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A solution based on intelligent software agents to
      improve the data searching in the contact centers
                                                         Claudiu Ionut Popirlan
                                             Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
                                                         University of Craiova
                                                          Craiova, Romania

Abstract—Many companies have been collecting customer-                  Java language. It simplifies the implementation of multi-agent
related data for years, this was normally for administration            systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA
rather than customer management. In last year’s contact centers         specifications [5] and through a set of graphical tools that
become more complex in their function and organization so that          supports the debugging and deployment phases. Significant
the data searching become more formal to ensure consistency             research and development into multi-agent systems has been
and efficiency. This paper suggests a multi-agent approach for          conducted in recent years, and there are many architectures
distributed data searching in context of contact centers to             available today. The AgentLink project [6] maintains a list of
advance and frame future discussion of this knowledge intensive         projects with regard to any kind of agent-related topics and also
environments. We prove the efficiency of data search using
                                                                        maintains a list of available agent toolkits. Nevertheless,
intelligent software agents for contact centers with distributed
                                                                        several issues still need to be faced to make the multi-agent
data bases, considering an adequate case study and presenting
experimental results.                                                   technology widely accepted:
                                                                                x   secure and efficient execution supports;
   Keywords-intelligent agents; mobile agent; software agent;
multi-agent system; contact center; JADE; data searching                        x   standardization;
                                                                                x   appropriate   programming         languages      and
                        I.    INTRODUCTION                                          coordination models.
    The “software agent” term has found its way into a number
                                                                           The evolution of communication services over the past
of technologies and has been widely used, for example, in
                                                                        century has spawned a broad new industry known as electronic
artificial intelligence, databases, operating systems and
                                                                        contact, which provides electronic communication mechanisms
computer networks literature. Although there is no single
                                                                        between people and businesses or organizations.
definition of an agent ([1], [2], [3]), all definitions agree that an
agent is essentially a special software component that has                  A contact center (also referred to as a customer interaction
autonomy that provides an interoperable interface to an                 center or e-contact center) is a central point in an enterprise
arbitrary system and/or behaves like a human agent, working             from which all customer contacts are managed. Contact centers
for some clients in pursuit of its own agenda. Agent-Oriented           are the contemporary successors of call centers. In addition to
Programming (AOP) is a relatively new software paradigm that            phone services, they interface with customers via the internet,
brings concepts from the theories of artificial intelligence into       email, chat and fax. Call center is the common term for a
the mainstream realm of distributed systems.                            telephone-based human-service operation. The call center
                                                                        industry is thus vast, and rapidly expanding in terms of both
    Agent-based systems [1] claim to be next generation
                                                                        workforce and economic scope. For example, it is estimated
software capable of adapting dynamically to changing business
                                                                        that 70% of all customer-business interactions occur in call
environment and of solving a wide range of knowledge
                                                                        centers and that $700 billion in goods and services were sold
processing application. A multi-agent system is a loosely
                                                                        through call centers in 1997 [7]. The contact center typically
coupled network of software agents that interact to solve
                                                                        includes one or more online call centers [8] but may include
problems that are beyond the individual capacities or
                                                                        other types of customer contact as well, including e-mail
knowledge of each problem solver. These multi-agent systems
                                                                        newsletters, postal mail catalogs, Web site inquiries and chats,
can model complex systems and introduce the possibility of
                                                                        and the collection of information from customers during in-
agents having common or conflicting goals. Although
                                                                        store purchasing. A contact center is generally part of an
sophisticated software agents can be difficult to build from
                                                                        enterprise's overall customer relationship management (CRM).
scratch due to the skills and knowledge needed, the widely
                                                                        The modern contact center is a complex socio-technical
available agent construction toolkits may provide a quick and
                                                                        system. Some view contact centers as the business frontiers but
easy start to building software agents without much agent
                                                                        others as the sweat-shops of the 21st century. Either way,
expertise. For example, JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment
                                                                        within our service-driven economy, telephone services are now
Framework) [4] is a software Framework fully implemented in
                                                                        unparalleled in scope, service quality and operational

   POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID61968 (2009)

 978-1-4244-8625-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
efficiency. Indeed, in a large best-practice call center, hundreds   B. Mobile Agents using JADE
of agents can cater to thousands of phone callers per hour;              In the last few years, several systems and programming
agent utilization levels can average between 90% to 95%; no          environments have appeared to support the development of
customer encounters a busy signal and, in fact, about half of the    distributed applications based on mobile agents ([13], [14]).
customers are answered immediately; the waiting time of those
delayed is measured in seconds, and very few abandon while
    The design of the modern contact center, and the
management of its performance, surely must be based on sound
scientific principles. This is manifested by a growing body of
academic multi-disciplinary research, devoted to call centers,
and ranging from Mathematics and Statistics, to Operations
Research, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology and
Human Resource Management.
    In this paper is presented a multi-agent approach using our
preview results ([9], [10], and [11]) for distributed data
searching, in context of contact centers. We introduce
intelligent software agent model for the searching process of
contact center data bases infrastructures. Accordingly, the
paper presents the design and the architecture of the multi-
agent system for Java-based mobile agents. An adequate
example in the context of a contact center with search                            Figure 1. Mobile Agent Basic Architecture.
application in distributed data bases show the effectiveness of
the Java-based mobile agents approach.                                  Mobile agents consist of three components: code, data, and
                                                                     execution state:
        II.   INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE AGENTS IN JADE                        x   The code contains the logic of the agent, and all
                                                                             agents of the same type use the same code. The code
A. JADE –Medium Description                                                  must be separated from the code of the agency so that
    Multi-agent systems can be realized by using any kind of                 it can be transferred alone to another agency, and the
programming language. In particular, object-oriented                         code must be identifiable and readable for an agency
languages are considered a suitable means because the concept                (e.g., in the form of a file from the local file system or
of agent is similar with the concept of object. In fact, agents              a byte stream from the network). Usually, as in other
share many properties with objects such as: inheritance,                     programs, an agent’s code consists of more than one
message passing, encapsulation, etc. Agent-oriented                          file (e.g., in the Java programming language they
programming languages are a new class of programming                         could be many class files).
languages that focus on taking into account the main
                                                                         x   The second component of an agent is data. This term
characteristics of multi-agent systems. Minimally, an agent-
                                                                             corresponds to the values of the agent’s instance
oriented programming language must include some structure
                                                                             variables if we assume an agent to be an instance of a
corresponding to an agent, but many also provide mechanisms
                                                                             class in object-oriented languages. The data is
for supporting additional attributes of agency such as beliefs,
                                                                             sometimes also called the object state. It is important
goals, plans, roles and norms. A list with several agent-oriented
                                                                             to note that not all data items an agent can access are
languages can be found in [12].
                                                                             part of its object state. Some variables reference
    Software platforms and frameworks are the other key                      objects that are shared with other agents or the agency
means enabling the development of multi-agent systems. Most                  software itself, for example, file handlers, threads, the
provide a means to deploy multi-agent systems on different                   graphical user interface, or other resources and
types of hardware and operating systems, usually providing a                 devices that cannot be moved to other servers. Thus,
middleware to support their execution and essential operations               we have to restrict the agent’s immediate data to those
such as communication and coordination. Some of these                        data items the agent owns and that are movable.
platforms and frameworks have the common goal of providing
                                                                         x   The third component is the execution state. The
FIPA-compliant functionalities to support interoperation
                                                                             difference between object and execution state
between different multi-agent systems.
                                                                             information is that the elements of the object state are
    JADE is a software platform that provides basic                          directly controlled by the agent itself, whereas
middleware-layer functionalities which are independent of the                execution state information is usually controlled by
specific application and which simplify the realization of                   the processor and the operating system. What this
distributed applications [3]. A significant merit of JADE is that            means depends very much on the decision of the
it implements this abstraction over a well-known object-                     mobile agent toolkit designer and the underlying
oriented language, Java, providing a simple and friendly API.                execution environment (processor, operating system,
                                                                             virtual machine). In some toolkits, an agent’s
execution state is comprised of the current value of
            the instruction pointer and the stack of the underlying
            processor. In others it is not possible to determine the
            execution state of an agent at all.
   To conclude, the basic mobile agent structure is shown in
Figure 1.

C. Contact Center – Typical Process
    A contact center would typically be provided with special
software that would allow contact information to be routed to
appropriate people, contacts to be tracked, and data to be
gathered. The contact center architecture is presented in many
studies, for example [7], [8], and [11]. A typical process in a
contact center can be resumed as follow: The customer dials
the call-center number and is greeted with a number of options
that include the following:
        x      a recorded message followed by the placement in
               a telephone queue managed by an Automated Call
               Distribution System (ACD);
        x      an Integrated Voice Response (IVR) that offers the
               caller different options where caller interacts with
               the IVR using a touch-tone telephone or voice
        x      the call is immediately directed by an ACD to an
               agent who manages the query. If the agent cannot
               personally resolve the query they direct the call to
               someone who can answer the query.
   In this typical process we will be able to search the data
from a distributed data base system. In this respect, the java-
based agents visit, one after another, all or a part of the data
base servers to whom they ask for certain information.

    In JADE agent systems are built using a variety of
techniques. For our architecture example, we use a simple
requirements, analysis, design, and development flow, as
shown in Figure 1.
    A searcher agent is a kind of information agent that has one
particular role, which is to find one or more items in a data
base. It can be formally implemented as a goal-based or utility-
based agent. For our architecture, we use the Roles Model
method of analysis, which is a model within the Gaia Agent
Design Methodology [15]. It describes what a particular agent
does, why it does it, and what responsibilities and permissions
it has:
        x      To search the data (attribute value for a certain            Figure 2.   Object-oriented class diagram for searching process
               object) in contact center with distributed data
               bases;                                                      It refers to Agent and “OneShotBehaviour”, which are parts
        x      Read and search data from any open data base            of the JADE library. The main class within the program is the
               source;                                                 “SearcherAgent”, which is of type Agent in the JADE library.
                                                                       An agent usually has a behavior. In this case, the
        x      Responsibilities:       liveness,       safety,         “OneShotBehaviour” (which is also part of the JADE library)
               SimpleAttributeSearcher      =    (BuildQuery,          was chosen and extended to make “SearchingBehaviour”. The
               ExecuteQuery, InformUserOfValue ).                      “SearchingBehaviour” will do the major part of the searching
                                                                       work. An agent lives in a particular environment, and therefore
JADE provides one. JADE also provides a graphical user                    The sub-goals described in Figure 1 will be translated into
interface (GUI) to initialize, control, and terminate agents, as      simple public methods in Java, whereas the overall goal is
shown in Figure 3.                                                    translated into a JADE Behaviour. We use an object-oriented
                                                                      class diagram to transcribe the goal flow diagram into a form
                                                                      that is ready for development in an object-oriented language
                                                                      such as Java, as shown in Figure 2.
                                                                          The input from the user (customer query) is in simple plain
                                                                      text, and our multi-agent systems, described in [11] usually talk
                                                                      in local database. The “BuildQuery” activity takes the data and
                                                                      generates a simple query based upon the local data found in the
                                                                      previous activity. “ExecuteQuery” then executes the query and
                                                                      determines if the result is useful. If it is, the
                                                                      “InformUserOfAnswer” shows the result to the user. If not, the
                                                                      simple agent starts again with different data base (in distributed
                                                                      context, other location).
                                                                          In order to prove the efficiency of solution proposed we
                                                                      will take into account the same scenario that was presented in
                                                                      [10] with same values. The “SearcherAgent” creates only one
                                                                      clone (“CloneSearcherAgent”) for each of the Data Base
                                                                      Servers (3 clone). The searching process of each clone is
               Figure 3.   JADE Graphical User Interface
                                                                      presented in Table 1. The final result which aggregates the
                                                                      clone agent’s results was obtained in 0.8 seconds. When trying
         IV.   CASE STUDY AND SIMULATION RESULTS                      to understand the values of execution times we have to keep in
                                                                      mind that the mobile agent’s code is executed quasi-parallel.
    In order to illustrate the proposed agent-based solution for
searching data in contact center with distributed data bases, we
will explain the setting and describe a case study.                                   TABLE I.         EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

    The application exploits mobile agents to reach remote                                       Distributed Data Warehouse
distributed data bases, in contact center context, and locally           Head       DataBase Server1    DataBase Server2   DataBase Server3
                                                                                    (Czech Republic)       (Bulgaria)          (Greece)
access data of interest, analyzing them and extracting the
                                                                        Durationa         0.6                 0.7                0.4
required information without any need to transfer the data over
the network. For instance, a searcher agent sent to a remote                                                                           a. in seconds
data base can analyze the local data and come back with the
attributes that contain a specific keyword. To speed up the                         V.    CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
research, the application can be shaped after a tree of                   The growth of contact centers, e-commerce, and more
concurrent searcher agents. If a searcher agent on a local data       complex value chains has raised additional issues of enterprise
base finds links to other possibly interesting data on different      data management and exploitation, while demonstrating
location (distributed context), it clones itself and has the clones   beyond doubt that available data are insufficient to support new
follow these links, to recursively continue the search work on        customer management processes.
different data bases, as shown in Figure 4.
                                                                          In this paper a multi-agent approach for distributed data
    The main indicator for efficiency, in contact center, is the      searching in context of contact centers was presented. We
productivity [16], measured over a certain period (for example,       provide a description of java-based agents, developed in JADE
a week). It is usually given, as in (1), as the percentage of time    environment, and we presented a simple illustration to show
that an agent is working of his or her total scheduled working        how the proposed system might work.
                                                                          As a further, we will try to implement agents in order to
                                                                      adopt a control-oriented point of view, for example to request
         Productivity      TWT / (TWT         TA)                                  D E F
                                                                      services while they require data/files. With the adoption of a
                                                                      blackboard or a tuple space on each data base server, data can
where TWT is total working time and TA is time available.             be accessed without requiring the presence of peculiar services
                                                                      and in a more natural data-oriented style.
    The percentage of calls that is answered in less than a
certain fixed waiting time is sometimes called the telephone              We intend to develop a prototype of this multi-agent
service factor (TSF). Another commonly used waiting time              system, which can demonstrate that more practical and relevant
metric is the average speed of answer (ASA). The Erlang C             problems can be addressed successfully.
formula [16] gives the TSF, and can be used to compute the
average waiting time for a given number of human agents
(operators), service times and traffic intensity.
                                                         This work was supported by the strategic grant
                                                     POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID61968 (2009), co-
                                                     financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial
                                                     Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007–


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                                                            Prentice Hall, 1995.
                                                     [2]    M. R. Genesereth, and S. P.             Ketchpel, “Software Agents,”
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                                                     [3]    M. J. Wooldridge, and N. R. Jennings, “Intelligent Agents: Theory and
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                                                     [4]    F. L. Bellifemine, G. Caire, and D. Greenwood, Developing Multi-
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                                                     [5]    FIPA, Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, website:
                                                     [7]    A. Mandelbaum, A. Sakov, and S. Zeltyn, “Empirical analysis of a call
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                                                     [9]    G. Stoian, and C. I. Popirlan, “A proposal for an enhanced mobile agent
                                                            architecture (EMA),” Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics
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                                                     [10]   N. Tandareanu, and C. I. Popirlan, “A Mobile Agents Approach for
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                                                            International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2009),
                                                            Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 2–4, 2009, pp. 27-32.
                                                     [11]   C. I. Popirlan, “Knowledge Processing in Contact Centers using a Multi-
                                                            Agent Architecture,” WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,
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                                                     [12]   R. H. Bordini, L. Braubach, M. Dastani, A. E. F. Seghrouchni, J. J.
                                                            Gomez-Sanz, J. Leite, G. O’Hare, A. Pokahr, and A. Ricci, “A Survey of
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                                                     [13]   N. M. Karnik, A. R. Tripathi, “Design Issues in Mobile-Agent
                                                            Programming Systems”, IEEE Concurrency, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 52-61,
                                                            July-September 1998.
                                                     [14]   P. Thati, P. H. Chang, and G. Agha, “Crawlets: Agents for high
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                                                     [15]   M. Wooldridge, N. R. Jennings, and D. Kinny, “The Gaia Methodology
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                                                     [16]   G.      Koole,     Call     center     mathematics,     online    book

Figure 4. Using Mobile Agents in Searching Process

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  • 1. A solution based on intelligent software agents to improve the data searching in the contact centers Claudiu Ionut Popirlan Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Craiova Craiova, Romania URL: E-mail: Abstract—Many companies have been collecting customer- Java language. It simplifies the implementation of multi-agent related data for years, this was normally for administration systems through a middle-ware that complies with the FIPA rather than customer management. In last year’s contact centers specifications [5] and through a set of graphical tools that become more complex in their function and organization so that supports the debugging and deployment phases. Significant the data searching become more formal to ensure consistency research and development into multi-agent systems has been and efficiency. This paper suggests a multi-agent approach for conducted in recent years, and there are many architectures distributed data searching in context of contact centers to available today. The AgentLink project [6] maintains a list of advance and frame future discussion of this knowledge intensive projects with regard to any kind of agent-related topics and also environments. We prove the efficiency of data search using maintains a list of available agent toolkits. Nevertheless, intelligent software agents for contact centers with distributed several issues still need to be faced to make the multi-agent data bases, considering an adequate case study and presenting experimental results. technology widely accepted: x secure and efficient execution supports; Keywords-intelligent agents; mobile agent; software agent; multi-agent system; contact center; JADE; data searching x standardization; x appropriate programming languages and I. INTRODUCTION coordination models. The “software agent” term has found its way into a number The evolution of communication services over the past of technologies and has been widely used, for example, in century has spawned a broad new industry known as electronic artificial intelligence, databases, operating systems and contact, which provides electronic communication mechanisms computer networks literature. Although there is no single between people and businesses or organizations. definition of an agent ([1], [2], [3]), all definitions agree that an agent is essentially a special software component that has A contact center (also referred to as a customer interaction autonomy that provides an interoperable interface to an center or e-contact center) is a central point in an enterprise arbitrary system and/or behaves like a human agent, working from which all customer contacts are managed. Contact centers for some clients in pursuit of its own agenda. Agent-Oriented are the contemporary successors of call centers. In addition to Programming (AOP) is a relatively new software paradigm that phone services, they interface with customers via the internet, brings concepts from the theories of artificial intelligence into email, chat and fax. Call center is the common term for a the mainstream realm of distributed systems. telephone-based human-service operation. The call center industry is thus vast, and rapidly expanding in terms of both Agent-based systems [1] claim to be next generation workforce and economic scope. For example, it is estimated software capable of adapting dynamically to changing business that 70% of all customer-business interactions occur in call environment and of solving a wide range of knowledge centers and that $700 billion in goods and services were sold processing application. A multi-agent system is a loosely through call centers in 1997 [7]. The contact center typically coupled network of software agents that interact to solve includes one or more online call centers [8] but may include problems that are beyond the individual capacities or other types of customer contact as well, including e-mail knowledge of each problem solver. These multi-agent systems newsletters, postal mail catalogs, Web site inquiries and chats, can model complex systems and introduce the possibility of and the collection of information from customers during in- agents having common or conflicting goals. Although store purchasing. A contact center is generally part of an sophisticated software agents can be difficult to build from enterprise's overall customer relationship management (CRM). scratch due to the skills and knowledge needed, the widely The modern contact center is a complex socio-technical available agent construction toolkits may provide a quick and system. Some view contact centers as the business frontiers but easy start to building software agents without much agent others as the sweat-shops of the 21st century. Either way, expertise. For example, JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment within our service-driven economy, telephone services are now Framework) [4] is a software Framework fully implemented in unparalleled in scope, service quality and operational POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID61968 (2009) ___________________________________ 978-1-4244-8625-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
  • 2. efficiency. Indeed, in a large best-practice call center, hundreds B. Mobile Agents using JADE of agents can cater to thousands of phone callers per hour; In the last few years, several systems and programming agent utilization levels can average between 90% to 95%; no environments have appeared to support the development of customer encounters a busy signal and, in fact, about half of the distributed applications based on mobile agents ([13], [14]). customers are answered immediately; the waiting time of those delayed is measured in seconds, and very few abandon while waiting. The design of the modern contact center, and the management of its performance, surely must be based on sound scientific principles. This is manifested by a growing body of academic multi-disciplinary research, devoted to call centers, and ranging from Mathematics and Statistics, to Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology and Human Resource Management. In this paper is presented a multi-agent approach using our preview results ([9], [10], and [11]) for distributed data searching, in context of contact centers. We introduce intelligent software agent model for the searching process of contact center data bases infrastructures. Accordingly, the paper presents the design and the architecture of the multi- agent system for Java-based mobile agents. An adequate example in the context of a contact center with search Figure 1. Mobile Agent Basic Architecture. application in distributed data bases show the effectiveness of the Java-based mobile agents approach. Mobile agents consist of three components: code, data, and execution state: II. INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE AGENTS IN JADE x The code contains the logic of the agent, and all agents of the same type use the same code. The code A. JADE –Medium Description must be separated from the code of the agency so that Multi-agent systems can be realized by using any kind of it can be transferred alone to another agency, and the programming language. In particular, object-oriented code must be identifiable and readable for an agency languages are considered a suitable means because the concept (e.g., in the form of a file from the local file system or of agent is similar with the concept of object. In fact, agents a byte stream from the network). Usually, as in other share many properties with objects such as: inheritance, programs, an agent’s code consists of more than one message passing, encapsulation, etc. Agent-oriented file (e.g., in the Java programming language they programming languages are a new class of programming could be many class files). languages that focus on taking into account the main x The second component of an agent is data. This term characteristics of multi-agent systems. Minimally, an agent- corresponds to the values of the agent’s instance oriented programming language must include some structure variables if we assume an agent to be an instance of a corresponding to an agent, but many also provide mechanisms class in object-oriented languages. The data is for supporting additional attributes of agency such as beliefs, sometimes also called the object state. It is important goals, plans, roles and norms. A list with several agent-oriented to note that not all data items an agent can access are languages can be found in [12]. part of its object state. Some variables reference Software platforms and frameworks are the other key objects that are shared with other agents or the agency means enabling the development of multi-agent systems. Most software itself, for example, file handlers, threads, the provide a means to deploy multi-agent systems on different graphical user interface, or other resources and types of hardware and operating systems, usually providing a devices that cannot be moved to other servers. Thus, middleware to support their execution and essential operations we have to restrict the agent’s immediate data to those such as communication and coordination. Some of these data items the agent owns and that are movable. platforms and frameworks have the common goal of providing x The third component is the execution state. The FIPA-compliant functionalities to support interoperation difference between object and execution state between different multi-agent systems. information is that the elements of the object state are JADE is a software platform that provides basic directly controlled by the agent itself, whereas middleware-layer functionalities which are independent of the execution state information is usually controlled by specific application and which simplify the realization of the processor and the operating system. What this distributed applications [3]. A significant merit of JADE is that means depends very much on the decision of the it implements this abstraction over a well-known object- mobile agent toolkit designer and the underlying oriented language, Java, providing a simple and friendly API. execution environment (processor, operating system, virtual machine). In some toolkits, an agent’s
  • 3. execution state is comprised of the current value of the instruction pointer and the stack of the underlying processor. In others it is not possible to determine the execution state of an agent at all. To conclude, the basic mobile agent structure is shown in Figure 1. C. Contact Center – Typical Process A contact center would typically be provided with special software that would allow contact information to be routed to appropriate people, contacts to be tracked, and data to be gathered. The contact center architecture is presented in many studies, for example [7], [8], and [11]. A typical process in a contact center can be resumed as follow: The customer dials the call-center number and is greeted with a number of options that include the following: x a recorded message followed by the placement in a telephone queue managed by an Automated Call Distribution System (ACD); x an Integrated Voice Response (IVR) that offers the caller different options where caller interacts with the IVR using a touch-tone telephone or voice control; x the call is immediately directed by an ACD to an agent who manages the query. If the agent cannot personally resolve the query they direct the call to someone who can answer the query. In this typical process we will be able to search the data from a distributed data base system. In this respect, the java- based agents visit, one after another, all or a part of the data base servers to whom they ask for certain information. III. USING MOBILE AGENTS IN SEARCHING PROCESS In JADE agent systems are built using a variety of techniques. For our architecture example, we use a simple requirements, analysis, design, and development flow, as shown in Figure 1. A searcher agent is a kind of information agent that has one particular role, which is to find one or more items in a data base. It can be formally implemented as a goal-based or utility- based agent. For our architecture, we use the Roles Model method of analysis, which is a model within the Gaia Agent Design Methodology [15]. It describes what a particular agent does, why it does it, and what responsibilities and permissions it has: x To search the data (attribute value for a certain Figure 2. Object-oriented class diagram for searching process object) in contact center with distributed data bases; It refers to Agent and “OneShotBehaviour”, which are parts x Read and search data from any open data base of the JADE library. The main class within the program is the source; “SearcherAgent”, which is of type Agent in the JADE library. An agent usually has a behavior. In this case, the x Responsibilities: liveness, safety, “OneShotBehaviour” (which is also part of the JADE library) SimpleAttributeSearcher = (BuildQuery, was chosen and extended to make “SearchingBehaviour”. The ExecuteQuery, InformUserOfValue ). “SearchingBehaviour” will do the major part of the searching work. An agent lives in a particular environment, and therefore
  • 4. JADE provides one. JADE also provides a graphical user The sub-goals described in Figure 1 will be translated into interface (GUI) to initialize, control, and terminate agents, as simple public methods in Java, whereas the overall goal is shown in Figure 3. translated into a JADE Behaviour. We use an object-oriented class diagram to transcribe the goal flow diagram into a form that is ready for development in an object-oriented language such as Java, as shown in Figure 2. The input from the user (customer query) is in simple plain text, and our multi-agent systems, described in [11] usually talk in local database. The “BuildQuery” activity takes the data and generates a simple query based upon the local data found in the previous activity. “ExecuteQuery” then executes the query and determines if the result is useful. If it is, the “InformUserOfAnswer” shows the result to the user. If not, the simple agent starts again with different data base (in distributed context, other location). In order to prove the efficiency of solution proposed we will take into account the same scenario that was presented in [10] with same values. The “SearcherAgent” creates only one clone (“CloneSearcherAgent”) for each of the Data Base Servers (3 clone). The searching process of each clone is Figure 3. JADE Graphical User Interface presented in Table 1. The final result which aggregates the clone agent’s results was obtained in 0.8 seconds. When trying IV. CASE STUDY AND SIMULATION RESULTS to understand the values of execution times we have to keep in mind that the mobile agent’s code is executed quasi-parallel. In order to illustrate the proposed agent-based solution for searching data in contact center with distributed data bases, we will explain the setting and describe a case study. TABLE I. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The application exploits mobile agents to reach remote Distributed Data Warehouse Table distributed data bases, in contact center context, and locally Head DataBase Server1 DataBase Server2 DataBase Server3 (Czech Republic) (Bulgaria) (Greece) access data of interest, analyzing them and extracting the Durationa 0.6 0.7 0.4 required information without any need to transfer the data over the network. For instance, a searcher agent sent to a remote a. in seconds data base can analyze the local data and come back with the attributes that contain a specific keyword. To speed up the V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK research, the application can be shaped after a tree of The growth of contact centers, e-commerce, and more concurrent searcher agents. If a searcher agent on a local data complex value chains has raised additional issues of enterprise base finds links to other possibly interesting data on different data management and exploitation, while demonstrating location (distributed context), it clones itself and has the clones beyond doubt that available data are insufficient to support new follow these links, to recursively continue the search work on customer management processes. different data bases, as shown in Figure 4. In this paper a multi-agent approach for distributed data The main indicator for efficiency, in contact center, is the searching in context of contact centers was presented. We productivity [16], measured over a certain period (for example, provide a description of java-based agents, developed in JADE a week). It is usually given, as in (1), as the percentage of time environment, and we presented a simple illustration to show that an agent is working of his or her total scheduled working how the proposed system might work. time. As a further, we will try to implement agents in order to adopt a control-oriented point of view, for example to request Productivity TWT / (TWT TA) D E F services while they require data/files. With the adoption of a blackboard or a tuple space on each data base server, data can where TWT is total working time and TA is time available. be accessed without requiring the presence of peculiar services and in a more natural data-oriented style. The percentage of calls that is answered in less than a certain fixed waiting time is sometimes called the telephone We intend to develop a prototype of this multi-agent service factor (TSF). Another commonly used waiting time system, which can demonstrate that more practical and relevant metric is the average speed of answer (ASA). The Erlang C problems can be addressed successfully. formula [16] gives the TSF, and can be used to compute the average waiting time for a given number of human agents (operators), service times and traffic intensity.
  • 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID61968 (2009), co- financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007– 2013. REFERENCES [1] S. Russell, and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995. [2] M. R. Genesereth, and S. P. Ketchpel, “Software Agents,” Communications of the ACM, 37(7), pp. 48–53, 1994. [3] M. J. Wooldridge, and N. R. Jennings, “Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice,” Knowledge Engineering Review, 10(2), pp. 115–152, 1995. [4] F. L. Bellifemine, G. Caire, and D. Greenwood, Developing Multi- Agent Systems with JADE, Wiley, 2007. [5] FIPA, Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, website: [6] [7] A. Mandelbaum, A. Sakov, and S. Zeltyn, “Empirical analysis of a call center,” Technical report, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2001. [8] N. Gans, G. Koole, and A. Mandelbaum, “Telephone call centers: Tutorial, review, and research prospects,” Manufacturing and service operations management 5, 2003, pp. 79-141. [9] G. Stoian, and C. I. Popirlan, “A proposal for an enhanced mobile agent architecture (EMA),” Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series 37, no. 1, 2010, pp. 71–79. [10] N. Tandareanu, and C. I. Popirlan, “A Mobile Agents Approach for Knowledge Bases Processing,” Proceedings of the Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2009), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 2–4, 2009, pp. 27-32. [11] C. I. Popirlan, “Knowledge Processing in Contact Centers using a Multi- Agent Architecture,” WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, ISSN: 1109-2750, Issue 11, Volume 9 (Online), pp. 1318-1327. [12] R. H. Bordini, L. Braubach, M. Dastani, A. E. F. Seghrouchni, J. J. Gomez-Sanz, J. Leite, G. O’Hare, A. Pokahr, and A. Ricci, “A Survey of Programming Languages and Platforms for Multi-agent Systems,” Informatica, 30(1), pp. 33–44, 2006. [13] N. M. Karnik, A. R. Tripathi, “Design Issues in Mobile-Agent Programming Systems”, IEEE Concurrency, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 52-61, July-September 1998. [14] P. Thati, P. H. Chang, and G. Agha, “Crawlets: Agents for high performance web search engine,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2240, 2001, pp. 119-134. [15] M. Wooldridge, N. R. Jennings, and D. Kinny, “The Gaia Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design”, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 3, 2000, pp. 285-312. [16] G. Koole, Call center mathematics, online book˜koole/ccmath/book.pdf Figure 4. Using Mobile Agents in Searching Process