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  The Mechanism
  Of False Peace
           By Gary Stearman

   Having abandoned the Lord, the secular
minds of our age have spiraled into aca-
demic and political gridlock. Peace is vig-
orously sought, but tensions increase. The
hope of reconciliation is buried in a morass
of politically-correct ideology that features
good intentions, but little ability to act cor-
                  rectly. Its “morality” is
                  centered upon some vague
                  concept of “goodness.” Its
                  moral courage cringes at
                  the least suggestion that it
                  has offended some person
                  or some group.
                    In the name of peace,
                  the nations in power offer
their vaunted cultural pride to others. In
particular, this offer is most often laid at
the feet of its most vicious enemies, in the
hope of coaxing them into the fold. Indeed,
                                                    British leader Neville Chamberlain,
the nations cannot understand why these
                                                  second from right, hands Czechoslovakia
enemies don’t simply catch on to the fact
                                                  over to Hitler at Munich, 1938. With no
that they are offering a better way, and im-
                                                  sense of shame for his betrayal of the
mediately accept the proffered gift in dazed
                                                  Czechs, the British leader returned to
                                                  London and proclaimed that he had
   Watching this, the man on the street rolls
                                                  achieved “peace with honour.”
his eyes heavenward and wonders why the
                                                    Even after the Germans had occupied
leaders of Western Civilization can’t see
                                                  the rest of Czechoslovakia, Neville
that they are being taken for a ride. He la-
                                                  Chamberlain’s initial response was to
ments the fact that his leaders continually
                                                  blame the Czechs for their misfortune.
try to make peace with enemies who daily
                                                    To Chamberlain’s surprise, the British
scream that they will annihilate Israel …
                                                  public and media reacted with outrage to
or us. Or, that they will force us to submit
                                                  his repudiation of Britain’s obligation to
to Islam or die. Or both. We often hear the
plaintive question, “Whatever happened to
common sense?”                                    servative government, and the very model        treatment by the Western Allies, following
   The plain answer is that good sense is not     of gentlemanly English comportment.             Germany’s defeat in World War I.
that common on planet earth. It can only be       Suave and modeled in sartorial splendor,           In truth, it was a spiritual belief in Ger-
found where the Spirit of the Lord prevails.      he imagined himself to represent the best       man superiority. Politically, the Nazis
In the eyes of his own conceit, man gives         that the West had to offer.                     promised a car in every garage, a stable
himself credit for rational, reasonable and         When the little Socialist, Hitler, rose to    currency, universal employment and health
coherent thought. The Bible never does.           power, Chamberlain developed the foreign        care. They were enthusiastically received
   Anyone familiar with recent history will       policy called appeasement. But he and his       by the German people. They were promised
recall Neville Chamberlain, the British           fellows made the mistake that appeasers         national pride, but they had no idea of the
Prime minister who took office on May             most often make. They imagined that             evil behind it. More importantly, Hitler
28th, 1937. He was the leader of the Con-         Hitler’s lust for power was the result of ill   promised a thousand-year paradise – the
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  U.S. religious delegation met with Iranian President on Feb. 24, 2007. The meeting took place at the presidential residence of
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and included a 13-member U.S. religious delegation and members of the president’s staff and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The group discussed a variety of topics including the role of religion in transforming conflict, Iraq,
nuclear proliferation, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The meeting began around 7:45 p.m. and lasted for nearly two and a
half hours: “What the delegation found most encouraging from the meeting with President Ahmadinejad was a clear declaration
from him that Iran has no intention to acquire or use nuclear weapons, as well as a statement that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
can only be solved through political, not military means.” The meeting culminated six days of meetings with Iranian religious
and government leaders and informal conversations with Iranians at universities, churches, mosques, in shops and on the
street. The delegation included leaders from the Mennonite, Quaker, Episcopal, Catholic and United Methodist churches as well
as representatives of the National Council of Churches, Sojourners/Call to Renewal and Pax Christi.
Third Reich. His Socialist promises were       package to the British, who failed to see     and boasting of his success in finding peace
empowered by the promise of a New-Age          that these were only attractive lies.         at last. Later that day, outside Number
religion, and the vision of a “new Aryan         On September 29th, 1938, Chamberlain,       10 Downing Street, he stated, “My good
Super-Race.” Thus, Hitler and his inner        along with Hitler, French Premier Edouard     friends, for the second time in our history,
circle fancied themselves representatives of   Daladier, and Italy’s Benito Mussolini        a British Prime Minister has returned from
a New World to Come. Their eschatology         signed the Munich Agreement, giving Ger-      Germany bringing peace with honor. I be-
appropriated the promises made to Israel       many the Czechoslovakian Sudatenland.         lieve it is peace for our time.”
and the Messiah.                               Eduard Benes, the Czech leader, protested,       This misguided statement has become
   For a while, British leaders were actu-     whereupon Chamberlain told him that Brit-     the very icon of self-delusion. A mere five
ally infatuated with the Nazis new vision      ain would not go to war over the matter.      months later, in March of 1939, Hitler
for Germany. After all, Hitler had halted         Chamberlain departed Munich fully          invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland. Only
Communism’s march from Russia into             convinced that he had appeased Hitler and     then … and far too late … did Chamberlain
Germany. And he had stabilized the society     achieved peace. On the next day, September    declare war upon Germany. In May of 1940,
around the force of his personal leadership    30th, he arrived back in England at Hesston   he resigned, and Winston Churchill became
cult. Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering         Aerodrome. The infamous newsreel films        Prime Minister. A few weeks after that,
and Julius Streicher offered an attractive     show him waving a copy of the agreement       Chamberlain died, made a fool by his failed
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faith in the doctrine of appeasement.             the Nazis promised a New Millennium of              and swamps. Now, at the time of the incur-
                                                  Aryan Superiority, Ahmadinejad promises             sion, they are said to “dwell safely.”
           Peace and Safety                       a millennium of bliss under the rule of the             The Hebrew word used to describe their
   Did his example dissuade others from           Imam Mahdi. He can no more be turned                secure position is betach [jyc]. Its primary
following the same failed pathway? Hardly.        from this belief than Hitler could have been        meanings revolve about the idea of living in a
In the halls of global politics, appeasement      turned from his transcendental vision of            place of stability and provision. Life in a quiet
is still the chosen method for fending off the    the new man. And yet, this world’s powers           and peaceful state is the intended meaning.
weapons of war. From another perspective,         continue to operate on the failed principle             But, with a slight vowel change, the same
however, we should expect this. The latter-       of appeasement, seeking peace and safety            three Hebrew letters form the verb, betach
day search for “world peace,” the stuff of        by the promise of wealth and a share of the         [jyc], meaning “to trust,” particularly in
Miss America pageants and High-School             global governance.                                  relation to another person or group.
debates, was prophesied to occupy the                If there is one message that resounds                In general, as we have often pointed out,
center of man’s thinking.                         throughout Scripture, it is that true security      it is to trust in something that is not entirely
   The Apostle Paul wrote that it would take      comes only through the Lord, not the tradi-         trustworthy. Its “bottom-line” meaning is,
center stage in latter-day global thinking:       tions of man. However, twenty-first century         “to live with a false sense of security.”
   “But of the times and the seasons, breth-      man increasingly relies upon his own failed             Throughout the ages, this has been Isra-
ren, ye have no need that I write unto you.       institutions – ambassadors and diplomats,           el’s self-induced plight. Their failure to trust
   “For yourselves know perfectly that the        the United Nations and various departments          in God rather than man has typified their
day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the       of state – as the keys to peace.                    checkered history. In Psalms 113 through
night.                                                                                                118, known collectively as the Hallel, or
   “For when they shall say, Peace and                          False Security                        “praise,” this is the constant exhortation.
safety; then sudden destruction cometh               This is precisely the condition seen in          The Hallel, recited on the festivals of Tab-
upon them, as travail upon a woman with           Ezekiel’s great prophecy concerning the             ernacles, Hanukkah and Passover, and at the
child; and they shall not escape.                 latter-day invasion of Israel by a northern         beginning of each new month is right at the
   “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that   confederation of nations headed by Rus-             thematic center of the Israeli heart.
that day should overtake you as a thief.          sia. Under conditions that bear a startling             In the Gentile arrangement of the Holy
   “Ye are all the children of light, and the     resemblance to today’s Middle East, Ezekiel         Scriptures, the Hallel’s conclusion, Psalm
children of the day: we are not of the night,     describes Israel at the time of the offensive.      118:8, features the middle verse of the entire
nor of darkness.                                  Observe that in the following verses, the key       Bible: “It is better to trust in the LORD
   “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others;     idea is that Israel dwells in a condition of        than to put confidence in man.” Yet Israel
but let us watch and be sober” (I Thes.           safety. In particular, notice that the context of   has a consistent pattern of placing trust in
5:1-6).                                           the invasion is predicated upon this fact:          the wrong people … in man. In Ezekiel’s
   These words of Paul ring out with the             “After many days thou shalt be visited:          Gog discourse, a close reading reveals that
doctrine of “common sense.” He opens              in the latter years thou shalt come into the        the leading factor in the invasion of Israel
with the thought that he believes his read-       land that is brought back from the sword,           is the political force generated by Israel’s
ers’ own common sense should tell them            and is gathered out of many people, against         alignment with the Western Alliance and
what would unfold in the future. He says          the mountains of Israel, which have been            its consistent doctrine of appeasement. In
that the world would be characterized by          always waste: but it is brought forth out           other words, Israel’s dependence upon the
the foolish pursuit of peace at the time of       of the nations, and they shall dwell safely         West is the very factor that ends up pulling
Christ’s return for the church.                   all of them.                                        Russia into the Middle East.
   Right up until the moment that the end-           “Thou shalt ascend and come like a
time wars erupt, men will be driven to            storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover                  The Strategic Center
secure “peace and safety.” Instead of righ-       the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many            As we have often pointed out, the objec-
teousness or godly living, they will look for     people with thee.                                   tion to Gog’s assault comes from a powerful
peace on the plane of human existence. This          “Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also          consortium that is easily recognizable to
is the biblical way of describing the doctrine    come to pass, that at the same time shall           anyone with a smattering of knowledge
of appeasement, which offers the promise          things come into thy mind, and thou shalt           about the recent history of power politics
of civilized human interaction, but is never      think an evil thought:                              in the last few decades.
able to deliver on that promise.                     “And thou shalt say, I will go up to the            In the following Scripture, “The mer-
   Those who follow the false hope of ap-         land of unwalled villages; I will go to them        chants of Tarshish,” and their associates
peasement diplomacy are asleep, as shown          that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them    are the Western Alliance, composed of
in the verses above. In fact, one must be         dwelling without walls, and having neither          powerful and wealthy interests which have
asleep to allow a petty dictator like Iran’s      bars nor gates,                                     cultivated profitable connections with the
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to preach the anni-              “To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to         sheikhs of Sheba and Dedan. These two
hilation of Israel and America, then welcome      turn thine hand upon the desolate places            tribal designations represent the collective
him on a speaking tour in our own nation.         that are now inhabited, and upon the people         power of all the Arab tribes in the region,
It appears that our leaders hope to woo him       that are gathered out of the nations, which         whose oil the West has distributed through-
into the club of secular democracy.               have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in         out the globe:
   But, as was the case with Hitler, they mis-    the midst of the land” (Ezek. 38:8-12).                The aforementioned Hebrew word for
takenly think that his grievance is political        Gog invades a peaceful Israel that has           “false security” is used once again as Eze-
and economic. Instead, it is religious, based     rebuilt the Land from a condition of deso-          kiel describes the strategic alliance that
upon the hope that an Islamic superhero will      lation. Through a systematic effort, Israelis       stands on Israel’s side.
return to lead his people to victory. Just as     have come to inhabit those former deserts              “Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants
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of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof,     14th, 1948, when David Ben-Gurion made                 “So the house of Israel shall know that
shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take         the dramatic announcement.                          I am the LORD their God from that day
a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company                Because statehood had come in response          and forward.
to take a prey? to carry away silver and           to a UN Mandate, and because Israel had                “And the heathen shall know that the
gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take       become the West’s foothold for stability            house of Israel went into captivity for their
a great spoil?                                     in the region, a new alliance supported             iniquity: because they trespassed against
   “Therefore, son of man, prophesy and            the Jews. A curious axis of powers – Arab           me, therefore hid I my face from them, and
say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In          sheikhs on the east and the U.S. on the west        gave them into the hand of their enemies:
that day when my people of Israel dwelleth         – gave oil interests the chance to develop          so fell they all by the sword.
safely, shalt thou not know it?                    the vast Arab resources. Israel was the                “According to their uncleanness and ac-
   “And thou shalt come from thy place out         lynchpin. In the process, the merchants             cording to their transgressions have I done
of the north parts, thou, and many people          and bankers of America and Europe gained            unto them, and hid my face from them.
with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a       the ability to protect their riches from any           “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD;
great company, and a mighty army:                  possible encroachment.                              Now will I bring again the captivity of
   “And thou shalt come up against my                 Thus, twice in the verses above, Israel          Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole
people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land;    is said to be dwelling “safely.” The clear          house of Israel, and will be jealous for my
it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring   intent of this Scripture is to provide a            holy name;
thee against my land, that the heathen may         picture of latter-day geopolitics, in which            “After that they have borne their shame,
know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee,       Israel is living in reliance and trust on the       and all their trespasses whereby they have
O Gog, before their eyes” (Ezk. 38:13-16).         Gentile powers and their superweapons …             trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely
   Following the 1917 Balfour Declaration,         not the Lord.                                       in their land, and none made them afraid.
in which the British recommended “the                 Speaking of which, it must be noted that it         “When I have brought them again from
establishment in Palestine of a national           is the Lord, not the nations, who decides the       the people, and gathered them out of their
home or the Jewish people,” immigrants             direction of the ultimate force that will be        enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them
increasingly flooded into the territory of         unleashed in the great war of “Gog, the land        in the sight of many nations;
ancient Israel. By the grace of God, the           of Magog.” He takes the full responsibil-              “Then shall they know that I am the
Western powers had received authority over         ity and credit for the unleashing of horrific       LORD their God, which cause them to be
the area, following the decline and fall of        power. His language is unmistakable:                led into captivity among the heathen: but I
the Ottoman Empire.                                   “And I will send a fire on Magog, and            have gathered them unto their own land, and
   For a time, all went relatively well. The       among them that dwell carelessly in the isles:      have left none of them any more there.
British petroleum industry, in conjunction         and they shall know that I am the LORD.                “Neither will I hide my face any more
with American interests, began to develop             “So will I make my holy name known in            from them: for I have poured out my spirit
an oil market there. By the middle of the          the midst of my people Israel; and I will not       upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord
1930s, the Arabs were beginning to realize         let them pollute my holy name any more:             GOD” (Ezek. 39:22-29).
their new wealth and power. Oil money              and the heathen shall know that I am the               Here, the Lord looks back across the
flowed like water. At the same time, Jews          LORD, the Holy One in Israel.                       battle of Gog and the events of the Tribula-
were coming back to Israel in increasingly            “Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith       tion, making known His distaste for Israel’s
larger numbers.                                    the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I             lifestyle in the days following their first
   Toward the end of the decade, with rising       have spoken” (Ezek. 39:6-8).                        regathering. In particular, He refers to the
anti-Semitism growing in Europe, the Jews             Again, the central fact of the invasion is       time when they proudly lived in the illu-
had even more motivation to return to their        that Israel has not trusted in the Lord, but        sion of peace and safety. This had nothing
homeland. Arabs and other Islamic groups           in the resources of an international array          to do with their relationship with Him,
swiftly reacted to the Jewish presence,            of powers. This condition allows the world          and everything to do with trust in their
threatening to start a holy war, unless the        to scoff at the power of the Lord, which            own superweapons and the support of the
growing Jewish immigration was radically           they believe to be fiction. They pollute            Western powers.
curtailed. The British responded quickly.          His Name.                                              Of course, this refers to their present
   On May 17th, 1939, the Parliament is-                                                               condition. Today we see an Israel convinced
sued its infamous “White Paper,” establish-
                                                   A Second International Regathering                  of its own capability, standing on the win-
ing a five-year immigration of only 75,000            Many writers have noted that prophecy            ning side of half a dozen wars, always
Jews. It mandated that after 1944, all Jewish      plainly points to two latter-day Israeli re-        on top of every incursion. In one sense,
immigration would come to a complete halt.         turns. The first time they come to the Land         they have always relied upon the Lord’s
That, of course, did not happen. The horrors       in unbelief. The second, they are brought           miraculous power, taking it for granted; in
of the war in Europe moved matters forward         back in humility, and with the full knowl-          another, hearkening back to the early days
with even more speed.                              edge that the Lord has brought them back            of resettlement, they credit their success to
   The Holocaust of World War II aroused           by grace, and not by any righteousness on           their own rugged pioneer spirit.
international sympathy for all dispersed           their part.                                            These early days were marked by Israel’s
Jews, who now saw that their time to return           To hammer this point home, Ezekiel uses          secular idealism during the twentieth centu-
had come. Nevertheless, those Jews had to          the term “safely” for the third time in the         ry, when socialism and collectivist thought
defy blockades and political barriers, most        Gog narrative. It is used in the derogatory         formed the plans of David Ben Gurion,
of which were wielded by the British. They         sense, to illustrate and criticize Israel’s false   Golda Meir, Abba Eban, Menachem Begin,
began an all-out drive to return to their land     trust in the Gentiles. Notice in the following      Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
and establish a Jewish state. This, of course      narrative that this regathering comes after         and others.
was accomplished on the afternoon of May           “their shame” (the Day of the Lord):                   In the Israeli population, there was al-
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ways a minority of “religious” Jews. But         mettle. But, rather than meeting power with     countries: according to their way and ac-
the majority vehemently rejected (and still      power, they have bowed to the protocols of      cording to their doings I judged them.
reject) the idea of a Theocracy, or indeed,      the UN, Madrid and Oslo. Ever so gradu-            “And when they entered unto the heathen,
any form of religious government. Modern         ally, in the spirit of appeasement, they have   whither they went, they profaned my holy
Israeli Jews remain radically secular. Ironi-    been persuaded to give up pieces of the         name, when they said to them, These are
cally, their sense of identity depends at the    Land that came with much weeping and            the people of the LORD, and are gone forth
same time upon the reality of their geneal-      loss of blood.                                  out of his land.
ogy and spiritual heritage.                         In the last few years, the governments of       “But I had pity for mine holy name, which
   Even the most secular Jews rely upon          Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert have sought        the house of Israel had profaned among the
the historical reality of Abraham, Isaac         peace through increasing appeasement.           heathen, whither they went.
and Jacob, their patriarchs. They revere the     Their “disengagement” policy gave up               “Therefore say unto the house of Israel,
memory 0f Moses, their deliverer and law-        Gaza. But, instead of responding to the fa-     Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for
giver, the one who gave them the Torah. Each     vor done them, Hamas and Fatah redoubled        your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine
year, even non-religious Jews celebrate the      their efforts to destroy Israel. They have      holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned
Passover seder, recalling their deliverance      rearmed themselves, and now use Gaza as a       among the heathen, whither ye went.
from Egyptian bondage, and remembering           base from which to launch rockets on Israeli       “And I will sanctify my great name, which
the promises of their Lord, who told them        villages. Before the September 12th, 2005,      was profaned among the heathen, which ye
that one day, He would bring them into the       mass departure, it was a center for hydro-      have profaned in the midst of them; and the
Kingdom.                                         ponic gardening, and the main supplier of       heathen shall know that I am the LORD,
   They keep the mezuzah on their door-          kosher produce to Jews everywhere.              saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sancti-
posts, as a sign that their home is under the                                                    fied in you before their eyes.
watchful care of El Shaddai, the Provider               God’s Name Profaned                         “For I will take you from among the hea-
and Protector. Inside that mezuzah is a tiny        Ezekiel’s Gog narrative begins in chapter    then, and gather you out of all countries,
scroll. Its opening words pronounce Israel’s     36, with a pronouncement of judgment on         and will bring you into your own land”
very identity:                                   the nations, who have triumphantly pro-         (Ezek. 36:19-24)
   “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is          nounced the ancient land to be their own.          Even though such unambiguous state-
one LORD:                                        This is a fair assessment of Israel’s current   ments as this define the context of Israel’s
   “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God         condition, as their repeated “land for peace”   return, they still insist upon the doctrine of
with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,     offers have only convinced their enemy of       appeasement. Their official position is faith
and with all thy might.                          their own victory.                              in the nations, rather than the Lord.
   “And these words, which I command thee           The Lord’s response is unequivocal:
this day, shall be in thine heart:                  “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD;                  Political Correctness
   “And thou shalt teach them diligently         Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spo-      The modern socially and politically
unto thy children, and shalt talk of them        ken against the residue of the heathen, and     programmed human being is the literary
when thou sittest in thine house, and when       against all Idumea, which have appointed        invention of author Aldous Huxley, who de-
thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest     my land into their possession with the joy      veloped him as a character type in the 1932
down, and when thou risest up.                   of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to   novel, Brave New World. This futuristic
   “And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon     cast it out for a prey.                         world of the 26th century had been radically
thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets          “Prophesy therefore concerning the land      civilized, to the point that those found guilty
between thine eyes.                              of Israel, and say unto the mountains, and      of thinking outside the approved boundaries
   “And thou shalt write them upon the           to the hills, to the rivers, and to the val-    were deemed “savages,” and were confined
posts of thy house, and on thy gates” (Deut.     leys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I        in concentration camps.
6:4-9).                                          have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury,         In 1949, George Orwell brought new
   Moses commanded the teaching of the           because ye have borne the shame of the          dimension to this concept with his novel,
Law. The basic premise of that teaching          heathen” (Ezek. 36:5,6).                        Nineteen Eighty-Four, which gave us the
was that true Israel is inseparable from the        All this started nineteen centuries ago,     phrase, “Big Brother is watching you.” Big
Lord. Down through the years, through            when the Jews lost battles with the Romans,     Brother, of course, is a God substitute …
blessings and curses, they have continued        which forced stragglers to flee in all direc-   the omnipresent governmental arbiter of
in this belief, seeing themselves as a special   tions. To the nations where they fled for       right and wrong.
people, which they are.                          refuge, they became a sad display of failed        Both authors envisioned enforced eugen-
                                                 faith and spiritual abandonment. They had       ics, genetic engineering and subconscious
       Israel’s Recent History                   allowed God’s name to be dragged through        teaching, employed to produce a new citi-
   Israel’s entire modern history is a study     the mud.                                        zen, brainwashed to accept the dictates of
in self-preservation. From the days of the          Wherever they went, their very existence     the state. Huxley wrote Brave New World
first returnees in the nineteenth century,       testified that their Lord had abandoned         Revisited in 1958, using it to announce his
through World Wars One and Two, the              them. Or worse, that He had never had any       shock at the rapid advance of state brain-
Holocaust, Statehood and a series of wars,       real power, at all. The Lord is compelled to    washing techniques, and the willingness of
Israel has desired the peace and protection      restore His name, and promises to restore       society to accept them. His novel had, after
of a divinely-appointed homeland.                his people, not for their sake, but for the     all, originally placed them several hundred
   Above all, they have desired peace,           sake of His honor and His glorious name         years in the future. Now, Huxley’s dreaded
seeking it at every turn. Arab invasions of      among the nations:                              cultural development has a name: “political
1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and a series of Arab         “And I scattered them among the hea-         correctness.” It is the general term for care-
“intifadas,” – uprisings – have tested their     then, and they were dispersed through the       fully-engineered social discourse. Huxley
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and Orwell knew it well.                         of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair:       an alliance that has let them down time and
   However, it should really be called “so-      and the house was filled with the odour of        again. The conferences of Rhodes in 1949,
cial correctness.” It is the dogma that sets     the ointment.                                     Madrid in 1991, and the Accords of Oslo
up protected groups, appeasing them and             “Then saith one of his disciples, Judas        in 1993 all failed. Each plunged Israel into
their supporters with an approved term of        Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray        a deeper indebtedness.
respectful address. It is used when conve-       him,                                                 One “land for peace” scheme after an-
nient, to dull any opposition to a point of         “Why was not this ointment sold for three      other has sought to remove Israel’s inheri-
contention about social planning.                hundred pence, and given to the poor?             tance, yet they still believe that this is their
   Its major pretext is that everyone and           “This he said, not that he cared for the       only hope for peace. Having completed the
every group must have equal access to            poor; but because he was a thief, and had         disengagement from Gaza, Prime Minister
power. Moral differentiation is ruled out.       the bag, and bare what was put therein.           Ehud Olmert immediately sought to return
No one can be thought inferior to anyone            “Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against       Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Au-
else. Everyone, regardless of behavior,          the day of my burying hath she kept this.         thority. Then, last June, he announced that
morality, ethics or religion is thought to be    (Jn. 12:1-7).                                     he was ready to appease Syria, too, making
equal to everyone else.                             Here, we see a superb example of spiri-        it known that he was ready to give up the
   Selling lead-laced toys on the world mar-     tual correctness, set in perfect opposition to    strategic Golan Heights. He even offered to
ket, tires that look good but have no internal   political correctness. Mary’s worship, ac-        give up the Temple Mount!
structure, cheap counterfeits of brand-name      cepted by the Lord, transcends the accepted          How are we to understand this slow
parts and tainted food are simply, “busi-        social reality. Some who watched thought          suicide in the name of peace? A prophecy
ness.” They are thought necessary to bring       that Mary was “wasting” a rare and expen-         found in Isaiah throws the blazing light of
equality to the world market.                    sive artifact, using far more than necessary      truth upon this question:
   Under such thinking, “jihad” becomes          and for the wrong purpose. Mark’s Gospel             “For the LORD hath poured out upon
personal struggle for equality. Islam be-        amplifies this fact:                              you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed
comes “a religion of peace,” even while it          “And being in Bethany in the house of          your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the
is attacking its neighbors and threatening       Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there         seers hath he covered.
their annihilation. Those with a house, a        came a woman having an alabaster box                 “And the vision of all is become unto you
car, two television sets and air conditioning    of ointment of spikenard very precious;           as the words of a book that is sealed, which
become “the poor.” Medical care becomes          and she brake the box, and poured it on           men deliver to one that is learned, saying,
“a right.” Abortion becomes “pro-choice.”        his head.                                         Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I can-
When convenient, “the illegal” becomes              “And there were some that had indigna-         not; for it is sealed:
“the legal.”                                     tion within themselves, and said, Why was            “And the book is delivered to him that is
   Ultimately, “free speech” becomes “regu-      this waste of the ointment made?                  not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee:
lated speech.”                                      “For it might have been sold for more          and he saith, I am not learned.
   A new commandment has crept into the          than three hundred pence, and have been              “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch
public dialogue. It is, “Thou shalt not insult   given to the poor. And they murmured              as this people draw near me with their
any protected political or social group.”        against her” (Mark 14:3-5).                       mouth, and with their lips do honour me,
And who decides whether or not a statement          Not only Judas, but onlookers who agreed       but have removed their heart far from me,
is an insult? Why, the dictatorial power, of     with him opted for the “politically correct”      and their fear toward me is taught by the
course. Social planners and power mongers        redistribution of the wealth. It has ever been    precept of men:
busily craft a new society.                      so. The human way of thinking assuages its           “Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do
                                                 own guilt by using the needy as a support         a marvellous work among this people, even
 Appeasers and the Social State                  for its own grandiose ideas.                      a marvellous work and a wonder: for the
   While pretending to build a great society,       This incident is a prime example of            wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and
their real motive is power and money, like       twisted “good intentions,” but its real mo-       the understanding of their prudent men
another famous socialist, Judas Iscariot,        tive is revealed by John. As treasurer, Judas     shall be hid.
who once had the gall to criticize one of        wanted control over the money. His real              “Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their
Jesus’ followers, as she performed an act        motive was to build his own private fortune.      counsel from the LORD, and their works are
of worship. In this famous incident, Mary        Doubtless, he saw himself as the manager of       in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and
of Bethany washed the Savior’s feet, as she      great wealth when Jesus was finally seated        who knoweth us?” (Is. 29:10-15).
had probably done many times in the past.        upon the throne of David.                            The answer is so simple. Not only Israel,
This time, however, she was moved to use            In his heart, he was a classic socialist.      but all the world’s leaders are like sleep-
a costly and delightfully-scented ointment       Under the pretext of redistributing the           walkers, dreaming that they are wide awake,
in the process. The reaction of Judas to her     wealth, he took his own cut first. Of course,     and that everything is all right. The Lord is
action is amazingly revealing:                   he wrapped himself in political correctness.      watching, but they don’t believe it.
   “Then Jesus six days before the passover      This is always the motive of those who               Israel, who should know better, con-
came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which         promote the utopian dream of a great new          tinues its behind-the-scenes transactions
had been dead, whom he raised from the           society or a welfare state.                       with world leaders. Deals are made, but
dead.                                                                                              the promises made by their enemies are
   “There they made him a supper; and                    A Sleepwalking Israel                     never kept. The covenant that God made
Martha served: but Lazarus was one of              This is the natural course of man, when he      with Abraham is mocked. The helter-skel-
them that sat at the table with him.             fails to live in the sphere of the Lord’s lead-   ter search for “peace and safety” would
   “Then took Mary a pound of ointment of        ing. We continually ask why Israel’s leaders      be comical if it were not so sad. A day of
spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet    would cling to every tiny scrap of hope from      judgment awaits. ◆
                                           Find us on the Internet -                             Prophecy in the News 13

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Appeasement: The Mechanism Of False Peace - Prophecy In The News Magazine November 2007

  • 1. Find us on the Internet - Appeasement: The Mechanism Of False Peace By Gary Stearman Having abandoned the Lord, the secular minds of our age have spiraled into aca- demic and political gridlock. Peace is vig- orously sought, but tensions increase. The hope of reconciliation is buried in a morass of politically-correct ideology that features good intentions, but little ability to act cor- rectly. Its “morality” is centered upon some vague concept of “goodness.” Its moral courage cringes at the least suggestion that it has offended some person or some group. In the name of peace, the nations in power offer their vaunted cultural pride to others. In particular, this offer is most often laid at the feet of its most vicious enemies, in the hope of coaxing them into the fold. Indeed, British leader Neville Chamberlain, the nations cannot understand why these second from right, hands Czechoslovakia enemies don’t simply catch on to the fact over to Hitler at Munich, 1938. With no that they are offering a better way, and im- sense of shame for his betrayal of the mediately accept the proffered gift in dazed Czechs, the British leader returned to admiration. London and proclaimed that he had Watching this, the man on the street rolls achieved “peace with honour.” his eyes heavenward and wonders why the Even after the Germans had occupied leaders of Western Civilization can’t see the rest of Czechoslovakia, Neville that they are being taken for a ride. He la- Chamberlain’s initial response was to ments the fact that his leaders continually blame the Czechs for their misfortune. try to make peace with enemies who daily To Chamberlain’s surprise, the British scream that they will annihilate Israel … public and media reacted with outrage to or us. Or, that they will force us to submit his repudiation of Britain’s obligation to to Islam or die. Or both. We often hear the Czechoslovakia. plaintive question, “Whatever happened to common sense?” servative government, and the very model treatment by the Western Allies, following The plain answer is that good sense is not of gentlemanly English comportment. Germany’s defeat in World War I. that common on planet earth. It can only be Suave and modeled in sartorial splendor, In truth, it was a spiritual belief in Ger- found where the Spirit of the Lord prevails. he imagined himself to represent the best man superiority. Politically, the Nazis In the eyes of his own conceit, man gives that the West had to offer. promised a car in every garage, a stable himself credit for rational, reasonable and When the little Socialist, Hitler, rose to currency, universal employment and health coherent thought. The Bible never does. power, Chamberlain developed the foreign care. They were enthusiastically received Anyone familiar with recent history will policy called appeasement. But he and his by the German people. They were promised recall Neville Chamberlain, the British fellows made the mistake that appeasers national pride, but they had no idea of the Prime minister who took office on May most often make. They imagined that evil behind it. More importantly, Hitler 28th, 1937. He was the leader of the Con- Hitler’s lust for power was the result of ill promised a thousand-year paradise – the 8 Prophecy in the News Find us on the Internet -
  • 2. Find us on the Internet - U.S. religious delegation met with Iranian President on Feb. 24, 2007. The meeting took place at the presidential residence of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and included a 13-member U.S. religious delegation and members of the president’s staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The group discussed a variety of topics including the role of religion in transforming conflict, Iraq, nuclear proliferation, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The meeting began around 7:45 p.m. and lasted for nearly two and a half hours: “What the delegation found most encouraging from the meeting with President Ahmadinejad was a clear declaration from him that Iran has no intention to acquire or use nuclear weapons, as well as a statement that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be solved through political, not military means.” The meeting culminated six days of meetings with Iranian religious and government leaders and informal conversations with Iranians at universities, churches, mosques, in shops and on the street. The delegation included leaders from the Mennonite, Quaker, Episcopal, Catholic and United Methodist churches as well as representatives of the National Council of Churches, Sojourners/Call to Renewal and Pax Christi. Third Reich. His Socialist promises were package to the British, who failed to see and boasting of his success in finding peace empowered by the promise of a New-Age that these were only attractive lies. at last. Later that day, outside Number religion, and the vision of a “new Aryan On September 29th, 1938, Chamberlain, 10 Downing Street, he stated, “My good Super-Race.” Thus, Hitler and his inner along with Hitler, French Premier Edouard friends, for the second time in our history, circle fancied themselves representatives of Daladier, and Italy’s Benito Mussolini a British Prime Minister has returned from a New World to Come. Their eschatology signed the Munich Agreement, giving Ger- Germany bringing peace with honor. I be- appropriated the promises made to Israel many the Czechoslovakian Sudatenland. lieve it is peace for our time.” and the Messiah. Eduard Benes, the Czech leader, protested, This misguided statement has become For a while, British leaders were actu- whereupon Chamberlain told him that Brit- the very icon of self-delusion. A mere five ally infatuated with the Nazis new vision ain would not go to war over the matter. months later, in March of 1939, Hitler for Germany. After all, Hitler had halted Chamberlain departed Munich fully invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland. Only Communism’s march from Russia into convinced that he had appeased Hitler and then … and far too late … did Chamberlain Germany. And he had stabilized the society achieved peace. On the next day, September declare war upon Germany. In May of 1940, around the force of his personal leadership 30th, he arrived back in England at Hesston he resigned, and Winston Churchill became cult. Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering Aerodrome. The infamous newsreel films Prime Minister. A few weeks after that, and Julius Streicher offered an attractive show him waving a copy of the agreement Chamberlain died, made a fool by his failed Find us on the Internet - Prophecy in the News 9
  • 3. Find us on the Internet - faith in the doctrine of appeasement. the Nazis promised a New Millennium of and swamps. Now, at the time of the incur- Aryan Superiority, Ahmadinejad promises sion, they are said to “dwell safely.” Peace and Safety a millennium of bliss under the rule of the The Hebrew word used to describe their Did his example dissuade others from Imam Mahdi. He can no more be turned secure position is betach [jyc]. Its primary following the same failed pathway? Hardly. from this belief than Hitler could have been meanings revolve about the idea of living in a In the halls of global politics, appeasement turned from his transcendental vision of place of stability and provision. Life in a quiet is still the chosen method for fending off the the new man. And yet, this world’s powers and peaceful state is the intended meaning. weapons of war. From another perspective, continue to operate on the failed principle But, with a slight vowel change, the same however, we should expect this. The latter- of appeasement, seeking peace and safety three Hebrew letters form the verb, betach day search for “world peace,” the stuff of by the promise of wealth and a share of the [jyc], meaning “to trust,” particularly in Miss America pageants and High-School global governance. relation to another person or group. debates, was prophesied to occupy the If there is one message that resounds In general, as we have often pointed out, center of man’s thinking. throughout Scripture, it is that true security it is to trust in something that is not entirely The Apostle Paul wrote that it would take comes only through the Lord, not the tradi- trustworthy. Its “bottom-line” meaning is, center stage in latter-day global thinking: tions of man. However, twenty-first century “to live with a false sense of security.” “But of the times and the seasons, breth- man increasingly relies upon his own failed Throughout the ages, this has been Isra- ren, ye have no need that I write unto you. institutions – ambassadors and diplomats, el’s self-induced plight. Their failure to trust “For yourselves know perfectly that the the United Nations and various departments in God rather than man has typified their day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the of state – as the keys to peace. checkered history. In Psalms 113 through night. 118, known collectively as the Hallel, or “For when they shall say, Peace and False Security “praise,” this is the constant exhortation. safety; then sudden destruction cometh This is precisely the condition seen in The Hallel, recited on the festivals of Tab- upon them, as travail upon a woman with Ezekiel’s great prophecy concerning the ernacles, Hanukkah and Passover, and at the child; and they shall not escape. latter-day invasion of Israel by a northern beginning of each new month is right at the “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that confederation of nations headed by Rus- thematic center of the Israeli heart. that day should overtake you as a thief. sia. Under conditions that bear a startling In the Gentile arrangement of the Holy “Ye are all the children of light, and the resemblance to today’s Middle East, Ezekiel Scriptures, the Hallel’s conclusion, Psalm children of the day: we are not of the night, describes Israel at the time of the offensive. 118:8, features the middle verse of the entire nor of darkness. Observe that in the following verses, the key Bible: “It is better to trust in the LORD “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; idea is that Israel dwells in a condition of than to put confidence in man.” Yet Israel but let us watch and be sober” (I Thes. safety. In particular, notice that the context of has a consistent pattern of placing trust in 5:1-6). the invasion is predicated upon this fact: the wrong people … in man. In Ezekiel’s These words of Paul ring out with the “After many days thou shalt be visited: Gog discourse, a close reading reveals that doctrine of “common sense.” He opens in the latter years thou shalt come into the the leading factor in the invasion of Israel with the thought that he believes his read- land that is brought back from the sword, is the political force generated by Israel’s ers’ own common sense should tell them and is gathered out of many people, against alignment with the Western Alliance and what would unfold in the future. He says the mountains of Israel, which have been its consistent doctrine of appeasement. In that the world would be characterized by always waste: but it is brought forth out other words, Israel’s dependence upon the the foolish pursuit of peace at the time of of the nations, and they shall dwell safely West is the very factor that ends up pulling Christ’s return for the church. all of them. Russia into the Middle East. Right up until the moment that the end- “Thou shalt ascend and come like a time wars erupt, men will be driven to storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover The Strategic Center secure “peace and safety.” Instead of righ- the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many As we have often pointed out, the objec- teousness or godly living, they will look for people with thee. tion to Gog’s assault comes from a powerful peace on the plane of human existence. This “Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also consortium that is easily recognizable to is the biblical way of describing the doctrine come to pass, that at the same time shall anyone with a smattering of knowledge of appeasement, which offers the promise things come into thy mind, and thou shalt about the recent history of power politics of civilized human interaction, but is never think an evil thought: in the last few decades. able to deliver on that promise. “And thou shalt say, I will go up to the In the following Scripture, “The mer- Those who follow the false hope of ap- land of unwalled villages; I will go to them chants of Tarshish,” and their associates peasement diplomacy are asleep, as shown that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them are the Western Alliance, composed of in the verses above. In fact, one must be dwelling without walls, and having neither powerful and wealthy interests which have asleep to allow a petty dictator like Iran’s bars nor gates, cultivated profitable connections with the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to preach the anni- “To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to sheikhs of Sheba and Dedan. These two hilation of Israel and America, then welcome turn thine hand upon the desolate places tribal designations represent the collective him on a speaking tour in our own nation. that are now inhabited, and upon the people power of all the Arab tribes in the region, It appears that our leaders hope to woo him that are gathered out of the nations, which whose oil the West has distributed through- into the club of secular democracy. have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in out the globe: But, as was the case with Hitler, they mis- the midst of the land” (Ezek. 38:8-12). The aforementioned Hebrew word for takenly think that his grievance is political Gog invades a peaceful Israel that has “false security” is used once again as Eze- and economic. Instead, it is religious, based rebuilt the Land from a condition of deso- kiel describes the strategic alliance that upon the hope that an Islamic superhero will lation. Through a systematic effort, Israelis stands on Israel’s side. return to lead his people to victory. Just as have come to inhabit those former deserts “Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants 10 Prophecy in the News Find us on the Internet -
  • 4. Find us on the Internet - of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, 14th, 1948, when David Ben-Gurion made “So the house of Israel shall know that shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take the dramatic announcement. I am the LORD their God from that day a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company Because statehood had come in response and forward. to take a prey? to carry away silver and to a UN Mandate, and because Israel had “And the heathen shall know that the gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take become the West’s foothold for stability house of Israel went into captivity for their a great spoil? in the region, a new alliance supported iniquity: because they trespassed against “Therefore, son of man, prophesy and the Jews. A curious axis of powers – Arab me, therefore hid I my face from them, and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In sheikhs on the east and the U.S. on the west gave them into the hand of their enemies: that day when my people of Israel dwelleth – gave oil interests the chance to develop so fell they all by the sword. safely, shalt thou not know it? the vast Arab resources. Israel was the “According to their uncleanness and ac- “And thou shalt come from thy place out lynchpin. In the process, the merchants cording to their transgressions have I done of the north parts, thou, and many people and bankers of America and Europe gained unto them, and hid my face from them. with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a the ability to protect their riches from any “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; great company, and a mighty army: possible encroachment. Now will I bring again the captivity of “And thou shalt come up against my Thus, twice in the verses above, Israel Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; is said to be dwelling “safely.” The clear house of Israel, and will be jealous for my it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring intent of this Scripture is to provide a holy name; thee against my land, that the heathen may picture of latter-day geopolitics, in which “After that they have borne their shame, know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, Israel is living in reliance and trust on the and all their trespasses whereby they have O Gog, before their eyes” (Ezk. 38:13-16). Gentile powers and their superweapons … trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely Following the 1917 Balfour Declaration, not the Lord. in their land, and none made them afraid. in which the British recommended “the Speaking of which, it must be noted that it “When I have brought them again from establishment in Palestine of a national is the Lord, not the nations, who decides the the people, and gathered them out of their home or the Jewish people,” immigrants direction of the ultimate force that will be enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them increasingly flooded into the territory of unleashed in the great war of “Gog, the land in the sight of many nations; ancient Israel. By the grace of God, the of Magog.” He takes the full responsibil- “Then shall they know that I am the Western powers had received authority over ity and credit for the unleashing of horrific LORD their God, which cause them to be the area, following the decline and fall of power. His language is unmistakable: led into captivity among the heathen: but I the Ottoman Empire. “And I will send a fire on Magog, and have gathered them unto their own land, and For a time, all went relatively well. The among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: have left none of them any more there. British petroleum industry, in conjunction and they shall know that I am the LORD. “Neither will I hide my face any more with American interests, began to develop “So will I make my holy name known in from them: for I have poured out my spirit an oil market there. By the middle of the the midst of my people Israel; and I will not upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord 1930s, the Arabs were beginning to realize let them pollute my holy name any more: GOD” (Ezek. 39:22-29). their new wealth and power. Oil money and the heathen shall know that I am the Here, the Lord looks back across the flowed like water. At the same time, Jews LORD, the Holy One in Israel. battle of Gog and the events of the Tribula- were coming back to Israel in increasingly “Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith tion, making known His distaste for Israel’s larger numbers. the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I lifestyle in the days following their first Toward the end of the decade, with rising have spoken” (Ezek. 39:6-8). regathering. In particular, He refers to the anti-Semitism growing in Europe, the Jews Again, the central fact of the invasion is time when they proudly lived in the illu- had even more motivation to return to their that Israel has not trusted in the Lord, but sion of peace and safety. This had nothing homeland. Arabs and other Islamic groups in the resources of an international array to do with their relationship with Him, swiftly reacted to the Jewish presence, of powers. This condition allows the world and everything to do with trust in their threatening to start a holy war, unless the to scoff at the power of the Lord, which own superweapons and the support of the growing Jewish immigration was radically they believe to be fiction. They pollute Western powers. curtailed. The British responded quickly. His Name. Of course, this refers to their present On May 17th, 1939, the Parliament is- condition. Today we see an Israel convinced sued its infamous “White Paper,” establish- A Second International Regathering of its own capability, standing on the win- ing a five-year immigration of only 75,000 Many writers have noted that prophecy ning side of half a dozen wars, always Jews. It mandated that after 1944, all Jewish plainly points to two latter-day Israeli re- on top of every incursion. In one sense, immigration would come to a complete halt. turns. The first time they come to the Land they have always relied upon the Lord’s That, of course, did not happen. The horrors in unbelief. The second, they are brought miraculous power, taking it for granted; in of the war in Europe moved matters forward back in humility, and with the full knowl- another, hearkening back to the early days with even more speed. edge that the Lord has brought them back of resettlement, they credit their success to The Holocaust of World War II aroused by grace, and not by any righteousness on their own rugged pioneer spirit. international sympathy for all dispersed their part. These early days were marked by Israel’s Jews, who now saw that their time to return To hammer this point home, Ezekiel uses secular idealism during the twentieth centu- had come. Nevertheless, those Jews had to the term “safely” for the third time in the ry, when socialism and collectivist thought defy blockades and political barriers, most Gog narrative. It is used in the derogatory formed the plans of David Ben Gurion, of which were wielded by the British. They sense, to illustrate and criticize Israel’s false Golda Meir, Abba Eban, Menachem Begin, began an all-out drive to return to their land trust in the Gentiles. Notice in the following Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin and establish a Jewish state. This, of course narrative that this regathering comes after and others. was accomplished on the afternoon of May “their shame” (the Day of the Lord): In the Israeli population, there was al- Find us on the Internet - Prophecy in the News 11
  • 5. Find us on the Internet - ways a minority of “religious” Jews. But mettle. But, rather than meeting power with countries: according to their way and ac- the majority vehemently rejected (and still power, they have bowed to the protocols of cording to their doings I judged them. reject) the idea of a Theocracy, or indeed, the UN, Madrid and Oslo. Ever so gradu- “And when they entered unto the heathen, any form of religious government. Modern ally, in the spirit of appeasement, they have whither they went, they profaned my holy Israeli Jews remain radically secular. Ironi- been persuaded to give up pieces of the name, when they said to them, These are cally, their sense of identity depends at the Land that came with much weeping and the people of the LORD, and are gone forth same time upon the reality of their geneal- loss of blood. out of his land. ogy and spiritual heritage. In the last few years, the governments of “But I had pity for mine holy name, which Even the most secular Jews rely upon Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert have sought the house of Israel had profaned among the the historical reality of Abraham, Isaac peace through increasing appeasement. heathen, whither they went. and Jacob, their patriarchs. They revere the Their “disengagement” policy gave up “Therefore say unto the house of Israel, memory 0f Moses, their deliverer and law- Gaza. But, instead of responding to the fa- Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for giver, the one who gave them the Torah. Each vor done them, Hamas and Fatah redoubled your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine year, even non-religious Jews celebrate the their efforts to destroy Israel. They have holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned Passover seder, recalling their deliverance rearmed themselves, and now use Gaza as a among the heathen, whither ye went. from Egyptian bondage, and remembering base from which to launch rockets on Israeli “And I will sanctify my great name, which the promises of their Lord, who told them villages. Before the September 12th, 2005, was profaned among the heathen, which ye that one day, He would bring them into the mass departure, it was a center for hydro- have profaned in the midst of them; and the Kingdom. ponic gardening, and the main supplier of heathen shall know that I am the LORD, They keep the mezuzah on their door- kosher produce to Jews everywhere. saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sancti- posts, as a sign that their home is under the fied in you before their eyes. watchful care of El Shaddai, the Provider God’s Name Profaned “For I will take you from among the hea- and Protector. Inside that mezuzah is a tiny Ezekiel’s Gog narrative begins in chapter then, and gather you out of all countries, scroll. Its opening words pronounce Israel’s 36, with a pronouncement of judgment on and will bring you into your own land” very identity: the nations, who have triumphantly pro- (Ezek. 36:19-24) “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is nounced the ancient land to be their own. Even though such unambiguous state- one LORD: This is a fair assessment of Israel’s current ments as this define the context of Israel’s “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God condition, as their repeated “land for peace” return, they still insist upon the doctrine of with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, offers have only convinced their enemy of appeasement. Their official position is faith and with all thy might. their own victory. in the nations, rather than the Lord. “And these words, which I command thee The Lord’s response is unequivocal: this day, shall be in thine heart: “Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Political Correctness “And thou shalt teach them diligently Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spo- The modern socially and politically unto thy children, and shalt talk of them ken against the residue of the heathen, and programmed human being is the literary when thou sittest in thine house, and when against all Idumea, which have appointed invention of author Aldous Huxley, who de- thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest my land into their possession with the joy veloped him as a character type in the 1932 down, and when thou risest up. of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to novel, Brave New World. This futuristic “And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon cast it out for a prey. world of the 26th century had been radically thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets “Prophesy therefore concerning the land civilized, to the point that those found guilty between thine eyes. of Israel, and say unto the mountains, and of thinking outside the approved boundaries “And thou shalt write them upon the to the hills, to the rivers, and to the val- were deemed “savages,” and were confined posts of thy house, and on thy gates” (Deut. leys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I in concentration camps. 6:4-9). have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, In 1949, George Orwell brought new Moses commanded the teaching of the because ye have borne the shame of the dimension to this concept with his novel, Law. The basic premise of that teaching heathen” (Ezek. 36:5,6). Nineteen Eighty-Four, which gave us the was that true Israel is inseparable from the All this started nineteen centuries ago, phrase, “Big Brother is watching you.” Big Lord. Down through the years, through when the Jews lost battles with the Romans, Brother, of course, is a God substitute … blessings and curses, they have continued which forced stragglers to flee in all direc- the omnipresent governmental arbiter of in this belief, seeing themselves as a special tions. To the nations where they fled for right and wrong. people, which they are. refuge, they became a sad display of failed Both authors envisioned enforced eugen- faith and spiritual abandonment. They had ics, genetic engineering and subconscious Israel’s Recent History allowed God’s name to be dragged through teaching, employed to produce a new citi- Israel’s entire modern history is a study the mud. zen, brainwashed to accept the dictates of in self-preservation. From the days of the Wherever they went, their very existence the state. Huxley wrote Brave New World first returnees in the nineteenth century, testified that their Lord had abandoned Revisited in 1958, using it to announce his through World Wars One and Two, the them. Or worse, that He had never had any shock at the rapid advance of state brain- Holocaust, Statehood and a series of wars, real power, at all. The Lord is compelled to washing techniques, and the willingness of Israel has desired the peace and protection restore His name, and promises to restore society to accept them. His novel had, after of a divinely-appointed homeland. his people, not for their sake, but for the all, originally placed them several hundred Above all, they have desired peace, sake of His honor and His glorious name years in the future. Now, Huxley’s dreaded seeking it at every turn. Arab invasions of among the nations: cultural development has a name: “political 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and a series of Arab “And I scattered them among the hea- correctness.” It is the general term for care- “intifadas,” – uprisings – have tested their then, and they were dispersed through the fully-engineered social discourse. Huxley 12 Prophecy in the News Find us on the Internet -
  • 6. Find us on the Internet - and Orwell knew it well. of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: an alliance that has let them down time and However, it should really be called “so- and the house was filled with the odour of again. The conferences of Rhodes in 1949, cial correctness.” It is the dogma that sets the ointment. Madrid in 1991, and the Accords of Oslo up protected groups, appeasing them and “Then saith one of his disciples, Judas in 1993 all failed. Each plunged Israel into their supporters with an approved term of Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray a deeper indebtedness. respectful address. It is used when conve- him, One “land for peace” scheme after an- nient, to dull any opposition to a point of “Why was not this ointment sold for three other has sought to remove Israel’s inheri- contention about social planning. hundred pence, and given to the poor? tance, yet they still believe that this is their Its major pretext is that everyone and “This he said, not that he cared for the only hope for peace. Having completed the every group must have equal access to poor; but because he was a thief, and had disengagement from Gaza, Prime Minister power. Moral differentiation is ruled out. the bag, and bare what was put therein. Ehud Olmert immediately sought to return No one can be thought inferior to anyone “Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Au- else. Everyone, regardless of behavior, the day of my burying hath she kept this. thority. Then, last June, he announced that morality, ethics or religion is thought to be (Jn. 12:1-7). he was ready to appease Syria, too, making equal to everyone else. Here, we see a superb example of spiri- it known that he was ready to give up the Selling lead-laced toys on the world mar- tual correctness, set in perfect opposition to strategic Golan Heights. He even offered to ket, tires that look good but have no internal political correctness. Mary’s worship, ac- give up the Temple Mount! structure, cheap counterfeits of brand-name cepted by the Lord, transcends the accepted How are we to understand this slow parts and tainted food are simply, “busi- social reality. Some who watched thought suicide in the name of peace? A prophecy ness.” They are thought necessary to bring that Mary was “wasting” a rare and expen- found in Isaiah throws the blazing light of equality to the world market. sive artifact, using far more than necessary truth upon this question: Under such thinking, “jihad” becomes and for the wrong purpose. Mark’s Gospel “For the LORD hath poured out upon personal struggle for equality. Islam be- amplifies this fact: you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed comes “a religion of peace,” even while it “And being in Bethany in the house of your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the is attacking its neighbors and threatening Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there seers hath he covered. their annihilation. Those with a house, a came a woman having an alabaster box “And the vision of all is become unto you car, two television sets and air conditioning of ointment of spikenard very precious; as the words of a book that is sealed, which become “the poor.” Medical care becomes and she brake the box, and poured it on men deliver to one that is learned, saying, “a right.” Abortion becomes “pro-choice.” his head. Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I can- When convenient, “the illegal” becomes “And there were some that had indigna- not; for it is sealed: “the legal.” tion within themselves, and said, Why was “And the book is delivered to him that is Ultimately, “free speech” becomes “regu- this waste of the ointment made? not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: lated speech.” “For it might have been sold for more and he saith, I am not learned. A new commandment has crept into the than three hundred pence, and have been “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch public dialogue. It is, “Thou shalt not insult given to the poor. And they murmured as this people draw near me with their any protected political or social group.” against her” (Mark 14:3-5). mouth, and with their lips do honour me, And who decides whether or not a statement Not only Judas, but onlookers who agreed but have removed their heart far from me, is an insult? Why, the dictatorial power, of with him opted for the “politically correct” and their fear toward me is taught by the course. Social planners and power mongers redistribution of the wealth. It has ever been precept of men: busily craft a new society. so. The human way of thinking assuages its “Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do own guilt by using the needy as a support a marvellous work among this people, even Appeasers and the Social State for its own grandiose ideas. a marvellous work and a wonder: for the While pretending to build a great society, This incident is a prime example of wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and their real motive is power and money, like twisted “good intentions,” but its real mo- the understanding of their prudent men another famous socialist, Judas Iscariot, tive is revealed by John. As treasurer, Judas shall be hid. who once had the gall to criticize one of wanted control over the money. His real “Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their Jesus’ followers, as she performed an act motive was to build his own private fortune. counsel from the LORD, and their works are of worship. In this famous incident, Mary Doubtless, he saw himself as the manager of in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and of Bethany washed the Savior’s feet, as she great wealth when Jesus was finally seated who knoweth us?” (Is. 29:10-15). had probably done many times in the past. upon the throne of David. The answer is so simple. Not only Israel, This time, however, she was moved to use In his heart, he was a classic socialist. but all the world’s leaders are like sleep- a costly and delightfully-scented ointment Under the pretext of redistributing the walkers, dreaming that they are wide awake, in the process. The reaction of Judas to her wealth, he took his own cut first. Of course, and that everything is all right. The Lord is action is amazingly revealing: he wrapped himself in political correctness. watching, but they don’t believe it. “Then Jesus six days before the passover This is always the motive of those who Israel, who should know better, con- came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which promote the utopian dream of a great new tinues its behind-the-scenes transactions had been dead, whom he raised from the society or a welfare state. with world leaders. Deals are made, but dead. the promises made by their enemies are “There they made him a supper; and A Sleepwalking Israel never kept. The covenant that God made Martha served: but Lazarus was one of This is the natural course of man, when he with Abraham is mocked. The helter-skel- them that sat at the table with him. fails to live in the sphere of the Lord’s lead- ter search for “peace and safety” would “Then took Mary a pound of ointment of ing. We continually ask why Israel’s leaders be comical if it were not so sad. A day of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet would cling to every tiny scrap of hope from judgment awaits. ◆ Find us on the Internet - Prophecy in the News 13