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On behalf of all of us at AOS,Welcome to the Acade-
my of Oral Surgery family. Thanks for joining our
growing community. We are excited to have you.
2020... need I say more? This year is almost over;
what unprecedented times we all are going
through. No one will blame you if you choose to
look at 2020 as a half full or half empty glass. 
Typically, every year has its defining moments. But
this year has seen so many unbelievable, world
changing and paradigm-shifting developments. 
All of us have experienced hardship, pain, sadness,
struggles, and loss. At the same time we have expe-
rienced closeness, humanity, success, and the reali-
zation of power and strength.We have all had to
adapt to these hardships and struggles. We had to
become creative, and guard our patients, ourselves,
and our loved ones from the invisible enemy which
will continue on well beyond 2020.
As this pandemic continues to rage, with waves of
social change swelling in our country and around
the globe; as a fierce presidential campaign has
come to pass, 2020 brought something good.  For
the first time in the history of our profession, an oral
surgery academy dedicated to the education of all
dental professionals was born.  The mission of the
Academy of Oral Surgery is to provide a pathway for
dentists and team members to obtain the education
and training necessary to successfully perform oral
Dr. Kayvon Javid
The Best Thing About
The Worst Year
surgery procedures. The AOS strives to facilitate
education beyond what was taught in dental school,
to enable the dental team to practice with the com-
petence and confidence to provide the best care for
their patients.
Oral surgery has traditionally been reserved for a
few select practitioners who have completed a spe-
cific training program, one which is not offered to
general dentists. Of course, we are not training gen-
eral dentists to do complicated orthognathic
surgery. We help to educate on topics including
how to properly extract a tooth, head and neck anat-
omy, diagnosis and treatment, identifying limitations
to treatment, and when to refer. As for the instruc-
tors, we have gathered some of the top oral
surgeons and medical/dental educators from
around the world. 
As the regent of this academy, I urge every dental
professional to join our organization. Let us contin-
ue to create new opportunities to improve dental
education. The AOS is for anyone who seeks
knowledge and skills, with a desire for continued
betterment as dental professionals.
The new year lends new opportunities and we
welcome you to the Academy.
For many dental surgeons, oral surgery procedures
are complex or difficult to perform. As an Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeon with extensive experience in
the area, I claim that with the basic knowledge of
anatomy, anesthetic, and surgical technique, it is
possible to solve the vast majority of cases. Howev-
er, in daily practice, it is never the procedure that
may concern me. Still, the systemic conditions of the
patient, knowing how to identify signs and/or symp-
toms that may be related to the patient's general
health is as important as basic knowledge for the
oral surgery procedure. Several systemic conditions
or medications can interfere in the pre-, trans-, and
post-operative period. And this must be evaluated
through anamnesis on the patient's first visit to the
dental office. The dentist must carefully evaluate
this anamnesis, who must question the patient and
doubt about previous diseases or medications. I ask
you, esteemed colleagues, not to be afraid to ask or
research something you don't know. This simple
care in the pre-operative period will avoid major
complications for the professional and patient for
the surgical procedure.
Think about it: "It would be so easy to remove the
mouth and treat it, but unfortunately, a complete
Prof. Dr. Carlos
Fernando Mourão
DDS, M.Sc, Ph.D
Holistic Oral Surgeon
body comes for treatment."
So, you should have a holistic view. A great
surgeon doesn't just treat illness. He will treat the
Holistic Oral Surgeon
First Annual Symposium
Thank You
AOS Member Benefits
Discounted tuition to our Annual Meeting, which will include Continuing Education from some of the
best speakers in dentistry, and an opportunity to meet and socialize with colleagues from around the
globe who, like you, want to improve their knowledge and skill in oral surgery and related topics.
Access to AOS member tuition for online and live continuing education courses through our affiliated
sites, such as:
Member discounts with our partner manufacturers and dental supply companies.
Reduced membership dues to our affiliated organizations
Access to our Fast Track ER program, which addresses the needs of dental patients after hours.
Access to our library of office forms
International Extraction Academy
Global Implantology Institute
Camarlengo Dental Institute — hands-on oral surgery and dental implant training
And more to come.
Surgical consents
Pre-op and post-op instructions
Procedure forms
Articles of interest
Members of the AOS will have access to our many benefits
and programs
Raising The Standard Of Excellence
- Doctorate Of Healthcare Business
Emily Letran
As healthcare professionals, we all go through rigor-
ous training, achieving clinical competency over
four years of professional education. Our schools
do an excellent job teaching us in-depth skills, from
differential diagnosis to the analysis and restoration
of complex cases. It is not possible, however, to fit
business training into an already demanding clinical
You probably still remember your first denture
patient, when you might have stayed late in lab to
put on that shining polish. You can still feel the emo-
tion and frustration designing your first complex
treatment plan, having to page and consult with
three or four different department chairs. Of course,
you can fondly recall graduation day, walking proud-
ly on stage to receive your professional degree,
thinking that the years of training have finally ended:
You are now a doctor, who can be your own boss
and do whatever you want in your own practice.
Then, reality hit. You bought or set up a practice
where you had no idea how to hire people. You had
that first patient who asked, “How long have you
been doing this, Doc?”, and you weren’t sure how to
truthfully answer the question. You got so busy in
the practice, wondering where the time had gone
when you missed your child’s first music recital. You
booked several things on your calendar and finally
realized you spent more time working in your prac-
tice and thinking about your work than being pres-
ent with your family and taking care of your health,
passion, and wellbeing.
You realize school never prepared you for all of that,
the business side of a professional career.
Recognizing the gap between clinical training, busi-
ness administration, and the demand of all the
knowledge, strategies, and resources required to
be a successful professional and entrepreneur, we
are launching a program to help doctors rise to their
next level of business excellence.
Our program consists of a six-week series of cours-
es taught by clinical professionals who also own
and run successful businesses. These doctors come
from all over the world and have backgrounds in
research, publishing, innovation, team building,
sales psychology, business scaling, and marketing.
This unique team will be augmented by outstanding
global industry leaders as guest lecturers, who will
share cutting-edge knowledge in their respective
fields. This is the first time we have a program for
doctors that provides answers to the real-world
challenges of running a business while concurrently
supporting them to become leaders in their commu-
As healthcare professionals, we all go through rigor- realized you spent more time working in your prac
The program has three tracks with three separate
The Financial Track starts with personal finance,
cash flow, and debt management. It provides
insights to establishing different corporate business
structures, as well as evaluation of start-up versus
acquisition. As the business grows, the CEO may
choose to build wealth through creation of intellec-
tual property and joint ventures among different
sectors. Students who complete this track will
improve their financial planning and management of
their active income, and become capable of grow-
ing and leveraging passive income. In the big
picture, a knowledgeable and well-informed practi-
tioner will make better financial decisions and can
plan for whatever curveballs life may throw at them.
The Business Administration track of the program
focuses on the actual operations of a successful
business. Students will learn business basics such
as communication systems, office protocols, team
building and organization. The track expands to
encompass complex sale strategies, marketing on
multiple platforms, business ethics and the develop-
ment of high-performance leadership. This is the
track that will transform the clinician into a CEO who
will be able to handle any business challenge just as
efficiently and effectively any clinical emergency.
The third, Research Track, is a unique part of this
Doctorate program. The students will be required to
review literature as well as complete an individual
research project which will include a thesis and oral
defense. This essential track will allow the doctoral
candidate to demonstrate their aptitude to become
an innovator and contribute to our overall multidisci-
plinary body of knowledge. Research promotes
both the university and the candidate while it facili-
tates the path to publications and grants. A pub-
lished researcher is undoubtedly a notable leader in
the field. The Doctorate graduates of this program
will be educated professionals with research
accomplishments, the knowledge to run well-struc-
tured, profitable practices as well as the ability to
create collaborative opportunities for business
acceleration and wealth building.
We are confident the program will fill the gap
between clinical training and real-life business
acumen and empower our doctors to be successful
CEOs and community leaders.
We invite you to join us and raise your standard of
excellence with our program, Doctorate of Health-
care Business. Visit us at for
more information.
See you at the next level of excellence!
International Extraction Academy combines an informative, in
depth lecture with comprehensive hands on workshop experi-
ences utilizing anatomical models as well as fresh frozen
cadaver heads. The courses are designed to teach pre-clinical
preparation, minimally traumatic tooth extraction focusing on
alveolar ridge preservation, grafting concepts, biomaterials
selection, suturing techniques, pain and complications man-
agement, and patient aftercare. Upon completion of the cours-
es, participants should have the skills to correctly plan and con-
fidently perform various extraction procedures with prior plan-
ning for post-prosthetic treatment.
Koerner Center for Surgical Instruction (KCSI) was founded by
Dr. Karl Koerner, a general dentist who has been educating his
peers on dentoalveolar surgery for more than 25 years.
Throughout his career as a clinician, author and educator, Dr.
Koerner recognized the need for a truly comprehensive oral
surgery training program geared toward general dentists.
Many general dentists cobble together their own training
through attending a myriad of day and weekend courses,
hoping to achieve proficiency. This method leaves a gap in the
educational experience and inhibits true proficiency in the art
and science of dental surgery. KCSI equips general dentists to
meet the oral surgery needs of their patients with safety,
efficiency, and confidence.
Global Implantology Institute (GII) provides a comprehensive tool-
box to Dental Healthcare Professionals (DHC) interested in surgical
and restorative dental implant procedures to encourage them to
enter the dental implantology field or expand their knowledge.
More than 120 million Americans have at least one missing tooth.
The projected disconcerting number of patients suffering from this
silent epidemic (edentulism) is set to increase to more than 200
million in America over the next 15 years and is even more stagger-
ing, worldwide. Yet, there is a shortage of qualified clinicians to
render care for these patients. Starting with simple and progressing
to complex implantology procedures, with all related topics in
between, GII creates a steppingstone from extractions to implantol-
ogy. Whether you are starting out, already placing and/or restoring
dental implants, or wish to expand your knowledge, GII brings
together seasoned educators from around the world to cater to
colleagues of all specialties in dentistry.
Camarlengo Dental Institute is a postgraduate dental continuing
education program providing live patient experience in oral
surgery and implant surgery at facilities in the United States and
Latin America. With our courses you will achieve the needed
knowledge and skills to successfully incorporate oral surgical and
implant-based rehabilitation dentistry into your practice.
Meet Our Partners
7 is home to the O.S. Accelerator Course
which conveys everything you will ever need to know to
extract teeth safely and confidently in your office. Members of
my course will have direct access to me at all times to help
guide / mentor you to overcome whatever obstacles you may
be facing to ensure you achieve your goals and are actually
able to implement the information you’re exposed to in the
13 Modules, 290 4K videos and 482 learning objectives cover
everything from preoperative planning to postoperative care
and everything between. The information I share is a compila-
tion of the pearls of wisdom from peer-reviewed journal
articles, textbooks, CE courses I’ve attended, clinical experi-
ence, and mentorships from the inception of my career to the
present day. It’s everything you should have learned in dental
school…but didn’t. is the site on the Internet for general
dentists, dental students, oral surgery residents, and other
specialists to learn by watching over-the-shoulder video
courses about topics and procedures in office-based oral
surgery and dental implant procedures. OnlineOralSurgery
will increase your competence and confidence in the surgical
treatment of your patients.
4M Institute is a leader in continuing dental education for everything
from Full Mouth Reconstructive Surgery to IV-Sedation, PFR/Phle-
botomy, Leadership, Marketing, Advanced Sales Process and more.
We provide cutting-edge progressive training to dentists to make
certain they offer their patients the most advanced and appropriate
care possible while ensuring they bring a professional, motivated
and dedicated team along with them. We are committed to unri-
valed quality and ethical standards in dentistry. We give dentists the
tools and confidence to restore smiles with the most advanced
tools and techniques available.
Adoption of endosseous root form dental implants
has approached a level of standard of care for full
and partially edentulous oral conditions. While there
are several references as to quantity of implants
placed in the United States on an annual basis,
many references suggest greater than three million
per year. With the increase in implant placement,
maintenance of implants both from a mucositis
and/or implantitis condition has become a critical
focus for clinicians. From a patient perspective,
losing an implant psychologically is not on the same
level as losing a natural tooth. Impact is much more
eventful. If only 10% of implants are failures, that
would equate to 300,000 removed per year. There-
fore, the goal for clinicians is to provide preventive
and long-term therapy for implant patients.
Many etiologies for implant disease have been
proposed from the standard microbial stimulus to
systemic issues as vitamin D deficiency, nicotine
use, implant dimensions and surface characteristics,
Dr. Samuel B. Low
Managing Peri Implantitis
With Laser Technology
placement technique, and occlusion. The American
Academy of Periodontology has now included
implant disease in the most recent classification
ranging from implant health and including mucositis
and peri implantitis. Current therapeutic procedures
Adoption of endosseous root form dental implants
has approached a level of standard of care for full
Dr. Samuel B. Low
placement technique, and occlusion. The American
Academy of Periodontology has now included
implant disease in the most recent classification
for peri implantitis include degranulation of the
inflamed tissues, detoxification/decontamination of
implant surfaces with various medicaments, air
powder devices, and laser therapy. Also included
are flap procedures for access resulting in osseous
visualization with possible decortication and aug-
mentation with grafting materials as osseous and
biologics. A recent focus has been targeted at
implant surfaces exposed as to contamination as
titanium oxide particulates with references to corro-
The utilization of laser technology into healthcare
therapeutics has expanded significantly in recent
years with a role model being surgical implications
in ophthalmology and dermatology. One primary
reason is precise access to designated targets.
Ideally, laser energy is absorbed and has the ability
to affect tissue based on the nature of the target. By
utilizing a coherent light beam, the energy is
expended through an electromagnetic wave gener-
ally through a process noted as ablation (vaporiza-
tion). This thermal radiation is non-ionizing in a
range of 350 to 10,600nm. The radiation is consid-
ered safe to human cells when utilized with the
appropriate settings and precautions. The action of
a laser is photo thermal by absorption into the
appropriate target. For oral health care, lasers are
divided into actions based in hard or soft tissue or
both. Diode and Nd;YAG wavelengths have a
chromophore target of melanin, hemoglobin and
water in cells. Erbium and CO2 (9300nm) wave-
lengths can be absorbed into both hard and soft
tissue seeking water and carbonated hydroxyapa-
tite. There exist differences with erbium lasers as
the ErCr;YSGG has a higher water absorption coeffi-
cient over the Er:YAG and may aid in coagulation.
If managing implantitis centered around soft tissue
degranulation, then diodes and Nd:YAG would be
indicated. However, one major issue is thermal gen-
eration of these wavelengths around osseous struc-
tures (hard tissue) and especially dental implant
surfaces. Studies demonstrate that increased
settings can quickly raise implant temperatures
resulting in adverse effects on implant surfaces as
fracture and moreover osteonecrosis resulting in a
negative effect on the bone Implant contact (BIC). It
is contraindicated to contact implant surfaces with
diode and Nd:YAG wavelengths. If we add that a
laser must also provide a decortication environment
whereby the cancellous bone has an opportunity to
release bone morphogenic protein (BMP) then the
appropriate wavelength is the erbium and CO2
(9300nm). And if a critical laser characteristic is the
decontamination of the implant surface, then again,
the wavelength is an erbium and CO2 (9300 nm) so
as not to have an adverse effect via thermal conduc-
Several studies now demonstrate that detoxifying
an implant surface with an erbium wavelength can
provide an ideal surface for fibroblast re attachment.
Human histology studies give evidence that utilizing
the erbium laser on an implant surface enhances the
bone implant contact. Whether the decontamination
is the removal of oral microbiome, calculus, cemen-
tum or titanium oxide particles, the implant surface if
generally porous with threads acting as a major
harbor for the contaminants. Laser energy can
create the access resulting in detoxification without
reliance on mechanical means. Some erbium laser
manufactures have created various tips that can
direct energy laterally and/or horizontally in one
direction for effective decontamination within the
deepest pitch of the thread anatomy.
The quantity of implant placements will only
increase which provides an ever-growing incidence
of implant disease. Laser technology now provides
an adjunct to provide additional life to respective
implants with concomitant pathology and thus a
continued confidence of our patients who received
these respective services.
Jill Schultz
Building on her career in Executive Administrative Business Management and Partnership in the
medical and dental industries, Jill has transitioned into a new career as the Academy of Oral
Surgery's Executive Director. Jill comes to AOS with a background in developing and providing
processes and management. In recent years, she held Executive positions at Mortenson Dental Part-
ners and Humana. Jill's responsibilities for AOS include providing overall management services to
the board of directors and members of the organization. Earning a Baccalaureate degree, double
major in Marketing & Management, from The University of Louisville, KY, she is excited about combin-
ing her education and experience to help manage dynamic content and navigate the expansion of
AOS's reach in the oral surgery community on a global scale.
Jill Schultz
We are ecstatic as the Academy of Oral Surgery continues to grow and expand rapidly. Our esteemed
Regents, Ambassadors and group of professionals are the main focal points in delivering and achiev-
ing our Mission and Vision.
The passion to share knowledge and information for the benefit of all Medical and Dental Profession-
als makes this Academy one of a kind. We are very grateful for all the support we have been receiving
from everyone who believes in our goals. 2020 may have been a difficult year for all of us however,
it is in these times of difficulty, that we come out stronger and better versions of the past. This is proof
that working hand in hand together takes everyone to great heights.
Let us continue to persist. Onward we move for education, excellence and success.
Academy of Oral Surgery
A BIG Thank You
Welcome To
Academy Of Oral Surgery

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AOS Spring Newsletter 2021

  • 2. On behalf of all of us at AOS,Welcome to the Acade- my of Oral Surgery family. Thanks for joining our growing community. We are excited to have you. 2020... need I say more? This year is almost over; what unprecedented times we all are going through. No one will blame you if you choose to look at 2020 as a half full or half empty glass.  Typically, every year has its defining moments. But this year has seen so many unbelievable, world changing and paradigm-shifting developments.  All of us have experienced hardship, pain, sadness, struggles, and loss. At the same time we have expe- rienced closeness, humanity, success, and the reali- zation of power and strength.We have all had to adapt to these hardships and struggles. We had to become creative, and guard our patients, ourselves, and our loved ones from the invisible enemy which will continue on well beyond 2020. As this pandemic continues to rage, with waves of social change swelling in our country and around the globe; as a fierce presidential campaign has come to pass, 2020 brought something good.  For the first time in the history of our profession, an oral surgery academy dedicated to the education of all dental professionals was born.  The mission of the Academy of Oral Surgery is to provide a pathway for dentists and team members to obtain the education and training necessary to successfully perform oral Dr. Kayvon Javid DDS, DICOI, FCII The Best Thing About The Worst Year surgery procedures. The AOS strives to facilitate education beyond what was taught in dental school, to enable the dental team to practice with the com- petence and confidence to provide the best care for their patients. Oral surgery has traditionally been reserved for a few select practitioners who have completed a spe- cific training program, one which is not offered to general dentists. Of course, we are not training gen- eral dentists to do complicated orthognathic surgery. We help to educate on topics including how to properly extract a tooth, head and neck anat- omy, diagnosis and treatment, identifying limitations to treatment, and when to refer. As for the instruc- tors, we have gathered some of the top oral surgeons and medical/dental educators from around the world.  As the regent of this academy, I urge every dental professional to join our organization. Let us contin- ue to create new opportunities to improve dental education. The AOS is for anyone who seeks knowledge and skills, with a desire for continued betterment as dental professionals. The new year lends new opportunities and we welcome you to the Academy. 2 0 2 1 1
  • 3. For many dental surgeons, oral surgery procedures are complex or difficult to perform. As an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with extensive experience in the area, I claim that with the basic knowledge of anatomy, anesthetic, and surgical technique, it is possible to solve the vast majority of cases. Howev- er, in daily practice, it is never the procedure that may concern me. Still, the systemic conditions of the patient, knowing how to identify signs and/or symp- toms that may be related to the patient's general health is as important as basic knowledge for the oral surgery procedure. Several systemic conditions or medications can interfere in the pre-, trans-, and post-operative period. And this must be evaluated through anamnesis on the patient's first visit to the dental office. The dentist must carefully evaluate this anamnesis, who must question the patient and doubt about previous diseases or medications. I ask you, esteemed colleagues, not to be afraid to ask or research something you don't know. This simple care in the pre-operative period will avoid major complications for the professional and patient for the surgical procedure. Think about it: "It would be so easy to remove the mouth and treat it, but unfortunately, a complete Prof. Dr. Carlos Fernando Mourão DDS, M.Sc, Ph.D 2 Holistic Oral Surgeon body comes for treatment." So, you should have a holistic view. A great surgeon doesn't just treat illness. He will treat the patient. Holistic Oral Surgeon
  • 5. AOS Member Benefits Discounted tuition to our Annual Meeting, which will include Continuing Education from some of the best speakers in dentistry, and an opportunity to meet and socialize with colleagues from around the globe who, like you, want to improve their knowledge and skill in oral surgery and related topics. Access to AOS member tuition for online and live continuing education courses through our affiliated sites, such as: Member discounts with our partner manufacturers and dental supply companies. Reduced membership dues to our affiliated organizations Access to our Fast Track ER program, which addresses the needs of dental patients after hours. Access to our library of office forms International Extraction Academy Global Implantology Institute Camarlengo Dental Institute — hands-on oral surgery and dental implant training And more to come. Surgical consents Pre-op and post-op instructions Procedure forms Articles of interest Members of the AOS will have access to our many benefits and programs 4
  • 6. 5 Raising The Standard Of Excellence - Doctorate Of Healthcare Business Emily Letran DDS, MS, CHPC DEAN, DOCTORATE OF HEALTHCARE BUSINESS PROGRAM As healthcare professionals, we all go through rigor- ous training, achieving clinical competency over four years of professional education. Our schools do an excellent job teaching us in-depth skills, from differential diagnosis to the analysis and restoration of complex cases. It is not possible, however, to fit business training into an already demanding clinical curriculum. You probably still remember your first denture patient, when you might have stayed late in lab to put on that shining polish. You can still feel the emo- tion and frustration designing your first complex treatment plan, having to page and consult with three or four different department chairs. Of course, you can fondly recall graduation day, walking proud- ly on stage to receive your professional degree, thinking that the years of training have finally ended: You are now a doctor, who can be your own boss and do whatever you want in your own practice. Then, reality hit. You bought or set up a practice where you had no idea how to hire people. You had that first patient who asked, “How long have you been doing this, Doc?”, and you weren’t sure how to truthfully answer the question. You got so busy in the practice, wondering where the time had gone when you missed your child’s first music recital. You booked several things on your calendar and finally realized you spent more time working in your prac- tice and thinking about your work than being pres- ent with your family and taking care of your health, passion, and wellbeing. You realize school never prepared you for all of that, the business side of a professional career. Recognizing the gap between clinical training, busi- ness administration, and the demand of all the knowledge, strategies, and resources required to be a successful professional and entrepreneur, we are launching a program to help doctors rise to their next level of business excellence. Our program consists of a six-week series of cours- es taught by clinical professionals who also own and run successful businesses. These doctors come from all over the world and have backgrounds in research, publishing, innovation, team building, sales psychology, business scaling, and marketing. This unique team will be augmented by outstanding global industry leaders as guest lecturers, who will share cutting-edge knowledge in their respective fields. This is the first time we have a program for doctors that provides answers to the real-world challenges of running a business while concurrently supporting them to become leaders in their commu- nities. As healthcare professionals, we all go through rigor- realized you spent more time working in your prac
  • 7. 6 The program has three tracks with three separate focuses. The Financial Track starts with personal finance, cash flow, and debt management. It provides insights to establishing different corporate business structures, as well as evaluation of start-up versus acquisition. As the business grows, the CEO may choose to build wealth through creation of intellec- tual property and joint ventures among different sectors. Students who complete this track will improve their financial planning and management of their active income, and become capable of grow- ing and leveraging passive income. In the big picture, a knowledgeable and well-informed practi- tioner will make better financial decisions and can plan for whatever curveballs life may throw at them. The Business Administration track of the program focuses on the actual operations of a successful business. Students will learn business basics such as communication systems, office protocols, team building and organization. The track expands to encompass complex sale strategies, marketing on multiple platforms, business ethics and the develop- ment of high-performance leadership. This is the track that will transform the clinician into a CEO who will be able to handle any business challenge just as efficiently and effectively any clinical emergency. The third, Research Track, is a unique part of this Doctorate program. The students will be required to review literature as well as complete an individual research project which will include a thesis and oral defense. This essential track will allow the doctoral candidate to demonstrate their aptitude to become an innovator and contribute to our overall multidisci- plinary body of knowledge. Research promotes both the university and the candidate while it facili- tates the path to publications and grants. A pub- lished researcher is undoubtedly a notable leader in the field. The Doctorate graduates of this program will be educated professionals with research accomplishments, the knowledge to run well-struc- tured, profitable practices as well as the ability to create collaborative opportunities for business acceleration and wealth building. We are confident the program will fill the gap between clinical training and real-life business acumen and empower our doctors to be successful CEOs and community leaders. We invite you to join us and raise your standard of excellence with our program, Doctorate of Health- care Business. Visit us at for more information. See you at the next level of excellence!
  • 8. International Extraction Academy combines an informative, in depth lecture with comprehensive hands on workshop experi- ences utilizing anatomical models as well as fresh frozen cadaver heads. The courses are designed to teach pre-clinical preparation, minimally traumatic tooth extraction focusing on alveolar ridge preservation, grafting concepts, biomaterials selection, suturing techniques, pain and complications man- agement, and patient aftercare. Upon completion of the cours- es, participants should have the skills to correctly plan and con- fidently perform various extraction procedures with prior plan- ning for post-prosthetic treatment. Koerner Center for Surgical Instruction (KCSI) was founded by Dr. Karl Koerner, a general dentist who has been educating his peers on dentoalveolar surgery for more than 25 years. Throughout his career as a clinician, author and educator, Dr. Koerner recognized the need for a truly comprehensive oral surgery training program geared toward general dentists. Many general dentists cobble together their own training through attending a myriad of day and weekend courses, hoping to achieve proficiency. This method leaves a gap in the educational experience and inhibits true proficiency in the art and science of dental surgery. KCSI equips general dentists to meet the oral surgery needs of their patients with safety, efficiency, and confidence. Global Implantology Institute (GII) provides a comprehensive tool- box to Dental Healthcare Professionals (DHC) interested in surgical and restorative dental implant procedures to encourage them to enter the dental implantology field or expand their knowledge. More than 120 million Americans have at least one missing tooth. The projected disconcerting number of patients suffering from this silent epidemic (edentulism) is set to increase to more than 200 million in America over the next 15 years and is even more stagger- ing, worldwide. Yet, there is a shortage of qualified clinicians to render care for these patients. Starting with simple and progressing to complex implantology procedures, with all related topics in between, GII creates a steppingstone from extractions to implantol- ogy. Whether you are starting out, already placing and/or restoring dental implants, or wish to expand your knowledge, GII brings together seasoned educators from around the world to cater to colleagues of all specialties in dentistry. Camarlengo Dental Institute is a postgraduate dental continuing education program providing live patient experience in oral surgery and implant surgery at facilities in the United States and Latin America. With our courses you will achieve the needed knowledge and skills to successfully incorporate oral surgical and implant-based rehabilitation dentistry into your practice. Meet Our Partners 7
  • 9. is home to the O.S. Accelerator Course which conveys everything you will ever need to know to extract teeth safely and confidently in your office. Members of my course will have direct access to me at all times to help guide / mentor you to overcome whatever obstacles you may be facing to ensure you achieve your goals and are actually able to implement the information you’re exposed to in the course. 13 Modules, 290 4K videos and 482 learning objectives cover everything from preoperative planning to postoperative care and everything between. The information I share is a compila- tion of the pearls of wisdom from peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, CE courses I’ve attended, clinical experi- ence, and mentorships from the inception of my career to the present day. It’s everything you should have learned in dental school…but didn’t. is the site on the Internet for general dentists, dental students, oral surgery residents, and other specialists to learn by watching over-the-shoulder video courses about topics and procedures in office-based oral surgery and dental implant procedures. OnlineOralSurgery will increase your competence and confidence in the surgical treatment of your patients. 4M Institute is a leader in continuing dental education for everything from Full Mouth Reconstructive Surgery to IV-Sedation, PFR/Phle- botomy, Leadership, Marketing, Advanced Sales Process and more. We provide cutting-edge progressive training to dentists to make certain they offer their patients the most advanced and appropriate care possible while ensuring they bring a professional, motivated and dedicated team along with them. We are committed to unri- valed quality and ethical standards in dentistry. We give dentists the tools and confidence to restore smiles with the most advanced tools and techniques available. 8
  • 10. 9
  • 11. Adoption of endosseous root form dental implants has approached a level of standard of care for full and partially edentulous oral conditions. While there are several references as to quantity of implants placed in the United States on an annual basis, many references suggest greater than three million per year. With the increase in implant placement, maintenance of implants both from a mucositis and/or implantitis condition has become a critical focus for clinicians. From a patient perspective, losing an implant psychologically is not on the same level as losing a natural tooth. Impact is much more eventful. If only 10% of implants are failures, that would equate to 300,000 removed per year. There- fore, the goal for clinicians is to provide preventive and long-term therapy for implant patients. Many etiologies for implant disease have been proposed from the standard microbial stimulus to systemic issues as vitamin D deficiency, nicotine use, implant dimensions and surface characteristics, Dr. Samuel B. Low DDS, MS, MEd 10 Managing Peri Implantitis With Laser Technology placement technique, and occlusion. The American Academy of Periodontology has now included implant disease in the most recent classification ranging from implant health and including mucositis and peri implantitis. Current therapeutic procedures Adoption of endosseous root form dental implants has approached a level of standard of care for full Dr. Samuel B. Low DDS, MS, MEd placement technique, and occlusion. The American Academy of Periodontology has now included implant disease in the most recent classification
  • 12. 11 for peri implantitis include degranulation of the inflamed tissues, detoxification/decontamination of implant surfaces with various medicaments, air powder devices, and laser therapy. Also included are flap procedures for access resulting in osseous visualization with possible decortication and aug- mentation with grafting materials as osseous and biologics. A recent focus has been targeted at implant surfaces exposed as to contamination as titanium oxide particulates with references to corro- sion. The utilization of laser technology into healthcare therapeutics has expanded significantly in recent years with a role model being surgical implications in ophthalmology and dermatology. One primary reason is precise access to designated targets. Ideally, laser energy is absorbed and has the ability to affect tissue based on the nature of the target. By utilizing a coherent light beam, the energy is expended through an electromagnetic wave gener- ally through a process noted as ablation (vaporiza- tion). This thermal radiation is non-ionizing in a range of 350 to 10,600nm. The radiation is consid- ered safe to human cells when utilized with the appropriate settings and precautions. The action of a laser is photo thermal by absorption into the appropriate target. For oral health care, lasers are divided into actions based in hard or soft tissue or both. Diode and Nd;YAG wavelengths have a chromophore target of melanin, hemoglobin and water in cells. Erbium and CO2 (9300nm) wave- lengths can be absorbed into both hard and soft tissue seeking water and carbonated hydroxyapa- tite. There exist differences with erbium lasers as the ErCr;YSGG has a higher water absorption coeffi- cient over the Er:YAG and may aid in coagulation. If managing implantitis centered around soft tissue degranulation, then diodes and Nd:YAG would be indicated. However, one major issue is thermal gen- eration of these wavelengths around osseous struc- tures (hard tissue) and especially dental implant surfaces. Studies demonstrate that increased settings can quickly raise implant temperatures resulting in adverse effects on implant surfaces as fracture and moreover osteonecrosis resulting in a negative effect on the bone Implant contact (BIC). It is contraindicated to contact implant surfaces with diode and Nd:YAG wavelengths. If we add that a laser must also provide a decortication environment whereby the cancellous bone has an opportunity to release bone morphogenic protein (BMP) then the appropriate wavelength is the erbium and CO2 (9300nm). And if a critical laser characteristic is the decontamination of the implant surface, then again, the wavelength is an erbium and CO2 (9300 nm) so as not to have an adverse effect via thermal conduc- tivity. Several studies now demonstrate that detoxifying an implant surface with an erbium wavelength can provide an ideal surface for fibroblast re attachment. Human histology studies give evidence that utilizing the erbium laser on an implant surface enhances the bone implant contact. Whether the decontamination is the removal of oral microbiome, calculus, cemen- tum or titanium oxide particles, the implant surface if generally porous with threads acting as a major harbor for the contaminants. Laser energy can create the access resulting in detoxification without reliance on mechanical means. Some erbium laser manufactures have created various tips that can direct energy laterally and/or horizontally in one direction for effective decontamination within the deepest pitch of the thread anatomy. The quantity of implant placements will only increase which provides an ever-growing incidence of implant disease. Laser technology now provides an adjunct to provide additional life to respective implants with concomitant pathology and thus a continued confidence of our patients who received these respective services.
  • 13. Jill Schultz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Building on her career in Executive Administrative Business Management and Partnership in the medical and dental industries, Jill has transitioned into a new career as the Academy of Oral Surgery's Executive Director. Jill comes to AOS with a background in developing and providing processes and management. In recent years, she held Executive positions at Mortenson Dental Part- ners and Humana. Jill's responsibilities for AOS include providing overall management services to the board of directors and members of the organization. Earning a Baccalaureate degree, double major in Marketing & Management, from The University of Louisville, KY, she is excited about combin- ing her education and experience to help manage dynamic content and navigate the expansion of AOS's reach in the oral surgery community on a global scale. 11 12 Welcome Jill Schultz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
  • 14. We are ecstatic as the Academy of Oral Surgery continues to grow and expand rapidly. Our esteemed Regents, Ambassadors and group of professionals are the main focal points in delivering and achiev- ing our Mission and Vision. The passion to share knowledge and information for the benefit of all Medical and Dental Profession- als makes this Academy one of a kind. We are very grateful for all the support we have been receiving from everyone who believes in our goals. 2020 may have been a difficult year for all of us however, it is in these times of difficulty, that we come out stronger and better versions of the past. This is proof that working hand in hand together takes everyone to great heights. Let us continue to persist. Onward we move for education, excellence and success. Cheers! Academy of Oral Surgery 11 13 A BIG Thank You & Welcome To Academy Of Oral Surgery