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Developers Toolbox - Coding
 Can collections speed up your PL/SQL?

Patrick Barel    , AMIS, The Netherlands

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
ODTUG KScope 12
San Antonio, Texas, USA

 Records
 Collections
 Bulk Processing
 Table Functions

User Defined

           Record type definition

TYPE     record_type   IS    RECORD   (     field_definition           )   ;

           Field definition
                       NOT     NULL
 field   datatype

 Three types available
  PL/SQL Tables
  Index by Tables
  Associative Arrays

 Three types available
  Associative Arrays
  Nested Tables
  Varrays

 Three types available
  Associative Arrays  PL/SQL Only
  Nested Tables        SQL and PL/SQL
  Varrays              SQL and PL/SQL
PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)

 Associative Arrays
 Varrays
 Nested Tables
About Associative Arrays

Number of elements is unbounded, practically speaking.
 Valid row numbers range from -231+1 to 231-1.
   (i.e. -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647)
   This range allows you to employ the row number as an intelligent key,
   such as the primary key or unique index value, because…
AAs also:
Can be sparse.
  Data does not have to be stored in consecutive rows, as is required in
   traditional 3GL arrays and VARRAYs.
Can have index values of integers or strings (Oracle9i R2
 and above).
Associative Arrays

Name Changes:
  7: PL/SQL Tables
  8i: Index By Tables
  9i: Associative Arrays
Single dimensioned, unbounded, sparse collection of
 homogeneous elements
PL/SQL Only
                                      key     value

                    idx := emp_t.first;
                    idx := emp_t.last;
                    idx := (idx);
                    idx := emp_t.prior (idx);
First              idx := emp_t.count;
Last               if emp_t.exists (idx)
Next (n)              ...
Prior (n)          end if;
Count              emp_t.delete (1);
Exists (n)         emp_t.delete (2, 4);
Delete [(n[,m])]
Associative Array
  type num_tbl is table of number
    index by binary_integer;
  l_num_tbl num_tbl;                key   value
  l_idx     integer;
Associative Array
  type num_tbl is table of number
    index by binary_integer;
  l_num_tbl num_tbl;                key   value
  l_idx     integer;
begin                               1      12
  l_num_tbl(1):= 12;                54     5
  l_num_tbl(54):= 5;
Associative Array
  type num_tbl is table of number
    index by binary_integer;
  l_num_tbl num_tbl;                key   value
  l_idx     integer;
begin                               1      12
  l_num_tbl(1):= 12;                3      98
  l_num_tbl(54):= 5;
  l_num_tbl(3):= 98;                5      3
  l_num_tbl(5):= l_num_tbl.count;
  l_idx:= l_num_tbl.first;          54     5
Associative Array
  type num_tbl is table of number
    index by binary_integer;
  l_num_tbl num_tbl;                              key   value
  l_idx     integer;
begin                                        2
                                                  1      12
  l_num_tbl(1):= 12;                              3      98
  l_num_tbl(54):= 5;
  l_num_tbl(3):= 98;                              5      3
  l_num_tbl(5):= l_num_tbl.count;
  l_idx:= l_num_tbl.first;                        54     5
    exit when l_idx is null;
  end loop;
                                                  key   value
  l_num_tbl.delete(2,10);                         1      12
end;                                              54     5
Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key
  type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40)
    index by varchar2(40);
  l_str_tbl str_tbl;                      key   value
  l_idx     varchar2(40);
Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key
  type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40)
    index by varchar2(40);
  l_str_tbl str_tbl;                      key   value
  l_idx     varchar2(40);
begin                                     one   een
  l_str_tbl('one'):= 'een';               two   twee
  l_str_tbl('two'):= 'twee';
Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key
  type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40)
    index by varchar2(40);
  l_str_tbl str_tbl;                      key     value
  l_idx     varchar2(40);
begin                                     four    vier
  l_str_tbl('one'):= 'een';               one     een
  l_str_tbl('two'):= 'twee';
  l_str_tbl('three'):= 'drie';            three   drie
  l_str_tbl('four'):= 'vier';
  l_idx:= l_str_tbl.first;                two     twee
Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key
  type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40)
    index by varchar2(40);
  l_str_tbl str_tbl;                              key     value
  l_idx     varchar2(40);
begin                                             four    vier
  l_str_tbl('one'):= ‘een';                  o
                                                  one     een
  l_str_tbl('two'):= ‘twee';
  l_str_tbl('three'):= 'drie';                    three   drie
  l_str_tbl('four'):= 'vier';                tr
  l_idx:= l_str_tbl.first;                        two     twee
                                                  key     value
    exit when l_idx is null;
  end loop;                                       four    vier
  l_str_tbl.delete('o', 'tr');
  dbms_output.put_line(l_str_tbl.count);          two     twee
for idx in emp_t.first .. emp_t.last
loop                                   • Dense
   ...                                 • Count > 0
end loop;

for idx in 1 .. emp_t.count
                                       • Dense
end loop;

idx := emp_t.first;
while idx is not null
   idx := (idx);
end loop;
PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)

 Associative Arrays
 Varrays
 Nested Tables
About Varrays

Has a maximum size, associated with its type.
  Can adjust the size in Oracle10g R2.
Part of object model, requiring initialization.
Is always dense; you can only remove elements
 from the end of a varray.
Can be defined as a schema level type and used
 as a relational table column type.


Single dimensioned, always bounded, never
 sparse collection of homogeneous elements
Can be used as column datatype in a table
Stored “in-line” in same table
Retains its ordering                  key   value
Needs to be initialized and extended

                    idx := ename_t.limit;
Next (n)           ename_t.extend (1);
Prior (n)          ename_t.trim (1);
Count              ename_t.trim;
Exists (n)
Extend [(n[,m])]
Trim [(n)]
Using Varray
   type ename_vt is varray (10) of varchar2(10);
   ename_t ename_vt;
begin                       Initialization
   ename_t := ename_vt();
   ename_t.extend (1);
   ename_t(1) := 'Spencer';

   type ename_vt is varray (10) of varchar2(10);
   ename_t ename_vt := ename_vt ('Davis');
end;                        Initialization and
How Variable is the Varray?

Pre 10gR2: VARRAY needed to be recreated.

  Only to increase the limit

PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)

 Associative Arrays
 Varrays
 Nested Tables
About Nested Tables

Name reflects fact that this collection can be
 "nested" inside relational table as a column.
Type can be defined at schema level.
No practical, pre-defined limit on a nested table.
 Valid row numbers range from 1 to 231-1.
  (i.e. 1 to 2,147,483,647)
Part of object model, requiring initialization.
Is always dense initially, but can become sparse
 after deletes.

Nested Tables

Single dimensioned, unbounded, sparse collection
 of homogeneous elements
Can be used as column datatype in a table
Stored “out-of-line” in a separate table
Initially dense, can be sparse
                                    key      value

Next (n)
Prior (n)
Exists (n)
Delete [(n[,m])]
Extend [(n[,m])]
Using Nested Tables
   type ename_nt is table of varchar2(10);
   ename_t ename_nt;
begin                     Initialization
   ename_t := ename_nt();
   ename_t.extend (1);
   ename_t(1) := 'Spencer';

   type ename_nt is table of varchar2(10);
   ename_t ename_nt := ename_nt ('Davis');
end;                       Initialization and

Feature            Associative Array   Nested Table        VArray
SQL – PL/SQL       PL/SQL only         SQL and PL/SQL      SQL and PL/SQL
Dense - Sparse     Sparse              Initially Dense     Dense
                                       Can become sparse
Size               ‘Unlimited’         ‘Unlimited’         Limited
Order              Unordered           Unordered           Ordered
Usage              Any set of data     Any set of data     Small sets of data
Use in Table       No                  Yes                 Yes
Bulk Processing in PL/SQL

  Use with inserts, updates and deletes.
  Move data from collections to tables.
  Use with implicit and explicit queries.
  Move data from tables into collections.
 In both cases, the "back back" end processing in the
  SQL engine is unchanged.
  Same transaction and rollback segment management
  Same number of individual SQL statements will be
  But BEFORE and AFTER statement-level triggers only
    fire once per FORALL INSERT statements.

BULK COLLECT for multi-row querying

       SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO collection FROM table;

       FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO collection;

Fetch one or more rows into a collection.
Collection is always filled sequentially from index value 1.

Query does not raise NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows are

  Instead, the collection is empty.

Use FETCH with LIMIT to manage memory.
BULK COLLECT for multi-row querying

       SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO collection FROM table;

       FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO collection;

Fetch one or more rows into a collection.
Collection is always filled sequentially from index value 1.

Query does not raise NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows are

  Instead, the collection is empty.

Use FETCH with LIMIT to manage memory.
Limiting retrieval with BULK COLLECT

  If you are certain that your table will never have
   more than N rows, use a VARRAY (N) to hold the
   fetched data.
   If that limit is exceeded, Oracle will raise an
  If you do not know in advance how many rows
   you might retrieve, you should:
   Declare an explicit cursor.
   Fetch BULK COLLECT with the LIMIT clause.
Details on that LIMIT clause

 The limit value can be a literal or a variable.
  Use a variable for the limit to give you
    maximum flexibility.
 With very large volumes of data and small
  numbers of batch processes, however, a larger
  LIMIT could help.
Terminating loops containing BULK COLLECT

     FETCH my_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_collection LIMIT 100;

    You will need to break the habit of checking
     %NOTFOUND right after the fetch.
     You might skip processing some of your data.
    Instead, do one of the following:
     At the end of the loop, check %NOTFOUND.
     Right after fetch, exit when collection.COUNT = 0.
     At end of loop, exit when collection.COUNT < limit.

When to convert to BULK COLLECT

 Prior to Oracle10g, you should convert all multiple row
  fetch logic, including cursor for loops, to BULK
 For Oracle10g and above, leave your cursor for loops in
  place if they...
  contain no DML operations.
  seem to be running fast enough.
 Explicit BULK COLLECTs will usually run faster than
  cursor for loops optimized to Bulk Collect.
Use FORALL for multi-row DML operations
    PROCEDURE upd_for_dept (...) IS
       FORALL indx IN low_value .. high_value
          UPDATE employee
             SET salary = newsal_in
           WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps (indx);
                                Binding array

 Convert loops that contain inserts, updates or deletes to
  FORALL statements.
 Header looks identical to a numeric FOR loop.
   Implicitly declared integer iterator
   At least one "bind array" that uses this iterator as its
    index value.
More on FORALL

 Use any type of collection with FORALL.
 One DML statement is allowed per FORALL.
  Each FORALL is its own "extended" DML statement.
 The collection must be indexed by integer.
 The binding array must be sequentially filled.
  Unless you use the INDICES OF or VALUES OF clause.
 SQL%ROWCOUNT returns total number of rows modified
  by entire FORALL.
  Unreliable when used with LOG ERRORS.
 Use the SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT cursor attribute to
  determine how many rows are modified by each

FORALL and collections of records

Prior to 11g, you cannot reference a field of a record in
You must instead break data into separate collections, or...
You can also perform record-level inserts and updates.
In 11g, this restriction is lifted (but it is an undocumented


Prior to Oracle10g R2, the binding arrays in a FORALL
 statement must be sequentially filled.
Now, however, you can bind sparse collections by using
 INDICES OF and VALUES OF in the FORALL header.
   PROCEDURE upd_for_dept (...) IS
      FORALL indx IN INDICES OF list_of_emps
         UPDATE employee
            SET salary = newsal_in
          WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps (indx);

Exception handling and FORALL

 When an exception occurs in a DML statement....
  That statement is rolled back and the FORALL stops.
  All (previous) successful statements are not rolled
 Use the SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause to tell Oracle to
  continue past exceptions, and save the error information
  for later.
 Then check the contents of the pseudo-collection of
  Two fields: ERROR_INDEX and ERROR_CODE
Converting old-fashioned code to bulk

  Change from integrated, row-by-row approach to
   a phased approach.
  Phase 1: get the data with BULK COLLECT.
   Filling those collections
  Phase 2: massage collections so they are ready
   for DML operations.
  Phase 3: push the data to the database with

Bulk Processing Conclusions

 Most important performance tuning feature in PL/SQL.
  Almost always the fastest way to execute multi-row
    SQL operations in PL/SQL.
 You trade off increased complexity of code for
  dramatically faster execution.
  But in Oracle Database 10g and above, the compiler
    will automatically optimize cursor FOR loops to
    BULK COLLECT efficiency.
  No need to convert unless the loop contains DML or
    you want to maximally optimize your code.
 Watch out for the impact on PGA memory!
Row by row processing of data in PL/SQL
Oracle server

          PL/SQL Runtime Engine               SQL Engine

        PL/SQL block
  OPEN cur;                 executor
  FETCH cur INTO rec;                             SQL
  WHILE cur%found LOOP                         statement
    <<Do Stuff>>
    FETCH cur INTO rec;
  CLOSE cur;

                              Performance penalty
                              for many “context

                                                     © Steven Feuerstein/Patrick Barel
Bulk processing with BULK COLLECT
Oracle server

          PL/SQL Runtime Engine                   SQL Engine

        PL/SQL block
  OPEN cur;                  statement
  FETCH cur
  FOR indx IN
    col.first .. col.last
      LOOP                                            executor
    <<Do Stuff>>
  CLOSE cur;                                           Row
         Row                                           Row
         Row                                           Row
         Row                                           Row
         Row                                           Row
         Row                Fewer context switches,    Row
                            same SQL behavior
                                                             © Steven Feuerstein/Patrick Barel
Row by row processing of DML in PL/SQL
Oracle server

          PL/SQL Runtime Engine                 SQL Engine

        PL/SQL block
  FOR rec IN emp_cur LOOP      executor
    UPDATE employee                                 SQL
       SET salary = ...                          statement
     WHERE employee_id =

                                Performance penalty
                                for many “context

                                                             © Steven Feuerstein
Bulk processing with FORALL
Oracle server

          PL/SQL Runtime Engine                       SQL Engine

        PL/SQL block
  FORALL indx IN                 statement
   UPDATE employee
      SET salary = ...
    WHERE employee_id =                                   executor

         Update...                                         Update...
         Update...                                         Update...
         Update...                                         Update...
         Update...                                         Update...
         Update...                                         Update...
         Update...              Fewer context switches,    Update...
                                same SQL behavior
                                                                       © Steven Feuerstein
Table Functions

Table functions are functions that produce
        a collection of rows
(either a nested table or a varray)
that can be queried like a physical database table.
You use a table function like the name of a
database table, in the FROM clause of a query.
Table Functions

Table functions are based on collections
Must be available in the SQL layer
Nested tables and Varray
Table Functions

 Create a function in PL/SQL
 Make sure it returns a collection
 Query it using the TABLE() operator
 Table functions can be pipelined
  (return results as they are produced)
 Table functions can be paralellized
Table Functions

You can use Table Functions when
 Calculations cannot (easily) be done in SQL
 You want to take advantage of PL/SQL e.g.
  caching or package variables
 You want to leverage the power of PL/SQL in
 Make your views more dynamic
  For all documentation online

Oracle PL/SQL Programming
  Chapter 12 (collections) and
    chapter 21 (bulk processing)
 Oracle PL/SQL for DBAs
  Chapter 1 (collections and bulk processing)
AMIS - Can collections speed up your PL/SQL?

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AMIS - Can collections speed up your PL/SQL?

  • 1. Developers Toolbox - Coding Can collections speed up your PL/SQL? Patrick Barel , AMIS, The Netherlands Wednesday, June 27, 2012 ODTUG KScope 12 San Antonio, Texas, USA
  • 2. Agenda  Records  Collections  Bulk Processing  Table Functions
  • 5. Records  Record type definition , TYPE record_type IS RECORD ( field_definition ) ;  Field definition NOT NULL := expression DEFAULT field datatype
  • 6. Collections  Three types available  PL/SQL Tables  Index by Tables  Associative Arrays
  • 7. Collections  Three types available  Associative Arrays  Nested Tables  Varrays
  • 8. Collections  Three types available  Associative Arrays  PL/SQL Only  Nested Tables  SQL and PL/SQL  Varrays  SQL and PL/SQL
  • 9. PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)  Associative Arrays  Varrays  Nested Tables
  • 10. About Associative Arrays Number of elements is unbounded, practically speaking. Valid row numbers range from -231+1 to 231-1. (i.e. -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647) This range allows you to employ the row number as an intelligent key, such as the primary key or unique index value, because… AAs also: Can be sparse.  Data does not have to be stored in consecutive rows, as is required in traditional 3GL arrays and VARRAYs. Can have index values of integers or strings (Oracle9i R2 and above). assoc_array_example.sql collection_of_records.sql count_vs_rowcount.sql
  • 11. Associative Arrays Name Changes:  7: PL/SQL Tables  8i: Index By Tables  9i: Associative Arrays Single dimensioned, unbounded, sparse collection of homogeneous elements PL/SQL Only key value
  • 12. Methods idx := emp_t.first; idx := emp_t.last; idx := (idx); idx := emp_t.prior (idx); First idx := emp_t.count; Last if emp_t.exists (idx) then Next (n) ... Prior (n) end if; Count emp_t.delete (1); Exists (n) emp_t.delete (2, 4); emp_t.delete; Delete [(n[,m])]
  • 13. Associative Array declare type num_tbl is table of number index by binary_integer; l_num_tbl num_tbl; key value l_idx integer; begin ...
  • 14. Associative Array declare type num_tbl is table of number index by binary_integer; l_num_tbl num_tbl; key value l_idx integer; begin 1 12 l_num_tbl(1):= 12; 54 5 l_num_tbl(54):= 5; ...
  • 15. Associative Array declare type num_tbl is table of number index by binary_integer; l_num_tbl num_tbl; key value l_idx integer; begin 1 12 l_num_tbl(1):= 12; 3 98 l_num_tbl(54):= 5; l_num_tbl(3):= 98; 5 3 l_num_tbl(5):= l_num_tbl.count; l_idx:= l_num_tbl.first; 54 5 ... end;
  • 16. Associative Array declare type num_tbl is table of number index by binary_integer; l_num_tbl num_tbl; key value l_idx integer; begin 2 1 12 l_num_tbl(1):= 12; 3 98 l_num_tbl(54):= 5; l_num_tbl(3):= 98; 5 3 l_num_tbl(5):= l_num_tbl.count; 10 l_idx:= l_num_tbl.first; 54 5 loop dbms_output.put_line(l_num_tbl(l_idx)); l_idx:=; exit when l_idx is null; end loop; key value l_num_tbl.delete(2,10); 1 12 dbms_output.put_line(l_num_tbl.count); end; 54 5
  • 17. Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key declare type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40) index by varchar2(40); l_str_tbl str_tbl; key value l_idx varchar2(40); begin ...
  • 18. Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key declare type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40) index by varchar2(40); l_str_tbl str_tbl; key value l_idx varchar2(40); begin one een l_str_tbl('one'):= 'een'; two twee l_str_tbl('two'):= 'twee'; ...
  • 19. Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key declare type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40) index by varchar2(40); l_str_tbl str_tbl; key value l_idx varchar2(40); begin four vier l_str_tbl('one'):= 'een'; one een l_str_tbl('two'):= 'twee'; l_str_tbl('three'):= 'drie'; three drie l_str_tbl('four'):= 'vier'; l_idx:= l_str_tbl.first; two twee ... end;
  • 20. Associative Array VARCHAR2 Key declare type str_tbl is table of varchar2(40) index by varchar2(40); l_str_tbl str_tbl; key value l_idx varchar2(40); begin four vier l_str_tbl('one'):= ‘een'; o one een l_str_tbl('two'):= ‘twee'; l_str_tbl('three'):= 'drie'; three drie l_str_tbl('four'):= 'vier'; tr l_idx:= l_str_tbl.first; two twee loop dbms_output.put_line(l_str_tbl(l_idx)); l_idx:=; key value exit when l_idx is null; end loop; four vier l_str_tbl.delete('o', 'tr'); dbms_output.put_line(l_str_tbl.count); two twee end;
  • 21. Retrieval for idx in emp_t.first .. emp_t.last loop • Dense ... • Count > 0 end loop; for idx in 1 .. emp_t.count loop • Dense ... end loop; idx := emp_t.first; while idx is not null loop •… ... idx := (idx); end loop;
  • 22. PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)  Associative Arrays  Varrays  Nested Tables
  • 23. About Varrays Has a maximum size, associated with its type.  Can adjust the size in Oracle10g R2. Part of object model, requiring initialization. Is always dense; you can only remove elements from the end of a varray. Can be defined as a schema level type and used as a relational table column type. varray_example.sql
  • 24. Varray Single dimensioned, always bounded, never sparse collection of homogeneous elements SQL and PL/SQL Can be used as column datatype in a table Stored “in-line” in same table Retains its ordering key value Needs to be initialized and extended
  • 25. Methods First Last idx := ename_t.limit; Next (n) ename_t.extend (1); Prior (n) ename_t.trim (1); Count ename_t.trim; Exists (n) Delete Limit Extend [(n[,m])] Trim [(n)]
  • 26. Using Varray declare type ename_vt is varray (10) of varchar2(10); ename_t ename_vt; begin Initialization ename_t := ename_vt(); ename_t.extend (1); ename_t(1) := 'Spencer'; ... end; declare type ename_vt is varray (10) of varchar2(10); ename_t ename_vt := ename_vt ('Davis'); begin ... end; Initialization and Extending
  • 27. How Variable is the Varray? Pre 10gR2: VARRAY needed to be recreated. 10gr2 and up: ALTER TYPE MODIFY LIMIT  Only to increase the limit varraylimit.sql
  • 28. PL/SQL Collections (3 Types)  Associative Arrays  Varrays  Nested Tables
  • 29. About Nested Tables Name reflects fact that this collection can be "nested" inside relational table as a column. Type can be defined at schema level. No practical, pre-defined limit on a nested table.  Valid row numbers range from 1 to 231-1. (i.e. 1 to 2,147,483,647) Part of object model, requiring initialization. Is always dense initially, but can become sparse after deletes. nested_table_example.sql
  • 30. Nested Tables Single dimensioned, unbounded, sparse collection of homogeneous elements SQL and PL/SQL Can be used as column datatype in a table Stored “out-of-line” in a separate table Initially dense, can be sparse key value
  • 31. Methods First Last Next (n) Prior (n) Count Exists (n) Delete [(n[,m])] Extend [(n[,m])] Trim (Limit)
  • 32. Using Nested Tables declare type ename_nt is table of varchar2(10); ename_t ename_nt; begin Initialization ename_t := ename_nt(); ename_t.extend (1); ename_t(1) := 'Spencer'; ... end; declare type ename_nt is table of varchar2(10); ename_t ename_nt := ename_nt ('Davis'); begin ... end; Initialization and Extending
  • 33. Differences Feature Associative Array Nested Table VArray SQL – PL/SQL PL/SQL only SQL and PL/SQL SQL and PL/SQL Dense - Sparse Sparse Initially Dense Dense Can become sparse Size ‘Unlimited’ ‘Unlimited’ Limited Order Unordered Unordered Ordered Usage Any set of data Any set of data Small sets of data Use in Table No Yes Yes
  • 34. Bulk Processing in PL/SQL  FORALL  Use with inserts, updates and deletes.  Move data from collections to tables.  BULK COLLECT  Use with implicit and explicit queries.  Move data from tables into collections.  In both cases, the "back back" end processing in the SQL engine is unchanged.  Same transaction and rollback segment management  Same number of individual SQL statements will be executed.  But BEFORE and AFTER statement-level triggers only fire once per FORALL INSERT statements. statement_trigger_and_forall.sql
  • 35. BULK COLLECT for multi-row querying SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO collection FROM table; FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO collection; Fetch one or more rows into a collection. Collection is always filled sequentially from index value 1. Query does not raise NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows are fetched. Instead, the collection is empty. Use FETCH with LIMIT to manage memory.
  • 36. BULK COLLECT for multi-row querying SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO collection FROM table; FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO collection; Fetch one or more rows into a collection. Collection is always filled sequentially from index value 1. Query does not raise NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows are fetched. Instead, the collection is empty. Use FETCH with LIMIT to manage memory.
  • 37. Limiting retrieval with BULK COLLECT  If you are certain that your table will never have more than N rows, use a VARRAY (N) to hold the fetched data.  If that limit is exceeded, Oracle will raise an error.  If you do not know in advance how many rows you might retrieve, you should:  Declare an explicit cursor.  Fetch BULK COLLECT with the LIMIT clause.
  • 38. Details on that LIMIT clause  The limit value can be a literal or a variable.  Use a variable for the limit to give you maximum flexibility.  With very large volumes of data and small numbers of batch processes, however, a larger LIMIT could help.
  • 39. Terminating loops containing BULK COLLECT LOOP FETCH my_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_collection LIMIT 100; EXIT WHEN my_cursor%NOTFOUND; BAD IDEA  You will need to break the habit of checking %NOTFOUND right after the fetch.  You might skip processing some of your data.  Instead, do one of the following:  At the end of the loop, check %NOTFOUND.  Right after fetch, exit when collection.COUNT = 0.  At end of loop, exit when collection.COUNT < limit. bulklimit_stop.sql
  • 40. When to convert to BULK COLLECT  Prior to Oracle10g, you should convert all multiple row fetch logic, including cursor for loops, to BULK COLLECTs.  For Oracle10g and above, leave your cursor for loops in place if they...  contain no DML operations.  seem to be running fast enough.  Explicit BULK COLLECTs will usually run faster than cursor for loops optimized to Bulk Collect.
  • 41. Use FORALL for multi-row DML operations PROCEDURE upd_for_dept (...) IS BEGIN FORALL indx IN low_value .. high_value UPDATE employee SET salary = newsal_in WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps (indx); END; Binding array Convert loops that contain inserts, updates or deletes to FORALL statements. Header looks identical to a numeric FOR loop.  Implicitly declared integer iterator  At least one "bind array" that uses this iterator as its index value.
  • 42. More on FORALL  Use any type of collection with FORALL.  One DML statement is allowed per FORALL.  Each FORALL is its own "extended" DML statement.  The collection must be indexed by integer.  The binding array must be sequentially filled.  Unless you use the INDICES OF or VALUES OF clause.  SQL%ROWCOUNT returns total number of rows modified by entire FORALL.  Unreliable when used with LOG ERRORS.  Use the SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT cursor attribute to determine how many rows are modified by each statement. bulktiming.sql bulk_rowcount.sql
  • 43. FORALL and collections of records Prior to 11g, you cannot reference a field of a record in FORALL. You must instead break data into separate collections, or... You can also perform record-level inserts and updates. In 11g, this restriction is lifted (but it is an undocumented feature).  11g_field_of_record.sql
  • 44. INDICES OF and VALUES OF Prior to Oracle10g R2, the binding arrays in a FORALL statement must be sequentially filled. Now, however, you can bind sparse collections by using INDICES OF and VALUES OF in the FORALL header. PROCEDURE upd_for_dept (...) IS BEGIN FORALL indx IN INDICES OF list_of_emps UPDATE employee SET salary = newsal_in WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps (indx); 10g_indices_of*.sql 10g_values_of*.sql
  • 45. Exception handling and FORALL  When an exception occurs in a DML statement....  That statement is rolled back and the FORALL stops.  All (previous) successful statements are not rolled back.  Use the SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause to tell Oracle to continue past exceptions, and save the error information for later.  Then check the contents of the pseudo-collection of records, SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.  Two fields: ERROR_INDEX and ERROR_CODE
  • 46. Converting old-fashioned code to bulk slow-by-slow  Change from integrated, row-by-row approach to a phased approach.  Phase 1: get the data with BULK COLLECT.  Filling those collections  Phase 2: massage collections so they are ready for DML operations.  Phase 3: push the data to the database with FORALL. cfl_to_bulk_0.sql cfl_to_bulk_5.sql 10g_indices_of.sql 10g_values_of.sql
  • 47. Bulk Processing Conclusions  Most important performance tuning feature in PL/SQL.  Almost always the fastest way to execute multi-row SQL operations in PL/SQL.  You trade off increased complexity of code for dramatically faster execution.  But in Oracle Database 10g and above, the compiler will automatically optimize cursor FOR loops to BULK COLLECT efficiency.  No need to convert unless the loop contains DML or you want to maximally optimize your code.  Watch out for the impact on PGA memory!
  • 48.
  • 49. Row by row processing of data in PL/SQL Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine PL/SQL block Procedural statement OPEN cur; executor FETCH cur INTO rec; SQL WHILE cur%found LOOP statement <<Do Stuff>> executor FETCH cur INTO rec; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; Performance penalty for many “context switches” © Steven Feuerstein/Patrick Barel
  • 50. Bulk processing with BULK COLLECT Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine PL/SQL block Procedural OPEN cur; statement FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO col; executor SQL FOR indx IN col.first .. col.last statement LOOP executor <<Do Stuff>> END LOOP; Row CLOSE cur; Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Fewer context switches, Row same SQL behavior © Steven Feuerstein/Patrick Barel
  • 51. Row by row processing of DML in PL/SQL Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine PL/SQL block Procedural statement FOR rec IN emp_cur LOOP executor UPDATE employee SQL SET salary = ... statement WHERE employee_id = executor rec.employee_id; END LOOP; Performance penalty for many “context switches” © Steven Feuerstein
  • 52. Bulk processing with FORALL Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine PL/SQL block Procedural FORALL indx IN statement list_of_emps.FIRST.. list_of_emps.LAST executor SQL UPDATE employee SET salary = ... statement WHERE employee_id = executor list_of_emps(indx); Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Update... Fewer context switches, Update... same SQL behavior © Steven Feuerstein
  • 53. Table Functions Table functions are functions that produce a collection of rows (either a nested table or a varray) that can be queried like a physical database table. You use a table function like the name of a database table, in the FROM clause of a query.
  • 54. Table Functions Table functions are based on collections Must be available in the SQL layer Nested tables and Varray
  • 55. Table Functions  Create a function in PL/SQL  Make sure it returns a collection  Query it using the TABLE() operator  Table functions can be pipelined (return results as they are produced)  Table functions can be paralellized
  • 56. Table Functions You can use Table Functions when  Calculations cannot (easily) be done in SQL  You want to take advantage of PL/SQL e.g. caching or package variables  You want to leverage the power of PL/SQL in SQL  Make your views more dynamic
  • 57. Resources Online   For all documentation online  o o o o Books Oracle PL/SQL Programming  Chapter 12 (collections) and chapter 21 (bulk processing)  Oracle PL/SQL for DBAs  Chapter 1 (collections and bulk processing)