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Choosing the Institut Paul
Bocuse brings you a unique
chance to experience a richly
diverse multicultural
environment. Student life
centers on sharing and
exchanges, including special
events and leisure activities
that bring together students
of nearly 40 different
nationalities each year.
The Institut Paul Bocuse
formed the Institut Paul
Bocuse Worldwide Alliance
in 2004. Today, this unique
alliance covers 12 partners
in 12 countries, all among
the world’s top Hospitality
Management & Culinary
Arts schools, in Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Finland, Greece,
Japan, Mexico, Peru,
Institut Paul Bocuse worldwide Alliance
Student life
Singapore, Taiwan, the
United States and Ecuador.
Each university selects its
top students for intensive 4-
month sessions at the
Institut Paul Bocuse. Every
year, this innovative
educational program gives
30 to 40 students a unique
opportunity to perfect their
technical skills, discover
French culture, while at the
same time sharing and
showcasing their own
culinary culture. The
Worldwide Alliance also
promotes sharing of skills
and through exchanges of
teaching staff from the
Institut Paul Bocuse and its
s'agir de toute personne qui
tire parti des informations
qu'il contient, par exemple,
les employés ou des
personnes intéressées dans
l'achat d'un produit ou une
demande de service.
Vous pouvez créer une liste
de publipostage à partir de
cartes de réponses
commerciales, de dossiers
clients, de cartes de visite
récoltées sur un salon ou de
listes de membres. Vous
pouvez envisager d'acheter
cette liste à une autre
Ensuite, déterminez le
budget dont vous disposez
pour votre bulletin. Ces
facteurs vous aideront à
From 13th Mai 2013
To 13th September 2013 2013 Student’s programme
An exclusive 16 weeks hands-on programme
This programme is dedicated
to advanced students to:
- Improve skills,
- Gain knowledge
- Master various cooking
techniques key to France
vast culinary heritage
- Share an international
The experience is anchored
in realities of the profession.
The classes are taught in
French from Monday to
Friday .
You will receive expert
You will receive expert
teaching that combines
demonstrations with hands-
on practice.
Classes are taught in French
(and English when needed).
A la carte restaurant
« Saisons » is run by Chef
Alain Lecossec
Meilleur Ouvrier de France
“Saisons” is the gourmet
restaurant located in the
Institute’s chateau which is
open to guests for lunch and
dinner. This fine « A la
carte » dining room is the
place where you will
discover French restaurant
organisation & atmosphere.
During the training period,
‘F&B’ and the ‘O’Flaveur”,
are the names of the
restaurants dedicated to
preparing students and
faculty lunches In F&B, you
will improve your skills and
techniques in preparing and
plating a variety of French
classical entrees and main
dishes. During the summer
the restaurant serves
Application in restaurants: Cuisine
approximately 200 covers
per day.
Special emphasis is placed
banqueting kitchen
organisation & food
production. One of the
highlights of this programme
is the chance for each
student to experience a real
banqueting restaurant.
situation in which there is a
certain amount of pressure
to produce quality meals to
be served at a designated
time. You will not only be
practicing and reinforcing
your culinary techniques.
You are also acquiring
rapidity and precision while
respecting food safety,
hygiene and cost control
you will improve in
regularity, precision and
rapidity while discovering
new recipes and food
Special emphasis is placed
on how to properly execute
the different amuse-bouche
and dishes in order to meet
the customer’s expectations
while respecting the
restaurant’s service
organisation. Classes are
held Monday to Friday:
lunch & dinner services
Programme course description
This course combines
practice, and demonstration
classes. It is designed to
review and consolidate basic
culinary skills as well as
increase knowledge about
raw materials.
Special emphasis is placed
on a « one week/one
theme » principal. Using
vegetables, meats, poultry
Perfecting Cooking
and fish, regional &
Lyonnaise cuisine. You will
develop your skills by
practicing different
techniques and by exploring
a variety of traditional and
modern French recipes.
Food safety, hygiene and
cross-cultural competences
are put into practice daily.
There will be hands-on
classes in the kitchen from
Monday to Friday, 6 hours
per day.
This practical course is
designed to review and
consolidate basic pastry skills
and techniques.
Special emphasis is placed on
French pastries, individually
plated desserts &
mignardises, petits fours
which may be served at
« Saisons ».
Perfecting Pastry
This practical course is
designed to teach and to
consolidate basic bread
baking skills and techniques.
Special emphasis is placed
on baking, not only the
French traditional baguette
and viennoiserie, but also a
wide variety of breads using
different types of flour,
fermentation methods,
You will explore a variety of
items such as cakes, tarts,
creams, mousses, ices,
sorbets and chocolates in
order to perfect and to
combine different methods
and techniques.
Food safety, hygiene and
cross-cultural competences
are practiced daily.
Hands-on classes are held
Monday to Friday, 6 hours
per day..
shaping and mixing
processes. The products
which are baked are served
in our restaurants and at the
“Clipper for students
‘Breakfasts”, from Monday
to Friday.
Hands-on classes are held
from Monday to Friday,6
hours per day.
Bread baking
Programme course description
and guest relations. You will
practice table decoration,
mise en place, food, wine
and cheese service.
Guest relations, table arts,
food safety and hygiene are
practiced daily.
Classes are held on Monday
to Friday, 2 services per day.
This practical course, held in
the 2 restaurants: ‘Saisons’
and ‘O Flaveur” is designed
to integrate theory classes
on wines and cheese, the
history of gastronomy and
table arts.
Special emphasis is placed
on skills in table arts service
Application in restaurants: Table Arts Service
The lunch & dinner services
will be assured by the
This practical course, takes
place on the shipping dock,
the decasing or ingredient
room, the dry and cold
storage rooms and the
ordering office.
The week in the “Economat”
is designed to familiarize the
student with the food
receiving, decasing, quality
verification & organisational
Purchasing and storage department
process of stocking dry and
fresh foods while respecting
HACCP regulations. They will
experience the straight line
flow of “clean” food. In
addition, students will learn
about fruit, vegetable and
herb seasonality and the
criteria of quality for meat,
fish and poultry.
Students will learn to
prepare the carts that supply
the different kitchens with
their appropriate
ingredients. Food safety and
hygiene are practiced daily.
Classes are held on Monday
to Friday for approximately
8 hours per day.
To give an overview and a better understanding of the French culinary heritage and
evolution the programme includes conferences, demonstrations and classes such as
 History of French gastronomy
 French table arts
 French wines and tasting
 French cheeses & tasting
 Coffeology
 Paul Bocuse cuisine
 External visit….
Those topics are taught in French to all class.
Culinary arts and trends…
Programme course description
“Cuisine du monde” competition
To conclude the season rich
in emotions, the class of the
Institut Paul Bocuse
Worldwide Alliance
participate in the “Cuisine du
monde”competition. The
objective of this contest is to
showcase the students’
respective cultures through
culinary creations and table
settings for 2 guests. In the
“Cuisine du monde” contest.
Under the watchful eye of
Chef Philippe Jousse, the
students have to present a
starter and a main course
with flavors from their
respective countries to a
“Cuisine from abroad” demonstrations
distinguished jury. The jury is
formed by members of the
Institut Paul Bocuse Board of
Administration as well as
representatives from the
Embassies of the countries
represented. This culinary
contest is organized in
connection with the
Observatory of meals and
culinary practices at Institut
Paul Bocuse under the
direction of Claude Fischler,
a sociologist and head of
research at the French
National Center for Scientific
Research. The objective of
this observatory is to gather
data on intercultural
(See next page).
Programme course description
Groups of students by country will have to present in the Amphitheater in front of the class,
a typical product of their country in order to share their knowledge and food culture. Each
group will demonstrate one typical recipe and make it taste.
PS :Don’t forget to take with you in your suitcase some spices, local products….
The Institute Paul Bocuse has created an international observatory with the aim to gain a better knowledge of meals and
culinary practices at an international scale. The project will start on January 2012 and the first results will be presented on
September 2012.
We collaborate with the students & the university network of the Institut Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance in order to
collect and analyse intercultural data. In addition, a research study will be realized aiming to collect more subtle elements
of cross-cultural comparison about meals and culinary practices in a smaller number of countries.
Every year, questionnaires are collected from the Alliance students with the aim to constitute a long-term database on
meal practices among young adults from different continents (those of the Alliance students). On one side, it is planned
to gather annual information about meals and culinary habits and on the other side, to also focus on a specific topic each
year. To do so, the Alliance student candidates have to fill in a questionnaire in their application to the Institute Paul
Bocuse. Data will then be analysed by the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Centre.
Moreover, this same specific issue will be studied through an ethnographic fieldwork, which will take place in 1 or 2
countries under the supervision of Pr. Claude Fischler (CNRS/EHESS). A bibliography watch will be conducted in the same
time in order to explore the subject from international scientific published papers.
Finally, a workshop will take place every year at the same period of the culinary Alliance competition with the aim to
present and discuss the results.
Presentation of the questionnaire: It will be composed of questions organised in different items:
The estimated time to answer to the whole questionnaire is 30-40 minutes.
 Meals and number of everyday meals
 Meal setting (table dressing…)
 Meal structure (starter, main course…)
 Companions
 Festivities
 Eating out
 Meal invitations
 Meals with friends
 Changes in the eating practices along the time
The survey includes as well a diary journal about food intakes in order to collect information about eating practices, such
as meals consumed during the day, the meal content, the meal setting, the companions with whom meal has been
consumed, the table manners (i.e. eating at the table, standing, etc.). Respondents will have to fill the diary journal for
two days (a working day and a non-working day) every time they consume food or if they prefer at the end of the day
(estimated time: 30 minutes).
The analysis of the results will be presented to the members of the Alliance and the partners will be cited in any scientific
communication to be published.
International observatory of meals & culinary practices
Extra information
Lyon, much more than the “world capital of gastronomy”! Of course, the city is proud of this title, bestowed upon Lyon in the
XIXth century by the famous critic Curnonsky, but the city of Lyon, which is home to the Institut Paul Bocuse, is much more
than that. Since 1998, Lyon has been registered on the UNESCO world heritage roster, and has managed perfect symbiosis
between the value given to tradition and the city’s illustrious past and its mastery of the most recent innovations.
Since the Renaissance, Lyon has positioned itself as a world-class economic and cultural center, whose old quarter of Saint
Jean, which was that of the bankers from Florence in former times, is a vestige still full of life.
Lyon long used its business savvy in trading and industry (namely textiles and especially silk) to serve its purposes and to
become one of the best performers in the XIXth century economically speaking; it was later able to maintain its advances and
adapt to progress rather than being subjected to it.
A crossroads of Europe, Lyon excels in many diverse fields such as biotechnologies, information and communication
technologies, fashion, the environment and clean-tech industries. Lyon is a top-notch university town (first after Paris) that
welcomes more than 125,000 students annually including many foreign students. Lyon fosters their integration through its
quality structures and its dynamism.
Thanks to its many assets, Lyon is quickly gaining international importance and continues to benefit from its strategic
geographic situation - ideally located in the Rhone river valley, linking Paris, Geneva and the French Riviera... Lyon’s lifestyle
opportunities confer it with a serious and increasingly recognized competitive advantage.
Lyon, capital of gastronomy : capital of Gaul under the Roman Empire, a major centre of culture and trading during the
Renaissance, and a strong industrial breeding ground in the nineteenth century, Lyon has become a large European metropolis,
benefiting from the influences that have swept across its beautiful landscape. Now included on the UNESCO World Heritage
List, Lyon is categorized along with prestigious cities such as Venice, Prague, or Saint Petersburg. Known worldwide, the
‘Lyonnaise cuisine’ has only one secret: "to allow things to taste like what they are» as Chef Paul Bocuse always says. The
region is overflowing with culinary inventiveness and «star " chefs whose names are known all over the world, Enjoy Lyon, its
markets and famous restaurants
The official site of the city of Lyon :
Lyon, Capital of gastronomy
About Lyon…
CLASSES: Classes are held
from Monday to Friday. Some
may be organised on
Saturday in the interest of the
students. Depending on the
course, classes will start and
end at different times. Most
of the time classes are held
for 6 hours per day but can
last longer when the training
is at the restaurant Saisons,
which is open to guests for
lunch and dinner.
Students will have a 2 week
vacation during the 2 first
weeks of August. The
Institute is closed. However,
the student housing remains
DRESS CODE: It is mandatory
for students to wear a
uniform. During practical
classes in the kitchen, this is
your kitchen uniform (with
your school logo) and your
security shoes with non-slip
soles and hard topped (steel
toed shoes - no Crocs).
Students must bring their
knives and other cooking
tools, kitchen uniform as well
as a lock. Toques will be
provided. During theorical
classes men must wear black
suits, white shirt and a tie.
Women must wear black
pants or a knee length skirt,
black jacket and white blouse.
For health reasons, you are
not permitted to wear your
kitchen uniform outside of
the building. We will provide
you with a locker room in
which you can change your
Students must be dressed
either in their kitchen uniform
or black suit to be admissible
into the Institute.
Attendance to all the classes
and visits are mandatory.
Students will be evaluated
each week. An average of
12/20 is requested to obtain
the certificate. n the case of a
disrespectful Attitude & non-
satisfactory participation, and
an average below 12/20,
students will not receive the
are accommodated at the
student housing located close
to the Institute. Sheets and
blankets are provided. Towels
are not provided. Breakfast is
served from Monday to
Friday. Students can use the
collective kitchen to prepare
all other meals. The school
does not provide plates, cups,
utensils, pots and pans.
These must be purchased
upon arrival.
INSURANCE: Students must
have a private international
insurance covering medical
needs, all accidents and
injuries caused to them or by
them during their stay at the
Institut Paul Bocuse. A proof of
this insurance must be
provided with the application
form. A multi-risk insurance is
compulsory for the student
housing. Student will register
for a reduced-rate insurance
policy through the Institute’s
insurers (23 € included in the
FEES: Tuition must be paid 2
months before the program
starts. Payment must be sent
along with the approved rules.
4950 € including housing at
the students’ residence, as
well as breakfast and lunch
from Monday to Friday..
Except during the 2 weeks of
vacation in August.
student cancels less than one
month prior to the beginning
of the program: 40% of the
tuition will be refunded.
RULES: During your stay the
general rules must be
respected. If not, you will be
expelled from the school and
must go back to your country.
General information
Institut Paul Bocuse provides training for Culinary Arts and the Hospitality
industry. Integrating tradition, modernity, innovation and research, it aims at the
excellence. With requirement, it transmits the technical and managerial know-
how necessary to prepare its students to the best careers in the world

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Alliance 2013 programme

  • 1. Choosing the Institut Paul Bocuse brings you a unique chance to experience a richly diverse multicultural environment. Student life centers on sharing and exchanges, including special events and leisure activities that bring together students of nearly 40 different nationalities each year. The Institut Paul Bocuse formed the Institut Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance in 2004. Today, this unique alliance covers 12 partners in 12 countries, all among the world’s top Hospitality Management & Culinary Arts schools, in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Finland, Greece, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Institut Paul Bocuse worldwide Alliance Student life Singapore, Taiwan, the United States and Ecuador. Each university selects its top students for intensive 4- month sessions at the Institut Paul Bocuse. Every year, this innovative educational program gives 30 to 40 students a unique opportunity to perfect their technical skills, discover French culture, while at the same time sharing and showcasing their own culinary culture. The Worldwide Alliance also promotes sharing of skills and through exchanges of teaching staff from the Institut Paul Bocuse and its partners. s'agir de toute personne qui tire parti des informations qu'il contient, par exemple, les employés ou des personnes intéressées dans l'achat d'un produit ou une demande de service. Vous pouvez créer une liste de publipostage à partir de cartes de réponses commerciales, de dossiers clients, de cartes de visite récoltées sur un salon ou de listes de membres. Vous pouvez envisager d'acheter cette liste à une autre société. Ensuite, déterminez le budget dont vous disposez pour votre bulletin. Ces facteurs vous aideront à From 13th Mai 2013 To 13th September 2013 2013 Student’s programme An exclusive 16 weeks hands-on programme This programme is dedicated to advanced students to: - Improve skills, - Gain knowledge - Master various cooking techniques key to France vast culinary heritage - Share an international experience. The experience is anchored in realities of the profession. The classes are taught in French from Monday to Friday . You will receive expert You will receive expert teaching that combines demonstrations with hands- on practice. Classes are taught in French (and English when needed).
  • 2. 2
  • 3. A la carte restaurant « Saisons » is run by Chef Alain Lecossec Meilleur Ouvrier de France “Saisons” is the gourmet restaurant located in the Institute’s chateau which is open to guests for lunch and dinner. This fine « A la carte » dining room is the place where you will discover French restaurant organisation & atmosphere. During the training period, ‘F&B’ and the ‘O’Flaveur”, are the names of the restaurants dedicated to preparing students and faculty lunches In F&B, you will improve your skills and techniques in preparing and plating a variety of French classical entrees and main dishes. During the summer the restaurant serves Application in restaurants: Cuisine approximately 200 covers per day. Special emphasis is placed banqueting kitchen organisation & food production. One of the highlights of this programme is the chance for each student to experience a real banqueting restaurant. situation in which there is a certain amount of pressure to produce quality meals to be served at a designated time. You will not only be practicing and reinforcing your culinary techniques. You are also acquiring rapidity and precision while respecting food safety, hygiene and cost control you will improve in regularity, precision and rapidity while discovering new recipes and food design. Special emphasis is placed on how to properly execute the different amuse-bouche and dishes in order to meet the customer’s expectations while respecting the restaurant’s service organisation. Classes are held Monday to Friday: lunch & dinner services Programme course description This course combines practice, and demonstration classes. It is designed to review and consolidate basic culinary skills as well as increase knowledge about raw materials. Special emphasis is placed on a « one week/one theme » principal. Using vegetables, meats, poultry Perfecting Cooking and fish, regional & Lyonnaise cuisine. You will develop your skills by practicing different techniques and by exploring a variety of traditional and modern French recipes. Food safety, hygiene and cross-cultural competences are put into practice daily. There will be hands-on classes in the kitchen from Monday to Friday, 6 hours per day.
  • 4. 4 This practical course is designed to review and consolidate basic pastry skills and techniques. Special emphasis is placed on French pastries, individually plated desserts & mignardises, petits fours which may be served at « Saisons ». Perfecting Pastry This practical course is designed to teach and to consolidate basic bread baking skills and techniques. Special emphasis is placed on baking, not only the French traditional baguette and viennoiserie, but also a wide variety of breads using different types of flour, fermentation methods, You will explore a variety of items such as cakes, tarts, creams, mousses, ices, sorbets and chocolates in order to perfect and to combine different methods and techniques. Food safety, hygiene and cross-cultural competences are practiced daily. Hands-on classes are held Monday to Friday, 6 hours per day.. shaping and mixing processes. The products which are baked are served in our restaurants and at the “Clipper for students ‘Breakfasts”, from Monday to Friday. Hands-on classes are held from Monday to Friday,6 hours per day. Bread baking Programme course description
  • 5. and guest relations. You will practice table decoration, mise en place, food, wine and cheese service. Guest relations, table arts, food safety and hygiene are practiced daily. Classes are held on Monday to Friday, 2 services per day. This practical course, held in the 2 restaurants: ‘Saisons’ and ‘O Flaveur” is designed to integrate theory classes on wines and cheese, the history of gastronomy and table arts. Special emphasis is placed on skills in table arts service Application in restaurants: Table Arts Service The lunch & dinner services will be assured by the students. This practical course, takes place on the shipping dock, the decasing or ingredient room, the dry and cold storage rooms and the ordering office. The week in the “Economat” is designed to familiarize the student with the food receiving, decasing, quality verification & organisational Purchasing and storage department process of stocking dry and fresh foods while respecting HACCP regulations. They will experience the straight line flow of “clean” food. In addition, students will learn about fruit, vegetable and herb seasonality and the criteria of quality for meat, fish and poultry. Students will learn to prepare the carts that supply the different kitchens with their appropriate ingredients. Food safety and hygiene are practiced daily. Classes are held on Monday to Friday for approximately 8 hours per day. To give an overview and a better understanding of the French culinary heritage and evolution the programme includes conferences, demonstrations and classes such as  History of French gastronomy  French table arts  French wines and tasting  French cheeses & tasting  Coffeology  Paul Bocuse cuisine  External visit…. Those topics are taught in French to all class. Culinary arts and trends… Programme course description
  • 6. 6 “Cuisine du monde” competition To conclude the season rich in emotions, the class of the Institut Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance participate in the “Cuisine du monde”competition. The objective of this contest is to showcase the students’ respective cultures through culinary creations and table settings for 2 guests. In the “Cuisine du monde” contest. Under the watchful eye of Chef Philippe Jousse, the students have to present a starter and a main course with flavors from their respective countries to a “Cuisine from abroad” demonstrations distinguished jury. The jury is formed by members of the Institut Paul Bocuse Board of Administration as well as representatives from the Embassies of the countries represented. This culinary contest is organized in connection with the Observatory of meals and culinary practices at Institut Paul Bocuse under the direction of Claude Fischler, a sociologist and head of research at the French National Center for Scientific Research. The objective of this observatory is to gather data on intercultural comparisons. (See next page). Programme course description Groups of students by country will have to present in the Amphitheater in front of the class, a typical product of their country in order to share their knowledge and food culture. Each group will demonstrate one typical recipe and make it taste. PS :Don’t forget to take with you in your suitcase some spices, local products….
  • 7. The Institute Paul Bocuse has created an international observatory with the aim to gain a better knowledge of meals and culinary practices at an international scale. The project will start on January 2012 and the first results will be presented on September 2012. We collaborate with the students & the university network of the Institut Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance in order to collect and analyse intercultural data. In addition, a research study will be realized aiming to collect more subtle elements of cross-cultural comparison about meals and culinary practices in a smaller number of countries. Procedure Every year, questionnaires are collected from the Alliance students with the aim to constitute a long-term database on meal practices among young adults from different continents (those of the Alliance students). On one side, it is planned to gather annual information about meals and culinary habits and on the other side, to also focus on a specific topic each year. To do so, the Alliance student candidates have to fill in a questionnaire in their application to the Institute Paul Bocuse. Data will then be analysed by the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Centre. Moreover, this same specific issue will be studied through an ethnographic fieldwork, which will take place in 1 or 2 countries under the supervision of Pr. Claude Fischler (CNRS/EHESS). A bibliography watch will be conducted in the same time in order to explore the subject from international scientific published papers. Finally, a workshop will take place every year at the same period of the culinary Alliance competition with the aim to present and discuss the results. Presentation of the questionnaire: It will be composed of questions organised in different items: The estimated time to answer to the whole questionnaire is 30-40 minutes.  Meals and number of everyday meals  Meal setting (table dressing…)  Meal structure (starter, main course…)  Companions  Festivities  Eating out  Meal invitations  Meals with friends  Changes in the eating practices along the time The survey includes as well a diary journal about food intakes in order to collect information about eating practices, such as meals consumed during the day, the meal content, the meal setting, the companions with whom meal has been consumed, the table manners (i.e. eating at the table, standing, etc.). Respondents will have to fill the diary journal for two days (a working day and a non-working day) every time they consume food or if they prefer at the end of the day (estimated time: 30 minutes). The analysis of the results will be presented to the members of the Alliance and the partners will be cited in any scientific communication to be published. International observatory of meals & culinary practices Extra information
  • 8. 8 Lyon, much more than the “world capital of gastronomy”! Of course, the city is proud of this title, bestowed upon Lyon in the XIXth century by the famous critic Curnonsky, but the city of Lyon, which is home to the Institut Paul Bocuse, is much more than that. Since 1998, Lyon has been registered on the UNESCO world heritage roster, and has managed perfect symbiosis between the value given to tradition and the city’s illustrious past and its mastery of the most recent innovations. Since the Renaissance, Lyon has positioned itself as a world-class economic and cultural center, whose old quarter of Saint Jean, which was that of the bankers from Florence in former times, is a vestige still full of life. Lyon long used its business savvy in trading and industry (namely textiles and especially silk) to serve its purposes and to become one of the best performers in the XIXth century economically speaking; it was later able to maintain its advances and adapt to progress rather than being subjected to it. A crossroads of Europe, Lyon excels in many diverse fields such as biotechnologies, information and communication technologies, fashion, the environment and clean-tech industries. Lyon is a top-notch university town (first after Paris) that welcomes more than 125,000 students annually including many foreign students. Lyon fosters their integration through its quality structures and its dynamism. Thanks to its many assets, Lyon is quickly gaining international importance and continues to benefit from its strategic geographic situation - ideally located in the Rhone river valley, linking Paris, Geneva and the French Riviera... Lyon’s lifestyle opportunities confer it with a serious and increasingly recognized competitive advantage. Lyon, capital of gastronomy : capital of Gaul under the Roman Empire, a major centre of culture and trading during the Renaissance, and a strong industrial breeding ground in the nineteenth century, Lyon has become a large European metropolis, benefiting from the influences that have swept across its beautiful landscape. Now included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Lyon is categorized along with prestigious cities such as Venice, Prague, or Saint Petersburg. Known worldwide, the ‘Lyonnaise cuisine’ has only one secret: "to allow things to taste like what they are» as Chef Paul Bocuse always says. The region is overflowing with culinary inventiveness and «star " chefs whose names are known all over the world, Enjoy Lyon, its markets and famous restaurants The official site of the city of Lyon : Lyon, Capital of gastronomy About Lyon…
  • 9. CLASSES: Classes are held from Monday to Friday. Some may be organised on Saturday in the interest of the students. Depending on the course, classes will start and end at different times. Most of the time classes are held for 6 hours per day but can last longer when the training is at the restaurant Saisons, which is open to guests for lunch and dinner. Students will have a 2 week vacation during the 2 first weeks of August. The Institute is closed. However, the student housing remains open. DRESS CODE: It is mandatory for students to wear a uniform. During practical classes in the kitchen, this is your kitchen uniform (with your school logo) and your security shoes with non-slip soles and hard topped (steel toed shoes - no Crocs). Students must bring their knives and other cooking tools, kitchen uniform as well as a lock. Toques will be provided. During theorical classes men must wear black suits, white shirt and a tie. Women must wear black pants or a knee length skirt, black jacket and white blouse. For health reasons, you are not permitted to wear your kitchen uniform outside of the building. We will provide you with a locker room in which you can change your clothing Students must be dressed either in their kitchen uniform or black suit to be admissible into the Institute. ATTENDANCE & CERTIFICATE Attendance to all the classes and visits are mandatory. Students will be evaluated each week. An average of 12/20 is requested to obtain the certificate. n the case of a disrespectful Attitude & non- satisfactory participation, and an average below 12/20, students will not receive the Certificate. ACCOMMODATION: Students are accommodated at the student housing located close to the Institute. Sheets and blankets are provided. Towels are not provided. Breakfast is served from Monday to Friday. Students can use the collective kitchen to prepare all other meals. The school does not provide plates, cups, utensils, pots and pans. These must be purchased upon arrival. INSURANCE: Students must have a private international insurance covering medical needs, all accidents and injuries caused to them or by them during their stay at the Institut Paul Bocuse. A proof of this insurance must be provided with the application form. A multi-risk insurance is compulsory for the student housing. Student will register for a reduced-rate insurance policy through the Institute’s insurers (23 € included in the scholarship). FEES: Tuition must be paid 2 months before the program starts. Payment must be sent along with the approved rules. COST OF THE PROGRAMME: 4950 € including housing at the students’ residence, as well as breakfast and lunch from Monday to Friday.. Except during the 2 weeks of vacation in August. CANCELLATION POLICY: If the student cancels less than one month prior to the beginning of the program: 40% of the tuition will be refunded. RULES: During your stay the general rules must be respected. If not, you will be expelled from the school and must go back to your country. General information
  • 10. 10 Institut Paul Bocuse provides training for Culinary Arts and the Hospitality industry. Integrating tradition, modernity, innovation and research, it aims at the excellence. With requirement, it transmits the technical and managerial know- how necessary to prepare its students to the best careers in the world