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Alder and Dash

By Caroline Tatton-Brown
I am really bored
                    being at Scare

  We should go
  on vacation.
   How about
 spooky Island?   That sounds

When should
 we go – at
How will we      When we ditch
          find a           school

How about we use
                         “What about the
the spooky phone?
                         students? Hmm we will get
  Hmm Alder we
                         a really mean headmaster
  don’t know the
                         when we go. It will give
  phone number.
                         them misery I like it.”
We’ll make it up like
   Alder you’re a
Ok so we will dial
 86633448216 is
that the right the
    number ?
                        Ok can we just ring
                           them now .

                        Hello this is
                     Grumpy Pants How
                        can I help?
Hi I am Dash we were just wondering
if you can look after Scare School
when we go on holidays.


                                       Do you want me to
                                       make the students’
                                      gross dinners and no
                                        candy or anything
                                        yummy and make
                                      them go to bed really
                                       early and give them
                                        punishment when
                                          they are being
I will come first thing and
                                    have a spooky time .

 Oh I am so happy that we
are going to spooky Island
     said Alder. And the
  students have to stay at
school we won’t get them
anything at all it will be all
             for us.
We will have the best time
ever. It is an awesome idea
    Dash, two tickets to
       Spooky Island.
It will
Oh where is
                                     cost $10
my monster

  Oh take better care of your
   money and this wouldn’t
  Oh it’s here it just fell on the
Curse you monster money.
  Please can you just pay
   Sorry about my little
brother he is a bit slow at   OK I get that all the
       the moment.
                                time just sibling
                               twins Thank you so
                              Have a spooky night.
No you     Oh thanks Alder for
                    did      wasting our time back
                            here but you didn’t take
But that was not               much care of your

the idea to take            monster   money .
money. But you
picked today to
  go on holiday
 you’re the one
 who wanted to
 buy drinks and
   candy blood
     worms.                                          But you
                                                   started it by
                                                    losing our

     Look we
     will never
     get there
I hope you’re happy now listen.
  “Attention Alder and Dash the
plane to Spooky Island is going in
10 minutes. Please get your body
to the scary plane now or you will
         miss your plane
No you
                                    always get
                                     the easy         I still don’t
                      But I
  How are            always          parts   .           get it.                         You know the
                    get hard                                                            monster way by
    we               parts.
                                                                                          scaring them
                                                                                         they will be so
  going to                                                                               scared we will
                                                                                           have all the
  do that?                                                                                money in the
                                                                                           wide world.
                                                                                           First we will
                                                                                          creep beside
                                                                                        them while you
                                                                                        get the money I
                                                                                         will shout out
  I still                                                                                      boo!
  get it.           No I                                              Then we will
                  come with                                               take
                  plans while                                          someone’s
                  you follow

 It works you
   got lots of                                   Oh look there is
  money and                                       a person with
 best thing is                                     some money
 we have got                    Alder             come on let’s
   the whole                    just get          scare him on
    plane to                      the             the count of 3
                                                 shout Boo! Ok
ourselves cool!                 monster
Let’s get some                                       123 Boo!
      candy                     money   .
and let’s watch
    scary TV.
Numskull there is
                         nothing scary on this
But how do we turn          nincompoop TV.
it on oh Alder don’t     Oh look this fat green
  be a nincompoop            ghost oh no it’s
you just turn the TV      Kibosh why is he on
on with the remote   .     He is just the king
                         underworld he thinks
                                he is cool.
                          We are better than
                         he is too bad he is not
                         getting anything from
Alder and
               Dash what
    on       are you doing
holiday to   on the plane?
 Spooky      We are going
  Island      You two are
   and        supposed to
 you’re        be at Scare
    not        School not
 invited       goofing off

             on a holiday   .
Don’t you dare turn this TV
                                        back on ha-ha

We can do
 what to
 Mr fat

            Oh yeah and who is
             going to stop us.
              Well you can’t
             anyway we’re in
                                 You two are going to be in
               the plane          big trouble if you do not
            Dash just turn the      come back to Scare
                  TV off                  School.
Because we have ear
ache from listening to
   you we have just
wasted our lovely time
 watching TV goodbye
  Mr fat green ghost.


                          What do you
                           mean you
                         have two ears.
This place is awesome we will first
        book a hotel to stay in.
How about Spooky Paradise hotel?
 It is a first class hotel that means
    we get awesome beds, giant
   TV, giant bean bags and room
 So you don’t have to get food or
  drinks we just relax in paradise.

                                                             guests to

                                           Attention the           .
                                         plane is about to
                                        land in 10 minutes
                                        so place your seat
                                         belts on while we
                                          land the plane.
            we’re at
This place looks
              beautiful there’s
              even paddle ball
             yay! I can play my
               paddle ball. Oh
             Dash look there is
                a painting set.
             Oh awesome can
             we do some fabric
              painting? This is
              the best hotel in
               the whole wide
Hello I am      world that we
Mrs Spooky   have ever seen in
 Cupcake     our lives. Lets go
how can I       and check in.
 help you
Hi I am Alder and
                                      this is Dash. We
                                        would like to
                                           book in to
                                      Spooky Paradise
                                        hotel and get
                                        room service.

   Yes you may but there are some
 important rules in Spooky Paradise
   hotel. Rule number one no pets
          especially no Dogs.
I hope you don’t have any pets with
Good I hope so Rule number two no
   sneaking out at night because we
 don’t want anybody sneaking things
 in they think because it’s night time
  we can’t see anything but we have
     security cameras everywhere
especially by the door no can get past
   without getting caught by us only
   brave people can try but it won’t
 work. Don’t let me catch any of you
                                         Oh no we
 going out only in the day time. Rule
  number three there is no watching      don’t have
    TV after 8 30pm because other         any pets
          people can’t sleep               here.
Now here is
         your room key
           your room
         number is 333
        on the right side
         of the hallway.

 Do you
both get                      Can you
my rules?                      please
                             carry our     Yes Mrs
                            bags to our    Spooky
                               room.      Cupcake.
Because our tentacles are not
Why would     made for walking up the stairs
I want to.    that’s why. You can carry our
             food, drinks, toys, clothes, toot
             hpaste, toothbrush, bath things
                   and our camera too.
We would like to order candy blood
 worms, eyeballs in fruit flavours, worms
in goo, and fresh drained west cakes and
chocolate frogs. Bring a bell to our room
so we can ring you when we want things
  because we need a break from being
  headmasters of Scare School and we
    don’t need to worry about getting

       ourselves food and drinks
Are they going to
                          remember us?
 But what’s it like
down there, scary?
  We are so going     We are their nephews
there we should go      they will probably
   visit our ankles   remember us as their
  (aunt) uncle um     sweet little Alder and
  Dash what is it?    Dash. When we were
                            little kids.

                      Let’s go but what if Mrs
                       Scary Cupcake catches
                            us? Alder you
                      nincompoop It’s only at
                       night time we are not
                          allowed out.

       Ok please
                              Don’t worry
      leave, good             Dash we are
       day I said            never getting
      please leave           caught by Mrs
       goodbye.               Cupcake we
                             will just go out
                              the window.
But my Alder
              and Dash can
               handle hard

              So would you
               like to have
             some fun? How
              about scaring

                                 Oh my sweet little
                              Alder and Dash. We are
   It is really hard work       so happy to see our
teaching students to scare     nephews. So you two
fleshies escaping Casper is    are having a rest from
      a trouble maker.          being headmaster of
Because he is too friendly        Scare School.
  and listens to teachers.
Yes we will
                      scare them
                      so they will
                      never come
                       to Spooky
                      Island we
                        will go in

  We can’t go in
teams because we
are stuck together.
Why what

                 Dash didn’t put his
                monster money in a
                  safe place so the
                 Money fell on the
                  floor. Then Dash
                 blamed me for not
                 putting the money
                  somewhere safe.
                Then he said it was          So Alder how
It was really    my idea that we go          was it getting
  stressful;    on holiday that day              here?
                 and it was my idea
   we had       that we take money
 trouble at         to buy things.
the airport.
I am sorry to hear that I am sure
   Dash won’t be that bossy now
    that he is on holiday. He is
   probably just really tired. You
should go back to your hotel now
    because it is really late. You
  growing boys need lots of rest.
You have got a big day tomorrow
   enjoying time back at Spooky
Here is his
                                    collar and his
                                    favourite toy
                                    duck and his
                                      dog food.

                      Oh there is a
                                                     Hello I am
                     cute little black                Cheese,
                       poodle. Do                    what are
                      you think he                     your
                      has an owner                    names?
My name is Alder        with him?
 and this Dash.
                                                             His name is poly but
What lovely names                                            his but his real name
    you have.                                               is Private. We call him
 We just noticed                                            poly for short. He is a
your cute poodle        We                                  medium black poodle.
he is so adorable,     would                                   Would like to look
what is his name?     love to.                                   after my dog?

                 Give this
What time
                 food to
 do you
want him
                 twice a
Who is going to
               do that take him
               Never mind we
               will just keep an
                 eye on him.

                                   How do you think
                                    we will get into
               Thank you           our room with a
               Alder now            dog didn’t you
                                      listen to Mrs
If he causes     we are             Scary cupcake
any trouble    stuck with            rule 1 no pets
we will just     a dog.             especially dogs
  take him                          thanks we are
    back.                          stuck with a pet.
What can we do?
                          We can just hide him in our
                          The dog is not going to fit in

                                                              He’s not
                                                              that big.
                                     Ok here

    No you did it you
    You nincompoop
    You nincompoop                           It’s your idea
If we keep arguing they                       that we take
  will know if we sneak                        care of the
           out.                                    dog.
Then we can’t let them                       No it was your
see that we have a dog                        idea you did
          with us.                                  it.
And what do
                             you think
                           you’re doing?
              We are
              just going
              to our
                               You are
No we just
                              from me
 got some
                             aren’t you?
 fresh air.
You two sneaked
                         outside what
                        were you doing
            Ankles.           And you did
                               not take a
                               dog home
                               with you?
Definitely not
 just a funny
    story.               For a second I thought you
                        said that that you did take a
                       dog. What you took a dog with
                        you! Oh boy its trouble you
                        two are going to be in. Time
                         out for not listening to the
                            rules when I tell you.
Ok Skipper Take
          Alder and Dash to
          the time out room
          for 11 minutes and
          your dog will be kept
          outside all night.

                                  No buts
                                   to your
          But, but                  dog!

Bye, no
Oh no! Ok that’s
                                just fine for us we
                                  would like some
                                 chocolate mousse
                                and some wine with
                                bubbles and some
                                   movies too

                                              Excellent I dare you
                                             Alder I know it would
 This place is awesome Dash.                     be good fun.
 We should go to the spooky                  What about the dog
gift shop for some souvenirs.
 How about a spy ball? So we
can spy on the students. They                We will take the dog
  will not no what it is.                             back.
We are not going to get
                               caught if we hurry we
                                could just say we are
                              going to the playground.

                  But how
                 what if we
  I know it’s
    just an
excuse to get
 out of here.
You just don’t
 get it Alder.
 Just follow
   the plan.
It takes
                 you 2
              hours just
               the plan

                           Because I
                           am just a
                           than you.
             you             No you are
           always           the one who
No I am
          come up           get confused
            with                with
           plans?           instructions.
Ok then you
      come up with
      the plans and                                                Look it will
      see if you are
                                                                   take four
      smarter than                            No you               hours if we
                                               too.               keep fighting
                                                                  we will never
                                                                   get out of

                                                     No you.
  Which of
course it will                                                                    No it
be me that’s
                                                                                  will not
smarter.                                                                          be you it is
                                                                                   going to
                                                                 But you           be me.
                        No                                        started
                                           No you.
                       you                                     saying your
                       too.                                      better at
                                                                than I am.
                         Fine you have
                         four weeks to
                       prove that you’re
                       smarter than me.
        We will
        start in
         at 10

Alder and Dash

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Alder and Dash

  • 1. Alder and Dash By Caroline Tatton-Brown
  • 2. I am really bored being at Scare School. We should go on vacation. How about spooky Island? That sounds spooky! When should we go – at 11.30pm?
  • 3. How will we When we ditch find a school Headmaster? How about we use “What about the the spooky phone? students? Hmm we will get Hmm Alder we a really mean headmaster don’t know the when we go. It will give phone number. them misery I like it.” We’ll make it up like 866334492110 Alder you’re a genius.
  • 4. Ok so we will dial 86633448216 is that the right the number ? Ok can we just ring them now . Hello this is Grumpy Pants How can I help?
  • 5. Hi I am Dash we were just wondering if you can look after Scare School when we go on holidays. OK Do you want me to make the students’ gross dinners and no candy or anything yummy and make them go to bed really early and give them punishment when they are being friendly?
  • 6. I will come first thing and have a spooky time . Oh I am so happy that we are going to spooky Island said Alder. And the students have to stay at school we won’t get them anything at all it will be all for us. We will have the best time ever. It is an awesome idea Dash, two tickets to Spooky Island.
  • 7. It will Oh where is cost $10 my monster ok. money? Oh take better care of your money and this wouldn’t happen. Oh it’s here it just fell on the floor.
  • 8. Curse you monster money. Please can you just pay now? Sorry about my little brother he is a bit slow at OK I get that all the the moment. time just sibling twins Thank you so much! Have a spooky night.
  • 9. No you Oh thanks Alder for did wasting our time back here but you didn’t take But that was not much care of your the idea to take monster money . money. But you picked today to go on holiday you’re the one who wanted to buy drinks and candy blood worms. But you started it by losing our money. Look we will never get there bickering
  • 10. I hope you’re happy now listen. “Attention Alder and Dash the plane to Spooky Island is going in 10 minutes. Please get your body to the scary plane now or you will miss your plane
  • 11. No you always get the easy I still don’t But I How are always parts . get it. You know the get hard monster way by we parts. scaring them they will be so going to scared we will have all the do that? money in the wide world. First we will creep beside them while you get the money I will shout out I still boo! don’t get it. No I Then we will come with take plans while someone’s you follow them. money. It works you got lots of Oh look there is money and a person with best thing is some money we have got Alder come on let’s the whole just get scare him on plane to the the count of 3 shout Boo! Ok AAARH!! ourselves cool! monster Let’s get some 123 Boo! candy money . bloodworms and let’s watch scary TV.
  • 12. Numskull there is nothing scary on this But how do we turn nincompoop TV. it on oh Alder don’t Oh look this fat green be a nincompoop ghost oh no it’s you just turn the TV Kibosh why is he on TV. on with the remote . He is just the king underworld he thinks he is cool. We are better than he is too bad he is not getting anything from us.
  • 13. Alder and Dash what on are you doing holiday to on the plane? Spooky We are going Island You two are and supposed to you’re be at Scare not School not invited goofing off on a holiday .
  • 14. Don’t you dare turn this TV back on ha-ha We can do what to Mr fat green ghost. Oh yeah and who is going to stop us. Well you can’t anyway we’re in You two are going to be in the plane big trouble if you do not Dash just turn the come back to Scare TV off School.
  • 15. Because we have ear ache from listening to you we have just wasted our lovely time watching TV goodbye Mr fat green ghost. We can’t hear you. What do you mean you have two ears.
  • 16. This place is awesome we will first book a hotel to stay in. How about Spooky Paradise hotel? It is a first class hotel that means we get awesome beds, giant TV, giant bean bags and room service. So you don’t have to get food or drinks we just relax in paradise. Welcome guests to Spooky Attention the . island plane is about to land in 10 minutes so place your seat belts on while we land the plane. Hooray we’re at Spooky Island.
  • 17. This place looks beautiful there’s even paddle ball yay! I can play my paddle ball. Oh Dash look there is a painting set. Oh awesome can we do some fabric painting? This is the best hotel in the whole wide Hello I am world that we Mrs Spooky have ever seen in Cupcake our lives. Lets go how can I and check in. help you two.
  • 18. Hi I am Alder and this is Dash. We would like to book in to Spooky Paradise hotel and get room service. Yes you may but there are some important rules in Spooky Paradise hotel. Rule number one no pets especially no Dogs. I hope you don’t have any pets with you.
  • 19. Good I hope so Rule number two no sneaking out at night because we don’t want anybody sneaking things in they think because it’s night time we can’t see anything but we have security cameras everywhere especially by the door no can get past without getting caught by us only brave people can try but it won’t work. Don’t let me catch any of you Oh no we going out only in the day time. Rule number three there is no watching don’t have TV after 8 30pm because other any pets people can’t sleep here.
  • 20. Now here is your room key your room number is 333 on the right side of the hallway. Do you both get Can you my rules? please carry our Yes Mrs bags to our Spooky room. Cupcake.
  • 21. Because our tentacles are not Why would made for walking up the stairs I want to. that’s why. You can carry our food, drinks, toys, clothes, toot hpaste, toothbrush, bath things and our camera too.
  • 22. We would like to order candy blood worms, eyeballs in fruit flavours, worms in goo, and fresh drained west cakes and chocolate frogs. Bring a bell to our room so we can ring you when we want things because we need a break from being headmasters of Scare School and we don’t need to worry about getting ourselves food and drinks
  • 23. Are they going to remember us? But what’s it like down there, scary? We are so going We are their nephews there we should go they will probably visit our ankles remember us as their (aunt) uncle um sweet little Alder and Dash what is it? Dash. When we were little kids. Let’s go but what if Mrs Scary Cupcake catches us? Alder you nincompoop It’s only at night time we are not allowed out. Ok please Don’t worry leave, good Dash we are day I said never getting please leave caught by Mrs goodbye. Cupcake we will just go out the window.
  • 24. But my Alder and Dash can handle hard stuff! So would you like to have some fun? How about scaring fleshies? Oh my sweet little Alder and Dash. We are It is really hard work so happy to see our teaching students to scare nephews. So you two fleshies escaping Casper is are having a rest from a trouble maker. being headmaster of Because he is too friendly Scare School. and listens to teachers.
  • 25. Yes we will scare them so they will never come to Spooky Island we will go in teams. We can’t go in teams because we are stuck together.
  • 26. Why what happened? Dash didn’t put his monster money in a safe place so the Money fell on the floor. Then Dash blamed me for not putting the money somewhere safe. Then he said it was So Alder how It was really my idea that we go was it getting stressful; on holiday that day here? and it was my idea we had that we take money trouble at to buy things. the airport.
  • 27. I am sorry to hear that I am sure Dash won’t be that bossy now that he is on holiday. He is probably just really tired. You should go back to your hotel now because it is really late. You growing boys need lots of rest. You have got a big day tomorrow enjoying time back at Spooky Island.
  • 28. Here is his collar and his favourite toy duck and his dog food. Oh there is a Hello I am cute little black Cheese, poodle. Do what are you think he your has an owner names? My name is Alder with him? and this Dash. His name is poly but What lovely names his but his real name you have. is Private. We call him We just noticed poly for short. He is a your cute poodle We medium black poodle. he is so adorable, would Would like to look what is his name? love to. after my dog?
  • 29. How about 10.30 Sounds cool. Give this What time food to do you him want him twice a back? day.
  • 30. Who is going to do that take him back. Never mind we will just keep an eye on him. How do you think we will get into Thank you our room with a Alder now dog didn’t you listen to Mrs If he causes we are Scary cupcake any trouble stuck with rule 1 no pets we will just a dog. especially dogs take him thanks we are back. stuck with a pet.
  • 31. What can we do? We can just hide him in our robe. The dog is not going to fit in here. He’s not that big. Ok here fine! No you did it you nincompoop. You nincompoop You nincompoop It’s your idea If we keep arguing they that we take will know if we sneak care of the out. dog. Then we can’t let them No it was your see that we have a dog idea you did with us. it.
  • 32. And what do you think you’re doing? We are just going to our room. You are keeping something No we just from me got some aren’t you? fresh air.
  • 33. You two sneaked outside what were you doing outside? Just visiting our Ankles. And you did not take a dog home with you? Definitely not just a funny story. For a second I thought you said that that you did take a dog. What you took a dog with you! Oh boy its trouble you two are going to be in. Time out for not listening to the rules when I tell you.
  • 34. Ok Skipper Take Alder and Dash to the time out room for 11 minutes and your dog will be kept outside all night. No buts say goodbye to your But, but dog! Bye, no
  • 35. Oh no! Ok that’s just fine for us we would like some chocolate mousse and some wine with bubbles and some movies too thanks. Excellent I dare you Alder I know it would This place is awesome Dash. be good fun. We should go to the spooky What about the dog gift shop for some souvenirs. How about a spy ball? So we then? can spy on the students. They We will take the dog will not no what it is. back.
  • 36. We are not going to get caught if we hurry we could just say we are going to the playground. But how what if we I know it’s get just an caught? excuse to get out of here. You just don’t get it Alder. Just follow the plan.
  • 37. It takes you 2 hours just to remember the plan Because I am just a quicker thinker than you. How come you No you are always the one who No I am come up get confused better with with than plans? instructions. you
  • 38. Ok then you come up with the plans and Look it will see if you are take four smarter than No you hours if we me. too. keep fighting we will never get out of there. No you. Which of course it will No it be me that’s will not smarter. be you it is going to But you be me. No started No you. you saying your too. better at thinking than I am. Fine you have four weeks to prove that you’re smarter than me.
  • 39. Fine! We will start in the morning at 10 am. Fine!