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Anti-Asthmatic Drugs
(Pharmacology & Therapeutics-I)
Lecture By
Dr. Syed Baqir Raza Naqvi
(BSc, Pharm-D, M. Phil-Pharmacology)
Nazar College of Pharmacy
• Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by
episodes of acute bronchoconstriction causing shortness of breath, cough,
chest tightness, wheezing, and rapid respiration.
• It is a disease characterized by increased responsiveness of
tracheobronchial tree (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles) to various stimulus &
wide spread narrowing of the airways i.e. bronchospasm.
• It is also called as reversible airways obstruction (RAO).
1. Early onset asthma
(Atopic or allergic asthma)
Types of Asthma
2. Late onset asthma
(Non atopic asthma)
Clinical Features
of breath
Contraction of airway’s
smooth muscles.
Mucosal thickening.
Inspissation (rendering dry
or thick) in airway’s lumen.
Abnormally thick viscid
plug of mucus.
Pathological Features
Inducers of Asthma
• It is known that if parents smoke during 1st two years of
their child’s life, the child is likely to develop asthma.
• 1. Aero allergens: House dust, smoke,
pollens, animal dander.
• 2. Ingestant allergens: Milk, fish, chocolates,
strawberries. 6
Triggers of Asthma
• Running,
• Cycling,
• Laughing,
• Coughing etc.
• Pleasurable excitements in
• Stress or worry in adults.
• Drugs like β-blockers
 Asthmatic person has tendency to produce large amount of anti-
bodies in response to antigen.
 Mast cells are present in lungs, Ig-E become attached to mast cells.
 On subsequent exposure to the same antigen, antigen-antibody
reaction on the surface of mast cells takes place.
 As result mast cells release Leukotriene's i.e. LTC4, LTD4 and
Histamine (inflammation causing agents).
• As a result inflammation of respiratory tract occur leading to difficulty
in breathing, cough sneezing and chest congestion.
Pathogenesis of Asthma
Pathophysiology of Asthma
Pathogenesis of Asthma
• Classic allergic asthma is mediated by the exposure of
sensitized Ig.E antibodies, bound to mast cells in airway
• Antigen-antibody reactions takes place on mast surface, that in
turns triggers both the release of mediators stored in mast cells
granules & synthesis of other mediators.
• These mediators diffused through out the airway wall &
causing narrowing, through muscles contraction, edema,
cellular infiltration (deposition of solution) & change in mucus. 10
Pathophysiology of Asthma
Goals of therapy
1) The goals of asthma therapy are to decrease the intensity and
frequency of asthma symptoms and the degree to which the
patient is limited by these symptoms.
2) All patients need to have a “quick-relief” medication to treat
acute asthma symptoms.
3) Drug therapy for long term control of asthma is designed to
reverse and prevent airways inflammation.
Classification of Anti Asthmatics
• 1. Sympathomimetic 2. Para-sympatholytic 3. Methyl Xanthine derivatives
Mast cell stabilizers
• 1. Ketotifen 2. Cromolyn
Leukotriene modifiers
• 1. Montelukast 2. Zafirlukast
• 1. Beclomethasone 2. Dexamethasone 3. Prednisolone 4. Hydrocortisone
Non-selective α & β
Non selective- β1 & β2
• Ephedrine
• Adrenaline
• Isoprenaline
• Orciprenaline
• Salbutamol, Salmeterol
• Bambuterol, Procetrol
• Formoterol, Terbutaline
1. Sympathomimetic
2. Para-
3. Methyl
• Disodium
• Ketotifen
Mast cell
• Montelukast
• Zafirlukast
ant agonistics
• Beclomethasone
• Dexamethasone
• Prednisolone
• Ephedrine is an alkaloid obtained from Ephedra plant.
• Its chemical structure is similar to adrenaline. It is a powerful
bronchodilator & is highly effective on treating pulmonary disease i.e.
bronchitis & bronchial asthma.
• It is commonly called Ma huang in china.
1. Bronchodilators
A. Sympathomimetic
Mechanism of Action
• Ephedrine stimulates both alpha & beta receptors.
• Bronchodilators effect is achieved when the drug stimulates the
Beta2 receptors present in cell membrane of bronchial cells.
1. IN LUNGS: In bronchial cell membrane there is an enzyme (Adenyl
cyclase). When β2 receptors activated, they stimulate the adenyl cyclase.
• This activated adenyl cyclase catalyzes the ATP, present in cytoplasm of cell
to form cyclic 3,5-AMP.
• This resulting cyclic 3,5-AMP is responsible for Broncho dilation.
2. ON HEART: Ephedrine also causes vasoconstriction b/c it also stimulates
alpha receptors of heart, so B.P. is increased.
• It also causes increased heart rate due to stimulation of β1 receptors.
Adverse effects
• Common adversities includes nausea,
sweating, anxiety, nervousness and
significant adverse effects includes;
• CNS; confusion, agitation, insomnia.
• CVS; Tachycardia, Hypertension.
• Renal; Urinary retention (due to closure
of internal sphincter of bladder).
Clinical Uses
1. Used as nasal decongestant.
2. As a presser agent in spinal anesthesia
3. To treat stress incontinence (inability
to control excitory functions).
4. Also used in heart block.
5. It has long duration of action.
• It is also called albuterol. It is the most widely used sympathomimetic
Mode of Action
• It is a selective β2-receptor agonist.
• It posses useful degree of selectivity towards B2-receptors, there by Producing its
bronchodilator effects.
• It stimulate the β2 receptor present in cell membrane of bronchial cell.
• when B2-receptor stimulated, it interns Stimulate adenyl cyclase which catalyzes ATP
in cytoplasm into cyclic 3,5-AMP in the presence of Mg+. (Broncho dilation occurs).
A. Sympathomimetic
Clinical Uses of Salbutamol
• Salbutamol is an effective treatment for bronchial asthma as it quickly
relief bronchospasm, associated with reversible airway obstruction.
• Specially used in sudden asthmatic attacks. (Short Acting Beta-Agonist {SABA}).
• Also effective for uterine muscles relaxation, thus is clinically used in
treatment of threatened abortion (complicated premature labor).
• Indicated in emphysema (abnormal enlargement of alveolar walls due
to accumulation of mucous or sputum).
Dosage forms
• Tablets; 2, 4, 8 mg
• Syrups: 2 mg/5 ml
• Injections; 2 mg/1ml
• Inhalations; 100 microgram/puff
• Dose: 1-2 puffs (3-4 times)
Adverse effects:
• Common adversities includes headache,
nervousness, mild tremors and
significant adverse effects includes;
• CNS; dizziness, insomnia.
• CVS; Tachycardia, Hypertension,
palpitation (irregular heart beat).
• GIT; Nausea, vomiting & dryness of
• Like salbutamol it is one of the most popular
sympathomimetic bronchodilator and is highly safe.
Mode of Action: Same as salbutamol (Selective B2 agonist).
Adverse effects: Similar as salbutamol.
Clinical Uses
1. Highly effective in treatment of severe prolonged
2. Used to reduce contraction in pre mature labor.
3. Indicated in chronic bronchitis & emphysema.
Dosage forms
• Tablets; 2.5 mg
• Syrups: 1.5 mg/5 ml
• Injections; 0.5 /1ml
• Inhalations; 0.25 mg/puff
• Dose: 1-2 puffs (3-4 times)
• The anticholinergic agents block vagally mediated contraction of airway
smooth muscle and mucus secretion.
• Inhaled ipratropium (derivative of atropine), is not recommended for the
routine treatment of acute bronchospasm in asthma, as its onset is much
slower than inhaled slow acting Beta agonists (SABAs).
• However, it may be useful in patients who are unable to tolerate a Slow acting
Beta agonists (SABA) or patients with concomitant COPD.
• Ipratropium also has additional benefit when used with a SABA for the
treatment of acute asthma exacerbations in the emergency department.
• Adverse effects such as xerostomia and bitter taste are related to local
anticholinergic effects. 26
Ipratropium / Atropine
B. Parasympatholytics
Aminophylline is one of the methyl
xanthine bronchodilator & consist of
86% anhydrous theophylline and
14% ethylene di amine.
Mode of Action
• Act as phosphodiesterase inhibitor.
C. Methyl xanthine
Mode of Action (Cont.)
• When B2-receptor is stimulated, it interns Stimulate adenyl cyclase which catalyzes ATP in
cytoplasm into cyclic 3,5-AMP in the presence of magnesium Mg+. This resulting cyclic 3,5-AMP
serves as bronchodilator.
• In the final stage Cyclic 3,5 AMP is inactivated to 5-AMP by an enzyme phsphodiesterase.
• Aminophylline inhibits the Phsphodiesterase & thus Cyclic 3,5-AMP level is maintained,
which promotes Broncho dilation & hence easier breathing.
• Cyclic 3,5-AMP also prevents influx of calcium ions inside cell, which also results in relaxation
of bronchial smooth muscles b/c Ca+ ions act as contractile element and causes contraction
of smooth muscles.
Clinical Uses
Bronchial Asthma
• Used in bronchial asthma & reversible bronchospasm associated with chronic bronchitis.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• Aminophylline quickly improve pulmonary functions & relieves COPD symptoms.
Apnea (absence of breathing) in pre mature neonates
• Effective in apnea in premature neonates, during 1st few weeks of birth.
Left ventricular failure
• Effectively used to treat Left ventricular failure (LFV)
Adverse effects:
• CNS; dizziness, insomnia, convulsions.
• CVS; Cardiac arrhythmia, palpitation
(irregular heart beat).
• GIT; Nausea, vomiting, anorexia and
abdominal pain.
Contra indications:
1. Patients suffering from cardiac
2. In epilepsy b/c it acts as CNS
Beclomethasone / Dexamethasone
• It is a synthetic inhalation glucocorticoids.
• It is not a bronchodilator but reduces the inflammation of the
Mode of action
• It acts to inhibit the inflammatory response in airways.
• Corticosteroids inhibit the release of arachidonic acid through
phospholipase A2 inhibition, from cell membrane & there by
inhibit the first step in the production of eicosanoids products
from arachidonic acid. (eicosanoids are responsible for airway
function abnormalities in asthmatic patients).
• It also potentiate the effect of beta adrenoreceptor agonists.
Cortico Steroids
Mode of action (Corticosteroids)
Clinical Uses of corticosteroids
Bronchial Asthma
• Beclomethasone has no direct effect on bronchial smooth muscles, however
they are potentially effective as initial therapy in the treatment of bronchial
asthma. It reduces the dependency of Beta2 agonists in asthma. (However it is
not effective for acute asthma attacks, b/c its beneficial effects appears after
5-7 days of its use.
• Beclomethasone is only given in advanced cases of COPD (Chronic COPD). It
shouldn't be given in acute/mild cases of this disease.
Adverse effects:
Inhalation corticosteroids provides effective
inhalation therapy in asthma with no significant
adverse effects. Some common side effects
• Dyspnea (Altered voice production)
• Oral candidiasis (Fungal infection)
• Oral candidiasis can be prevented by using mouth
Dosage forms
• Becotide inhaler (by GSK)
(250 micrograms/puff)
• Dose: 400 micrograms in 2-3 or 4
divided doses.
• All three drugs are approved for the prevention of asthma symptoms.
• Should not be used when immediate Broncho dilation is required.
• Also shown efficacy for the prevention of exercise induced bronchospasm.
• Orally active, highly protein bound. Food impairs absorption of zafirlukast.
• The drugs are metabolized extensively by the liver.
• Zileuton and its metabolites are excreted in urine.
• Zafirlukast & Montelukast and their metabolites undergo biliary excretion.
Leukotriene Antagonists
Zileuton / Montelukast / Zafirlukast
Pathophysiology of Leukotriene
Mechanism of action
Leukotriene inhibitors
Mechanism of action
• Leukotriene (LT) B4 and cysteinyl leukotriene's (LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) are products of the 5-
lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism and part of the inflammatory cascade.
• 5-Lipoxygenase is found in mast cells, basophils, eosinophil and neutrophils.
• LTB4 is a potent chemo attractant for neutrophils and eosinophil's, whereas cysteinyl leukotriene's
constrict bronchiolar smooth muscle and promote mucus secretion.
• Zileuton is a selective inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, and prevents the formation of both LTB4.
• Zafirlukast and Montelukast are selective antagonists of the cysteinyl leukotriene-1 receptor,
they block the effects of cysteinyl leukotriene's, thus promoting Broncho dilation.
Adverse Effects
• Elevations in serum hepatic enzymes
(requires periodic monitoring and discontinuation
when enzymes exceed three to five times the upper
limit of normal).
• Headache.
• dyspepsia.
Mast cell stabilizers
Cromolyn / Nedocromil
Mechanism of Action
• Cromolyn sodium is a mast cell stabilizer.
• It is a prophylactic anti-inflammatory agent that
inhibits mast cell degranulation and release of
• It is an alternative therapy for mild persistent asthma.
However, it is not useful in managing an acute asthma
attack, because it is not a bronchodilator.
• It has short duration of action so it requires dosing
three or four times daily, which affects adherence and
limits its use. 43
Cromolyn is available as a
nebulized solution for
use in asthma.
Mast cell stabilizers
Clinical Uses
Cromolyn sodium is a medication used to
manage ;
• Bronchial asthma.
• Allergic rhinitis.
• Certain allergic eye conditions such as
vernal conjunctivitis, keratitis, and kerato-
conjunctivitis, allergic rhino conjunctivitis.
Adverse effects
It has minor adverse
effects that include;
• Cough.
• Irritation.
• Unpleasant taste.
• Omalizumab is a recombinant DNA-derived monoclonal antibody that selectively binds to human
immunoglobulin E (IgE).
• This leads to decreased binding of IgE to its receptor on the surface of mast cells and basophils,
thus limits the release of mediators of the allergic response.
• Omalizumab is indicated for the treatment of persistent asthma in patients who are poorly
controlled with conventional therapy. Its use is limited by the high cost, route of administration
(subcutaneous), and adverse effect profile.
• Adverse effects include serious anaphylactic reaction (rare), arthralgia, fever and rash.
Secondary malignancies have been reported.
Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibodies
Guidelines for the treatment of asthma. In all asthmatic patients, quick relief
is provided by a SABA as needed for symptoms.
*Eighty percent or more of predicted function
Ref. Book: Lippincott's page 384
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Classification of crude drugs (Pharmacognosy)

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Anti Asthmatics, Pharmacology by Dr. Baqir Raza Naqvi.pptx

  • 1. Anti-Asthmatic Drugs (Pharmacology & Therapeutics-I) Lecture By Dr. Syed Baqir Raza Naqvi (BSc, Pharm-D, M. Phil-Pharmacology) Nazar College of Pharmacy 1
  • 2. • Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by episodes of acute bronchoconstriction causing shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheezing, and rapid respiration. • It is a disease characterized by increased responsiveness of tracheobronchial tree (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles) to various stimulus & wide spread narrowing of the airways i.e. bronchospasm. • It is also called as reversible airways obstruction (RAO). 2 Asthma
  • 3. 1. Early onset asthma (Atopic or allergic asthma) Types of Asthma 2. Late onset asthma (Non atopic asthma) 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Clinical Features Coughing Shortness of breath Chest tightness wheezing Contraction of airway’s smooth muscles. Mucosal thickening. Inspissation (rendering dry or thick) in airway’s lumen. Abnormally thick viscid plug of mucus. Pathological Features 5
  • 6. Inducers of Asthma Smoke • It is known that if parents smoke during 1st two years of their child’s life, the child is likely to develop asthma. Allergens • 1. Aero allergens: House dust, smoke, pollens, animal dander. • 2. Ingestant allergens: Milk, fish, chocolates, strawberries. 6
  • 7. Triggers of Asthma Exercise • Running, • Cycling, • Laughing, • Coughing etc. Emotional factors • Pleasurable excitements in children. • Stress or worry in adults. • Drugs like β-blockers (propranolol). 7
  • 8.  Asthmatic person has tendency to produce large amount of anti- bodies in response to antigen.  Mast cells are present in lungs, Ig-E become attached to mast cells.  On subsequent exposure to the same antigen, antigen-antibody reaction on the surface of mast cells takes place.  As result mast cells release Leukotriene's i.e. LTC4, LTD4 and Histamine (inflammation causing agents). • As a result inflammation of respiratory tract occur leading to difficulty in breathing, cough sneezing and chest congestion. 8 Pathogenesis of Asthma
  • 10. Pathogenesis of Asthma • Classic allergic asthma is mediated by the exposure of sensitized Ig.E antibodies, bound to mast cells in airway mucosa. • Antigen-antibody reactions takes place on mast surface, that in turns triggers both the release of mediators stored in mast cells granules & synthesis of other mediators. • These mediators diffused through out the airway wall & causing narrowing, through muscles contraction, edema, cellular infiltration (deposition of solution) & change in mucus. 10
  • 12. Goals of therapy 1) The goals of asthma therapy are to decrease the intensity and frequency of asthma symptoms and the degree to which the patient is limited by these symptoms. 2) All patients need to have a “quick-relief” medication to treat acute asthma symptoms. 3) Drug therapy for long term control of asthma is designed to reverse and prevent airways inflammation. 12
  • 13. Classification of Anti Asthmatics Bronchodilators • 1. Sympathomimetic 2. Para-sympatholytic 3. Methyl Xanthine derivatives Mast cell stabilizers • 1. Ketotifen 2. Cromolyn 13 Leukotriene modifiers • 1. Montelukast 2. Zafirlukast Corticosteroids • 1. Beclomethasone 2. Dexamethasone 3. Prednisolone 4. Hydrocortisone
  • 14. Non-selective α & β stimulants Non selective- β1 & β2 stimulants Selective-β2 stimulants • Ephedrine • Adrenaline • Isoprenaline • Orciprenaline • Salbutamol, Salmeterol • Bambuterol, Procetrol • Formoterol, Terbutaline 14 Bronchodilators 1. Sympathomimetic
  • 15. 2. Para- simpatholytics Atropine Ipratropium 3. Methyl xanthine derivatives Theophylline Aminophylline 15 Bronchodilators • Disodium chromoglycate • Ketotifen Mast cell stabilizers • Montelukast • Zafirlukast Leukotriene ant agonistics • Beclomethasone • Dexamethasone • Prednisolone Cortico- steroids
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Ephedrine • Ephedrine is an alkaloid obtained from Ephedra plant. • Its chemical structure is similar to adrenaline. It is a powerful bronchodilator & is highly effective on treating pulmonary disease i.e. bronchitis & bronchial asthma. • It is commonly called Ma huang in china. 17 1. Bronchodilators A. Sympathomimetic
  • 18. Mechanism of Action (Ephedrine) • Ephedrine stimulates both alpha & beta receptors. • Bronchodilators effect is achieved when the drug stimulates the Beta2 receptors present in cell membrane of bronchial cells. 18
  • 19. 19 1. IN LUNGS: In bronchial cell membrane there is an enzyme (Adenyl cyclase). When β2 receptors activated, they stimulate the adenyl cyclase. • This activated adenyl cyclase catalyzes the ATP, present in cytoplasm of cell to form cyclic 3,5-AMP. • This resulting cyclic 3,5-AMP is responsible for Broncho dilation. 2. ON HEART: Ephedrine also causes vasoconstriction b/c it also stimulates alpha receptors of heart, so B.P. is increased. • It also causes increased heart rate due to stimulation of β1 receptors.
  • 20. Adverse effects • Common adversities includes nausea, sweating, anxiety, nervousness and significant adverse effects includes; • CNS; confusion, agitation, insomnia. • CVS; Tachycardia, Hypertension. • Renal; Urinary retention (due to closure of internal sphincter of bladder). 20 Clinical Uses 1. Used as nasal decongestant. 2. As a presser agent in spinal anesthesia 3. To treat stress incontinence (inability to control excitory functions). 4. Also used in heart block. 5. It has long duration of action.
  • 21. Salbutamol • It is also called albuterol. It is the most widely used sympathomimetic bronchodilator. Mode of Action • It is a selective β2-receptor agonist. • It posses useful degree of selectivity towards B2-receptors, there by Producing its bronchodilator effects. • It stimulate the β2 receptor present in cell membrane of bronchial cell. • when B2-receptor stimulated, it interns Stimulate adenyl cyclase which catalyzes ATP in cytoplasm into cyclic 3,5-AMP in the presence of Mg+. (Broncho dilation occurs). 21 A. Sympathomimetic
  • 22. Clinical Uses of Salbutamol • Salbutamol is an effective treatment for bronchial asthma as it quickly relief bronchospasm, associated with reversible airway obstruction. • Specially used in sudden asthmatic attacks. (Short Acting Beta-Agonist {SABA}). • Also effective for uterine muscles relaxation, thus is clinically used in treatment of threatened abortion (complicated premature labor). • Indicated in emphysema (abnormal enlargement of alveolar walls due to accumulation of mucous or sputum). 22
  • 23. Dosage forms • Tablets; 2, 4, 8 mg • Syrups: 2 mg/5 ml • Injections; 2 mg/1ml • Inhalations; 100 microgram/puff • Dose: 1-2 puffs (3-4 times) 23 Adverse effects: • Common adversities includes headache, nervousness, mild tremors and significant adverse effects includes; • CNS; dizziness, insomnia. • CVS; Tachycardia, Hypertension, palpitation (irregular heart beat). • GIT; Nausea, vomiting & dryness of oropharynx.
  • 24. Terbutaline • Like salbutamol it is one of the most popular sympathomimetic bronchodilator and is highly safe. Mode of Action: Same as salbutamol (Selective B2 agonist). Adverse effects: Similar as salbutamol. Clinical Uses 1. Highly effective in treatment of severe prolonged asthma. 2. Used to reduce contraction in pre mature labor. 3. Indicated in chronic bronchitis & emphysema. 24 Dosage forms • Tablets; 2.5 mg • Syrups: 1.5 mg/5 ml • Injections; 0.5 /1ml • Inhalations; 0.25 mg/puff • Dose: 1-2 puffs (3-4 times)
  • 26. • The anticholinergic agents block vagally mediated contraction of airway smooth muscle and mucus secretion. • Inhaled ipratropium (derivative of atropine), is not recommended for the routine treatment of acute bronchospasm in asthma, as its onset is much slower than inhaled slow acting Beta agonists (SABAs). • However, it may be useful in patients who are unable to tolerate a Slow acting Beta agonists (SABA) or patients with concomitant COPD. • Ipratropium also has additional benefit when used with a SABA for the treatment of acute asthma exacerbations in the emergency department. • Adverse effects such as xerostomia and bitter taste are related to local anticholinergic effects. 26 Ipratropium / Atropine B. Parasympatholytics Bronchodilators
  • 27. Aminophylline/Theophylline Aminophylline is one of the methyl xanthine bronchodilator & consist of 86% anhydrous theophylline and 14% ethylene di amine. Mode of Action • Act as phosphodiesterase inhibitor. 27 Bronchodilators C. Methyl xanthine Derivatives
  • 28. Mode of Action (Cont.) • When B2-receptor is stimulated, it interns Stimulate adenyl cyclase which catalyzes ATP in cytoplasm into cyclic 3,5-AMP in the presence of magnesium Mg+. This resulting cyclic 3,5-AMP serves as bronchodilator. • In the final stage Cyclic 3,5 AMP is inactivated to 5-AMP by an enzyme phsphodiesterase. • Aminophylline inhibits the Phsphodiesterase & thus Cyclic 3,5-AMP level is maintained, which promotes Broncho dilation & hence easier breathing. • Cyclic 3,5-AMP also prevents influx of calcium ions inside cell, which also results in relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles b/c Ca+ ions act as contractile element and causes contraction of smooth muscles. 28
  • 29. Clinical Uses Bronchial Asthma • Used in bronchial asthma & reversible bronchospasm associated with chronic bronchitis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) • Aminophylline quickly improve pulmonary functions & relieves COPD symptoms. 29 Apnea (absence of breathing) in pre mature neonates • Effective in apnea in premature neonates, during 1st few weeks of birth. Left ventricular failure • Effectively used to treat Left ventricular failure (LFV)
  • 30. 30 Adverse effects: • CNS; dizziness, insomnia, convulsions. • CVS; Cardiac arrhythmia, palpitation (irregular heart beat). • GIT; Nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain. Contra indications: 1. Patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmia. 2. In epilepsy b/c it acts as CNS stimulants.
  • 31. Beclomethasone / Dexamethasone 31 • It is a synthetic inhalation glucocorticoids. • It is not a bronchodilator but reduces the inflammation of the airways. Mode of action • It acts to inhibit the inflammatory response in airways. • Corticosteroids inhibit the release of arachidonic acid through phospholipase A2 inhibition, from cell membrane & there by inhibit the first step in the production of eicosanoids products from arachidonic acid. (eicosanoids are responsible for airway function abnormalities in asthmatic patients). • It also potentiate the effect of beta adrenoreceptor agonists. Cortico Steroids
  • 32. Mode of action (Corticosteroids) 32
  • 33. Clinical Uses of corticosteroids Bronchial Asthma • Beclomethasone has no direct effect on bronchial smooth muscles, however they are potentially effective as initial therapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma. It reduces the dependency of Beta2 agonists in asthma. (However it is not effective for acute asthma attacks, b/c its beneficial effects appears after 5-7 days of its use. COPD • Beclomethasone is only given in advanced cases of COPD (Chronic COPD). It shouldn't be given in acute/mild cases of this disease. 33
  • 34. 34 Adverse effects: Inhalation corticosteroids provides effective inhalation therapy in asthma with no significant adverse effects. Some common side effects includes; • Dyspnea (Altered voice production) • Oral candidiasis (Fungal infection) • Oral candidiasis can be prevented by using mouth washes. Dosage forms • Becotide inhaler (by GSK) (250 micrograms/puff) • Dose: 400 micrograms in 2-3 or 4 divided doses.
  • 35. • All three drugs are approved for the prevention of asthma symptoms. • Should not be used when immediate Broncho dilation is required. • Also shown efficacy for the prevention of exercise induced bronchospasm. Pharmacokinetics • Orally active, highly protein bound. Food impairs absorption of zafirlukast. • The drugs are metabolized extensively by the liver. • Zileuton and its metabolites are excreted in urine. • Zafirlukast & Montelukast and their metabolites undergo biliary excretion. 35 Leukotriene Antagonists Zileuton / Montelukast / Zafirlukast
  • 39. Mechanism of action • Leukotriene (LT) B4 and cysteinyl leukotriene's (LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) are products of the 5- lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism and part of the inflammatory cascade. • 5-Lipoxygenase is found in mast cells, basophils, eosinophil and neutrophils. • LTB4 is a potent chemo attractant for neutrophils and eosinophil's, whereas cysteinyl leukotriene's constrict bronchiolar smooth muscle and promote mucus secretion. • Zileuton is a selective inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, and prevents the formation of both LTB4. • Zafirlukast and Montelukast are selective antagonists of the cysteinyl leukotriene-1 receptor, they block the effects of cysteinyl leukotriene's, thus promoting Broncho dilation. 39
  • 40. Adverse Effects • Elevations in serum hepatic enzymes (requires periodic monitoring and discontinuation when enzymes exceed three to five times the upper limit of normal). • Headache. • dyspepsia. 40
  • 43. Cromolyn / Nedocromil Mechanism of Action • Cromolyn sodium is a mast cell stabilizer. • It is a prophylactic anti-inflammatory agent that inhibits mast cell degranulation and release of histamine. • It is an alternative therapy for mild persistent asthma. However, it is not useful in managing an acute asthma attack, because it is not a bronchodilator. • It has short duration of action so it requires dosing three or four times daily, which affects adherence and limits its use. 43 Cromolyn is available as a nebulized solution for use in asthma. Mast cell stabilizers
  • 44. Clinical Uses Cromolyn sodium is a medication used to manage ; • Bronchial asthma. • Allergic rhinitis. • Certain allergic eye conditions such as vernal conjunctivitis, keratitis, and kerato- conjunctivitis, allergic rhino conjunctivitis. 44 Adverse effects It has minor adverse effects that include; • Cough. • Irritation. • Unpleasant taste.
  • 45. Omalizumab • Omalizumab is a recombinant DNA-derived monoclonal antibody that selectively binds to human immunoglobulin E (IgE). • This leads to decreased binding of IgE to its receptor on the surface of mast cells and basophils, thus limits the release of mediators of the allergic response. • Omalizumab is indicated for the treatment of persistent asthma in patients who are poorly controlled with conventional therapy. Its use is limited by the high cost, route of administration (subcutaneous), and adverse effect profile. • Adverse effects include serious anaphylactic reaction (rare), arthralgia, fever and rash. Secondary malignancies have been reported. 45 Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibodies
  • 47. Guidelines for the treatment of asthma. In all asthmatic patients, quick relief is provided by a SABA as needed for symptoms. *Eighty percent or more of predicted function 47 Ref. Book: Lippincott's page 384

Editor's Notes

  1. The saliva, feces and shedding body parts of cockroaches can trigger both asthma and allergies. These allergens act like dust mites, aggravating symptoms when they are kicked up in the air. The National Pest Management Association reports that 63% of homes in the United States contain cockroach allergens.
  2. Casein, found in the solid part (curd) of milk that curdles. Whey, found in the liquid part of milk that remains after milk curdles. Allergic reactions to fish are mainly caused by a specific kind of protein called parvalbumin. The white muscle tissue of fish is especially high in parvalbumins – much higher than in red muscle tissues. Chocolate: lecithin, tyramine, phenylethylamine, theobromine, caffeine, flavorings, and emulsifiers. The Fra a proteins are a major allergen group identified in strawberry
  3. The T and B lymphocytes (T and B Cells) are involved in the acquired or antigen-specific immune response given that they are the only cells in the organism able to recognize and respond specifically to each antigenic epitope. The high-affinity IgE receptor, also known as FcεRI, or Fc epsilon RI, is the high-affinity receptor for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E (IgE), ... Th2 cells mediate the activation and maintenance of the humoral, or antibody-mediated, immune response against extracellular parasites, bacteria, allergens, and toxins. Th2 cells mediate these functions by producing various cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-17E (IL-25).
  4. 1. IN LUNGS: In bronchial cell membrane there is an enzyme (Adenyl cyclase). When β2 receptors activated, they stimulate the adenyl cyclase. This activated adenyl cyclase catalyzes the ATP, present in cytoplasm of cell to form cyclic 3,5-AMP. This resulting cyclic 3,5-AMP is responsible for Broncho dilation.
  5. Apnea of prematurity refers to what happens when a child doesn't breathe for more than 20 seconds. It is more common in premature babies than in full-term babies. The more premature the baby, the greater the chances of apnea. About half of all premature babies have apnea of prematurity.
  6. Eicosanoids are signaling molecules made by the enzymatic or non-enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid or other polyunsaturated fatty acids that are, similar to arachidonic acid, around 20 carbon units in length
  7. 15-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (HETE).
  8. Chemotaxis is the phenomenon in which the direction of a cell's locomotion is determined by an extracellular gradient of chemicals. The human BLT1 receptor is the high affinity leukotriene B4 receptor, involved in mediating chemotaxis and activation of several leukocyte populations, including granulocytes, monocytes/macrophages, and lymphocytes.
  9. The T and B lymphocytes (T and B Cells) are involved in the acquired or antigen-specific immune response given that they are the only cells in the organism able to recognize and respond specifically to each antigenic epitope. Th2 cells mediate the activation and maintenance of the humoral, or antibody-mediated, immune response against extracellular parasites, bacteria, allergens, and toxins. Th2 cells mediate these functions by producing various cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-17E (IL-25).
  10. Pink or red color in the white of the eye(s) Swelling of the conjunctiva (the thin layer that lines the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelid) and/or eyelids. Increased tear production. Feeling like a foreign body is in the eye(s) or an urge to rub the eye. Keratitis is the inflammation of the cornea and is characterized by corneal edema, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and ciliary congestion. It is associated with both infectious and non-infectious diseases, which may be systemic or localized to the ocular surface.
  11. The T and B lymphocytes (T and B Cells) are involved in the acquired or antigen-specific immune response given that they are the only cells in the organism able to recognize and respond specifically to each antigenic epitope. Th2 cells mediate the activation and maintenance of the humoral, or antibody-mediated, immune response against extracellular parasites, bacteria, allergens, and toxins. Th2 cells mediate these functions by producing various cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-17E (IL-25).
  12. Intermittent means that the asthma symptoms do not occur on a consistent basis and an individual can go through long periods without any symptoms. The majority of patients fall into this category. Includes wheezing once or twice a week.