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Growing up in Oakland: the long arm of
                Three-part series published in the Oakland Tribune, May 31, June 1 and June 2, 2011, by Beatrice Motamedi. A project for The California
                Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships, a program of the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at the University of Southern
                California. Photo of Torrance Hampton, 19, of East Oakland, by Jane Tyska/Oakland Tribune.

Thursday, July 14, 2011
background and (brief!) bio

       • midcareer turn into teaching - 20 years as a reporter, then OUSD

       • four years in OUSD, many examples of kids, trauma, resilience; just couldn’t
         stop thinking about Jamari

       • constructivist model; not what you learn alone, but what you build together

       • the authentic voice: how kids sound, what they say, what they can teach you,
         when they have the opportunity to exercise their right to self-expression

Thursday, July 14, 2011
The series: the goals

       • Stay in place — focus on
         Castlemont campus (3 schools)

       • Be real — get to know the kids;
         be accountable; no “one-offs”

       • Spend time — one full year, one
         full cycle of change, growth

       • Connect the dots — from
         Jamari to the big picture. How
         does trauma weather teens?

       • Give kids voice — let them tell
         a part of the story                    Alizhey Black,15, student at East Oakland
                                           School of the Arts. Photo by Esmerelda Argueta

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Castlemont, then: East
          Oakland High School, 1927    Photo in Oakland Tribune archives; also online at the Oakland Public
                                              Library at

Thursday, July 14, 2011
“Detroit of the West” —
                Chevrolet plant, East Oakland,   Photo from collection of the Oakland History Room at

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Mother’s Cookies   Photo courtesy of Darin Marshall at Wikipedia Commons, http://

                             factory, 2006

Thursday, July 14, 2011
And now: Castlemont campus
          of small schools, 2011
                                   Photo by Jane Tyska/
                                       Oakland Tribune

Thursday, July 14, 2011
“Killside” Street, one block   photo by Beatrice Motamedi

                      west of Castlemont
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Main entrance, Castlemont Business and    photo by Jane Tyska/Oakland Tribune
                                    Information Technology School

Thursday, July 14, 2011
three troubling stats
       for teens

       • Dropout rates = 78.2% at
         Leadership Preparatory High
         School, 55.9% at Castlemont
         Business and Information
         Technology School and 43.2% at
         the East Oakland School of the

       • An area of nearly 35 square miles
         with 121,000 residents, 63,000 in
         the so-called "Castlemont
         Corridor," and 21,000 of them
         teenagers, East Oakland does not
         have a full-service supermarket.

       • The stat kids suggested I use

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Oakland Youth Homicide
                            Study, Oakland Unified
                          School District, May 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Oakland Youth Homicide
                            Study, Oakland Unified
                          School District, May 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011
what I started hearing

       •Academic anxiety — am I going to graduate? How do I
        move on? Where’s my hope? (Len Syme)

       •Lack of healthy food — “what’s a farmer’s market? what
        do you mean by ‘thriving retail’?” taking medicine with
        food “is a problem” (Su Park)

       •Random violence and unsafe streets — spike in student
        homicides; “my mama never let us come out the house;”
        feeling “caged” (Kevnisha)

Thursday, July 14, 2011
what students wrote
       • “You would think that you would be safe around here, but death is around the side. And
         when you turn left, you see violence, and when you turn right, you see your future is
         running away from you. I have a little niece that (has) grown up in a good environment
         but when she moved to Oakland, I could see how fast the environment changed her
         around.” —Tevita, 17

       • “I can tell when I’m stress(ed) because my stomach starts to hurt, my hands get sweaty
         and my body feels funny. This affects me mentally because it make me think about it all
         day long, causing a big damage.” —Perla, 17

       • "I say food makes me happy, and it’s true, because after eating, I feel full and I (forget)
         about all the things that cause me to be stressful. But then again after two hours, I eat
         more and more." —Luz, 17

       • “I feel like I want to punch something so hard ... I can’t concentrate at school or
         anywhere. I feel tired and my whole body and sometimes my head hurts so bad.” —
         Alejandra, 17

Thursday, July 14, 2011
what the research suggests
       • teens who are exposed to significant stress have higher adult rates of asthma, obesity and Type
         2 diabetes, are at higher risk for some cancers and stroke (Felitti/Anda)

       • stressed teens = reduced ability to regulate key hormones that restore equilibrium after stress
         (the SAM/HPA axis) — similar to insulin resistance (Taylor)

       • stress = increase in inflammatory proteins, putting immune system on permanent alert and
         worsening both the risk and the symptoms of illnesses that include inflammation, from asthma
         and eczema to diabetes and heart disease (the Dunedin child abuse study/Danese)

       • repeated activation of stress systems impairs their functioning over time and destroys neurons
         in the hippocampus, where complex reasoning develops (Taylor)

       • increased asthma risk: early parental stress doubled the risk of asthma by age 6 (Sandberg)

       • memory loss, inability to focus or to manage time: violence/death is “normalized” and “you get
         very focused on the present” (McClung/OUSD mental health coordinator)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
what the data show

       • Homicide, unintentional injury and suicide are leading causes/death for AlaCo
         teens; homicide/injury = 2/3 of all teen deaths

       • Only 1 in 5 AlaCo teens has the recommended daily serving of fruits/veggies,
         compared with 1 in 2 adults; children aged 2-11 are “over twice as likely” to
         consume the fruits/veggies they need. AlaCo has the fourth-highest % of kids
         statewide who are overweight (29.1%)

       • AlaCo adults who don’t complete high school are twice as likely to have diabetes
         than those with a h.s. diploma or higher

       • 14.4% of AlaCo teens received psychological counseling in 2008, compared with
         8.8% statewide (California Health Interview Survey data)

       • In the Bay Area, AlaCo has the highest % of kids living in poverty — 13.8%

Thursday, July 14, 2011
sample/student work: discussion prompt/writing

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Unnatural Causes lesson plans

     Place Matters lesson plan archive

Thursday, July 14, 2011
sample/student work: neighborhood report cards

Thursday, July 14, 2011
                                              TIMEOUT                                                                                   SPORTS                                                                             Super Sightseeing Tours

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                                             OVERFLOWING PRISONS

       teen stress                           Counties brace for inmate influx
                                             EAST BAY SHERIFFS say jails have the space to take                                   absorb these prisoners into the lo-
                                                                                                                                  cal jails,” said Contra Costa County
                                                                                                                                                                            what he called “realignment,” shift-
                                                                                                                                                                            ing responsibility from the state to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sions of the vehicle license fee and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sales tax, there will be no money to
                                             in state prisoners, but they don’t have the money                                    Sheriff David Livingston.                 counties starting July 1 to jail and    implement it.
                                                                                                                                     Last week’s U.S. Supreme Court         monitor low-level, nonviolent felons        Without a constitutional guar-
                                                     By Lisa Vorderbrueggen                 money from the state before and       decision launched Ahern and Liv-          to save the state money and to ease     antee of funding, the next Legisla-
                                                          lvorderbrueggen@                  have not always received the money    ingston, who oversee a combined           prison overpopulation.                  ture faced with deficits could raid
                                                              as promised,” said Alameda County     6,700 jail beds, into the front line of      Counties could also receive some     the realignment account and leave
                                                East Bay jails have beds but no             Sheriff Greg Ahern. “We are looking   accelerated talks over how Califor-       offenders in state custody. The state   counties paying for hundreds or

       • The link between early exposure
                                             cash to take on the hundreds of in-            for full funding and constitutional   nia will resolve its pernicious prison    must shed 33,000 inmates over the       thousands of inmates.
                                             mates the state is expected to divert          guarantees of continued funding.”     overcrowding problem.                     next two years in order to meet the         That’s the sticking point for sher-
                                             to counties as California tries to                Sheriffs are “literally meeting       The justices ruled that the state’s    court ruling.                           iffs such as Livingston and Ahern.
                                             meet court-ordered prison popula-              every week with (Gov. Jerry Brown)    glutted prisons constitute cruel and         The Legislature adopted realign-         Without money, they cannot
                                             tion reductions.                               and his staff to make sure there is   unusual punishment.                       ment as part of the state budget.

         to stress and adult health = the
                                                “Counties have been promised                going to be adequate funding to          Brown this year introduced             But without highly disputed exten-              See INFLUX, Page 13

                                                  GROWING UP IN OAKLAND                                                                                                                                               HOMETOWN HERO

         long arm of childhood                                                                                                                                                                                        Her reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      into lives
                                                                                                                                                    “I was happy to make 19 (years
                                                                                                                                                    old). ... Young black men like

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of youths
                                                                                                                                                    me need some role models …
                                                                                                                                                    because we don’t ever know if
                                                                                                                                                    we’re going to make it through
       • “Young black men like me need                                                                                                              to 20.”
                                                                                                                                                           — Torrance Hampton, Oakland resident                       Antioch woman has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      been using tough love

         role models, someone to get me                                                                                                                                                                               to fight drugs for more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      than four decades
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                By Paul Burgarino

         through the next 5 years,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ANTIOCH — Shirley Mar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      chetti chatted with a probation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      officer in the courtyard of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      REACH Project center one after-

         because we don’t ever know if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      noon when she received a long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      awaited gift.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         An 18-year-old Brentwood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      man handed her a camouflage-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      patterned T-shirt that read “Be

         we’re going to make it to 20.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All That You Can Be: Be Drug
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I think this is pretty much the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      greatest gift ever,” Marchetti, 76,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      told him, holding up the shirt to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      see whether it would fit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Marchetti has worked to coun-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sel troubled teens in East Contra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Costa County since her oldest son
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      was offered drugs while a student
                                                                                                                                                                                             RAY CHAVEZ/STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      at Antioch Junior High School in

                                                                 Constant threat of violence makes teens
                                                  Torrance Hampton, 19, lost his friend Marquis Woolfolk to violence when Marquis was shot and killed in November in East Oakland.                                    1968.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         REACH Project Inc., co-

       • “I would estimate that 100% of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      founded by Marchetti and then-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Antioch police Sgt. Leon LeRoy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              See HERO, Page 13

         our students are impacted by             OLDER THAN THEIR YEARS                                                                                                                                                   IN MORNING REPORT
                                                              First of three parts                                                Now both were determined to           toward graduation.
                                                             By Beatrice Motamedi               TUESDAY                        graduate.                                    “Man,” Marquis had said, “I

         violence in some way or form ....
                                                                    Correspondent               Part Two: Weathering              For three months, they stayed         think we’re going make it.”
                                                     It was at the funeral of the               adolescence — stressors        after school, working hard to                Two days later, he was one of
                                                  boy he wanted to graduate with                that jeopardize teen health.   make up the classes they’d               four boys shot as they stood on the
                                                  that Torrance Hampton finally                                                 missed.                                  porch of an East Oakland house.

         There’s no way you can not be,
                                                  cracked.                                    instantly in September, sharing     In fact, the Friday before            The other two were treated at
                                                     Standing near the altar, he                                               Thanksgiving, Torrance and               Highland Hospital. Marquis died
                                                                                              laughs and stories and hopes. Marquis had traded high-fives
                                                  thought hard about what to                                                                                            in the ambulance.
                                                  say. Both seniors, Torrance and             Both had survived wild times and after turning in assignments that
                                                  Marquis Woolfolk had bonded                 poor choices.                    earned them three credits each                  See THREAT, Page 13

         in our community.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       JOE RAEDLE/BLOOMBERG

                                                                                                                                     27                                                                                 Pledge to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Missouri town
                                                     Youth homicides
                                                     Teenagers, ages 13 to 18, killed in Oakland since 2001                                                         16             15             16                       President Barack Obama
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        greets residents of Joplin,
                                                                                                          11           12                            12
                                                                                 10                                                                                                                                     Mo., during a visit Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the tornado-ravaged com-
                                                          6                                 6                                                                                                                           munity. “I promise you your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        country will be there with
                                                       2001                    2002        2003         2004         2005            2006           2007           2008            2009          2010                   you every single step of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        way,” he said as he pledged
                                                  Source: Oakland Unified School District                                                                                                  BAY AREA NEWS GROUP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        federal aid to all storm-bat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tered parts of the nation.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Backstory to story

       “The reporters had a lot of concern
       about this (rebar) .... They were
       wondering. would the Bay Bridge
       open in time, because the
       engineers said this one problem
       could tie the bridge down longer.

       “The engineers told everyone not to
       worry, that they were already
       working on the problem.They kept it
       calm and that’s what made me
       want to become a civil engineer, to
       be the kind of person who can
       solve problems ...”
       From “A Sky-High, Real-Life Education,” by Marquis Woolfolk,

       Oaktown Teen Times, October 2009

                                                                      Photo of Margena Wade and Marquis
                                                                      Woolfolk, Sept 2009/ courtesy of Margena
                                                                      Wade, CalTrans

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Oakland Trib story on Marquis’ death,

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Op-ed on Marquis, 12/4/10
                                 Marquis and I spent maybe two hours outside as
                                 one period ended and another began, hammering
                                 out what he wanted to say, noun by noun, verb by
                                 verb. At one point the fire alarm went off, and we
                                 had to move to an interior courtyard where there
                                 were no tables or chairs, only a concrete wall near
                                 a raised bed of ivy. I gave Marquis my laptop and
                                 I said what I usually say — go ahead, you can’t
                                 break anything — even though we both knew he
                                 could. Marquis set the computer on his knees, his
                                 slender, ashy fingers fluttering nervously over the
                                 keyboard as he searched for the right letters. I did
                                 the thing that works best in these situations. Now
                                 that he knew his story, I shut up and let him tell it

                                 Slowly, the paragraphs stacked up, one by one,
                                 and like the bridge, the story took shape. Marquis,
                                 whose grade point wasn’t at the point where he
                                 would be able to graduate, let alone apply to
                                 college, wrote about wanting to study harder and
                                 pursue an engineering degree. ”I would have to
                                 stay in school and work on my math and science,”
                                 Marquis wrote. “I know that it’s going to be hard
                                 work but if I put my mind on it, I will be able to
                                 be up on a bridge again.”

                                     From “Marquis Woolfolk’s story should’ve been very different,”
                                               Beatrice Motamedi, the Oakland Tribune, 12/4/10

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Two boys, two stories, one lede
 It was at the funeral of the boy he wanted to graduate with that Torrance Hampton finally cracked.

 Standing near the altar, he thought hard about what to say. Both seniors, Torrance and Marquis Woolfolk had bonded
 instantly in September, sharing laughs and stories and hopes. Both had survived wild times and poor choices. Now both were
 determined to graduate.

 For three months, they stayed after school, working hard to make up the classes they’d missed. In fact, the Friday before
 Thanksgiving, Torrance and Marquis had traded high-fives after turning in assignments that earned them three credits each
 toward graduation.

 "Man," Marquis had said, "I think we’re gonna make it." Two days later, he was one of three boys shot as they stood on the
 porch of an East Oakland house. The other two were treated at Highland Hospital. Marquis died on the way there, in the


 Torrance’s experience is typical of a traumatized teen. Speaking at his friend’s funeral, the words went past in a blur. Then it
 was over, and Torrance was walking back to his pew when it hit him: I am exactly like Marquis. I am Marquis. I am 17, the
 child of a single mother, a young black man. It could have been me.

 Torrance ran out of the funeral home at the corner of Telegraph Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard. He started crying and
 waving his arms, black parka flying. He stumbled over the curb and into the street. People began shouting from the sidewalk.

 But Torrance didn’t respond: he raved and waved his arms and walked in circles and then he fell down and he stayed there, in
 the middle of the street on a bright fall morning, rocking and moaning to himself as the cars sped by, horns blaring.

 Finally a teacher got Torrance back onto the sidewalk and hugged him hard until he stopped moving. "What do they want
 from us?" Torrance cried, rage subsiding into anger and anger melting into tears. "This is the sixth person I know who died.
 The sixth person; I shook his hand. What do they want from us? What do they want from a black man? I’m scared. I’m

                                                              From “The long arm of childhood,” Beatrice Motamedi, the Oakland Tribune, 5/31/11

Thursday, July 14, 2011
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                                                 PUBLIC UTILITIES

       stressors                                 Anger greets plan to raise rates
                                                 EBMUD’S PROPOSAL calls for a 6 percent increase                                 serves 1.4 million East Bay resi-
                                                                                                                                 dents would be on track by 2013 to
                                                                                                                                                                         raise, have been forced to more
                                                                                                                                                                         drastic measures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rates by 5 percent this year and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 next, but the board of directors de-
                                                 in water charges this year — and another for 2012                               increase rates by one-third over            “It seems too easy for them to      cided to pursue higher rates out of
                                                                                                                                 what they were two years ago. The       simply pass it on to customers,” said   concern that service levels would
                                                            By Mike Taugher               care, pension and borrowing costs.     first rate increases would go into ef-   Mary Horton, a former mayor of Pi-      decline and the district’s credit rat-
                                                      The East Bay Municipal Utility      fect July 1.                            nole who has been voicing questions     ing might take a hit, which could in-
                                                    Customers of the East Bay’s           District may adopt 6 percent rate         Some critics are not convinced       about the plan. “I’m not necessarily    crease borrowing costs.

       • The Cruz sisters and the
                                                 largest water utility are likely to      increase for this year and next — or   that the district has done every-       against the increase, but I think it       In order to keep rate increases
                                                 see their bills rise more than antici-   possibly lower rate increases —        thing possible to keep rates down.      should be delayed until they make       at 5 percent, the district would have
                                                 pated this summer and again next         when its board of directors meets         After all, other government          their case.”                            had to hold 50 jobs open as work-
                                                 year as the utility tries to combat      June 14.                               agencies that rely on taxes instead         Two years ago, the district an-
                                                 declining revenues and rising heath         If approved, the district that      of fees, which are much easier to       ticipated that it would need to raise           See WATER, Page 9

         graduation trifecta (credits,                GROWING UP IN OAKLAND                                                                                                                                        BART SH0OTING

         CAHSEE, senior project)                                         “The Castle looks very peaceful and healthy. I would never feel
                                                                           unsafe or at risk in the Castle. I wish it still was a castle.”                                                                         Mehserle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in weeks
       • Mayo, shreds of lettuce and                                                                                                                                                                               Family of slain man
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘totally let down’ by

         pickles — four liquor stores                                                                                                                                                                              punishment given to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   former transit officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           By Paul T. Rosynsky

         bracket campus, but soup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      OAKLAND — A year after fac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing a lifetime in prison for killing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   an unarmed BART passenger,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   former transit police Officer Jo-

         machine = broken for 2 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   hannes Mehserle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   will be released
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   from jail in a cou-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ple of weeks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      With credits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for time served
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and the leniency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of a Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   County       judge,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mehserle will be Mehserle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   set free after serv-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing 11 months of

       • "I’m not really a good person to ask
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a two-year sentence issued after
                                                                                                                                                                                          JANE TYSKA/STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the 29-year-old was found guilty
                                                       With a tough college-prep curriculum, Castlemont High School once was the neighborhood jewel. But like its East Oakland                                     of involuntary manslaughter in
                                                       neighborhood, which was hit especially hard by the crack epidemic of the 1980s, the school has fallen on hard times.                                        the killing of Hayward resident
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Oscar Grant III.

         about the neighborhood, because I                    Hazards to their health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mehserle’s release from Los
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Angeles County Men’s Central
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jail, most likely in the middle

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        See MEHSERLE, Page 9

         don’t really go outside of my house                    Academic, nutritional, environmental stress combines,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IN MORNING REPORT
                                                                 creating health problems that can become hereditary
         once I get home .... We hear a lot of               Second of three parts
                                                              By Beatrice Motamedi
                                                                                                                                                                    pass the exit exam, earn the
                                                                                                                                                                    required number of credits

         shooting all the time and everyone
                                                                  Correspondent                                                                                     and present a senior research

                                                                                                                                                                    project. An outgoing girl with a
                                                            t’s a Monday morning,                                                                                   big smile, Christina passed the
                                                            and Christina Cruz is al-                                                                               English portion of the exam but
                                                            ready tired.                                                                                            missed math by 19 points.

         in my community is divided.”
                                                          “I’m glad you’re here, be-                                                                                    “If it’s not the CAHSEE, it’s
                                                       cause I need to talk about                                                                                   the credits. If it’s not the credits,                       J. DAVID AKE/ASSOCIATED PRESS

                                                       this,” the 17-year-old tells a                                                                               it’s the senior project,” Christina
                                                       visitor. “I stayed up all night
                                                       talking to my mom.”
                                                                                                                                                                    says. “(My mother) thinks that
                                                                                                                                                                    if I don’t graduate, I’m going to              Obama taps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new leader for
                                                                                                                                                                    give up, just like that. But I’m
                                                           Christina’s mother is anx-                                                                               not.”
                                                       ious about Christina and her                                                                                     Interviews with and writ-
                                                       twin, Catherine. Seniors at the
                                                       Castlemont Business and Infor-                                                      DEEBA YAVROM/STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                    ings by nearly 100 students
                                                                                                                                                                    at the Castlemont Campus of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Joint Chiefs
                                                       mation Technology School, both Gese Siaki, center, helps adjust the headband of Catherine                    Small Schools reveal three ma-
                                                       have failed the math portion of Cruz before going on stage for a Polynesian dance                            jor stressors jeopardize their                     President Barack Obama
                                                       the California High School Exit performance May 19 at Castlemont High School.                                health: academic anxiety, lack of              introduces Army Gen. Martin
                                                       Exam, or CAHSEE. Until they                                                                                  healthy food and an environment                Dempsey during a news con-
                                                       pass, the graduation party that                                                                              that limits their freedom and                  ference Monday at the White
                                                       their big Samoan family wants    WEDNESDAY • PART THREE                                                      imprisons them indoors. Even                   House. In nominating Dempsey
                                                       to throw for them is on hold.    Surviving and thriving: What works to make teens more resilient.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
                                                           To graduate, seniors must                                                                                       See HEALTH, Page 9                      Obama lauded him as “one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   our nation’s most respected and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   combat-tested generals.”
Thursday, July 14, 2011
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                                                  GEBRESELASSIE SLAYING TRIAL

       What works?                                Brothers found guilty of murder
                                                  Pair will spend rest of their lives in prison
                                                  for shooting three in Oakland apartment
                                                            By Paul T. Rosynsky                against them, including killing three     witnessed the Gebreselassie broth-
                                                       people, kidnapping a 2-year-old           ers gun down his sister, mother and
                                                     OAKLAND — Asmerom Gebre-                  nephew and attempting to kill one         brother during a Thanksgiving Day

       • “The middle-class kids have already      selassie and his brother Tewodros            other person.                             dinner. “I’m happy but I also have
                                                  will spend the rest of their lives in            The jury also found that both were    loss. It’s painful, I will never get my
                                                  prison after a jury decided Tuesday          guilty of two special circumstance        family back.”
                                                  both successfully planned and car-           crimes: killing multiple people and          Asmerom Gebreselassie, 47, and

         learned that if you fail, the world is
                                                  ried out the killings of their sister-in-    killing during the course of a kidnap-    his brother Tewodros, 43, were ac-
                                                  law, her mother and her brother on           ping. As a result, the Gebreselassie      cused of killing their sister-in-law,
                                                  Thanksgiving Day 2006.                       brothers will be sentenced in August      Winta Mehari, 28, her mother,
                                                     After deliberating for about              to life in prison without the possibil-   Regbe Bahrengasi, 50, and her
                                                  seven days, the jury of 10 women and         ity of parole.                            brother, Yonas Mehari, 17, in what a

         not at an end .... Minority poor kids
                                                  two men found the Gebreselassie                  “For what they did, they deserve                                                                                                              LAURA A. ODA/STAFF

                                                  brothers guilty of all 14 charges filed       this,” said Merhawi Mehari, who                  See VERDICT, Page 15               Yosef Mehari, brother and son of the victims, receives a hug
                                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesday after brothers Asmerom and Tewodros Gebreselassie
                                                                                                                                                                                   were found guilty of killing three people in 2006 in Oakland. The
                                                         ONLINE          To see a slide show of photos from Tuesday’s verdict, go to

         really have some catching up to
                                                                                                                                                                                   Gebreselassies will spend their lives in prison without parole.

                                                       GROWING UP IN OAKLAND                                                                                                                                            BEACH DEATH
         do." (Len Syme)                                     ‘Pop pop pop there go another young man shot …                                                                                                             City asks
                                                                                          Follow your heart because this world is falling apart …
                                                                                                                                   Life in Oakland is a living hell.’                                                   why man
                                                                                                            — Poem by Kevnisha Harris, 15, a freshman at the Castlemont Campus of Small Schools
       • role models and mentors; outside                     To thrive, resiliency is key                                                                                                                              to drown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alameda firefighters,
                                                         Surviving adversity
         support (YU, clinic): even one adult            helps to make teens
                                                         stronger, and those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        police stood on beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        as man killed himself

         can make a lasting difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By Peter Hegarty
                                                         skills can be taught                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ALAMEDA — City officials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        are investigating why police and
                                                                  Last of three parts                                                                                                                                   firefighters remained on a beach
                                                                 By Beatrice Motamedi                                                                                                                                   and watched as a 52-year-old man
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        stood in the surf and apparently
                                                             It’s third period at Castlemont                                                                                                                            killed himself on Memorial Day.
                                                         Business and Information Tech-                                                                                                                                     The officers and firefighters —
                                                         nology School in East Oakland. A                                                                                                                               who later said they are not trained
                                                         visitor begins a discussion about                                                                                                                              in land-water rescue — remained
                                                         poverty, bad food and crime.                                                                                                                                   on the beach as a passer-by
                                                         Tough times? Tough streets?                                                                                                                                    waded into the water and pulled

       • control and agency, e.g., Kevnisha’s
                                                         These high school students aren’t                                                                                                                              the man’s body to shore after he
                                                         stressing.                                                                                                                                                     drowned.
                                                             In this class, the vibe is to thrive:                                                                                                                          “We are absolutely going to do
                                                         At a school where the dropout rate                                                                                                                             an investigation,” Mayor Marie

         poems; Ali’s “dream” story; Enrique
                                                                          is one in two, most                                                                                                                           Gilmore said. “And we are plan-
                                                         ONLINE           are ready to gradu-                                                                                                                           ning to do it in as transparent a
                                                         To read          ate. Gary Williams                                                                                                                            way as possible.”
                                                         the other        Jr., senior class                                                                                                                                 Raymond Zack paced back
                                                         parts of the     president, has an                                                                                                                             and forth along the shore for

         and “The Boost” and “Slum Kids
                                                         “Growing Up athletic scholarship                                                                                                                               several minutes before he waded
                                                         In Oakland” to the University of                                                                                                                               into the waves about 11:30 a.m. on
                                                         series, go to San Francisco.                                                                                                                                   a stretch of Robert Crown Memo-
                                                         InsideBay-           “Trying to get                                                                                                                            rial State Beach along Shoreline
                                                                          good grades, play

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Drive near Willow Street in Al-
                                                                          basketball and get                                                                                                                            ameda, witnesses said.
                                                         ready for college can be really                                                                                                                                    For nearly an hour, Zack stood
                                                         stressful,” he says. “I handle my                                                                                                                              in the neck-deep water — some-
                                                         stress by working out or going to                                                                                                                              times raising his arms above the
                                                         play basketball.”                                                                                                                                              surface — before he eventually
                                                             It’s a big contrast to first pe-
                                                         riod, where students are tired and                                                                                                                                 See DROWNING, Page 15
                                                             “When I am expected to do
                                                         things, I get stressed,” admits se-
                                                         nior Alejandra Munoz.                                                                                                                                             LOCAL NEWS • PAGE A3
                                                             Moses Nervis, a self-described
                                                         “budding cartoonist,” has trou-
                                                         ble handling multiple demands:
                                                         “(S)chool, my cartoons and some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Snow melt
                                                         program my Mom got me in — it’s
                                                         too much.”
                                                             Tevita Lanivia can’t wait to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        could spell
                                                         move to Utah, where his sisters
                                                             “You would think that you
                                                         would be safe around (Oakland)                                                                                                          JANE TYSKA/STAFF           The snowpack in the Sierra
                                                         but death is around the side,” he           Kevnisha Harris, 15, a freshman at the Castlemont Campus of Small Schools, shows her                               is two to three times its normal
                                                                                                     poems in East Oakland. The school, which is divided into several smaller schools, offers                           depth, thanks to a wet winter
                                                              See SOLUTIONS, Page 15                 services to help students deal with the stress of living in an urban environment.                                  and cool spring. But hot summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        weather could turn a gradual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        thaw into flooding.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
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Annenberg slideshow pdf
Annenberg slideshow pdf
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Annenberg slideshow pdf

  • 1. Growing up in Oakland: the long arm of childhood Three-part series published in the Oakland Tribune, May 31, June 1 and June 2, 2011, by Beatrice Motamedi. A project for The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships, a program of the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at the University of Southern California. Photo of Torrance Hampton, 19, of East Oakland, by Jane Tyska/Oakland Tribune. Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 2. background and (brief!) bio • midcareer turn into teaching - 20 years as a reporter, then OUSD • four years in OUSD, many examples of kids, trauma, resilience; just couldn’t stop thinking about Jamari • constructivist model; not what you learn alone, but what you build together • the authentic voice: how kids sound, what they say, what they can teach you, when they have the opportunity to exercise their right to self-expression Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 3. The series: the goals • Stay in place — focus on Castlemont campus (3 schools) • Be real — get to know the kids; be accountable; no “one-offs” • Spend time — one full year, one full cycle of change, growth • Connect the dots — from Jamari to the big picture. How does trauma weather teens? • Give kids voice — let them tell a part of the story Alizhey Black,15, student at East Oakland School of the Arts. Photo by Esmerelda Argueta Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 4. Castlemont, then: East Oakland High School, 1927 Photo in Oakland Tribune archives; also online at the Oakland Public Library at layout=metadata&brand=oac4 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 5. “Detroit of the West” — Chevrolet plant, East Oakland, Photo from collection of the Oakland History Room at 1917 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 6. Mother’s Cookies Photo courtesy of Darin Marshall at Wikipedia Commons, http:// factory, 2006 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 7. And now: Castlemont campus of small schools, 2011 Photo by Jane Tyska/ Oakland Tribune Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 8. “Killside” Street, one block photo by Beatrice Motamedi west of Castlemont Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 9. Main entrance, Castlemont Business and photo by Jane Tyska/Oakland Tribune Information Technology School Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 10. three troubling stats for teens • Dropout rates = 78.2% at Leadership Preparatory High School, 55.9% at Castlemont Business and Information Technology School and 43.2% at the East Oakland School of the Arts. • An area of nearly 35 square miles with 121,000 residents, 63,000 in the so-called "Castlemont Corridor," and 21,000 of them teenagers, East Oakland does not have a full-service supermarket. • The stat kids suggested I use Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 11. Oakland Youth Homicide Study, Oakland Unified School District, May 2011 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 12. Oakland Youth Homicide Study, Oakland Unified School District, May 2011 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 13. what I started hearing •Academic anxiety — am I going to graduate? How do I move on? Where’s my hope? (Len Syme) •Lack of healthy food — “what’s a farmer’s market? what do you mean by ‘thriving retail’?” taking medicine with food “is a problem” (Su Park) •Random violence and unsafe streets — spike in student homicides; “my mama never let us come out the house;” feeling “caged” (Kevnisha) Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 14. what students wrote • “You would think that you would be safe around here, but death is around the side. And when you turn left, you see violence, and when you turn right, you see your future is running away from you. I have a little niece that (has) grown up in a good environment but when she moved to Oakland, I could see how fast the environment changed her around.” —Tevita, 17 • “I can tell when I’m stress(ed) because my stomach starts to hurt, my hands get sweaty and my body feels funny. This affects me mentally because it make me think about it all day long, causing a big damage.” —Perla, 17 • "I say food makes me happy, and it’s true, because after eating, I feel full and I (forget) about all the things that cause me to be stressful. But then again after two hours, I eat more and more." —Luz, 17 • “I feel like I want to punch something so hard ... I can’t concentrate at school or anywhere. I feel tired and my whole body and sometimes my head hurts so bad.” — Alejandra, 17 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 15. what the research suggests • teens who are exposed to significant stress have higher adult rates of asthma, obesity and Type 2 diabetes, are at higher risk for some cancers and stroke (Felitti/Anda) • stressed teens = reduced ability to regulate key hormones that restore equilibrium after stress (the SAM/HPA axis) — similar to insulin resistance (Taylor) • stress = increase in inflammatory proteins, putting immune system on permanent alert and worsening both the risk and the symptoms of illnesses that include inflammation, from asthma and eczema to diabetes and heart disease (the Dunedin child abuse study/Danese) • repeated activation of stress systems impairs their functioning over time and destroys neurons in the hippocampus, where complex reasoning develops (Taylor) • increased asthma risk: early parental stress doubled the risk of asthma by age 6 (Sandberg) • memory loss, inability to focus or to manage time: violence/death is “normalized” and “you get very focused on the present” (McClung/OUSD mental health coordinator) Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 16. what the data show • Homicide, unintentional injury and suicide are leading causes/death for AlaCo teens; homicide/injury = 2/3 of all teen deaths • Only 1 in 5 AlaCo teens has the recommended daily serving of fruits/veggies, compared with 1 in 2 adults; children aged 2-11 are “over twice as likely” to consume the fruits/veggies they need. AlaCo has the fourth-highest % of kids statewide who are overweight (29.1%) • AlaCo adults who don’t complete high school are twice as likely to have diabetes than those with a h.s. diploma or higher • 14.4% of AlaCo teens received psychological counseling in 2008, compared with 8.8% statewide (California Health Interview Survey data) • In the Bay Area, AlaCo has the highest % of kids living in poverty — 13.8% Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 17. sample/student work: discussion prompt/writing Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 18. Unnatural Causes lesson plans Place Matters lesson plan archive Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 19. sample/student work: neighborhood report cards Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 20. DEAL OF THE DAY TIMEOUT SPORTS Super Sightseeing Tours TRIPS ON THE BAY DAN WHELDON San Francisco Bay to the ocean THAT WILL FLOAT WINS INDY 500 50% off Day 1: the science of $25 for $50 3.5-hour ANYONE’S BOAT ON FINAL TURN ultimate San Francisco tour See it. Share it. Buy it now. OVERFLOWING PRISONS teen stress Counties brace for inmate influx EAST BAY SHERIFFS say jails have the space to take absorb these prisoners into the lo- cal jails,” said Contra Costa County what he called “realignment,” shift- ing responsibility from the state to sions of the vehicle license fee and sales tax, there will be no money to in state prisoners, but they don’t have the money Sheriff David Livingston. counties starting July 1 to jail and implement it. Last week’s U.S. Supreme Court monitor low-level, nonviolent felons Without a constitutional guar- By Lisa Vorderbrueggen money from the state before and decision launched Ahern and Liv- to save the state money and to ease antee of funding, the next Legisla- lvorderbrueggen@ have not always received the money ingston, who oversee a combined prison overpopulation. ture faced with deficits could raid as promised,” said Alameda County 6,700 jail beds, into the front line of Counties could also receive some the realignment account and leave East Bay jails have beds but no Sheriff Greg Ahern. “We are looking accelerated talks over how Califor- offenders in state custody. The state counties paying for hundreds or • The link between early exposure cash to take on the hundreds of in- for full funding and constitutional nia will resolve its pernicious prison must shed 33,000 inmates over the thousands of inmates. mates the state is expected to divert guarantees of continued funding.” overcrowding problem. next two years in order to meet the That’s the sticking point for sher- to counties as California tries to Sheriffs are “literally meeting The justices ruled that the state’s court ruling. iffs such as Livingston and Ahern. meet court-ordered prison popula- every week with (Gov. Jerry Brown) glutted prisons constitute cruel and The Legislature adopted realign- Without money, they cannot tion reductions. and his staff to make sure there is unusual punishment. ment as part of the state budget. to stress and adult health = the “Counties have been promised going to be adequate funding to Brown this year introduced But without highly disputed exten- See INFLUX, Page 13 GROWING UP IN OAKLAND HOMETOWN HERO long arm of childhood Her reach stretches into lives “I was happy to make 19 (years old). ... Young black men like of youths me need some role models … because we don’t ever know if we’re going to make it through • “Young black men like me need to 20.” — Torrance Hampton, Oakland resident Antioch woman has been using tough love role models, someone to get me to fight drugs for more than four decades By Paul Burgarino through the next 5 years, ANTIOCH — Shirley Mar- chetti chatted with a probation officer in the courtyard of the REACH Project center one after- because we don’t ever know if noon when she received a long- awaited gift. An 18-year-old Brentwood man handed her a camouflage- patterned T-shirt that read “Be we’re going to make it to 20.” All That You Can Be: Be Drug Free.” “I think this is pretty much the greatest gift ever,” Marchetti, 76, told him, holding up the shirt to see whether it would fit. Marchetti has worked to coun- sel troubled teens in East Contra Costa County since her oldest son was offered drugs while a student RAY CHAVEZ/STAFF at Antioch Junior High School in Constant threat of violence makes teens Torrance Hampton, 19, lost his friend Marquis Woolfolk to violence when Marquis was shot and killed in November in East Oakland. 1968. REACH Project Inc., co- • “I would estimate that 100% of founded by Marchetti and then- Antioch police Sgt. Leon LeRoy See HERO, Page 13 our students are impacted by OLDER THAN THEIR YEARS IN MORNING REPORT First of three parts Now both were determined to toward graduation. By Beatrice Motamedi TUESDAY graduate. “Man,” Marquis had said, “I violence in some way or form .... Correspondent Part Two: Weathering For three months, they stayed think we’re going make it.” It was at the funeral of the adolescence — stressors after school, working hard to Two days later, he was one of boy he wanted to graduate with that jeopardize teen health. make up the classes they’d four boys shot as they stood on the that Torrance Hampton finally missed. porch of an East Oakland house. There’s no way you can not be, cracked. instantly in September, sharing In fact, the Friday before The other two were treated at Standing near the altar, he Thanksgiving, Torrance and Highland Hospital. Marquis died laughs and stories and hopes. Marquis had traded high-fives thought hard about what to in the ambulance. say. Both seniors, Torrance and Both had survived wild times and after turning in assignments that Marquis Woolfolk had bonded poor choices. earned them three credits each See THREAT, Page 13 in our community.” JOE RAEDLE/BLOOMBERG 27 Pledge to help Missouri town Youth homicides Teenagers, ages 13 to 18, killed in Oakland since 2001 16 15 16 President Barack Obama greets residents of Joplin, 11 12 12 10 Mo., during a visit Sunday to the tornado-ravaged com- 6 6 munity. “I promise you your country will be there with 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 you every single step of the way,” he said as he pledged Source: Oakland Unified School District BAY AREA NEWS GROUP federal aid to all storm-bat- tered parts of the nation. Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 21. Backstory to story “The reporters had a lot of concern about this (rebar) .... They were wondering. would the Bay Bridge open in time, because the engineers said this one problem could tie the bridge down longer. “The engineers told everyone not to worry, that they were already working on the problem.They kept it calm and that’s what made me want to become a civil engineer, to be the kind of person who can solve problems ...” From “A Sky-High, Real-Life Education,” by Marquis Woolfolk, Oaktown Teen Times, October 2009 Photo of Margena Wade and Marquis Woolfolk, Sept 2009/ courtesy of Margena Wade, CalTrans Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 22. Oakland Trib story on Marquis’ death, 11/22/2010 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 23. Op-ed on Marquis, 12/4/10 Marquis and I spent maybe two hours outside as one period ended and another began, hammering out what he wanted to say, noun by noun, verb by verb. At one point the fire alarm went off, and we had to move to an interior courtyard where there were no tables or chairs, only a concrete wall near a raised bed of ivy. I gave Marquis my laptop and I said what I usually say — go ahead, you can’t break anything — even though we both knew he could. Marquis set the computer on his knees, his slender, ashy fingers fluttering nervously over the keyboard as he searched for the right letters. I did the thing that works best in these situations. Now that he knew his story, I shut up and let him tell it again. Slowly, the paragraphs stacked up, one by one, and like the bridge, the story took shape. Marquis, whose grade point wasn’t at the point where he would be able to graduate, let alone apply to college, wrote about wanting to study harder and pursue an engineering degree. ”I would have to stay in school and work on my math and science,” Marquis wrote. “I know that it’s going to be hard work but if I put my mind on it, I will be able to be up on a bridge again.” From “Marquis Woolfolk’s story should’ve been very different,” Beatrice Motamedi, the Oakland Tribune, 12/4/10 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 24. Two boys, two stories, one lede It was at the funeral of the boy he wanted to graduate with that Torrance Hampton finally cracked. Standing near the altar, he thought hard about what to say. Both seniors, Torrance and Marquis Woolfolk had bonded instantly in September, sharing laughs and stories and hopes. Both had survived wild times and poor choices. Now both were determined to graduate. For three months, they stayed after school, working hard to make up the classes they’d missed. In fact, the Friday before Thanksgiving, Torrance and Marquis had traded high-fives after turning in assignments that earned them three credits each toward graduation. "Man," Marquis had said, "I think we’re gonna make it." Two days later, he was one of three boys shot as they stood on the porch of an East Oakland house. The other two were treated at Highland Hospital. Marquis died on the way there, in the ambulance. *** Torrance’s experience is typical of a traumatized teen. Speaking at his friend’s funeral, the words went past in a blur. Then it was over, and Torrance was walking back to his pew when it hit him: I am exactly like Marquis. I am Marquis. I am 17, the child of a single mother, a young black man. It could have been me. Torrance ran out of the funeral home at the corner of Telegraph Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard. He started crying and waving his arms, black parka flying. He stumbled over the curb and into the street. People began shouting from the sidewalk. But Torrance didn’t respond: he raved and waved his arms and walked in circles and then he fell down and he stayed there, in the middle of the street on a bright fall morning, rocking and moaning to himself as the cars sped by, horns blaring. Finally a teacher got Torrance back onto the sidewalk and hugged him hard until he stopped moving. "What do they want from us?" Torrance cried, rage subsiding into anger and anger melting into tears. "This is the sixth person I know who died. The sixth person; I shook his hand. What do they want from us? What do they want from a black man? I’m scared. I’m scared." From “The long arm of childhood,” Beatrice Motamedi, the Oakland Tribune, 5/31/11 Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 25. DEAL OF THE DAY SPORTS: NBA FINALS BUSINESS LeBRON IN GIVING International Food Market SCIENCE 50% off Day 2: typical teen LIMELIGHT $10 for $20 of ethnic food ITS DAY and deli sandwiches See it. Share it. Buy it now. PUBLIC UTILITIES stressors Anger greets plan to raise rates EBMUD’S PROPOSAL calls for a 6 percent increase serves 1.4 million East Bay resi- dents would be on track by 2013 to raise, have been forced to more drastic measures. rates by 5 percent this year and next, but the board of directors de- in water charges this year — and another for 2012 increase rates by one-third over “It seems too easy for them to cided to pursue higher rates out of what they were two years ago. The simply pass it on to customers,” said concern that service levels would By Mike Taugher care, pension and borrowing costs. first rate increases would go into ef- Mary Horton, a former mayor of Pi- decline and the district’s credit rat- The East Bay Municipal Utility fect July 1. nole who has been voicing questions ing might take a hit, which could in- Customers of the East Bay’s District may adopt 6 percent rate Some critics are not convinced about the plan. “I’m not necessarily crease borrowing costs. • The Cruz sisters and the largest water utility are likely to increase for this year and next — or that the district has done every- against the increase, but I think it In order to keep rate increases see their bills rise more than antici- possibly lower rate increases — thing possible to keep rates down. should be delayed until they make at 5 percent, the district would have pated this summer and again next when its board of directors meets After all, other government their case.” had to hold 50 jobs open as work- year as the utility tries to combat June 14. agencies that rely on taxes instead Two years ago, the district an- declining revenues and rising heath If approved, the district that of fees, which are much easier to ticipated that it would need to raise See WATER, Page 9 graduation trifecta (credits, GROWING UP IN OAKLAND BART SH0OTING CAHSEE, senior project) “The Castle looks very peaceful and healthy. I would never feel unsafe or at risk in the Castle. I wish it still was a castle.” Mehserle will be released in weeks • Mayo, shreds of lettuce and Family of slain man ‘totally let down’ by pickles — four liquor stores punishment given to former transit officer By Paul T. Rosynsky bracket campus, but soup OAKLAND — A year after fac- ing a lifetime in prison for killing an unarmed BART passenger, former transit police Officer Jo- machine = broken for 2 years hannes Mehserle will be released from jail in a cou- ple of weeks. With credits for time served and the leniency of a Los Angeles County judge, Mehserle will be Mehserle set free after serv- ing 11 months of • "I’m not really a good person to ask a two-year sentence issued after JANE TYSKA/STAFF the 29-year-old was found guilty With a tough college-prep curriculum, Castlemont High School once was the neighborhood jewel. But like its East Oakland of involuntary manslaughter in neighborhood, which was hit especially hard by the crack epidemic of the 1980s, the school has fallen on hard times. the killing of Hayward resident Oscar Grant III. about the neighborhood, because I Hazards to their health Mehserle’s release from Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail, most likely in the middle See MEHSERLE, Page 9 don’t really go outside of my house Academic, nutritional, environmental stress combines, IN MORNING REPORT creating health problems that can become hereditary once I get home .... We hear a lot of Second of three parts By Beatrice Motamedi pass the exit exam, earn the required number of credits shooting all the time and everyone Correspondent and present a senior research I project. An outgoing girl with a t’s a Monday morning, big smile, Christina passed the and Christina Cruz is al- English portion of the exam but ready tired. missed math by 19 points. in my community is divided.” “I’m glad you’re here, be- “If it’s not the CAHSEE, it’s cause I need to talk about the credits. If it’s not the credits, J. DAVID AKE/ASSOCIATED PRESS this,” the 17-year-old tells a it’s the senior project,” Christina visitor. “I stayed up all night talking to my mom.” says. “(My mother) thinks that if I don’t graduate, I’m going to Obama taps new leader for give up, just like that. But I’m Christina’s mother is anx- not.” ious about Christina and her Interviews with and writ- twin, Catherine. Seniors at the Castlemont Business and Infor- DEEBA YAVROM/STAFF ings by nearly 100 students at the Castlemont Campus of Joint Chiefs mation Technology School, both Gese Siaki, center, helps adjust the headband of Catherine Small Schools reveal three ma- have failed the math portion of Cruz before going on stage for a Polynesian dance jor stressors jeopardize their President Barack Obama the California High School Exit performance May 19 at Castlemont High School. health: academic anxiety, lack of introduces Army Gen. Martin Exam, or CAHSEE. Until they healthy food and an environment Dempsey during a news con- pass, the graduation party that that limits their freedom and ference Monday at the White their big Samoan family wants WEDNESDAY • PART THREE imprisons them indoors. Even House. In nominating Dempsey to throw for them is on hold. Surviving and thriving: What works to make teens more resilient. to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff, To graduate, seniors must See HEALTH, Page 9 Obama lauded him as “one of our nation’s most respected and combat-tested generals.” Thursday, July 14, 2011
  • 26. DEAL OF THE DAY BUSINESS ALIBABA.COM CHEFS FIND Bijou Restaurant and Bar Hayward OPENS DOORS INSPIRATION 50% off Day 3: resilience. FOOD $25 for $50 of French fusion FOR SMALL FIRMS IN THE GARDEN cuisine and drinks & WINE See it. Share it. Buy it now. GEBRESELASSIE SLAYING TRIAL What works? Brothers found guilty of murder Pair will spend rest of their lives in prison for shooting three in Oakland apartment By Paul T. Rosynsky against them, including killing three witnessed the Gebreselassie broth- people, kidnapping a 2-year-old ers gun down his sister, mother and OAKLAND — Asmerom Gebre- nephew and attempting to kill one brother during a Thanksgiving Day • “The middle-class kids have already selassie and his brother Tewodros other person. dinner. “I’m happy but I also have will spend the rest of their lives in The jury also found that both were loss. It’s painful, I will never get my prison after a jury decided Tuesday guilty of two special circumstance family back.” both successfully planned and car- crimes: killing multiple people and Asmerom Gebreselassie, 47, and learned that if you fail, the world is ried out the killings of their sister-in- killing during the course of a kidnap- his brother Tewodros, 43, were ac- law, her mother and her brother on ping. As a result, the Gebreselassie cused of killing their sister-in-law, Thanksgiving Day 2006. brothers will be sentenced in August Winta Mehari, 28, her mother, After deliberating for about to life in prison without the possibil- Regbe Bahrengasi, 50, and her seven days, the jury of 10 women and ity of parole. brother, Yonas Mehari, 17, in what a not at an end .... Minority poor kids two men found the Gebreselassie “For what they did, they deserve LAURA A. ODA/STAFF brothers guilty of all 14 charges filed this,” said Merhawi Mehari, who See VERDICT, Page 15 Yosef Mehari, brother and son of the victims, receives a hug Tuesday after brothers Asmerom and Tewodros Gebreselassie were found guilty of killing three people in 2006 in Oakland. The ONLINE To see a slide show of photos from Tuesday’s verdict, go to really have some catching up to Gebreselassies will spend their lives in prison without parole. GROWING UP IN OAKLAND BEACH DEATH do." (Len Syme) ‘Pop pop pop there go another young man shot … City asks Follow your heart because this world is falling apart … Life in Oakland is a living hell.’ why man — Poem by Kevnisha Harris, 15, a freshman at the Castlemont Campus of Small Schools allowed • role models and mentors; outside To thrive, resiliency is key to drown Alameda firefighters, Surviving adversity support (YU, clinic): even one adult helps to make teens stronger, and those police stood on beach as man killed himself can make a lasting difference By Peter Hegarty skills can be taught ALAMEDA — City officials are investigating why police and Last of three parts firefighters remained on a beach By Beatrice Motamedi and watched as a 52-year-old man Correspondent stood in the surf and apparently It’s third period at Castlemont killed himself on Memorial Day. Business and Information Tech- The officers and firefighters — nology School in East Oakland. A who later said they are not trained visitor begins a discussion about in land-water rescue — remained poverty, bad food and crime. on the beach as a passer-by Tough times? Tough streets? waded into the water and pulled • control and agency, e.g., Kevnisha’s These high school students aren’t the man’s body to shore after he stressing. drowned. In this class, the vibe is to thrive: “We are absolutely going to do At a school where the dropout rate an investigation,” Mayor Marie poems; Ali’s “dream” story; Enrique is one in two, most Gilmore said. “And we are plan- ONLINE are ready to gradu- ning to do it in as transparent a To read ate. Gary Williams way as possible.” the other Jr., senior class Raymond Zack paced back parts of the president, has an and forth along the shore for and “The Boost” and “Slum Kids “Growing Up athletic scholarship several minutes before he waded In Oakland” to the University of into the waves about 11:30 a.m. on series, go to San Francisco. a stretch of Robert Crown Memo- InsideBay- “Trying to get rial State Beach along Shoreline good grades, play Lifestyle” Drive near Willow Street in Al- basketball and get ameda, witnesses said. ready for college can be really For nearly an hour, Zack stood stressful,” he says. “I handle my in the neck-deep water — some- stress by working out or going to times raising his arms above the play basketball.” surface — before he eventually It’s a big contrast to first pe- riod, where students are tired and See DROWNING, Page 15 worried. “When I am expected to do things, I get stressed,” admits se- nior Alejandra Munoz. LOCAL NEWS • PAGE A3 Moses Nervis, a self-described “budding cartoonist,” has trou- ble handling multiple demands: “(S)chool, my cartoons and some Snow melt program my Mom got me in — it’s too much.” Tevita Lanivia can’t wait to could spell move to Utah, where his sisters live. “You would think that you trouble would be safe around (Oakland) JANE TYSKA/STAFF The snowpack in the Sierra but death is around the side,” he Kevnisha Harris, 15, a freshman at the Castlemont Campus of Small Schools, shows her is two to three times its normal poems in East Oakland. The school, which is divided into several smaller schools, offers depth, thanks to a wet winter See SOLUTIONS, Page 15 services to help students deal with the stress of living in an urban environment. and cool spring. But hot summer weather could turn a gradual thaw into flooding. Thursday, July 14, 2011