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Gale Cengage Learning
Research Update
Stephen Abram, MLS
ALA midwinter meeting, Seattle, Jan. 28, 2013

    •   Understand the clear difference between database search and federated
    •   Know Your algorithm – commercial algorithms versus proprietary algorithms
    •   Know SEO, SMO, tuned search
    •   Usability versus User Experience
    •   Title Counts versus Workflow orientation
    •   Transactions versus Transformations
    •   Outcomes and impact measurements versus Statistics
    •   Local versus Global metadata (OCLC WorldShare, DPLA, Cloud, etc.)

Deer in headlamps slide here.
Carl Grant’s Differentiators
•    Access to the library collections and services from any device, at any time from anywhere.

•    Massive aggregates of information that have been selected for inclusion because of their
     quality by either: a) librarians, or b) filtered by communities of users through ranking systems
     and ultimately reviewed and signed-off by librarians for final inclusion in those aggregates.
     (cloud computing)

•    Discovery workbenches or platforms that allow the users to discover existing knowledge and
     build new knowledge in highly personalized manners. (discovery products with new

•    Easy access and integration of the full range of library services into other products they use
     frequently, such as course or learning management systems, social networking, discussion
     forums, etc. (rich API's, extensive support of Apps and standards to support other
     extensions) [Linked Data]

•    Contextual support, i.e. the ability for librarianship to help members understand the
     environment in which a particular piece of work was generated (for instance, Mark Twain's
     writings, or scientific research-is this a peer reviewed publication? (new products needed)

•    Unbiased information. (start conveying the distinction, a huge differentiator)

•    Pro-active services. Get out in front. Someone up for tenure? Go to their office. Find out what
     they need and get it to them. (analytic tools, coupled with massive aggregates of data)
Stephen Abram’s Key Differentiators
Sustainability versus digital evolution

• Our people are our brand – not information, databases, technology or books. Staff deliver
the service. A service devoid of staff promotion is a recipe for failure or outsourcing.

• Question improvement

• Predictive service through excellent contextual relationships

• Copyright knowledge and compliance

• Service, professional service not good and efficient step&fetchit servitude

• Information fluency professional development – not mere training, literacy, …

• Special and unique collections curated in context and pruned as needed

• Curriculum, discovery, teaching and research alignment

• Visibility where the users are, not a destination strategy

• eLearning development teams, MOOCs, eTextbooks, eReserves, eServices, etc.

• Developing rubrics, measurements and proofs of impact
Project Objective

To understand and meet the expectations of public library users for services,
   content, and virtual interaction.

Personas Defined

Personas are hypothetical representations of a natural
  grouping of users that drive decision-making for
  development projects.

  They are not real people, but they represent real people.
  They are defined by goals.
  They focus on what is valuable to the user and subsequently on how
   he or she behaves.


                           Goals: Help team build the base infrastructure for .NET products. Construct the base set of services that
                           ship with the product and compose the core of a distributed framework for hosting distributed services. Add
                           queuing semantics and associated locking, classification and routing of messages, subscriptions, efficient
                           filtering, fan-out, etc., to the server. Integrate new distributed communication semantics to the existing SQL
                           Server programming model. Demonstrate ability to communicate and work well with other teams.

                           Usage Scenario: Henry has been around long enough to build a solid network of resources to call
                           when he has specific questions about products or programs. He often learns about new technologies or
                           processes through casual conversation with his friends and coworkers in the hallway. He uses Yahoo! for
                           general information gathering because he likes the simplicity of the site design and the breadth of information

                           The Portal is not his start page—he usually just types in the URL directly. He rarely reads the content on the
Henry                      first page because he doesn't want to know what's going on with general companywide PR information. He's
                           somewhat cynical about "companywide" internal releases and dislikes company politics. However, on a
41 Years Old,              personal level, he does want to know about the schedules that the applications are on so he can plan. He's
Software Design Engineer   frustrated that there's no place you can go to find product information all in one spot.

U.S.                       Info-Seeking Behavior: When Henry needs specific information, he generally e-mails or phones
12 Years at the company.   a friend. He is a member of about 15 different DLs that used to be manageable, but now he finds it
                           increasingly difficult to keep up.
MS Comput.Sci              He typically uses the Portal to search for internal information across the companywide intranet or to find other
                           internal sites. He comes to the portal about four-five times a week by typing in the URL and stays for less than
                           15 minutes at a time. He rarely, if ever, goes to there to find general information about the company or the
                           industry as a whole. He uses internal databases to find internal information on products or code. If he's
                           frustrated by something, he'll go there and find solutions rather than go outside to support or to a dot-com.
                           "You used to have to drill down pretty deep to find personalized information, but now it's easier." He tends to
                           bookmark pages in the portal because he hates having to go 5 levels down. He'll use that bookmark until it
                           breaks, then he has to research it again. He would like to have favorites on the portal. . . .

Our Approach

Narrative capture and identification of characters, issues and problems,
   behaviors and actions.
Narrative pattern review of content, service and product needs
Identification of priority requirements for specific market identities i.e. personas

Narrative Capture

Why Narrative Capture?

Knowledge can only be volunteered it cannot be conscripted
I only know what I know when I need to know it
I always know more than I can say and I will always say more than I can write

Anecdote Circles

     The five (5) workshops held in     Starter Statements
     April-May 2005                     •   Describe a day that involved coming to the
                                        •   Describe a day that you wanted to come to the
                                            library but couldn’t.
        Bergen County Public Library
                                        •   Give us an example of when you learned
        Buffalo Erie Public Library        something from others at the library.
                                        •   Give us an example of when you tried to learn
        Cleveland Public Library           something from others at the library but didn’t.
        Hamilton Public Library        •   Give us an example from the past when you
                                            have used a computer to find information and
        S.A.I.L.S. Middleboro, MA          were surprised about what you found.
                                        •   Give us an example from the past when you
                                            decided you wouldn’t be able to find the
                                            information through the computer – why?

Summary Groupings

          Archetypes               Themes         Values

     •Good Citizenship
     •Patrons                •Interaction   •Community
     •Library Staff          •Technology    •Learning
     •Money                  •Efficiency    •Quality
     •Library Services and   •Money         •Efficiency
     Facilities                             •Money/Risk

                                 Issues               Ideal State
Archetypes: Characters

                                          Archetype Summary

                                    12                        Good Citizenship
             Number of Archetypes

                                    8                         Patrons

                                    6                         Library Staff
                                    2                         Money

                                                              Library Services
                                         Archetype Names      and Facilities
Good Citizenship Archetypes
      Well-Rounded Citizen
      (13 attributes)              Collaborate
                               Community brings
                                people together
                               Diverse activities
                              Encourage creativity
                             Good use of our money
                                Human contact         Bergen
                                   Intellectual       County
                                 Kids feel safe
                             Opportunities – social
                              Willing to chat when
                                  time permits
Good Citizenship Archetypes
     Strong Community Leader
     (6 attributes)

                                Community builder
                                 Connecting with
                               Gives people mission
                                 Pulls community
Patron Archetypes
          Frustrated Patron
          (12 attributes)

                              Books out of print
                               Lack of wireless
                                No tape player
                               Online services
                                  unavailable       Cleveland
                                   Out of date
                                 Physical pain
                              pieces, out of date
                              Wasted resources
                                Wasted space
Patron Archetypes

          Inquisitive Power User
          (12 attributes)

                                     After hours usage
                                   Broader search results
                                       Computer use
                                    Introduction to new
                                    Lots of preferences
                                     No online access
                                      outside of library
                                     Not a free service
                                       Open to public
                                      Outside sources
                                       Search method
                                      Universal access
                                   Ways to get information
Patron Archetypes

          Disengaged Seeker
          (9 attributes)

                               Can’t get book you want
                                    Don’t listen to
                              reviews/bad reviews (NPR
                                   Fear of puppets
                                 Forgot card/license
                                     Head aches
                               Some people consider a
                                waste of money/space
                                       Too long
Library Staff Archetypes
          Ultimate Tour Guide
          (7 attributes)

                                Advance reserve on
                                    new materials
                                Abundance of items
                                 One-stop shopping
                                  Video/DVD lost in
                                      drop box           Buffalo-Erie
                                 Access to materials
                                     never afford
                                 Up to date, current
                                Diversity of materials
Library Services Archetypes
          Out-of-Date IT
          (6 attributes)

                                  Access to PC’s
                               Message is too long
                              (automated computer
                              Not enough computers
                                   Slow re-boot
                                 Strong database
Library Services Archetypes
          “Something for Everyone” Resources
          (4 attributes)

                                               Can’t remove reference
                                                 Extensive collection
                                                Library for books, not   Hamilton
                                                    movie rentals         Public
                                                Library for education
                                                films, not Hollywood
Themes: Issues and Problems


            Number of Themes

                               15                 Interaction
                               10                 Efficiency

                                    Theme Names
Values: Behaviors and Actions


          Number of Values

                                  Value Grouping
Pattern Review

Mass Narrative Representation
Example Focus Areas

        Content                 Service            Functionality
                                                      SMI Attributes
        SMI Attributes             Themes          Cuts Down Searching
        Vast Information        Equal Access to     Too Many Features
     Dedicated Local Library
            Directories        Ease of Use and         Archetypes
                                   Efficiency       Satisfied Customer
      In-depth Knowledge
             Available         Meeting Customer
          Archetypes                                Information Access
                                 Archetypes            Self-Learning
         Something for
                               Frustrated Patron
      Everyone Resources

                               Quality Librarian
     Library Material Types         Services

Primary   Secondary
Anchor      Anchor
7 PL Personas
Discovery Dan
   Dan represents the adult non-researcher population.
Haley High School
   Haley represents the high school student population.
   Jennifer represents the parents of teenagers.
Mommy Marcie
   Marcie represents the parents of young children.
Rick Researcher
   Rick represents adult researchers who own a personal computer.
Senior Sally
   Sally represents senior citizens.
Tasha Learner
   Tasha represents adult researchers who do not own a personal computer.

A typical day at the library: Stops by the library either on their way to or from work or over
    their lunch break. May spend time on the weekend if they have a home project. Have
    requested the books or DVD’s online so is either dropping them off or picking the
    materials up. Enjoys lectures, classes or other non-traditional activities. Appreciates
    connecting with the library staff during visits

Information-seeking behavior: Usually checks online to see what has newly arrived at
    the library. If they have time during their stop over at the library itself, they will browse
    what is new in the nonfiction and music; maybe the fiction shelf as well. Uses the library
    to avoid the cost of buying materials. May purchase books after reviewing them in the
    library. Signs out DVD’s and movies for entertainment. Appreciates the book club(s),
    even if not an active participant. Also seeks community information (pamphlets, etc.)
    Reads on-line reviews of books

Ultimate goal: To pick up the books, music or videos they are interested in. Or to simply
    discover books or other material that piques their interest to expand their minds

Frustrations: Changing library hours. Unpredictable Internet search results. Pop-ups,
   spam. Librarians who aren’t very good at referring them to specific sources or best
   sources on a given topic – could be people as often as written information. Wishes
   libraries would coordinate culling of collections and try to keep at least one copy of a
   book in one of the libraries. Needs more consumer-friendly categorization of material.
   Parking (downtown users) Hours need to match commute schedule. Wait-lists for
   books so long that they are compelled to purchase the book from Amazon.

Product Considerations for Haley Discovery Dan
NEEDS              FEATURES          Gaps/Opportunities

A typical day at the library: They are not daily users of public libraries. When they do
    come they focus on magazines, newspapers or quickly check their email or browse the
    Internet. If they don’t have a good school library they will come to the public library after
    conducting a web search. They may use the library computer to print out a paper,
    especially if the shared computer at home is inaccessible.

Information-seeking behavior: Most information activity begins with a web search. They
    will type in their search within “ ” and start there to determine what they need. They
    might go to their school library or if they have a history of using public libraries, go to the
    public library to get help from a reference librarian. They will likely IM their friends to
    see what they are doing to find answers to the assignment. Public library Internet use
    is up among teens from 36% in 2000 to 54% in 2005. When they go online 74% do it
    from home, 17% from school and 9% other (community centers, churches, friend’s
    house and libraries). Note: Teens are just as likely as adults to get news and
    information about current events online. More than half report political news- seeking.
    (Pew – Teens and Technology)

Ultimate goal: They want to complete a school project

Frustrations: The books are too advanced for a high school student. There are no public
   library materials available on a web search. The library is at the bottom of the list for
   research for some high schoolers.

MindTap - poc
Usability Testing
January, 2013
10 studies
• “Wikipedia on steroids.”
                         • “Could do a research paper with this!”

                         • “This is mind-blowing.” (Research Help)
                         • Lots of valuable information in a controlled environment.

                         • Right-clicking on item is valuable but users wouldn’t know it is
                         an option. How do we make it more evident?

                         • “Wall of text and “blocks of text can be intimidating.”

                         • Font size is too small on some pages. Consider adding the
                         ability to increase or decrease font size.

                         • A few users did not like being “bombarded” with too much
                         information when focusing on reading a textbook article.
• Numerous comments
regarding how helpful
videos are .
• Confusion as to whether a
user has to complete all
aspects of the tutorial
(video, examples, quizzes)
or can complete specific
sections only.
• Most well-received page of
the study. (portal page).
• After selecting ‘want to
see more?’ on the previous
page, users expectations
were often exceeded.
      •Often cited as ‘what I
      like most about this
      •“Combines a lot of
      things into one page.”
      • “The fact that it is
      broken down by
      content type is better
      than Wikipedia.”
Ng paw
Usability Testing
November 2012
26 studies

                        • Lots of excitement over the product, home page
40-65 YEARS OLD (10)
                        and features.
                        • Would use and recommend to others.
                        • Lots of name recognition and familiarity (Nat Geo).
                        • Some re-ordering of content types necessary.
                        • Much confusion tied to ‘Departments.’
                        • ‘Graphing Tool’ is not understood.
                        • Collapse/expand and moving of content types is
                        not clear.
                        • Recommendations for image viewer.
• It presents a really cool repository of history over the last 125 years that are

The (Really)                   unavailable anywhere else on the web. I

good….                         •I would use this site for research on school projects because it is easy to use,
                               navigate, has a plethora of information and is reputable/credible with great history.
                               Really a prime go to spot for info.
                               • Much easier than having to find the actual printed volumes and wait for them to
                               arrive at our library. The website archive is very simple and easy.
LITTLE USE OF THE MAGIC WAND   • It provides information on many of the aspects of this planet such as environments,
                               animals, and culture.

                               • National Geographic has such an iconic logo.

                               • Expect that you're gonna be informed.

                               • That’s a large bank of data there.

                               • Slider draws my attention.

                               • Simple and straight forward.

                               • Covers look interesting.

                               • Polished and easy to use.

                               •I grew up on National Geographic and believe there is no other publication that
                               comes close to it.
User Test: Rank top three content types
Survey says….                              Test #1

Feature articles # 1 overall but….
 Visuals are key (images often
 included in top three and
 mentioned in comments)

 User comments:
 I’m coming here to get articles.

 NG is known for their magazines.

 NG is known for their photography.

 I would rearrange the
 categories/subjects to put the most
 impactful ones at the top, particularly
 featured images. That is what people
 think of when they think of National

 I would probably start my search
 browsing for images.
User Test: Image viewer navigation (Where would you turn page?/Expect to turn
Survey says….

 Users did see arrows to turn
page but the majority of users
would expect to turn pages on
the right hand of the page.

User comments:
It seems more natural to a reading
flow to click on the right rather than
go to the top of the page (to select

Would expect to turn page closer to
where the page number is.

I would like/expect to turn the page
any time I’m close to left or right-
hand side of screen.

Click right and advance.

                                         USABILITY SAYS….Add arrows to the
                                         left and right and have them appear
                                         as user hovers over a certain section
Photo Archive
December 2012
5 Moderated WebEx Studies
Looks “modern & clean” ; “love pictures of the

                                   &   archives”
     19TH CENTURY LIT                  • All testers liked the descriptive hover-over tabs
                                       • All testers liked predictive search
                                       • 2/5 users expressed much interest in graphing tool
     19TH CENTURY                      • Users understand the distinction between a
                                       photographic content type and a book or manuscript
     BIRMINGHAM , UK, 18TH & 19TH C
                                       that merely contains photographs.

SARAH, MARYMOUNT PROF., 19TH &         • Although all users can make this distinction, they
     20TH C. BRITISH LIT.              prefer to have some type of notification on search
                                       results page that “floats” the illustration info from the
                                       document page, up to results page
                                       • Users had difficulty finding illustration information on
                                       a document page, since scrolling down is often
                                       • On document page, show illustrations before
                                       related content
User Test: Search for Maps + China
Users Searching
NCCO say….

Users searched maps as a proxy for
searching photos
 “Drilling down” into the
 document to determine if it
 contains illustrations is
 cumbersome for our users. “if
 the data exists there, can you
 surface it here?”

 •Users indicated that they understand
 that not all maps or photos will display
 under content types at left, but since
 we have the metadata, and display it
 on the document page, why not
 surface it to the search results page
 here (Arrow #1)
User Test: Search for Maps + China U01
User Test: Search for Maps + China U02
User Test: Search for Maps + China U03
User Test: Search for Maps + China U04
User Test: Search for Maps + China U05
User Test: Can you find illustrations on
the document page?
Users Searching
NCCO say….

Users searched maps as a proxy for
searching photos
 When relevant pages returned,
 number so many as displayed
 here, user does not see or know
 to scroll down, to find illustration
 information that is listed below

 •When more than two rows or relevant
 pages are returned, collapse the rest
 of the page numbers in an accordion
 or drop-down fashion, in order to
 display critical information to the user
 (Arrow #1)
User Test: Finding illustrations   U05
User Test: Finding illustrations   U04
User Test: What would you change ?
Users Searching
NCCO say….

Users searched maps as a proxy for
searching photos
 Users can accept that not all
 maps or photos merit inclusion
 in the map or photo content type
 bucket, but still want to see these
 ‘lesser’ illustrations made more
 visible on the document pages,
 and floated to results page too.

 •Collapse long lists of page numbers
 (Arrow #1)
 • Push ‘Related Volumes’ down the
 page, since users care more about
 finding contents and illustrations on
 this page (Arrow #2)
 •Highlight Illustrations and float them to
 search results page (Arrow #3)
Supporting Libraries Advocacy

The Value of Libraries Soundbite
 The Value of Public Libraries
 The Value of School Libraries
 The Value of Academic and College Libraries
 The Value of Special Libraries
 Library Advocacy: Save the Library Campaigns
 Storytelling…
The Value of Libraries Soundbite

 The Value of Academic and College Libraries
 ACRL The Value of Academic Libraries
•   Working Together: Evolving Value for Academic Libraries
Positioning the Library in The Right Minds

     Reading not Books
     Librarians not Libraries
     Questions not Answers
     Knowledge not Information
     Community and Learning not Warehouses
     Measurements not Statistics
     Members or Students or Faculty not Users
     Full Intellectual Access not Physical Access
     Professional Consultative Service not Servant or mere efficient and effective

So what is the answer?
Where are the real pain points?
Grocery Stores
Grocery Stores
Grocery Stores
Cookbooks, Chefs . . .
Cookbooks, Chefs . . .
Let’s think
Think: Are you thinking food, courses,
days, weekly plan, or nutrition overall?
What is a meal in library end-user community or research, education and
learning terms?
The new
bibliography and

                   INFORMATION &
What are the real issues?
Craft versus Industrial Strength - Scalability
Pilot, Project, Initiative versus Portfolio Strategy
Hand knitted prototypes versus Production
e.g.   Information Literacy initiatives
       Discovery versus Search versus Deep Search
       eLearning units
Strategic Analytics
       Value measures
What We Never Really Knew Before
   27% of our users are under 18.
   59% are female.
   29% are college students.         We often
                                      believe a
   5% are professors and 6% are teachers.
                                       lot that
   On any given day, 35% of our users are true. for the very
                                     isn’t there
    first time!
   Only 29% found the databases via the library website.
   59% found what they were looking for on their first search.
   72% trusted our content more than Google.
   But, 81% still use Google.
2010 Eduventures Research on Investments
   58% of instructors believe that technology in courses positively impacts student engagement.

   71% of instructors that rated student engagement levels as “high” as a result of using technology in courses.

   71% of students who are employed full-time and 77% of students who are employed part-time prefer more technology-
    based tools in the classroom.

   79% of instructors and 86 percent of students have seen the average level of engagement improve over the last year as
    they have increased their use of digital educational tools.

   87% of students believe online libraries and databases have had the most significant impact on their overall

   62% identify blogs, wikis, and other online authoring tools while 59% identify YouTube and recorded lectures.

   E-books and e-textbooks impact overall learning among 50% of students surveyed, while 42% of students identify online

   44% of instructors believe that online libraries and databases will have the greatest impact on student

   32% of instructors identify e-textbooks and 30% identify interactive homework solutions as having the potential to improve
    engagement and learning outcomes. (e-readers was 11%)

   49% of students believe that online libraries and databases will have the greatest impact on student engagement.

   Students are more optimistic about the potential for technology.
What we know is POWERFUL! Facts + Stories
     Via Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog
     “Curb Your Librarian Frustration in 8 Easy Steps”
     New York State 2012 Summary of School Library Research
     Ken Haycock OLA Summary of School Library Impact Studies
     Advance: McKinley HS Study by Project Tomorrow
     Project Tomorrow reports to Congress
     Alison Head and Information Fluency research
     Foresee Data and Overall Usage Data
     Pew Internet & American Life reports
     Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation studies
     IMLS, NCES, ARL, ACRL, ALA, LJ, etc.

Be More Open to the Users’ Path
Until the lion learns to write her own story,
the story will always be from the perspective
         of the hunter not the hunted.
Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA
VP strategic partnerships and markets
               Cengage Learning (Gale)
                    Cel: 416-669-4855
           Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog
 Facebook, Pinterest: Stephen Abram
     LinkedIn / Plaxo: Stephen Abram
                     Twitter: @sabram
           SlideShare: StephenAbram1

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  • 1. Gale Cengage Learning Research Update Stephen Abram, MLS ALA midwinter meeting, Seattle, Jan. 28, 2013
  • 2. BASICS • Understand the clear difference between database search and federated discovery • Know Your algorithm – commercial algorithms versus proprietary algorithms • Know SEO, SMO, tuned search • Usability versus User Experience • Title Counts versus Workflow orientation • Transactions versus Transformations • Outcomes and impact measurements versus Statistics • Local versus Global metadata (OCLC WorldShare, DPLA, Cloud, etc.) 2
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Deer in headlamps slide here.
  • 6. Carl Grant’s Differentiators • Access to the library collections and services from any device, at any time from anywhere. (mobile) • Massive aggregates of information that have been selected for inclusion because of their quality by either: a) librarians, or b) filtered by communities of users through ranking systems and ultimately reviewed and signed-off by librarians for final inclusion in those aggregates. (cloud computing) • Discovery workbenches or platforms that allow the users to discover existing knowledge and build new knowledge in highly personalized manners. (discovery products with new extensions) • Easy access and integration of the full range of library services into other products they use frequently, such as course or learning management systems, social networking, discussion forums, etc. (rich API's, extensive support of Apps and standards to support other extensions) [Linked Data] • Contextual support, i.e. the ability for librarianship to help members understand the environment in which a particular piece of work was generated (for instance, Mark Twain's writings, or scientific research-is this a peer reviewed publication? (new products needed) • Unbiased information. (start conveying the distinction, a huge differentiator) • Pro-active services. Get out in front. Someone up for tenure? Go to their office. Find out what they need and get it to them. (analytic tools, coupled with massive aggregates of data)
  • 7. Stephen Abram’s Key Differentiators Sustainability versus digital evolution • Our people are our brand – not information, databases, technology or books. Staff deliver the service. A service devoid of staff promotion is a recipe for failure or outsourcing. • Question improvement • Predictive service through excellent contextual relationships • Copyright knowledge and compliance • Service, professional service not good and efficient step&fetchit servitude • Information fluency professional development – not mere training, literacy, … • Special and unique collections curated in context and pruned as needed • Curriculum, discovery, teaching and research alignment • Visibility where the users are, not a destination strategy • eLearning development teams, MOOCs, eTextbooks, eReserves, eServices, etc. • Developing rubrics, measurements and proofs of impact
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Project Objective To understand and meet the expectations of public library users for services, content, and virtual interaction. 10
  • 11. Personas Defined Personas are hypothetical representations of a natural grouping of users that drive decision-making for development projects.  They are not real people, but they represent real people.  They are defined by goals.  They focus on what is valuable to the user and subsequently on how he or she behaves. 11
  • 12. Personas Goals: Help team build the base infrastructure for .NET products. Construct the base set of services that ship with the product and compose the core of a distributed framework for hosting distributed services. Add queuing semantics and associated locking, classification and routing of messages, subscriptions, efficient filtering, fan-out, etc., to the server. Integrate new distributed communication semantics to the existing SQL Server programming model. Demonstrate ability to communicate and work well with other teams. Usage Scenario: Henry has been around long enough to build a solid network of resources to call when he has specific questions about products or programs. He often learns about new technologies or processes through casual conversation with his friends and coworkers in the hallway. He uses Yahoo! for general information gathering because he likes the simplicity of the site design and the breadth of information available. The Portal is not his start page—he usually just types in the URL directly. He rarely reads the content on the Henry first page because he doesn't want to know what's going on with general companywide PR information. He's somewhat cynical about "companywide" internal releases and dislikes company politics. However, on a 41 Years Old, personal level, he does want to know about the schedules that the applications are on so he can plan. He's Software Design Engineer frustrated that there's no place you can go to find product information all in one spot. U.S. Info-Seeking Behavior: When Henry needs specific information, he generally e-mails or phones 12 Years at the company. a friend. He is a member of about 15 different DLs that used to be manageable, but now he finds it increasingly difficult to keep up. Single, MS Comput.Sci He typically uses the Portal to search for internal information across the companywide intranet or to find other internal sites. He comes to the portal about four-five times a week by typing in the URL and stays for less than 15 minutes at a time. He rarely, if ever, goes to there to find general information about the company or the industry as a whole. He uses internal databases to find internal information on products or code. If he's frustrated by something, he'll go there and find solutions rather than go outside to support or to a dot-com. "You used to have to drill down pretty deep to find personalized information, but now it's easier." He tends to bookmark pages in the portal because he hates having to go 5 levels down. He'll use that bookmark until it breaks, then he has to research it again. He would like to have favorites on the portal. . . . 12
  • 13. Our Approach Narrative capture and identification of characters, issues and problems, behaviors and actions. Narrative pattern review of content, service and product needs Identification of priority requirements for specific market identities i.e. personas 13
  • 15. Why Narrative Capture? Knowledge can only be volunteered it cannot be conscripted I only know what I know when I need to know it I always know more than I can say and I will always say more than I can write down 15
  • 16. Anecdote Circles The five (5) workshops held in Starter Statements April-May 2005 • Describe a day that involved coming to the library. • Describe a day that you wanted to come to the library but couldn’t.  Bergen County Public Library • Give us an example of when you learned  Buffalo Erie Public Library something from others at the library. • Give us an example of when you tried to learn  Cleveland Public Library something from others at the library but didn’t.  Hamilton Public Library • Give us an example from the past when you have used a computer to find information and  S.A.I.L.S. Middleboro, MA were surprised about what you found. • Give us an example from the past when you decided you wouldn’t be able to find the information through the computer – why? 16
  • 17. Summary Groupings Archetypes Themes Values •Good Citizenship •Patrons •Interaction •Community •Library Staff •Technology •Learning •Money •Efficiency •Quality •Library Services and •Money •Efficiency Facilities •Money/Risk Issues Ideal State
  • 18. Archetypes: Characters Archetype Summary 12 Good Citizenship Number of Archetypes 10 8 Patrons 6 Library Staff 4 2 Money 0 Library Services Archetype Names and Facilities
  • 19. Good Citizenship Archetypes Well-Rounded Citizen (13 attributes) Collaborate Community brings people together Cozy Diverse activities Encourage creativity Good use of our money Human contact Bergen Intellectual County opportunities Kids feel safe Nurturing Opportunities – social Security Willing to chat when time permits
  • 20. Good Citizenship Archetypes Strong Community Leader (6 attributes) Community builder Connected Connecting with community SAILS Gives people mission Networking Pulls community together
  • 21. Patron Archetypes Frustrated Patron (12 attributes) Annoying Books out of print Disruption Indifference Lack of wireless No tape player Online services unavailable Cleveland Out of date Physical pain Ripped/missing pieces, out of date magazine Wasted resources Wasted space
  • 22. Patron Archetypes Inquisitive Power User (12 attributes) After hours usage Broader search results Computer use Introduction to new things Lots of preferences No online access Cleveland outside of library Not a free service Open to public Outside sources Search method Universal access Ways to get information
  • 23. Patron Archetypes Disengaged Seeker (9 attributes) Can’t get book you want (timely) Don’t listen to reviews/bad reviews (NPR Reviews) Embarrassing Fear of puppets Cleveland Forgot card/license Head aches Injuries Some people consider a waste of money/space (crafts) Too long
  • 24. Library Staff Archetypes Ultimate Tour Guide (7 attributes) Advance reserve on new materials Abundance of items One-stop shopping Video/DVD lost in drop box Buffalo-Erie Access to materials never afford Up to date, current materials Diversity of materials
  • 25. Library Services Archetypes Out-of-Date IT (6 attributes) Access to PC’s Message is too long (automated computer system) Hamilton Not enough computers Public Slow re-boot Strong database Technical-media options
  • 26. Library Services Archetypes “Something for Everyone” Resources (4 attributes) Can’t remove reference material Extensive collection Library for books, not Hamilton movie rentals Public Library for education films, not Hollywood movies
  • 27. Themes: Issues and Problems Themes 20 Number of Themes 15 Interaction Technology 10 Efficiency Money 5 Other 0 Theme Names
  • 28. Values: Behaviors and Actions Values 10 9 8 Community Number of Values 7 Learning 6 Quality 5 Efficiency 4 Money/Risk 3 Other 2 1 0 Value Grouping
  • 31. Example Focus Areas Content Service Functionality SMI Attributes SMI Attributes Themes Cuts Down Searching Vast Information Equal Access to Too Many Features Services Dedicated Local Library Directories Ease of Use and Archetypes Efficiency Satisfied Customer In-depth Knowledge Available Meeting Customer Needs Values Archetypes Information Access Archetypes Self-Learning Something for Frustrated Patron Everyone Resources Values Qualities Quality Librarian Library Material Types Services 31
  • 32. Personas 32
  • 33. Primary Secondary Anchor Anchor
  • 34. 7 PL Personas Discovery Dan  Dan represents the adult non-researcher population. Haley High School  Haley represents the high school student population. Jennifer  Jennifer represents the parents of teenagers. Mommy Marcie  Marcie represents the parents of young children. Rick Researcher  Rick represents adult researchers who own a personal computer. Senior Sally  Sally represents senior citizens. Tasha Learner  Tasha represents adult researchers who do not own a personal computer. 34
  • 35. A typical day at the library: Stops by the library either on their way to or from work or over their lunch break. May spend time on the weekend if they have a home project. Have requested the books or DVD’s online so is either dropping them off or picking the materials up. Enjoys lectures, classes or other non-traditional activities. Appreciates connecting with the library staff during visits Information-seeking behavior: Usually checks online to see what has newly arrived at the library. If they have time during their stop over at the library itself, they will browse what is new in the nonfiction and music; maybe the fiction shelf as well. Uses the library to avoid the cost of buying materials. May purchase books after reviewing them in the library. Signs out DVD’s and movies for entertainment. Appreciates the book club(s), even if not an active participant. Also seeks community information (pamphlets, etc.) Reads on-line reviews of books Ultimate goal: To pick up the books, music or videos they are interested in. Or to simply discover books or other material that piques their interest to expand their minds Frustrations: Changing library hours. Unpredictable Internet search results. Pop-ups, spam. Librarians who aren’t very good at referring them to specific sources or best sources on a given topic – could be people as often as written information. Wishes libraries would coordinate culling of collections and try to keep at least one copy of a book in one of the libraries. Needs more consumer-friendly categorization of material. Parking (downtown users) Hours need to match commute schedule. Wait-lists for books so long that they are compelled to purchase the book from Amazon. 35
  • 36. Product Considerations for Haley Discovery Dan NEEDS FEATURES Gaps/Opportunities 36
  • 37. A typical day at the library: They are not daily users of public libraries. When they do come they focus on magazines, newspapers or quickly check their email or browse the Internet. If they don’t have a good school library they will come to the public library after conducting a web search. They may use the library computer to print out a paper, especially if the shared computer at home is inaccessible. Information-seeking behavior: Most information activity begins with a web search. They will type in their search within “ ” and start there to determine what they need. They might go to their school library or if they have a history of using public libraries, go to the public library to get help from a reference librarian. They will likely IM their friends to see what they are doing to find answers to the assignment. Public library Internet use is up among teens from 36% in 2000 to 54% in 2005. When they go online 74% do it from home, 17% from school and 9% other (community centers, churches, friend’s house and libraries). Note: Teens are just as likely as adults to get news and information about current events online. More than half report political news- seeking. (Pew – Teens and Technology) Ultimate goal: They want to complete a school project Frustrations: The books are too advanced for a high school student. There are no public library materials available on a web search. The library is at the bottom of the list for research for some high schoolers. 37
  • 38. MindTap - poc Usability Testing January, 2013 10 studies
  • 39. • “Wikipedia on steroids.” Summary • “Could do a research paper with this!” • “This is mind-blowing.” (Research Help) 5 MODERATED STUDIES • Lots of valuable information in a controlled environment. 5 UN-MODERATED STUDIES COLLEGE STUDENTS – UNDERGRAD AND GRAD • Right-clicking on item is valuable but users wouldn’t know it is an option. How do we make it more evident? • “Wall of text and “blocks of text can be intimidating.” • Font size is too small on some pages. Consider adding the ability to increase or decrease font size. • A few users did not like being “bombarded” with too much information when focusing on reading a textbook article.
  • 40. • Numerous comments regarding how helpful videos are . • Confusion as to whether a user has to complete all aspects of the tutorial (video, examples, quizzes) or can complete specific sections only.
  • 41. • Most well-received page of the study. (portal page). • After selecting ‘want to see more?’ on the previous page, users expectations were often exceeded. •Often cited as ‘what I like most about this site.’ •“Combines a lot of things into one page.” • “The fact that it is broken down by content type is better than Wikipedia.”
  • 42. Ng paw Usability Testing November 2012 26 studies
  • 43. Summary • Lots of excitement over the product, home page 40-65 YEARS OLD (10) and features. COLLEGE STUDENTS (13) • Would use and recommend to others. RANDOM (3) • Lots of name recognition and familiarity (Nat Geo). • Some re-ordering of content types necessary. • Much confusion tied to ‘Departments.’ • ‘Graphing Tool’ is not understood. • Collapse/expand and moving of content types is not clear. • Recommendations for image viewer.
  • 44. • It presents a really cool repository of history over the last 125 years that are The (Really) unavailable anywhere else on the web. I good…. •I would use this site for research on school projects because it is easy to use, navigate, has a plethora of information and is reputable/credible with great history. INFORMATIVE Really a prime go to spot for info. CLEAN AND SIMPLE INTERFACE • Much easier than having to find the actual printed volumes and wait for them to MANY PAST OR PRESENT arrive at our library. The website archive is very simple and easy. SUBSCRIBERS LITTLE USE OF THE MAGIC WAND • It provides information on many of the aspects of this planet such as environments, animals, and culture. • National Geographic has such an iconic logo. • Expect that you're gonna be informed. • That’s a large bank of data there. • Slider draws my attention. • Simple and straight forward. • Covers look interesting. • Polished and easy to use. •I grew up on National Geographic and believe there is no other publication that comes close to it.
  • 45. User Test: Rank top three content types Survey says…. Test #1 Feature articles # 1 overall but…. Visuals are key (images often included in top three and mentioned in comments) User comments: I’m coming here to get articles. NG is known for their magazines. NG is known for their photography. I would rearrange the categories/subjects to put the most impactful ones at the top, particularly featured images. That is what people think of when they think of National Geographic. I would probably start my search browsing for images.
  • 46. User Test: Image viewer navigation (Where would you turn page?/Expect to turn page?) Survey says…. Users did see arrows to turn page but the majority of users would expect to turn pages on the right hand of the page. User comments: It seems more natural to a reading flow to click on the right rather than go to the top of the page (to select arrow). Would expect to turn page closer to where the page number is. I would like/expect to turn the page any time I’m close to left or right- hand side of screen. Click right and advance. USABILITY SAYS….Add arrows to the left and right and have them appear as user hovers over a certain section
  • 48. Looks “modern & clean” ; “love pictures of the • Summary 5 ACADEMIC SCHOLARS IN 18 TH & archives” 19TH CENTURY LIT • All testers liked the descriptive hover-over tabs JUSTIN, YALE PHD, 18TH C • All testers liked predictive search SLANEY, PURDUE PHD, 18TH C • 2/5 users expressed much interest in graphing tool TONYA, MARYMOUNT PROF., 18TH & 19TH CENTURY • Users understand the distinction between a TOM, PROF. OF LIT., U OF photographic content type and a book or manuscript BIRMINGHAM , UK, 18TH & 19TH C that merely contains photographs. SARAH, MARYMOUNT PROF., 19TH & • Although all users can make this distinction, they 20TH C. BRITISH LIT. prefer to have some type of notification on search results page that “floats” the illustration info from the document page, up to results page • Users had difficulty finding illustration information on a document page, since scrolling down is often required • On document page, show illustrations before related content
  • 49. User Test: Search for Maps + China Users Searching NCCO say…. Users searched maps as a proxy for searching photos “Drilling down” into the document to determine if it contains illustrations is cumbersome for our users. “if the data exists there, can you surface it here?” Solutions: •Users indicated that they understand that not all maps or photos will display under content types at left, but since we have the metadata, and display it on the document page, why not surface it to the search results page here (Arrow #1)
  • 50. User Test: Search for Maps + China U01
  • 51. User Test: Search for Maps + China U02
  • 52. User Test: Search for Maps + China U03
  • 53. User Test: Search for Maps + China U04
  • 54. User Test: Search for Maps + China U05
  • 55. User Test: Can you find illustrations on the document page? Users Searching NCCO say…. Users searched maps as a proxy for searching photos When relevant pages returned, number so many as displayed here, user does not see or know to scroll down, to find illustration information that is listed below Solutions: •When more than two rows or relevant pages are returned, collapse the rest of the page numbers in an accordion or drop-down fashion, in order to display critical information to the user (Arrow #1)
  • 56. User Test: Finding illustrations U05
  • 57. User Test: Finding illustrations U04
  • 58. User Test: What would you change ? Users Searching NCCO say…. Users searched maps as a proxy for searching photos Users can accept that not all maps or photos merit inclusion in the map or photo content type bucket, but still want to see these ‘lesser’ illustrations made more visible on the document pages, and floated to results page too. Solutions: •Collapse long lists of page numbers (Arrow #1) • Push ‘Related Volumes’ down the page, since users care more about finding contents and illustrations on this page (Arrow #2) •Highlight Illustrations and float them to search results page (Arrow #3)
  • 60. The Value of Libraries Soundbite  The Value of Public Libraries  The Value of School Libraries  The Value of Academic and College Libraries college-libraries/ redux-acrl/  The Value of Special Libraries  Library Advocacy: Save the Library Campaigns  Storytelling…
  • 61. The Value of Libraries Soundbite  The Value of Academic and College Libraries college-libraries/  ACRL The Value of Academic Libraries libraries-redux-acrl/  VALUE OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIES TOOLKIT • Working Together: Evolving Value for Academic Libraries
  • 62.
  • 63. Positioning the Library in The Right Minds Reading not Books Librarians not Libraries Questions not Answers Knowledge not Information Community and Learning not Warehouses Measurements not Statistics Members or Students or Faculty not Users Full Intellectual Access not Physical Access Professional Consultative Service not Servant or mere efficient and effective service 63
  • 64. So what is the answer? Where are the real pain points?
  • 65.
  • 71. Meals
  • 72. Let’s think Think: Are you thinking food, courses, days, weekly plan, or nutrition overall? What is a meal in library end-user community or research, education and learning terms?
  • 73. The new bibliography and collection development KNOWLEDGE PORTALS KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, INFORMATION & RESEARCH COMMONS
  • 74. What are the real issues? Craft versus Industrial Strength - Scalability Pilot, Project, Initiative versus Portfolio Strategy Hand knitted prototypes versus Production e.g. Information Literacy initiatives Discovery versus Search versus Deep Search eLearning units Strategic Analytics Value measures Behaviours
  • 75. What We Never Really Knew Before  27% of our users are under 18.  59% are female.  29% are college students. We often believe a  5% are professors and 6% are teachers. lot that  On any given day, 35% of our users are true. for the very isn’t there first time!  Only 29% found the databases via the library website.  59% found what they were looking for on their first search.  72% trusted our content more than Google.  But, 81% still use Google.
  • 76. 2010 Eduventures Research on Investments  58% of instructors believe that technology in courses positively impacts student engagement.  71% of instructors that rated student engagement levels as “high” as a result of using technology in courses.  71% of students who are employed full-time and 77% of students who are employed part-time prefer more technology- based tools in the classroom.  79% of instructors and 86 percent of students have seen the average level of engagement improve over the last year as they have increased their use of digital educational tools.  87% of students believe online libraries and databases have had the most significant impact on their overall learning.  62% identify blogs, wikis, and other online authoring tools while 59% identify YouTube and recorded lectures.  E-books and e-textbooks impact overall learning among 50% of students surveyed, while 42% of students identify online portals.  44% of instructors believe that online libraries and databases will have the greatest impact on student engagement.  32% of instructors identify e-textbooks and 30% identify interactive homework solutions as having the potential to improve engagement and learning outcomes. (e-readers was 11%)  49% of students believe that online libraries and databases will have the greatest impact on student engagement.  Students are more optimistic about the potential for technology.
  • 77. What we know is POWERFUL! Facts + Stories Via Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog “Curb Your Librarian Frustration in 8 Easy Steps” New York State 2012 Summary of School Library Research Ken Haycock OLA Summary of School Library Impact Studies Advance: McKinley HS Study by Project Tomorrow Project Tomorrow reports to Congress Alison Head and Information Fluency research Foresee Data and Overall Usage Data Pew Internet & American Life reports Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation studies IMLS, NCES, ARL, ACRL, ALA, LJ, etc. 77
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80. Be More Open to the Users’ Path
  • 81. Until the lion learns to write her own story, the story will always be from the perspective of the hunter not the hunted.
  • 82. Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA VP strategic partnerships and markets Cengage Learning (Gale) Cel: 416-669-4855 Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog Facebook, Pinterest: Stephen Abram LinkedIn / Plaxo: Stephen Abram Twitter: @sabram SlideShare: StephenAbram1

Editor's Notes

  1. Personas are understood through discovery by: Gathering data to identify possible “anchors” Observing behavior Pattern emergence in narrative
  2. General rules Never ask a direct question Simulate real or “imagined” experience Ritualize anecdote capture The anecdote circle Common experience Stimulate “ditting” Can be virtual or physical
  3. A combination of archetypes, values and themes that represents a market expectation of a product or service.
  4. Persona Elements Demographics Typical Day Information interests Information seeking behavior Ultimate goal Frustrations Work activities Computer skills, knowledge, abilities Technology attributes Communicating Market size, influence