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É ΟŠÏm§9$# Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$# «!$# Οó¡Î0
(In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Magnificent)

                AL-I S L A M:
            Inception to Conclusion. ®

                 Researched and authored by:

               Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed Mehar. PhD.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                            2

                             Inception to Conclusion. ®
                                     © 2003: Dr Iftikhar Ahmed Mehar. PhD.

                                        ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means,
    electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

                       Library of Congress Catalog Number: TXu 1-109-647 / 2003093322

                                           ISBN: 1-4107-3272-X (Paperback)
                                           ISBN: 1-4107-3271-1 (e-book)
                                           ISBN: 1-4107-3272-X (CD-Rom)

                             Published and printed in United States of America.

                                      THE COVER
        The Front-cover depicts the Surah Fattah, the opening chapter of the Holy Quran.
It is the most recited Surah by Muslims, as it is a mandatory part of every prayer by
Muslims all over the world. On average, every Muslim recites this prayer at least seventeen
times a day!

4th Edition. Revised: 2007
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                  3


        This book attempts to explain the essentials of Islam from its inception to its conclusion.
It was designed as an instrument to help the reader understand the basic beliefs and the
circumstances that brought about Islam. This book traces the origins of humankind and follows
the fate of the appointed Islamic prophets and messengers of Allah (SWT) who were sent to the
people and tribes of their times.
        This book has been written using the following works:
    • The relevant portions (ayahs) of the Holy Quran have been reproduced in their original
        forms using the Arabic texts. It is a mandatory rule of Islam that the Holy Quran should
        be quoted in the exact words as it was revealed in Arabic, the language that was in use by
        the tribe of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, Abdullah
        Yusuf Ali, and other prominent scholars have translated the relevant ayahs. However,
        instead of using classical English for the translations, most of the relevant texts in this
        book have been replaced by the English terms used in everyday speech.
    • The Ahadeeth of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and other published works, which
        have been universally accepted to be the factual references.
    • The widely read and appreciated Arabic guide, Qassas Al-Ambia (Stories of the
        Prophets) by Imam Abi Al-Fidaa Ismail Ibne Al-Kathir and its English translations.
    • Information from various Islamic Web sites.

         In this book, the following applicable connotations have been used:
         (SWT) =         Subhan Wa Tallah: one of the many titles of Allah (SWT)
         (AS) =          Assalaato Salaam: Peace is upon him.
         (SAW) =         Salleh Allah Wa-Sallim: Prayers and Salaams be showered upon him.
         (RA) =          Raazi Allah-o-Anhuwa; Allah’s Pleasure on him.
         The names of the prophets and angels have been written in these texts as they appear in
the Quran. However, their names as they appear in the other holy books have been identified in
the titles of the chapters. Verbs and descriptions within the book relating to Allah (SWT) begin
with a capital letter.
       I believe that the contents of this book will help those who know little or nothing about
Islam. It will also help those Muslims who were born and raised in the West. If I have succeeded
in my effort to help you understand Islam, please include my family and me in your prayers!
       I am dedicating this book to my parents and grandparents, all of whom led, what is
believed to be a righteous life. They guided their children to observe the simple tenets of Islam at
all times. May Allah (SWT) Grant them eternal peace and Shower upon them all His
blessings on the Day of Judgment. Ameen!

         E Mail Add: IftikharMehar@Yahoo.Com; AbddALISLAM@Yahoo.Com;
              www.ALISLAMIC-Servant.Com $ www.AbddALISLAM.Com
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                      4

The Creator – Allah ..........................................................................................          Page: 005
Basic Islamic Beliefs ..........................................................................................        Page: 010
The Angels                 ..........................................................................................   Page: 011
The Jinn                   ..........................................................................................   Page: 014
Prophet Adam (AS) ..........................................................................................            Page: 017
Prophet Shiith (Sheth) (AS)..................................................................................           Page: 027
Prophet Idrees (Enoch) (AS).................................................................................            Page: 028
Prophet Nuh (Noah) (AS).....................................................................................            Page: 029
Prophet Hud (AS)           ..........................................................................................   Page: 035
Prophet Saleh (AS) ..........................................................................................           Page: 039
Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS).........................................................................                 Page: 043
Prophet Ismail (Ishmael).......................................................................................         Page: 052
Prophet Lut (Lot) (AS).........................................................................................         Page: 056
Prophet Ishaaq (Isaac) (AS)..................................................................................           Page: 060
Prophet Yaqoob (Jacob) (AS)..............................................................................               Page: 061
Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) (AS)...............................................................................              Page: 066
Prophet Shu’aib (Jethro) (AS)..............................................................................             Page: 085
Prophet Ayoub (Job) (AS)....................................................................................            Page: 088
Prophet Musa (Moses) (AS).................................................................................              Page: 092
The Nations of the Israelites.................................................................................          Page: 128
Prophet Dawud (David) (AS)...............................................................................               Page: 133
Prophet Suleiman (Solomon) (AS).......................................................................                  Page: 138
Prophet Yunus (Jonah) (AS).................................................................................             Page: 146
Prophet Shi’a (Isaiah) (AS)...................................................................................          Page: 149
Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah) (AS)........................................................................                 Page: 151
Prophets Zikariah (Zachariah) and Yahyah (John) (AS)......................................                              Page: 155
Prophet Eisa (Jesus) (AS).....................................................................................          Page: 158
Prophet Mohammed (SAW)................................................................................                  Page: 167
Revelations about Prophet Mohammed before his birth.....................................                                Page: 198
Comments of Prominent People about Prophet Mohammed..............................                                       Page: 200
True Islam     .....................................................................................................    Page: 203
The Eminence of Women in Islam......................................................................                    Page: 213
Comments about Islam by Prominent People......................................................                          Page: 217
The Final Revelations: The Holy Quran..............................................................                     Page: 220
Comments about the Holy Quran by Prominent People......................................                                 Page: 223
This Life and the Next Life..................................................................................           Page: 225
The Death: The Life in Suspension......................................................................                 Page: 229
The Al-Mahdi ......................................................................................................     Page: 232
The Last Hour – The Signs...................................................................................            Page: 235
The Last Hour – The Promised Messiah..............................................................                      Page: 237
The Last Hour – The Resurrection and the Eternal Life......................................                             Page: 239
About The Author: ..............................................................................................        Last Page
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                               5

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          He it is Who shows you the lightening, a fear and hope, and raises the heavy clouds. The thunder hymns His
          praise and so do the angels, for awe of Him. He launches the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He will
          while they dispute, in doubt, concerning Allah, He is mighty in wrath.
                                                                                                                                        (Quran: 13/12-13)

        The first and foremost belief of the three main monotheistic religions, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam, is that this universe, which literally means, all that is visible, whatever
surrounds it, and all its inhabitants are a creation of a single entity, always addressed as God
with a capital “G” in the universal English language. However, when the written word “god”
starts with the lowercase “g,” it has to have an associated function with it: as in god of war, god
of wind, or god of sunlight.
         The first and foremost Islamic condition is to have an absolute conviction that Allah
literally and truly exists, and that He has created everything in the universe and whatever is in the
heavens. He has no partners, nothing likewise or similar and is the only deity worthy of worship.
Another essential belief is that Allah (SWT) possesses all the characteristics of perfection and

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          Say, He is Allah, the One, Allah the Self-Sufficient. He begets not, nor is He begotten. There is
          none comparable to him.
                                                                                                                                      (Quran: 112/1-4)

       The word Allah is simply an Arabic word for God. Allah is used in the Arabic texts of
both Christians and Jews. This is because “Allah” is the only word in the Arabic language that
equals the English word “God” with a capital “G.” Unlike the English language, the Arabic
language does not have capital letters.
       The important fact to observe is that the word “Allah” cannot be made plural, nor can it
be associated with a masculine or feminine gender. The English words “god” or “gods” can be
used to describe the masculine and feminine genders. Islam clearly and distinctly teaches that
humankind should only say about God what He has said about Himself. It means that all our
ideas about God must be based on the Revelations and not on human speculations. For if the
human mind is allowed to speculate, the stage will be set for misconceptions to take root.
       In Aramaic, the language spoken by Prophet Eisa (Jesus) (AS), the word “El” is used for
God. Phonetically “El” sounds closer to Allah than God does. The Hebrew uses the words “El”
and “Elah” for God. The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all
Semitic languages with common origins.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                             6

       A more accurate translation of the word “Allah” into English would be, “The One and
Only God,” or “The One True God,” or “The One who deserves all worship.” This fact dispels
misconceptions and doubts in the minds of those who perceive that Allah, as revealed by the last
Prophet, Mohammed (SAW), is different from the God of the Prophets Nuh (Noah) (AS),
Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS), Musa (Moses) (AS), Dawud (David) (AS), and Eisa (Jesus) (AS).
                                                                           ∩⊆∪ É⎥⎪Ïe$!$# ÏΘöθtƒ Å7Î=≈tΒ ∩⊂∪ ÉΟŠÏm§9$# Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$# ∩⊄∪ š⎥⎫Ïϑn=≈yèø9$# Å_Uu‘ ¬! ߉ôϑysø9$#

              Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, The Merciful. Owner of the Day of
                                                                                                                                                                 (Quran: ½-4)

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have the common claim of being “Abrahamic Faiths,” and
practice “monotheism.” Only pure monotheism is the message of AL-Islam. Al-Islam literally
and actually means complete and total submission, without any exceptions, in monotheism to
Allah (God).” Islam does not end with the mere belief in monotheism, but also holds that a
Muslim (any individual from Islam) must worship only Allah. All nations of the humanity had
been so directed by all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, including those just named.
Therefore AL-Islam irrevocably accepts all the Prophets and The Messengers mentioned in The
Holy Books; The Book; The Torah; The Scriptures; The Bible and The Final Quran. It is against
The Faith to deny the Prophethood of any Prophet! One most important observation is that
ISLAM is the only monotheistic religion, apart from Christianity, which unconditionally accepts
that Prophet Eisa (AS) (Jesus) is one of the true Prophets and The Messengers of Allah. Any
other belief about Prophet Eisa (AS) (Jesus) is unIslamic and unacceptable to Islam.
        The universal teachings of Islam, even though they are translated into every major
language, are forever preserved in the Arabic language: the language of the last Prophet,
Mohammed (SAW), and the last Revelations, the Quran, were received in the same language. To
preserve its integrity, it is mandatory to refer to the Quran in its original text, as the translations
can be maneuvered to mislead or misrepresent. The ultimate truth of Islam is its unshakable
belief in the unity and oneness of God. This fact is above reproach!
        Whatever term is used, “Allah” or “God,” it is the same and refers to the same Deity. It
allows and encourages the user to fear Him, seek refuge with Him, and seek closeness to Him.
This affects the life of the believer. It compels him towards good behavior as he feels that Allah
has come closer to him. The believer feels an inner strength urging him to overcome his fears.
Most of all, the believer performs every deed with a very strong inner-belief that Allah (SWT) is
Watching over him.
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              He is Allah, other than whom there is no God, the Knower of the invisible and the visible. He
              is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah, other than whom there is no God, the Sovereign
              Lord, the Holy One, the Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Overwhelming, the Majestic, the
              Compeller, the Superb. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner with Him. He
              is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of nothing, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful
              names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                             7

                                                                                                                                          (Quran: 59/22-24)

        The human race and the Jinns are going to be asked what concept of God was in their
minds when they were praying or worshipping. If they say Allah or God, it will be accepted. On
the other hand, if they say the Creator, the Magnificent, the Merciful or any other quality or
name of Allah – there are ninety-nine known names and some more hidden names of Allah left
for us to discover – it will also be accepted! We, as the human race, will be held accountable at
the end of our lives for all our deeds, good or bad. We will be asked these questions:
    • What were our performances in response to God’s demands?
    • What did we do, by ourselves, to secure a righteous place for our eternal life in Paradise?
    • What were our beliefs in His Messengers and the Revelations, most notably the Final
        Revelation, the Quran?
        The Holy Quran in reality is a message for the whole of humankind. Everyone should
read it to understand it and to learn about the purpose of his or her life in this universe. It is a
living miracle and has not stopped amazing those who study it. A lot of its revelations, revealed
and written more than fourteen hundred years ago, are being analyzed and utilized every day, for
the benefit of humanity. In this age of rapid discoveries, it has been proved to be an invaluable
source of information for those who want to understand it. Because its messages and guidance
are timeless and they do apply at all times. It is a true reflection of what is perceived by us to be
our image and that of what surrounds us. It is the only true guide for the betterment of a human
from inside out and that will help improve the humanity.
        True wisdom demands that you adopt a religion that suits you. The mere fact that one
was born among a religious family does not automatically grant the benefits of that religion. The
rituals must be personally performed by every individual for himself. Thus being raised in a
Muslim family or a Muslim nation does not automatically make a person a Muslim entitled to
claim all the benefits of the Hereafter unless all the rituals of Islam are observed and practiced.
        The true religion is to obey the commandments and the prohibitions that Allah (SWT) has
sent through His Prophets. True wisdom demands that a person make decisions using the
faculties of the mind instead of simply following bodily urges! A sound mind will lead while the
body will mislead.

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            So if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my whole self to Allah and so have those
            who follow me.” In addition, say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned
            (Illiterate Arabs): “Do you also submit yourselves?” If they do, they are in the right guidance,
            if they turn back, your duty is to convey the Message; and in Allah’s sight all are His servants.
                                                                                                                                                (Quran: 3/20)
                                                               NAMES OF ALLAH
ALLAH:                               First Name                                         AR-RAHMAN:                            The Beneficent
AR-RAHIM:                            The Merciful                                       AL-MALIK:                             The Sovereign Lord
AL-QUDDUS:                           The Holy                                           AS-SALAM:                             The Peace
AL-MUMIN:                            The Guardian                                        AL-MUHAYMIN:                         The Protector
AL-AZIZ:                             The Mighty                                         AL-JABBAR:                            The Compeller
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                          8

AL-KHALIQ:     The Creator                       AL-BARI:       The Evolver
AL-MUSAWWIR:   The Fashioner                     AL-GHAFFAR:    The Forgiver
AL-QAHHAR:     The Subduer                       AL-WAHHAB:     The Bestover
AR-RAZZAQ:     The Provider                      AL-FATTAH:     The Opener
AL-ALIM:       The Knowledgeable                 AL-MUIZZ:      The Honorer
AR-RAFI:       The Exalter                       AL-KHAFIZ:     The Abaser
AL-BASIT:      The Expender                      AL-QABIZ:      The Constrictor
AL-ADL:        The Just                          AL-HAKAM:      The Judge
AL-BASIR:      The All Seeing                    AS-SAMI:       The All Hearing
AL-MUZILL:     The Dishonorer                    AL-GHAFUR:     The Forgiver
AL-AZIM:       The Great                         AL-HALIM:      The Forbearer
AL-KHABIR:     The Aware                         AL-LATIF:      The Subtle One
AL-MUQIT:      The Maintainer                    AL-HAFIZ:      The Preserver
AL-KABIR:      The Most Great                    AL-ALI:        The Most High
AS-SHAKUR:     The Appreciative                  AL-MUJIB:      The Responsive
AR-RAQIB:      The Watchful                      AL-KARIM:      The Generous
AL-JALIL:      The Sublime One                   AL-HASEEB:     The Reckoner
AL-BAITH:      The Resurrector                   AL-MAJEED:     The Most Glorious
AL-WADUD:      The Loving                        AL-HAKEEM:     The Wise
AL-WASI:       The All Embracing                 AL-MATEEN:     The Firm One
AL-QAWI:       The Strongest                     AL-WAKIL:      The Trustee
AL-HAQQ:       The Truth                         AS-SHAHEED:    The Witness
AL-MU’ID:      The Restorer                      AL-MUBDI:      The Originator
AL-MUHSI:      The Reckoner                      AL-HAMEED:     The Praiseworthy
AL-WALI:       The Protector                     AL-WAJID:      The Finder
AL-QAYYUM:     The Self-Subsisting               AL-HAYEE:      The Alive
AL-MUMIT:      The Death Creator                 AL-MUHYI:      The Life Giver
AL-QADIR:      The Able                          AS-SAMAD:      The Eternal
AL-AHAD:       The One                           AL-WAHID:      The Unique
AL-MAJID:      The Noble                         AL-AAKHIR:     The Last
AL-AWWAL:      The First                         AL-MUAKHKIR:   The Delayer
AL-MUQADDIM:   The Expediter                     AL-MUQTADIR:   The Powerful
AL-MUTA’ALI:   The Most Exalted                  AL-WALI:       The Governor
AZ-ZAHIR:      The Manifest                      AR-RAOOF:      The Compassionate
AL-AFUW:       The Pardoner                      AL-MUNTAQIM:   The Avenger
AL-MUGHNI:     The Enricher                      AL-GHANI:      The Self-Sufficient
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                  9

AL-JAAMAY:          The Gatherer                      AL-MUQSIT:             The Equitable
AL-HAADI:           The Guide                         AN-NOOR:               The Light
AN-NAAFAY:          The Propitious                    AD-DAARR:              The Distresser
AL-MAANAY:          The Preventer                     AS-SABOOR:             The Patient
AL-BAQI:            The Everlasting                   AL-BADEI:              The Incomparable
AL-WARIS;           The Inheritor                     AL-MUTAKABBIR:         The Majestic
      AT-TAWWAB:                      The Acceptor of Repentance
      AR-RASHEED:                     The Guide to the Right Path
      AL-BARR:                        The Source of All Goodness
      MALIK-UL-MULK:                  The Eternal Owner of All Sovereignty
      ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM: The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                   10

        The Islamic beliefs are an integration of the principles revolving around the Creator, the
prophecy and the unseen, including the existence of Angels, Jinns and the Resurrection for
Judgment Day. Islam accepts all The Prophets and The messengers without reservation, from the
First Prophet, Adam (AS), to the Last Prophet and The Messenger, Mohammed (SAW).
        Deviation, no matter how slight, from these principles takes one out of the circle of
belief. Re-entry into the circle of belief can only be gained by overcoming those individual
doubts and fully accepting the following five principles.
        These principles of belief are very simple and easy to understand:
        1.     THE CREATOR: Everything about Allah (SWT) is what Allah (SWT) has told us about Himself;
               including His actions and counteractions.
        2.     THE PROPHECY: Allah (SWT) has been providing to mankind the medium of His Revelations through
               all of His Prophets and Messengers; some of whom received and delivered these messages in the Holly
               Books: The Book; The Scriptures; The Torah, The Bible, and The Quran.
        3.     THE UNSEEN: The Unseen is an event that will positively happen; but its timing is as per the Will of
               Allah (SWT). No one can predict the Unseen accurately, although the relevant signs are present! The
               Unseen is the future; it is death and the life of suspension and immobility in the grave. It is the Mahdi, the
               second coming of Jesus; and it is the Qiyamah, the end of the universe, also known as Armageddon or
               doomsday! And Finally The Day of Judgments!
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                                                                                                                                                       ∩∈∪ ÂθàΖyϑø9$#
               The Calamity! What is the Calamity? Ah, what will convey unto you what the Calamity is! A
               day wherein mankind will be as thickly scattered moths. And the mountains will become as
               carded wool.
                                                                                                                                                   (Quran: 101/1-5).
          Included in the category of the Unseen are all the angels, some of whom have been
          specifically named. The Angels can only execute all the commands of Allah (SWT).
        4. THE RESURRECTION: Whenever Allah (SWT) Wills all His creations, humankind,
           jinns and other creatures will be resurrected in their original bodies and their souls will
           be restored to them.
        5. THE JUDGMENT DAY: After the Resurrection, every soul will have to provide an
           account of his own individual actions and beliefs in the court of Allah (SWT). All the
           actions of the individual-self will be there, as irrefutable evidence, and will be put on the
           scales of justice. The tipping of the scale will determine the eternal abode of the
           individual concerned. If the scale tips in his favor, he will be sent to Paradise; if the
           scale goes against him, and if Allah (SWT)’s Mercy is not invoked, the Fire Pits of Hell
           will be his abode.
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                                                                                                                                               ∩⊂⊃∪ ÏŠ$t7Ïèø9$$Î/ 8∃ρâ™u‘ ª!$#uρ
On the day when every soul will find itself confronted with all that it has done of good and all that it
has done of evil, every soul will long that there might be a mighty space of distance between it and
that evil. Allah bids you beware of Him. And Allah is full of pity for His bondmen.     (Quran: 3/30).
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                               11

        It is the belief of Islam that angels, created from the light, exist. The angels are the most
honored worshippers among the creations of Allah. They exist only to faithfully and obediently
execute the commands of Allah. There is no specific information about when they originated, but
it is believed that they were the first creation of Allah. The angels have many unaccountable
        The chief angel is Hazrat Jibrail (AS), whose function is to communicate the commands
of Allah to the prophets and messengers. Hazrat Jibrail (AS) is also called the Noor-e-Allah – the
Light of Allah.
        Archangel Hazrat Mikaeel (AS) is the controller of the winds and the clouds. Hazrat
Mikaeel (AS) inflicts the wrath of Allah by creating violent storms, floods, and earthquakes.
        Archangel Hazrat Israeel (AS) is the Angel of Death. He extricates souls at the appointed
hour. He has many angels working under his supervision.
        Archangel Hazrat Israfeel (AS) is the trumpet-blower on Judgment Day.
        A special group of Angels has the responsibility to be in attendance near Allah.
              ∩∠∈∪ t⎦⎫ÏΗs>≈yèø9$# Éb>‘ ¬! ߉ôϑptø:$# Ÿ≅ŠÏ%uρ Èd,ptø:$$Î/ ΝæηuΖ÷t/ z©ÅÓè%uρ ( öΝÍκÍh5u‘ ωôϑpt¿2 tβθßsÎm7|¡ç„ ĸöyèø9$# ÉΑöθym ô⎯ÏΒ š⎥⎫Ïjù!%tn sπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# “ts?uρ
             And you, O Mohammed, see the angels thronging round the Throne, hymning the praises of
             their Lord. And they are judged aright. And it is said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
                                                                                                                                                                    (Quran: 39/75)
             Another group of angels are responsible to carry the throne of Allah on Judgment Day.
                                                                                         ∩⊇∠∪ ×πuŠÏΖ≈oÿsS 7‹Í×tΒöθtƒ öΝßγs%öθsù y7În/u‘ z¸ótã ã≅Ïϑøts†uρ 4 $yγÍ←!%y`ö‘r& #’n?tã à7n=yϑø9$#uρ
             And the angels will be on the sides thereof, and eight will uphold the Throne of your Lord that
             day, above them.
                                                                                                                                                                     (Quran: 69/17)
             The majority of angels are busy in the universe executing their duties as commanded by
             Allah. Large numbers of angels are in constant prayer requesting Allah’s forgiveness of
             the righteous. Whenever any person’s action pleases Allah, Allah creates an angel to act
             on behalf of that person. This angel maintains constant vigil and prayers asking for
             complete forgiveness of that person.
â‘θàtóø9$# θèδ ©!$# ¨βÎ) Iωr& 3 ÇÚö‘F{$# ’Îû ⎯yϑÏ9 šχρãÏøóFó¡o„uρ öΝÍκÍh5u‘ ωôϑpt¿2 tβθßsÎm7|¡ç„ èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#uρ 4 £⎯ÎγÏ%öθsù ⎯ÏΒ šχö©ÜxtGtƒ ßN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# ߊ%s3s?
            u                                                t

                                                                                                                                                                               ∩∈∪ ãΛ⎧Ïm§9$#
             Almost the heavens above might be rent asunder while angels hymn the praise of their Lord
             and ask forgiveness for those on the earth. Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
                                                                                                                                                                      (Quran: 42/5)
        Another class of angels must attach themselves with every person alive. They are
stationed on both sides of human shoulders. They are responsible for recording each individual
act we perform. They record the visual, the vocal, and the action intended. Their designations are
Kiraman Katibeen—the Honorable Writers! They are also called Raqeeb ‘Ateed – Sentinels
Ready to Write—or Saiq and Shaheed—the Witness.
                                                                                              ∩⊇⊄∪ tβθè=yèøs? $tΒ tβθçΗs>ôètƒ ∩⊇⊇∪ t⎦⎫Î6ÏF≈x. $YΒ#tÏ. ∩⊇⊃∪ t⎦⎫ÏàÏ≈ptm: öΝä3ø‹n=tæ ¨βÎ)uρ
             Lo! There are above you guardians, Generous and recording, Who Know all that you do.
                                                                                                                                                              (Quran: 82/10-12).
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                              12

       Some angels have been assigned the duty of encouraging us and ensuring that we remain
steadfast on our righteous path towards Allah.
∩⊂⊃∪ šχρ߉ãθè? óΟçFΖä. ©ÉL©9$# Ïπ¨Ψpgø:$$Î/ (#ρãϱ÷0r&uρ (#θçΡt“øtrB Ÿωuρ (#θèù$sƒrB ωr& èπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# ÞΟÎγøŠn=tæ ãΑ¨”t∴tGs? (#θßϑ≈s)tFó™$# §ΝèO ª!$# $oΨš/u‘ (#θä9$s% š⎥⎪Ï%©!$# ¨βÎ)

        ∩⊂⊄∪ 8Λ⎧Ïm§‘ 9‘θàxî ô⎯iΒ Zωâ“çΡ ∩⊂⊇∪ tβθã㣉s? $tΒ $yγŠÏù öΝä3s9uρ öΝä3Ý¡àΡr& þ‘ÏStGô±n@ $tΒ $yγŠÏù öΝä3s9uρ ( ÍοtÅzFψ$# ’Îûuρ $u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# Íο4θuŠysø9$# ’Îû öΝä.äτ!$uŠÏ9÷ρr& ß⎯øtwΥ
              Lo! Those who say: Our Lord is Allah, and afterward are upright, the angels descend upon
              them, saying: Fear not nor grieve, but bear good tidings of the paradise which you are
              promised. We are your protecting friends in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. There
              you will have all that your souls desire, and there you will have all for which you pray. A gift
              of welcome from the Forgiving, the Merciful.
                                                                                                                                                                  (Quran: 41/30-32)
        Some angels work as assistants to the Chief Angel of Death, Hazrat Israel (AS). These
assistants are responsible for extracting the soul from the body and transporting it to its storage
place in the heavens. The Angel of Death is called Malak Al-Mawt.
                                         ∩∈⊃∪ È,ƒÍy⇔ø9$# šU#x‹tã (#θè%ρèŒρ öΝèδt≈t/÷Šr&uρ öΝßγyδθã_ãρ šχθç/ÎôØo„ èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#   (#ρãxŸ2 t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# ’®ûuθtGtƒ øŒÎ) #“ts? öθs9uρ
              If you could see how the angels receive those who disbelieve, smiting their faces and their
              backs and saying: Taste the punishment of burning.
                                                                                                                                                                         (Quran: 8/50)
       Some angels are the defenders of the believing Muslims in the battlefields. Their function
is to help the believer against the enemy. In the Battles of Badr and Al-Khandaq, Prophet
Mohammed (SAW) and his followers were helped by the angels against their enemies who
outnumbered the army of the Believers. The odds were four unbelievers against each believer!
4 öΝä3ç/θè=è% ⎯ÏμÎ/ ¨⎦È⌡yϑôÜtFÏ9uρ 3“ô±ç/ ωÎ) ª!$# ã&s#yèy_ $tΒρ ∩®∪ š⎥⎫ÏùÏŠóßΔ Ïπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# z⎯ÏiΒ 7#ø9r'Î/ Νä.‘‰ÏϑãΒ ’ÎoΤr& öΝà6s9 z>$yftFó™$$sù öΝä3−/u‘ tβθèW‹ÉótGó¡n@ øŒÎ)
                                     t                           u

                                                                                                                 ∩⊇⊃∪ íΟŠÅ3ym ͕tã ©!$# χÎ) 4 «!$# ωΨÏã ô⎯ÏΒ ωÎ) çóǨΖ9$# $tΒuρ
              When you sought help of your Lord and He answered you saying: I will help you with a
              thousand of the angels, rank on rank. Allah appointed it only as good tidings, and that your
              hearts thereby might be at rest. Victory comes only by the help of Allah. Lo! Allah is Mighty,
                                                                                                                                                                      (Quran: 8/9-10)
        Another large group of angels supervise the punishment for those who have been sent to
the Fire Wells of Hell. They work with the Chief Angel of Hell, called Maalik.
βθè=yèøtƒuρ öΝèδtΒr& !$tΒ ©!$# tβθÝÁ÷èƒ ω ׊#y‰Ï© ÔâŸξÏî îπs3Íׯ≈n=tΒ $pκön=tæ äοu‘$yfÏtø:$#uρ â¨$¨Ζ9$# $yδߊθè%uρ #Y‘$tΡ ö/ä3‹Î=÷δr&uρ ö/ä3|¡àΡr& (#þθè% (#θãΖtΒ#u™ t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒ
t                t                      t

                                                                                                                                                                            ∩∉∪ tβρâsΔ÷σム$tΒ
              O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men
              and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He
              commands them, but do that which they are commanded.
                                                                                                                                                                         (Quran: 66/6)
        A pair of angels called the Munkir and the Nakeer is responsible for interrogating every
deceased person when he or she is buried.
        Another large group of angels is assigned various duties in Paradise. They perform many
different duties from gatekeepers to caretakers of the people of Paradise:
$yϑ/ /ä3ø‹n=tæ íΝ≈n=y™ ∩⊄⊂∪ 5>$t/ Èe≅ä. ⎯ÏiΒ ΝÍκön=ã tβθè=äzô‰ƒ èπs3Íׯ≈n=ϑø9$#uρ ( öΝÍκÉJ≈−ƒÍh‘èŒuρ öΝÎγÅ_≡uρø—r&uρ öΝÍκÉ″!$t/#u™ ô⎯ÏΒ yxn=|¹ ⎯tΒuρ $pκtΞθè=äzô‰tƒ 5βô‰tã àM≈¨Ζy_
   Î                                                t          t           y

                                                                                                                                                       ∩⊄⊆∪ Í‘#¤$!$# ©t<ø)ãã zΝ÷èÏΨsù 4 ÷Λän÷y9|¹
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                 13

       Gardens of Eden which they enter, along with all who do right of their fathers and their
       spouses and their offspring. The angels enter for them from every gate, Saying: Peace be with
       you because you persevered. Ah, passing sweet will be the sequel of the heavenly Home.
                                                                                   (Quran: 13/23-24)

        The Angels have no gender and therefore do not reproduce. They are only created by the
Will of Allah (SWT).
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                    14

       The Jinn are another creation of Allah (SWT). Although animals such as dogs and
donkeys can see the Jinn, they are invisible to human beings. The reason they are called the Jinn
is because they are obscured from human sight; however, the Jinn can see the humans. The Jinn
have a form made of smokeless flame and can transform themselves into any shape. Some
people claim to have met and conversed with the Jinn.
                                       ∩⊇∈∪ 9‘$¯Ρ ⎯ÏiΒ 8lÍ‘$¨Β ⎯ÏΒ ¨β!$yfø9$# t,n=yzuρ
                                 And the Jinn did He create of the smokeless fire.
                                                                                                                                      (Quran: 55/15)
        The Jinn share this universe with humankind. They want to share our houses and eat and
drink with us. The majority of them are the working agents of Satan; therefore, their mission is to
cause the destruction of humanity. Although they constitute a species of their own, they do have
some characteristics in common with humankind. For example, they have the ability to think and
reflect. They marry and reproduce among themselves. They are intelligent beings. They have
received Divine ordainments from Allah (SWT) to perform certain worships and refrain from
certain deeds. They also have the ability to choose between good and evil.
        Azaazee (means honorable-one) was the father of the Jinn; like Adam is the father of
humankind. Azaazee had a very high status in the heavens; his residence was in Paradise. The
Jinn existed for thousands of years before the creation of Adam.
                       ∩⊄∠∪ ÏΘθßϑ¡¡9$# Í‘$¯Ρ ⎯ÏΒ ã≅ö6s% ⎯ÏΒ çμ≈uΖø)n=yz ¨β!$pgø:$#uρ ∩⊄∉∪ 5βθãΖó¡¨Β :*uΗxq ô⎯ÏiΒ 9≅≈|Áù=|¹ ⎯ÏΒ z⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# $oΨø)n=yz ô‰s)s9uρ
       Surely We created man of potter’s clay of black mud altered, and the Jinn did We create
       aforetime of essential fire.
                                                                                                                                 (Quran: 15/26-27)
        Before Adam was created; the Jinn resided in the heavens. They had freedom and could
travel anywhere in the universe without restriction. They developed territorial inhibitions that led
to a major war amongst themselves. During their war, they shed a lot of blood and caused
considerable damage in the universe. Allah (SWT) deployed the angels and used the services of
Azaazee to separate the warring parties. The bloodshed stopped when the warring parties were
captured and restrained. Allah (SWT) Ordered the angels to eject all the population of Jinn from
the heavens and caste them towards the earth. The angels dumped them over the oceans of the
        When Azaazee, learned about the creation of Adam, and saw the unfinished form
displayed without the soul, Azaazee became Iblis, which means “despaired and lost,” because he
had expected the honor of being appointed the vicegerent of Allah (SWT) on the earth. When
Iblis refused to obey Allah’s (SWT) command to prostrate and celebrate the creation of Adam,
Iblis became Satan, which means “the one who deviated,” or “the one who changed his
        After the expulsion of Satan from Paradise, Satan converted the majority of his offspring
to his side. Their aim was to misdirect humankind from the righteous path of the believers. This
majority of the Jinn are known as the devil.
        The Jinn live on the earth, but most of them inhabit among the ruins and in those places
contaminated with ritual impurity such as bathrooms, cemeteries, and animals’ yards. Their
favorite spot is where the majority of monetary transactions take place! The Jinn, as devils, enjoy
creating conditions where the majority of humankind is made to suffer. As it is the fate of all the
other creations of the Universe, the Jinn also die and will be resurrected on Judgment Day.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                            15

                                                                                 ∩⊄∠∪ ÏΘ#tø.M}$#uρ È≅≈n=pgø:$# ρèŒ y7În/u‘ çμô_uρ 4’s+ö7tƒuρ ∩⊄∉∪ 5β$sù $pκön=tæ ô⎯tΒ ‘≅ä.
              Everyone that is thereon the earth will pass away. There remains but the countenance of your
              Lord of Might and Glory.
                                                                                                                                                                   (Quran: 55/26-27)
       The Jinn have powers and abilities beyond the reach of humankind. Prophet Solomon
(AS) was given complete control over the population of the Jinn to humiliate the devil. Prophet
Solomon (AS) used the physical powers of the Jinn to mine for copper and to break huge,
mountainous rocks. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the handiwork of the Jinn! When
Prophet Solomon (AS) ordered his Jinn-workers to bring the throne of the Queen of Sheba from
her palace in Sheba to his court in Jerusalem, two Jinns competed for the honor to satisfy the
demand of their master, Prophet Solomon (AS). One Jinn offered to bring the Throne of Sheba
from Sheba to Jerusalem in the time it would take one person to rise from the chair and stand.
The other Jinn said that he would bring it within the blink of the eye and actually transported the
throne from Sheba to Jerusalem within the blink of an eye! The distance between Sheba and
Jerusalem was a month’s journey on horseback!
O$tΡr& É=≈tGÅ3ø9$# ⎯ÏiΒ ÒΟù=Ïæ …çνy‰ΖÏã “Ï%©!$# Α$s% ∩⊂®∪ ×⎦⎫ÏΒ& ;“Èθs)s9 Ïμø‹n=ã ’ÎoΤÎ)ρ ( y7ÏΒ$s)¨Β ⎯ÏΒ Πθà)s? βr& Ÿ≅ö6s% ⎯ÏμÎ/ y7‹Ï?#u™ O$tΡr& Çd⎯Éfø9$# z⎯ÏiΒ ×MƒÌøÏã tΑ$s%
                   z                            t              r                t       u                 t

$yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù ts3© ⎯tΒρ ( ãàø.& ÷Πr& ãä3ô©r&u™ þ’ÎΤuθè=ö6u‹Ï9 ’În1‘ È≅ôÒsù ⎯ÏΒ #x‹≈yδ tΑ$s% …çνy‰ΖÏã #…É)tGó¡ãΒ çν#u™u‘ $£ϑn=sù 4 y7èùösÛ y7ø‹s9Î) £‰s?ötƒ βr& Ÿ≅ö6s% ⎯ÏμÎ/ y7‹Ï?#u™
              x    u         r                                    u

                                                                                                                        ∩⊆⊃∪ ×ΛqÌx. @©Í_xî ’În1u‘ ¨βÎ*sù txx. ⎯tΒuρ ( ⎯ÏμÅ¡øuΖÏ9 ãä3ô±o„
              A stalwart of the Jinn said: “ I will bring it to you before you can raise from your place. Lo! I
              am surely strong and trusty for such work.”           One with who was the knowledge of the
              Scripture said: “I will bring it to you before your gaze returns unto you”. And when he saw it
              set in his presence, Solomon said, “This is of the bounty of my Lord, that He may try me
              whether I give thanks or am ungrateful. Whosoever gives thanks he only gives thanks for the
              good of his own soul; and whosoever is ungrateful, is ungrateful only to his own soul’s hurt.
              For lo! My Lord is Absolute in independence, Bountiful.”
                                                                                                                                                             (Quran: 27/39-40)
        The majority of the devils attempt to reach the lower heavens to eavesdrop on the
inhabitants there. The devil’s mission is to learn about the future of humankind from the writings
in the Book of Life, which is stored there as an assignment-log for the angels’ work. These
intentions of the devil reached Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) increased the numbers of the guards
there and continues to shower the rising devils with the meteorites and the blazing comets; thus
annihilating those ambitious adventurers.
$/$pκÅ− …çμs9 ô‰Ågs† tβFψ$# ÆìÏϑtGó¡o„ ⎯yϑù ( Æìôϑ¡¡=Ï9 y‰Ïè≈s)tΒ $pκ÷]ÏΒ ß‰ãèø)tΡ $¨Ζä. $¯Ρr&uρ ∩∇∪ $Y7åκà−uρ #Y‰ƒÏ‰x© $U™tym ôMy∞Î=ãΒ $yγ≈tΡô‰`uθsù u™!$yϑ¡¡9$# $oΨó¡yϑs9 $¯Ρr&uρ
                                           s                                                                                                      y

                                                                                                                                                                               ∩®∪ #Y‰|¹§‘
              And the Jinn who listened to the Quran said: “We had sought the heaven but had found it
              filled with strong warders and meteors. And we used to sit on high places therein to listen.
              But he who listened now finds a flame in wait for him”
                                                                                                                                                                 (Quran: 72/8-9)
        The devils may also take on the appearance of cats and dogs and the crawling insects like
snakes, scorpions, and rats. However, their favorite attire is that of a black dog.
        A small population of the Jinn has separated themselves away from Satan. They follow
the righteous ways of Islam. They worship Allah (SWT) and recite the Quran. They are the true
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                                    16

∩⊄∪ #Y‰nr& !$uΖÎn/tÎ/ x8Î³Σ ⎯s9uρ ( ⎯ÏμÎ/ $¨ΖtΒ$t↔sù ωô©”9$# ’n<Î) ü“ωöκu‰ ∩⊇∪ $Y7pgx” $ºΡ#u™öè% $oΨ÷èÏÿxœ $¯ΡÎ) (#þθä9$s)sù Çd⎯Ågø:$# z⎯ÏiΒ ÖxtΡ yìyϑtGó™$# çμ¯Ρr& ¥’n<Î) z©Çrρé& ö≅è%
       t                   ô
     Say, O Mohammed, it has been revealed to me that a company of the Jinn gave ear, and they
     said: Lo! It is a marvelous Quran, which guides into righteousness, so we believe in it and we
     ascribe unto our Lord no partner.
                                                                                                                                                                     (Quran: 72/1-2)
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                              17

         When Allah (SWT) Decided to Create humankind as a representative of Himself in this
Universe, He sent Hazrat (Angel) Jibrail (Gabriel) (AS), also referred to as the Noor (Light) of
Allah (SWT), to go to the earth to get him clay. The Earth pleaded for mercy and begged Hazrat
Jibrail not to take the clay. It said, “I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from your decreasing my
quantity or disfiguring me.” Hazrat Jibrail (AS) returned without taking anything and reported to
Allah (SWT). He said, “My Lord, the earth sought refuge in You and it was granted.”
         Allah (SWT) Assigned Hazrat (Angel) Mikhail (Michael) (AS) the same task of getting
the clay. Again the earth sought refuge in the name of Allah (SWT). Hazrat Mikhail (AS)
returned to Allah (SWT) empty-handed and repeated the story Hazrat Jibrail (AS) had reported
earlier. This same assignment was passed on to Hazrat (Angel) Israel (AS). As usual, the earth
pleaded and sought refuge in Allah (SWT). However, Hazrat Israel (AS) was adamant and said,
“I also seek refuge with Allah (SWT) from returning without carrying out His command.” Hazrat
Israel (AS) collected clay in different colors from different parts of the earth. Thus, he had a
mixture of white, red, and black clay, which he presented to Allah (SWT). Hazrat Israel’s (AS)
merciless and ruthless attitude earned him the title and function of the Angel of Death.
         Allah (SWT) soaked this clay and molded it according to His designs and shaped the
figure of a human. The clay was set aside in full view of the angels and the Jinn for forty years.
No Life had been breathed into it. The angels became frightened whenever they looked at it.
Most fearful of all was Azaazee, the father of the nations of the Jinn. He used to approach this
figure, knock on it, and hear the sounds of an empty pot reverberating. This sound of emptiness
made Azaazee fearful. Moreover, it was too much suspense for him to know what elements
would be used to fill this emptiness. He was unable to comprehend the designs of Allah (SWT).
Azaazee became jealous and resented this new creation. Azaazee dissented in his faith when he
learned that the crown of Allah’s (SWT) vicegerent was being given to the new creation, instead
of him, the father of the Jinn. Azaazee became Ibliss, which means despaired and lost.
                                                                              ∩⊇⊆∪ Í‘$¤‚ø9$%x 9≅≈|Áù=|¹ ⎯ÏΒ z⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# šYn=y{

                   He created man (Adam) from sounding clay, like unto pottery
                                                                                                                (Quran: 55/14).
       When the time to breathe His spirit into the human figure approached, Allah (SWT)
assembled all the angels and Commanded, “When I breathe My spirit into him, prostrate before
him.” Allah (SWT) Blew His spirit towards Prophet Adam (AS). When the spirit touched his
head, Prophet Adam (AS) sneezed, and said what the angels had taught him to say, “All praise
belongs to Allah.”
        Prophet Adam (AS) repeated, “All praise belongs to Allah.”
       Allah (SWT) Replied with this prayer: “Your Lord has Granted you mercy.”
       As the spirit progressed and reached the eyes, Prophet Adam observed the fruits of
Paradise. When it reached the abdomen, Prophet Adam (AS) craved food. Before the spirit had
progressed through him, Prophet Adam (AS) abruptly jumped and pounced on the food. The
Holy Quran says:
                                                 ∩⊂∠∪ Âχθè=Éf÷ètGó¡n@ Ÿξsù ©ÉL≈tƒ#u™ öΝä3ƒÍ‘'ρé'y™ 4 9≅yftã ô⎯ÏΒ ß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$# t,Î=äz

       Man is a creature of haste: soon enough I will show you My Signs, then you will not ask Me
       to hasten them.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                         18

                                                                                                                        (Quran: 21/37)

       When Prophet Adam (AS) received his full faculties, he became aware of his
surroundings and all that was present there. He noticed all the angels prostrating before him
except one who remained standing.

                                   ∩⊂⊇∪ š⎥⎪ωÉf≈¡¡9$# yìtΒ tβθä3tƒ βr& #’n1r& }§ŠÎ=ö/Î) HωÎ) ∩⊂⊃∪ tβθãèΗødr& öΝßγ=à2 èπs3Íׯ≈n=ϑø9$# y‰yf|¡sù
                                                                                                       u                        y

       So the angels prostrated themselves all of them together, not so Ibliss: he refused to be
       among those prostrated.
                                                                                                                  (Quran: 15/30-31).

        Allah (SWT) Addressed the Angels, “Verily, I am going to place mankind in generations
after generations in this universe.”
        The Angels queried, “Will You place therein those who will make mischief and shed
blood while we always glorify You with praises and thanks.”
        Allah (SWT) Advised, “I know what you know not.”
        After the creation of Prophet Adam (AS) (Adam is an Arabic word for man), Allah
(SWT) Granted Prophet Adam (AS) special and exclusive faculties, which had not been given to
any other creation, and Educated him to observe, comprehend, identify, memorize and name
everything visible. Soon after, Allah (SWT) Assembled the angels and Introduced them to
Prophet Adam (AS). He Pointed towards some items visible in the heavens and Said, “Tell Me
the name of these!”
        The angels replied, “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have
taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise.”
        Allah (SWT) Ordered Prophet Adam (AS), “You tell them what you know about these
         When Prophet Adam (AS) described them and identified them by their names, Allah
(SWT) Said, “Did I not tell you that I know what you know not? I know the Ghaeb- the unseen-
in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal!”
        Thereafter, Allah (SWT) Ordered all those present, “Prostrate, all of you before Adam to
celebrate this Creation.” All of them prostrated except Ibliss, who dissented.
        Allah (SWT) Asked Ibliss, “What prevented you, O Ibliss, from obeying My command to
        Ibliss replied, “I am better than Adam. You created me from fire, and him You created
from clay.”
        Allah (SWT) Ordered Ibliss, “O Ibliss, You are wayward. You have changed your
attitude. You have become arrogant, and arrogance is not acceptable to Me. You are Satan.
Hereafter, you will be included among those who are humiliated and disgraced.” The Satan knew
that he was about to be destroyed; he pleaded and prayed, “Allow me respite till the Judgment
Day when all are raised again.”
        Allah (SWT) Responded, “You are included amongst those allowed respite.”
        Satan challenged, “Because You have sent me astray, surely I will wait and ambush these
human beings, and lead them astray and away from Your straight path. I will approach them
from their front, their back, their right and their left, and You will not find most of them as the
thankful ones. They will ignore their responsibilities towards you.”
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                       19

       Allah (SWT) Decreed, “O Satan! Whoever of them will follow you I will send them to
Hell with you.”
       Prophet Adam (AS) entered Paradise and resided therein. As the time elapsed, Prophet
Adam (AS) desired a companion of his own nature. He had the angels around him, but their form
was that of a Noor (light-rays); besides, the angels were always preoccupied and busy executing
Allah (SWT)’s commands. Most of time, the angels were engaged in singing hymns which
praised Allah (SWT).
       Allah (SWT) is ever Aware and Responsive towards the inner feelings and desires of all
His creations. When Allah realized Prophet Adam’s (AS) desire for a suitable companion, He
Responded. Prophet Adam (AS) awoke from sleep and found another human form lying close to
him and looking at him. It was Hawwa (EVE). Stunned by this presence, Prophet Adam (AS)
questioned her about herself and the reasons for her presence.
       Hawwa explained that she had come from within him! This surprised Prophet Adam
(AS). Hawwa elaborated that Allah (SWT) had Created her from one of the ribs of Prophet
Adam (AS), and that she was created due to his prayers and desires for a partner. She had joined
him for his pleasure as per the decree of Allah (SWT).
           ∩⊂∉∪ tβθßϑn=ôèƒ Ÿω $£ϑÏΒuρ óΟÎγÅ¡àΡr& ô⎯ÏΒuρ ÞÚö‘F{$# àMÎ7/Ψè? $£ϑÏΒ $yγ¯=à2 yl≡uρø—F{$# t,n=y{ “Ï%©!$# z⎯≈ysö6ß™
       Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that earth produces, as well as their own
       (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge.
                                                                                                                     (Quran: 36/36)
        Prophet Adam (AS) immediately went into prostration and thanked Allah (SWT) for the
fulfillments of his secret desires of a suitable companion.
        Allah (SWT) Told Prophet Adam (AS), “O, Adam, You and your wife dwell in Paradise.
Eat freely with full pleasure and delight yourselves with the things provided therein as and when
you like. However, do not come near or eat from this tree or you will be among the Zalimeen-
        Both of them learned that they had the faculties to exercise free will in all matters. Their
freedom would guide and lead them towards the paths they chose. Satan was their enemy. They
were made aware that their bodies would degenerate with age, and their life would end by death.
However, they would be resurrected on Judgment Day for an eternal life thereafter.
        Meanwhile Satan, having been prohibited from entering Paradise, employed the Serpent
as his agent to work around Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa. Satan continued to plot and
develop plans for his revenge upon Prophet Adam (AS). Satan blamed Prophet Adam (AS) for
the punishment ascribed by Allah (SWT). Prior to his humiliation and disgraceful ejection from
Paradise, Satan was Azaazee, who was among the most highly placed and favored courtiers in
the court of Allah (SWT). Azaazee is the beginning of the Jinn as Prophet Adam (AS) is the
beginning of humanity.
        Meanwhile Satan, an open and sworn enemy of the humanity in the universe, offered all
forms of temptations and seductions to mislead Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife, Hawwa, to
approach and eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. He used to whisper suggestions to both of
        Satan said, “Your Lord prohibited you the fruits of this tree, to prevent you from
becoming angels or everlasting immortals.” Then Satan made a false oath in the name of Allah
(SWT) and assured both of them, “Surely, I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both.”
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                         20

        Satan was aware that the amalgam that had made the species of the human was of the
nature that no one would ever be willing to give up their youth and offer their souls for extraction
voluntarily to die. Therefore, Satan was most consistent in his approach and would regularly
whisper in the ears of Prophet Adam (AS):
                                              ∩⊇⊄⊃∪ 4’n?ö7tƒ ω 77ù=ãΒρ Ï$ù#èƒø:$# Íοtyfx© 4’n?tã y7—9ߊr& ö≅yδ ãΠyŠ$t↔¯≈tƒ tΑ$s% ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# ÏμøŠs9Î) šZuθó™uθsù

      “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to the kingdom that never decays?”
                                                                                                                                              (Quran: 20/120)

         Satan was assuring them that if they ate the fruit from the prohibited tree, it would only
maintain their youth and vitality and at the same time it will make them immortals: they would
never die! Satan added that this was the sole reason why both of them had been prohibited from
eating the fruits of that tree. Satan had always declared to be their faithful and a sincerely honest
guide. Thus, Satan continued to mislead them with deception. Prophet Adam’s (AS) and
Hawwa’s inner desires urged them to live forever in the perpetual gardens of Paradise until their
heart could no longer resist the false temptation of being so close to the source of the youthful
immortality and not grasp it! Their hearts kept on urging them to eat it; thus, overpowering the
decay of their bodies and their eventual death. Prophet Adam (AS) plucked the fruit, ate a morsel
of it, and gave the rest to Hawwa who consumed the balance.
          Contrary to the commonly advocated belief of the People of the Book and the widely professed and
accepted version of the Original Sin; Hawwa (Eve) is being summarily blamed and accused of inciting Prophet
Adam (AS) to eat the fruit, “apple” is the most commonly used term, from the Prohibited Tree! The Holy Quran
clearly stipulates and addresses Prophet Adam (AS) as the one who originated and committed this sin.
                                 ∩⊇⊄⊃∪ 4’n?ö7tƒ ω 77ù=ãΒρ Ï$ù#èƒø:$# Íοtyfx© 4’n?tã y7—9ߊr& ö≅yδ ãΠyŠ$t↔¯≈tƒ tΑ$s% ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# ÏμøŠs9Î) šZuθó™uθsù
         But Satan whispered evil to him. He said, “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity
         and to a kingdom that never decays?”
                                                                                                                                              (Quran: 20/120)
         Thus, it is not Hawwa (Eve) who initiated and incited the committal of the sin; she did participate in
sharing and eating the fruit but she never initiated the action! It is therefore wrong for the women to accept the
theory of original sin and feel the much-maligned guilt of their personal responsibility for the exit of humanity from
Paradise. However, the type of the fruit eaten has not been clearly identified!
        As soon as Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa tasted the fruit from the prohibited tree, their
nakedness, related to their private parts, became apparent to them. Both of them were ashamed
and attempted covering their private parts with leaves from the tree. And then Allah (SWT)
Called upon them,” Did I not forbid you that tree? And warned you that the Satan is an open
enemy for you?”
        Prophet Adam (AS) bowed down in prostration, tearfully cried, and begged Allah (SWT)
for forgiveness.
                                            ∩⊄⊂∪ z⎯ƒÎÅ£≈y‚ø9$# z⎯ÏΒ ¨⎦sðθä3uΖs9 $oΨôϑymös?uρ $uΖs9 öÏøós? óΟ©9 βÎ)uρ $uΖ|¡àΡr& !$oΨ÷Ηs>sß $uΖ−/u‘ Ÿω$s%
         Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You Forgive us not and Have no Mercy on us, surely
         we are of the lost.
                                                                                                                                                   (Quran: 7/23)
        Allah (SWT) Accepted Prophet Adam’s (AS) repentance prayers, and Pardoned Prophet
Adam (AS). After all, Allah (SWT) is known as the One Who Always Forgives by Accepting
repentance, as He is the Most Merciful.
        This disobedience of Allah (SWT) by Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife deprived them of
their abode in Paradise. Allah (SWT) Says in the Holy Quran:
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                       21

   ∩⊄∈∪ tβθã_tøƒéB $pκ÷]ÏΒuρ tβθè?θßϑ? $yγ‹Ïùuρ tβöθu‹øtrB $pκÏù tΑ$s% ∩⊄⊆∪ &⎦⎫Ïm 4’n<Î) ìì≈tFtΒuρ @s)tGó¡ãΒ ÇÚö‘F{$# ’Îû ö/ä3s9uρ ( Aρ߉tã CÙ÷èt7Ï9 ö/ä3àÒ÷èt/ (#θäÜÎ7÷δ$# tΑ$s%

           “Go out of Paradise and down to the earth all of you, as enemies to each other –Adam. Hawwa
           and Satan-. Your abode on the earth will be as a dwelling and a place for enjoyment for a
           specific time. Therein you shall live, and therein you shall die, and from it you shall be
           resurrected again.”
                                                                                                                                                       (Quran: 7/24-25)

        The angels and Azaazee, the Jinn, were ranked in their status to be close to Allah (SWT)
in His Court. Both of these forms, one of rays and the other of fire, were in constant prayers
thanking Allah (SWT). Being a leader of the creation of the Jinn and having been made of fire,
Azaazee had developed a superiority complex and was expecting that Allah (SWT) would grant
him the superior rank of being Allah (SWT)’s main representative in the universe. As Azaazee
was despaired and lost, he became Ibliss. When Allah (SWT) Injected His Spirit into the clay
form and Ordered for all to prostrate, Azaazee, the Ibliss, refused to prostrate as he felt insulted,
he then became Satan. Satan means the one who has intentionally changed the directions. The
expulsion of Satan from Paradise was because of this refusal to comply with the command of
Allah (SWT).
        The command of prostration was to commemorate the origination and generation of a
being who would represent Allah (SWT) in the visible world. The aforementioned prostration
was not meant to signify that Allah (SWT)’s human creation would be treated as another deity or
a god worthy of prostration by all the other creations including the angels, and the Jinn.
        Allah (SWT) and Allah (SWT) is alone worthy of prostration. Nor was it meant to ask
their opinion or to take up their advice; Allah (SWT) is the creator and does not need any help.
Allah (SWT) merely Advised them that He was creating a vicegerent, who would eventually
inhabit the universe, and subsequently multiply thereupon. However, their abode on Earth will
have a lifespan as individually determined by Allah (SWT). They will die after completing their
life terms and will be resurrected on Judgment Day.
        During an earlier incident, some nations of the Jinn population had revolted against the
wishes and commandments of Allah (SWT). They had shed a lot of blood among themselves and
were responsible for an extensive damage in the universe. Angels, upon the directions from
Allah (SWT), rounded them up, and ejected the nation of the Jinn out of Paradise. The angels
then threw this nation over the oceans.
         Azaazee had been spared because he had always obeyed Allah (SWT)’s commands and
had physically helped the angels in the crushing and the disposal of the rebellious Jinn.
        On the day Adam was created, Azaazee, then Ibliss, revolted and refused to prostrate!
Thus he became Satan. Allah (SWT) was about to annihilate Satan forever, when Satan pleaded
for an extension of his life till the Day of Judgment; Allah (SWT) in His mercy Allowed him to
live and extended his life till Judgment Day; but Satan was prohibited from Paradise forever and
would never be allowed to enter Paradise again. However, this punishment and the sentence were
beyond his expectations and more to his surprise.
        Satan’s elements of the fire overtook the logics of comprehension, and produced an
undesirable conclusion for him. Worst of all, for him, Satan refused to apologize for his
        Satan could have asked for Allah (SWT)’s Mercy but he did not.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                          22

        It was the day when the self-grandeur and the arrogance were born; and Allah (SWT)
does not Approve of arrogance! Satan knew that the elements used in the birth of humanity
through Prophet Adam (AS) did contain the ingredients that could be ignited from within to
produce an arrogant human being!
        This element of arrogance has been in use ever since; by all those who defy the laws of
Allah (SWT). Persons like Fir‘awn “Rameses”; all those persons who challenged the prophets of
their times; the present day oppressors and dictators who think that their powers over their
subjects are boundless, and that they are free to impose whatever cruelty they can over their
y“#y‰èδ ì7©?$# Ç⎯ϑù “W‰èδ ©Íh_ÏiΒ Νà6¨ΖtÏ?ù'tƒ $¨ΒÎ*ù ( Aρ߉ã CÙ÷èt7Ï9 öΝä3àÒ÷è/ ( $Jè‹ÏΗsd $yγ÷ΨÏΒ $sÜÎ7÷δ$# tΑ$s% ∩⊇⊄⊄∪ 3“y‰yδuρ Ïμø‹n=tã z>$tGsù …çμš/u‘ çμ≈t6tGô_$# §ΝèO
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                                                                                                                                 ∩⊇⊄∠∪ #’s+ö/r&uρ ‘‰x©r& ÍοtÅzFψ$# Ü>#x‹yès9uρ 4 ⎯ÏμÎn/u‘

              But his Lord chose him for His Grace: He turned to him, and gave him guidance. Allah said,”
              but if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows my guidance, will
              not loose his way, nor fall into misery. But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for
              him is a life narrowed down, and We Shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” He
              will say: “O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight before?” Allah will
              Say: “Thus did you, when Our Signs came to you, disregard them: so will you, this day, be
              disregarded.” And thus do We recompense him who transgresses beyond bounds and does
              not believe in the Signs of his Lord: and the Penalty of the Hereafter is far more grievous and
              more enduring.
                                                                                                                                                      (Quran: 20/122-127)

        Before the departure of Prophet Adam (AS) from Paradise, Allah (SWT) Educated and
Briefed him about his duties and essential functions to enable him to lead his life in accordance
with the divine expectations. Prophet Adam (AS) was also provided with the seedlings of life-
sustaining crops. Prophet Adam (AS) was advised and made aware that the life on earth would
be quite different from that of his life in Paradise. In Paradise, everything had been provided for
him. Whereas on the earth, he would be constantly facing conflicts and would have to struggle
with every task. His mind would be in conflict with his heart and his body would be put through
severe tests. The process of struggle would be an ongoing routine; a new event would start from
where the last one finished. He would have to toil hard for sustenance. His body would need
protection and coverage from the elements surrounding him. He would have to breed and
reproduce and look after and raise his protégées in accordance with the commands of Allah
(SWT). His family would need his protection. Prophet Adam (AS) was made aware that mankind
would have the powers of superiority and mastery over all the other creatures of the earth.
        Most important were the struggles with the inner spirit and the open war with Satan.
Satan would continue to tempt mankind and to lead them astray from the path of Allah (SWT).
There would be consistent and numerous battles between good and evil. Those who followed
Allah (SWT)’s path in accordance with the guidance delivered to them need not be fearful on
Judgment Day; but those who disobeyed Allah (SWT) and followed the satanic rituals would be
fuel for the Fire of Hell along with their leader, Satan.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                23

         No conclusive evidence is available that can point towards the point of landings on Earth
for all the four involved elements, i.e. Prophet Adam (AS), Hawwa, Satan and, the serpent. The
strongest convictions are that:
             • Prophet Adam (AS) fell in India. He had brought with him a black-stone from
                Paradise and some seedlings from the foods of Paradise. He continued to plant the
                seeds on his journey towards the valley of Makkah, in Arabia. Divine guidance
                was the principal element in his predestined meeting with Hawwa and the
                construction of a house of Allah (SWT), (Kaaba).
               Hawwa fell in Africa, in the southern part of Ethiopia and started her journey
               northwards towards Arabia.
            • Satan was thrown towards the earth. He was provided with the ability to travel
               like wind and conceal himself from humanity. As a direct divine challenge to
               Satan, Satan was allowed to approach from every direction and stay close to
               humans. However, when a human bowed down in prostration or raised his arms in
               worship to Allah (SWT) (SWT), Satan would be prohibited from approaching in
               both of these directions.
            • The Serpent landed in Iran.
        While reflecting upon the occurrences of the recent events, Prophet Adam (AS) realized
that Satan was indeed an enemy to him; Allah (SWT) Punishes disobedience and the way back to
Paradise is only gained by the full submission to the Will of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) Advised
Prophet Adam to consistently seek Allah (SWT)’s mercy and forgiveness.
        Eventually, Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa met each other at a place called Arafat, near
Makkah, and settled down near the hills of Suffaa and Murwaa. It is here that the black-stone
from Paradise was installed as a foundation for the house of Allah (SWT), The Ka’bah.
⎯ÏΒ ÏμŠÏù y‡tΡuρ çμ1§θ™ ¢ΟèO ∩∇∪ &⎦⎫Îγ¨Β &™!$¨Β ⎯ÏiΒ 7's#≈n=ß™ ⎯ÏΒ …ã&s#ó¡nΣ Ÿ≅yèy_ ¢ΟèO ∩∠∪ &⎦⎫ÏÛ ⎯ÏΒ Ç⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# t,ù=yz r&y‰t/uρ ( …çμs)n=yz >™ó©x« ¨≅ä. z⎯|¡ômr& ü“Ï%©!$#
            x          y

                                                                          ∩®∪ šχρãà6ô±n@ $¨Β Wξ‹Î=s% 4 nοy‰Ï↔øùF{$#uρ t≈|Áö/F{$#uρ yìôϑ¡¡9$# ãΝä3s9 Ÿ≅yèy_uρ ( ⎯ÏμÏmρ•‘
             Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay;
             Then He made his seed from a draught of despised semen fluid; Then He fashioned him and
             breathed into him of His Spirit and appointed hearing and sight and hearts.
                                                                                                                                                   (Quran: 32/7-9)

             QABIL (CAIN) AND HABIL (ABEL).
         The miracle of first birth on the earth was witnessed by Prophet Adam (AS) and
experienced by Hawwa. Their first children were a set of twins, a male and a female. The male
was named QABIL (Cain). After some time, another set of twins was born; HABIL (Abel) and
his sister. The family enjoyed each other’s company and the bounties of the surroundings and the
fruits of the earth. Qabil became the farmer and tilled the land. Habil became the shepherd and
raised cattle.
         Upon attaining maturity, their natural desires for the opposite sex were awakened; Allah
(SWT) had Proclaimed the manifests of procreations. Prophet Adam (AS) received revelations to
marry Qabil with the twin-sister of Habil; and Habil should marry the twin-sister of Qabil.
While Habil accepted the proposal, Qabil refused to comply. His reason for refusal was that his
own twin-sister was more beautiful and he wanted her as his wife. Thus, Qabil rebelled against
Allah (SWT)’s command. This situation created a dilemma for Prophet Adam (AS). Prophet
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                              24

Adam (AS) wanted peace and harmony within the family; Allah (SWT)’s guidance was sought.
Allah (SWT) Ordained that both the sons offer a sacrifice of their choice to Allah (SWT); Allah
(SWT) will examine the quality of the sacrifice offered. The person whose offering was accepted
by Allah (SWT) would have his wishes prevail.
        Habil offered his best camel; Qabil presented his worst crop. Allah (SWT) Rejected
Qabil’s offering not only because of the quality of the sacrifice offered, but also because he had
disobeyed his father, and the Directive of Allah (SWT). This Revelation further inflamed Qabil
and increased the gravity of his jealousy. His hopes of marrying his beautiful sister were
shattered. Qabil threatened Habil saying, “I will kill you! I refuse to see you happy and enjoying
yourself whilst my wishes have been denied!”
        Habil genuinely felt sorry for his brother and replied, “The right thing for you is to reflect
and search for the reasons of your unhappiness. Seek the help from Allah. You know that Allah
Accepts good deeds and prayers from those who serve and fear Him, not from those who reject
His commands.”
        Habil was an intelligent, polite, and disciplined person. He was always prepared to
perform as per the will of Allah (SWT). Qabil was the exact opposite. He was arrogant, selfish
and refused to comply with the commands of Allah (SWT). Habil pleaded for reasoning with his
brother. Qabil refused to abandon his arrogance and hatred of Habil. Habil advised him, “My
brother, you are straying from the right path. Your anger is sinful. It would help you if you
repent to Allah and forget about your threats against me. On my part, I will entrust this matter
entirely to Allah. The punishment of any sin will be borne by the sinner alone, and remember
that Hell Fire is the reward of the wrong-doers.”
        Qabil refused to listen to the sermons and pleas of Habil. Qabil killed Habil by smashing
his head with a stone; Qabil had cruelly forsaken the ties of a close blood-relationship and
ignored natural brotherly love. Habil’s death was instantaneous. This was the first human death!
The first human murder! And the first criminal act!
        Qabil did not know how to dispose of the body of Habil. He wandered about carrying the
body on his back. As time elapsed, his anger subsided, but the weight of the body started getting
heavier. At the same time, the stench from the body increased. He sat down under a tree with the
body of his brother on his shoulders. While he was resting in the shade of the tree, Allah (SWT)
Intervened to show Qabil the proper way dispose of Habil’s remains. Two ravens appeared on
the ground near him and began fighting, resulting in the death of one. The victorious raven, using
its beak and claws, dug a hole in the ground, rolled over the body of the dead raven and covered
it with dust. Witnessing this episode, Qabil was overcome with shame, guilt, and remorse. “Woe
unto me!” he exclaimed. “I had no foresight to do what this raven has done. I could not even
dispose of the corpse of my brother!”
        Qabil then buried his brother. Habil became the first human to be buried.
        Allah (SWT) has Revealed in the Holy Quran
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AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                 25

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         Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! They each presented a
sacrifice (to Allah (SWT)); it was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: “Be sure I will
slay you.” “Surely,” said the former, “Allah accepts of the sacrifice of those who are righteous. If you stretch
your hand against me to slay me, I shall not stretch my hand against you to slay you: for I do fear Allah, the
Cherisher of the Worlds. For me I intend to let you draw yourself my sin as well as yours, for you will be
among the Companions of the Fire, and that is the reward of those who do wrong.” The selfish soul of the
other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became one of the lost ones. The Allah sent
the raven, which scratched the ground, to show him how to hide his shame and his brother. “Woe is me!” said
he, “was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?” Then he became full of
regrets.                                                                              (Quran: 5/27-31)

         Prophet Adam (AS) was grief-stricken due to the loss of his two sons; one was dead
while the other had permitted himself to be taken over by Satan. Prophet Adam (AS) could only
offer prayers for his sons. Besides, he had to tend to himself and the rest of his family. His duties
as a prophet were enhanced and increased with the expansion of his family and off-springs. He
had twenty pairs of twins; that is twenty males and twenty females. The last child was a son who
was born alone. His sermons to his children and grandchildren relayed his own experiences, both
in Paradise and on Earth along with the warnings about the ever-present danger of Satan; who
would ambush humanity to lead them astray.
         By the time Prophet Adam (AS) grew old, his children had spread all over the earth.
Near the time of his death, he appointed his last son, Prophet Shiith (SETH) (AS) as a successor,
guiding him about the timings of the prayers from the movements of the sun and the appropriate
acts of worship. Prophet Adam (AS) reassured his children that Allah (SWT) would Continue to
Send His prophets. These prophets would have different names, and they would be from
different tribes. Some of them would even perform miracles, but their message for the whole of
humanity would always be:
     • Allah (SWT) was the only God worthy of worship! He had no partners or none was like
     • The life on this earth would end in death, but they would be resurrected again on the Day
         of Judgment.
     • The life on this earth was only a test of the individual self. All their deeds and their
         worships would be recorded as every soul would have to explain for himself.
     • The reward for righteousness would be the permanent abode in Paradise; whereas those
         who follow Satan would be forever doomed in the Fires of Hell.
    Near the time of his death, Prophet Adam felt a hunger and craving for a specific food that he
had earlier tasted in Paradise. He described its shape and properties, asking his children to search
for it and bring it to him if found. His children went out in search of the fruit of Paradise. While
they were busy in their search among the fruit trees, two strangers approached them. These
strangers questioned the children of the Prophet Adam (AS) about the nature of their search. The
children replied that they were looking for a specific kind of fruit as per the wishes of their ailing
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                        26

        These strangers were the angels who had come to educate the children of Prophet Adam
(AS) on how to dispose of human remains; once the Angel of Death had extracted the soul from
the body. The angels advised those children to return to their father, for they must learn about the
disposition of the human body, as per the will of Allah (SWT). Moreover, it would be a requisite
for the rest of humanity to follow. The angels were carrying the shroud with them. When they
reached home, they found that Prophet Adam (AS) had already expired.
        The angels washed the body, wrapped it with the shroud, and buried it in the ground. The
angels then instructed those present that it was mandatory for humans to be buried in the ground,
as shown to them, and that it was the proper way Allah (SWT) had Ordered them to follow.
Those who were present and had witnessed the burial must advise the future generations about it.
         Since the major elements of humans were the clays from the surface of the earth, that is
where the bodies should be finally disposed.
                                               ∩∈∈∪ 3“t÷zé& ¸οu‘$s? öΝä3ã_ÌøƒéΥ $pκ÷]ÏΒuρ öΝä.߉‹ÏèçΡ $pκÏùρ öΝä3≈oΨø)n=yz $pκ÷]ÏΒ
       From the earth We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring
       you out once again.
                                                                                                                          (Quran: 20/55)
       Major portion of the earth surface is made up of water; similarly, the human body also
contains substantial quantities of water. Thus, it is permissible to bury a human at sea to avoid
any undue decay of the human remains.
       After the death of Prophet Adam (AS), Prophet Shiith (AS) took over the responsibilities
and the prophet hood.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                               27

        Prophet Shiith was the third son of Prophet Adam (AS). When he was born, Prophet
Adam was 130 years old. At the time of his death, Prophet Adam (AS) appointed Prophet Shiith
(AS) as his successor and advised his children and descendants to follow him on the righteous
path and live in peace and harmony among them. However, some of his siblings and their
children had already started deviating from the right path. These were the followers of Satan.
        Allah (SWT) Conferred upon him the prophet hood and Revealed to him the first portions
of the scriptures. Of all the one hundred and four psalms, those have been sent down by Allah
(SWT) fifty were sent down to Prophet Shiith. Prophet Shiith (AS) died when he was 912 years
of age. For a period of about four centuries thereafter, a clan calling themselves Shithians were
discovered living in Egypt. Their belief was that Prophet Shiith (AS) had been a divine
        His son Prophet Anoush (AS) took over the mantle of prophet hood and was widely
known and appreciated for his sermons that praised Allah (SWT).
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion                                                                                      28

Lineage: Prophet Idrees (AS) son of Yard, son of Mahlabeel, son of Qinan, son of Prophet Anoush, son of Prophet Shiith (AS), son of
         Prophet Adam (AS).
        Prophet Idrees (AS) was born and raised in Babylon and closely followed the teachings
and the religion of Prophet Adam (AS) and Prophet Shiith (AS). Prophet Idrees was among the
sixth generation of humanity on Earth. The majority of the humankind had, by then, abandoned
the religious teachings of the prophets and adopted Satanic rituals in contrast to the guided path
towards Allah (SWT). Prophet Idrees (AS) preached vigorously calling humankind back to the
religion of their ancestors. Only a few heeded and followed him. The majority just turned away.
Prophet Idrees (AS) immigrated to Egypt to carry on his mission of calling people towards what
was just and fair, ways and means of prayers including fasting on specific occasions. He
introduced the principle of charity by advising the rich to donate some portion of their wealth to
the poor among their neighbors.
The Holy Quran states:
                                                     ∩∈∠∪ $†‹Î=æ $ºΡ%s3tΒ çμ≈oΨ÷èùu‘uρ ∩∈∉∪ $|‹Î;¯Ρ $Z)ƒÏd‰Ï¹ tβ%x. …çμ¯ΡÎ) 4 }§ƒÍ‘÷ŠÎ) É=≈tGÅ3ø9$# ’Îû öä.øŒ$#uρ
                                                               t                 s
          And make mention in the Scripture of Idrees. Lo! He was a saint, a Prophet; And We raised
          him to a lofty station.
                                                                                                                                       (Quran: 19/56-57)

         Prophet Idrees (AS) invented and introduced the basic form of writing. Some of his wise
sayings are:
         “Happy is he who looks at his own deeds and nominates the same to be his submissions
         to Allah.”
         “None can show better gratitude for Allah’s favor than the one who shares his bounties
         with others.”
         “Do not envy people for what they have, as they will only enjoy it for a short duration.”
         “He who indulges in excesses will not benefit from it.”
         “The real joy of life is to possess wisdom.”
         Prophet Idrees (AS) was also the inventor of the science of astronomy and arithmetic. At
the age of 365, one of the angels took Prophet Idrees (AS) to the heavens. This angel escorted
Prophet Idrees (AS) through the heavens and when they arrived in the fourth heaven, they met
the Angel of Death. The escorting angel inquired from the Angel of Death about the lifespan of
Prophet Idrees (AS). The Angel of Death asked, “Where is Idrees? I am under Command to end
his life!”
         Prophet Idrees (AS) died there and his remains stayed in the fourth heaven covered by the
wings of his escort angel.
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Alislam i c revised 2007-final

  • 1. É ΟŠÏm§9$# Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$# «!$# Οó¡Î0 (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Magnificent) AL-I S L A M: Inception to Conclusion. ® Researched and authored by: Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed Mehar. PhD.
  • 2. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 2 AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion. ® © 2003: Dr Iftikhar Ahmed Mehar. PhD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author. Library of Congress Catalog Number: TXu 1-109-647 / 2003093322 ISBN: 1-4107-3272-X (Paperback) ISBN: 1-4107-3271-1 (e-book) ISBN: 1-4107-3272-X (CD-Rom) Published and printed in United States of America. THE COVER The Front-cover depicts the Surah Fattah, the opening chapter of the Holy Quran. It is the most recited Surah by Muslims, as it is a mandatory part of every prayer by Muslims all over the world. On average, every Muslim recites this prayer at least seventeen times a day! 4th Edition. Revised: 2007
  • 3. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 3 INTRODUCTION This book attempts to explain the essentials of Islam from its inception to its conclusion. It was designed as an instrument to help the reader understand the basic beliefs and the circumstances that brought about Islam. This book traces the origins of humankind and follows the fate of the appointed Islamic prophets and messengers of Allah (SWT) who were sent to the people and tribes of their times. This book has been written using the following works: • The relevant portions (ayahs) of the Holy Quran have been reproduced in their original forms using the Arabic texts. It is a mandatory rule of Islam that the Holy Quran should be quoted in the exact words as it was revealed in Arabic, the language that was in use by the tribe of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, and other prominent scholars have translated the relevant ayahs. However, instead of using classical English for the translations, most of the relevant texts in this book have been replaced by the English terms used in everyday speech. • The Ahadeeth of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and other published works, which have been universally accepted to be the factual references. • The widely read and appreciated Arabic guide, Qassas Al-Ambia (Stories of the Prophets) by Imam Abi Al-Fidaa Ismail Ibne Al-Kathir and its English translations. • Information from various Islamic Web sites. In this book, the following applicable connotations have been used: (SWT) = Subhan Wa Tallah: one of the many titles of Allah (SWT) (AS) = Assalaato Salaam: Peace is upon him. (SAW) = Salleh Allah Wa-Sallim: Prayers and Salaams be showered upon him. (RA) = Raazi Allah-o-Anhuwa; Allah’s Pleasure on him. The names of the prophets and angels have been written in these texts as they appear in the Quran. However, their names as they appear in the other holy books have been identified in the titles of the chapters. Verbs and descriptions within the book relating to Allah (SWT) begin with a capital letter. I believe that the contents of this book will help those who know little or nothing about Islam. It will also help those Muslims who were born and raised in the West. If I have succeeded in my effort to help you understand Islam, please include my family and me in your prayers! I am dedicating this book to my parents and grandparents, all of whom led, what is believed to be a righteous life. They guided their children to observe the simple tenets of Islam at all times. May Allah (SWT) Grant them eternal peace and Shower upon them all His blessings on the Day of Judgment. Ameen! E Mail Add: IftikharMehar@Yahoo.Com; AbddALISLAM@Yahoo.Com; AbddALISLAM_SlaveOfALISLAM@Yahoo.Com. www.ALISLAMIC-Servant.Com $ www.AbddALISLAM.Com
  • 4. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 4 CONTENTS The Creator – Allah .......................................................................................... Page: 005 Basic Islamic Beliefs .......................................................................................... Page: 010 The Angels .......................................................................................... Page: 011 The Jinn .......................................................................................... Page: 014 Prophet Adam (AS) .......................................................................................... Page: 017 Prophet Shiith (Sheth) (AS).................................................................................. Page: 027 Prophet Idrees (Enoch) (AS)................................................................................. Page: 028 Prophet Nuh (Noah) (AS)..................................................................................... Page: 029 Prophet Hud (AS) .......................................................................................... Page: 035 Prophet Saleh (AS) .......................................................................................... Page: 039 Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS)......................................................................... Page: 043 Prophet Ismail (Ishmael)....................................................................................... Page: 052 Prophet Lut (Lot) (AS)......................................................................................... Page: 056 Prophet Ishaaq (Isaac) (AS).................................................................................. Page: 060 Prophet Yaqoob (Jacob) (AS).............................................................................. Page: 061 Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) (AS)............................................................................... Page: 066 Prophet Shu’aib (Jethro) (AS).............................................................................. Page: 085 Prophet Ayoub (Job) (AS).................................................................................... Page: 088 Prophet Musa (Moses) (AS)................................................................................. Page: 092 The Nations of the Israelites................................................................................. Page: 128 Prophet Dawud (David) (AS)............................................................................... Page: 133 Prophet Suleiman (Solomon) (AS)....................................................................... Page: 138 Prophet Yunus (Jonah) (AS)................................................................................. Page: 146 Prophet Shi’a (Isaiah) (AS)................................................................................... Page: 149 Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah) (AS)........................................................................ Page: 151 Prophets Zikariah (Zachariah) and Yahyah (John) (AS)...................................... Page: 155 Prophet Eisa (Jesus) (AS)..................................................................................... Page: 158 Prophet Mohammed (SAW)................................................................................ Page: 167 Revelations about Prophet Mohammed before his birth..................................... Page: 198 Comments of Prominent People about Prophet Mohammed.............................. Page: 200 True Islam ..................................................................................................... Page: 203 The Eminence of Women in Islam...................................................................... Page: 213 Comments about Islam by Prominent People...................................................... Page: 217 The Final Revelations: The Holy Quran.............................................................. Page: 220 Comments about the Holy Quran by Prominent People...................................... Page: 223 This Life and the Next Life.................................................................................. Page: 225 The Death: The Life in Suspension...................................................................... Page: 229 The Al-Mahdi ...................................................................................................... Page: 232 The Last Hour – The Signs................................................................................... Page: 235 The Last Hour – The Promised Messiah.............................................................. Page: 237 The Last Hour – The Resurrection and the Eternal Life...................................... Page: 239 About The Author: .............................................................................................. Last Page
  • 5. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 5 THE CREATOR – ALLAH. (SWT) ⎯Íνωôϑpt¿2 ߉ôã§9$# ßxÎm7|¡ç„uρ ∩⊇⊄∪ tΑ$s)ÏoW9$# šU$ys¡¡9$# à⋅Å´Ψãƒuρ $YèyϑsÛuρ $]ùöθz šX÷y9ø9$# ãΝà6ƒÌム“Ï%©!$# uθèδ y ߉ƒÏ‰© θèδuρ «!$# ’Îû šχθä9ω≈pgä† öΝèδuρ â™!$t±o„ ⎯tΒ $pκÍ5 Ü=ŠÅÁãŠsù t,Ïã≡uθ¢Á9$# ã≅Å™öãƒuρ ⎯ÏμÏGx‹Åz ô⎯ÏΒ èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#uρ x u ∩⊇⊂∪ ÉΑ$ysÎRùQ$# He it is Who shows you the lightening, a fear and hope, and raises the heavy clouds. The thunder hymns His praise and so do the angels, for awe of Him. He launches the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He will while they dispute, in doubt, concerning Allah, He is mighty in wrath. (Quran: 13/12-13) The first and foremost belief of the three main monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is that this universe, which literally means, all that is visible, whatever surrounds it, and all its inhabitants are a creation of a single entity, always addressed as God with a capital “G” in the universal English language. However, when the written word “god” starts with the lowercase “g,” it has to have an associated function with it: as in god of war, god of wind, or god of sunlight. The first and foremost Islamic condition is to have an absolute conviction that Allah literally and truly exists, and that He has created everything in the universe and whatever is in the heavens. He has no partners, nothing likewise or similar and is the only deity worthy of worship. Another essential belief is that Allah (SWT) possesses all the characteristics of perfection and completeness. ∩⊆∪ 7‰ymr& #·θàà2 …ã&©! ⎯ä3tƒ öΝs9uρ ∩⊂∪ ô‰s9θムöΝs9uρ ô$Î#tƒ öΝs9 ∩⊄∪ ߉yϑ¢Á9$# ª!$# ∩⊇∪ î‰ymr& ª!$# uθèδ ö≅è% Say, He is Allah, the One, Allah the Self-Sufficient. He begets not, nor is He begotten. There is none comparable to him. (Quran: 112/1-4) The word Allah is simply an Arabic word for God. Allah is used in the Arabic texts of both Christians and Jews. This is because “Allah” is the only word in the Arabic language that equals the English word “God” with a capital “G.” Unlike the English language, the Arabic language does not have capital letters. The important fact to observe is that the word “Allah” cannot be made plural, nor can it be associated with a masculine or feminine gender. The English words “god” or “gods” can be used to describe the masculine and feminine genders. Islam clearly and distinctly teaches that humankind should only say about God what He has said about Himself. It means that all our ideas about God must be based on the Revelations and not on human speculations. For if the human mind is allowed to speculate, the stage will be set for misconceptions to take root. In Aramaic, the language spoken by Prophet Eisa (Jesus) (AS), the word “El” is used for God. Phonetically “El” sounds closer to Allah than God does. The Hebrew uses the words “El” and “Elah” for God. The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins.
  • 6. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 6 A more accurate translation of the word “Allah” into English would be, “The One and Only God,” or “The One True God,” or “The One who deserves all worship.” This fact dispels misconceptions and doubts in the minds of those who perceive that Allah, as revealed by the last Prophet, Mohammed (SAW), is different from the God of the Prophets Nuh (Noah) (AS), Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS), Musa (Moses) (AS), Dawud (David) (AS), and Eisa (Jesus) (AS). ∩⊆∪ É⎥⎪Ïe$!$# ÏΘöθtƒ Å7Î=≈tΒ ∩⊂∪ ÉΟŠÏm§9$# Ç⎯≈uΗ÷q§9$# ∩⊄∪ š⎥⎫Ïϑn=≈yèø9$# Å_Uu‘ ¬! ߉ôϑysø9$# Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, The Merciful. Owner of the Day of Judgment. (Quran: ½-4) Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have the common claim of being “Abrahamic Faiths,” and practice “monotheism.” Only pure monotheism is the message of AL-Islam. Al-Islam literally and actually means complete and total submission, without any exceptions, in monotheism to Allah (God).” Islam does not end with the mere belief in monotheism, but also holds that a Muslim (any individual from Islam) must worship only Allah. All nations of the humanity had been so directed by all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, including those just named. Therefore AL-Islam irrevocably accepts all the Prophets and The Messengers mentioned in The Holy Books; The Book; The Torah; The Scriptures; The Bible and The Final Quran. It is against The Faith to deny the Prophethood of any Prophet! One most important observation is that ISLAM is the only monotheistic religion, apart from Christianity, which unconditionally accepts that Prophet Eisa (AS) (Jesus) is one of the true Prophets and The Messengers of Allah. Any other belief about Prophet Eisa (AS) (Jesus) is unIslamic and unacceptable to Islam. The universal teachings of Islam, even though they are translated into every major language, are forever preserved in the Arabic language: the language of the last Prophet, Mohammed (SAW), and the last Revelations, the Quran, were received in the same language. To preserve its integrity, it is mandatory to refer to the Quran in its original text, as the translations can be maneuvered to mislead or misrepresent. The ultimate truth of Islam is its unshakable belief in the unity and oneness of God. This fact is above reproach! Whatever term is used, “Allah” or “God,” it is the same and refers to the same Deity. It allows and encourages the user to fear Him, seek refuge with Him, and seek closeness to Him. This affects the life of the believer. It compels him towards good behavior as he feels that Allah has come closer to him. The believer feels an inner strength urging him to overcome his fears. Most of all, the believer performs every deed with a very strong inner-belief that Allah (SWT) is Watching over him. ãΝ≈n=¡¡9$# â¨ρ‘‰à)ø9$# à7Î=yϑø9$# θèδ ωÎ) tμ≈s9Î) Iω ”Ï%©!$# ª!$# uθèδ ∩⊄⊄∪ ÞΟŠÏm§9$# ß⎯≈oΗ÷q§9$# uθèδ ( Íοy‰≈y㤱9$#uρ É=ø‹tóø9$# ÞΟÎ=≈tã ( uθèδ ωÎ) tμ≈s9Î) Iω “Ï%©!$# ª!$# uθèδ u â™!$yϑó™F{$# ã&s! ( â‘Èhθ|Áßϑø9$# ä—Í‘$t7ø9$# ß,Î=≈y‚ø9$# ª!$# uθèδ ∩⊄⊂∪ šχθà2Îô³ç„ $£ϑtã «!$# z⎯≈ysö6ß™ 4 çÉi9x6tGßϑø9$# â‘$¬6yfø9$# Ⓝ͓yèø9$# Ú∅Ïϑø‹yγßϑø9$# ß⎯ÏΒ÷σßϑø9$# ∩⊄⊆∪ ÞΟŠÅ3ptø:$# Ⓝ͕yèø9$# uθèδuρ ( ÇÚö‘F{$#uρ ÏN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# ’Îû $tΒ …çμs9 ßxÎm7|¡ç„ 4 4©o_ó¡ßsø9$# He is Allah, other than whom there is no God, the Knower of the invisible and the visible. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah, other than whom there is no God, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, the Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Overwhelming, the Majestic, the Compeller, the Superb. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of nothing, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
  • 7. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 7 (Quran: 59/22-24) The human race and the Jinns are going to be asked what concept of God was in their minds when they were praying or worshipping. If they say Allah or God, it will be accepted. On the other hand, if they say the Creator, the Magnificent, the Merciful or any other quality or name of Allah – there are ninety-nine known names and some more hidden names of Allah left for us to discover – it will also be accepted! We, as the human race, will be held accountable at the end of our lives for all our deeds, good or bad. We will be asked these questions: • What were our performances in response to God’s demands? • What did we do, by ourselves, to secure a righteous place for our eternal life in Paradise? • What were our beliefs in His Messengers and the Revelations, most notably the Final Revelation, the Quran? The Holy Quran in reality is a message for the whole of humankind. Everyone should read it to understand it and to learn about the purpose of his or her life in this universe. It is a living miracle and has not stopped amazing those who study it. A lot of its revelations, revealed and written more than fourteen hundred years ago, are being analyzed and utilized every day, for the benefit of humanity. In this age of rapid discoveries, it has been proved to be an invaluable source of information for those who want to understand it. Because its messages and guidance are timeless and they do apply at all times. It is a true reflection of what is perceived by us to be our image and that of what surrounds us. It is the only true guide for the betterment of a human from inside out and that will help improve the humanity. True wisdom demands that you adopt a religion that suits you. The mere fact that one was born among a religious family does not automatically grant the benefits of that religion. The rituals must be personally performed by every individual for himself. Thus being raised in a Muslim family or a Muslim nation does not automatically make a person a Muslim entitled to claim all the benefits of the Hereafter unless all the rituals of Islam are observed and practiced. The true religion is to obey the commandments and the prohibitions that Allah (SWT) has sent through His Prophets. True wisdom demands that a person make decisions using the faculties of the mind instead of simply following bodily urges! A sound mind will lead while the body will mislead. ωs)sù (#θßϑn=ó™r& ÷βÎ*sù 4 óΟçFôϑn=ó™r&u™ z⎯↵Íh‹ÏiΒW{$#uρ |=≈tGÅ3ø9$# (#θè?ρé& t⎦⎪Ï%©#Ïj9 ≅è%uρ 3 Ç⎯yèt7¨?$# Ç⎯tΒuρ ¬! }‘Îγô_uρ àM÷Κn=ó™r& ö≅à)sù x8θ•_!%n ÷βÎ*sù t ∩⊄⊃∪ ÏŠ$t6Ïèø9$$Î/ 7ÅÁt/ ª!$#uρ 3 à≈n=t6ø9$# šø‹n=tã $yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù (#öθ©9uθs? χÎ)¨ρ ( (#ρy‰F÷δ$# t So if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my whole self to Allah and so have those who follow me.” In addition, say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned (Illiterate Arabs): “Do you also submit yourselves?” If they do, they are in the right guidance, if they turn back, your duty is to convey the Message; and in Allah’s sight all are His servants. (Quran: 3/20) NAMES OF ALLAH ALLAH: First Name AR-RAHMAN: The Beneficent AR-RAHIM: The Merciful AL-MALIK: The Sovereign Lord AL-QUDDUS: The Holy AS-SALAM: The Peace AL-MUMIN: The Guardian AL-MUHAYMIN: The Protector AL-AZIZ: The Mighty AL-JABBAR: The Compeller
  • 8. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 8 AL-KHALIQ: The Creator AL-BARI: The Evolver AL-MUSAWWIR: The Fashioner AL-GHAFFAR: The Forgiver AL-QAHHAR: The Subduer AL-WAHHAB: The Bestover AR-RAZZAQ: The Provider AL-FATTAH: The Opener AL-ALIM: The Knowledgeable AL-MUIZZ: The Honorer AR-RAFI: The Exalter AL-KHAFIZ: The Abaser AL-BASIT: The Expender AL-QABIZ: The Constrictor AL-ADL: The Just AL-HAKAM: The Judge AL-BASIR: The All Seeing AS-SAMI: The All Hearing AL-MUZILL: The Dishonorer AL-GHAFUR: The Forgiver AL-AZIM: The Great AL-HALIM: The Forbearer AL-KHABIR: The Aware AL-LATIF: The Subtle One AL-MUQIT: The Maintainer AL-HAFIZ: The Preserver AL-KABIR: The Most Great AL-ALI: The Most High AS-SHAKUR: The Appreciative AL-MUJIB: The Responsive AR-RAQIB: The Watchful AL-KARIM: The Generous AL-JALIL: The Sublime One AL-HASEEB: The Reckoner AL-BAITH: The Resurrector AL-MAJEED: The Most Glorious AL-WADUD: The Loving AL-HAKEEM: The Wise AL-WASI: The All Embracing AL-MATEEN: The Firm One AL-QAWI: The Strongest AL-WAKIL: The Trustee AL-HAQQ: The Truth AS-SHAHEED: The Witness AL-MU’ID: The Restorer AL-MUBDI: The Originator AL-MUHSI: The Reckoner AL-HAMEED: The Praiseworthy AL-WALI: The Protector AL-WAJID: The Finder AL-QAYYUM: The Self-Subsisting AL-HAYEE: The Alive AL-MUMIT: The Death Creator AL-MUHYI: The Life Giver AL-QADIR: The Able AS-SAMAD: The Eternal AL-AHAD: The One AL-WAHID: The Unique AL-MAJID: The Noble AL-AAKHIR: The Last AL-AWWAL: The First AL-MUAKHKIR: The Delayer AL-MUQADDIM: The Expediter AL-MUQTADIR: The Powerful AL-MUTA’ALI: The Most Exalted AL-WALI: The Governor AZ-ZAHIR: The Manifest AR-RAOOF: The Compassionate AL-AFUW: The Pardoner AL-MUNTAQIM: The Avenger AL-MUGHNI: The Enricher AL-GHANI: The Self-Sufficient
  • 9. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 9 AL-JAAMAY: The Gatherer AL-MUQSIT: The Equitable AL-HAADI: The Guide AN-NOOR: The Light AN-NAAFAY: The Propitious AD-DAARR: The Distresser AL-MAANAY: The Preventer AS-SABOOR: The Patient AL-BAQI: The Everlasting AL-BADEI: The Incomparable AL-WARIS; The Inheritor AL-MUTAKABBIR: The Majestic AT-TAWWAB: The Acceptor of Repentance AR-RASHEED: The Guide to the Right Path AL-BARR: The Source of All Goodness MALIK-UL-MULK: The Eternal Owner of All Sovereignty ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM: The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
  • 10. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 10 THE BASIC ISLAMIC BELIEFS The Islamic beliefs are an integration of the principles revolving around the Creator, the prophecy and the unseen, including the existence of Angels, Jinns and the Resurrection for Judgment Day. Islam accepts all The Prophets and The messengers without reservation, from the First Prophet, Adam (AS), to the Last Prophet and The Messenger, Mohammed (SAW). Deviation, no matter how slight, from these principles takes one out of the circle of belief. Re-entry into the circle of belief can only be gained by overcoming those individual doubts and fully accepting the following five principles. These principles of belief are very simple and easy to understand: 1. THE CREATOR: Everything about Allah (SWT) is what Allah (SWT) has told us about Himself; including His actions and counteractions. 2. THE PROPHECY: Allah (SWT) has been providing to mankind the medium of His Revelations through all of His Prophets and Messengers; some of whom received and delivered these messages in the Holly Books: The Book; The Scriptures; The Torah, The Bible, and The Quran. 3. THE UNSEEN: The Unseen is an event that will positively happen; but its timing is as per the Will of Allah (SWT). No one can predict the Unseen accurately, although the relevant signs are present! The Unseen is the future; it is death and the life of suspension and immobility in the grave. It is the Mahdi, the second coming of Jesus; and it is the Qiyamah, the end of the universe, also known as Armageddon or doomsday! And Finally The Day of Judgments! Ç⎯ôγÏèø9$$Ÿ2 ãΑ$t6Éfø9$# ãβθä3s?uρ ∩⊆∪ Ï^θèZ÷6yϑø9$# ĸ#txø9$$Ÿ2 â¨$¨Ψ9$# ãβθä3tƒ tΠöθtƒ ∩⊂∪ èπtãÍ‘$s)ø9$# $tΒ y71u‘÷Šr& !$tΒρ ∩⊄∪ èπtãÍ‘$s)ø9$# $tΒ ∩⊇∪ èπtãÍ‘$s)ø9$# u ∩∈∪ ÂθàΖyϑø9$# The Calamity! What is the Calamity? Ah, what will convey unto you what the Calamity is! A day wherein mankind will be as thickly scattered moths. And the mountains will become as carded wool. (Quran: 101/1-5). Included in the category of the Unseen are all the angels, some of whom have been specifically named. The Angels can only execute all the commands of Allah (SWT). 4. THE RESURRECTION: Whenever Allah (SWT) Wills all His creations, humankind, jinns and other creatures will be resurrected in their original bodies and their souls will be restored to them. 5. THE JUDGMENT DAY: After the Resurrection, every soul will have to provide an account of his own individual actions and beliefs in the court of Allah (SWT). All the actions of the individual-self will be there, as irrefutable evidence, and will be put on the scales of justice. The tipping of the scale will determine the eternal abode of the individual concerned. If the scale tips in his favor, he will be sent to Paradise; if the scale goes against him, and if Allah (SWT)’s Mercy is not invoked, the Fire Pits of Hell will be his abode. 3 …çμ¡øtΡ ª!$# ãΝà2â‘Éj‹y⇔ãƒuρ 3 #Y‰‹Ïè/ #J‰Β& ÿ…çμuΖ÷t/uρ $yγoΨ÷t/ ¨βr& öθs9 –Šuθs? &™þθß™ ⎯ÏΒ ôMn=Ïϑtã $tΒρ #ŸÒøt’Χ 9öz ô⎯ÏΒ ôMn=Ïϑtã $¨Β <§øtΡ ‘≅à2 ߉Éfs? tΠöθtƒ | t t r u y ∩⊂⊃∪ ÏŠ$t7Ïèø9$$Î/ 8∃ρâ™u‘ ª!$#uρ On the day when every soul will find itself confronted with all that it has done of good and all that it has done of evil, every soul will long that there might be a mighty space of distance between it and that evil. Allah bids you beware of Him. And Allah is full of pity for His bondmen. (Quran: 3/30).
  • 11. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 11 THE ANGELS It is the belief of Islam that angels, created from the light, exist. The angels are the most honored worshippers among the creations of Allah. They exist only to faithfully and obediently execute the commands of Allah. There is no specific information about when they originated, but it is believed that they were the first creation of Allah. The angels have many unaccountable functions. The chief angel is Hazrat Jibrail (AS), whose function is to communicate the commands of Allah to the prophets and messengers. Hazrat Jibrail (AS) is also called the Noor-e-Allah – the Light of Allah. Archangel Hazrat Mikaeel (AS) is the controller of the winds and the clouds. Hazrat Mikaeel (AS) inflicts the wrath of Allah by creating violent storms, floods, and earthquakes. Archangel Hazrat Israeel (AS) is the Angel of Death. He extricates souls at the appointed hour. He has many angels working under his supervision. Archangel Hazrat Israfeel (AS) is the trumpet-blower on Judgment Day. A special group of Angels has the responsibility to be in attendance near Allah. ∩∠∈∪ t⎦⎫ÏΗs>≈yèø9$# Éb>‘ ¬! ߉ôϑptø:$# Ÿ≅ŠÏ%uρ Èd,ptø:$$Î/ ΝæηuΖ÷t/ z©ÅÓè%uρ ( öΝÍκÍh5u‘ ωôϑpt¿2 tβθßsÎm7|¡ç„ ĸöyèø9$# ÉΑöθym ô⎯ÏΒ š⎥⎫Ïjù!%tn sπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# “ts?uρ u And you, O Mohammed, see the angels thronging round the Throne, hymning the praises of their Lord. And they are judged aright. And it is said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. (Quran: 39/75) Another group of angels are responsible to carry the throne of Allah on Judgment Day. ∩⊇∠∪ ×πuŠÏΖ≈oÿsS 7‹Í×tΒöθtƒ öΝßγs%öθsù y7În/u‘ z¸ótã ã≅Ïϑøts†uρ 4 $yγÍ←!%y`ö‘r& #’n?tã à7n=yϑø9$#uρ And the angels will be on the sides thereof, and eight will uphold the Throne of your Lord that day, above them. (Quran: 69/17) The majority of angels are busy in the universe executing their duties as commanded by Allah. Large numbers of angels are in constant prayer requesting Allah’s forgiveness of the righteous. Whenever any person’s action pleases Allah, Allah creates an angel to act on behalf of that person. This angel maintains constant vigil and prayers asking for complete forgiveness of that person. â‘θàtóø9$# θèδ ©!$# ¨βÎ) Iωr& 3 ÇÚö‘F{$# ’Îû ⎯yϑÏ9 šχρãÏøóFó¡o„uρ öΝÍκÍh5u‘ ωôϑpt¿2 tβθßsÎm7|¡ç„ èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#uρ 4 £⎯ÎγÏ%öθsù ⎯ÏΒ šχö©ÜxtGtƒ ßN≡uθ≈yϑ¡¡9$# ߊ%s3s? u t ∩∈∪ ãΛ⎧Ïm§9$# Almost the heavens above might be rent asunder while angels hymn the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on the earth. Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful. (Quran: 42/5) Another class of angels must attach themselves with every person alive. They are stationed on both sides of human shoulders. They are responsible for recording each individual act we perform. They record the visual, the vocal, and the action intended. Their designations are Kiraman Katibeen—the Honorable Writers! They are also called Raqeeb ‘Ateed – Sentinels Ready to Write—or Saiq and Shaheed—the Witness. ∩⊇⊄∪ tβθè=yèøs? $tΒ tβθçΗs>ôètƒ ∩⊇⊇∪ t⎦⎫Î6ÏF≈x. $YΒ#tÏ. ∩⊇⊃∪ t⎦⎫ÏàÏ≈ptm: öΝä3ø‹n=tæ ¨βÎ)uρ Lo! There are above you guardians, Generous and recording, Who Know all that you do. (Quran: 82/10-12).
  • 12. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 12 Some angels have been assigned the duty of encouraging us and ensuring that we remain steadfast on our righteous path towards Allah. ∩⊂⊃∪ šχρ߉ãθè? óΟçFΖä. ©ÉL©9$# Ïπ¨Ψpgø:$$Î/ (#ρãϱ÷0r&uρ (#θçΡt“øtrB Ÿωuρ (#θèù$sƒrB ωr& èπx6Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# ÞΟÎγøŠn=tæ ãΑ¨”t∴tGs? (#θßϑ≈s)tFó™$# §ΝèO ª!$# $oΨš/u‘ (#θä9$s% š⎥⎪Ï%©!$# ¨βÎ) t ∩⊂⊄∪ 8Λ⎧Ïm§‘ 9‘θàxî ô⎯iΒ Zωâ“çΡ ∩⊂⊇∪ tβθã㣉s? $tΒ $yγŠÏù öΝä3s9uρ öΝä3Ý¡àΡr& þ‘ÏStGô±n@ $tΒ $yγŠÏù öΝä3s9uρ ( ÍοtÅzFψ$# ’Îûuρ $u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# Íο4θuŠysø9$# ’Îû öΝä.äτ!$uŠÏ9÷ρr& ß⎯øtwΥ Ï Lo! Those who say: Our Lord is Allah, and afterward are upright, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not nor grieve, but bear good tidings of the paradise which you are promised. We are your protecting friends in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. There you will have all that your souls desire, and there you will have all for which you pray. A gift of welcome from the Forgiving, the Merciful. (Quran: 41/30-32) Some angels work as assistants to the Chief Angel of Death, Hazrat Israel (AS). These assistants are responsible for extracting the soul from the body and transporting it to its storage place in the heavens. The Angel of Death is called Malak Al-Mawt. ∩∈⊃∪ È,ƒÍy⇔ø9$# šU#x‹tã (#θè%ρèŒρ öΝèδt≈t/÷Šr&uρ öΝßγyδθã_ãρ šχθç/ÎôØo„ èπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$#   (#ρãxŸ2 t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# ’®ûuθtGtƒ øŒÎ) #“ts? öθs9uρ u If you could see how the angels receive those who disbelieve, smiting their faces and their backs and saying: Taste the punishment of burning. (Quran: 8/50) Some angels are the defenders of the believing Muslims in the battlefields. Their function is to help the believer against the enemy. In the Battles of Badr and Al-Khandaq, Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his followers were helped by the angels against their enemies who outnumbered the army of the Believers. The odds were four unbelievers against each believer! 4 öΝä3ç/θè=è% ⎯ÏμÎ/ ¨⎦È⌡yϑôÜtFÏ9uρ 3“ô±ç/ ωÎ) ª!$# ã&s#yèy_ $tΒρ ∩®∪ š⎥⎫ÏùÏŠóßΔ Ïπs3Íׯ≈n=yϑø9$# z⎯ÏiΒ 7#ø9r'Î/ Νä.‘‰ÏϑãΒ ’ÎoΤr& öΝà6s9 z>$yftFó™$$sù öΝä3−/u‘ tβθèW‹ÉótGó¡n@ øŒÎ) t u ∩⊇⊃∪ íΟŠÅ3ym ͕tã ©!$# χÎ) 4 «!$# ωΨÏã ô⎯ÏΒ ωÎ) çóǨΖ9$# $tΒuρ When you sought help of your Lord and He answered you saying: I will help you with a thousand of the angels, rank on rank. Allah appointed it only as good tidings, and that your hearts thereby might be at rest. Victory comes only by the help of Allah. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise. (Quran: 8/9-10) Another large group of angels supervise the punishment for those who have been sent to the Fire Wells of Hell. They work with the Chief Angel of Hell, called Maalik. βθè=yèøtƒuρ öΝèδtΒr& !$tΒ ©!$# tβθÝÁ÷èƒ ω ׊#y‰Ï© ÔâŸξÏî îπs3Íׯ≈n=tΒ $pκön=tæ äοu‘$yfÏtø:$#uρ â¨$¨Ζ9$# $yδߊθè%uρ #Y‘$tΡ ö/ä3‹Î=÷δr&uρ ö/ä3|¡àΡr& (#þθè% (#θãΖtΒ#u™ t⎦⎪Ï%©!$# $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒ t t t ∩∉∪ tβρâsΔ÷σム$tΒ O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He commands them, but do that which they are commanded. (Quran: 66/6) A pair of angels called the Munkir and the Nakeer is responsible for interrogating every deceased person when he or she is buried. Another large group of angels is assigned various duties in Paradise. They perform many different duties from gatekeepers to caretakers of the people of Paradise: $yϑ/ /ä3ø‹n=tæ íΝ≈n=y™ ∩⊄⊂∪ 5>$t/ Èe≅ä. ⎯ÏiΒ ΝÍκön=ã tβθè=äzô‰ƒ èπs3Íׯ≈n=ϑø9$#uρ ( öΝÍκÉJ≈−ƒÍh‘èŒuρ öΝÎγÅ_≡uρø—r&uρ öΝÍκÉ″!$t/#u™ ô⎯ÏΒ yxn=|¹ ⎯tΒuρ $pκtΞθè=äzô‰tƒ 5βô‰tã àM≈¨Ζy_ Î t t y ∩⊄⊆∪ Í‘#¤$!$# ©t<ø)ãã zΝ÷èÏΨsù 4 ÷Λän÷y9|¹
  • 13. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 13 Gardens of Eden which they enter, along with all who do right of their fathers and their spouses and their offspring. The angels enter for them from every gate, Saying: Peace be with you because you persevered. Ah, passing sweet will be the sequel of the heavenly Home. (Quran: 13/23-24) The Angels have no gender and therefore do not reproduce. They are only created by the Will of Allah (SWT).
  • 14. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 14 THE JINN The Jinn are another creation of Allah (SWT). Although animals such as dogs and donkeys can see the Jinn, they are invisible to human beings. The reason they are called the Jinn is because they are obscured from human sight; however, the Jinn can see the humans. The Jinn have a form made of smokeless flame and can transform themselves into any shape. Some people claim to have met and conversed with the Jinn. ∩⊇∈∪ 9‘$¯Ρ ⎯ÏiΒ 8lÍ‘$¨Β ⎯ÏΒ ¨β!$yfø9$# t,n=yzuρ And the Jinn did He create of the smokeless fire. (Quran: 55/15) The Jinn share this universe with humankind. They want to share our houses and eat and drink with us. The majority of them are the working agents of Satan; therefore, their mission is to cause the destruction of humanity. Although they constitute a species of their own, they do have some characteristics in common with humankind. For example, they have the ability to think and reflect. They marry and reproduce among themselves. They are intelligent beings. They have received Divine ordainments from Allah (SWT) to perform certain worships and refrain from certain deeds. They also have the ability to choose between good and evil. Azaazee (means honorable-one) was the father of the Jinn; like Adam is the father of humankind. Azaazee had a very high status in the heavens; his residence was in Paradise. The Jinn existed for thousands of years before the creation of Adam. ∩⊄∠∪ ÏΘθßϑ¡¡9$# Í‘$¯Ρ ⎯ÏΒ ã≅ö6s% ⎯ÏΒ çμ≈uΖø)n=yz ¨β!$pgø:$#uρ ∩⊄∉∪ 5βθãΖó¡¨Β :*uΗxq ô⎯ÏiΒ 9≅≈|Áù=|¹ ⎯ÏΒ z⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# $oΨø)n=yz ô‰s)s9uρ Surely We created man of potter’s clay of black mud altered, and the Jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire. (Quran: 15/26-27) Before Adam was created; the Jinn resided in the heavens. They had freedom and could travel anywhere in the universe without restriction. They developed territorial inhibitions that led to a major war amongst themselves. During their war, they shed a lot of blood and caused considerable damage in the universe. Allah (SWT) deployed the angels and used the services of Azaazee to separate the warring parties. The bloodshed stopped when the warring parties were captured and restrained. Allah (SWT) Ordered the angels to eject all the population of Jinn from the heavens and caste them towards the earth. The angels dumped them over the oceans of the earth. When Azaazee, learned about the creation of Adam, and saw the unfinished form displayed without the soul, Azaazee became Iblis, which means “despaired and lost,” because he had expected the honor of being appointed the vicegerent of Allah (SWT) on the earth. When Iblis refused to obey Allah’s (SWT) command to prostrate and celebrate the creation of Adam, Iblis became Satan, which means “the one who deviated,” or “the one who changed his direction.” After the expulsion of Satan from Paradise, Satan converted the majority of his offspring to his side. Their aim was to misdirect humankind from the righteous path of the believers. This majority of the Jinn are known as the devil. The Jinn live on the earth, but most of them inhabit among the ruins and in those places contaminated with ritual impurity such as bathrooms, cemeteries, and animals’ yards. Their favorite spot is where the majority of monetary transactions take place! The Jinn, as devils, enjoy creating conditions where the majority of humankind is made to suffer. As it is the fate of all the other creations of the Universe, the Jinn also die and will be resurrected on Judgment Day.
  • 15. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 15 ∩⊄∠∪ ÏΘ#tø.M}$#uρ È≅≈n=pgø:$# ρèŒ y7În/u‘ çμô_uρ 4’s+ö7tƒuρ ∩⊄∉∪ 5β$sù $pκön=tæ ô⎯tΒ ‘≅ä. Everyone that is thereon the earth will pass away. There remains but the countenance of your Lord of Might and Glory. (Quran: 55/26-27) The Jinn have powers and abilities beyond the reach of humankind. Prophet Solomon (AS) was given complete control over the population of the Jinn to humiliate the devil. Prophet Solomon (AS) used the physical powers of the Jinn to mine for copper and to break huge, mountainous rocks. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the handiwork of the Jinn! When Prophet Solomon (AS) ordered his Jinn-workers to bring the throne of the Queen of Sheba from her palace in Sheba to his court in Jerusalem, two Jinns competed for the honor to satisfy the demand of their master, Prophet Solomon (AS). One Jinn offered to bring the Throne of Sheba from Sheba to Jerusalem in the time it would take one person to rise from the chair and stand. The other Jinn said that he would bring it within the blink of the eye and actually transported the throne from Sheba to Jerusalem within the blink of an eye! The distance between Sheba and Jerusalem was a month’s journey on horseback! O$tΡr& É=≈tGÅ3ø9$# ⎯ÏiΒ ÒΟù=Ïæ …çνy‰ΖÏã “Ï%©!$# Α$s% ∩⊂®∪ ×⎦⎫ÏΒ& ;“Èθs)s9 Ïμø‹n=ã ’ÎoΤÎ)ρ ( y7ÏΒ$s)¨Β ⎯ÏΒ Πθà)s? βr& Ÿ≅ö6s% ⎯ÏμÎ/ y7‹Ï?#u™ O$tΡr& Çd⎯Éfø9$# z⎯ÏiΒ ×MƒÌøÏã tΑ$s% z t r t u t $yϑ¯ΡÎ*sù ts3© ⎯tΒρ ( ãàø.& ÷Πr& ãä3ô©r&u™ þ’ÎΤuθè=ö6u‹Ï9 ’În1‘ È≅ôÒsù ⎯ÏΒ #x‹≈yδ tΑ$s% …çνy‰ΖÏã #…É)tGó¡ãΒ çν#u™u‘ $£ϑn=sù 4 y7èùösÛ y7ø‹s9Î) £‰s?ötƒ βr& Ÿ≅ö6s% ⎯ÏμÎ/ y7‹Ï?#u™ x u r u ∩⊆⊃∪ ×ΛqÌx. @©Í_xî ’În1u‘ ¨βÎ*sù txx. ⎯tΒuρ ( ⎯ÏμÅ¡øuΖÏ9 ãä3ô±o„ A stalwart of the Jinn said: “ I will bring it to you before you can raise from your place. Lo! I am surely strong and trusty for such work.” One with who was the knowledge of the Scripture said: “I will bring it to you before your gaze returns unto you”. And when he saw it set in his presence, Solomon said, “This is of the bounty of my Lord, that He may try me whether I give thanks or am ungrateful. Whosoever gives thanks he only gives thanks for the good of his own soul; and whosoever is ungrateful, is ungrateful only to his own soul’s hurt. For lo! My Lord is Absolute in independence, Bountiful.” (Quran: 27/39-40) The majority of the devils attempt to reach the lower heavens to eavesdrop on the inhabitants there. The devil’s mission is to learn about the future of humankind from the writings in the Book of Life, which is stored there as an assignment-log for the angels’ work. These intentions of the devil reached Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) increased the numbers of the guards there and continues to shower the rising devils with the meteorites and the blazing comets; thus annihilating those ambitious adventurers. $/$pκÅ− …çμs9 ô‰Ågs† tβFψ$# ÆìÏϑtGó¡o„ ⎯yϑù ( Æìôϑ¡¡=Ï9 y‰Ïè≈s)tΒ $pκ÷]ÏΒ ß‰ãèø)tΡ $¨Ζä. $¯Ρr&uρ ∩∇∪ $Y7åκà−uρ #Y‰ƒÏ‰x© $U™tym ôMy∞Î=ãΒ $yγ≈tΡô‰`uθsù u™!$yϑ¡¡9$# $oΨó¡yϑs9 $¯Ρr&uρ s y ∩®∪ #Y‰|¹§‘ And the Jinn who listened to the Quran said: “We had sought the heaven but had found it filled with strong warders and meteors. And we used to sit on high places therein to listen. But he who listened now finds a flame in wait for him” (Quran: 72/8-9) The devils may also take on the appearance of cats and dogs and the crawling insects like snakes, scorpions, and rats. However, their favorite attire is that of a black dog. A small population of the Jinn has separated themselves away from Satan. They follow the righteous ways of Islam. They worship Allah (SWT) and recite the Quran. They are the true believers.
  • 16. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 16 ∩⊄∪ #Y‰nr& !$uΖÎn/tÎ/ x8Î³Σ ⎯s9uρ ( ⎯ÏμÎ/ $¨ΖtΒ$t↔sù ωô©”9$# ’n<Î) ü“ωöκu‰ ∩⊇∪ $Y7pgx” $ºΡ#u™öè% $oΨ÷èÏÿxœ $¯ΡÎ) (#þθä9$s)sù Çd⎯Ågø:$# z⎯ÏiΒ ÖxtΡ yìyϑtGó™$# çμ¯Ρr& ¥’n<Î) z©Çrρé& ö≅è% t ô Say, O Mohammed, it has been revealed to me that a company of the Jinn gave ear, and they said: Lo! It is a marvelous Quran, which guides into righteousness, so we believe in it and we ascribe unto our Lord no partner. (Quran: 72/1-2)
  • 17. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 17 THE PROPHETS AND THEIR TRIBES : PROPHET ADAM (AS) When Allah (SWT) Decided to Create humankind as a representative of Himself in this Universe, He sent Hazrat (Angel) Jibrail (Gabriel) (AS), also referred to as the Noor (Light) of Allah (SWT), to go to the earth to get him clay. The Earth pleaded for mercy and begged Hazrat Jibrail not to take the clay. It said, “I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from your decreasing my quantity or disfiguring me.” Hazrat Jibrail (AS) returned without taking anything and reported to Allah (SWT). He said, “My Lord, the earth sought refuge in You and it was granted.” Allah (SWT) Assigned Hazrat (Angel) Mikhail (Michael) (AS) the same task of getting the clay. Again the earth sought refuge in the name of Allah (SWT). Hazrat Mikhail (AS) returned to Allah (SWT) empty-handed and repeated the story Hazrat Jibrail (AS) had reported earlier. This same assignment was passed on to Hazrat (Angel) Israel (AS). As usual, the earth pleaded and sought refuge in Allah (SWT). However, Hazrat Israel (AS) was adamant and said, “I also seek refuge with Allah (SWT) from returning without carrying out His command.” Hazrat Israel (AS) collected clay in different colors from different parts of the earth. Thus, he had a mixture of white, red, and black clay, which he presented to Allah (SWT). Hazrat Israel’s (AS) merciless and ruthless attitude earned him the title and function of the Angel of Death. Allah (SWT) soaked this clay and molded it according to His designs and shaped the figure of a human. The clay was set aside in full view of the angels and the Jinn for forty years. No Life had been breathed into it. The angels became frightened whenever they looked at it. Most fearful of all was Azaazee, the father of the nations of the Jinn. He used to approach this figure, knock on it, and hear the sounds of an empty pot reverberating. This sound of emptiness made Azaazee fearful. Moreover, it was too much suspense for him to know what elements would be used to fill this emptiness. He was unable to comprehend the designs of Allah (SWT). Azaazee became jealous and resented this new creation. Azaazee dissented in his faith when he learned that the crown of Allah’s (SWT) vicegerent was being given to the new creation, instead of him, the father of the Jinn. Azaazee became Ibliss, which means despaired and lost. ∩⊇⊆∪ Í‘$¤‚ø9$%x 9≅≈|Áù=|¹ ⎯ÏΒ z⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# šYn=y{ x He created man (Adam) from sounding clay, like unto pottery (Quran: 55/14). When the time to breathe His spirit into the human figure approached, Allah (SWT) assembled all the angels and Commanded, “When I breathe My spirit into him, prostrate before him.” Allah (SWT) Blew His spirit towards Prophet Adam (AS). When the spirit touched his head, Prophet Adam (AS) sneezed, and said what the angels had taught him to say, “All praise belongs to Allah.” Prophet Adam (AS) repeated, “All praise belongs to Allah.” Allah (SWT) Replied with this prayer: “Your Lord has Granted you mercy.” As the spirit progressed and reached the eyes, Prophet Adam observed the fruits of Paradise. When it reached the abdomen, Prophet Adam (AS) craved food. Before the spirit had progressed through him, Prophet Adam (AS) abruptly jumped and pounced on the food. The Holy Quran says: ∩⊂∠∪ Âχθè=Éf÷ètGó¡n@ Ÿξsù ©ÉL≈tƒ#u™ öΝä3ƒÍ‘'ρé'y™ 4 9≅yftã ô⎯ÏΒ ß⎯≈|¡ΡM}$# t,Î=äz Man is a creature of haste: soon enough I will show you My Signs, then you will not ask Me to hasten them.
  • 18. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 18 (Quran: 21/37) When Prophet Adam (AS) received his full faculties, he became aware of his surroundings and all that was present there. He noticed all the angels prostrating before him except one who remained standing. ∩⊂⊇∪ š⎥⎪ωÉf≈¡¡9$# yìtΒ tβθä3tƒ βr& #’n1r& }§ŠÎ=ö/Î) HωÎ) ∩⊂⊃∪ tβθãèΗødr& öΝßγ=à2 èπs3Íׯ≈n=ϑø9$# y‰yf|¡sù u y So the angels prostrated themselves all of them together, not so Ibliss: he refused to be among those prostrated. (Quran: 15/30-31). Allah (SWT) Addressed the Angels, “Verily, I am going to place mankind in generations after generations in this universe.” The Angels queried, “Will You place therein those who will make mischief and shed blood while we always glorify You with praises and thanks.” Allah (SWT) Advised, “I know what you know not.” After the creation of Prophet Adam (AS) (Adam is an Arabic word for man), Allah (SWT) Granted Prophet Adam (AS) special and exclusive faculties, which had not been given to any other creation, and Educated him to observe, comprehend, identify, memorize and name everything visible. Soon after, Allah (SWT) Assembled the angels and Introduced them to Prophet Adam (AS). He Pointed towards some items visible in the heavens and Said, “Tell Me the name of these!” The angels replied, “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise.” Allah (SWT) Ordered Prophet Adam (AS), “You tell them what you know about these items.” When Prophet Adam (AS) described them and identified them by their names, Allah (SWT) Said, “Did I not tell you that I know what you know not? I know the Ghaeb- the unseen- in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal!” Thereafter, Allah (SWT) Ordered all those present, “Prostrate, all of you before Adam to celebrate this Creation.” All of them prostrated except Ibliss, who dissented. Allah (SWT) Asked Ibliss, “What prevented you, O Ibliss, from obeying My command to prostrate?” Ibliss replied, “I am better than Adam. You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.” Allah (SWT) Ordered Ibliss, “O Ibliss, You are wayward. You have changed your attitude. You have become arrogant, and arrogance is not acceptable to Me. You are Satan. Hereafter, you will be included among those who are humiliated and disgraced.” The Satan knew that he was about to be destroyed; he pleaded and prayed, “Allow me respite till the Judgment Day when all are raised again.” Allah (SWT) Responded, “You are included amongst those allowed respite.” Satan challenged, “Because You have sent me astray, surely I will wait and ambush these human beings, and lead them astray and away from Your straight path. I will approach them from their front, their back, their right and their left, and You will not find most of them as the thankful ones. They will ignore their responsibilities towards you.”
  • 19. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 19 Allah (SWT) Decreed, “O Satan! Whoever of them will follow you I will send them to Hell with you.” Prophet Adam (AS) entered Paradise and resided therein. As the time elapsed, Prophet Adam (AS) desired a companion of his own nature. He had the angels around him, but their form was that of a Noor (light-rays); besides, the angels were always preoccupied and busy executing Allah (SWT)’s commands. Most of time, the angels were engaged in singing hymns which praised Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) is ever Aware and Responsive towards the inner feelings and desires of all His creations. When Allah realized Prophet Adam’s (AS) desire for a suitable companion, He Responded. Prophet Adam (AS) awoke from sleep and found another human form lying close to him and looking at him. It was Hawwa (EVE). Stunned by this presence, Prophet Adam (AS) questioned her about herself and the reasons for her presence. Hawwa explained that she had come from within him! This surprised Prophet Adam (AS). Hawwa elaborated that Allah (SWT) had Created her from one of the ribs of Prophet Adam (AS), and that she was created due to his prayers and desires for a partner. She had joined him for his pleasure as per the decree of Allah (SWT). ∩⊂∉∪ tβθßϑn=ôèƒ Ÿω $£ϑÏΒuρ óΟÎγÅ¡àΡr& ô⎯ÏΒuρ ÞÚö‘F{$# àMÎ7/Ψè? $£ϑÏΒ $yγ¯=à2 yl≡uρø—F{$# t,n=y{ “Ï%©!$# z⎯≈ysö6ß™ t Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. (Quran: 36/36) Prophet Adam (AS) immediately went into prostration and thanked Allah (SWT) for the fulfillments of his secret desires of a suitable companion. Allah (SWT) Told Prophet Adam (AS), “O, Adam, You and your wife dwell in Paradise. Eat freely with full pleasure and delight yourselves with the things provided therein as and when you like. However, do not come near or eat from this tree or you will be among the Zalimeen- (wrong-doers).” Both of them learned that they had the faculties to exercise free will in all matters. Their freedom would guide and lead them towards the paths they chose. Satan was their enemy. They were made aware that their bodies would degenerate with age, and their life would end by death. However, they would be resurrected on Judgment Day for an eternal life thereafter. Meanwhile Satan, having been prohibited from entering Paradise, employed the Serpent as his agent to work around Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa. Satan continued to plot and develop plans for his revenge upon Prophet Adam (AS). Satan blamed Prophet Adam (AS) for the punishment ascribed by Allah (SWT). Prior to his humiliation and disgraceful ejection from Paradise, Satan was Azaazee, who was among the most highly placed and favored courtiers in the court of Allah (SWT). Azaazee is the beginning of the Jinn as Prophet Adam (AS) is the beginning of humanity. Meanwhile Satan, an open and sworn enemy of the humanity in the universe, offered all forms of temptations and seductions to mislead Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife, Hawwa, to approach and eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. He used to whisper suggestions to both of them. Satan said, “Your Lord prohibited you the fruits of this tree, to prevent you from becoming angels or everlasting immortals.” Then Satan made a false oath in the name of Allah (SWT) and assured both of them, “Surely, I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both.”
  • 20. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 20 Satan was aware that the amalgam that had made the species of the human was of the nature that no one would ever be willing to give up their youth and offer their souls for extraction voluntarily to die. Therefore, Satan was most consistent in his approach and would regularly whisper in the ears of Prophet Adam (AS): ∩⊇⊄⊃∪ 4’n?ö7tƒ ω 77ù=ãΒρ Ï$ù#èƒø:$# Íοtyfx© 4’n?tã y7—9ߊr& ö≅yδ ãΠyŠ$t↔¯≈tƒ tΑ$s% ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# ÏμøŠs9Î) šZuθó™uθsù u “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to the kingdom that never decays?” (Quran: 20/120) Satan was assuring them that if they ate the fruit from the prohibited tree, it would only maintain their youth and vitality and at the same time it will make them immortals: they would never die! Satan added that this was the sole reason why both of them had been prohibited from eating the fruits of that tree. Satan had always declared to be their faithful and a sincerely honest guide. Thus, Satan continued to mislead them with deception. Prophet Adam’s (AS) and Hawwa’s inner desires urged them to live forever in the perpetual gardens of Paradise until their heart could no longer resist the false temptation of being so close to the source of the youthful immortality and not grasp it! Their hearts kept on urging them to eat it; thus, overpowering the decay of their bodies and their eventual death. Prophet Adam (AS) plucked the fruit, ate a morsel of it, and gave the rest to Hawwa who consumed the balance. Contrary to the commonly advocated belief of the People of the Book and the widely professed and accepted version of the Original Sin; Hawwa (Eve) is being summarily blamed and accused of inciting Prophet Adam (AS) to eat the fruit, “apple” is the most commonly used term, from the Prohibited Tree! The Holy Quran clearly stipulates and addresses Prophet Adam (AS) as the one who originated and committed this sin. ∩⊇⊄⊃∪ 4’n?ö7tƒ ω 77ù=ãΒρ Ï$ù#èƒø:$# Íοtyfx© 4’n?tã y7—9ߊr& ö≅yδ ãΠyŠ$t↔¯≈tƒ tΑ$s% ß⎯≈sÜø‹¤±9$# ÏμøŠs9Î) šZuθó™uθsù u But Satan whispered evil to him. He said, “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that never decays?” (Quran: 20/120) Thus, it is not Hawwa (Eve) who initiated and incited the committal of the sin; she did participate in sharing and eating the fruit but she never initiated the action! It is therefore wrong for the women to accept the theory of original sin and feel the much-maligned guilt of their personal responsibility for the exit of humanity from Paradise. However, the type of the fruit eaten has not been clearly identified! As soon as Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa tasted the fruit from the prohibited tree, their nakedness, related to their private parts, became apparent to them. Both of them were ashamed and attempted covering their private parts with leaves from the tree. And then Allah (SWT) Called upon them,” Did I not forbid you that tree? And warned you that the Satan is an open enemy for you?” Prophet Adam (AS) bowed down in prostration, tearfully cried, and begged Allah (SWT) for forgiveness. ∩⊄⊂∪ z⎯ƒÎÅ£≈y‚ø9$# z⎯ÏΒ ¨⎦sðθä3uΖs9 $oΨôϑymös?uρ $uΖs9 öÏøós? óΟ©9 βÎ)uρ $uΖ|¡àΡr& !$oΨ÷Ηs>sß $uΖ−/u‘ Ÿω$s% Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You Forgive us not and Have no Mercy on us, surely we are of the lost. (Quran: 7/23) Allah (SWT) Accepted Prophet Adam’s (AS) repentance prayers, and Pardoned Prophet Adam (AS). After all, Allah (SWT) is known as the One Who Always Forgives by Accepting repentance, as He is the Most Merciful. This disobedience of Allah (SWT) by Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife deprived them of their abode in Paradise. Allah (SWT) Says in the Holy Quran:
  • 21. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 21 ∩⊄∈∪ tβθã_tøƒéB $pκ÷]ÏΒuρ tβθè?θßϑ? $yγ‹Ïùuρ tβöθu‹øtrB $pκÏù tΑ$s% ∩⊄⊆∪ &⎦⎫Ïm 4’n<Î) ìì≈tFtΒuρ @s)tGó¡ãΒ ÇÚö‘F{$# ’Îû ö/ä3s9uρ ( Aρ߉tã CÙ÷èt7Ï9 ö/ä3àÒ÷èt/ (#θäÜÎ7÷δ$# tΑ$s% s “Go out of Paradise and down to the earth all of you, as enemies to each other –Adam. Hawwa and Satan-. Your abode on the earth will be as a dwelling and a place for enjoyment for a specific time. Therein you shall live, and therein you shall die, and from it you shall be resurrected again.” (Quran: 7/24-25) The angels and Azaazee, the Jinn, were ranked in their status to be close to Allah (SWT) in His Court. Both of these forms, one of rays and the other of fire, were in constant prayers thanking Allah (SWT). Being a leader of the creation of the Jinn and having been made of fire, Azaazee had developed a superiority complex and was expecting that Allah (SWT) would grant him the superior rank of being Allah (SWT)’s main representative in the universe. As Azaazee was despaired and lost, he became Ibliss. When Allah (SWT) Injected His Spirit into the clay form and Ordered for all to prostrate, Azaazee, the Ibliss, refused to prostrate as he felt insulted, he then became Satan. Satan means the one who has intentionally changed the directions. The expulsion of Satan from Paradise was because of this refusal to comply with the command of Allah (SWT). The command of prostration was to commemorate the origination and generation of a being who would represent Allah (SWT) in the visible world. The aforementioned prostration was not meant to signify that Allah (SWT)’s human creation would be treated as another deity or a god worthy of prostration by all the other creations including the angels, and the Jinn. Allah (SWT) and Allah (SWT) is alone worthy of prostration. Nor was it meant to ask their opinion or to take up their advice; Allah (SWT) is the creator and does not need any help. Allah (SWT) merely Advised them that He was creating a vicegerent, who would eventually inhabit the universe, and subsequently multiply thereupon. However, their abode on Earth will have a lifespan as individually determined by Allah (SWT). They will die after completing their life terms and will be resurrected on Judgment Day. During an earlier incident, some nations of the Jinn population had revolted against the wishes and commandments of Allah (SWT). They had shed a lot of blood among themselves and were responsible for an extensive damage in the universe. Angels, upon the directions from Allah (SWT), rounded them up, and ejected the nation of the Jinn out of Paradise. The angels then threw this nation over the oceans. Azaazee had been spared because he had always obeyed Allah (SWT)’s commands and had physically helped the angels in the crushing and the disposal of the rebellious Jinn. On the day Adam was created, Azaazee, then Ibliss, revolted and refused to prostrate! Thus he became Satan. Allah (SWT) was about to annihilate Satan forever, when Satan pleaded for an extension of his life till the Day of Judgment; Allah (SWT) in His mercy Allowed him to live and extended his life till Judgment Day; but Satan was prohibited from Paradise forever and would never be allowed to enter Paradise again. However, this punishment and the sentence were beyond his expectations and more to his surprise. Satan’s elements of the fire overtook the logics of comprehension, and produced an undesirable conclusion for him. Worst of all, for him, Satan refused to apologize for his disobedience. Satan could have asked for Allah (SWT)’s Mercy but he did not.
  • 22. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 22 It was the day when the self-grandeur and the arrogance were born; and Allah (SWT) does not Approve of arrogance! Satan knew that the elements used in the birth of humanity through Prophet Adam (AS) did contain the ingredients that could be ignited from within to produce an arrogant human being! This element of arrogance has been in use ever since; by all those who defy the laws of Allah (SWT). Persons like Fir‘awn “Rameses”; all those persons who challenged the prophets of their times; the present day oppressors and dictators who think that their powers over their subjects are boundless, and that they are free to impose whatever cruelty they can over their nations! y“#y‰èδ ì7©?$# Ç⎯ϑù “W‰èδ ©Íh_ÏiΒ Νà6¨ΖtÏ?ù'tƒ $¨ΒÎ*ù ( Aρ߉ã CÙ÷èt7Ï9 öΝä3àÒ÷è/ ( $Jè‹ÏΗsd $yγ÷ΨÏΒ $sÜÎ7÷δ$# tΑ$s% ∩⊇⊄⊄∪ 3“y‰yδuρ Ïμø‹n=tã z>$tGsù …çμš/u‘ çμ≈t6tGô_$# §ΝèO y t y s s t t û©Í_s?÷|³ym zΟÏ9 Éb>‘ Α$s% ∩⊇⊄⊆∪ 4‘yϑôã& Ïπϑ≈uŠÉ)ø9$# Θöθtƒ …çνãà±øtΥuρ %Z3Ψ|Ê Zπt±ŠÏètΒ …ã&s! ¨βÎ*sù “Ìò2ÏŒ ⎯tã uÚôãr& ô⎯tΒuρ ∩⊇⊄⊂∪ 4’+ô±o„ Ÿωuρ ‘≅ÅÒtƒ Ÿξsù u t r y u w t s ÏM≈tƒ$t↔Î/ .⎯ÏΒ÷σムöΝs9uρ t∃uó r& ô⎯Β “Ì“øgΥ y7Ï9≡x‹x.uρ ∩⊇⊄∉∪ 4©|¤Ψè? tΠöθu‹ø9$# y7Ï9≡x‹x.uρ ( $pκtJŠÅ¡uΖsù $uΖçF≈tƒ#u™ y7÷Gs?r& y7Ï9≡x‹x. tΑ$s% ∩⊇⊄∈∪ #ZÅÁt/ àMΖä. ô‰s%uρ 4‘yϑôãr& t w ∩⊇⊄∠∪ #’s+ö/r&uρ ‘‰x©r& ÍοtÅzFψ$# Ü>#x‹yès9uρ 4 ⎯ÏμÎn/u‘ But his Lord chose him for His Grace: He turned to him, and gave him guidance. Allah said,” but if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows my guidance, will not loose his way, nor fall into misery. But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We Shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” He will say: “O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight before?” Allah will Say: “Thus did you, when Our Signs came to you, disregard them: so will you, this day, be disregarded.” And thus do We recompense him who transgresses beyond bounds and does not believe in the Signs of his Lord: and the Penalty of the Hereafter is far more grievous and more enduring. (Quran: 20/122-127) Before the departure of Prophet Adam (AS) from Paradise, Allah (SWT) Educated and Briefed him about his duties and essential functions to enable him to lead his life in accordance with the divine expectations. Prophet Adam (AS) was also provided with the seedlings of life- sustaining crops. Prophet Adam (AS) was advised and made aware that the life on earth would be quite different from that of his life in Paradise. In Paradise, everything had been provided for him. Whereas on the earth, he would be constantly facing conflicts and would have to struggle with every task. His mind would be in conflict with his heart and his body would be put through severe tests. The process of struggle would be an ongoing routine; a new event would start from where the last one finished. He would have to toil hard for sustenance. His body would need protection and coverage from the elements surrounding him. He would have to breed and reproduce and look after and raise his protégées in accordance with the commands of Allah (SWT). His family would need his protection. Prophet Adam (AS) was made aware that mankind would have the powers of superiority and mastery over all the other creatures of the earth. Most important were the struggles with the inner spirit and the open war with Satan. Satan would continue to tempt mankind and to lead them astray from the path of Allah (SWT). There would be consistent and numerous battles between good and evil. Those who followed Allah (SWT)’s path in accordance with the guidance delivered to them need not be fearful on Judgment Day; but those who disobeyed Allah (SWT) and followed the satanic rituals would be fuel for the Fire of Hell along with their leader, Satan.
  • 23. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 23 No conclusive evidence is available that can point towards the point of landings on Earth for all the four involved elements, i.e. Prophet Adam (AS), Hawwa, Satan and, the serpent. The strongest convictions are that: • Prophet Adam (AS) fell in India. He had brought with him a black-stone from Paradise and some seedlings from the foods of Paradise. He continued to plant the seeds on his journey towards the valley of Makkah, in Arabia. Divine guidance was the principal element in his predestined meeting with Hawwa and the construction of a house of Allah (SWT), (Kaaba). • Hawwa fell in Africa, in the southern part of Ethiopia and started her journey northwards towards Arabia. • Satan was thrown towards the earth. He was provided with the ability to travel like wind and conceal himself from humanity. As a direct divine challenge to Satan, Satan was allowed to approach from every direction and stay close to humans. However, when a human bowed down in prostration or raised his arms in worship to Allah (SWT) (SWT), Satan would be prohibited from approaching in both of these directions. • The Serpent landed in Iran. While reflecting upon the occurrences of the recent events, Prophet Adam (AS) realized that Satan was indeed an enemy to him; Allah (SWT) Punishes disobedience and the way back to Paradise is only gained by the full submission to the Will of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) Advised Prophet Adam to consistently seek Allah (SWT)’s mercy and forgiveness. Eventually, Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawwa met each other at a place called Arafat, near Makkah, and settled down near the hills of Suffaa and Murwaa. It is here that the black-stone from Paradise was installed as a foundation for the house of Allah (SWT), The Ka’bah. ⎯ÏΒ ÏμŠÏù y‡tΡuρ çμ1§θ™ ¢ΟèO ∩∇∪ &⎦⎫Îγ¨Β &™!$¨Β ⎯ÏiΒ 7's#≈n=ß™ ⎯ÏΒ …ã&s#ó¡nΣ Ÿ≅yèy_ ¢ΟèO ∩∠∪ &⎦⎫ÏÛ ⎯ÏΒ Ç⎯≈|¡ΣM}$# t,ù=yz r&y‰t/uρ ( …çμs)n=yz >™ó©x« ¨≅ä. z⎯|¡ômr& ü“Ï%©!$# x y ∩®∪ šχρãà6ô±n@ $¨Β Wξ‹Î=s% 4 nοy‰Ï↔øùF{$#uρ t≈|Áö/F{$#uρ yìôϑ¡¡9$# ãΝä3s9 Ÿ≅yèy_uρ ( ⎯ÏμÏmρ•‘ Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay; Then He made his seed from a draught of despised semen fluid; Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit and appointed hearing and sight and hearts. (Quran: 32/7-9) QABIL (CAIN) AND HABIL (ABEL). The miracle of first birth on the earth was witnessed by Prophet Adam (AS) and experienced by Hawwa. Their first children were a set of twins, a male and a female. The male was named QABIL (Cain). After some time, another set of twins was born; HABIL (Abel) and his sister. The family enjoyed each other’s company and the bounties of the surroundings and the fruits of the earth. Qabil became the farmer and tilled the land. Habil became the shepherd and raised cattle. Upon attaining maturity, their natural desires for the opposite sex were awakened; Allah (SWT) had Proclaimed the manifests of procreations. Prophet Adam (AS) received revelations to marry Qabil with the twin-sister of Habil; and Habil should marry the twin-sister of Qabil. While Habil accepted the proposal, Qabil refused to comply. His reason for refusal was that his own twin-sister was more beautiful and he wanted her as his wife. Thus, Qabil rebelled against Allah (SWT)’s command. This situation created a dilemma for Prophet Adam (AS). Prophet
  • 24. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 24 Adam (AS) wanted peace and harmony within the family; Allah (SWT)’s guidance was sought. Allah (SWT) Ordained that both the sons offer a sacrifice of their choice to Allah (SWT); Allah (SWT) will examine the quality of the sacrifice offered. The person whose offering was accepted by Allah (SWT) would have his wishes prevail. Habil offered his best camel; Qabil presented his worst crop. Allah (SWT) Rejected Qabil’s offering not only because of the quality of the sacrifice offered, but also because he had disobeyed his father, and the Directive of Allah (SWT). This Revelation further inflamed Qabil and increased the gravity of his jealousy. His hopes of marrying his beautiful sister were shattered. Qabil threatened Habil saying, “I will kill you! I refuse to see you happy and enjoying yourself whilst my wishes have been denied!” Habil genuinely felt sorry for his brother and replied, “The right thing for you is to reflect and search for the reasons of your unhappiness. Seek the help from Allah. You know that Allah Accepts good deeds and prayers from those who serve and fear Him, not from those who reject His commands.” Habil was an intelligent, polite, and disciplined person. He was always prepared to perform as per the will of Allah (SWT). Qabil was the exact opposite. He was arrogant, selfish and refused to comply with the commands of Allah (SWT). Habil pleaded for reasoning with his brother. Qabil refused to abandon his arrogance and hatred of Habil. Habil advised him, “My brother, you are straying from the right path. Your anger is sinful. It would help you if you repent to Allah and forget about your threats against me. On my part, I will entrust this matter entirely to Allah. The punishment of any sin will be borne by the sinner alone, and remember that Hell Fire is the reward of the wrong-doers.” Qabil refused to listen to the sermons and pleas of Habil. Qabil killed Habil by smashing his head with a stone; Qabil had cruelly forsaken the ties of a close blood-relationship and ignored natural brotherly love. Habil’s death was instantaneous. This was the first human death! The first human murder! And the first criminal act! Qabil did not know how to dispose of the body of Habil. He wandered about carrying the body on his back. As time elapsed, his anger subsided, but the weight of the body started getting heavier. At the same time, the stench from the body increased. He sat down under a tree with the body of his brother on his shoulders. While he was resting in the shade of the tree, Allah (SWT) Intervened to show Qabil the proper way dispose of Habil’s remains. Two ravens appeared on the ground near him and began fighting, resulting in the death of one. The victorious raven, using its beak and claws, dug a hole in the ground, rolled over the body of the dead raven and covered it with dust. Witnessing this episode, Qabil was overcome with shame, guilt, and remorse. “Woe unto me!” he exclaimed. “I had no foresight to do what this raven has done. I could not even dispose of the corpse of my brother!” Qabil then buried his brother. Habil became the first human to be buried. Allah (SWT) has Revealed in the Holy Quran z⎯ÏΒ ª!$# ã≅¬7s)tGƒ $yϑ¯Ρ) tΑ$s% ( y7¨Ψn=çFø%V{ tΑ$s% ÌyzFψ$# z⎯ÏΒ ö≅¬6s)tFムöΝs9uρ $yϑÏδωtnr& ô⎯ÏΒ Ÿ≅Îm6à)çFsù $ZΡ$t/öè% $t/§s% øŒÎ) Èd,ysø9$$Î/ tΠyŠ#u™ ó©o_ö/$# r't6Ρ öΝÍκön=tã ã≅ø?$#uρ t Î t r&þθç6s? βr& ߉ƒÍ‘é& þ’ÎoΤÎ) ∩⊄∇∪ t⎦⎫Ïϑn=≈yèø9$# ¡>u‘ ©!$# Ú’%s{r& þ’ÎoΤÎ) ( y7n=çFø%L{ y7ø‹s9Î) y“ωtƒ 7ÝÅ™$t6Î/ O$tΡr& !$tΒ ©Í_n=çFø)tGÏ9 x8y‰tƒ ¥’n<Î) |MÜ|¡0 .⎦È⌡s9 ∩⊄∠∪ t⎦⎫É)−Fßϑø9$# o š⎥⎪ÎÅ£≈sƒø:$# z⎯ÏΒ yxt6ô¹r'ù …ã&s#tGs)sù ÏμŠÅzr& Ÿ≅÷Fs% …çμÝ¡øtΡ …çμs9 ôMtã§θsÜsù ∩⊄®∪ t⎦⎫ÏΗÍ>≈©à9$# (#äτℜt“y_ y7Ï9≡sŒuρ 4 Í‘$¨Ψ9$# É=≈ysô¹r& ô⎯ÏΒ tβθä3tFsù y7ÏÿùSÎ)uρ ‘ÏϑøOÎ*Î/ s
  • 25. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 25 “Í‘≡uρé'sù É>#{äóø9$# #x‹≈yδ Ÿ≅÷WÏΒ tβθä.& ÷β& ßN÷“ftãr& #©tLn=÷ƒuθ≈tƒ tΑ$s% 4 Ïμ‹Åzr& nο™öθy™ ”Í‘≡uθムy#ø‹x. …çμtƒÎãÏ9 ÇÚö‘F{$# ’Îû ß]ysö7tƒ $/#{äî ª!$# y]yèt7sù ∩⊂⊃∪ y r r y u ∩⊂⊇∪ t⎦⎫ÏΒω≈¨Ψ9$# z⎯ÏΒ yxt7ô¹'sù ( ©År& nοu™öθy™ r Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! They each presented a sacrifice (to Allah (SWT)); it was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: “Be sure I will slay you.” “Surely,” said the former, “Allah accepts of the sacrifice of those who are righteous. If you stretch your hand against me to slay me, I shall not stretch my hand against you to slay you: for I do fear Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds. For me I intend to let you draw yourself my sin as well as yours, for you will be among the Companions of the Fire, and that is the reward of those who do wrong.” The selfish soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became one of the lost ones. The Allah sent the raven, which scratched the ground, to show him how to hide his shame and his brother. “Woe is me!” said he, “was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?” Then he became full of regrets. (Quran: 5/27-31) Prophet Adam (AS) was grief-stricken due to the loss of his two sons; one was dead while the other had permitted himself to be taken over by Satan. Prophet Adam (AS) could only offer prayers for his sons. Besides, he had to tend to himself and the rest of his family. His duties as a prophet were enhanced and increased with the expansion of his family and off-springs. He had twenty pairs of twins; that is twenty males and twenty females. The last child was a son who was born alone. His sermons to his children and grandchildren relayed his own experiences, both in Paradise and on Earth along with the warnings about the ever-present danger of Satan; who would ambush humanity to lead them astray. By the time Prophet Adam (AS) grew old, his children had spread all over the earth. Near the time of his death, he appointed his last son, Prophet Shiith (SETH) (AS) as a successor, guiding him about the timings of the prayers from the movements of the sun and the appropriate acts of worship. Prophet Adam (AS) reassured his children that Allah (SWT) would Continue to Send His prophets. These prophets would have different names, and they would be from different tribes. Some of them would even perform miracles, but their message for the whole of humanity would always be: • Allah (SWT) was the only God worthy of worship! He had no partners or none was like Him. • The life on this earth would end in death, but they would be resurrected again on the Day of Judgment. • The life on this earth was only a test of the individual self. All their deeds and their worships would be recorded as every soul would have to explain for himself. • The reward for righteousness would be the permanent abode in Paradise; whereas those who follow Satan would be forever doomed in the Fires of Hell. Near the time of his death, Prophet Adam felt a hunger and craving for a specific food that he had earlier tasted in Paradise. He described its shape and properties, asking his children to search for it and bring it to him if found. His children went out in search of the fruit of Paradise. While they were busy in their search among the fruit trees, two strangers approached them. These strangers questioned the children of the Prophet Adam (AS) about the nature of their search. The children replied that they were looking for a specific kind of fruit as per the wishes of their ailing father.
  • 26. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 26 These strangers were the angels who had come to educate the children of Prophet Adam (AS) on how to dispose of human remains; once the Angel of Death had extracted the soul from the body. The angels advised those children to return to their father, for they must learn about the disposition of the human body, as per the will of Allah (SWT). Moreover, it would be a requisite for the rest of humanity to follow. The angels were carrying the shroud with them. When they reached home, they found that Prophet Adam (AS) had already expired. The angels washed the body, wrapped it with the shroud, and buried it in the ground. The angels then instructed those present that it was mandatory for humans to be buried in the ground, as shown to them, and that it was the proper way Allah (SWT) had Ordered them to follow. Those who were present and had witnessed the burial must advise the future generations about it. Since the major elements of humans were the clays from the surface of the earth, that is where the bodies should be finally disposed. ∩∈∈∪ 3“t÷zé& ¸οu‘$s? öΝä3ã_ÌøƒéΥ $pκ÷]ÏΒuρ öΝä.߉‹ÏèçΡ $pκÏùρ öΝä3≈oΨø)n=yz $pκ÷]ÏΒ u From the earth We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again. (Quran: 20/55) Major portion of the earth surface is made up of water; similarly, the human body also contains substantial quantities of water. Thus, it is permissible to bury a human at sea to avoid any undue decay of the human remains. After the death of Prophet Adam (AS), Prophet Shiith (AS) took over the responsibilities and the prophet hood.
  • 27. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 27 PROPHET SHIITH (SHETH) AS Prophet Shiith was the third son of Prophet Adam (AS). When he was born, Prophet Adam was 130 years old. At the time of his death, Prophet Adam (AS) appointed Prophet Shiith (AS) as his successor and advised his children and descendants to follow him on the righteous path and live in peace and harmony among them. However, some of his siblings and their children had already started deviating from the right path. These were the followers of Satan. Allah (SWT) Conferred upon him the prophet hood and Revealed to him the first portions of the scriptures. Of all the one hundred and four psalms, those have been sent down by Allah (SWT) fifty were sent down to Prophet Shiith. Prophet Shiith (AS) died when he was 912 years of age. For a period of about four centuries thereafter, a clan calling themselves Shithians were discovered living in Egypt. Their belief was that Prophet Shiith (AS) had been a divine emanation. His son Prophet Anoush (AS) took over the mantle of prophet hood and was widely known and appreciated for his sermons that praised Allah (SWT).
  • 28. AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion 28 PROPHET IDREES (ENOCH) (AS) Lineage: Prophet Idrees (AS) son of Yard, son of Mahlabeel, son of Qinan, son of Prophet Anoush, son of Prophet Shiith (AS), son of Prophet Adam (AS). Prophet Idrees (AS) was born and raised in Babylon and closely followed the teachings and the religion of Prophet Adam (AS) and Prophet Shiith (AS). Prophet Idrees was among the sixth generation of humanity on Earth. The majority of the humankind had, by then, abandoned the religious teachings of the prophets and adopted Satanic rituals in contrast to the guided path towards Allah (SWT). Prophet Idrees (AS) preached vigorously calling humankind back to the religion of their ancestors. Only a few heeded and followed him. The majority just turned away. Prophet Idrees (AS) immigrated to Egypt to carry on his mission of calling people towards what was just and fair, ways and means of prayers including fasting on specific occasions. He introduced the principle of charity by advising the rich to donate some portion of their wealth to the poor among their neighbors. The Holy Quran states: ∩∈∠∪ $†‹Î=æ $ºΡ%s3tΒ çμ≈oΨ÷èùu‘uρ ∩∈∉∪ $|‹Î;¯Ρ $Z)ƒÏd‰Ï¹ tβ%x. …çμ¯ΡÎ) 4 }§ƒÍ‘÷ŠÎ) É=≈tGÅ3ø9$# ’Îû öä.øŒ$#uρ t s And make mention in the Scripture of Idrees. Lo! He was a saint, a Prophet; And We raised him to a lofty station. (Quran: 19/56-57) Prophet Idrees (AS) invented and introduced the basic form of writing. Some of his wise sayings are: “Happy is he who looks at his own deeds and nominates the same to be his submissions to Allah.” “None can show better gratitude for Allah’s favor than the one who shares his bounties with others.” “Do not envy people for what they have, as they will only enjoy it for a short duration.” “He who indulges in excesses will not benefit from it.” “The real joy of life is to possess wisdom.” Prophet Idrees (AS) was also the inventor of the science of astronomy and arithmetic. At the age of 365, one of the angels took Prophet Idrees (AS) to the heavens. This angel escorted Prophet Idrees (AS) through the heavens and when they arrived in the fourth heaven, they met the Angel of Death. The escorting angel inquired from the Angel of Death about the lifespan of Prophet Idrees (AS). The Angel of Death asked, “Where is Idrees? I am under Command to end his life!” Prophet Idrees (AS) died there and his remains stayed in the fourth heaven covered by the wings of his escort angel.