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General Secondary School Ricardo Flores Magon
Morning shift
2018-2019 school year
Literary anthology:
Miguel de Cervantes
-Medina Ochoa Marielena
-Sarabia de la Cruz Leslie Guadalupe
-Montelongo Ramos Maria Elena
-Vazquez Gonzalez Yohami Daniela
-Martinez Cruz Johan Alberto
-Moreno Arias Antonio Alessandro
City Lerdo, Durango, December 04th, 2018
Thank you teacher for teaching us your dedication, for you
commitment and four you unconditional support, for teaching us the
knowledge, thank you very much.
Historical frame…………………………………………………………………………….…………..…3
Biography of Miguel de Cervantes………………………………………….…………………….4
Poemas de Miguel de Cervantes………………………………………….………………….…… 6
In 1585 the poem “La galeta” by Miguel de Cervantes was written.
The total poems written by Cervantes is 23 Those who are in the
best as we already know. Miguel de Cervantes this one in the best
writers of literature. It has been decided to make an anthology that
includes explanations and appreciations by this you can make an
anthology that is accessible t any type of public. We are completely
interested in reading wonderful poems and trust in the characters
who enjoy rereading them.
The present work consists in a review that will
deal with the poems of Miguel de Cervantes and
Saavedra based on different categories in which it
includes love, drama, and fantasy among other topics.
Will talk about his life, the most important facts
how and what he did to become so recognized by the
world which motivated him to write these poems and
Decisive stage for the history of Spain, the renaissance, opens. An era of
important transformations in all aspects. The key is the use of reason as
source of knowledge, knowledge versus sacred texts and medieval tradition.
for what science does, it evolves and with the reign of the Catholic kings in
the seventeenth century, from 1479 to 1516, a geographical discoveries are
produced especially in 1492, new territories like America are discovered in
such a way that a greater appreciation towards nature is shown. in the
economic aspect appears the first capitalism based on mercantilism. Its main
characteristics are the recourse to credit, the creation of banking, the
separation between capital and labor, the grouping of a series of merchants.
The new political model consists in the creation of a modern state,
territorially expansive with an absolute monarch. Spain considered a
powerful state economically, politically and militarily, thanks in part, at the
end of the reconquest of the grenade in 1492. In this time the narrative
undergoes a great transformation with the appearance of the realistic novel,
which at the same time coexists with the novel of medieval tradition called
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Novelist, poet and Spanish dramatist. It is believed that he was born on
September 29, 1547 in Alcalá de Henares and died on April 22, 1616 in
Madrid, but was buried on April 23 and this date is popularly known as his
death. He is considered the greatest figure of Spanish literature. He is
universally known, especially for having written The ingenious gentleman
Don Quixote de la Mancha, which many critics have described as the first
modern novel and one of the best works of universal literature. He has been
given the nickname of Prince of the Mills.
Miguel de Cervantes was born in Alcalá de Henares in 1547. He was the
fourth of the seven children of a modest surgeon, Rodrigo de Cervantes, and
of Leonor Cortinas. At eighteen he had to flee to Italy because he had hurt a
man; there he entered the service of Cardinal Acquaviva. Shortly after he
enlisted as a soldier and heroically participated in the battle of Lepanto, in
1571; where he was wounded in the chest and in the left hand, which
remained stagnant. Cervantes was always proud to have participated in the
battle of Lepanto. He continued for some years as a soldier and, in 1575,
when he returned to the peninsula with his brother Rodrigo, they were
captured and taken captive to Algiers. Five years he was a prisoner, until in
1580 he could be freed thanks to the ransom provided by his family and the
Trinitarian fathers. During his captivity, Cervantes tried to escape several
times, but never succeeded. When in 1580 he returned to the Peninsula
three twelve years absence, tried several jobs and applied for a job in << the
Indies >>, which was not granted, It was a hard stage for Cervantes, who
began writing in those years, In 1584 he married and, between 1587 and
1600, He lived in Seville exercising an ungrateful and humble office -
commissioning supplies-, which obliged him to travel through Andalusia,
requisitioning food for the expeditions prepared by Felipe II. The stay in
Seville seems to be fundamental in the biography of Cervantes, since both
trips and prison allowed him to meet all kinds of people who will appear as
characters in his work.
Cervantes moved to Valladolid in 1604, in search of patrons in the vicinity of
the court, because he had economic difficulties. When in 1605 he published
the first part of Don Quixote, he achieved great success, which allowed him
to publish in a few years what he had been writing. However, despite the
success of Don Quixote, Cervantes always lived with narrowness, seeking the
protection of a patron among the nobles, which only partially got the Count
de Lemos, who dedicated his last work, the works of Persiles and Sigismund.
¿Quién menoscaba mis bienes?
¿Y quién aumenta mis duelos?
¡Los celos!
¿Y quién prueba mi paciencia?
De ese modo en mi dolencia
ningún remedio me alcanza,
pues me matan las esperanzas,
desdenes, celos y ausencia.
¿Quién me causa este dolor?
¿Y quién mi gloria repugna?
¿Y quién consiente mi duelo?
¡El cielo!
De ese modo yo recelo
morir de este mal extraño,
pues se aúnan en mi daño
amor, fortuna y el cielo.
¿Quién mejorará mi suerte?
¡La muerte!
Y el bien de amor, ¿quién le alcanza?
Y sus males, ¿quién los cura?
De ese modo no es cordura
querer curar la pasión, 6
cuando los remedios son
muerte, mudanza y locura.
Serenísima reina, en quien se halla
lo que Dios pudo dar a un ser humano;
amparo universal del ser cristiano,
de quien la santa fama nunca calla;
arma feliz, de cuya fina malla
se viste el gran Felipe soberano,
ínclito rey del ancho suelo hispano
a quien Fortuna y Mundo se avasalla:
¿cuál ingenio podría aventurarse
a pregonar el bien que estás mostrando,
si ya en divino viese convertirse?
Que, en ser mortal, habrá de acobardarse,
y así, le va mejor sentir callando
aquello que es difícil de decirse.
Huye el rigor de la invencible mano,
advertido, y enciérrese en el arca
de todo el mundo el general monarca
con las reliquias del linaje humano.
El dilatado asilo, el soberano
lugar rompe los fueros de la Parca,
que entonces, fiera y licenciosa, abarca
cuanto alienta y respira el aire vano.
Vence en la excelsa máquina encerrarse
el león y el cordero, y en segura
paz. la paloma al fiero halcón unida;
sin ser milagro, lo discorde amarse:
que en el común peligro y desventura
la natural inclinación se olvida.
¡Voto a Dios que me espanta esta grandeza
y que diera un doblón por describilla!;
porque, ¿a quién no suspende y maravilla
esta máquina insigne, esta braveza?
¡Por Jesucristo vivo!, cada pieza
vale más que un millón, y que es mancilla
que esto no dure un siglo, ¡oh gran Sevilla,
Roma triunfante en ánimo y riqueza!
¡Apostaré que la ánima del muerto,
por gozar este sitio, hoy ha dejado
el cielo, de que goza eternamente!»
Esto oyó un valentón y dijo: ¡Es cierto
lo que dice voacé, seor soldado,
y quien dijere lo contrario miente!»
Y luego encontinente
caló el chapeo, requirió la espada,
miró al soslayo, fuese, y no hubo nada.
Cual vemos del rosado y rico oriente
la blanca y dura piedra señalarse
y en todo, aunque pequeña, aventajarse 8
a la mayor del Cáucaso eminente,
tal este (humilde al parecer) presente
puede y debe mirarse y admirarse,
no por la cantidad, más por mostrarse
ser en su calidad tan excelente.
El que navega por el golfo insano
del mar de pretensiones verá al punto
del cortesano laberinto el hilo.
¡Felice ingenio y venturosa mano
que el deleite y provecho puso junto
en juego alegre, en dulce y claro estilo!
Más blando fui que no la blanda cera,
cuando imprimí en mi alma la figura
de la bella Amarili, esquiva y dura
cual duro mármol o silvestre fiera.
Amor me puso entonces en la esfera
más alta de su bien y su ventura;
y ahora temo que la sepultura
ha de acabar mi presunción primera.
Arrimose el amor a la esperanza
cual vid al olmo, y fue subiendo aprisa;
más faltole el humor, y cesó el vuelo:
no el de mis ojos que por larga usanza,
fortuna sabe bien que jamás cesa
de dar tributo al rostro, al pecho, al suelo. 9
Bailan las gitanas,
míralas el rey;
la reina, con celos,
mándalas prender.
Por Pascua de Reyes
hicieron al rey
un baile gitano
Belica e Inés.
Turbada Belica,
cayó junto al rey,
y el rey la levanta
de puro cortés;
mas como es Belilla
de tan linda tez,
la reyna, celosa,
mándalas prender.
Con esto poco a poco llegué al puerto
a quien los de Cartago dieron nombre,
cerrado a todos vientos y encubierto
y a cuyo claro y singular renombre
se postran cuantos puertos el mar baña,
descubre el sol y ha navegado el hombre.
Cuando Preciosa el panderete toca
y hiere el dulce son los aires vanos,
perlas son que derrama con las manos;
flores son que despide de la boca.
Suspensa el alma, y la cordura loca,
queda a los dulces actos sobrehumanos,
que, de limpios, de honestos y de sanos,
su fama al cielo levantado toca.
Colgadas del menor de sus cabellos
mil almas lleva, y a sus plantas tiene
Amor rendidas una y otra flecha.
Ciega y alumbra con sus soles bellos,
su imperio Amor por ellos le mantiene,
y aún más grandezas de su ser sospecha.
¡Oh, quién tuviera, hermosa Dulcinea,
por más comodidad y más reposo,
a Miraflores puesto en el Toboso,
y trocara sus Londres con tu aldea!
¡Oh, quién de tus deseos y librea
alma y cuerpo adornara, y del famoso
caballero que hiciste venturoso
mirara alguna desigual pelea!
Cuando dejaba la guerra
libre nuestro hispano suelo,
con un repentino vuelo
la mejor flor de la tierra
fue trasplantada en el cielo;
y, al cortarla de su rama,
el mortífero accidente
fue tan oculto a la gente
como el que no ve la llama
hasta que quemar se siente.
Epilogues of some of many…
A dulcinea del toboso
The poem is about a letter that Don Quixote wrote for a woman
called Dulcinea, where he tell how beauty she is and how much he
love her, the poem consists in four stanzas where he talks about
various aspect of the woman like his body and his courage also
speaks of the humble thing that is Dulcinea, the poem is a bit
confusing but you can still get to understand.
Cuando preciosa el panderete toca
This poem talks about a person who plays the tambourine in
this case a woman as the title refers to the author says that
the woman playing the tambourine sounds beautiful that
sounds more beautiful even when she sings, in the poem also
explains how special or unique she is while playing the
This poem talks about a person who plays the tambourine in
this case a woman as the title refers to the author says that
the woman playing the tambourine sounds beautiful that
sounds more beautiful even when she sings, in the poem also
explains how special or unique she is while playing the
Bailan las gitanas
In this poem for what is meant by is that is a celebration
towards the king that on the part of two women make him a
gypsy dance and one of those women falls to the ground next
to the king and the king only raises her out of courtesy and to
the Reyna gets jealous and the dance ends.
Biografía de Miguel de Cervantes:
Marco histórico
Contenido (Poemas de Miguel de Cervantes):

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Antologia literaria miguel de cervantes

  • 1. General Secondary School Ricardo Flores Magon Morning shift 2018-2019 school year Literary anthology: Miguel de Cervantes Students: -Medina Ochoa Marielena -Sarabia de la Cruz Leslie Guadalupe -Montelongo Ramos Maria Elena -Vazquez Gonzalez Yohami Daniela -Martinez Cruz Johan Alberto -Moreno Arias Antonio Alessandro City Lerdo, Durango, December 04th, 2018
  • 2. DEDICATION Thank you teacher for teaching us your dedication, for you commitment and four you unconditional support, for teaching us the knowledge, thank you very much.
  • 3. INDEX Foreword……………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..…….2 Historical frame…………………………………………………………………………….…………..…3 Biography of Miguel de Cervantes………………………………………….…………………….4 Poemas de Miguel de Cervantes………………………………………….………………….…… 6 Epilogue….……………………………………………………………………….………………………….13 Bibliografia……………………………………………………………….………………………….……..15
  • 4. FOREWORD In 1585 the poem “La galeta” by Miguel de Cervantes was written. The total poems written by Cervantes is 23 Those who are in the best as we already know. Miguel de Cervantes this one in the best writers of literature. It has been decided to make an anthology that includes explanations and appreciations by this you can make an anthology that is accessible t any type of public. We are completely interested in reading wonderful poems and trust in the characters who enjoy rereading them. 1
  • 5. INTRODUCTION The present work consists in a review that will deal with the poems of Miguel de Cervantes and Saavedra based on different categories in which it includes love, drama, and fantasy among other topics. Will talk about his life, the most important facts how and what he did to become so recognized by the world which motivated him to write these poems and why. 2
  • 6. HISTORICAL FRAME Decisive stage for the history of Spain, the renaissance, opens. An era of important transformations in all aspects. The key is the use of reason as source of knowledge, knowledge versus sacred texts and medieval tradition. for what science does, it evolves and with the reign of the Catholic kings in the seventeenth century, from 1479 to 1516, a geographical discoveries are produced especially in 1492, new territories like America are discovered in such a way that a greater appreciation towards nature is shown. in the economic aspect appears the first capitalism based on mercantilism. Its main characteristics are the recourse to credit, the creation of banking, the separation between capital and labor, the grouping of a series of merchants. The new political model consists in the creation of a modern state, territorially expansive with an absolute monarch. Spain considered a powerful state economically, politically and militarily, thanks in part, at the end of the reconquest of the grenade in 1492. In this time the narrative undergoes a great transformation with the appearance of the realistic novel, which at the same time coexists with the novel of medieval tradition called idealistic. 3
  • 7. BIOGRAPHY OF MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Novelist, poet and Spanish dramatist. It is believed that he was born on September 29, 1547 in Alcalá de Henares and died on April 22, 1616 in Madrid, but was buried on April 23 and this date is popularly known as his death. He is considered the greatest figure of Spanish literature. He is universally known, especially for having written The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, which many critics have described as the first modern novel and one of the best works of universal literature. He has been given the nickname of Prince of the Mills. Miguel de Cervantes was born in Alcalá de Henares in 1547. He was the fourth of the seven children of a modest surgeon, Rodrigo de Cervantes, and of Leonor Cortinas. At eighteen he had to flee to Italy because he had hurt a man; there he entered the service of Cardinal Acquaviva. Shortly after he enlisted as a soldier and heroically participated in the battle of Lepanto, in 1571; where he was wounded in the chest and in the left hand, which remained stagnant. Cervantes was always proud to have participated in the battle of Lepanto. He continued for some years as a soldier and, in 1575, when he returned to the peninsula with his brother Rodrigo, they were captured and taken captive to Algiers. Five years he was a prisoner, until in 1580 he could be freed thanks to the ransom provided by his family and the Trinitarian fathers. During his captivity, Cervantes tried to escape several times, but never succeeded. When in 1580 he returned to the Peninsula three twelve years absence, tried several jobs and applied for a job in << the Indies >>, which was not granted, It was a hard stage for Cervantes, who began writing in those years, In 1584 he married and, between 1587 and 1600, He lived in Seville exercising an ungrateful and humble office - commissioning supplies-, which obliged him to travel through Andalusia, requisitioning food for the expeditions prepared by Felipe II. The stay in Seville seems to be fundamental in the biography of Cervantes, since both trips and prison allowed him to meet all kinds of people who will appear as characters in his work. 4
  • 8. Cervantes moved to Valladolid in 1604, in search of patrons in the vicinity of the court, because he had economic difficulties. When in 1605 he published the first part of Don Quixote, he achieved great success, which allowed him to publish in a few years what he had been writing. However, despite the success of Don Quixote, Cervantes always lived with narrowness, seeking the protection of a patron among the nobles, which only partially got the Count de Lemos, who dedicated his last work, the works of Persiles and Sigismund. 5
  • 9. POEMAS DE MIGUEL DE CERVANTES OVILLEJOS ¿Quién menoscaba mis bienes? ¡Desdenes! ¿Y quién aumenta mis duelos? ¡Los celos! ¿Y quién prueba mi paciencia? ¡Ausencia! De ese modo en mi dolencia ningún remedio me alcanza, pues me matan las esperanzas, desdenes, celos y ausencia. ¿Quién me causa este dolor? ¡Amor! ¿Y quién mi gloria repugna? ¡Fortuna! ¿Y quién consiente mi duelo? ¡El cielo! De ese modo yo recelo morir de este mal extraño, pues se aúnan en mi daño amor, fortuna y el cielo. ¿Quién mejorará mi suerte? ¡La muerte! Y el bien de amor, ¿quién le alcanza? ¡Mudanza! Y sus males, ¿quién los cura? ¡Locura! De ese modo no es cordura querer curar la pasión, 6
  • 10. cuando los remedios son muerte, mudanza y locura. A LA REINA DOÑA ISABEL Serenísima reina, en quien se halla lo que Dios pudo dar a un ser humano; amparo universal del ser cristiano, de quien la santa fama nunca calla; arma feliz, de cuya fina malla se viste el gran Felipe soberano, ínclito rey del ancho suelo hispano a quien Fortuna y Mundo se avasalla: ¿cuál ingenio podría aventurarse a pregonar el bien que estás mostrando, si ya en divino viese convertirse? Que, en ser mortal, habrá de acobardarse, y así, le va mejor sentir callando aquello que es difícil de decirse. SONETO DE "PERSILES Y SIGISMUNDA", LIBRO I, CAPÍTULO XVIII Huye el rigor de la invencible mano, advertido, y enciérrese en el arca de todo el mundo el general monarca con las reliquias del linaje humano. El dilatado asilo, el soberano lugar rompe los fueros de la Parca, que entonces, fiera y licenciosa, abarca cuanto alienta y respira el aire vano. 7
  • 11. Vence en la excelsa máquina encerrarse el león y el cordero, y en segura paz. la paloma al fiero halcón unida; sin ser milagro, lo discorde amarse: que en el común peligro y desventura la natural inclinación se olvida. AL TÚMULO DEL REY QUE SE HIZO EN SEVILLA ¡Voto a Dios que me espanta esta grandeza y que diera un doblón por describilla!; porque, ¿a quién no suspende y maravilla esta máquina insigne, esta braveza? ¡Por Jesucristo vivo!, cada pieza vale más que un millón, y que es mancilla que esto no dure un siglo, ¡oh gran Sevilla, Roma triunfante en ánimo y riqueza! ¡Apostaré que la ánima del muerto, por gozar este sitio, hoy ha dejado el cielo, de que goza eternamente!» Esto oyó un valentón y dijo: ¡Es cierto lo que dice voacé, seor soldado, y quien dijere lo contrario miente!» Y luego encontinente caló el chapeo, requirió la espada, miró al soslayo, fuese, y no hubo nada. CUAL VEMOS DEL ROSADO Y RICO ORIENTE Cual vemos del rosado y rico oriente la blanca y dura piedra señalarse y en todo, aunque pequeña, aventajarse 8
  • 12. a la mayor del Cáucaso eminente, tal este (humilde al parecer) presente puede y debe mirarse y admirarse, no por la cantidad, más por mostrarse ser en su calidad tan excelente. El que navega por el golfo insano del mar de pretensiones verá al punto del cortesano laberinto el hilo. ¡Felice ingenio y venturosa mano que el deleite y provecho puso junto en juego alegre, en dulce y claro estilo! SONETO DE "LA GALATEA", LIBRO II, DAMON Más blando fui que no la blanda cera, cuando imprimí en mi alma la figura de la bella Amarili, esquiva y dura cual duro mármol o silvestre fiera. Amor me puso entonces en la esfera más alta de su bien y su ventura; y ahora temo que la sepultura ha de acabar mi presunción primera. Arrimose el amor a la esperanza cual vid al olmo, y fue subiendo aprisa; más faltole el humor, y cesó el vuelo: no el de mis ojos que por larga usanza, fortuna sabe bien que jamás cesa de dar tributo al rostro, al pecho, al suelo. 9
  • 13. BAILAN LAS GITANAS Bailan las gitanas, míralas el rey; la reina, con celos, mándalas prender. Por Pascua de Reyes hicieron al rey un baile gitano Belica e Inés. Turbada Belica, cayó junto al rey, y el rey la levanta de puro cortés; mas como es Belilla de tan linda tez, la reyna, celosa, mándalas prender. CARTAGENA Con esto poco a poco llegué al puerto a quien los de Cartago dieron nombre, cerrado a todos vientos y encubierto y a cuyo claro y singular renombre se postran cuantos puertos el mar baña, descubre el sol y ha navegado el hombre. 10
  • 14. CUANDO PRECIOSA EL PANDERETE TOCA Cuando Preciosa el panderete toca y hiere el dulce son los aires vanos, perlas son que derrama con las manos; flores son que despide de la boca. Suspensa el alma, y la cordura loca, queda a los dulces actos sobrehumanos, que, de limpios, de honestos y de sanos, su fama al cielo levantado toca. Colgadas del menor de sus cabellos mil almas lleva, y a sus plantas tiene Amor rendidas una y otra flecha. Ciega y alumbra con sus soles bellos, su imperio Amor por ellos le mantiene, y aún más grandezas de su ser sospecha. A DULCINEA DEL TOBOSO ¡Oh, quién tuviera, hermosa Dulcinea, por más comodidad y más reposo, a Miraflores puesto en el Toboso, y trocara sus Londres con tu aldea! ¡Oh, quién de tus deseos y librea alma y cuerpo adornara, y del famoso caballero que hiciste venturoso mirara alguna desigual pelea! 11
  • 15. REDONDILLA CASTELLANA Cuando dejaba la guerra libre nuestro hispano suelo, con un repentino vuelo la mejor flor de la tierra fue trasplantada en el cielo; y, al cortarla de su rama, el mortífero accidente fue tan oculto a la gente como el que no ve la llama hasta que quemar se siente. 12
  • 16. Epilogue Epilogues of some of many… A dulcinea del toboso The poem is about a letter that Don Quixote wrote for a woman called Dulcinea, where he tell how beauty she is and how much he love her, the poem consists in four stanzas where he talks about various aspect of the woman like his body and his courage also speaks of the humble thing that is Dulcinea, the poem is a bit confusing but you can still get to understand. Cuando preciosa el panderete toca This poem talks about a person who plays the tambourine in this case a woman as the title refers to the author says that the woman playing the tambourine sounds beautiful that sounds more beautiful even when she sings, in the poem also explains how special or unique she is while playing the tambourine. 13
  • 17. Cartagena This poem talks about a person who plays the tambourine in this case a woman as the title refers to the author says that the woman playing the tambourine sounds beautiful that sounds more beautiful even when she sings, in the poem also explains how special or unique she is while playing the tambourine. Bailan las gitanas In this poem for what is meant by is that is a celebration towards the king that on the part of two women make him a gypsy dance and one of those women falls to the ground next to the king and the king only raises her out of courtesy and to the Reyna gets jealous and the dance ends. 14
  • 18. BIBLIOGRAFIA Biografía de Miguel de Cervantes: Marco histórico contexto-historico-de-la-epoca.html?m=1 Contenido (Poemas de Miguel de Cervantes): 15