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Alice in Wonderland
One-act play
Adaptation written by T.C. Baker
Original Story written by Lewis Carroll
CHESHIRE CAT: A Cat with a grin on its face most of the time. Conniving. Very Mischievous.
Loves to mess with Alice and somewhat antagonizes her at times. Loves playing games.
(The CAT will be playing more than one role. He will disguise himself as: the White Rabbit, the
Tweedles, the Caterpillar, the Mad Hatter, and the White Knight)
ALICE: A 13 year old girl with a horrid attitude. Boastful. Bad Temper but proper when needed.
Can have a sweet side and can be very afraid of what she doesn’t understand.
MOM and DAD: parents of Alice. Never seen on stage but can be heard. Their dialogue consists
of mostly common lecturing to a rebellious child.
SISTER: Alice’s sister: Elizabeth. Never seen on stage but can be heard. Always trying to love
her sister even when Alice never does.
MARCH HARE: Absolutely cooky in every manner of the word. Constant mood swings. Can do
pretty much anything he wants at the table.
DORMOUSE: Always sleeping. Hardly does anything except respond to sudden jolts of waking.
ROSE: Leader of the talking flowers. Always means well and is kind but very much against
anything that goes against the rules of the flowerbed.
IRIS: Very pompous and snooty. Doesn’t like Alice the moments she meets her.
LILY: Very giggly always thinking about someone she likes or about fashion.
THREE: Head of the card painters. Trying to get the job done but has to deal with the nonsense
of his coworkers.
ACE: Bickers a lot with Two. Will not stop at nothing unless he gets the last say so.
TWO: Bickers a lot with Ace. Loves to snitch on Ace whenever he gets the chance.
FOUR: slowest thinker of the painters. Usually doesn’t get what the others are talking about until
it’s emphasized to him.
QUEEN OF HEARTS: Very pompous and has a very bad temper. Mood shifts from angry to
very polite and sweet from time to time. Will stop at nothing to have her way.
KING OF HEARTS: Very timid. He may be taller than the queen but his confidence is very low.
He is always asking for as much attention possible since he is the king, after all.
BAILIFF: keeper of the courts attention. Calls out witnesses and keeps the trial going.
OTHER CARD SOLDIERS: Ready at attention. Never disobey the queen and cheer whenever
the queen announces an execution or if she wins at something. Very fearful of the queen.
Mostly in the woods of Wonderland. Trees all around. One occurrence of mushrooms appearing.
At the very end, there is a courtroom but a very simple one comprising of a raised platform.
The trees of the woods are all two-dimensional and on wheels. When a scene changes, they will
be moved by cast members who are not in the next scene. They are merely placing them in
different spots than the last scene to give the indication that this is a different part of the woods.
There is music but only a little bit at the beginning and at the end where no dialogue is
Alice makes a deal with the Cheshire cat to leave her boring life and enter one of whimsical
wonder. Little does she know that this is a trap to keep her there forever and she won’t have the
“heart” to leave.
Alice never liked her family or her friends because she felt that they were holding her heart back.
She is offered a deal by the Cheshire cat to leave her world to go into a whimsical one where
there are no rules. She accepts only to realize that her heart and her ability to know what real
love is had been stolen by the Cheshire cat. The Cheshire cat plans to keep Alice here in
Wonderland forever but wants to make a game out of it. The only way for her to escape is to find
her heart in this world created by the Cat and hopefully realize that her heart is where her love is
for others.
To Lewis Carroll
Always has been an inspiration to me
And has given me my own love of madness
The scene starts off The CAT comes
on stage and sits on the front edge of
the stage with a big smile on his
All in the golden afternoon full leisurely we glide; for both our oars, with little skill, by little
arms are plied while little hands make vain pretence our wanderings to guide. Anon, to sudden
silence won, in fancy they pursue the dream-child moving through a land of wonders wild and
new. In friendly chat with bird or beast – and half believe it true.
A door is lit on the stage
Thus grew the tale of Wonderland; thus slowly, one by one, for those who dare not believe this
tale, I’d say it’s time you begun…
The Cat opens the door to reveal
ALICE. She walks out onto middle
stage and the Cat walks into it and
disappears. Voices are heard off
stage of Alice’s DAD, MOM,
Alice, why can’t you listen to us when you are told, young lady!
(Lecturing but loving)
Alice, please…You’re making me very sad. You think of no one but yourself! You cannot
expect us to take this sitting down. We are your mother and father and we want what’s best for
No you don’t, all you want to do is put me in your little bubble of priorities! It’s boring and no
fun at all!
(Trying to get along with)
Sister, why can’t we ever get along? I know I’m the eldest but I do love you. Why can’t you see
You don’t love me! You and your “high-society” taste are always too good for me!
(Trying to reason)
You know that’s not what it is at all. I don’t think-
Well, then you shouldn’t talk!
(Sick of Alice’s boastfulness)
You are so bossy, Alice! We’re all trying to have fun and you always ruin it with your constant
bossiness and being a know-it-all!
That’s because you don’t know enough. I have improved your silly game. I grow tired of playing
with you.
You are so obsessed with things that make no sense at all. Stop day-dreaming all the time. It is
Nonsense is far better than anything you’ve been telling me! I can day-dream if I want to.
You can’t just go throughout your life playing games of fantasy and grandeur. You make no
time for those who care deeply for you. You need to grow up!
I don’t want to grow up! Grown-ups are so dull! You have no fun at all!
You can be so cruel to us you know! Just because you think you’re the prettiest doesn’t mean
that you can demean your own sibling.
I am prettier than you! You just can’t admit it!
Stop it! I don’t want to play with you, Alice! You’re horrid!
And you all are a bunch of fuddy-duddy’s.
You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice!!
(Distraught and thinking while talking to her cat)
I’M NOT STUBBORN! YOU ALL ARE!!! Humph! Oh, Dinah! It’s awfully dreadful! They’ll
never understand me. “Oh, you wicked, wicked little thing! Really, we really ought to have
taught you better manners.” That’s all I hear from my parents! They never talk about what I
want. And my sister is no help either. She always wants me to be just like her! I’m nothing like
her yet she constantly is bombarding me with her constant talks on proper etiquette. And then
there are my so-called friends. It’s not my fault I know so much and they so little. I know so
much about things that nobody else cares for. Well I care for them even if I have to care for them
by myself. Oh, I wish there was a way I could escape from all this: No more manners, no more
rules, and no more sense…wait! Yes, that’s it, Dinah! If I had a world of my own, everything
would be nonsense! Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And,
contrariwise, whatever it would be it wouldn’t be and whatever it wouldn’t be it would. Don’t
you see, Dinah? Well, if only such a place existed. I would give anything to go to a place like
(To himself, and offstage but can be heard by Alice)
Predictably rash, curious, and confused as ever...with brain hard as steel yet light as a
feather…come to me, Alice. I’ll show you to the true measure of your madness.
What was that do you suppose? I wonder where it’s coming- OH! Oh, dear me…
Alice jumps with surprise to see the
Cat leaning against a tree just
looking at her and smiling.
Hello, Alice.
The Cat jumps in front of Alice
and just looks at her and continues
to smile. Alice backs up a bit.
Y-you know my name…but…I’ve never met you before…whatever it is you are…
Of course you haven’t. We’ve just met. Makes you wonder why I know your name, doesn’t it?
Well, yes. It does make me wonder…wonder.
(Sort of mocking)
Wonder wonder wonder! I couldn’t help but listen to yourself talking to your delightful friend
about something truly sorrowful.
(Looking at her cat)
But no worries, I’m no-one to judge and yet I am someone to judge all together. After all, you
haven’t even asked me a question. You’re more than deserving of it.
(Suspiciously inquiring)
Are you…a cat?
A Cheshire cat, my dear; but please don’t try to figure me out…you’ll only exhaust yourself.
Now let’s not dwindle on such boring topics. Let’s talk about you. That is what you like isn’t it?
(Sort of embarrassed)
Well I-
What if I was to tell you that I could help you with your little…problem?
(Very suspicious)
What do you mean?
I can give you exactly what you want: an escape from this very dull world where everyone does
nothing but pester you and tell you what to. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
(Considering but then retracts her thoughts)
It does actually. But I don’t see how anyone could possibly-
Who’s to say that things are possible? I deal in the things that are indeed impossible. I’m not one
for giving things out for free. A free sample merely shows you the possibility of utter
disappointment. So why don’t we cut a little deal.
(Worried and suspicious)
A deal?
Yes, now here’s the deal: I will give you your world of nonsense where you never have to be part
of societal norms ever again. In exchange, I take one thing from you. Think of it as…a trade.
(Needing to know)
What will take from me?
Oh, just a token, merely a trifle. You won’t even miss it.
Oh, well as long as it’s nothing important like my hair or my shoes or even my fancy dresses. A
girl like me always needs to make a good appearance. I need those things you know. One cannot
possibly live without those necessities.
Quite; …have we got a deal?
(I don’t see why not)
…Alright. I don’t see how you can do anything. But I’ve never seen a cat that could smile so it
may be possible.
Nothing’s impossible, Alice. Now listen. This is important. In a few moments a Rite Whabbit
will appear in a hurry. Follow it.
Um, don’t you mean “White Rabbit?”
What are you talking about? What rabbit? Oh, never mind. Just be on the lookout for that Rite
Whabbit and follow it urgently. You’ll know it when you see it. It’s wearing a waist coat. Ta-ta,
Alice. I am sure we will meet again soon. Remember to never look back and always ahead. Look
forward to what you feel…. Or look back at what you dread.
The Cat walks away from Alice
not turning his head until he is off
So strange, I didn’t know cats could smile. Nor did I think there would be White Rabbits with
waist coats…oh, excuse me…Rite Whabbits.
Suddenly from the other side of the
stage, the Cat (disguised as the
White Rabbit) runs around the stage
for a bit looking frantically at his
watch now and again.
Oh goodness! Oh my fur and whiskers! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!
(Acting motherly to her cat)
A waist coat and a watch! Most curious. No, Dinah. Stay here. I’ll be back shortly…I hope. Mr.
Rabbit! Wait! Where are you going!?
The White Rabbit speeds past
Alice in a flash and makes his way
to the other side of the stage.
No, no, no, no! I’m overdue! I’m really in a stew! No time to say goodbye, hello! I’m late! I’m
late! I’m late!
The White Rabbit dives into stage
left as if diving into a hole. Alice
runs to far stage left and kneels down
as if looking into a hole and begins
to crawl into it. The stage blacks out
as Alice speaks.
He must have gone down here. But what a peculiar thing to hide in! It’s not very deep…wait, yes
it is very deep I feel like I’m…I’m…I’m falling! AAAAAAGGGHH!!
Stop day-dreaming!
It’s time to grow up!
Why can’t you understand!
You’re so stubborn!
So stubborn! So stubborn! So stubborn!
A shattered mirror can be re-assembled. A little paste and a lot of patience make all the
difference…though perhaps not in this case.
As the stage is still black, trees are
wheeled into position along with the
door from the beginning. A
loud thump is heard and the lights go
up revealing ALICE on the ground.
ALICE (Cont.)
Oof! Oh dear me, I must have fallen a long time to have landed so softly. After this I shall think
nothing of falling downstairs. No time for that. Now where is that Rabbit? He couldn’t have
gotten far. I wonder where exactly I am. Have I landed where people walk upside down? Oh
that’s just silly. Oh...I feel so strange. What’s happened to me…that fall really shook me up.
The Cat walks behind her without
her realizing and stands there as she
You are much more than shaken up…or perhaps you are less now that you have finished your
fall. Some things are meant to be lost if they are not understood. I did just say we would meet
again. I am a cat of my word.
Alice jumps at the Cat’s line and
backs up a bit.
(Demanding an answer)
So, what are you saying? What’s going on? Where am I?
You haven’t figured it out yet? Oh, this is absolutely marvelous. You’re making this easy for me.
Wait a minute; you know exactly what I lost and you know where I am! Tell me right now! This
is becoming very uncomfortable very fast.
Why Alice, you have such a sharp tongue! I wouldn’t suspect anything less from you. You, my
child are in Wonderland! As a cat of my word I have given you the haven of nonsense, the
kingdom of crazy, the world of nothing more than the maddest of qualities!
Hmph! It sounds like a rather silly place. The deal is off, cat. I have no more time to waste. Now
if you excuse me I’ll be taking my leave by waking up from this dream.
Oh! You think this is a dream? Now that is crazy to say. You’re going to fit in just fine!
Alice goes to the door and tries to
open it but it seems to be locked.
Open this door, cat!
And why would I do that? Actually it pains me to tell you that I cannot open it…nor would I
want to. You cannot leave…not now...
And why not!
You cannot leave because you have lost something that is indeed irreplaceable. Without it, you
cannot possibly live.
Well, go on! What is it!
You already know what you have lost! Or perhaps you are too ignorant and childish to what it is
that you have lost. Listen deep within you and tell me what you do not hear anymore. Try finding
the beat to the rhythm…if you catch my drift….Oh I do hope it’s nothing not worth losing as
you’ve said many times.
…my heart….I can’t hear my heart beat.
Ah, now you’re catching on.
What…what did you do!
Don’t you remember our deal? I got what I wanted from you the moment you fell into that rabbit
hole. And now this world is made because of your…sacrifice. Love is now nothing but a stranger
to you. Not that it mattered much to you anyways. I bet it feels so liberating to know that you
have no need to feel love. So sit back and relax. You have what you wanted and so do I. “The
train is coming with its shiny cars, comfy seats, and wheels of stars. So hush my little one, have
no fear. The man in the moon is the engineer.”
No…no! This isn’t…you better tell me where my heart is right now!
Oh no no no. I can’t do that. That isn’t how deals work, Alice.
You’re nothing but a cheeky cat! I want my heart back now!
Because…because…well I don’t know! That’s why! Now give it back!
Well since you asked so politely…how badly do you want it back?
I’ll pull that smile right off your face if you don’t tell me!
The Cat stands and ponders a bit
just to get Alice more riled up with
her demanding for her heart
Hmm…tell you what: how about a little game?
A game? What kind of game?
This world of yours is your game field. Somewhere deep within it I have hidden what you have
lost. If you are able to back what you find precious to you, I’ll let you go home. But if you
cannot find it in the time I provide…then you have to stay here…forever.
And how much time do I have?
Hmm…I think I’ll keep that information to myself…just to keep you on edge.
But why!? You’re being unfair!
In here, there’s no such thing as a “fair” game. Not in this world. There is no sense here. You
will learn that in time. And you might as well accept my terms…otherwise you will be trapped
here. So will you play with me? Please?
(Thinking for a moment)
Alright, fine! I’ll play your odious game, only because I want to go home!
For now you want to…now hurry along through that door. Your precious treasure awaits your
rescue, Alice. But be careful. Only a very few find the way and some don’t even recognize it
when they do…some don’t ever want to. Let your need guide your behavior. Suppress your
instinct to lead…and pursue the Rabbit…
Alice runs off stage. The
Cat stays behind and pulls out a
small, black heart and holds it in his
(Chuckling to himself)
Hm, such a fragile thing. It brings joy to some and breaks others into such sorrow. It may be
fragile but it is also very unstable. A puppet never realizes that it has strings or understands why
it moves so abruptly. The puppet master decides every step its slave will make. The pieces are
set and the game board is ready…it’s time to play and white always goes first…your move
You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice.
The Cat walks through the door
himself and proceeds to transform
into the RABBIT again. Alice
appears on stage again from the
opposite side of the Cat.
Oh, this is useless. I have absolutely no idea where to go or where to look. And that cat, oh that
cat! I’ll give him a good kick if I see him again.
I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!
The rabbit! Oh, Mr. Rabbit! Wait! Drat! I’ll never catch him at this rate!
Alice runs around to the other side
of the stage. The CAT (as
TWEEDLEDEE) is standing
onstage perfectly still behind her.
ALICE (Cont.)
I wonder if he’s hiding. Maybe in here, no. Oh! My, what curious figures.
The Tweedles jump as Alice is
examining their collars and she is
started by it.
If you think we’re wax works you ought to pay you know!
The Tweedles nudge each other
each time they finish a line of
Contrariwise if you think we’re real you ought to speak to us!
That’s logic!
I’m sure I’m very sorry...but I-
Tweedledum begins to recite
with Tweedledee as if Alice
had not spoken at all.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Um, I really don’t understand but I must-
Just then flew down a monstrous crow, as black as a tar barrel
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel.
Hmm, that’s quite a little story for a couple of…siblings I guess.
I know what you’re thinking about, but it isn’t no how.
Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t.
That’s logic!
Well, if that’s all then I must go now
You’re beginning backwards
The first thing in a visit is to say…
The Tweedles wag Alice’s
arms wildly around and hop around
her a little bit as they do their little
(Sing songish)
“How d’ye do?” and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands. “How d’ye do?” and shake hands
and state your name and business. That’s manners!
Really? Well, my name is Alice, and I’m looking for my-
You like recitations?
Well, yes I do. But I-
What shall we repeat to her?
How about…“The Walrus and the Carpenter” that’s a good one
But, wait, I don’t want-
Sit down now, this’ll be a real treat for you! Let’s begin!
The Tweedles push her into a seat
and the stand in center stage as they
begin their story. A spotlight shines
on the Tweedles.
The sun was shining on the sea shining with all its might
He did his very best to make the billows smooth and bright.
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night!
The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand
They wept like anything to see such quantities of sand:
“If this were only cleared away,” they said, “it surely would be grand!”
“Mr. Walrus”, the carpenter said, “my mind begins to perk…we’ll sweep this clear in half the
year…if you don’t mind doing the work.”
“The time has come,” the walrus said, “to talk of other things: of shoes and ships and ceiling wax
and cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings. Calloo!
Callay! No work today! With the cabbages and kings!
The Tweedles act as if a group of
oysters are coming to their feet.
“O oysters, come and walk with us!” the Walrus did beseech. “A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk
along the briny beach. We cannot do with more than four, to give a hand to each.” But mother
Oyster winked her eye and shook her heavy head – meaning to say she did not choose to leave
the oyster bed.
But four young Oysters hurried up, all eager for the treat. Their coats were brushed, their faces
washed their shoes were clean and neat and this was odd, because you know,
They hadn’t any feet. Four other Oysters followed them and yet another four and thick and fast
they came at last and more, and more, and more – all hopping through the frothy waves, and
scrambling to the shore.
The Tweedles march around and
look back as if the oysters were
following them. When they get off
the stage an “OMNOM NOM NOM”
is heard off stage. The Tweedles
come back with a handkerchief in
I weep for you,” the walrus said: “I deeply sympathize for I’ve enjoyed your company more than
you realize.” With sobs and tears he snorted out those of the largest size, holding his pocket-
handkerchief before his streaming eyes.
“O Oysters,” said the Carpenter, “You’ve had a pleasant run! Shall we be trotting home again?”
But answer there came none – and this was scarcely odd, because…
They’d eaten every one! The end!
That was a very sad story. But I liked the Walrus best because you see he was a little sorry for
the poor oysters.
He at more than the Carpenter, though.
Oh, then I liked the Carpenter best.
But he ate as many as he could get. This is what happens when two of a pair fights to see who
can be better than the other.
But you know that I’m the best, brother!
Keep that up and I’ll knock your block off!
I may be the oldest, but I do love you very much.
(A little sad with a pain in her chest)
Oh…yes, I see…
Would you like another one?
(Distracted by the Tweedles)
Oh no, I couldn’t ask for…
“You are Old Father William”! First Verse!
You are old, Father William, the young man said, and your hear has become very white; and yet
you incessantly stand on your head do you think at your age it is right?
In my youth, Father William replied to his son, I’d do it again and again and again and again and
again and again…
What two fighting siblings or friends don’t know is that not one is right and not one is
wrong…turns out that they are both rather stupid to start fighting in the first place.
The stage trees move around again.
Mary Anne! Oh, drat! Where is that girl? Mary Anne!
The Rabbit! Oh Mr. Rabbit! I need your help. Could you please…
The White Rabbit is looking
around while Alice is talking. Once
he sees her he stomps over to her
very crossly.
Why, Mary Anne! What are you doing out here!?
Mary Anne?
The Rabbit starts shoving her to
the other side of the stage in a hurry.
Don’t just do something! Stand there! No no! Go get my gloves! I’m late!
But I need you to tell me –
My gloves! At once! Wait! Drink this! Now go! Go! Do you hear!
Goodness! I suppose I’ll be taking orders from Dinah next.
Alice exits.
Heh! Dinah, you are quite a precious friend to her aren’t you? It’s amazing that you listen to her.
She’s quite the beastly girl. I suppose she has to have “some” friend to listen to her selfish
problems. I do envy you. Now, let’s see, ah yes…that should be enough of an adjustment. The
whole world is quite vast to man…but the humble hill is the universe to the comprehension of a
blossom…everyone knows that.
The Cat runs off stage chuckling to
himself. Alice appears on stage
again with a group of talking flowers
standing perfectly still as if they
were ordinary flowers. When Alice
mentions seeing a bug she will look
as if it is flying around her head as
the buzzing sound effect is played.
Oh dear, now where do you suppose I am. Wait a minute. Have I…well…now I know how an
ant feels when he’s off to make his queen happy with a crumb of bread. But I can’t go on this
search as small as this. What am I to do? Oh look at that, it’s a…curious butterfly?
(Remaining frozen in place)
Bread and butterfly you mean
OH! Who do you suppose that was? Oh that’s a horsefly…a rocking horse fly!
I beg your pardon, but what did you… oh nonsense, flowers can’t talk
(Super sweet)
But of course we can talk, my dear
If there’s anyone worth talking to
(As if thinking about a cute guy and giggling)
Or about!
Can all flowers talk?
As well as you can and a great deal louder!
You can learn a lot of things from the flowers you know! We are prone to hear many things
given that most don’t realize we can hear them…leads to much gossip that’s for sure!
Really? Like what?
Well, bread and butter flies kiss the tulips only in the month of June,
Tiger lilies love the Dandy lions in the spring…that is if the dandy lion doesn’t shed that year.
There are dogs and caterpillars and a copper centipede
Daisies are lazy in the summer sun.
Violets are shy around their buds.
And don’t even get us going on about those dizzy daffodils!
(Impressed. Wincing with pain at the end of her line)
That’s amazing! I shall have debates with my mother’s posies when I get home…oh…my
Alice…please. You’re making me very sad.
Seek and ye shall find as they say…but they never say “what” you’ll find…
What kind of garden do you come from?
(Getting over her pain)
Oh, I’m not from a garden.
Do you suppose she’s a wild flower?
Oh, I’m not a wild flower
Of what species or, shall we say, genus are you, my dear?
I guess you could say that I’m a genus, humanus…Alice!
Have you ever seen an “Alice” with a bloom like that?
Come to think of it, have you ever, seen an “Alice”?
(Messing with Alice’s outfit)
And did you notice her petals? What a peculiar color!
(Picks up a bit of her hair and sniffs it)
And no fragrance
(Exclaiming at her ankles)
Oh, just look at those stems!
Rather scrawny, I’d say.
But I’m not a flower
(Accusation and then gossips to the other flowers)
AHA! Just as I suspected. She’s nothing more than a common mobile vulgaris!
(As if a nerdy boy is in front of them)
Oh, No!
A common what?
To put it bluntly: a weed.
I am not a weed!
(Not surprised at her response)
Well, you wouldn’t expect her to admit it
(Clamoring to one another like high school girls)
Can you imagine! Well Goodness! Don’t let her stay here! Nasty things, weeds! We don’t want
weeds in our bed! Go one shoo shoo! Go away!
(Very Hurt)
Well fine, if that’s how you really feel! But if I were my right size I’d pick every one of you!
That’d teach you! You can learn a lot of things from the flowers. Hmph! I suppose they could
learn a thing or two about manners.
Smoke begins to appear and the
CATERPILLAR is seen smoking
and singing on top of a mushroom.
Alice goes up to him and sits on a
mushroom beside the one the
Caterpillar is on to listen.
(Not even noticing Alice at first)
A puff of passion. A scent of sorrow. Will the sun bask in the valley of tomorrow? A whiff of
woe and a jolt of joy. Great hookah! Spring forth your songs to employ! Who are you?
I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present – at least I know who I was when I got up this morning. But
I’ve changed so many times since then.
What do you mean by that? Explain yourself.
I can’t explain myself, I’m afraid, Sir, because I’m not myself, you see
I do not see
I’m afraid I can’t put it more clearly, for I can’t understand it myself, to begin with; being the
same one moment and different the next. It’s so very confusing.
It is not.
Well it is to me.
Well, I can’t remember things that I used to, and…
Oh, yes sir. Ahem. How doth the busy bee improve his shining…
Stop! That is not spoken correctically. It goes like this.
When the Caterpillar begins,
he notices that there is no smoke
coming out of his hookah. So he
shakes it up. This makes Alice
laugh. He begins reciting.
How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail? And pour the waters of the Nile, on every
golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly he spreads his claws and welcomes
little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws.
Well, I must say I’ve never heard it said like that before
I know. I have improved it.
(Wincing in pain)
Well, if you ask me…
You? Who Are You?
(Fed up)
I told you I don’t…Oh forget it! I’m done with this.
You, girl! Wait! Come back! I have something important to say!
Alice comes back in a huff to hear
what the Caterpillar has to say.
Keep your temper.
(Really annoyed)
Is that all?
No. exactically what is your problem?
Well, I want to get back to normal height and continue my search.
Well, three inches high isn’t a very good height.
I am exactically three inches high! And it is a very good height INDEED!! Ahem. One side will
make you grow taller…
One side of what?
And the other side will make you grow shorter.
(Asking louder)
The other side of what!?
(Furiously annoyed)
The Caterpillar walks off stage
leaving the hookah behind and
holding his end off the ground.
Alice looks at the mushroom the
Caterpillar had been sitting on and
takes two pieces off.
(Concerned at first but then does not care then realizes she needs to hurry)
Oh, here we are. Let me see. Which side is which? Oh, this is ridiculous. I’ll just try one and be
off with it. Besides, I’m tired of being three inches high! OH! Am...Am I back to normal?
I find that highly doubtful.
At this rate, I shall forget what normal is! This pain I’ve been feeling…is this what it’s like to
have no heart…shall I ever be the same again? I must hurry!
Alice exits and the Cheshire cat
comes back on stage watching her
again. He is smoking the hookah of
the caterpillar.
It’s time for you to grow up, Alice!
Yes, hurry along, dear Alice. Time is of the essence! The time has come to time yourself
accordingly and the time is drawing near….I do believe I’ve made quite a mess. Time is not
doing its job. This doesn’t come as a surprise really. I feel that she would be delighted to see a
more familiar face. Once a face meets another…that face shall never leave the mind of the
beholder…my thoughts exactly…
Alice walks on again looking at the
signs that are on the trees. She is
confused since they don’t just show
left and right but up, down, and any
other way available.
Now, where am I to go now? I feel like I’m just walking in circles in this crazy place. But which
way is the…
The Cat is singing without
appearing yet. Alice can hear him
and begins to be very intent in
finding where he’s hiding.
‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All a mimsy were the
borogroves and the mome wraths outgrabe.
I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Show yourself you mangy thing!
The Cat appears behind her and taps her
on the shoulder. This makes her jump and
turn sharply to him.
Lose something?
“Lose” something! That “something” you are referring to is something you STOLE from me! If
you were in my world you would be charged indefinitely for theft!
You wouldn’t be able to charge me…you wouldn’t “have the heart” to do so!
Besides, I never get involved in politics. I suppose you need SOME assistance if this is going to
be any fun for me. You may know a lot but, as you already must know, I sure don’t need a
weathervane to tell where the wind blows. How about a little hint? I won’t tell you where your
precious treasure is…
(With a “Hmph”)
Well then you are no help to me! I can find it on my own!
You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice!
…however, I will give you a direction on where to go to get out of this wooded glen…maybe.
Since knowing where you’re going is preferable to being lost…ask and.
(Frustrated but needs help)
Fine, tell me!
Ah ah ah, not until you ASK politely first.
(Gritting her teeth)
Alright, Chesshire Cat, would you tell me PLEASE which way I ought to go from here?
Well, that depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
(Knew this was going to go this way)
I don’t much care where I –
Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go!
(Trying to get an answer)
Well as long as I can get somewhere
You’re sure to do that if you walk far enough.
Ugh! You’re enjoying this way too much!
Oh, by the way. If you’d really like to know…he went that way.
Who did?
The Rite Whabbit
He did?
He did what?
Go that way.
Who did?
The White Rabbit!
What rabbit?
But didn’t you just say…oh never mind! You can go now. I’m already very much on edge as of
late…no thanks to you.
Perfect, when you’re not on edge, you’re taking up too much space. Never let someone drive you
mad…it’s nearby anyways and the walk is good for you.
Beastly thing!
However, if I were looking a white rabbit, I’d ask the Mad Hatter. He lives that way.
A “mad” Hatter, oh no, I don’t think I would want to –
Oh, there’s also the March Hare in that direction.
Oh, then I will go visit him then. Goodbye –
Of course, he’s mad too.
But I don’t want to go among “mad” people
(Leaning up close to Alice to frighten her a bit)
Oh you can’t help that. We’re all mad here! You may have noticed that I’m not all
there…myself. Ah ha ha ha ha ha. And you’re mad too you know.
What a rude thing to say!
Good thing you’re calling the kettle black. It’s almost time for tea at March Hare’s residence.
(Trying to justify her sanity)
And how exactly am I mad?
You must be, or you wouldn’t have come here.
You made me come here!
Actually, I didn’t. You came here of your own free will. You didn’t have to follow that rabbit.
You didn’t have to fall into that hole.
Alright, fine! And how do you know that you’re mad minus what I’ve already gathered from
your despicable character?
Well, when a dog growls, he is angry. And when he wags his tail he is happy. I growl when I’m
happy and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore, I’m mad.
I believe it’s called purring, not growling.
Call it what you like. Now I do believe you should be going to visit the March Hare, correct?
Well, I suppose I must. I will win this “game” of yours. Just you watch!
Oh believe me, I will be.
Alice is about to walk off but the Cat
stops her.
Oh, before you go, I have a question: How do you run from what’s inside your head?
What are you talking about? I haven’t the foggiest idea of what that means.
I thought so. Off you go now.
Alice leaves stage right towards
the way to the March Hare’s house.
The Cat stays and leans against one
of the trees and pulls out the heart
and is surprised to see that it is no
longer black but now gray.
Indeed…where to run….how to run…why to run…Well, this wasn’t supposed to happen. And I
had been so careful too…yes…to careful. Yes…fear can make anyone do something
desperate…for is fear that will make the heart weak. And I do believe that my dear Alice is quite
afraid. We shall see just how afraid you can be of your own misgivings. Beware your
fear…Beware…the Jabberwock, my dear. The jaws that bite, the claws that catch, beware his
eyes of flame…for it is you he’s come to snatch! Run, Alice. Run! And the mome raths
A loud roar is heard off stage along
with the sound of a stomping noise.
Everything fades to black.
Why…why can’t you understand! I love you, Alice!
The lights come on to reveal the
having a tea party singing “A Very
Merry Unbirthday”. ALICE enters in
as they are singing and stops to listen
before approaching them.
Wake up Dormy! It’s time for the tea party!
But it’s in the middle of my daily 23-hour nap…I should probably make it 24 now.
Come! Come! Let’s begin! Ahem! A round and round and round we fly!
Bring out the tea, and cakes, and pie!
Earl gray and jasmine too!
For it’s a merry unbirthday to you…
So pour the cups and serve the wine
For today’s the day that we shall dine!
Oolong, Chamomile, and herbal brew!
Let’s have a merry unbirthday to you…
The Hare and the Hatter begin
chatting with themselves. Their
elbows are on the sleeping
It must be very uncomfortable for the Dormouse. Only as it’s asleep, I suppose it doesn’t mind.
The Hatter and the Hare
hear ALICE and turn swiftly
to her and then start clamoring and
running around to the front of the
table to block ALICE.
(Clamoring randomly)
No Room No Room! No Vacancy! No Room! NO ROOM!
But I thought there was plenty of room! But it doesn’t matter; I haven’t the time for –
Hare grabs Alice and
sits her down at the head of the
Ah but it’s very rude to sit down when not being invited.
I’ll say it’s rude! It’s very, very rude indeed!
Very, very rude indeed…
But if there’s no room for me, then I must –
Have some wine!
But I don’t see any wine.
There isn’t any
It’s not very civilized to offer some if there isn’t any
It's not very civilized to sit when not being invited
I’ll say it’s not civilized. It’s very not civilized indeed…you must have a cup of tea!
(Pouring tea)
Yes, indeed! You must have a cup of tea!
But I’m interrupting your birthday party, I really must be –
(Surprised and a little insulted)
Birthday!? My child this is NOT a birthday party!
Of course not! This is an unbirthday party!
Unbirthday? What is that?
(Trying to explain but doesn’t seem to know it himself)
Well you see now…thirty days accept….uh….on a birthday if you have a birthday….she doesn’t
know what an unbirthday is!
You don’t! Well, I shall illuminate this query! Now statistics prove that you have but ONE
That’s right, just one birthday every year!
Ah, but there are 364 unbirthdays!
This is exactly why we’re here to cheer!
Oh, that makes absolutely no sense.
Hatter pulls out a pocket
watch from his hat and shakes it and
dips it in his tea.
Speaking of which, what day is it?
Excuse me?
Uh-uh the fourth!
Aha! Two days slow! This clock is two days slow!
Two days slow!?
Two days slow? But why would a watch tell what day it is instead of the time?
Why not? Does your watch tell you what year it is?
No, but –
(Calling for butter)
Of course! It needs some butter! BUTTER!
(Passing the message to Alice)
Hare grabs a plate of
butter and passes it to Alice who
passes it to the Hatter. He
begins spreading it on the watch.
(Worried for the sake of a nice watch)
Butter? But wait! You’ll get crumbs all over it!
But it’s the very best butter! Yes, there we go. Now, what else?
OH! Tea! I forgot about tea! Oh! Earl Grey! Good year!
But that’s going to –
Jam, yes, jam! Very good! Not Strawberry, please!
(Desperately urging)
Wait, you mustn’t do that!
Oh! Two spoons please!
The Hatter takes the mustard but
during his line he stops and puts the
mustard away and grabs a slice of
lemon and squeezes it on the watch.
Mustard yes mus- MUSTARD!? Let’s not be silly. Lemon, that’s different. There! That should
do it!
The Hatter holds the watch
in his hands but then he starts to
shake violently as if the watch was
going crazy and starts running
around with the watch in his grasp.
Uh-oh! Look at that! Goodness! Oh dear! It’s going mad! The tea was too strong! It might have
been the jam! But it was the best butter! Mad watch! Mad watch! MAD WATCH!!
There’s only one way to stop a mad watch!
The March Hare takes out a
mallet and smashes the watch on the
(As if nothing happened before the crazy watch)
It’s two days slow. That’s what it is.
The Hatter tosses the watch to Alice.
Alice looks at the broken thing and
is very annoyed.
(Had enough and needs to go)
Well, great! Now the watch is ruined! Now as much as I have “loved” this neglect for manners
and any care for trinkets that keep time, I must –
Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down! Move DOWN!
The Mad Hatter grabs Alice’s
hand and runs around the table. The
March Hare follows close behind.
They end up right back in their
original spots. The Dormouse
stays asleep in his same chair.
Move down! Move down! Move DOWN!
(Fixes her hair after quite a shock)
Goodness! You both have no manners!
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
(Challenge accepted)
A riddle, now we shall have some fun. Let me see...
The Dormouse is asleep again!
The March Hare takes one of the
tea pots and pours some tea on the
Dormouse’s nose. The
Dormouse jolts and wakes up
only to fall asleep again after his
(Awake at first but then falls asleep again)
Of course. Of course. It was the best butter indeed…
Have you guessed the riddle yet?
Uh…I give up. What’s the answer?
I haven’t the faintest idea!
You really shouldn’t waste time asking riddles you don’t know the answer to!
If you knew time as well as I, you wouldn’t dream of wasting “it”! It’s “him”!
I don’t know what you mean.
Of course you don’t. I dare say you’ve never even spoken to Time.
Perhaps not; but I know I have to beat time when I learn music.
Aha! That accounts for it! He won’t stand a beating. If you were on good terms with time you
could make an 8 hour day feel like a short 30 seconds. You needn’t worry about lessons for it
could be dinner time in a flash! Lessons have no importance when it’s dinner time! Everyone
knows that!
I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do that.
(A nod to the audience)
I can, lots of people wish it were so. I could do it all the time…but sadly, not anymore.
Why not? Did you have a fall out with time?
Indeed! We quarreled last March…just before “he” went mad. It was a great concert for the
queen of hearts! And I had to sing…
The trio starts to sing but it’s more
like yelling like maniacs in very poor
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you’re at!
I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
I’ve heard something like it, but…
It goes on you know…like this!
Up above the world you fly! Like a tea tray in the sky! Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle…
The trio of lunatics continues
to sing “Twinkle” until
Alice’s next line.
Are you quite done?
When, all of a sudden, the queen cries out, “He’s murdering the time! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!”
How dreadful!
And now, time won’t do a thing I say! It’s always 6 o’ clock and we have no time to clean up the
dishes between meals!
You make no time for those who care deeply for you!
I have an excellent idea! Let’s change the subject! I vote the lady should tell us a story.
(Sure of herself at first but then comes to a horrible realization)
Oh, sure! I know a lot of wonderful stories….don’t I? Oh no! I feel as if I’m losing more and
more as time goes by…is time going by….am I drifting….floating….oh this pain! I can’t seem
to be rid of it!
As she is saying her last line, the
Cat, disguised as the Hatter,
looks into the heart again
without her seeing him do so since
she is very lost in thought. He then
puts it away to resume his role as the
(Looking into the heart and talking to himself.)
Steps to enlightenment brighten the way. But the steps are steep. Take them one at a time.
Well if you can’t make polite conversation with a story…then the dormouse shall!
Wake up, dormouse!
The two pinch the mouse on both his
arms and he springs awake.
Oh yes, quite right! I was going to remark that…myself…
Tell us a story, Dormouse!
And be quick about it, otherwise you may fall asleep again!
Once upon a time there were three sisters, whose names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. And they
lived at the bottom of a well.
What did they live on?
They lived on treacle.
They couldn’t have done that. They would’ve gotten ill
So they were, very ill!
The Hatter jumps in Alice’s face
with a teapot and a cup. Alice
leans back a bit.
Would you like some more tea?
(Pushes Hatter back a bit with her hand to his face…not a smack)
I haven’t had any. So I can’t possibly take more.
You mean you can’t take less.
That’s right! You can always take more than nothing!
So these three sisters were learning to draw.
What did they draw?
Treacle! They also drew things that begin with the letter “M”.
Why with the letter “M”?
They drew things such as mousetraps, the moon, and muchness. I’m sure you’ve seen much of
muchness such as a drawing of a muchness. Haven’t you?
Now you ask me! I don’t think-
As the Hatter says his line the
sound of her family is heard along
with him. Alice pauses before saying
her next line to process what she’s
We are your mother and father and we will not take this sitting down!
That’s it! I’ve had it with you lunatics! I’m leaving!
As Alice is leaving, the Mad Hatter
and March Hare begin placing a tea
pot on the Dormouse’s head
laughing like maniacs.
ALICE (Cont.)
This has got to be the stupidest tea party I’ve ever been to in all my life!
A very merry unbirthday…to US!!!
The stage goes dim and the trees
move around again. The table is
removed from the stage. The scene is
now very dark as Alice continues
her search. The sounds of different
creatures can be heard including the
sound of the Jabberwock.
(To the point of crying and then sobs a bit before she ends her line)
Um…I don’t suppose that this could be way out…or maybe that way. That noise…is it following
me! No! I must calm down! Oh, it’s useless! I’m lost again! This is awful! What if I never find
my …what was I looking for again? No, I can’t even remember what I was even doing in this
place! And what if I never get out!? Shall I never see my family again!? That noise. What is it?
And why am I so intent on running from it? It sounds so nasty. And…well…I guess I may have
been…a little nasty as well…to my family. And maybe I only wanted my own way and never
stopped to reason. Maybe they were just trying to advice on what the right thing to do is. But, I
give myself good advice all the time. Things like: if you hold a red-hot poker for too long, you
surely will get burnt. Or if you cut yourself with a knife deep enough, you’ll bleed. And
especially if you drink from a bottle marked poison…it is almost certain to disagree with you
sooner or later. Even if I gave myself all the advice in the world…I’d very seldom follow it. I
guess that’s how I always get into trouble! I’m here…because I wanted to be…well…you got
what you wanted…didn’t you, Alice? I want to see my family again…don’t I? I can’t even
remember what they look like! It’s that horrid cat’s fault! No, I can’t give in now! Pull yourself
together Alice! There will be no crying! Shame on you!
(As a voice of “guidance”)
Confront what frightens or offends you; reckless or insulting talk should never go unchallenged.
Alice wipes the tears out of her eyes.
rides on stage on a stick horse and
constantly falls off it. He is wearing
a helmet when he calls out to Alice.
(Falls over again)
Ahoy! Ahoy! Check! Check!
You there! Milady!
A White Knight? Perhaps you have come to my rescue!
(Falls over again)
That would be correct! Oof! I think! Now if I can just find my way back myself!
You probably can’t see where you’re going. Would you mind removing your helmet so that I
may see my rescuer’s face?
The Knight removes his helmet to
reveal his face. It is the Cat’s face
and at first Alice seems to recognize
him but then soon forgets as if
something compelled her to forget.
(Shocked with confusion)
Huh!? The Cat!?
Cat? Where! Oh, you think I’m a cat. Well I might have been one when I had my milk at
morning brunch…did I have brunch today? I swear, it’s as if I can’t even remember my morning
routine for….what day is it anyways…the fifth or the fourth…
Oh, great. Another loony with no idea of where or who he is.
(Falls over again)
Who are you calling a loony, milady! That is quite untrue! I am captain of the guard to the Queen
of Hearts!
A Queen? I haven’t met any queen here yet! But perhaps the Queen of “Hearts” might know
where my –
But let’s not dwell on that! Do you know what this is?
The White Knight takes out a
beehive from his satchel.
It’s my latest invention. If I hang it on a tree, bees should nest in it…or birds….possibly weasels.
I doubt it.
Have you seen this before, milady?
The Knight pulls out a mousetrap
and holds it close to Alice’s face.
She steps back with worry that it will
Yes. It’s a -
It’s a mousetrap. This will help the bees keep the mice away…or the mice keep the bees
away…vice versa…huh. I never thought about that yet.
If you are done rambling, tell me more about this Queen you spoke of!
(Falls over again)
The Queen, oh yes, the greatest and loudest monarch of all the land! Hearts are her thing…so
don’t take them lest you want her to take your head as a trade. All ways are her ways! She knows
everything and nothing at the same time! Her tarts are the most delicious of morsels in all the
Do you think she may know where my heart is? I know that sounds silly…but you probably are
used to things sounding silly.
(Falls over again at the end of his line)
You lost your what!? Why, milady, for someone to have lost something that precious, you must
be a nervous wreck!
Well, I’ll get there quicker if you don’t stop jabbering and help me out!
The sound of the Jabberwocky can
be heard faintly. Alice is startled by
Always talking of things that make no sense!
Oh, goodness! Milady, we must be on our way! The Queen’s croquet match is almost about to
begin and you must be in attendance at once! I shall lead you out of the woods and into the
queen’s garden. You’re on your own afterwards!
But you haven’t even answered…
Quick! Onward, milady! Ho Ho Ho!
The White Knight grabs
Alice’s hand and runs off with her
on stage. Before they get off stage,
the Knight falls over
again. Rolling her eyes, Alice picks
him back up again and the two head
off stage. The trees move around
again. They now have white roses
that are slightly painted red on
certain parts. Four CARD
SOLDIERS are singing as they are
painting the roses red. ALICE comes
on stage to see their work.
All day and night we paint the white off with the crimson red
We cannot sleep
We cannot eat
But many tears we shed
Yet do we know
They’ll never grow. At least, that’s what we said
(Sobbing at first but then normal again)
All day and night we fix our plight and paint the roses red.
The Card, Two, accidentally bumps into
Three and a little bit of paint splashes him.
The other two cards, Ace and Four,
giggle to each other like kids on a
Look out now, two! Don’t go splashing paint all over me like that!
I couldn’t help it! The Ace jogged my elbow.
(Very brat-like)
That’s right, Two! Always lay the blame on others!
You’d better not talk! I heard the Queen say only yesterday you deserved to be beheaded.
What for?
That’s none of your business, Four!
Yes, it is his business. And I’ll tell him – it was for bringing the cook tulip roots instead of
Well, of all the unjust things –
That’s enough out of you both! Seriously, I’d rather get my head removed than have to listen to
you all bickering.
Um, but pardon me, why Mr. Three, why must you paint the roses red?
(Confused at first but then have a realization)
(Planting a rose as he talks)
Well you see, the fact is, miss; we planted the white roses by mistake. And…
(Painting in a hurried fashion while singing)
The queen, the queen, the vicious queen! Her roses must be red.
If these are white
Within her sight
She’ll lop off all our heads
(Shocked and scared)
(Shaking and Scared)
So don’t just stand there! Hear our plea! Save all our heads and paint with glee!
Alice picks up a bucket of paint and a
brush to try and help the Card painters out.
Oh dear! Yes, let me help you!
From bush to bush and hedge to hedge our brushes swiftly flow!
From white to red
That’s what we said
These roses are sure to go!
So hurry on and quickly now!
(somewhat in pain)
No dreamings in your head
We must not dilly
Or dally today
We’re painting the roses red!
(Finishing their song and work)
We’re painting the roses RED!
A trumpet sounds and the four
Painters go running in all different
directions in a panic!
The Queen!
A line of card-soldiers march to
the front of the stage in a
synchronized fashion. They march
for a bit and then circle around the
back of the stage and stand at
attention when the next line is called
out by one of the Captain’s
voice (Cat). The Painters and
Alice lay on the ground in
(In unison)
The White Rabbit, who appears
in a page uniform with
a scroll in hand. The Cat’s tail can
be seen by Alice.
It’s the rabbit….wait…was that… his tail I just saw…no it couldn’t be.
(Out of breath but triumphantly)
Her imperial highness, her Excellency, her grace, her royal majesty: The Queen of Hearts!
All the Cards cheer loudly as the
QUEEN appears! The KING nudges
the Rabbit and points to himself.
(With little interest)
…and the King
A smaller cheer is heard. The
Queen then walks over to the
painted roses sinisterly and then
turns to the cards who were painting.
Who’s been painting my roses red? WHO’S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED!? Come clean
right now! I’ll show you how! I’LL TAKE YOUR STUPID HEAD! Someone must dread of
what I’ve said for painting the whole of the royal flower bed! Well!?
(Begging pointing at FOUR)
Oh no! Your majesty, please! It’s all her fault!
(Laying the Blame)
Not me, your grace! The Ace! The Ace!
(Acting innocent and blaming TWO)
No! Two!
The Deuce you say!?
(Blaming Three)
Not me! The Three!
The Soldiers cheer as the four
Painters are carried off stage by a
couple of the card soldiers!
Off! Off! Off with their heads! Off! Off! Off with their heads! Off! Off! Off with their –
(Furiously yelling)
The Soldiers jump at the Queen’s line
and huddle up around each other in fear.
They get out of the way for the Queen and
King to see Alice.
(Desperate to help the painters out)
Oh, please! Your majesty, they were just trying to…
(Interrupts and demanding)
And who is this!?
(Trying to please his wife, he check’s Alice’s facial features.)
Well, let’s see who it is, my dear. It certainly isn’t a heart. Do you suppose it’s a club?
(Mood changes to being absolutely delighted)
Why, it’s a little girl!
Um, yes. You see, I was hoping if you could –
(Demanding again)
Look up. Speak nicely. AND DON’T TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS! Turn out your toes. Curtsy.
Open your mouth a little wider and always say, “YES, YOUR MAJESTY!”
(Mimicking the queen)
Yes, your majesty!
(Sweet again)
Now, where do you come from and where are you going?
Well, your majesty, I was trying to find my way –
(Surprised but amused then furious)
Your way? Oh, don’t be silly! In case you haven’t heard…ALL WAYS HERE ARE MY
Yes, I know. But I was just thinking –
(Mood shift to sweet again)
Curtsy while you’re thinking. It saves time.
(Curtsies again)
Yes, your majesty. Now, if I may ask –
I’ll ask the questions! Can you do addition?
I’m sorry, what?
What’s one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one?
I-I don’t know. I lost count.
She can’t do addition!
Can you do Subtraction? Take nine from eight!
Nine from - I can’t, you know. But –
She can’t do subtraction! Oh goodness!
Can you do Division! Divide a loaf by a knife!
I suppose –
Times up! It is obviously bread and butter!
Correct, my dear!
(Stern at first but then sweet at the end of the line)
We are through with lessons! Time for something different! Do you play croquet?
Um, a little bit. But –
(Triumphantly yelling)
Places! Places, everyone! Hurry!
The Soldiers scurry around the stage
grouping in twos to make arches for
the game. A card soldier brings out
two balls and two flamingos to the
Queen and Alice. The Queen takes
the first shot and totally misses but
the crowd cheers for her. Alice takes
a shot but everybody boos her until
she actually makes a shot. The
Queen orders “Off with his head” to
the one card that cheers for her.
(Acting as if he gave the order)
Off with his head. Off with his head. By order of the king…you heard what she said.
While the Queen takes her next turn,
the Cat appears and motions for
Alice. Alice, in a huff, stomps over
to him. In her huff, the sound of the
Jabberwock can be heard faintly.
I say, how are you getting on?
That’s quite enough of that, cat! I’m the one asking the questions this time! What exactly have
you been doing this whole time? As far as I know, you never show up unless you intend it. But I
may have seen you more than just those times, haven’t I?
Whatever do you mean? I’ve just been minding my own business like any good cat would do.
Are you sure? Because I’m starting to believe that you have a much bigger part in this “game”.
Wouldn’t you agree?
(As if he didn’t hear her)
Beg pardon?
(As loud as possible for him to hear it)
(Angrily annoyed)
(Simply answering)
Oh, the Cheshire cat, your majesty
(Looking around)
Cat? What? Where?
Right there!
There he is again!
(Seething with fury)
I’m warning you, child: If I lose my temper…YOU’LL LOSE YOUR HEAD!
Y-yes your majesty
All this yelling has made me hungry. BRING ME MY TARTS!
The Tarts! The Tarts! Hurry now, by order of the king!
A CARD SOLDIER brings out a tray of
tarts and places them on a stand. The Queen
goes off to take her next turn. The Cat sees
the tarts and sneaks on over and eats them
up except for one. He goes back to Alice
You know, we could make her really angry. Shall we try?
(Realizing how much trouble she’s in)
Wait…did you…YOU DIDN’T!
The tarts! The tarts! Someone has stolen the tarts!
The Queen starts sniffing like a
dog. She soon approaches Alice
and the Cat. As the Queen is closing
in on the Cat and Alice, the Cat
places the tart in Alice’s hands and
disappears during his next line.
(Quickly and mischievously)
Hungry? Here you are! Bye!
Wait! No! I didn’t –
(Smiling sheepishly)
Oh…hello, your majesty…
(Boiling up)
Someone’s head’s gonna roll for this…YOURS!!!
(Begging for her life)
Oh no! Please, I didn’t –
(Furious but interrupted)
(Interrupting the Queen)
Wait, consider, my dear. Couldn’t she have a trial first?
(Pleading playfully to calm his wife down)
Just a small trial? Hm?
(Patting her husband’s head)
The Card Soldiers move the trees off
stage and bring in a raised platform
with two chairs for the Queen and
King. Alice is moved the side in a
chair for the guilty party. The other
Card soldiers stand on one side of
the stage and acts as the jury. The
Bailiff makes his way in a
powdered wig towards the King’s
side of the platform.
(Official and referring to the audience when he says, “Loyal subjects”)
Your royal majesty, members of the jury, loyal subjects…
(Desiring attention)
(Uninterested in the Kings need for attention)
…and the King. The prisoner at the bar is charged with thievery of the Queen’s delicious tarts
thereby willfully starving, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved…
(Wanting to hurry things along so she can do what she wants)
Don’t mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper!
(Finishing quickly)
…thereby causing the Queen to lose her temper!
Now then, are you ready for your sentence?
Sentence? But there needs to be a verdict first!
(Her way of doing things)
But that’s not the way –
(Furiously banging her gavel)
(Finishing her sentence trying to appease her)
…y-your ways, your majesty.
Thank you…OFF WITH HER –
(Interrupting and a desire to continue the trial)
Consider my dear. We have called no witnesses. Couldn’t we hear maybe one or two?
Oh, very well. BUT GET ON WITH IT!!
First witness! First witness!
The Tweedle Brothers
The Cat disguises himself as the Tweedles
quickly and proceeds to the witness stand.
Alice sees the process of the Cat
disappearing and the Tweedles appearing.
She seems very suspicious.
And what do you two know about this dreadful occurrence?
When the Tweedles answer, we hear the
dialogue of Alice’s sister. This acts as a
memory to Alice. What they actually say
is “nothing”.
Sister, why can’t we ever get along? I know I’m the eldest but I do love you. Why can’t you see
(Astonished and confused)
What did you…say?
Nothing, we know nothing.
Nothing whatever!?
THAT’S VERY IMPORTANT!! Jury, write that down!
Very Unimportant, your majesty means.
(Banging her gavel)
Next witnesses!
The Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Dormouse
The Tweedles run off the stage
and the Cat transforms again into
the Mad Hatter and
accompanies the Hare and
Dormouse. The cat’s tail is visible to
Alice again.
Wait a minute! There’s that tail again! Did he…
Oh, goodness! Please! I am a poor man!
I’m very sleepy
And I’m….not sure what I’m supposed to be.
What do you know about this?
Again, when the Hatter speaks, we hear
the dialogue of Alice’s mother and father as
another memory.
You think of no one but yourself! You cannot expect us to take this sitting down. We are your
mother and father and we want what’s best for you!
Why can’t you listen when you are spoken to, young lady!
There it is again! Hold on a minute!
(Silencing Alice then turning to the Mouse)
(Quiet! The Dormouse is sleeping!)
(Whispering into the Dormouse’s ear)
What do you know about this?
(Sleep talking)
Twinkle, twinkle little bat. How I wonder what you’re at…
That’s the most important piece of evidence we’ve heard yet. WRITE THAT DOWN!!
The March Hare and Dormouse
leave the witness stand but the Mad
Hatter stays.
Please bring in the final witness!
(Sinisterly to himself and just reaching Alice’s ears)
Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don’t like the ending…sometimes we can’t understand
Now hold on a moment…the people, the creatures…everything that I’ve been seeing must have
been -
The Cheshire cat!!
The Cat takes off his Mad Hatter
guise and presents himself to the court.
Alice, so appalled at the trickery she has
gone through leaves the bar to confront the
cat at the witness stand. The Cat does not
move. In fact, he welcomes her
You…it was YOU! You’re the one behind all of this! The people, this world, everything has
been nothing but your cheeky tricks!
It took you that long to figure that out? You more stupid than I thought. But it doesn’t matter;
your time is up! We made a deal, Alice. And believe me, you’ll find my commitment to a deal to
be almost…disturbing.
(Frustrated and sad)
No, it can’t be!
The Jabberwocky’s roar is heard faintly but
not too faint.
You look nervous…afraid even. Are you quite alright? Or maybe you’ve now come to realize
that you can run from strangers, you can run from beasts and nasty things...but the one thing that
you cannot run from…is yourself! That thing you’ve been hearing is none other than what you
have become! All your fears…all your doubts…all of your ignorance and attitude….that is what
lies within that darkness…the Jabberwock…is YOU!
(Feeling guilty)
No… It can’t be…I’m that monster?
(Feeling victorious)
(Fed up)
Shut up you fat, pompous, bad-tempered, old tyrant!!
Everyone gasps at ALICE’s line. The
Jabberwocky’s roar is at its loudest! Alice
clasps her hands on her mouth horrified at
what she had just said in a fit of anger!
(About to snap, her eye is twitching)
What did you just call me?
(Repeating what she said in a very mischievous manner that makes him laugh)
Well, she simply said that you’re a fat, pompous, bad-tempered, old tyrant!
(Biggest outrage ever)
The stage goes black. Sounds can be
heard of a chase ensuing and the
queen yelling “DON’T LET HER
HEAD! The cards then start cheering
quietly, “Off, off, off with her head”
over and over again. The stage lights
up to see Alice coming on to where
the Cat is. She is out of breath for a
moment during the Cat’s line.
(Smiling wide)
Leaving so soon, Alice? Too bad you don’t have…this.
(Shuddering with excitement and fear)
Is that…that is it! Isn’t it?
(As if he is the winner)
You are correct. But it doesn’t matter! You have lost. You have feasted on your last tart…now
it’s time to pay!
No! I couldn’t have lost! No! No!
(Feeling a little sinister and reflecting Alice’s heart)
Ah, the unstable are more than merely mad…they have other parts. You didn’t think I wouldn’t
deprive you of what’s left of your deranged soul. Now the door is locked…it will never
open…and there is no key.
(In pain and sobbing)
No! This can’t be real! This has to be a nightmare!
Alice falls to her knees.
(Feeling unappreciated but triumphant)
You should be grateful to me! I set you free from everything you hated: nagging parents, an
annoying sister, and boring friends. I gave it all to you! Yet you constantly wanted to leave. You
tried to hold on to what you wanted to let go of. You’ve always worn a mask of your insecurities.
Now you can never hide what you are and you shall linger here FOREVER! Off! Off! Off with
her head…
The mob is now circled close around Alice
and the Cat. Alice stands up from her
sobbing as the chanting is as loud as ever.
(Stern and loud but not shouting)
Everyone, except for Alice and the Cat,
freezes in place.
(Shocked that everything froze)
(Wise, realizing, and happy)
Now I understand. Do you know why a mother tells a child not to play in the street or not to
touch a burning candle? A child doesn’t get it the first time. But then that child soon realizes the
danger of doing such things. That child sees that her mother was looking out for her baby. I am
that foolish child, aren’t I? And I know now that it wasn’t my heart that I was looking for…it
was my love: my love for my family and friends. That beast that you sent after me wasn’t really
there… and yet it was. I was running from something: it was my fear of myself. I was my own
monster like you said…but not anymore. I’ve seen the error of my ways…I’ve seen the many
tears that I’ve made my mother shed. I feel so horrid to put my parents through such anguish. My
heart was always with me…it was my love for those that I truly care about that you took from
me. I need those feelings back…because I need them to help me grow…they are my precious
treasures…each of them are. May I please have that which belongs to me?
Alice reaches out her hand to the Cat.
The Cat, with much reluctance, places the
heart in her hands. Hands empty, he
gives a flick of his wrist and all the other
characters leave the stage. The trees are
rolled away and the door at the beginning is
brought back to the stage. His face has a
great disappointed frown upon it.
Checkmate. Funny how my intentions got the better than me. Curiosity did kill the cat, but it
makes the Cheshire cat wiser…but not this time.
(Surprised at how easy that was)
Wait. That was it? All had to do was…
I did say repeatedly you needed to ask politely, didn’t I? I suppose it’s for the best. Now…get
out. The door will now open. Feel free to drop by…oh wait…that would mean you’d have to see
me again. That’s probably the last thing on your mind right now isn’t it?
Alice giggles she steps to the door. The Cat
sits down on the center stage to mope. Alice
walks back to the Cat for some final words.
You know, it may have been a very distressing journey and you had no intention of letting me
go, but, thanks to you, I was able to realize how much of a fool I’ve been to my loved ones. So,
thank you.
Alice pets the Cat like a normal
Oh, it was my pleasure…
Alice is about to go through the door but
the Cat speaks to make her stop for a
You could stay. I had a lot of fun with you…and I get dreadfully lonely.
Thanks, but that is an invitation I shall have to decline. Sorry.
(Didn’t think anything less)
I thought so. Well, you’d better run along then. I don’t want to keep your “loved ones” waiting.
What? No riddle to ask me before I leave? I always thought you had a knack for that.
No…I’m all out of riddles…but I will leave you with this: Being a family means you are part of
something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life no matter
what…but what would I know about that?
(Very impressed and surprised)
No…I think you actually said something...that made sense for a change.
Hm…sometimes I surprise myself.
Well, I must go now. I guess I can leave you with a saying as well: the journey of a lifetime
begins with a single step…but that first one is always the most treacherous. I’ve taken that step
and have decided to keep on going. I’m coming home, mom, dad, Lizzie!
Alice runs through the door and offstage.
The Cat closes the door behind her and
moves it to the center of the stage. He sits at
the front of the stage like he did at the
beginning of the play. His frown turns into a
grin and he laughs to himself.
(Reciting and remembering)
And now the tale is done, and home we steer, a merry crew, beneath the setting sun. Ever drifting
down the stream – Lingering in the golden gleam – Life…was it but a dream? Good bye, Alice.
The CAT stands up and opens the door
himself. Looks back one time to the
audience and then closes the door behind
him. Everything fades to black.

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Squeaky Clean Legacy, 16.2


  • 1. Alice in Wonderland __________________________ One-act play Adaptation written by T.C. Baker Original Story written by Lewis Carroll
  • 2. 2. LIST OF CHARACTERS CHESHIRE CAT: A Cat with a grin on its face most of the time. Conniving. Very Mischievous. Loves to mess with Alice and somewhat antagonizes her at times. Loves playing games. (The CAT will be playing more than one role. He will disguise himself as: the White Rabbit, the Tweedles, the Caterpillar, the Mad Hatter, and the White Knight) ALICE: A 13 year old girl with a horrid attitude. Boastful. Bad Temper but proper when needed. Can have a sweet side and can be very afraid of what she doesn’t understand. MOM and DAD: parents of Alice. Never seen on stage but can be heard. Their dialogue consists of mostly common lecturing to a rebellious child. SISTER: Alice’s sister: Elizabeth. Never seen on stage but can be heard. Always trying to love her sister even when Alice never does. MARCH HARE: Absolutely cooky in every manner of the word. Constant mood swings. Can do pretty much anything he wants at the table. DORMOUSE: Always sleeping. Hardly does anything except respond to sudden jolts of waking. ROSE: Leader of the talking flowers. Always means well and is kind but very much against anything that goes against the rules of the flowerbed. IRIS: Very pompous and snooty. Doesn’t like Alice the moments she meets her. LILY: Very giggly always thinking about someone she likes or about fashion. THREE: Head of the card painters. Trying to get the job done but has to deal with the nonsense of his coworkers. ACE: Bickers a lot with Two. Will not stop at nothing unless he gets the last say so. TWO: Bickers a lot with Ace. Loves to snitch on Ace whenever he gets the chance. FOUR: slowest thinker of the painters. Usually doesn’t get what the others are talking about until it’s emphasized to him. QUEEN OF HEARTS: Very pompous and has a very bad temper. Mood shifts from angry to very polite and sweet from time to time. Will stop at nothing to have her way. KING OF HEARTS: Very timid. He may be taller than the queen but his confidence is very low. He is always asking for as much attention possible since he is the king, after all.
  • 3. 3. BAILIFF: keeper of the courts attention. Calls out witnesses and keeps the trial going. OTHER CARD SOLDIERS: Ready at attention. Never disobey the queen and cheer whenever the queen announces an execution or if she wins at something. Very fearful of the queen. SETTING Mostly in the woods of Wonderland. Trees all around. One occurrence of mushrooms appearing. At the very end, there is a courtroom but a very simple one comprising of a raised platform. PRODUCTION NOTES The trees of the woods are all two-dimensional and on wheels. When a scene changes, they will be moved by cast members who are not in the next scene. They are merely placing them in different spots than the last scene to give the indication that this is a different part of the woods. There is music but only a little bit at the beginning and at the end where no dialogue is happening. SLUGLINE Alice makes a deal with the Cheshire cat to leave her boring life and enter one of whimsical wonder. Little does she know that this is a trap to keep her there forever and she won’t have the “heart” to leave. SYNOPSIS Alice never liked her family or her friends because she felt that they were holding her heart back. She is offered a deal by the Cheshire cat to leave her world to go into a whimsical one where there are no rules. She accepts only to realize that her heart and her ability to know what real love is had been stolen by the Cheshire cat. The Cheshire cat plans to keep Alice here in Wonderland forever but wants to make a game out of it. The only way for her to escape is to find her heart in this world created by the Cat and hopefully realize that her heart is where her love is for others.
  • 4. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To Lewis Carroll Always has been an inspiration to me And has given me my own love of madness SCENE 1 The scene starts off The CAT comes on stage and sits on the front edge of the stage with a big smile on his face. CHESHIRE CAT All in the golden afternoon full leisurely we glide; for both our oars, with little skill, by little arms are plied while little hands make vain pretence our wanderings to guide. Anon, to sudden silence won, in fancy they pursue the dream-child moving through a land of wonders wild and new. In friendly chat with bird or beast – and half believe it true. A door is lit on the stage Thus grew the tale of Wonderland; thus slowly, one by one, for those who dare not believe this tale, I’d say it’s time you begun… The Cat opens the door to reveal ALICE. She walks out onto middle stage and the Cat walks into it and disappears. Voices are heard off stage of Alice’s DAD, MOM, SISTER, and FRIEND ALICE’S DAD (Lecturing) Alice, why can’t you listen to us when you are told, young lady! ALICE’S MOM (Lecturing but loving) Alice, please…You’re making me very sad. You think of no one but yourself! You cannot expect us to take this sitting down. We are your mother and father and we want what’s best for you.
  • 5. 5. ALICE (Rebellious) No you don’t, all you want to do is put me in your little bubble of priorities! It’s boring and no fun at all! ALICE’S SISTER (Trying to get along with) Sister, why can’t we ever get along? I know I’m the eldest but I do love you. Why can’t you see that!? ALICE (Spiteful) You don’t love me! You and your “high-society” taste are always too good for me! ALICE’S SISTER (Trying to reason) You know that’s not what it is at all. I don’t think- ALICE (Interrupts) Well, then you shouldn’t talk! ALICE’S FRIEND (Sick of Alice’s boastfulness) You are so bossy, Alice! We’re all trying to have fun and you always ruin it with your constant bossiness and being a know-it-all! ALICE That’s because you don’t know enough. I have improved your silly game. I grow tired of playing with you. ALICE’S DAD You are so obsessed with things that make no sense at all. Stop day-dreaming all the time. It is unhealthy! ALICE Nonsense is far better than anything you’ve been telling me! I can day-dream if I want to. ALICE’S MOM You can’t just go throughout your life playing games of fantasy and grandeur. You make no time for those who care deeply for you. You need to grow up! ALICE I don’t want to grow up! Grown-ups are so dull! You have no fun at all!
  • 6. 6. SISTER You can be so cruel to us you know! Just because you think you’re the prettiest doesn’t mean that you can demean your own sibling. ALICE I am prettier than you! You just can’t admit it! ALICE’S FRIEND Stop it! I don’t want to play with you, Alice! You’re horrid! ALICE And you all are a bunch of fuddy-duddy’s. ALL You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice!! ALICE (Distraught and thinking while talking to her cat) I’M NOT STUBBORN! YOU ALL ARE!!! Humph! Oh, Dinah! It’s awfully dreadful! They’ll never understand me. “Oh, you wicked, wicked little thing! Really, we really ought to have taught you better manners.” That’s all I hear from my parents! They never talk about what I want. And my sister is no help either. She always wants me to be just like her! I’m nothing like her yet she constantly is bombarding me with her constant talks on proper etiquette. And then there are my so-called friends. It’s not my fault I know so much and they so little. I know so much about things that nobody else cares for. Well I care for them even if I have to care for them by myself. Oh, I wish there was a way I could escape from all this: No more manners, no more rules, and no more sense…wait! Yes, that’s it, Dinah! If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense! Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And, contrariwise, whatever it would be it wouldn’t be and whatever it wouldn’t be it would. Don’t you see, Dinah? Well, if only such a place existed. I would give anything to go to a place like that. CHESHIRE CAT (To himself, and offstage but can be heard by Alice) Predictably rash, curious, and confused as ever...with brain hard as steel yet light as a feather…come to me, Alice. I’ll show you to the true measure of your madness. ALICE What was that do you suppose? I wonder where it’s coming- OH! Oh, dear me… Alice jumps with surprise to see the Cat leaning against a tree just looking at her and smiling.
  • 7. 7. CHESIRE CAT Hello, Alice. The Cat jumps in front of Alice and just looks at her and continues to smile. Alice backs up a bit. ALICE (Intimidated) Y-you know my name…but…I’ve never met you before…whatever it is you are… CHESIRE CAT Of course you haven’t. We’ve just met. Makes you wonder why I know your name, doesn’t it? ALICE Well, yes. It does make me wonder…wonder. CHESIRE CAT (Sort of mocking) Wonder wonder wonder! I couldn’t help but listen to yourself talking to your delightful friend about something truly sorrowful. ALICE (Looking at her cat) OH! CHESIRE CAT But no worries, I’m no-one to judge and yet I am someone to judge all together. After all, you haven’t even asked me a question. You’re more than deserving of it. ALICE (Suspiciously inquiring) Are you…a cat? CHESIRE CAT A Cheshire cat, my dear; but please don’t try to figure me out…you’ll only exhaust yourself. Now let’s not dwindle on such boring topics. Let’s talk about you. That is what you like isn’t it? ALICE (Sort of embarrassed) Well I- CHESIRE CAT What if I was to tell you that I could help you with your little…problem?
  • 8. 8. ALICE (Very suspicious) What do you mean? CHESIRE CAT I can give you exactly what you want: an escape from this very dull world where everyone does nothing but pester you and tell you what to. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? ALICE (Considering but then retracts her thoughts) It does actually. But I don’t see how anyone could possibly- CHESIRE CAT Who’s to say that things are possible? I deal in the things that are indeed impossible. I’m not one for giving things out for free. A free sample merely shows you the possibility of utter disappointment. So why don’t we cut a little deal. ALICE (Worried and suspicious) A deal? CHESIRE CAT Yes, now here’s the deal: I will give you your world of nonsense where you never have to be part of societal norms ever again. In exchange, I take one thing from you. Think of it as…a trade. ALICE (Needing to know) What will take from me? CHESIRE CAT Oh, just a token, merely a trifle. You won’t even miss it. ALICE Oh, well as long as it’s nothing important like my hair or my shoes or even my fancy dresses. A girl like me always needs to make a good appearance. I need those things you know. One cannot possibly live without those necessities. CHESIRE CAT Quite; …have we got a deal? ALICE (I don’t see why not) …Alright. I don’t see how you can do anything. But I’ve never seen a cat that could smile so it may be possible.
  • 9. 9. CHESHIRE CAT Nothing’s impossible, Alice. Now listen. This is important. In a few moments a Rite Whabbit will appear in a hurry. Follow it. ALICE Um, don’t you mean “White Rabbit?” CHESHIRE CAT What are you talking about? What rabbit? Oh, never mind. Just be on the lookout for that Rite Whabbit and follow it urgently. You’ll know it when you see it. It’s wearing a waist coat. Ta-ta, Alice. I am sure we will meet again soon. Remember to never look back and always ahead. Look forward to what you feel…. Or look back at what you dread. The Cat walks away from Alice not turning his head until he is off stage. ALICE So strange, I didn’t know cats could smile. Nor did I think there would be White Rabbits with waist coats…oh, excuse me…Rite Whabbits. Suddenly from the other side of the stage, the Cat (disguised as the White Rabbit) runs around the stage for a bit looking frantically at his watch now and again. WHITE RABBIT Oh goodness! Oh my fur and whiskers! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late! ALICE (Acting motherly to her cat) A waist coat and a watch! Most curious. No, Dinah. Stay here. I’ll be back shortly…I hope. Mr. Rabbit! Wait! Where are you going!? The White Rabbit speeds past Alice in a flash and makes his way to the other side of the stage. WHITE RABBIT No, no, no, no! I’m overdue! I’m really in a stew! No time to say goodbye, hello! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late! The White Rabbit dives into stage left as if diving into a hole. Alice runs to far stage left and kneels down
  • 10. 10. as if looking into a hole and begins to crawl into it. The stage blacks out as Alice speaks. ALICE He must have gone down here. But what a peculiar thing to hide in! It’s not very deep…wait, yes it is very deep I feel like I’m…I’m…I’m falling! AAAAAAGGGHH!! ALICE’S DAD (Echoed) Stop day-dreaming! ALICE’S MOM (Echoed) It’s time to grow up! SISTER (Echoed) Why can’t you understand! FRIEND (Echoed) You’re so stubborn! ALL (Echoed) So stubborn! So stubborn! So stubborn! CHESHIRE CAT A shattered mirror can be re-assembled. A little paste and a lot of patience make all the difference…though perhaps not in this case. As the stage is still black, trees are wheeled into position along with the door from the beginning. A loud thump is heard and the lights go up revealing ALICE on the ground.
  • 11. 11. SCENE 2 ALICE (Cont.) Oof! Oh dear me, I must have fallen a long time to have landed so softly. After this I shall think nothing of falling downstairs. No time for that. Now where is that Rabbit? He couldn’t have gotten far. I wonder where exactly I am. Have I landed where people walk upside down? Oh that’s just silly. Oh...I feel so strange. What’s happened to me…that fall really shook me up. The Cat walks behind her without her realizing and stands there as she talks. CHESHIRE CAT You are much more than shaken up…or perhaps you are less now that you have finished your fall. Some things are meant to be lost if they are not understood. I did just say we would meet again. I am a cat of my word. Alice jumps at the Cat’s line and backs up a bit. ALICE (Demanding an answer) So, what are you saying? What’s going on? Where am I? CHESHIRE CAT You haven’t figured it out yet? Oh, this is absolutely marvelous. You’re making this easy for me. ALICE Wait a minute; you know exactly what I lost and you know where I am! Tell me right now! This is becoming very uncomfortable very fast. CHESHIRE CAT Why Alice, you have such a sharp tongue! I wouldn’t suspect anything less from you. You, my child are in Wonderland! As a cat of my word I have given you the haven of nonsense, the kingdom of crazy, the world of nothing more than the maddest of qualities! ALICE Hmph! It sounds like a rather silly place. The deal is off, cat. I have no more time to waste. Now if you excuse me I’ll be taking my leave by waking up from this dream. CHESHIRE CAT Oh! You think this is a dream? Now that is crazy to say. You’re going to fit in just fine! Alice goes to the door and tries to open it but it seems to be locked.
  • 12. 12. ALICE Open this door, cat! CHESHIRE CAT And why would I do that? Actually it pains me to tell you that I cannot open it…nor would I want to. You cannot leave…not now... ALICE And why not! CHESHIRE CAT You cannot leave because you have lost something that is indeed irreplaceable. Without it, you cannot possibly live. ALICE Well, go on! What is it! CHESHIRE CAT You already know what you have lost! Or perhaps you are too ignorant and childish to what it is that you have lost. Listen deep within you and tell me what you do not hear anymore. Try finding the beat to the rhythm…if you catch my drift….Oh I do hope it’s nothing not worth losing as you’ve said many times. ALICE …my heart….I can’t hear my heart beat. CHESHIRE CAT Ah, now you’re catching on. ALICE What…what did you do! CHESHIRE CAT Don’t you remember our deal? I got what I wanted from you the moment you fell into that rabbit hole. And now this world is made because of your…sacrifice. Love is now nothing but a stranger to you. Not that it mattered much to you anyways. I bet it feels so liberating to know that you have no need to feel love. So sit back and relax. You have what you wanted and so do I. “The train is coming with its shiny cars, comfy seats, and wheels of stars. So hush my little one, have no fear. The man in the moon is the engineer.” ALICE No…no! This isn’t…you better tell me where my heart is right now! CHESHIRE CAT Oh no no no. I can’t do that. That isn’t how deals work, Alice.
  • 13. 13. ALICE You’re nothing but a cheeky cat! I want my heart back now! CHESHIRE CAT Why? ALICE Because…because…well I don’t know! That’s why! Now give it back! CHESHIRE CAT Well since you asked so politely…how badly do you want it back? ALICE I’ll pull that smile right off your face if you don’t tell me! The Cat stands and ponders a bit just to get Alice more riled up with her demanding for her heart back. CHESHIRE CAT Hmm…tell you what: how about a little game? ALICE A game? What kind of game? CHESHIRE CAT This world of yours is your game field. Somewhere deep within it I have hidden what you have lost. If you are able to back what you find precious to you, I’ll let you go home. But if you cannot find it in the time I provide…then you have to stay here…forever. ALICE (Afraid) And how much time do I have? CHESHIRE CAT Hmm…I think I’ll keep that information to myself…just to keep you on edge. ALICE But why!? You’re being unfair! CHESHIRE CAT In here, there’s no such thing as a “fair” game. Not in this world. There is no sense here. You will learn that in time. And you might as well accept my terms…otherwise you will be trapped here. So will you play with me? Please?
  • 14. 14. ALICE (Thinking for a moment) Alright, fine! I’ll play your odious game, only because I want to go home! CHESHIRE CAT For now you want to…now hurry along through that door. Your precious treasure awaits your rescue, Alice. But be careful. Only a very few find the way and some don’t even recognize it when they do…some don’t ever want to. Let your need guide your behavior. Suppress your instinct to lead…and pursue the Rabbit… Alice runs off stage. The Cat stays behind and pulls out a small, black heart and holds it in his hands. (Chuckling to himself) Hm, such a fragile thing. It brings joy to some and breaks others into such sorrow. It may be fragile but it is also very unstable. A puppet never realizes that it has strings or understands why it moves so abruptly. The puppet master decides every step its slave will make. The pieces are set and the game board is ready…it’s time to play and white always goes first…your move Alice... ALICE’S DAD (Disappointed) You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice. The Cat walks through the door himself and proceeds to transform into the RABBIT again. Alice appears on stage again from the opposite side of the Cat. SCENE 3 ALICE Oh, this is useless. I have absolutely no idea where to go or where to look. And that cat, oh that cat! I’ll give him a good kick if I see him again. WHITE RABBIT I’m late! I’m late! I’m late! ALICE The rabbit! Oh, Mr. Rabbit! Wait! Drat! I’ll never catch him at this rate! Alice runs around to the other side of the stage. The CAT (as
  • 15. 15. TWEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE) is standing onstage perfectly still behind her. ALICE (Cont.) I wonder if he’s hiding. Maybe in here, no. Oh! My, what curious figures. The Tweedles jump as Alice is examining their collars and she is started by it. TWEEDLEDUM If you think we’re wax works you ought to pay you know! The Tweedles nudge each other each time they finish a line of dialogue. TWEEDLEDEE Contrariwise if you think we’re real you ought to speak to us! BOTH That’s logic! ALICE I’m sure I’m very sorry...but I- Tweedledum begins to recite with Tweedledee as if Alice had not spoken at all. TWEEDLEDUM Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed to have a battle; TWEEDLEDEE For Tweedledum said Tweedledee had spoiled his nice new rattle. ALICE Um, I really don’t understand but I must- TWEEDLEDUM Just then flew down a monstrous crow, as black as a tar barrel TWEEDLEDEE Which frightened both the heroes so,
  • 16. 16. BOTH They quite forgot their quarrel. ALICE Hmm, that’s quite a little story for a couple of…siblings I guess. TWEEDLEDUM I know what you’re thinking about, but it isn’t no how. TWEEDLEDEE Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. BOTH That’s logic! ALICE Well, if that’s all then I must go now TWEEDLEDUM You’re beginning backwards TWEEDLEDEE The first thing in a visit is to say… The Tweedles wag Alice’s arms wildly around and hop around her a little bit as they do their little number. BOTH (Sing songish) “How d’ye do?” and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands. “How d’ye do?” and shake hands and state your name and business. That’s manners! ALICE Really? Well, my name is Alice, and I’m looking for my- TWEEDLEDUM You like recitations? ALICE Well, yes I do. But I-
  • 17. 17. TWEEDLEDEE What shall we repeat to her? TWEEDLEDUM How about…“The Walrus and the Carpenter” that’s a good one TWEEDLEDEE Perfect! ALICE But, wait, I don’t want- TWEEDLEDEE Sit down now, this’ll be a real treat for you! Let’s begin! The Tweedles push her into a seat and the stand in center stage as they begin their story. A spotlight shines on the Tweedles. TWEEDLEDUM The sun was shining on the sea shining with all its might TWEEDLEDEE He did his very best to make the billows smooth and bright. TWEEDLEDUM And this was odd, because it was BOTH The middle of the night! TWEEDLEDUM The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking close at hand TWEEDLEDEE They wept like anything to see such quantities of sand: TWEEDLEDUM “If this were only cleared away,” they said, “it surely would be grand!”
  • 18. 18. TWEEDLEDEE “Mr. Walrus”, the carpenter said, “my mind begins to perk…we’ll sweep this clear in half the year…if you don’t mind doing the work.” TWEEDLEDUM “The time has come,” the walrus said, “to talk of other things: of shoes and ships and ceiling wax and cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings. Calloo! Callay! No work today! With the cabbages and kings! The Tweedles act as if a group of oysters are coming to their feet. TWEEDLEDEE “O oysters, come and walk with us!” the Walrus did beseech. “A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk along the briny beach. We cannot do with more than four, to give a hand to each.” But mother Oyster winked her eye and shook her heavy head – meaning to say she did not choose to leave the oyster bed. TWEEDLEDUM But four young Oysters hurried up, all eager for the treat. Their coats were brushed, their faces washed their shoes were clean and neat and this was odd, because you know, TWEEDLEDEE They hadn’t any feet. Four other Oysters followed them and yet another four and thick and fast they came at last and more, and more, and more – all hopping through the frothy waves, and scrambling to the shore. The Tweedles march around and look back as if the oysters were following them. When they get off the stage an “OMNOM NOM NOM” is heard off stage. The Tweedles come back with a handkerchief in hand. TWEEDLEDUM (Hiccups) I weep for you,” the walrus said: “I deeply sympathize for I’ve enjoyed your company more than you realize.” With sobs and tears he snorted out those of the largest size, holding his pocket- handkerchief before his streaming eyes. TWEEDLEDEE “O Oysters,” said the Carpenter, “You’ve had a pleasant run! Shall we be trotting home again?” But answer there came none – and this was scarcely odd, because…
  • 19. 19. BOTH They’d eaten every one! The end! ALICE That was a very sad story. But I liked the Walrus best because you see he was a little sorry for the poor oysters. TWEEDLEDUM He at more than the Carpenter, though. ALICE Oh, then I liked the Carpenter best. TWEEDLEDEE But he ate as many as he could get. This is what happens when two of a pair fights to see who can be better than the other. TWEEDLEDUM But you know that I’m the best, brother! TWEEDLEDEE Keep that up and I’ll knock your block off! SISTER (Offstage) I may be the oldest, but I do love you very much. ALICE (A little sad with a pain in her chest) Oh…yes, I see… TWEEDLEDUM Would you like another one? ALICE (Distracted by the Tweedles) Oh no, I couldn’t ask for… BOTH “You are Old Father William”! First Verse! TWEEDLEDUM You are old, Father William, the young man said, and your hear has become very white; and yet you incessantly stand on your head do you think at your age it is right?
  • 20. 20. TWEEDLEDEE In my youth, Father William replied to his son, I’d do it again and again and again and again and again and again… CHESHIRE CAT What two fighting siblings or friends don’t know is that not one is right and not one is wrong…turns out that they are both rather stupid to start fighting in the first place. The stage trees move around again. SCENE 4 WHITE RABBIT Mary Anne! Oh, drat! Where is that girl? Mary Anne! ALICE The Rabbit! Oh Mr. Rabbit! I need your help. Could you please… The White Rabbit is looking around while Alice is talking. Once he sees her he stomps over to her very crossly. WHITE RABBIT Why, Mary Anne! What are you doing out here!? ALICE (Confused) Mary Anne? The Rabbit starts shoving her to the other side of the stage in a hurry. WHITE RABBIT Don’t just do something! Stand there! No no! Go get my gloves! I’m late! ALICE But I need you to tell me – WHITE RABBIT My gloves! At once! Wait! Drink this! Now go! Go! Do you hear! ALICE Goodness! I suppose I’ll be taking orders from Dinah next. Alice exits.
  • 21. 21. CHESHIRE CAT (Jealous) Heh! Dinah, you are quite a precious friend to her aren’t you? It’s amazing that you listen to her. She’s quite the beastly girl. I suppose she has to have “some” friend to listen to her selfish problems. I do envy you. Now, let’s see, ah yes…that should be enough of an adjustment. The whole world is quite vast to man…but the humble hill is the universe to the comprehension of a blossom…everyone knows that. The Cat runs off stage chuckling to himself. Alice appears on stage again with a group of talking flowers standing perfectly still as if they were ordinary flowers. When Alice mentions seeing a bug she will look as if it is flying around her head as the buzzing sound effect is played. SCENE 5 ALICE Oh dear, now where do you suppose I am. Wait a minute. Have I…well…now I know how an ant feels when he’s off to make his queen happy with a crumb of bread. But I can’t go on this search as small as this. What am I to do? Oh look at that, it’s a…curious butterfly? ROSE (Remaining frozen in place) Bread and butterfly you mean ALICE OH! Who do you suppose that was? Oh that’s a horsefly…a rocking horse fly! LILY Naturally! ALICE I beg your pardon, but what did you… oh nonsense, flowers can’t talk ROSE (Super sweet) But of course we can talk, my dear IRIS (Self-important) If there’s anyone worth talking to
  • 22. 22. LILY (As if thinking about a cute guy and giggling) Or about! ALICE Can all flowers talk? IRIS As well as you can and a great deal louder! ROSE You can learn a lot of things from the flowers you know! We are prone to hear many things given that most don’t realize we can hear them…leads to much gossip that’s for sure! ALICE Really? Like what? LILY Well, bread and butter flies kiss the tulips only in the month of June, IRIS Tiger lilies love the Dandy lions in the spring…that is if the dandy lion doesn’t shed that year. ROSE There are dogs and caterpillars and a copper centipede LILY Daisies are lazy in the summer sun. ROSE Violets are shy around their buds. IRIS And don’t even get us going on about those dizzy daffodils! ALICE (Impressed. Wincing with pain at the end of her line) That’s amazing! I shall have debates with my mother’s posies when I get home…oh…my mother. ALICE’S MOM Alice…please. You’re making me very sad.
  • 23. 23. CHESHIRE CAT (Hidden) Seek and ye shall find as they say…but they never say “what” you’ll find… LILY What kind of garden do you come from? ALICE (Getting over her pain) Oh, I’m not from a garden. LILY Do you suppose she’s a wild flower? ALICE Oh, I’m not a wild flower ROSE Of what species or, shall we say, genus are you, my dear? ALICE I guess you could say that I’m a genus, humanus…Alice! LILY Have you ever seen an “Alice” with a bloom like that? IRIS Come to think of it, have you ever, seen an “Alice”? LILY (Messing with Alice’s outfit) And did you notice her petals? What a peculiar color! IRIS (Picks up a bit of her hair and sniffs it) And no fragrance ROSE (Exclaiming at her ankles) Oh, just look at those stems! IRIS Rather scrawny, I’d say.
  • 24. 24. ALICE But I’m not a flower IRIS (Accusation and then gossips to the other flowers) AHA! Just as I suspected. She’s nothing more than a common mobile vulgaris! ROSE AND LILY (As if a nerdy boy is in front of them) Oh, No! ALICE A common what? IRIS (Blunt) To put it bluntly: a weed. ALICE (Insulted) I am not a weed! LILY (Not surprised at her response) Well, you wouldn’t expect her to admit it ALL FLOWERS (Clamoring to one another like high school girls) Can you imagine! Well Goodness! Don’t let her stay here! Nasty things, weeds! We don’t want weeds in our bed! Go one shoo shoo! Go away! ALICE (Very Hurt) Well fine, if that’s how you really feel! But if I were my right size I’d pick every one of you! That’d teach you! You can learn a lot of things from the flowers. Hmph! I suppose they could learn a thing or two about manners. Smoke begins to appear and the CATERPILLAR is seen smoking and singing on top of a mushroom. Alice goes up to him and sits on a mushroom beside the one the Caterpillar is on to listen.
  • 25. 25. CATERPILLAR (Not even noticing Alice at first) A puff of passion. A scent of sorrow. Will the sun bask in the valley of tomorrow? A whiff of woe and a jolt of joy. Great hookah! Spring forth your songs to employ! Who are you? ALICE I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present – at least I know who I was when I got up this morning. But I’ve changed so many times since then. CATERPILLAR What do you mean by that? Explain yourself. ALICE I can’t explain myself, I’m afraid, Sir, because I’m not myself, you see CATERPILLAR I do not see ALICE I’m afraid I can’t put it more clearly, for I can’t understand it myself, to begin with; being the same one moment and different the next. It’s so very confusing. CATERPILLAR It is not. ALICE Well it is to me. CATERPILLAR Why? ALICE Well, I can’t remember things that I used to, and… CATERPILLAR Recite. ALICE Oh, yes sir. Ahem. How doth the busy bee improve his shining… CATERPILLAR Stop! That is not spoken correctically. It goes like this.
  • 26. 26. When the Caterpillar begins, he notices that there is no smoke coming out of his hookah. So he shakes it up. This makes Alice laugh. He begins reciting. CATERPILLAR (Cont.) How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail? And pour the waters of the Nile, on every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly he spreads his claws and welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws. ALICE (Confused) Well, I must say I’ve never heard it said like that before CATERPILLAR (Pompous) I know. I have improved it. FRIEND (Voice) Know-it-all! ALICE (Wincing in pain) Well, if you ask me… CATERPILLAR You? Who Are You? ALICE (Fed up) I told you I don’t…Oh forget it! I’m done with this. CATERPILLAR You, girl! Wait! Come back! I have something important to say! Alice comes back in a huff to hear what the Caterpillar has to say. ALICE (Impatient) Well? CATERPILLAR Keep your temper.
  • 27. 27. ALICE (Really annoyed) Is that all? CATERPILLAR No. exactically what is your problem? ALICE Well, I want to get back to normal height and continue my search. CATERPILLAR Why? ALICE Well, three inches high isn’t a very good height. CATERPILLAR (Angrily) I am exactically three inches high! And it is a very good height INDEED!! Ahem. One side will make you grow taller… ALICE (Confused) One side of what? CATERPILLAR And the other side will make you grow shorter. ALICE (Asking louder) The other side of what!? CATERPILLAR (Furiously annoyed) THE MUSHROOM OF COURSE!!!! The Caterpillar walks off stage leaving the hookah behind and holding his end off the ground. Alice looks at the mushroom the Caterpillar had been sitting on and takes two pieces off.
  • 28. 28. ALICE (Concerned at first but then does not care then realizes she needs to hurry) Oh, here we are. Let me see. Which side is which? Oh, this is ridiculous. I’ll just try one and be off with it. Besides, I’m tired of being three inches high! OH! Am...Am I back to normal? CHESHIRE CAT (Hidden) I find that highly doubtful. ALICE At this rate, I shall forget what normal is! This pain I’ve been feeling…is this what it’s like to have no heart…shall I ever be the same again? I must hurry! Alice exits and the Cheshire cat comes back on stage watching her again. He is smoking the hookah of the caterpillar. ALICE’S DAD It’s time for you to grow up, Alice! CHESHIRE CAT Yes, hurry along, dear Alice. Time is of the essence! The time has come to time yourself accordingly and the time is drawing near….I do believe I’ve made quite a mess. Time is not doing its job. This doesn’t come as a surprise really. I feel that she would be delighted to see a more familiar face. Once a face meets another…that face shall never leave the mind of the beholder…my thoughts exactly… Alice walks on again looking at the signs that are on the trees. She is confused since they don’t just show left and right but up, down, and any other way available. SCENE 6 ALICE Now, where am I to go now? I feel like I’m just walking in circles in this crazy place. But which way is the… The Cat is singing without appearing yet. Alice can hear him and begins to be very intent in finding where he’s hiding.
  • 29. 29. CHESHIRE CAT ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All a mimsy were the borogroves and the mome wraths outgrabe. ALICE I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Show yourself you mangy thing! The Cat appears behind her and taps her on the shoulder. This makes her jump and turn sharply to him. CHESHIRE CAT Lose something? ALICE (Fumed) “Lose” something! That “something” you are referring to is something you STOLE from me! If you were in my world you would be charged indefinitely for theft! CHESHIRE CAT You wouldn’t be able to charge me…you wouldn’t “have the heart” to do so! ALICE Ugh! CHESHIRE CAT Besides, I never get involved in politics. I suppose you need SOME assistance if this is going to be any fun for me. You may know a lot but, as you already must know, I sure don’t need a weathervane to tell where the wind blows. How about a little hint? I won’t tell you where your precious treasure is… ALICE (With a “Hmph”) Well then you are no help to me! I can find it on my own! SISTER You’re such a stubborn girl, Alice! CHESHIRE CAT …however, I will give you a direction on where to go to get out of this wooded glen…maybe. Since knowing where you’re going is preferable to being lost…ask and.
  • 30. 30. ALICE (Frustrated but needs help) Fine, tell me! CHESHIRE CAT Ah ah ah, not until you ASK politely first. ALICE (Gritting her teeth) Alright, Chesshire Cat, would you tell me PLEASE which way I ought to go from here? CHESHIRE CAT Well, that depends a good deal on where you want to get to. ALICE (Knew this was going to go this way) I don’t much care where I – CHESHIRE CAT Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go! ALICE (Trying to get an answer) Well as long as I can get somewhere CHESHIRE CAT You’re sure to do that if you walk far enough. ALICE Ugh! You’re enjoying this way too much! CHESHIRE CAT Oh, by the way. If you’d really like to know…he went that way. ALICE Who did? CHESHIRE CAT The Rite Whabbit ALICE He did? CHESHIRE CAT He did what?
  • 31. 31. ALICE Go that way. CHESHIRE CAT Who did? ALICE The White Rabbit! CHESHIRE CAT What rabbit? ALICE But didn’t you just say…oh never mind! You can go now. I’m already very much on edge as of late…no thanks to you. CHESHIRE CAT Perfect, when you’re not on edge, you’re taking up too much space. Never let someone drive you mad…it’s nearby anyways and the walk is good for you. ALICE Beastly thing! CHESHIRE CAT However, if I were looking a white rabbit, I’d ask the Mad Hatter. He lives that way. ALICE A “mad” Hatter, oh no, I don’t think I would want to – CHESHIRE CAT Oh, there’s also the March Hare in that direction. ALICE Oh, then I will go visit him then. Goodbye – CHESHIRE CAT Of course, he’s mad too. ALICE But I don’t want to go among “mad” people CHESHIRE CAT (Leaning up close to Alice to frighten her a bit) Oh you can’t help that. We’re all mad here! You may have noticed that I’m not all there…myself. Ah ha ha ha ha ha. And you’re mad too you know.
  • 32. 32. ALICE (Insulted) What a rude thing to say! CHESHIRE CAT (Snarky) Good thing you’re calling the kettle black. It’s almost time for tea at March Hare’s residence. ALICE (Trying to justify her sanity) And how exactly am I mad? CHESHIRE CAT You must be, or you wouldn’t have come here. ALICE You made me come here! CHESHIRE CAT Actually, I didn’t. You came here of your own free will. You didn’t have to follow that rabbit. You didn’t have to fall into that hole. ALICE Alright, fine! And how do you know that you’re mad minus what I’ve already gathered from your despicable character? CHESHIRE CAT Well, when a dog growls, he is angry. And when he wags his tail he is happy. I growl when I’m happy and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore, I’m mad. ALICE I believe it’s called purring, not growling. CHESHIRE CAT Call it what you like. Now I do believe you should be going to visit the March Hare, correct? ALICE Well, I suppose I must. I will win this “game” of yours. Just you watch! CHESHIRE CAT Oh believe me, I will be. Alice is about to walk off but the Cat stops her.
  • 33. 33. CHESHIRE CAT Oh, before you go, I have a question: How do you run from what’s inside your head? ALICE What are you talking about? I haven’t the foggiest idea of what that means. CHESHIRE CAT I thought so. Off you go now. Alice leaves stage right towards the way to the March Hare’s house. The Cat stays and leans against one of the trees and pulls out the heart and is surprised to see that it is no longer black but now gray. CHESHIRE CAT (Cont.) Indeed…where to run….how to run…why to run…Well, this wasn’t supposed to happen. And I had been so careful too…yes…to careful. Yes…fear can make anyone do something desperate…for is fear that will make the heart weak. And I do believe that my dear Alice is quite afraid. We shall see just how afraid you can be of your own misgivings. Beware your fear…Beware…the Jabberwock, my dear. The jaws that bite, the claws that catch, beware his eyes of flame…for it is you he’s come to snatch! Run, Alice. Run! And the mome raths outgrabe……………… A loud roar is heard off stage along with the sound of a stomping noise. Everything fades to black. SISTER (Sorrowful) Why…why can’t you understand! I love you, Alice! SCENE 7 The lights come on to reveal the MAD HATTER, the MARCH HARE, and the DORMOUS E having a tea party singing “A Very Merry Unbirthday”. ALICE enters in as they are singing and stops to listen before approaching them. MARCH HARE Wake up Dormy! It’s time for the tea party!
  • 34. 34. DORMOUSE But it’s in the middle of my daily 23-hour nap…I should probably make it 24 now. MAD HATTER Come! Come! Let’s begin! Ahem! A round and round and round we fly! MARCH HARE Bring out the tea, and cakes, and pie! MAD HATTER Earl gray and jasmine too! DORMOUSE For it’s a merry unbirthday to you… MAD HATTER So pour the cups and serve the wine MARCH HARE For today’s the day that we shall dine! MAD HATTER Oolong, Chamomile, and herbal brew! DORMOUSE Let’s have a merry unbirthday to you… The Hare and the Hatter begin chatting with themselves. Their elbows are on the sleeping Dormouse. ALICE It must be very uncomfortable for the Dormouse. Only as it’s asleep, I suppose it doesn’t mind. The Hatter and the Hare hear ALICE and turn swiftly to her and then start clamoring and running around to the front of the table to block ALICE. BOTH (Clamoring randomly) No Room No Room! No Vacancy! No Room! NO ROOM!
  • 35. 35. ALICE But I thought there was plenty of room! But it doesn’t matter; I haven’t the time for – Hare grabs Alice and sits her down at the head of the table. MARCH HARE Ah but it’s very rude to sit down when not being invited. MAD HATTER I’ll say it’s rude! It’s very, very rude indeed! DORMOUSE (Sleepily) Very, very rude indeed… ALICE But if there’s no room for me, then I must – MARCH HARE Have some wine! ALICE But I don’t see any wine. MARCH HARE There isn’t any ALICE It’s not very civilized to offer some if there isn’t any MARCH HARE It's not very civilized to sit when not being invited MAD HATTER I’ll say it’s not civilized. It’s very not civilized indeed…you must have a cup of tea! MARCH HARE (Pouring tea) Yes, indeed! You must have a cup of tea! ALICE But I’m interrupting your birthday party, I really must be –
  • 36. 36. MARCH HARE (Surprised and a little insulted) Birthday!? My child this is NOT a birthday party! MAD HATTER Of course not! This is an unbirthday party! ALICE Unbirthday? What is that? MARCH HARE (Trying to explain but doesn’t seem to know it himself) Well you see now…thirty days accept….uh….on a birthday if you have a birthday….she doesn’t know what an unbirthday is! MAD HATTER You don’t! Well, I shall illuminate this query! Now statistics prove that you have but ONE birthday. MARCH HARE That’s right, just one birthday every year! MAD HATTER Ah, but there are 364 unbirthdays! MARCH HARE This is exactly why we’re here to cheer! ALICE Oh, that makes absolutely no sense. Hatter pulls out a pocket watch from his hat and shakes it and dips it in his tea. MAD HATTER Speaking of which, what day is it? ALICE Excuse me? MAD HATTER (Furiously) WHAT DAY IS IT!?
  • 37. 37. ALICE (Frightened) Uh-uh the fourth! MAD HATTER Aha! Two days slow! This clock is two days slow! MARCH HARE Two days slow!? ALICE Two days slow? But why would a watch tell what day it is instead of the time? MAD HATTER Why not? Does your watch tell you what year it is? ALICE No, but – MAD HATTER (Calling for butter) Of course! It needs some butter! BUTTER! MARCH HARE (Passing the message to Alice) BUTTER! Hare grabs a plate of butter and passes it to Alice who passes it to the Hatter. He begins spreading it on the watch. ALICE (Worried for the sake of a nice watch) Butter? But wait! You’ll get crumbs all over it! MAD HATTER But it’s the very best butter! Yes, there we go. Now, what else? MARCH HARE TEA! MAD HATTER OH! Tea! I forgot about tea! Oh! Earl Grey! Good year!
  • 38. 38. ALICE (Urging) But that’s going to – MARCH HARE JAM! MAD HATTER Jam, yes, jam! Very good! Not Strawberry, please! ALICE (Desperately urging) Wait, you mustn’t do that! MARCH HARE SUGAR! MAD HATTER Oh! Two spoons please! MARCH HARE MUSTARD! The Hatter takes the mustard but during his line he stops and puts the mustard away and grabs a slice of lemon and squeezes it on the watch. MAD HATTER Mustard yes mus- MUSTARD!? Let’s not be silly. Lemon, that’s different. There! That should do it! The Hatter holds the watch in his hands but then he starts to shake violently as if the watch was going crazy and starts running around with the watch in his grasp. MAD HATTER and MARCH HARE Uh-oh! Look at that! Goodness! Oh dear! It’s going mad! The tea was too strong! It might have been the jam! But it was the best butter! Mad watch! Mad watch! MAD WATCH!!
  • 39. 39. MARCH HARE There’s only one way to stop a mad watch! The March Hare takes out a mallet and smashes the watch on the table. MAD HATTER (As if nothing happened before the crazy watch) It’s two days slow. That’s what it is. The Hatter tosses the watch to Alice. Alice looks at the broken thing and is very annoyed. ALICE (Had enough and needs to go) Well, great! Now the watch is ruined! Now as much as I have “loved” this neglect for manners and any care for trinkets that keep time, I must – MAD HATTER Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down! Move DOWN! The Mad Hatter grabs Alice’s hand and runs around the table. The March Hare follows close behind. They end up right back in their original spots. The Dormouse stays asleep in his same chair. MARCH HARE Move down! Move down! Move DOWN! ALICE (Fixes her hair after quite a shock) Goodness! You both have no manners! MAD HATTER Why is a raven like a writing desk? ALICE (Challenge accepted) A riddle, now we shall have some fun. Let me see...
  • 40. 40. MAD HATTER The Dormouse is asleep again! The March Hare takes one of the tea pots and pours some tea on the Dormouse’s nose. The Dormouse jolts and wakes up only to fall asleep again after his line. DORMOUSE (Awake at first but then falls asleep again) Of course. Of course. It was the best butter indeed… MAD HATTER Have you guessed the riddle yet? ALICE Uh…I give up. What’s the answer? MAD HATTER I haven’t the faintest idea! ALICE (Annoyed) You really shouldn’t waste time asking riddles you don’t know the answer to! MAD HATTER If you knew time as well as I, you wouldn’t dream of wasting “it”! It’s “him”! ALICE I don’t know what you mean. MAD HATTER Of course you don’t. I dare say you’ve never even spoken to Time. ALICE Perhaps not; but I know I have to beat time when I learn music. MAD HATTER Aha! That accounts for it! He won’t stand a beating. If you were on good terms with time you could make an 8 hour day feel like a short 30 seconds. You needn’t worry about lessons for it could be dinner time in a flash! Lessons have no importance when it’s dinner time! Everyone knows that!
  • 41. 41. ALICE I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do that. MAD HATTER (A nod to the audience) I can, lots of people wish it were so. I could do it all the time…but sadly, not anymore. ALICE Why not? Did you have a fall out with time? MAD HATTER Indeed! We quarreled last March…just before “he” went mad. It was a great concert for the queen of hearts! And I had to sing… The trio starts to sing but it’s more like yelling like maniacs in very poor rhythm. MAD HATTER, MARCH HARE, AND DORMOUSE Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you’re at! MAD HATTER I’m sure you’ve heard of it. ALICE I’ve heard something like it, but… MAD HATTER It goes on you know…like this! MAD HATTER, MARCH HARE, AND DORMOUSE Up above the world you fly! Like a tea tray in the sky! Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle… The trio of lunatics continues to sing “Twinkle” until Alice’s next line. ALICE Are you quite done? MAD HATTER When, all of a sudden, the queen cries out, “He’s murdering the time! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” ALICE How dreadful!
  • 42. 42. MAD HATTER And now, time won’t do a thing I say! It’s always 6 o’ clock and we have no time to clean up the dishes between meals! ALICE (Unfeeling) Pity… ALICE’S MOM You make no time for those who care deeply for you! MARCH HARE I have an excellent idea! Let’s change the subject! I vote the lady should tell us a story. ALICE (Sure of herself at first but then comes to a horrible realization) Oh, sure! I know a lot of wonderful stories….don’t I? Oh no! I feel as if I’m losing more and more as time goes by…is time going by….am I drifting….floating….oh this pain! I can’t seem to be rid of it! As she is saying her last line, the Cat, disguised as the Hatter, looks into the heart again without her seeing him do so since she is very lost in thought. He then puts it away to resume his role as the Hatter. CHESHIRE CAT (Looking into the heart and talking to himself.) Steps to enlightenment brighten the way. But the steps are steep. Take them one at a time. MARCH HARE Well if you can’t make polite conversation with a story…then the dormouse shall! MAD HATTER AND MARCH HARE Wake up, dormouse! The two pinch the mouse on both his arms and he springs awake. DORMOUSE Oh yes, quite right! I was going to remark that…myself… MARCH HARE Tell us a story, Dormouse!
  • 43. 43. MAD HATTER And be quick about it, otherwise you may fall asleep again! DORMOUSE Once upon a time there were three sisters, whose names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. And they lived at the bottom of a well. ALICE What did they live on? DORMOUSE They lived on treacle. ALICE They couldn’t have done that. They would’ve gotten ill DORMOUSE So they were, very ill! The Hatter jumps in Alice’s face with a teapot and a cup. Alice leans back a bit. MAD HATTER Would you like some more tea? ALICE (Pushes Hatter back a bit with her hand to his face…not a smack) I haven’t had any. So I can’t possibly take more. MARCH HARE You mean you can’t take less. MAD HATTER That’s right! You can always take more than nothing! DORMOUSE So these three sisters were learning to draw. ALICE What did they draw? DORMOUSE Treacle! They also drew things that begin with the letter “M”.
  • 44. 44. ALICE Why with the letter “M”? MARCH HARE (Furiously) WHY NOT!? DORMOUSE They drew things such as mousetraps, the moon, and muchness. I’m sure you’ve seen much of muchness such as a drawing of a muchness. Haven’t you? ALICE Now you ask me! I don’t think- MAD HATTER THEN YOU SHOULDN’T TALK! As the Hatter says his line the sound of her family is heard along with him. Alice pauses before saying her next line to process what she’s heard. MOTHER and FATHER (Offstage) We are your mother and father and we will not take this sitting down! ALICE That’s it! I’ve had it with you lunatics! I’m leaving! As Alice is leaving, the Mad Hatter and March Hare begin placing a tea pot on the Dormouse’s head laughing like maniacs. ALICE (Cont.) This has got to be the stupidest tea party I’ve ever been to in all my life! MARCH HARE AND MAD HATTER A very merry unbirthday…to US!!! The stage goes dim and the trees move around again. The table is
  • 45. 45. removed from the stage. The scene is now very dark as Alice continues her search. The sounds of different creatures can be heard including the sound of the Jabberwock. SCENE 8 ALICE (To the point of crying and then sobs a bit before she ends her line) Um…I don’t suppose that this could be way out…or maybe that way. That noise…is it following me! No! I must calm down! Oh, it’s useless! I’m lost again! This is awful! What if I never find my …what was I looking for again? No, I can’t even remember what I was even doing in this place! And what if I never get out!? Shall I never see my family again!? That noise. What is it? And why am I so intent on running from it? It sounds so nasty. And…well…I guess I may have been…a little nasty as well…to my family. And maybe I only wanted my own way and never stopped to reason. Maybe they were just trying to advice on what the right thing to do is. But, I give myself good advice all the time. Things like: if you hold a red-hot poker for too long, you surely will get burnt. Or if you cut yourself with a knife deep enough, you’ll bleed. And especially if you drink from a bottle marked poison…it is almost certain to disagree with you sooner or later. Even if I gave myself all the advice in the world…I’d very seldom follow it. I guess that’s how I always get into trouble! I’m here…because I wanted to be…well…you got what you wanted…didn’t you, Alice? I want to see my family again…don’t I? I can’t even remember what they look like! It’s that horrid cat’s fault! No, I can’t give in now! Pull yourself together Alice! There will be no crying! Shame on you! CHESHIRE CAT (As a voice of “guidance”) Confront what frightens or offends you; reckless or insulting talk should never go unchallenged. Alice wipes the tears out of her eyes. The WHITE KNIGHT (Cat) rides on stage on a stick horse and constantly falls off it. He is wearing a helmet when he calls out to Alice. WHITE KNIGHT (Falls over again) Ahoy! Ahoy! Check! Check! ALICE (Confused) Hm? WHITE KNIGHT You there! Milady!
  • 46. 46. ALICE (Hopeful) A White Knight? Perhaps you have come to my rescue! WHITE KNIGHT (Falls over again) That would be correct! Oof! I think! Now if I can just find my way back myself! ALICE You probably can’t see where you’re going. Would you mind removing your helmet so that I may see my rescuer’s face? WHITE KNIGHT Certainly! The Knight removes his helmet to reveal his face. It is the Cat’s face and at first Alice seems to recognize him but then soon forgets as if something compelled her to forget. ALICE (Shocked with confusion) Huh!? The Cat!? WHITE KNIGHT Cat? Where! Oh, you think I’m a cat. Well I might have been one when I had my milk at morning brunch…did I have brunch today? I swear, it’s as if I can’t even remember my morning routine for….what day is it anyways…the fifth or the fourth… ALICE Oh, great. Another loony with no idea of where or who he is. WHITE KNIGHT (Falls over again) Who are you calling a loony, milady! That is quite untrue! I am captain of the guard to the Queen of Hearts! ALICE A Queen? I haven’t met any queen here yet! But perhaps the Queen of “Hearts” might know where my – WHITE KNIGHT But let’s not dwell on that! Do you know what this is?
  • 47. 47. The White Knight takes out a beehive from his satchel. ALICE Uh…yes! WHITE KNIGHT It’s my latest invention. If I hang it on a tree, bees should nest in it…or birds….possibly weasels. ALICE I doubt it. WHITE KNIGHT Have you seen this before, milady? The Knight pulls out a mousetrap and holds it close to Alice’s face. She steps back with worry that it will snap. ALICE Yes. It’s a - WHITE KNIGHT It’s a mousetrap. This will help the bees keep the mice away…or the mice keep the bees away…vice versa…huh. I never thought about that yet. ALICE If you are done rambling, tell me more about this Queen you spoke of! WHITE KNIGHT (Falls over again) The Queen, oh yes, the greatest and loudest monarch of all the land! Hearts are her thing…so don’t take them lest you want her to take your head as a trade. All ways are her ways! She knows everything and nothing at the same time! Her tarts are the most delicious of morsels in all the land! ALICE Do you think she may know where my heart is? I know that sounds silly…but you probably are used to things sounding silly. WHITE KNIGHT (Falls over again at the end of his line) You lost your what!? Why, milady, for someone to have lost something that precious, you must be a nervous wreck!
  • 48. 48. ALICE Well, I’ll get there quicker if you don’t stop jabbering and help me out! The sound of the Jabberwocky can be heard faintly. Alice is startled by it. ALICE’S DAD Always talking of things that make no sense! WHITE KNIGHT Oh, goodness! Milady, we must be on our way! The Queen’s croquet match is almost about to begin and you must be in attendance at once! I shall lead you out of the woods and into the queen’s garden. You’re on your own afterwards! ALICE But you haven’t even answered… WHITE KNIGHT Quick! Onward, milady! Ho Ho Ho! The White Knight grabs Alice’s hand and runs off with her on stage. Before they get off stage, the Knight falls over again. Rolling her eyes, Alice picks him back up again and the two head off stage. The trees move around again. They now have white roses that are slightly painted red on certain parts. Four CARD SOLDIERS are singing as they are painting the roses red. ALICE comes on stage to see their work. SCENE 9 CARDS 1-4 All day and night we paint the white off with the crimson red TWO We cannot sleep FOUR (Sorrowful) We cannot eat
  • 49. 49. THREE (Sorrowful) But many tears we shed ACE (Sorrowful) Yet do we know TWO (Sorrowful) They’ll never grow. At least, that’s what we said ALL (Sobbing at first but then normal again) All day and night we fix our plight and paint the roses red. The Card, Two, accidentally bumps into Three and a little bit of paint splashes him. The other two cards, Ace and Four, giggle to each other like kids on a playground. THREE (Angry) Look out now, two! Don’t go splashing paint all over me like that! TWO (Tattling) I couldn’t help it! The Ace jogged my elbow. ACE (Very brat-like) That’s right, Two! Always lay the blame on others! TWO You’d better not talk! I heard the Queen say only yesterday you deserved to be beheaded. FOUR What for? ACE That’s none of your business, Four!
  • 50. 50. TWO Yes, it is his business. And I’ll tell him – it was for bringing the cook tulip roots instead of onions! ACE Well, of all the unjust things – THREE That’s enough out of you both! Seriously, I’d rather get my head removed than have to listen to you all bickering. ALICE Um, but pardon me, why Mr. Three, why must you paint the roses red? ALL CARDS (Confused at first but then have a realization) Huh? OOOOOH! THREE (Planting a rose as he talks) Well you see, the fact is, miss; we planted the white roses by mistake. And… CARDS (Painting in a hurried fashion while singing) The queen, the queen, the vicious queen! Her roses must be red. TWO If these are white FOUR Within her sight ACE (Grim) She’ll lop off all our heads ALICE (Shocked and scared) Goodness! CARDS (Shaking and Scared) So don’t just stand there! Hear our plea! Save all our heads and paint with glee!
  • 51. 51. Alice picks up a bucket of paint and a brush to try and help the Card painters out. ALICE Oh dear! Yes, let me help you! PAINTERS From bush to bush and hedge to hedge our brushes swiftly flow! THREE From white to red TWO That’s what we said FOUR and ACE These roses are sure to go! CARDS So hurry on and quickly now! ALICE (somewhat in pain) No dreamings in your head THREE and ACE We must not dilly TWO and FOUR Or dally today ALICE We’re painting the roses red! ALL (Finishing their song and work) We’re painting the roses RED! A trumpet sounds and the four Painters go running in all different directions in a panic!
  • 52. 52. CARDS (Panicking) THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN! MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEEN!!! ALICE The Queen! A line of card-soldiers march to the front of the stage in a synchronized fashion. They march for a bit and then circle around the back of the stage and stand at attention when the next line is called out by one of the Captain’s voice (Cat). The Painters and Alice lay on the ground in reverence. WHITE KNIGHT CARDS HALT! SOUND OFF! SOLDIERS (In unison) ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN! JACK! The White Rabbit, who appears in a page uniform with a scroll in hand. The Cat’s tail can be seen by Alice. ALICE (Suspicious) It’s the rabbit….wait…was that… his tail I just saw…no it couldn’t be. WHITE RABBIT (Out of breath but triumphantly) Her imperial highness, her Excellency, her grace, her royal majesty: The Queen of Hearts! All the Cards cheer loudly as the QUEEN appears! The KING nudges the Rabbit and points to himself. (With little interest) WHITE RABBIT (Cont.) …and the King
  • 53. 53. A smaller cheer is heard. The Queen then walks over to the painted roses sinisterly and then turns to the cards who were painting. QUEEN (Furiously) Who’s been painting my roses red? WHO’S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED!? Come clean right now! I’ll show you how! I’LL TAKE YOUR STUPID HEAD! Someone must dread of what I’ve said for painting the whole of the royal flower bed! Well!? THREE (Begging pointing at FOUR) Oh no! Your majesty, please! It’s all her fault! FOUR (Laying the Blame) Not me, your grace! The Ace! The Ace! QUEEN You? ACE (Acting innocent and blaming TWO) No! Two! QUEEN The Deuce you say!? TWO (Blaming Three) Not me! The Three! QUEEN (Furious) THAT’S ENOUGH! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!! The Soldiers cheer as the four Painters are carried off stage by a couple of the card soldiers! SOLDIERS (Chanting) Off! Off! Off with their heads! Off! Off! Off with their heads! Off! Off! Off with their –
  • 54. 54. QUEEN (Furiously yelling) SILENCE!!! The Soldiers jump at the Queen’s line and huddle up around each other in fear. They get out of the way for the Queen and King to see Alice. ALICE (Desperate to help the painters out) Oh, please! Your majesty, they were just trying to… QUEEN (Interrupts and demanding) And who is this!? KING (Trying to please his wife, he check’s Alice’s facial features.) Well, let’s see who it is, my dear. It certainly isn’t a heart. Do you suppose it’s a club? QUEEN (Mood changes to being absolutely delighted) Why, it’s a little girl! ALICE Um, yes. You see, I was hoping if you could – QUEEN (Demanding again) Look up. Speak nicely. AND DON’T TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS! Turn out your toes. Curtsy. Open your mouth a little wider and always say, “YES, YOUR MAJESTY!” ALICE (Mimicking the queen) Yes, your majesty! QUEEN (Sweet again) Now, where do you come from and where are you going? ALICE Well, your majesty, I was trying to find my way –
  • 55. 55. QUEEN (Surprised but amused then furious) Your way? Oh, don’t be silly! In case you haven’t heard…ALL WAYS HERE ARE MY WAYS!!! ALICE (Nervous) Yes, I know. But I was just thinking – QUEEN (Mood shift to sweet again) Curtsy while you’re thinking. It saves time. ALICE (Curtsies again) Yes, your majesty. Now, if I may ask – QUEEN (Self-important) I’ll ask the questions! Can you do addition? ALICE I’m sorry, what? QUEEN What’s one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one? ALICE I-I don’t know. I lost count. KING (Shocked) She can’t do addition! QUEEN Can you do Subtraction? Take nine from eight! ALICE Nine from - I can’t, you know. But – KING She can’t do subtraction! Oh goodness! QUEEN Can you do Division! Divide a loaf by a knife!
  • 56. 56. ALICE I suppose – QUEEN Times up! It is obviously bread and butter! KING (Over-complimenting) Correct, my dear! QUEEN (Stern at first but then sweet at the end of the line) We are through with lessons! Time for something different! Do you play croquet? ALICE (Nervous) Um, a little bit. But – QUEEN (Triumphantly yelling) THEN LET THE GAME BEGIN! SCENE 10 KING Places! Places, everyone! Hurry! The Soldiers scurry around the stage grouping in twos to make arches for the game. A card soldier brings out two balls and two flamingos to the Queen and Alice. The Queen takes the first shot and totally misses but the crowd cheers for her. Alice takes a shot but everybody boos her until she actually makes a shot. The Queen orders “Off with his head” to the one card that cheers for her. QUEEN OFF WITH HIS HEAD!! KING (Acting as if he gave the order) Off with his head. Off with his head. By order of the king…you heard what she said.
  • 57. 57. While the Queen takes her next turn, the Cat appears and motions for Alice. Alice, in a huff, stomps over to him. In her huff, the sound of the Jabberwock can be heard faintly. CHESHIRE CAT I say, how are you getting on? ALICE That’s quite enough of that, cat! I’m the one asking the questions this time! What exactly have you been doing this whole time? As far as I know, you never show up unless you intend it. But I may have seen you more than just those times, haven’t I? CHESHIRE CAT Whatever do you mean? I’ve just been minding my own business like any good cat would do. ALICE Are you sure? Because I’m starting to believe that you have a much bigger part in this “game”. Wouldn’t you agree? CHESHIRE CAT (As if he didn’t hear her) Beg pardon? ALICE (As loud as possible for him to hear it) I SAID… QUEEN (Angrily annoyed) WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!? ALICE (Simply answering) Oh, the Cheshire cat, your majesty QUEEN (Looking around) Cat? What? Where? ALICE Right there! QUEEN Huh!?
  • 58. 58. ALICE There he is again! QUEEN (Seething with fury) I’m warning you, child: If I lose my temper…YOU’LL LOSE YOUR HEAD! UNDERSTAND!? ALICE Y-yes your majesty QUEEN (Hungry) All this yelling has made me hungry. BRING ME MY TARTS! KING The Tarts! The Tarts! Hurry now, by order of the king! A CARD SOLDIER brings out a tray of tarts and places them on a stand. The Queen goes off to take her next turn. The Cat sees the tarts and sneaks on over and eats them up except for one. He goes back to Alice again. CHESHIRE CAT You know, we could make her really angry. Shall we try? ALICE (Realizing how much trouble she’s in) Wait…did you…YOU DIDN’T! CARD SOLDIER (Alert) The tarts! The tarts! Someone has stolen the tarts! QUEEN WHAT!? WHO DARES TAKE MY DELICIOUS TARTS!? Hmm!? The Queen starts sniffing like a dog. She soon approaches Alice and the Cat. As the Queen is closing in on the Cat and Alice, the Cat places the tart in Alice’s hands and disappears during his next line.
  • 59. 59. CHESHIRE CAT (Quickly and mischievously) Hungry? Here you are! Bye! ALICE Wait! No! I didn’t – QUEEN AHA! ALICE (Smiling sheepishly) Oh…hello, your majesty… QUEEN (Boiling up) Someone’s head’s gonna roll for this…YOURS!!! ALICE (Begging for her life) Oh no! Please, I didn’t – QUEEN (Furious but interrupted) OFF WITH HER – KING (Interrupting the Queen) Wait, consider, my dear. Couldn’t she have a trial first? QUEEN TRIAL!? KING (Pleading playfully to calm his wife down) Just a small trial? Hm? QUEEN (Patting her husband’s head) Oh, very well. LET THE TRIAL COMMENCE!! The Card Soldiers move the trees off stage and bring in a raised platform with two chairs for the Queen and King. Alice is moved the side in a
  • 60. 60. chair for the guilty party. The other Card soldiers stand on one side of the stage and acts as the jury. The Bailiff makes his way in a powdered wig towards the King’s side of the platform. SCENE 11 BAILIFF (Official and referring to the audience when he says, “Loyal subjects”) Your royal majesty, members of the jury, loyal subjects… KING (Desiring attention) Ahem! BAILIFF (Uninterested in the Kings need for attention) …and the King. The prisoner at the bar is charged with thievery of the Queen’s delicious tarts thereby willfully starving, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved… QUEEN (Wanting to hurry things along so she can do what she wants) Don’t mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper! BAILIFF (Finishing quickly) …thereby causing the Queen to lose her temper! QUEEN (Excited) Now then, are you ready for your sentence? ALICE (Correcting) Sentence? But there needs to be a verdict first! QUEEN (Her way of doing things) SENTENCE FIRST! VERDICT AFTERWARDS! ALICE But that’s not the way –
  • 61. 61. QUEEN (Furiously banging her gavel) ALL WAYS ARE – ALICE (Finishing her sentence trying to appease her) …y-your ways, your majesty. QUEEN Thank you…OFF WITH HER – KING (Interrupting and a desire to continue the trial) Consider my dear. We have called no witnesses. Couldn’t we hear maybe one or two? QUEEN Oh, very well. BUT GET ON WITH IT!! KING First witness! First witness! BAILIFF The Tweedle Brothers The Cat disguises himself as the Tweedles quickly and proceeds to the witness stand. Alice sees the process of the Cat disappearing and the Tweedles appearing. She seems very suspicious. KING (Questioning) And what do you two know about this dreadful occurrence? When the Tweedles answer, we hear the dialogue of Alice’s sister. This acts as a memory to Alice. What they actually say is “nothing”. SISTER Sister, why can’t we ever get along? I know I’m the eldest but I do love you. Why can’t you see that!?
  • 62. 62. ALICE (Astonished and confused) What did you…say? TWEEDLES Nothing, we know nothing. QUEEN Nothing whatever!? TWEEDLES NOTHING WHATEVER! QUEEN THAT’S VERY IMPORTANT!! Jury, write that down! ALICE Very Unimportant, your majesty means. QUEEN (Banging her gavel) SILENCE!! KING Next witnesses! BAILIFF The Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Dormouse The Tweedles run off the stage and the Cat transforms again into the Mad Hatter and accompanies the Hare and Dormouse. The cat’s tail is visible to Alice again. ALICE Wait a minute! There’s that tail again! Did he… QUEEN OFF WITH YOUR HAT! MAD HATTER Oh, goodness! Please! I am a poor man!
  • 63. 63. DORMOUSE I’m very sleepy MARCH HARE And I’m….not sure what I’m supposed to be. KING What do you know about this? Again, when the Hatter speaks, we hear the dialogue of Alice’s mother and father as another memory. ALICE’S MOM You think of no one but yourself! You cannot expect us to take this sitting down. We are your mother and father and we want what’s best for you! ALICE’S DAD Why can’t you listen when you are spoken to, young lady! ALICE There it is again! Hold on a minute! QUEEN (Silencing Alice then turning to the Mouse) SILENCE!! MOUSE, WHAT – ALL (Quiet! The Dormouse is sleeping!) Shhhhh! QUEEN (Whispering into the Dormouse’s ear) What do you know about this? DORMOUSE (Sleep talking) Twinkle, twinkle little bat. How I wonder what you’re at… QUEEN That’s the most important piece of evidence we’ve heard yet. WRITE THAT DOWN!! The March Hare and Dormouse leave the witness stand but the Mad Hatter stays.
  • 64. 64. KING Please bring in the final witness! CHESHIRE CAT (Sinisterly to himself and just reaching Alice’s ears) Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don’t like the ending…sometimes we can’t understand it. ALICE Now hold on a moment…the people, the creatures…everything that I’ve been seeing must have been - BAILIFF The Cheshire cat!! The Cat takes off his Mad Hatter guise and presents himself to the court. Alice, so appalled at the trickery she has gone through leaves the bar to confront the cat at the witness stand. The Cat does not move. In fact, he welcomes her confrontation. ALICE You…it was YOU! You’re the one behind all of this! The people, this world, everything has been nothing but your cheeky tricks! CHESHIRE CAT It took you that long to figure that out? You more stupid than I thought. But it doesn’t matter; your time is up! We made a deal, Alice. And believe me, you’ll find my commitment to a deal to be almost…disturbing. ALICE (Frustrated and sad) No, it can’t be! The Jabberwocky’s roar is heard faintly but not too faint. CHESHIRE CAT You look nervous…afraid even. Are you quite alright? Or maybe you’ve now come to realize that you can run from strangers, you can run from beasts and nasty things...but the one thing that you cannot run from…is yourself! That thing you’ve been hearing is none other than what you have become! All your fears…all your doubts…all of your ignorance and attitude….that is what lies within that darkness…the Jabberwock…is YOU!
  • 65. 65. ALICE (Feeling guilty) No… It can’t be…I’m that monster? CHESHIRE CAT (Accusing) SHE ADMITS IT! Guilty! QUEEN (Feeling victorious) GUILTY! YES, THE PRISONER’s GUILTY! OFF WITH HER – ALICE (Fed up) Shut up you fat, pompous, bad-tempered, old tyrant!! Everyone gasps at ALICE’s line. The Jabberwocky’s roar is at its loudest! Alice clasps her hands on her mouth horrified at what she had just said in a fit of anger! QUEEN (About to snap, her eye is twitching) What did you just call me? CHESHIRE CAT (Repeating what she said in a very mischievous manner that makes him laugh) Well, she simply said that you’re a fat, pompous, bad-tempered, old tyrant! QUEEN (Biggest outrage ever) OFF WITH HER HEAD!!! SCENE 12 The stage goes black. Sounds can be heard of a chase ensuing and the queen yelling “DON’T LET HER GET AWAY! OFF WITH HER HEAD! The cards then start cheering quietly, “Off, off, off with her head” over and over again. The stage lights up to see Alice coming on to where the Cat is. She is out of breath for a moment during the Cat’s line.
  • 66. 66. CHESHIRE CAT (Smiling wide) Leaving so soon, Alice? Too bad you don’t have…this. ALICE (Shuddering with excitement and fear) Is that…that is it! Isn’t it? CHESHIRE CAT (As if he is the winner) You are correct. But it doesn’t matter! You have lost. You have feasted on your last tart…now it’s time to pay! ALICE (Sobbing) No! I couldn’t have lost! No! No! CHESHIRE CAT (Feeling a little sinister and reflecting Alice’s heart) Ah, the unstable are more than merely mad…they have other parts. You didn’t think I wouldn’t deprive you of what’s left of your deranged soul. Now the door is locked…it will never open…and there is no key. ALICE (In pain and sobbing) No! This can’t be real! This has to be a nightmare! Alice falls to her knees. CHESHIRE CAT (Feeling unappreciated but triumphant) You should be grateful to me! I set you free from everything you hated: nagging parents, an annoying sister, and boring friends. I gave it all to you! Yet you constantly wanted to leave. You tried to hold on to what you wanted to let go of. You’ve always worn a mask of your insecurities. Now you can never hide what you are and you shall linger here FOREVER! Off! Off! Off with her head… The mob is now circled close around Alice and the Cat. Alice stands up from her sobbing as the chanting is as loud as ever. ALICE (Stern and loud but not shouting) ENOUGH!
  • 67. 67. Everyone, except for Alice and the Cat, freezes in place. CHESHIRE CAT (Shocked that everything froze) What! ALICE (Wise, realizing, and happy) Now I understand. Do you know why a mother tells a child not to play in the street or not to touch a burning candle? A child doesn’t get it the first time. But then that child soon realizes the danger of doing such things. That child sees that her mother was looking out for her baby. I am that foolish child, aren’t I? And I know now that it wasn’t my heart that I was looking for…it was my love: my love for my family and friends. That beast that you sent after me wasn’t really there… and yet it was. I was running from something: it was my fear of myself. I was my own monster like you said…but not anymore. I’ve seen the error of my ways…I’ve seen the many tears that I’ve made my mother shed. I feel so horrid to put my parents through such anguish. My heart was always with me…it was my love for those that I truly care about that you took from me. I need those feelings back…because I need them to help me grow…they are my precious treasures…each of them are. May I please have that which belongs to me? Alice reaches out her hand to the Cat. The Cat, with much reluctance, places the heart in her hands. Hands empty, he gives a flick of his wrist and all the other characters leave the stage. The trees are rolled away and the door at the beginning is brought back to the stage. His face has a great disappointed frown upon it. CHESHIRE CAT (Disappointed) Checkmate. Funny how my intentions got the better than me. Curiosity did kill the cat, but it makes the Cheshire cat wiser…but not this time. ALICE (Surprised at how easy that was) Wait. That was it? All had to do was… CHESHIRE CAT I did say repeatedly you needed to ask politely, didn’t I? I suppose it’s for the best. Now…get out. The door will now open. Feel free to drop by…oh wait…that would mean you’d have to see me again. That’s probably the last thing on your mind right now isn’t it?
  • 68. 68. Alice giggles she steps to the door. The Cat sits down on the center stage to mope. Alice walks back to the Cat for some final words. ALICE You know, it may have been a very distressing journey and you had no intention of letting me go, but, thanks to you, I was able to realize how much of a fool I’ve been to my loved ones. So, thank you. Alice pets the Cat like a normal cat. CHESHIRE CAT (Sarcastically) Oh, it was my pleasure… Alice is about to go through the door but the Cat speaks to make her stop for a moment. You could stay. I had a lot of fun with you…and I get dreadfully lonely. ALICE (Cheerfully) Thanks, but that is an invitation I shall have to decline. Sorry. CHESHIRE CAT (Didn’t think anything less) I thought so. Well, you’d better run along then. I don’t want to keep your “loved ones” waiting. ALICE What? No riddle to ask me before I leave? I always thought you had a knack for that. CHESHIRE CAT No…I’m all out of riddles…but I will leave you with this: Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life no matter what…but what would I know about that? ALICE (Very impressed and surprised) No…I think you actually said something...that made sense for a change. CHESHIRE CAT Hm…sometimes I surprise myself.
  • 69. 69. ALICE Well, I must go now. I guess I can leave you with a saying as well: the journey of a lifetime begins with a single step…but that first one is always the most treacherous. I’ve taken that step and have decided to keep on going. I’m coming home, mom, dad, Lizzie! Alice runs through the door and offstage. The Cat closes the door behind her and moves it to the center of the stage. He sits at the front of the stage like he did at the beginning of the play. His frown turns into a grin and he laughs to himself. CHESHIRE CAT (Reciting and remembering) And now the tale is done, and home we steer, a merry crew, beneath the setting sun. Ever drifting down the stream – Lingering in the golden gleam – Life…was it but a dream? Good bye, Alice. The CAT stands up and opens the door himself. Looks back one time to the audience and then closes the door behind him. Everything fades to black. THE END