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to Shale Gas
  Nykky Allen
   Andrew Aplin
   Mark Thomas
     Calgary, June 2009
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Research Questions 1

                     How is gas stored in shales?
                           1) Adsorbed/absorbed on organics and minerals
                           2) Free gas
                           3) Dissolved in formation water

                     What effect does the concentration of organic matter
                      (OM) have on the adsorption capabilities of shales?

                      What controls sorption capacities of OM: kerogen
©Shale Gas 2009

                      maturity and type; moisture content?

                               Shale Gas consortium
Research Questions 2

                     Controls on porosity, pore size distributions and
                      thus storage potential and permeability

                     Influence of temperature and pressure on sorption
                      capacity and desorption kinetics

                     Differentation of free and sorbed gas

                     Desorption kinetics
©Shale Gas 2009

                              Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Basic principles of gas sorption

                     Gas sorption can occur when a molecule becomes
                      attached to or interacts with a solid surface

                     The adsorption of gas onto a solid surface is
                      accompanied by the generation of heat (exothermic
©Shale Gas 2009

                     The enthalpy (heat) of adsorption is a function of
                      surface coverage (i.e. the more gas, the more heat

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Adsorption principles
                          A         adsorption is the
                                    densification of a fluid at its
                                    interface with a solid

                  Adsorbent       adsorbate adsorptive
©Shale Gas 2009


                              0             zA        z

                        Shale Gas consortium
Gas Sorption:
       Experimental Measurement
©Shale Gas 2009

                  Shale Gas consortium
Sorption Isotherms
                  Gas sorption experiments help determine:

                     1) nature of porosity, 2) max. gas storage capacity, 3)
                      rate of (de)sorption (kinetics)

                     An adsorption isotherm is generated by adsorbing gas
                      onto the shale sample at constant pressure and
                      temperature, until equilibrium is achieved, and the
                      mass/volume of gas adsorbed is constant.


                                                                                      If this process is
                         Amount (n)

©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                                     done at several
                          n / mmol g


                                       6                                             pressures, then a
                                       4                                             relative pressure
                                                                                     (P/Po) vs amount (n)
                                            0.0   0.2    0.4       0.6   0.8   1.0   curve is generated.
                                            Relative Pressure
                                                               0         (P/Po)

                                                        Shale Gas consortium
Schematic of Kinetic Measurement Technique

                   Adsorbed                      Pressure
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                 Time (s)

                              Shale Gas consortium
High-pressure isotherm analysis

                                                                • Surface
                  N, amount adsorbed                            excess
                                                                important at
                                                                very high
                                             Total              pressures.
                                                                • It is caused
                                             Surface Excess     by the free
                                                                gas having a
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                density to the
                                        Pressure                adsorbed gas

                                   Shale Gas consortium
Equipment: Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser

                                                    •Powdered shale
                                                    and kerogen is
                                                    subjected to a
                                                    •High pressure gas
                                                    is pumped into the
                                                    sample (at constant
                                                    •The mass change
                                                    is accurately
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                    •The IGA
                                                    microbalance is
                                                    accurate to + 0.1 g

                             Shale Gas consortium
Analysis of Isotherm
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                      Shale Gas consortium
Data Analysis
                     The raw isotherm data is analysed using:

                      1.   Langmuir model
                                            P          1 KP          1          P
                                            Ns          KN m        KN m        Nm
                      2.   BET model

                                                 p            1        c 1 p
                                                                            . 0
©Shale Gas 2009

                                            n p0        p    nm c      nm c p
                      3.   D-R model

                                                                                2   p0
                                            log 10 W    log 10 W0    D log 10

                                   Shale Gas consortium
A combination of these models gives a full
                        characterisation of the pore structure

                     The Langmuir model gives the total pore volume
                      (i.e. the total capacity available for gas storage)

                     The B.E.T. model gives the apparent surface area
                      available for gas surface adsorption

                     The D-R model gives the volume of the tiniest
                      microporosity (< 2nm) only
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Therefore a combination of these models (plus
                      mercury injection core porosimetry for the larger
                      pores) allows a full pore size characterisation of
                      the shales to be obtained

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Pores: Definitions
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Shale Gas consortium
Classifications of Pores

                  • Pores are classified into groups by IUPAC:
                   – Macropores >50 nm / 500 Å
                    – Mesopores 2–50 nm
                    – Micropores < 2 nm / 20 Å – Ultra-micropores < 0.7 nm
                                                – Micropores 0.7 – 1.4 nm
                                                – Super-micropores 1.4 - 2 nm
                  • Ultra-micropores provide driving force for adsorption at low
©Shale Gas 2009

                    pressures (but what about under geological pressures?)
                  • Micropores and super-micropores act as transport porosity
                   providing access to ultra-microporosity

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Mechanism of sorption in pores
                     In wide/large pores (> 2 nm/20 Å), high
                      pressures/low temperatures are required for sorption
                      because the gas can easily detach off the pore surface

                     In microporosity however (< 2nm/20 Å), the micropore
                      walls are in close proximity, resulting in overlap of
                      Lennard-Jones potential energy fields

                     This overlap of potential energy fields leads to
                      enhanced adsorption in constrained pore systems
©Shale Gas 2009

                     This effect leads to gas adsorbing at low pressures,
                      thus strongly bonding the molecules to the surface. The
                      gas condenses (i.e capillary condensation) into a liquid

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Micropore Width and Adsorption

                  • Micropore walls are in close proximity resulting in
                      overlap of potential energy fields
                  •   Enhanced interactions facilitate adsorption of vapours
                      at very low pressures i.e. concentrations
                                                             Open surface
                       Potential Energy

                                                                 W = 1.3 nm
                                                                 W = 1 nm
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                 W = 0.8 nm
                                                                 W = 0.6 nm
                                                                    W = 0.5 nm

                                          -0.4 -0.2   0   0.2 0.4
                                                                                 Width (W)
                                                  Z / nm

                                                          Shale Gas consortium
Mechanism of sorption in pores

                     Adsorption of gases and vapours in micropores is
                      characterised by:

                         (1) Improved adsorption at low pressure due to enhanced
                          adsorption potentials caused by the overlap of the force
                          fields from opposite pore wall
                         (2) Activated diffusion effects caused by constrictions in
                          the microporous network
©Shale Gas 2009

                         (3) Molecular size and shape selectivity

                     Zsigmondy’s capillary condensation of a vapour to a
                      liquid can occur below the saturated vapour pressure
                      (providing the temperature is below the critical point)

                                    Shale Gas consortium
Role of pores in gas storage
©Shale Gas 2009

                         Shale Gas consortium
Porosity is involved in storage

                     Shale gas can be stored in three ways:
                      1. Free gas within pore spaces,

                      2. Adsorbed gas on surfaces of pores

                      3. Dissolved gas in pore fluid (water/bitumen)

                     Therefore, pores are important to shale gas
                      storage because they contribute to all of the
©Shale Gas 2009

                      above mechanisms

                     The exact details of how shale porosity
                      determines storage is unclear

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Coal Porosity: An analogue of shale?

                     Few studies using gas sorption to investigate
                      porosity in shales and kerogens

                     50 years of studies using gas sorption to
                      investigate porosity in coals

                     Coal literature is useful in providing an analogy
                      for shale and kerogen sorption
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Coal may be considered an analogue of the
                      kerogen in shale?

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Porosity of Coal

                     Clarkson and Bustin (1996): micropore volume is
                      the main control on methane adsorption in coal

                     Crosdalet et al. (1998): methane adsorption in
                      coal is related to micropore volume

                     Bae and Bhatia (2006): surface areas of coals are
                      dominated by pores smaller than 10 Å.
©Shale Gas 2009

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Porosity in Coal: Bae and Bhatia (2006)
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Micropores (< 0.7nm = 7 Å) dominate

                             Shale Gas consortium
Thermal maturity and microporosity of Coals
                     Microporosity increases with increasing thermal
                      maturity (Gan et al., 1972; Clarkson and Bustin, 1996;
                      Prinz et al., 2004; Prinz and Littke, 2005)

                     Crosdale et al. (1998): increasing thermal maturity
                      increases relative abundance of micropores at the
                      expense of macropores and mesopores

                     Harris and Yust (1976): Transmission Electron
                      Microscope suggests that vitrinite is mainly micro- and
©Shale Gas 2009

                      mesoporous, that inertinite is mainly mesoporous, and
                      liptinite is mainly macroporous

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Harris and Yust 1976: TEM of coal pores
©Shale Gas 2009

                          Shale Gas consortium
Harris and Yust 1976: TEM of coal pores
©Shale Gas 2009

                          Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Mechanism of gas storage

                     Shale    gas can be stored in three ways:
                       1. as   free gas within pore spaces,
                       2. as   adsorbed gas on surfaces of pores
                       3. as   dissolved gas in pore fluid (water/bitumen)

                     The relative importance of the three modes of gas
                      storage is determined by:
                       1. Physical properties (e.g. TOC, porosity, pore size
                          distribution, mineralogy, specific surface area)
                       2. Geological conditions (depth, temperature, pressure,
©Shale Gas 2009

                          moisture/water saturation)
                       3. Gas composition (alkanes, N2, CO, CO2, SO2 etc)

                      Cluff and Dickerson, 1982; Harris et al., 1978;
                      Montgomery et al., 2005; Pollastro et al., 2003

                                      Shale Gas consortium
Key controls on gas storage: learnings from coal

                     Wealth of data on gas storage in coals, a useful

                     Several key controls have been identified:
                      1. Organic matter type

                      2. Mineral content

                      3. Moisture content
©Shale Gas 2009

                      4. Temperature and thermal maturity

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                   Organic Matter Type
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                                  Organic Matter Type

                     Coal is a complex mixture of heterogeneous
                      organic and inorganic matters, that introduces
                      variability into gas sorption studies (Bae and
                      Bhatia, 2006)

                     Vitrinite rich coals have a higher methane
                      storage capacity than inertinite rich coals
©Shale Gas 2009

                      (Lamberson and Bustin, 1993; Bustin and Clarkson,
                      1998; Crosdale et al., 1998; Clarkson and Bustin, 1999;
                      Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999; Mastalerz et al.,
                      2004; Hildenbrand et al., 2006; Gürdal and Yalçın,

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                                  Organic Matter Type

                     Positive correlation between vitrinite content and
                      methane adsorption capacity (Bustin and Clarkson, 1998).

                     The maceral composition has a greater impact on
                      methane adsorption capacity in higher rank coals
                      than in lower rank coals (Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)

                     Vitrinite is more microporous than inertinite; this
©Shale Gas 2009

                      is why vitrinite has a higher methane storage
                      capacity than inertinite (Unsworth et al., 1989;
                      Lamberson and Bustin, 1993)

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Sorption Isotherms for Vitrinite and Inertinite
                     Rich Coals (Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)

                                                         The difference
                                                          in methane
                                                          capacity can be
                                                          seen for Bright
                                                          and Dull
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                         Vitrinite-rich
                                                          coals store
                                                          more methane

                               Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                       Mineral Content
©Shale Gas 2009

                        Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                                Mineral Content
                     Mineral content of coals is determined by the
                      coalification process and the environment of
                      organic matter deposition (Bae and Bhatia, 2006)

                     The inorganic mineral content of a coal has a
                      negative correlation with methane adsorption
                      capacity (Crosdale et al., 1998; Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999,
                      Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)

                     Crosdale et al. (1998) found that inorganic
                      mineral matter does not adsorb coal gas, and acts
©Shale Gas 2009

                      as a diluant to the gas adsorbing organic matter.

                     The amount of microporosity decreased with
                      increasing inorganic mineral matter (Clarkson and
                      Bustin, 1996)

                                      Shale Gas consortium
Effect of Mineral Content on CH4 Sorption in
                   Coal (Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999)
                                                      Methane
                                                       decreases with
                                                       mineral matter

                                                      It is suggested
                                                       that mineral
                                                       matter acts as
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                       a simple
                                                       diluent of shale

                              Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                      Moisture Content
©Shale Gas 2009

                       Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                                   Moisture Content

                     Joubert et al. (1973; 1974) found gas adsorption is a
                      function of water content in coal seams.

                     Moisture in the pores has an effect on gas adsorption
                      (Bae and Bhatia, 2006)

                     Crosdale et al. (2008) found that the moisture content
                      of coals was a critical determining factor in evaluating
                      methane storage capacity of coals.

                     Bustin and Clarkson (1998) found that moisture
                      prevents methane from accessing microporosity.
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Day et al. (2008) stated that moist coal had a
                      significantly lower gas adsorption capacity for both CO2
                      and CH4 than dry coal.

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Effect of Moisture Content on CH4 Sorption on
                            Coal (Crosdale et al., 2008)
                                              Moisture effects on CH4 adsorption on RU1 coal
                                                                                                            The methane
                                       25.0                                                                  isotherms
                                       20.0                                                                  measured for
                                                                                                             the same coal
                  Adsorption (cm3/g)

                                                                                                             sample at
                                       15.0                                             Moisture = 15%       different
                                                                                        Moisture = 52%       moisture
                                       10.0                                             Moisture = 96%       contents
©Shale Gas 2009

                                        5.0                                                                 It can be seen
                                                                                                             that moisture
                                              0.0   2.0    4.0     6.0     8.0   10.0
                                                          Pressure (MPa)

                                                            Shale Gas consortium
Water Plugs Block Pores
                     The moisture content effect is attributed to the
                      water molecules competing with the gas
                      molecules for adsorption sites (Bustin and Clarkson,
                      1998; Busch et al., 2007; Crosdale et al., 2008; Hackley et al.,

                     Allardice and Evans (1978): moisture in coal can
                      be found in the following forms:
                          1) Free water in macropores and interstitial spaces
                          2) As a meniscus in slit shaped pores due to capillary
                           condensation effects
©Shale Gas 2009

                          3) As mono- and multilayers on pore walls

                                      Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                  Temperature and Thermal
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Shale Gas consortium
Controls on Gas Storage:
                         Thermal maturity
                     Levy et al. (1997) showed that thermal maturity (rank) of coal
                      has a strong influence on methane adsorption capacity

                     Chalmers and Bustin (2007) suggest that increased thermal
                      maturity results in enhanced microporosity and thus increased
                      methane adsorption capacity.

                     Clarkson and Bustin (1999) state that coals of lower rank
                      contain mainly macropores, and that high rank coals contain
©Shale Gas 2009

                      mainly micropores.

                     They found that an anthracite coal sample had the highest
                      methane sorption capacity with over 23 cm3/g at 6 MPa

                                   Shale Gas consortium
Effect of Coal Rank on CH4 Sorption (Chalmers
                                 and Bustin, 2007)

                                                        Thermal
                                                         maturity is
                                                         using vitrinite
                                                        It can be seen
                                                         that maturity
                                                         is a strong
                                                         factor for
©Shale Gas 2009

                             Shale Gas consortium
Effect of Temperature on CH4
                                                 Sorption on Coal
                                                                                                  • The ambient
                                                    CH4 Adsorp on Dietz Coal
                                                                                                  temperature is
                                                                                                  a strong factor
                                       12.0                                                       for methane
                  Adsorption (cm3/g)

                                        8.0                                                       • In geological
                                        6.0                                           Temp=30oC   formations,
                                        4.0                                                       temperatures
                                                                                                  would reduce
©Shale Gas 2009

                                        2.0                                                       sorption
                                              0.0   5.0           10.0         15.0
                                                      Pressure (MPa)

                  Bustin and Bustin, 2008, AAPG Bulletin, 92(1), 77-86

                                                     Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Desorption Kinetics: How Fast is Gas Released
                                    to Pores?

                     Desorption kinetics is required for estimating the
                      rate of gas production from a geological formation

                               Amount                 Pressure
©Shale Gas 2009

                                   Kinetic profiles    Time

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Desorption Kinetics: How Fast is Gas Released
                                    to Pores?

                     All rates depend on activation energy (Ea)

                     Desorption of a gas involves two steps: 1) desorption off the
                      surface, and 2) diffusion away from the surface into the
                      porous network

                     Diffusion is slow (relative to desorption), and therefore
                      diffusion through the porous network is the rate determining
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Rate of diffusion depends on gas size:pore size ratio

                     This ratio determines 4 mechanisms: a) gas diffusion; b)
                      Knudsen diffusion; c) surface diffusion; and d) activated

                                    Shale Gas consortium
Size matters: Four diffusion mechanisms

                  a) Gas diffusion            D
                     D >> MFP

                  b) Knudsen
                     Diffusion D ~ MFP
©Shale Gas 2009

                  c) Surface diffusion
                     D << MFP
                  d) Activated diffusion
                     (Barrier to diffusion)

                                      Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
                      A suite of KCF shale samples will be investigated:

                      Sample Name        depth(m)     temp( C)    TOC(wt%)   Tmax( C)          Porosity (%)          HI (mgHC/gTOC)
                      Well=202//3-1A        1600.00       58.00       3.44        417.00               Not Avail                 260
                      Well=205/20-1         1986.00       56.00       2.29   Not Avail                 Not Avail                 500
                      Well=31/4-10          2007.00       76.00       4.87        423.00                      11.0               358
                      Well=204/27A-1        2043.00       44.00       6.50               425           Not Avail                 260
                      Well=204/28-2         2330.00       60.00       9.98        407.00               Not Avail                 406
                      Well=211/12A-M1       3125.00       97.00       7.52        423.00                      14.3               287
                      Well=25/2-6           3161.00   Proprietary data
                                                       100.00  7.70   366.00                           Not Avail                 316
                      Well=211/12A-M16      3376.00      102.00       8.71        421.00               Not Avail                 138
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Well=211/12A-M16      3400.00      103.00       8.32               425           Not Avail                 121
                      Well=16/7B-28B        4132.00      106.00       9.63        438.00                       8.0               250
                      Well=6205/3-1R        4450.00      157.00       4.00        477.00               Not Avail                  44
                      Well=3/29-2           4608.00      130.00       6.07               425                  6.48                35
                      Well=3/29A-4          4707.00      141.00       5.11               425                   4.3                48
                      Well=3/29A-4          4781.00      144.00       6.18               425                   3.3                65

                                          Shale Gas consortium
Experimental Aims and Objectives
                     To characterize porous structure of shales and
                      kerogens using:
                       1. Carbon dioxide sorption at -78°C (for total porosity)

                       2. Carbon dioxide sorption at 0°C (for microporosity)

                       3. Mercury Injection Core Porosimetry (for macroporosity)

                     To measure methane sorption isotherm data for
                      shales and kerogens under conditions which simulate
                      geological conditions
©Shale Gas 2009

                       - Using the new high pressure CH4 sorption equipment

                     To correlate methane adsorption and porous
                      structure characteristics with geochemical data and
                      shale lithological data

                                   Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Porosity in KCF Shales:
                      Initial Results
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Shale Gas consortium
KCF Porosity - Depth

                                                             % Porosity
                                  0.00   0.05       0.10        0.15        0.20       0.25   0.30


                  Depth (m)

                                                    Proprietary data
©Shale Gas 2009



                                            Clay-rich KCF   Silt-rich KCF   Laminated KCF

                                         Shale Gas consortium

                                                         Proprietary data
                     Proprietary data

                                                         Proprietary data
                     Proprietary data
©Shale Gas 2009

                  Total Porosity                         Proprietary data

                                   Shale Gas consortium

                      Proprietary data        Proprietary data
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Proprietary data         Proprietary data

                  Total Porosity Uncertain

                                Shale Gas consortium
Mercury porosimetry analysis
                             Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) analysis used to
                              analyse the pore size distribution (PSD) of pores larger
                              than ~3nm (in the mesopore range)

                                             211/12A-    211/12A-    211/12A-
                     Well        16/7B-28B     M1          M16         M16       3/29A-4     3/29A-4      3/29-2      31/4-9     31-9-14

                   Depth (m)      4132.95     3124.7     3375.32      3400.4      4707.7      4780.7      4608.4      2117.8      2978.5
                   Porosity        0.101       0.233      0.198       0.180       0.086       0.092       0.145       0.232       0.126
                    porosity       0.090       0.227      0.193       0.172       0.062       0.082       0.130       0.194       0.108
                   Mean pore
                  radius (nm)      2.100      594.600    608.300     1003.800
                                                                              Proprietary data 2142.900
                                                                                 1.200  0.600                         4.900       3.400
©Shale Gas 2009

                  pore radius
                     (nm)          4.481      780.020    851.520     1435.700     4.165       3.508      8428.000     9.762       7.370
                     (m2)        6.2x10-22   6.9x10-19   6.1x10-19   9.3x10-19   2.3x10-22   1.5x10-22   1.6x10-18   3.4x10-21   1.3x10-21
                     (m2)        6.7x10-22   8.7x10-19   7.4x10-19   1.1x10-18   2.4x10-22   1.6x10-22   1.8x10-18   4.2x10-21   1.4x10-21

                                                       Shale Gas consortium
KCF: Porosity - Permeability
                                           Clay-rich KCF     Silt-rich KCF     Laminated KCF


                  % Porosity

                                                            Proprietary data
©Shale Gas 2009


                               1E-19        1E-20               1E-21              1E-22       1E-23
                                                           Permeability (m2)

                                          Shale Gas consortium
Shale and KCF Poroperm
©Shale Gas 2009

                              Shale Gas consortium
CO2 isotherm for KCF: 211/12A-M16 at

                                            CO2 at 195K on 211/12A-M16
                                                                         Blue = 1st replicate
                                                                         Pink = 2nd replicate

                  Conc (mmol/g)


                                  0.3                Proprietary data
©Shale Gas 2009


                                        0    200   400    600      800   1000        1200
                                                    pressure (mbar)

                                             Shale Gas consortium
Pore Radii in Shale sample 211/12A-M16,
                                   3400 m

                                Well: 211/12A-M16, 3400 m
                                                           200nm to 100nm
                                           10%             100nm to 50nm
                                                           50nm to 25nm
                                                           25 to 10nm
                                           14%             10 to 3nm
©Shale Gas 2009

                  In this sample, 45% of the porosity detected by mercury
                  injection was found in the 3nm to 10nm range.

                               Shale Gas consortium
Adsorption isotherm for KCF: 211/12A-M16 at

                     Using the Langmuir model, the total porosity (i.e.
                      micro/meso/macropores) is calculated as:
                                   0.01967 cm3/g

                     Using the DR model, the microporosity is
                      calculated to be:
                                    0.01172 cm3/g
©Shale Gas 2009

                     This means that 59% of the porosity available for
                      gas adsorption is 2nm (or less) in this sample

                                 Shale Gas consortium
Comparison of N2 and CO2 isotherms on test shale

                                                                            CO2 at -78oC

                                                    Proprietary datao
                                                              CO2 at 0 C
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                           N2 at -196oC

                   • The N2 at -196oC isotherm shows significant “activated diffusion”. There is
                   a kinetic barrier to gas diffusion through the pore network due to low temp.

                                       Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Methane Sorption in KCF shales:
                           Initial Results
©Shale Gas 2009

                         Shale Gas consortium
CH4 Sorption on Illinois #6 Coal: Comparison of Hiden’s
                               and Newcastle Uni isotherms

                                                       Methane adsorption isotherms on coal Illionis 6 at 303 K


                            Uptake/ mmol g


                                                                      Proprietary data

©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                            Hiden, volumetric measurement
                                                                            Newcastle, gravimetric measurement

                                                   0          20       40          60        80       100        120

                                                                             Pressure/ bar
                       Close comparison for Illinois #6 coal at 30oC

                                                          Shale Gas consortium
Replicate isotherms of a KCF kerogen

                                   0.35       Methane adsorption on kerogen at 303 K                •   Kerogen was
                                                                                                        isolated from
                                   0.30                                                                 shale sample:
                                                                                                        211/12A-M16 at
                                   0.25                                                                 3400m
                  Uptake/ mmol g

                                                                                                    •   These replicate
                                                                                                        isotherms were
                                                          Proprietary data                              obtained using
                                                                                                        CH4 at a
                                                                  1st run, degas at 423 K
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                  2nd run, degas at 473 K               temperature of
                                                                                                        30 C
                                                                                                    •   The max CH4
                                   0.00                                                                 capacity =
                                          0     2000       4000      6000       8000        10000
                                                                                                        0.33 mmol/g
                                                            Pressure/ mbar

                                                       Shale Gas consortium
Isotherms of KCF kerogen

                     The two isotherms are slightly different due to the
                      degassing pre-treatment used to remove volatile
                      molecules from the pores

                     The final amount of CH4 adsorbed by the kerogen is the

                     Kerogen sorbs similar amount as the Illinois #6 coal
©Shale Gas 2009

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Outline of presentation
                     Research Questions

                     Background theory of Gas Storage
                       1. Basic principles
                       2. Pores and porosity
                       3. Key Controls on Gas Storage
                       4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics

                     Methods and Samples
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Initial porosity results

                     Initial methane sorption results

                     Initial desorption kinetics results

                                  Shale Gas consortium
Desorption Kinetics:
                     Initial Results
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Shale Gas consortium
Desorption kinetics: KCF kerogen at 2 bar
                                                                                                                      •   Kerogen was
                                                                                                                          isolated from
                                                                                              1200                        shale sample:
                                     2                                                                                    211/12A-M16 at
                                                   Weight            Pressure, 2 --- 1 bar
                                     0                                                                                    3400m
                                                                                                                      •   These kinetic
                                                            10 g desorbed after 20 min                                    profiles were

                                                                                                     Pressure/ mbar
                  Weight/ microg.

                                                                                              1100                        obtained using
                                    -10                                                                                   CH4 at a
                                                    Proprietary data                                                      constant temp
                                    -14                                                                                   of 30 C
©Shale Gas 2009

                                                                                              1000                        desorption from
                                                                                                                          2 bar to 1 bar
                                                                                               950                    • 10 g desorbed
                                          0   10     20       30     40      50        60    70
                                                                                                                        after 20 min
                                                          Time/ minutes

                                                          Shale Gas consortium
Desorption Kinetics: KCF kerogen at 100 mbar

                                                                                           100                    •   This low
                                                                                                                      pressure kinetic
                                     2               weight                P50                                        profile shows
                                                                                                                      desorption from
                                                                                                                      100 mbar to 50

                                                                                                 Pressure/ mbar
                  Weight/ microg.

                                                              10 g desorbed after 60 min
                                     -4            Proprietary data
                                                                                                                  • 10 g desorbed
                                                                                                                    after 60 min

                                                                                                                  • The rate of
©Shale Gas 2009


                                                                                                                    desorption is
                                                                                           50                       slower at low
                                                                                                                    pressures than
                                          0   10      20        30         40    50   60                            at high
                                                           Time/ minutes                                            pressures

                                                       Shale Gas consortium
Summary and Conclusions
                     Porosity is a significant factor in the sorption capacity
                      of shale, especially the microporosity

                     Organic matter type and maturity, moisture content
                      and mineral content are significant controls on methane

                     Coal gave similar CH4 sorption values as kerogen, so
                      coal may be considered an analogue of kerogen

                     Initial methane sorption results have shown that good
                      agreement has been obtained for volumetric and
                      gravimetric adsorption methods for coal which has
©Shale Gas 2009

                      been used as a model for kerogen

                     Results show that desorption kinetics can be measured
                      and the rates of desorption of methane from coal and
                      kerogen can be quite slow, but that high pressures
                      speed desorption up.

                                   Shale Gas consortium
The End

                  Thank you for listening
©Shale Gas 2009

                       Shale Gas consortium

                     I would like to thank:
                        Prof Andrew Aplin

                        Prof Mark Thomas

                        Dr Xuebo Zhao

                        Dr Jon Bell

                        Mr Phil Green
©Shale Gas 2009

                                 Shale Gas consortium
                     Allardice, D.J., Evans, D.G.,1978. Moisture in coal. In: Karr Jr.,
                      C. (Ed.), Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, vol. 1.
                      Academic Press, New York, pp. 247–262.

                     Bae J.S. and Bhatia S.K., 2006, High-Pressure Adsorption of
                      Methane and Carbon Dioxide on Coal, Energy Fuels, 20(6),

                     Bustin R.M. and Clarkson C.R, 1998, Geological controls on
                      coalbed methane reservoir capacity and gas content,
                      International Journal of Coal Geology, 38, 3–26
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Chalmers GLR and Bustin RM, 2007, The organic matter
                      distribution and methane capacity of the Lower Cretaceous
                      strata of Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, International
                      Journal of Coal Geology, 70, 223-239

                                    Shale Gas consortium

                     Clarkson C.R and Bustin R.M, 1996, Variation in micropore
                      capacity and size distribution with composition in bituminous
                      coal of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin: Implications
                      for coalbed methane potential, Fuel, 75(13), 1483-1498

                     Clarkson C.R and Bustin R.M., 1999, The effect of pore
                      structure and gas pressure upon the transport properties of
                      coal: a laboratory and modeling study 1. Isotherms and pore
                      volume distributions,Fuel, 78, 1333–1344

                     Crosdale P, Beamish B. and Valix M., 1998, Coalbed methane
                      sorption related to coal composition, International Journal of
©Shale Gas 2009

                      Coal Geology, 35,147–158

                     Cluff, R. M., and D. R. Dickerson, 1982, Natural Gas Potential of
                      the New Albany Shale Group (Devonian-Mississipian) in South
                      Eastern Illinois., v. SPE/DOE Symposium on Unconventional
                      Gas Recovery, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 21-28.

                                    Shale Gas consortium

                     Day S., Sakurovs R., Weir S., 2008, Supercritical gas sorption
                      on moist coals, Internatioal journal of Coal Geology, 74, 203-

                     Gan H., Nandi S.P., Walker P.L., 1972, Nature of the porosity of
                      American coals, FUEL, 51, 272-277

                     Gurdal G. and Yalcin M.N., 2000, Gas adsorption capacity of
                      Carboniferous coals in the Zonguldak basin (NW Turkey) and
                      its controlling factors, Fuel, 79(15), 1913-1924
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Hackley P.C, Warwick P.D, Breland Jr FC., 2007, Organic
                      petrology and coalbed gas content, Wilcox Group (Paleocene–
                      Eocene), northern Louisiana, International Journal of Coal
                      Geology, 71, 54-71

                     Harris L.A. and Yust C.S., 1976, Transmisssion electron
                      microscope observations of porosity in coal, Fuel, 55, 233-236

                                    Shale Gas consortium

                     Harris, L. D., W. DeWitt, and G. W. Colton, 1978, What are
                      possible stratigraphic controls for gas fields in Eastern Black
                      Shales?: Oil & Gas Journal, p. 162-165

                     Hildenbrand A., Krooss B.M., Busch A., Gaschnitz R., 2006,
                      Evolution of methane sorption capacity of coal seams as a
                      function of burial history—a case study from the Campine
                      Basin, NE Belgium, International Journal of Coal Geology, 66,

                      Joubert J.I., Grein C.T., Bienstock D., 1973, Sorption of
©Shale Gas 2009

                      methane in moist coal, Fuel, 52, 181-185

                     Joubert J.I., Grein C.T., Bienstock D., 1974, Effect of moisture
                      on the methane capacity of American coals, FUEL, 53, 186-

                                    Shale Gas consortium
                     Lamberson M.N. and Bustin R.M., 1993, Coalbed methane
                      characteristics of Gates Formation coals, Northeast British
                      Columbia: Effect of maceral composition, AAPG Bulletin,
                      77(12), 2062-2076

                     Laxminarayana C. and Crosdale P.J., 1999, Role of coal type
                      and rank on methane sorption characteristics of Bowen Basin,
                      Australia coals, International Journal of Coal Geology, 40,

                     Levy JH., Day SJ., Killingley J.S, 1997, Methane capacities of
                      Bowen Basin coals related to coal properties, Fuel, 76(9), 813-
©Shale Gas 2009

                     Mastalerz M, Gluskoterb H, Rupp J., 2004, Carbon dioxide and
                      methane sorption in high volatile bituminous coals from
                      Indiana USA, International Journal of Coal Geology, 60, 43-55

                     Montgomery, S. L., D. M. Jarvie, K. A. Bowker, and R. M.
                      Pollastro, 2005, Mississippian Barnett Shale, Fort Worth basin,
                      north-central texas: Gas-shale play with multi-trillion cubic
                      foot potential: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, p. 155-175.

                                    Shale Gas consortium
                     Okiongbo et al., 2005, Energy and Fuels, 19, 2495-2499

                     Pollastro, R. M., R. J. Hill, D. M. Jarvie, and M. E. Henry, 2003,
                      Assessing Undiscovered Resources of the Barnett-Paleozoic
                      Total Petroleum System, Bend Arch–Fort Worth Basin
                      Province, Texas: Search and Discovery Article #10034.

                     Prinz D., Pyckhout-Hintzen W., Littke R., 2004, Development of
                      the meso- and macroporous structure of coals with rank as
                      analysed with small angle neutron scattering and adsorption
                      experiments, Fuel, 83, 547-556

                     Prinz D. and Littke R., 2005, Development of the micro- and
                      ultramicroporous structure of coals with rank as deduced from
©Shale Gas 2009

                      the accessibility to water, Fuel, 84, 1645-1652

                     Ross, D. J. K., and R. M. Bustin, 2008, Characterizing the shale
                      gas resource potential of Devonian-Mississippian strata in the
                      Western Canada sedimentary basin: Application of an
                      integrated formation evaluation, AAPG Bulletin, 92, 87-125.

                     Unsworth J.F., Fowler C.S., Jones L.F., 1989, Moisture in Coal:
                      2 Maceral effects on Pore structure, Fuel, 68, 18-26

                                     Shale Gas consortium

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Introduction to Shale Gas Storage

  • 1. Introduction to Shale Gas Storage Nykky Allen Andrew Aplin Mark Thomas Calgary, June 2009
  • 2. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 3. Research Questions 1  How is gas stored in shales? 1) Adsorbed/absorbed on organics and minerals 2) Free gas 3) Dissolved in formation water  What effect does the concentration of organic matter (OM) have on the adsorption capabilities of shales? What controls sorption capacities of OM: kerogen ©Shale Gas 2009  maturity and type; moisture content? Shale Gas consortium
  • 4. Research Questions 2  Controls on porosity, pore size distributions and thus storage potential and permeability  Influence of temperature and pressure on sorption capacity and desorption kinetics  Differentation of free and sorbed gas  Desorption kinetics ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 5. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 6. Basic principles of gas sorption  Gas sorption can occur when a molecule becomes attached to or interacts with a solid surface  The adsorption of gas onto a solid surface is accompanied by the generation of heat (exothermic process) ©Shale Gas 2009  The enthalpy (heat) of adsorption is a function of surface coverage (i.e. the more gas, the more heat released) Shale Gas consortium
  • 7. Adsorption principles A adsorption is the densification of a fluid at its interface with a solid adsorbent Adsorbent adsorbate adsorptive surface ©Shale Gas 2009 B 0 zA z Shale Gas consortium
  • 8. Gas Sorption: Experimental Measurement ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 9. Sorption Isotherms Gas sorption experiments help determine:  1) nature of porosity, 2) max. gas storage capacity, 3) rate of (de)sorption (kinetics)  An adsorption isotherm is generated by adsorbing gas onto the shale sample at constant pressure and temperature, until equilibrium is achieved, and the mass/volume of gas adsorbed is constant. 16 14  If this process is Amount (n) 12 ©Shale Gas 2009 10 done at several -1 n / mmol g 8 6 pressures, then a 4 relative pressure 2 (P/Po) vs amount (n) 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 curve is generated. Relative Pressure p/p 0 (P/Po) Shale Gas consortium
  • 10. Schematic of Kinetic Measurement Technique Amount Adsorbed Pressure (mmol/g) ©Shale Gas 2009 Kinetic profiles Time (s) Shale Gas consortium
  • 11. High-pressure isotherm analysis • Surface N, amount adsorbed excess becomes important at very high Total pressures. • It is caused 0 Surface Excess by the free gas having a ©Shale Gas 2009 similar density to the Pressure adsorbed gas Shale Gas consortium
  • 12. Equipment: Intelligent Gravimetric Analyser •Powdered shale and kerogen is subjected to a vacuum •High pressure gas is pumped into the sample (at constant temperature) •The mass change is accurately ©Shale Gas 2009 measured •The IGA microbalance is accurate to + 0.1 g Shale Gas consortium
  • 13. Analysis of Isotherm Data ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 14. Data Analysis  The raw isotherm data is analysed using: 1. Langmuir model P 1 KP 1 P Ns KN m KN m Nm 2. BET model p 1 c 1 p . 0 ©Shale Gas 2009 n p0 p nm c nm c p 3. D-R model 2 p0 log 10 W log 10 W0 D log 10 p Shale Gas consortium
  • 15. A combination of these models gives a full characterisation of the pore structure  The Langmuir model gives the total pore volume (i.e. the total capacity available for gas storage)  The B.E.T. model gives the apparent surface area available for gas surface adsorption  The D-R model gives the volume of the tiniest microporosity (< 2nm) only ©Shale Gas 2009  Therefore a combination of these models (plus mercury injection core porosimetry for the larger pores) allows a full pore size characterisation of the shales to be obtained Shale Gas consortium
  • 16. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 17. Pores: Definitions ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 18. Classifications of Pores • Pores are classified into groups by IUPAC: – Macropores >50 nm / 500 Å – Mesopores 2–50 nm – Micropores < 2 nm / 20 Å – Ultra-micropores < 0.7 nm – Micropores 0.7 – 1.4 nm – Super-micropores 1.4 - 2 nm • Ultra-micropores provide driving force for adsorption at low ©Shale Gas 2009 pressures (but what about under geological pressures?) • Micropores and super-micropores act as transport porosity providing access to ultra-microporosity Shale Gas consortium
  • 19. Mechanism of sorption in pores  In wide/large pores (> 2 nm/20 Å), high pressures/low temperatures are required for sorption because the gas can easily detach off the pore surface  In microporosity however (< 2nm/20 Å), the micropore walls are in close proximity, resulting in overlap of Lennard-Jones potential energy fields  This overlap of potential energy fields leads to enhanced adsorption in constrained pore systems ©Shale Gas 2009  This effect leads to gas adsorbing at low pressures, thus strongly bonding the molecules to the surface. The gas condenses (i.e capillary condensation) into a liquid phase Shale Gas consortium
  • 20. Micropore Width and Adsorption • Micropore walls are in close proximity resulting in overlap of potential energy fields • Enhanced interactions facilitate adsorption of vapours at very low pressures i.e. concentrations Open surface Potential Energy W = 1.3 nm W = 1 nm ©Shale Gas 2009 W = 0.8 nm W = 0.6 nm W = 0.5 nm -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Width (W) Z / nm Shale Gas consortium
  • 21. Mechanism of sorption in pores  Adsorption of gases and vapours in micropores is characterised by:  (1) Improved adsorption at low pressure due to enhanced adsorption potentials caused by the overlap of the force fields from opposite pore wall  (2) Activated diffusion effects caused by constrictions in the microporous network ©Shale Gas 2009  (3) Molecular size and shape selectivity  Zsigmondy’s capillary condensation of a vapour to a liquid can occur below the saturated vapour pressure (providing the temperature is below the critical point) Shale Gas consortium
  • 22. Role of pores in gas storage ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 23. Porosity is involved in storage  Shale gas can be stored in three ways: 1. Free gas within pore spaces, 2. Adsorbed gas on surfaces of pores 3. Dissolved gas in pore fluid (water/bitumen)  Therefore, pores are important to shale gas storage because they contribute to all of the ©Shale Gas 2009 above mechanisms  The exact details of how shale porosity determines storage is unclear Shale Gas consortium
  • 24. Coal Porosity: An analogue of shale?  Few studies using gas sorption to investigate porosity in shales and kerogens  50 years of studies using gas sorption to investigate porosity in coals  Coal literature is useful in providing an analogy for shale and kerogen sorption ©Shale Gas 2009  Coal may be considered an analogue of the kerogen in shale? Shale Gas consortium
  • 25. Porosity of Coal  Clarkson and Bustin (1996): micropore volume is the main control on methane adsorption in coal  Crosdalet et al. (1998): methane adsorption in coal is related to micropore volume  Bae and Bhatia (2006): surface areas of coals are dominated by pores smaller than 10 Å. ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 26. Porosity in Coal: Bae and Bhatia (2006) ©Shale Gas 2009  Micropores (< 0.7nm = 7 Å) dominate Shale Gas consortium
  • 27. Thermal maturity and microporosity of Coals  Microporosity increases with increasing thermal maturity (Gan et al., 1972; Clarkson and Bustin, 1996; Prinz et al., 2004; Prinz and Littke, 2005)  Crosdale et al. (1998): increasing thermal maturity increases relative abundance of micropores at the expense of macropores and mesopores  Harris and Yust (1976): Transmission Electron Microscope suggests that vitrinite is mainly micro- and ©Shale Gas 2009 mesoporous, that inertinite is mainly mesoporous, and liptinite is mainly macroporous Shale Gas consortium
  • 28. Harris and Yust 1976: TEM of coal pores ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 29. Harris and Yust 1976: TEM of coal pores ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 30. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 31. Mechanism of gas storage  Shale gas can be stored in three ways: 1. as free gas within pore spaces, 2. as adsorbed gas on surfaces of pores 3. as dissolved gas in pore fluid (water/bitumen)  The relative importance of the three modes of gas storage is determined by: 1. Physical properties (e.g. TOC, porosity, pore size distribution, mineralogy, specific surface area) 2. Geological conditions (depth, temperature, pressure, ©Shale Gas 2009 moisture/water saturation) 3. Gas composition (alkanes, N2, CO, CO2, SO2 etc) Cluff and Dickerson, 1982; Harris et al., 1978; Montgomery et al., 2005; Pollastro et al., 2003 Shale Gas consortium
  • 32. Key controls on gas storage: learnings from coal  Wealth of data on gas storage in coals, a useful analogy  Several key controls have been identified: 1. Organic matter type 2. Mineral content 3. Moisture content ©Shale Gas 2009 4. Temperature and thermal maturity Shale Gas consortium
  • 33. Controls on Gas Storage: Organic Matter Type ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 34. Controls on Gas Storage: Organic Matter Type  Coal is a complex mixture of heterogeneous organic and inorganic matters, that introduces variability into gas sorption studies (Bae and Bhatia, 2006)  Vitrinite rich coals have a higher methane storage capacity than inertinite rich coals ©Shale Gas 2009 (Lamberson and Bustin, 1993; Bustin and Clarkson, 1998; Crosdale et al., 1998; Clarkson and Bustin, 1999; Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999; Mastalerz et al., 2004; Hildenbrand et al., 2006; Gürdal and Yalçın, 2000). Shale Gas consortium
  • 35. Controls on Gas Storage: Organic Matter Type  Positive correlation between vitrinite content and methane adsorption capacity (Bustin and Clarkson, 1998).  The maceral composition has a greater impact on methane adsorption capacity in higher rank coals than in lower rank coals (Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)  Vitrinite is more microporous than inertinite; this ©Shale Gas 2009 is why vitrinite has a higher methane storage capacity than inertinite (Unsworth et al., 1989; Lamberson and Bustin, 1993) Shale Gas consortium
  • 36. Sorption Isotherms for Vitrinite and Inertinite Rich Coals (Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)  The difference in methane sorption capacity can be seen for Bright (vitrinite-rich) and Dull (Inertite-rich) Coals ©Shale Gas 2009  Vitrinite-rich coals store more methane Shale Gas consortium
  • 37. Controls on Gas Storage: Mineral Content ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 38. Controls on Gas Storage: Mineral Content  Mineral content of coals is determined by the coalification process and the environment of organic matter deposition (Bae and Bhatia, 2006)  The inorganic mineral content of a coal has a negative correlation with methane adsorption capacity (Crosdale et al., 1998; Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999, Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)  Crosdale et al. (1998) found that inorganic mineral matter does not adsorb coal gas, and acts ©Shale Gas 2009 as a diluant to the gas adsorbing organic matter.  The amount of microporosity decreased with increasing inorganic mineral matter (Clarkson and Bustin, 1996) Shale Gas consortium
  • 39. Effect of Mineral Content on CH4 Sorption in Coal (Laxminarayana and Crosdale, 1999)  Methane sorption capacity decreases with increasing mineral matter  It is suggested that mineral matter acts as ©Shale Gas 2009 a simple diluent of shale kerogen Shale Gas consortium
  • 40. Controls on Gas Storage: Moisture Content ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 41. Controls on Gas Storage: Moisture Content  Joubert et al. (1973; 1974) found gas adsorption is a function of water content in coal seams.  Moisture in the pores has an effect on gas adsorption (Bae and Bhatia, 2006)  Crosdale et al. (2008) found that the moisture content of coals was a critical determining factor in evaluating methane storage capacity of coals.  Bustin and Clarkson (1998) found that moisture prevents methane from accessing microporosity. ©Shale Gas 2009  Day et al. (2008) stated that moist coal had a significantly lower gas adsorption capacity for both CO2 and CH4 than dry coal. Shale Gas consortium
  • 42. Effect of Moisture Content on CH4 Sorption on Coal (Crosdale et al., 2008) Moisture effects on CH4 adsorption on RU1 coal  The methane sorption 25.0 isotherms were 20.0 measured for the same coal Adsorption (cm3/g) sample at 15.0 Moisture = 15% different Moisture = 52% moisture 10.0 Moisture = 96% contents ©Shale Gas 2009 5.0  It can be seen that moisture 0.0 reduces methane 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 sorption Pressure (MPa) Shale Gas consortium
  • 43. Water Plugs Block Pores  The moisture content effect is attributed to the water molecules competing with the gas molecules for adsorption sites (Bustin and Clarkson, 1998; Busch et al., 2007; Crosdale et al., 2008; Hackley et al., 2007).  Allardice and Evans (1978): moisture in coal can be found in the following forms:  1) Free water in macropores and interstitial spaces  2) As a meniscus in slit shaped pores due to capillary condensation effects ©Shale Gas 2009  3) As mono- and multilayers on pore walls Shale Gas consortium
  • 44. Controls on Gas Storage: Temperature and Thermal Maturity ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 45. Controls on Gas Storage: Thermal maturity  Levy et al. (1997) showed that thermal maturity (rank) of coal has a strong influence on methane adsorption capacity  Chalmers and Bustin (2007) suggest that increased thermal maturity results in enhanced microporosity and thus increased methane adsorption capacity.  Clarkson and Bustin (1999) state that coals of lower rank contain mainly macropores, and that high rank coals contain ©Shale Gas 2009 mainly micropores.  They found that an anthracite coal sample had the highest methane sorption capacity with over 23 cm3/g at 6 MPa Shale Gas consortium
  • 46. Effect of Coal Rank on CH4 Sorption (Chalmers and Bustin, 2007)  Thermal maturity is determined using vitrinite reflectance (%)  It can be seen that maturity is a strong factor for methane adsorption ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 47. Effect of Temperature on CH4 Sorption on Coal • The ambient CH4 Adsorp on Dietz Coal temperature is a strong factor 12.0 for methane sorption 10.0 Adsorption (cm3/g) capacity Temp=10oC 8.0 • In geological Temp=20oC 6.0 Temp=30oC formations, high Temp=40oC 4.0 temperatures Temp=50oC would reduce ©Shale Gas 2009 2.0 sorption 0.0 capacity 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Pressure (MPa) Bustin and Bustin, 2008, AAPG Bulletin, 92(1), 77-86 Shale Gas consortium
  • 48. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 49. Desorption Kinetics: How Fast is Gas Released to Pores?  Desorption kinetics is required for estimating the rate of gas production from a geological formation Amount Pressure Adsorbed ©Shale Gas 2009 Kinetic profiles Time Shale Gas consortium
  • 50. Desorption Kinetics: How Fast is Gas Released to Pores?  All rates depend on activation energy (Ea)  Desorption of a gas involves two steps: 1) desorption off the surface, and 2) diffusion away from the surface into the porous network  Diffusion is slow (relative to desorption), and therefore diffusion through the porous network is the rate determining step ©Shale Gas 2009  Rate of diffusion depends on gas size:pore size ratio  This ratio determines 4 mechanisms: a) gas diffusion; b) Knudsen diffusion; c) surface diffusion; and d) activated diffusion. Shale Gas consortium
  • 51. Size matters: Four diffusion mechanisms a) Gas diffusion D D >> MFP b) Knudsen Diffusion D ~ MFP ©Shale Gas 2009 c) Surface diffusion D << MFP d) Activated diffusion (Barrier to diffusion) Shale Gas consortium
  • 52. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 53. Samples  A suite of KCF shale samples will be investigated: Sample Name depth(m) temp( C) TOC(wt%) Tmax( C) Porosity (%) HI (mgHC/gTOC) Well=202//3-1A 1600.00 58.00 3.44 417.00 Not Avail 260 Well=205/20-1 1986.00 56.00 2.29 Not Avail Not Avail 500 Well=31/4-10 2007.00 76.00 4.87 423.00 11.0 358 Well=204/27A-1 2043.00 44.00 6.50 425 Not Avail 260 Well=204/28-2 2330.00 60.00 9.98 407.00 Not Avail 406 Well=211/12A-M1 3125.00 97.00 7.52 423.00 14.3 287 Well=25/2-6 3161.00 Proprietary data 100.00 7.70 366.00 Not Avail 316 Well=211/12A-M16 3376.00 102.00 8.71 421.00 Not Avail 138 ©Shale Gas 2009 Well=211/12A-M16 3400.00 103.00 8.32 425 Not Avail 121 Well=16/7B-28B 4132.00 106.00 9.63 438.00 8.0 250 Well=6205/3-1R 4450.00 157.00 4.00 477.00 Not Avail 44 Well=3/29-2 4608.00 130.00 6.07 425 6.48 35 Well=3/29A-4 4707.00 141.00 5.11 425 4.3 48 Well=3/29A-4 4781.00 144.00 6.18 425 3.3 65 Shale Gas consortium
  • 54. Experimental Aims and Objectives  To characterize porous structure of shales and kerogens using: 1. Carbon dioxide sorption at -78°C (for total porosity) 2. Carbon dioxide sorption at 0°C (for microporosity) 3. Mercury Injection Core Porosimetry (for macroporosity)  To measure methane sorption isotherm data for shales and kerogens under conditions which simulate geological conditions ©Shale Gas 2009 - Using the new high pressure CH4 sorption equipment  To correlate methane adsorption and porous structure characteristics with geochemical data and shale lithological data Shale Gas consortium
  • 55. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 56. Porosity in KCF Shales: Initial Results ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 57. KCF Porosity - Depth % Porosity 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0 1000 2000 Depth (m) 3000 Proprietary data 4000 ©Shale Gas 2009 5000 6000 Clay-rich KCF Silt-rich KCF Laminated KCF Shale Gas consortium
  • 58. KCF: MICP Data Proprietary data Proprietary data Proprietary data Proprietary data ©Shale Gas 2009 Total Porosity Proprietary data Shale Gas consortium
  • 59. KCF: MICP Data Proprietary data Proprietary data ©Shale Gas 2009 Proprietary data Proprietary data Total Porosity Uncertain Shale Gas consortium
  • 60. Mercury porosimetry analysis  Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) analysis used to analyse the pore size distribution (PSD) of pores larger than ~3nm (in the mesopore range) 211/12A- 211/12A- 211/12A- Well 16/7B-28B M1 M16 M16 3/29A-4 3/29A-4 3/29-2 31/4-9 31-9-14 Depth (m) 4132.95 3124.7 3375.32 3400.4 4707.7 4780.7 4608.4 2117.8 2978.5 Total Porosity 0.101 0.233 0.198 0.180 0.086 0.092 0.145 0.232 0.126 Corrected porosity 0.090 0.227 0.193 0.172 0.062 0.082 0.130 0.194 0.108 Mean pore radius (nm) 2.100 594.600 608.300 1003.800 Proprietary data 2142.900 1.200 0.600 4.900 3.400 ©Shale Gas 2009 90% percentile pore radius (nm) 4.481 780.020 851.520 1435.700 4.165 3.508 8428.000 9.762 7.370 Horizontal Permeability (m2) 6.2x10-22 6.9x10-19 6.1x10-19 9.3x10-19 2.3x10-22 1.5x10-22 1.6x10-18 3.4x10-21 1.3x10-21 Vertical Permeability (m2) 6.7x10-22 8.7x10-19 7.4x10-19 1.1x10-18 2.4x10-22 1.6x10-22 1.8x10-18 4.2x10-21 1.4x10-21 Shale Gas consortium
  • 61. KCF: Porosity - Permeability Clay-rich KCF Silt-rich KCF Laminated KCF 0.30 0.25 0.20 % Porosity 0.15 Proprietary data 0.10 ©Shale Gas 2009 0.05 0.00 1E-19 1E-20 1E-21 1E-22 1E-23 Permeability (m2) Shale Gas consortium
  • 62. Shale and KCF Poroperm Porosity ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 63. CO2 isotherm for KCF: 211/12A-M16 at 3375.32m CO2 at 195K on 211/12A-M16 Blue = 1st replicate Pink = 2nd replicate 0.6 0.5 Conc (mmol/g) 0.4 0.3 Proprietary data 0.2 ©Shale Gas 2009 0.1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 pressure (mbar) Shale Gas consortium
  • 64. Pore Radii in Shale sample 211/12A-M16, 3400 m Well: 211/12A-M16, 3400 m 12% 200nm to 100nm 10% 100nm to 50nm 50nm to 25nm 45% 25 to 10nm 14% 10 to 3nm ©Shale Gas 2009 19% In this sample, 45% of the porosity detected by mercury injection was found in the 3nm to 10nm range. Shale Gas consortium
  • 65. Adsorption isotherm for KCF: 211/12A-M16 at 3400m  Using the Langmuir model, the total porosity (i.e. micro/meso/macropores) is calculated as: 0.01967 cm3/g  Using the DR model, the microporosity is calculated to be: 0.01172 cm3/g ©Shale Gas 2009  This means that 59% of the porosity available for gas adsorption is 2nm (or less) in this sample Shale Gas consortium
  • 66. Comparison of N2 and CO2 isotherms on test shale CO2 at -78oC Proprietary datao CO2 at 0 C ©Shale Gas 2009 N2 at -196oC • The N2 at -196oC isotherm shows significant “activated diffusion”. There is a kinetic barrier to gas diffusion through the pore network due to low temp. Shale Gas consortium
  • 67. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 68. Methane Sorption in KCF shales: Initial Results ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 69. CH4 Sorption on Illinois #6 Coal: Comparison of Hiden’s and Newcastle Uni isotherms 1.6 Methane adsorption isotherms on coal Illionis 6 at 303 K 1.4 1.2 -1 1.0 Uptake/ mmol g 0.8 Proprietary data 0.6 0.4 ©Shale Gas 2009 Hiden, volumetric measurement Newcastle, gravimetric measurement 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pressure/ bar  Close comparison for Illinois #6 coal at 30oC Shale Gas consortium
  • 70. Replicate isotherms of a KCF kerogen 0.35 Methane adsorption on kerogen at 303 K • Kerogen was isolated from 0.30 shale sample: 211/12A-M16 at 0.25 3400m -1 Uptake/ mmol g • These replicate 0.20 isotherms were Proprietary data obtained using 0.15 CH4 at a 1st run, degas at 423 K constant 0.10 ©Shale Gas 2009 2nd run, degas at 473 K temperature of 30 C 0.05 • The max CH4 0.00 capacity = 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0.33 mmol/g Pressure/ mbar Shale Gas consortium
  • 71. Isotherms of KCF kerogen  The two isotherms are slightly different due to the degassing pre-treatment used to remove volatile molecules from the pores  The final amount of CH4 adsorbed by the kerogen is the same  Kerogen sorbs similar amount as the Illinois #6 coal ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 72. Outline of presentation  Research Questions  Background theory of Gas Storage 1. Basic principles 2. Pores and porosity 3. Key Controls on Gas Storage 4. Basics of Desorption Kinetics  Methods and Samples ©Shale Gas 2009  Initial porosity results  Initial methane sorption results  Initial desorption kinetics results Shale Gas consortium
  • 73. Desorption Kinetics: Initial Results ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 74. Desorption kinetics: KCF kerogen at 2 bar • Kerogen was isolated from 4 1200 shale sample: 2 211/12A-M16 at Weight Pressure, 2 --- 1 bar 0 3400m 1150 -2 • These kinetic -4 10 g desorbed after 20 min profiles were Pressure/ mbar -6 Weight/ microg. -8 1100 obtained using -10 CH4 at a -12 Proprietary data constant temp 1050 -14 of 30 C -16 • ©Shale Gas 2009 -18 Shows -20 1000 desorption from -22 2 bar to 1 bar -24 950 • 10 g desorbed 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 after 20 min Time/ minutes Shale Gas consortium
  • 75. Desorption Kinetics: KCF kerogen at 100 mbar 100 • This low 4 pressure kinetic 2 weight P50 profile shows 90 desorption from 0 100 mbar to 50 mbar Pressure/ mbar -2 Weight/ microg. 80 10 g desorbed after 60 min -4 Proprietary data 70 • 10 g desorbed -6 after 60 min -8 • The rate of ©Shale Gas 2009 60 -10 -12 desorption is 50 slower at low -14 pressures than 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 at high Time/ minutes pressures Shale Gas consortium
  • 76. Summary and Conclusions  Porosity is a significant factor in the sorption capacity of shale, especially the microporosity  Organic matter type and maturity, moisture content and mineral content are significant controls on methane storage  Coal gave similar CH4 sorption values as kerogen, so coal may be considered an analogue of kerogen  Initial methane sorption results have shown that good agreement has been obtained for volumetric and gravimetric adsorption methods for coal which has ©Shale Gas 2009 been used as a model for kerogen  Results show that desorption kinetics can be measured and the rates of desorption of methane from coal and kerogen can be quite slow, but that high pressures speed desorption up. Shale Gas consortium
  • 77. The End Thank you for listening ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 78. Acknowledgements  I would like to thank:  Prof Andrew Aplin  Prof Mark Thomas  Dr Xuebo Zhao  Dr Jon Bell  Mr Phil Green ©Shale Gas 2009 Shale Gas consortium
  • 79. References  Allardice, D.J., Evans, D.G.,1978. Moisture in coal. In: Karr Jr., C. (Ed.), Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, vol. 1. Academic Press, New York, pp. 247–262.  Bae J.S. and Bhatia S.K., 2006, High-Pressure Adsorption of Methane and Carbon Dioxide on Coal, Energy Fuels, 20(6), 2599-2607  Bustin R.M. and Clarkson C.R, 1998, Geological controls on coalbed methane reservoir capacity and gas content, International Journal of Coal Geology, 38, 3–26 ©Shale Gas 2009  Chalmers GLR and Bustin RM, 2007, The organic matter distribution and methane capacity of the Lower Cretaceous strata of Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, International Journal of Coal Geology, 70, 223-239 Shale Gas consortium
  • 80. References  Clarkson C.R and Bustin R.M, 1996, Variation in micropore capacity and size distribution with composition in bituminous coal of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin: Implications for coalbed methane potential, Fuel, 75(13), 1483-1498  Clarkson C.R and Bustin R.M., 1999, The effect of pore structure and gas pressure upon the transport properties of coal: a laboratory and modeling study 1. Isotherms and pore volume distributions,Fuel, 78, 1333–1344  Crosdale P, Beamish B. and Valix M., 1998, Coalbed methane sorption related to coal composition, International Journal of ©Shale Gas 2009 Coal Geology, 35,147–158  Cluff, R. M., and D. R. Dickerson, 1982, Natural Gas Potential of the New Albany Shale Group (Devonian-Mississipian) in South Eastern Illinois., v. SPE/DOE Symposium on Unconventional Gas Recovery, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 21-28. Shale Gas consortium
  • 81. References  Day S., Sakurovs R., Weir S., 2008, Supercritical gas sorption on moist coals, Internatioal journal of Coal Geology, 74, 203- 214  Gan H., Nandi S.P., Walker P.L., 1972, Nature of the porosity of American coals, FUEL, 51, 272-277  Gurdal G. and Yalcin M.N., 2000, Gas adsorption capacity of Carboniferous coals in the Zonguldak basin (NW Turkey) and its controlling factors, Fuel, 79(15), 1913-1924 ©Shale Gas 2009  Hackley P.C, Warwick P.D, Breland Jr FC., 2007, Organic petrology and coalbed gas content, Wilcox Group (Paleocene– Eocene), northern Louisiana, International Journal of Coal Geology, 71, 54-71  Harris L.A. and Yust C.S., 1976, Transmisssion electron microscope observations of porosity in coal, Fuel, 55, 233-236 Shale Gas consortium
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