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1    Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

                          Marketing Management and strategy

                                            Semester 2

                                    Individual Assignment

                           Seminar Leader: Anna Zacharewicz

                                         London South Bank

                                     Student ID: 2704583

                                  Date: 23rd February 2011

2       Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

    Introduction: (Background to Apple)
            Apple was first established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald
    Wayne . In 34 years Apple has seen a fluctuating rise and fall in sales from 2002 till 2011 (as
    seen in the table below). During the first quarter of 2011 Apple has yet again seen an
    increase in sales as seen by reports published to their investors2 with a reported record in
    sales for the Mac, iPad and iPhone sales growing by 76% and a total growth of 78% across
    the company. Initially launched as Apple Computer Inc. the company decided to change its
    name to Apple Inc. due to the expansion of its market into the consumer electronics
    market3. Since 2005 Apple has seen a peek in sales due to the launch of their various
    products such as the iPad, iPhone and MAC notebooks and laptop computers, within those
    products they also offer a wider range of various specifications to customers 4. Since then
    Apple has set a reputation for their products ensuring their customers the best of the best!

            Apple’s prime sin is cannibalising people most favoured music player, the iPod.
    Whilst sales for the iPad and iPhone have soared the sale of the iPod has suffered greatly.
    The iPod was first launched in 2001 and has now expanded into the Nano, Touch and
    Classic. The product most in jeopardy however is the Classic version of the iPod. Since 2010
    Apple has seen a steady decline in their sales for the iPod for every quarter of sales5 even
    the latest figures from the first quarter of 2011 Apple has seen a drop in sales for the iPod.

    iPod sales chart from 2002 - 2011

    (Source: Apple Inc. 20116)


3       Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

    Apples position in the market is definitely a strong one, using a PEST and SWOT analysis and
    TWOS matrix I am going to asses exactly how strong their presence in the market is and
    what they can do to revive the iPod brand.

    PEST analysis

                         Political                                        Economical
              Market share and Monopoly, Apple’s                      The interest rates in the UK
               market volume currently stands at                  Income and Employment in UK are
                 31%7 and this by far dominates                 suffering9; this means less people can
                          competitors.                               afford luxuries such as iPods.
              The recent increase in TAX and VAT                 Disposable income has also dropped
               prices8. This can have an effect as                 as people as left without jobs and
               more money will be dispensed on                  have many bills and basics to pay due
               TAX and VAT. It will also effect on               to increase in living costs. As seen in
                customer spending as prices will                  the Price indices report10which has
                             increase.                           been published by the government.
                                                                   Economic growth in UK is slow; in
                                                                    2008 the UK’s economic growth
                                                                    suffered a great shock, and has
                                                                 steadily been increasing since then.
                                                                In the final quarter of 2010 there was
                                                                       an increase of just 0.5%11.
                          Social                                          Technology
                   The present attitude towards                   Development of smart phones has
              electronics, according to Must-Have                meant that some older gadgets have
        , in 2011 the latest                no more uses in the market. The fact
                 trends are to own things such as                 that people can have a gadget that
                 iPads, or iPhones12 however the                    calls, goes in the internet at fast
              trend for the iPod has certainly died               speeds and used as a tool for apps
                                of.                                      has certainly kicked of.
               Brand demand and people attitude                 Development of the internet, this has
                 towards the brand, however this                   also been a great development as
                certainly has not been Apple’s fall               people can now have access to the
                  due to increase in sales overall.             internet on phones and other devices
              However the decreases in iPod sales                           wherever they go.
                     are a major brand issue.                       The revolution of apps and app
              Targeted audience and appeal, this is                   usages has also been a major
                 another one of Apples forte’s as                 development as they have become
                everyone across all ages wants to                 the new best thing. From shopping


4        Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

                 own an Apple gismo. Be it an iPod           on the go to learning a new language.
               nano, Mac, iPad or even and iPhone.            Apple apps range from A-Z and this
               The use of websites such as eBay and            has certainly had an effect on the
               Amazon mean people can buy second             sale of the iPod classic as apps cannot
                hand items such as iPods and other                        be used on it.
                Apple products as knock of prices.

    Form this PEST we can see that there are various points which affect the sales of the iPod
    especially with regards to the economical stability of the UK. Less people can afford to buy
    luxuries such as iPod and a person who already owns one may not need to upgrade to a
    newer version providing that there is no major change in the product. The fact that people
    no more than ever are trying to save money they are also choosing to purchase items of
    auction websites or second hand websites. Also the rate of technological improvement and
    the development of the smart phone in particular the iPhone people don’t feel the need to
    have an iPhone and iPod. We can also see that Apples market position is very strong being
    the market leader in what it does at the moment, however this is not working in favour for
    the iPod classic as sales are increasing in the “latest must have” gadgets and the iPod is not
    one of them.


5        Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

    SWOT analysis:

                          Strength                                          Opportunity

                The brand image and its position in                 As they are market leaders in the
                the market is a very strong one as it             development of iTunes and the usage
                 almost dominates the market with                 of apps they need to use this to their
               31% of the market share13. Therefore                             advantage.
                  it has the resources and assets in                They are market leaders and not
                    revolutionising the iPod brand.                 many competitors are in the same
                 Its reputation in the market is also              league as them and therefore they
               exceeding as Apple customers know                   have the resources into turning the
                     what they are getting for their                 iPod into something better and
                money. This is also covered by their                  branching into a new growing
               excellent warranty that they provide                              market.
                            their customers14.                    Their customer base was already big
               The fact that it doesn’t have a target              and due to recent developments in
                      market, but instead it target                  their products more people are
                  people15, and this is why you find              switching to Apple unless substitutes
                many people across all ages and all                bring out something better and this
               backgrounds that own either a Apple                again can be seen in their increase in
                        gadget or more than one.                              market share.
                    Its portfolio of product range is
                 immense following current trends
               and needs of customers. They have 4
                 distinctive products and these are
                  the Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod16.
               However within these products their
                      ranges go into a lot of depth.
                Across their range of products they
                     get it right with regards to the
               majority of their products such as the
               iPhone and iPad and this reflected in
                  their sales, however due to these
                   developments it has made other
                 products within their range suffer.

                         Weakness                                              Threats

            The speed of product development has                 The rate they are developing their
             caused suffering across some of their             products, are putting others in the dark


6        Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

            product ranges such as the iPod Classic           as people prefer to purchase other
           and the iPod range. As people don’t seen        products to the ones that are already on
           then need to spend money on buying an                           the market.
               iPhone and then buying and iPod.            Substitutes are latching on to the trend
              Market research on a couple of their         of smart phones and other Apple trends
             products such as the iPod Classic could        and this could affect Apples position in
            use some investing into, as this will help      the market, such as the new Samsung
            Apple in gaining an insight into whether            Galaxy or the Blackberry Torch.
           or not its worth upholding its production.          Bad press circulating around the
             The powers they posses in the market          company such as “the death of the iPod
           and people expectations are very high so           Classic” as seen from the PC World
            unsuccessful products receive very bad          article, so many people are rethinking
             Reponses, and this in turn makes sales             whether or not to buy the iPod.
            suffer. People no tend to review a lot of      Cheap imitations of the brand that have
             products online and a lot of people no        the same characteristics and are sold at
              read reviews about products before             cheap prices are also something that
               making a purchase. Most press and              affect Apple especially in recession
             reviews about the iPod lately have not
            been great and therefore many people
            have been put off as seen in this article
                        from PC World17

    From this we can see again that Apple bears a very strong position in the market with
    regards to some of its products. The company’s strength into what it owns and its resources
    are by far very good, and it is able to invest in money into revolutionising the iPod brand.
    However some may think is this worth it. The iPod brand has been around since 2001 and
    has been through a lot of adaptations with the launch of various models such as the Nano,
    Shuffle and Touch. It is also clear that Apple’s products are also market leaders and also
    trend setters as many competitors are now releasing products which are in the same league
    as the Apple brand.


7    Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

    TWOS Matrix

                                                                          Maintain market position and growth
                                                                          Leverage brands across the range and
                       Power in market and market shareproduct range
                    leadership in its categoryresearch and development    its leadership culture with new
                                                                          innovations. Build on the fact that
                           Brand image, everyone knows who Apple are      people know who Apple is and what
      Opportunity                                                         they are getting for their money. also
                           Their products are known to be the best of
                                                                          promote that their products withhold
      Technological market                                  the best
                                                                          their value.
      is growing as more
                                          Product price depreciation is
      technological improvements            very low like other brands    Develop brand positioning
      are being made.
      People are buying There products as                                 Make people think that iPods are still
      shares are increasing and profits are                               the new best thing to have by
      being made                                                          developing new features or models.
                                                                          Although substitutes exist Apple need
                                                                          to focus on being the best of the best.

                                                                          Increase channel power
                                                                          Need to promote that customer get
                         Some people may regard prices as high
                                                                          what they pay for even though it
                       especially during times of current climate
                                                                          may be at a higher price. Leverage
                                  Competitors are making similar          brand strength and play on the fact
                                     products at cheaper prices           that they are market leader.

                                                                          Develop brand positioning
                                                                          Make people think that iPods are
      Technological market                                                still the new best thing to have by
      is growing as more                                                  developing new features or models.
      technological improvements                                          Although substitutes exist Apple
      are being made.                                                     need to focus on being the best of
      People are buying There products as shares
                                                                          the best.
      are increasing and profits are being made

8     Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

                                                                         Maintain market position and growth
                                                                         Leverage brands across the range and
                    Power in market and market share product range
                                                                         its leadership culture with new
                 leadership in its category research and development
                                                                         innovations. Build on the fact that
                        Brand image, everyone knows who Apple are        people know who Apple is and what
    Threats                                                              they are getting for their money. Also
                           Their products are known to be the best of
                                                                         promote that their products withhold
    Consumer brands                                         the best
                                                                         their value.
    are coming out                  Product price depreciation is very
    fast and strong                             low like other brands    Increase channel power:

    There is a strong price competition                                  Leverage brand strength and their
    from with regards to similar products                                leadership culture through promoting
    available cheaper                                                    their products are the best and it’s what
                                                                         “consumer” wants by giving the
                                                                         impression that this is a “must have”

                                                                          Increase channel power
                                                                          Need to promote that customer get
                     Some people may regard prices as high                what they pay for even though it
                   especially during times of current climate             may be at a higher price. Leverage
                                                                          brand strength and play on the fact
                               Competitors are making similar
                                                                          that they are market leader
    Threats                       products at cheaper prices
                                                                          Increase channel power:
    Consumer brands
    are coming out
                                                                          Leverage brand strength and their
    fast and strong
                                                                          leadership culture through
    There is a strong price competition                                   promoting their products are the
    from with regards to similar products                                 best and it’s what “consumer”
    available cheaper                                                     wants by giving the impression that
                                                                          this is a “must have”

9        Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

    Key Strategic Marketing Issues (KSMI)
             It is clear that Apple Inc. has strong appeal in the market with regards to the majority
    of its products however; the iPod brand has suffered in recent years. There has been many
    articles such as PC World, and many other gadget shops that are warning customers that a
    “death upon the iPod” is near. This is because many outlets are now showing limited stock
    availability of the iPod. Also the pattern in consumer spending has been diverting to new
    gadgets such as the iPad and iPhone, as there has been a large increase in sales across the
    years and in the last quarter it was up 76%18. Many people also feel that Apple need to re-
    develop the iPod as all other product ranges have received a “fresh look” where as there is
    nothing being done to the iPod19.

            It is clear that people are demanding a new revelation of the iPod. The iPod has not
    been given a new image since 200920. People also doubt as to what Apple can change with
    the iPod as many feel that it had developed to its potential as the only way it can get better
    is by increasing memory size. Or is a brand new direction what Apple need? There have also
    been talks and discussion amongst papers that Apple may be doing this on purpose in order
    to test consumers and see where they would spend their money if the iPod Classic was to be
    taken of the market21. As the iTouch is now Apples biggest seller from the iPod range there
    has also been insights that the company should maybe focus on developing this further 22.

           1. So how would Apple communicate to people that iPod is still a must have?
           2. How would Apple do this?
           3. Why should consumers new and existing pick Apple over other retailers?

        Due to apples high profile in the industry they already have a major brand name that
    people know ad are aware of. Apple knows its gadgets such as the iPhone, iPad and Mac are
    a nations must have, however this was achieved through hardcode marketing and
    advertising. For example Apples advertising campaign for the new iPhone 4 were “This
    changes everything. Again” this alone drew customers in as they new that Apple have yet
    again launched a must have product even though they may own something similar.
    However on the other hand with the iPod nothing as such has occurred, instead Apple have
    only focused on the fact that it fits 40’000 songs, this fact is not something that would make
    people want to buy the iPod Classic, as there are may other products on the market that can
    do the same.


10    Individual Assignment: Apple iPod

         Apple need to first invest into re-freshen the iPods image, buy giving it a new look and
     offering customers more, be it various colour range like they do with the Nano range.
     Another thing they need to consider is a major advertising campaign as clever as the iPhone
     and iPad’s making consumer feel that this a gadget they cannot live without. It’s called the
     iPod Classic for a reason, so they need to focus on the fact that it used to be and still the
     nations favourite music device, after all it is what got Apple to where it is now.

             Although their market share is increasing and profits are going up year on year,
     Apple need to focus on promoting to customers the importance of returning again and
     purchasing new products by promoting their value for money, not as in cheap for crap
     quality, but the fact that you get what you pay for. They need to promote that their
     products are the best of the best and that their quality is sure to last longer than the rest.
     This can be seen with the way Apple’s products do not depreciate in price immediately such
     as other products.

11    Individual Assignment: Apple iPod


        1. Apple [] (accessed on 18th February 2011)
        2. Apple [] (accessed on 18th
            February 2011)
        3. Apple [] (accessed on 19th February 2011)
        4. Buzzle []
            (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        5. Gigaom [
            people/] (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        6. Guardian [
            music-industry] (accessed on 19th February 2011)
        7. HMRC [] (accessed
            on 19th February 2011)
        8. InfoWorld [
            another-victory-in-customer-satisfaction-315] (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        9. Marketing Teacher []
            (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        10. PC World
            tml] (accessed on 19th February 2011)
        11. Prefix Mag [
            ipod-classic/49227/] (accessed on 19th February 2011)
        12. Statistics Government []
            (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        13. Statistic Government
            2011.pdf] (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        14. Statistic Government []
            (accessed on 20th February 2011)
        15. Trendy Gadget [
            2011/] (accessed on 20th February 2011)


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Apple inc

  • 1. 1 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Marketing Management and strategy Semester 2 Individual Assignment Seminar Leader: Anna Zacharewicz London South Bank Student ID: 2704583 Date: 23rd February 2011 eidr
  • 2. 2 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Introduction: (Background to Apple) Apple was first established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald 1 Wayne . In 34 years Apple has seen a fluctuating rise and fall in sales from 2002 till 2011 (as seen in the table below). During the first quarter of 2011 Apple has yet again seen an increase in sales as seen by reports published to their investors2 with a reported record in sales for the Mac, iPad and iPhone sales growing by 76% and a total growth of 78% across the company. Initially launched as Apple Computer Inc. the company decided to change its name to Apple Inc. due to the expansion of its market into the consumer electronics market3. Since 2005 Apple has seen a peek in sales due to the launch of their various products such as the iPad, iPhone and MAC notebooks and laptop computers, within those products they also offer a wider range of various specifications to customers 4. Since then Apple has set a reputation for their products ensuring their customers the best of the best! Apple’s prime sin is cannibalising people most favoured music player, the iPod. Whilst sales for the iPad and iPhone have soared the sale of the iPod has suffered greatly. The iPod was first launched in 2001 and has now expanded into the Nano, Touch and Classic. The product most in jeopardy however is the Classic version of the iPod. Since 2010 Apple has seen a steady decline in their sales for the iPod for every quarter of sales5 even the latest figures from the first quarter of 2011 Apple has seen a drop in sales for the iPod. iPod sales chart from 2002 - 2011 (Source: Apple Inc. 20116) 1 2 3 4 5 6 eidr
  • 3. 3 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Apples position in the market is definitely a strong one, using a PEST and SWOT analysis and TWOS matrix I am going to asses exactly how strong their presence in the market is and what they can do to revive the iPod brand. PEST analysis Political Economical Market share and Monopoly, Apple’s The interest rates in the UK market volume currently stands at Income and Employment in UK are 31%7 and this by far dominates suffering9; this means less people can competitors. afford luxuries such as iPods. The recent increase in TAX and VAT Disposable income has also dropped prices8. This can have an effect as as people as left without jobs and more money will be dispensed on have many bills and basics to pay due TAX and VAT. It will also effect on to increase in living costs. As seen in customer spending as prices will the Price indices report10which has increase. been published by the government. Economic growth in UK is slow; in 2008 the UK’s economic growth suffered a great shock, and has steadily been increasing since then. In the final quarter of 2010 there was an increase of just 0.5%11. Social Technology The present attitude towards Development of smart phones has electronics, according to Must-Have meant that some older gadgets have, in 2011 the latest no more uses in the market. The fact trends are to own things such as that people can have a gadget that iPads, or iPhones12 however the calls, goes in the internet at fast trend for the iPod has certainly died speeds and used as a tool for apps of. has certainly kicked of. Brand demand and people attitude Development of the internet, this has towards the brand, however this also been a great development as certainly has not been Apple’s fall people can now have access to the due to increase in sales overall. internet on phones and other devices However the decreases in iPod sales wherever they go. are a major brand issue. The revolution of apps and app Targeted audience and appeal, this is usages has also been a major another one of Apples forte’s as development as they have become everyone across all ages wants to the new best thing. From shopping 7 8 9 10 11 eidr
  • 4. 4 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod own an Apple gismo. Be it an iPod on the go to learning a new language. nano, Mac, iPad or even and iPhone. Apple apps range from A-Z and this The use of websites such as eBay and has certainly had an effect on the Amazon mean people can buy second sale of the iPod classic as apps cannot hand items such as iPods and other be used on it. Apple products as knock of prices. Form this PEST we can see that there are various points which affect the sales of the iPod especially with regards to the economical stability of the UK. Less people can afford to buy luxuries such as iPod and a person who already owns one may not need to upgrade to a newer version providing that there is no major change in the product. The fact that people no more than ever are trying to save money they are also choosing to purchase items of auction websites or second hand websites. Also the rate of technological improvement and the development of the smart phone in particular the iPhone people don’t feel the need to have an iPhone and iPod. We can also see that Apples market position is very strong being the market leader in what it does at the moment, however this is not working in favour for the iPod classic as sales are increasing in the “latest must have” gadgets and the iPod is not one of them. 12 eidr
  • 5. 5 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod SWOT analysis: Strength Opportunity The brand image and its position in As they are market leaders in the the market is a very strong one as it development of iTunes and the usage almost dominates the market with of apps they need to use this to their 31% of the market share13. Therefore advantage. it has the resources and assets in They are market leaders and not revolutionising the iPod brand. many competitors are in the same Its reputation in the market is also league as them and therefore they exceeding as Apple customers know have the resources into turning the what they are getting for their iPod into something better and money. This is also covered by their branching into a new growing excellent warranty that they provide market. their customers14. Their customer base was already big The fact that it doesn’t have a target and due to recent developments in market, but instead it target their products more people are people15, and this is why you find switching to Apple unless substitutes many people across all ages and all bring out something better and this backgrounds that own either a Apple again can be seen in their increase in gadget or more than one. market share. Its portfolio of product range is immense following current trends and needs of customers. They have 4 distinctive products and these are the Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod16. However within these products their ranges go into a lot of depth. Across their range of products they get it right with regards to the majority of their products such as the iPhone and iPad and this reflected in their sales, however due to these developments it has made other products within their range suffer. Weakness Threats The speed of product development has The rate they are developing their caused suffering across some of their products, are putting others in the dark 13 14 315 15 16 eidr
  • 6. 6 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod product ranges such as the iPod Classic as people prefer to purchase other and the iPod range. As people don’t seen products to the ones that are already on then need to spend money on buying an the market. iPhone and then buying and iPod. Substitutes are latching on to the trend Market research on a couple of their of smart phones and other Apple trends products such as the iPod Classic could and this could affect Apples position in use some investing into, as this will help the market, such as the new Samsung Apple in gaining an insight into whether Galaxy or the Blackberry Torch. or not its worth upholding its production. Bad press circulating around the The powers they posses in the market company such as “the death of the iPod and people expectations are very high so Classic” as seen from the PC World unsuccessful products receive very bad article, so many people are rethinking Reponses, and this in turn makes sales whether or not to buy the iPod. suffer. People no tend to review a lot of Cheap imitations of the brand that have products online and a lot of people no the same characteristics and are sold at read reviews about products before cheap prices are also something that making a purchase. Most press and affect Apple especially in recession reviews about the iPod lately have not been great and therefore many people have been put off as seen in this article from PC World17 From this we can see again that Apple bears a very strong position in the market with regards to some of its products. The company’s strength into what it owns and its resources are by far very good, and it is able to invest in money into revolutionising the iPod brand. However some may think is this worth it. The iPod brand has been around since 2001 and has been through a lot of adaptations with the launch of various models such as the Nano, Shuffle and Touch. It is also clear that Apple’s products are also market leaders and also trend setters as many competitors are now releasing products which are in the same league as the Apple brand. 17 eidr
  • 7. 7 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod TWOS Matrix Maintain market position and growth Strength Leverage brands across the range and Power in market and market shareproduct range leadership in its categoryresearch and development its leadership culture with new innovations. Build on the fact that Brand image, everyone knows who Apple are people know who Apple is and what Opportunity they are getting for their money. also Their products are known to be the best of promote that their products withhold Technological market the best their value. is growing as more Product price depreciation is technological improvements very low like other brands Develop brand positioning are being made. People are buying There products as Make people think that iPods are still shares are increasing and profits are the new best thing to have by being made developing new features or models. Although substitutes exist Apple need to focus on being the best of the best. Increase channel power Weakness Need to promote that customer get Some people may regard prices as high what they pay for even though it especially during times of current climate may be at a higher price. Leverage Competitors are making similar brand strength and play on the fact products at cheaper prices that they are market leader. Develop brand positioning Opportunity Make people think that iPods are Technological market still the new best thing to have by is growing as more developing new features or models. technological improvements Although substitutes exist Apple are being made. need to focus on being the best of People are buying There products as shares the best. are increasing and profits are being made eidr
  • 8. 8 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Maintain market position and growth Strength Leverage brands across the range and Power in market and market share product range its leadership culture with new leadership in its category research and development innovations. Build on the fact that Brand image, everyone knows who Apple are people know who Apple is and what Threats they are getting for their money. Also Their products are known to be the best of promote that their products withhold Consumer brands the best their value. are coming out Product price depreciation is very fast and strong low like other brands Increase channel power: There is a strong price competition Leverage brand strength and their from with regards to similar products leadership culture through promoting available cheaper their products are the best and it’s what “consumer” wants by giving the impression that this is a “must have” Increase channel power Weakness Need to promote that customer get Some people may regard prices as high what they pay for even though it especially during times of current climate may be at a higher price. Leverage brand strength and play on the fact Competitors are making similar that they are market leader Threats products at cheaper prices Increase channel power: Consumer brands are coming out Leverage brand strength and their fast and strong leadership culture through There is a strong price competition promoting their products are the from with regards to similar products best and it’s what “consumer” available cheaper wants by giving the impression that this is a “must have” eidr
  • 9. 9 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Key Strategic Marketing Issues (KSMI) It is clear that Apple Inc. has strong appeal in the market with regards to the majority of its products however; the iPod brand has suffered in recent years. There has been many articles such as PC World, and many other gadget shops that are warning customers that a “death upon the iPod” is near. This is because many outlets are now showing limited stock availability of the iPod. Also the pattern in consumer spending has been diverting to new gadgets such as the iPad and iPhone, as there has been a large increase in sales across the years and in the last quarter it was up 76%18. Many people also feel that Apple need to re- develop the iPod as all other product ranges have received a “fresh look” where as there is nothing being done to the iPod19. It is clear that people are demanding a new revelation of the iPod. The iPod has not been given a new image since 200920. People also doubt as to what Apple can change with the iPod as many feel that it had developed to its potential as the only way it can get better is by increasing memory size. Or is a brand new direction what Apple need? There have also been talks and discussion amongst papers that Apple may be doing this on purpose in order to test consumers and see where they would spend their money if the iPod Classic was to be taken of the market21. As the iTouch is now Apples biggest seller from the iPod range there has also been insights that the company should maybe focus on developing this further 22. 1. So how would Apple communicate to people that iPod is still a must have? 2. How would Apple do this? 3. Why should consumers new and existing pick Apple over other retailers? Due to apples high profile in the industry they already have a major brand name that people know ad are aware of. Apple knows its gadgets such as the iPhone, iPad and Mac are a nations must have, however this was achieved through hardcode marketing and advertising. For example Apples advertising campaign for the new iPhone 4 were “This changes everything. Again” this alone drew customers in as they new that Apple have yet again launched a must have product even though they may own something similar. However on the other hand with the iPod nothing as such has occurred, instead Apple have only focused on the fact that it fits 40’000 songs, this fact is not something that would make people want to buy the iPod Classic, as there are may other products on the market that can do the same. 18 19 20 21 22 eidr
  • 10. 10 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Apple need to first invest into re-freshen the iPods image, buy giving it a new look and offering customers more, be it various colour range like they do with the Nano range. Another thing they need to consider is a major advertising campaign as clever as the iPhone and iPad’s making consumer feel that this a gadget they cannot live without. It’s called the iPod Classic for a reason, so they need to focus on the fact that it used to be and still the nations favourite music device, after all it is what got Apple to where it is now. Although their market share is increasing and profits are going up year on year, Apple need to focus on promoting to customers the importance of returning again and purchasing new products by promoting their value for money, not as in cheap for crap quality, but the fact that you get what you pay for. They need to promote that their products are the best of the best and that their quality is sure to last longer than the rest. This can be seen with the way Apple’s products do not depreciate in price immediately such as other products. eidr
  • 11. 11 Individual Assignment: Apple iPod Bibliography: Websites: 1. Apple [] (accessed on 18th February 2011) 2. Apple [] (accessed on 18th February 2011) 3. Apple [] (accessed on 19th February 2011) 4. Buzzle [] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 5. Gigaom [ people/] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 6. Guardian [ music-industry] (accessed on 19th February 2011) 7. HMRC [] (accessed on 19th February 2011) 8. InfoWorld [ another-victory-in-customer-satisfaction-315] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 9. Marketing Teacher [] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 10. PC World [ tml] (accessed on 19th February 2011) 11. Prefix Mag [ ipod-classic/49227/] (accessed on 19th February 2011) 12. Statistics Government [] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 13. Statistic Government [ 2011.pdf] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 14. Statistic Government [] (accessed on 20th February 2011) 15. Trendy Gadget [ 2011/] (accessed on 20th February 2011) eidr