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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Introduction to the discipline "Urban planning region"
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. General owerview of the regionics
2. Main purpose and direction of general regionics
3. Regional factors
1. Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2. Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın
kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı
3. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата:
Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
4. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
5. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
6. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр
вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
7. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
8. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
9. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль,
10. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
11. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
12. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
13. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
14. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой
жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
15. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2021
Basic of the Regionics
Historical and spiritual values of folk culture the natural and geographical features of
architectural works and urban areas have always been the active factors ensuring diversity and
expressiveness of cities and regions.
Regional features of architecture and urban planning manifest themselves in all their elements –
mainly in the typology of residential houses, features of spatial solutions, methods of formation
of residential buildings, materials used and constructive-technological hallarda, architectural
images and aesthetic characteristics of residential areas. Historically formed images serve as
the basis for Social, Family personality stereotypes, which are most clearly reflected in the
architecture of mass living and first of all living.
In this regard, although the progressive traditions of folk architecture, the separation of regional
architecture and urban specificity are somewhat contradictory, it should not be left out of
teaching and real design.
Considering the above - mentioned importance of regionality in architecture and urban
planning, as well as the main role of regional foundations in the project process, let us consider
the previous history of this issue.
Regionics as a new direction of science began to appear in many countries of the world in the
60s of XX century. In the 70-80-ies, this direction began to cover not only architecture and
urban planning, but also the spheres of science: geography, history, ecology, politics in the
form of regionalism. However, there was not yet a theoretical base that could summarize
separate studies into a single scientific theory. Only in the 90s of the last century Azerbaijan
laid the foundations of new science-regionics. Regionika (lat. "regio" and ing. "region" -
Vilayet, region) was proposed by us as a name that fully reflects the essence and purpose of the
new theory [1]. Currently, its main principles are developed by the International Academy of
architecture of the Eastern countries and are an incentive for the development of new scientific
searches in the field of architecture and urban planning.
As a new theory of the evolution of regional settlements and their architecture, the Department
of "architectural design and urban development" of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture
and construction and the Department of "problems of Regional urbanization and architecture"
of the ETL. From a methodological point of view, the theory of regionics allows to open the
essence of the structural-plan and functional development processes of cities in concrete
regions, to determine the main regularities of the architectural-spatial organization of the
Eastern, Arab, Turkish and other historical and new cities. Knowing the region, it is possible to
deeply understand the ideology of Islamic architecture and to express our idea of its difference
from Western examples, about the specific national architecture of Azerbaijan and other
The region has not yet been fully formed as a modern experience of architecture and urban
planning. In the absence of Regional norms, rules and regulations, the search for new forms of
architecture is carried out empirically, intuitively. Many projects and scientific organizations of
Azerbaijan, including "Kanun" educational-scientific-project Center, "Elm - 2000" - creative-
production firm and "Urbanistika" Exploration Center were engaged in the search for
architecture that meets the spirit of the Earth and time. In our opinion, the practical experience
of the region manifests itself in the projects of pillavari, Cascade and block type houses, which
take into account the project proposals for the normalization of the low-rise residential building
of Baku, the creation of internal courtyards, shaded balconies, windproof and illuminated
rooms, providing comfort and microclimate in hot summer, high solar radiation and complex
As an area of inter-regional activity, able to combine scientific and practical research in
various fields of science: engineering, geography, sociology, biology and politics, such as
esanatology, culture, music, painting and other humane fields of human activity. It also keeps
its doors open for builders, demographics, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and
psychologists. It is very interested in microclimate and energy, landscape architecture and
ecology. Thus, we include everything that expands our knowledge of the area of human life,
cultural traditions, the growth of settlements, the national architecture of concrete countries and
peoples, and urbanistics.
The subject and essence of regionics are directly related to the world architectural trend of
regionalism. Therefore, it is important to determine from the outset the importance of
regionalism in architecture and urban planning of different countries of the world.
Regionalism (lat. regionalis, inq. Regional-local, from the same province). Regionalism
represented a line of derivative of organic architecture in a certain sense and created a number
of original installations in the middle and second half of the 20th century. The formation of
regionalization dates back to the 30s of the XX century and is associated with aesthetic
rejection of avant-garde heometry. This rejection was more irreconcilable in response to the
aggressive spread of the new wave of modernism, which in the 50s flowed from the USA to
World Architecture under the name of "international style".
Regionalism began to take shape first in European countries, then in Latin America, Japan and other
countries. The development of regionalism was determined not only by the shortcomings of
modernism, but also by the peculiarities of the post-war social processes. For this period, due to the
development of the mass tourism industry, the population, even for its low-income part, has a
sudden increase in mobility. Travelers and tourists are the first people to look for a place to see for
the first time and the uniqueness of its architecture. Another process coincided with this period –
extensive and profound activity on restoration and reconstruction of historical cities, which became
an independent sphere of projects and research in the second half of the 20th century in Italy,
Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries. In the formation of regionalism, the
search for artistic identity of peoples and countries, which gained State independence late, does not
play the last role.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Regional approachs to urban-architectural design
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Regional methods in architecture profession
2. Regional architecture
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2021
Regional approachs to urban-architectural design
The principle of designing the architectural object as a regional system of "society – nature -
architecture" allows to distinguish a number of semi-systems with a lower sevmyel. These half-
systems of the region (environment, functional assurance, architectural-morphological half-system)
are as complete as necessary, but at the same time open for active interaction, have a hierarchical
structure, because in turn it is able to be divided into other subsystems.
Urban and regional planning is a notion that encompasses the whole set of social activities aimed at
anticipating, representing and regulating the development of an urban or a regional area. It thus
articulates intellectual activities of study and prospective, of social and economic forecasting with
more concrete activities such as infrastructure programming, land reservation and land use
regulation. Planning operates at different scales: neighborhood, city or region. Generally speaking,
the smaller the area addressed, the more precise and coercive planning regulations are.
The use of the object as a regional system in the architectural design process is aimed at the
simultaneous and complete consideration of the object. At the same time, the architect must be ready
to change his idea of completeness several times during the design process, because in each system
he must constantly separate the subsystems of different levels.
The Regional design method focuses on the study, mastering and use of the best aspects and
characteristics of the architecture. However, a number of levels of regionality can be noted: regional,
local, concrete for the given area. This method is developed by teaching the entire process of the
project, because through a series of lectures at the Institute (theory and modern problems of history,
architecture and urban planning, typology of Regions, buildings and facilities, etc.). as a student at
that time, local culture, architecture and urban traditions, including the capabilities of the modern
construction industry, etc. information about the project is given. It should also be borne in mind
that he lives in a self-formed environment, uses it, and has some experience of its critical evaluation.
It is very important not to use any well-known and quickly recognizable forms (such as domes,
teeth, salt or, on the contrary, only steep roofs, any concrete forms or elements of decor, and in
general, the richness of decor methods, or, on the contrary, their use with great caution), which
contribute to the creation of new forms of architecture, but to study From a regional point of view, it
is very important to know the local traditions of folk architecture by the architect, since many people
managed to link their intentions, its realization and all issues related to the use of the architectural
environment created by them.
The ecological-environmental approach to the formation of the human environment in the concrete
conditions of the region played an important role in the people's Masters (Ajami, Sinan, etc.).
Therefore, the formation of an architectural object is most consistent and exemplary in folk
architecture as a system. F-L.Rayt, Le-Kurbuzye, A.Aalto, O.Nimayer, K.The analysis of the
contributions of some other leading masters of World Architecture and Tange shows that they not
only knew and understood the peculiarities of folk architecture, but also were able to use the
formative and artistic potential that existed in it.
The sudden increase in Baku, which was conditioned by the exploitation of oil fields, made it one of
the major cities of the world at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900, it provided more than half
of the world's oil production. The economic and social reforms of Baku created the necessary
prerequisites for the revival of construction.
At the beginning of the century, Baku completely "broke" the fortress walls and left the borders of
the medieval city. The new building around"icherisheher "had a regular plan," fortstadt", which
coincided with the irregular structure of ancient Baku. The structure of the eastern city was applied
with insistence on the lines of a new, unfamiliar European urban development. Later, this aspect will
be decisive in the architectural development of Baku. The fact that the elements of the East (Asia)
and the West (Europe) are woven in the architecture and planning of the city – the main character of
Baku is its seductive power that fascinates our feelings and dreams. In the architecture of Baku, the
West's innovation magnetism and the East's hypnotizing power have been combined in two different
cultures. G-b was among the first Azerbaijani architects actively involved in the construction of
Baku on the border of centuries. K-b. Hajıbabəyov, M.Q. Hajınski, Z-b. Əhmədbəyov, İ-b.Nəbi oğlı,
M.K.İzmaylov .They were Izmaylov. On their projects, the first planning work was carried out for
the construction of the seaside, hospitals, mosques, residential houses were built. Architectural
constructions have long established a good input into the planning system of Baku and its
architectural appearance. Along with local architects, foreign architects invited to Baku at that time
worked effectively. From them in the architecture of Baku N. Fon-der None, I.Koslavsky, I.Plushko,
Y.Skibinski, K.Skurevic, I. Edel, A. Architects and civil engineers like Eyxel leave an unforgettable
mark. For example, thanks to the talent of these architects, the city of Baku had bright, expressive
architectural works. They all have become an integral part of the city's spatial composition. It is
necessary to name a number of architectural premieres of that time: the building of the City Duma,
the House of Taghiyev (currently Azerbaijan History Museum), The Palace of Mukhtarov (currently
the Palace of marriage), Ismailli (currently the building of the Presidium of the Academy of
Sciences), the Hotel "New Europe" of the summer public meeting (currently Azgosfilarmonia).
Their architecture is an example of successful stylization of the achievements of World Architecture
in the national spirit. Interesting composition and color solutions of the mentioned buildings can be
noted. The details of the architecture are elegantly painted in them. Efficient use of local building
materials and structures.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Regional approach in urban-architectural design
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Regional context in urban design
2. Scheme regional settlement
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Regional approach in urban-architectural design
One of the factors of the sustainable development of the city during the globalisation period is
regionalism – the preservation of features and traditions accumulated on the ground. Very often this
concept is becoming more and more common. The first plan includes the transfer of external signs
of the most basic architecture, when it is created, the features of life and lifestyle that form its basis
are forgotten. However, in addition to studying modern traditions in the design of architectural tasks,
students should be able to think and analyze the traditional lifestyle of the city's inhabitants in the
given region.
In the general document of the International Congress of Architects in Beijing (1999), which defined
the development of architecture for the next 5 years, such words were voiced: "the culture of
Architecture creates a history that accumulates on the ground, it affects the experience and attitude
of people without feeling kastararak manifests itself in artificial forms and everyday life. In fact, he
is the spirit of our cities and villages... What Can The Architect do to return their distinctive spirit in
our cities over the last centuries?». Urban spaces have this or that meaning. Recognition is one of
the components of the meaning of the "spirit of the Earth", which protects a certain urban space.
Choosing and remembering it by certain factors means a special line of this place-it means simple
Recognition of the place and event can be analyzed and measured by conducting a survey of
residents and applying test systems. Let's look at the materials of such a survey conducted in Baku.
"Every important element of the central environment for residents is explained by the prices of its
four environmental parameters – attention, favorite, number of arrivals, centrality... all elements of
the Environmental structure were distinguished by places where symbolic and applied qualities
prevailed, and places where the environment and application aspects were relatively balanced
"universal" harmonic perceptions" [2]. In the future, we will be interested in places in the city
combined with "noteworthy", "love for the place" and "the number of arrivals".
The urban environment of the central part is divided into the following components: Street, Square,
Seaside, park, noteworthy places. The diagram of the representation of the respondents on the main
elements of the Central Environment shows that monument objects related to the history of the city
on "noteworthy" are selected in the city – this "Old City" (Old City) 52% of respondents,
Shirvanshahs Palace – 50%, Maiden Tower – 42%, Fountain Square – 27%. At the same time, only
one of the most loved of them was named – Fountain Square.
The Square adjacent to the Old Castle – Icheri Sheher, the Caspian Sea coast and called Fountain
Square by the residents became the most loved place in the city. This place is a record hit on 3
indicators at the same timeushdur: "noteworthy", "love for the place", "centrality". Three indicators,
assembled in one place, tell about the certain phenomenon of the Earth. At present, the Fountain
Square has concentrated several elements that determine the "spirit of the Earth".
This space, which is full of historical engagement symbolism and retains elements of the natural
landscape, is democratically open, but has structural members. Here, at the same time, several zones
are identified – exhibition, Museum, memorial, tentative and spiritual. Thus, it can be concluded that
the composition of the "spirit of the Earth" is a complex, multi-component concept. Conditional and
approximate it can be described as a combination of recognition, structure, meaning and reading.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Consideration of regional factors in architectural and urban design
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Design of architecture in area of mountain landscape
2. Heritage of architecture and formation of the historical-cultural structure of the city
3. Reconstruction of the city's living environment and consideration of social factor
4. Consideration of cultural traditions of the population during the design
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Consideration of regional factors in architectural and urban design
Azerbaijan is mainly a mountainous country. 60% of the territory of the country is complex
relief areas. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the inhabitants of the mountainous regions had access to
the plains, where it was easier to satisfy the basic needs of Man – Food, Living and
communications. The development of architecture, the source of which is a complex mountain
landscape, has long been standing. At present, the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan are used for less
permanent residence and economic activity, and more – for recreational purposes – mainly tourism
and sports facilities are built here. It is necessary to realize that the productivity of the architect for
the formation of the landscape in connection with the recreational use of mountainous areas
increases, the complexity of the project process increases: the most-used laymaking facilities may
not be enough.
As a rule, a person perceives the surrounding world, including architectural structures and
ensembles in the form of Central projections. The closer the object is located to the Observer, the
stronger the landscape effect is expressed. As it moves away from the object, the angle between the
central projection beams passing through its boundaries approaches the zero price. We perceive the
object in the form of an orthogonal projection – facade, when it is too far away and one of the
facades collapses to the surface view beam.
Baku is perceived as an orthogonal opening from different points of the Caspian Sea, while
some buildings are represented by facades, while others have turned to the Observer at different
angles. Since the projection beam is parallel to the horizontal surface, all the plume dimensions
remain undisturbed.
In the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan, the placement of points to be observed on the object
is more diverse – the projection beams can bend far beyond the horizontal line – up and down. In
this case, the image perception of individual objects perspektiv is approaching a three-dimensional
projection due to poor expression of the effect: distortion is observed on all three projection arrows.
Buildings, structures, architectural ensembles are important components of the mountain
landscape, and therefore their design should be carried out with special attention, taking into account
various points of view. It should be noted that historical settlements in the mountains of Azerbaijan,
as a rule, are organically linked to the landscape at all major points of view, which can be explained
by the following conditions of their creation and development:
* Deep knowledge of the landscape of local residents who usually act as builders;
* Long-term growth of settlements and careful selection of the location of the site, the
volume and shape of the building;
* Architecture-construction front-front-front conservatism.
Worker settlements established in the mountains of Azerbaijan in the last 100-150 years were
built with residential and public buildings designed for other conditions in a short period of time,
when architectural styles and construction technologies changed frequently. Here, as a rule, in the
landscape and historical settlements of architecture (Khinalik, Lahij, Lerik, Shusha, etc.).) there is
no organic connection as it is. Mountain settlements and cities of Azerbaijan-Dashkesan, Gadabay,
Kalbajar, etc. – this can be an example.
Design is episodic in its relation to the projected landscape: the work, as a rule, is carried out
on the basis of topographic planning covering a limited area. The architect needs to expand the
arsenal of project search tools that compensate for the lack of sufficient natura observations. Three-
dimensional projections can be used as one of such vasts. It was noted above that the most natural
means of description in architecture is perspective-it is irreplaceable for the description of multi-
layered interior spaces. However, it is built with great difficulty and does not show the nature
dimensions of the object accurately enough.
In Azerbaijan's design experience, the object being designed often occupies a small part of
the depth of its location. If the object is located in the second or more distant plan in the perspektiv
description of the landscape, its Perspektiv distortions are negligible and approaching the size
reduction in three-dimensional (trimetric) projections. Thus, if we draw a trimetric projection of the
object projected to the perspektiv image of the landscape in the plan that is far from the surface of
the picture, then in this case we can determine the picture that is close to reality, and at the same
time all the dimensions necessary for the coordinate axis for the construction of orthogonal
How can we apply trimetric projections in the design process of the object? First of all, it is
necessary to distinguish the dominant points of view in order to search for the composition of the
object from them in the surrounding space. The list of approximate judge viewing points can be as
* Places where the observer can see the object for the first time;
* Points in which the direction of the visual beam to the object corresponds to the planned
direction of motion of the Observer;
* Viewing grounds, stops, camps provided with special equipment;
* Hotels, restaurants, performances and other public buildings where the projected object is
Selection of dominant points is one of the elements of analysis of the landscape in nature or
on topographic and urban materials. During the analysis of the landscape in nature, it is
recommended to take a photo from its dominant viewing points. Photos can be the basis for
landscape perspektiv drawings.
For the preparation of trimetric projections of the projected object, it is necessary to determine the
azimuth and Zenith angles formed by Image rays passing through the geometric center of the object.
These angles can be determined by means of Geodetic instruments or by altitude points in the
topographic plan.
Based on the initial sketches, the teacher builds trimetric projections of the object on the scale given
by the location of the construction site in the form of a landscape perspektiv and includes it in this
picture. The same structures are also made for the remaining image points.
When making enough perspektiv images from the dominant points, the architect makes adjustments
to the trimetric projections in each of them according to their scale, rhythm and silhouette feel.
If as a result of the work the author is satisfied with perspektiv images, then with the help of the
basic table of parameters of trimetric projections it is possible to switch to orthogonal projection and
volume modeling of the object. Thus, the use of trimetric projections can be one of the Rings of the
project process, which allows the object to be included in the organic picture in the context of the
landscaping and landscape.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Consideration of regional factors in design of architectural and urban area
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Residential construction on base of internal courtyard as a sustainable urban element in
worm climate
2. Architectural design of low-rise buildings and natural energy-saving
3. Principles and methods of ”green design" of recreational facilities
4. Role of semantic modeling in the design of an architectural complex
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Consideration of regional factors in design of architectural and urban area
Sustainable cities and their residential construction. Most of the most eastern cities are represented
by an organic connected urbanistic network with a recurring domestic residential building. Such
cities form the basis for the understanding of the concept of socio-economic continuity of urban
lifestyle through the formation of new theories of urbanism. On the basis of the proposed
sustainability criteria (cultural, social and ecological), different zones of urban housing construction
with internal staff were selected for analytical studies in several cities of Azerbaijan. It was found
that the relationship between the residential building and the urban network, which has remained the
internal staff until now, is a reliable basis for understanding the prospects and environment of the
future design experience of our cities. Similar to its importance in the past, the residential building
with its internal staff will effectively contribute to the sustainability of existing cities through the use
of its functional, aesthetic and technical structure. Influence of Regional conditions and volume
composition of buildings.
As defined above (see 1.1), the volume form of the building, which gives minimum heat to the
rooms in summer and causes minimal heat loss in winter, is considered optimal. This shows that the
influence of external thermal forces is reflected in the architectural composition of the volume of the
The architectural composition of the low-rise building in hot and dry regions is based on a planning
scheme with internal staff. When placing the volume elements of the building around the internal
"garden", the planning of the rooms can take an open character (antique residential houses with
peristyle or atrium type houses).
Such a volume-spatial composition of the building reduces the area of roofing, which is most often
exposed to solar radiation. At the same time, it increases the total area of the chaguli fences due to
the walls coming out to the internal yard and provides rapid heating to the external environment in
the cool time of the day.
In addition, in regions with hot dry climate, the round-shaped buildings, which have a spherical
dome in the form of thermal appliances and aesthetic coating, are very beautiful in quality. Hot-dry
regions can have various public buildings and facilities in the form of such architecture: covered
markets, exhibition pavilions, sirklar, sports palaces, administrative buildings, playgrounds.
In hot-rotated areas, the outer volume of the building takes the form of a narrow and long
parallelepiped, as its western and northern facades are subjected to a strong thermal effect of solar
radiation. External temperatures are very high in these conditions. With the provision of the
necessary shading here, free interior planning in the building can be developed. Another approach to
protecting the building from the thermal impact of the environment is the blocking of individual
buildings by placing them on a line or creating long parallelepiped or single massive blocks and
architectural volumes from houses, as well as increasing the number of building floors, etc. The
"block"-type pre-historic urban structure consisting of a group of residential buildings with an
internal courtyard is very suitable for this.
From the point of view of preventing excessive heat in hot climates, it is most convenient for
buildings to be located in the east-west direction along the long axis. At the same time, such
orientation does not worsen the constant natural ventilation in the rooms (this is very important in
hot-rotated areas), as well as natural lighting. Thus, the rooms of the buildings in the yard should be
properly oriented in such a way that it is possible to ensure their protection from overheating,
effective wind and required insulation.
Sun protection. The light and heat effect of solar radiation is one of the most important general
requirements for building protection from bright natural light in hot regions that have a solvent
effect on microclimate inside the building.
In hot climates, the level of outdoor lighting is higher than in mild climates, because of the
predominance of clear and low-cloud air in hot and dry regions.
We do not forget that by limiting the light effect of salt direct sun rays, they are dezinfection factors
that contribute to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions inside the rooms. Although
for both hot regions (hot-dry and hot-rotated) the problem of light exposure to sunlight is common,
its solution will be largely different.
In hot-dry areas, too bright, mainly exhaled sunlight and strong heat loads significantly worsen the
microclimate of the rooms. Therefore, small light beams create more favorable light conditions. It is
advisable to screen windows with blinds or grille for the sparsely reflected sunlight passing through
the rooms.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Regional features of World Urbanization
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
Regional features of World Urbanization
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Regional features of World Urbanization
Today we are witnessing an interesting phenomenon that covers many countries of the world. This
is the phenomenon of urbanizosiya. In the near and Middle East countries, the urbanizosiya process
is more intensive. The urbanization of these countries, which have their own regional characteristics,
deserves the greatest attention as the brightest event of modernity.
Middle East countries-Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon,
Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates.
The near and Middle East is a relatively small region of the world's population. Here are 8
million.addresslocation in the same area, or 5.7% of the total area of the Earth, 300 million. human,
or 4,2% of the world's population lives. If the average population density of South-East Asia is 150
people /1 in the Middle East, this figure reaches 20. At the same time, there is a significant
non-profit settlement of residents across the country. Most densities of the population in Lebanon-27
people/ 1 and at least - in Saudi Arabia-less than 3 people are observed.
Numerous data show that the Middle East is becoming increasingly urbanized. The rapid increase in
the number of urban population (at a rate that twice surpasses the growth of the general population),
the increase in the number and size of cities, a sharp increase in the role of big cities (100 thousand
people each), a clear selection of urban-millionaires among them – these are the external signs of the
modern urbanizosiya process in the near At the same time, the scale of population concentration and
the variety of activities in them, the formation of urban agglomerations united by urbanized
formations that amaze people with significant changes in the coverage of large cities and centers.
Urbanizosiya processes take place almost everywhere, they cover all the middle and Middle Eastern
countries, but they pass intensively in relatively small areas that perform the role of urbanizosiya
quarries. It is managed by the capital and city centers (Istambul, Tehran, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus,
Kabul, Amman, Aden, Beirut, Riyadh, etc.) urbanizosiya also creates prerequisites for its future
development. Large cities and centers of urbanization are increasingly attracted by larger spaces and
cities of slightly smaller size. For this reason, the specific carriers of urbanization are Ankara, Izmir,
Isfahan, Tabriz, Alexandria, Tripoli, Sana, Basra, Mosul, Aleppo, etc., which are to some extent
ahead of the hypertrophic development of the largest urban agglomerates. cities.
Major cities and urban agglomerations-the main arena and carrier, physical and material result of the
main features of urbanization in the near and Middle East. They are the specific urbanized
environment for the interaction of society and nature, which includes more intensive and deep
interaction with each other, for the survival of the population of eastern cities, for the activity of
many types of industrial production and human activity.
From the urban point of view, the formation of this specific environment means the urban process.
The latter has a significant influence on the formation of modern architecture of eastern cities. In
modern Eastern countries, they are not indifferent to the specificity of Urban Development, which is
conditioned by the internal features of the concrete regions, but they have a general regularity of
Urban Development and architectural development. First of all, it is expressed in the clash of
sustainable regional traditions with the ideas of this new time. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in
the developing countries of the East "Islamic cities", "Islamic urbanization" definitions were
activated in connection with the search for uniqueness in the 70-80-ies of the XX century and as a
reflection of Western patterns. In the meantime, dynamic developments in many cities of the near
and Middle East go beyond the "pre-Islamic Front" and talk about the tendency of regionalism as
well as the manifestation of architecture and urbanization.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Features of regional architecture and urban planning in different countries of the
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Architecture and urban plannig of Afghanistan
2. Indian architecture and urban planning
3. Iranian architecture and urban planning
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиyaх жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Features of regional architecture and urban planning in different countries of the world
The architectural heritage of Afghanistan is unique in many respects. Located at the intersection of
ancient trade routes, the cities of the country for centuries feel the influence of the Great Eastern and
Western states. The combination of different ideological doctrines and religious concepts of urban
life with local cultural traditions gives a specific regional character to the architecture and urban
development of Afghanistan.
The unique originality of the people's residential house, the correct harmony of the proportions of
mosques and mosques and the diversity of the decor, the wonderful planning of medieval urban
neighborhoods, the experience of generations and folk wisdom in the splendor of Lost references in
the mountains are concentrated.
The architectural environment of centuries-old cities is a mirror of the history of Urban
Development. Monuments of architecture and urban planning of Afghanistan can speak a lot from
time immemorial. Architecture, life, Ancient Traditions allow us to hear and visually describe the
world in the past millennia. People's masters now use architectural and construction methods and
precepts, which are old in their own experience, which have been established for centuries, tested by
time, have proved their viability in various conditions, which mainly determine the character of
regional urban development [1, p.7-20].
In the modern historical period, the social and cultural development of many peoples has sharply
accelerated. However, the rapidly growing technicality and globality of urban culture leads to a
decrease in the possibility of adapting the most important people to the multifaceted needs of
modern times.
There are signs of cultural disparities, not only anachronisms and remnants of the past, but also the
disappearance of very useful national traditions. Unfortunately, among them are the architectural
and urban methods worthy of active life in the cities of Afghanistan.
In the 70s of the XX century, the culture of the peoples of Central Asia under the UNESCO program
is being studied. Kushan civilization, which emerged on the eve of the new era, occupies an
important place in this program in Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Today, there is a regional center on the historical problem of Kushan in Kabul.The main scientific
issues are the restoration and re-reading of the remaining secret and enigmatic sheets of the history
of this period for various reasons. The Kushan period was the most prosperous time for the
development of the economy, trade and international relations of the East and West, which
determined the ways of urban development of Afghanistan [2, etc.25,26].
Urban development of Afghanistan is closely related to ancient world culture. The architectural
precepts formed in the cities of Afghanistan had a significant impact on the future development of
architecture on the scale of the major regions of the East. However, until now, research on all issues
in the field of Architecture has not been carried out in Afghanistan. A large part of the Afghan urban
heritage is left out of the circle of experts.
One of the goals of modern urban science is the study of the foreground in Afghan architecture, the
typological classification of public residential houses and the removal of the most characteristic
examples of regional architecture from different periods of the country's historical development, the
solution of the most acute problems of Afghan urban architecture for the near future.
Separate from Afghanistan's great architectural heritage, the most important and important examples
also allow the Afghan people to feel the richness of urban culture and to follow the ways of urban
development in different historical periods of the country.
In the 60s of the XVIII century, the most important event in the urban development of Afghanistan
was the rise of the Afghan state-Durani state – the first capital of Kandahar. A new capital with a
square plan was built next to the remains of the ancient Araxosa Alexandria. The castle-the city is
fenced by a wall built of thick clay about 10 m highukda and 5 m wide, surrounded by a deep
trench. The walls of the old castle were demolished relatively recently – in the 40s of the XX
In the center of Kandahar, a square with a number of markets is located at the intersection of four
main streets. Since ancient times Kandahar has been a center of struggle with foreign invaders. A
monument in honor of the battle with British troops near Mayvand and the mausoleum of
Ahmadshah make up the historical core of the city. The city park covers these architectural
monuments reflecting the architectural features of the late XVIII century. To date, the old quarters
of Kandahar have preserved the architectural coloring of ancient times.
From the maranjan Hill in Kabul, next to the capital's Kandahar (Jaday-Mayvand), the capital's
landscape opens with a master's degree, which was named in honor of the victory over the British
troops and formed the old districts of the city. The construction of the new highway of the city was
carried out in the 20-30-ies of the XX century. Despite the lack of clear style concepts in the
architecture of this period, the functional designation of buildings is clearly indicated.
In the XIX – early XX centuries, the urban development of Afghanistan was under the influence of
Western Eclectics. As an example of architecture with the use of the European pseudo-gothic style,
the triumphs built in Pagmandah outside the capital and some public and palace buildings in Kabul
can be shown. Tombs, markets and maschids were built in the style of medieval pre-historic
architecture. The largest religious building is Pole-Kheshti maschidir (3, p.66).
The planning structure of Kabul covers the old part of the city, where the houses built of the most
important clay are lined up with modern mansions, and the new Dar-ul-Aman, built in the 20s of the
20th century.
The center of Kabul was formed as a result of its development in the northern direction of the city.
There is a government residence, administrative buildings, banks, hotels. The" Ark " Palace was
built on the site of the ancient Balakhisar fortress, which was destroyed in the free area.
The construction of government buildings began at the end of the XIX century. The thick castle
walls (with shops and towers (ark)) fenced the palace structures representing the power and Mecca
of monarchia. The palace is adjacent to the main squares of the city, where there are national
meetings and demonstrations of workers. The most visited place in Kabul is Pushtunistan square.
This is a transport separator of several central streets leading to the palace.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Regional architecture and urban feachures in different countries of the world
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Architecture and urban planning of Turkey
2. Chinese architecture and urban planning
3. Architecture and urban development of Japan
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
BAKI – 2020
Regional architecture and urban feachures in different countries of the world
There are few long and dramatically dated cities on earth, such as Istambul. It was founded in 658
bc, it was the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the IV century BC, in the middle of the XV century
- the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The history of its architecture is complex and unique as a result
of the combination of cultural influences and extractions from the largest and oldest city of
Istambul-East ulmush, the countries of the world, located at the junction of sea routes from South –
East Europe to Asia.
In Seljuk and early Ottoman architecture and urban planning, the removal and reinterpretation of
alien antiquities in accordance with climatic conditions and national needs is noticeable.
The XVI-XIX centuries can be recalled as a period of prosperity of the National Turkish
construction, which is characterized by the large scale of construction and the construction of giant
facilities. During this period, Istambul acquired his character face and silhouette. During this period,
the National Turkish style was Christian. It is expressed in unique dynamic, rhythmic growing
building volumes, architectural decoration techniques – using dark and light types of stones, multi –
colored tiles. The economic and political weakening of Turkey, which began in the XVIII century,
conditioned the decline of national architecture, which led to its eclectic Europeanization in the XIX
- early XX centuries.
Kopit new forms of social life associated with the development of the socialist economy, the growth
of industry and agriculture have enabled the formation of new types of buildings and facilities that
change the planning structure of Turkish cities, as well as all volumes-space and architecture-
Istanbul, its capital. Thus, the architectural-planning structure of the old, historically formed cities of
Turkey and the new cities formed at the end of the XIX century, as well as the unique composition
and methods of artistic construction formed as a result of the reforms are the basis of their growth in
completely new conditions, and were represented in Istambul in the most salient and
At the beginning of the XIX-XX century, the urbanization of Turkey preserved its originality due to
the historical development characteristics of cities and settlements with individual faces in
connection with natural-climatic conditions and tactical use of local architectural-building precepts
on the basis of new architectural-planning methods. Thus, the architectural and urban development
of Istambul in the early XIX-XX centuries characterizes it as a major industrial center with all
social, economic and political contradictions. With the development of production capacity and
production relations, the territory of Istanbul is also expanding, new elements are emerging in its
plan and construction: Gardens, boulevards, squares, master's streets with monumental buildings.
The nomenclature of types of buildings and structures is expanding: income houses, passages,
markets, exchanges, City Duma, banks, railway stations, sirklar and so on. it is formed.
He invited Sultan Mahmud II Istambula Helmud Van Multke to prepare the general plan and solve
its details. As a result of Rashid Pasha's help, topographic works and schematic general plan (scale
1:25000) were drawn up 5 months before the Declaration of the regulation on June 8, 1839. As a
result of the construction of the general plan, there was an opportunity to monitor the reconstruction
During this period, Istambul had three main residential districts in the following directions: first,
Galata region, in the Asian part, Uskudar region and Halic region (Golden Horn Bay), where a large
part of the population (Muslims) lived on the peninsula next to the Marmara Sea.
In 1900-1910, the city was first considered by specialists as a complex functional functioning
organism consisting of many interacting and interacting components. Urban vision includes
transportation problems, planning problems, completeness of urban ansambles, preservation of the
historical image of cities.
Thus, in the city there is an attitude as a single organism with complex function bodies, projects and
proposals on the reconstruction of Istanbul, which is very numbered and growing closer to 1920, are
revealed. Concerns about the preservation of its historical appearance are expressed in the new
feeling of the city – not as a conglomerate of separate buildings built in different "styles", but as an
organism whose completeness must conform to the unity of its historical style.
The flow of foreign kopital allowed foreign architects and engineers to come, and large-scale
construction work was entrusted to them. Among the foreign architects are the Fussati brothers,
Smith, Cogomo Leoni, Giovanni Batist Barborini, Curcio Domenico, Ergol Stamp, Pietro Montani,
Colymo Semprini, Adolf Maylord, Leon Pervilm, Mari August Antonii Burgeus, Otto Ritter,
Helmud Juno, etc. it can be noted. All European architects who came to Turkey enriched Turkish
architecture with European styles and played a major role in their dissemination.
The capital of the Ottoman Empire can be traced back to the late XIX – early XX centuries, when
the flowering of living architecture was mainly accompanied by two great masters – Aleksandr
Vallauri and Raymundo de Aronko. Alexandr Vallauri and Raymundo De Arongo – foreign
architects – tend to the romantic modern type, which is typical for the Ottoman capital and is called
the eastern modern.
Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi
Azərbaycan Memarlıq və İnşaat Universiteti
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Urban planning of regions
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Foundation of regionalism
2. Classicism and postmodernism
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3. C. Jencks, Post Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture, 1987
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Foundation of regionalism
Regionalism is an approach to architecture that strives to counter the placelessness and lack of
identity of the International Style, but also rejects the whimsical individualism and ornamentation of
Postmodern architecture. The stylings of critical regionalism seek to provide an architecture rooted
in the modern tradition, but tied to geographical and cultural context. Regionalism is not simply in
the sense of vernacular architecture. It is a progressive approach to design that seeks to mediate
between the global and the local features of architecture.
Regionalism like most architectural styles is a relatively recent term compared to the length of
recorded history. Before the 19th century, architects were not defined by architectural styles because
the profession was simply not politicized as such; it was not until the 20th century that the
identification of numerous categories became commonplace and the choice of style ideological.1
Architecture is always in transition. As an architect, being identified with a specific style is
inevitable. The architectural style termed Regionalism is the product of a divergence from the
placeless styles of Modernism and the continuously changing style of the Vernacular. This
divergence from Modernism and Vernacular styles led to the distinction known as Regionalism.
This research aims to argue that Regionalism can be better with a stronger focus on sustainability
and cultural contexts. Regionalism develops its foundation from Vernacular architecture.
Regionalism is design that goes beyond traditional building forms and aesthetics to explore the
creative inspiration that can be derived from cultural values. “Regionalism attempts to put back into
architecture what orthodox Modernism conspicuously took out, namely, continuity in a given place
between past and present forms of building.” Regionalism kept a strong connection with the visual
element of Vernacular architecture. Although the two styles would visually appear polar opposites,
mostly due to construction and material quality, there is a conscious effort in Regionalism to convey
similar aesthetic qualities of Vernacular architecture in shape and form. For example, Regionalism,
in attempt to make an appropriate architecture, might mimic the building materials and forms of the
indigenous architecture of the region. This creates false representations of the true vernacular and/or
traditional architecture of a region because it does not respect the important aspect of time and is
mimicking elements from a changed system of cultural values. [Corey Jon Boss, Regional
Architecture May 2009]
Regionalism did bring with it a layer of inspiration beyond that of Vernacular architecture, and that
is historical context. Regionalism implemented the use of drawing inspiration and justifications for
designs from the historical context of a place. “An historical context is important for any discussion
of a region’s architectural character” as it provides continuity and identity.7 Historical context
captures the embedded sense-ofplace in designs because it reflects a culture’s actions and
experiences from generation to generation.
[Adrian Charles Welke, Influences in Regional Architecture (Adelaide: The Authors, 1978), 4.
8 Chris Abel, Architecture & Identity: Responses to cultural and technological change, 2nd Edition
(Boston, Massachusetts: Archiectural Press, 2000), 204.]
In the era of globalization, one of the signs of sustainable development of a city is regionality - the
preservation of the characteristics and traditions accumulated locally. This concept is often
vulgarized. In the foreground is the copying of the external features of the form of traditional
architecture, while the peculiarities of everyday life and way of life, on the basis of which it was
born, are forgotten. When completing architectural assignments, along with the study of modern
trends in design, students should think and be able to analyze the traditional way of life of a city
dweller inherent in this region. This aspect is increasingly reflected in architectural training
In urban spaces, there is one or another meaning. Recognizability is one of the components of the
semantic content of the “spirit of the place”, which keeps a certain urban space. The ability to
distinguish and remember it for some specific features, to name a special feature of this place, this is
simple recognition.
Recognition of a place and event can be analyzed and measured using a system of tests and surveys
of citizens. Let us refer to the materials of such a survey conducted in Baku. “Each element of the
center's environment, important for the townspeople, was described by the values of its four
environmental parameters - notability, favorite, attendance and centrality ... the relative balance of
the symbolic and utilitarian aspects of the environment”. In the future, we will be interested in
places in the city that combine "remarkableness", "love of the place" and "attendance".
The following case can be cited as an example.
The square adjacent to the Ancient Fortress - Icheri Sheher, to the embankment of the Caspian Sea,
called the Fountain Square by the townspeople, turned out to be the most favorite place in the city.
This place broke records in three indicators at once: "remarkableness", "centrality", "love of the
place." Three metrics, put together, speak of a specific phenomenon of a place. At present, it is the
Fountain Square that has absorbed several elements that define the “spirit of the place”. It is a space
filled with historical symbolism and containing elements of a natural landscape, democratically
open, but having structural divisions. Several zones are defined here at once - exhibition, museum,
memorial, ceremonial, spiritual.
So, we can conclude that the content of the “spirit of the place” is a complex concept consisting of
many components. Conventionally and approximately, you can imagine it as a combination of
recognizability, structure, semantic content and readability.
Details play an important role in the concept of “spirit of the place”. Euvan and the canopy in front
of the house (but not one that two people could hardly walk on), an inner courtyard with a familiar
bench and a tree; small in the yard; Courdoner on a transit pedestrian path, where you can hide from
the noise of the crowd, a gazebo, a bench, a lantern of an unusual shape - they are certain
decorations in which life takes on its own color.
For example, in the capital of Austria - Vienna, historically established special types of courtyards
and houses have become the subject of special care and protection. Passing yards, transit flows
through which act as an interesting element of urban life and interpersonal communication, have
become part of the architectural reserve.
Modern functionalism theory believes that architecture merely acts to determine and meet the needs
of the employer with a scientific analysis and modernism has had a contentious relationship with
usage and nature that both are the body like structures., Le corbusieh almost is the only one among
the modernisms who was in search of a proportional human-centric and modular system.
Classicism and postmodernism
In cultural terms, today there exists a basic opposition between a postmodernism which seeks to
deconstruct modernism and resists the statue quo and a postmodernism which repudiates the former
to celebrate the latter,“ a postmodernism of resistance and a post modernism of reaction” One may
support postmodernism as a populist and attack modernism as an elitist, or conversely, support
modernism as an elitist movement and attack postmodernism as a mere kitsch. Such view, reflects
an important issue, that postmodernism is publicly regarded and appreciated. The postmodernism of
reaction is singular in its rejection to modernism. It is conceived in terms of a return to tradition and
it is reduced to a style. Architecturally speaking, it is a historical revival (Historicism). The
postmodern of resistance, arises as a counter practice not only to the culture of modernism but also
to the critical deconstruction of tradition and historical forms.
Architecture determines the facts or superior values as an art work. Architecture gives visual
expression of ideas. Ideas make meaningful something for human, because they organize the reality.
Architecture as an original art represents the culture and civilization of a nation and race. So we
need somehow to review their architecture for a full understanding of humanity and his/her
opinions, whether in the past or present. There is no doubt in the importance of architecture and its
benefits and its efficiency. But with the arrival of modern architecture, special change was created in
the architecture and created changes in other arts and even in human thinking. With the arrival of
this style of architecture can no longer outline a special feature for different architectures and
somehow brought uniformity. In this discussion it is trying to show that what features do the post-
modern and modern architecture have and their similarities and differences appear by examining
each of them.
The term of postmodern was used for the first time since 1976 in the art world and in general, covers
a willing that has created in front of absorption modernism. The basis of modern architecture that
was the universal and dominant style in the twentieth century is rooted in the changes of
Renaissance era that its origin had been the city of Florence in northern Italy about 400 years before
the advent of modern architecture.
The modern world offers a different vision of the universe versus old world that arose from the
intellectual and human-oriented beliefs. Modern architecture was formed as an architecture school
with a comprehensive theoretical foundation and constructed buildings according to modern thought
of the late 19th century. This architecture was known in Chicago City of America and in Europe in
cities like Paris, Berlin and Vienna.
Post-modern architecture was raised as an important subject and style of the sixties and
infrastructural criticisms were entered to the thought of logicism and technology-oriented of modern
architecture. Robert Venturi called into question the modern philosophical principles and refused the
technology- oriented insight and wanted to pay attention to human characteristics instead of that.
Modern architecture was as a milestone in the history of Western architecture or in other words in
the history of world architecture, because for the first time, the attitude of the tradition, history and
past changed its direction as a source of inspiration of architecture and future and development were
introduced as main objective and subject of architecture. Architects and theorists tried to make
homogeneous the architecture as a science and technology with evolving world. Modern architecture
emerged in the form of global style, the style that took root after World War I and spread in the
reconstruction of Europe after the Second World War. This style had its claim to reform
architectural process and building design with abandon the no planning and traditional management
through the adoption of a global system of architecture. This new architecture was organized with
the norms of rational, and used of one of the most efficient materials such as concrete, steel and
Modern architecture is new and universal and rooted in concepts of construction that is appropriate
to a modern industrial society, so that transformation and its composition, aim at the community that
it is under the testing. Space was used with similar physical properties in it. Uses abstract form and
tends to pure architecture. Modern architecture measuring usually pays attention to the concept of
functionalism, so before anything pays attention to the effectiveness and efficiency. Some even
believe that modernism was a slave of the power of capitalist rule and has sacrificed the architecture
which means that the forms can be found of needs and few resources in logical way.
Modern architecture is divided into three periods: the early, high and late that in its early modern is
divided in to three Chicago, art movement and the movement of Futurism styles. supreme modern
architecture, or the top of modern architecture was formed between the two World Wars I and II,
means mainly in the twenties and thirties AD in Europe and in the early modern period still
historicist styles such as Neo classical, romantic and especially eclectic had important as the popular
and common styles in the west. One of the key and very important issues was the issue of industry,
industrious production and technology in the excellence modern era. Le corbusieh considered the
use of steel girders and concrete and pre-fabricated, as the path of the future architecture and knows
the pre-fabricating and high-rise making as only solution of future cities. Later modern architecture
can be considered after World War II to the early 70's.
It can be said that postmodernism is an attempt to treat the problems and difficulties of modernism,
and despite of promoting a kind of anomalies is considered a continuation of modernism and not as
a reaction against it "(Jabiri Moghaddam, 2005).
Post-modern architecture seeks the identity of human and history of each nation and race is
considered as part of the nation's identity. So they show cultural and physical history and as well as
grammar of architecture of each ethnic in their architecture in each area.
But this show is not for duplication of the above cases, but what is related to the identity of a nation
is updated in their buildings and appears based on the circumstances of time and place in new and
updated way. Therefore, post-modern architects have no hesitation in changing proportions, colors
and functions of historical signs.
Post modern architecture due to the weaknesses in modern architecture, tries to solve them and
create an atmosphere that is different and better than the modern period. Postmodernism is non-
exclusive in general against modernism. Means postmodern are finding ration for modernity in the
twentieth century. One of the characteristics that postmodernists consider for themselves is to follow
their form unusual metaphysics. Postmodernists say though Metaphysis inks and religious principles
are destroyed, but there is still a general principle and it is that performance will remain spiritual.
Their spiritual realm states like surrealist painters around virtual or explicit metaphors in a form of
Among architecture the characteristics of post-modern architecture can be noted the following
points: Social, cultural, historical and economic characteristics of people who use these buildings.
Urban characteristics and the features of streets, alleys, shop climatic conditions and humidity, heat
and cold conditions. The way of daily living of people who live in building, their needs, their habits,
how to use and their mental backgrounds and relationship with biological forms.
Post-modern image of the city has been designed as the place of images that is in competition with
other cities. Urban design paradigms based on the theories of post-modern architecture have
criticized the development the lack of their economic and social aspects.
According to Marshall Berman, postmodernism is a complex and intertwined configuration of
diversity of ideas, opinions that emerged in the late 1960s and still is active and in dynamic and
expanding form in the late 1990s. The term of postmodern has followed many and various
discourses. The process that still is continued (Rasouli, 2015).
Louis Kan, Robert Venturi, Michael Graves, Aldo Russi, Frank Grave, Charles Moore, James string
and Ricardo Boffil consider as the most prominent faces among designers and architects of
postmodern, although all of them are not happy and satisfied with this tag". Tradition and modernity
in architecture clecticism as a method term Architectural design can result in a selection process of
existing styles and forms. Elements from different models can be combined with each other. These
examples sometimes come from similar architectural circles (Roman temple type with Greek
columns) or from completely different (Renaissance portico next to Egyptian columns and Moorish
window frames with Gothic spire). In the selection process, temporal references (as in historicism)
or spatial (as in exoticism) may play a role. Eclecticism as a methodology can also mean the use of
different shapes and styles on different buildings within the overall work of an architect, if he is to
meet the respective, different, building task.
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Faculty: Architecture
Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning
Subject name: Architecturl regionics
Topic: Introduction to the discipline "Urban planning region"
Lecturer: Huseynov E.F.
1. Return to Eclectics and its new version
2. Tradition and modernity in architecture
1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986.
2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik
və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003
3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку,
Чашыоглу, 2004.
4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник
для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982.
5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для
ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972
6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно-
гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987.
7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в
будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994.
8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя
чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10.
9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967.
10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы
архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994.
11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986
12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979.
13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988.
14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978.
15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966.
16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки
и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976.
17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I.
18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в
городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977.
BAKI – 2020
Return to eclectics and its new version
Eclecticism is an architectural style that flourished in the 19th and 20th-centuries. It refers to any
design that incorporates elements of traditional motifs and styles, decorative aesthetics and
ornaments, structural features, and so on, that originated from other cultures or architectural periods
Designers that adopt eclecticism often choose to focus on one particular style rather than a
combination, and historically this has given rise to a number of revivalist movements such as:
Classical revival style.
Colonial revival style.
Exotic revival style.
Gothic revival style.
Italian renaissance revival style.
Spanish colonial revival style.
Tudor revival style.
However, the main driving force behind eclecticism was the harnessing of historic styles to create
something original and new, rather than simply to revive older styles.
Eclectic style has become a worldwide trend in the contemporary interior design, not only in cafes
but other typology as well. Eclectic style has widely spread as ‘contemporary’ style in regards of
urban culture, especially in commercial space as cafes and restaurant. This style follows the rule of
eclecticism which combines multiple styles in terms of style in periodic characters, geographical
history, landscape characters or communal lifestyles. The principle of eclecticism in an application
of interior styling relates to complex conditions, not only became a referral to its architectural
character but also represent the intangible aspect of interior design such as brand identity, historical
location also lifestyle phenomena. The lifestyles of urban societies socializing in cafes are made a
profit making opportunity for business people by creating cafes with unique concepts.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a self-consciouslyeclectic
intellectualfashionwithrootsinan-tiquity was cultivated in northern Europe.
Although often understood as a branch of philosophy, it was a moregeneral method of thought that
found many applications andmade a deep mark on contemporary artistic theory and prac-tice. The
act of selection was the methods basis. A philoso-pher, for instance, could draw upon the strengths
of severaldifferent schools or traditions, combining them in various ways to develop new ideas or
improve older ones. The meth-od s proponents called it unbiased and impartial, claiming that it
allowed users to avoid the pitfalls of rigid discipleshipand narrowly sectarian thinking. Its detractors
argued that it lackedafirmtheoreticalbasisandwasoftenaneasysubstitutefor developing fundamentally
new concepts
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
Architecture regionics en.doc
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Architecture regionics en.doc

  • 1. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Introduction to the discipline "Urban planning region" Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. General owerview of the regionics 2. Main purpose and direction of general regionics 3. Regional factors REFERENCES 1. Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2. Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 4. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 5. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 6. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 7. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 8. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 9. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 10. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 11. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 12. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 13. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 14. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 15. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2021
  • 2. Basic of the Regionics Historical and spiritual values of folk culture the natural and geographical features of architectural works and urban areas have always been the active factors ensuring diversity and expressiveness of cities and regions. Regional features of architecture and urban planning manifest themselves in all their elements – mainly in the typology of residential houses, features of spatial solutions, methods of formation of residential buildings, materials used and constructive-technological hallarda, architectural images and aesthetic characteristics of residential areas. Historically formed images serve as the basis for Social, Family personality stereotypes, which are most clearly reflected in the architecture of mass living and first of all living. In this regard, although the progressive traditions of folk architecture, the separation of regional architecture and urban specificity are somewhat contradictory, it should not be left out of teaching and real design. Considering the above - mentioned importance of regionality in architecture and urban planning, as well as the main role of regional foundations in the project process, let us consider the previous history of this issue. Regionics as a new direction of science began to appear in many countries of the world in the 60s of XX century. In the 70-80-ies, this direction began to cover not only architecture and urban planning, but also the spheres of science: geography, history, ecology, politics in the form of regionalism. However, there was not yet a theoretical base that could summarize separate studies into a single scientific theory. Only in the 90s of the last century Azerbaijan laid the foundations of new science-regionics. Regionika (lat. "regio" and ing. "region" - Vilayet, region) was proposed by us as a name that fully reflects the essence and purpose of the new theory [1]. Currently, its main principles are developed by the International Academy of architecture of the Eastern countries and are an incentive for the development of new scientific searches in the field of architecture and urban planning. As a new theory of the evolution of regional settlements and their architecture, the Department of "architectural design and urban development" of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and construction and the Department of "problems of Regional urbanization and architecture" of the ETL. From a methodological point of view, the theory of regionics allows to open the essence of the structural-plan and functional development processes of cities in concrete regions, to determine the main regularities of the architectural-spatial organization of the Eastern, Arab, Turkish and other historical and new cities. Knowing the region, it is possible to deeply understand the ideology of Islamic architecture and to express our idea of its difference
  • 3. from Western examples, about the specific national architecture of Azerbaijan and other regions. The region has not yet been fully formed as a modern experience of architecture and urban planning. In the absence of Regional norms, rules and regulations, the search for new forms of architecture is carried out empirically, intuitively. Many projects and scientific organizations of Azerbaijan, including "Kanun" educational-scientific-project Center, "Elm - 2000" - creative- production firm and "Urbanistika" Exploration Center were engaged in the search for architecture that meets the spirit of the Earth and time. In our opinion, the practical experience of the region manifests itself in the projects of pillavari, Cascade and block type houses, which take into account the project proposals for the normalization of the low-rise residential building of Baku, the creation of internal courtyards, shaded balconies, windproof and illuminated rooms, providing comfort and microclimate in hot summer, high solar radiation and complex As an area of inter-regional activity, able to combine scientific and practical research in various fields of science: engineering, geography, sociology, biology and politics, such as esanatology, culture, music, painting and other humane fields of human activity. It also keeps its doors open for builders, demographics, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and psychologists. It is very interested in microclimate and energy, landscape architecture and ecology. Thus, we include everything that expands our knowledge of the area of human life, cultural traditions, the growth of settlements, the national architecture of concrete countries and peoples, and urbanistics. The subject and essence of regionics are directly related to the world architectural trend of regionalism. Therefore, it is important to determine from the outset the importance of regionalism in architecture and urban planning of different countries of the world. Regionalism (lat. regionalis, inq. Regional-local, from the same province). Regionalism represented a line of derivative of organic architecture in a certain sense and created a number of original installations in the middle and second half of the 20th century. The formation of regionalization dates back to the 30s of the XX century and is associated with aesthetic rejection of avant-garde heometry. This rejection was more irreconcilable in response to the aggressive spread of the new wave of modernism, which in the 50s flowed from the USA to World Architecture under the name of "international style". Regionalism began to take shape first in European countries, then in Latin America, Japan and other countries. The development of regionalism was determined not only by the shortcomings of modernism, but also by the peculiarities of the post-war social processes. For this period, due to the development of the mass tourism industry, the population, even for its low-income part, has a sudden increase in mobility. Travelers and tourists are the first people to look for a place to see for
  • 4. the first time and the uniqueness of its architecture. Another process coincided with this period – extensive and profound activity on restoration and reconstruction of historical cities, which became an independent sphere of projects and research in the second half of the 20th century in Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries. In the formation of regionalism, the search for artistic identity of peoples and countries, which gained State independence late, does not play the last role.
  • 5. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Regional approachs to urban-architectural design Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Regional methods in architecture profession 2. Regional architecture REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2021
  • 6. Regional approachs to urban-architectural design The principle of designing the architectural object as a regional system of "society – nature - architecture" allows to distinguish a number of semi-systems with a lower sevmyel. These half- systems of the region (environment, functional assurance, architectural-morphological half-system) are as complete as necessary, but at the same time open for active interaction, have a hierarchical structure, because in turn it is able to be divided into other subsystems. Urban and regional planning is a notion that encompasses the whole set of social activities aimed at anticipating, representing and regulating the development of an urban or a regional area. It thus articulates intellectual activities of study and prospective, of social and economic forecasting with more concrete activities such as infrastructure programming, land reservation and land use regulation. Planning operates at different scales: neighborhood, city or region. Generally speaking, the smaller the area addressed, the more precise and coercive planning regulations are. The use of the object as a regional system in the architectural design process is aimed at the simultaneous and complete consideration of the object. At the same time, the architect must be ready to change his idea of completeness several times during the design process, because in each system he must constantly separate the subsystems of different levels. The Regional design method focuses on the study, mastering and use of the best aspects and characteristics of the architecture. However, a number of levels of regionality can be noted: regional, local, concrete for the given area. This method is developed by teaching the entire process of the project, because through a series of lectures at the Institute (theory and modern problems of history, architecture and urban planning, typology of Regions, buildings and facilities, etc.). as a student at that time, local culture, architecture and urban traditions, including the capabilities of the modern construction industry, etc. information about the project is given. It should also be borne in mind that he lives in a self-formed environment, uses it, and has some experience of its critical evaluation. It is very important not to use any well-known and quickly recognizable forms (such as domes, teeth, salt or, on the contrary, only steep roofs, any concrete forms or elements of decor, and in general, the richness of decor methods, or, on the contrary, their use with great caution), which contribute to the creation of new forms of architecture, but to study From a regional point of view, it is very important to know the local traditions of folk architecture by the architect, since many people managed to link their intentions, its realization and all issues related to the use of the architectural environment created by them. The ecological-environmental approach to the formation of the human environment in the concrete conditions of the region played an important role in the people's Masters (Ajami, Sinan, etc.). Therefore, the formation of an architectural object is most consistent and exemplary in folk
  • 7. architecture as a system. F-L.Rayt, Le-Kurbuzye, A.Aalto, O.Nimayer, K.The analysis of the contributions of some other leading masters of World Architecture and Tange shows that they not only knew and understood the peculiarities of folk architecture, but also were able to use the formative and artistic potential that existed in it. The sudden increase in Baku, which was conditioned by the exploitation of oil fields, made it one of the major cities of the world at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900, it provided more than half of the world's oil production. The economic and social reforms of Baku created the necessary prerequisites for the revival of construction. At the beginning of the century, Baku completely "broke" the fortress walls and left the borders of the medieval city. The new building around"icherisheher "had a regular plan," fortstadt", which coincided with the irregular structure of ancient Baku. The structure of the eastern city was applied with insistence on the lines of a new, unfamiliar European urban development. Later, this aspect will be decisive in the architectural development of Baku. The fact that the elements of the East (Asia) and the West (Europe) are woven in the architecture and planning of the city – the main character of Baku is its seductive power that fascinates our feelings and dreams. In the architecture of Baku, the West's innovation magnetism and the East's hypnotizing power have been combined in two different cultures. G-b was among the first Azerbaijani architects actively involved in the construction of Baku on the border of centuries. K-b. Hajıbabəyov, M.Q. Hajınski, Z-b. Əhmədbəyov, İ-b.Nəbi oğlı, M.K.İzmaylov .They were Izmaylov. On their projects, the first planning work was carried out for the construction of the seaside, hospitals, mosques, residential houses were built. Architectural constructions have long established a good input into the planning system of Baku and its architectural appearance. Along with local architects, foreign architects invited to Baku at that time worked effectively. From them in the architecture of Baku N. Fon-der None, I.Koslavsky, I.Plushko, Y.Skibinski, K.Skurevic, I. Edel, A. Architects and civil engineers like Eyxel leave an unforgettable mark. For example, thanks to the talent of these architects, the city of Baku had bright, expressive architectural works. They all have become an integral part of the city's spatial composition. It is necessary to name a number of architectural premieres of that time: the building of the City Duma, the House of Taghiyev (currently Azerbaijan History Museum), The Palace of Mukhtarov (currently the Palace of marriage), Ismailli (currently the building of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences), the Hotel "New Europe" of the summer public meeting (currently Azgosfilarmonia). Their architecture is an example of successful stylization of the achievements of World Architecture in the national spirit. Interesting composition and color solutions of the mentioned buildings can be noted. The details of the architecture are elegantly painted in them. Efficient use of local building materials and structures.
  • 8.
  • 9. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Regional approach in urban-architectural design Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Regional context in urban design 2. Scheme regional settlement REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 10. Regional approach in urban-architectural design One of the factors of the sustainable development of the city during the globalisation period is regionalism – the preservation of features and traditions accumulated on the ground. Very often this concept is becoming more and more common. The first plan includes the transfer of external signs of the most basic architecture, when it is created, the features of life and lifestyle that form its basis are forgotten. However, in addition to studying modern traditions in the design of architectural tasks, students should be able to think and analyze the traditional lifestyle of the city's inhabitants in the given region. In the general document of the International Congress of Architects in Beijing (1999), which defined the development of architecture for the next 5 years, such words were voiced: "the culture of Architecture creates a history that accumulates on the ground, it affects the experience and attitude of people without feeling kastararak manifests itself in artificial forms and everyday life. In fact, he is the spirit of our cities and villages... What Can The Architect do to return their distinctive spirit in our cities over the last centuries?». Urban spaces have this or that meaning. Recognition is one of the components of the meaning of the "spirit of the Earth", which protects a certain urban space. Choosing and remembering it by certain factors means a special line of this place-it means simple recognition. Recognition of the place and event can be analyzed and measured by conducting a survey of residents and applying test systems. Let's look at the materials of such a survey conducted in Baku. "Every important element of the central environment for residents is explained by the prices of its four environmental parameters – attention, favorite, number of arrivals, centrality... all elements of the Environmental structure were distinguished by places where symbolic and applied qualities prevailed, and places where the environment and application aspects were relatively balanced "universal" harmonic perceptions" [2]. In the future, we will be interested in places in the city combined with "noteworthy", "love for the place" and "the number of arrivals". The urban environment of the central part is divided into the following components: Street, Square, Seaside, park, noteworthy places. The diagram of the representation of the respondents on the main elements of the Central Environment shows that monument objects related to the history of the city on "noteworthy" are selected in the city – this "Old City" (Old City) 52% of respondents, Shirvanshahs Palace – 50%, Maiden Tower – 42%, Fountain Square – 27%. At the same time, only one of the most loved of them was named – Fountain Square. The Square adjacent to the Old Castle – Icheri Sheher, the Caspian Sea coast and called Fountain Square by the residents became the most loved place in the city. This place is a record hit on 3 indicators at the same timeushdur: "noteworthy", "love for the place", "centrality". Three indicators,
  • 11. assembled in one place, tell about the certain phenomenon of the Earth. At present, the Fountain Square has concentrated several elements that determine the "spirit of the Earth". This space, which is full of historical engagement symbolism and retains elements of the natural landscape, is democratically open, but has structural members. Here, at the same time, several zones are identified – exhibition, Museum, memorial, tentative and spiritual. Thus, it can be concluded that the composition of the "spirit of the Earth" is a complex, multi-component concept. Conditional and approximate it can be described as a combination of recognition, structure, meaning and reading.
  • 12. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Consideration of regional factors in architectural and urban design Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Design of architecture in area of mountain landscape 2. Heritage of architecture and formation of the historical-cultural structure of the city 3. Reconstruction of the city's living environment and consideration of social factor 4. Consideration of cultural traditions of the population during the design REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 13. Consideration of regional factors in architectural and urban design Azerbaijan is mainly a mountainous country. 60% of the territory of the country is complex relief areas. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the inhabitants of the mountainous regions had access to the plains, where it was easier to satisfy the basic needs of Man – Food, Living and communications. The development of architecture, the source of which is a complex mountain landscape, has long been standing. At present, the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan are used for less permanent residence and economic activity, and more – for recreational purposes – mainly tourism and sports facilities are built here. It is necessary to realize that the productivity of the architect for the formation of the landscape in connection with the recreational use of mountainous areas increases, the complexity of the project process increases: the most-used laymaking facilities may not be enough. As a rule, a person perceives the surrounding world, including architectural structures and ensembles in the form of Central projections. The closer the object is located to the Observer, the stronger the landscape effect is expressed. As it moves away from the object, the angle between the central projection beams passing through its boundaries approaches the zero price. We perceive the object in the form of an orthogonal projection – facade, when it is too far away and one of the facades collapses to the surface view beam. Baku is perceived as an orthogonal opening from different points of the Caspian Sea, while some buildings are represented by facades, while others have turned to the Observer at different angles. Since the projection beam is parallel to the horizontal surface, all the plume dimensions remain undisturbed. In the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan, the placement of points to be observed on the object is more diverse – the projection beams can bend far beyond the horizontal line – up and down. In this case, the image perception of individual objects perspektiv is approaching a three-dimensional projection due to poor expression of the effect: distortion is observed on all three projection arrows. Buildings, structures, architectural ensembles are important components of the mountain landscape, and therefore their design should be carried out with special attention, taking into account various points of view. It should be noted that historical settlements in the mountains of Azerbaijan, as a rule, are organically linked to the landscape at all major points of view, which can be explained by the following conditions of their creation and development: * Deep knowledge of the landscape of local residents who usually act as builders; * Long-term growth of settlements and careful selection of the location of the site, the volume and shape of the building; * Architecture-construction front-front-front conservatism.
  • 14. Worker settlements established in the mountains of Azerbaijan in the last 100-150 years were built with residential and public buildings designed for other conditions in a short period of time, when architectural styles and construction technologies changed frequently. Here, as a rule, in the landscape and historical settlements of architecture (Khinalik, Lahij, Lerik, Shusha, etc.).) there is no organic connection as it is. Mountain settlements and cities of Azerbaijan-Dashkesan, Gadabay, Kalbajar, etc. – this can be an example. Design is episodic in its relation to the projected landscape: the work, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of topographic planning covering a limited area. The architect needs to expand the arsenal of project search tools that compensate for the lack of sufficient natura observations. Three- dimensional projections can be used as one of such vasts. It was noted above that the most natural means of description in architecture is perspective-it is irreplaceable for the description of multi- layered interior spaces. However, it is built with great difficulty and does not show the nature dimensions of the object accurately enough. In Azerbaijan's design experience, the object being designed often occupies a small part of the depth of its location. If the object is located in the second or more distant plan in the perspektiv description of the landscape, its Perspektiv distortions are negligible and approaching the size reduction in three-dimensional (trimetric) projections. Thus, if we draw a trimetric projection of the object projected to the perspektiv image of the landscape in the plan that is far from the surface of the picture, then in this case we can determine the picture that is close to reality, and at the same time all the dimensions necessary for the coordinate axis for the construction of orthogonal projections. How can we apply trimetric projections in the design process of the object? First of all, it is necessary to distinguish the dominant points of view in order to search for the composition of the object from them in the surrounding space. The list of approximate judge viewing points can be as follows: * Places where the observer can see the object for the first time; * Points in which the direction of the visual beam to the object corresponds to the planned direction of motion of the Observer; * Viewing grounds, stops, camps provided with special equipment; * Hotels, restaurants, performances and other public buildings where the projected object is perceived. Selection of dominant points is one of the elements of analysis of the landscape in nature or on topographic and urban materials. During the analysis of the landscape in nature, it is recommended to take a photo from its dominant viewing points. Photos can be the basis for landscape perspektiv drawings.
  • 15. For the preparation of trimetric projections of the projected object, it is necessary to determine the azimuth and Zenith angles formed by Image rays passing through the geometric center of the object. These angles can be determined by means of Geodetic instruments or by altitude points in the topographic plan. Based on the initial sketches, the teacher builds trimetric projections of the object on the scale given by the location of the construction site in the form of a landscape perspektiv and includes it in this picture. The same structures are also made for the remaining image points. When making enough perspektiv images from the dominant points, the architect makes adjustments to the trimetric projections in each of them according to their scale, rhythm and silhouette feel. If as a result of the work the author is satisfied with perspektiv images, then with the help of the basic table of parameters of trimetric projections it is possible to switch to orthogonal projection and volume modeling of the object. Thus, the use of trimetric projections can be one of the Rings of the project process, which allows the object to be included in the organic picture in the context of the landscaping and landscape.
  • 16. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Consideration of regional factors in design of architectural and urban area Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Residential construction on base of internal courtyard as a sustainable urban element in worm climate 2. Architectural design of low-rise buildings and natural energy-saving 3. Principles and methods of ”green design" of recreational facilities 4. Role of semantic modeling in the design of an architectural complex REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 17. Consideration of regional factors in design of architectural and urban area Sustainable cities and their residential construction. Most of the most eastern cities are represented by an organic connected urbanistic network with a recurring domestic residential building. Such cities form the basis for the understanding of the concept of socio-economic continuity of urban lifestyle through the formation of new theories of urbanism. On the basis of the proposed sustainability criteria (cultural, social and ecological), different zones of urban housing construction with internal staff were selected for analytical studies in several cities of Azerbaijan. It was found that the relationship between the residential building and the urban network, which has remained the internal staff until now, is a reliable basis for understanding the prospects and environment of the future design experience of our cities. Similar to its importance in the past, the residential building with its internal staff will effectively contribute to the sustainability of existing cities through the use of its functional, aesthetic and technical structure. Influence of Regional conditions and volume composition of buildings. As defined above (see 1.1), the volume form of the building, which gives minimum heat to the rooms in summer and causes minimal heat loss in winter, is considered optimal. This shows that the influence of external thermal forces is reflected in the architectural composition of the volume of the building. The architectural composition of the low-rise building in hot and dry regions is based on a planning scheme with internal staff. When placing the volume elements of the building around the internal "garden", the planning of the rooms can take an open character (antique residential houses with peristyle or atrium type houses). Such a volume-spatial composition of the building reduces the area of roofing, which is most often exposed to solar radiation. At the same time, it increases the total area of the chaguli fences due to the walls coming out to the internal yard and provides rapid heating to the external environment in the cool time of the day. In addition, in regions with hot dry climate, the round-shaped buildings, which have a spherical dome in the form of thermal appliances and aesthetic coating, are very beautiful in quality. Hot-dry regions can have various public buildings and facilities in the form of such architecture: covered markets, exhibition pavilions, sirklar, sports palaces, administrative buildings, playgrounds. In hot-rotated areas, the outer volume of the building takes the form of a narrow and long parallelepiped, as its western and northern facades are subjected to a strong thermal effect of solar radiation. External temperatures are very high in these conditions. With the provision of the necessary shading here, free interior planning in the building can be developed. Another approach to protecting the building from the thermal impact of the environment is the blocking of individual buildings by placing them on a line or creating long parallelepiped or single massive blocks and
  • 18. architectural volumes from houses, as well as increasing the number of building floors, etc. The "block"-type pre-historic urban structure consisting of a group of residential buildings with an internal courtyard is very suitable for this. From the point of view of preventing excessive heat in hot climates, it is most convenient for buildings to be located in the east-west direction along the long axis. At the same time, such orientation does not worsen the constant natural ventilation in the rooms (this is very important in hot-rotated areas), as well as natural lighting. Thus, the rooms of the buildings in the yard should be properly oriented in such a way that it is possible to ensure their protection from overheating, effective wind and required insulation. Sun protection. The light and heat effect of solar radiation is one of the most important general requirements for building protection from bright natural light in hot regions that have a solvent effect on microclimate inside the building. In hot climates, the level of outdoor lighting is higher than in mild climates, because of the predominance of clear and low-cloud air in hot and dry regions. We do not forget that by limiting the light effect of salt direct sun rays, they are dezinfection factors that contribute to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions inside the rooms. Although for both hot regions (hot-dry and hot-rotated) the problem of light exposure to sunlight is common, its solution will be largely different. In hot-dry areas, too bright, mainly exhaled sunlight and strong heat loads significantly worsen the microclimate of the rooms. Therefore, small light beams create more favorable light conditions. It is advisable to screen windows with blinds or grille for the sparsely reflected sunlight passing through the rooms.
  • 19. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Regional features of World Urbanization Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN Regional features of World Urbanization REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 20. Regional features of World Urbanization Today we are witnessing an interesting phenomenon that covers many countries of the world. This is the phenomenon of urbanizosiya. In the near and Middle East countries, the urbanizosiya process is more intensive. The urbanization of these countries, which have their own regional characteristics, deserves the greatest attention as the brightest event of modernity. Middle East countries-Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates. The near and Middle East is a relatively small region of the world's population. Here are 8 million.addresslocation in the same area, or 5.7% of the total area of the Earth, 300 million. human, or 4,2% of the world's population lives. If the average population density of South-East Asia is 150 people /1 in the Middle East, this figure reaches 20. At the same time, there is a significant non-profit settlement of residents across the country. Most densities of the population in Lebanon-27 people/ 1 and at least - in Saudi Arabia-less than 3 people are observed. Numerous data show that the Middle East is becoming increasingly urbanized. The rapid increase in the number of urban population (at a rate that twice surpasses the growth of the general population), the increase in the number and size of cities, a sharp increase in the role of big cities (100 thousand people each), a clear selection of urban-millionaires among them – these are the external signs of the modern urbanizosiya process in the near At the same time, the scale of population concentration and the variety of activities in them, the formation of urban agglomerations united by urbanized formations that amaze people with significant changes in the coverage of large cities and centers. Urbanizosiya processes take place almost everywhere, they cover all the middle and Middle Eastern countries, but they pass intensively in relatively small areas that perform the role of urbanizosiya quarries. It is managed by the capital and city centers (Istambul, Tehran, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, Kabul, Amman, Aden, Beirut, Riyadh, etc.) urbanizosiya also creates prerequisites for its future development. Large cities and centers of urbanization are increasingly attracted by larger spaces and cities of slightly smaller size. For this reason, the specific carriers of urbanization are Ankara, Izmir, Isfahan, Tabriz, Alexandria, Tripoli, Sana, Basra, Mosul, Aleppo, etc., which are to some extent ahead of the hypertrophic development of the largest urban agglomerates. cities. Major cities and urban agglomerations-the main arena and carrier, physical and material result of the main features of urbanization in the near and Middle East. They are the specific urbanized environment for the interaction of society and nature, which includes more intensive and deep interaction with each other, for the survival of the population of eastern cities, for the activity of many types of industrial production and human activity. From the urban point of view, the formation of this specific environment means the urban process. The latter has a significant influence on the formation of modern architecture of eastern cities. In
  • 21. modern Eastern countries, they are not indifferent to the specificity of Urban Development, which is conditioned by the internal features of the concrete regions, but they have a general regularity of Urban Development and architectural development. First of all, it is expressed in the clash of sustainable regional traditions with the ideas of this new time. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in the developing countries of the East "Islamic cities", "Islamic urbanization" definitions were activated in connection with the search for uniqueness in the 70-80-ies of the XX century and as a reflection of Western patterns. In the meantime, dynamic developments in many cities of the near and Middle East go beyond the "pre-Islamic Front" and talk about the tendency of regionalism as well as the manifestation of architecture and urbanization.
  • 22. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Features of regional architecture and urban planning in different countries of the world Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Architecture and urban plannig of Afghanistan 2. Indian architecture and urban planning 3. Iranian architecture and urban planning REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиyaх жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 23. Features of regional architecture and urban planning in different countries of the world The architectural heritage of Afghanistan is unique in many respects. Located at the intersection of ancient trade routes, the cities of the country for centuries feel the influence of the Great Eastern and Western states. The combination of different ideological doctrines and religious concepts of urban life with local cultural traditions gives a specific regional character to the architecture and urban development of Afghanistan. The unique originality of the people's residential house, the correct harmony of the proportions of mosques and mosques and the diversity of the decor, the wonderful planning of medieval urban neighborhoods, the experience of generations and folk wisdom in the splendor of Lost references in the mountains are concentrated. The architectural environment of centuries-old cities is a mirror of the history of Urban Development. Monuments of architecture and urban planning of Afghanistan can speak a lot from time immemorial. Architecture, life, Ancient Traditions allow us to hear and visually describe the world in the past millennia. People's masters now use architectural and construction methods and precepts, which are old in their own experience, which have been established for centuries, tested by time, have proved their viability in various conditions, which mainly determine the character of regional urban development [1, p.7-20]. In the modern historical period, the social and cultural development of many peoples has sharply accelerated. However, the rapidly growing technicality and globality of urban culture leads to a decrease in the possibility of adapting the most important people to the multifaceted needs of modern times. There are signs of cultural disparities, not only anachronisms and remnants of the past, but also the disappearance of very useful national traditions. Unfortunately, among them are the architectural and urban methods worthy of active life in the cities of Afghanistan. In the 70s of the XX century, the culture of the peoples of Central Asia under the UNESCO program is being studied. Kushan civilization, which emerged on the eve of the new era, occupies an important place in this program in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Today, there is a regional center on the historical problem of Kushan in Kabul.The main scientific issues are the restoration and re-reading of the remaining secret and enigmatic sheets of the history of this period for various reasons. The Kushan period was the most prosperous time for the development of the economy, trade and international relations of the East and West, which determined the ways of urban development of Afghanistan [2, etc.25,26]. Urban development of Afghanistan is closely related to ancient world culture. The architectural precepts formed in the cities of Afghanistan had a significant impact on the future development of
  • 24. architecture on the scale of the major regions of the East. However, until now, research on all issues in the field of Architecture has not been carried out in Afghanistan. A large part of the Afghan urban heritage is left out of the circle of experts. One of the goals of modern urban science is the study of the foreground in Afghan architecture, the typological classification of public residential houses and the removal of the most characteristic examples of regional architecture from different periods of the country's historical development, the solution of the most acute problems of Afghan urban architecture for the near future. Separate from Afghanistan's great architectural heritage, the most important and important examples also allow the Afghan people to feel the richness of urban culture and to follow the ways of urban development in different historical periods of the country. In the 60s of the XVIII century, the most important event in the urban development of Afghanistan was the rise of the Afghan state-Durani state – the first capital of Kandahar. A new capital with a square plan was built next to the remains of the ancient Araxosa Alexandria. The castle-the city is fenced by a wall built of thick clay about 10 m highukda and 5 m wide, surrounded by a deep trench. The walls of the old castle were demolished relatively recently – in the 40s of the XX century. In the center of Kandahar, a square with a number of markets is located at the intersection of four main streets. Since ancient times Kandahar has been a center of struggle with foreign invaders. A monument in honor of the battle with British troops near Mayvand and the mausoleum of Ahmadshah make up the historical core of the city. The city park covers these architectural monuments reflecting the architectural features of the late XVIII century. To date, the old quarters of Kandahar have preserved the architectural coloring of ancient times. From the maranjan Hill in Kabul, next to the capital's Kandahar (Jaday-Mayvand), the capital's landscape opens with a master's degree, which was named in honor of the victory over the British troops and formed the old districts of the city. The construction of the new highway of the city was carried out in the 20-30-ies of the XX century. Despite the lack of clear style concepts in the architecture of this period, the functional designation of buildings is clearly indicated. In the XIX – early XX centuries, the urban development of Afghanistan was under the influence of Western Eclectics. As an example of architecture with the use of the European pseudo-gothic style, the triumphs built in Pagmandah outside the capital and some public and palace buildings in Kabul can be shown. Tombs, markets and maschids were built in the style of medieval pre-historic architecture. The largest religious building is Pole-Kheshti maschidir (3, p.66). The planning structure of Kabul covers the old part of the city, where the houses built of the most important clay are lined up with modern mansions, and the new Dar-ul-Aman, built in the 20s of the 20th century.
  • 25. The center of Kabul was formed as a result of its development in the northern direction of the city. There is a government residence, administrative buildings, banks, hotels. The" Ark " Palace was built on the site of the ancient Balakhisar fortress, which was destroyed in the free area. The construction of government buildings began at the end of the XIX century. The thick castle walls (with shops and towers (ark)) fenced the palace structures representing the power and Mecca of monarchia. The palace is adjacent to the main squares of the city, where there are national meetings and demonstrations of workers. The most visited place in Kabul is Pushtunistan square. This is a transport separator of several central streets leading to the palace.
  • 26. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Regional architecture and urban feachures in different countries of the world Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Architecture and urban planning of Turkey 2. Chinese architecture and urban planning 3. Architecture and urban development of Japan REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. BAKI – 2020
  • 27. Regional architecture and urban feachures in different countries of the world There are few long and dramatically dated cities on earth, such as Istambul. It was founded in 658 bc, it was the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the IV century BC, in the middle of the XV century - the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The history of its architecture is complex and unique as a result of the combination of cultural influences and extractions from the largest and oldest city of Istambul-East ulmush, the countries of the world, located at the junction of sea routes from South – East Europe to Asia. In Seljuk and early Ottoman architecture and urban planning, the removal and reinterpretation of alien antiquities in accordance with climatic conditions and national needs is noticeable. The XVI-XIX centuries can be recalled as a period of prosperity of the National Turkish construction, which is characterized by the large scale of construction and the construction of giant facilities. During this period, Istambul acquired his character face and silhouette. During this period, the National Turkish style was Christian. It is expressed in unique dynamic, rhythmic growing building volumes, architectural decoration techniques – using dark and light types of stones, multi – colored tiles. The economic and political weakening of Turkey, which began in the XVIII century, conditioned the decline of national architecture, which led to its eclectic Europeanization in the XIX - early XX centuries. Kopit new forms of social life associated with the development of the socialist economy, the growth of industry and agriculture have enabled the formation of new types of buildings and facilities that change the planning structure of Turkish cities, as well as all volumes-space and architecture- Istanbul, its capital. Thus, the architectural-planning structure of the old, historically formed cities of Turkey and the new cities formed at the end of the XIX century, as well as the unique composition and methods of artistic construction formed as a result of the reforms are the basis of their growth in completely new conditions, and were represented in Istambul in the most salient and At the beginning of the XIX-XX century, the urbanization of Turkey preserved its originality due to the historical development characteristics of cities and settlements with individual faces in connection with natural-climatic conditions and tactical use of local architectural-building precepts on the basis of new architectural-planning methods. Thus, the architectural and urban development of Istambul in the early XIX-XX centuries characterizes it as a major industrial center with all social, economic and political contradictions. With the development of production capacity and production relations, the territory of Istanbul is also expanding, new elements are emerging in its plan and construction: Gardens, boulevards, squares, master's streets with monumental buildings. The nomenclature of types of buildings and structures is expanding: income houses, passages, markets, exchanges, City Duma, banks, railway stations, sirklar and so on. it is formed.
  • 28. He invited Sultan Mahmud II Istambula Helmud Van Multke to prepare the general plan and solve its details. As a result of Rashid Pasha's help, topographic works and schematic general plan (scale 1:25000) were drawn up 5 months before the Declaration of the regulation on June 8, 1839. As a result of the construction of the general plan, there was an opportunity to monitor the reconstruction work. During this period, Istambul had three main residential districts in the following directions: first, Galata region, in the Asian part, Uskudar region and Halic region (Golden Horn Bay), where a large part of the population (Muslims) lived on the peninsula next to the Marmara Sea. In 1900-1910, the city was first considered by specialists as a complex functional functioning organism consisting of many interacting and interacting components. Urban vision includes transportation problems, planning problems, completeness of urban ansambles, preservation of the historical image of cities. Thus, in the city there is an attitude as a single organism with complex function bodies, projects and proposals on the reconstruction of Istanbul, which is very numbered and growing closer to 1920, are revealed. Concerns about the preservation of its historical appearance are expressed in the new feeling of the city – not as a conglomerate of separate buildings built in different "styles", but as an organism whose completeness must conform to the unity of its historical style. The flow of foreign kopital allowed foreign architects and engineers to come, and large-scale construction work was entrusted to them. Among the foreign architects are the Fussati brothers, Smith, Cogomo Leoni, Giovanni Batist Barborini, Curcio Domenico, Ergol Stamp, Pietro Montani, Colymo Semprini, Adolf Maylord, Leon Pervilm, Mari August Antonii Burgeus, Otto Ritter, Helmud Juno, etc. it can be noted. All European architects who came to Turkey enriched Turkish architecture with European styles and played a major role in their dissemination. The capital of the Ottoman Empire can be traced back to the late XIX – early XX centuries, when the flowering of living architecture was mainly accompanied by two great masters – Aleksandr Vallauri and Raymundo de Aronko. Alexandr Vallauri and Raymundo De Arongo – foreign architects – tend to the romantic modern type, which is typical for the Ottoman capital and is called the eastern modern.
  • 29. Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi Azərbaycan Memarlıq və İnşaat Universiteti Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Urban planning of regions Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Foundation of regionalism 2. Classicism and postmodernism REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3. C. Jencks, Post Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture, 1987 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 30. Foundation of regionalism Regionalism is an approach to architecture that strives to counter the placelessness and lack of identity of the International Style, but also rejects the whimsical individualism and ornamentation of Postmodern architecture. The stylings of critical regionalism seek to provide an architecture rooted in the modern tradition, but tied to geographical and cultural context. Regionalism is not simply in the sense of vernacular architecture. It is a progressive approach to design that seeks to mediate between the global and the local features of architecture. Regionalism like most architectural styles is a relatively recent term compared to the length of recorded history. Before the 19th century, architects were not defined by architectural styles because the profession was simply not politicized as such; it was not until the 20th century that the identification of numerous categories became commonplace and the choice of style ideological.1 Architecture is always in transition. As an architect, being identified with a specific style is inevitable. The architectural style termed Regionalism is the product of a divergence from the placeless styles of Modernism and the continuously changing style of the Vernacular. This divergence from Modernism and Vernacular styles led to the distinction known as Regionalism. This research aims to argue that Regionalism can be better with a stronger focus on sustainability and cultural contexts. Regionalism develops its foundation from Vernacular architecture. Regionalism is design that goes beyond traditional building forms and aesthetics to explore the creative inspiration that can be derived from cultural values. “Regionalism attempts to put back into architecture what orthodox Modernism conspicuously took out, namely, continuity in a given place between past and present forms of building.” Regionalism kept a strong connection with the visual element of Vernacular architecture. Although the two styles would visually appear polar opposites, mostly due to construction and material quality, there is a conscious effort in Regionalism to convey similar aesthetic qualities of Vernacular architecture in shape and form. For example, Regionalism, in attempt to make an appropriate architecture, might mimic the building materials and forms of the indigenous architecture of the region. This creates false representations of the true vernacular and/or traditional architecture of a region because it does not respect the important aspect of time and is mimicking elements from a changed system of cultural values. [Corey Jon Boss, Regional Architecture May 2009]
  • 31. Regionalism did bring with it a layer of inspiration beyond that of Vernacular architecture, and that is historical context. Regionalism implemented the use of drawing inspiration and justifications for designs from the historical context of a place. “An historical context is important for any discussion of a region’s architectural character” as it provides continuity and identity.7 Historical context captures the embedded sense-ofplace in designs because it reflects a culture’s actions and experiences from generation to generation. [Adrian Charles Welke, Influences in Regional Architecture (Adelaide: The Authors, 1978), 4. 8 Chris Abel, Architecture & Identity: Responses to cultural and technological change, 2nd Edition (Boston, Massachusetts: Archiectural Press, 2000), 204.] In the era of globalization, one of the signs of sustainable development of a city is regionality - the preservation of the characteristics and traditions accumulated locally. This concept is often vulgarized. In the foreground is the copying of the external features of the form of traditional architecture, while the peculiarities of everyday life and way of life, on the basis of which it was born, are forgotten. When completing architectural assignments, along with the study of modern trends in design, students should think and be able to analyze the traditional way of life of a city dweller inherent in this region. This aspect is increasingly reflected in architectural training programs. In urban spaces, there is one or another meaning. Recognizability is one of the components of the semantic content of the “spirit of the place”, which keeps a certain urban space. The ability to distinguish and remember it for some specific features, to name a special feature of this place, this is simple recognition. Recognition of a place and event can be analyzed and measured using a system of tests and surveys of citizens. Let us refer to the materials of such a survey conducted in Baku. “Each element of the center's environment, important for the townspeople, was described by the values of its four environmental parameters - notability, favorite, attendance and centrality ... the relative balance of the symbolic and utilitarian aspects of the environment”. In the future, we will be interested in places in the city that combine "remarkableness", "love of the place" and "attendance". The following case can be cited as an example. The square adjacent to the Ancient Fortress - Icheri Sheher, to the embankment of the Caspian Sea, called the Fountain Square by the townspeople, turned out to be the most favorite place in the city. This place broke records in three indicators at once: "remarkableness", "centrality", "love of the place." Three metrics, put together, speak of a specific phenomenon of a place. At present, it is the Fountain Square that has absorbed several elements that define the “spirit of the place”. It is a space filled with historical symbolism and containing elements of a natural landscape, democratically
  • 32. open, but having structural divisions. Several zones are defined here at once - exhibition, museum, memorial, ceremonial, spiritual. So, we can conclude that the content of the “spirit of the place” is a complex concept consisting of many components. Conventionally and approximately, you can imagine it as a combination of recognizability, structure, semantic content and readability. Details play an important role in the concept of “spirit of the place”. Euvan and the canopy in front of the house (but not one that two people could hardly walk on), an inner courtyard with a familiar bench and a tree; small in the yard; Courdoner on a transit pedestrian path, where you can hide from the noise of the crowd, a gazebo, a bench, a lantern of an unusual shape - they are certain decorations in which life takes on its own color. For example, in the capital of Austria - Vienna, historically established special types of courtyards and houses have become the subject of special care and protection. Passing yards, transit flows through which act as an interesting element of urban life and interpersonal communication, have become part of the architectural reserve. Modern functionalism theory believes that architecture merely acts to determine and meet the needs of the employer with a scientific analysis and modernism has had a contentious relationship with usage and nature that both are the body like structures., Le corbusieh almost is the only one among the modernisms who was in search of a proportional human-centric and modular system.
  • 33. Classicism and postmodernism In cultural terms, today there exists a basic opposition between a postmodernism which seeks to deconstruct modernism and resists the statue quo and a postmodernism which repudiates the former to celebrate the latter,“ a postmodernism of resistance and a post modernism of reaction” One may support postmodernism as a populist and attack modernism as an elitist, or conversely, support modernism as an elitist movement and attack postmodernism as a mere kitsch. Such view, reflects an important issue, that postmodernism is publicly regarded and appreciated. The postmodernism of reaction is singular in its rejection to modernism. It is conceived in terms of a return to tradition and it is reduced to a style. Architecturally speaking, it is a historical revival (Historicism). The postmodern of resistance, arises as a counter practice not only to the culture of modernism but also to the critical deconstruction of tradition and historical forms. Architecture determines the facts or superior values as an art work. Architecture gives visual expression of ideas. Ideas make meaningful something for human, because they organize the reality. Architecture as an original art represents the culture and civilization of a nation and race. So we need somehow to review their architecture for a full understanding of humanity and his/her opinions, whether in the past or present. There is no doubt in the importance of architecture and its benefits and its efficiency. But with the arrival of modern architecture, special change was created in the architecture and created changes in other arts and even in human thinking. With the arrival of this style of architecture can no longer outline a special feature for different architectures and somehow brought uniformity. In this discussion it is trying to show that what features do the post- modern and modern architecture have and their similarities and differences appear by examining each of them. The term of postmodern was used for the first time since 1976 in the art world and in general, covers a willing that has created in front of absorption modernism. The basis of modern architecture that was the universal and dominant style in the twentieth century is rooted in the changes of Renaissance era that its origin had been the city of Florence in northern Italy about 400 years before the advent of modern architecture. The modern world offers a different vision of the universe versus old world that arose from the intellectual and human-oriented beliefs. Modern architecture was formed as an architecture school with a comprehensive theoretical foundation and constructed buildings according to modern thought of the late 19th century. This architecture was known in Chicago City of America and in Europe in cities like Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Post-modern architecture was raised as an important subject and style of the sixties and infrastructural criticisms were entered to the thought of logicism and technology-oriented of modern
  • 34. architecture. Robert Venturi called into question the modern philosophical principles and refused the technology- oriented insight and wanted to pay attention to human characteristics instead of that. Modern architecture was as a milestone in the history of Western architecture or in other words in the history of world architecture, because for the first time, the attitude of the tradition, history and past changed its direction as a source of inspiration of architecture and future and development were introduced as main objective and subject of architecture. Architects and theorists tried to make homogeneous the architecture as a science and technology with evolving world. Modern architecture emerged in the form of global style, the style that took root after World War I and spread in the reconstruction of Europe after the Second World War. This style had its claim to reform architectural process and building design with abandon the no planning and traditional management through the adoption of a global system of architecture. This new architecture was organized with the norms of rational, and used of one of the most efficient materials such as concrete, steel and glass. Modern architecture is new and universal and rooted in concepts of construction that is appropriate to a modern industrial society, so that transformation and its composition, aim at the community that it is under the testing. Space was used with similar physical properties in it. Uses abstract form and tends to pure architecture. Modern architecture measuring usually pays attention to the concept of functionalism, so before anything pays attention to the effectiveness and efficiency. Some even believe that modernism was a slave of the power of capitalist rule and has sacrificed the architecture which means that the forms can be found of needs and few resources in logical way. Modern architecture is divided into three periods: the early, high and late that in its early modern is divided in to three Chicago, art movement and the movement of Futurism styles. supreme modern architecture, or the top of modern architecture was formed between the two World Wars I and II, means mainly in the twenties and thirties AD in Europe and in the early modern period still historicist styles such as Neo classical, romantic and especially eclectic had important as the popular and common styles in the west. One of the key and very important issues was the issue of industry, industrious production and technology in the excellence modern era. Le corbusieh considered the use of steel girders and concrete and pre-fabricated, as the path of the future architecture and knows the pre-fabricating and high-rise making as only solution of future cities. Later modern architecture can be considered after World War II to the early 70's. It can be said that postmodernism is an attempt to treat the problems and difficulties of modernism, and despite of promoting a kind of anomalies is considered a continuation of modernism and not as a reaction against it "(Jabiri Moghaddam, 2005).
  • 35. Post-modern architecture seeks the identity of human and history of each nation and race is considered as part of the nation's identity. So they show cultural and physical history and as well as grammar of architecture of each ethnic in their architecture in each area. But this show is not for duplication of the above cases, but what is related to the identity of a nation is updated in their buildings and appears based on the circumstances of time and place in new and updated way. Therefore, post-modern architects have no hesitation in changing proportions, colors and functions of historical signs. Post modern architecture due to the weaknesses in modern architecture, tries to solve them and create an atmosphere that is different and better than the modern period. Postmodernism is non- exclusive in general against modernism. Means postmodern are finding ration for modernity in the twentieth century. One of the characteristics that postmodernists consider for themselves is to follow their form unusual metaphysics. Postmodernists say though Metaphysis inks and religious principles are destroyed, but there is still a general principle and it is that performance will remain spiritual. Their spiritual realm states like surrealist painters around virtual or explicit metaphors in a form of Among architecture the characteristics of post-modern architecture can be noted the following points: Social, cultural, historical and economic characteristics of people who use these buildings. Urban characteristics and the features of streets, alleys, shop climatic conditions and humidity, heat and cold conditions. The way of daily living of people who live in building, their needs, their habits, how to use and their mental backgrounds and relationship with biological forms. Post-modern image of the city has been designed as the place of images that is in competition with other cities. Urban design paradigms based on the theories of post-modern architecture have criticized the development the lack of their economic and social aspects. According to Marshall Berman, postmodernism is a complex and intertwined configuration of diversity of ideas, opinions that emerged in the late 1960s and still is active and in dynamic and expanding form in the late 1990s. The term of postmodern has followed many and various discourses. The process that still is continued (Rasouli, 2015). Louis Kan, Robert Venturi, Michael Graves, Aldo Russi, Frank Grave, Charles Moore, James string and Ricardo Boffil consider as the most prominent faces among designers and architects of postmodern, although all of them are not happy and satisfied with this tag". Tradition and modernity in architecture clecticism as a method term Architectural design can result in a selection process of existing styles and forms. Elements from different models can be combined with each other. These examples sometimes come from similar architectural circles (Roman temple type with Greek columns) or from completely different (Renaissance portico next to Egyptian columns and Moorish window frames with Gothic spire). In the selection process, temporal references (as in historicism) or spatial (as in exoticism) may play a role. Eclecticism as a methodology can also mean the use of
  • 36. different shapes and styles on different buildings within the overall work of an architect, if he is to meet the respective, different, building task.
  • 37. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University Faculty: Architecture Department: Architectural Design and Urban Planning Subject name: Architecturl regionics Topic: Introduction to the discipline "Urban planning region" Lecturer: Huseynov E.F. LECTURE PLAN 1. Return to Eclectics and its new version 2. Tradition and modernity in architecture REFERENCES 1.Аскаров Ш.Д. Регион – пространство – город. М., Стройиздат, 1986. 2.Hüseynov F.M., Əliyev N.Ə., Yusifova N.O., Əliyeva A.S., Qasımzadə E.Ə. Azərbaycanın kiçik və orta şəhərlərinin planlaşdırma və yeniləşdirmə prinsipləri dərs vəsaiti. AMİU, Bakı 2003 3.Гусейнов Ф.М., Кахраманова Ш.Ш. Реконструкция города. Учебное пособие. Баку, Чашыоглу, 2004. 4. Фирсанов В.М. Архитектура гражданских зданий в условиях жаркого климата: Учебник для ВУЗов. М., Высшая школа, 1982. 5. Римша А.Н., Градостроительство в условиях жаркого климата: Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М., Стройиздат, 1972 6. Гусейнов Ф.М., Нагиев Н.Г. и др. Проблемы расселения, градостроительства и жилищно- гражданского строительства в Азербайджане. Баку, АН, Госплан и Госстрой Азер-на, 1987. 7. Гусейнов Ф.М. Международная хартия: «Архитектура стран Востока: эволюция в будущее». Баку, МААСВ, 1994. 8. Гусейнов Э.Ф. Концепции эволюции в градостроительстве Востока. Тарихи шящярляр вя чаьдаш демократик топлуму. Бакы, АМИУ, 2004, с. 21–26.10. 9. Боже-Гарнье Ж., Шабо Ж. Очерки по географии городов. М., Прогресс, 1967. 10. Гусейнов Ф.М. Урбанизация в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока. – В кн.: Проблемы архитектуры и градостроительства. Баку, АН Азерб-на, 1994. 11. Гусейнов Ф.М., Салманов А.А. Отдых на юге: проекты и их решения. М., Мысль, 1986 12. Кандилис Ж. Стать архитектором. Пер. с франц. М., 1979. 13. Крогиус В.Р. и др. Градостроительство на склонах. М., Стройиздат, 1988. 14. Лавров В.А. Градостроительная культура Средней Азии. М., Стройиздат, 1978. 15. Линч К. Современная форма в градостроительстве. Пер. с англ. М., Стройиздат, 1966. 16. Мерпopт И.А. и др. Жилище на юге. Рекомендации по проектированию жилой жастройки и жилых адаиий для IV климатического района. Ташкент, 1976. 17. Серебровскнй Ф.Л. Аэрация жилой застройки. М., I97I. 18. Валиев Р.М., Мухадбаев А.С. Рекомендации по проектнрванию жилой застройки в городах Узбекистанаа, Ташкент, 1977. BAKI – 2020
  • 38. Return to eclectics and its new version Eclecticism is an architectural style that flourished in the 19th and 20th-centuries. It refers to any design that incorporates elements of traditional motifs and styles, decorative aesthetics and ornaments, structural features, and so on, that originated from other cultures or architectural periods Designers that adopt eclecticism often choose to focus on one particular style rather than a combination, and historically this has given rise to a number of revivalist movements such as: Classical revival style. Colonial revival style. Exotic revival style. Gothic revival style. Italian renaissance revival style. Spanish colonial revival style. Tudor revival style. However, the main driving force behind eclecticism was the harnessing of historic styles to create something original and new, rather than simply to revive older styles. Eclectic style has become a worldwide trend in the contemporary interior design, not only in cafes but other typology as well. Eclectic style has widely spread as ‘contemporary’ style in regards of urban culture, especially in commercial space as cafes and restaurant. This style follows the rule of eclecticism which combines multiple styles in terms of style in periodic characters, geographical history, landscape characters or communal lifestyles. The principle of eclecticism in an application of interior styling relates to complex conditions, not only became a referral to its architectural character but also represent the intangible aspect of interior design such as brand identity, historical location also lifestyle phenomena. The lifestyles of urban societies socializing in cafes are made a profit making opportunity for business people by creating cafes with unique concepts. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a self-consciouslyeclectic intellectualfashionwithrootsinan-tiquity was cultivated in northern Europe. Although often understood as a branch of philosophy, it was a moregeneral method of thought that found many applications andmade a deep mark on contemporary artistic theory and prac-tice. The act of selection was the methods basis. A philoso-pher, for instance, could draw upon the strengths of severaldifferent schools or traditions, combining them in various ways to develop new ideas or improve older ones. The meth-od s proponents called it unbiased and impartial, claiming that it allowed users to avoid the pitfalls of rigid discipleshipand narrowly sectarian thinking. Its detractors argued that it lackedafirmtheoreticalbasisandwasoftenaneasysubstitutefor developing fundamentally new concepts