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Child: care, health and development
Original Article                                                                                        doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2009.00979.x

Airway covering during bed-sharing
H. Ball
Parent–Infant Sleep Lab and Medical Anthropology Research Group, Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Durham, UK

Accepted for publication 9 March 2009

                             Background Parent–infant bed-sharing is a common practice in Western post-industrial nations
                             with up to 50% of infants sleeping with their parents at some point during early infancy. However,
                             researchers have claimed that infants may be at risk of suffocation or sudden infant death
                             syndrome related to airway covering or compression in the bed-sharing environment. To further
                             understand the role of airway covering and compression in creating risks for bed-sharing infants,
                             we report here on a sleep-lab trial of two infant sleep conditions.
                             Methods In a sleep-lab environment 20 infants aged 2–3 months old slept in their parents’ bed,
                             and in a cot by the bed, on adjacent nights. Infants’ oxygen saturation and heart rate were
                             monitored physiologically while infant and parental behaviours were recorded via ceiling-mounted
                             infra-red cameras. Infants served as their own controls. Continuous 8-h recordings were obtained for
                             covering of infant external airways, levels of infant oxygen saturation, infant heart rate, evidence of
                             parental compression/overlying of infant, circumstances leading up to potential infant airway
                             obstruction, and parental awareness of and responses to infant airway covering.
                             Results The majority of infants (14/20) spent some part of the bed night with their airways (both
infant sleep, suffocation,   mouth and nose) covered, compared with 2/20 on the cot night; however, no consistent effect on
SIDS, cosleeping             either oxygen saturation levels or heart rate was revealed, even during prolonged bouts of airway
                             covering. All cases of airway covering were initiated by parents; 70% were terminated by parents,
Helen Ball, Parent–Infant
                             the remainder by infants. Seven bouts of potential compression were observed with parental limbs
Sleep Lab and Medical        resting across infant bodies for lengthy periods, however, in only two cases was the full weight of a
Anthropology Research
                             parental limb resting on an infant, both events lasting less than 15 s, both being terminated by
Group, Department of
Anthropology, Durham         infant movement.
University, Dawson           Conclusion Although numerous authors have suggested that bed-sharing infants face risks
Building, South Road,
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
                             because of airway covering by bed-clothes or parental bodies, the present trial does not lend
E-mail:   support to this hypothesis.

                                                                     time (Tuohy et al. 1998; Rigda et al. 2000; Willinger et al. 2003;
                                                                     Blair & Ball 2004; van Sleuwen et al. 2005; Bolling et al. 2007). It
Parent–infant bed-sharing is a common night-time infant care         has been emphasized by a variety of researchers that infants may
practice in Western post-industrial nations; regional and            be at risk of sudden and unexpected death in the bed-sharing
nationwide surveys conducted in the UK, USA, Australia, New          environment because of accidental suffocation and rebreathing
Zealand and the Netherlands have consistently found that             (e.g. Byard et al. 1994; Beal & Byard 1995; Blair et al. 1999; Beal
around 50% of infants under 3 months of age have bed-shared          & Byard 2000; Corbyn 2000; Flick et al. 2001; Galland et al.
with one or both of their parents for at least some of their sleep   2002). Several published reports using data from cohorts of

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Airway covering during bed-sharing          729

sudden infant deaths drawn from the records of the US Con-              hypothesis was reviewed by Guntheroth and Spiers (1996) who
sumer Product Safety Commission also emphasize hazards such             concluded that although it may be possible for certain sus-
as suffocation from overlaying or head covering when bed-               ceptible infants to suffer rebreathing suffocation by virtue of
sharing (Scheers et al. 1998; Drago & Dannenberg 1999; Naka-            abnormalities in ventilatory control, rebreathing was unlikely to
mura et al. 1999; Kemp et al. 2000). It is often recommended            occur for the majority of infants who slept in the prone posi-
that parents who wish to sleep with their infants should take           tion. Research into the mechanism(s) via which prone sleep
care to avoid duvets/comforters (Blair et al. 1999) soft bedding        might increase the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) risk
and loose covers (AAP 2000; Willinger et al. 2003). Because the         ceased to explore suffocation and rebreathing hypotheses in the
covering of external airways by bedding or bed-partner would            late 90s as attention turned to other potential explanations for
appear to happen relatively easily in a bed-sharing situation,          the link between SIDS and prone sleep (e.g. infection and over-
airway occlusion has become a cause for concern regarding               heating). Although the causal mechanism(s) for its success
bed-sharing-related sudden infant deaths (Beal & Byard 2000;            remains unknown, the supine infant sleep strategy imple-
Byard & Krous 2001; Flick et al. 2001; Galland et al. 2002). In         mented via national campaigns in many industrialized coun-
order to further explore this issue, this paper summarizes the          tries was hugely successful in reducing the rate of unexpected
findings of previous research conducted into the effects of              infant deaths (Blair et al. 2006) with the rate of SIDS in the UK
airway covering (e.g. suffocation, and the related issue of             falling from 2/1000 in 1985 to 0.3/1000 in 2003 (Office for
rebreathing) among solitary sleeping infants and presents new           National Statistics 2004).
data from a sleep-lab study regarding the propensity for, and              The impact of airway covering on the breathing of supine
circumstances of, airway covering in the parent–infant bed-             sleeping infants has been subjected to much less scrutiny than
sharing environment compared with cot sleeping.                         for prone infant sleep; however, it is clear that the two situations
   In the early 1990s, epidemiological studies examining the            are very different. Physiological trials indicate that the risks of
conditions associated with sudden unexpected death in infancy           airway obstruction in the supine position are much lower than
revealed the majority of cases to have been discovered in the           those when infants sleep prone (Kemp 1996, citing Galland
prone position, often with their heads covered (Mitchell et al.         et al. 1994). Even under a 13-tog infant duvet the weight of the
1992; Fleming et al. 1996; Scheers et al. 1998; Skadberg et al.         bed-covers themselves are insufficient to completely occlude
1998; Beal et al. 2000; Hauck 2001). Popular mechanisms pro-            an infant’s nose and mouth (Skadberg & Markestad 1997).
posed to explain these associations involved mechanical suffo-          Rebreathing of exhaled CO2 was also found to be an unlikely
cation resulting from the infant’s face being pressed against soft      risk for supine sleeping infants whose faces were covered with
bedding (Abramson 1944; Carpenter & Shaddick 1965; Beal                 bedding because of the effect of body movements on CO2 accu-
2001; Galland et al. 2002) and hypercapnia resulting from               mulation. Experiments showed that when an infant aroused or
rebreathing exhaled CO2 pooled around the infant’s face (Kemp           moved in their sleep, the duvet lifted from the mattress and a
et al. 1993, 1998). These speculations prompted various physi-          sudden drop in CO2 was observed. ‘Visible temporary or per-
ological ‘reconstruction’ studies (using mechanical and animal          manent air channels were commonly created after such move-
models) which investigated the combination of prone infant              ment and resulted in low and stable CO2 levels throughout the
sleep position and sleep surface on both airway obstruction and         rest of the study’ (Skadberg & Markestad 1997, p. 3).
CO2 rebreathing (e.g. Kemp et al. 1991, 1993, 1998; Bolton et al.          In the bed-sharing environment a number of additional vari-
1993; Kemp & Thach 1995; Kemp 1996; Campbell et al. 1997).              ables must be considered. Parental movements may cause repo-
These studies identified numerous hazardous sleep surfaces for           sitioning of both infants and bed-clothes in ways that are not
simulated prone-facing infants but attracted criticism because          encountered by infants sleeping alone (Baddock et al. 2007),
of the use of artificial mannequins which had rigid nares, and           while parental bodies are themselves considered to be hazardous
the use of anaesthetized animal models that were unable to              to infants by some researchers/commentators (Byard 1994). It
perform normal arousal behaviours (Johnson 1994;                        has been argued by some authorities (e.g. Thogmartin et al.
Guntheroth & Spiers 1996). Researchers who examined the                 2001) that adult beds, unlike cots and cribs, are not ‘designed’
effects of the face-down prone position on the breathing of             for infant sleep, and therefore carry at least a theoretical risk of
living infants (e.g. Chiodini & Thach 1993) concluded that              accidental entrapment and suffocation. An anthropological per-
airway occlusion was rare in the face-down position and ‘overt          spective points out that infants were not ‘designed’ to sleep
obstruction of the airway may be less likely than has been specu-       alone in cribs or cots, and that sleep contact with a caregiver has
lated’ (pp. 690–691). Evidence in support of the rebreathing            important physiological and behavioural ramifications for

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                                                   Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
730 H. Ball

infant development (e.g. McKenna et al. 1993; Ball & Klinga-                          2 Examine the circumstances leading up to potential airway
man 2007), but it is true that Western-style beds and bedding                           obstruction.
would not have formed part of the environment in which                                3 Examine parental awareness of and responses to infant airway
human infants evolved – therefore the Western bed-sharing                               covering.
environment requires evaluation and modification in terms of
risks posed to infants (e.g. Beal & Byard 1995).
   In the UK bed-sharing is a common practice of both South
Asian ethnic groups (Gantley et al. 1993; Farooqi 1994) and                           As infants are known to develop at different rates, and there are
breastfeeding mothers (Ball 2002, 2003; Ball & Klingaman 2007;                        individual differences in physiological parameters (e.g. Wailoo
Bolling et al. 2007). Among both groups infants are normally                          et al. 1989), subjects in this study served as their own controls
placed in a supine position (Ball 2003); however, placing the                         across the two sleep environments monitored. Within-infant
infant in a prone position while bed-sharing appears to be more                       developmental changes were minimized as infants were moni-
frequent in the USA (Thogmartin et al. 2001), among African                           tored over a short and limited time period (three consecutive
Americans (Flick et al. 2001) but not among Hispanic or White                         nights). Ethical approval was obtained from both the University
US breastfeeding mothers (McCoy et al. 2004). Surveys of                              of Durham Ethics Committee, and the Local NHS Research
infant sleep environments also suggest that the use of duvets/                        Ethics Committee (North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust)
quilts when bed-sharing is common practice (Willinger et al.                          prior to the commencement of the study. In order to ensure
2003).                                                                                infant safety, an intervention policy was agreed with staff at the
   Studies involving video observations of adult–infant bed-                          Paediatric Department at North Tees Hospital, providing crite-
sharing behaviour have found that the way in which parents                            ria for intervention by research staff in any situation where an
bed-share may affect their infant’s chances of having their                           infant appeared to be at risk on a monitoring night. All research
airways covered by bedding. Ball (2006) reported that breast-                         staff involved in overnight monitoring were trained and certi-
feeding bed-sharing infants in the UK are not placed on or                            fied in infant resuscitation, and parents remained with their
between pillows, nor placed prone, but are covered by duvets,                         infants at all times.
and are in close proximity to adult bodies. In contrast, formula-                        Participants were recruited from the town of Stockton-on-
fed bed-sharing infants are commonly placed on or between                             Tees and the surrounding region via health visitors, baby clinics
parental pillows, but because they are positioned at their moth-                      and local publicity using purposive sampling. Parents who
er’s face height they are unlikely to have their faces covered by                     volunteered were contacted by telephone and the study was
duvets or quilts (Ball 2006). In a study of night-time behaviour                      explained verbally. Eligibility criteria for recruitment were:
among 40 regularly bed-sharing parents and infants in com-                            breastfed term infant under 3 months, non-smoking mother,
parison with 40 age- and season-matched cot-sleeping infants                          both parents willing to participate, baby bed-shared regularly or
aged 0–6 months, Baddock and colleagues (2007) found that                             occasionally and otherwise slept in a cot by the bed. Eligible
80% of infant head-covering episodes resulted from adult posi-                        volunteers received written information on the study by post,
tional changes during sleep, and that 68% of uncovering of                            together with a participant consent form. Parents who were
infant faces occurred by intentional and unintentional parental                       willing to participate in the study returned the completed
clearing of the covers, with infants clearing their own faces in                      consent form and subsequently received and completed a series
32% of cases. In order to further illuminate the behavioural                          of three infant sleep logs. Arrangements were made for parents
features of bed-sharing which may either contribute to, or ame-                       to bring their infant to the Durham University sleep lab on the
liorate, airway covering during bed-sharing, we describe below                        Queen’s Campus, Stockton-on-Tees for three consecutive
the results of a two-condition sleep-lab trial comparing etho-                        nights. The first night served as a habituation night: monitoring
logical and physiological data obtained for infants sleeping in an                    took place while participants followed their normal sleep
adult bed with their parents versus in a cot by their parents’ bed.                   practices; however, the data from these initial nights were not
This study specifically aimed to:                                                      included in the analyses. On the following two test nights, allo-
                                                                                      cated in random order (via a coin toss conducted in the parents’
1 Compare the two infant sleeping conditions for:                                     presence), parents and infants were monitored sleeping in the
  a. covering of external airways;                                                    bed-sharing and the cot-by-the-bed conditions. Following each
  b. levels of oxygen saturation and infant heart rate;                               night of monitoring, parents were offered the opportunity to
  c. compression/overlying of infant.                                                 view the videotape of the previous night prior to providing their

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final consent for the tapes to be analysed. A member of the              1996; Morielli et al. 1996). Proximity and orientation of parents
research team interviewed parents during their stay in the lab to       and infant to one another, body positions of all three subjects,
obtain background demographic data and further information              position of the infant’s face relative to each parent, height of
regarding night-time infant care practices and normal sleeping          covers relative to all three individuals, and position of pillows
arrangements.                                                           (and other soft bedding) relative to infant’s head and face were
   The sleep lab is arranged in the manner of a normal domestic         coded using 3-min interval scans. Frequency data were recorded
bedroom with en-suite bathroom facilities and a kitchenette.            for all interactions between parents and infant (e.g. visually
Both blankets and quilts (polyester and down filled) were pro-           checking, patting, re-blanketing, repositioning), for gross limb
vided for bedding and parents were asked to use the bedding             movements and changes in position, for feeding bouts and
most similar to that used at home. Parents were able to bathe           other waking activity. Duration data were recorded for feeding
their baby, watch TV, make refreshments and generally follow a          events and episodes of waking. All bouts of infant airway cov-
‘normal’ preparatory routine for sleep. Before the infant was           ering were identified visually and coded from video. Data from
dressed for sleep, monitoring sensors were applied. Data utilized       the pulse oximeter channel was exported via the Win-visi®
in this report were obtained using two paediatric respiratory           monitoring system and converted to Excel® spreadsheet files for
plethysmography bands placed around the infant’s chest and              analysis. Oxygen saturation and heart rate was recorded once
abdomen, and a wrap-around pulse oximeter (recording both               per second and averaged (median) across 1-min epochs for the
oxygen saturation and heart rate) attached to the infant’s big          whole 8-h monitoring period on both cot and bed nights. All
toe. Infants wore thin stretch-suits to help keep the instruments       movement artefact and periods where the oximeter was dis-
in place. The sensor leads were taped to the infant’s skin and          lodged were removed from the physiological record.
gathered into a single ‘umbilical cord’ which conveyed signals
firstly to a header box, positioned above the head of the bed or
crib, and then to the computer monitoring equipment (WinVisi
Sleep System – Stowood Scientific Instruments) in the adjacent           Twenty families participated in this study; socio-demographic
control room. Leads could easily be detached from the header            characteristics are given in Table 1. All but one infant was low-
box to facilitate movement around the room.                             risk for SIDS according to established criteria (Conroy & Smith
   Video recordings were made from a ceiling-mounted low-               1999); the exception was the sibling of a SIDS infant who lacked
light intensity camera positioned to capture an image of the bed        any other SIDS risk characteristics.
or bed and cot. Ceiling-mounted infra-red lights allowed video
recordings to be made in the dark. The video signal was
                                                                        Covering of airways by bedding for bed and cot infant
transmitted to the adjacent monitoring room where it was
                                                                        sleep locations
continuously recorded to an 8-h videotape. The camera could
be panned and zoomed remotely from the monitoring room.                 The majority of infants (14/20) spent some part of the bed night
Physiology traces were superimposed on the video signal, thus a         with their airways (both mouth and nose) covered, compared
continuous recording of respiration, heart rate and O2 satura-          with 2/20 on the cot night; infants also spent a significantly
tion was synchronized with the video image. Video and physi-
ological recordings commenced when the parents prepared for
                                                                        Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of study sample (n = 20)
sleep and a researcher remained in the monitoring room for the
                                                                        Mean maternal age                                                 30 years
duration of the night. Recording was terminated when parents
                                                                        Mean paternal age                                                 32 years
and infant arose the following morning, or after 8 h, whichever         Mean infant age on 1st monitoring night                           9 weeks 3 days
occurred sooner. Videotapes were coded by three trained                 Mean gestational age at birth                                     40 weeks 1 day
                                                                        Mean birth weight                                                 3.6 kg
observers using a behavioural taxonomy for parent–infant bed-
                                                                        Mean maternal parity                                              2.3
sharing developed and used in previous studies (Hooker 2001;            Mean household income                                             £24 939
Ball 2006). Observers were trained for inter-observer reliability       Proportion homeowners                                             66.6%
via repeated coding of video excerpts by all observers until            Proportion of fathers employed                                    80.5%
                                                                        Proportion of mothers employed                                    66.6%
kappa scores in excess of 90% were achieved.                            Proportion of fathers with HE quals                               57.1%
   Sleep states were coded minute by minute for all three sub-          Proportion of mothers with HE quals                               47.6%
jects using respiratory movements and observational data                Proportion of parents married                                     76.1%
                                                                        Proportion of infants with father who smoked                      23.9%
(Anders & Keener 1985; Keefe et al. 1989; Kirjavainen et al.

                                                                                                                                        © 2009 The Author
                                                   Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
732      H. Ball

Table 2. Description of bouts of airway covering on bed night
Infant      Test night    Duration (min)       How was airway covering terminated?
002         bed            85                  mother’s sleep-related movement aroused baby, infant altered orientation, bringing about uncovering of airways
004         bed            57                  mother aroused and removed duvet from over infant’s face
012         bed            30                  mother’s sleep-related movement uncovered baby
013         bed           309                  mother, awake and talking to infant’s sibling, moved duvet from infant’s face
014         bed           184                  mother’s sleep-related movement uncovered baby
015         bed           351                  baby aroused, waved arms and independently moved covers away from face
018         bed           240                  infant movement caused mother to move, shifting covers
019         bed           104                  baby moved and grunted under covers, mother woke and moved baby
021         bed           312                  father aroused and removed covers from infant’s face
022         bed            72                  father, on waking, removed covers from infant’s face

greater proportion of the bed night (median = 21%; range                                            99
0–89%) with their airways covered by bedding, compared with
the cot night (median = 0%; range 0–100%; Wilcoxon sign

ranks test: P = 0.006); however, the ranges testify great variabil-
ity. Eight of the 20 infants experienced airway covering for 30%                                    89
or more of the bed-sharing night; all instances commenced with                                      87
covers being pulled over the infant’s face by a parent, or a parent                                 85
positioning the infant under the covers. On the cot night one                                                2       4       12    13   14    15   18     19   21     22
infant spent 20% and another 100% of the night with airways                                                                         Covered   Uncovered

covered by bedding; both commenced when parents tucked the
bed-clothes across the infant’s face.
                                                                                       Heart rate

Parental response to external airway covering
Ten bouts of airway covering were actively terminated during                                         60
the observation period and were individually examined to                                             40
determine how airway covering was terminated (Table 2).                                              20

   Seven of the 10 bouts were terminated by parents altering the                                         0
                                                                                                                 2       4    12   13    14   15   18     19   21    22
position of the covers and consciously or unconsciously uncov-                                                                                                      Infant
                                                                                                                                    Covered   Uncovered
ering their infant’s airways. In three cases infants initiated
removal of the covers, two by arousing a parent and one by                            Figure 1. Overall median SatO2 (top) and heart rate (bottom) for
accomplishing movement of the covers unassisted.                                      matched bouts with airways covered and uncovered on bed nights.

                                                                                      heart rate values were calculated. Wilcoxon signed ranks tests
Effects of airway covering on oxygen saturation and heart
                                                                                      were used to compare the median oxygen saturation and heart
                                                                                      rate values during covered and control bouts for all infants with
In order to examine the effects of prolonged periods of airway                        paired data (see Fig. 1). In no cases were any significant differ-
covering on oxygen saturation and heart rate, 30-min bouts of                         ences found between covered and uncovered periods for either
airway covering were paired with control bouts from the same                          oxygen saturation or heart rate using Wilcoxon signed ranks
night when airways were uncovered, matched for sleep state.                           tests.
Where airways were covered by bedding for periods longer than                            Further analysis was conducted comparing oxygen satura-
30 min, the terminal portion of the period was chosen as the                          tion (SatO2) and heart rate for periods of airway covering on
test bout (i.e. when the infants’ airways had been covered for                        bed nights (covered bed bout) with control periods (matched
the longest period). For each covered and control bout the                            for duration since sleep onset) from each infant’s cot night
minute-by-minute and overall median oxygen saturation and                             (control cot bout). Figure 2 shows median SatO2 and heart

© 2009 The Author
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
Airway covering during bed-sharing          733

                                                                                          chest or face and potentially restricting breathing) lasting
                                                                                          1–9 min, occurred on bed nights. In one case a father’s arm
                                                                                          rested across his infant’s chest; all other cases involved mothers.
                                                                                          Each incident was independently examined by two observers to

                                                                                          determine whether the weight of a parental limb rested on the
                                                                                          infant and thus could be considered actual compression.
                                                                                          Descriptions of each case are provided in Table 3.
                                                                                             Although episodes were recorded for seven infants where
                      2       4       12    13   14    15   18    19     21      22
                                                                                          parental limbs rested across an infant’s chest or face on the bed
                                       Covered (bed)   Uncovered (cot)
                                                                                          night, in only two of these bouts did the full weight of the parents’
                                                                                          limb (arm) appear to rest upon the infant. In both cases a
             160                                                                          parental arm rested across the infant’s face for a brief period (less
                                                                                          than 15 s) and both bouts were terminated by infant movement
                                                                                          that triggered the parent removing their arm. Oxygen saturation
Heart rate

                                                                                          data were compared for all periods of potential compression with
                                                                                          an immediately preceding period of the same duration; no sig-
                                                                                          nificant differences in percentage of SatO2 were detected.
                  0                                                                       Discussion
                          2       4    12   13    14   15    18    19     21     22
                                                                                Infant    Concern has been expressed that airway covering or obstruction
                                       Covered (bed)   Uncovered (cot)
                                                                                          may present a suffocation, overlying or rebreathing risk for the
Figure 2. Median SatO2 (top) and heart rate (bottom) for matched bouts                    bed-sharing infant. The results of the present study do not
with airways covered on bed night and uncovered on cot night.                             support concerns regarding suffocation and overlying. The situ-
                                                                                          ation regarding rebreathing was not examined directly in this
                                                                                          study; however, it is discussed below in terms of indirect evi-
rate for each of the infants for whom covered bed bouts                                   dence and the reports of other researchers.
and control cot bouts were available. Wilcoxon signed ranks                                  The present study replicates the findings reported by
tests found no significant differences between either SatO2 or                             Baddock and colleagues (2007) that babies experienced more
heart rate for covered bed bouts and their matched control                                airway covering by bedding when bed-sharing than when sleep-
bouts.                                                                                    ing in a cot, but that this airway covering did not compromise
                                                                                          infants’ ability to maintain normal levels of circulating oxygen,
                                                                                          even when airway covering by bedding was prolonged. In the
Compression/overlaying of infant in bed-sharing vs.
                                                                                          case of compromised oxygen supplies, it would be expected that
by-the-bed infant sleep locations
                                                                                          infant heart rate would increase in order to more efficiently
Compression was defined as a parent’s limb(s) lying across a                               circulate available oxygen around the tissues. In the present
part of an infant’s body that might restrict the infant’s ability to                      study, airway covering was not associated with significantly
breathe. Overlaying was defined as an adults’ torso lying against                          lower oxygen saturation, nor with significantly increased infant
or across an infant in such a way as to restrict the infant’s ability                     heart rate, and although bed-sharing infants were frequently
to breathe. No instances of overlaying were observed. One                                 observed to have their airways covered, they also frequently got
infant on the cot night, and seven on the bed night experienced                           uncovered, sometimes as a consequence of the infant’s own
a parental limb lying across their bodies. Two lengthy periods of                         actions, but more commonly as a consequence of parental con-
potential compression were identified – one on a bed night                                 scious or unconscious intervention.
where the mother’s arm was observed to rest across the infant’s                              Mechanical obstruction of breathing via overlaying or com-
body for 108 min – and another on a cot night (with the cot by                            pression of an infant’s body by a parental limb has also been
the bed) where a mother’s hand was observed to rest across the                            postulated as a risk of the bed-sharing environment that may be
infant’s face for 21 min. In addition, five shorter potential com-                         responsible for infant deaths (whether designated SIDS or acci-
pression bouts (with a parent’s limb resting across an infant’s                           dental suffocation). This study found no evidence that sharing a

                                                                                                                                                          © 2009 The Author
                                                                     Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
734 H. Ball

Table 3. Termination of bouts of potential compression that may restrict infant’s breathing
Infant      Test night       Duration (min)        Description                                                Termination
001         bed              5                     father’s forearm on infant’s chest                         terminates when father moves
002         bed              4                     mother’s forearm on infant’s abdomen                       terminates with infant movement
005         cot              21                    mother’s arm across infant’s chest                         weight of mother’s arm not supported by infant
010         bed              <1                    father’s arm on infant’s face for few seconds              baby initiates removal
011         bed              108                   mother’s forearm rests across infant’s chest               weight of mother’s arm not supported by infant
012         bed              9                     mother’s arm resting on infant’s chest                     weight of mother’s arm not on baby
020         bed              <1                    mother’s hand resting on baby’s cheek for few seconds      baby initiates removal
022         bed              <1                    baby turns face into mother’s arm                          mother moves to terminate

bed with non-smoking parents who were not under the influ-                                Mosko and colleagues (1997) assessed the accumulation of
ence of alcohol or drugs was a suffocation or compression                             CO2 around an infant’s face that might be contributed by the
hazard to a sleeping infant.                                                          trapping of its mother’s exhaled air under a blanket in a recon-
   The possibly fatal consequences of rebreathing are often                           structed bed-sharing scenario using an adult female and an
invoked when infant airway covering is discussed. In their review                     infant-sized doll. After applying the blanket to form an air pocket
regarding airway covering of solitary sleeping infants in the                         around the doll’s head, both CO2 baseline and peak concentra-
supine position, Thach and Lijowska (1996) concluded that ‘the                        tions measured at varying distances from the mother’s face
human infant frequently encounters situations in which ventila-                       increased. The highest peak levels attained were between 1.5%
tion is compromised by airway obstruction of the nose or mouth.                       and 2% CO2, occurring at a distance of 9 cm. These levels were
A . . . common example is when loose bedding covers the                               within the range that is known to increase infants’ ventilatory
infant’s face creating a situation in which expired air is                            response (Schafer et al. 1993), but not high enough to attain
rebreathed. Such events usually have minimal adverse conse-                           lethal levels. It seems unlikely, therefore, that covering of the
quences’. In the present study we were unable to measure either                       airways of a bed-sharing infant with adult bedding could lead to
end-tidal CO2, or the transcutaneous CO2 of infants, because of                       lethal levels of CO2 rebreathing in normal infants who show an
technological constraints, which means that our conclusions                           appropriate response by increasing ventilation or moving in such
remain limited. However, other studies indicate that the frequent                     a way that releases trapped CO2. In the bed-sharing environment
movement of bed-partners and bedclothes on bed nights                                 where bed-partners also cause movement of the bedding, it
appears to prevent a build-up of expired CO2 and therefore                            would appear even less likely that an infant would experience
ameliorates the effects of rebreathing; furthermore, in the pres-                     sufficient CO2 accumulation that would normally cause death. It
ence of adult bodies air channels are present in the bedding                          may be the case, however, that rebreathing contributes to SIDS
around the infant. Skadberg and Markestad (1997) observed that                        infant deaths in situations where normal rebreathing responses
for solitary sleeping infants, body movements or arousals during                      are impaired (Bolton et al. 1993; Chiodini & Thach 1993); it is
sleep caused regular lifting of duvets from mattresses that were                      now suspected that such babies have an intrinsic medullary 5-HT
associated with sudden drops in accumulated CO2; with bed-                            abnormality that inhibits a normal ventilatory response to the
partners the effect is likely to be even greater. An examination of                   rebreathing of CO2 (Paterson et al. 2006) and such babies may be
the physiological effects of bed-sharing on infants in the home                       vulnerable to the periodic airway covering that is experienced
environment conducted in New Zealand (Baddock et al. 2006)                            during bed-sharing.
confirmed that bed-sharing infants were more commonly
exposed to rebreathing situations than cot-sleeping infants, and
that infants often remained in these positions for extended
periods of time. Infants were able to maintain SatO2, in part
because of an increased rate of breathing, and did not suffer any                     Numerous authors have suggested that bed-sharing infants face
adverse consequences. Because of our inability to extract respi-                      an increased suffocation or SIDS risk because of airway cover-
ratory movement data from our overnight recordings, we are                            ing by bed-clothes or parental bodies. The present review and
unable to confirm this finding in the current study; however, in                        the limited data available from this sleep-lab trial do not lend
the present study heart rate was not found to be significantly                         support to the hypothesis that normal bed-sharing infants are at
greater during airway covering than during control bouts.                             risk as a result of airway covering, overlying or compression.

© 2009 The Author
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
Airway covering during bed-sharing          735

                                                                            Ball, H. L. & Klingaman, K. P. (2007) Breastfeeding and
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  • The results of this trial did not reinforce the view that                 New York, NY, USA.
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Airway article

  • 1. Child: care, health and development Original Article doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2009.00979.x Airway covering during bed-sharing H. Ball Parent–Infant Sleep Lab and Medical Anthropology Research Group, Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Durham, UK Accepted for publication 9 March 2009 Abstract Background Parent–infant bed-sharing is a common practice in Western post-industrial nations with up to 50% of infants sleeping with their parents at some point during early infancy. However, researchers have claimed that infants may be at risk of suffocation or sudden infant death syndrome related to airway covering or compression in the bed-sharing environment. To further understand the role of airway covering and compression in creating risks for bed-sharing infants, we report here on a sleep-lab trial of two infant sleep conditions. Methods In a sleep-lab environment 20 infants aged 2–3 months old slept in their parents’ bed, and in a cot by the bed, on adjacent nights. Infants’ oxygen saturation and heart rate were monitored physiologically while infant and parental behaviours were recorded via ceiling-mounted infra-red cameras. Infants served as their own controls. Continuous 8-h recordings were obtained for covering of infant external airways, levels of infant oxygen saturation, infant heart rate, evidence of parental compression/overlying of infant, circumstances leading up to potential infant airway obstruction, and parental awareness of and responses to infant airway covering. Results The majority of infants (14/20) spent some part of the bed night with their airways (both Keywords infant sleep, suffocation, mouth and nose) covered, compared with 2/20 on the cot night; however, no consistent effect on SIDS, cosleeping either oxygen saturation levels or heart rate was revealed, even during prolonged bouts of airway covering. All cases of airway covering were initiated by parents; 70% were terminated by parents, Correspondence: Helen Ball, Parent–Infant the remainder by infants. Seven bouts of potential compression were observed with parental limbs Sleep Lab and Medical resting across infant bodies for lengthy periods, however, in only two cases was the full weight of a Anthropology Research parental limb resting on an infant, both events lasting less than 15 s, both being terminated by Group, Department of Anthropology, Durham infant movement. University, Dawson Conclusion Although numerous authors have suggested that bed-sharing infants face risks Building, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK because of airway covering by bed-clothes or parental bodies, the present trial does not lend E-mail: support to this hypothesis. time (Tuohy et al. 1998; Rigda et al. 2000; Willinger et al. 2003; Introduction Blair & Ball 2004; van Sleuwen et al. 2005; Bolling et al. 2007). It Parent–infant bed-sharing is a common night-time infant care has been emphasized by a variety of researchers that infants may practice in Western post-industrial nations; regional and be at risk of sudden and unexpected death in the bed-sharing nationwide surveys conducted in the UK, USA, Australia, New environment because of accidental suffocation and rebreathing Zealand and the Netherlands have consistently found that (e.g. Byard et al. 1994; Beal & Byard 1995; Blair et al. 1999; Beal around 50% of infants under 3 months of age have bed-shared & Byard 2000; Corbyn 2000; Flick et al. 2001; Galland et al. with one or both of their parents for at least some of their sleep 2002). Several published reports using data from cohorts of © 2009 The Author 728 Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • 2. Airway covering during bed-sharing 729 sudden infant deaths drawn from the records of the US Con- hypothesis was reviewed by Guntheroth and Spiers (1996) who sumer Product Safety Commission also emphasize hazards such concluded that although it may be possible for certain sus- as suffocation from overlaying or head covering when bed- ceptible infants to suffer rebreathing suffocation by virtue of sharing (Scheers et al. 1998; Drago & Dannenberg 1999; Naka- abnormalities in ventilatory control, rebreathing was unlikely to mura et al. 1999; Kemp et al. 2000). It is often recommended occur for the majority of infants who slept in the prone posi- that parents who wish to sleep with their infants should take tion. Research into the mechanism(s) via which prone sleep care to avoid duvets/comforters (Blair et al. 1999) soft bedding might increase the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) risk and loose covers (AAP 2000; Willinger et al. 2003). Because the ceased to explore suffocation and rebreathing hypotheses in the covering of external airways by bedding or bed-partner would late 90s as attention turned to other potential explanations for appear to happen relatively easily in a bed-sharing situation, the link between SIDS and prone sleep (e.g. infection and over- airway occlusion has become a cause for concern regarding heating). Although the causal mechanism(s) for its success bed-sharing-related sudden infant deaths (Beal & Byard 2000; remains unknown, the supine infant sleep strategy imple- Byard & Krous 2001; Flick et al. 2001; Galland et al. 2002). In mented via national campaigns in many industrialized coun- order to further explore this issue, this paper summarizes the tries was hugely successful in reducing the rate of unexpected findings of previous research conducted into the effects of infant deaths (Blair et al. 2006) with the rate of SIDS in the UK airway covering (e.g. suffocation, and the related issue of falling from 2/1000 in 1985 to 0.3/1000 in 2003 (Office for rebreathing) among solitary sleeping infants and presents new National Statistics 2004). data from a sleep-lab study regarding the propensity for, and The impact of airway covering on the breathing of supine circumstances of, airway covering in the parent–infant bed- sleeping infants has been subjected to much less scrutiny than sharing environment compared with cot sleeping. for prone infant sleep; however, it is clear that the two situations In the early 1990s, epidemiological studies examining the are very different. Physiological trials indicate that the risks of conditions associated with sudden unexpected death in infancy airway obstruction in the supine position are much lower than revealed the majority of cases to have been discovered in the those when infants sleep prone (Kemp 1996, citing Galland prone position, often with their heads covered (Mitchell et al. et al. 1994). Even under a 13-tog infant duvet the weight of the 1992; Fleming et al. 1996; Scheers et al. 1998; Skadberg et al. bed-covers themselves are insufficient to completely occlude 1998; Beal et al. 2000; Hauck 2001). Popular mechanisms pro- an infant’s nose and mouth (Skadberg & Markestad 1997). posed to explain these associations involved mechanical suffo- Rebreathing of exhaled CO2 was also found to be an unlikely cation resulting from the infant’s face being pressed against soft risk for supine sleeping infants whose faces were covered with bedding (Abramson 1944; Carpenter & Shaddick 1965; Beal bedding because of the effect of body movements on CO2 accu- 2001; Galland et al. 2002) and hypercapnia resulting from mulation. Experiments showed that when an infant aroused or rebreathing exhaled CO2 pooled around the infant’s face (Kemp moved in their sleep, the duvet lifted from the mattress and a et al. 1993, 1998). These speculations prompted various physi- sudden drop in CO2 was observed. ‘Visible temporary or per- ological ‘reconstruction’ studies (using mechanical and animal manent air channels were commonly created after such move- models) which investigated the combination of prone infant ment and resulted in low and stable CO2 levels throughout the sleep position and sleep surface on both airway obstruction and rest of the study’ (Skadberg & Markestad 1997, p. 3). CO2 rebreathing (e.g. Kemp et al. 1991, 1993, 1998; Bolton et al. In the bed-sharing environment a number of additional vari- 1993; Kemp & Thach 1995; Kemp 1996; Campbell et al. 1997). ables must be considered. Parental movements may cause repo- These studies identified numerous hazardous sleep surfaces for sitioning of both infants and bed-clothes in ways that are not simulated prone-facing infants but attracted criticism because encountered by infants sleeping alone (Baddock et al. 2007), of the use of artificial mannequins which had rigid nares, and while parental bodies are themselves considered to be hazardous the use of anaesthetized animal models that were unable to to infants by some researchers/commentators (Byard 1994). It perform normal arousal behaviours (Johnson 1994; has been argued by some authorities (e.g. Thogmartin et al. Guntheroth & Spiers 1996). Researchers who examined the 2001) that adult beds, unlike cots and cribs, are not ‘designed’ effects of the face-down prone position on the breathing of for infant sleep, and therefore carry at least a theoretical risk of living infants (e.g. Chiodini & Thach 1993) concluded that accidental entrapment and suffocation. An anthropological per- airway occlusion was rare in the face-down position and ‘overt spective points out that infants were not ‘designed’ to sleep obstruction of the airway may be less likely than has been specu- alone in cribs or cots, and that sleep contact with a caregiver has lated’ (pp. 690–691). Evidence in support of the rebreathing important physiological and behavioural ramifications for © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
  • 3. 730 H. Ball infant development (e.g. McKenna et al. 1993; Ball & Klinga- 2 Examine the circumstances leading up to potential airway man 2007), but it is true that Western-style beds and bedding obstruction. would not have formed part of the environment in which 3 Examine parental awareness of and responses to infant airway human infants evolved – therefore the Western bed-sharing covering. environment requires evaluation and modification in terms of risks posed to infants (e.g. Beal & Byard 1995). Methods In the UK bed-sharing is a common practice of both South Asian ethnic groups (Gantley et al. 1993; Farooqi 1994) and As infants are known to develop at different rates, and there are breastfeeding mothers (Ball 2002, 2003; Ball & Klingaman 2007; individual differences in physiological parameters (e.g. Wailoo Bolling et al. 2007). Among both groups infants are normally et al. 1989), subjects in this study served as their own controls placed in a supine position (Ball 2003); however, placing the across the two sleep environments monitored. Within-infant infant in a prone position while bed-sharing appears to be more developmental changes were minimized as infants were moni- frequent in the USA (Thogmartin et al. 2001), among African tored over a short and limited time period (three consecutive Americans (Flick et al. 2001) but not among Hispanic or White nights). Ethical approval was obtained from both the University US breastfeeding mothers (McCoy et al. 2004). Surveys of of Durham Ethics Committee, and the Local NHS Research infant sleep environments also suggest that the use of duvets/ Ethics Committee (North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust) quilts when bed-sharing is common practice (Willinger et al. prior to the commencement of the study. In order to ensure 2003). infant safety, an intervention policy was agreed with staff at the Studies involving video observations of adult–infant bed- Paediatric Department at North Tees Hospital, providing crite- sharing behaviour have found that the way in which parents ria for intervention by research staff in any situation where an bed-share may affect their infant’s chances of having their infant appeared to be at risk on a monitoring night. All research airways covered by bedding. Ball (2006) reported that breast- staff involved in overnight monitoring were trained and certi- feeding bed-sharing infants in the UK are not placed on or fied in infant resuscitation, and parents remained with their between pillows, nor placed prone, but are covered by duvets, infants at all times. and are in close proximity to adult bodies. In contrast, formula- Participants were recruited from the town of Stockton-on- fed bed-sharing infants are commonly placed on or between Tees and the surrounding region via health visitors, baby clinics parental pillows, but because they are positioned at their moth- and local publicity using purposive sampling. Parents who er’s face height they are unlikely to have their faces covered by volunteered were contacted by telephone and the study was duvets or quilts (Ball 2006). In a study of night-time behaviour explained verbally. Eligibility criteria for recruitment were: among 40 regularly bed-sharing parents and infants in com- breastfed term infant under 3 months, non-smoking mother, parison with 40 age- and season-matched cot-sleeping infants both parents willing to participate, baby bed-shared regularly or aged 0–6 months, Baddock and colleagues (2007) found that occasionally and otherwise slept in a cot by the bed. Eligible 80% of infant head-covering episodes resulted from adult posi- volunteers received written information on the study by post, tional changes during sleep, and that 68% of uncovering of together with a participant consent form. Parents who were infant faces occurred by intentional and unintentional parental willing to participate in the study returned the completed clearing of the covers, with infants clearing their own faces in consent form and subsequently received and completed a series 32% of cases. In order to further illuminate the behavioural of three infant sleep logs. Arrangements were made for parents features of bed-sharing which may either contribute to, or ame- to bring their infant to the Durham University sleep lab on the liorate, airway covering during bed-sharing, we describe below Queen’s Campus, Stockton-on-Tees for three consecutive the results of a two-condition sleep-lab trial comparing etho- nights. The first night served as a habituation night: monitoring logical and physiological data obtained for infants sleeping in an took place while participants followed their normal sleep adult bed with their parents versus in a cot by their parents’ bed. practices; however, the data from these initial nights were not This study specifically aimed to: included in the analyses. On the following two test nights, allo- cated in random order (via a coin toss conducted in the parents’ 1 Compare the two infant sleeping conditions for: presence), parents and infants were monitored sleeping in the a. covering of external airways; bed-sharing and the cot-by-the-bed conditions. Following each b. levels of oxygen saturation and infant heart rate; night of monitoring, parents were offered the opportunity to c. compression/overlying of infant. view the videotape of the previous night prior to providing their © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
  • 4. Airway covering during bed-sharing 731 final consent for the tapes to be analysed. A member of the 1996; Morielli et al. 1996). Proximity and orientation of parents research team interviewed parents during their stay in the lab to and infant to one another, body positions of all three subjects, obtain background demographic data and further information position of the infant’s face relative to each parent, height of regarding night-time infant care practices and normal sleeping covers relative to all three individuals, and position of pillows arrangements. (and other soft bedding) relative to infant’s head and face were The sleep lab is arranged in the manner of a normal domestic coded using 3-min interval scans. Frequency data were recorded bedroom with en-suite bathroom facilities and a kitchenette. for all interactions between parents and infant (e.g. visually Both blankets and quilts (polyester and down filled) were pro- checking, patting, re-blanketing, repositioning), for gross limb vided for bedding and parents were asked to use the bedding movements and changes in position, for feeding bouts and most similar to that used at home. Parents were able to bathe other waking activity. Duration data were recorded for feeding their baby, watch TV, make refreshments and generally follow a events and episodes of waking. All bouts of infant airway cov- ‘normal’ preparatory routine for sleep. Before the infant was ering were identified visually and coded from video. Data from dressed for sleep, monitoring sensors were applied. Data utilized the pulse oximeter channel was exported via the Win-visi® in this report were obtained using two paediatric respiratory monitoring system and converted to Excel® spreadsheet files for plethysmography bands placed around the infant’s chest and analysis. Oxygen saturation and heart rate was recorded once abdomen, and a wrap-around pulse oximeter (recording both per second and averaged (median) across 1-min epochs for the oxygen saturation and heart rate) attached to the infant’s big whole 8-h monitoring period on both cot and bed nights. All toe. Infants wore thin stretch-suits to help keep the instruments movement artefact and periods where the oximeter was dis- in place. The sensor leads were taped to the infant’s skin and lodged were removed from the physiological record. gathered into a single ‘umbilical cord’ which conveyed signals firstly to a header box, positioned above the head of the bed or Results crib, and then to the computer monitoring equipment (WinVisi Sleep System – Stowood Scientific Instruments) in the adjacent Twenty families participated in this study; socio-demographic control room. Leads could easily be detached from the header characteristics are given in Table 1. All but one infant was low- box to facilitate movement around the room. risk for SIDS according to established criteria (Conroy & Smith Video recordings were made from a ceiling-mounted low- 1999); the exception was the sibling of a SIDS infant who lacked light intensity camera positioned to capture an image of the bed any other SIDS risk characteristics. or bed and cot. Ceiling-mounted infra-red lights allowed video recordings to be made in the dark. The video signal was Covering of airways by bedding for bed and cot infant transmitted to the adjacent monitoring room where it was sleep locations continuously recorded to an 8-h videotape. The camera could be panned and zoomed remotely from the monitoring room. The majority of infants (14/20) spent some part of the bed night Physiology traces were superimposed on the video signal, thus a with their airways (both mouth and nose) covered, compared continuous recording of respiration, heart rate and O2 satura- with 2/20 on the cot night; infants also spent a significantly tion was synchronized with the video image. Video and physi- ological recordings commenced when the parents prepared for Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of study sample (n = 20) sleep and a researcher remained in the monitoring room for the Mean maternal age 30 years duration of the night. Recording was terminated when parents Mean paternal age 32 years and infant arose the following morning, or after 8 h, whichever Mean infant age on 1st monitoring night 9 weeks 3 days occurred sooner. Videotapes were coded by three trained Mean gestational age at birth 40 weeks 1 day Mean birth weight 3.6 kg observers using a behavioural taxonomy for parent–infant bed- Mean maternal parity 2.3 sharing developed and used in previous studies (Hooker 2001; Mean household income £24 939 Ball 2006). Observers were trained for inter-observer reliability Proportion homeowners 66.6% via repeated coding of video excerpts by all observers until Proportion of fathers employed 80.5% Proportion of mothers employed 66.6% kappa scores in excess of 90% were achieved. Proportion of fathers with HE quals 57.1% Sleep states were coded minute by minute for all three sub- Proportion of mothers with HE quals 47.6% jects using respiratory movements and observational data Proportion of parents married 76.1% Proportion of infants with father who smoked 23.9% (Anders & Keener 1985; Keefe et al. 1989; Kirjavainen et al. © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
  • 5. 732 H. Ball Table 2. Description of bouts of airway covering on bed night Infant Test night Duration (min) How was airway covering terminated? 002 bed 85 mother’s sleep-related movement aroused baby, infant altered orientation, bringing about uncovering of airways 004 bed 57 mother aroused and removed duvet from over infant’s face 012 bed 30 mother’s sleep-related movement uncovered baby 013 bed 309 mother, awake and talking to infant’s sibling, moved duvet from infant’s face 014 bed 184 mother’s sleep-related movement uncovered baby 015 bed 351 baby aroused, waved arms and independently moved covers away from face 018 bed 240 infant movement caused mother to move, shifting covers 019 bed 104 baby moved and grunted under covers, mother woke and moved baby 021 bed 312 father aroused and removed covers from infant’s face 022 bed 72 father, on waking, removed covers from infant’s face greater proportion of the bed night (median = 21%; range 99 97 0–89%) with their airways covered by bedding, compared with 95 the cot night (median = 0%; range 0–100%; Wilcoxon sign 93 % ranks test: P = 0.006); however, the ranges testify great variabil- 91 ity. Eight of the 20 infants experienced airway covering for 30% 89 or more of the bed-sharing night; all instances commenced with 87 covers being pulled over the infant’s face by a parent, or a parent 85 positioning the infant under the covers. On the cot night one 2 4 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 infant spent 20% and another 100% of the night with airways Covered Uncovered Infant covered by bedding; both commenced when parents tucked the 160 bed-clothes across the infant’s face. 140 120 100 Heart rate Parental response to external airway covering 80 Ten bouts of airway covering were actively terminated during 60 the observation period and were individually examined to 40 determine how airway covering was terminated (Table 2). 20 Seven of the 10 bouts were terminated by parents altering the 0 2 4 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 position of the covers and consciously or unconsciously uncov- Infant Covered Uncovered ering their infant’s airways. In three cases infants initiated removal of the covers, two by arousing a parent and one by Figure 1. Overall median SatO2 (top) and heart rate (bottom) for accomplishing movement of the covers unassisted. matched bouts with airways covered and uncovered on bed nights. heart rate values were calculated. Wilcoxon signed ranks tests Effects of airway covering on oxygen saturation and heart were used to compare the median oxygen saturation and heart rate rate values during covered and control bouts for all infants with In order to examine the effects of prolonged periods of airway paired data (see Fig. 1). In no cases were any significant differ- covering on oxygen saturation and heart rate, 30-min bouts of ences found between covered and uncovered periods for either airway covering were paired with control bouts from the same oxygen saturation or heart rate using Wilcoxon signed ranks night when airways were uncovered, matched for sleep state. tests. Where airways were covered by bedding for periods longer than Further analysis was conducted comparing oxygen satura- 30 min, the terminal portion of the period was chosen as the tion (SatO2) and heart rate for periods of airway covering on test bout (i.e. when the infants’ airways had been covered for bed nights (covered bed bout) with control periods (matched the longest period). For each covered and control bout the for duration since sleep onset) from each infant’s cot night minute-by-minute and overall median oxygen saturation and (control cot bout). Figure 2 shows median SatO2 and heart © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
  • 6. Airway covering during bed-sharing 733 99 chest or face and potentially restricting breathing) lasting 97 1–9 min, occurred on bed nights. In one case a father’s arm rested across his infant’s chest; all other cases involved mothers. 95 Each incident was independently examined by two observers to 93 % determine whether the weight of a parental limb rested on the 91 infant and thus could be considered actual compression. 89 Descriptions of each case are provided in Table 3. 87 Although episodes were recorded for seven infants where 85 2 4 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 parental limbs rested across an infant’s chest or face on the bed Covered (bed) Uncovered (cot) night, in only two of these bouts did the full weight of the parents’ limb (arm) appear to rest upon the infant. In both cases a 160 parental arm rested across the infant’s face for a brief period (less 140 than 15 s) and both bouts were terminated by infant movement 120 that triggered the parent removing their arm. Oxygen saturation Heart rate 100 data were compared for all periods of potential compression with 80 an immediately preceding period of the same duration; no sig- 60 nificant differences in percentage of SatO2 were detected. 40 20 0 Discussion 2 4 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 Infant Concern has been expressed that airway covering or obstruction Covered (bed) Uncovered (cot) may present a suffocation, overlying or rebreathing risk for the Figure 2. Median SatO2 (top) and heart rate (bottom) for matched bouts bed-sharing infant. The results of the present study do not with airways covered on bed night and uncovered on cot night. support concerns regarding suffocation and overlying. The situ- ation regarding rebreathing was not examined directly in this study; however, it is discussed below in terms of indirect evi- rate for each of the infants for whom covered bed bouts dence and the reports of other researchers. and control cot bouts were available. Wilcoxon signed ranks The present study replicates the findings reported by tests found no significant differences between either SatO2 or Baddock and colleagues (2007) that babies experienced more heart rate for covered bed bouts and their matched control airway covering by bedding when bed-sharing than when sleep- bouts. ing in a cot, but that this airway covering did not compromise infants’ ability to maintain normal levels of circulating oxygen, even when airway covering by bedding was prolonged. In the Compression/overlaying of infant in bed-sharing vs. case of compromised oxygen supplies, it would be expected that by-the-bed infant sleep locations infant heart rate would increase in order to more efficiently Compression was defined as a parent’s limb(s) lying across a circulate available oxygen around the tissues. In the present part of an infant’s body that might restrict the infant’s ability to study, airway covering was not associated with significantly breathe. Overlaying was defined as an adults’ torso lying against lower oxygen saturation, nor with significantly increased infant or across an infant in such a way as to restrict the infant’s ability heart rate, and although bed-sharing infants were frequently to breathe. No instances of overlaying were observed. One observed to have their airways covered, they also frequently got infant on the cot night, and seven on the bed night experienced uncovered, sometimes as a consequence of the infant’s own a parental limb lying across their bodies. Two lengthy periods of actions, but more commonly as a consequence of parental con- potential compression were identified – one on a bed night scious or unconscious intervention. where the mother’s arm was observed to rest across the infant’s Mechanical obstruction of breathing via overlaying or com- body for 108 min – and another on a cot night (with the cot by pression of an infant’s body by a parental limb has also been the bed) where a mother’s hand was observed to rest across the postulated as a risk of the bed-sharing environment that may be infant’s face for 21 min. In addition, five shorter potential com- responsible for infant deaths (whether designated SIDS or acci- pression bouts (with a parent’s limb resting across an infant’s dental suffocation). This study found no evidence that sharing a © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
  • 7. 734 H. Ball Table 3. Termination of bouts of potential compression that may restrict infant’s breathing Infant Test night Duration (min) Description Termination 001 bed 5 father’s forearm on infant’s chest terminates when father moves 002 bed 4 mother’s forearm on infant’s abdomen terminates with infant movement 005 cot 21 mother’s arm across infant’s chest weight of mother’s arm not supported by infant 010 bed <1 father’s arm on infant’s face for few seconds baby initiates removal 011 bed 108 mother’s forearm rests across infant’s chest weight of mother’s arm not supported by infant 012 bed 9 mother’s arm resting on infant’s chest weight of mother’s arm not on baby 020 bed <1 mother’s hand resting on baby’s cheek for few seconds baby initiates removal 022 bed <1 baby turns face into mother’s arm mother moves to terminate bed with non-smoking parents who were not under the influ- Mosko and colleagues (1997) assessed the accumulation of ence of alcohol or drugs was a suffocation or compression CO2 around an infant’s face that might be contributed by the hazard to a sleeping infant. trapping of its mother’s exhaled air under a blanket in a recon- The possibly fatal consequences of rebreathing are often structed bed-sharing scenario using an adult female and an invoked when infant airway covering is discussed. In their review infant-sized doll. After applying the blanket to form an air pocket regarding airway covering of solitary sleeping infants in the around the doll’s head, both CO2 baseline and peak concentra- supine position, Thach and Lijowska (1996) concluded that ‘the tions measured at varying distances from the mother’s face human infant frequently encounters situations in which ventila- increased. The highest peak levels attained were between 1.5% tion is compromised by airway obstruction of the nose or mouth. and 2% CO2, occurring at a distance of 9 cm. These levels were A . . . common example is when loose bedding covers the within the range that is known to increase infants’ ventilatory infant’s face creating a situation in which expired air is response (Schafer et al. 1993), but not high enough to attain rebreathed. Such events usually have minimal adverse conse- lethal levels. It seems unlikely, therefore, that covering of the quences’. In the present study we were unable to measure either airways of a bed-sharing infant with adult bedding could lead to end-tidal CO2, or the transcutaneous CO2 of infants, because of lethal levels of CO2 rebreathing in normal infants who show an technological constraints, which means that our conclusions appropriate response by increasing ventilation or moving in such remain limited. However, other studies indicate that the frequent a way that releases trapped CO2. In the bed-sharing environment movement of bed-partners and bedclothes on bed nights where bed-partners also cause movement of the bedding, it appears to prevent a build-up of expired CO2 and therefore would appear even less likely that an infant would experience ameliorates the effects of rebreathing; furthermore, in the pres- sufficient CO2 accumulation that would normally cause death. It ence of adult bodies air channels are present in the bedding may be the case, however, that rebreathing contributes to SIDS around the infant. Skadberg and Markestad (1997) observed that infant deaths in situations where normal rebreathing responses for solitary sleeping infants, body movements or arousals during are impaired (Bolton et al. 1993; Chiodini & Thach 1993); it is sleep caused regular lifting of duvets from mattresses that were now suspected that such babies have an intrinsic medullary 5-HT associated with sudden drops in accumulated CO2; with bed- abnormality that inhibits a normal ventilatory response to the partners the effect is likely to be even greater. An examination of rebreathing of CO2 (Paterson et al. 2006) and such babies may be the physiological effects of bed-sharing on infants in the home vulnerable to the periodic airway covering that is experienced environment conducted in New Zealand (Baddock et al. 2006) during bed-sharing. confirmed that bed-sharing infants were more commonly exposed to rebreathing situations than cot-sleeping infants, and that infants often remained in these positions for extended Conclusion periods of time. Infants were able to maintain SatO2, in part because of an increased rate of breathing, and did not suffer any Numerous authors have suggested that bed-sharing infants face adverse consequences. Because of our inability to extract respi- an increased suffocation or SIDS risk because of airway cover- ratory movement data from our overnight recordings, we are ing by bed-clothes or parental bodies. The present review and unable to confirm this finding in the current study; however, in the limited data available from this sleep-lab trial do not lend the present study heart rate was not found to be significantly support to the hypothesis that normal bed-sharing infants are at greater during airway covering than during control bouts. risk as a result of airway covering, overlying or compression. © 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Child: care, health and development, 35, 5, 728–737
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