master’s of computer application Pursuing any of these courses for your graduation will definitely land you up in a successful career in commerce Field. THE END Why to Choose CEC Course Group After 10th: Importance, Benefits,Future. INTODUCTION
  • 27. CEC: It’s a diverse group that includes commerce, economics alongside civics. Since it is a diverse group you’ll get to study contemporary-day accountancy with basics, so that it will be useful in further studies like B.Com (General/Computers), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), BBM (Bachelor of Business Management) etc. It also consists of civics, you can also understand political sciences, public management, and write civil service examinations. CEC is an excellent choice and after CEC students can be part of graduating courses and later do MBA (Master of Business Administration) which is likewise very popular and whose candidates are recruited like hotcakes around the world. Why Choose CEC Course Group After 10th C.E.C. is an exceptional choice after completion of the 10th standard. The scholar has various study options ahead like Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, students can be a part of numerous three-year Bachelor’s degree courses including B.COM, B.A., BBM, and BBA. students can get an honoured role in the corporate world after pursuing the course. CEC group also opens doors for a variety of job opportunities and career options. All in all, if finance interests you, it is the best alternative for you. CEC Course: Importance, Benefits, Future Highlight about Goal and Interest of user
  • 28. A course should only be pursued if it interests you and your competencies and career goals are in line with it. The student must experience a good feeling while studying these subjects and then only should he pursue this course because these are the subjects that he’ll have to study for the rest of the period. Do check if your chosen career. Benefits C.E.C. is a wonderful choice as after completion of C.E.C, the student can go for CS, ICWA, and CA. Soon after the completion of CEC courses in intermediate, scholars can join several 3 years Bachelor’s degree courses such as B.COM, B.A., BBM, and BBA. Other benefits of this course include the financial knowledge a student now has access to. They can understand their finances very well and even manage them appropriately. Future Scope This course has always been one of the most demanded ones! Since not everyone understands finance, every organization needs people who are well taught in financial and economic courses. There is a lot of scope for the people pursuing the CEC group. With the importance of financial literacy being focused upon at initial levels in the school itself, there is an awareness for the same created. This group of subjects has dynamic scope. Career Opportunities The group has higher possibilities than other groups. To get Government jobs the above group could be very beneficial to the scholars. Pupils may also enter into the accounting field by the guides ICWA / CA. The C.E.C group could be very beneficial for the state-wise secretariat
  • 29. jobs/authorities jobs for the early career. There is an enhancing demand for the ones who’ve finished commerce courses. There also are different possibilities for commerce students in insurance, mutual funds, banking, capital market, investment banking, import, export corporations and financial fields. THE END WHAT IS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANCY? CA is a professional degree offered by the INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA (ICAI). ICAI is one of the largest accounting bodies in the world. Recognized as a professional degree in many other countries also. Chartered Accounting also known as chartered accounting, is a professional practice of accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial assessment for an individual or organization. The following are the requirements for taking the CA course: CA Foundation Exam (earlier known as Common Proficiency Test or CPT) CA Intermediate Exam (Integrated Professional Competence or IPC) CA Final Exam. The CMA
  • 30. programme is becoming increasingly popular among commerce students, particularly those who want to work in cost and management accounting (CMA) The following are the requirements for taking the CMA course: Foundation Course CMA Inter and CMA Final. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a professional accounting organization with members all over the world. It is a UK-based course that is recognised in over 180 countries. ACCA provides rewarding career opportunities in accountancy, audit, management, and taxation all over the world. ACCA's acceptance and demand are skyrocketing all over the world, particularly in India. CA COURSE STRUCTURE There are THREE Levels in this course 1. CA Foundation 2. CA Inter 3. CA Final CA FOUNDATION Eligibility
  • 31. Students Who completed Intermediate (+2) At TAPASYA what we Offer 1. The Best Coaching 2. Classes along with study Hours 3. Weekly regular Exams 4. Care till Examination 5. Mock Exams before Appearing for FINAL EXAM 6. Doubt solving session 7. Revision Classes 8. Motivation 9. Mentoring Our Success 60:40 Formulae We teach the complete syllabus within 60% Available time and 40% we will conduct revision sessions & Exams till Final Examination Due to this you can revise the subject more times and appear for exams with utmost confidence. It brought changes in many students result
  • 32. THE END CA Chartered Accountant is an appellation, per se rendered to an accounting professional who has earned for himself a certification from a statutory body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) being the sole statutory body in India that was established in 1949 under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the ICAI has been conducting the most prestigious albeit arduous CA exams since then wherein the institute certifies a candidate as a qualified Chartered Accountant on successful completion of all the three levels that this eclectic course comprises of, along with the rigorous and gruelling three years of training and today we shall be succinctly talking about its initial level i.e. the CA Foundation exam, which has replaced the erstwhile Common Proficiency Test (CPT) since 1st July, 2017. But prior to that, the question which would first strike our naive minds is that why as students, we must take upon this onerous and exigent profession and hence if one may talk about some of the attractive and umpteen opportunities that knocks the door for a CA professional, you would be amazed to know that in recent times, the demand for qualified and bright Chartered Accountants has increased manifolds. India alone scouts for around 7500 to 10000 CAs every year, with the numbers only rising constantly. Almost all the industries and innumerable business organizations, both in India and also overseas have a mandatory need of a CA professional for handling their expansive accounting department. A CA can hence work as an employee in a firm or can even choose to have his own independent
  • 33. practice, with boundless growth in his professional life. If employed in a firm, a chartered accountant plays an indispensable and a critical role in several multidisciplinary domains such as internal auditing, forensic audit, statutory audit, taxation advisory, financial reporting, banking and several services alike but on the contrary, if a CA professional desires to work independently, he can even do so in several wide-ranging and multifarious sectors such as a CA can be his own boss and can have his consultancy business as he is competent to render his advisory services to his clients, that may include both companies and also individuals, he can also provide independent auditing services to his clients. A Chartered Accountant is absolutely adept with the labyrinth stock market and he can easily get a firm grip over its nitty-gritty intricacies wherefrom a CA can expect immeasurable returns and also, if a CA has the conviction to nurture young, budding minds, in that case, he can even embark on a noble profession of teaching and imparting his invaluable knowledge to his pupils, which is a profession that is not only tremendously gratifying but in today's day and age, it is also considered as a remunerative and a rewarding venture. It is therefore evident that there are no dearth of opportunities for a qualified and knowledgeable Chartered Accountant however the journey for becoming an accomplished CA is not a cakewalk, per se. It requires strenuous efforts by the student along with the right motivation and guidance from his teachers but however we shall now elucidate the three eclectic and taxing levels that a student must clear so as to don the hat of a highly learned CA professional. It is evident that there is no dearth of opportunities for a qualified and knowledgeable Chartered Accountant however the journey for becoming an accomplished CA is not a cakewalk, per se. It requires strenuous efforts by the student along with the right motivation and guidance from his
  • 34. teachers but however we shall now elucidate the three eclectic and taxing levels that a student must clear so as to don the hat of a highly learned CA professional. The three levels are as follows - CA Foundation CA Intermediate CA Final CA As a quick review to your question, conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the three-level CA-Chartered Accountancy Exam is one of the toughest to crack in the world. The exams first level is Common Proficiency Test (CPT) followed by the Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC). It s true that this exam demands a lot of self-study with immense practices, yet effective preparation from your instructor is very much crucial. The job demand for qualified chartered accountancy in the job market is rising day by day but apparently, the passing ratio of the exam is still less than 5 percent. CA exam is the third and final round where a candidate fuses all their blood and sweat together to crack this round. Millions of people in our country dream to become a CA because it is one of the most reverential, on demand and best-paid jobs in India. As per the Pay Scale, Inc., The regular salary for a Chartered Accountant is Rs. 706,946 per year. The highest paying skills related jobs are Budget Management, Evaluation & Management Auditing, SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling, Strategic Accounts and Financial Advisor . Simply, it is one of the most profitable and dynamic profession that exists in the market today. Since the concept of globalization and privatization revolves around endlessly, CAs has been authorized to be auditors of companies in India as per the Companies Act. The core of all the business, CA course is one of the finest practical and theoretical education alignments. Career
  • 35. Opportunities (India) As we see the rising demand of CA s in the market, but not everyone can clear the CA exam. Remember, it is one of the toughest courses to crack in India with passing percentage of less than 5 percent. Therefore, there is a huge demand for qualified chartered accountants in the job market today. This professional degree course offers a lot of career options including, Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, Manager/Chief Manager- Internal Audits, Lecturer or Professor, Head (Training), Chief Manager (System), Advisor to the Government and so on. Among all, the top three careers are: 1. Chief Accountant: The role of chief accountant of a company is to serve several roles including the grounding of entire budgetary reports or documents related matter such as investment decisions for the firm. They also look in implementing financial strategies created by administration/ management and many more. 2. Chief Financial Officer: CFO also known as the Chief Financial and Operating Officer (CFOO) is a corporate officer, who is in charge of managing the financial risks such as planning, recording, reporting etc. of the company. 3. Manager/Chief Manager- Internal Audits: they handle the audit sector including, credit audits covering wholesale banking. They likewise tend to lead a group of auditors, interact with various stakeholders for smooth operation, find key risks and monitor various key aspects of the company that need to be enclosed during the audit. THE END
  • 36. CA A Chartered Accountant is a qualified professional who handles a wide range of responsibilities within the accountancy spectrum. CAs are always in demand due to their technical competence, veracity, and professional standards. Every company requires individuals who possess the incredible knowledge of financial laws and regulations and can handle the monetary issues without worrying about the legal ramifications that might jeopardize the business. A CA course is a professional degree that is offered by certified Chartered Accountancy bodies throughout the world and aims to equip students with complete knowledge of Financial Management and Auditing, Fiscal Laws, Regulations, Strategic Financial Management, Ethics, amongst others.It generally takes 5 years to complete a CA course and is structured to help you gain footing in the finance industry. The course consists of numerous levels along with an Articleship program that has to be completed before becoming a certified CA. However, it is to be kept in mind that each country has its own set of requirements in terms of certificates and degrees to allow you to work as a CA. In India, candidates interested in becoming a CA have to take take a series of exams conducted by ICAI. The three levels of CA Exam in India are the CA Foundation, CA IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence) Examination, and the CA Final. In order to get the CA certification, candidates need to clear all the levels. One can do this course after class 12th as well as after graduation. The ones who decide on becoming a CA AFTER GRADUATION are exempted from the CA foundation or the CPT Exam. Apart from that, the entire procedure remains the same for everyone.
  • 37. CA Course Duration After 10th Earlier, students were eligible for CPT Courses after the 10th class but from July 2017, any new registration is seized under CPT. So, now if you wish to pursue CA Course Duration After 10th, you need to pass your class 12th to take the CA Foundation test. So, if you do not have to take multiple attempts, you can crack the entire course in 6.5 years. CA Course Duration After BCom After BCom or any other graduation, the course of CA takes a minimum of 3 years to crack. However, if you go for any extra attempts, that will take you six months extra for each case. Graduates are allowed to apply for CA intermediate without having to pass the foundation level. However, they have to complete 9 months of articleship training to appear in CA Intermediate examination and before that, you must undergo ITT and OT programs. CA Course Duration After MBA The CA Course duration follows the same path as that for bachelor’s degree. You can directly apply for the CA Intermediate course and skip the foundation course. However, you have to complete 9 months of articleship training to appear in CA Intermediate examination and before that, you must undergo ITT and OT program.
  • 38. Career Prospects There are numerous career options you can discover after completing a CA Course. Some of the major areas offering numerous opportunities in this field include:  Taxation  Auditing  Management Consultancy Services  Pursue Civil/Government services  Career in the Insurance Sector  Investment Banking THE END Why is CA a Good Career Option?
  • 39. This professional degree course offers you the flexibility to pursue higher education such as CFA, MBA, and more. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on study hours as you don’t have to visit a college to study. Also, you can easily control the pace of your study and preparations without stressing yourself. Articleship is a compulsory feature of this curriculum because it provides you with practical experience and knowledge. Moreover, you can easily select the company you want to work with. Though, most CA’s tend to become entrepreneurs after acquiring the needed experience as they like to be their boss. If you’re not interested in being an entrepreneur, then you can always become a tax adviser and consultant as well. One of the prime aspects of this course is that you can easily keep up with consistency. If you want a break, then you can surely afford to take breaks and offs. Also, you can come back after brushing up and enhancing your knowledge as per the current scenarios. Eligibility Criteria Interested candidates should pass their 10th and 12th qualifying examinations from a certified board of education or equivalent examination. Students qualifying for their senior secondary exams or an equivalent exam can register for their CA Foundation exams. The CA Foundation exam is the entrance level exam for becoming a CA. While there are no minimum marks criteria for scores in the senior secondary exam, students should have cleared the exam to apply for the CA courses.
  • 40. After registration for the CA Foundation exams, the candidates will have to wait at least four months before filling the examination form to appear for an attempt. The ICAI mandates this period for the preparation of the exam. Before you decide to take the Integrated Professional Competence Examination, you must pass the CA Foundation Exam. Another route of being eligible for the IPCC is the direct entry for graduates or postgraduates. Candidates having a graduate degree are exempted from giving the CA Foundation exams if they meet the minimum marks criteria of 55% for Commerce graduates and 60% for other stream graduates. There is no upper age limit to register for the CA course, provided that the candidate fulfills the education criteria. Aspirants will be required to clear three exams to become a CA. These are the CA Foundation exam, the CA Intermediate Exam, and the CA Final exam. Role of a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT A well-skilled Chartered Accountant plays an essential role and handles different financial duties in a firm. They perform Auditing & Assurance, Tax Consultancy, Accounting Services, Accountants & Finance Outsourcing, and Financial Reporting.
  • 41. Almost every registered company or firm under the Company Act has a CA that ensures to manage different tasks like Financial Controllers, Finance Managers, Financial Advisers, or Directors and inspect their accounts. After becoming a CA, there are multiple scopes and jobs for interested individuals pursuing the Chartered Accountant course. Moreover, aspiring professionals can either work in a firm or even start with their private practice if they like. CA Scope in India In India, the position of Chartered Accountants is a highly sought-after post. CAs have several options, ranging from entrepreneurship to working in private firms to working with government agencies. In addition, there is much security and scope for Chartered Accountants in India for many reasons, such as the provision that every registered firm is obligated under the Company Act to appoint a CA for managing various financial aspects. The kinds of jobs in the private sector for CAs majorly depend on the company type and city. Large companies offer higher job opportunities in more nuanced and specialized skill sets. Keeping pace with new and upcoming technologies and practices also determines the possibility of expansion for Chartered Accountants. Moreover, the scope for CA is expansive, and the job options are plenty. They are demanded in all industries and, as a result, have a wide array of options.
  • 42. Career Options & Opportunities According to the latest reports, the demand for CA's in the manufacturing and financial services industries has been rising rapidly. If you’re interested in making your Charter Accountancy career, find the best coaching institute for the CA final. Tapasya college offering this course to aspiring individuals. All you need to do is find the perfect one and start with your studies. There are a lot of areas that provide employment opportunities to CAs. For example, they can work in the ranks of financial reporters, financial strategists, investment advisors, advisors in mergers and acquisitions, etc. Some of these areas are discussed here. There are a lot of areas that provide employment opportunities to CAs. For example, they can work in the ranks of financial reporters, financial strategists, investment advisors, advisors in mergers and acquisitions, etc. THE END What is Chartered Accountancy and How to Become a CA. One of the most common professions in India is chartered accounting. This is a difficult job to break into, but if you do, you will be rewarded with a rewarding career path, high pay, and widespread recognition. People admire chartered accountants for a variety of
  • 43. reasons, not the least of which is that becoming one is not easy. The path to becoming a chartered accountant or CA is tough and it can be easily said that it is one of the, if not the toughest profession. We like to keep our career advice as authentic and honest as possible, therefore we had to start with the toughest realities of this field. Let's get started with this career guide if you consider yourself to be determined and dedicated. What is chartered accountancy? Accountancy and chartered accountancy are fundamentally the same thing. The job entails overseeing the financial operations of a company. Accounting, budgeting, auditing, business planning, and taxation are all part of this. The distinction between an accountant and a chartered accountant is that the latter has completed years of intensive training and passed many exams in various parts of accounting in order to obtain the designation of chartered accountant. What does a chartered accountant do? Charteredaccountantsare specialistswhooperate inavarietyof industries,managinganentity'sfinances,offeringfinancial advice,and assistingwithmoneymanagement.Thiscouldbe fora company,an individual,orthe government. Why build a career in chartered accountancy?
  • 44. The simple reason to pursue a career in chartered accounting is that it is a well-paying and stable field. Every firm requires someone to manage their accounts,assist with tax filing, and conduct audits. The prospects for work as a chartered accountant are limitless. Chartered accountants are the solution to every organization's financial management demands, regardless of industry. Scope of chartered accountancy As a chartered accountant,you can work in the following sectors:  Businesses and industries  Chartered accountant firms  Consultancy firms  Institutions  Capital market services  Financial institutions  Independent practice. In the industriesindicatedabove,charteredaccountantsare constantlyingreatdemand.Youcanwork fora companyor an organisation, assistingwithaccounting,finance,taxation,andauditing.Youcan alsoworkon yourown andprovide yourservicestoanyone whoneedsthem. Anothersource of employmentisfinancialorganisations,whichare continuouslyonthe huntforqualifiedcharteredaccountants.Another methodtoput your accountingtalentstouse isto workfor a consultingfirm.Charteredaccountantsare assignedtocustomersbyconsulting
  • 45. firmsto assistthemwiththeirshortandlong-termfinancial goals.A consultancyfirmmaybe the appropriate optionforyouif youwantto work for several clients. THE END