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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Columbia University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Law School Magazine

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vinit	Bharara	’96	(opposite
                                                                                                                                                                                                             page)	and	Preet	Bharara	’93	
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (left)	say	their	father	instilled	
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in	them	the	importance	of	
                                                                                                                                                                                                             academics	and	public	service	
                                                                                                                                                                                                             from	an	early	age.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sk the Bharara brothers what                  long to convince his parents that law school,           “I said, ‘Knock yourself out with that,’”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           motivates them to achieve, and they           not medical school, should be his next step.         Preet told the audience. But he knew better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           will point you to their 72-year-old              But Vinit was also a sports nut. During           than to bet against the success of his brother.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , the                                    father, Jagdish Bharara, who instilled the              family meals, while Jagdish sat at the head went on to sell more than                        web exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of the table debating the death penalty or           200 million diapers last year alone, with                 read	media	coverage	of	Preet	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              online business                                    importance of academics and public service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and	Vinit	Bharara.	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 every night at the dinner table.                        discussing current events with his sons,             550,000 customers.                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vinit co-founded                                       “[He was a] very stern disciplinarian; edu-          Vinit’s attention often drifted. “I was look-           Last year, in a switch of familial dynamics,                     bhararas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in 2005, sold more                                     cation was everything,” Vinit confirms. “School,        ing at the box scores, following the Yankees,”       Preet visited the headquarters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 studying, grades—it was ultra-competitive.”             he recalls.                                          for some advice. The prosecutor, who oversees     But aside from that, his future appears to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             than 200 million                                       Characteristically, Preet met the chal-                 It was no surprise when, following law            more than 200 people, wanted to learn more        be limitless.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          diapers to 550,000                                     lenge directly. During his younger days, he             school, his initial plunge into the world of         about how the company manages its employ-            Meanwhile, Vinit, who rarely follows a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 excelled on the forensics team as a natural             business involved baseball. Back during the          ees. Though it may have gone unspoken, the        straight line in his career, is not about to start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               customers last

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 devil’s advocate. He adopted the role of a              heady Internet boom days of 2000, he and             experience meant the world to Vinit. “I know      now. For the time being, he is serving as Dia-
                                                   as U.s. attorney for the southern District                                                             the product of a remarkable family. They rep-      States, where the Bhararas settled for good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    year alone.                                  lawyer in a campus production of Barefoot               longtime friend Marc Lore talked regularly           Vinnie really looks up to his older brother,”’s top lawyer, but he is in the process
                                                                                                                                                          resent the only children of a Hindu mom and        in Monmouth County, N.J. Jagdish built a                                        in the Park, the Neil Simon comedy about                about potential business ideas that could            says Lore. “He’s learned a lot from Preet.”       of passing that baton to another employee.
                                                   of New york, Preet Bharara ’93 has                                                                     a Sikh dad who came together in an arranged        thriving pediatric medical practice while his                                                       a starchy young attorney charting his new               incorporate their mutual interest in sports.                                                              His next big idea is anybody’s guess. Vinit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bought the
                                                                                                                                                          marriage in India more than four decades           wife stayed at home to raise their two sons.                                                        marriage to a spitfire wife played by class-               “We pushed each other,” Lore recalls.                     he Bharara Brothers have a                says he likes thinking about the Constitution
                                                   ascended to one of the most important
                                                                                                                  arlier this year, after five            ago. Preet and Vinit’s parents, as children,         Preet Bharara nodded to his father’s lin-     company earlier                                     mate Jessica Goldsmith Barzilay, who has                “It was the heyday of the Internet, and we                   long way to go in their careers. But      and that public service is important to him,
                                                   and prestigious legal positions in the            months of waiting for approval from federal          had both been displaced by conflict after the      gering influence in the family on the October            this year.                                 maintained friendships with the brothers.               [liked the idea of] being your own boss.”                    Preet is already working at his self-     just as it is to the rest of the Bharara family.
                                                                                                     antitrust regulators, Vinit Bharara ’96 sold         British withdrew from the country in 1947.         2009 day he was sworn in as U.S. Attorney.                                                             Back in the old days, Barzilay recalls,                 After lots of conversation, the pair founded      described dream job, one that he refers           So do not be surprised if another Bharara
                                                   nation. Meanwhile, his entrepreneurial                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Preet would always talk about wanting                  and successfully launched, a              to as “the honor of my life.” He has played       winds up in government someday. And this
                                                                                                     the online diapers business he co-founded to            Rather than treating those circumstances        “Given the sacrifices he has made, the exam-
                                                   whiz kid brother, Vinit, who followed    for $540 million in cash.                 as a distraction, Jagdish Bharara, Preet and       ple he has set, and the life he has led, he will                                                    to make a difference. ‘I have to make an                kind of stock exchange for trading cards that        down speculation about political ambitions,       one, born in the U.S.A., actually could be a
                                                                                                        It was, he says, one of the most memora-          Vinit’s father, buried his nose in schoolbooks.    never be more proud of me than I am of him,”                                                        impact,’ he would say.” Vinnie spent a lot of           allowed fans to buy and sell the rights to cards     which have proved irresistible to some of his     contender for the nation’s highest office.
         By Carrie Johnson                         Preet in the law school Class of 1996             ble days of his life, and no one was prouder
                                                                                                     of Vinit—who is known to friends and
                                                                                                                                                          He became the first member of his family to
                                                                                                                                                          attend college. Then, following his marriage
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bharara told the numerous federal judges
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and New York City dignitaries in attendance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 those years thinking about “something that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 would excite him, another puzzle to solve,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bearing images of professional athletes. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         value of the cards went up or down based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              predecessors as U.S. Attorney. Preet is quick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to point out to audiences that as a natural-      Carrie JohNsoN	 covers	 the	 U.S.	 Justice	
                                                   and co-founded the wildly successful                                                                                                                                                                                                                          she adds.                                               on how the athletes were playing. Topps, the
                                                                                                     family as “Vinnie”—than his big brother,             and the birth of Preet, Jagdish made the dif-        Fast forward a couple of years. On a warm                                                                                                                                                                      ized U.S. citizen, he cannot be president.        Department	for	NPr.
                                                   website, is garnering                 Preet Bharara ’93, the U.S. Attorney for the         ficult decision to leave India—and, tempo-         spring night in April, Preet has traveled to                                                           The first big challenge Preet and Vinnie             sports card company, bought the website after
                                                                                                     Southern District of New York.                       rarily, his young family—to start his medical      Washington, D.C., to address Columbia                                                               faced as youngsters involved trying to avoid            just a year, in 2001, and Vinit began working
                                                   plaudits from far and wide for his                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a career in medicine, since the Bhararas, like          as an attorney at Topps. He became the com-
                                                                                                        The Bharara brothers, who rose to the top         residency in England. After reuniting in the       Law School alumni gathered at a restaurant
                                                   business acumen.                                  of their respective fields by their early 40s, are   early 1970s, the family moved to the United        near Georgetown’s harbor.                                                                           many high-achieving Asian parents at the                pany’s general counsel a few years later.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 time, had decreed their sons would be doctors.             Vinit says his legal background has been                                                                              Last year,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ultimately, in a rare case of domestic               instrumental to his business success. “As a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in a switch of
26	   COLUMBIA	LAW	SCHOOL	MAGAZINe	   fALL	2011	                       PHOtOGrAPHeD	By	Peter	freeD   	                                                                                                                       LAW.COLUMBIA.eDU/MAGAZINe	        27                                                resistance, Preet simply said no.                       lawyer, I bring certain types of skills to a busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “I declared pretty early on I didn’t want to be      ness,” he says. “Lawyers can connect concepts                                                                   familial dynamics,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a doctor,” he recalls. “In seventh grade, I read        together and tell narratives. [In business,]                                                                      Preet visited the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           On this evening, as white lights sparkle in         whose pockets Vinnie used to hide “piles and      Inherit the Wind, which was phenomenal.”                you need to connect everything together and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the leafy tree behind him, Preet has another           piles of lima beans” from their unsuspecting      Preet soon came to idolize the defense attor-           see what it sounds like, whether it makes                                                                          headquarters of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        story to tell about Bharara family pride. But          mother so he would not have to eat them           ney portrayed in the play, Clarence Darrow,             sense. That’s what you get trained for. I think                                                          for
                                                                                                                                                                                                        this one involves his mom and his kid brother.         at dinnertime. But Preet ultimately reveals       for his incisive, skillful witness examinations         lawyers can do that better than most.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “It was not until the day my brother’s deal         that his brother was a good kid growing up.       and his quest for justice. (Preet still watches            In 2005, Vinit put that training to the test
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              some advice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        was announced for over half a billion dollars,”           “Vinnie was very, very well behaved . . . in   the DVD of Inherit the Wind every so often,             with a new business venture. He again linked
                                                                                                                                                                                                        he told the crowd, “[that] my mom called               the upper echelon of good behavior,” Preet        but only the version with Spencer Tracy.)               up with Lore, this time to start
                                                                                                                                                                                                        up [CNN medical correspondent] Sanjay                  declares. “The problem was, I was even               “I figured if you are going to become a              Now more experienced, the entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gupta’s mom and said, ‘Eat your heart out.’”           more well-behaved.”                               lawyer, you want to become the kind that                did painstaking research and identified new
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Humor is a virtue, it seems, for all of                Their oldest friends describe the Bharara      argues in court,” he says. Preet recalls the            parents as a market segment where, if com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Bhararas.                                          household as a warm and welcoming place           inspiration he gained from a course in trial            panies built up trust, the business relation-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Back in New York City, the two brothers             where a funny, outgoing mother fussed over        practice taught at the Law School by then dis-          ship could extend for years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        have gathered to talk about their careers in           visitors and insisted on fixing guests some-      trict court judge and eventual attorney gen-               By this time, Preet had tried numerous
                                                                                                                                                                                                        a sunny eighth-floor space at the U.S. Attor-          thing to eat regardless of whether they were      eral Michael B. Mukasey. “He held you to an             cases in New York as a federal prosecutor and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ney’s Office for the Southern District of New          hungry. The brothers became each other’s          incredibly high standard,” Preet says, adding           moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        York, where Preet has Bruce Springsteen                closest adviser as teenagers, a pattern that      that Mukasey provided a practitioner’s view             top legal adviser to Senator Chuck Schumer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        songs playing in an endless loop. He takes a           continues to this day.                            of preparing opening and closing statements.            At his speech in Washington this spring, Preet
                                                                                                                                                                                                        moment to needle his kid brother about his                “Preet taught Vin a lot growing up that           Just as Preet was graduating, his younger            recalled the day his brother told him about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        choice of clothing—specifically, his jeans.            carried through,” says Lax Chandra, who           brother arrived at the Law School. After tak-           new company . . . selling diapers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “You couldn’t find something else to wear?”            met the Bharara brothers as a kid. “I think       ing some constitutional law classes in col-                “Like door to door?” Preet responded.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Preet asks, before concluding the jeans                Vin would say one of his biggest influences,      lege, Vinit found that he thoroughly enjoyed               “‘No, on the Internet,” Vinit shot back.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        were probably far pricier than the no-name             if not his biggest influence, was his brother.    the process of examining arguments and                  “Marc and I are thinking about launching a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        denim pants they wore as children, and in              Preet set a really high standard.”                searching for gaps in logic. It didn’t take             diapers website and quitting our jobs.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                       28	   COLUMBIA	LAW	SCHOOL	MAGAZINe	        fALL	2011	                                                                                                             	                                                                                                                     LAW.COLUMBIA.eDU/MAGAZINe	      29
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                                                                            omedy 101: It’s all in the timing. If you rush the
                                                                            punch line or pause too long, you kill the joke
                                                                            instead of the audience. The same principle holds

                                                                            true for sports. Whether a batter whiffs or “goes yard”
                                                               depends, in part, on estimating that precise, magical moment
                                                               when bat crushes ball.
                                                                  In fact, temporal perception, and especially interval
                                                               timing—the way in which we perceive the passage of time in
                                                               the seconds-to-minutes range—drives many animal behav-
                                                               iors, scientists say. It helps predators, for example, to time
                                                               their attacks before dinner scurries away.
                                                                  Among humans, it is no less essential. Temporal perception
                                                               underlies our ability to survive, learn, develop expectations
                                                               about what will happen when, and interact with other people
                                       Studying temporal       and our surroundings. We understand what it means to have
                                                               the floor for two minutes. We squirm during awkward pauses in

                                       perception makes        conversation. We predict how often we can hit “snooze” and
                                                               still get to work on time.
                                                                  Yet, despite its being fundamental to human operation, the
                                        teacher-scholar        slippery notion of temporal perception has caused many great
                                                               minds to lie awake at night. It so distracted Augustine that he
                                        Matthew Matell’s       devoted Book XI of his Confessions to the topic. He wrestled
                                                               with the enigma of what constitutes the present moment,

                                           clock tick          which “flies by from the future into the past with such haste
                                                               that it seems to last no time at all.”

                                                               GIVE OR TAKE A MINUTE
                                          By Suzanne Wentzel
                                                               Temporal perception has the same fascination for another great
                                                               mind: Matthew Matell, PhD, associate professor of Psychology
                                                               and director of the Temporal Perception Lab in the College of
                                                               Liberal Arts and Sciences. A specialist in behavioral neurosci-
                                                               ence, Dr. Matell was attracted to the field in general because
                                                               it united two of his loves: biology and psychology. But it was
                                                               through his studies as a master’s and doctoral student at Duke

                                                               Time flies in the Temporal Perception Lab, where Matthew Matell,
                                                               PhD, associate professor, Psychology, tries to answer one of the
                                                               questions that baffle scientists: How does the brain measure time?

 26   VILLANOVA MAGAZINE   FALL 2012                                                                             VILLANOVA.EDU   27

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                                                                                                               Jannette Carey                                              Biophysical chemistry: protein and nucleic acid structure, function,
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                                                                                                                                                         BREAKING                               U.S. energy policy is a mess. The situation at the global level is even worse.

                                                                                                                                                         Could it be that lawyers hold the key to getting things turned around?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          by Daniel Gross

                                                                                                                                                                  W                  e live in an age of ferment and innovation in be an understatement. New York this summer passed
                                                                                                                                                                                    energy production, use, and technology. As on-bill financing legislation, which lets people borrow
                                                                                                                                                                      tiny start-ups, like BigBelly Solar, a Newton, Mass.–based money for energy efficiency improvements and pay off
                                                                                                                                                                      firm that makes solar-powered trash compactors, prom- the loan through utility bills. Next door, in New Jersey,
                                                                                                                                                                      ise to change the world, thousands of electricity-powered Governor Chris Christie has pulled back funding for
                                                                                                                                                                      Nissan Leafs hit the roads each month. New solutions for formerly aggressive renewable energy requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                      kicking the fossil fuel habit, shrinking humanity’s carbon “There are a large number of disparate laws in opera-
                                                                                                                                                                      footprint, and mitigating global warming abound—from tion, and many of them are at war with each other,”
                                                                                                                                                                      the practical (motion-detecting sensors that automati- notes Michael B. Gerrard, the Law School’s Andrew
                                                                                                                                                                      cally turn lights off) to the pie-in-the-sky (seeding the Sabin Professor of Professional Practice and director
                                                                                                                                                                      clouds with crystals to combat global warming). And of the Center for Climate Change Law. Subsidies for
                                                                                                                                                                      through it all, the hectoring on the need to turn off the renewables coexist with subsidies for fossil fuels. Envi-
                                                                                                                                                                      lights is producing results. “We’re now producing out- ronmental laws like the Endangered Species Act make
                                                                                                                                                                      put for less energy consumption than we did before,” it difficult to build large-scale solar facilities in the sun-
                                                                                                                                                                      says Michael J. Graetz, the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher drenched Mojave Desert.
                                                                                                                                                                      Professor of Law and Columbia Alumni Professor of Tax             Gerrard recently published The Law of Clean
                                                                                                                                                                      Law. “That’s the happy part of the story.”                      Energy, a 688-page treatise cataloging federal and
                                                                                                                                                                         But there is a sad part, too. As Graetz notes: “We also state laws and regulations dealing with renewable
                                                                                                                                                                      drive bigger cars, have bigger houses, and have our houses energy and energy efficiency. He has set up a sepa-
                                                                                                                                                                      located further from work than those in most other coun- rate website (
                                                                                                                                                                      tries.” Even as clean-up efforts continue in the Gulf of with a 50-state survey to chronicle the “incoherent
                                                                                                                                                                      Mexico, U.S. crude oil production, fueled in part by a hodgepodge.” Tax credits and subsidies for faddish
                                                                                                                                                                      boom in North Dakota, rose to 5.5 million barrels per day solutions rise and fall like pop stars.
                                                                                                                                                                      last year. Because that is not nearly enough to keep our          “Eight presidents, from Nixon to Obama, have all said
                                                                                                                                                                      SUVs fueled, the U.S. continues to import huge quantities we have to eliminate our addiction to oil,” says Graetz,
                                                                                                                                                                      of oil, sustaining hostile, undemocratic                                           whose latest book, The End of Energy:
                                                                                                                                                                      governments in Venezuela and Iran, and                                             The Unmaking of America’s Environ-
                                                                                                                                                                      complicating foreign policy. Petroleum                                             ment, Security and Independence,
                                                                                                                                                                      alone accounts for more than 48 percent            web exclusive                   smartly chronicles the depressing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Read	the	professors’	work	
                                                                                                                                                                      of America’s gaping trade deficit.                dealing	with	energy	policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cascade of policy failures over the past
                                                                                                                                                                         Calling U.S. policy toward energy                four decades. “And the victories we’ve
                                                                                                                                                                      and efficiency a jumbled mess would                   energy-scholarship           achieved are rather hollow.”

                                                                                                                                                         36	   COLUMBIA	LAW	SCHOOL	MAGAZINE	   FALL	2011	                                                                     ILLUSTRATION	BY	DAVID	PLUNKERT   	                   LAW.COLUMBIA.EDU/MAGAZINE	   37

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  • 2. The Barnett Group Columbia University Law School Magazine Vinit Bharara ’96 (opposite page) and Preet Bharara ’93 (left) say their father instilled in them the importance of academics and public service from an early age. Family a sk the Bharara brothers what long to convince his parents that law school, “I said, ‘Knock yourself out with that,’” motivates them to achieve, and they not medical school, should be his next step. Preet told the audience. But he knew better will point you to their 72-year-old But Vinit was also a sports nut. During than to bet against the success of his brother., the father, Jagdish Bharara, who instilled the family meals, while Jagdish sat at the head went on to sell more than web exclusive of the table debating the death penalty or 200 million diapers last year alone, with read media coverage of Preet online business importance of academics and public service and Vinit Bharara. every night at the dinner table. discussing current events with his sons, 550,000 customers. Vinit co-founded “[He was a] very stern disciplinarian; edu- Vinit’s attention often drifted. “I was look- Last year, in a switch of familial dynamics, bhararas in 2005, sold more cation was everything,” Vinit confirms. “School, ing at the box scores, following the Yankees,” Preet visited the headquarters studying, grades—it was ultra-competitive.” he recalls. for some advice. The prosecutor, who oversees But aside from that, his future appears to than 200 million Characteristically, Preet met the chal- It was no surprise when, following law more than 200 people, wanted to learn more be limitless. diapers to 550,000 lenge directly. During his younger days, he school, his initial plunge into the world of about how the company manages its employ- Meanwhile, Vinit, who rarely follows a excelled on the forensics team as a natural business involved baseball. Back during the ees. Though it may have gone unspoken, the straight line in his career, is not about to start customers last E devil’s advocate. He adopted the role of a heady Internet boom days of 2000, he and experience meant the world to Vinit. “I know now. For the time being, he is serving as Dia- as U.s. attorney for the southern District the product of a remarkable family. They rep- States, where the Bhararas settled for good year alone. lawyer in a campus production of Barefoot longtime friend Marc Lore talked regularly Vinnie really looks up to his older brother,”’s top lawyer, but he is in the process resent the only children of a Hindu mom and in Monmouth County, N.J. Jagdish built a in the Park, the Neil Simon comedy about about potential business ideas that could says Lore. “He’s learned a lot from Preet.” of passing that baton to another employee. of New york, Preet Bharara ’93 has a Sikh dad who came together in an arranged thriving pediatric medical practice while his a starchy young attorney charting his new incorporate their mutual interest in sports. His next big idea is anybody’s guess. Vinit bought the t marriage in India more than four decades wife stayed at home to raise their two sons. marriage to a spitfire wife played by class- “We pushed each other,” Lore recalls. he Bharara Brothers have a says he likes thinking about the Constitution ascended to one of the most important arlier this year, after five ago. Preet and Vinit’s parents, as children, Preet Bharara nodded to his father’s lin- company earlier mate Jessica Goldsmith Barzilay, who has “It was the heyday of the Internet, and we long way to go in their careers. But and that public service is important to him, and prestigious legal positions in the months of waiting for approval from federal had both been displaced by conflict after the gering influence in the family on the October this year. maintained friendships with the brothers. [liked the idea of] being your own boss.” Preet is already working at his self- just as it is to the rest of the Bharara family. antitrust regulators, Vinit Bharara ’96 sold British withdrew from the country in 1947. 2009 day he was sworn in as U.S. Attorney. Back in the old days, Barzilay recalls, After lots of conversation, the pair founded described dream job, one that he refers So do not be surprised if another Bharara nation. Meanwhile, his entrepreneurial “Preet would always talk about wanting and successfully launched, a to as “the honor of my life.” He has played winds up in government someday. And this the online diapers business he co-founded to Rather than treating those circumstances “Given the sacrifices he has made, the exam- whiz kid brother, Vinit, who followed for $540 million in cash. as a distraction, Jagdish Bharara, Preet and ple he has set, and the life he has led, he will to make a difference. ‘I have to make an kind of stock exchange for trading cards that down speculation about political ambitions, one, born in the U.S.A., actually could be a It was, he says, one of the most memora- Vinit’s father, buried his nose in schoolbooks. never be more proud of me than I am of him,” impact,’ he would say.” Vinnie spent a lot of allowed fans to buy and sell the rights to cards which have proved irresistible to some of his contender for the nation’s highest office. By Carrie Johnson Preet in the law school Class of 1996 ble days of his life, and no one was prouder of Vinit—who is known to friends and He became the first member of his family to attend college. Then, following his marriage Bharara told the numerous federal judges and New York City dignitaries in attendance. those years thinking about “something that would excite him, another puzzle to solve,” bearing images of professional athletes. The value of the cards went up or down based predecessors as U.S. Attorney. Preet is quick to point out to audiences that as a natural- Carrie JohNsoN covers the U.S. Justice and co-founded the wildly successful she adds. on how the athletes were playing. Topps, the family as “Vinnie”—than his big brother, and the birth of Preet, Jagdish made the dif- Fast forward a couple of years. On a warm ized U.S. citizen, he cannot be president. Department for NPr. website, is garnering Preet Bharara ’93, the U.S. Attorney for the ficult decision to leave India—and, tempo- spring night in April, Preet has traveled to The first big challenge Preet and Vinnie sports card company, bought the website after Southern District of New York. rarily, his young family—to start his medical Washington, D.C., to address Columbia faced as youngsters involved trying to avoid just a year, in 2001, and Vinit began working plaudits from far and wide for his a career in medicine, since the Bhararas, like as an attorney at Topps. He became the com- The Bharara brothers, who rose to the top residency in England. After reuniting in the Law School alumni gathered at a restaurant business acumen. of their respective fields by their early 40s, are early 1970s, the family moved to the United near Georgetown’s harbor. many high-achieving Asian parents at the pany’s general counsel a few years later. time, had decreed their sons would be doctors. Vinit says his legal background has been Last year, Ultimately, in a rare case of domestic instrumental to his business success. “As a in a switch of 26 COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINe fALL 2011 PHOtOGrAPHeD By Peter freeD LAW.COLUMBIA.eDU/MAGAZINe 27 resistance, Preet simply said no. lawyer, I bring certain types of skills to a busi- “I declared pretty early on I didn’t want to be ness,” he says. “Lawyers can connect concepts familial dynamics, a doctor,” he recalls. “In seventh grade, I read together and tell narratives. [In business,] Preet visited the On this evening, as white lights sparkle in whose pockets Vinnie used to hide “piles and Inherit the Wind, which was phenomenal.” you need to connect everything together and the leafy tree behind him, Preet has another piles of lima beans” from their unsuspecting Preet soon came to idolize the defense attor- see what it sounds like, whether it makes headquarters of story to tell about Bharara family pride. But mother so he would not have to eat them ney portrayed in the play, Clarence Darrow, sense. That’s what you get trained for. I think for this one involves his mom and his kid brother. at dinnertime. But Preet ultimately reveals for his incisive, skillful witness examinations lawyers can do that better than most.” “It was not until the day my brother’s deal that his brother was a good kid growing up. and his quest for justice. (Preet still watches In 2005, Vinit put that training to the test some advice. was announced for over half a billion dollars,” “Vinnie was very, very well behaved . . . in the DVD of Inherit the Wind every so often, with a new business venture. He again linked he told the crowd, “[that] my mom called the upper echelon of good behavior,” Preet but only the version with Spencer Tracy.) up with Lore, this time to start up [CNN medical correspondent] Sanjay declares. “The problem was, I was even “I figured if you are going to become a Now more experienced, the entrepreneurs Gupta’s mom and said, ‘Eat your heart out.’” more well-behaved.” lawyer, you want to become the kind that did painstaking research and identified new Humor is a virtue, it seems, for all of Their oldest friends describe the Bharara argues in court,” he says. Preet recalls the parents as a market segment where, if com- the Bhararas. household as a warm and welcoming place inspiration he gained from a course in trial panies built up trust, the business relation- Back in New York City, the two brothers where a funny, outgoing mother fussed over practice taught at the Law School by then dis- ship could extend for years. have gathered to talk about their careers in visitors and insisted on fixing guests some- trict court judge and eventual attorney gen- By this time, Preet had tried numerous a sunny eighth-floor space at the U.S. Attor- thing to eat regardless of whether they were eral Michael B. Mukasey. “He held you to an cases in New York as a federal prosecutor and ney’s Office for the Southern District of New hungry. The brothers became each other’s incredibly high standard,” Preet says, adding moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as the York, where Preet has Bruce Springsteen closest adviser as teenagers, a pattern that that Mukasey provided a practitioner’s view top legal adviser to Senator Chuck Schumer. songs playing in an endless loop. He takes a continues to this day. of preparing opening and closing statements. At his speech in Washington this spring, Preet moment to needle his kid brother about his “Preet taught Vin a lot growing up that Just as Preet was graduating, his younger recalled the day his brother told him about the choice of clothing—specifically, his jeans. carried through,” says Lax Chandra, who brother arrived at the Law School. After tak- new company . . . selling diapers. “You couldn’t find something else to wear?” met the Bharara brothers as a kid. “I think ing some constitutional law classes in col- “Like door to door?” Preet responded. Preet asks, before concluding the jeans Vin would say one of his biggest influences, lege, Vinit found that he thoroughly enjoyed “‘No, on the Internet,” Vinit shot back. were probably far pricier than the no-name if not his biggest influence, was his brother. the process of examining arguments and “Marc and I are thinking about launching a denim pants they wore as children, and in Preet set a really high standard.” searching for gaps in logic. It didn’t take diapers website and quitting our jobs.” 28 COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINe fALL 2011 LAW.COLUMBIA.eDU/MAGAZINe 29
  • 3. The Barnett Group Express Scripts 2012 Drug Trend Report Website Design
  • 4. MARKING C omedy 101: It’s all in the timing. If you rush the punch line or pause too long, you kill the joke instead of the audience. The same principle holds TIME true for sports. Whether a batter whiffs or “goes yard” depends, in part, on estimating that precise, magical moment when bat crushes ball. In fact, temporal perception, and especially interval timing—the way in which we perceive the passage of time in the seconds-to-minutes range—drives many animal behav- iors, scientists say. It helps predators, for example, to time their attacks before dinner scurries away. Among humans, it is no less essential. Temporal perception underlies our ability to survive, learn, develop expectations about what will happen when, and interact with other people Studying temporal and our surroundings. We understand what it means to have the floor for two minutes. We squirm during awkward pauses in perception makes conversation. We predict how often we can hit “snooze” and still get to work on time. Yet, despite its being fundamental to human operation, the teacher-scholar slippery notion of temporal perception has caused many great minds to lie awake at night. It so distracted Augustine that he Matthew Matell’s devoted Book XI of his Confessions to the topic. He wrestled with the enigma of what constitutes the present moment, clock tick which “flies by from the future into the past with such haste that it seems to last no time at all.” GIVE OR TAKE A MINUTE By Suzanne Wentzel Temporal perception has the same fascination for another great mind: Matthew Matell, PhD, associate professor of Psychology and director of the Temporal Perception Lab in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. A specialist in behavioral neurosci- ence, Dr. Matell was attracted to the field in general because it united two of his loves: biology and psychology. But it was through his studies as a master’s and doctoral student at Duke Time flies in the Temporal Perception Lab, where Matthew Matell, PhD, associate professor, Psychology, tries to answer one of the questions that baffle scientists: How does the brain measure time? 26 VILLANOVA MAGAZINE FALL 2012 VILLANOVA.EDU 27 The Barnett Group Villanova University Villanova Magazine
  • 5. Department of Chemistry Home Faculty & Research Administration Scientific Facilities Postdocs Graduate Undergraduate News & Events Roberto Car Awarded the CECAM Berni J. Alder Prize in Computational Physics Physics Read moRe » Feature News Events New Chemisty Jay Groves has been Monday, April 26, 2 p.m. Building Monday, April 26 Bristol-Meyers Squibb selected to receive the 2010 Bristol Meyers Squibb Hans Fischer Career Award Symposium in Organic in Porphyrin Chemistry by Chemistry Symposium in Organic Chemistry the Society of Porphyrins and DuPont Seminar Room, 324 Phthalocyanines.DuPont Seminar Frick Laboratory Room, 324 moRe news » Frick Laboratory Complete listing » Taylor earns ACS accolades... Read moRe » Department of Chemistry Frick Lab, Princeton NJ 08544-1009 | Phone: (609)258-3900 | Email: © 2010 The Trustees of Princeton University | Last updated: April 28, 2010 Department of Chemistry Home Faculty & Research Administration Scientific Facilities Postdocs Graduate Undergraduate News & Events All Faculty & Research Faculty & Research Faculty Member Areas of Research Steven Bernasek Chemical physics of surfaces, basic studies of chemisorption Professor of Chemistry on well-characterized transition metal surfaces using electron diffraction and electron spectroscopy, surface reaction dynamics, heterogeneous catalysis. Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) Andrew B. Bocarsly Inorganic materials chemistry, chemistry of alternate energy Professor of Chemistry systems, chemical mitigation of carbon dioxide, electrochemistry, photochemistry, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry, coordination chemistry. Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) Roberto Car Chemical physics and materials science; electronic structure Ralph W. *31 Dornte theory and ab-initio molecular dynamics; computer modeling and Professor in Chemistry simulation of solids, liquids, disordered systems, and molecular structures; structural phase transitions and chemical reactions. Joint Appointment with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) Jannette Carey Biophysical chemistry: protein and nucleic acid structure, function, Associate Professor of and interactions; protein folding and stability. Affiliated with Chemistry Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University Department of Chemistry Chemistry Department Website Design Home Faculty & Research Administration Scientific Facilities Postdocs Graduate Undergraduate News & Events People Business & Grants Office Contact Business & Grants Office The Staff of the Frick Business Services want to welcome you to the Department of Chemistry. We Panina Zaurov Purchasing & Stockroom will make every effort to meet your needs and help your work or study. Generally one or more of us Business and Grants are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Manager Facilities & Maintenance 123C Frick Laboratory Some links to helpful locations around our site and beyond: 609-258-2436 Technology • Staff Health & Safety • Guide to Purchasing and Accounting Wendy Arterburn Building Move • Purchasing Links Financial Assistant • Accounting Links 123C Frick Laboratory 609-258-3899 • Grants and Fellowships • What’s New? • Miscellaneous Department of Chemistry Frick Lab, Princeton NJ 08544-1009 | Phone: (609)258-3900 | Email: © 2010 The Trustees of Princeton University | Last updated: April 28, 2010
  • 6. The Barnett Group American Funds Capital Income Builder Annual Report
  • 7. The Barnett Group Columbia Law School’s New Magazine Can’t view this? Click here. rnett g ba BG the barnett group ro the up cr y nc at e iv e age for small use Columbia law school magazine, fall 2011 While creating interactive solutions for our clients, we haven’t forgotten our roots: Print Design. This beautiful publication for Columbia Law School is a prime example of a successful relationship with a great client. What do our interactive and print concepts have in common? They all start with the best possible user experience. Regardless of the medium, we encourage the viewer to become engaged in what they’re seeing, and to return over time. And when we design print and interactive in tandem, your brand is integrated with consistency. The Barnett Group has been designing annual reports, B2B and B2C brochures, and publications since 1984, and we always welcome the opportunity to do quality print design. BREAKING U.S. energy policy is a mess. The situation at the global level is even worse. THROUGH Could it be that lawyers hold the key to getting things turned around? by Daniel Gross W e live in an age of ferment and innovation in be an understatement. New York this summer passed energy production, use, and technology. As on-bill financing legislation, which lets people borrow tiny start-ups, like BigBelly Solar, a Newton, Mass.–based money for energy efficiency improvements and pay off firm that makes solar-powered trash compactors, prom- the loan through utility bills. Next door, in New Jersey, ise to change the world, thousands of electricity-powered Governor Chris Christie has pulled back funding for Nissan Leafs hit the roads each month. New solutions for formerly aggressive renewable energy requirements. kicking the fossil fuel habit, shrinking humanity’s carbon “There are a large number of disparate laws in opera- footprint, and mitigating global warming abound—from tion, and many of them are at war with each other,” the practical (motion-detecting sensors that automati- notes Michael B. Gerrard, the Law School’s Andrew cally turn lights off) to the pie-in-the-sky (seeding the Sabin Professor of Professional Practice and director clouds with crystals to combat global warming). And of the Center for Climate Change Law. Subsidies for through it all, the hectoring on the need to turn off the renewables coexist with subsidies for fossil fuels. Envi- lights is producing results. “We’re now producing out- ronmental laws like the Endangered Species Act make put for less energy consumption than we did before,” it difficult to build large-scale solar facilities in the sun- says Michael J. Graetz, the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher drenched Mojave Desert. Professor of Law and Columbia Alumni Professor of Tax Gerrard recently published The Law of Clean Law. “That’s the happy part of the story.” Energy, a 688-page treatise cataloging federal and But there is a sad part, too. As Graetz notes: “We also state laws and regulations dealing with renewable drive bigger cars, have bigger houses, and have our houses energy and energy efficiency. He has set up a sepa- located further from work than those in most other coun- rate website ( tries.” Even as clean-up efforts continue in the Gulf of with a 50-state survey to chronicle the “incoherent Mexico, U.S. crude oil production, fueled in part by a hodgepodge.” Tax credits and subsidies for faddish boom in North Dakota, rose to 5.5 million barrels per day solutions rise and fall like pop stars. last year. Because that is not nearly enough to keep our “Eight presidents, from Nixon to Obama, have all said SUVs fueled, the U.S. continues to import huge quantities we have to eliminate our addiction to oil,” says Graetz, of oil, sustaining hostile, undemocratic whose latest book, The End of Energy: governments in Venezuela and Iran, and The Unmaking of America’s Environ- complicating foreign policy. Petroleum ment, Security and Independence, alone accounts for more than 48 percent web exclusive smartly chronicles the depressing Read the professors’ work of America’s gaping trade deficit. dealing with energy policy. cascade of policy failures over the past Calling U.S. policy toward energy four decades. “And the victories we’ve and efficiency a jumbled mess would energy-scholarship achieved are rather hollow.” 36 COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL MAGAZINE FALL 2011 ILLUSTRATION BY DAVID PLUNKERT LAW.COLUMBIA.EDU/MAGAZINE 37 View magazine  Design. Marketing. Interactive. Can’t view this? Click here. rnett g ba BG the barnett group ro the up cr y nc at e iv e age for small use Welcome to our new website. Can’t view this? Click here. rnett g ba BG the barnett group ro the up cr y nc at e THE GOODS iv e age Portfolio of the work for small use THE FACTS New project updates happy 2012 A brand new look for the same full-service creative agency that you’ve come to trust and rely on over the years. THE FACTS Enter  Contact us Design. Marketing. Interactive. The Barnett Group wishing you a happy & prosperous new year! Monthly Email Promotions Design. Marketing. Interactive.
  • 9. ESSENCE Magazine Pine-Sol, Salute Powerful Women Advertorial and Insert