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Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263 /ISSN: 2160-200X/AJCD1108001

Review Article
Antithrombotic therapy in patients with acute coronary
syndromes: a balance between protection from
ischemic events and risk of bleeding
Giuseppe Patti, Annunziata Nusca

Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy.

Received August 6, 2011; accepted September 7, 2011; Epub September 10, 2011; published September 30, 2011

Abstract: Platelet activation plays a primary role in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS); thus, anti-
thrombotic therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel represents the mainstay of treatment in those patients. However, low
clopidogrel response has become a contemporary issue in interventional cardiology, increasing the risk of ischemic
events and significantly worsening short- and long-term prognosis after coronary stenting. Alternative approaches to
overcome this phenomenon have been investigated as well as increase in the loading and maintenance clopidogrel
doses, reloading patients already on chronic therapy, use of newer and more effective antiplatelet agents. Otherwise
a more aggressive antiplatelet treatment may lead to possible increase in bleeding complications. A strategy of an
individualized antiplatelet therapy according to point-of-care platelet function tests may represent the optimal ap-
proach to balance both ischemic and hemorrhagic risk.

Keywords: Antithrombotic therapy, acute coronary syndromes, platelet reactivity, bleeding risk

Introduction                                                    standard dose of 75 mg, 6-12 hours after a 300
                                                                mg load and 2 hours after a 600 mg load [2].
The pathophysiology of acute coronary syn-
dromes (ACS) is characterized by atherosclerotic                Several randomized studies have shown the
plaque rupture or erosion, leading to acute                     clinical benefit of adding clopidogrel to aspirin
thrombosis in a coronary vessel. Platelet activa-               in patients with ACS; in the CURE [3]
tion plays a primary role in the pathogenesis of                (Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Re-
ACS, as well as in the recurrence of events both                current Events) trial, use of clopidogrel (300 mg
in medically-treated and in invasively-managed                  loading dose, then 75 mg/day for an average
patients with ACS [1]; thus, in those patients                  duration of 9 months) plus aspirin was associ-
dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopi-               ated with 20% risk reduction of cardiovascular
dogrel represents an evidence-based, guideline-                 death, non fatal myocardial infarction (MI) or
recommended, standard of care.                                  stroke compared to aspirin alone, with the
                                                                greatest reduction observed in the rates of re-
Current status of antiplatelet therapy in ACS                   infarction (5.2% vs 6.7%). Although incidence of
                                                                bleeding events was significantly higher in pa-
Clopidogrel is a second generation thienopyri-                  tients receiving clopidogrel (3.7% vs 2.7%, RR
dine; it is a prodrug metabolized in the liver by               1.38; P=0.001), there were no significant differ-
the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system to a short-                    ence in the occurrence of life-threatening bleed-
lived thiol that selectively and irreversibly binds             ing or hemorrhagic stroke. Those results were
to the P2Y12 receptor. By blocking the ADP-                     confirmed in the PCI-CURE study [4], in which
dependent mechanisms, clopidogrel causes                        therapy with clopidogrel (initiated before the
inhibition of platelet activation and aggregation;              procedure and continued on average for 8
maximal inhibition by this drug ranges from 40%                 months after angioplasty) significantly reduced
to 60%, and this is reached 3-7 days after a                    the risk of cardiovascular death or MI even in
Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

                                                                           large observational cohort on 1.477
                                                                           ACS patients treated with clopidogrel
                                                                           and enrolled in the TRITON-TIMI 38
                                                                           (Trial to Assess Improvement in
                                                                           Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing
                                                                           Platelet Inhibition with Prasugrel-
                                                                           Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarc-
                                                                           tion) trial, carriers of CYP2C19 loss-
                                                                           of-function alleles had a higher risk
                                                                           of the combined end-point including
                                                                           cardiovascular death, MI or stroke
                                                                           (12.1% vs 8.0% in non carriers; HR
                                                                           1.53, 95% CI 1.07-2.19, P=0.01) [9].

                                                                              Evaluation of individual clopidogrel
                                                                              response has become a contempo-
Figure 1. Distribution of residual platelet reactivity after clopidogrel      rary issue in interventional cardiol-
administration in patients undergoing PCI (ARMYDA database). PCI=             ogy. With regard to results of plate-
Percutaneous coronary intervention; PRU= P2Y12 reaction units.                let function assays in patients re-
                                                                              ceiving clopidogrel therapy and un-
                                                                              dergoing percutaneous coronary
ACS patients receiving an invasive strategy.                      intervention (PCI) [10], impairment of clopido-
                                                                  grel response should be considered as a con-
However, despite those favorable findings, up to                  tinuum, rather than an “on/off” phenomenon
15% of patients with ACS continue to suffer                       (Figure 1), and the wide variability in the re-
from ischemic events during long-term follow-                     ported prevalence of low clopidogrel response
up, and this may be at least in part related to                   may depend on different assays used, variable
the inter-individual variability in clopidogrel re-               definitions empirically applied and action of
sponsiveness [5,6]. This phenomenon is surely                     potential confounders. Various studies have
multifactorial and largely influenced by environ-                 been performed with the aim to achieve a
mental, clinical and genetic factors: in particu-                 standardized definition of low clopidogrel re-
lar, age, body mass index, smoking, presence of                   sponse as the correlation between results of
diabetes, ACS at presentation, drug-drug inter-                   laboratory assays and clinical outcome, and to
actions and patient compliance have to be con-                    demonstrate the prognostic impact of high
sidered [7], as well as genetic polymorphisms                     residual platelet reactivity (i.e. low clopidogrel
affecting drug absorption, variations in biotrans-                response) on short- and long-term outcome
formation rate into active metabolite and link-                   after PCI.       In the ARMYDA PRO [11]
age to P2Y12 receptor. Pharmacokinetic studies                    (Antiplatelet therapy for Reduction of Myocar-
indicated that clopidogrel is converted into the                  dial damage during Angioplasty-Platelet Reac-
active metabolite in two steps oxidative process,                 tivity Predicts Outcome) study, high platelet
catalyzed by different CYP enzymes [8]. Genes                     reactivity after clopidogrel administration,
encoding for those enzymes are polymorphic,                       measured at the time of the procedure by the
and there is evidence that some allelic variants                  point-of-care VerifyNow® P2Y12 assay, was
of such enzymes greatly influence individual                      associated with 6-fold higher risk of 30-day
response to clopidogrel and are linked to an                      major cardiac adverse events (MACE) after PCI,
increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events;                  and this was mainly due to an increased inci-
in particular, this has been demonstrated for                     dence of peri-procedural MI. The ROC curve
the CYP2C19 variants, an enzyme that exten-                       analysis identified an optimal cut-off of P2Y12
sively contributes to both oxidative steps gener-                 reaction units (PRU) ≥240 to discriminate pa-
ating the active clopidogrel metabolite. The                      tients at higher risk of events at 30 days, with
CYP2C19 gene is located on chromosome 10                          a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 53%.
and at least 25 genetic variants have been de-                    This clinical threshold was similar to that ob-
scribed; among those, two loss-of-function vari-                  served by Price et al.[12] in 380 patients un-
ant alleles, CYP2C19*2 and *3, represent the                      dergoing PCI, in whom a PRU ≥235 was predic-
majority of the defective genotypes [8]. In a                     tive of poorer outcome at 6 months; a recent

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Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

study demonstrated that a PRU threshold               the recent randomized ARMYDA 4 RELOAD [18],
≥240 was also able to predict 12-month clini-         another relevant issue has been investigated,
cal recurrence in ACS patients receiving PCI          i.e. the possible benefit of high-dose clopidogrel
[13].                                                 reloading in patients already receiving chronic
                                                      clopidogrel therapy and undergoing PCI. In the
Given the inter-individual variability in clopido-    overall population of 503 patients, 30-day inci-
grel responsiveness, various studies have been        dence of MACE did not differ between patients
designed to evaluate whether higher clopidogrel       who had received a 600 mg clopidogrel reload
dosages can act more rapidly and more effec-          prior to the intervention and those who did not
tively, and may decrease the incidence of clopi-      (6.7% vs 8.8%; P=0.5); however, in the sub-
dogrel low responders. This has been investi-         group of patients with ACS, a significant reduc-
gated in the ARMYDA 2 trial [14], enrolling con-      tion in the occurrence of MACE at one month
secutive PCI patients with a variety of coronary      was observed in the reload arm (6.4% vs 16.3%;
syndromes and randomized to receive, meanly           OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.32-0.90; P=0.033).
6 hours before the intervention, the standard
300 mg clopidogrel loading dose vs a 600 mg           An increased maintenance dose of clopidogrel
loading strategy. The primary end point               might be associated with higher platelet sup-
(incidence of death, MI and target vessel revas-      pression and reduced rates of non-responders,
cularization at one month) occurred in 4% of          with possible improvement in clinical outcome.
patients in the high-dose vs 12% of those in the      In the ISAR-CHOICE 2 [19] (Intracoronary Stent-
standard-dose arm (P=0.041; 52% risk reduc-           ing and Antithrombotic Regimen: Choose a High
tion at multivariate analysis in patients receiving   Oral maintenance dose for Intensified Clopido-
the higher regimen). These results were con-          grel Effect) study, administration of 150 mg/day
firmed in a subsequent meta-analysis of 10            maintenance dose of clopidogrel resulted in
studies [15], in which pre-treatment with 600         increased inhibition of ADP platelet aggregation
mg clopidogrel load prior to PCI was associated       at 30 days after PCI vs the standard 75 mg daily
with 46% risk reduction of cardiac death or non       regimen, and this more potent antiplatelet ef-
fatal MI, without excess in major and minor           fect has been also demonstrated in patients
bleeding. Accordingly, the current Guidelines         with diabetes mellitus [20]. In a randomized
suggest the use of 600 mg clopidogrel load            study from the ARMYDA study group[21], use of
when a rapid (within 2 hours) platelet inhibition     150 mg/day maintenance dose of clopidogrel in
is needed in patients candidates to PCI. How-         PCI patients for one month reduced the rates of
ever, against the general concept that increas-       non-responders (62% reduction), improved en-
ing doses of clopidogrel are consistently associ-     dothelial function and decreased the inflamma-
ated with increasing degree of platelet suppres-      tory status vs the 75 mg daily dose. However, all
sion, no benefit of a loading dose >600 mg has        those studies did not evaluate clinical end-
been demonstrated in clinical and platelet func-      points. The largest, prospective study investigat-
tion studies. The randomized trial ALBION [16]        ing the efficacy and safety of higher clopidogrel
(Assessment of the Best Loading Dose of Clopi-        loading and maintenance dose in ACS patients
dogrel to Blunt Platelet Activation, Inflammation     is the CURRENT-OASIS 7 [22] (Clopidogrel and
and Ongoing Necrosis) compared three different        Aspirin Optimal Dose Usage to Reduce Recur-
clopidogrel loading strategies (300 mg vs 600         rent Events – Seventh Organization to Assess
mg vs 900 mg) in patients with ACS; as com-           Strategies in Ischemic Symptoms) trial. Patients
pared with the 600 mg dose, the 900 mg load-          were randomly assigned to a double-dose regi-
ing regimen did not achieve a higher platelet         men (600 mg load followed by a maintenance
inhibition by optical aggregometry. These results     dose of 150 mg/day for 6 days and then 75
were expanded in the ISAR-CHOICE [17]                 mg/day thereafter) or a standard-dose regimen
(Intracoronary Stenting and Antithrombotic Regi-      of clopidogrel (300 mg load followed by 75 mg
men: Choose Between 3 High Oral Doses for             daily thereafter). The primary outcome at 30
Immediate Clopidogrel Effect) trial, in which the     days (cardiovascular death, MI or stroke at 30
900 mg clopidogrel loading dose, compared             days) occurred in 4.4% of patients in the stan-
with the 600 mg regimen, did not increase             dard dose vs 4.2% in the high-dose group, with
plasma concentration of the active thiol metabo-      a modest excess of bleeding in the latter (2.5%
lite, and this has been attributed to the limited     vs 2.0%; HR 1.24; 95% CI 1.05-1.46; P=0.01);
intestinal absorption of the drug and to the vari-    of note, a pre-specified analysis in the subgroup
ability in cytochrome P450 enzyme activity. In        of patients undergoing PCI [23] showed that the

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Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

higher regimen was associated with significant        prodrug, it has a direct action, and in platelet
reduction of the composite clinical end-point at      aggregation studies the inhibition of platelet
one month (14% risk reduction; P=0.039), as           aggregation by ticagrelor was more pronounced
well as of stent thrombosis (46% reduction;           than clopidogrel, with lower degree of inter-
P=0.0001).                                            individual response variability [26]. The DIS-
                                                      PERSE 2 [27] (Dose Confirmation Study Assess-
New antiplatelet agents                               ing AntiPlatelet Effects of Ticagrelor vs Clopido-
                                                      grel in non ST Segment Elevation Acute Coro-
Novel P2Y12 receptors antagonists are charac-         nary Syndrome) phase II study showed that tica-
terized by more potent and rapid onset of anti-       grelor is more effective than clopidogrel in pre-
platelet action. Prasugrel, a third-generation        venting thrombotic events, with similar rate of
thienopyridine, is a prodrug that requires he-        bleeding. The phase III PLATO [28] (PLATelet
patic conversion; however, this process needs         Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) trial was a
only one cytochrome P450-dependent oxidative          double-blind, randomized study comparing tica-
step to generate the active metabolite and this       grelor (180 mg loading dose, 90 mg twice daily
difference explains the faster onset of action        thereafter) and clopidogrel (300-to-600 mg
than clopidogrel, the greater inhibition of plate-    loading dose, 75 mg daily thereafter) for the
let aggregation, the lower incidence of non re-       prevention of cardiovascular events in patients
sponders and the lesser influence of genetic          with ACS. At 12 month, the incidence of the
polymorphisms. The clinical efficacy of pra-          composite end-point, including death from vas-
sugrel was evaluated in the phase III TRITON-         cular causes, MI or stroke, was significantly re-
TIMI 38 [24] (Trial to Assess Improvement in          duced in the ticagrelor group (9.8% vs 11.7% in
Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet           the clopidogrel arm; HR 0.84; 95% CI 0.77-
Inhibition with Prasugrel – TIMI 38) trial. This      0.92; P<0.001). Of note, all-cause mortality
study compared the efficacy and safety of pra-        through 12 months was also reduced with tica-
sugrel (60 mg loading dose, 10 mg daily mainte-       grelor (4.5% vs 5.9%; P<0.001), a finding that
nance dose) vs clopidogrel (300 mg loading            has not been observed with oral antiplatelet
dose, 75 mg daily maintenance dose) in ACS            agents other than aspirin. However, ticagrelor
patients undergoing PCI. Over a median follow-        was associated with increased rates of major
up of 14.5 months, patients pre-treated with          bleeding not related to coronary-artery bypass
prasugrel showed significantly lower incidence        graft (4.5% vs 3.8%; P=0.03), as well as more
of primary end point, including cardiovascular        elevated incidence of intracranial fatal bleeding.
death, MI or stroke (9.9% vs 12.1% in the clopi-      It should be noted that only 19% of patients in
dogrel arm; P<0.001); this benefit was essen-         this study received a 600 mg clopidogrel load-
tially due to prevention of non-fatal MI. How-        ing, and that patients treated with ticagrelor
ever, a significant 32% excess in life-threatening    developed more frequently side effects such
and fatal bleedings was observed in the pra-          dyspnea and brady-arrhythmias.
sugrel group: thus, the greater platelet inhibition
and the consequent more effective prevention          Bleeding risk
of ischemic events by more potent antiplatelet
agents need to be weighed against an increase         In the past decades, bleeding was considered
in bleeding complications. Prasugrel was still        an inevitable and acceptable complication re-
associated with a significant net clinical benefit    lated to the antithrombotic therapies in patients
compared to clopidogrel (HR 0.87; 95% CI 0.79-        with ACS; given the variability in the bleeding
0.95; P=0.004), and a further analysis sug-           definition used, the variable management
gested a marked benefit with this drug in pa-         strategies (conservative vs invasive), the differ-
tients with diabetes mellitus [25] and in those       ent types and doses of antiplatelet agents, the
presenting with ST-segment elevation MI,              heterogeneous clinical pattern (i.e. different
whereas, the excess of bleeding was more evi-         prevalence of advanced age or chronic renal
dent in patients with previous history of stroke      failure), the reported incidence of major bleed-
or transient ischemic attack, age > 75 years or       ing varies between 1% and 10% [29]. However,
body weight < 60 kg.                                  a growing body of data has documented that
                                                      the risk of death in ACS patients is affected not
Ticagrelor is an oral, reversible, short-acting non   only by recurrent ischemic events, but also by
-thienopyridine P2Y12 antagonist; it is not a         bleeding complications.

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Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

Eikelboom et al. [30] analyzed individual patient     between transfusions and 30-day mortality (HR
data from a large dataset involving >30.000           3.94; 95% CI 3.26-4.75) among ACS patients.
patients from 3 studies: the OASIS (Organization      These results were also confirmed in an analy-
to Assess Ischemic Syndromes) registry, OASIS-        sis of the CRUSADE [34] registry, in which a
2 and CURE. In this analysis, 2.3% of patients        higher risk of in-hospital death or death/MI was
developed major bleeding during follow-up, and        found in patients receiving red blood cells trans-
occurrence of major bleeding was associated           fusions during hospitalization; the reason is still
with a 5-fold increase in mortality; furthermore,     unclear but it can be hypothesized that [29]: a)
there was a close relationship between severity       transfusions increase the inflammatory status;
of bleeding and risk of death. Of note, incidence     b) nitric oxide is depleted in stored red cells,
of MI and stroke was also significantly higher in     which may act as a nitric oxide sink, resulting in
patients who developed major bleeding vs those        vasoconstriction, reduced oxygen carriage of the
who did not. In the ACUITY [31] (Acute Catheteri-     blood and platelet aggregation; 3) stored blood
zation and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy)       red cells are also depleted of 2,3 di-
trial, mortality at 30 days was >6 fold higher in     phosphoglycerate, thereby increasing the affin-
patients with vs those without major bleeding         ity of hemoglobin for oxygen and pulling oxygen
(7.3% vs 1.2%; P<0.0001); again, patients with        out of tissue and away from normal red blood
major bleeding had also a significant increase in     cells.
the incidence of ischemic events (MI, un-
planned revascularization and stent thrombo-          In consideration of the strong clinical impact of
sis). Moreover, at multivariable analysis, major      major bleeding on 30-day outcome in ACS pa-
bleeding was the strongest independent predic-        tients, identifying patients at higher bleeding
tor of mortality, even more than MI. Pocock et al     risk is an important goal in clinical practice, es-
[32], utilizing the same ACUITY database, ob-         pecially after the introduction of newer, more
served that both MI and major bleeding signifi-       potent antiplatelet and antithrombin agents,
cantly affected subsequent mortality, but with a      which may further increase the occurrence of
different temporal impact during follow-up: MI        this complication. Mehran et al [35], developed
increased the likelihood of death 15.6 times          a simple-to-use risk score for bleeding from a
within the first day after its occurrence, then its   pooled analysis of the ACUITY and HORIZON-AMI
prognostic impact was progressively reduced; in       (Harmonizing Outcomes with Revascularization
contrast, the risk of death after a major bleed-      and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction) trials,
ing was 4-fold higher within the first 30 days of     using 6 clinical independent predictors of major
the event, and the risk remained significantly        bleeding: female sex, advanced age, elevated
elevated (2.2-fold increase) beyond 30 days.          serum creatinine and white blood cell count,
                                                      anemia, ST segment elevation MI (STEMI) and
Several mechanisms may explain the associa-           non-STEMI at presentation. The individual risk
tion between bleeding and mortality, as well as       for 30-day bleeding was calculated as the sum-
between bleeding and ischemic events after PCI        mation of the 6 integers (1 from each baseline
[29,30]. Bleeding evidence often leads to the         variable), identifying 4 categories of increased
abrupt withdrawal and/or reversal of antithrom-       bleeding risk: low, moderate, high and very high
botic therapy, which may in turn result in more       (calculated risk of 1.9%, 3.3%, 6.9% and 12.4%,
elevated risk of thrombosis, with subsequent          respectively, in patients treated with heparin
MI, stroke, stent thrombosis and cardiovascular       plus a Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors; 0.7%,
death. Bleeding may also cause platelet activa-       2.0%, 3.7% and 8.4%, respectively, in patients
tion, and bleeding causing hypovolemia, hypop-        receiving bivalirudin monotherapy).
erfusion and anemia may impair oxygen carry-
ing capacity and delivery to the myocardium,          Various studies demonstrated that high residual
provoking myocardial ischemia. Moreover, pa-          platelet reactivity on clopidogrel correlates with
tients with major bleeding frequently require         enhanced risk of adverse ischemic events after
invasive procedure, such as intra-aortic balloon      PCI, but two recent reports showed that a low
counterpulsation, intubation, endoscopy, surgi-       residual platelet reactivity (i.e. increased clopi-
cal procedures, that increase the likelihood of       dogrel response) is associated with higher risk
adverse outcomes. Finally, blood product trans-       of bleeding; this confirms the potential useful-
fusions have been associated with adverse             ness of point-of-care platelet function tests also
events, as demonstrated in a previous meta-           for the stratification of patients according to
analysis [33] indicating a significant association    their bleeding risk. Sibbing et al. [36] observed

259                                                          Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

                                                                       ACS is to increase efficacy without
                                                                       losing safety. An emerging approach
                                                                       is to reduce the ischemic risk
                                                                       through an individualized, “tailored”
                                                                       therapy according to the measure-
                                                                       ment of platelet reactivity.

                                                                       A platelet reactivity-guided therapy
                                                                       was evaluated by Bonello et al [38],
                                                                       who investigated the issue of clopi-
                                                                       dogrel loading dose adjustment ac-
                                                                       cording to platelet monitoring by the
                                                                       vasodilator-stimulated phosphopro-
                                                                       tein (VASP) index. Despite the small
                                                                       sample size, VASP-guided clopidogrel
                                                                       dosing significantly improved clinical
                                                                       outcome after PCI in patients with
Figure 2. Incidence of ischemic/bleeding events according to pre-
                                                                       low response to clopidogrel already
procedural platelet reactivity. PRU= P2Y12 reaction units.
                                                                       treated with 600 mg loading dose,
                                                                       without increase in the bleeding risk.
                                                                       Recently,    the     GRAVITAS     [39]
                                                                       (Gauging Responsiveness With a
that the incidence of bleeding was increased in            VerifyNow Assay: Impact of Thrombosis and
patients with high clopidogrel response by the             Safety) trial evaluated whether high-dose is su-
Multiplate® system, and in turn, the incidence             perior to standard-dose clopidogrel therapy for
of stent thrombosis was elevated in those with             the prevention of cardiovascular events after
low response to the drug. In the ARMYDA-                   PCI in patients with high on-treatment reactivity
BLEEDS [37] study, patients in the lowest PRU              by the point-of-care VerifyNow® assay. In this
quartile by the VerifyNow® assay had 4.5-fold              study, patients with PRU >230 measured within
higher incidence of major bleeding at 1 month              24 hours from the intervention, were randomly
after PCI vs those in the highest quartile (10.1%          assigned to 600 mg clopidogrel load followed
vs 1.4%; P=0.05); ROC analysis identified a PRU            thereafter by 150 mg daily maintenance dose
value ≤189 as an optimal cut-off point to pre-             for 6 months vs no additional loading dose fol-
dict bleeding outcome, with sensitivity of 87%             lowed by 75 mg daily. Incidence of the primary
and specificity of 70%. ARMYDA-BLEEDS, by                  end-point at 6-month (death from cardiovascu-
defining this lower threshold for bleeding, may            lar causes, non-fatal myocardial infarction or
represent the “pendant” of the previously men-             stent thrombosis) was similar in the two arms
tioned ARMYDA-PRO study [11], in which a cut-              (HR 1.01, 95% CI 0.58-1.76; P=0.97), without
off point of PRU ≥240 was identified as a                  bleeding excess in the high-dose group. How-
threshold for increased ischemic risk; thus, the           ever, in the hours after PCI there is a relevant
PRU range between 190 and 240 might poten-                 elevation in platelet reactivity because of proce-
tially represent the optimal therapeutic window            dural platelet activation; thus, evaluation of
during clopidogrel therapy, in which both                  platelet reactivity when performed early after
ischemic and bleeding risks are low. Incidence             PCI is characterized by a low signal-to-noise ra-
of ischemic and bleeding events according to               tio, and results may not reflect the baseline indi-
PRU values follows a curvilinear distribution              vidual degree of response to antiplatelet drugs
(Figure 2), in which, below a certain safety               [40].
threshold of PRU, ischemic events are not fur-
ther reduced, to the expense of increasing                 Conclusions
bleeding, and above an efficacy threshold,
bleeding is not reduced, but ischemic events               Antithrombotic therapy is the mainstay of treat-
may be significantly increased.                            ment in patients with ACS and low clopidogrel
                                                           response may increase the risk of ischemic
Balancing ischemic and bleeding risk                       events in those patients when treated with coro-
                                                           nary stenting. Alternative approaches to over-
The ultimate goal of anti-thrombotic therapy in            come this phenomenon are increase in the

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Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes

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                                                                Investigators. Effects of clopidogrel in addition
let strategy reduces the ischemic risk in ACS
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according point-of-care platelet function tests                 current Events trial (CURE) Investigators. Ef-
may represent the optimal approach to balance                   fects of pretreatment with clopidogrel and aspi-
                                                                rin followed by long-term therapy in patients
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                                                                Fernandez-Ortiz A. Impact of platelet reactivity
tein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and of newer P2Y12 re-
                                                                on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with
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Antithrombotic therapy in_patients_with_acute_coronary

  • 1. Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263 /ISSN: 2160-200X/AJCD1108001 Review Article Antithrombotic therapy in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a balance between protection from ischemic events and risk of bleeding Giuseppe Patti, Annunziata Nusca Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Received August 6, 2011; accepted September 7, 2011; Epub September 10, 2011; published September 30, 2011 Abstract: Platelet activation plays a primary role in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS); thus, anti- thrombotic therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel represents the mainstay of treatment in those patients. However, low clopidogrel response has become a contemporary issue in interventional cardiology, increasing the risk of ischemic events and significantly worsening short- and long-term prognosis after coronary stenting. Alternative approaches to overcome this phenomenon have been investigated as well as increase in the loading and maintenance clopidogrel doses, reloading patients already on chronic therapy, use of newer and more effective antiplatelet agents. Otherwise a more aggressive antiplatelet treatment may lead to possible increase in bleeding complications. A strategy of an individualized antiplatelet therapy according to point-of-care platelet function tests may represent the optimal ap- proach to balance both ischemic and hemorrhagic risk. Keywords: Antithrombotic therapy, acute coronary syndromes, platelet reactivity, bleeding risk Introduction standard dose of 75 mg, 6-12 hours after a 300 mg load and 2 hours after a 600 mg load [2]. The pathophysiology of acute coronary syn- dromes (ACS) is characterized by atherosclerotic Several randomized studies have shown the plaque rupture or erosion, leading to acute clinical benefit of adding clopidogrel to aspirin thrombosis in a coronary vessel. Platelet activa- in patients with ACS; in the CURE [3] tion plays a primary role in the pathogenesis of (Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Re- ACS, as well as in the recurrence of events both current Events) trial, use of clopidogrel (300 mg in medically-treated and in invasively-managed loading dose, then 75 mg/day for an average patients with ACS [1]; thus, in those patients duration of 9 months) plus aspirin was associ- dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopi- ated with 20% risk reduction of cardiovascular dogrel represents an evidence-based, guideline- death, non fatal myocardial infarction (MI) or recommended, standard of care. stroke compared to aspirin alone, with the greatest reduction observed in the rates of re- Current status of antiplatelet therapy in ACS infarction (5.2% vs 6.7%). Although incidence of bleeding events was significantly higher in pa- Clopidogrel is a second generation thienopyri- tients receiving clopidogrel (3.7% vs 2.7%, RR dine; it is a prodrug metabolized in the liver by 1.38; P=0.001), there were no significant differ- the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system to a short- ence in the occurrence of life-threatening bleed- lived thiol that selectively and irreversibly binds ing or hemorrhagic stroke. Those results were to the P2Y12 receptor. By blocking the ADP- confirmed in the PCI-CURE study [4], in which dependent mechanisms, clopidogrel causes therapy with clopidogrel (initiated before the inhibition of platelet activation and aggregation; procedure and continued on average for 8 maximal inhibition by this drug ranges from 40% months after angioplasty) significantly reduced to 60%, and this is reached 3-7 days after a the risk of cardiovascular death or MI even in
  • 2. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes large observational cohort on 1.477 ACS patients treated with clopidogrel and enrolled in the TRITON-TIMI 38 (Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition with Prasugrel- Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarc- tion) trial, carriers of CYP2C19 loss- of-function alleles had a higher risk of the combined end-point including cardiovascular death, MI or stroke (12.1% vs 8.0% in non carriers; HR 1.53, 95% CI 1.07-2.19, P=0.01) [9]. Evaluation of individual clopidogrel response has become a contempo- Figure 1. Distribution of residual platelet reactivity after clopidogrel rary issue in interventional cardiol- administration in patients undergoing PCI (ARMYDA database). PCI= ogy. With regard to results of plate- Percutaneous coronary intervention; PRU= P2Y12 reaction units. let function assays in patients re- ceiving clopidogrel therapy and un- dergoing percutaneous coronary ACS patients receiving an invasive strategy. intervention (PCI) [10], impairment of clopido- grel response should be considered as a con- However, despite those favorable findings, up to tinuum, rather than an “on/off” phenomenon 15% of patients with ACS continue to suffer (Figure 1), and the wide variability in the re- from ischemic events during long-term follow- ported prevalence of low clopidogrel response up, and this may be at least in part related to may depend on different assays used, variable the inter-individual variability in clopidogrel re- definitions empirically applied and action of sponsiveness [5,6]. This phenomenon is surely potential confounders. Various studies have multifactorial and largely influenced by environ- been performed with the aim to achieve a mental, clinical and genetic factors: in particu- standardized definition of low clopidogrel re- lar, age, body mass index, smoking, presence of sponse as the correlation between results of diabetes, ACS at presentation, drug-drug inter- laboratory assays and clinical outcome, and to actions and patient compliance have to be con- demonstrate the prognostic impact of high sidered [7], as well as genetic polymorphisms residual platelet reactivity (i.e. low clopidogrel affecting drug absorption, variations in biotrans- response) on short- and long-term outcome formation rate into active metabolite and link- after PCI. In the ARMYDA PRO [11] age to P2Y12 receptor. Pharmacokinetic studies (Antiplatelet therapy for Reduction of Myocar- indicated that clopidogrel is converted into the dial damage during Angioplasty-Platelet Reac- active metabolite in two steps oxidative process, tivity Predicts Outcome) study, high platelet catalyzed by different CYP enzymes [8]. Genes reactivity after clopidogrel administration, encoding for those enzymes are polymorphic, measured at the time of the procedure by the and there is evidence that some allelic variants point-of-care VerifyNow® P2Y12 assay, was of such enzymes greatly influence individual associated with 6-fold higher risk of 30-day response to clopidogrel and are linked to an major cardiac adverse events (MACE) after PCI, increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events; and this was mainly due to an increased inci- in particular, this has been demonstrated for dence of peri-procedural MI. The ROC curve the CYP2C19 variants, an enzyme that exten- analysis identified an optimal cut-off of P2Y12 sively contributes to both oxidative steps gener- reaction units (PRU) ≥240 to discriminate pa- ating the active clopidogrel metabolite. The tients at higher risk of events at 30 days, with CYP2C19 gene is located on chromosome 10 a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 53%. and at least 25 genetic variants have been de- This clinical threshold was similar to that ob- scribed; among those, two loss-of-function vari- served by Price et al.[12] in 380 patients un- ant alleles, CYP2C19*2 and *3, represent the dergoing PCI, in whom a PRU ≥235 was predic- majority of the defective genotypes [8]. In a tive of poorer outcome at 6 months; a recent 256 Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
  • 3. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes study demonstrated that a PRU threshold the recent randomized ARMYDA 4 RELOAD [18], ≥240 was also able to predict 12-month clini- another relevant issue has been investigated, cal recurrence in ACS patients receiving PCI i.e. the possible benefit of high-dose clopidogrel [13]. reloading in patients already receiving chronic clopidogrel therapy and undergoing PCI. In the Given the inter-individual variability in clopido- overall population of 503 patients, 30-day inci- grel responsiveness, various studies have been dence of MACE did not differ between patients designed to evaluate whether higher clopidogrel who had received a 600 mg clopidogrel reload dosages can act more rapidly and more effec- prior to the intervention and those who did not tively, and may decrease the incidence of clopi- (6.7% vs 8.8%; P=0.5); however, in the sub- dogrel low responders. This has been investi- group of patients with ACS, a significant reduc- gated in the ARMYDA 2 trial [14], enrolling con- tion in the occurrence of MACE at one month secutive PCI patients with a variety of coronary was observed in the reload arm (6.4% vs 16.3%; syndromes and randomized to receive, meanly OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.32-0.90; P=0.033). 6 hours before the intervention, the standard 300 mg clopidogrel loading dose vs a 600 mg An increased maintenance dose of clopidogrel loading strategy. The primary end point might be associated with higher platelet sup- (incidence of death, MI and target vessel revas- pression and reduced rates of non-responders, cularization at one month) occurred in 4% of with possible improvement in clinical outcome. patients in the high-dose vs 12% of those in the In the ISAR-CHOICE 2 [19] (Intracoronary Stent- standard-dose arm (P=0.041; 52% risk reduc- ing and Antithrombotic Regimen: Choose a High tion at multivariate analysis in patients receiving Oral maintenance dose for Intensified Clopido- the higher regimen). These results were con- grel Effect) study, administration of 150 mg/day firmed in a subsequent meta-analysis of 10 maintenance dose of clopidogrel resulted in studies [15], in which pre-treatment with 600 increased inhibition of ADP platelet aggregation mg clopidogrel load prior to PCI was associated at 30 days after PCI vs the standard 75 mg daily with 46% risk reduction of cardiac death or non regimen, and this more potent antiplatelet ef- fatal MI, without excess in major and minor fect has been also demonstrated in patients bleeding. Accordingly, the current Guidelines with diabetes mellitus [20]. In a randomized suggest the use of 600 mg clopidogrel load study from the ARMYDA study group[21], use of when a rapid (within 2 hours) platelet inhibition 150 mg/day maintenance dose of clopidogrel in is needed in patients candidates to PCI. How- PCI patients for one month reduced the rates of ever, against the general concept that increas- non-responders (62% reduction), improved en- ing doses of clopidogrel are consistently associ- dothelial function and decreased the inflamma- ated with increasing degree of platelet suppres- tory status vs the 75 mg daily dose. However, all sion, no benefit of a loading dose >600 mg has those studies did not evaluate clinical end- been demonstrated in clinical and platelet func- points. The largest, prospective study investigat- tion studies. The randomized trial ALBION [16] ing the efficacy and safety of higher clopidogrel (Assessment of the Best Loading Dose of Clopi- loading and maintenance dose in ACS patients dogrel to Blunt Platelet Activation, Inflammation is the CURRENT-OASIS 7 [22] (Clopidogrel and and Ongoing Necrosis) compared three different Aspirin Optimal Dose Usage to Reduce Recur- clopidogrel loading strategies (300 mg vs 600 rent Events – Seventh Organization to Assess mg vs 900 mg) in patients with ACS; as com- Strategies in Ischemic Symptoms) trial. Patients pared with the 600 mg dose, the 900 mg load- were randomly assigned to a double-dose regi- ing regimen did not achieve a higher platelet men (600 mg load followed by a maintenance inhibition by optical aggregometry. These results dose of 150 mg/day for 6 days and then 75 were expanded in the ISAR-CHOICE [17] mg/day thereafter) or a standard-dose regimen (Intracoronary Stenting and Antithrombotic Regi- of clopidogrel (300 mg load followed by 75 mg men: Choose Between 3 High Oral Doses for daily thereafter). The primary outcome at 30 Immediate Clopidogrel Effect) trial, in which the days (cardiovascular death, MI or stroke at 30 900 mg clopidogrel loading dose, compared days) occurred in 4.4% of patients in the stan- with the 600 mg regimen, did not increase dard dose vs 4.2% in the high-dose group, with plasma concentration of the active thiol metabo- a modest excess of bleeding in the latter (2.5% lite, and this has been attributed to the limited vs 2.0%; HR 1.24; 95% CI 1.05-1.46; P=0.01); intestinal absorption of the drug and to the vari- of note, a pre-specified analysis in the subgroup ability in cytochrome P450 enzyme activity. In of patients undergoing PCI [23] showed that the 257 Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
  • 4. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes higher regimen was associated with significant prodrug, it has a direct action, and in platelet reduction of the composite clinical end-point at aggregation studies the inhibition of platelet one month (14% risk reduction; P=0.039), as aggregation by ticagrelor was more pronounced well as of stent thrombosis (46% reduction; than clopidogrel, with lower degree of inter- P=0.0001). individual response variability [26]. The DIS- PERSE 2 [27] (Dose Confirmation Study Assess- New antiplatelet agents ing AntiPlatelet Effects of Ticagrelor vs Clopido- grel in non ST Segment Elevation Acute Coro- Novel P2Y12 receptors antagonists are charac- nary Syndrome) phase II study showed that tica- terized by more potent and rapid onset of anti- grelor is more effective than clopidogrel in pre- platelet action. Prasugrel, a third-generation venting thrombotic events, with similar rate of thienopyridine, is a prodrug that requires he- bleeding. The phase III PLATO [28] (PLATelet patic conversion; however, this process needs Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) trial was a only one cytochrome P450-dependent oxidative double-blind, randomized study comparing tica- step to generate the active metabolite and this grelor (180 mg loading dose, 90 mg twice daily difference explains the faster onset of action thereafter) and clopidogrel (300-to-600 mg than clopidogrel, the greater inhibition of plate- loading dose, 75 mg daily thereafter) for the let aggregation, the lower incidence of non re- prevention of cardiovascular events in patients sponders and the lesser influence of genetic with ACS. At 12 month, the incidence of the polymorphisms. The clinical efficacy of pra- composite end-point, including death from vas- sugrel was evaluated in the phase III TRITON- cular causes, MI or stroke, was significantly re- TIMI 38 [24] (Trial to Assess Improvement in duced in the ticagrelor group (9.8% vs 11.7% in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet the clopidogrel arm; HR 0.84; 95% CI 0.77- Inhibition with Prasugrel – TIMI 38) trial. This 0.92; P<0.001). Of note, all-cause mortality study compared the efficacy and safety of pra- through 12 months was also reduced with tica- sugrel (60 mg loading dose, 10 mg daily mainte- grelor (4.5% vs 5.9%; P<0.001), a finding that nance dose) vs clopidogrel (300 mg loading has not been observed with oral antiplatelet dose, 75 mg daily maintenance dose) in ACS agents other than aspirin. However, ticagrelor patients undergoing PCI. Over a median follow- was associated with increased rates of major up of 14.5 months, patients pre-treated with bleeding not related to coronary-artery bypass prasugrel showed significantly lower incidence graft (4.5% vs 3.8%; P=0.03), as well as more of primary end point, including cardiovascular elevated incidence of intracranial fatal bleeding. death, MI or stroke (9.9% vs 12.1% in the clopi- It should be noted that only 19% of patients in dogrel arm; P<0.001); this benefit was essen- this study received a 600 mg clopidogrel load- tially due to prevention of non-fatal MI. How- ing, and that patients treated with ticagrelor ever, a significant 32% excess in life-threatening developed more frequently side effects such and fatal bleedings was observed in the pra- dyspnea and brady-arrhythmias. sugrel group: thus, the greater platelet inhibition and the consequent more effective prevention Bleeding risk of ischemic events by more potent antiplatelet agents need to be weighed against an increase In the past decades, bleeding was considered in bleeding complications. Prasugrel was still an inevitable and acceptable complication re- associated with a significant net clinical benefit lated to the antithrombotic therapies in patients compared to clopidogrel (HR 0.87; 95% CI 0.79- with ACS; given the variability in the bleeding 0.95; P=0.004), and a further analysis sug- definition used, the variable management gested a marked benefit with this drug in pa- strategies (conservative vs invasive), the differ- tients with diabetes mellitus [25] and in those ent types and doses of antiplatelet agents, the presenting with ST-segment elevation MI, heterogeneous clinical pattern (i.e. different whereas, the excess of bleeding was more evi- prevalence of advanced age or chronic renal dent in patients with previous history of stroke failure), the reported incidence of major bleed- or transient ischemic attack, age > 75 years or ing varies between 1% and 10% [29]. However, body weight < 60 kg. a growing body of data has documented that the risk of death in ACS patients is affected not Ticagrelor is an oral, reversible, short-acting non only by recurrent ischemic events, but also by -thienopyridine P2Y12 antagonist; it is not a bleeding complications. 258 Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
  • 5. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes Eikelboom et al. [30] analyzed individual patient between transfusions and 30-day mortality (HR data from a large dataset involving >30.000 3.94; 95% CI 3.26-4.75) among ACS patients. patients from 3 studies: the OASIS (Organization These results were also confirmed in an analy- to Assess Ischemic Syndromes) registry, OASIS- sis of the CRUSADE [34] registry, in which a 2 and CURE. In this analysis, 2.3% of patients higher risk of in-hospital death or death/MI was developed major bleeding during follow-up, and found in patients receiving red blood cells trans- occurrence of major bleeding was associated fusions during hospitalization; the reason is still with a 5-fold increase in mortality; furthermore, unclear but it can be hypothesized that [29]: a) there was a close relationship between severity transfusions increase the inflammatory status; of bleeding and risk of death. Of note, incidence b) nitric oxide is depleted in stored red cells, of MI and stroke was also significantly higher in which may act as a nitric oxide sink, resulting in patients who developed major bleeding vs those vasoconstriction, reduced oxygen carriage of the who did not. In the ACUITY [31] (Acute Catheteri- blood and platelet aggregation; 3) stored blood zation and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy) red cells are also depleted of 2,3 di- trial, mortality at 30 days was >6 fold higher in phosphoglycerate, thereby increasing the affin- patients with vs those without major bleeding ity of hemoglobin for oxygen and pulling oxygen (7.3% vs 1.2%; P<0.0001); again, patients with out of tissue and away from normal red blood major bleeding had also a significant increase in cells. the incidence of ischemic events (MI, un- planned revascularization and stent thrombo- In consideration of the strong clinical impact of sis). Moreover, at multivariable analysis, major major bleeding on 30-day outcome in ACS pa- bleeding was the strongest independent predic- tients, identifying patients at higher bleeding tor of mortality, even more than MI. Pocock et al risk is an important goal in clinical practice, es- [32], utilizing the same ACUITY database, ob- pecially after the introduction of newer, more served that both MI and major bleeding signifi- potent antiplatelet and antithrombin agents, cantly affected subsequent mortality, but with a which may further increase the occurrence of different temporal impact during follow-up: MI this complication. Mehran et al [35], developed increased the likelihood of death 15.6 times a simple-to-use risk score for bleeding from a within the first day after its occurrence, then its pooled analysis of the ACUITY and HORIZON-AMI prognostic impact was progressively reduced; in (Harmonizing Outcomes with Revascularization contrast, the risk of death after a major bleed- and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction) trials, ing was 4-fold higher within the first 30 days of using 6 clinical independent predictors of major the event, and the risk remained significantly bleeding: female sex, advanced age, elevated elevated (2.2-fold increase) beyond 30 days. serum creatinine and white blood cell count, anemia, ST segment elevation MI (STEMI) and Several mechanisms may explain the associa- non-STEMI at presentation. The individual risk tion between bleeding and mortality, as well as for 30-day bleeding was calculated as the sum- between bleeding and ischemic events after PCI mation of the 6 integers (1 from each baseline [29,30]. Bleeding evidence often leads to the variable), identifying 4 categories of increased abrupt withdrawal and/or reversal of antithrom- bleeding risk: low, moderate, high and very high botic therapy, which may in turn result in more (calculated risk of 1.9%, 3.3%, 6.9% and 12.4%, elevated risk of thrombosis, with subsequent respectively, in patients treated with heparin MI, stroke, stent thrombosis and cardiovascular plus a Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors; 0.7%, death. Bleeding may also cause platelet activa- 2.0%, 3.7% and 8.4%, respectively, in patients tion, and bleeding causing hypovolemia, hypop- receiving bivalirudin monotherapy). erfusion and anemia may impair oxygen carry- ing capacity and delivery to the myocardium, Various studies demonstrated that high residual provoking myocardial ischemia. Moreover, pa- platelet reactivity on clopidogrel correlates with tients with major bleeding frequently require enhanced risk of adverse ischemic events after invasive procedure, such as intra-aortic balloon PCI, but two recent reports showed that a low counterpulsation, intubation, endoscopy, surgi- residual platelet reactivity (i.e. increased clopi- cal procedures, that increase the likelihood of dogrel response) is associated with higher risk adverse outcomes. Finally, blood product trans- of bleeding; this confirms the potential useful- fusions have been associated with adverse ness of point-of-care platelet function tests also events, as demonstrated in a previous meta- for the stratification of patients according to analysis [33] indicating a significant association their bleeding risk. Sibbing et al. [36] observed 259 Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
  • 6. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes ACS is to increase efficacy without losing safety. An emerging approach is to reduce the ischemic risk through an individualized, “tailored” therapy according to the measure- ment of platelet reactivity. A platelet reactivity-guided therapy was evaluated by Bonello et al [38], who investigated the issue of clopi- dogrel loading dose adjustment ac- cording to platelet monitoring by the vasodilator-stimulated phosphopro- tein (VASP) index. Despite the small sample size, VASP-guided clopidogrel dosing significantly improved clinical outcome after PCI in patients with Figure 2. Incidence of ischemic/bleeding events according to pre- low response to clopidogrel already procedural platelet reactivity. PRU= P2Y12 reaction units. treated with 600 mg loading dose, without increase in the bleeding risk. Recently, the GRAVITAS [39] (Gauging Responsiveness With a that the incidence of bleeding was increased in VerifyNow Assay: Impact of Thrombosis and patients with high clopidogrel response by the Safety) trial evaluated whether high-dose is su- Multiplate® system, and in turn, the incidence perior to standard-dose clopidogrel therapy for of stent thrombosis was elevated in those with the prevention of cardiovascular events after low response to the drug. In the ARMYDA- PCI in patients with high on-treatment reactivity BLEEDS [37] study, patients in the lowest PRU by the point-of-care VerifyNow® assay. In this quartile by the VerifyNow® assay had 4.5-fold study, patients with PRU >230 measured within higher incidence of major bleeding at 1 month 24 hours from the intervention, were randomly after PCI vs those in the highest quartile (10.1% assigned to 600 mg clopidogrel load followed vs 1.4%; P=0.05); ROC analysis identified a PRU thereafter by 150 mg daily maintenance dose value ≤189 as an optimal cut-off point to pre- for 6 months vs no additional loading dose fol- dict bleeding outcome, with sensitivity of 87% lowed by 75 mg daily. Incidence of the primary and specificity of 70%. ARMYDA-BLEEDS, by end-point at 6-month (death from cardiovascu- defining this lower threshold for bleeding, may lar causes, non-fatal myocardial infarction or represent the “pendant” of the previously men- stent thrombosis) was similar in the two arms tioned ARMYDA-PRO study [11], in which a cut- (HR 1.01, 95% CI 0.58-1.76; P=0.97), without off point of PRU ≥240 was identified as a bleeding excess in the high-dose group. How- threshold for increased ischemic risk; thus, the ever, in the hours after PCI there is a relevant PRU range between 190 and 240 might poten- elevation in platelet reactivity because of proce- tially represent the optimal therapeutic window dural platelet activation; thus, evaluation of during clopidogrel therapy, in which both platelet reactivity when performed early after ischemic and bleeding risks are low. Incidence PCI is characterized by a low signal-to-noise ra- of ischemic and bleeding events according to tio, and results may not reflect the baseline indi- PRU values follows a curvilinear distribution vidual degree of response to antiplatelet drugs (Figure 2), in which, below a certain safety [40]. threshold of PRU, ischemic events are not fur- ther reduced, to the expense of increasing Conclusions bleeding, and above an efficacy threshold, bleeding is not reduced, but ischemic events Antithrombotic therapy is the mainstay of treat- may be significantly increased. ment in patients with ACS and low clopidogrel response may increase the risk of ischemic Balancing ischemic and bleeding risk events in those patients when treated with coro- nary stenting. Alternative approaches to over- The ultimate goal of anti-thrombotic therapy in come this phenomenon are increase in the 260 Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2011;1(3):255-263
  • 7. Antithrombotic therapy in acute coronary syndromes loading and maintenance clopidogrel doses, Hemost 1999;25 Suppl 2:15-19. reloading patients already on chronic therapy, [3 Yusuf S, Zhao F, Mehta SR, Chrolavicius S, use of newer and more effective antiplatelet Tognoni G, Fox KK; Clopidogrel in Unstable agents. However, a “more aggressive” antiplate- Angina to Prevent Recurrent Events Trial Investigators. Effects of clopidogrel in addition let strategy reduces the ischemic risk in ACS of aspirin in patients with acute coronary syn- patients, but at the prize of a possible increase dromes without ST-segment elevation. New in bleeding complications. 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