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Travellers Quest
Volunteer in
Costa Rica
An Advanced Guide to Volunteering in Costa Rica
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting started - volunteer in Costa Rica
Welcome to Costa Rica
Why you should volunteer in Costa Rica
What are some popular volunteer projects available in Costa Rica?
Where are some popular places to volunteer in Costa Rica?
Which is the best season to volunteer in Costa Rica?
Chapter 2: Choosing your Costa Rica volunteer program
How you can select the best organization to volunteer with
Which organizations offer the best volunteer opportunities in Costa Rica?
Chapter 3: Getting ready to volunteer in Costa Rica
Visa, passport
Air ticket
Raising funds
Suggested books to read
Packing advice and tips
Gifts for projects
Chapter 4: Information you must know about the project
Project details
What to expect when volunteering in Costa Rica
Learn about your host family
Local support
Make the final call
Chapter 5: Arriving and Volunteering in Costa Rica
How to make your volunteer in Costa Rica experience rewarding
Safety while volunteering in Costa Rica
Do’s and don’t in Costa Rica
Culture shock
Things to do in Costa Rica
Chapter 6: Completion of project & follow up
Chapter 7: Most frequently asked questions from volunteers
23 3
CHAPTER 1: Getting Started – Volunteer in Costa Rica
Welcome to Costa Rica
Looking for a country where the beauty of na-
ture astounds you, wildlife is abundant and the
people are friendly and welcoming? Well if this
sounds the perfect place for you - welcome to
Costa Rica!
Costa Rica maybe be small but don’t let that
fool you, because it definitely has a lot to offer.
The country not only boasts magnificent land-
scapes - made up of pristine beaches, both ac-
tive and dormant volcanoes, stunning waterfalls
and lush green jungles, but it is ranked in the
top 3 most environmentally friendly countries in
the world (
Costa Rica has no Army Corp, which helps create
a sense of peace throughout the country, but
it does have one of the highest literacy rates
in Latin America. Costa Ricans are very proud
of their country, and really embrace the true
meaning of the pura vida (pure life) lifestyle.
This is probably why they are often ranked as
Photo Credit: 4
one of the happiest people in the world.
Costa Rica has something for everyone! It’s a
place where you can you can find action and
adventure, nature at its finest, some of the best
coffee in the world, an abundance of wildlife,
untouched beauty, new friends and all this while
discovering yourself and experiencing Pura Vida!
A truly rewarding way to explore the true es-
sence of Costa Rica, experience the beauty of
the country and the warmth of the locals is by
volunteering on one of the many programs on
offer throughout the country. Whether you are
interested in construction, farming, conserva-
tion, education, animal rehabilitation, health-
care or human services you will be able to find
your ideal volunteer program.
Why you should volunteer in COSTA RICA
Although Costa Rica is one of the most devel-
oped and stable of the Latin American coun-
tries, with relatively high education standards
and comparatively good health care, it is still a
developing country which relies on assistance
from volunteers.
A volunteer experience in Costa Rica will be a
life changing experience for you and those who
benefit through your project. It is a place where
you can really connect with the people and
become part of a community, immerse yourself
in the natural surroundings and take action and
adventure to the next level.
Some other reasons why you should volunteer in
Costa Rica are listed below.
Make a Positive Impact:
Whether it is helping conserve the environment,
protecting and looking after the wildlife, help-
ing build facilities or educating and impacting
the lives of others, your helping hand is greatly
Cultural immersion and Spanish practice:
You will have the opportunity to live with a host
family. This is a fantastic way to really immerse
yourself into the Costa Rica lifestyle and learn
about cultures and traditions, while practicing
and developing your Spanish language skills and
making local friends.
Nature and Wildlife:
Blessed with the Caribbean Ocean on one side of
the country and the Pacific Ocean on the other,
with volcanoes, waterfalls, natural hot springs,
jungles, forests, and national parks in between,
the landscapes of Costa Rica are truly diverse.
Throughout your volunteering placement you
will have many opportunities to discover, ex-
plore and witness the nature and wildlife for
Whether you are looking for a bit of soft adven-
ture or are an adrenalin fanatic looking for a
real thrill seeking experience there is something
for you to enjoy in Costa Rica. From zip-lining
through a cloud forest, rafting through rapids,
surfing waves, paddle boarding down rivers, bike
riding, hiking volcanoes or swimming in water-
falls, there is an abundance of adventure activi-
ties and experiences to be found.
Pura Vida:
Costa Rica has often been referred to as one of
the happiest countries in the world, probably
due to the Costa Ricans (Ticos) concept of the
Pura Vida (Pure Life) lifestyle! This comes across
in the friendly and welcoming nature of the
locals who make you feel like part of their com-
munity. Immerse yourself in this and it won’t be
long before you will also be experiencing the
Pura Vida lifestyle. 5
Which are some popular volunteer pro-
jects available in COSTA RICA?
Costa Rica is a great destination for volunteers
and no matter what kind of program you are
looking for you are bound to find it.
Popular volunteer projects in Costa Rica involve
construction, farming, conservation, education,
animal rehabilitation, healthcare and human
Below is a list of some popular volunteer pro-
grams in Costa Rica.
Women’s Empowerment
Girl’s and women’s empowerment projects oper-
ate throughout Costa Rica, with the shared goal
of improving the lives of underprivileged fe-
males by providing English education, and prac-
tical skill training. Volunteers in these projects
will help assist with educating women and girls
in areas such as sexual health, nutrition and
child development. You may also be involved in
campaigns, workshops at orphanages and gen-
eral support activities for the women involved.
There are many orphanage projects across Costa
Rica which have been set up to support, care
for and protect orphan children in Costa Rica.
In these projects you will mainly be required
to teach basic English, participate in games,
activities and creative arts projects, assist with
homework, spend quality time with the children
and provide them with genuine support.
Wildlife Expeditions
The focus of wildlife expedition projects in Cos-
ta Rica is on the importance of the eco-system
in the rainforests and jungles. These volunteer
placements are real hands on experiences where
you will participate in research on and studies
of the wildlife. Your efforts will help the devel-
opment and preservation of the natural environ-
ment and the animals that depend on it.
Turtle Conservation
The Turtle Conservation projects across Costa
Rica aim to protect, save and rehabilitate a
variety of turtle species, including some on the
endangered list. In these projects volunteers
help collect data, undertake research and con-
tribute to the protection of these turtles’ natu-
ral habitat.
Nature Conservation
Nature Conservation in Costa Rica is a program
designed specifically to help conserve the natu-
ral habitats of Costa Rica. On this project vol-
unteers undertake general conservation work
Photo Credit: Isvolunteer.sorg 6
such as assisting with maintenance work, animal
research and studies, restoring walking trails
and reforestation. This is a real hands-on vol-
unteering experience, and one which will give
you a real appreciation for the natural beauty of
Costa Rica.
Animal Rescue
Costa Rica animal rescue center projects are
dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and saving
the lives of animals in Costa Rica. Volunteers
in these projects should expect a real hands-
on experience, as they will be interacting with
and caring for the animals in a variety of ways.
Cleaning their cages, feeding and playing with
them and building structures for animals to
climb and play on are some of the tasks you can
expect to be doing.
Organic Farming
Organic farming projects in Costa Rica focus on
the development of organic produce and sus-
tainable living. Volunteers will assist in all areas
of farming, including: coffee farming, harvest-
ing produce, making products and general farm
maintenance. These projects will give you a real
understanding of sustainable farming and the
hands on experience that goes along with it.
Where are some popular places to volun-
teer in COSTA RICA?
There are many destinations in Costa Rica which
require volunteers in a number of different
industries and areas. Below you will find details
of some of the popular places for volunteering
in Costa Rica, but be sure to do your own ad-
ditional research to help find your ideal project
and destination.
San Jose is located in the Central Valley of
Costa Rica and is the nation’s capital. Although
on first appearances it may not be the prettiest
of cities, it does possess a certain charm and
character. Once you take the time to explore
the city and its neighborhoods you will soon dis-
cover all that it has to offer.
Popular volunteer projects in San Jose are:
teaching English, working with kids, health care
and construction projects
Puerto Jimenez is located on the Osa Peninsula
in the Southern Pacific Region of Costa Rica. It is
a small town blessed with beaches and luscious
jungle and is within easy access to Corcovado
national park. The town may be small but it is
self-sufficient, and has a supermarket, pharma-
cy, hospital, schools and a good range of accom-
modation options. It is the perfect destination
for nature and wildlife enthusiasts, and offers a
wide range of activities.
Popular volunteer projects in Puerto Jimenez
and the Osa Peninsula are: conservation, sus- 7
tainability and wildlife projects, which include
turtle conservation. You may also find opportu-
nities to teach English.
Atenas is located in the Central Valley Region
of Costa Rica only 20 minutes from the Interna-
tional airport. The town boasts one of the best
climates in the world and enjoys picturesque
surrounds of coffee plantations, waterfalls and
stunning valley views. Atenas also has a sense of
charm and community spirit.
Popular volunteer projects in Atenas are: work-
ing with the elderly, working with underprivi-
leged children, teaching English, organic coffee
farming, conservation and health care projects.
Monteverde is located in the Central Highlands
of Costa Rica and is a great place to experience
the wildlife and nature of Costa Rica. It plays
host to a number of national parks and cloud
forest reserves, and offers a great range of na-
ture based and adventure activities.
Popular volunteer projects in Monteverde in-
volve: teaching and classroom assistance, con-
servation, construction, nature and wildlife
based projects.
What is the best season to volunteer in
Costa Rica?
In general the best time of year to travel to
Costa Rica, based on the weather is between
December and January. The country has two
seasons; the rainy (green) season which runs
between May to November and the dry season
which runs from mid-November to April. Along
the coast you will experience warm weather
pretty much all year, however, in the mountain-
ous regions temperatures are changeable and
the climate is much cooler.
In terms of volunteering in Costa Rica the type
of program you choose may be dependent on
the seasons, especially for programs which rely
on certain climates or times of year, such as tur-
tle nesting and harvesting of some crops. 8
CHAPTER 2 : Choosing Your Costa Rica Volunteer Program
Photo Credit:
How you can select the best organization
Searching for the best organization to set up
your volunteer placement can actually be the
hardest and most confusing part of your experi-
ence. As there are so many organizations of-
fering similar opportunities the only solution is
to do thorough research on each project that
appeals to you. This list of things to consider
before making your decision should help make
this research process easier.
Costs – find out what you are paying for and
where your money will go
While the cost of your volunteer program in
Costa Rica will influence your choices, it is
important to find out what you will receive in
return for your fee – such as accommodation,
meals, airport, pick up and local support. How
is your payment spent? Will a decent portion of
your fee go to supporting local communities,
causes and projects in Costa Rica?
Support –Will you receive support once in Costa
Lets face it, moving to a country where you
don’t know the language, the culture is differ-
ent and everything is foreign to you, can be a
little daunting. When looking for a volunteer
project in Costa Rica ask the organization you
book through if they provide any in-country
support. It’s a definite plus if they do, as you’ll
have peace of mind knowing that if something 9
goes wrong or you need support once in Costa
Rica than there will be someone to help you
History, Experience, Reputation and Reviews of
To help find the best program for you it is im-
portant to find out as much as you can about
the various organizations and the programs that
they offer. Read about each company’s history;
how long they have been in the industry, what
kind of support they provide, and what pro-
grams they offer. Be aware that some companies
may focus on specific destinations, so find one
that can demonstrate their experience with vol-
unteer projects in Costa Rica.
Look for reviews and testimonials from previous
volunteer alumni. These will give you valuable
insight into everyday experiences on various
volunteer programs available in Costa Rica, and
a sense of the organization’s professionalism,
reputation and commitment to both its volun-
teers and the communities they support.
Benefits for you and your project in Costa Rica:
Find a company that you feel supports your
passion and beliefs, one that you feel is truly
devoted to changing lives and having a positive
impact on helping, maintaining and develop-
ing Costa Rica. It is important that you find an
organization where everyone involved benefits
Who are some of the best volunteer or-
ganizations in COSTA RICA?
Volunteering abroad programs are becoming
increasing popular, which means there are lots
of organizations competing to offer various
projects in countries all over the world. This can
make searching for a suitable volunteer expe-
rience in Costa Rica quite confusing and time
consuming. To make things easier take a look at
this list of the top 14 volunteer organizations for
projects in Costa Rica. We have selected these
organization based on price, review, history, and
contribution to local communities
Established in 2005, GoEco is a USA based com-
pany who are committed to creating meaning-
ful volunteer opportunities experiences while
providing support to local communities, wildlife
rescue and rehabilitation and environmental
conservation projects.
They offer volunteer programs in Costa Rica in
the areas of: teaching (San Jose), turtle con-
servation (Pacific and Caribbean coast), animal
rescue and conservation (Guanacaste), jaguar
conservation (Toruguero National Park) and com-
munity development (rural areas).
IFRE Volunteers
IFRE Volunteers is a USA based company which
has developed 200 different projects in 18 coun-
Photo Credit: 10
tries around the world and sent 17,000 volun-
teers to developing countries in need of support
since 2006.
Costa Rica volunteer opportunities provided by
IFRE are predominately based in San Jose and
Atenas. Project areas include: orphanage work,
health projects, teaching, childcare, conserva-
tion, animal rehabilitation, organic and sustain-
able farming, women’s cooperative programs
and elderly care. Program fees for a one week
placements on these projects begin at $570.
Turtle Conservation projects are also offered in
Golfo Dulce and Pacuare. Prices for a one week
placement in these projects range from $695-
800, depending on location.
Established in 1965 in the USA, Amigos are
committed to providing invaluable community
development and cross-cultural experiences
teenagers in order to raise awareness of global
and social issues while developing and inspiring
them to become young leaders in the area of
global change.
Amigos offer an 8 week summer volunteering
program in Costa Rica. Located in Perez Zele-
don, volunteers work in the areas of childcare,
community development and cultural immer-
Global Crossroads
Since being established in 2003 in the USA,
Global Crossroad have sent over 18,000 volun-
teers to 18 countries around the world to under-
take life changing volunteer work in impover-
ished and rural communities.
Volunteer placements in Costa Rica offered by
Global Crossroads are based in San Jose and
Atenas in the areas of: orphanage work, health,
teaching English, childcare, conservation, and
organic coffee farming. Program fees for a one
week volunteer placement on these projects
start at $655. Turtle Conservation projects are
also offered in the Osa Peninsula and Caribbean
Ubelong is committed to providing cultural im-
mersion experiences to volunteers and valuable
support to the local communities they work
with. Based in the USA, Ubelong have been
working with volunteers and developing commu-
nities since 2009.
Costa Rica volunteer projects offered by Ube-
long are based in Cartago, in the areas of:
construction, education, care giving and the
Established in 2007, with its first project in
Costa Rica, uVolunteer are a US based organiza-
Photo Credit: 11
tion who work closely with communities in only
three countries, allowing them to provide per-
sonal, local and authentic volunteer experiences
with lots of local support.
Volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based in
Alajuela, in the areas of: community education,
construction, sports, animal conservation, day
care centres, environment conservation, turtle
conservation, special needs projects and teach-
ing English.
Kaya are a UK based company operating since
2008. They are committed to providing volun-
teer opportunities which provide development
and learning, while creating a positive impact
for communities in 27 countries around the
Costa Rica volunteer projects offered by Kaya
are in the areas of: community beautifica-
tion – (Atenas), turtle conservation (Pacific and
Caribbean coast), wildlife and community work
(Central Pacific), teaching (San Jose), women’s
empowerment (Atenas), mother and child nutri-
tion (Alajuela), and animal rescue (Guanacaste).
International HQ (IVHQ)
Established in 2007 in New Zealand, IVHQ have
sent 42,000 volunteers to projects in thirty
countries around the world. IVHQ are commit-
ted to providing volunteers with programs which
encourage positive change by developing, im-
proving and supporting communities in need.
Their Costa Rica volunteer opportunities in-
clude: English teaching, special needs projects.
childcare, health and construction and renova-
tion, (in San Jose). Turtle conservation projects
are offered in various beach locations. Eco-agri-
culture positions are also offered in the Central
Photo Credit:
Maximo Nivel
Established in 2003 and based in Peru, Maximo
Nivel are dedicated to providing real cultural
immersion experience for their volunteers while
aiding in the sustainability and development of
the environment and communities in Costa Rica,
Peru and Guatemala.
Costa Rica volunteer opportunities include: or-
phanage work, childcare, environment conserva-
tion, teaching English, health and construction 12
Global Volunteer Network
Since its launch in 2000, Global Volunteer Net-
work, who are based in New Zealand, have
provided over 19,000 people with life changing
volunteer experiences where they have had an
impact on enhancing and improving the lives of
women and children in vulnerable situations.
Costa Rica volunteer projects include: orphan-
age and childcare, teaching English, a coffee
cooperative, healthcare and construction- all in
San Jose.
Cultural Embrace by API
Sending volunteers to over 30 countries around
the world, Cultural Embrace by API is devoted
to encouraging cultural diversity and harmoni-
ous cultural exchange. They believe in providing
culturally authentic volunteer experiences.
Volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based in
either San Jose or Manuel Antonio. Projects
available are in; sports/coaching, construction,
environment/ecology, wildlife conservation,
child and Infant care. health, social justice and
Established in 1998, GVI is a UK based organi-
zation committed to working closely with lo-
cal communities in order to facilitate positive
changes to those they work with. They offer 450
projects in over 25 countries, and have impact-
ed the personal growth and self-development of
over 25,000 volunteers.
GVI volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based
in either Limon or Puntarenas. Limon projects
involve: sea turtle or jaguar conservation, and
a wildlife expedition project. Volunteer pro-
jects in Puntarenas include: arts and childcare,
community development, and sports or English
A Broader View Volunteers
Established in 2007 in the USA, A Broader View
Volunteers has organized volunteer opportuni-
ties to over 10,000 people, both foreign and
local, in 24 countries. They are passionate about
helping others, fostering positive change and
making a difference to peoples’ lives.
A Broader View Volunteers offer projects in San
Jose and both the Pacific and Caribbean Coasts
in Costa Rica. Volunteer projects in San Jose
focus on areas such as: health, elderly support,
teaching and orphanage work
Cross Cultural Solutions
With 20 years in the volunteering industry, US
based Cross Cultural Solutions is committed to
providing quality cultural, learning and devel-
opment programs to volunteers while working
closely with developing communities in order
to create better living environments and con-
ditions. So far they have worked with 35,000
Costa Rica volunteer programs are based in
Cartago and include: HIV/AIDS projects, health,
women’s empowerment, support for the disa-
bled, education and literacy. aging with dignity
projects and child development. 13
CHAPTER 3 : Getting Ready to Volunteer in Costa Rica
Now that you have decided, applied and been
accepted intyour project tvolunteer in Costa
Rica, it is time tbegin preparing for this exciting
volunteer costa Rica journey. Below are some
important things tconsider thelp make this pro-
cess easier for you.
For citizens of many countries (including the US,
UK, Australia and New Zealand) a 90 day tour-
ist visa is issued on arrival, while many other
nationalities are granted stays of up t30 days on
arrival. It’s safest however tcheck the current
rules with the appropriate consulate in your
home country before making plans ttravel.
All international visitors must hold a passport
with at least one day of validity tenter Costa
Rica. It is recommended that you always carry
your passport, or even better, a copy of your
passport photpage and entry stamp with you at
all times.
It is highly recommended that you get all vac-
cinations and shots (or boosters) where neces-
sary tprotect yourself against: tetanus, rubella,
mumps and measles, chicken pox and poli. You
may alswant tconsider hepatitis A and typhoid
vaccinations as an extra precaution. Talk ty-
our doctor about the best options for you, and
check out the website below for up tdate infor-
mation on vaccinations and medical advice.
Photo Credit: 14
Air ticket
When volunteering in Costa Rica you will be
responsible for booking your own airfare, sit’s
worth trying tget a good deal. Booking well in
advance is often cheaper than waiting until clos-
er tyour departure date. Other ways of sourcing
the best deals include creating a Google alert
for ‘Costa Rica air ticket deals’ and signing up
for newsletters from airlines that fly intCosta
Rica. This way you can receive up tdate infon
their specials and deals.
There are alsnumerous online sites where you
can request quotes from multiple companies
and compare prices and fares., and are great sites
tstart with, though there are any more offering
similar services.
Having flexibility with your travel dates can
alsbe useful as some days of the week or flight
times are cheaper. It might be a good idea tar-
rive a few days before or leave a few days after
your volunteer placement in Costa Rica. This
level of flexibility may even save you enough
money on your ticket price tfund some pre-pro-
ject travel around Costa Rica.
Raising funds
Volunteer programs in Costa Rica can be expen-
sive, and you may start twonder how you are
going tbe able tafford tpay for your volunteer
program, airfare, insurance and other general
travelling costs. The good news is that these
days you can find many ways tfund your trip;
you just need tbe dedicated and passionate
about your cause, and maybe apply a little bit
of effort, thought and creativity tthe process.
There are many online sites where you can cre-
ate your own Costa Rica volunteer project fun-
draising campaign and then promote it using so-
cial media platforms. People can easily donate
and help support your campaign. This is a great
way ttell the world about your volunteering
plans, and alsraise awareness for your chosen
organization. Check out GFund Me or Volunteer
Forever for more information on getting started
with your campaign.
Once you have started your project it is a good
idea tcreate a blog sthat those whhave offered
financial support can feel involved in what you
are doing, and see the impact that your volun-
teering experience is having once your place-
ment begins. Through your blog you can alsset
up ongoing payment methods speople can show
continued support for the program and your
volunteer efforts.
Suggested Reading
Lonely Planet - Discover Costa Rica -
This is a handy guide which offers information
on what tsee and dand where tgin Costa Rica. It
alshas advice on tours, accommodation, places
teat and general travel tips. It includes destina-
tion maps, and suggested itineraries for trips
of varying durations. It’s the perfect guide for
when you have a few days off during your volun-
teer work in Costa Rica and want texplore more
of the country’s beautiful and diverse land-
Packing advice and tips
When packing for your volunteering placement
you need tthink practically. Take intconsidera-
tion the type of work you will be doing, whyou
will be working with, the type of climate you
will encounter and any cultural expectations or
traditions which may need tbe respected and
adhered t.
Below is a general list of things that you should
remember tpack when you volunteer in Costa
▪▪ Passport/insurance documents 15
▪▪ Cash – there are ATMS (cash machines) in
most large towns – but they are harder tfind
in rural areas - regardless, many accommo-
dation providers and restaurants only accept
▪▪ Day pack
▪▪ Comfortable walking or hiking shoes
▪▪ Rubber boots (especially if you are working
with animals or doing conservation or farm
▪▪ River or reef shoes
▪▪ Flip-flops and sandals
▪▪ Lightweight clothing – t-shirts, shorts, light
weight trousers, shirts, skirts, dresses
▪▪ Neat attire if you are teaching or working in
a formal setting
▪▪ Long sleeve tops and long pants for cooler
▪▪ Swimming suit
▪▪ Lightweight rain jacket
▪▪ Towel and toiletries
▪▪ Flashlight
▪▪ Phrase book
▪▪ Insect repellant and sunscreen
▪▪ Hat and sunglasses
▪▪ Camera
▪▪ Mosquitnet
▪▪ Travel pillow, sleeping bag or sleeping sheet
(if mentioned in volunteer placement docu-
Gift for projects
Tshow a sign of respect and thanks while volun-
teering in Costa Rica it is a great idea tgive a
gift tyour project. In general giving small items
like pens, pencils, clothes, books, games edu-
cational resources and practical supplies are
greatly appreciated. You may wish tcheck with
your project about what they need the most.
Although many organizations require money it is
not recommended tdonate cash or give cash as
a gift. 16
CHAPTER 4 : Information you must know about your project
Before you head off on your new and exciting
volunteering venture in Costa Rica it is very
important to get all the necessary information
and details about the project. For ensuring that
you are fully organized, informed and equipped
to embark on that journey.
Here are some handy hints to help you get ready
for your Costa Rica volunteer project.
Project Details
Find out exactly what is expected of you, what
you will be required to do, what you need to
take with you. Ask as many questions as you
need to ensure you are fully prepared. Having
all this information before you go will help you
to understand the project, its mission, the peo-
ple involved and all the vital information which
will affect and impact your volunteering experi-
ence in Costa Rica.
Learn about your host family
Many volunteer programs in Costa Rica offer
accommodation with a host family. This is a
fantastic opportunity to really integrate into the
community, practice Spanish and learn the cul-
ture and traditions of the country, while making
some lifelong friends.
During your placement your host family will pro-
vide you with a home away from home. Be sure
to find out something about them and perhaps
even exchange photographs before you arrive in
Costa Rica. This will foster a better understand-
Photo Credit: 17
ing of their lifestyle as well as create a bond to
build on one you meet in person.
Things you may wish to find out ahead of time:
•	 Where they are located
•	 How many family members live in the home,
and their names
•	 What your room/house facilities are like and
whether you will have a private or shared
•	 Whether you need take anything with you
(bedding, towel etc.)
•	 Any cultural immersion opportunities that
may be available
•	 Most importantly, any host family rules.
Having this information will help make your
experience a rewarding and memorable one for
both you and your host family.
Get connected with local support
Volunteer companies in Costa Rica usually hire
local staff, or work through local organizations,
to provide you with a main contact point and
some support during your placement. It is really
important that you get to know who your ‘go to’
person will be and that you make contact with
them via email or phone call. They will be your
first point of call if any issues or problems may
arise during your volunteer placement in Costa
Make a final call before leaving
Before you embark on your Costa Rica vol-
unteering experience, make a list of any last
minute questions that you may have about your
airport pick-up, project, safety, food, accom-
modation or anything else you still feel needs
clarification, and ask your local staff member
contact for the answers. This will help you feel
fully prepared when you arrive in Costa Rica,
and you will have peace of mind knowing that
there will be no miscommunications or misun-
derstandings. 18
CHAPTER 5 : Arriving and Volunteering in Costa Rica
Photo Credit:
How to make your volunteer experience in
Costa Rica rewarding
Volunteering in Costa Rica offers you the chance
to help improve the lives of people involved in
your project, but it is also a journey of self-dis-
covery for you. Make sure your experience is as
rewarding as it possibly can be by following the
guidelines below.
Research all options
Making the right decision on which volunteer
project to choose involves doing some focused
research. Asking yourself the following questions
will help you navigate through the various op-
tions on offer.
•	 What type of volunteer program in Costa
Rica do you want to apply for?
•	 What do you have a passion for?
•	 What skills, experience or personal attrib-
utes can you contribute to the project?
•	 Where in Costa Rica do you want to volun-
•	 When can you go, and does your volunteer
project accept volunteers during this time?
•	 How long are you prepared to go for, and
what is the time commitment required by
your from your chosen project?
Get all the Information required before you
It’s vital to feel fully prepared before you begin
your volunteer abroad placement because if
things go wrong at the beginning of your experi- 19
ence this may have a negative impact on your
attitude and outlook on the rest of your volun-
teering experience.
To avoid this make you sure that you have asked
all your questions and found out all you need to
know before you leave.
•	 Ensure that you know exactly what will be
expected of you during the project and your
•	 Find out where you will be staying and who
you will be staying with.
•	 Make contact with local support staff mem-
bers and check that your travel arrange-
ments have been confirmed with them so you
will be greeted at the airport.
Appreciate things and stay positive
In nearly all volunteer placements at some point
you are bound to be faced with emotional sights
and experiences. At times you may find it hard
going, or struggle with the different living envi-
ronment. Try to remember that your volunteer-
ing experience in Costa Rica will be making a
difference to your chosen project and its peo-
ple, even when there are days where it is diffi-
cult to imagine any progress at all.
There are many stunning landscapes in Costa
Rica and when you feel overwhelmed try sur-
rounding yourself with some of this natural
beauty. Take a walk, breath in the fresh air,
go on an adventure or just embrace the Pura
Vida life style and say “Hola” or exchange a
smile with the locals. Always take the time to
recharge your batteries and find time to relax,
as this helps restore perspective and positive
Enjoy the local cultures and the Costa Rican
people (Ticos)
Make the most of volunteering in Costa Rica by
getting to know your host family, the people you
work with and the locals. Immersing yourself in
the culture will be a rewarding experience as
you will meet some amazing people, learn new
things, and develop new outlooks on life and
ways of seeing things. This is also a great way
to get to know the country and experience the
true essence of the people and community spirit
away from the tourist areas.
Make the most of your free time
After a busy week volunteering and giving to the
community take time out for yourself, or meet
up with other volunteers to get out and about
and explore Costa Rica and engage in the nu-
merous activities that it has to offer.
Safety while volunteering in COSTA RICA
Like all traveling experiences, your safety while
abroad and during your volunteer placement is
important. Being one of the very few countries
in the world without an Army Corp, in general
Costa Rica is a peaceful environment. However,
this does not mean that crime doesn’t exist,
and it is always important to be aware of any
possible dangers you could be faced with, es-
pecially in the larger cities, touristy towns and
beachside locations where petty theft and drug
related crimes do happen. Be alert, try to learn
a little of the language to help you in an emer-
gency, and generally avoid any situations that
make you feel uneasy or apprehensive.
Here are a few tips to help protect yourself
while traveling in Costa Rica.
•	 Register your travel plans with the local em-
bassy for your country
•	 Purchase good travel insurance before you
•	 Obtain phone numbers for the police, other
emergency services and the in-country coor-
•	 Give a copy of your itinerary to your family
and friends
•	 Carry a copy of your passport pages with
your photo and Costa Rica entry stamp on 20
with you.
•	 Don’t bring unwanted attention upon your-
•	 Try not to walk alone especially at night or
carry any valuables with you. If you are out
at night on your own then catch a taxi back
to your accommodation.
•	 There is safety in numbers, so travel in a
group when possible
•	 Know where you are going, if you get lost go
into a shop or restaurant and ask for direc-
•	 Don’t leave your belongings unattended at
all, as theft of bags is very common at bus
stations, parks, in public spaces and on the
Dos and Don’ts in Costa Rica
•	 Learn some common Spanish phrases.
•	 Many Costa Ricans will speak some English,
especially in the tourist towns, however
it’s wise to learn at least a few words or
phrases. Download a Spanish app on your
phone or take a phrase book to help you
out. You will find that Costa Ricans are more
than happy to spend time talking to you and
teaching you the language, so be sure to
make the most of this opportunity.
•	 Some useful terms to know are:
•	 Hola - hello
•	 Como estas? - how are you?
•	 Gracias - thank you
•	 Pura vida - this is a way of saying hello, good
bye, all is good and no worries.
•	 Mucho gusto - nice to meet you
•	 Con mucho gusto - with pleasure or you’re
•	 Acknowledge others - Costa Ricans are genu-
inely friendly people and you will often be
greeted with “hola” (hello) while walking
down the street. It is polite to smile and
return the greeting.
•	 Respect and appreciate the country. You
will find most Costa Ricans are very proud
of their country and it is important to them
that you feel the same. Costa Ricans love
it when you tell them how beautiful their
country is.
•	 Dress Appropriately – Know exactly what your
volunteer project will involve and who you
will be working with, as this will help you
dress appropriately for your placement.
•	 Disrespect the culture, the people or the
environment of your host country.
•	 Miss out on the true beauty of Costa Rica -
diehard nature fans can hire a local natural-
ist guide in the national parks. These guides
are passionate about what they do and you
will have a more engaging, interactive and
safe experience.
•	 Go hiking on your own where possible, but
if you do take plenty of water, let someone
know exactly where you are going and do not
stray from the marked trails.
•	 Challenge or criticize the way your host fam-
ily live or the rules local staff on your pro-
ject have in place.
Cultural Shock
Arriving into a new country where you don’t
speak the language, you are far away from
home and you don’t know anyone can be quite
challenging. This can be especially so when the
culture, living environments, food, currency,
education and health care systems are com-
pletely different from what you are used to. It
is not uncommon for volunteers to feel a sense
of culture shock during their placement, but in
time you will adjust, make friends and learn to
embrace all that the situation provides.
In some parts of Costa Rica you may find poor
living conditions, unpaved roads, a certain de-
gree of poverty and low education levels, but at
the same time if you travel around, especially
to the cities or tourist areas, you will find some
familiar food and more English speaking resi- 21
Here are a few things which will help you deal
with culture shock in Costa Rica.
•	 Before you leave for your volunteering place-
ment do some reading about the history,
culture, economics, and laws of Costa Rica.
.This should help reduce the risk of any ma-
jor surprises.
•	 Enroll in some Spanish language classes be-
fore you go, and/or once you arrive. Even a
basic understanding of the language will help
you integrate into the community easier.
•	 While volunteering in Costa Rica take time
out to explore the country and get to know
its people. Costa Ricans (Ticos) are very
friendly, and it’s not hard to make some local
•	 Become friends with other volunteers in your
project. They will understand what you are
feeling and can offer support and advice.
•	 Take some photos of your home, friends and
family with you for those moments when you
feel homesick.
•	 Remember why you decided to volunteer in
Costa Rica and focus on achieving the goals
you set for yourself and your project.
Places to visit in Costa Rica
Costa Rica has many beautiful places to visit.
Whether you are looking to explore nature in
one of the national parks, experience adventure
in the forests or on the river, enjoy the coast-
lines and the marine life, have a night out on
the town or just relax and rejuvenate then you
won’t need to look to far to find it.
Some popular destinations to enjoy are men-
tioned below, but be sure to do your research
and check out many of the other amazing desti-
Arenal Volcano and La Fortuna: Located in the
Northern Highlands with a town square blessed
with the majestic backdrop of Arenal Volcano -
La Fortuna is a popular tourist destination which
offers a range of accommodation and eating op-
tions, along with an extensive range of nature,
adrenalin and relaxation based activities. Here
you will find many tour companies offering vol-
cano hikes, nature and waterfall tours, white-
water rafting, horseback riding, watersports on
the lake, cycling tours and so much more. If you
are looking for something more relaxing than be
sure to indulge in a massage or spa treatment at
one of the many natural hot springs facilities.
Puerto Viejo: Located on the Caribbean coast,
Puerto Viejo is a vibrant beach town possessing
Afro –Caribbean charm and character which you
will experience through its food, reggae music
and vibrant colors. It offers a great range of
Caribbean, Costa Rican and western restaurants
and has a vibrant nightlife. There are also many
beautiful beaches to enjoy -all great for surfing,
the national parks of Cahuita and Manzanillo to
explore, wildlife to spot and opportunities to
learn about chocolate farming and production.
Tortuguero National Park: Located on the Carib-
bean Coast, Tortuguero is a great place to see
wildlife. There are no roads into Tortuguero; it
can only be accessed by boats that work their
way through a network of canals, which makes
the trip to get there an adventure in itself.
The township is quite small, but has a range of
activities on offer. One of the highlights of Tor-
tugeuro is the turtle nesting season, where you
can make plans to watch the turtles laying or
hatching their eggs.
Mal-Pais and Santa Teresa: Located on the Pa-
cific Ocean this beach town is where you want
to be if you are looking for great surf, and a laid
back atmosphere. There are many places where
you can have a surf lesson or rent a board,
however if surfing is not your thing then you can
always opt for just chilling out at the beach,
hiring a bike and exploring the surrounding ar-
eas, practicing yoga at one of the many retreats
or just hanging out at one of the many laid back
cafes or bars. 22
CHAPTER 6 : Completion of project & follow up
Photo Credit:
After the completion of your volunteer place-
ment in Costa Rica you will probably be filled
with mixed feeling and emotions. To help with
these it is a good idea to share your experiences
with others. This will to not only benefit you,
but will also benefit the organization and future
volunteers who would like to know more from a
direct source..
Talk to your friends and family about your expe-
rience, and if you created a blog to record your
thoughts and share photographs you could show
them this too. Also keep in contact with the
volunteers you met along the way and the locals
who looked after you.
Write a review of your experience and give hon-
est feedback, as this helps both support and
shape the future of the project and help others
decide if it is the right program for them. 23
CHAPTER 7 : Most Frequently Asked Questions From Volunteers
How will I get from the airport to my host family/volunteer house?
You will find that most volunteer abroad providers in Costa Rica will arrange airport pick-ups and
transfers to your organization/accommodation or host family. Before you go it is important that
you confirm all your flight details have been received to make sure there will be someone to greet
you at the airport.
Will there be support from staff in Costa Rica?
Volunteer programs in Costa Rica generally have either an office staffed by local workers or they
partner with a local organization. In most cases there will be local support available to you, but it
is best to make contact with them before you leave to see how responsive they are, and how well
your questions and inquiries are received and responded to. Ask your booking company about what
kind of local support will be available for you while volunteering in Costa Rica.
How many other volunteers will be participating with me?
The number of volunteers that you will be working with will depend on the organization that you
book through. If you choose a local volunteer organization then you might not see many others on
the program. However, if you book with a reputable and internationally recognized volunteer pro-
gram you are likely to find more people volunteering with you. Summer is a popular month for peo-
ple to engage in volunteer opportunities, so during this period you are almost guaranteed plenty of
company. Some volunteer placements only run seasonally, so are likely to attract larger numbers of
participants in each cycle.
If I volunteer with my friend can we be placed in the project and housed together?
The majority of International volunteer organizations will allow you and your friend/partner or
family to be placed in the same project and same accommodation. However to make sure that this
can be arranged it is recommended that you check and confirm it’s okay before deciding on your
Are meals and housing provided?
In most cases your food will be provided, especially if accommodation is at the project or with a
host family. All this information should be available for you in the booking or price section of the
company’s website. Please check carefully to ensure you understand everything that your place-
ment fee will cover. If you are unsure then it is best to contact the company.
Do I have to bring my own bedding and mosquito nets?
If your program fee includes accommodation then you will be guaranteed a bed. The majority of
volunteer companies rely on host families or local providers to offer accommodation, although, you
shouldn’t expect the facilities or services of a hotel. Your accommodation is most likely going to
be basic and may only include a bed or mattress. It is not essential that you take a sleeping bag or 24
sheet, however if you have room in your suitcase or backpack then there is no harm in taking one.
In some areas of Costa Rica especially beachside towns and rural farms there can be quite a lot of
bugs and mosquitoes so a mosquito net would be a good idea.
What if I don’t speak the native language?
In Costa Rica you will get by without speaking the language as most locals will speak a little Eng-
lish, however some projects may require Spanish language skills so check with your provider about
this before you go. Out of a sign of respect it is worth learning at least some basic words. The local
people really appreciate it when you try to speak their language and you will find you will create
greater bonds and connections with them as a result.
How will I get to my project every day?
This will depend on where you are staying and where your project is based. You will most likely
stay with a host family or in a hostel, so the distance between these projects and your host can
be anywhere between 5 minutes to 1 hour. Some providers may include transportation to and from
your placement; others will recommend the best public transport route and how to access buses.
Speak directly with staff from your volunteer organization to clarify exactly how you will get to
and from your project.
What kind of food will I eat while I’m there?
If you are placed with a host family it is likely that you will be eating like a local. For example in
Costa Rica you are likely to be served Gallo Pinto (rice and beans) for breakfast and a casado (rice
and beans with a meat or vegetable dish) for lunch or dinner.
Do volunteer projects or organizations offer treks or excursions?
Most volunteer abroad providers do not offer any excursions for their volunteers as they are not
tour providers. If you want to explore more of the country and participate in activities then you
will need to organize this yourself, and it is often best to do this through local providers. During
your volunteer placement you will meet other volunteers who also want to explore the country and
have adventures. Traveling with other volunteers is a great way to reduce costs and discover new
Costa Rica is a small country, so short or weekend trips to explore new destinations around the
country are always possible.
How many hours per day will I be volunteering?
Volunteers’ hours are usually quite flexible, but may differ depending on the type of project you
will be working on. Most volunteers work between 4-6 hours a day, however if your placement is in
an orphanage or on a nature based program you may be involved in morning or evening activities.
This is something you may want to consider before making a final decision on which project to join. 25
This free eBook is just written to help volunteers. So please use this book just as a general reference or source
of information. We cannot guarantee the validity of information as changes in the field can be sudden. As it is
impossible to provide a definite or authoritative guide it is vital you verify information directly with a relevant
and up to date source. We cannot be held liable in any way for damages caused should you choose to overlook
this advice.
How much money do I need to bring?
Most volunteer abroad providers offer food and accommodation, so you do not need much extra
money to spend on food unless you decide to eat out from time to time. How much you need for
your personal expenses really depends on you and what you want to do while you are there. In
most cases $50-$100 per week should be enough to cover any extra costs such as public transport
or bottled water. However if you plan on doing a lot of activities and traveling within the country
than you may want to allocate more for this. Costa Rica is a great destination for action and adven-
ture experiences but some can be quite expensive, so it’s safest to do a bit of research, work out
what you really want to do and then budget accordingly.

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Costa Rica Volunteering: An Advanced Guide

  • 1. Travellers Quest Volunteer in Costa Rica An Advanced Guide to Volunteering in Costa Rica
  • 2. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting started - volunteer in Costa Rica Welcome to Costa Rica Why you should volunteer in Costa Rica What are some popular volunteer projects available in Costa Rica? Where are some popular places to volunteer in Costa Rica? Which is the best season to volunteer in Costa Rica? 3 4 5 6 7 Chapter 2: Choosing your Costa Rica volunteer program How you can select the best organization to volunteer with Which organizations offer the best volunteer opportunities in Costa Rica? 8 9 Chapter 3: Getting ready to volunteer in Costa Rica Visa, passport Vaccinations Air ticket Raising funds Suggested books to read Packing advice and tips Gifts for projects 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 Chapter 4: Information you must know about the project Project details What to expect when volunteering in Costa Rica Learn about your host family Local support Make the final call 16 16 16 17 17 Chapter 5: Arriving and Volunteering in Costa Rica How to make your volunteer in Costa Rica experience rewarding Safety while volunteering in Costa Rica Do’s and don’t in Costa Rica Culture shock Things to do in Costa Rica 18 18 19 20 21 Chapter 6: Completion of project & follow up 22 Chapter 7: Most frequently asked questions from volunteers 23
  • 3. 3 CHAPTER 1: Getting Started – Volunteer in Costa Rica Welcome to Costa Rica Looking for a country where the beauty of na- ture astounds you, wildlife is abundant and the people are friendly and welcoming? Well if this sounds the perfect place for you - welcome to Costa Rica! Costa Rica maybe be small but don’t let that fool you, because it definitely has a lot to offer. The country not only boasts magnificent land- scapes - made up of pristine beaches, both ac- tive and dormant volcanoes, stunning waterfalls and lush green jungles, but it is ranked in the top 3 most environmentally friendly countries in the world ( top-greenest-countries-in-world/). Costa Rica has no Army Corp, which helps create a sense of peace throughout the country, but it does have one of the highest literacy rates in Latin America. Costa Ricans are very proud of their country, and really embrace the true meaning of the pura vida (pure life) lifestyle. This is probably why they are often ranked as Photo Credit:
  • 4. 4 one of the happiest people in the world. Costa Rica has something for everyone! It’s a place where you can you can find action and adventure, nature at its finest, some of the best coffee in the world, an abundance of wildlife, untouched beauty, new friends and all this while discovering yourself and experiencing Pura Vida! A truly rewarding way to explore the true es- sence of Costa Rica, experience the beauty of the country and the warmth of the locals is by volunteering on one of the many programs on offer throughout the country. Whether you are interested in construction, farming, conserva- tion, education, animal rehabilitation, health- care or human services you will be able to find your ideal volunteer program. Why you should volunteer in COSTA RICA Although Costa Rica is one of the most devel- oped and stable of the Latin American coun- tries, with relatively high education standards and comparatively good health care, it is still a developing country which relies on assistance from volunteers. A volunteer experience in Costa Rica will be a life changing experience for you and those who benefit through your project. It is a place where you can really connect with the people and become part of a community, immerse yourself in the natural surroundings and take action and adventure to the next level. Some other reasons why you should volunteer in Costa Rica are listed below. Make a Positive Impact: Whether it is helping conserve the environment, protecting and looking after the wildlife, help- ing build facilities or educating and impacting the lives of others, your helping hand is greatly appreciated. Cultural immersion and Spanish practice: You will have the opportunity to live with a host family. This is a fantastic way to really immerse yourself into the Costa Rica lifestyle and learn about cultures and traditions, while practicing and developing your Spanish language skills and making local friends. Nature and Wildlife: Blessed with the Caribbean Ocean on one side of the country and the Pacific Ocean on the other, with volcanoes, waterfalls, natural hot springs, jungles, forests, and national parks in between, the landscapes of Costa Rica are truly diverse. Throughout your volunteering placement you will have many opportunities to discover, ex- plore and witness the nature and wildlife for yourself. Adventure: Whether you are looking for a bit of soft adven- ture or are an adrenalin fanatic looking for a real thrill seeking experience there is something for you to enjoy in Costa Rica. From zip-lining through a cloud forest, rafting through rapids, surfing waves, paddle boarding down rivers, bike riding, hiking volcanoes or swimming in water- falls, there is an abundance of adventure activi- ties and experiences to be found. Pura Vida: Costa Rica has often been referred to as one of the happiest countries in the world, probably due to the Costa Ricans (Ticos) concept of the Pura Vida (Pure Life) lifestyle! This comes across in the friendly and welcoming nature of the locals who make you feel like part of their com- munity. Immerse yourself in this and it won’t be long before you will also be experiencing the Pura Vida lifestyle.
  • 5. 5 Which are some popular volunteer pro- jects available in COSTA RICA? Costa Rica is a great destination for volunteers and no matter what kind of program you are looking for you are bound to find it. Popular volunteer projects in Costa Rica involve construction, farming, conservation, education, animal rehabilitation, healthcare and human services. Below is a list of some popular volunteer pro- grams in Costa Rica. Women’s Empowerment Girl’s and women’s empowerment projects oper- ate throughout Costa Rica, with the shared goal of improving the lives of underprivileged fe- males by providing English education, and prac- tical skill training. Volunteers in these projects will help assist with educating women and girls in areas such as sexual health, nutrition and child development. You may also be involved in campaigns, workshops at orphanages and gen- eral support activities for the women involved. Orphanage There are many orphanage projects across Costa Rica which have been set up to support, care for and protect orphan children in Costa Rica. In these projects you will mainly be required to teach basic English, participate in games, activities and creative arts projects, assist with homework, spend quality time with the children and provide them with genuine support. Wildlife Expeditions The focus of wildlife expedition projects in Cos- ta Rica is on the importance of the eco-system in the rainforests and jungles. These volunteer placements are real hands on experiences where you will participate in research on and studies of the wildlife. Your efforts will help the devel- opment and preservation of the natural environ- ment and the animals that depend on it. Turtle Conservation The Turtle Conservation projects across Costa Rica aim to protect, save and rehabilitate a variety of turtle species, including some on the endangered list. In these projects volunteers help collect data, undertake research and con- tribute to the protection of these turtles’ natu- ral habitat. Nature Conservation Nature Conservation in Costa Rica is a program designed specifically to help conserve the natu- ral habitats of Costa Rica. On this project vol- unteers undertake general conservation work Photo Credit: Isvolunteer.sorg
  • 6. 6 such as assisting with maintenance work, animal research and studies, restoring walking trails and reforestation. This is a real hands-on vol- unteering experience, and one which will give you a real appreciation for the natural beauty of Costa Rica. Animal Rescue Costa Rica animal rescue center projects are dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and saving the lives of animals in Costa Rica. Volunteers in these projects should expect a real hands- on experience, as they will be interacting with and caring for the animals in a variety of ways. Cleaning their cages, feeding and playing with them and building structures for animals to climb and play on are some of the tasks you can expect to be doing. Organic Farming Organic farming projects in Costa Rica focus on the development of organic produce and sus- tainable living. Volunteers will assist in all areas of farming, including: coffee farming, harvest- ing produce, making products and general farm maintenance. These projects will give you a real understanding of sustainable farming and the hands on experience that goes along with it. Where are some popular places to volun- teer in COSTA RICA? There are many destinations in Costa Rica which require volunteers in a number of different industries and areas. Below you will find details of some of the popular places for volunteering in Costa Rica, but be sure to do your own ad- ditional research to help find your ideal project and destination. San Jose is located in the Central Valley of Costa Rica and is the nation’s capital. Although on first appearances it may not be the prettiest of cities, it does possess a certain charm and character. Once you take the time to explore the city and its neighborhoods you will soon dis- cover all that it has to offer. Popular volunteer projects in San Jose are: teaching English, working with kids, health care and construction projects Puerto Jimenez is located on the Osa Peninsula in the Southern Pacific Region of Costa Rica. It is a small town blessed with beaches and luscious jungle and is within easy access to Corcovado national park. The town may be small but it is self-sufficient, and has a supermarket, pharma- cy, hospital, schools and a good range of accom- modation options. It is the perfect destination for nature and wildlife enthusiasts, and offers a wide range of activities. Popular volunteer projects in Puerto Jimenez and the Osa Peninsula are: conservation, sus-
  • 7. 7 tainability and wildlife projects, which include turtle conservation. You may also find opportu- nities to teach English. Atenas is located in the Central Valley Region of Costa Rica only 20 minutes from the Interna- tional airport. The town boasts one of the best climates in the world and enjoys picturesque surrounds of coffee plantations, waterfalls and stunning valley views. Atenas also has a sense of charm and community spirit. Popular volunteer projects in Atenas are: work- ing with the elderly, working with underprivi- leged children, teaching English, organic coffee farming, conservation and health care projects. Monteverde is located in the Central Highlands of Costa Rica and is a great place to experience the wildlife and nature of Costa Rica. It plays host to a number of national parks and cloud forest reserves, and offers a great range of na- ture based and adventure activities. Popular volunteer projects in Monteverde in- volve: teaching and classroom assistance, con- servation, construction, nature and wildlife based projects. What is the best season to volunteer in Costa Rica? In general the best time of year to travel to Costa Rica, based on the weather is between December and January. The country has two seasons; the rainy (green) season which runs between May to November and the dry season which runs from mid-November to April. Along the coast you will experience warm weather pretty much all year, however, in the mountain- ous regions temperatures are changeable and the climate is much cooler. In terms of volunteering in Costa Rica the type of program you choose may be dependent on the seasons, especially for programs which rely on certain climates or times of year, such as tur- tle nesting and harvesting of some crops.
  • 8. 8 CHAPTER 2 : Choosing Your Costa Rica Volunteer Program Photo Credit: How you can select the best organization Searching for the best organization to set up your volunteer placement can actually be the hardest and most confusing part of your experi- ence. As there are so many organizations of- fering similar opportunities the only solution is to do thorough research on each project that appeals to you. This list of things to consider before making your decision should help make this research process easier. Costs – find out what you are paying for and where your money will go While the cost of your volunteer program in Costa Rica will influence your choices, it is important to find out what you will receive in return for your fee – such as accommodation, meals, airport, pick up and local support. How is your payment spent? Will a decent portion of your fee go to supporting local communities, causes and projects in Costa Rica? Support –Will you receive support once in Costa Rica Lets face it, moving to a country where you don’t know the language, the culture is differ- ent and everything is foreign to you, can be a little daunting. When looking for a volunteer project in Costa Rica ask the organization you book through if they provide any in-country support. It’s a definite plus if they do, as you’ll have peace of mind knowing that if something
  • 9. 9 goes wrong or you need support once in Costa Rica than there will be someone to help you out. History, Experience, Reputation and Reviews of Organization To help find the best program for you it is im- portant to find out as much as you can about the various organizations and the programs that they offer. Read about each company’s history; how long they have been in the industry, what kind of support they provide, and what pro- grams they offer. Be aware that some companies may focus on specific destinations, so find one that can demonstrate their experience with vol- unteer projects in Costa Rica. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous volunteer alumni. These will give you valuable insight into everyday experiences on various volunteer programs available in Costa Rica, and a sense of the organization’s professionalism, reputation and commitment to both its volun- teers and the communities they support. Benefits for you and your project in Costa Rica: Find a company that you feel supports your passion and beliefs, one that you feel is truly devoted to changing lives and having a positive impact on helping, maintaining and develop- ing Costa Rica. It is important that you find an organization where everyone involved benefits Who are some of the best volunteer or- ganizations in COSTA RICA? Volunteering abroad programs are becoming increasing popular, which means there are lots of organizations competing to offer various projects in countries all over the world. This can make searching for a suitable volunteer expe- rience in Costa Rica quite confusing and time consuming. To make things easier take a look at this list of the top 14 volunteer organizations for projects in Costa Rica. We have selected these organization based on price, review, history, and contribution to local communities GoEco Established in 2005, GoEco is a USA based com- pany who are committed to creating meaning- ful volunteer opportunities experiences while providing support to local communities, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and environmental conservation projects. They offer volunteer programs in Costa Rica in the areas of: teaching (San Jose), turtle con- servation (Pacific and Caribbean coast), animal rescue and conservation (Guanacaste), jaguar conservation (Toruguero National Park) and com- munity development (rural areas). IFRE Volunteers IFRE Volunteers is a USA based company which has developed 200 different projects in 18 coun- Photo Credit:
  • 10. 10 tries around the world and sent 17,000 volun- teers to developing countries in need of support since 2006. Costa Rica volunteer opportunities provided by IFRE are predominately based in San Jose and Atenas. Project areas include: orphanage work, health projects, teaching, childcare, conserva- tion, animal rehabilitation, organic and sustain- able farming, women’s cooperative programs and elderly care. Program fees for a one week placements on these projects begin at $570. Turtle Conservation projects are also offered in Golfo Dulce and Pacuare. Prices for a one week placement in these projects range from $695- 800, depending on location. Amigos Established in 1965 in the USA, Amigos are committed to providing invaluable community development and cross-cultural experiences teenagers in order to raise awareness of global and social issues while developing and inspiring them to become young leaders in the area of global change. Amigos offer an 8 week summer volunteering program in Costa Rica. Located in Perez Zele- don, volunteers work in the areas of childcare, community development and cultural immer- sion. Global Crossroads Since being established in 2003 in the USA, Global Crossroad have sent over 18,000 volun- teers to 18 countries around the world to under- take life changing volunteer work in impover- ished and rural communities. Volunteer placements in Costa Rica offered by Global Crossroads are based in San Jose and Atenas in the areas of: orphanage work, health, teaching English, childcare, conservation, and organic coffee farming. Program fees for a one week volunteer placement on these projects start at $655. Turtle Conservation projects are also offered in the Osa Peninsula and Caribbean Coast, Ubelong Ubelong is committed to providing cultural im- mersion experiences to volunteers and valuable support to the local communities they work with. Based in the USA, Ubelong have been working with volunteers and developing commu- nities since 2009. Costa Rica volunteer projects offered by Ube- long are based in Cartago, in the areas of: construction, education, care giving and the environment. uVolunteer Established in 2007, with its first project in Costa Rica, uVolunteer are a US based organiza- Photo Credit:
  • 11. 11 tion who work closely with communities in only three countries, allowing them to provide per- sonal, local and authentic volunteer experiences with lots of local support. Volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based in Alajuela, in the areas of: community education, construction, sports, animal conservation, day care centres, environment conservation, turtle conservation, special needs projects and teach- ing English. Kaya Kaya are a UK based company operating since 2008. They are committed to providing volun- teer opportunities which provide development and learning, while creating a positive impact for communities in 27 countries around the world. Costa Rica volunteer projects offered by Kaya are in the areas of: community beautifica- tion – (Atenas), turtle conservation (Pacific and Caribbean coast), wildlife and community work (Central Pacific), teaching (San Jose), women’s empowerment (Atenas), mother and child nutri- tion (Alajuela), and animal rescue (Guanacaste). International HQ (IVHQ) Established in 2007 in New Zealand, IVHQ have sent 42,000 volunteers to projects in thirty countries around the world. IVHQ are commit- ted to providing volunteers with programs which encourage positive change by developing, im- proving and supporting communities in need. Their Costa Rica volunteer opportunities in- clude: English teaching, special needs projects. childcare, health and construction and renova- tion, (in San Jose). Turtle conservation projects are offered in various beach locations. Eco-agri- culture positions are also offered in the Central Highlands, Photo Credit: Maximo Nivel Established in 2003 and based in Peru, Maximo Nivel are dedicated to providing real cultural immersion experience for their volunteers while aiding in the sustainability and development of the environment and communities in Costa Rica, Peru and Guatemala. Costa Rica volunteer opportunities include: or- phanage work, childcare, environment conserva- tion, teaching English, health and construction
  • 12. 12 Global Volunteer Network Since its launch in 2000, Global Volunteer Net- work, who are based in New Zealand, have provided over 19,000 people with life changing volunteer experiences where they have had an impact on enhancing and improving the lives of women and children in vulnerable situations. Costa Rica volunteer projects include: orphan- age and childcare, teaching English, a coffee cooperative, healthcare and construction- all in San Jose. Cultural Embrace by API Sending volunteers to over 30 countries around the world, Cultural Embrace by API is devoted to encouraging cultural diversity and harmoni- ous cultural exchange. They believe in providing culturally authentic volunteer experiences. Volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based in either San Jose or Manuel Antonio. Projects available are in; sports/coaching, construction, environment/ecology, wildlife conservation, child and Infant care. health, social justice and teaching. GVI Established in 1998, GVI is a UK based organi- zation committed to working closely with lo- cal communities in order to facilitate positive changes to those they work with. They offer 450 projects in over 25 countries, and have impact- ed the personal growth and self-development of over 25,000 volunteers. GVI volunteer projects in Costa Rica are based in either Limon or Puntarenas. Limon projects involve: sea turtle or jaguar conservation, and a wildlife expedition project. Volunteer pro- jects in Puntarenas include: arts and childcare, community development, and sports or English teaching. A Broader View Volunteers Established in 2007 in the USA, A Broader View Volunteers has organized volunteer opportuni- ties to over 10,000 people, both foreign and local, in 24 countries. They are passionate about helping others, fostering positive change and making a difference to peoples’ lives. A Broader View Volunteers offer projects in San Jose and both the Pacific and Caribbean Coasts in Costa Rica. Volunteer projects in San Jose focus on areas such as: health, elderly support, teaching and orphanage work Cross Cultural Solutions With 20 years in the volunteering industry, US based Cross Cultural Solutions is committed to providing quality cultural, learning and devel- opment programs to volunteers while working closely with developing communities in order to create better living environments and con- ditions. So far they have worked with 35,000 volunteers. Costa Rica volunteer programs are based in Cartago and include: HIV/AIDS projects, health, women’s empowerment, support for the disa- bled, education and literacy. aging with dignity projects and child development.
  • 13. 13 CHAPTER 3 : Getting Ready to Volunteer in Costa Rica Now that you have decided, applied and been accepted intyour project tvolunteer in Costa Rica, it is time tbegin preparing for this exciting volunteer costa Rica journey. Below are some important things tconsider thelp make this pro- cess easier for you. Visa For citizens of many countries (including the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand) a 90 day tour- ist visa is issued on arrival, while many other nationalities are granted stays of up t30 days on arrival. It’s safest however tcheck the current rules with the appropriate consulate in your home country before making plans ttravel. Passport All international visitors must hold a passport with at least one day of validity tenter Costa Rica. It is recommended that you always carry your passport, or even better, a copy of your passport photpage and entry stamp with you at all times. Vaccinations It is highly recommended that you get all vac- cinations and shots (or boosters) where neces- sary tprotect yourself against: tetanus, rubella, mumps and measles, chicken pox and poli. You may alswant tconsider hepatitis A and typhoid vaccinations as an extra precaution. Talk ty- our doctor about the best options for you, and check out the website below for up tdate infor- mation on vaccinations and medical advice. Photo Credit:
  • 14. 14 traveler/none/costa-rica Air ticket When volunteering in Costa Rica you will be responsible for booking your own airfare, sit’s worth trying tget a good deal. Booking well in advance is often cheaper than waiting until clos- er tyour departure date. Other ways of sourcing the best deals include creating a Google alert for ‘Costa Rica air ticket deals’ and signing up for newsletters from airlines that fly intCosta Rica. This way you can receive up tdate infon their specials and deals. There are alsnumerous online sites where you can request quotes from multiple companies and compare prices and fares., and are great sites tstart with, though there are any more offering similar services. Having flexibility with your travel dates can alsbe useful as some days of the week or flight times are cheaper. It might be a good idea tar- rive a few days before or leave a few days after your volunteer placement in Costa Rica. This level of flexibility may even save you enough money on your ticket price tfund some pre-pro- ject travel around Costa Rica. Raising funds Volunteer programs in Costa Rica can be expen- sive, and you may start twonder how you are going tbe able tafford tpay for your volunteer program, airfare, insurance and other general travelling costs. The good news is that these days you can find many ways tfund your trip; you just need tbe dedicated and passionate about your cause, and maybe apply a little bit of effort, thought and creativity tthe process. There are many online sites where you can cre- ate your own Costa Rica volunteer project fun- draising campaign and then promote it using so- cial media platforms. People can easily donate and help support your campaign. This is a great way ttell the world about your volunteering plans, and alsraise awareness for your chosen organization. Check out GFund Me or Volunteer Forever for more information on getting started with your campaign. Once you have started your project it is a good idea tcreate a blog sthat those whhave offered financial support can feel involved in what you are doing, and see the impact that your volun- teering experience is having once your place- ment begins. Through your blog you can alsset up ongoing payment methods speople can show continued support for the program and your volunteer efforts. Suggested Reading Lonely Planet - Discover Costa Rica - This is a handy guide which offers information on what tsee and dand where tgin Costa Rica. It alshas advice on tours, accommodation, places teat and general travel tips. It includes destina- tion maps, and suggested itineraries for trips of varying durations. It’s the perfect guide for when you have a few days off during your volun- teer work in Costa Rica and want texplore more of the country’s beautiful and diverse land- scapes. Packing advice and tips When packing for your volunteering placement you need tthink practically. Take intconsidera- tion the type of work you will be doing, whyou will be working with, the type of climate you will encounter and any cultural expectations or traditions which may need tbe respected and adhered t. Below is a general list of things that you should remember tpack when you volunteer in Costa Rica. ▪▪ Passport/insurance documents
  • 15. 15 ▪▪ Cash – there are ATMS (cash machines) in most large towns – but they are harder tfind in rural areas - regardless, many accommo- dation providers and restaurants only accept cash ▪▪ Day pack ▪▪ Comfortable walking or hiking shoes ▪▪ Rubber boots (especially if you are working with animals or doing conservation or farm work) ▪▪ River or reef shoes ▪▪ Flip-flops and sandals ▪▪ Lightweight clothing – t-shirts, shorts, light weight trousers, shirts, skirts, dresses ▪▪ Neat attire if you are teaching or working in a formal setting ▪▪ Long sleeve tops and long pants for cooler evenings ▪▪ Swimming suit ▪▪ Lightweight rain jacket ▪▪ Towel and toiletries ▪▪ Flashlight ▪▪ Phrase book ▪▪ Insect repellant and sunscreen ▪▪ Hat and sunglasses ▪▪ Camera ▪▪ Mosquitnet ▪▪ Travel pillow, sleeping bag or sleeping sheet (if mentioned in volunteer placement docu- mentation) Gift for projects Tshow a sign of respect and thanks while volun- teering in Costa Rica it is a great idea tgive a gift tyour project. In general giving small items like pens, pencils, clothes, books, games edu- cational resources and practical supplies are greatly appreciated. You may wish tcheck with your project about what they need the most. Although many organizations require money it is not recommended tdonate cash or give cash as a gift.
  • 16. 16 CHAPTER 4 : Information you must know about your project Before you head off on your new and exciting volunteering venture in Costa Rica it is very important to get all the necessary information and details about the project. For ensuring that you are fully organized, informed and equipped to embark on that journey. Here are some handy hints to help you get ready for your Costa Rica volunteer project. Project Details Find out exactly what is expected of you, what you will be required to do, what you need to take with you. Ask as many questions as you need to ensure you are fully prepared. Having all this information before you go will help you to understand the project, its mission, the peo- ple involved and all the vital information which will affect and impact your volunteering experi- ence in Costa Rica. Learn about your host family Many volunteer programs in Costa Rica offer accommodation with a host family. This is a fantastic opportunity to really integrate into the community, practice Spanish and learn the cul- ture and traditions of the country, while making some lifelong friends. During your placement your host family will pro- vide you with a home away from home. Be sure to find out something about them and perhaps even exchange photographs before you arrive in Costa Rica. This will foster a better understand- Photo Credit:
  • 17. 17 ing of their lifestyle as well as create a bond to build on one you meet in person. Things you may wish to find out ahead of time: • Where they are located • How many family members live in the home, and their names • What your room/house facilities are like and whether you will have a private or shared room • Whether you need take anything with you (bedding, towel etc.) • Any cultural immersion opportunities that may be available • Most importantly, any host family rules. Having this information will help make your experience a rewarding and memorable one for both you and your host family. Get connected with local support Volunteer companies in Costa Rica usually hire local staff, or work through local organizations, to provide you with a main contact point and some support during your placement. It is really important that you get to know who your ‘go to’ person will be and that you make contact with them via email or phone call. They will be your first point of call if any issues or problems may arise during your volunteer placement in Costa Rica. Make a final call before leaving Before you embark on your Costa Rica vol- unteering experience, make a list of any last minute questions that you may have about your airport pick-up, project, safety, food, accom- modation or anything else you still feel needs clarification, and ask your local staff member contact for the answers. This will help you feel fully prepared when you arrive in Costa Rica, and you will have peace of mind knowing that there will be no miscommunications or misun- derstandings.
  • 18. 18 CHAPTER 5 : Arriving and Volunteering in Costa Rica Photo Credit: How to make your volunteer experience in Costa Rica rewarding Volunteering in Costa Rica offers you the chance to help improve the lives of people involved in your project, but it is also a journey of self-dis- covery for you. Make sure your experience is as rewarding as it possibly can be by following the guidelines below. Research all options Making the right decision on which volunteer project to choose involves doing some focused research. Asking yourself the following questions will help you navigate through the various op- tions on offer. • What type of volunteer program in Costa Rica do you want to apply for? • What do you have a passion for? • What skills, experience or personal attrib- utes can you contribute to the project? • Where in Costa Rica do you want to volun- teer? • When can you go, and does your volunteer project accept volunteers during this time? • How long are you prepared to go for, and what is the time commitment required by your from your chosen project? Get all the Information required before you leave It’s vital to feel fully prepared before you begin your volunteer abroad placement because if things go wrong at the beginning of your experi-
  • 19. 19 ence this may have a negative impact on your attitude and outlook on the rest of your volun- teering experience. To avoid this make you sure that you have asked all your questions and found out all you need to know before you leave. • Ensure that you know exactly what will be expected of you during the project and your homestay. • Find out where you will be staying and who you will be staying with. • Make contact with local support staff mem- bers and check that your travel arrange- ments have been confirmed with them so you will be greeted at the airport. Appreciate things and stay positive In nearly all volunteer placements at some point you are bound to be faced with emotional sights and experiences. At times you may find it hard going, or struggle with the different living envi- ronment. Try to remember that your volunteer- ing experience in Costa Rica will be making a difference to your chosen project and its peo- ple, even when there are days where it is diffi- cult to imagine any progress at all. There are many stunning landscapes in Costa Rica and when you feel overwhelmed try sur- rounding yourself with some of this natural beauty. Take a walk, breath in the fresh air, go on an adventure or just embrace the Pura Vida life style and say “Hola” or exchange a smile with the locals. Always take the time to recharge your batteries and find time to relax, as this helps restore perspective and positive energy. Enjoy the local cultures and the Costa Rican people (Ticos) Make the most of volunteering in Costa Rica by getting to know your host family, the people you work with and the locals. Immersing yourself in the culture will be a rewarding experience as you will meet some amazing people, learn new things, and develop new outlooks on life and ways of seeing things. This is also a great way to get to know the country and experience the true essence of the people and community spirit away from the tourist areas. Make the most of your free time After a busy week volunteering and giving to the community take time out for yourself, or meet up with other volunteers to get out and about and explore Costa Rica and engage in the nu- merous activities that it has to offer. Safety while volunteering in COSTA RICA Like all traveling experiences, your safety while abroad and during your volunteer placement is important. Being one of the very few countries in the world without an Army Corp, in general Costa Rica is a peaceful environment. However, this does not mean that crime doesn’t exist, and it is always important to be aware of any possible dangers you could be faced with, es- pecially in the larger cities, touristy towns and beachside locations where petty theft and drug related crimes do happen. Be alert, try to learn a little of the language to help you in an emer- gency, and generally avoid any situations that make you feel uneasy or apprehensive. Here are a few tips to help protect yourself while traveling in Costa Rica. • Register your travel plans with the local em- bassy for your country • Purchase good travel insurance before you leave • Obtain phone numbers for the police, other emergency services and the in-country coor- dinator • Give a copy of your itinerary to your family and friends • Carry a copy of your passport pages with your photo and Costa Rica entry stamp on
  • 20. 20 with you. • Don’t bring unwanted attention upon your- self. • Try not to walk alone especially at night or carry any valuables with you. If you are out at night on your own then catch a taxi back to your accommodation. • There is safety in numbers, so travel in a group when possible • Know where you are going, if you get lost go into a shop or restaurant and ask for direc- tions. • Don’t leave your belongings unattended at all, as theft of bags is very common at bus stations, parks, in public spaces and on the beaches Dos and Don’ts in Costa Rica DO: • Learn some common Spanish phrases. • Many Costa Ricans will speak some English, especially in the tourist towns, however it’s wise to learn at least a few words or phrases. Download a Spanish app on your phone or take a phrase book to help you out. You will find that Costa Ricans are more than happy to spend time talking to you and teaching you the language, so be sure to make the most of this opportunity. • Some useful terms to know are: • Hola - hello • Como estas? - how are you? • Gracias - thank you • Pura vida - this is a way of saying hello, good bye, all is good and no worries. • Mucho gusto - nice to meet you • Con mucho gusto - with pleasure or you’re welcome • Acknowledge others - Costa Ricans are genu- inely friendly people and you will often be greeted with “hola” (hello) while walking down the street. It is polite to smile and return the greeting. • Respect and appreciate the country. You will find most Costa Ricans are very proud of their country and it is important to them that you feel the same. Costa Ricans love it when you tell them how beautiful their country is. • Dress Appropriately – Know exactly what your volunteer project will involve and who you will be working with, as this will help you dress appropriately for your placement. DON’T • Disrespect the culture, the people or the environment of your host country. • Miss out on the true beauty of Costa Rica - diehard nature fans can hire a local natural- ist guide in the national parks. These guides are passionate about what they do and you will have a more engaging, interactive and safe experience. • Go hiking on your own where possible, but if you do take plenty of water, let someone know exactly where you are going and do not stray from the marked trails. • Challenge or criticize the way your host fam- ily live or the rules local staff on your pro- ject have in place. Cultural Shock Arriving into a new country where you don’t speak the language, you are far away from home and you don’t know anyone can be quite challenging. This can be especially so when the culture, living environments, food, currency, education and health care systems are com- pletely different from what you are used to. It is not uncommon for volunteers to feel a sense of culture shock during their placement, but in time you will adjust, make friends and learn to embrace all that the situation provides. In some parts of Costa Rica you may find poor living conditions, unpaved roads, a certain de- gree of poverty and low education levels, but at the same time if you travel around, especially to the cities or tourist areas, you will find some familiar food and more English speaking resi-
  • 21. 21 dents. Here are a few things which will help you deal with culture shock in Costa Rica. • Before you leave for your volunteering place- ment do some reading about the history, culture, economics, and laws of Costa Rica. .This should help reduce the risk of any ma- jor surprises. • Enroll in some Spanish language classes be- fore you go, and/or once you arrive. Even a basic understanding of the language will help you integrate into the community easier. • While volunteering in Costa Rica take time out to explore the country and get to know its people. Costa Ricans (Ticos) are very friendly, and it’s not hard to make some local friends. • Become friends with other volunteers in your project. They will understand what you are feeling and can offer support and advice. • Take some photos of your home, friends and family with you for those moments when you feel homesick. • Remember why you decided to volunteer in Costa Rica and focus on achieving the goals you set for yourself and your project. Places to visit in Costa Rica Costa Rica has many beautiful places to visit. Whether you are looking to explore nature in one of the national parks, experience adventure in the forests or on the river, enjoy the coast- lines and the marine life, have a night out on the town or just relax and rejuvenate then you won’t need to look to far to find it. Some popular destinations to enjoy are men- tioned below, but be sure to do your research and check out many of the other amazing desti- nations. Arenal Volcano and La Fortuna: Located in the Northern Highlands with a town square blessed with the majestic backdrop of Arenal Volcano - La Fortuna is a popular tourist destination which offers a range of accommodation and eating op- tions, along with an extensive range of nature, adrenalin and relaxation based activities. Here you will find many tour companies offering vol- cano hikes, nature and waterfall tours, white- water rafting, horseback riding, watersports on the lake, cycling tours and so much more. If you are looking for something more relaxing than be sure to indulge in a massage or spa treatment at one of the many natural hot springs facilities. Puerto Viejo: Located on the Caribbean coast, Puerto Viejo is a vibrant beach town possessing Afro –Caribbean charm and character which you will experience through its food, reggae music and vibrant colors. It offers a great range of Caribbean, Costa Rican and western restaurants and has a vibrant nightlife. There are also many beautiful beaches to enjoy -all great for surfing, the national parks of Cahuita and Manzanillo to explore, wildlife to spot and opportunities to learn about chocolate farming and production. Tortuguero National Park: Located on the Carib- bean Coast, Tortuguero is a great place to see wildlife. There are no roads into Tortuguero; it can only be accessed by boats that work their way through a network of canals, which makes the trip to get there an adventure in itself. The township is quite small, but has a range of activities on offer. One of the highlights of Tor- tugeuro is the turtle nesting season, where you can make plans to watch the turtles laying or hatching their eggs. Mal-Pais and Santa Teresa: Located on the Pa- cific Ocean this beach town is where you want to be if you are looking for great surf, and a laid back atmosphere. There are many places where you can have a surf lesson or rent a board, however if surfing is not your thing then you can always opt for just chilling out at the beach, hiring a bike and exploring the surrounding ar- eas, practicing yoga at one of the many retreats or just hanging out at one of the many laid back cafes or bars.
  • 22. 22 CHAPTER 6 : Completion of project & follow up Photo Credit: After the completion of your volunteer place- ment in Costa Rica you will probably be filled with mixed feeling and emotions. To help with these it is a good idea to share your experiences with others. This will to not only benefit you, but will also benefit the organization and future volunteers who would like to know more from a direct source.. Talk to your friends and family about your expe- rience, and if you created a blog to record your thoughts and share photographs you could show them this too. Also keep in contact with the volunteers you met along the way and the locals who looked after you. Write a review of your experience and give hon- est feedback, as this helps both support and shape the future of the project and help others decide if it is the right program for them.
  • 23. 23 CHAPTER 7 : Most Frequently Asked Questions From Volunteers How will I get from the airport to my host family/volunteer house? You will find that most volunteer abroad providers in Costa Rica will arrange airport pick-ups and transfers to your organization/accommodation or host family. Before you go it is important that you confirm all your flight details have been received to make sure there will be someone to greet you at the airport. Will there be support from staff in Costa Rica? Volunteer programs in Costa Rica generally have either an office staffed by local workers or they partner with a local organization. In most cases there will be local support available to you, but it is best to make contact with them before you leave to see how responsive they are, and how well your questions and inquiries are received and responded to. Ask your booking company about what kind of local support will be available for you while volunteering in Costa Rica. How many other volunteers will be participating with me? The number of volunteers that you will be working with will depend on the organization that you book through. If you choose a local volunteer organization then you might not see many others on the program. However, if you book with a reputable and internationally recognized volunteer pro- gram you are likely to find more people volunteering with you. Summer is a popular month for peo- ple to engage in volunteer opportunities, so during this period you are almost guaranteed plenty of company. Some volunteer placements only run seasonally, so are likely to attract larger numbers of participants in each cycle. If I volunteer with my friend can we be placed in the project and housed together? The majority of International volunteer organizations will allow you and your friend/partner or family to be placed in the same project and same accommodation. However to make sure that this can be arranged it is recommended that you check and confirm it’s okay before deciding on your placement. Are meals and housing provided? In most cases your food will be provided, especially if accommodation is at the project or with a host family. All this information should be available for you in the booking or price section of the company’s website. Please check carefully to ensure you understand everything that your place- ment fee will cover. If you are unsure then it is best to contact the company. Do I have to bring my own bedding and mosquito nets? If your program fee includes accommodation then you will be guaranteed a bed. The majority of volunteer companies rely on host families or local providers to offer accommodation, although, you shouldn’t expect the facilities or services of a hotel. Your accommodation is most likely going to be basic and may only include a bed or mattress. It is not essential that you take a sleeping bag or
  • 24. 24 sheet, however if you have room in your suitcase or backpack then there is no harm in taking one. In some areas of Costa Rica especially beachside towns and rural farms there can be quite a lot of bugs and mosquitoes so a mosquito net would be a good idea. What if I don’t speak the native language? In Costa Rica you will get by without speaking the language as most locals will speak a little Eng- lish, however some projects may require Spanish language skills so check with your provider about this before you go. Out of a sign of respect it is worth learning at least some basic words. The local people really appreciate it when you try to speak their language and you will find you will create greater bonds and connections with them as a result. How will I get to my project every day? This will depend on where you are staying and where your project is based. You will most likely stay with a host family or in a hostel, so the distance between these projects and your host can be anywhere between 5 minutes to 1 hour. Some providers may include transportation to and from your placement; others will recommend the best public transport route and how to access buses. Speak directly with staff from your volunteer organization to clarify exactly how you will get to and from your project. What kind of food will I eat while I’m there? If you are placed with a host family it is likely that you will be eating like a local. For example in Costa Rica you are likely to be served Gallo Pinto (rice and beans) for breakfast and a casado (rice and beans with a meat or vegetable dish) for lunch or dinner. Do volunteer projects or organizations offer treks or excursions? Most volunteer abroad providers do not offer any excursions for their volunteers as they are not tour providers. If you want to explore more of the country and participate in activities then you will need to organize this yourself, and it is often best to do this through local providers. During your volunteer placement you will meet other volunteers who also want to explore the country and have adventures. Traveling with other volunteers is a great way to reduce costs and discover new places. Costa Rica is a small country, so short or weekend trips to explore new destinations around the country are always possible. How many hours per day will I be volunteering? Volunteers’ hours are usually quite flexible, but may differ depending on the type of project you will be working on. Most volunteers work between 4-6 hours a day, however if your placement is in an orphanage or on a nature based program you may be involved in morning or evening activities. This is something you may want to consider before making a final decision on which project to join.
  • 25. 25 This free eBook is just written to help volunteers. So please use this book just as a general reference or source of information. We cannot guarantee the validity of information as changes in the field can be sudden. As it is impossible to provide a definite or authoritative guide it is vital you verify information directly with a relevant and up to date source. We cannot be held liable in any way for damages caused should you choose to overlook this advice. How much money do I need to bring? Most volunteer abroad providers offer food and accommodation, so you do not need much extra money to spend on food unless you decide to eat out from time to time. How much you need for your personal expenses really depends on you and what you want to do while you are there. In most cases $50-$100 per week should be enough to cover any extra costs such as public transport or bottled water. However if you plan on doing a lot of activities and traveling within the country than you may want to allocate more for this. Costa Rica is a great destination for action and adven- ture experiences but some can be quite expensive, so it’s safest to do a bit of research, work out what you really want to do and then budget accordingly.