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Academy of Dance Arts
          I dance at Academy of Dance Arts. I just started going there last year but
already I feel like I have been there forever and am close to my instructors and other
dancers there . The type of dancing I do there is contemporary, jazz, ballet, and hip
hop. Also I am on their competition team. For my competition team there we are like
family. We all can act like ourselves and have fun together without being
embarrassed or ashamed. So pretty much at Academy of Dance Arts everyone is
like family.
          My dad and I have always enjoyed watching boxing together on TV.
But one day when I went to visit him he had a surprise for me. He had bought
tickets to a boxing game. There were 3 or 4 boxing matches but at the very
ending was the most important one. The very last one was a man called La
Bamba who had been undefeated and could possibly loose it to his opponent.
This match didn’t even last to the 2nd round! In the first round La Bamba had hit
the other guy near his kidney and knocked him out to the floor and he could not
continue on with the fight. So the fight ended, the other guy got sent to the
hospital, and La Bamba still had his belt and was undefeated. I’m glad I went
cause there were some really good fights that night.
Chicago Cubs
          My dad, little brother Jose, and I were on vacation in Chicago cause
my dad was born and raised there. All of us wanted to go to some kind of
sporting event and the only one available for the time we were there was a
Chicago Cubs baseball game. So we went to the game with my two uncles. For
my first Cubs game I was not impressed. They had lost by A LOT! It felt as if
the game had been dragging on forever. I enjoyed watching the game and
eating the peanuts but I was disappointed at the score of the game.

                                                                        dad, bro
                                                                        Jose, an
                                                                        d I at
             I have been dancing since I was 3 years old. Over the years I have
  gone to 3 different dance studio’s. My mom first put me in dance cause most
  young girls want to do ballet. Once I got a bit older my mom asked me “Do you
  still want to do dance”, and to her surprise I still did. I love dance because your
  acting a character or role threw movements. Also when you step on the stage
  and do the dance I forget about everything, am not embarrassed or
  ashamed, and don’t care who is watching. Also because dance really keeps me
  in shape. No matter how much pain it causes me and how tired it makes me I
  can never get tired of dance!

Hey NaNa. My                                                                  My
jazz dance                                                                    lyrical
           My mom’s, dad’s part of the      Traditional
family is from Ecuador. In fact my
grandfather was born there. My mom          Ecuadorian
moved from the U.S.A to Ecuador when        food.
she was about 16 for a few years
because her father (my grandfather) lived
there. She eventually moved back. But
with that side of the family we have
traditions and many cultural things from
Ecuador. On New Years while the ball is
dropping we eat a certain amount of
grapes based on the number at the end
of the year, for example if the year is
2006 we eat 6 grapes and if the year is
2013 we eat 13 grapes. Ecuadorian food
is like most other his-spanic foods, rice
and beans and pork. But Ecuadorian food
has a certain flavor and seasoning so it
tastes a bit different.
          I have gone on vacation to Florida twice. The first time I went, I went
with my mom, little brother Gabriel, Aunt Kelly, Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and Kyle.
The second time I went with my Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and Kyle. Both times I
vacationed to Florida I went to the same place. When I visited Florida I went to
the beaches there, Disney World, and an airboat ride. We also played
                                     during our free time a lot.

Nona, Jimmy, Kyle, and I at
the beach in Florida                           Mike, Jimmy, Kyle, and me
                                               playing volley ball
           I visited Atlanta, Georgia
with my Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and
Kyle. When I was visiting Georgia I
went to the world of Coca Cola,
CNN headquarters, Zoo Atlanta,
and the Georgia Aquarium. My
favorite memory from that trip
was being able to specially make
my own Hershey chocolate bar.
When I was at the CNN
headquarters they were recording
live! Also they had a lot of shop
there such ass Cartoon Network
shop. In the World of Coca Cola I
got to try every single soda owned
by the Coke company throughout
the whole world.
           One type of dancing I do is hip hop. I really enjoy hip hop dancing because I
feel like you can have attitude, and be sassy, and show that serious hard-core part of
you. Also another part of hip ho that I enjoy is the music. Usually for hip hop you
dance to rap, hip hop, and pop, which are my favorite types of music. There are
different types of hip hop. But my favorite type is vogue.
           I have many
people who inspire me
in my life. My first
person is my mom
because to me she is
strong mentally and
caring. She is a single
mom who has two kids.
That’s take a lot out of
someone! My second
person is Beyoncé
because she is fierce
and confident. Also
because she has an
amazing Talent, a
Christian, and pretty.
Justin Bieber
           I have been a huge fan
of Justin Bieber ever since he first
came out and I heard his first ever
song “One Time”. A lot of people
trash talk him and call him names.
I have boghten every CD that he
has made. I am a big fan of him
but not as big as some of the
other girls that will cry over him
and when they found out he
smoked weed starting cutting
themselves. I think he is a could
influence even though he has
made mistakes. My favorite song
of his now is “As Long As You Love
“Keep Calm And Keep An Open
            “Keep a open
mind”. That is one of my
favorite sayings. I like this
saying so much because I
feel like it helps me to try
new things. Also if I’m
going threw a tough time
I have this saying in my
head and think of all the
positive outcomes. I feel
like everyone should live
by this saying because it
can really help you and
benefit you in life.
           I have been living in Leominster since 1st grade. So I have pretty much grown
up here. In Leominster there isn’t much to do but go to the mall, go to the movies,
walk around, and hang out with friends. You get use to it after a while and make the
best out of everything! My dad lives in a nice rich town called Franklin and always
trash talks Leominster. But personally I don’t mind Leominster. Last summer I moved
into my new and second house in Leominster.

    My house
                                                          Whitney Field Mall
Monsters Inc.
           When I was a little
kid I would constantly be
watching Monster Inc. It was
one of my favorite Disney
movies as a kid and still is. I
can never get tired of that
movie no matter how many
times I watch it. My favorite
characters are Sully and Boo.
I remember my mom got me
a doll of Boo because I loved
her and that movie so much.
I saw Monsters Inc. recently
when it came out in 3-D and
want to see Monsters Inc. 2.
          This was my first
nationals and first year doing
dance competition. We went to
Dancers Inc. Nationals, which was
held in Maine. It only lasted
about a week. I was happy and
sad about being there. I was
happy because I was going on
stage and doing what I love to do!
But I was sad because this would             Imagine.
be my last time ever doing these             My
dances. At the end of the                    lyrical
competition we did pretty good               dance
for awards and our main
choreographer and teacher
Brianna was proud of us.
          October is usually a very
                                          My little
busy month for my family and I. In
the month of October we have a lot
of birthdays. My little brother
Gabriel’s birthday is that month,
my Tia Margarita’s birthday, and
also a few more of my aunts ,
uncles and cousins. It is also a busy
month for us due to Halloween. So
my mom has to spend a lot of
money that month on candy for
Halloween, costumes for
Halloween, presents for family
birthdays, and decorations and
food for my little brothers party.
Puerto Rico
           My whole dad’s family is
from the island of Puerto Rico. My
                                           Rican food
Abuela always tells me stories of
Puerto Rico and what it is like there. I
have never visited Puerto Rico myself
but I am planning on doing so this
summer with my Dad, little brother                           Beach in
Jose, Abuela, and Arsanio. My Abuela                         Puerto
always makes traditional food that is                        Rico
normally made in Puerto Rico. My
dad also tells me stories about when
he went o Puerto Rico. He has told
me about the crystal blue water, the
frogs that never stop croaking at
night, and his uncles farm in the rain     Waterfall in
forest that has a waterfall nearby that    the rainforest,
you could jump off and go swimming.        in Puerto Rico
Quad Muscles
           To be a dancer you
have to have extremely strong
quad muscles .At my dance
studio we do a lot of exercises
and moves that help build our
quad muscles. If I don’t go to
dance for a bit I still work them
cause I know it is essential to
keep them strong for dance. If
you work on them for quite a bit
they will definitely grow. Mines
have grown so much that some
of my jeans don’t fit me on my
thighs anymore!
           One of my favorite
types of music to listen to is rap
music. My mom and Dad kind
of influenced me listening to it
since they would listen to it a
lot when I was younger. There
are a lot of good rappers in he
business today. Some of my
favorites are Drake, Lil Wayne,
Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, Nicki Minaj,
Big Sean, and Chris Brown. A
lot of the older adults think
that rap is ridiculous and
annoying but I see it as just
another type of music.
           I was in 6th grade and I kept on getting cramps.
My friends would tell me it’s just your hormones and
stuff. But eventually I became really ill and my mom took
me to Leominster hospital. When we went there they
told me it was just the flu. So we went back home and
waited another day. But the next day it had gotten worse.
It was so bad that my temperature was dangerously high,
and I could not move or walk. My mom had to carry me
to the bathroom because I couldn’t move! So my mom
                                                              The bracelet I wore
knew this was worse than the flu. She brought me to the
                                                              when I was in the
Worcester hospital and they gave me a CAT scan and x-
                                                              hospital for my 1st
ray. They saw something was wrong with my appendix so
they brought me into immediate surgery. During the
surgery they were expecting a inflamed appendix but to
there surprise my appendix had burst. They removed my
appendix and I had to stay in the hospital for a week an a
half with a breathing tube. A few months later I had to go
back to the hospital and get another surgery because
scared tissue was left from the first surgery
             About 3 years ago me , my cousin Gabriella , and other cousin Melanie were
on a bike trail in Milford. The bike trail was right next to a pond. We were riding our
bikes and then decided that we wanted a break so we pulled over to the side into a
circle. As I was pulling my bike in I saw something small and dark right in front of my
bike. Luckily I turned my bike in time trying to avoid hitting it. I stopped my bike I got
off and looked at the small dark thing that I thought was a rock. But as I looked closer
at it I realized it wasn’t a rock at all. It was a baby turtle! I didn’t want to just leave him
there and have somebody else possibly hit him so I brought him home with me. To this
day I still own him and have named him “Sully”.

           It was my 2nd week living in
my new house and I still was not
comfortable there. I had no where to
go and my mom had to work so I had to
stay home alone for 6 hours without
any source of internet or TV. I went into
the kitchen to get some food and then
all of a sudden the top of my trash can
starts swinging back and forth. I
scream, drop the food in my hands,
grab my dog, and run outside. I sat
outside with my dog until somebody
came home. I still don’t know what
cause d it to move. I think it was
paranormal though.
            I was born on September 19, 1998.
So that makes me a Virgo. In a article I read
about Virgos it says “They may dwell too much
on the past and over complicate things and this
may limit their ability to move forward and
confuse themselves.”. I find that true about
myself. The article also says “They will say the
feel okay or everything is alright even when it's
not. This is an easy way out, the one thing that
Virgo does not like to analyze is their feelings
so pretending everything is okay is a good
defense mechanism for not having to take a
closer look at their feelings. Virgo has an
unpredictable and sometimes unstable
temperament”. I also fine this true about
myself. So my personality is very closely related
the horoscope of a Virgo.
             Every time that I
make a wish it is always the
same thing. “ I wish that
everything I want to happen
will happen”. I personally do
not believe in wishes or that
they come true . But I usually
just wish for the fun of it. I
sometimes make wishes as
11:11 if I remember. But I
always make a wish on my
birthday if I am blowing out
           In my whole life I have had 4
or 5 x-rays. My first x-ray was when I
was about 4 years of age. I was jumping
on my moms bed and then fell off and
landed directly onto my arm. I went and
got an x-ray . The x-ray showed that I
had broken my arm. The next time I had
an x-ray was when I went into the
hospital for when my appendix burst.
My next few times were when they
checked to see if I had scared tissue and
when I had my second surgery.
You Tube
           I was You Tube a lot of
the time. I like to watch my              My cousin
favorite music videos and also            Dennis
just funny video’s on there. One
of my favorite videos is the
Ghetto Cranbook Deer video. I
usually watch Jenna Marbles.
My cousin Dennis also has his
own channel on You Tube and I
occasionally watch that channel.
I really enjoy You Tube because               Jenna
they have videos on almost                    Marbles
everything! You Tube can be
useful to my life also because
they can have tutorials on how
to do hair and makeup.
Zebra Print
            I am obsessed with
animal print! But my favorite
animal print would have to be
zebra print. If you go into my room
and threw my drawers you will see
a lot of things animal print. My
sheets, pillow case, blankets,
tweezers, shoes, and even some of
my undergarment's and clothes
are zebra print. I have always been
a big fan of animals and now just
recently I’m getting into not just
them but there unique print they
have.                                  My bed

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Alphabet organizer

  • 1.
  • 2. Academy of Dance Arts I dance at Academy of Dance Arts. I just started going there last year but already I feel like I have been there forever and am close to my instructors and other dancers there . The type of dancing I do there is contemporary, jazz, ballet, and hip hop. Also I am on their competition team. For my competition team there we are like family. We all can act like ourselves and have fun together without being embarrassed or ashamed. So pretty much at Academy of Dance Arts everyone is like family.
  • 3. Boxing My dad and I have always enjoyed watching boxing together on TV. But one day when I went to visit him he had a surprise for me. He had bought tickets to a boxing game. There were 3 or 4 boxing matches but at the very ending was the most important one. The very last one was a man called La Bamba who had been undefeated and could possibly loose it to his opponent. This match didn’t even last to the 2nd round! In the first round La Bamba had hit the other guy near his kidney and knocked him out to the floor and he could not continue on with the fight. So the fight ended, the other guy got sent to the hospital, and La Bamba still had his belt and was undefeated. I’m glad I went cause there were some really good fights that night.
  • 4. Chicago Cubs My dad, little brother Jose, and I were on vacation in Chicago cause my dad was born and raised there. All of us wanted to go to some kind of sporting event and the only one available for the time we were there was a Chicago Cubs baseball game. So we went to the game with my two uncles. For my first Cubs game I was not impressed. They had lost by A LOT! It felt as if the game had been dragging on forever. I enjoyed watching the game and eating the peanuts but I was disappointed at the score of the game. My dad, bro ther Jose, an d I at Wrigley Field
  • 5. Dance I have been dancing since I was 3 years old. Over the years I have gone to 3 different dance studio’s. My mom first put me in dance cause most young girls want to do ballet. Once I got a bit older my mom asked me “Do you still want to do dance”, and to her surprise I still did. I love dance because your acting a character or role threw movements. Also when you step on the stage and do the dance I forget about everything, am not embarrassed or ashamed, and don’t care who is watching. Also because dance really keeps me in shape. No matter how much pain it causes me and how tired it makes me I can never get tired of dance! Imagine. Hey NaNa. My My jazz dance lyrical dance
  • 6. Ecuador My mom’s, dad’s part of the Traditional family is from Ecuador. In fact my grandfather was born there. My mom Ecuadorian moved from the U.S.A to Ecuador when food. she was about 16 for a few years because her father (my grandfather) lived there. She eventually moved back. But with that side of the family we have traditions and many cultural things from Ecuador. On New Years while the ball is dropping we eat a certain amount of grapes based on the number at the end of the year, for example if the year is 2006 we eat 6 grapes and if the year is 2013 we eat 13 grapes. Ecuadorian food is like most other his-spanic foods, rice and beans and pork. But Ecuadorian food has a certain flavor and seasoning so it tastes a bit different.
  • 7. Florida I have gone on vacation to Florida twice. The first time I went, I went with my mom, little brother Gabriel, Aunt Kelly, Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and Kyle. The second time I went with my Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and Kyle. Both times I vacationed to Florida I went to the same place. When I visited Florida I went to the beaches there, Disney World, and an airboat ride. We also played volleyball during our free time a lot. Nona, Jimmy, Kyle, and I at the beach in Florida Mike, Jimmy, Kyle, and me playing volley ball
  • 8. Georgia I visited Atlanta, Georgia with my Nona, Mike, Jimmy, and Kyle. When I was visiting Georgia I went to the world of Coca Cola, CNN headquarters, Zoo Atlanta, and the Georgia Aquarium. My favorite memory from that trip was being able to specially make my own Hershey chocolate bar. When I was at the CNN headquarters they were recording live! Also they had a lot of shop there such ass Cartoon Network shop. In the World of Coca Cola I got to try every single soda owned by the Coke company throughout the whole world.
  • 9. Hip-Hop One type of dancing I do is hip hop. I really enjoy hip hop dancing because I feel like you can have attitude, and be sassy, and show that serious hard-core part of you. Also another part of hip ho that I enjoy is the music. Usually for hip hop you dance to rap, hip hop, and pop, which are my favorite types of music. There are different types of hip hop. But my favorite type is vogue.
  • 10. Inspiration I have many people who inspire me in my life. My first person is my mom because to me she is strong mentally and caring. She is a single mom who has two kids. That’s take a lot out of someone! My second person is Beyoncé because she is fierce and confident. Also because she has an amazing Talent, a Christian, and pretty.
  • 11. Justin Bieber I have been a huge fan of Justin Bieber ever since he first came out and I heard his first ever song “One Time”. A lot of people trash talk him and call him names. I have boghten every CD that he has made. I am a big fan of him but not as big as some of the other girls that will cry over him and when they found out he smoked weed starting cutting themselves. I think he is a could influence even though he has made mistakes. My favorite song of his now is “As Long As You Love Me”.
  • 12. “Keep Calm And Keep An Open Mind” “Keep a open mind”. That is one of my favorite sayings. I like this saying so much because I feel like it helps me to try new things. Also if I’m going threw a tough time I have this saying in my head and think of all the positive outcomes. I feel like everyone should live by this saying because it can really help you and benefit you in life.
  • 13. Leominster I have been living in Leominster since 1st grade. So I have pretty much grown up here. In Leominster there isn’t much to do but go to the mall, go to the movies, walk around, and hang out with friends. You get use to it after a while and make the best out of everything! My dad lives in a nice rich town called Franklin and always trash talks Leominster. But personally I don’t mind Leominster. Last summer I moved into my new and second house in Leominster. My house Whitney Field Mall
  • 14. Monsters Inc. When I was a little kid I would constantly be watching Monster Inc. It was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and still is. I can never get tired of that movie no matter how many times I watch it. My favorite characters are Sully and Boo. I remember my mom got me a doll of Boo because I loved her and that movie so much. I saw Monsters Inc. recently when it came out in 3-D and want to see Monsters Inc. 2.
  • 15. Nationals Hey This was my first NaNa. nationals and first year doing My dance competition. We went to jazz Dancers Inc. Nationals, which was dance held in Maine. It only lasted about a week. I was happy and sad about being there. I was happy because I was going on stage and doing what I love to do! But I was sad because this would Imagine. be my last time ever doing these My dances. At the end of the lyrical competition we did pretty good dance for awards and our main choreographer and teacher Brianna was proud of us.
  • 16. October October is usually a very My little busy month for my family and I. In brother the month of October we have a lot Gabriel of birthdays. My little brother Gabriel’s birthday is that month, my Tia Margarita’s birthday, and also a few more of my aunts , uncles and cousins. It is also a busy month for us due to Halloween. So my mom has to spend a lot of money that month on candy for Halloween, costumes for Halloween, presents for family birthdays, and decorations and food for my little brothers party.
  • 17. Puerto Rico Traditional My whole dad’s family is Puerto from the island of Puerto Rico. My Rican food Abuela always tells me stories of Puerto Rico and what it is like there. I have never visited Puerto Rico myself but I am planning on doing so this summer with my Dad, little brother Beach in Jose, Abuela, and Arsanio. My Abuela Puerto always makes traditional food that is Rico normally made in Puerto Rico. My dad also tells me stories about when he went o Puerto Rico. He has told me about the crystal blue water, the frogs that never stop croaking at night, and his uncles farm in the rain Waterfall in forest that has a waterfall nearby that the rainforest, you could jump off and go swimming. in Puerto Rico
  • 18. Quad Muscles To be a dancer you have to have extremely strong quad muscles .At my dance studio we do a lot of exercises and moves that help build our quad muscles. If I don’t go to dance for a bit I still work them cause I know it is essential to keep them strong for dance. If you work on them for quite a bit they will definitely grow. Mines have grown so much that some of my jeans don’t fit me on my thighs anymore!
  • 19. Rap One of my favorite types of music to listen to is rap music. My mom and Dad kind of influenced me listening to it since they would listen to it a lot when I was younger. There are a lot of good rappers in he business today. Some of my favorites are Drake, Lil Wayne, Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, Nicki Minaj, Big Sean, and Chris Brown. A lot of the older adults think that rap is ridiculous and annoying but I see it as just another type of music.
  • 20. Surgery I was in 6th grade and I kept on getting cramps. My friends would tell me it’s just your hormones and stuff. But eventually I became really ill and my mom took me to Leominster hospital. When we went there they told me it was just the flu. So we went back home and waited another day. But the next day it had gotten worse. It was so bad that my temperature was dangerously high, and I could not move or walk. My mom had to carry me to the bathroom because I couldn’t move! So my mom The bracelet I wore knew this was worse than the flu. She brought me to the when I was in the Worcester hospital and they gave me a CAT scan and x- hospital for my 1st ray. They saw something was wrong with my appendix so surgery they brought me into immediate surgery. During the surgery they were expecting a inflamed appendix but to there surprise my appendix had burst. They removed my appendix and I had to stay in the hospital for a week an a half with a breathing tube. A few months later I had to go back to the hospital and get another surgery because scared tissue was left from the first surgery
  • 21. Turtle About 3 years ago me , my cousin Gabriella , and other cousin Melanie were on a bike trail in Milford. The bike trail was right next to a pond. We were riding our bikes and then decided that we wanted a break so we pulled over to the side into a circle. As I was pulling my bike in I saw something small and dark right in front of my bike. Luckily I turned my bike in time trying to avoid hitting it. I stopped my bike I got off and looked at the small dark thing that I thought was a rock. But as I looked closer at it I realized it wasn’t a rock at all. It was a baby turtle! I didn’t want to just leave him there and have somebody else possibly hit him so I brought him home with me. To this day I still own him and have named him “Sully”. My turtle Sully
  • 22. Unusual It was my 2nd week living in my new house and I still was not comfortable there. I had no where to go and my mom had to work so I had to stay home alone for 6 hours without any source of internet or TV. I went into the kitchen to get some food and then all of a sudden the top of my trash can starts swinging back and forth. I scream, drop the food in my hands, grab my dog, and run outside. I sat outside with my dog until somebody came home. I still don’t know what cause d it to move. I think it was paranormal though.
  • 23. Virgo I was born on September 19, 1998. So that makes me a Virgo. In a article I read about Virgos it says “They may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things and this may limit their ability to move forward and confuse themselves.”. I find that true about myself. The article also says “They will say the feel okay or everything is alright even when it's not. This is an easy way out, the one thing that Virgo does not like to analyze is their feelings so pretending everything is okay is a good defense mechanism for not having to take a closer look at their feelings. Virgo has an unpredictable and sometimes unstable temperament”. I also fine this true about myself. So my personality is very closely related the horoscope of a Virgo.
  • 24. Wish Every time that I make a wish it is always the same thing. “ I wish that everything I want to happen will happen”. I personally do not believe in wishes or that they come true . But I usually just wish for the fun of it. I sometimes make wishes as 11:11 if I remember. But I always make a wish on my birthday if I am blowing out candles.
  • 25. X-Ray In my whole life I have had 4 or 5 x-rays. My first x-ray was when I was about 4 years of age. I was jumping on my moms bed and then fell off and landed directly onto my arm. I went and got an x-ray . The x-ray showed that I had broken my arm. The next time I had an x-ray was when I went into the hospital for when my appendix burst. My next few times were when they checked to see if I had scared tissue and when I had my second surgery.
  • 26. You Tube I was You Tube a lot of the time. I like to watch my My cousin favorite music videos and also Dennis just funny video’s on there. One of my favorite videos is the Ghetto Cranbook Deer video. I usually watch Jenna Marbles. My cousin Dennis also has his own channel on You Tube and I occasionally watch that channel. I really enjoy You Tube because Jenna they have videos on almost Marbles everything! You Tube can be useful to my life also because they can have tutorials on how to do hair and makeup.
  • 27. Zebra Print I am obsessed with animal print! But my favorite animal print would have to be zebra print. If you go into my room and threw my drawers you will see a lot of things animal print. My sheets, pillow case, blankets, tweezers, shoes, and even some of my undergarment's and clothes are zebra print. I have always been a big fan of animals and now just recently I’m getting into not just them but there unique print they have. My bed