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American Universities Are Biased Towards Neo Liberalism
Joshua Hawley 11-16-2016 FRSH 1200
If a University only teaches from a liberal view point how can it create unbiased thinkers? If the
majority of tenured and non-tenured professors at University admit liberal bias how can such
institutions even be considered academic? Moreover how can that University call itself an
institution of education? Has the University system in the United States been hijacked by the Far
Left Liberal ideology? Is the American System of Education at the University level more about
indoctrination than education? The fundamental basis for critical thinking lies in the ability to
rationally discriminate viewpoints based on logic and facts. It appears logic, reason, facts, and
rational argument is no longer prized at the American University level. It has instead been
replaced by Political Correctness and Far Left Leaning Politically Correct doctrine.
In fact I would argue that Neo Liberalism is in actuality symptomatically Fascism, and very
closely resembles Communist Bolshevism. As Julius Carey points out here: “The left has
perverted the liberal idea of tolerance by combining it with the perverse politics of identity and
power. Too afraid of being labeled racists by campus radicals, the liberals have largely given up
fighting for their own professed principles: democracy, equality under the law, equality of
political rights and the rule of law.”-How did Liberalism on Campus turn into Intolerance and
Censorship? Julius Karey 12/23/15
It is my strong contention that the McCarthy era policies of the FBI and Attorney General’s
office did not do enough to effectively end Communist/Bolshevik infiltration into American
institutions, particularly American Colleges and Universities as identified by the ‘Overman
Committee as early on as 1919.’ - Bolshevik propaganda. Hearings before a subcommittee of the
Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, third session and
thereafter, pursuant to S. Res. 439 and 469. February 11, 1919, to March 10, 1919"
While the Overman Committee and later on the McCarthy era system investigated political
institutions they failed to identify how wide spread this political subversion and machination had
already taken hold in academic institutions. This is most clearly demonstrated by Communistic
indoctrination into sciences as far ranging as Paleoanthropology, as I will point out below in
reference to Michael Cremo’s work, and avoidance or altogether abnegation of critical thinking
processes and facts that take into account evidence and hard data opposed to that of the Neo
Liberal/Bolshivist/Communist/Socialist doctrine. This type of subversion is extremely
symptomatic of the early Bolshevik indoctrination programs of Leninist and Stalinist Soviet
Union and Socialist/Communist education systems, and even predates to the early German
Fascist political systems that predated World War I as hinted to by the findings of the Overman
Committee. The de facto Left leaning of American Universities and in fact Western Universities
in general is proven by peer reviewed ‘sociologists Neil Gross and Solon Simmons who found
that 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats.’ –
Professors and Their Politics, Volume 121, Number 3 | November 2015, Neil Gross, Solon
Psychologists Yoel Inbar and Joris Lammers in their September 2012 Study found that: “In
decisions ranging from paper reviews to hiring, many social and personality psychologists admit
that they would discriminate against openly conservative colleagues.” - Political Diversity in
Social and Personality Psychology, Yoel Inbar/ Joris Lammers, Perspectives on Psychological
Science September 2012 vol. 7 no. 5 496-503
Out of 800 professors surveyed in Inbar and Lammers study only 6% total identified as
conservative. This is distinct from the general population outside academia who identify
approximately as 40% conservative. The study found that conservatives fear identifying
themselves openly as conservative, it also said that conservatives consistently fear negative
consequences from their liberal colleagues by either favoring or identifying with conservative
ideas or processes. This in turn translates to the student body of most major Western Campuses
wherein Conservatism has been demonized to such an extent that Liberals now openly advocate
violent opposition to Conservative movements.
In fact as Gross and Simmons point out in their paper The Social and Political Views of
American Professors, the data going back as early as 1950 suggests that American Academia has
been Left Leaning for over half a century, by as much as 80% of the total tenured and non-
tenured professors in American Universities.
This large percentage of Left leaning professors in American and Western Academia no doubt
influences student academic output as already demonstrated by Inbar and Lammers who pointed
out that Professors who identify as conservative live under fear and do not openly express their
views due to intimidation and social castration within the institutional hierarchy. So too, for
students in American Universities who are under pressure to perform academically will quickly
find out how biased their left leaning professors are when they submit articles or papers that
counter the Neo Liberal Politically Correct View of history, politics, economics, sociology and
psychology. This absurdity extends to hard sciences like Archeology, Anthropology, and indeed
even Theoretical Physics, wherein data that is not relevant to political doctrine is tossed in favor
of sometimes less evidence or completely thrown away in favor of the popular Liberal bias.
It is my opinion that the Left outright teaches and reinforces Confirmation Bias by regularly
tossing out, seeking to discredit and mock any idea that does not further their Leftist agenda.
Nowhere is this more evident than at the American University and College institutions. This kind
of Cognitive Bias based on emotional reasoning and inductive logic fails to take into account
data that does not model or reinforce their ideology and is either disregarded as irrelevant or not
taught at all.
In 1993 Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson published a book called Forbidden
Archeology. In this book they detailed over 900 pages of strongly documented evidence that
strongly suggests, based on fossil records, and historical data that man did not evolve from apes
but has been coexisting alongside apes for millions of years. In spite of strong scholarly
acceptance and globally noted peer review, the official doctrine taught at the University level
continues to favor Darwinian Theory which was originally strongly advocated by Leftist
Professors as a system of thought that supports Communist Constructs.
‘In a twenty-page review in Social Studies of Science, Jo Wodak and David Oldroyd describe the
book's argument: Early paleoanthropologists, in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth,
interpreted much empirical information as evidence favoring the existence of human beings in
the Tertiary period (about 65.5 million to 2.6 million ago). But starting from about the 1930s,
paleoanthropologists turned to the view that human beings first evolved in the next era, the
Pleistocene (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). The older evidence, Cremo and Thompson say,
was never shown bad; it was just reinterpreted in such a way as to rule out tertiary humans. So
what Cremo and Thompson have done is "comb the early literature in great—indeed
impressive—detail"[6]:196 and argue, on the basis of their historical study, "that the old
arguments were never satisfactorily disproved and should be reconsidered with open minds".
Wodak, Jo; David Oldroyd (1996). "'Vedic Creationism': A Further Twist to the Evolution
Debate". Social Studies of Science. SAGE. 26: 192–213.
This 1930’s timeline that Wodak and Oldryd point out, mirrors the same period of documented
Bolshevik infiltration into American Politics and Institutions. It is a fundamental characteristic of
Communist/Socialist Doctrine to eliminate any evidence of God, The Absolute, Divinity of Man,
or any kind free thinking forms, from social, political, economic and educational systems. The
ultimate goal of Communist Doctrine is of course that the State is the Ultimate Reality. And in
the case of Bolshevistic Communism the Political Elite obtain a kind of Demi God status within
the State Institutions. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated currently than in the United
States where corrupt political leaders are cheered by Neo Liberal Biased Media, and promoted
by Neo Liberal Biased Professors who in turn incite their students to censure opposing opinions
and in extreme cases call to violence to riot and loot on the justification of being Politically
Correct. In reality this is Fascism.
So this really begs the question; have Neo Liberal Politics taken over serious academic research
at the University level? And to what extent are students of Western Universities indoctrinated
versus educated? According to Richard Paul on the state of critical thinking today:
“Sadly, studies of higher education demonstrate three disturbing, but hardly novel, facts:
 Most college faculty at all levels lack a substantive concept of critical thinking.
 Most college faculty don’t realize that they lack a substantive concept of critical thinking,
believe that they sufficiently understand it, and assume they are already teaching students
 Lecture, rote memorization, and (largely ineffective) short-term study habits are still the
norm in college instruction and learning today.”
-The State of Critical Thinking Today, Richard Paul, Fall 2004
Bernard Goldberg points to the most disconcerting facts in the face of Neo Liberal bias at the
University level. To what extent are we going to allow attacks on White Males based on the
Liberal narrative of Political Correctness, simultaneously condone those attacks by endorsing by
media coverage, failing to condemn such attacks by our highest elected leaders, and allowing
Professors at Universities like Rutgers to continue their Tenure in spite of such extraordinarily
incendiary remarks? It is important to point out in this discussion that whenever we talk about
Liberal Bias it has to extend to the media. Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist led a study
that proves the media is biased to the Left. –Media Bias is Real, UCLA Study, Tim Groseclose,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, December Addition 2005.
We cannot expect that the media will even cover news stories that prove Left Wing Liberal bias
on American Colleges and University Campuses will ever be told! What is happening is that
Liberal Bias allows for Politically Correct Racism and justifies violence against rational, and fact
based opposition to the Neo Liberal narrative. The kind of Racism that targets white males. And
that kind of racial bias is perfectly exemplified by Rutgers University Professor, Brittney
Cooper, who teaches in the Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies department. She
stated in a article: “Another young white guy has decided that his disillusionment
with his life should become somebody else’s problem,” she wrote. How many times must
troubled young white men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for
everyone before we admit that white male privilege kills?” As Bernard Goldberg points out: ‘Not
only is this clearly racist, it’s academically lame. This is what the professor left out of her rant:
“In 2013, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 people at the Washington D.C. Navy Yard. He’s black.
In 2007, Seung-Hi Cho killed 32 at Virginia Tech University. He’s Asian.
In 2004, Chai Vang killed six hunters in the woods of Wisconsin. He’s also Asian.
And in 2009, Nidal Hasan, a Muslim, murdered 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas.”- Liberal
Intolerance on Campus, pg.2 Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016.
We seriously have to question a system that allows this kind of overt racism targeted towards
white males and yet considers this acceptable because it is ‘Politically Correct’!
“What if the white professor had written a piece about the never ending slaughter in black
neighborhoods — by black killers? What if she had written: “Another young black has decided
that his disillusionment with his life should become somebody else’s problem. How many times
must troubled young black men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for
everyone before we admit that black males are dangerous human beings?” Liberal Intolerance on
Campus, pg.3 Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016.
Can you imagine the outrage that would be expressed by her Neo Liberal colleagues if she had
made such a statement? Can you imagine the Neo Liberal media blitz that would undoubtedly
throw her into the National spotlight? And the subsequent token justified riots, looting,
vandalism and assaults on whites that would no doubt take place as a justified response in this
Neo Liberal Politically Correct environment! And ultimately the University would force her to
resign! Ha! That would never happen, considering that Neo Liberalism strongly favors feminism.
It would have to be quietly swept under the rug because as a minority she does not fit the
narrative. However if it were a White Male professor it would be another story. And if it were a
black male professor it would also be an anomaly not to be discussed. As in the case of ‘the
country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin,
who records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free
M. Grooms © 1997
Of course facts take a sideline to Politics in a system of education that favors indoctrination over
critical thinking. Consider the fact that King James II, and Charles I of England sold over
300,000 white Irish into slavery!- The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves, The
Slaves That Time Forgot, By John Martin, Global Research, March 17, 2015
Does this historical fact fit with the politically correct racial narratives being toted about at
American Universities and within the Mainstream Media today?
We have to seriously consider a politicized system of education that clearly favors Neo Liberal
bias and exploits and capitalizes on Racial Hatred and intolerance in an environment that clearly
favors bashing White Anglo Saxon males even in the mainstream media on the Lefts basis of
being Politically Correct! Clearly U.S. Justice Department Statistics and Department of
Corrections records are not biased! So how is it that Neo Liberal education avoids facts and
documented statistics in favor of politically motivated bias and Neo Liberal indoctrination?
“A democracy relies on an electorate of critical thinkers. Yet formal education, which is driven
by test taking, is increasingly failing to require students to ask the kind of questions that lead to
informed decisions.”- Critical Thinking is Best Taught Outside the Classroom, Dennis M.
Bartels on March 1, 2013
Given the fact that the left is so intolerant to the point of violence and given that the left is so
completely intolerant to views or facts that contradict Conservative views it is not without cause
they are identified as fascist and thus the term Neo Liberal applies.
The historical record of the early 1900’s up till the 1960’s within the United States shows a
demonstrated program of Bolshevist Communist infiltration in the highest levels of government.
While there is little research to prove the theory that the Bolshevists / Communists took over the
American educational system it was the stated goal of the Soviet Union to overthrow the United
States by infiltration into the American Educational system.
American educational institutions truly lack the atmosphere for open discussion without the risk
of offending some special rights party do to the introduction of Political Correctness. And as a
result contrary views even with out provocation are not allowed to be discussed due to censure
and political influence.
Therefore in my opinion the United States education system is lost and this truly reflects the
collapsing social, political and economic systems in America today.
-Bolshevik propaganda. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary,
United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, third session and thereafter, pursuant to S. Res. 439
and 469. February 11, 1919, to March 10, 1919"
-Professors and Their Politics, Volume 121, Number 3 | November 2015, Neil Gross, Solon
Simmons, Journal of Conservative Criminology
- Political Diversity in Social and Personality Psychology, Yoel Inbar/ Joris Lammers,
Perspectives on Psychological Science September 2012 vol. 7 no. 5 496-503
- Wodak, Jo; David Oldroyd (1996). "'Vedic Creationism': A Further Twist to the Evolution
Debate". Social Studies of Science. SAGE. 26: 192–213.
-The State of Critical Thinking Today, Richard Paul, Fall 2004
–Media Bias is Real, UCLA Study, Tim Groseclose, Quarterly Journal of Economics, December
Addition 2005.
- Liberal Intolerance on Campus, Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016. Pg.2-3.
The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves The Slaves That Time Forgot, By John
Martin, Global Research, March 17, 2015
American Universities Are Failing to Create Critical Thinkers

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American Universities Are Failing to Create Critical Thinkers

  • 1. American Universities Are Biased Towards Neo Liberalism Joshua Hawley 11-16-2016 FRSH 1200 If a University only teaches from a liberal view point how can it create unbiased thinkers? If the majority of tenured and non-tenured professors at University admit liberal bias how can such institutions even be considered academic? Moreover how can that University call itself an institution of education? Has the University system in the United States been hijacked by the Far Left Liberal ideology? Is the American System of Education at the University level more about indoctrination than education? The fundamental basis for critical thinking lies in the ability to rationally discriminate viewpoints based on logic and facts. It appears logic, reason, facts, and rational argument is no longer prized at the American University level. It has instead been replaced by Political Correctness and Far Left Leaning Politically Correct doctrine. In fact I would argue that Neo Liberalism is in actuality symptomatically Fascism, and very closely resembles Communist Bolshevism. As Julius Carey points out here: “The left has perverted the liberal idea of tolerance by combining it with the perverse politics of identity and power. Too afraid of being labeled racists by campus radicals, the liberals have largely given up fighting for their own professed principles: democracy, equality under the law, equality of political rights and the rule of law.”-How did Liberalism on Campus turn into Intolerance and Censorship? Julius Karey 12/23/15 It is my strong contention that the McCarthy era policies of the FBI and Attorney General’s office did not do enough to effectively end Communist/Bolshevik infiltration into American institutions, particularly American Colleges and Universities as identified by the ‘Overman Committee as early on as 1919.’ - Bolshevik propaganda. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, third session and thereafter, pursuant to S. Res. 439 and 469. February 11, 1919, to March 10, 1919" While the Overman Committee and later on the McCarthy era system investigated political institutions they failed to identify how wide spread this political subversion and machination had already taken hold in academic institutions. This is most clearly demonstrated by Communistic indoctrination into sciences as far ranging as Paleoanthropology, as I will point out below in reference to Michael Cremo’s work, and avoidance or altogether abnegation of critical thinking processes and facts that take into account evidence and hard data opposed to that of the Neo Liberal/Bolshivist/Communist/Socialist doctrine. This type of subversion is extremely symptomatic of the early Bolshevik indoctrination programs of Leninist and Stalinist Soviet Union and Socialist/Communist education systems, and even predates to the early German Fascist political systems that predated World War I as hinted to by the findings of the Overman Committee. The de facto Left leaning of American Universities and in fact Western Universities in general is proven by peer reviewed ‘sociologists Neil Gross and Solon Simmons who found that 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats.’ – Professors and Their Politics, Volume 121, Number 3 | November 2015, Neil Gross, Solon Simmons.
  • 2. Psychologists Yoel Inbar and Joris Lammers in their September 2012 Study found that: “In decisions ranging from paper reviews to hiring, many social and personality psychologists admit that they would discriminate against openly conservative colleagues.” - Political Diversity in Social and Personality Psychology, Yoel Inbar/ Joris Lammers, Perspectives on Psychological Science September 2012 vol. 7 no. 5 496-503 Out of 800 professors surveyed in Inbar and Lammers study only 6% total identified as conservative. This is distinct from the general population outside academia who identify approximately as 40% conservative. The study found that conservatives fear identifying themselves openly as conservative, it also said that conservatives consistently fear negative consequences from their liberal colleagues by either favoring or identifying with conservative ideas or processes. This in turn translates to the student body of most major Western Campuses wherein Conservatism has been demonized to such an extent that Liberals now openly advocate violent opposition to Conservative movements. In fact as Gross and Simmons point out in their paper The Social and Political Views of American Professors, the data going back as early as 1950 suggests that American Academia has been Left Leaning for over half a century, by as much as 80% of the total tenured and non- tenured professors in American Universities. This large percentage of Left leaning professors in American and Western Academia no doubt influences student academic output as already demonstrated by Inbar and Lammers who pointed out that Professors who identify as conservative live under fear and do not openly express their views due to intimidation and social castration within the institutional hierarchy. So too, for students in American Universities who are under pressure to perform academically will quickly find out how biased their left leaning professors are when they submit articles or papers that counter the Neo Liberal Politically Correct View of history, politics, economics, sociology and psychology. This absurdity extends to hard sciences like Archeology, Anthropology, and indeed even Theoretical Physics, wherein data that is not relevant to political doctrine is tossed in favor of sometimes less evidence or completely thrown away in favor of the popular Liberal bias. It is my opinion that the Left outright teaches and reinforces Confirmation Bias by regularly tossing out, seeking to discredit and mock any idea that does not further their Leftist agenda. Nowhere is this more evident than at the American University and College institutions. This kind of Cognitive Bias based on emotional reasoning and inductive logic fails to take into account data that does not model or reinforce their ideology and is either disregarded as irrelevant or not taught at all. In 1993 Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson published a book called Forbidden Archeology. In this book they detailed over 900 pages of strongly documented evidence that strongly suggests, based on fossil records, and historical data that man did not evolve from apes but has been coexisting alongside apes for millions of years. In spite of strong scholarly acceptance and globally noted peer review, the official doctrine taught at the University level continues to favor Darwinian Theory which was originally strongly advocated by Leftist Professors as a system of thought that supports Communist Constructs.
  • 3. ‘In a twenty-page review in Social Studies of Science, Jo Wodak and David Oldroyd describe the book's argument: Early paleoanthropologists, in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth, interpreted much empirical information as evidence favoring the existence of human beings in the Tertiary period (about 65.5 million to 2.6 million ago). But starting from about the 1930s, paleoanthropologists turned to the view that human beings first evolved in the next era, the Pleistocene (2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). The older evidence, Cremo and Thompson say, was never shown bad; it was just reinterpreted in such a way as to rule out tertiary humans. So what Cremo and Thompson have done is "comb the early literature in great—indeed impressive—detail"[6]:196 and argue, on the basis of their historical study, "that the old arguments were never satisfactorily disproved and should be reconsidered with open minds". Wodak, Jo; David Oldroyd (1996). "'Vedic Creationism': A Further Twist to the Evolution Debate". Social Studies of Science. SAGE. 26: 192–213. This 1930’s timeline that Wodak and Oldryd point out, mirrors the same period of documented Bolshevik infiltration into American Politics and Institutions. It is a fundamental characteristic of Communist/Socialist Doctrine to eliminate any evidence of God, The Absolute, Divinity of Man, or any kind free thinking forms, from social, political, economic and educational systems. The ultimate goal of Communist Doctrine is of course that the State is the Ultimate Reality. And in the case of Bolshevistic Communism the Political Elite obtain a kind of Demi God status within the State Institutions. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated currently than in the United States where corrupt political leaders are cheered by Neo Liberal Biased Media, and promoted by Neo Liberal Biased Professors who in turn incite their students to censure opposing opinions and in extreme cases call to violence to riot and loot on the justification of being Politically Correct. In reality this is Fascism. So this really begs the question; have Neo Liberal Politics taken over serious academic research at the University level? And to what extent are students of Western Universities indoctrinated versus educated? According to Richard Paul on the state of critical thinking today: “Sadly, studies of higher education demonstrate three disturbing, but hardly novel, facts:  Most college faculty at all levels lack a substantive concept of critical thinking.  Most college faculty don’t realize that they lack a substantive concept of critical thinking, believe that they sufficiently understand it, and assume they are already teaching students it.  Lecture, rote memorization, and (largely ineffective) short-term study habits are still the norm in college instruction and learning today.” -The State of Critical Thinking Today, Richard Paul, Fall 2004 Bernard Goldberg points to the most disconcerting facts in the face of Neo Liberal bias at the University level. To what extent are we going to allow attacks on White Males based on the Liberal narrative of Political Correctness, simultaneously condone those attacks by endorsing by media coverage, failing to condemn such attacks by our highest elected leaders, and allowing Professors at Universities like Rutgers to continue their Tenure in spite of such extraordinarily
  • 4. incendiary remarks? It is important to point out in this discussion that whenever we talk about Liberal Bias it has to extend to the media. Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist led a study that proves the media is biased to the Left. –Media Bias is Real, UCLA Study, Tim Groseclose, Quarterly Journal of Economics, December Addition 2005. We cannot expect that the media will even cover news stories that prove Left Wing Liberal bias on American Colleges and University Campuses will ever be told! What is happening is that Liberal Bias allows for Politically Correct Racism and justifies violence against rational, and fact based opposition to the Neo Liberal narrative. The kind of Racism that targets white males. And that kind of racial bias is perfectly exemplified by Rutgers University Professor, Brittney Cooper, who teaches in the Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies department. She stated in a article: “Another young white guy has decided that his disillusionment with his life should become somebody else’s problem,” she wrote. How many times must troubled young white men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for everyone before we admit that white male privilege kills?” As Bernard Goldberg points out: ‘Not only is this clearly racist, it’s academically lame. This is what the professor left out of her rant: “In 2013, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 people at the Washington D.C. Navy Yard. He’s black. In 2007, Seung-Hi Cho killed 32 at Virginia Tech University. He’s Asian. In 2004, Chai Vang killed six hunters in the woods of Wisconsin. He’s also Asian. And in 2009, Nidal Hasan, a Muslim, murdered 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas.”- Liberal Intolerance on Campus, pg.2 Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016. We seriously have to question a system that allows this kind of overt racism targeted towards white males and yet considers this acceptable because it is ‘Politically Correct’! “What if the white professor had written a piece about the never ending slaughter in black neighborhoods — by black killers? What if she had written: “Another young black has decided that his disillusionment with his life should become somebody else’s problem. How many times must troubled young black men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for everyone before we admit that black males are dangerous human beings?” Liberal Intolerance on Campus, pg.3 Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016. Can you imagine the outrage that would be expressed by her Neo Liberal colleagues if she had made such a statement? Can you imagine the Neo Liberal media blitz that would undoubtedly throw her into the National spotlight? And the subsequent token justified riots, looting, vandalism and assaults on whites that would no doubt take place as a justified response in this Neo Liberal Politically Correct environment! And ultimately the University would force her to resign! Ha! That would never happen, considering that Neo Liberalism strongly favors feminism. It would have to be quietly swept under the rug because as a minority she does not fit the narrative. However if it were a White Male professor it would be another story. And if it were a black male professor it would also be an anomaly not to be discussed. As in the case of ‘the country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, who records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free
  • 5. Negroes in that city’. -DIXIE'S CENSORED SUBJECT BLACK SLAVEOWNERS By Robert M. Grooms © 1997 Of course facts take a sideline to Politics in a system of education that favors indoctrination over critical thinking. Consider the fact that King James II, and Charles I of England sold over 300,000 white Irish into slavery!- The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves, The Slaves That Time Forgot, By John Martin, Global Research, March 17, 2015 Does this historical fact fit with the politically correct racial narratives being toted about at American Universities and within the Mainstream Media today? We have to seriously consider a politicized system of education that clearly favors Neo Liberal bias and exploits and capitalizes on Racial Hatred and intolerance in an environment that clearly favors bashing White Anglo Saxon males even in the mainstream media on the Lefts basis of being Politically Correct! Clearly U.S. Justice Department Statistics and Department of Corrections records are not biased! So how is it that Neo Liberal education avoids facts and documented statistics in favor of politically motivated bias and Neo Liberal indoctrination? “A democracy relies on an electorate of critical thinkers. Yet formal education, which is driven by test taking, is increasingly failing to require students to ask the kind of questions that lead to informed decisions.”- Critical Thinking is Best Taught Outside the Classroom, Dennis M. Bartels on March 1, 2013 Given the fact that the left is so intolerant to the point of violence and given that the left is so completely intolerant to views or facts that contradict Conservative views it is not without cause they are identified as fascist and thus the term Neo Liberal applies. The historical record of the early 1900’s up till the 1960’s within the United States shows a demonstrated program of Bolshevist Communist infiltration in the highest levels of government. While there is little research to prove the theory that the Bolshevists / Communists took over the American educational system it was the stated goal of the Soviet Union to overthrow the United States by infiltration into the American Educational system. American educational institutions truly lack the atmosphere for open discussion without the risk of offending some special rights party do to the introduction of Political Correctness. And as a result contrary views even with out provocation are not allowed to be discussed due to censure and political influence. Therefore in my opinion the United States education system is lost and this truly reflects the collapsing social, political and economic systems in America today.
  • 6. References: -HOW DID LIBERALISM ON CAMPUS TURN INTO INTOLERANCE AND CENSORSHIP? JULIUS KAIREY 11/23/15 AT 4:20 PM liberalism-campus-turn-intolerance-and-censorship-397536- -Bolshevik propaganda. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fifth Congress, third session and thereafter, pursuant to S. Res. 439 and 469. February 11, 1919, to March 10, 1919" -Professors and Their Politics, Volume 121, Number 3 | November 2015, Neil Gross, Solon Simmons, Journal of Conservative Criminology - Political Diversity in Social and Personality Psychology, Yoel Inbar/ Joris Lammers, Perspectives on Psychological Science September 2012 vol. 7 no. 5 496-503 - Wodak, Jo; David Oldroyd (1996). "'Vedic Creationism': A Further Twist to the Evolution Debate". Social Studies of Science. SAGE. 26: 192–213. -The State of Critical Thinking Today, Richard Paul, Fall 2004 –Media Bias is Real, UCLA Study, Tim Groseclose, Quarterly Journal of Economics, December Addition 2005. - Liberal Intolerance on Campus, Bernard Goldberg May 18, 2016. Pg.2-3. -DIXIE'S CENSORED SUBJECT, BLACK SLAVEOWNERS By Robert M. Grooms © 1997 The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves The Slaves That Time Forgot, By John Martin, Global Research, March 17, 2015 - CRITICAL THIN K IN G IS BEST TAUGHT O UTSIDE THE CLASSRO O M, DEN N IS M. BARTELS O N MARCH 1, 2013 HTTPS://WWW.SCIEN TIF ICA MERIC AN .CO M/ARTIC LE/C RI TICA L- THIN K IN G- BEST- TAUGH T- O UTSI D E- CLASS RO O M/