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This situation I'm In here there is not much you can do, I'm just one
person, without even knowing it the best technology the world has to
offer, is used to hurt you, acoustic, electromagnetic EMF/ELF testing
out their no touch torture weapons, Governments, Private Industry,
your own people, academia, scientists, anthropologists, army corps,
endangered species, Power Authority’s, all taking turns running
experiment’s on you, being designated, as listed species, involves
the most unethical studies of all nature, there is no other way to
explain it, but evil. It's gross misconduct, unlawful presence, your
own flesh and blood your best bro’s, all turning on you. This program
called stewardship, conservation of an endangered species, saving a
species from extinction, climate change, biodiversity, Is supposed to
be improving the environment, from my experience so far, there is a
very darkside about, targeting an Individual, cointelpro government
sanctioned harassment, the Chief calls it that duh! stuff . I
Educated myself on what I had access to and learned blindly, there
are many publications blocked from me. 1000, or more​404 not founds.
This paper is about survival and awareness, not about marks, I have
no teacher to ask any questions you learn to cope with the
environment it can be so fake sometimes, and very dangerous at other
times depends what is set up for the day.
This is how psychological disorders are initiated, you're being
cracked, kept off balance mentally, this type of ambient abuse your
subject to, when you're being psychologically and physiologically
attacked 24/7 makes it hard to hold a job, your concentration is
thrown off, it affects sleeping, nightmares you are socially and
emotionally isolated, the Chief knows you're being attacked like
this, but instead of helping you he uses it as a tool for character
assassination, gives you a good job that he knows you're not going to
be able to hold, and he sets it up at that job to where you don't
feel wanted. The last job I had the boss made made me feel pretty
upset I was so disappointed, I like doing things fast efficient well
done, I broke two axles in a dump truck in two days the general
manager used it to deter me, told me in his 50 years of working in
the aggregate business, he has never seen anyone break two axles in
two days, he just told me that I cost the company $10.000 I told him
to take it out if my check. He said that's ok don't worry about it,
shaking his head. This is a tactic used to make me second guess
myself, always contradicting decisions uncertainty, now that I look
back, and their present day participation in the ongoing vehicle
mobbing, when I walk to town. Every time I leave my house one of the
band dump trucks or cement trucks would drive by me at least a couple
times the new guy of course times on a walk to town, it's a
psychological tactic to rub it in, there are many propaganda signs,
or mimic body movements, Acts, staged incidents they like to use to
remind you of awful memories, street theater, anything to make you
feel alienated and uncomfortable.
Your being systematically attacked every time you leave your house,
and in your house, it's relentless and if you mention it or act out
everybody gangs up on you, you're provoked and taunted. Your presumed
actions are already predicted, through pre monitoring, so It was easy
to dig a hole for myself. They get elders, who should know better,
and kids, are taught to participate, teaching kids how to belittle
and harass adult, now that shows good morals. Mostly just the general
population on the rez and the town of Oliver, many times I was nearly
run over, proceeded by them showing up to your destination a store,
or park, to taunt you, and you see this out of people that you would
not expect to be involved in these operations. Always trying to get a
reaction in public. When they do, I usually get home to a cop pulling
up to my house and get blamed for the incident. It's a cheap,
physiological attacks they pull to make you look mentally disturbed,
meanwhile the police documenting the instigated incidents to use
against you.
The reserve liaison cop harasses me but I think it's because of her
close mindedness. Not to mention the Chief and Council being very
coercive to the situation, through these type of staged scenario’s
the band social worker, the lady who is supposed to be my long term
support, had me thrown in the psych-ward because of these kind of
staged altercations I was having with people.
Three cop cars pull up to my house one day and tell me I have to make
a mental health appointment or they're taking me in, I used the
liaison officer's phone to make the appointmentment with the band
health center for 2pm the next day. The next morning those same cops
came early in the morning told me I’m coming with them, the social
worker for the band had them pick me up before my appointment, which
I was quite clear is what they asked me to do. But they bring me to
the hospital, to check me out, the doctor gave me a shot I came to
three days later, they held me in there for 11 days.
Not to long after that, I had been asking my uncle about paying me
some money, that my dad put into the the family property invested his
life savings, it was his project for his retirement, it's the
property by the lake that is home to endangered species a few species
of birds my dad was told to leave a certain part of the land alone by
Canadian Wildlife, Black cottonwoods near the creek The endangered
birds home, the same ones​,​​Evidence​, Chief Clarence Louie;
said and “I Quote” I want to hire a Bulldozer and bulldoze those
trees, I said, “ J.R., you should have done that before CWS people
came in there.” He hired a bulldozer and bulldozed over what CWS was
habitat his family had to set aside for the rest of the country
without even being paid for it. That's the other thing under this
S.A.R.A legislation: they take away reserve land-the little land we
have to develop and make a living off-they tell us leave it alone,
and they don't give us a dime for that.
I said, “ J.R., you bulldoze that over. I don't care what the
government says. What are they going to do throw you in jail? You
bulldoze it. As soon as you bulldoze it over, I want to go down
there. I’ll stand stand by that pile of what these phony
environmentalists call “habitat”, and I want a picture with you
there”. “un quote”.
My dad, “JR” had just retired January 27, 2012 on his 65th birthday
prior to the chief's session in the House of Commons, he never missed
a day of work in over 25 years, he was diagnosed with cancer in June,
he died October 4, 2012, a rare cancer tumors, out of nowhere, went
from the size of golf balls, in no time to baseballs. it was fast,
not to long after that I began noticing people change their attitude
toward me.
I had been going to my uncle since my dad's death it was over two
years now. My dad started a gravel pit on family land before he died
to get back his life savings he invested in the family land it was
the start of a campground. He told me before he died they were going
to pay me the money he put into the land and, to give it to his
grandchildren, my uncle tried to tell me no gravel was coming out of
the pit, the day before that I went down and seen non stop trucks all
day, he just ignored me after that, I swore at him and slammed the
door, I also wrote sell out in the dust, finger painted it on the
Chief's truck.
I walked to town and back, as I reached the band store my uncle walks
in the store, I'm cooled off I thought I would wait for him and see
if we could talk, but a police suburban pulled up he puts me in the
back of the cop car, the social worker shows up tells me it's ok she
will see what she can do to help. I'm brought in and told, I'm being
charged for threatening to kill my uncle, and harassment for writing
in the dust on the chief's truck, the police officer fields was
nothing less a jerk and was intimidating me saying doesn't look like
you're getting out you threatened to kill your uncle, he said he
would talk to the band and see what they wanted to do.
The next day just before a bail hearing with the justice of the
peace, he comes to the cell and tells me the Chief has agreed to drop
the harassment charge, your uncle is going to charge you for uttering
threats, on one condition. Or you're going to stay in jail, till your
charge is settled. The Band wants you off the reserve I will agree to
your release but, right from here I will bring you to the edge of
town and you have to leave Oliver and the reserve, you have to move
on. I asked can I at least go get some clothes from my house he says
nope if you want out you have to leave town right from here. I was so
upset and mad I said ok, I just want out of this cell I have had my
fair share of time I never want to be in their again.
So in the bail hearing officer Fields is saying everything he can to
make me look horrible he is not sure if I go back to reserve that the
reserve is safe. Then he pulls out this letter from the social worker
and Band Councilor the same lady that said she would help me, this is
the last thing I expected, here is a little bit from the letter that
the officer read on her behalf to the J.P;
I am an elected member of council and have worked as a social worker
for the Osoyoos Indian Band for 29 years. In the past 4 years I have
worked very diligently and endlessly,one to one with Henry Baptiste
to provide the personal support, for him to have success in his life
out of jail.
I have witnessed the severe change in Henry’s behaviour in the past
10 months, in April 2014 his behaviour was beginning to pose a threat
to individual community members. We asked community members to write
letters to council of their negative experiences with Henry. On April
9, 2014, RCMP, and Mental health team confronted Henry in regard to
his behaviour, on that date henry was committed as an involuntary
patient under section 22 of the mental health act.
The letter goes on and gets worse calling me paranoid, but more like
pissed off, I have nothing to be paranoid about, saying he’s
videotaping people he is saying he is being stalked, and people are
following him It's all in his head.
This from a lady who is letting her workers leave work when I leave
my house you can see my house from the health center. I purposely
leave my house different times of day during working hours just to
watch them get to leave work, just to join in the vehicle mobbing.
That's the kind of support I get telling community members to write
letters, about me meanwhile being nice to me and saying she is not
going to give up on me, lying.
So they want me banned from my house and property I grew up in,
indefinitely, His Excellency the Justice of the Peace said, I'm not
kicking him out his own home, officer’s face went beat red as he
quickly started to speak in wanting me banned out of every public
building on the reserve. I was kicked out of every building but the
health center, but I don't go there for help I go to town where I
have a good drug & alcohol counselor, and a good psychologist, it's
hard to say if he knows are not some many people don't even know
about this sort of program, but even if he does he is still a good
doctor, just doing his job, 69% of the population apparently knows
about Targeting Individuals, It sure blind sided me.
You know I found out my uncles never even planned on paying me back
for my dad's life savings he invested in the property. I had to find
out from my lawyer they said they were just keeping everything as
part of the estate that they put nothing in it really. They strung me
along for two years with no intent on paying me back and because it's
a last man standing property, not much I could do I had the receipts
but I gave them two my uncle who, has a peace bond on me and denies
having them.
So since then I realized what they were doing to me, and quit falling
into their staged incidents of confrontation, officer carried on
harassing me and, threatening me with the psych-ward or breaching me,
people even began to lie call me in for things I wasn't even doing,
and it has taken all my strength to hold back from losing it on them,
you see that's why I say there's a difference between just doing your
job, do your action and move on but there is a group of them that
enjoy there job too much of tormenting a human being just to get a
rise and in hopes of getting a reaction, naturalistic observation, is
the science term, so it can be reported and the officer will gladly
take over the situation.
It finally paid off, I video taped one of the band members coming
towards me and veered all the way across the road and just about hit
me going about 90 mph I made a complaint called an Officer who
wouldn't return my call. Just about getting run over has become
routine It's what I put up with constantly looking back being
threatened thinking a vehicle is going to run me down. I ended up
having to show it to my bail supervisor and she was shocked aren't
you scared, she even called the police office and three months later
she pulls up to my house and takes my statement., this has been
happening to me since my dad died. People doing that or other tactics
they have 5 or 6 actions they do and then proceed to show up to
taunt, or provoke you.
I reported two other occasions of almost being run over by band
members I had to jump out of the way on one occasion landed right on
my knee I couldn't walk normal for two weeks, the smart ass kid
stepped on the gas peeled out at me and hit the brakes sliding right
by me, narrowly missing me. he came to a stop and started laughing at
me, now this is the kind of sick game they're playing if I even yell
at anyone for these kind of actions the cops are called on me, my
hands have been tied behind with a very short leash around my neck
and they continue to take shots. Nothing short of adult bullying on
I eventually found out this was done to me by council to have me
declared incompetent and therefore wouldn't have to get my consent,
to these awful unethical human behavior experiments, EMF/ELF, etc.
Both Federal Governments, Washington State and the Province of
British Columbia, Okanagan Nation Alliance and Colville Confederated
Tribes and other Agencies for right-of-way payments from Fortisbc,
Forest Revenue and Reconciliation Agreements, S.A.R.A/Endangered
Species Benefits for monitoring, targeting me, using a data capturing
tool to steal my data etc. Ya for my own people it's all about money.
I get charged sentenced, and tried for every crime or uncooperative
thing I do from a circuit court I don't even see down the States
somewhere even if they significantly impaired essential behaviour
patterns to the point of death or injury, I still pay and do time for
whatever I do. You're born into this ESU, or DU don't think there is
not a thing they don't know about you for the ones out there who may
of thought I paid my way out of a few legal situations, dont worry
I'm still in jail, involuntary house arrest because all the
experiments still need to be carried, in a community setting. I fight
to survive for my kids, or offspring the service calls them, So maybe
I can prevent this unethical game from happening to them.
Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program OBMEP (Nk'mip) 2012
annual report for sites in Canada. The Okanagan Nation Alliance
Fisheries Department would like to thank among others the Town of
Oliver, OIB, and the Lazard and the Baptiste, families.
They are thanking my family's Baptiste, Lazard’s for what throwing me
to the wolves,`` not right`.
Okanagan river is an international watershed and the OBMEP does not
stop at international borders. We facilitate collecting data by
collaborating with Okanagan Nation Alliance Who inturn collaborate
and facilitate Environment Canada and the Ministry of Land Water and
Air Protection, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Facts and Information Learned
When a person is subject to coercive persuasion without knowledge or
consent [hey may] develop physical and psychiatric disorders
including schizophrenia, and suicide. Coercive persuasion is not a
religion or a practice it is a technology of control, it's not a
belief or a process, it’s an unfair manipulation of one’s biological
and physical weaknesses and susceptibilities, it’s a force technology
not a free society, but a criminal or totalitarian society. Any
organization using coercive persuasion on its members as a central
practice, that also claims to be a religion, is turning the sanctuary
of the 1st amendment into a fortress of psychological assault and
this is exactly what the long term Chief and Council are doing, ONA.
The Owner of En'owkin education center the chair of Aboriginal
research and the president of the school., I guess it is true, ​“watch
who you piss off”​, Okanagan to Oka Peace Run run 1990.
It may of looked like I was having psych problems but I was just
reacting to people. Once I quit playing there game it’s been
bearable. Chief only cares about his national image and leasing out
our lands. I'm guessing him and his corporation that he made himself
the sole shareholder of, are using all the money they get hidden in
the agreements and partnerships which must be millions for agreeing
to have me targeted and subject to experimental studies, research to
cover up their failed investments, all for this national image he
portrays, the savior for himself and his regime is about it, at the
moment their is a dispute at spirit ridge a resort we only own a low
percentage of has been shut down indefinitely.
Health research, the Nk'mip health center had no problem using their
authority,I live right next to the health building I go out on walks
different days different times same outcome of diversity, videotape 2
to 3 vehicles from each buildings come out to join the vehicle
mobbing. I used to react by yelling at them, how do they feel in
danger they are in vehicles, I figured out what they were doing, just
being perpetrators, if someone is going to hurt you you're going to
protect yourself, I don't see how yelling is compared with a speeding
vehicle, and they are ones in danger. Here is some more from my,
supporting band councillors letter;
Henry has has chased down children that have been walking down
Mckinney rd., so he is putting our children's safety at risk the
council has received numerous complaints about Henry’s behaviour,
very few people are willing to put their concerns to paper because
they are afraid of him.
I firmly believe if Henry is released and allowed back to his home
community his safety is at risk, at some point someone is going to
respond to his acts of paranoia and his personal threats to harm
individuals and hurt him. The members of our community are fed up
with his behaviour and wonder how one individual is able to continue
to terrorize the community on a daily basis and the community is
feeling helpless and angry.
This is what was read​ ​to the justice of peace from my support, 24
hours had past, this is what I get from a leader and a pillar of our
community. And by the way, “I love my kids and would never hurt a kid
they kicked me out of the school because of her letter”. What was
done is not the people's fault they are just doing what they're told
is their job by the leaders. They are probably terrified, of being in
my situation.
You are considered below the species level, no lesser of man can be
found, I was born into this ESU, my personal situation very unique, I
have been monitored my life my biological and physical features
delayed or precluded they took away my god given talent for this
experiment you see it's called life cycle. I see what's going on, and
my people turn on me and join in the festivities, join and
participate in physiological attacks, my brother, my dad, my cousins,
individuals doing life all taken in this program, staged accidents,
harm form of take, manmade deaths of a species.
It is the truth, I have not seen any conservation going on, just
wildlife agencies playing god and the Chief is just as phony as they
are just gangs of people terrorizing an individual to death, I call
it a billion bee stings, people of all walks of life, who knows when
I will die they want to prolong it because if I do die then they have
to designate someone else. I'm lucky to still be here. Like I said I
don't blame people for doing their job, but their are some very
disturbing people in high positions and have authority to really
wreak havoc they believe what they're doing is right and their above
the law.
I am not going to lie, statute or not. Tribal and native reserves are
to be informed if indian country is going to be affected, or if land,
title, and rights are to be affected, so the leadership knew things
were going to happen, significant loss of life, I survived to throw
me under the bus, give him a slow death, and we can benefit from it,
he shoulda been dead anyway.
The Methodology and cornerstone to my survival, I dont recomend to
anyone but it helped me, for the time being I will grow out of it.
The complexity and jurisdictional arrangements, and differences in
management objectives within the Okanagan River Water Basin and
across the US/Canada Border, necessitates an the extensive and
comprehensive process. The successful Okanagan Sub-basin will be
sensitive to the needs of Federal State, and Provincial, local
governments, public utility districts, and Federal Hydro
Authorities, Tribal entities, stewardship bodies, landowners, and
other stakeholders.
Now lot of this collaboration is about these unethical experiments
happening, The population of my reserve is around 500 its distinct
living on reserve and we are considered evolutionarily significant
unit, is a population of organisms that is considered distinct for
the purpose of this term can apply to ​any​species subspecies,
geographic race or population​often the term species is used rather
than ESU, even when an ESU is considered more technically a
subspecies or a variety rather than a biological species.
You see notice at the end of subspecies, geographic race or
population they did not put in, wildlife, fish , or plants that
leaves the door open for​​any,​“human” ​species geographic race or
population to be listed.
Evolutionary Legacy was not meant to be construed only in a
historical sense, rather term is used in the sense inheritance. That
is something received from the past and carried into the future
populations affected by artificial propagation is an ESU.
NMFS likely to be in a position of artificially maintaining units
that might naturally undergo periodic episodes of extinction
recolonization given the ESA protection presumably would extend only
to manmade (and not environmental) disturbances.
Such fluctuations may place greater constraints on the long term
survival of small populations than do genetic factors associated with
inbreeding. ESA allows “species” to be listed based on natural or
manmade threats to its continued existence. It is also important to
identify such reproductively isolated units that contribute
substantially to the ecological/genetic of the species as a whole.
To be considered an ESU the population must represent the important
component in the evolutionary legacy of the species is the genetic
variability that is a product of past evolutionary events in which
represents a reservoir upon which future evolutionary potential
President Memorandum FEB 28, 2012
In 1973, only animal and plant kingdoms were universally recognized
by science, and all living things were considered to be one of these
kingdoms. Thus the enactment of the ESA applies to all living things.
The statutory definition of conserve, conserving, and conversation is
to bring any endangered or threatened species to the point at which
measures provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary. INRMP
prepared under(section 101 the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C 670a).
2004 ​National Authorization Act (report 108-354) instructed the
secretary to “Assess an INRMP potential contribution to species
conservation, giving due regard to those habitat protection,
maintenance, and improvement projects, We therefore conclude that
congress intended “Benefit” to mean Conservation Benefit.
In addition because of finding of benefit would result in an
exemption from critical habitat designation and given the specific
mention of “habitat” protection, maintenance, and improvement.
In the conference report it is inferred that Congress intended that
an INRMP provide a conservation benefit to the habitat (eg essential
features) of the species. Example of benefits: reducing fragmentation
of habitat, maintaining or increasing population in the wild
buffering protected areas.
I was listed as a species through this process under the Endangered
Species Act and Species at Risk Act as a subspecies variety of the
Upper Columbia Spring run Chinook Salmon as an ESU, DU, when ESU is
tagged on the end of the salmon they're are talking about people, I
have been studying and researching the subject for the fact of
survival, you put lot of time in, if you're going to survive, It's a
cruel game It started in the States.
Definition of​“take”​ESA of most wildlife species includes to
harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound or kill wildlife. Harm form
of take (ie) significant habitat modification or degradation where it
actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing
essential, behavior patterns, Including breeding feeding and
It is somewhat transparent but you have to be a scientist to
understand the language, it is endless work, you will find it in the
literature the sensitive parts, hidden in definitions or code. I
found it near the beginning of discovery of these ancillary
operations, and it's beginning to come together.
Conserve, conserving definition: The use of all methods and
procedures that are necessary to bring any endangered or threatened
species to the point at which the measures provided pursuant to the
Act are no longer necessary ie., The species is recovered in
accordance with 402.02 of the chapter. Such methods and procedures
include but are not limited to, all activities associated with
scientific resource management, such as research, census, law
enforcement, habitat acquisition and maintenance propagation, live
trapping and transplantation, and in the extraordinary case where
population pressures within a given ecosystem cannot otherwise be
relieved, may include regulatory takings. “ that doesn't sound like
conserving anything to me?” “And it does not sound too good’ can not
otherwise be relieved “population pressures”.
Remote Sensing is:
I'n much of remote sensing, the process involves the interaction
between incident radiation and the target of interest. This is
exemplified by the use of imaging systems where the following 7
elements are involved. ​What is remote sensing?
1)Energy Source or Illumination​-(a) the first requirement for remote
sensing is to have an energy source which Illuminates or provides
electromagnetic to the target of interest.
2)Radiation and Atmosphere-​(b) as the energy travels from its source
to the target, it will come in contact with and interact with the
atmosphere it passess through.
3)Interaction with the Target​-(c) once the energy makes it’s way to
the Target through the atmosphere it interacts with the target
depending on the properties of both target and the radiation.
4)Recording Energy by the Sensor​-(d) after energy has been scattered
by, or or omitted from the target we require a sensor (remote- not in
contact with the target) to collect and record the electromagnetic
energy radiation.
5)Transmission, Reception, and Processing-(​e) the energy recorded by
the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronic form, to
receiving and processing station where the data are processed into
the image hardcopy and/or digital.
6)​Interpretation and Analysis​-(of) the processed image is interpreted
visually and or digitally or electronically to extract from the
imagery about the target which was Illuminated.
7)Application​-(g) The final element of remote sensing process is
achieved when the information is applied they have been able to
extract from the imagery about the target in order to better
understand it reveal some new information or assist in solving a
particular problem.
They say understand it, If there was even a remote way to fight back
to this, they would have the battle of their lives. What happens when
you have some deranged human with control of this technology are a
vendetta because obviously, who is ever pushing the buttons, has no
compassion for human life or people and their loved ones, the way the
ESA, talks in their USFWL publications, we let you do this, or only
because we let you.
Who ever is in charge of the customized media you need to really
think about what you're doing to people, and FCC either you're doing
it or you know who’s doing it. Throw alcohol drugs, and technology,
it's a time bomb, customized media, easily turn people on each other
induce some deranged thinking, and sit back and let the chip fall
where they may, people die go to jail because population pressures
should be alleviated, because there are too many in a certain age
class, aren't we supposed to be the endangered protected species.
There needs to be an authority these, mad scientists, or it might
call for a study on them and their loved ones.
Colville Tribes petition of a nonessential experimental population
section 10(j), ​79 FR 40004 - Endangered and Threatened Species ...
It's just a little hard to take when you're being betrayed by a
Chiefs beliefs, and people you think would know better the elders are
supposed to give guidance wisdom not join in on the great German
pastime. Parents teaching and letting your kids to participate and
belittle an adult what kind of morals are they teaching them to have.
The reason no one can figure it out is because there is no a name for
it, people go into hyper dermic shock when you call them gangstalker,
lol, the rest pure evil. Your set up over a long period of time so by
the time you figure something's not right, you have already dug
yourself a hole, and they push you in, throw dirt in your face and
kick you while you're down, then let their buddies do it couple
Everybody you see starts being strange, like you see someone you know
and they come toward you smiling you think they're going to shake
your hand, then at that moment you reach they withdraw give you a
dirty look, as someone comes from behind you and they proceed and
that's who’s hand they shake, and act like they don't even know you,
very phycological, had that happen one two many times to know its a
set play. It's always someone from your past, and if it happens more
than three times a week it's not coincidence.
When weird stuff like that starts happening consistently they are
working on your self confidence there setting you up for much more
unethical straight out choreographed diabolical incidents to slowly
get you in trouble and take away your resources, your finance and all
the supporting people around you, in turn you will feel unwelcome
everywhere you go, and there will be no one to turn too. the
undesirables will set things up to look like your friends are in on
it. Remember they want you to pull the trigger yourself, the ultimate
crime. It's hard to fathom your life has been a dis-information
ecosystem, a habitat inside a habitat. Evil housekeeping your set up
in ways that are actually quite brilliant if you're not the target.
Remember this is set up by psychologists, anthropologists,
scientists, corps engineers, academia, your own family. Really there
is not much you can do, just don't give up, definitely don't give up,
and fight till the end, remember the the ultimate prize for them, is
suicide. Put your anger into physical fitness and educating yourself,
and money is a good place to start research, where the funding is
coming in.
I came across this company called S.A.R.A not the S.A.R.A you think?
their mailing list, these are the weapons on the list, High Energy
Laser (HEL), Ground Target Irradiance Measurement, Acoustic Sensor
Systems and Calibration, an Electromagnetic sensing, Direct Energy
Weapons and their clientele is most major universities around the
world, they are a weapons developement company for the armed forces
SARA, Inc.​check it out for yourself.
people around you who are people you know but are not close to you,
but are there just to get information they take turns coming in and
out of your life, doing the same disturbing, disrupting actions, they
do what they were sent in for and, that is constantly contradicting
everything ambient abuse, its in the air.
Once a species is listed, section 9 of the ESA prohibits any person
within the jurisdiction in the United States and I am not in the
United States from taking the species. Person is defined; as
individuals​, corporations, and other private entities; Federal
State, local, and foreign officials, agents, departments, and
The Colville Confederated Tribes of Colville of the Colville
reservation Nov. 22, 2010. That is defined to include all VCR Spring
Run Chinook Salmon released into the Okanogan River Basin and any
offspring solely therefrom when these​individuals​are found in the
Okanagan River Basin or in the waters of the Columbia River from an
area adjacent to it confluence with the Okanagan River upstream to
the Chief Joseph Dam as discussed in detail but I won't go there just
yet, designation in detail of a nonessential experimental population
defined in such is consistent with the requirements of the ESA.
The Subbasin in efforts in the Okanagan Basin were initiated in 2003.
These efforts are guided by the policies of cross border
collaboration on salmon recovery initiated by the Colville Tribe of
the U.S and the Okanagan Nation Alliance of Canada. However the work
of coordination and collaboration in the development of this plan
drew from leadership of a great many agencies sharing this vision.
“Human rights violations and Charter of Rights”.
Human population problems and overall management is issues 72
subwatersheds and tributaries. In Canada the Okanagan Basin study
(1974), the Thompson Okanagan Land and Resource Management plan (Luco
2001) and the draft state of the Okanagan Basin report (In Prep ONA
2004​) “harm form of take” provided baseline information on the
Canadian sections of the subbasin will also draw from a significant
body of additional U.S/Canadian science to facilitate coordinated
recovery planning for the Okanagan salmon and steelhead ecosystem.
A military installation provides unique training facilities for the
navy's elite seal teams while actively working to conserve the
Federally listed California least tern and the western snowy plover,
among other rare and endangered species.
Climate change may have long term effects but include but are not
limited to depletion of cold water habitat variation in quantity or
quality of tributary rearing habitat alterations to migratory
patterns, accelerated embryo development, premature emergence of fry,
and increased competition among species, around that time just to
many dates years months matchup to be coincidence in the overall
The fish and wildlife service in conjunction with many different
partners has offered opportunities at a number of wildlife refuges.
Allows recipient in funds in agreement under SIKES ACT, or other
specific agreements with states, political subdivisions, or private
entities pursuant to military laws addresses the development of real
property near ecologically related to military installations or air
space to use funds to match any funds for cost sharing requirement of
the department of agriculture.
Destruction or adverse modification means a direct or indirect
alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical habitat
for conservation of a listed species. Such alterations may include
but are not limited to, those that alter the physical or biological
features essential to the conservation of a species or that preclude
or significantly delay development of such features. ​Federal
Register, Volume 79 Issue 91 (Monday, May 12 ...Federal Register,
Volume 79 Issue 91 (Monday, May 12 ...
(FWS Acting Director Marshal Jones Memo to Regional Directors,
``Application of the Destruction or Adverse Modification’ Standard
under Section ​7(a)(2)​of the Endangered Species Act ​2004​: ‘ ‘NMFS
Assistant Administrator William T Hogarth ,Memo to Regional
Administrators ``Application of the Destruction or Adverse
Modification’ Standard under Section ​7(a)(2)​of the endangered
Species Act ​2005​``). Manmade.
Proposed definition of ``destruction or adverse modification ‘ ‘ of
critical habitat is based on an understanding of the role that
habitat--which includes the physical and biological features required
for a species life-history needs--generally plays for species.
In a natural system, these habitats would not be considered
``degraded. ‘’ For example, willow flycatchers generally nest in a
specific age class of willows.
In a dynamic riverine system this age class of willows is continually
created and destroyed by periodic flooding, bank erosion , ``degraded
‘’ during periods when the appropriate age-class of willows is not
present. However , as with `` degraded ‘’ habitat, an action that
would preclude or significantly delay the development of those
features that support the life history needs of the species--the
appropriate age--class of willows --is likely to result in
destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat if it occurs
to an extent that it appreciably diminishes the conservation value of
critical habitat relative to that which would occur without the
action undergoing consultation.
Critical Habitat: The above describes a habitat and is my address
number, at the bottom of my driveway you will find those willows of
different age classes.
Definition of Critical Habitat: Specific geographic areas, whether
occupied by the listed species or not, that are determined to be
essential for the conservation and management of a listed species,
and have been formally described in the federal register.
Also if you look on the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Map -119.5263
49.1815 you will find a hallmark type picture of a single fish where
there is no water. about two hundred meters away from my residence.
The fish is right in the same area as the willows.
Recovery - The process by which the decline of an
endangered/threatened species is​arrested ​or reversed, or threats to
its survival are neutralized so its long term survival in nature can
be assured. Recovery priority a number raging from a high 1C to a low
18 , whereby priority is to listed species and recovery tasks are
designated. The criteria on which the criteria number is based are
degree of threat, recovery potential taxonomic distinctiveness, and
presence of an actual or imminent conflict between species and
development activities. it's not easy with the power imbalance.
Section 10(j) of the ESA requires that the population be identified
by regulation to provide notice of which populations are
experimental. The statute also provides that the population is only
considered experimental, `` when, and at such times as, ​[ it ]​is
wholly separate geographically from the non experimental populations
of the same species.
“​This could be the border because we are all one nation on both sides
because it's two different worlds distinct on either side. Or OIB
separate from the rest of the syilx nation as the nonessential
experimental population. They shouldn't be so naive it says
population as to not to think there actions are not being
monitored​”​.​Request for 10j Designation​.
In October 2000 the Northwest Power and Conservation Council adopted
a revised fish and wildlife program for the Columbia River Basin the
new program is intended to be more comprehensive, but not
complementary to regional efforts related to the Northwest Power Act,
The Endangered Species Act State sponsored
recovery and watershed planning and coordination efforts, and tribal
recovery initiatives and plans.
The Okanogan Subbasin plan is one of six being generated from within
the Columbia Cascade Eco-Province.The Provincial Boundaries are also
nearly Identical to the Federal Ecologically Significant Unit (ESU)
boundaries for listed salmon and steelhead in the Columbia river.
I guarantee I'm one of them if not the only one as you can see in the
table below one and three in total, me and my two sons, or offspring
the service calls them.
Peak water temperatures were especially higher in mainstream reaches
characterised by channelization and sparse riparian coverage.
Discharge data on the mainstream collected by water survey of Canada
show that in 2013, the ​mean daily discharge​peaked at 89.93 m⁵/s near
(Oliver)at station 08NMO85.
Appendix H: Detailed Results from Rapid Assessment Habitat Survey
​Reaches Available to Anadromous Salmon
Number of
Okanogan Reaches
Reaches in 2013
Rapid Assessment
in 2012/2013
Mainstem Tributary Mainstem Tributary Mainstem Tributary
61 76
(35.0 km) (89.9 km)
66 136
(107.2 km) (169 km)
4 11
(10 total) (27 total)
16 18
(36 total) (49 total)
0 17
(8.3 km)
17 32
(5.6 km) (9.5 km)
127 212
(142 km) (255.8km) 46 76
17 49
(5.6 km) (17.8 km)
Reaches Available to Resident fish Only
0 71
(104.8 km)
0 ​1
{3 total}
0 0
0 176
(185.3 km)
0 0 0 0
0 ​247
0 3 0 0
NMFS believes that the population concept is used used in the ESA is
a biological one, and that political boundaries alone should not
define or should not be used to define populations. Biological
populations must exhibit some degree of reproductive isolation,
however the entire population (occurring within and outside the of
the United States) may qualify as an ESU and be considered for
listing, particularly if the US portion is a substantial portion of
the ESU.
One respondent asked NMFS asked to clarify whether an affirmative
answer to any of the four rhetorical questions relating to to the
ecological/genetic diversity criterion should be considered strong
evidence that the population is an ESU. Another asked whether the
fourth of these questions , “If the population became extinct, would
the event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic
diversity of the species?” should it be considered from the ​fish
species or mankind​. ​“​These questions and responses clearly speculate
the ESU fish or fishes, they are referring to a native species and it
is not a fish​”​.
“In general *** the appropriate null hypothesis to test is that no
differences exists between the populations, being compared,” lead to
bias against listing determination. Another cautioned against
considering modest but statistically significant, allele frequency
differences as sufficient proof of evolutionary important differences
between ​“​Okanagan/Syilx/Okanogan​”​populations a third respondent
pointed out that the interim policy does not stipulate a significance
level (eg., the 5-percent or 1-percent level) that should be used for
statistical tests.
Although listed species in the index, some information is not
publicly available, ie., CBI or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other material, is not placed on the
internet and will be publically available only in hardcopy form
OBMEP has evolved into a robust monitoring program and the data
collected has been used in multiple ways, that represent unique
information related to fish and habitat within the Okanogan River
Subbasin. Action agencies NOAA Fisheries RME plan and OBMEP has
operated concurrently within the Bonneville Power Administration
pilot studies in the Okanogan and other river systems.
2008 The Fish Bowl
IN 2008 OBMEP was Identified as a project under NOAA Final biological
opinion related to the operation of the Federal Columbia River Power
System for salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species
Act, and included as part of the Columbia ESU.
2008 is when I was on federal holiday for illegal issues. The arrest,
or recovery the service calls it, right to the release was a
procedure more than a sentence. Setup NOAA had to get there BiOp
done, so I was detained and locked up in the fishbowl, if you can
believe that, artificial propagation.
The Chief and my supportive counselor the social worker came to speak
for me I had a Fast Track Parole Hearing, the Chief spoke on my
behalf constantly telling the board I'm too stupid to be in the goods
and services business. I still take full responsibility for my
actions, when I look back to other situations, It hit me I realized
many events in my life were choreographed, Controlled, without me
even knowing it, and still are, I resist as much as I recognize it at
times, and other times I recognize it after the fact.
Through the privacy act August 17, 2015 7 years later I received my
records on and it was not the same release plan I saw upon my
release, sentences and paragraphs were blocked out, here is some of
the response and some of the release plan;
The Attached constitutes the documentation that is accessible to you
under 12(1)of the Privacy Act. You will note that certain records or
portions thereof have been withheld pursuant to section 26 of the
Privacy Act.
The monitoring and supervision of Henry’s progress during this period
will be a team effort, and will be the responsibility of a community
group that will include a number of different people and backgrounds.
the purpose of this group is to ensure that Henry has all the
opportunities that he deserves to be successful when he comes home.
And to celebrate his success, and guide him through the challenges he
will face. This is not a punitive process-it is not
punishment-rather, this is about assisting and supporting Henry in
achieving a satisfying and full range of life opportunities.
The team will meet meet on a regular basis as determined by the
parole officer, and will commit to confidentiality of all
proceedings, including signing, a “contract of confidentiality”.
Meetings will be held at the Osoyoos Indian Band Office and chaired
by chief and council designate.
The Osoyoos Indian Band has committed to actual and in-kind resources
to the planning process. Right there I'm asking myself what's an
in-kind planning process, a barter exchange of goods and services for
other goods and services, where I seen in the work or budget from CBF
WL in-kind costs one of the proposals or work orders, just money used
to fund these experiments and data collections. Same language is used
between the documents.
Division of Fish and Wildlife Bonneville Power Authority
OBMEP is sponsored by Bonneville Power Authority, NOAA oversees the
program which is run by Colville Confederated Tribes F&WL, who
collaborate with Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries who inturn
Collaborate with Environment Canada, BC Ministry of Lands, Water and
Air Protection, and many different entities.
Contract Description:
Purpose and Need Contract Amendment:
This contract is to be Amended for a reduced time frame for
performance and procurement of the CHaMP program from an end date of
5/14/12 to 2/29/12 and a reduction in value of $36,221.
This contract is in support of BiOp Fast Track II
In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation
action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements
of the 2008 Federal Columbia Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS
BiOp). The Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and
other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends
for each population group​​(MPG) in the Pacific Northwest Identified
through the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat and trends monitoring
program built around a “​single habitat”​monitoring and protocol with
a program-wide approach to data collection and management which meets
FCRPS Agency’s (2010) programmatic prescriptions for habitat
monitoring. CHaMP was developed by the Integrated Status and
Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) to capture habitat features
and drive fish population biology and will result in systematic
habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess
basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response
indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies.
The case for recognizing Okanagan Chinook as a COSEWIC Designatable
Unit (DU)is based on populations: (1) genetic differentiation from
other chinook populations: (2) geographic and reproductive isolation:
(3) Unusual life history characteristics. Referred to as the Okanagan
Estimates of chinook escapement based on counts of peak numbers of
live and dead chinook adjusted by a standard expansion factor used by
DFO are showed for years of which the necessary data are available
(Baily ​2004​, personal communication), The necessary data​2004​the
numbers of ​live and dead.
The Okanagan Chinook has had a significant role historic role in the
lives in the first nations people for hundreds of years the Okanagan
Nations Alliance is attempting to ensure its survival into the
“Now can you please tell me”, “​Okanagan Nation Alliance​” by
participating in the on the ground geographic operations unethical
scientific experimentation and having the knowledge beforehand,
government agencies are supposed to inform the Tribal leaders any
actions that will affect tribes in Indian Country. So they knew what
was going to happen before it occurred, How is this in anyway going
to ensure the survival of the DU ESU, or the people your organization
is no greater than any other governmental agency targeting and
monitoring your own listed species, and the resources it brings in
If this is not a punitive process or a punishment then what do you
call it for I'm classified as a fish ESU/DU, I don't know the
capacity of the technology of the meter but my appliances have minds
of their own they pop and click to affect the stimulus concentration
microwave hearing these noises are amplified.
The population has been around the same count people are dropping to
the rate as being borned on my reserve. Healthy brother drowns,
another guy drops has a heart attack dies on the spot 3 veterans get
sick and die, too more staged automobile accidents causing man made
death. Relieving population pressures?
Who from the Indian Tribes and Bands and Alliance was consulted on
the matter before the actions took place.
My back cracks in weird ways I think the term used was stickleback,
The interruptions are just amazing timing someone comes and knocks on
door popping sounds, irritant to me sensitive to acoustics. A person
here sleeping snoring and from a deep sleep I came across information
that would help my cause at that moment I knew an interruption was
coming but didn't know where from. I turned everything off prior but
the computer, Then she woke up, from a deep sleep and came stomping
out of the room directly at me stopped and she said what am I doing,
I've also seen people start throwing up, get instantly sick don't
quite know what it is but it's manmade. Then there are the computer
glitches, and monitoring.
Affects of ELF electromagnetic Low Frequency looks like shingles my
brother had the exact type wounds that wouldn't heal on his shins.
before his essential behavior patterns were significantly impaired to
the point of death or injury and he died shot ​Patent For Microwave
Voice-To-Skull Technology​. This type experiments are not only
unethical there criminal gross misconduct manmade. and it was done to
us all through those years right since OBMEP started in 2003.​V2K -
Targeted Individuals 101​You have OBMEP, programs 1998-2003 then
renewed 2004-2008 those time periods coincide with significant points
in time.
I'm constantly on the borderline of going to jail for a long time or
getting released to this program and continuing a program of no touch
torture. I understand the technology and how powerful it is, I may
not know exactly what it is, but I know what it feels like and what
it does, some of the things I can't even explain the fact if it's
spiritual or technological and there is a spiritual factor.
The confidentiality nondisclosure pact I took, It was between First
Wind Power a mock company, and a government entity the CEO was a band
employee for lands and estates, targeting first nations, aboriginals,
inuit, Indigenous lands in Canada/U.S and elsewhere. Breach of that
pact would render the company irreparable, and monetary damages alone
would not be sufficient remedy.Focus your attention on the real
Chinook, not the artificial propagation or production of. I think I
have been blocked enough for this lifetime.
I'm not against experimentation if it's done in an informed ethical
way and not so evil christopher himself is probably not that
unethical. Government is good and bad and usually fair when it comes
to cleaning up stuff and, bearing the burden of the mistakes by bad
apples in there agencies that make mistakes and are quietly under the
radar, for people anthropologist “Marshall” crooked tree. (see
youtube video on anthropologist marshall).
Town of Oliver and Osoyoos Indian Band Appellate​;
with respect= I don't agree that this principle, derived from the
understanding of aboriginal of aboriginal title, to aboriginal
interest on reserve land, which is a ​statutory creature​the existence
which is not premised on relationship with the land.
A full proprietary Interest such as the land is no longer “reserve
land” within the Indian Act. The point of contention is the meaning
of the phrase “right-of-way” as it is used in the “description”. The
appellant takes it to refer to the extent of the interest in the
land, and the respondents to describe a physical area of land which
is the taxation districts within the Osoyoos indian Band reserve # 1
and is supported by the whole order in council.
In the Identification in legal interest in the first part of the
document states that “that the lands hereinafter described are are a
portion of the Osoyoos Indian Reserve number one” this clearly
indicates that what was transferred was “a portion of the reserve”.
Not merely an easement the third part of the third paragraph contains
the critical authorization.
Therefore his Excellency The Governor General in Council on the
recommendations of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Pursuant the provisions of section 35 of the indian act is pleased
hereby to consent to the taking of the said lands by the Province of
British Columbia and to transfer the administration and control
thereof to Her Majesty The Queen in the Right of British Columbia.
This paragraph contains the whole of what it is the Order in Council
purports to ​do. ​The language of the paragraph confirms that the crown
is authorising the transfer of full ownership. However the use of the
word “taking” and and the phrase “transfer the administration and
control thereof” calls for comment.
Definition of take, and the harm form of take, this paper is about
survival and accountability in language you don't have to be a
scientist, professor, or graduate student to understand.
A typical treaty is an instrument of the international law equatable
apportionment that the rules say should be no significant harm are a
timely notification will be afforded to the First Nation of Tribal
Governance. A political subdivision is a geographic region in the
jurisdiction of a particular government entity, varying operations to
satisfy the responsibilities on a large scale is also called a
sovereign state.
By the start of this OIB BY-Law it talks about a supplementary
holder, who I understand is entitled to through lease, licence or
other legal means to possess or occupy the interest in land (b) is an
actual occupation in the interest in the land. (c) has right and
title, estate or interest in the interest in land or (d) is trustee
of interest of land. “Interest in land” or “property” means land or
improvements, both, in reserve and without limitation, includes any
interest in land improvements, any occupation or use of land
improvements, and any right to occupy or possess or use land or
improvements; Manufactured home” means structure, whether or not
ordinarily equipped with wheels that is designed or constructed.
On application and remember decisions are being made for me without
my knowledge, The tax administrator may omit or obscure the holder's
name address are other information about the holder that would
ordinarily be included in an assessment roll if, in the tax
administrations opinion, the inclusion of the name address or other
information would or could reasonably be expected to threaten the
safety or mental or physical health of the holder or a member of the
holders family.
Where the tax administrator who is under the chiefs regime, omits or
obscures information under subsection (1), such information must be
obscured from all assessment rolls that are available for public
inspection under subsection 14(1) On receipt by Council, the
assessment role is open to inspection in the first nation office by
any person during regular business hours.
The band office that I have been banned from for the last three years
and even if I was able to access this. it was blocked from me 404 not
found and it is obscured from the assessment role so I wouldn't see
it anyway, they have designated me to this supplementary holder?,
than are keeping that information away from me and doing all the
above things in this document I have been saying to keep me in jail
or the psych-ward suppressed so I'm legally incompetent and they can
make decisions for me about things that I'm not even aware of and
collect money on the count of my grief the whole community’s
significant loss and hardship, pain and suffering, it may qualify as
another definition of take, that is up there with the, ESA’s harm
form of take, the Chief has to be accountable for his actions which
are straight out not good.
This appellate between the Town of Oliver and My Band. Is over band
wanting to tax the Town over the canal, if I was the Town I would be
a little frustrated what do they do with there money It disappeared
somewhere, they obviously don't have to be accountable for it,
accounting regime will cover it up. Retired advisor COO on the Fortis
Governance Committee.
Industry or trade in the definition of commercial activity in the Act
means the actual intended transfer of wildlife or plants from one
person to another person in the pursuit of gain or profit. You can
say my situation being a Colville Tribal member and transferring in a
young age to the Osoyoos Indian Band is an artificial propagation of
that made me a candidate for the Endangered Species Act or any Act
that has to do with the situation at hand. Including enacting the
Indian Act or the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
Either way for I was equated with nature which I don't mind that but
being treated below the the species level pejorative to my Human
rights, my Charter of Rights have been looked over I'm still serving
my sentence that I finished years ago on involuntary house arrest who
wants to leave the house when you're systematically attacked and
threatened can't even walk down the road without looking over your
shoulder because of vehicles. It's time the Chief is accountable for
his actions lurking in the background and playing within the lines of
the law or societal norms meanwhile wreaking havoc on people's lives.
I'm sorry but I won't back down from anybody no matter what the odds
federal power must be reconciled with federal duty and the best way
to achieve reconciliation is to demand the justification of any
government regulation that infringes upon or denies aboriginal right.
Justification must be attained in such to uphold the honor of the
Crown and be in keeping with unique contemporary relationship,
grounded in history and policy, between the Crown and Aboriginal
people. To the extent of legislative or regulatory impact on an
existing aboriginal right may be scrutinized so as to ensure
recognition and affirmation does not premise immunity from government
regulation in contemporary society but it does hold the Crown to a
substantive promise. The government is required to bear the burden of
justifying any legislation that has some negative effect on any
aboriginal right protected under s 35(1).Province of British Columbia
has Administration and control.
Forest Revenue Sharing​:
1.10 “Matrix”: means the framework in appendix B which will be used
to defy consultation between the parties with respect to operational
and administrative decisions.
Appendix B 1.12 Operational Plan means a Forest Stewardship plan ,
woodlot plan licence plan, range use plan, or range stewardship plan
that has or will affect the OIB admin area.
1.16 “SEA” means a strategic agreement between British Columbia and
Osoyoos Indian Band that describes the consultation process between
the OIB and More than one natural resource ministry of BC.
(G) The OIB intends to fully participate in any consultation or
information sharing with BC or a licence in relation to forest and or
licence in relation to forest and range resource development
activities proposed within OBI's Administration area.
Therefor the parties agree as follows:
1.6 Designate has the meaning given in given to that term in 3.1.1.
3.1.1 Unless OIB elects to have another entity (its designate)
receive sharing contributions pursuant to section 3.1.2 recognize
that any such election does not relieve the OIB of its obligation
under the Agreement the OIB will be recipient of the revenue sharing
3.1.2 where the OIB chooses to have its designate receive revenue
sharing contributions under the agreement BC may withhold payment of
the revenue sharing contribution until that it is satisfied that the
designate is a registered corporation of society with the legal
authority and capacity to receive the funds, and it has been
appointed by a band council resolution documented in appendix D to
receive the revenue sharing contribution on behalf of OIB.
Informed Consent
Community Leaders can consent to the community participation in a
study and thereby eliminate the need for researchers to obtain
informed consent from individual subjects. Authority may be
circumvented when it lacks moral authority and fails to act “in good
What does pattern research mean here? If the research is carried out
by researcher and community it seems like the arrangements should be
negotiated rather than the researcher informing. The dilemma of
compensation raised by western ethical framework is a delicate
balance between coercion and consent.
Often Authenticity in Indigenous tourisms is judged according to
metanarratives of cultural purity that were born through the practise
of salvage anthropology and social evolutionary Ideas that predicted
extinction or assimilation. Authenticity was in sense, measured by
the level of purity from european influence. This lens for assessing
indigenous cultures has not left the popular imagination. Exactly
what needs to be weeded out of research.
UN General assembly in sept/02/07 reconfirmed and strengthened the
notion that indigenous peoples right to self determination and their
status as subjects of international includes the right to determine
whether research is truly in their best interest.
While informed consent is a matter of ethical and national and
international law, still suggests a hierarchical relationship between
scientist and subject. The scientist controls the definition of the
shaping of the research problem, methods, and desired outcomes. (and
this shaping inturn is presumably influenced by the source of
research funding). In reaction to what at times has been an
exploitive science subject relationship, American Indian Tribes and
nations in the United States and Canada.
My situation comes in different forms and names Evolutionarily or
Ecologically Significant Unit,when it's N.I.S.T it's a Security
Control, it can be an instrument, statutory creature, fishes,
salmonid or reliability standard etc, depends on what agency is doing
the experimental study.
So I'm not sure if my comment made it through I was having trouble
with uploading it at the time, but I did exchange emails with a lady
from FERC in Washington DC who encouraged me to submit my comment
directly into the record here is the comment I made on;
Federal Register Publication RM 15-14-000 (OMB control number
​The FERC 725 B, Reliability Standards for critical infrastructure is
required to implement the statutory provisions of section 215 of the
Federal Power Act, the responsible entities designated a Reliability
Standard. I am urging the Commission to rule this on a case by case
basis that should not disqualify the standard because of a criminal
record due to the extraordinary circumstances, from access to
critical cyber assets, not being aware of the situation, Hence the
reliable entities in this region didn't expect or proceed cautiously
and overlooked the Reliability standard and determination and
competitive nature, and have been put in with a limited and
disinformation, strategically had the Reliability standard
suppressed, by provisions of section 22 of the mental health act and
other constraints, holds that was in consented, If consulted,
participation would have still occurred, it would be the only
alternative, to help Bulk Power System from becoming congested and
increasing the burden on other systems.
The process to achieve a good Reliability Standard can be achieved
without manipulating the electricity market that have resulted in
unjust and unfair because of only one vendor and spikes in
electricity costs that are really unreasonable, to be specific the
BPA, OIBDC, Fortis BC_NK'Mip CPCN-Exhibit C1-78 and application and
project For Nk'Mip substation & Transmission line.
The right-of-way incentive agreement jointly signed between the
responsible entities. So an exception and a justified risk finding
that Standards have been violated while waiting for an official
determination the inequities of the framework are self-evident.
Please excuse the recalcitrance, but it was done so the decisions
made by the regional entity's would be subject to an appellate
process, akin to what is described in rule 410 of the NERC, and would
like the commission to consider appeal the decisions made by
coordinators, operators, or balancing authority and the delegation,
to clarify that ERO with respect to the content, of the proposed
standard or modification of Reliability standard, and technical
expertise of the regional entity organized on an interconnection-wide
basis of the States and Provinces.
If a notice of penalty and record of proceedings is not been
initiated please let this also be a complaint that the, commission
may take into consideration on a decision that will defer the user or
owner of bulk power system in the region to not engage in any
practices that constitute any more violations of the Reliability
standard, and, any penalty imposed under the subsection will bare a
reasonable relation to the seriousness of the violation and will
consider the user, owner, operator to remedy the violations in a
timely manner.
Reliability Standards on certain CIP Standards registered with low
impact assets may need to be reviewed to reflect the actual burden
and be adopted to a medium high impact. Reported by ICS-CERT, this
new kind of malware campaign is based on the injection of malware
while the product or service remains in control of the hardware
software vendors prior to delivery and specialized systems such as
industrial process control systems, telephone switching, private
branch exchange, integrity, or the controlled available information,
And an operational exercise Dr. Ross and Stephanie shankles, tests
and elevates the Reliability standard.
If there is anything I am leaving out or if I was not specific enough
please excuse me given the unique circumstances, and the learning
curve. If this will help a proceeding that may produce a hearing or
what is in interest and most efficient way the committee sees best.
If this reporting comment will add to the stick and tape approach
actions to achieve a Reliability Standard and will assist
implementation of Section 215 of the FPA, please contact me with any
guidance or instruction that will assist in this matter, and if
actions purposed fall within the categorical exclusion in the
regulations and will ease the burden and produce a better
individualized work environment It is good for development and
Darkside of Organizations
Banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare
imagine this is perhaps the most fundamental lesson of their study:
ordinary people simply doing their job, without any particular
hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive
process… Men do become angry; they do act hateful and explode in
rage against others. But not here , something far more dangerous is
revealed: The capacity for man to abandon his humanity-indeed the
inevitably he does so-as he merges his unique personality into larger
institutional structures. (Milgram 1974:,6,188)
Such phenomena do not require the setting of milgram's experiment-
the “authority” of a scientist in a laboratory complete with
“scientist” dressed in a white lab coat quite the contrary.
These emergent outcomes cannot be reduced to the intentions of
individuals, but more disturbingly, dark outcomes can emerge from the
interactions of well intended hard working competent individuals.
Therefore rather than focussing on the actions of irresponsible
individuals-we-must tend to the context within which normal well
adjusted people find good reasons for behaving the way they do.
Consider the normal behavior of well adjusted students in a
university library. At a football game these students would yell and
cheer. At the library they do not. Why the behavioral context is
different and this is a key claim-context shape behavior.
Behaviors tend to persist (keep coming up)and do so because they have
reason to make sense of those acting out those behaviours. Behaviors
tend to persist have consequences that tend to persist. In sum, it's
claimed that emergent outcomes in humans appear in such forms become
apparent through the application of this method.
Context and the information they sustain shape the premises and
perceptions of those involved instilling within them what are taken
for granted as proper and acceptable behaviors. Those who raise
trouble matters questions that expose distortions that are out of
context. They become the problem “troublemakers”.
Unlike the library context systematic distortions of information is a
complex problem where the context itself demands attention. While
such distortions can harm the organization that produce them they can
also serve to propagate the systems that produce them covering up
adverse consequences and external risks.
The self propagating distortions that benefited the organizational
system that produce them while allowing harmful consequences to occur
the larger environment and society.
A growing body of literature popular in academic, has been rightfully
fascinated by the remarkable behaviors of CANL nonlinear water
systems, which are not habit of are traditional analytical habits of
thought. What tends to limit the extent of systematic distortions and
their consequences? The answer reflects a growing understanding of
CANAL systems in general. The character of CANAL systems systems
emerges from the interplay of order (pattern) and (disorder),
(disturbance) over time. (Bella 1997).
In the same matter we claim that the extent of systematic distortion
reflects the history of incredible disturbances, compelling events
that disrupt more, more distorting patterns allowing less distorting
patterns to emerge.
Eisenhower (1961) called the duties and responsibilities of an alert
“alert and knowledgeable citizen. The implications are significant:
the market is insufficient, independent public agencies are vital and
higher education must evolve far more than economic development and
job preparation.
Distorting and even evil outcomes can and do emerge from the actions
of individuals in spite of the fact that his or her own behaviors are
proper and completely done-those in high positions might honestly say
“there was no attempt to mis-lead or deceive”. And within their
context they may be correct. However if context is the problem then
emergence has radical implications for notions of responsibility.
Competency calls for the ability to respond in ways credible within
the context. Yet there is no reason to assume the greater company
would reduce systematic distortions: in fact the reverse may be true!
When the context is the problem, an additional and radically
different form of responsibility is required responsibility is
required responsibility that transcends context.
The responsibility to transcend context is a universal historical
theme, in the search for truth, the pursuit of justice, and service
of the sacret. Responding to the calling that transcends context
serves to liberate us from our bondage in contexts. Such contexts
give us reason to say “ I just don't have time” “It's not my job” “It
won't make a difference”.
The traditional way for responsibility to transcend context-which
informs the essence of universal intent-is “faith”. (Wilfred Cantwell
Smith 1977,1979) who devoted a life of study to the meaning of faith,
to the meaning of faith in other ages and cultures, found that faith
never meant belief (and especially not belief in spite of evidence to
the contrary). Rather the very meaning of faith has been radically
distorted-lost given up-in our modern age. The point is faith does
not deny the reality of context; it transcends context.
Faith “pulls” or “calls” for responsible behavior from beyond above
or even in spite of the context. None of this makes sense unless the
dangers of context themselves become apparent. Distortions and yes
evil can and often are emergent outcomes not reducible to the
“values” and “beliefs” of individuals. Without the appreciations of
the dangers of emergence and the need for responsibility that
transcends context, faith becomes and, more dangerously,
self-reinforcing behaviors of the “true believers”. “See Darkside of
organizations and the method to reveal it”.
For a start im curious to see what actual actions or parts of my life
were actually from technology and what parts were my 6th sense as I'm
sure everything has been documented, and what parts were just luck I
don't call it luck I call it help from the ancestors, and what parts
were from that not so friendly presence, and what parts were from
that mane made unlawful presence. What is thermalization processes
time resolved imaging of thermal fluctuations and the possibility of
three dimensional artificial spin ice mall point to the continued
utility of these systems in elucidating interesting physical
phenomena in magnetic materials. Or what is actually genuine natural
untainted phenomena, not manmade.
I would like to start a non profit organization that pertains to
environmental ethics, to have a budget to acquire the technology
needed to detect these episodes of gross misconduct in a stealth
manner. To put together a team of experts in all the scientific
fields necessary with the best and always up to date devices, tools,
machines, to go around to random experimental operations and be able
to monitor the researchers and their students the agency’s involved
and if unethical experimentation is happening be able to enforce the
laws and weed out these sick individuals in places where they can
absolutely cause a man made tornado of grief, pain, and loss. I may
not have the scientific knowhow, but I have experience, I will be
able to tell if an individual is being hurt from this technology just
by looking at them, I can make up for the scientific expertise by the
experience of being a victim. If I could surround myself with the
right team together a team of professionals that are known for their
advocacy in environmental justice and actually are actually worried
about the wellbeing of people and want to make this world a better
place by making these people that are hiding in the shadows
manipulating and hurting people populations with no remorse in
anyway, these kind of people need to to brought to proper justice,
and the rest of the research community aware that their is an
authority or agency out there that is not going to hesitate to make
you be held accountable no matter what you offer say or do.
What I have went through is significant loss of immediate family, a
disinformation eco-system, that holds back your natural development
and manipulates you through your life being built up to get dropped
on your head and kicking you when you're down. There is no need for
all these agencies to think they are above the law, when there is no
one else to call I want to be that person they can call and will
protect them by all means necessary.
What kind of society agrees to something like this there is one thing
that is forsure I won't quit or I get justice no matter how things
evolve, hopefully someone reads this paper with the authority to make
it happen Prime Minister, Parliament, President, Congress, they are
the ones that need to step up and make this happen. I have no doubt I
can make a good team great, it's with a sense that can't be learned,
you're born with it no matter how hard they try to take it away they
can't. To have the opportunity to put something like that together
would be the kind of compensation I'm interested in . Nobody needs
to, and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, it's in humane and
unjust, and time to find another safer ethical way to conduct the
Henry J Baptiste

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  • 2. 2    PERSONAL SITUATION DISCRIMINATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES    This situation I'm In here there is not much you can do, I'm just one person, without even knowing it the best technology the world has to offer, is used to hurt you, acoustic, electromagnetic EMF/ELF testing out their no touch torture weapons, Governments, Private Industry, your own people, academia, scientists, anthropologists, army corps, endangered species, Power Authority’s, all taking turns running experiment’s on you, being designated, as listed species, involves the most unethical studies of all nature, there is no other way to explain it, but evil. It's gross misconduct, unlawful presence, your own flesh and blood your best bro’s, all turning on you. This program called stewardship, conservation of an endangered species, saving a species from extinction, climate change, biodiversity, Is supposed to be improving the environment, from my experience so far, there is a very darkside about, targeting an Individual, cointelpro government sanctioned harassment, the Chief calls it that duh! stuff . I Educated myself on what I had access to and learned blindly, there are many publications blocked from me. 1000, or more​404 not founds. This paper is about survival and awareness, not about marks, I have no teacher to ask any questions you learn to cope with the environment it can be so fake sometimes, and very dangerous at other times depends what is set up for the day. This is how psychological disorders are initiated, you're being cracked, kept off balance mentally, this type of ambient abuse your subject to, when you're being psychologically and physiologically attacked 24/7 makes it hard to hold a job, your concentration is thrown off, it affects sleeping, nightmares you are socially and emotionally isolated, the Chief knows you're being attacked like this, but instead of helping you he uses it as a tool for character assassination, gives you a good job that he knows you're not going to be able to hold, and he sets it up at that job to where you don't feel wanted. The last job I had the boss made made me feel pretty upset I was so disappointed, I like doing things fast efficient well done, I broke two axles in a dump truck in two days the general manager used it to deter me, told me in his 50 years of working in the aggregate business, he has never seen anyone break two axles in two days, he just told me that I cost the company $10.000 I told him to take it out if my check. He said that's ok don't worry about it, shaking his head. This is a tactic used to make me second guess myself, always contradicting decisions uncertainty, now that I look
  • 3. 3  back, and their present day participation in the ongoing vehicle mobbing, when I walk to town. Every time I leave my house one of the band dump trucks or cement trucks would drive by me at least a couple times the new guy of course times on a walk to town, it's a psychological tactic to rub it in, there are many propaganda signs, or mimic body movements, Acts, staged incidents they like to use to remind you of awful memories, street theater, anything to make you feel alienated and uncomfortable. Your being systematically attacked every time you leave your house, and in your house, it's relentless and if you mention it or act out everybody gangs up on you, you're provoked and taunted. Your presumed actions are already predicted, through pre monitoring, so It was easy to dig a hole for myself. They get elders, who should know better, and kids, are taught to participate, teaching kids how to belittle and harass adult, now that shows good morals. Mostly just the general population on the rez and the town of Oliver, many times I was nearly run over, proceeded by them showing up to your destination a store, or park, to taunt you, and you see this out of people that you would not expect to be involved in these operations. Always trying to get a reaction in public. When they do, I usually get home to a cop pulling up to my house and get blamed for the incident. It's a cheap, physiological attacks they pull to make you look mentally disturbed, meanwhile the police documenting the instigated incidents to use against you. The reserve liaison cop harasses me but I think it's because of her close mindedness. Not to mention the Chief and Council being very coercive to the situation, through these type of staged scenario’s the band social worker, the lady who is supposed to be my long term support, had me thrown in the psych-ward because of these kind of staged altercations I was having with people. Three cop cars pull up to my house one day and tell me I have to make a mental health appointment or they're taking me in, I used the liaison officer's phone to make the appointmentment with the band health center for 2pm the next day. The next morning those same cops came early in the morning told me I’m coming with them, the social worker for the band had them pick me up before my appointment, which I was quite clear is what they asked me to do. But they bring me to the hospital, to check me out, the doctor gave me a shot I came to three days later, they held me in there for 11 days.
  • 4. 4  Not to long after that, I had been asking my uncle about paying me some money, that my dad put into the the family property invested his life savings, it was his project for his retirement, it's the property by the lake that is home to endangered species a few species of birds my dad was told to leave a certain part of the land alone by Canadian Wildlife, Black cottonwoods near the creek The endangered birds home, the same ones​,​​Evidence​, Chief Clarence Louie; said and “I Quote” I want to hire a Bulldozer and bulldoze those trees, I said, “ J.R., you should have done that before CWS people came in there.” He hired a bulldozer and bulldozed over what CWS was habitat his family had to set aside for the rest of the country without even being paid for it. That's the other thing under this S.A.R.A legislation: they take away reserve land-the little land we have to develop and make a living off-they tell us leave it alone, and they don't give us a dime for that. I said, “ J.R., you bulldoze that over. I don't care what the government says. What are they going to do throw you in jail? You bulldoze it. As soon as you bulldoze it over, I want to go down there. I’ll stand stand by that pile of what these phony environmentalists call “habitat”, and I want a picture with you there”. “un quote”. My dad, “JR” had just retired January 27, 2012 on his 65th birthday prior to the chief's session in the House of Commons, he never missed a day of work in over 25 years, he was diagnosed with cancer in June, he died October 4, 2012, a rare cancer tumors, out of nowhere, went from the size of golf balls, in no time to baseballs. it was fast, not to long after that I began noticing people change their attitude toward me. I had been going to my uncle since my dad's death it was over two years now. My dad started a gravel pit on family land before he died to get back his life savings he invested in the family land it was the start of a campground. He told me before he died they were going to pay me the money he put into the land and, to give it to his grandchildren, my uncle tried to tell me no gravel was coming out of the pit, the day before that I went down and seen non stop trucks all day, he just ignored me after that, I swore at him and slammed the door, I also wrote sell out in the dust, finger painted it on the Chief's truck.
  • 5. 5  I walked to town and back, as I reached the band store my uncle walks in the store, I'm cooled off I thought I would wait for him and see if we could talk, but a police suburban pulled up he puts me in the back of the cop car, the social worker shows up tells me it's ok she will see what she can do to help. I'm brought in and told, I'm being charged for threatening to kill my uncle, and harassment for writing in the dust on the chief's truck, the police officer fields was nothing less a jerk and was intimidating me saying doesn't look like you're getting out you threatened to kill your uncle, he said he would talk to the band and see what they wanted to do. The next day just before a bail hearing with the justice of the peace, he comes to the cell and tells me the Chief has agreed to drop the harassment charge, your uncle is going to charge you for uttering threats, on one condition. Or you're going to stay in jail, till your charge is settled. The Band wants you off the reserve I will agree to your release but, right from here I will bring you to the edge of town and you have to leave Oliver and the reserve, you have to move on. I asked can I at least go get some clothes from my house he says nope if you want out you have to leave town right from here. I was so upset and mad I said ok, I just want out of this cell I have had my fair share of time I never want to be in their again. So in the bail hearing officer Fields is saying everything he can to make me look horrible he is not sure if I go back to reserve that the reserve is safe. Then he pulls out this letter from the social worker and Band Councilor the same lady that said she would help me, this is the last thing I expected, here is a little bit from the letter that the officer read on her behalf to the J.P; I am an elected member of council and have worked as a social worker for the Osoyoos Indian Band for 29 years. In the past 4 years I have worked very diligently and endlessly,one to one with Henry Baptiste to provide the personal support, for him to have success in his life out of jail. I have witnessed the severe change in Henry’s behaviour in the past 10 months, in April 2014 his behaviour was beginning to pose a threat to individual community members. We asked community members to write letters to council of their negative experiences with Henry. On April 9, 2014, RCMP, and Mental health team confronted Henry in regard to his behaviour, on that date henry was committed as an involuntary patient under section 22 of the mental health act.
  • 6. 6  The letter goes on and gets worse calling me paranoid, but more like pissed off, I have nothing to be paranoid about, saying he’s videotaping people he is saying he is being stalked, and people are following him It's all in his head. This from a lady who is letting her workers leave work when I leave my house you can see my house from the health center. I purposely leave my house different times of day during working hours just to watch them get to leave work, just to join in the vehicle mobbing. That's the kind of support I get telling community members to write letters, about me meanwhile being nice to me and saying she is not going to give up on me, lying. So they want me banned from my house and property I grew up in, indefinitely, His Excellency the Justice of the Peace said, I'm not kicking him out his own home, officer’s face went beat red as he quickly started to speak in wanting me banned out of every public building on the reserve. I was kicked out of every building but the health center, but I don't go there for help I go to town where I have a good drug & alcohol counselor, and a good psychologist, it's hard to say if he knows are not some many people don't even know about this sort of program, but even if he does he is still a good doctor, just doing his job, 69% of the population apparently knows about Targeting Individuals, It sure blind sided me. You know I found out my uncles never even planned on paying me back for my dad's life savings he invested in the property. I had to find out from my lawyer they said they were just keeping everything as part of the estate that they put nothing in it really. They strung me along for two years with no intent on paying me back and because it's a last man standing property, not much I could do I had the receipts but I gave them two my uncle who, has a peace bond on me and denies having them. So since then I realized what they were doing to me, and quit falling into their staged incidents of confrontation, officer carried on harassing me and, threatening me with the psych-ward or breaching me, people even began to lie call me in for things I wasn't even doing, and it has taken all my strength to hold back from losing it on them, you see that's why I say there's a difference between just doing your
  • 7. 7  job, do your action and move on but there is a group of them that enjoy there job too much of tormenting a human being just to get a rise and in hopes of getting a reaction, naturalistic observation, is the science term, so it can be reported and the officer will gladly take over the situation. It finally paid off, I video taped one of the band members coming towards me and veered all the way across the road and just about hit me going about 90 mph I made a complaint called an Officer who wouldn't return my call. Just about getting run over has become routine It's what I put up with constantly looking back being threatened thinking a vehicle is going to run me down. I ended up having to show it to my bail supervisor and she was shocked aren't you scared, she even called the police office and three months later she pulls up to my house and takes my statement., this has been happening to me since my dad died. People doing that or other tactics they have 5 or 6 actions they do and then proceed to show up to taunt, or provoke you. I reported two other occasions of almost being run over by band members I had to jump out of the way on one occasion landed right on my knee I couldn't walk normal for two weeks, the smart ass kid stepped on the gas peeled out at me and hit the brakes sliding right by me, narrowly missing me. he came to a stop and started laughing at me, now this is the kind of sick game they're playing if I even yell at anyone for these kind of actions the cops are called on me, my hands have been tied behind with a very short leash around my neck and they continue to take shots. Nothing short of adult bullying on steroids. I eventually found out this was done to me by council to have me declared incompetent and therefore wouldn't have to get my consent, to these awful unethical human behavior experiments, EMF/ELF, etc. Both Federal Governments, Washington State and the Province of British Columbia, Okanagan Nation Alliance and Colville Confederated Tribes and other Agencies for right-of-way payments from Fortisbc, Forest Revenue and Reconciliation Agreements, S.A.R.A/Endangered Species Benefits for monitoring, targeting me, using a data capturing tool to steal my data etc. Ya for my own people it's all about money. I get charged sentenced, and tried for every crime or uncooperative thing I do from a circuit court I don't even see down the States somewhere even if they significantly impaired essential behaviour patterns to the point of death or injury, I still pay and do time for
  • 8. 8  whatever I do. You're born into this ESU, or DU don't think there is not a thing they don't know about you for the ones out there who may of thought I paid my way out of a few legal situations, dont worry I'm still in jail, involuntary house arrest because all the experiments still need to be carried, in a community setting. I fight to survive for my kids, or offspring the service calls them, So maybe I can prevent this unethical game from happening to them. Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program OBMEP (Nk'mip) 2012 annual report for sites in Canada. The Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries Department would like to thank among others the Town of Oliver, OIB, and the Lazard and the Baptiste, families. They are thanking my family's Baptiste, Lazard’s for what throwing me to the wolves,`` not right`. Okanagan river is an international watershed and the OBMEP does not stop at international borders. We facilitate collecting data by collaborating with Okanagan Nation Alliance Who inturn collaborate and facilitate Environment Canada and the Ministry of Land Water and Air Protection, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Facts and Information Learned When a person is subject to coercive persuasion without knowledge or consent [hey may] develop physical and psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, and suicide. Coercive persuasion is not a religion or a practice it is a technology of control, it's not a belief or a process, it’s an unfair manipulation of one’s biological and physical weaknesses and susceptibilities, it’s a force technology not a free society, but a criminal or totalitarian society. Any organization using coercive persuasion on its members as a central practice, that also claims to be a religion, is turning the sanctuary of the 1st amendment into a fortress of psychological assault and this is exactly what the long term Chief and Council are doing, ONA. The Owner of En'owkin education center the chair of Aboriginal research and the president of the school., I guess it is true, ​“watch who you piss off”​, Okanagan to Oka Peace Run run 1990. It may of looked like I was having psych problems but I was just reacting to people. Once I quit playing there game it’s been bearable. Chief only cares about his national image and leasing out our lands. I'm guessing him and his corporation that he made himself
  • 9. 9  the sole shareholder of, are using all the money they get hidden in the agreements and partnerships which must be millions for agreeing to have me targeted and subject to experimental studies, research to cover up their failed investments, all for this national image he portrays, the savior for himself and his regime is about it, at the moment their is a dispute at spirit ridge a resort we only own a low percentage of has been shut down indefinitely. Health research, the Nk'mip health center had no problem using their authority,I live right next to the health building I go out on walks different days different times same outcome of diversity, videotape 2 to 3 vehicles from each buildings come out to join the vehicle mobbing. I used to react by yelling at them, how do they feel in danger they are in vehicles, I figured out what they were doing, just being perpetrators, if someone is going to hurt you you're going to protect yourself, I don't see how yelling is compared with a speeding vehicle, and they are ones in danger. Here is some more from my, supporting band councillors letter; Henry has has chased down children that have been walking down Mckinney rd., so he is putting our children's safety at risk the council has received numerous complaints about Henry’s behaviour, very few people are willing to put their concerns to paper because they are afraid of him. I firmly believe if Henry is released and allowed back to his home community his safety is at risk, at some point someone is going to respond to his acts of paranoia and his personal threats to harm individuals and hurt him. The members of our community are fed up with his behaviour and wonder how one individual is able to continue to terrorize the community on a daily basis and the community is feeling helpless and angry. This is what was read​ ​to the justice of peace from my support, 24 hours had past, this is what I get from a leader and a pillar of our community. And by the way, “I love my kids and would never hurt a kid they kicked me out of the school because of her letter”. What was done is not the people's fault they are just doing what they're told is their job by the leaders. They are probably terrified, of being in my situation. You are considered below the species level, no lesser of man can be found, I was born into this ESU, my personal situation very unique, I
  • 10. 10  have been monitored my life my biological and physical features delayed or precluded they took away my god given talent for this experiment you see it's called life cycle. I see what's going on, and my people turn on me and join in the festivities, join and participate in physiological attacks, my brother, my dad, my cousins, individuals doing life all taken in this program, staged accidents, harm form of take, manmade deaths of a species. It is the truth, I have not seen any conservation going on, just wildlife agencies playing god and the Chief is just as phony as they are just gangs of people terrorizing an individual to death, I call it a billion bee stings, people of all walks of life, who knows when I will die they want to prolong it because if I do die then they have to designate someone else. I'm lucky to still be here. Like I said I don't blame people for doing their job, but their are some very disturbing people in high positions and have authority to really wreak havoc they believe what they're doing is right and their above the law. I am not going to lie, statute or not. Tribal and native reserves are to be informed if indian country is going to be affected, or if land, title, and rights are to be affected, so the leadership knew things were going to happen, significant loss of life, I survived to throw me under the bus, give him a slow death, and we can benefit from it, he shoulda been dead anyway. The Methodology and cornerstone to my survival, I dont recomend to anyone but it helped me, for the time being I will grow out of it. The complexity and jurisdictional arrangements, and differences in management objectives within the Okanagan River Water Basin and across the US/Canada Border, necessitates an the extensive and comprehensive process. The successful Okanagan Sub-basin will be sensitive to the needs of Federal State, and Provincial, local governments, public utility districts, and Federal Hydro Authorities, Tribal entities, stewardship bodies, landowners, and other stakeholders. Now lot of this collaboration is about these unethical experiments happening, The population of my reserve is around 500 its distinct living on reserve and we are considered evolutionarily significant unit, is a population of organisms that is considered distinct for the purpose of this term can apply to ​any​species subspecies, geographic race or population​often the term species is used rather
  • 11. 11  than ESU, even when an ESU is considered more technically a subspecies or a variety rather than a biological species. You see notice at the end of subspecies, geographic race or population they did not put in, wildlife, fish , or plants that leaves the door open for​​any,​“human” ​species geographic race or population to be listed. Evolutionary Legacy was not meant to be construed only in a historical sense, rather term is used in the sense inheritance. That is something received from the past and carried into the future populations affected by artificial propagation is an ESU. NMFS likely to be in a position of artificially maintaining units that might naturally undergo periodic episodes of extinction recolonization given the ESA protection presumably would extend only to manmade (and not environmental) disturbances. Such fluctuations may place greater constraints on the long term survival of small populations than do genetic factors associated with inbreeding. ESA allows “species” to be listed based on natural or manmade threats to its continued existence. It is also important to identify such reproductively isolated units that contribute substantially to the ecological/genetic of the species as a whole. To be considered an ESU the population must represent the important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species is the genetic variability that is a product of past evolutionary events in which represents a reservoir upon which future evolutionary potential depends. President Memorandum FEB 28, 2012 In 1973, only animal and plant kingdoms were universally recognized by science, and all living things were considered to be one of these kingdoms. Thus the enactment of the ESA applies to all living things. The statutory definition of conserve, conserving, and conversation is to bring any endangered or threatened species to the point at which measures provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary. INRMP prepared under(section 101 the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C 670a).
  • 12. 12  2004 ​National Authorization Act (report 108-354) instructed the secretary to “Assess an INRMP potential contribution to species conservation, giving due regard to those habitat protection, maintenance, and improvement projects, We therefore conclude that congress intended “Benefit” to mean Conservation Benefit. In addition because of finding of benefit would result in an exemption from critical habitat designation and given the specific mention of “habitat” protection, maintenance, and improvement. In the conference report it is inferred that Congress intended that an INRMP provide a conservation benefit to the habitat (eg essential features) of the species. Example of benefits: reducing fragmentation of habitat, maintaining or increasing population in the wild buffering protected areas. I was listed as a species through this process under the Endangered Species Act and Species at Risk Act as a subspecies variety of the Upper Columbia Spring run Chinook Salmon as an ESU, DU, when ESU is tagged on the end of the salmon they're are talking about people, I have been studying and researching the subject for the fact of survival, you put lot of time in, if you're going to survive, It's a cruel game It started in the States. Definition of​“take”​ESA of most wildlife species includes to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound or kill wildlife. Harm form of take (ie) significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential, behavior patterns, Including breeding feeding and sheltering. It is somewhat transparent but you have to be a scientist to understand the language, it is endless work, you will find it in the literature the sensitive parts, hidden in definitions or code. I found it near the beginning of discovery of these ancillary operations, and it's beginning to come together. Conserve, conserving definition: The use of all methods and procedures that are necessary to bring any endangered or threatened species to the point at which the measures provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary ie., The species is recovered in accordance with 402.02 of the chapter. Such methods and procedures include but are not limited to, all activities associated with
  • 13. 13  scientific resource management, such as research, census, law enforcement, habitat acquisition and maintenance propagation, live trapping and transplantation, and in the extraordinary case where population pressures within a given ecosystem cannot otherwise be relieved, may include regulatory takings. “ that doesn't sound like conserving anything to me?” “And it does not sound too good’ can not otherwise be relieved “population pressures”. Remote Sensing is: I'n much of remote sensing, the process involves the interaction between incident radiation and the target of interest. This is exemplified by the use of imaging systems where the following 7 elements are involved. ​What is remote sensing? 1)Energy Source or Illumination​-(a) the first requirement for remote sensing is to have an energy source which Illuminates or provides electromagnetic to the target of interest. 2)Radiation and Atmosphere-​(b) as the energy travels from its source to the target, it will come in contact with and interact with the atmosphere it passess through.
  • 14. 14  3)Interaction with the Target​-(c) once the energy makes it’s way to the Target through the atmosphere it interacts with the target depending on the properties of both target and the radiation. 4)Recording Energy by the Sensor​-(d) after energy has been scattered by, or or omitted from the target we require a sensor (remote- not in contact with the target) to collect and record the electromagnetic energy radiation. 5)Transmission, Reception, and Processing-(​e) the energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted, often in electronic form, to receiving and processing station where the data are processed into the image hardcopy and/or digital. 6)​Interpretation and Analysis​-(of) the processed image is interpreted visually and or digitally or electronically to extract from the imagery about the target which was Illuminated. 7)Application​-(g) The final element of remote sensing process is achieved when the information is applied they have been able to extract from the imagery about the target in order to better understand it reveal some new information or assist in solving a particular problem. They say understand it, If there was even a remote way to fight back to this, they would have the battle of their lives. What happens when you have some deranged human with control of this technology are a vendetta because obviously, who is ever pushing the buttons, has no compassion for human life or people and their loved ones, the way the ESA, talks in their USFWL publications, we let you do this, or only because we let you. Who ever is in charge of the customized media you need to really think about what you're doing to people, and FCC either you're doing it or you know who’s doing it. Throw alcohol drugs, and technology, it's a time bomb, customized media, easily turn people on each other induce some deranged thinking, and sit back and let the chip fall where they may, people die go to jail because population pressures should be alleviated, because there are too many in a certain age class, aren't we supposed to be the endangered protected species. There needs to be an authority these, mad scientists, or it might call for a study on them and their loved ones.
  • 15. 15  Colville Tribes petition of a nonessential experimental population section 10(j), ​79 FR 40004 - Endangered and Threatened Species ... It's just a little hard to take when you're being betrayed by a Chiefs beliefs, and people you think would know better the elders are supposed to give guidance wisdom not join in on the great German pastime. Parents teaching and letting your kids to participate and belittle an adult what kind of morals are they teaching them to have. The reason no one can figure it out is because there is no a name for it, people go into hyper dermic shock when you call them gangstalker, lol, the rest pure evil. Your set up over a long period of time so by the time you figure something's not right, you have already dug yourself a hole, and they push you in, throw dirt in your face and kick you while you're down, then let their buddies do it couple times. Everybody you see starts being strange, like you see someone you know and they come toward you smiling you think they're going to shake your hand, then at that moment you reach they withdraw give you a dirty look, as someone comes from behind you and they proceed and that's who’s hand they shake, and act like they don't even know you, very phycological, had that happen one two many times to know its a set play. It's always someone from your past, and if it happens more than three times a week it's not coincidence. When weird stuff like that starts happening consistently they are working on your self confidence there setting you up for much more unethical straight out choreographed diabolical incidents to slowly get you in trouble and take away your resources, your finance and all the supporting people around you, in turn you will feel unwelcome everywhere you go, and there will be no one to turn too. the undesirables will set things up to look like your friends are in on it. Remember they want you to pull the trigger yourself, the ultimate crime. It's hard to fathom your life has been a dis-information ecosystem, a habitat inside a habitat. Evil housekeeping your set up in ways that are actually quite brilliant if you're not the target. Remember this is set up by psychologists, anthropologists, scientists, corps engineers, academia, your own family. Really there is not much you can do, just don't give up, definitely don't give up, and fight till the end, remember the the ultimate prize for them, is suicide. Put your anger into physical fitness and educating yourself,
  • 16. 16  and money is a good place to start research, where the funding is coming in. I came across this company called S.A.R.A not the S.A.R.A you think? its called ​SCIENTIFIC APPLICATION & RESEARCH ASSOCIATES,​U.B.C is on their mailing list, these are the weapons on the list, High Energy Laser (HEL), Ground Target Irradiance Measurement, Acoustic Sensor Systems and Calibration, an Electromagnetic sensing, Direct Energy Weapons and their clientele is most major universities around the world, they are a weapons developement company for the armed forces SARA, Inc.​check it out for yourself. people around you who are people you know but are not close to you, but are there just to get information they take turns coming in and out of your life, doing the same disturbing, disrupting actions, they do what they were sent in for and, that is constantly contradicting everything ambient abuse, its in the air. Once a species is listed, section 9 of the ESA prohibits any person within the jurisdiction in the United States and I am not in the United States from taking the species. Person is defined; as individuals​, corporations, and other private entities; Federal State, local, and foreign officials, agents, departments, and instrumentalities. The Colville Confederated Tribes of Colville of the Colville reservation Nov. 22, 2010. That is defined to include all VCR Spring Run Chinook Salmon released into the Okanogan River Basin and any offspring solely therefrom when these​individuals​are found in the Okanagan River Basin or in the waters of the Columbia River from an area adjacent to it confluence with the Okanagan River upstream to the Chief Joseph Dam as discussed in detail but I won't go there just yet, designation in detail of a nonessential experimental population defined in such is consistent with the requirements of the ESA. The Subbasin in efforts in the Okanagan Basin were initiated in 2003. These efforts are guided by the policies of cross border collaboration on salmon recovery initiated by the Colville Tribe of the U.S and the Okanagan Nation Alliance of Canada. However the work of coordination and collaboration in the development of this plan drew from leadership of a great many agencies sharing this vision. “Human rights violations and Charter of Rights”.
  • 17. 17  Human population problems and overall management is issues 72 subwatersheds and tributaries. In Canada the Okanagan Basin study (1974), the Thompson Okanagan Land and Resource Management plan (Luco 2001) and the draft state of the Okanagan Basin report (In Prep ONA 2004​) “harm form of take” provided baseline information on the Canadian sections of the subbasin will also draw from a significant body of additional U.S/Canadian science to facilitate coordinated recovery planning for the Okanagan salmon and steelhead ecosystem. A military installation provides unique training facilities for the navy's elite seal teams while actively working to conserve the Federally listed California least tern and the western snowy plover, among other rare and endangered species. Climate change may have long term effects but include but are not limited to depletion of cold water habitat variation in quantity or quality of tributary rearing habitat alterations to migratory patterns, accelerated embryo development, premature emergence of fry, and increased competition among species, around that time just to many dates years months matchup to be coincidence in the overall situation. The fish and wildlife service in conjunction with many different partners has offered opportunities at a number of wildlife refuges. Allows recipient in funds in agreement under SIKES ACT, or other specific agreements with states, political subdivisions, or private entities pursuant to military laws addresses the development of real property near ecologically related to military installations or air space to use funds to match any funds for cost sharing requirement of the department of agriculture. Destruction or adverse modification means a direct or indirect alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical habitat for conservation of a listed species. Such alterations may include but are not limited to, those that alter the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of a species or that preclude or significantly delay development of such features. ​Federal Register, Volume 79 Issue 91 (Monday, May 12 ...Federal Register, Volume 79 Issue 91 (Monday, May 12 ... ***** (FWS Acting Director Marshal Jones Memo to Regional Directors, ``Application of the Destruction or Adverse Modification’ Standard
  • 18. 18  under Section ​7(a)(2)​of the Endangered Species Act ​2004​: ‘ ‘NMFS Assistant Administrator William T Hogarth ,Memo to Regional Administrators ``Application of the Destruction or Adverse Modification’ Standard under Section ​7(a)(2)​of the endangered Species Act ​2005​``). Manmade. Proposed definition of ``destruction or adverse modification ‘ ‘ of critical habitat is based on an understanding of the role that habitat--which includes the physical and biological features required for a species life-history needs--generally plays for species. In a natural system, these habitats would not be considered ``degraded. ‘’ For example, willow flycatchers generally nest in a specific age class of willows. In a dynamic riverine system this age class of willows is continually created and destroyed by periodic flooding, bank erosion , ``degraded ‘’ during periods when the appropriate age-class of willows is not present. However , as with `` degraded ‘’ habitat, an action that would preclude or significantly delay the development of those features that support the life history needs of the species--the appropriate age--class of willows --is likely to result in destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat if it occurs to an extent that it appreciably diminishes the conservation value of critical habitat relative to that which would occur without the action undergoing consultation. Critical Habitat: The above describes a habitat and is my address number, at the bottom of my driveway you will find those willows of different age classes. Definition of Critical Habitat: Specific geographic areas, whether occupied by the listed species or not, that are determined to be essential for the conservation and management of a listed species, and have been formally described in the federal register. Also if you look on the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Map -119.5263 49.1815 you will find a hallmark type picture of a single fish where there is no water. about two hundred meters away from my residence. The fish is right in the same area as the willows. Recovery - The process by which the decline of an endangered/threatened species is​arrested ​or reversed, or threats to its survival are neutralized so its long term survival in nature can
  • 19. 19  be assured. Recovery priority a number raging from a high 1C to a low 18 , whereby priority is to listed species and recovery tasks are designated. The criteria on which the criteria number is based are degree of threat, recovery potential taxonomic distinctiveness, and presence of an actual or imminent conflict between species and development activities. it's not easy with the power imbalance. Section 10(j) of the ESA requires that the population be identified by regulation to provide notice of which populations are experimental. The statute also provides that the population is only considered experimental, `` when, and at such times as, ​[ it ]​is wholly separate geographically from the non experimental populations of the same species. “​This could be the border because we are all one nation on both sides because it's two different worlds distinct on either side. Or OIB separate from the rest of the syilx nation as the nonessential experimental population. They shouldn't be so naive it says population as to not to think there actions are not being monitored​”​.​Request for 10j Designation​. In October 2000 the Northwest Power and Conservation Council adopted a revised fish and wildlife program for the Columbia River Basin the new program is intended to be more comprehensive, but not complementary to regional efforts related to the Northwest Power Act, The Endangered Species Act State sponsored recovery and watershed planning and coordination efforts, and tribal recovery initiatives and plans. The Okanogan Subbasin plan is one of six being generated from within the Columbia Cascade Eco-Province.The Provincial Boundaries are also nearly Identical to the Federal Ecologically Significant Unit (ESU) boundaries for listed salmon and steelhead in the Columbia river. I guarantee I'm one of them if not the only one as you can see in the table below one and three in total, me and my two sons, or offspring the service calls them. Peak water temperatures were especially higher in mainstream reaches characterised by channelization and sparse riparian coverage. Discharge data on the mainstream collected by water survey of Canada
  • 20. 20  show that in 2013, the ​mean daily discharge​peaked at 89.93 m⁵/s near (Oliver)at station 08NMO85. Appendix H: Detailed Results from Rapid Assessment Habitat Survey Table      ​Reaches Available to Anadromous Salmon Number of Okanogan Reaches EMAP-generated Reaches in 2013 Rapid Assessment Reaches in 2012/2013 Mainstem Tributary Mainstem Tributary Mainstem Tributary British Columbia Washington State 61 76 (35.0 km) (89.9 km) 66 136 (107.2 km) (169 km) 4 11 (10 total) (27 total) 16 18 (36 total) (49 total) 0 17 (8.3 km) 17 32 (5.6 km) (9.5 km) ​Total 127 212 (142 km) (255.8km) 46 76 17 49 (5.6 km) (17.8 km) Reaches Available to Resident fish Only British Columbia 0 71 (104.8 km) 0 ​1 {3 total} 0 0 Washington State 0 176 (185.3 km) 0 0 0 0 Total 0 ​247 (290.1km) 0 3 0 0     NMFS believes that the population concept is used used in the ESA is a biological one, and that political boundaries alone should not define or should not be used to define populations. Biological populations must exhibit some degree of reproductive isolation, however the entire population (occurring within and outside the of the United States) may qualify as an ESU and be considered for
  • 21. 21  listing, particularly if the US portion is a substantial portion of the ESU. One respondent asked NMFS asked to clarify whether an affirmative answer to any of the four rhetorical questions relating to to the ecological/genetic diversity criterion should be considered strong evidence that the population is an ESU. Another asked whether the fourth of these questions , “If the population became extinct, would the event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species?” should it be considered from the ​fish species or mankind​. ​“​These questions and responses clearly speculate the ESU fish or fishes, they are referring to a native species and it is not a fish​”​. “In general *** the appropriate null hypothesis to test is that no differences exists between the populations, being compared,” lead to bias against listing determination. Another cautioned against considering modest but statistically significant, allele frequency differences as sufficient proof of evolutionary important differences between ​“​Okanagan/Syilx/Okanogan​”​populations a third respondent pointed out that the interim policy does not stipulate a significance level (eg., the 5-percent or 1-percent level) that should be used for statistical tests. Although listed species in the index, some information is not publicly available, ie., CBI or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, is not placed on the internet and will be publically available only in hardcopy form OBMEP has evolved into a robust monitoring program and the data collected has been used in multiple ways, that represent unique information related to fish and habitat within the Okanogan River Subbasin. Action agencies NOAA Fisheries RME plan and OBMEP has operated concurrently within the Bonneville Power Administration pilot studies in the Okanogan and other river systems. 2008 The Fish Bowl IN 2008 OBMEP was Identified as a project under NOAA Final biological opinion related to the operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System for salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act, and included as part of the Columbia ESU.
  • 22. 22  2008 is when I was on federal holiday for illegal issues. The arrest, or recovery the service calls it, right to the release was a procedure more than a sentence. Setup NOAA had to get there BiOp done, so I was detained and locked up in the fishbowl, if you can believe that, artificial propagation. The Chief and my supportive counselor the social worker came to speak for me I had a Fast Track Parole Hearing, the Chief spoke on my behalf constantly telling the board I'm too stupid to be in the goods and services business. I still take full responsibility for my actions, when I look back to other situations, It hit me I realized many events in my life were choreographed, Controlled, without me even knowing it, and still are, I resist as much as I recognize it at times, and other times I recognize it after the fact. Through the privacy act August 17, 2015 7 years later I received my records on and it was not the same release plan I saw upon my release, sentences and paragraphs were blocked out, here is some of the response and some of the release plan; The Attached constitutes the documentation that is accessible to you under 12(1)of the Privacy Act. You will note that certain records or portions thereof have been withheld pursuant to section 26 of the Privacy Act. The monitoring and supervision of Henry’s progress during this period will be a team effort, and will be the responsibility of a community group that will include a number of different people and backgrounds. the purpose of this group is to ensure that Henry has all the opportunities that he deserves to be successful when he comes home. And to celebrate his success, and guide him through the challenges he will face. This is not a punitive process-it is not punishment-rather, this is about assisting and supporting Henry in achieving a satisfying and full range of life opportunities. The team will meet meet on a regular basis as determined by the parole officer, and will commit to confidentiality of all proceedings, including signing, a “contract of confidentiality”. Meetings will be held at the Osoyoos Indian Band Office and chaired by chief and council designate. The Osoyoos Indian Band has committed to actual and in-kind resources to the planning process. Right there I'm asking myself what's an
  • 23. 23  in-kind planning process, a barter exchange of goods and services for other goods and services, where I seen in the work or budget from CBF WL in-kind costs one of the proposals or work orders, just money used to fund these experiments and data collections. Same language is used between the documents. Division of Fish and Wildlife Bonneville Power Authority OBMEP is sponsored by Bonneville Power Authority, NOAA oversees the program which is run by Colville Confederated Tribes F&WL, who collaborate with Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries who inturn Collaborate with Environment Canada, BC Ministry of Lands, Water and Air Protection, and many different entities. Contract Description: Purpose and Need Contract Amendment: This contract is to be Amended for a reduced time frame for performance and procurement of the CHaMP program from an end date of 5/14/12 to 2/29/12 and a reduction in value of $36,221. This contract is in support of BiOp Fast Track II In support of habitat restoration, rehabilitation and conservation action performance assessments and adaptive management requirements of the 2008 Federal Columbia Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS BiOp). The Bonneville Power Administration is working with NOAA and other regional fish management agencies to monitor status and trends for each population group​​(MPG) in the Pacific Northwest Identified through the Endangered Species Act (ESA). CHaMP is a Columbia River basin-wide habitat and trends monitoring program built around a “​single habitat”​monitoring and protocol with a program-wide approach to data collection and management which meets FCRPS Agency’s (2010) programmatic prescriptions for habitat monitoring. CHaMP was developed by the Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) to capture habitat features and drive fish population biology and will result in systematic habitat status and trends information that will be used to assess basin-wide habitat condition and correlated with biological response indicators to evaluate habitat management strategies.
  • 24. 24  The case for recognizing Okanagan Chinook as a COSEWIC Designatable Unit (DU)is based on populations: (1) genetic differentiation from other chinook populations: (2) geographic and reproductive isolation: (3) Unusual life history characteristics. Referred to as the Okanagan Chinook. Estimates of chinook escapement based on counts of peak numbers of live and dead chinook adjusted by a standard expansion factor used by DFO are showed for years of which the necessary data are available (Baily ​2004​, personal communication), The necessary data​2004​the numbers of ​live and dead. The Okanagan Chinook has had a significant role historic role in the lives in the first nations people for hundreds of years the Okanagan Nations Alliance is attempting to ensure its survival into the future. “Now can you please tell me”, “​Okanagan Nation Alliance​” by participating in the on the ground geographic operations unethical scientific experimentation and having the knowledge beforehand, government agencies are supposed to inform the Tribal leaders any actions that will affect tribes in Indian Country. So they knew what was going to happen before it occurred, How is this in anyway going to ensure the survival of the DU ESU, or the people your organization is no greater than any other governmental agency targeting and monitoring your own listed species, and the resources it brings in etc. If this is not a punitive process or a punishment then what do you call it for I'm classified as a fish ESU/DU, I don't know the capacity of the technology of the meter but my appliances have minds of their own they pop and click to affect the stimulus concentration microwave hearing these noises are amplified. The population has been around the same count people are dropping to the rate as being borned on my reserve. Healthy brother drowns, another guy drops has a heart attack dies on the spot 3 veterans get sick and die, too more staged automobile accidents causing man made death. Relieving population pressures? Who from the Indian Tribes and Bands and Alliance was consulted on the matter before the actions took place.
  • 25. 25  My back cracks in weird ways I think the term used was stickleback, The interruptions are just amazing timing someone comes and knocks on door popping sounds, irritant to me sensitive to acoustics. A person here sleeping snoring and from a deep sleep I came across information that would help my cause at that moment I knew an interruption was coming but didn't know where from. I turned everything off prior but the computer, Then she woke up, from a deep sleep and came stomping out of the room directly at me stopped and she said what am I doing, I've also seen people start throwing up, get instantly sick don't quite know what it is but it's manmade. Then there are the computer glitches, and monitoring. Affects of ELF electromagnetic Low Frequency looks like shingles my brother had the exact type wounds that wouldn't heal on his shins. before his essential behavior patterns were significantly impaired to the point of death or injury and he died shot ​Patent For Microwave Voice-To-Skull Technology​. This type experiments are not only unethical there criminal gross misconduct manmade. and it was done to us all through those years right since OBMEP started in 2003.​V2K - Targeted Individuals 101​You have OBMEP, programs 1998-2003 then renewed 2004-2008 those time periods coincide with significant points in time. I'm constantly on the borderline of going to jail for a long time or getting released to this program and continuing a program of no touch torture. I understand the technology and how powerful it is, I may not know exactly what it is, but I know what it feels like and what it does, some of the things I can't even explain the fact if it's spiritual or technological and there is a spiritual factor. The confidentiality nondisclosure pact I took, It was between First Wind Power a mock company, and a government entity the CEO was a band employee for lands and estates, targeting first nations, aboriginals, inuit, Indigenous lands in Canada/U.S and elsewhere. Breach of that pact would render the company irreparable, and monetary damages alone would not be sufficient remedy.Focus your attention on the real Chinook, not the artificial propagation or production of. I think I have been blocked enough for this lifetime. I'm not against experimentation if it's done in an informed ethical way and not so evil christopher himself is probably not that unethical. Government is good and bad and usually fair when it comes to cleaning up stuff and, bearing the burden of the mistakes by bad
  • 26. 26  apples in there agencies that make mistakes and are quietly under the radar, for people anthropologist “Marshall” crooked tree. (see youtube video on anthropologist marshall). Town of Oliver and Osoyoos Indian Band Appellate​; with respect= I don't agree that this principle, derived from the understanding of aboriginal of aboriginal title, to aboriginal interest on reserve land, which is a ​statutory creature​the existence which is not premised on relationship with the land. A full proprietary Interest such as the land is no longer “reserve land” within the Indian Act. The point of contention is the meaning of the phrase “right-of-way” as it is used in the “description”. The appellant takes it to refer to the extent of the interest in the land, and the respondents to describe a physical area of land which is the taxation districts within the Osoyoos indian Band reserve # 1 and is supported by the whole order in council. In the Identification in legal interest in the first part of the document states that “that the lands hereinafter described are are a portion of the Osoyoos Indian Reserve number one” this clearly indicates that what was transferred was “a portion of the reserve”. Not merely an easement the third part of the third paragraph contains the critical authorization. Therefore his Excellency The Governor General in Council on the recommendations of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Pursuant the provisions of section 35 of the indian act is pleased hereby to consent to the taking of the said lands by the Province of British Columbia and to transfer the administration and control thereof to Her Majesty The Queen in the Right of British Columbia. This paragraph contains the whole of what it is the Order in Council purports to ​do. ​The language of the paragraph confirms that the crown is authorising the transfer of full ownership. However the use of the word “taking” and and the phrase “transfer the administration and control thereof” calls for comment. Comment:
  • 27. 27  Definition of take, and the harm form of take, this paper is about survival and accountability in language you don't have to be a scientist, professor, or graduate student to understand. A typical treaty is an instrument of the international law equatable apportionment that the rules say should be no significant harm are a timely notification will be afforded to the First Nation of Tribal Governance. A political subdivision is a geographic region in the jurisdiction of a particular government entity, varying operations to satisfy the responsibilities on a large scale is also called a sovereign state. By the start of this OIB BY-Law it talks about a supplementary holder, who I understand is entitled to through lease, licence or other legal means to possess or occupy the interest in land (b) is an actual occupation in the interest in the land. (c) has right and title, estate or interest in the interest in land or (d) is trustee of interest of land. “Interest in land” or “property” means land or improvements, both, in reserve and without limitation, includes any interest in land improvements, any occupation or use of land improvements, and any right to occupy or possess or use land or improvements; Manufactured home” means structure, whether or not ordinarily equipped with wheels that is designed or constructed. On application and remember decisions are being made for me without my knowledge, The tax administrator may omit or obscure the holder's name address are other information about the holder that would ordinarily be included in an assessment roll if, in the tax administrations opinion, the inclusion of the name address or other information would or could reasonably be expected to threaten the safety or mental or physical health of the holder or a member of the holders family. Where the tax administrator who is under the chiefs regime, omits or obscures information under subsection (1), such information must be obscured from all assessment rolls that are available for public inspection under subsection 14(1) On receipt by Council, the assessment role is open to inspection in the first nation office by any person during regular business hours. The band office that I have been banned from for the last three years and even if I was able to access this. it was blocked from me 404 not found and it is obscured from the assessment role so I wouldn't see
  • 28. 28  it anyway, they have designated me to this supplementary holder?, than are keeping that information away from me and doing all the above things in this document I have been saying to keep me in jail or the psych-ward suppressed so I'm legally incompetent and they can make decisions for me about things that I'm not even aware of and collect money on the count of my grief the whole community’s significant loss and hardship, pain and suffering, it may qualify as another definition of take, that is up there with the, ESA’s harm form of take, the Chief has to be accountable for his actions which are straight out not good. This appellate between the Town of Oliver and My Band. Is over band wanting to tax the Town over the canal, if I was the Town I would be a little frustrated what do they do with there money It disappeared somewhere, they obviously don't have to be accountable for it, accounting regime will cover it up. Retired advisor COO on the Fortis Governance Committee. Industry or trade in the definition of commercial activity in the Act means the actual intended transfer of wildlife or plants from one person to another person in the pursuit of gain or profit. You can say my situation being a Colville Tribal member and transferring in a young age to the Osoyoos Indian Band is an artificial propagation of that made me a candidate for the Endangered Species Act or any Act that has to do with the situation at hand. Including enacting the Indian Act or the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act etc. Either way for I was equated with nature which I don't mind that but being treated below the the species level pejorative to my Human rights, my Charter of Rights have been looked over I'm still serving my sentence that I finished years ago on involuntary house arrest who wants to leave the house when you're systematically attacked and threatened can't even walk down the road without looking over your shoulder because of vehicles. It's time the Chief is accountable for his actions lurking in the background and playing within the lines of the law or societal norms meanwhile wreaking havoc on people's lives. I'm sorry but I won't back down from anybody no matter what the odds are. federal power must be reconciled with federal duty and the best way to achieve reconciliation is to demand the justification of any government regulation that infringes upon or denies aboriginal right.
  • 29. 29  Justification must be attained in such to uphold the honor of the Crown and be in keeping with unique contemporary relationship, grounded in history and policy, between the Crown and Aboriginal people. To the extent of legislative or regulatory impact on an existing aboriginal right may be scrutinized so as to ensure recognition and affirmation does not premise immunity from government regulation in contemporary society but it does hold the Crown to a substantive promise. The government is required to bear the burden of justifying any legislation that has some negative effect on any aboriginal right protected under s 35(1).Province of British Columbia has Administration and control. Forest Revenue Sharing​: 1.10 “Matrix”: means the framework in appendix B which will be used to defy consultation between the parties with respect to operational and administrative decisions. Appendix B 1.12 Operational Plan means a Forest Stewardship plan , woodlot plan licence plan, range use plan, or range stewardship plan that has or will affect the OIB admin area. 1.16 “SEA” means a strategic agreement between British Columbia and Osoyoos Indian Band that describes the consultation process between the OIB and More than one natural resource ministry of BC. (G) The OIB intends to fully participate in any consultation or information sharing with BC or a licence in relation to forest and or licence in relation to forest and range resource development activities proposed within OBI's Administration area. Therefor the parties agree as follows: 1.6 Designate has the meaning given in given to that term in 3.1.1. 3.1.1 Unless OIB elects to have another entity (its designate) receive sharing contributions pursuant to section 3.1.2 recognize that any such election does not relieve the OIB of its obligation under the Agreement the OIB will be recipient of the revenue sharing agreements. 3.1.2 where the OIB chooses to have its designate receive revenue sharing contributions under the agreement BC may withhold payment of
  • 30. 30  the revenue sharing contribution until that it is satisfied that the designate is a registered corporation of society with the legal authority and capacity to receive the funds, and it has been appointed by a band council resolution documented in appendix D to receive the revenue sharing contribution on behalf of OIB. Informed Consent Community Leaders can consent to the community participation in a study and thereby eliminate the need for researchers to obtain informed consent from individual subjects. Authority may be circumvented when it lacks moral authority and fails to act “in good faith”. What does pattern research mean here? If the research is carried out by researcher and community it seems like the arrangements should be negotiated rather than the researcher informing. The dilemma of compensation raised by western ethical framework is a delicate balance between coercion and consent. Often Authenticity in Indigenous tourisms is judged according to metanarratives of cultural purity that were born through the practise of salvage anthropology and social evolutionary Ideas that predicted extinction or assimilation. Authenticity was in sense, measured by the level of purity from european influence. This lens for assessing indigenous cultures has not left the popular imagination. Exactly what needs to be weeded out of research. UN General assembly in sept/02/07 reconfirmed and strengthened the notion that indigenous peoples right to self determination and their status as subjects of international includes the right to determine whether research is truly in their best interest. While informed consent is a matter of ethical and national and international law, still suggests a hierarchical relationship between scientist and subject. The scientist controls the definition of the shaping of the research problem, methods, and desired outcomes. (and this shaping inturn is presumably influenced by the source of research funding). In reaction to what at times has been an exploitive science subject relationship, American Indian Tribes and nations in the United States and Canada.
  • 31. 31  My situation comes in different forms and names Evolutionarily or Ecologically Significant Unit,when it's N.I.S.T it's a Security Control, it can be an instrument, statutory creature, fishes, salmonid or reliability standard etc, depends on what agency is doing the experimental study. So I'm not sure if my comment made it through I was having trouble with uploading it at the time, but I did exchange emails with a lady from FERC in Washington DC who encouraged me to submit my comment directly into the record here is the comment I made on; Federal Register Publication RM 15-14-000 (OMB control number 1902-0248): ​The FERC 725 B, Reliability Standards for critical infrastructure is required to implement the statutory provisions of section 215 of the Federal Power Act, the responsible entities designated a Reliability Standard. I am urging the Commission to rule this on a case by case basis that should not disqualify the standard because of a criminal record due to the extraordinary circumstances, from access to critical cyber assets, not being aware of the situation, Hence the reliable entities in this region didn't expect or proceed cautiously and overlooked the Reliability standard and determination and competitive nature, and have been put in with a limited and disinformation, strategically had the Reliability standard suppressed, by provisions of section 22 of the mental health act and other constraints, holds that was in consented, If consulted, participation would have still occurred, it would be the only alternative, to help Bulk Power System from becoming congested and increasing the burden on other systems. The process to achieve a good Reliability Standard can be achieved without manipulating the electricity market that have resulted in unjust and unfair because of only one vendor and spikes in electricity costs that are really unreasonable, to be specific the BPA, OIBDC, Fortis BC_NK'Mip CPCN-Exhibit C1-78 and application and project For Nk'Mip substation & Transmission line. The right-of-way incentive agreement jointly signed between the responsible entities. So an exception and a justified risk finding that Standards have been violated while waiting for an official determination the inequities of the framework are self-evident. Please excuse the recalcitrance, but it was done so the decisions
  • 32. 32  made by the regional entity's would be subject to an appellate process, akin to what is described in rule 410 of the NERC, and would like the commission to consider appeal the decisions made by coordinators, operators, or balancing authority and the delegation, to clarify that ERO with respect to the content, of the proposed standard or modification of Reliability standard, and technical expertise of the regional entity organized on an interconnection-wide basis of the States and Provinces. If a notice of penalty and record of proceedings is not been initiated please let this also be a complaint that the, commission may take into consideration on a decision that will defer the user or owner of bulk power system in the region to not engage in any practices that constitute any more violations of the Reliability standard, and, any penalty imposed under the subsection will bare a reasonable relation to the seriousness of the violation and will consider the user, owner, operator to remedy the violations in a timely manner. Reliability Standards on certain CIP Standards registered with low impact assets may need to be reviewed to reflect the actual burden and be adopted to a medium high impact. Reported by ICS-CERT, this new kind of malware campaign is based on the injection of malware while the product or service remains in control of the hardware software vendors prior to delivery and specialized systems such as industrial process control systems, telephone switching, private branch exchange, integrity, or the controlled available information, And an operational exercise Dr. Ross and Stephanie shankles, tests and elevates the Reliability standard. If there is anything I am leaving out or if I was not specific enough please excuse me given the unique circumstances, and the learning curve. If this will help a proceeding that may produce a hearing or what is in interest and most efficient way the committee sees best. If this reporting comment will add to the stick and tape approach actions to achieve a Reliability Standard and will assist implementation of Section 215 of the FPA, please contact me with any guidance or instruction that will assist in this matter, and if actions purposed fall within the categorical exclusion in the regulations and will ease the burden and produce a better individualized work environment It is good for development and growth.
  • 33. 33  Darkside of Organizations Banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare imagine this is perhaps the most fundamental lesson of their study: ordinary people simply doing their job, without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process… Men do become angry; they do act hateful and explode in rage against others. But not here , something far more dangerous is revealed: The capacity for man to abandon his humanity-indeed the inevitably he does so-as he merges his unique personality into larger institutional structures. (Milgram 1974:,6,188) Such phenomena do not require the setting of milgram's experiment- the “authority” of a scientist in a laboratory complete with “scientist” dressed in a white lab coat quite the contrary. These emergent outcomes cannot be reduced to the intentions of individuals, but more disturbingly, dark outcomes can emerge from the interactions of well intended hard working competent individuals. Therefore rather than focussing on the actions of irresponsible individuals-we-must tend to the context within which normal well adjusted people find good reasons for behaving the way they do. Consider the normal behavior of well adjusted students in a university library. At a football game these students would yell and cheer. At the library they do not. Why the behavioral context is different and this is a key claim-context shape behavior. Behaviors tend to persist (keep coming up)and do so because they have reason to make sense of those acting out those behaviours. Behaviors tend to persist have consequences that tend to persist. In sum, it's claimed that emergent outcomes in humans appear in such forms become apparent through the application of this method. Context and the information they sustain shape the premises and perceptions of those involved instilling within them what are taken for granted as proper and acceptable behaviors. Those who raise trouble matters questions that expose distortions that are out of context. They become the problem “troublemakers”. Unlike the library context systematic distortions of information is a complex problem where the context itself demands attention. While
  • 34. 34  such distortions can harm the organization that produce them they can also serve to propagate the systems that produce them covering up adverse consequences and external risks. The self propagating distortions that benefited the organizational system that produce them while allowing harmful consequences to occur the larger environment and society. A growing body of literature popular in academic, has been rightfully fascinated by the remarkable behaviors of CANL nonlinear water systems, which are not habit of are traditional analytical habits of thought. What tends to limit the extent of systematic distortions and their consequences? The answer reflects a growing understanding of CANAL systems in general. The character of CANAL systems systems emerges from the interplay of order (pattern) and (disorder), (disturbance) over time. (Bella 1997). In the same matter we claim that the extent of systematic distortion reflects the history of incredible disturbances, compelling events that disrupt more, more distorting patterns allowing less distorting patterns to emerge. Eisenhower (1961) called the duties and responsibilities of an alert “alert and knowledgeable citizen. The implications are significant: the market is insufficient, independent public agencies are vital and higher education must evolve far more than economic development and job preparation. Distorting and even evil outcomes can and do emerge from the actions of individuals in spite of the fact that his or her own behaviors are proper and completely done-those in high positions might honestly say “there was no attempt to mis-lead or deceive”. And within their context they may be correct. However if context is the problem then emergence has radical implications for notions of responsibility. Competency calls for the ability to respond in ways credible within the context. Yet there is no reason to assume the greater company would reduce systematic distortions: in fact the reverse may be true! When the context is the problem, an additional and radically different form of responsibility is required responsibility is required responsibility that transcends context.
  • 35. 35  The responsibility to transcend context is a universal historical theme, in the search for truth, the pursuit of justice, and service of the sacret. Responding to the calling that transcends context serves to liberate us from our bondage in contexts. Such contexts give us reason to say “ I just don't have time” “It's not my job” “It won't make a difference”. The traditional way for responsibility to transcend context-which informs the essence of universal intent-is “faith”. (Wilfred Cantwell Smith 1977,1979) who devoted a life of study to the meaning of faith, to the meaning of faith in other ages and cultures, found that faith never meant belief (and especially not belief in spite of evidence to the contrary). Rather the very meaning of faith has been radically distorted-lost given up-in our modern age. The point is faith does not deny the reality of context; it transcends context. Faith “pulls” or “calls” for responsible behavior from beyond above or even in spite of the context. None of this makes sense unless the dangers of context themselves become apparent. Distortions and yes evil can and often are emergent outcomes not reducible to the “values” and “beliefs” of individuals. Without the appreciations of the dangers of emergence and the need for responsibility that transcends context, faith becomes and, more dangerously, self-reinforcing behaviors of the “true believers”. “See Darkside of organizations and the method to reveal it”. Summary: For a start im curious to see what actual actions or parts of my life were actually from technology and what parts were my 6th sense as I'm sure everything has been documented, and what parts were just luck I don't call it luck I call it help from the ancestors, and what parts were from that not so friendly presence, and what parts were from that mane made unlawful presence. What is thermalization processes time resolved imaging of thermal fluctuations and the possibility of three dimensional artificial spin ice mall point to the continued utility of these systems in elucidating interesting physical phenomena in magnetic materials. Or what is actually genuine natural untainted phenomena, not manmade. I would like to start a non profit organization that pertains to environmental ethics, to have a budget to acquire the technology needed to detect these episodes of gross misconduct in a stealth
  • 36. 36  manner. To put together a team of experts in all the scientific fields necessary with the best and always up to date devices, tools, machines, to go around to random experimental operations and be able to monitor the researchers and their students the agency’s involved and if unethical experimentation is happening be able to enforce the laws and weed out these sick individuals in places where they can absolutely cause a man made tornado of grief, pain, and loss. I may not have the scientific knowhow, but I have experience, I will be able to tell if an individual is being hurt from this technology just by looking at them, I can make up for the scientific expertise by the experience of being a victim. If I could surround myself with the right team together a team of professionals that are known for their advocacy in environmental justice and actually are actually worried about the wellbeing of people and want to make this world a better place by making these people that are hiding in the shadows manipulating and hurting people populations with no remorse in anyway, these kind of people need to to brought to proper justice, and the rest of the research community aware that their is an authority or agency out there that is not going to hesitate to make you be held accountable no matter what you offer say or do. What I have went through is significant loss of immediate family, a disinformation eco-system, that holds back your natural development and manipulates you through your life being built up to get dropped on your head and kicking you when you're down. There is no need for all these agencies to think they are above the law, when there is no one else to call I want to be that person they can call and will protect them by all means necessary. What kind of society agrees to something like this there is one thing that is forsure I won't quit or I get justice no matter how things evolve, hopefully someone reads this paper with the authority to make it happen Prime Minister, Parliament, President, Congress, they are the ones that need to step up and make this happen. I have no doubt I can make a good team great, it's with a sense that can't be learned, you're born with it no matter how hard they try to take it away they can't. To have the opportunity to put something like that together would be the kind of compensation I'm interested in . Nobody needs to, and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, it's in humane and unjust, and time to find another safer ethical way to conduct the research.