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Argumentative Essay On Women And Social Media
The most hypocritical belief in American society today is feminism. What was once a bold movement for social and political equality has turned into
an arrogant beast that will neither heed nor listen to the opinions of dissenters. Modern day feminists have turned men into the enemy, and they look
down upon women who do not share the same views. They have twisted their ideology into an aggressive campaign to gain greater liberties for women
while ignoring men's issues. Most men, along with those who disagree with contemporary feminists, are often attacked with harsh words, primarily
through the use of social media and the Internet. Many blogs, Twitter accounts, and online newspapers that support feminism sometimes make men out
to be the "enemy" more content...
This is defined as "A culture, environment or society where rape is common, and in which social attitudes or practices work to trivialize sexual
violence, make rape seem normal, or shift responsibility from rapists to rape victims" (Rape–culture). While rape itself is a very real and horrible act,
rape culture only increases contempt for men and the victimization of women. It focuses on a misogynistic society while completely ignoring the fact
that many rape victims were either A) men, or B) not actually raped. The belief that men cannot be raped is an injust fallacy that has been proven
wrong in multiple cases in the past decade. in 1994, a college student named Katie Roiphe wrote a paper on the "feminist crusade against campus rape
culture," saying that "'these feminists are endorsing their own utopian vision of sexual relations'" (Durgin). Basically, Roiphe is calling out feminists
who cry "rape" any time they have had a less–than–satisfactory sexual experience. By doing so, the voices of women who actually have been raped are
given less
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Women Are More Emotional Than Men
It is a stereotypical image around many different cultures: Women are more emotional than men. According to Brody and Hall (2008), "women are
believed to be more emotionally intense, as well as more emotionally expressive" (pg. 396). When people think of the main difference between male
and female, the emotional state of the different genders would probably be one main concept that comes to mind. According to Baumeister and
Bushman (2014), "the traditional stereotype of female emotionality is wrong" (pg. 221). While the different emotions that are dominantly expressed,
or the way genders express the emotions being felt could vary among males and female, the actual act of living an "emotional life" is "nearly
identical" between males and females (Baumeister and Bushman, 2014, pg. 220). The two genders were "remarkably alike in the degree to which they
reported feelings at any point on the emotional continuum" and for that reason, the stereotype of women being more emotional than men would be
wrong (Baumeister and Bushman, 2014, pg. 220). As stated above, the emotions that are more frequently expressed by men or women can differ.
According to Brody and Hall (2008), women tend to experience more frequently the positive emotions of "joy, affection, warmth, and well–being" (pg.
397). When looking at negative emotions, "disgust, sadness, fear, anxiety, hurt, shame, and embarrassment are generally reported more by women than
by men" (Brody & Hall, 2008, pg. 397). When looking at
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Essay on Equality for Women in Education
Before the 21st century, women have faced many obstacles when trying to gain equality. They were seen as the "weaker sex" and were seen as not
as educated or not as capable as men. Even when some women tried proving these statements to be wrong and showed that they were just as capable
as men and assert any sort of opinions they were ostracized and dismissed. They were seen as un–ladylike and were not respected. Women were not
given a chance to prove that they were equal to men during this time. Any opinions they raised were quickly dismissed. Many women writers and
thinkers were not taken seriously at this time (many having to create pseudonyms to hide their gender when they wished to not only be published but
to be taken seriously), more content...
Many young girls during this time who had an opportunity to be educated did so either in a convent school or in the home. She was educated in her
home and was educated by some of the greatest tutors. Emilie's father (Louis–Nicolas) was a host of a salon with many influential intellectuals, one
being Fontenelle. When Emilie expressed interest in astronomy, her father arranged for Fontenelle (the secretary of the French Academy of
Sciences) to "speak" with Emilie at age 10. Her father was one of few parents during this time that encouraged his daughter to study and wanted her
to become an intellectual. It has been said that her father had thought that Emilie would be "no great beauty" so that could have been one of the
reasons he encouraged her learning. He wanted her to have some value to a man she would one day marry. It is not known whether or not her mother
was "thrilled" about her daughter being educated in such a way, only speculation that she may not have been very happy with it but she accepted it. As
I stated, it was unusual at the time for parents to be so accepting of their daughter's interests in math and science, especially because of their status and
of the time however her father seemed to not only accept it but encourage it. Her father brought tutors to their home and received education in math,
literature and science
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Argumentative Essay On Women's Rights
Throughout the United States history, there has been many political debates, one of which was Women's Rights, which had played an important role in
US society. One major debate on this subject was the proper role of women in American society in 1848–1910. Many people had different viewpoints.
For example, in "How to be the Perfect Housewive", an article from Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine, the author explains that everything you do
should be for your husband. On the other hand, American activists, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, believe women should have equal rights
to men, to show the wrongness of men tyranny over women, they decided to write the Declaration of Sentiment. In one of the excerpts, they wrote, "He
has compelled her
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Argumentative Essay On Women
Women Can The mentality of mankind today is, "Men must prove themselves and take care of their fragile women." It is the right of every human in
the United States, to say the very least, to be treated as equals no matter what race, religion, skin color, gender, class, etc. they are. Being specified
now, is the equality of genders. Men are given such big and heavy–duty tasks which leave them playing big and important roles in society. It is not by
the choice of women to be downgraded to such small and simple tasks that they are given daily. Women should not be belittled by men or any
individual in general, because they are capable of performing any task just as well as men. There are debates in classrooms, workplaces, and in
general conversations about what men can do that women cannot. In history classes, teachers often explain how feminist society was "back in the
day." Females were given the job of staying home and taking care of the children. They were to have meals prepared, ready for when the men got
home from a long day's work and do laundry. It was not until the mid–1800's that women were given permission to work somewhere else besides their
home. Textile mills began to open which employed over 7,000 unmarried women. During the years of World War I, they were hired as nurses to aid
the wounded soldiers. At that time, the lives of many men were in their hands. From then on, females played a big role in hospitals. Once women
were allowed to study and work, they were
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Every American girl has the opportunity and ability to become someone successful in our ever–growing society here in America. As they grow older,
young ladies have dreams of becoming a doctor, astronaut, or even President racing through their minds. Especially now, girls can vision becoming
anything, whether it be a construction worker or head CEO of a company, the opportunities are endless. Women in America are now set at ease with
laws that protect their rights from being violated and discriminated against just for being female. Unfortunately not every place in the world is as lucky
as the women here in the US. The rights of Muslim women in the Middle East are despicably being violated in many different ways. Many people
foolishly more content...
Women in Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, could be beaten or shot for being outside their homes without a male family member. (Armstrong 226)
Muslims in parts of Egypt, Ethiopia and the rest of East Africa perform female circumcisions, which are not based on Islamic Qur'an, but on their own
beliefs. In some countries, it is believed that the understanding of rape by Muslims is different form that of the US. "In the Islamic Republic, 'a holy
man in a provincial town had been charged with raping a thirteen–year–old daughter of one of his followers. The case against him in could not get far in
the sessions court because under a new Islamic Law under which he was tried required four eyewitnesses to the act. Many times women are afraid to
come forward in fear they lack the four male eyewitnesses, and could then be looked as an adulterer, which could cost her life. There are also reported
cases of stoning a woman to death as punishment for suspected adultery. (Spencer 86–90) Cases of murdering flesh and blood are even reported, such
as the one from the Chicago Tribune: (Spencer 91)
"On May 31, 1994, Kifaya Husayn, a 16–year old Jordanian girl, was lashed to a
chair by her 32–year–old brother. He gave her a drink of water and told her to
recite an Islamic prayer. Then he slashed her throat. Immediately afterward, he
ran out into the street, waving the bloody knife and crying ' I have killed my sister
to cleanse my honor.' Kifaya's crime? She
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Essay about Women's History Then and Now
During the 18th and 19th century, patriarchy has been responsible for designing women's role in society. Throughout history, men have been
deemed as superior while women have been regarded as inferior. Society has this ideology that women are the sole laborers of a household; they
were not granted the same privileges as men. In addition, women have been negatively affected by stereotyping. Women have been portrayed on
television as being submissive to men. The depiction of women on television portrays the implications of a societal view of women. From a man's
perspective, an ideal woman is a housewife who does all the household duties herself. However, over the years, studies have shown that gender roles
have slowly advanced. Women more content...
Also, in many marriages women have a say in everything the man does. There must be a consensus between both the man and woman. Studies indicate
that, "the assertive woman debunks the tired old myths and stereotypes of women bosses, stay–at–home moms, and "bully broads," and superwomen,
and presents a refreshing, positive alternative." Many studies have shown that assertive women are more successful. Assertive women tend to gain
the respect of others as well as raise objections to present feminine stereotypes. For this reason, critics argue that, "women have developed a kind of
assertiveness, who lets people know what they want, and what they would not accept, without looking emotional." By developing this role, women
have become victorious individuals. Furthermore, women went from being submissive to being influential. Women have changed the world. We
have some of the most powerful and influential women, who have contribute to shaping our society, for example, Michelle Obama and Oprah
Winfrey. For instance, Oprah uses TV to help the lives of many Americans; her book club attracts millions of readers and because she is a benevolent
billionaire, she gives a lot of money to charity. Oprah also built an all girls school in South Africa to give the underprivileged girls in South Africa a
chance to purse a higher education. Oprah Winfrey's Leadership Academy for Girls indicates that, "when you're
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Argumentative Essay On Indigenous Women
Essay – MMIW Imagine a normal day. You wake up, you get ready, you probably see your mom, wife or sister. You say goodbye and head on your
way. Once home, you sit down with them and talk about your day. When sad they comfort you, they love, support, care for you. Now imagine you
wake up one day and they have disappeared without a trace. Gone. You are heartbroken. This is a sad reality for many Indigenous families, many
women are vanishing without a trace. Between 1200–4000 Indigenous women have been missing or murdered in the last 30 years. These women are
often targeted and treated as being worthless leading to little support from police and the public. After being immersed into this issue I learned lots, but
I was left feeling sad, more content...
The press only adds to the negativity, in one case, they only talked about the murdered, Crawford, and when they talked about the victims, they spoke
about them as trash and worthless. This has helped changed my thinking about the media and press and how things are displayed. Everyone is
important. The further I investigated this topic, the sooner this sadness turned into confusion, on why nothing is being done. The Government of
Canada preaches about being a free nation for equality for all yet they continue to ignore the 1200–4000 missing and/or murder Indigenous women in
the past 30 years. These women are trapped in a cycle of poverty, abuse and fear and this will only continue to get worse. Loretta Saunders's mother,
Miriam Saunders, said originally the media said Loretta was a white women missing and treated the family quite differently when they thought she
was white. Miriam Saunders said "When they said she was a white woman, I would call to the investigators and they would answer to me and I would
talk personally to the investigators and after, when they started calling her Inuk, I had to start swearing and everything to get answers," said Miriam
Saunders. "After that, I started talking to this go–between.". Their gender, nationality, race, religion of a person does not matter what matters is that
they are missing and the police need to do their best to find them. Since Justin Trudeau has been elected he has launched an inquiry into
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Argumentative Essay On American Women
Women are considered second–class citizens when compared to men who dominate positions of power in the United States. From a political
standpoint, there is a common misconception that women are unable or unfit to serve in public office. Regardless of gender, every voting American
possesses the potential to assert themselves and participate in our democracy. The outcome of the U.S. 2016 presidential election demonstrates how
women are still negatively viewed and discriminated against by gender bias. As evidence of this, in the United States Congress, women hold just 84
(19.3%) of the 435 House of Representative seats, with only 20 women (20%) in the United States Senate (Rutgers, 2016). This is a startling statistic
considering that women possess the same rights as men to run for political office and represent one–half of the U.S. population. American women have
been stereotypically viewed as intellectually inferior when compared to more content...
Secretary of State during the Clinton Presidency, was quoted in the New York Times as saying that she "personally encountered male chauvinism in
Washington" (Walsh, 2016). In her own words, Ms. Albright said: "it was the little things, whenever I raised my hand in meetings, men would
always say 'don't be so emotional', or would drum their fingers on the table and say I was taking too long to make decisions" (Walsh, 2016). This
serves as yet another example of gender bias in politics, considering the level of respect and international prominence Ms. Albright earned while
serving in this key presidential cabinet position on the world stage. If Ms. Albright achieved this level of respect, then how could Mrs. Clinton not
have also led as president? It is unfortunate that gender bias continues to separate women from having their voices heard in high political office.
Clearly, including women in political decisions would be the gateway to changing domestic priorities for our
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Argumentative Essay: The Oppression Of Women
Peace, freedom, stability, education, equality, and prosperity: the mere aspirations that every American wishes to achieve. The "dream" our founding
fathers wanted every man to obtain. However, what we Americans forget to acknowledge is our own dreams. We are too myopic and are so
apprehensive towards failure that we attempt to prevent others from succeeding. Every man desires equality; but where does this leave women? We
constantly cast–aside the gender division that is prevalent in our country and dismiss intentions to move towards change. Men exists because of women.
Women and men are of one entity: the human being. And we as fellow human beings must realize our place and demand change. But change for what?
Change that we are too afraid
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Argumentative Essay On Women In Media
Media is everywhere. In classrooms, at home, in your pocket, no one can escape the temptation of media. Every little bit of information stems from
media. But, all information has two sides to it, one of which media never reports. Women have always been a controversial topic in media. For
example women are seen as sex symbols rather than intellectual individuals. Social media and media have targeted women to become a conquest in
which reward must be given. For instance, if a man were to sleep around with multiple partners it would not be viewed as promiscuous, while a woman
would be characterized as a slut or a whore. Media has always been a prominent factor in how we view certain ideals. For example, women should be
treated and viewed as inferior from their male counterparts. As the media thoroughly objectifies women's bodies it creates a stigma that women must
be held to a beauty standard to be seen as acceptable in society.
The media focuses on the types of beauty that is acceptable to society. But when asked what is beauty? There are a multitude of answers. What media
illustrates is a beauty that has been shifted and shaped by misogynist men and by a society that does not believe in individual beauty. Media centers
around outward appearances which produced a shallow frame of mind. For instance, women stand in the mirror disappointed they don't appear as the
women in the media. Unhappy with their bodies with their self esteem dwindling slowly they see that beauty, in
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Argumentative Essay On Black Women
Black women are always the leading role and image of negative identity. With the many amounts of stereotypes and verbal imagery, people will
remain persuaded across the United States to believe such biased standards. They are persuaded to view Black women as characters in storytelling
about incapable gender, race, and social class. Being slandered by the same oppressors who statistically rates them highest amongst all other races of
women, also strips them morals, worth, and labels Black women destined for drug–abuse and incarceration.
There are many, black women advocating and addressing the problem of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is a war on Black women and their
families. Women of color are easily targeted by the War on Drugs. Being not only a woman but a Black woman has such a lethal effect on Black
communities across the nation of America. A famous quote by the infamous Malcolm X supports what many advocators have made sense of over the
years. The quote says, "The most disrespected woman in America, is the Black woman." This statement vouches for the mistreatment of Black women
in an unjust and biased correctional system. One woman, Paula C. Johnson argues many injustices of African–American women. Johnson states that
the key to understanding the overuse of Black women in criminal statistics, would be to first comprehend the dominant society's reaction. In laymen
terms she basically said that " lies not in cultural and social differences." (Wing) The
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Argumentative Essay About Sexism Against Women
Good afternoon everyone! My name is Angelica Scott. I will be speaking to you about sexism against women. Although conditions for women have
improved over time, women still experience sexism. Sexism is a serious issue that continues to affect women today. Sexism occurs in many forms. It
can take place in the workplace, in the form of a glass ceiling, and it is even present in history textbooks.
First of all, sexism is present in the workplace. More women have entered the workforce in the last few decades. After WWII, about 30% of women
were employed outside the home, but today, the figure is over 50%, near 75% if part–time jobs are included. However, men and women are not treated
equally. Women usually hold lower status, lower paying jobs than men. Only 25% of upper–level managers in large corporations are women. Women in
stereotypical female jobs usually hold subordinate positions to men. For example, executives supervise secretaries, who are likely to be women
(Sexism in the Workplace, 2014).
Women who occupy the same jobs as men usually earn less, even if they have the same education and skills. Women earn 77 cents to a man's dollar.
According to an analysis for The Huffington Post by Ariane Hegewisch, female workers work about 59 work days, per year for free. Women make
about 77.4% of more content...
According to Nicholas Ferroni, an educator, historian, and student mentor, women are a forgotten group in the history textbook. Female figures are not
included in textbooks as often as they deserve. Girls will learn about a predominantly male history, which indirectly lays the foundation of sexism. By
downplaying women's role in history, women in general are seen as the weaker gender. History textbooks will have a section about women's voting
rights and mention a few female figures and first ladies, showing that women fought for equal treatment throughout history and are still not completely
receiving it (Ferroni,
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Argumentative Essay: The Oppression Of Women
Want to know more about why men tell lies, why women pout, why sex at night is not always the best thing, and why after just about after one year
into the relationship the honeymoon is over? You can by enrolling in the workshop.
Plan a wonderful life together. As anything else of great importance, yourmarriage and or commitment to each other is the foundation. Building upon
the foundation involves making decisions for the life of the relationship. Weave your foundation with tools that will fortify, endure, and withstand any
storm. Invest in Premarital counseling! Be among the %75 of couples who reached 10 years of married and working on being among 6% who
reached 50 years of a marriage. A friend of mine told me that just because you are more content...
A women's mind is pulling in information all of the time to store for later use or to fix what's happening – nurturing. Why? Women are wired to do
many things not necessarily at once but with a diffused awareness. That's why women can talk on the phone, stir a pot of spaghetti, give hubby a kiss
and watch if he messes up the house and tell little Jessica to put her toys away. That's one reason claim they don't understand women because they don't
appear focused and don't know what they want.
Testimonies about the workshop
"I had no clue that when I ask my man a question, I get more information if I only ask the question once. He tried it on our lunch break. It was hard
because I'm used to asking the question at 3 times, which I didn't know it did until Sulonda pointed it out. I asked the question and waited and waited
some more. He gave me more than I have ever gotten from him within the last 6 months of us dating. Good stuff Sulonda! Thank you." Heather P.
"Ok, I don't know where she gets her information from, but it is so refreshing to her explain how men think in a way that seemed help my fiancГ©!"
Thank you, I owe you one." Brad
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Essay about Women in Leadership Roles
More and more women are rising to the leadership challenge, even in some of the most male–dominated industries. The increase in the number of
women attending college, the increasing number of women in the workplace or starting their own business has demonstrated to men who own
businesses that women can be both managers and mothers, thus showing their male counterpart that women can in fact "do it all".
In this paper the history of women in the workforce will be outlined, as well as the challenges they face. The changing attitudes towards women taking
over family businesses will be looked at briefly, how women lead in comparison to how men lead, and a comparison of their leadership style will also
be discussed.
HISTORY more content...
Those days have since past. As women are achieving higher levels of education and are being employed in more prominent positions, their leadership
roles in family organizations have increased. Many young women are refusing to accept the rule of "primogeniture" (Nelton, 1999). Primogeniture is
defined as a birthright or an inheritance. Although women are making great strides in this arena, there is still the feeling out there that the son should
be considered first and the daughter as a second option, only if there is no son or if the son declines the offer. But, Nelton says that, "young women by
and large feel that if they want to go into the family business, the opportunity is there." In each of the cases described by Nelton, the fathers
encouraged their daughters to become involved in the family business. As well, each father let his daughter run the show once she was named CEO–the
surest sign of support (Nelton, 1999). In more and more families and in business in general, gender is becoming not an issue. As roles increasingly
change on the home front, the business world will soon mirror the changes taking place in the family structure. Nelton also urges women in leadership
roles to not lose sight of the bottom line. She says it is "easy for women to get caught up in the management of people" (Nelton, 1999). She goes on to
say that if you cannot prove that you are also profit–driven, you will never make it to the successor level.
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A. H. Ekpo & 0. J. UmohINTRODUCTION
This article overviews the growth and development of the Nigerian economy from inde pendence to present times. Specifically, the following periods
are discussed: the pro–oil boom decade (1960–70); the period of the oil boom (1971 1977); the period of stabilisation and structural adjustment (1986 –
1993) and the period of guided deregulation (1994 –1998).GENERAL PERFORMANCE OF THE ECONOMY
The Nigerian economy has had a truncated history. In the period 1960–70, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded 3.1 per cent growth annually.
During the oil boom era, roughly 1970–78, QDP grew positively by 6.2 per cent annually – more content...
There are many reasons for this, but I will focus on one which most analysts ignore. It is the oil resource curse: the easy money from oil which has
created a culture of helpless dependence on manna from the Delta, and the consequent political economy based on sharing and consumption rather than
baking the cake or wealth creation. Under such a system, production–oriented politics is an anathema. This is not peculiar to Nigeria. As evidence, I
posit that there are very few (if any) countries in the world where more than 50 per cent of government revenue comes from such natural resource
rents as oil and the political parties and national politics are 'developmental' in terms of their ideology and plans. If there are such countries, they
constitute the useful case studies for Nigeria. The question is: are there useful examples of how democratic governments have been able to escape the
indolent culture or the lottery effects of easy money from oil to create competitive economies and sustainable prosperity? This is a huge research
agenda and a subject for another day.
In the first republic, politics and political parties were largely developmental. The regional governments and the political parties that controlled them
were concerned mostly about wealth creation because that was the only way they could derive their revenue and survive. Oil money was only
beginning to permeate our national body politics when the second republic
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Argumentative Essay On Women In Sports
In a world of people driven by sports, I anticipate pursuing the life behind the athletes. I intend, as I near graduation from High School, to pursue a
career in Sports Media. This may involve a leap of faith, some would say, to pursue such a career in a male–dominated system. Ordinarily, I can change
this outlook on such a life. In the world of sports, I present the idea of women having a say. The problem with our society is an overabundance of
what has always been, and what, as many continue to hope will always be. Many, when they are told of my future endeavors, applaud me and tell
me, as the trite cliche says, "follow my dreams." However, there are few who seemingly assume I am unable of such a life, to borrow as a sexist, trite more content...
The reality of beautiful women attracting viewers on the sidelines, leaves no question, but what those beautiful women have to say is of supreme
value. In 1 Corinthians 11:12, the Bible says "For as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God" (np).
My parents and family members encouraged me, from a young age, to plant my roots of faith deep into the soil of life, and ingrain the word of
God in my mind. Moreover, I take the words written in the Bible to heart. I strongly agree with the concept of women being made in the image of
man; conversely, I disagree with the thoughts of radical feminists. When God created us, I believe He created roles, both prominent, to women and
men separately. Nevertheless, the Bible describes the creation of both men and women, being equal in importance. Found in Luke 10:27, is the
ultimate precedence of treating one another fairly: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (np). Markedly, God instructed His people to 'love your neighbor as yourself.' In
essence, male or female, we should appreciate the gifts God uniquely gave us, as both men and women. Accordingly, we all have something of value to
bring to all situations in
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Argumentative Essay: The Women's Rights Movement
For generations women were considered to full of intelligence, Incapable of being able to work alongside men in scientific fields. Though, as the
women's rights movement progressed into the 1960s and 70s old barriers were thrown aside, giving women more opportunity to join the sciences.
With this women were increasingly able to attend college and pursue professional careers or work in labs related to science. Women saw their role
changing from what was in place from before, as Offred puts it in the Handmaid's Tale "I want to be held and told my name. I want to be valued, in
ways that I am not; I want to be more than valuable".Women then and now seeked out a way to have meaning, and many have done so. In this time
many brilliant women more content...
Fixing this problem will not be a one fix solution, as we've seen from similar movement like black rights, it is much easier to tear down the physical
walls of oppression, but much harder to change the society that put them up in the first place. Changing a society takes the slow change of
influencing each generation, be it old or young to be a better self, understanding the problem and knowing ways to improve upon it. Having greater
numbers of female speakers at high schools and colleges to instill confidence in both men and women that women can be scientists would do great
strides. While on a simple person by person bias from friendships to parenthood of simply motivating and encouraging your friends and daughters to do
what they love, without fear of
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Argumentative Essay On Women's Rights Issue
The Constitution, which was supposed to be created to limit the power and abuse of the government has been questioned for a while now. Some
might even say that it has failed in its purpose. There have been things that have happened in this society before, during and after the creation of the
United States Constitution that have left many Americans confused. The only way that this society could succeed is if we have people that practice
consistent moral and values. The problem is not just the abuse of power, it is on the backs of Americans that do not prioritize liberty in society
anymore. This issue can and will lead to the unraveling of an orderly society. Even more of an issue, the government is run by people that undermine
liberty and more content...
For example, when describing the presidential position in the Constitution, male pronouns are used to describe the logistics of the position. There are
similar examples found in the Amendments, as well as in a few of the Articles. The rebuttal to this idea of women not being represented in the
Constitution has been rebutted by the idea that maybe the Founders did not ever think about women being Presidents or women voting. But this is not
an excuse to others. Women are just as important as men in
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Argumentative Essay On Women And Social Media

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Women And Social Media The most hypocritical belief in American society today is feminism. What was once a bold movement for social and political equality has turned into an arrogant beast that will neither heed nor listen to the opinions of dissenters. Modern day feminists have turned men into the enemy, and they look down upon women who do not share the same views. They have twisted their ideology into an aggressive campaign to gain greater liberties for women while ignoring men's issues. Most men, along with those who disagree with contemporary feminists, are often attacked with harsh words, primarily through the use of social media and the Internet. Many blogs, Twitter accounts, and online newspapers that support feminism sometimes make men out to be the "enemy" more content... This is defined as "A culture, environment or society where rape is common, and in which social attitudes or practices work to trivialize sexual violence, make rape seem normal, or shift responsibility from rapists to rape victims" (Rape–culture). While rape itself is a very real and horrible act, rape culture only increases contempt for men and the victimization of women. It focuses on a misogynistic society while completely ignoring the fact that many rape victims were either A) men, or B) not actually raped. The belief that men cannot be raped is an injust fallacy that has been proven wrong in multiple cases in the past decade. in 1994, a college student named Katie Roiphe wrote a paper on the "feminist crusade against campus rape culture," saying that "'these feminists are endorsing their own utopian vision of sexual relations'" (Durgin). Basically, Roiphe is calling out feminists who cry "rape" any time they have had a less–than–satisfactory sexual experience. By doing so, the voices of women who actually have been raped are given less Get more content on
  • 2. Women Are More Emotional Than Men It is a stereotypical image around many different cultures: Women are more emotional than men. According to Brody and Hall (2008), "women are believed to be more emotionally intense, as well as more emotionally expressive" (pg. 396). When people think of the main difference between male and female, the emotional state of the different genders would probably be one main concept that comes to mind. According to Baumeister and Bushman (2014), "the traditional stereotype of female emotionality is wrong" (pg. 221). While the different emotions that are dominantly expressed, or the way genders express the emotions being felt could vary among males and female, the actual act of living an "emotional life" is "nearly identical" between males and females (Baumeister and Bushman, 2014, pg. 220). The two genders were "remarkably alike in the degree to which they reported feelings at any point on the emotional continuum" and for that reason, the stereotype of women being more emotional than men would be wrong (Baumeister and Bushman, 2014, pg. 220). As stated above, the emotions that are more frequently expressed by men or women can differ. According to Brody and Hall (2008), women tend to experience more frequently the positive emotions of "joy, affection, warmth, and well–being" (pg. 397). When looking at negative emotions, "disgust, sadness, fear, anxiety, hurt, shame, and embarrassment are generally reported more by women than by men" (Brody & Hall, 2008, pg. 397). When looking at Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Equality for Women in Education Before the 21st century, women have faced many obstacles when trying to gain equality. They were seen as the "weaker sex" and were seen as not as educated or not as capable as men. Even when some women tried proving these statements to be wrong and showed that they were just as capable as men and assert any sort of opinions they were ostracized and dismissed. They were seen as un–ladylike and were not respected. Women were not given a chance to prove that they were equal to men during this time. Any opinions they raised were quickly dismissed. Many women writers and thinkers were not taken seriously at this time (many having to create pseudonyms to hide their gender when they wished to not only be published but to be taken seriously), more content... Many young girls during this time who had an opportunity to be educated did so either in a convent school or in the home. She was educated in her home and was educated by some of the greatest tutors. Emilie's father (Louis–Nicolas) was a host of a salon with many influential intellectuals, one being Fontenelle. When Emilie expressed interest in astronomy, her father arranged for Fontenelle (the secretary of the French Academy of Sciences) to "speak" with Emilie at age 10. Her father was one of few parents during this time that encouraged his daughter to study and wanted her to become an intellectual. It has been said that her father had thought that Emilie would be "no great beauty" so that could have been one of the reasons he encouraged her learning. He wanted her to have some value to a man she would one day marry. It is not known whether or not her mother was "thrilled" about her daughter being educated in such a way, only speculation that she may not have been very happy with it but she accepted it. As I stated, it was unusual at the time for parents to be so accepting of their daughter's interests in math and science, especially because of their status and of the time however her father seemed to not only accept it but encourage it. Her father brought tutors to their home and received education in math, literature and science Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentative Essay On Women's Rights Throughout the United States history, there has been many political debates, one of which was Women's Rights, which had played an important role in US society. One major debate on this subject was the proper role of women in American society in 1848–1910. Many people had different viewpoints. For example, in "How to be the Perfect Housewive", an article from Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine, the author explains that everything you do should be for your husband. On the other hand, American activists, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, believe women should have equal rights to men, to show the wrongness of men tyranny over women, they decided to write the Declaration of Sentiment. In one of the excerpts, they wrote, "He has compelled her Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Women Women Can The mentality of mankind today is, "Men must prove themselves and take care of their fragile women." It is the right of every human in the United States, to say the very least, to be treated as equals no matter what race, religion, skin color, gender, class, etc. they are. Being specified now, is the equality of genders. Men are given such big and heavy–duty tasks which leave them playing big and important roles in society. It is not by the choice of women to be downgraded to such small and simple tasks that they are given daily. Women should not be belittled by men or any individual in general, because they are capable of performing any task just as well as men. There are debates in classrooms, workplaces, and in general conversations about what men can do that women cannot. In history classes, teachers often explain how feminist society was "back in the day." Females were given the job of staying home and taking care of the children. They were to have meals prepared, ready for when the men got home from a long day's work and do laundry. It was not until the mid–1800's that women were given permission to work somewhere else besides their home. Textile mills began to open which employed over 7,000 unmarried women. During the years of World War I, they were hired as nurses to aid the wounded soldiers. At that time, the lives of many men were in their hands. From then on, females played a big role in hospitals. Once women were allowed to study and work, they were Get more content on
  • 6. Every American girl has the opportunity and ability to become someone successful in our ever–growing society here in America. As they grow older, young ladies have dreams of becoming a doctor, astronaut, or even President racing through their minds. Especially now, girls can vision becoming anything, whether it be a construction worker or head CEO of a company, the opportunities are endless. Women in America are now set at ease with laws that protect their rights from being violated and discriminated against just for being female. Unfortunately not every place in the world is as lucky as the women here in the US. The rights of Muslim women in the Middle East are despicably being violated in many different ways. Many people foolishly more content... Women in Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, could be beaten or shot for being outside their homes without a male family member. (Armstrong 226) Muslims in parts of Egypt, Ethiopia and the rest of East Africa perform female circumcisions, which are not based on Islamic Qur'an, but on their own beliefs. In some countries, it is believed that the understanding of rape by Muslims is different form that of the US. "In the Islamic Republic, 'a holy man in a provincial town had been charged with raping a thirteen–year–old daughter of one of his followers. The case against him in could not get far in the sessions court because under a new Islamic Law under which he was tried required four eyewitnesses to the act. Many times women are afraid to come forward in fear they lack the four male eyewitnesses, and could then be looked as an adulterer, which could cost her life. There are also reported cases of stoning a woman to death as punishment for suspected adultery. (Spencer 86–90) Cases of murdering flesh and blood are even reported, such as the one from the Chicago Tribune: (Spencer 91) "On May 31, 1994, Kifaya Husayn, a 16–year old Jordanian girl, was lashed to a chair by her 32–year–old brother. He gave her a drink of water and told her to recite an Islamic prayer. Then he slashed her throat. Immediately afterward, he ran out into the street, waving the bloody knife and crying ' I have killed my sister to cleanse my honor.' Kifaya's crime? She Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Women's History Then and Now During the 18th and 19th century, patriarchy has been responsible for designing women's role in society. Throughout history, men have been deemed as superior while women have been regarded as inferior. Society has this ideology that women are the sole laborers of a household; they were not granted the same privileges as men. In addition, women have been negatively affected by stereotyping. Women have been portrayed on television as being submissive to men. The depiction of women on television portrays the implications of a societal view of women. From a man's perspective, an ideal woman is a housewife who does all the household duties herself. However, over the years, studies have shown that gender roles have slowly advanced. Women more content... Also, in many marriages women have a say in everything the man does. There must be a consensus between both the man and woman. Studies indicate that, "the assertive woman debunks the tired old myths and stereotypes of women bosses, stay–at–home moms, and "bully broads," and superwomen, and presents a refreshing, positive alternative." Many studies have shown that assertive women are more successful. Assertive women tend to gain the respect of others as well as raise objections to present feminine stereotypes. For this reason, critics argue that, "women have developed a kind of assertiveness, who lets people know what they want, and what they would not accept, without looking emotional." By developing this role, women have become victorious individuals. Furthermore, women went from being submissive to being influential. Women have changed the world. We have some of the most powerful and influential women, who have contribute to shaping our society, for example, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey. For instance, Oprah uses TV to help the lives of many Americans; her book club attracts millions of readers and because she is a benevolent billionaire, she gives a lot of money to charity. Oprah also built an all girls school in South Africa to give the underprivileged girls in South Africa a chance to purse a higher education. Oprah Winfrey's Leadership Academy for Girls indicates that, "when you're Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Indigenous Women Essay – MMIW Imagine a normal day. You wake up, you get ready, you probably see your mom, wife or sister. You say goodbye and head on your way. Once home, you sit down with them and talk about your day. When sad they comfort you, they love, support, care for you. Now imagine you wake up one day and they have disappeared without a trace. Gone. You are heartbroken. This is a sad reality for many Indigenous families, many women are vanishing without a trace. Between 1200–4000 Indigenous women have been missing or murdered in the last 30 years. These women are often targeted and treated as being worthless leading to little support from police and the public. After being immersed into this issue I learned lots, but I was left feeling sad, more content... The press only adds to the negativity, in one case, they only talked about the murdered, Crawford, and when they talked about the victims, they spoke about them as trash and worthless. This has helped changed my thinking about the media and press and how things are displayed. Everyone is important. The further I investigated this topic, the sooner this sadness turned into confusion, on why nothing is being done. The Government of Canada preaches about being a free nation for equality for all yet they continue to ignore the 1200–4000 missing and/or murder Indigenous women in the past 30 years. These women are trapped in a cycle of poverty, abuse and fear and this will only continue to get worse. Loretta Saunders's mother, Miriam Saunders, said originally the media said Loretta was a white women missing and treated the family quite differently when they thought she was white. Miriam Saunders said "When they said she was a white woman, I would call to the investigators and they would answer to me and I would talk personally to the investigators and after, when they started calling her Inuk, I had to start swearing and everything to get answers," said Miriam Saunders. "After that, I started talking to this go–between.". Their gender, nationality, race, religion of a person does not matter what matters is that they are missing and the police need to do their best to find them. Since Justin Trudeau has been elected he has launched an inquiry into Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On American Women Women are considered second–class citizens when compared to men who dominate positions of power in the United States. From a political standpoint, there is a common misconception that women are unable or unfit to serve in public office. Regardless of gender, every voting American possesses the potential to assert themselves and participate in our democracy. The outcome of the U.S. 2016 presidential election demonstrates how women are still negatively viewed and discriminated against by gender bias. As evidence of this, in the United States Congress, women hold just 84 (19.3%) of the 435 House of Representative seats, with only 20 women (20%) in the United States Senate (Rutgers, 2016). This is a startling statistic considering that women possess the same rights as men to run for political office and represent one–half of the U.S. population. American women have been stereotypically viewed as intellectually inferior when compared to more content... Secretary of State during the Clinton Presidency, was quoted in the New York Times as saying that she "personally encountered male chauvinism in Washington" (Walsh, 2016). In her own words, Ms. Albright said: "it was the little things, whenever I raised my hand in meetings, men would always say 'don't be so emotional', or would drum their fingers on the table and say I was taking too long to make decisions" (Walsh, 2016). This serves as yet another example of gender bias in politics, considering the level of respect and international prominence Ms. Albright earned while serving in this key presidential cabinet position on the world stage. If Ms. Albright achieved this level of respect, then how could Mrs. Clinton not have also led as president? It is unfortunate that gender bias continues to separate women from having their voices heard in high political office. Clearly, including women in political decisions would be the gateway to changing domestic priorities for our Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay: The Oppression Of Women Peace, freedom, stability, education, equality, and prosperity: the mere aspirations that every American wishes to achieve. The "dream" our founding fathers wanted every man to obtain. However, what we Americans forget to acknowledge is our own dreams. We are too myopic and are so apprehensive towards failure that we attempt to prevent others from succeeding. Every man desires equality; but where does this leave women? We constantly cast–aside the gender division that is prevalent in our country and dismiss intentions to move towards change. Men exists because of women. Women and men are of one entity: the human being. And we as fellow human beings must realize our place and demand change. But change for what? Change that we are too afraid Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Women In Media Media is everywhere. In classrooms, at home, in your pocket, no one can escape the temptation of media. Every little bit of information stems from media. But, all information has two sides to it, one of which media never reports. Women have always been a controversial topic in media. For example women are seen as sex symbols rather than intellectual individuals. Social media and media have targeted women to become a conquest in which reward must be given. For instance, if a man were to sleep around with multiple partners it would not be viewed as promiscuous, while a woman would be characterized as a slut or a whore. Media has always been a prominent factor in how we view certain ideals. For example, women should be treated and viewed as inferior from their male counterparts. As the media thoroughly objectifies women's bodies it creates a stigma that women must be held to a beauty standard to be seen as acceptable in society. The media focuses on the types of beauty that is acceptable to society. But when asked what is beauty? There are a multitude of answers. What media illustrates is a beauty that has been shifted and shaped by misogynist men and by a society that does not believe in individual beauty. Media centers around outward appearances which produced a shallow frame of mind. For instance, women stand in the mirror disappointed they don't appear as the women in the media. Unhappy with their bodies with their self esteem dwindling slowly they see that beauty, in Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Black Women Black women are always the leading role and image of negative identity. With the many amounts of stereotypes and verbal imagery, people will remain persuaded across the United States to believe such biased standards. They are persuaded to view Black women as characters in storytelling about incapable gender, race, and social class. Being slandered by the same oppressors who statistically rates them highest amongst all other races of women, also strips them morals, worth, and labels Black women destined for drug–abuse and incarceration. There are many, black women advocating and addressing the problem of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is a war on Black women and their families. Women of color are easily targeted by the War on Drugs. Being not only a woman but a Black woman has such a lethal effect on Black communities across the nation of America. A famous quote by the infamous Malcolm X supports what many advocators have made sense of over the years. The quote says, "The most disrespected woman in America, is the Black woman." This statement vouches for the mistreatment of Black women in an unjust and biased correctional system. One woman, Paula C. Johnson argues many injustices of African–American women. Johnson states that the key to understanding the overuse of Black women in criminal statistics, would be to first comprehend the dominant society's reaction. In laymen terms she basically said that " lies not in cultural and social differences." (Wing) The Get more content on
  • 13. Argumentative Essay About Sexism Against Women Good afternoon everyone! My name is Angelica Scott. I will be speaking to you about sexism against women. Although conditions for women have improved over time, women still experience sexism. Sexism is a serious issue that continues to affect women today. Sexism occurs in many forms. It can take place in the workplace, in the form of a glass ceiling, and it is even present in history textbooks. First of all, sexism is present in the workplace. More women have entered the workforce in the last few decades. After WWII, about 30% of women were employed outside the home, but today, the figure is over 50%, near 75% if part–time jobs are included. However, men and women are not treated equally. Women usually hold lower status, lower paying jobs than men. Only 25% of upper–level managers in large corporations are women. Women in stereotypical female jobs usually hold subordinate positions to men. For example, executives supervise secretaries, who are likely to be women (Sexism in the Workplace, 2014). Women who occupy the same jobs as men usually earn less, even if they have the same education and skills. Women earn 77 cents to a man's dollar. According to an analysis for The Huffington Post by Ariane Hegewisch, female workers work about 59 work days, per year for free. Women make about 77.4% of more content... According to Nicholas Ferroni, an educator, historian, and student mentor, women are a forgotten group in the history textbook. Female figures are not included in textbooks as often as they deserve. Girls will learn about a predominantly male history, which indirectly lays the foundation of sexism. By downplaying women's role in history, women in general are seen as the weaker gender. History textbooks will have a section about women's voting rights and mention a few female figures and first ladies, showing that women fought for equal treatment throughout history and are still not completely receiving it (Ferroni, Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay: The Oppression Of Women Want to know more about why men tell lies, why women pout, why sex at night is not always the best thing, and why after just about after one year into the relationship the honeymoon is over? You can by enrolling in the workshop. Plan a wonderful life together. As anything else of great importance, yourmarriage and or commitment to each other is the foundation. Building upon the foundation involves making decisions for the life of the relationship. Weave your foundation with tools that will fortify, endure, and withstand any storm. Invest in Premarital counseling! Be among the %75 of couples who reached 10 years of married and working on being among 6% who reached 50 years of a marriage. A friend of mine told me that just because you are more content... A women's mind is pulling in information all of the time to store for later use or to fix what's happening – nurturing. Why? Women are wired to do many things not necessarily at once but with a diffused awareness. That's why women can talk on the phone, stir a pot of spaghetti, give hubby a kiss and watch if he messes up the house and tell little Jessica to put her toys away. That's one reason claim they don't understand women because they don't appear focused and don't know what they want. Testimonies about the workshop "I had no clue that when I ask my man a question, I get more information if I only ask the question once. He tried it on our lunch break. It was hard because I'm used to asking the question at 3 times, which I didn't know it did until Sulonda pointed it out. I asked the question and waited and waited some more. He gave me more than I have ever gotten from him within the last 6 months of us dating. Good stuff Sulonda! Thank you." Heather P. "Ok, I don't know where she gets her information from, but it is so refreshing to her explain how men think in a way that seemed help my fiancГ©!" Thank you, I owe you one." Brad Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Women in Leadership Roles INTRODUCTION More and more women are rising to the leadership challenge, even in some of the most male–dominated industries. The increase in the number of women attending college, the increasing number of women in the workplace or starting their own business has demonstrated to men who own businesses that women can be both managers and mothers, thus showing their male counterpart that women can in fact "do it all". In this paper the history of women in the workforce will be outlined, as well as the challenges they face. The changing attitudes towards women taking over family businesses will be looked at briefly, how women lead in comparison to how men lead, and a comparison of their leadership style will also be discussed. HISTORY more content... Those days have since past. As women are achieving higher levels of education and are being employed in more prominent positions, their leadership roles in family organizations have increased. Many young women are refusing to accept the rule of "primogeniture" (Nelton, 1999). Primogeniture is defined as a birthright or an inheritance. Although women are making great strides in this arena, there is still the feeling out there that the son should be considered first and the daughter as a second option, only if there is no son or if the son declines the offer. But, Nelton says that, "young women by and large feel that if they want to go into the family business, the opportunity is there." In each of the cases described by Nelton, the fathers encouraged their daughters to become involved in the family business. As well, each father let his daughter run the show once she was named CEO–the surest sign of support (Nelton, 1999). In more and more families and in business in general, gender is becoming not an issue. As roles increasingly change on the home front, the business world will soon mirror the changes taking place in the family structure. Nelton also urges women in leadership roles to not lose sight of the bottom line. She says it is "easy for women to get caught up in the management of people" (Nelton, 1999). She goes on to say that if you cannot prove that you are also profit–driven, you will never make it to the successor level. LEADERSHIP STYLE В– WOMEN Get more content on
  • 16. AN OVERVIEW OF THE NIGERIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT | By A. H. Ekpo & 0. J. UmohINTRODUCTION This article overviews the growth and development of the Nigerian economy from inde pendence to present times. Specifically, the following periods are discussed: the pro–oil boom decade (1960–70); the period of the oil boom (1971 1977); the period of stabilisation and structural adjustment (1986 – 1993) and the period of guided deregulation (1994 –1998).GENERAL PERFORMANCE OF THE ECONOMY The Nigerian economy has had a truncated history. In the period 1960–70, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded 3.1 per cent growth annually. During the oil boom era, roughly 1970–78, QDP grew positively by 6.2 per cent annually – more content... There are many reasons for this, but I will focus on one which most analysts ignore. It is the oil resource curse: the easy money from oil which has created a culture of helpless dependence on manna from the Delta, and the consequent political economy based on sharing and consumption rather than baking the cake or wealth creation. Under such a system, production–oriented politics is an anathema. This is not peculiar to Nigeria. As evidence, I posit that there are very few (if any) countries in the world where more than 50 per cent of government revenue comes from such natural resource rents as oil and the political parties and national politics are 'developmental' in terms of their ideology and plans. If there are such countries, they constitute the useful case studies for Nigeria. The question is: are there useful examples of how democratic governments have been able to escape the indolent culture or the lottery effects of easy money from oil to create competitive economies and sustainable prosperity? This is a huge research agenda and a subject for another day. In the first republic, politics and political parties were largely developmental. The regional governments and the political parties that controlled them were concerned mostly about wealth creation because that was the only way they could derive their revenue and survive. Oil money was only beginning to permeate our national body politics when the second republic Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Women In Sports In a world of people driven by sports, I anticipate pursuing the life behind the athletes. I intend, as I near graduation from High School, to pursue a career in Sports Media. This may involve a leap of faith, some would say, to pursue such a career in a male–dominated system. Ordinarily, I can change this outlook on such a life. In the world of sports, I present the idea of women having a say. The problem with our society is an overabundance of what has always been, and what, as many continue to hope will always be. Many, when they are told of my future endeavors, applaud me and tell me, as the trite cliche says, "follow my dreams." However, there are few who seemingly assume I am unable of such a life, to borrow as a sexist, trite more content... The reality of beautiful women attracting viewers on the sidelines, leaves no question, but what those beautiful women have to say is of supreme value. In 1 Corinthians 11:12, the Bible says "For as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God" (np). My parents and family members encouraged me, from a young age, to plant my roots of faith deep into the soil of life, and ingrain the word of God in my mind. Moreover, I take the words written in the Bible to heart. I strongly agree with the concept of women being made in the image of man; conversely, I disagree with the thoughts of radical feminists. When God created us, I believe He created roles, both prominent, to women and men separately. Nevertheless, the Bible describes the creation of both men and women, being equal in importance. Found in Luke 10:27, is the ultimate precedence of treating one another fairly: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself" (np). Markedly, God instructed His people to 'love your neighbor as yourself.' In essence, male or female, we should appreciate the gifts God uniquely gave us, as both men and women. Accordingly, we all have something of value to bring to all situations in Get more content on
  • 18. Argumentative Essay: The Women's Rights Movement For generations women were considered to full of intelligence, Incapable of being able to work alongside men in scientific fields. Though, as the women's rights movement progressed into the 1960s and 70s old barriers were thrown aside, giving women more opportunity to join the sciences. With this women were increasingly able to attend college and pursue professional careers or work in labs related to science. Women saw their role changing from what was in place from before, as Offred puts it in the Handmaid's Tale "I want to be held and told my name. I want to be valued, in ways that I am not; I want to be more than valuable".Women then and now seeked out a way to have meaning, and many have done so. In this time many brilliant women more content... Fixing this problem will not be a one fix solution, as we've seen from similar movement like black rights, it is much easier to tear down the physical walls of oppression, but much harder to change the society that put them up in the first place. Changing a society takes the slow change of influencing each generation, be it old or young to be a better self, understanding the problem and knowing ways to improve upon it. Having greater numbers of female speakers at high schools and colleges to instill confidence in both men and women that women can be scientists would do great strides. While on a simple person by person bias from friendships to parenthood of simply motivating and encouraging your friends and daughters to do what they love, without fear of Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay On Women's Rights Issue The Constitution, which was supposed to be created to limit the power and abuse of the government has been questioned for a while now. Some might even say that it has failed in its purpose. There have been things that have happened in this society before, during and after the creation of the United States Constitution that have left many Americans confused. The only way that this society could succeed is if we have people that practice consistent moral and values. The problem is not just the abuse of power, it is on the backs of Americans that do not prioritize liberty in society anymore. This issue can and will lead to the unraveling of an orderly society. Even more of an issue, the government is run by people that undermine liberty and more content... For example, when describing the presidential position in the Constitution, male pronouns are used to describe the logistics of the position. There are similar examples found in the Amendments, as well as in a few of the Articles. The rebuttal to this idea of women not being represented in the Constitution has been rebutted by the idea that maybe the Founders did not ever think about women being Presidents or women voting. But this is not an excuse to others. Women are just as important as men in Get more content on