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Published by HT-Media.,
HT-Media Crew
About us, Our Mission & Vision
Why we chose Africa, Where it all began
Philosophy and Achievement Plans
Digital Advertisement
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Published by HT-Media.,
Brief introduction of AHT-Media, Limelight Africa and Limelight
Holiday Safari’s Ltd, And Together we became
“Limelight Group”
AHT-Media and Limelight Africa are 	
African based companies. We are
registered in Kenya for Eastern Africa,
in Botswana for Southern Africa,
in Nigeria for Western Africa and in
Rwanda for Central Africa. Plans are
going on for registration in Tunisia for
the Northern Africa Region. HT Media
and Limelight Holiday & Safari’s Ltd are Registered in the
UK to serve the Europe Zone, Arrangements have been
made for this company to take up our operation until we
establish our own base in the USA, Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, China and Japan.
It is my sincere hope that together we will make a great
defference in this sector. You may probably ask yourself,
‘why Tourism?’ Its because, I am passionate about it and
I am loaded with great ideas and expertise that will
contribute positively to the tourism sector, hence bring-
ing change to many African peoples lives that has been
hit hard by the collapsing of the industry. It is a sector
that has employed majority women in Africa and trans-
formed their lives. Closure of the some businesses worries
me and the impact that it has caused for the last 10-15
years. This is the sector that has changed gender equality
in the job market in Africa. Tourism is the second largest
source of income and GDP in Africa apart from farming in
some parts of East African countries. More questions are
answered in this newsletter.
I kindly ask your company to purchase advertisement
space in our magazine, “GATE WAY TO AFRICA HOLIDAY &
SAFARIS” which will be published yearly and the adver-
tisement in this magazine will automatically be uploaded
on the safari africa website for the purposes of promoting
business image and link customers to your official web-
site for bookings and 	reservations.
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Published by HT-Media.,
Place your advert, and lets
set the ball rolling for your
great results.
The Magazine will be A4 size, full colour, up to 250 pages
starting with 20,000 copies which may go up to 50,000
copies for the period.
Managing a successful business can be archived by know-
ing your customers, having good communication and tak-
ing control on a day to day basis. Limelight is bringing to
African tourism business owners, leaders, CEO’s and man-
agers, close to the customers they need most for their
You know better than anyone just how much hard work
is involved in running a business within the retailer, lei-
sure, touring and hospitality industry. From dealing with
seasonal staff issues and unconventional working hours.
Our essential benefits comes when you subscribe to
our magazine’s advertising space. Your advertisement
will automatically be uploaded on our online marketing
trafficker for Africa Holiday makers where you get a chance
to sale directly and avoid depending on the middle men
(agencies). You will also receive free advice for your
customers toll free from our call centres overseas.
Kindly contact me for more information or any inquiries,
I look forward to working with you.
Thank you.
Felix S. Ihah
Founder Limelight Group
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Published by HT-Media.,
The HT-Media Crew
Felix S. Ihah
Marketing Director
Samantha and Sharon
Sales and Customer Care
Ms. Pozisa Portia Ntoza
Regional Manager, S.A.
Ms. Sharon Umulisa
Customer Relations manager, U.K
Ms. Neo Boikutso
Regional Representative,
Gaberone, Botswana
Ms. Nazizi Farasi
Regional Representative,
Kampala, Uganda
Ms. Cecilia Ihorere Mua
Regional Representative,
Warren Moore
Matt Wright
Financial Investor
Ms. Anne Kidake
Sales & Marketing, East Africa
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Published by HT-Media.,
• To promote Tourism sector for Africa.
• To carry out advertisement and communication of our clients.
• To publish and broadcast all products and services within the tourism sector of Africa in Europe, Asia and
• To market your products and services through advertisement.
• To appoint sites of holiday makers of Africa that are available and avail the materials needed for more
• To control the materials supplied by customers, one reads and retains the materials at the stand where found.
	 None of the materials under our firm are wasted.
• To cut off the middle persons who hike the prices, hence discouraging more tourist visits.
•	To build a relation between hotels and clients directly boosting client referals promoting tourism
• We are devoted to provide professional marketing and advertisement for holidaymakers of Africa.
• We believe that HT-Media is the only name you need to know when it comes to advertising your business
	 and services. You can always be assured that our personal attention lasts through every aspect of your
• We aim to publish HT-Media magazine. Any advertisement in the magazine qualifies free advertising on our
Core Values
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Published by HT-Media.,
About Us
In 2006 the dream of HT-media began; we examined the market place and discovered it’s potential. We combine the
standard of honesty with the international expertise to provide professional approach within the Hotels, Lodges,
game drives, Safari management and shared ownership. We are a group that is registered in England, Scotland and
Committed to marketing Africa overseas
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Published by HT-Media.,
We have plans to increase the number of holiday
makers for Africa by doubling the existing number of
today’s and probably more in five years time. Limelight
is going to events crewing systems starting from the UK
and the whole of europe within five years time. In the UK
negotiations are going on between two industries, NHS
Crews and GBR Crews. What is a crew? A Crew is a group,
Association or Memberships of organization.
This will be for holiday makers of Africa. If you go back
from the 1930’s to the early 1990’s, there was the
Corn-dog crews, 2000 Crews,Hoppers Clouds, LTI Crews,
STI and many more, all from different cities and countries
such as Guinevere in Switzerland, London in Britain, Ot-
tawa in Canada, Berlin in German, Rome in Italy, Paris in
France, Madrid in Spain just to mention a few. Limelight
is in a position to bring this back to life. These two sec-
tors will bring increase in Africa tourism by almost 40%
of today’s holiday makers. The association of these two
groups are in progress. Special plans are being put in
place in countries and companies in Africa such as Hotels
and Tour division companies which will be involved by
taking part in our advertisement.
Philosophy & Achievement Plans Hotels in Africa such as the Reef hotel, The Block
Hotels, The African safari Club, African Tours and
hotels, The Crestar Hospitalities, Serena’s and The Sarova
Hotels used to depend alot on the crews of those years
including the Tropicana hotels, Club six eighties and the
Laico Hotels. The Polmans Safaris, UTC, STU Southern
Cross Safaris Cool dips Touring, Big Five Safaris, and many
more tour divisions had excess during these seasons.
Why can’t that happen now?“
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Published by HT-Media.,
Where it All Began, “Safari.”
When looking back on the ad-
ventures of the men of times
gone by, no great adventure stands
out more prominently than the
hunting safari. Modern safari (by
gun or camera) was financially out
of reach for most of us, the sto-
ries of the golden age of the safari
are readily available in form of fic-
tion and non fiction alike. Authors
such as Ernest Hemingway, Peter
Hathaway Capstick, Robert Ruark,
and even the father of manliness
Lt. Cl. John Henry Patterson
The man who entered Tsavo and the
east Africa in 1907
Josh Parchman
himself, Theodore Roosevelt, have written volumes on
the topic. From within the pages of these masterpieces
of masculine literature sprout stories of man eating lions,
elephants chasing, fleeing Land Rovers, hippos attacking
river cruises and so much more.
In 1866 when Joseph Hamilton Barry, a wine merchant
was sent from London to Cape town in South Africa on
behalf of the family on business. He settled in Swellen-
dam and built an empire that began with shipping grain
on the “Duke of Gloucester”. Four generations later David
Tetts grandfather, Michael Hamilton Barry moved from
Cape Town to Bulawayo in Rhodesia which became Zimba-
bwe in 1980. His Daughter, David’s Mother, Jennifer Burry
was born in Bulawayo and she married an englishman
called Michael Tett. They had four sons who were born
and raised in Rhodesia. The third was David Tett. From
the age of three, David’s Parents would take the family
on extended camping trips to the Safari in Botswana and
Zimbabwe to the Okavango Delta: the Makgadikadi salt
pan; Hwange Mana pools, Gonarehezou and Chizarria Na-
tional park. These were the days when Safari Lodges did
not exist so they would set of in an old series land rover
hauling a trailer stuffed with canvas tents and equip-
ments that would support them in the bush for two to
three weeks at a time. They would walk through game
rich savannahs led by their father, armed with an old 303
rifle and a curiosity to learn about the African bush.
Unknowingly as they did the expeditions with the children
led by Michael and Jennifer
Tett, they were laying the
foundation for bush track Ex-
pedition a successful African
Safari tours Business started
by David Tett, his wife Ca-
rilyn and his two brothers,
Nicholas and Christopher
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Published by HT-Media.,
following the leads of the Eastern African where it first
started in Tanzania and Kenya from the formally colonial
ruler and slave trader Arabs and the Portuguese.
Throughout the 20th Century, the
safari has been popularized in film
and literature through grand tales of
adventure, romance and thrills. But
how long has this activity been going
on? What was going on during safaris
hundred years ago? First, the word
Safari originated from the word “safa-
ri”, which is an Arabic verb that rough-
The African game trails
ly translates “to make a journey”. From there, you get the
noun “safari ya,” or journey and then to safari which is
actually a Swahili synonym of the Arabic word. Swahili is
a combination of Arabic and Portuguese. Clearly, in this
original defination, you do not get connotations of tents,
backpacks, hiking and land rover 4x4s that are current-
ly associated with the concept of safari. Rather, in its
original context, it referred to the long distances people
would have to traverse for trade routes and so forth. The
earliest safaris recorded were primarily focused around
the trading industry. With the Arabic and African cultures
so closely connected during our early human history,
there would often be large caravans of traders travelling
across vast landscapes to bring their wares from one city
to another. According to The History of Safari, Travel Afri-
ca, in the 18th Century, trading was a profitable and suc-
cesful business as many prized items and unfortunately
even people were sold and used for barter.
According to Gemma Pitcher in Tanzania’s safari histo-
ry, european safari caravans was a large scale opera-
tion that involved a huge contingent of staff and crew
along with supplies and weapons. Some of these trade
routes were rather treacherous. So skillful bartering and
negotiating, also played a crucial role in getting from
point A to point B, especially when dealing with trading
Fortunately, the safari that was associated with slave
trade ended before the turn of the 20th century, chang-
ing the purpose of safaris from a business focus to a fun
adventure or exploration. According to People behind the
Names, African wildlife and Conservation, early natural-
ists and explorers like William John Burchell, Thomas Ay-
res and Gustav Adolf Fischer not only redefined the pur-
pose of the safari, but were instrumental in identifying
several species of animals.
Their legacy is the great work they did during their ex-
ploratory travels, and of course, the animals that now
carry their names:
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Published by HT-Media.,
• Burchell’s Coucal, Courser, Sand grouse, Starling and 	
• Ayers’ Hawk-Eagle and Cisticola
• Fischer’s Lovebird, Sparrow-Lark and Turaco
Unfortunately, along with these great naturalists and
men of science came the hunters, who revealed a more
negative side of human nature. The side that wants to
rule and dominate. In some cases, the safari become
associated with the “hunt”, that is, conquering the big
unattainable wild beast and returning from the hunt with
trophies ranging from hides, skins and heads, to an entire
beast. Of great renown were hunters like William
Cornwallis Harris, who not only hunted big game, but
documented the hunts so that everyone would be aware
of his courageous adventures into the African wilderness.
Despite his fame for hunting, Cornwallis was also a keen
observer of nature, gaining credit for his discovery of the
sable antelope (aka Harris Buck).
His writings and watercolour drawings of the mother con-
tinent created a new sense of awareness and appreciation
for the wildlife of Africa. Another great hunter/explorer
was Frederick Selous, whose safari exploits in East Africa
consisted of shooting elephants and collecting specimens
for museums in Europe.
Ironically, it’s because of men like Seleous and Harris that
the conservation movement began. This movement would
ultimately sanction saving these privilaged areas of Afri-
ca and the native wildlife, allowing them to continue to
exist unspoiled for future generations and leading up to
today’s photographic safaris.
Why Africa? Growing up there was magical and it en-
riched our lives in some incredible ways and we want
to share some of these experiences that changed our own
lives. In a nutshell, over the last twenty years, we have
managed to share Africa with several thousand travelers,
friends and families, many of them have been to Africa
several times with bush tracks which is a true testament
to this extraordinary continent. So why did African be-
come so popular in the Holiday Making and why has it
now dropped so dramatically to the worst, including the
popular destinations such as Kenya, Tanzania, South
Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Gambia and the
Ivory Coast. Just to maintain a few? Most of us say
“Politics”. But is it?
Who has been the holiday makers for Africa? Of course!
The europeans, Americans and Arabs. The way they
rule Africa is the way they created the tourist’s attraction
sites and destinations.
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Published by HT-Media.,
It was all about their businesses’ success and not build-
ing Africa. They owned the hotels and tour operator
companies in Africa at the time, that’s why the industries
were successful. Now that Africa and Local Africans have
taken control of many companies within the tourism
sector such as Hotels and tour division’s for the purpose
of Safari, still they have to pay huge substantial amount
of money in order to secure bookings of tourist in their
hotels and for safaris from there Market Place oversees
and that’s why the sector is and has been falling for some
time, which has caused some business owners to pull out
from the tour operators because this companies do not
make enough profits, they can’t afford to pay the com-
missions demanded by the tour operators making them
struggle to pay their staff. Back then, it was all in one
roof from Marketing to air line companies, the Hotels and
the tour divisions were their own, both overseas and in
Africa. To be part of Marketing and Advertisement pro-
grammes, we ask you join the campaign of African tour-
ism and help rebuild the sector now and forever. The good
news is that, we can do it. We can make it look much
better. In order to reach our clients better, we have to be
the media that operates from the ground. We have many
African airline companies making flights to and from
African tourist destinations.
HT-Media and Limelight Holiday is the solution to this
problem, we want to work with you. Kindly sign up today
for our Marketing and Advertisement and be part of Af-
rican tourism campaign to help rebuild the sector again
and forever.
DONE: Before which was
then at the time but not
for the current seasons
of today’s generation,
lets transform it for
DONE:Good times
good food, breath
taking nature capped
with wild adventur-
ous safaris.
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Published by HT-Media.,
Part Of Life
Why Africa?
Africa.“OUR” Pure Gift
• Because we love the continent and most of us come 	
	 from there, we understand the history, policies and 	
	 the best geographical sites of the continent, making
	 it easier to pass land information to the market abroad.
• Tourism in Africa has been recorded as one of the 	
	 most successful sectors and the only way of earning 	
	 foreign currency hence emerging the best income
	 generating sector.
• We are creating jobs for locals and the majority of
	 middle class people that work in hospitality and
	 tourism organization.
Together we can make the face of Africa whereby we won’t
loose the holiday makers of Africa to any other continent.
HT-Media & Limelight Africa believes that together we
can win this battle back for “AFRICA”
As africa we have different
rich cultures, intriguing
amazing wildlife and breath
taking sandy beaches. We
celebrate our land, our culture,
and our heritage
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Be seen for who you really are.
Advertise here.
Full page advert
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Be seen for who you really are.
Advertise here.
You can own a space in this magazine by placing an Advert. Full
page, half page or quarter page. For more information about the
rates, kindly check on page 29.
1/2 pg advert
Be seen for who you really are.
Advertise here.
Be seen for who you really are.
Advertise here.
1/4 pg advert
1/4 pg advert
Page 17
Published by HT-Media.,
Beach Hotels in Kenya
Kenya has one of the largest beach fronts in the world. It’s the starting point for holiday safaris. A visit to the Am-
boseli National Park, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Abardare ranges among others sites are some of the precious sites to visit.
Need a Package Holiday From Europe? Want to spend time at a beach hotel in Kenya? Need a starting point for Safari Kenya? We are here for
you. Contact any of following tour operators offering holiday packages. Call us directly and make your booking, for free advise, contact the
Advertiser HT-Media on +441865593003 or text Safari Africa to +447411164828 for a free call back. You can also send us an email at We will offer you free advise on any inquiry.
• Limelight Safari’s 	 • ITS / Rewe Touristik- Germany	 • Eso Tours-Czech Republic
All are welcome! The world comes to Kenya! Warm blue waters! Lovely palm trees! Lots of sun and fun!
Fantastic food! and A wonderful culture!
So go and spoil yourself!!
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Published by HT-Media.,
Your ultimate guide to the african experience
KETTY TOURS TRAVEL & SAFARIS Ltd is a professional tour
operator with its head office at the prestigious KETTY Pla-
za along Moi Avenue in Mombasa and is a member of two
leading tourist associations namely, Kenya Association of
Tour Operators (KATO) and the Mombasa & Coast Tourist
Association (MCTA). It has also been highly
recommended by the lonely planet and Le Guide de
Mountain Climbing:
The climbing seasons are from mid December to Mid
March & from Mid - June to end of Sep. These traditional
climbing periods are the most predictable, however the
chances of encountering good weather on the mountain
are equal throughout the year.
Luxury Safari Drive:
An early morning game drive will give you the opportuni-
ty to enjoy the wildness of Africa from a different angle,
before returning to the lodge for a hearty breakfast. This
offers an opportunity to see a wide variety of animal
species, from the lions, Zebra, Elephant
Ketty Tours, Travels & Safaris Ltd. Ground Floor, Ketty Plaza, Moi Avenue, Mombasa, Kenya
Tel: +254 41 2312204/ 2315178/ 2229572 Fax : +254 41 2311355.
E-mail: Designed by: or Call the Advertiser for free advise on +441865593003 or text safari Africa on +447411164828 for a call
back and for your free advise
Page 19
Published by HT-Media.,
Picnic with Limelight Safari’s
Kenya’s Finest Picnic Site In Sagana, Kenya Rapids Camp is a place to getaway, re-
lax, breath in the fresh air and enjoy the out doors in Kenya. We offer unique loca-
tion, exceptional and fun facilities for picnics that make every event memorable.
Our camp has manicured lawns and rocks, that families camping can dare climb
and are very safe. Rapids Camp in Sagana is a perfect place for group outings,
company meetings, team building, schools, churches, families, weddings and all
manner of reception (Barbecues) and a picnic site. It’s a one of a kind experience
that offers a wide variety of activities for all age groups. Climb the 40ft long rock,
overlooking the Rapids falls, try sport fishing, stretch in the lovely manicured
lawns. Test your children skills in our range of activities. Go to the nearby hill
called the moonlight hill with your family and see the vicinity of Mt. Kenya with
the amazing snow on top.
Seat and cook next to Rapids falls and roast your barbecue or even try the picnic
breakfast. Good for corporate team building. All Camping groups, team building
or picnic folks. Please ensure that you obtain a receipt for all payments made
from the Camp office. Remember to carry your camera when making a trip to Sa-
gana Camp. Our photo gallery portrays what you will find on the ground in
Sagana. All the photos have been taken from the Rapids Camp not copy and
paste. Rapids Camp is an ideal picnic site near Nairobi the capital city of Kenya.
For more information contact us on:
Tel ; +441865593003. Text safari Africa to request a call back from the Advertise HT-Media on
+447411164828 or visit our website. You can also contact us on this Address: Rapids Camp P. O.
Box 66908 00200, City Square-Nairobi,Kenya.
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Published by HT-Media.,
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Published by HT-Media.,
South African Airways
South African Airways is the national flag carrier and largest airline of south africa, with the headquaters in Airways park on the grounds of
OR Tambo International Airport in Kempton Park, Ekurhuleni, Guateng.Welcome to South African airways. We offer great value flights to South
Africa, as well as other destinations including Namibia, Mauriritius, and Harare Zimbabwe. Search by departure city or read up our destination
guides to some of the most exciting destinations in the world including our very own cape town and Johannesburg.
For more information on where we fly to and from, visit our route maps. We are dedicated to making your experience of travelling with South
African Airways a world class experience, ensuring you travel in an award winning style and comfort. Dont forget to check out our latest flight
offers at:
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Published by HT-Media.,
Ethiopian Airlines
Ethiopian Airlines, oftenly referred to as Ethiopian, is Ethiopia’s flag carrier and is wholly owned by the country’s government.
Welcome to Ethiopian Airlines. It is one of the leading Airlines operating in the Kenyan region with the best airline services. Safety and
security during Ethiopian Airline flights are of supreme importance. As one of africa’s foremost aviation companies, Ethiopian Airlines aspires
to reach novel heights of service delivery. The diverse operations of Ethiopian Airlines are looked into with an eagle eyes. The travelers of
Ethiopian Airlines uk will always prefer to travel with its latest fleets (call us on 0207 993 8793). All aircraft passangers and third parties are
indemnified in London’s underwriting market through it’s brokers. The aircrafts of Kenyan airline are carefully inspected by extremely trained
engineers to make certain our passangers enjoy consistently smooth safe flights.
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Photos of magazines displayed with Great Western Railways Network
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Example Digital Advert
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Digital Advertising Destinations
Company Name Town Add1 County Postcode Estd Footfall
Number Of
Forest Gate Post Office (NEW) (PO) London H K & Sons Greater London E7 8BA 5000 7
Harold Wood GP Walk In Centre (MC) Harold Wood Harold Wood Polyclinic Greater London RM3 0AR 250 per day
Kentish Town Post Office (Potent Solutions) Kentish Town 212-216 Kentish Town Road Greater London NW5 2BY 8000 8
Newbury Group Practice (MC) Ilford 40 Perrymans Farm Road Greater London IG2 7LE 200 per day
The Cheetham Hill Medical Centre (MC) Manchester 244 Cheetham Hill Road Greater Manchester M8 8UP 11,400 on record
The Lakes Medical Centre (MC) Swinton Dr Stedman & Partners Greater Manchester M27 4AF 140 per day
Austin Road Surgery (MC) Battersea Battersea Fields Practice London SW11 5JP 11000 on record
Bow Post Office London 2-4 Stroudley Walk London E3 3AJ 8000 3
Catford Post Office Catford 187-189 Rushey Green London SE6 4BP 11,000+ 11
Chingford Mount Post Office London 229-231 Chingford Mount Road London E4 8LP 12000 5
Chiswick Post Office (NEW) (PO) Chiswick 1 Heathfield Terrace London W4 4JF 9
Crown Dale Medical Centre (MC) London 61 Crown Dale Street London SE19 3NY 10,700 on record
Earls Court Health & Wellbeing Centre (MC) London 2b Hogarth Road London SW5 0PT
Edith Cavell Surgery (MC) Streatham Hill 41 A-C Streatham Hill London SW2 4TP 260 per day
Eltham Post Office (PO) London 33 Court Yard London SE9 5DB 4000 per week 6
Hackney Post Office (Mare Street) London 382 Mare Street London E8 1HR 7000 6
Lanark Medical Centre (MC) Maida Vale Third Floor London W9 1NZ 23 per day
Lee Green Post Office London 161-163 Lee Road London SE3 9DJ 5000 4
Digital Advertisement Destinations
UK 1st Dec 2013
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Leytonstone Post Office London 21 Church Lane London E11 1HG 6000-7000 7
Medical Express Clinic (MC) Marylebone 117A Harley Street London W1G 6AT 2000 on record
Norwood Post Office (Westow Hill) Upper Norwood Kims Newsagents London SE19 3RW 7000 + 5
Pavilion Medical Centre (MC) London 9 Brighton Terrace London SW9 8DJ 5893 on record
Penge Post Office London 101-102 Penge High Street London SE20 7HA 17000 5
Plumstead High Street Post Office (PO) London 102 Plumstead High Street London SE18 1SJ 5000 3
Portobello Road Post Office London 325 Portobello Road London W10 5SY 7000+ 3
Queensway Post Office (London) (PO) London 118-120 Queensway London W2 6LT 8000+ 10
Somerford Grove Practice (MC) London The Health Centre London N16 7UA
Southwark Park Post Office London 200 Southwark Park Road London SE16 3RW 5000 4
Stepney Post Office (London) London 502 Commercial Road London E1 0HY 6000-7000 3
Stockwell Group Practice (MC) London 107 Stockwell Road London SW9 9TJ 15 000 onrecord
Streatham Common Practice (MC) Streatham St Andrew s Church Room London SW16 5LS 8500 on record
Thamesmead Town Centre Post Office (PO) Thamesmead 2A Joyce Dawson Way London SE28 8RA 6500 per week 5
The Royal Docks Medical Practice (MC) London 21 East Ham Manor Way London E6 5NA 9 200 onrecord
The South Lambeth Road Practice (MC) London 1 Selway House London SW8 1UL 6 600 onrecord
Upper Edmonton Post Office London 83 oreStreet London N18 2TW 7500 5
Upper Tooting Post Office London 63-65 Trinity Road London SW17 7SD 6000+ 4
Upper Tooting Surgery (MC) Upper Tooting 219 Upper Tooting Road London SW17 7TG 9491 on record
Upton Lane Medical Centre (MC) orestgate 75-77 Upton Lane London E7 9PB
Walthamstow (High Street) Post Office (PO) London 48 High Street London E17 7LD 5000 5
Wapping Lane Post Office London 52 Wapping Lane London E1W 2RL 4000 3
West Hampstead Post Office London 128-130 West End Lane London NW6 1S 7000 3
Willesden Post Office (PO) London 78 High Rd London NW10 2P 10500 7
Wordsworth Health Centre (MC) London 19 Wordsworth Avenue London E12 6SU 180
Prestwich Health Centre (MC) Prestwich airfax Group Practice Manchester M25 1BT 150 per day
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Company Name Town Add1 County Postcode Estd Footfall
Number Of
Montpelier Health Centre (MC) Bristol Bath Buildings Avon BS6 5PT
Conygre Medical Centre (ss-BS34) (MC) Bristol 3 Conygre Road Bristol BS34 7DA 100 per day
Stoke Gifford Medical Centre (ss-BS34) (MC) Bristol Ratcliffe Drive Bristol BS34 8UE 200 per day
Cross Hill Post Office (QSZK LTD) Glasgow 540 Cathcart Road Glasgow G42 8YG 3000
Coleford Post Office Gloucester 25 High Street Gloucestershire GL16 8HA 5500 4
Dursley Post Office Gloucester 6 Silver Street Gloucestershire GL11 4ND 5000 3
St Catherines Surgery (MC) Cheltenham St Pauls Medical Centre Gloucestershire GL50 4DP
Yorkleigh Surgery (MC) Cheltenham 93 St George's Road Gloucestershire GL50 3ED 260 per day
Anniesland Post Office (RSMcColls-7373) Glasgow 1612 Great Western Road Lanarkshire G13 1HQ 10000+ 5
Baillieston Post Office Glasgow 162 Main Street Lanarkshire G69 6AH 4000 4
Barrhead MSPO Glasgow 77 Cross Arthorlie Street Lanarkshire G78 1RS 4000+ 4
Blantyre Post Office Glasgow 233 Glasgow Road Lanarkshire G72 0YS 5000 5
Mount Florida Medical Centre (MC) Glasgow 183 Prospect Hill Road Lanarkshire G42 9LQ
Newton Mearns Post Office (Martin McColls-1269) Glasgow 8 Hillview Place - The Avenue Shopping Centre Lanarkshire G77 6AA/EY 3000+ 3
Uddingston Post Office Glasgow 9 Church Street Lanarkshire G71 7LP 4000 4
Portobello Post Office (Scottish Midland Co Op) Edinburgh 6 Bath Street Midlothian EH15 1EY 11300 4
Cotham Hill Post Office Bristol 3-5 Cotham Hill Somerset BS6 6LD 7000-9000 3
Horfield Post Office Bristol 305 Gloucester Road Somerset BS7 8PF 4500-5000 4
Kennedy Way Surgery (MC) Bristol Kennedy Way Somerset BS37 4AA 12000 on record
Staple Hill Post Office Bristol 119 High Street Somerset BS16 5HF 5000 4
Thornbury Post Office Bristol 9 High Street Somerset BS35 2AE 7000 4
Blackheath MSPO Birmingham 37 High Street West Midlands B65 0DS 8000+ 6
Corporation Street Post Office (One Stop) Birmingham 118 Corporation Street West Midlands B4 6SX 5000 5
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AHT-Media newsletter Marketing

  • 1. Page 1 Published by HT-Media.,
  • 2. Page 2 Published by HT-Media.,
  • 3. Page 3 Published by HT-Media., CONTENTS HT-Media Crew About us, Our Mission & Vision Why we chose Africa, Where it all began Philosophy and Achievement Plans Digital Advertisement Destinations Page 3
  • 4. Page 4 Published by HT-Media., Brief introduction of AHT-Media, Limelight Africa and Limelight Holiday Safari’s Ltd, And Together we became “Limelight Group” AHT-Media and Limelight Africa are African based companies. We are registered in Kenya for Eastern Africa, in Botswana for Southern Africa, in Nigeria for Western Africa and in Rwanda for Central Africa. Plans are going on for registration in Tunisia for the Northern Africa Region. HT Media and Limelight Holiday & Safari’s Ltd are Registered in the UK to serve the Europe Zone, Arrangements have been made for this company to take up our operation until we establish our own base in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, China and Japan. It is my sincere hope that together we will make a great defference in this sector. You may probably ask yourself, ‘why Tourism?’ Its because, I am passionate about it and I am loaded with great ideas and expertise that will contribute positively to the tourism sector, hence bring- ing change to many African peoples lives that has been hit hard by the collapsing of the industry. It is a sector that has employed majority women in Africa and trans- formed their lives. Closure of the some businesses worries me and the impact that it has caused for the last 10-15 years. This is the sector that has changed gender equality in the job market in Africa. Tourism is the second largest source of income and GDP in Africa apart from farming in some parts of East African countries. More questions are answered in this newsletter. I kindly ask your company to purchase advertisement space in our magazine, “GATE WAY TO AFRICA HOLIDAY & SAFARIS” which will be published yearly and the adver- tisement in this magazine will automatically be uploaded on the safari africa website for the purposes of promoting business image and link customers to your official web- site for bookings and reservations.
  • 5. Page 5 Published by HT-Media., Place your advert, and lets set the ball rolling for your great results. The Magazine will be A4 size, full colour, up to 250 pages starting with 20,000 copies which may go up to 50,000 copies for the period. Managing a successful business can be archived by know- ing your customers, having good communication and tak- ing control on a day to day basis. Limelight is bringing to African tourism business owners, leaders, CEO’s and man- agers, close to the customers they need most for their business. You know better than anyone just how much hard work is involved in running a business within the retailer, lei- sure, touring and hospitality industry. From dealing with seasonal staff issues and unconventional working hours. Our essential benefits comes when you subscribe to our magazine’s advertising space. Your advertisement will automatically be uploaded on our online marketing trafficker for Africa Holiday makers where you get a chance to sale directly and avoid depending on the middle men (agencies). You will also receive free advice for your customers toll free from our call centres overseas. Kindly contact me for more information or any inquiries, I look forward to working with you. Thank you. Felix S. Ihah Founder Limelight Group
  • 6. Page 6 Published by HT-Media., The HT-Media Crew Felix S. Ihah Marketing Director Samantha and Sharon Sales and Customer Care Ms. Pozisa Portia Ntoza Regional Manager, S.A. Ms. Sharon Umulisa Customer Relations manager, U.K Ms. Neo Boikutso Regional Representative, Gaberone, Botswana Ms. Nazizi Farasi Regional Representative, Kampala, Uganda Ms. Cecilia Ihorere Mua Regional Representative, Rwanda Warren Moore Accountant Matt Wright Financial Investor Ms. Anne Kidake Sales & Marketing, East Africa
  • 7. Page 7 Published by HT-Media., • To promote Tourism sector for Africa. • To carry out advertisement and communication of our clients. • To publish and broadcast all products and services within the tourism sector of Africa in Europe, Asia and America. • To market your products and services through advertisement. • To appoint sites of holiday makers of Africa that are available and avail the materials needed for more information. • To control the materials supplied by customers, one reads and retains the materials at the stand where found. None of the materials under our firm are wasted. Mission Vision • To cut off the middle persons who hike the prices, hence discouraging more tourist visits. • To build a relation between hotels and clients directly boosting client referals promoting tourism • We are devoted to provide professional marketing and advertisement for holidaymakers of Africa. • We believe that HT-Media is the only name you need to know when it comes to advertising your business and services. You can always be assured that our personal attention lasts through every aspect of your advert. • We aim to publish HT-Media magazine. Any advertisement in the magazine qualifies free advertising on our website Core Values
  • 8. Page 8 Published by HT-Media., About Us In 2006 the dream of HT-media began; we examined the market place and discovered it’s potential. We combine the standard of honesty with the international expertise to provide professional approach within the Hotels, Lodges, game drives, Safari management and shared ownership. We are a group that is registered in England, Scotland and Wales. Committed to marketing Africa overseas
  • 9. Page 9 Published by HT-Media., We have plans to increase the number of holiday makers for Africa by doubling the existing number of today’s and probably more in five years time. Limelight is going to events crewing systems starting from the UK and the whole of europe within five years time. In the UK negotiations are going on between two industries, NHS Crews and GBR Crews. What is a crew? A Crew is a group, Association or Memberships of organization. This will be for holiday makers of Africa. If you go back from the 1930’s to the early 1990’s, there was the Corn-dog crews, 2000 Crews,Hoppers Clouds, LTI Crews, STI and many more, all from different cities and countries such as Guinevere in Switzerland, London in Britain, Ot- tawa in Canada, Berlin in German, Rome in Italy, Paris in France, Madrid in Spain just to mention a few. Limelight is in a position to bring this back to life. These two sec- tors will bring increase in Africa tourism by almost 40% of today’s holiday makers. The association of these two groups are in progress. Special plans are being put in place in countries and companies in Africa such as Hotels and Tour division companies which will be involved by taking part in our advertisement. Philosophy & Achievement Plans Hotels in Africa such as the Reef hotel, The Block Hotels, The African safari Club, African Tours and hotels, The Crestar Hospitalities, Serena’s and The Sarova Hotels used to depend alot on the crews of those years including the Tropicana hotels, Club six eighties and the Laico Hotels. The Polmans Safaris, UTC, STU Southern Cross Safaris Cool dips Touring, Big Five Safaris, and many more tour divisions had excess during these seasons. Why can’t that happen now?“ “
  • 10. Page 10 Published by HT-Media., Where it All Began, “Safari.” When looking back on the ad- ventures of the men of times gone by, no great adventure stands out more prominently than the hunting safari. Modern safari (by gun or camera) was financially out of reach for most of us, the sto- ries of the golden age of the safari are readily available in form of fic- tion and non fiction alike. Authors such as Ernest Hemingway, Peter Hathaway Capstick, Robert Ruark, and even the father of manliness Lt. Cl. John Henry Patterson The man who entered Tsavo and the east Africa in 1907 Josh Parchman himself, Theodore Roosevelt, have written volumes on the topic. From within the pages of these masterpieces of masculine literature sprout stories of man eating lions, elephants chasing, fleeing Land Rovers, hippos attacking river cruises and so much more. In 1866 when Joseph Hamilton Barry, a wine merchant was sent from London to Cape town in South Africa on behalf of the family on business. He settled in Swellen- dam and built an empire that began with shipping grain on the “Duke of Gloucester”. Four generations later David Tetts grandfather, Michael Hamilton Barry moved from Cape Town to Bulawayo in Rhodesia which became Zimba- bwe in 1980. His Daughter, David’s Mother, Jennifer Burry was born in Bulawayo and she married an englishman called Michael Tett. They had four sons who were born and raised in Rhodesia. The third was David Tett. From the age of three, David’s Parents would take the family on extended camping trips to the Safari in Botswana and Zimbabwe to the Okavango Delta: the Makgadikadi salt pan; Hwange Mana pools, Gonarehezou and Chizarria Na- tional park. These were the days when Safari Lodges did not exist so they would set of in an old series land rover hauling a trailer stuffed with canvas tents and equip- ments that would support them in the bush for two to three weeks at a time. They would walk through game rich savannahs led by their father, armed with an old 303 rifle and a curiosity to learn about the African bush. Unknowingly as they did the expeditions with the children led by Michael and Jennifer Tett, they were laying the foundation for bush track Ex- pedition a successful African Safari tours Business started by David Tett, his wife Ca- rilyn and his two brothers, Nicholas and Christopher
  • 11. Page 11 Published by HT-Media., following the leads of the Eastern African where it first started in Tanzania and Kenya from the formally colonial ruler and slave trader Arabs and the Portuguese. Throughout the 20th Century, the safari has been popularized in film and literature through grand tales of adventure, romance and thrills. But how long has this activity been going on? What was going on during safaris hundred years ago? First, the word Safari originated from the word “safa- ri”, which is an Arabic verb that rough- The African game trails Chronicles ly translates “to make a journey”. From there, you get the noun “safari ya,” or journey and then to safari which is actually a Swahili synonym of the Arabic word. Swahili is a combination of Arabic and Portuguese. Clearly, in this original defination, you do not get connotations of tents, backpacks, hiking and land rover 4x4s that are current- ly associated with the concept of safari. Rather, in its original context, it referred to the long distances people would have to traverse for trade routes and so forth. The earliest safaris recorded were primarily focused around the trading industry. With the Arabic and African cultures so closely connected during our early human history, there would often be large caravans of traders travelling across vast landscapes to bring their wares from one city to another. According to The History of Safari, Travel Afri- ca, in the 18th Century, trading was a profitable and suc- cesful business as many prized items and unfortunately even people were sold and used for barter. According to Gemma Pitcher in Tanzania’s safari histo- ry, european safari caravans was a large scale opera- tion that involved a huge contingent of staff and crew along with supplies and weapons. Some of these trade routes were rather treacherous. So skillful bartering and negotiating, also played a crucial role in getting from point A to point B, especially when dealing with trading slaves. Fortunately, the safari that was associated with slave trade ended before the turn of the 20th century, chang- ing the purpose of safaris from a business focus to a fun adventure or exploration. According to People behind the Names, African wildlife and Conservation, early natural- ists and explorers like William John Burchell, Thomas Ay- res and Gustav Adolf Fischer not only redefined the pur- pose of the safari, but were instrumental in identifying several species of animals. Their legacy is the great work they did during their ex- ploratory travels, and of course, the animals that now carry their names:
  • 12. Page 12 Published by HT-Media., • Burchell’s Coucal, Courser, Sand grouse, Starling and Zebra • Ayers’ Hawk-Eagle and Cisticola • Fischer’s Lovebird, Sparrow-Lark and Turaco Unfortunately, along with these great naturalists and men of science came the hunters, who revealed a more negative side of human nature. The side that wants to rule and dominate. In some cases, the safari become associated with the “hunt”, that is, conquering the big unattainable wild beast and returning from the hunt with trophies ranging from hides, skins and heads, to an entire beast. Of great renown were hunters like William Cornwallis Harris, who not only hunted big game, but documented the hunts so that everyone would be aware of his courageous adventures into the African wilderness. Despite his fame for hunting, Cornwallis was also a keen observer of nature, gaining credit for his discovery of the sable antelope (aka Harris Buck). His writings and watercolour drawings of the mother con- tinent created a new sense of awareness and appreciation for the wildlife of Africa. Another great hunter/explorer was Frederick Selous, whose safari exploits in East Africa consisted of shooting elephants and collecting specimens for museums in Europe. Ironically, it’s because of men like Seleous and Harris that the conservation movement began. This movement would ultimately sanction saving these privilaged areas of Afri- ca and the native wildlife, allowing them to continue to exist unspoiled for future generations and leading up to today’s photographic safaris. Why Africa? Growing up there was magical and it en- riched our lives in some incredible ways and we want to share some of these experiences that changed our own lives. In a nutshell, over the last twenty years, we have managed to share Africa with several thousand travelers, friends and families, many of them have been to Africa several times with bush tracks which is a true testament to this extraordinary continent. So why did African be- come so popular in the Holiday Making and why has it now dropped so dramatically to the worst, including the popular destinations such as Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Gambia and the Ivory Coast. Just to maintain a few? Most of us say “Politics”. But is it? Who has been the holiday makers for Africa? Of course! The europeans, Americans and Arabs. The way they rule Africa is the way they created the tourist’s attraction sites and destinations.
  • 13. Page 13 Published by HT-Media., It was all about their businesses’ success and not build- ing Africa. They owned the hotels and tour operator companies in Africa at the time, that’s why the industries were successful. Now that Africa and Local Africans have taken control of many companies within the tourism sector such as Hotels and tour division’s for the purpose of Safari, still they have to pay huge substantial amount of money in order to secure bookings of tourist in their hotels and for safaris from there Market Place oversees and that’s why the sector is and has been falling for some time, which has caused some business owners to pull out from the tour operators because this companies do not make enough profits, they can’t afford to pay the com- missions demanded by the tour operators making them struggle to pay their staff. Back then, it was all in one roof from Marketing to air line companies, the Hotels and the tour divisions were their own, both overseas and in Africa. To be part of Marketing and Advertisement pro- grammes, we ask you join the campaign of African tour- ism and help rebuild the sector now and forever. The good news is that, we can do it. We can make it look much better. In order to reach our clients better, we have to be the media that operates from the ground. We have many African airline companies making flights to and from African tourist destinations. HT-Media and Limelight Holiday is the solution to this problem, we want to work with you. Kindly sign up today for our Marketing and Advertisement and be part of Af- rican tourism campaign to help rebuild the sector again and forever. THIS IS HOW IT WAS DONE: Before which was then at the time but not for the current seasons of today’s generation, lets transform it for today’s. Before After THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE:Good times good food, breath taking nature capped with wild adventur- ous safaris.
  • 14. Page 14 Published by HT-Media., Part Of Life Why Africa? Africa.“OUR” Pure Gift • Because we love the continent and most of us come from there, we understand the history, policies and the best geographical sites of the continent, making it easier to pass land information to the market abroad. • Tourism in Africa has been recorded as one of the most successful sectors and the only way of earning foreign currency hence emerging the best income generating sector. • We are creating jobs for locals and the majority of middle class people that work in hospitality and tourism organization. Together we can make the face of Africa whereby we won’t loose the holiday makers of Africa to any other continent. HT-Media & Limelight Africa believes that together we can win this battle back for “AFRICA” As africa we have different rich cultures, intriguing amazing wildlife and breath taking sandy beaches. We celebrate our land, our culture, and our heritage “ “
  • 15. Page 15 Published by HT-Media., Be seen for who you really are. Advertise here. email: Full page advert
  • 16. Page 16 Published by HT-Media., Be seen for who you really are. Advertise here. email: You can own a space in this magazine by placing an Advert. Full page, half page or quarter page. For more information about the rates, kindly check on page 29. 1/2 pg advert Be seen for who you really are. Advertise here. Be seen for who you really are. Advertise here. email: email: 1/4 pg advert 1/4 pg advert
  • 17. Page 17 Published by HT-Media., Beach Hotels in Kenya Kenya has one of the largest beach fronts in the world. It’s the starting point for holiday safaris. A visit to the Am- boseli National Park, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Abardare ranges among others sites are some of the precious sites to visit. TOUR OPERATORS: Need a Package Holiday From Europe? Want to spend time at a beach hotel in Kenya? Need a starting point for Safari Kenya? We are here for you. Contact any of following tour operators offering holiday packages. Call us directly and make your booking, for free advise, contact the Advertiser HT-Media on +441865593003 or text Safari Africa to +447411164828 for a free call back. You can also send us an email at We will offer you free advise on any inquiry. • Limelight Safari’s • ITS / Rewe Touristik- Germany • Eso Tours-Czech Republic All are welcome! The world comes to Kenya! Warm blue waters! Lovely palm trees! Lots of sun and fun! Fantastic food! and A wonderful culture! So go and spoil yourself!!
  • 18. Page 18 Published by HT-Media., KETTY TOURS Your ultimate guide to the african experience KETTY TOURS TRAVEL & SAFARIS Ltd is a professional tour operator with its head office at the prestigious KETTY Pla- za along Moi Avenue in Mombasa and is a member of two leading tourist associations namely, Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO) and the Mombasa & Coast Tourist Association (MCTA). It has also been highly recommended by the lonely planet and Le Guide de Mountain Climbing: The climbing seasons are from mid December to Mid March & from Mid - June to end of Sep. These traditional climbing periods are the most predictable, however the chances of encountering good weather on the mountain are equal throughout the year. Luxury Safari Drive: An early morning game drive will give you the opportuni- ty to enjoy the wildness of Africa from a different angle, before returning to the lodge for a hearty breakfast. This offers an opportunity to see a wide variety of animal species, from the lions, Zebra, Elephant Ketty Tours, Travels & Safaris Ltd. Ground Floor, Ketty Plaza, Moi Avenue, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: +254 41 2312204/ 2315178/ 2229572 Fax : +254 41 2311355. E-mail: Designed by: or Call the Advertiser for free advise on +441865593003 or text safari Africa on +447411164828 for a call back and for your free advise
  • 19. Page 19 Published by HT-Media., Picnic with Limelight Safari’s Kenya’s Finest Picnic Site In Sagana, Kenya Rapids Camp is a place to getaway, re- lax, breath in the fresh air and enjoy the out doors in Kenya. We offer unique loca- tion, exceptional and fun facilities for picnics that make every event memorable. Our camp has manicured lawns and rocks, that families camping can dare climb and are very safe. Rapids Camp in Sagana is a perfect place for group outings, company meetings, team building, schools, churches, families, weddings and all manner of reception (Barbecues) and a picnic site. It’s a one of a kind experience that offers a wide variety of activities for all age groups. Climb the 40ft long rock, overlooking the Rapids falls, try sport fishing, stretch in the lovely manicured lawns. Test your children skills in our range of activities. Go to the nearby hill called the moonlight hill with your family and see the vicinity of Mt. Kenya with the amazing snow on top. Seat and cook next to Rapids falls and roast your barbecue or even try the picnic breakfast. Good for corporate team building. All Camping groups, team building or picnic folks. Please ensure that you obtain a receipt for all payments made from the Camp office. Remember to carry your camera when making a trip to Sa- gana Camp. Our photo gallery portrays what you will find on the ground in Sagana. All the photos have been taken from the Rapids Camp not copy and paste. Rapids Camp is an ideal picnic site near Nairobi the capital city of Kenya. For more information contact us on: Tel ; +441865593003. Text safari Africa to request a call back from the Advertise HT-Media on +447411164828 or visit our website. You can also contact us on this Address: Rapids Camp P. O. Box 66908 00200, City Square-Nairobi,Kenya.
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  • 21. Page 21 Published by HT-Media., South African Airways South African Airways is the national flag carrier and largest airline of south africa, with the headquaters in Airways park on the grounds of OR Tambo International Airport in Kempton Park, Ekurhuleni, Guateng.Welcome to South African airways. We offer great value flights to South Africa, as well as other destinations including Namibia, Mauriritius, and Harare Zimbabwe. Search by departure city or read up our destination guides to some of the most exciting destinations in the world including our very own cape town and Johannesburg. For more information on where we fly to and from, visit our route maps. We are dedicated to making your experience of travelling with South African Airways a world class experience, ensuring you travel in an award winning style and comfort. Dont forget to check out our latest flight offers at:
  • 22. Page 22 Published by HT-Media., Ethiopian Airlines Ethiopian Airlines, oftenly referred to as Ethiopian, is Ethiopia’s flag carrier and is wholly owned by the country’s government. Welcome to Ethiopian Airlines. It is one of the leading Airlines operating in the Kenyan region with the best airline services. Safety and security during Ethiopian Airline flights are of supreme importance. As one of africa’s foremost aviation companies, Ethiopian Airlines aspires to reach novel heights of service delivery. The diverse operations of Ethiopian Airlines are looked into with an eagle eyes. The travelers of Ethiopian Airlines uk will always prefer to travel with its latest fleets (call us on 0207 993 8793). All aircraft passangers and third parties are indemnified in London’s underwriting market through it’s brokers. The aircrafts of Kenyan airline are carefully inspected by extremely trained engineers to make certain our passangers enjoy consistently smooth safe flights.
  • 23. Page 23 Published by HT-Media., Photos of magazines displayed with Great Western Railways Network
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