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Argumentative Essay On Global Citizenship
While the very definition of the term 'global citizenship' may vary, The Global Citizens' Initiative has simplified such profound term into a person who
"identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices (Israel,
2012)." When looking at 'citizenship' from a worldview, cosmopolitanism and globalization are the two main factors that are inevitably crucial, as they
expand one's perspective to the extent where one individual form a global–link and form a relationship based on shared beliefs and inclusive mutual
respect, which also resulted in interconnectedness and intercultural communication.
Cosmopolitanism is the belief system that every single individual has a place with a solitary group, in view of a mutual ethical quality. In political
phrases, it consists of an ideological function of awareness and criticism. In sociological phrases, it is far a reconfigured device for members of the
family in a worldwide global (Gonçalves, 2015). To quote Appiah, cosmopolitanisms is an ideology that can be define as "citizen of the world" (cited
in Brookes, 2006). Moreover, cosmopolitans additionally agree with that each one human beings come under the same ethical requirements. In the face
of cosmopolitanisms, the limits between nations, states, cultures or societies are therefore morally inappropriate, as "cosmopolitanism indicates a
commitment to universal values" (Pitty, Stokes & Smith, 2008).
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The Importance Of A Global Citizen
To be a good 'global citizen' is to recognize and address differences of power between nations.
Global citizenship is defined as an individual who identifies with being part of both an emerging world and community, and whose actions
contribute to building this community's values, morals, and firms (Israel, 2013). Additionally, a good global citizen is aware of the world yet also
has a sense of their own role as a world citizen, showing constant respect to different races and cultural diversity, and having a clear understanding as
to how the world works (Serafin, 1992). This links to the ways that an adequate global citizen can recognize and address the differences of power
between nations, which further contributes to the ability for one to identify both positive and negative attributes of a specific nation state. This deems
to be extremely healthy as it further provides room for growth among the country. The rule of law states that all people should obey its terms and then
use them as guidance (Stewart, 2004), and from here the Global Citizens' initiative becomes present as it aims to bring both people and organizations
together to promote the entire building and maintaining of a collaborative world community. From here, the ability to recognize and address
differences in power between nations becomes evident, and the ideology is brought forward that a healthy citizen can notify such differences and use
them in a positive way. National power is defined as the capability of
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Importance Of A Global Citizen
Importance of developing global citizenship
Jerrid Lee
Gen449: General Education Capstone
Instructor: Meresa Stacy
Importance of developing global citizenship Global citizenship has become something that you see in just about every country that you visit in today
's world. If you are in America, you will see Americans, Europeans, Muslims, etc. walking around. This has become the new normal. Even in other
countries, if you visit, you will see people from all over the world there as well. We will be going over some benefits of being a global citizen, some
disagreements between theorists about the definition of global citizenship, two outcomes of global citizenship, two personal examples that I have with more content...
My definition of global citizenship would be individuals who accept culture diverseness and treat others how they wish to be treated at all times. No
individual deserves to be treated differently because of where they are from or grew up. Tolerance, understanding, mutual respect, equality, and fairness
should be taught among the human race and in global citizenship.
Two outcomes
Valuing Diversity Valuing diversity is a big issue that the world is having. When something bad happens from an individual who is Arabic,
everyone tends to fear Arabic individuals after that, which is not the correct way to go. By valuing diversity, you are accepting the fact that every
individual in this world will bring something to the table and should not be looked at differently because they are different than you. Just because of
one individual who has the same religion as someone else, makes a mistake or does something bad, not every person from that area should be looked
at as bad.
Social Justice Social justice is another big thing to think about. Social justice is the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a
community or society. Everyone, no matter what color their skin, religion, gender, or sexual
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Global Citizen Essay
Kimberly PachecoMs. Shelton Enc 1101 16 February 2012 What is a Global Citizen? The concept of what defines a global citizen varies, for
people have their own opinions and say about how they see an ideal one as. Kwame Appiah wrote Cosmopoltianism, and in his opinion, a global
citizen is seen as one who sees no division within themselves and "others"; that it is necessary to agree with one another to behave morally. The view
of an ideal global citizen has been altered for centuries, and in every culture it is uniquely seen and educated differently. Many Americans may agree
when asked, "what is an ideal global citizen", their responses would be, following the laws, paying taxes, helping out around the community, having a
job more content...
Being an ideal global citizen must include the passion for accepting others beside yourself. If people would inquire the customs of others we would
have a better understanding of one another. With that, it could avoid children growing up to typical stereotypes, or blaming others for dilemmas in
the world. In general, it's really a commonality we share with foreign countries, its just done slightly different. Moreover, in what is seen, a global
citizen is that of people putting aside religion and political views that cause so much controversy inn the world we live in. What should be recognized
are morals and common views that everyone can somewhat seem to agree on. One example is the Gordon Rule– treat others as you would want to be
treated. Now the most known example for that is to have respect towards one another. A global citizen indeed should acquire this and understand it
fully. In addition, basic morals that seem right also come along in being an ideal global citizen, such as being against dehumanization. Taking away
what basically makes you, you is something that is not agreed with the views of a global citizen. Anti–patriotism is another form of showing to be an
ideal global citizen. Promoting and what is heard often, "my country this, my county that" is not in favor of global citizens. One must be open to all
forms of people and their cultures. A global citizen is one that can travel to any country and adjust to the customs or at least be open to them.
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Personal Identity And Global Citizenship
Reflecting on Personal Identity and Global Citizenship My normative environment, the Air Force, has provided me with opportunities to develop my
global identity through experiences making me a global citizen. However, I have also experience individuals that are not globally aware of their
impact on a global scale; these individuals are both Americans and other nationalities. Due to the fact that some people can be close minded to global
citizenship, it is important to educate people about their roles and duties as a global citizen and not just a national citizen. It starts with a mindset of
wanting to help others, and developing a mutual respect for others' cultures and differences and being aware that our individual actions have ripple more content...
Additionally, my association with the military alone has not made me a global citizen. After taking courses such as Adult Development and Life
Assessment, Ethics and Moral Reasoning and Informal Logic, I have been able reflect on who I am as a global citizen. I have analyzed my life
and how I fit into a global society and pinpointed where changes needed to be made. For example, during the Ethics and Moral Reasoning course I
realized that people can develop tunnel vision about their own culture, to include myself. The world is made up of multiple cultures, and these
cultures shape our morals and ethical beliefs. Through Informal Logic, I can tell when news media is twisting a story for publicity or political gain,
rather than stating the facts. I now look for the facts in the news more closely before coming to conclusion on the issues at hand. I want to be a part of
a solution, not a part of the problem when it comes to global
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The Challenges Of Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship Global citizenship comes with certain rights and responsibilities that govern being a citizen of a nation and the global entity as a
whole. Globalization and the advanced technology have enabled increased connections and integration across the world. As global citizens, the
choices and actions that persons undertake have consequences that may impact people and societies on the local level, nationally and internationally.
Global citizenship during this period of major technological advancement is very beneficial to the development of personal goals. People are able to
understand emotions and develop sensitivity to unravel the world which helps in gaining different perspectives. This enables understanding of each
other which fosters transparency and interdependency that helps people live with each other despite existing differences. The current situation is a far
cry from what went on in the past with conflicts and clashes brought about by differences in ideologies. Nowadays, people can enhance their personal,
academic and professional goals because as global citizens, we have been able to develop our identities which has put emphasis on concept of emotion
and grasping of the world. Globalization has brought diversity and eliminated individualism and alienation. People are able to see value of differences
among others, deal with cultural diversity and therefore live, work and study in different places without issues (InfoBase, 2017). The concept of
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What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen
Do you consider yourself as a global citizen rather than a U.S. citizen? Many of us will have a hard time answering this question, since we don't
have any deep knowledge on what it means to be one or what are the values of being a global citizen. Regardless of specific identities, global
citizen is an idea or person that inherit a sense of belonging to a community of human beings. He or she feels they belong in a society who values
their life to make changes, for rest of the world. They feel like their action can have an positive impact into the society we live in. Like having good
manner being a global citizen can also start from early age in your house or family.We intend to learn things fast when we learn it from one of our
family members. Moreover, more content...
Different cultures, races, countries as well as people. This unique difference makes the world to be more diverse and define who we truly are as a
citizen. Citizens of today's world need to recognize that people situated in different spatial,economic, and political locations will inevitably perceive
events and relationships differently from each other. "Global citizenship helps us to increasing our cultural awareness as well as positively affect the
lives of others".(A Voice and a Force for Liberal Education). We can help by keeping up with current events, having meaningful conversations with
people from other backgrounds, watching documentaries, trying new foods; or by visiting other countries. Showing your appreciation towards others
people culture's food, dance, music, or religion–anything that have a special meaning for people is an example of global citizenship. It is fun and
exciting to experience new cultural festivals, see varying types of architecture, and learn how others live. "Learning about other cultures by means of
global citizenship is the most effective way to build bridges between what happens locally and globally".(Ideas for global
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Global Education And Global Citizenship
Global Education and Global Citizenship
Earth, countries, and communities are all composed of individuals, these individuals are formed based off of their living and learning environment. The
term 'global citizenship' can seem confusing and goes misunderstood at times. It is important to keep in mind that this term is a bit vague and can have
multiple meanings to different people. To sum up the overall meaning of this term, is an individual that realizes and accept the world and all it's
diversity. An individual that takes part of the bigger picture that contributes to building better communities, intergroup and outer groups that are full of
values, purpose and solutions. My life experienced and my general education courses have had an immense influence on my identity as well as my
view point on what it means to be a global citizenship
According to the video Global Education and Global Citizenship (2011), there are several reasons as to why educating others on global citizenship
important. It stated that the teaching of global citizenship or global community is being taught to the young students for the reason that it is the
younger generation that has the ability, knowledge power and openness to grasp the concept of becoming a global citizen. This will ensure that the
future of the world's problems as well as the global development is shared and understood across the globe rather than nationally. The video express
that becoming a part of the global community will provide
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I am very excited to be writing this information here on this page as I always keep asking this question from myself almost every single day. As a
global citizen i believe i am from this earth not from one country of another and this reminds me that we are all the same, despite of our differences
we are all still human beings with the same origins, a beating heart and blood running through our veins. My consciousness towards my Creator(GOD)
leads me to be conscious of all lives, cultures, races and beliefs.
As a Global citizen in my personal life i hold myself accountable for many responsibilities and roles, some of which i have achieved and many that i
strive to achieve, and i intend on sharing this information here to the best of my ability. First and foremost i am committed to being a human being
with high state of spirituality. What spirituality means to me might not mean the same to someone else. In my opinion spirituality is when one
connects to another without boundaries and with the heart and soul without any ill feelings or disrespect. It all begins within and shines outwards as
well. I am committed to connect with others with love, respect and equality. When i communicate with another person or share an insight i make sure
i address the situation as honestly and as objectively as i can and if there are any ill feelings inside of me i address that first and then move on.
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
Winston Churchill
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Persuasive Essay On Global Citizenship
In today's world, it is very important for every person to demonstrate exceptional citizenship as it proves beneficial to the development of the
world. In the video documentary, The Cove, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are protesting the dolphin slaughter occurring in Taiji, Japan.
Their goal is to reduce the number of dolphins killed each year and hopefully stop the slaughter entirely. Mr. Barry and his team, are model global
citizens as they abide by the law, are extremely informed about the cause they are protesting, and display purposeful and active citizens greatly
through their work. Therefore, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are remarkable examples of global citizens based off of the four characteristics
describing a good global citizen.
Ric O' Barry and his team demonstrate excellent global citizenship through their care and concern for the endangered dolphins in Japan, even if they
do not necessarily abide the law. Firstly, the only situations in which Mr. Barry and/or the activists feel the need to break the law is when they are
trying to help the dolphins, and the law is unfortunately restricting them. In the video documentary, The Cove, Ric O' Barry is arrested multiple times
for trying to free captive dolphins in Florida and on the Island of Bimini. He shows good civic behavior here because he genuinely cares for animals
and the well–being of the environment, thus providing credible reasoning for breaking the cruel laws that allow companies to keep animals in
captivity. Furthermore, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are law–abiding citizens because they ensure that they do not hurt anyone in the process
of protesting and they continuously cooperate with the police and other government officials. For example, when Mandy–Rae Cruickshank and Kirk
Krack visit the cove for the first time, they try to keep the encounter with the Japanese fisherman peaceful even though the fishermen are butting chests
with them. Another example would be the numerous times Taiji officials interrogate Mr. Barry about the actions he takes against the reoccurring
dolphin slaughter, and how he always complies with them, respectfully answering all their questions. This proves that Ric and his team are
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What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen
The line "I am a citizen of the world" to me means that if you identify yourself as a global citizen, you self–identify as a member of the human race,
not a member of a country, a state, a tribe, or anything of that matter. It means that my actions and attitude can have an effect on the entire world, not
just myself. What it means to be a citizen to me means that I belong and I am a member of a certain place. I am a citizen of the United States and the
freedoms I can enjoy on a regular basis are the freedom of speech so I can speak freely and I'm capable of voicing my own opinions and my own
thoughts without getting in illegal trouble, and the freedom of religion so I can worship whatever religion I want to. I have a lot more freedoms than
other citizens from different places because of my citizenship in the U.S.A. Not everyone can enjoy the freedoms that I can in my country. Citizens
from other parts of the world might not have the freedoms like I do on the other side of the globe and that's because there are many different types of
government and beliefs that other places may more content...
That comes off as stereotypical. The landlord was discriminating against Ram by telling Ram that he doesn't do the same things that Mr. Chan does.
The landlord must think that since both of them are Indians, they have to do the same things as each other, which is wrong. That is how Ram isn't
treated fairly. The landlord failed to know that just because people are of the same race does not mean they do the same things as each other. The
landlord thinks that since Mr. Chan is wearing national garments, Mr. Chan has to be an Indian. At the end of the story, Fraser tells us that Mr. Chan is
actually a Jamaican. The landlord discrimnated by stereotyping and judging books by their
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What Does What It Mean To Be A Global Citizen
Global citizenship is unteachable In the article, "What it Means to be a Global Citizen" by Drew Noble Alexander, the author describes global
citizenship as a way for educating the people in a country to be open–minded to entrepreneurship, and to be willing to try to change the world for the
better. In other words, a global citizen needs to be receptive and accepting of new situations and opinions. Additionally, the author indicates that,
"possessing a passport, traveling to other countries and learning about other cultures and norms do create an awareness, but this plays only a small
role in global citizenship" (Alexander 22). He believes that people needs to contribute and put in more efforts in order to be considered as a "global
citizen[citizenship]" more content...
Comparatively, he states that traveling to foreign countries and learning about other's cultures is not enough to be called global citizenship, because
it only plays a small part, which is not enough to change the world (Alexander 22). However, I disagree with this statement because I believe that
every little thing can make a big change. Also, as long as the idea can be taught to a child, it will have the same effect on adults because it all depends
on one's personality. Notably, my point can be supported by an article "How Personality Type Influences Leadership Style," which states that "When
Thinking/Judging types are allowed to develop within their own natural preferences, they're better equipped to exhibit these characteristics in the best
possible way" (Overbo np). Correspondingly, the author provides an example that if a left–handed person writes with their right hand, they will never
reach the goal of illegibility because they do not have the potential to write with their right hand. Likewise, teaching a left–handed person to write with
their right hand is similar to educating a kid who is short–sighted and has no interest in being a global citizen because the effort will be wasted.
Furthermore, there will be no effect on making him or her aware of "how the world works" (Alexander 22). This indicates that becoming a global
citizen does not depend on what age the idea is taught to the person because it all depends on his or her personality and willingness to make a
difference in the
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Global Citizen Biases
As pursuing a career in the health care field/ health care provider or as a global citizen, is important to be aware of my own biases/stereotyping
/prejudices for many reasons. I will be interacting with many people from different ethnicity and every culture has their own norms and belief. For
example, some arabic women follows the customs of covering arms and legs because of their religion. If I am aware of my biases, i will be
understandable and find ways to help the client or intercting with the person without intervenning with her customs.
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Global Citizen Essay
Global citizenship has the term that is widely used for different purposes and meanings. There is no single consensus on the meaning of global
citizenship. "The concept of global citizenship arose during the days of ancient Greece and during the era of the Roman Empire" (Dower, p.6). Hans
Schattle also measures that "not only has "global citizenship" emerged as a variant within the concept of citizenship, but the concept of "global
citizenship" contains many variants and sources of internal division".
"During the past decade, the term "Global citizenship" increasingly has been communicated in public discourse by individuals across a wide variety of
political, social and economic institutions–elementary schools encouraging children more content...
37). As a citizen it is important to do so to maintain law and order to society and external security of a country.
"The term global citizenship education or education for global citizenship as well as other terms relate to the concept of global citizenship are
becoming more and more frequently used at scholarly conferences and in various discourses". Students around the world are thought to embrace
cultural diversity and the school system should be teaching students these things. According to Noddings, the multicultural curricula should be closely
tied to developing global citizens because students should be taught to values the lives of all people, not just those of our own nation (Li–Ching, p.
287). Throughout the global media and technologies, virtually everyone on earth is exposed to foreign ideas and practices and even our own
communities are more diversified than ever before.
As for many, cultural globalization means westernization or Americanization. Western cultures are spreading everywhere and dominating or over
taking other cultures. The most important thing to understand concerning cultural globalization is it is
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The Importance Of Global Citizenship
A citizen is an individual that view his or herself as a member of a nation. This nation can be as small as a community in a neighbourhood or large
enough to include Humanity as a whole. Global Citizenship as it is known is the idea that a person's identity transcends the nation on their issued
passport. It is an international connection to every other person on the earth. A global citizen does not view the world as separate, sovereign nations,
but as a puzzle to which each nation, tribe and community is a part of no matter the spoken language, culture or religion. This allows such a person
to help those located outside of his nation of citizenship which helps the world as a whole. Greg Mortenson, an American mountain climber,
attempted and failed to climb K2, the second highest peak in the world. Such a failure left him weak and unable to make the climb down the
mountainside. Luckily, he was found by villagers in a nearby town which be was brought back to and nursed back to health. This act of kindness
towards a complete stranger instilled a sense of gratitude within Mortenson to which he promised the people of the village that he would return to build
them a school. When Mortenson had returned to the United States, he began to write letters to various businesses and businessmen asking for
donations for his Newly instilled mission for change. Out of the 580 letter that Mortensen had sent, only one check came back. Unwilling to give up, he
sold his climbing equipment and
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A Global Citizen : The Right To Being A Citizen
Being a citizen comes with a plethora of rights and obligations one must navigate. The foremost right of a citizen, is the right to information.
Regardless of its type–country, company, or local community–it is the duty of an organization to keep its members informed. For example, if a
government withheld vital information from its people, how could it expect to have good citizens? The leaders of a group should not be focused on
maintaining control of their people. By empowering them through knowledge, citizens can work more efficiently at creating a more optimistic future
for their organizations.
Contrarily, while citizens are deserving of rights; they are a privilege that should be awarded to active citizens. The difference between an active and
passive citizen is simple, the former strives to create change and make an impact on their surroundings, while the latter is indifferent to improving his
environment. To be a good global citizen, one must also be an active citizen. Both the participatory and personally responsible aspects of citizenship
require an active role in the community. Not only improving it on an immediate level, but also having a role in the institutions that benefits the
community as a whole. Global citizens are obligated to maintain an active role in society; when members of a community take on more responsibility
it leads to overall success. Like most university students, I'd consider myself a citizen of various communities. Whether at home in New York or at
Cornell, most of my life is dictated to my citizenly obligations and activities. As a fraternity member, a large portion of my time has been dedicated to
the various aspects of my chapter. Both the participatory and personally responsible dimensions of global citizenship are required in order to be a
contributing fraternity brother. An ideal member will clean up after themselves and participate in weekly chapter meetings, which are a time to
summarize the events of the past week as well as discuss logistical topics. Although all members have responsibilities within the chapter, this varies
from brother to brother. A handful of individuals will take on more involved roles and serve on the executive board. The board contains an
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Importance Of Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship is the rights and responsibilities of people who are citizens of a particular nation or place. The perspective that a person's
identity is from geography or political borders responsibilities or rights are or can be derived from membership in a broader class. Global
Citizenship is important to the world and it's society as the world requires a huge accurate sense of empathy that notifies citizens of how the actions
from one country can hugely affect one another, and even their own. Global citizens are important in this unbalanced world, there are so many of us
that can make a difference in many of the lives across the globe, the global citizens must be aware of the world and must respect diversity if they want to more content...
They help create a lasting change for children and their families through their long–term development programs. Their purpose is to inspire
breakthroughs in the way that the world looks after and treats children, and to accomplish instant and lasting change within their lives. The NGO
promotes Global Citizenship as they are devoted to making a change within this certain aspect of the world's negativity and they are making a change,
which is even proven through statistics, as in 2014, they collectively improved the lives of more than 359 million people around the world. The role of
'Save the Children' is to provide, support and meet the needs of children and their families, they contribute through their programs they offer "We
directly deliver programs in the Pacific region and support children and families in our own community, running programs in more than 150 sites across
Australia". This NGO assists the children and their families by offering them help, and someone to rely on through not only their programs, but through
also making sure that the world treats children and thy achieve immediate and permanent change for them. Without this Organisation then there'd be a
huge population of the people without help or stability, as it is a form of global citizenship, because it includes people working constructively together
to make this world a better, more positive place. How does
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A Citizen of the World: A Global Citizen Essay
Through the course of this semester we have been learning about the topic 'global citizenship'. A broad based topic that had no exact definition tied
to it. In and out of class we have been asked to read a number of articles and book passages to help us form a definition of what exactly the term global
citizenship means to us.
So exactly what is global citizenship? Global citizenship is not simply defined as one thing; it is a large array of various definitions. The basis of it is
global citizenship is being a responsible and active member of the global community. To me a global citizen is a citizen of the world.
Though global citizenship is being a citizen of the world, it takes more than just caring about global issues. more content...
As a global citizen you have to support and care for humankind as a whole.
No matter your definition of global citizenship it all comes down to the same thing, and that is being apart of a community on a global level. To be
a global citizen we have to be somewhat intercultural. Part of this means being able to communicate and understand what is going on. "When people
from two different cultures meet, there is infinite scope for misunderstanding and confusion" (Argyle 1983: 189). As a global citizen we have to be
able to communicate with one another to solve problems as a whole. If there are intensive language barriers we won't be able to work together. As
global citizens we have to work with one another to make the world a better world.
Global citizenship is this want to 'fix' the world, "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we
created them." –Albert Einstein. Global citizenship is attacking issues with higher thinking. It is different "ways of thinking and living within multiple
cross–cutting communities–cities, regions, states, nations, and international collectives..." (Schattle 2007, 9). There is more to the term global
citizenship than we would think. Global citizenship is a way of life and practice essentially. Just as religion is a way of life and practice so is being a
global citizen.
There has to be a want, a drive, and a motivation within oneself
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Global Citizenship Research Paper
Importance of Developing Global Citizenship
I am going to explain the importance of developing global citizenship The importance of global citizenship is to promote fairness and equality in an
injustice world. It helps people to tolerate and deal with a cruel society. Global citizenship helps us to realize each of us has a responsibility to make
the world a better place. The world we live in is always changing and global citizenship gives people flexibility and helps them to adapt. I am going to
also address being a global citizen in an advanced technology world be beneficial. Explain the different definition of global citizenship given by the
theorists and give my own definition. Provide two of the six global outcomes.
Benefits of Global more content...
Global citizenship outcome social justice helps to promote equality. This outcome means help people other friends and family. Helping others out in
the community and around the world.
Personal Examples Of Global Outcomes
Responsibility Act
I take full responsibility for my own actions. I do things based on my own moral and values. If someone is in the store and do not have enough money
I give them the rest of the money. I am not looking for anything in return. To me, this is nothing more than lending a helping hand. If I was in that
situation I would want someone to do it for me.
Social Justice As a global citizen, I like helping others in the form of donations or even volunteering. When people are having fundraisers if I have
the funds I just give them some money. I do not have to render the services. I just make donations. I also do what I can to help others in need. I treat
everyone I come across with respect and love. I enjoy putting people in a positive environment. It brings enjoyment to their live as well as mine. If
someone calls me and needs a favor I never hesitate if I can do it.
Courses That Helps Develop Global
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Argumentative Essay On Global Citizenship

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Global Citizenship While the very definition of the term 'global citizenship' may vary, The Global Citizens' Initiative has simplified such profound term into a person who "identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices (Israel, 2012)." When looking at 'citizenship' from a worldview, cosmopolitanism and globalization are the two main factors that are inevitably crucial, as they expand one's perspective to the extent where one individual form a global–link and form a relationship based on shared beliefs and inclusive mutual respect, which also resulted in interconnectedness and intercultural communication. Cosmopolitanism is the belief system that every single individual has a place with a solitary group, in view of a mutual ethical quality. In political phrases, it consists of an ideological function of awareness and criticism. In sociological phrases, it is far a reconfigured device for members of the family in a worldwide global (GonГ§alves, 2015). To quote Appiah, cosmopolitanisms is an ideology that can be define as "citizen of the world" (cited in Brookes, 2006). Moreover, cosmopolitans additionally agree with that each one human beings come under the same ethical requirements. In the face of cosmopolitanisms, the limits between nations, states, cultures or societies are therefore morally inappropriate, as "cosmopolitanism indicates a commitment to universal values" (Pitty, Stokes & Smith, 2008). Get more content on
  • 2. The Importance Of A Global Citizen To be a good 'global citizen' is to recognize and address differences of power between nations. Global citizenship is defined as an individual who identifies with being part of both an emerging world and community, and whose actions contribute to building this community's values, morals, and firms (Israel, 2013). Additionally, a good global citizen is aware of the world yet also has a sense of their own role as a world citizen, showing constant respect to different races and cultural diversity, and having a clear understanding as to how the world works (Serafin, 1992). This links to the ways that an adequate global citizen can recognize and address the differences of power between nations, which further contributes to the ability for one to identify both positive and negative attributes of a specific nation state. This deems to be extremely healthy as it further provides room for growth among the country. The rule of law states that all people should obey its terms and then use them as guidance (Stewart, 2004), and from here the Global Citizens' initiative becomes present as it aims to bring both people and organizations together to promote the entire building and maintaining of a collaborative world community. From here, the ability to recognize and address differences in power between nations becomes evident, and the ideology is brought forward that a healthy citizen can notify such differences and use them in a positive way. National power is defined as the capability of Get more content on
  • 3. Importance Of A Global Citizen Importance of developing global citizenship 10/15/2017 Jerrid Lee Gen449: General Education Capstone Instructor: Meresa Stacy Importance of developing global citizenship Global citizenship has become something that you see in just about every country that you visit in today 's world. If you are in America, you will see Americans, Europeans, Muslims, etc. walking around. This has become the new normal. Even in other countries, if you visit, you will see people from all over the world there as well. We will be going over some benefits of being a global citizen, some disagreements between theorists about the definition of global citizenship, two outcomes of global citizenship, two personal examples that I have with more content... My definition of global citizenship would be individuals who accept culture diverseness and treat others how they wish to be treated at all times. No individual deserves to be treated differently because of where they are from or grew up. Tolerance, understanding, mutual respect, equality, and fairness should be taught among the human race and in global citizenship. Two outcomes Valuing Diversity Valuing diversity is a big issue that the world is having. When something bad happens from an individual who is Arabic, everyone tends to fear Arabic individuals after that, which is not the correct way to go. By valuing diversity, you are accepting the fact that every individual in this world will bring something to the table and should not be looked at differently because they are different than you. Just because of one individual who has the same religion as someone else, makes a mistake or does something bad, not every person from that area should be looked at as bad. Social Justice Social justice is another big thing to think about. Social justice is the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a community or society. Everyone, no matter what color their skin, religion, gender, or sexual Get more content on
  • 4. Global Citizen Essay Kimberly PachecoMs. Shelton Enc 1101 16 February 2012 What is a Global Citizen? The concept of what defines a global citizen varies, for people have their own opinions and say about how they see an ideal one as. Kwame Appiah wrote Cosmopoltianism, and in his opinion, a global citizen is seen as one who sees no division within themselves and "others"; that it is necessary to agree with one another to behave morally. The view of an ideal global citizen has been altered for centuries, and in every culture it is uniquely seen and educated differently. Many Americans may agree when asked, "what is an ideal global citizen", their responses would be, following the laws, paying taxes, helping out around the community, having a job more content... Being an ideal global citizen must include the passion for accepting others beside yourself. If people would inquire the customs of others we would have a better understanding of one another. With that, it could avoid children growing up to typical stereotypes, or blaming others for dilemmas in the world. In general, it's really a commonality we share with foreign countries, its just done slightly different. Moreover, in what is seen, a global citizen is that of people putting aside religion and political views that cause so much controversy inn the world we live in. What should be recognized are morals and common views that everyone can somewhat seem to agree on. One example is the Gordon Rule– treat others as you would want to be treated. Now the most known example for that is to have respect towards one another. A global citizen indeed should acquire this and understand it fully. In addition, basic morals that seem right also come along in being an ideal global citizen, such as being against dehumanization. Taking away what basically makes you, you is something that is not agreed with the views of a global citizen. Anti–patriotism is another form of showing to be an ideal global citizen. Promoting and what is heard often, "my country this, my county that" is not in favor of global citizens. One must be open to all forms of people and their cultures. A global citizen is one that can travel to any country and adjust to the customs or at least be open to them. Get more content on
  • 5. Personal Identity And Global Citizenship Reflecting on Personal Identity and Global Citizenship My normative environment, the Air Force, has provided me with opportunities to develop my global identity through experiences making me a global citizen. However, I have also experience individuals that are not globally aware of their impact on a global scale; these individuals are both Americans and other nationalities. Due to the fact that some people can be close minded to global citizenship, it is important to educate people about their roles and duties as a global citizen and not just a national citizen. It starts with a mindset of wanting to help others, and developing a mutual respect for others' cultures and differences and being aware that our individual actions have ripple more content... Additionally, my association with the military alone has not made me a global citizen. After taking courses such as Adult Development and Life Assessment, Ethics and Moral Reasoning and Informal Logic, I have been able reflect on who I am as a global citizen. I have analyzed my life and how I fit into a global society and pinpointed where changes needed to be made. For example, during the Ethics and Moral Reasoning course I realized that people can develop tunnel vision about their own culture, to include myself. The world is made up of multiple cultures, and these cultures shape our morals and ethical beliefs. Through Informal Logic, I can tell when news media is twisting a story for publicity or political gain, rather than stating the facts. I now look for the facts in the news more closely before coming to conclusion on the issues at hand. I want to be a part of a solution, not a part of the problem when it comes to global Get more content on
  • 6. The Challenges Of Global Citizenship Global Citizenship Global citizenship comes with certain rights and responsibilities that govern being a citizen of a nation and the global entity as a whole. Globalization and the advanced technology have enabled increased connections and integration across the world. As global citizens, the choices and actions that persons undertake have consequences that may impact people and societies on the local level, nationally and internationally. Global citizenship during this period of major technological advancement is very beneficial to the development of personal goals. People are able to understand emotions and develop sensitivity to unravel the world which helps in gaining different perspectives. This enables understanding of each other which fosters transparency and interdependency that helps people live with each other despite existing differences. The current situation is a far cry from what went on in the past with conflicts and clashes brought about by differences in ideologies. Nowadays, people can enhance their personal, academic and professional goals because as global citizens, we have been able to develop our identities which has put emphasis on concept of emotion and grasping of the world. Globalization has brought diversity and eliminated individualism and alienation. People are able to see value of differences among others, deal with cultural diversity and therefore live, work and study in different places without issues (InfoBase, 2017). The concept of Get more content on
  • 7. What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen Do you consider yourself as a global citizen rather than a U.S. citizen? Many of us will have a hard time answering this question, since we don't have any deep knowledge on what it means to be one or what are the values of being a global citizen. Regardless of specific identities, global citizen is an idea or person that inherit a sense of belonging to a community of human beings. He or she feels they belong in a society who values their life to make changes, for rest of the world. They feel like their action can have an positive impact into the society we live in. Like having good manner being a global citizen can also start from early age in your house or family.We intend to learn things fast when we learn it from one of our family members. Moreover, more content... Different cultures, races, countries as well as people. This unique difference makes the world to be more diverse and define who we truly are as a citizen. Citizens of today's world need to recognize that people situated in different spatial,economic, and political locations will inevitably perceive events and relationships differently from each other. "Global citizenship helps us to increasing our cultural awareness as well as positively affect the lives of others".(A Voice and a Force for Liberal Education). We can help by keeping up with current events, having meaningful conversations with people from other backgrounds, watching documentaries, trying new foods; or by visiting other countries. Showing your appreciation towards others people culture's food, dance, music, or religion–anything that have a special meaning for people is an example of global citizenship. It is fun and exciting to experience new cultural festivals, see varying types of architecture, and learn how others live. "Learning about other cultures by means of global citizenship is the most effective way to build bridges between what happens locally and globally".(Ideas for global Get more content on
  • 8. Global Education And Global Citizenship Global Education and Global Citizenship Earth, countries, and communities are all composed of individuals, these individuals are formed based off of their living and learning environment. The term 'global citizenship' can seem confusing and goes misunderstood at times. It is important to keep in mind that this term is a bit vague and can have multiple meanings to different people. To sum up the overall meaning of this term, is an individual that realizes and accept the world and all it's diversity. An individual that takes part of the bigger picture that contributes to building better communities, intergroup and outer groups that are full of values, purpose and solutions. My life experienced and my general education courses have had an immense influence on my identity as well as my view point on what it means to be a global citizenship According to the video Global Education and Global Citizenship (2011), there are several reasons as to why educating others on global citizenship important. It stated that the teaching of global citizenship or global community is being taught to the young students for the reason that it is the younger generation that has the ability, knowledge power and openness to grasp the concept of becoming a global citizen. This will ensure that the future of the world's problems as well as the global development is shared and understood across the globe rather than nationally. The video express that becoming a part of the global community will provide Get more content on
  • 9. I am very excited to be writing this information here on this page as I always keep asking this question from myself almost every single day. As a global citizen i believe i am from this earth not from one country of another and this reminds me that we are all the same, despite of our differences we are all still human beings with the same origins, a beating heart and blood running through our veins. My consciousness towards my Creator(GOD) leads me to be conscious of all lives, cultures, races and beliefs. As a Global citizen in my personal life i hold myself accountable for many responsibilities and roles, some of which i have achieved and many that i strive to achieve, and i intend on sharing this information here to the best of my ability. First and foremost i am committed to being a human being with high state of spirituality. What spirituality means to me might not mean the same to someone else. In my opinion spirituality is when one connects to another without boundaries and with the heart and soul without any ill feelings or disrespect. It all begins within and shines outwards as well. I am committed to connect with others with love, respect and equality. When i communicate with another person or share an insight i make sure i address the situation as honestly and as objectively as i can and if there are any ill feelings inside of me i address that first and then move on. "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." Winston Churchill Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Global Citizenship In today's world, it is very important for every person to demonstrate exceptional citizenship as it proves beneficial to the development of the world. In the video documentary, The Cove, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are protesting the dolphin slaughter occurring in Taiji, Japan. Their goal is to reduce the number of dolphins killed each year and hopefully stop the slaughter entirely. Mr. Barry and his team, are model global citizens as they abide by the law, are extremely informed about the cause they are protesting, and display purposeful and active citizens greatly through their work. Therefore, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are remarkable examples of global citizens based off of the four characteristics describing a good global citizen. Ric O' Barry and his team demonstrate excellent global citizenship through their care and concern for the endangered dolphins in Japan, even if they do not necessarily abide the law. Firstly, the only situations in which Mr. Barry and/or the activists feel the need to break the law is when they are trying to help the dolphins, and the law is unfortunately restricting them. In the video documentary, The Cove, Ric O' Barry is arrested multiple times for trying to free captive dolphins in Florida and on the Island of Bimini. He shows good civic behavior here because he genuinely cares for animals and the well–being of the environment, thus providing credible reasoning for breaking the cruel laws that allow companies to keep animals in captivity. Furthermore, Ric O' Barry and his team of activists are law–abiding citizens because they ensure that they do not hurt anyone in the process of protesting and they continuously cooperate with the police and other government officials. For example, when Mandy–Rae Cruickshank and Kirk Krack visit the cove for the first time, they try to keep the encounter with the Japanese fisherman peaceful even though the fishermen are butting chests with them. Another example would be the numerous times Taiji officials interrogate Mr. Barry about the actions he takes against the reoccurring dolphin slaughter, and how he always complies with them, respectfully answering all their questions. This proves that Ric and his team are Get more content on
  • 11. What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen The line "I am a citizen of the world" to me means that if you identify yourself as a global citizen, you self–identify as a member of the human race, not a member of a country, a state, a tribe, or anything of that matter. It means that my actions and attitude can have an effect on the entire world, not just myself. What it means to be a citizen to me means that I belong and I am a member of a certain place. I am a citizen of the United States and the freedoms I can enjoy on a regular basis are the freedom of speech so I can speak freely and I'm capable of voicing my own opinions and my own thoughts without getting in illegal trouble, and the freedom of religion so I can worship whatever religion I want to. I have a lot more freedoms than other citizens from different places because of my citizenship in the U.S.A. Not everyone can enjoy the freedoms that I can in my country. Citizens from other parts of the world might not have the freedoms like I do on the other side of the globe and that's because there are many different types of government and beliefs that other places may more content... That comes off as stereotypical. The landlord was discriminating against Ram by telling Ram that he doesn't do the same things that Mr. Chan does. The landlord must think that since both of them are Indians, they have to do the same things as each other, which is wrong. That is how Ram isn't treated fairly. The landlord failed to know that just because people are of the same race does not mean they do the same things as each other. The landlord thinks that since Mr. Chan is wearing national garments, Mr. Chan has to be an Indian. At the end of the story, Fraser tells us that Mr. Chan is actually a Jamaican. The landlord discrimnated by stereotyping and judging books by their Get more content on
  • 12. What Does What It Mean To Be A Global Citizen Global citizenship is unteachable In the article, "What it Means to be a Global Citizen" by Drew Noble Alexander, the author describes global citizenship as a way for educating the people in a country to be open–minded to entrepreneurship, and to be willing to try to change the world for the better. In other words, a global citizen needs to be receptive and accepting of new situations and opinions. Additionally, the author indicates that, "possessing a passport, traveling to other countries and learning about other cultures and norms do create an awareness, but this plays only a small role in global citizenship" (Alexander 22). He believes that people needs to contribute and put in more efforts in order to be considered as a "global citizen[citizenship]" more content... Comparatively, he states that traveling to foreign countries and learning about other's cultures is not enough to be called global citizenship, because it only plays a small part, which is not enough to change the world (Alexander 22). However, I disagree with this statement because I believe that every little thing can make a big change. Also, as long as the idea can be taught to a child, it will have the same effect on adults because it all depends on one's personality. Notably, my point can be supported by an article "How Personality Type Influences Leadership Style," which states that "When Thinking/Judging types are allowed to develop within their own natural preferences, they're better equipped to exhibit these characteristics in the best possible way" (Overbo np). Correspondingly, the author provides an example that if a left–handed person writes with their right hand, they will never reach the goal of illegibility because they do not have the potential to write with their right hand. Likewise, teaching a left–handed person to write with their right hand is similar to educating a kid who is short–sighted and has no interest in being a global citizen because the effort will be wasted. Furthermore, there will be no effect on making him or her aware of "how the world works" (Alexander 22). This indicates that becoming a global citizen does not depend on what age the idea is taught to the person because it all depends on his or her personality and willingness to make a difference in the Get more content on
  • 13. Global Citizen Biases As pursuing a career in the health care field/ health care provider or as a global citizen, is important to be aware of my own biases/stereotyping /prejudices for many reasons. I will be interacting with many people from different ethnicity and every culture has their own norms and belief. For example, some arabic women follows the customs of covering arms and legs because of their religion. If I am aware of my biases, i will be understandable and find ways to help the client or intercting with the person without intervenning with her customs. Get more content on
  • 14. Global Citizen Essay Global citizenship has the term that is widely used for different purposes and meanings. There is no single consensus on the meaning of global citizenship. "The concept of global citizenship arose during the days of ancient Greece and during the era of the Roman Empire" (Dower, p.6). Hans Schattle also measures that "not only has "global citizenship" emerged as a variant within the concept of citizenship, but the concept of "global citizenship" contains many variants and sources of internal division". "During the past decade, the term "Global citizenship" increasingly has been communicated in public discourse by individuals across a wide variety of political, social and economic institutions–elementary schools encouraging children more content... 37). As a citizen it is important to do so to maintain law and order to society and external security of a country. "The term global citizenship education or education for global citizenship as well as other terms relate to the concept of global citizenship are becoming more and more frequently used at scholarly conferences and in various discourses". Students around the world are thought to embrace cultural diversity and the school system should be teaching students these things. According to Noddings, the multicultural curricula should be closely tied to developing global citizens because students should be taught to values the lives of all people, not just those of our own nation (Li–Ching, p. 287). Throughout the global media and technologies, virtually everyone on earth is exposed to foreign ideas and practices and even our own communities are more diversified than ever before. As for many, cultural globalization means westernization or Americanization. Western cultures are spreading everywhere and dominating or over taking other cultures. The most important thing to understand concerning cultural globalization is it is Get more content on
  • 15. The Importance Of Global Citizenship A citizen is an individual that view his or herself as a member of a nation. This nation can be as small as a community in a neighbourhood or large enough to include Humanity as a whole. Global Citizenship as it is known is the idea that a person's identity transcends the nation on their issued passport. It is an international connection to every other person on the earth. A global citizen does not view the world as separate, sovereign nations, but as a puzzle to which each nation, tribe and community is a part of no matter the spoken language, culture or religion. This allows such a person to help those located outside of his nation of citizenship which helps the world as a whole. Greg Mortenson, an American mountain climber, attempted and failed to climb K2, the second highest peak in the world. Such a failure left him weak and unable to make the climb down the mountainside. Luckily, he was found by villagers in a nearby town which be was brought back to and nursed back to health. This act of kindness towards a complete stranger instilled a sense of gratitude within Mortenson to which he promised the people of the village that he would return to build them a school. When Mortenson had returned to the United States, he began to write letters to various businesses and businessmen asking for donations for his Newly instilled mission for change. Out of the 580 letter that Mortensen had sent, only one check came back. Unwilling to give up, he sold his climbing equipment and Get more content on
  • 16. A Global Citizen : The Right To Being A Citizen Being a citizen comes with a plethora of rights and obligations one must navigate. The foremost right of a citizen, is the right to information. Regardless of its type–country, company, or local community–it is the duty of an organization to keep its members informed. For example, if a government withheld vital information from its people, how could it expect to have good citizens? The leaders of a group should not be focused on maintaining control of their people. By empowering them through knowledge, citizens can work more efficiently at creating a more optimistic future for their organizations. Contrarily, while citizens are deserving of rights; they are a privilege that should be awarded to active citizens. The difference between an active and passive citizen is simple, the former strives to create change and make an impact on their surroundings, while the latter is indifferent to improving his environment. To be a good global citizen, one must also be an active citizen. Both the participatory and personally responsible aspects of citizenship require an active role in the community. Not only improving it on an immediate level, but also having a role in the institutions that benefits the community as a whole. Global citizens are obligated to maintain an active role in society; when members of a community take on more responsibility it leads to overall success. Like most university students, I'd consider myself a citizen of various communities. Whether at home in New York or at Cornell, most of my life is dictated to my citizenly obligations and activities. As a fraternity member, a large portion of my time has been dedicated to the various aspects of my chapter. Both the participatory and personally responsible dimensions of global citizenship are required in order to be a contributing fraternity brother. An ideal member will clean up after themselves and participate in weekly chapter meetings, which are a time to summarize the events of the past week as well as discuss logistical topics. Although all members have responsibilities within the chapter, this varies from brother to brother. A handful of individuals will take on more involved roles and serve on the executive board. The board contains an Get more content on
  • 17. Importance Of Global Citizenship Global Citizenship is the rights and responsibilities of people who are citizens of a particular nation or place. The perspective that a person's identity is from geography or political borders responsibilities or rights are or can be derived from membership in a broader class. Global Citizenship is important to the world and it's society as the world requires a huge accurate sense of empathy that notifies citizens of how the actions from one country can hugely affect one another, and even their own. Global citizens are important in this unbalanced world, there are so many of us that can make a difference in many of the lives across the globe, the global citizens must be aware of the world and must respect diversity if they want to more content... They help create a lasting change for children and their families through their long–term development programs. Their purpose is to inspire breakthroughs in the way that the world looks after and treats children, and to accomplish instant and lasting change within their lives. The NGO promotes Global Citizenship as they are devoted to making a change within this certain aspect of the world's negativity and they are making a change, which is even proven through statistics, as in 2014, they collectively improved the lives of more than 359 million people around the world. The role of 'Save the Children' is to provide, support and meet the needs of children and their families, they contribute through their programs they offer "We directly deliver programs in the Pacific region and support children and families in our own community, running programs in more than 150 sites across Australia". This NGO assists the children and their families by offering them help, and someone to rely on through not only their programs, but through also making sure that the world treats children and thy achieve immediate and permanent change for them. Without this Organisation then there'd be a huge population of the people without help or stability, as it is a form of global citizenship, because it includes people working constructively together to make this world a better, more positive place. How does Get more content on
  • 18. A Citizen of the World: A Global Citizen Essay Through the course of this semester we have been learning about the topic 'global citizenship'. A broad based topic that had no exact definition tied to it. In and out of class we have been asked to read a number of articles and book passages to help us form a definition of what exactly the term global citizenship means to us. So exactly what is global citizenship? Global citizenship is not simply defined as one thing; it is a large array of various definitions. The basis of it is global citizenship is being a responsible and active member of the global community. To me a global citizen is a citizen of the world. Though global citizenship is being a citizen of the world, it takes more than just caring about global issues. more content... As a global citizen you have to support and care for humankind as a whole. No matter your definition of global citizenship it all comes down to the same thing, and that is being apart of a community on a global level. To be a global citizen we have to be somewhat intercultural. Part of this means being able to communicate and understand what is going on. "When people from two different cultures meet, there is infinite scope for misunderstanding and confusion" (Argyle 1983: 189). As a global citizen we have to be able to communicate with one another to solve problems as a whole. If there are intensive language barriers we won't be able to work together. As global citizens we have to work with one another to make the world a better world. Global citizenship is this want to 'fix' the world, "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." –Albert Einstein. Global citizenship is attacking issues with higher thinking. It is different "ways of thinking and living within multiple cross–cutting communities–cities, regions, states, nations, and international collectives..." (Schattle 2007, 9). There is more to the term global citizenship than we would think. Global citizenship is a way of life and practice essentially. Just as religion is a way of life and practice so is being a global citizen. There has to be a want, a drive, and a motivation within oneself Get more content on
  • 19. Global Citizenship Research Paper Importance of Developing Global Citizenship I am going to explain the importance of developing global citizenship The importance of global citizenship is to promote fairness and equality in an injustice world. It helps people to tolerate and deal with a cruel society. Global citizenship helps us to realize each of us has a responsibility to make the world a better place. The world we live in is always changing and global citizenship gives people flexibility and helps them to adapt. I am going to also address being a global citizen in an advanced technology world be beneficial. Explain the different definition of global citizenship given by the theorists and give my own definition. Provide two of the six global outcomes. Benefits of Global more content... Global citizenship outcome social justice helps to promote equality. This outcome means help people other friends and family. Helping others out in the community and around the world. Personal Examples Of Global Outcomes Responsibility Act I take full responsibility for my own actions. I do things based on my own moral and values. If someone is in the store and do not have enough money I give them the rest of the money. I am not looking for anything in return. To me, this is nothing more than lending a helping hand. If I was in that situation I would want someone to do it for me. Social Justice As a global citizen, I like helping others in the form of donations or even volunteering. When people are having fundraisers if I have the funds I just give them some money. I do not have to render the services. I just make donations. I also do what I can to help others in need. I treat everyone I come across with respect and love. I enjoy putting people in a positive environment. It brings enjoyment to their live as well as mine. If someone calls me and needs a favor I never hesitate if I can do it. Courses That Helps Develop Global Get more content on