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AAAI Beginners Series

er... what exactly is an advertising agency?

 What's that?
someone once said that advertising is the most fun                So what is advertising? Is it a science? Is it an art form? Is it

one can ever have with their clothes on. Fun aside, it also       merely commerce made interesting? There are various schools of

performs one of the most important functions in society that      thought, different opinions and diverse points of view. But all of

is to inform; it gives people the power of choice; the power of   these collide into something that we all agree upon. That it is

knowledge that helps them make important decisions everyday.      probably one of the most powerful influencers of human

Today, advertisements are everywhere. On television, on the       behaviour since religion.

internet, radio, billboards and even on the empty coffee mug
                                                                         Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an
on your desk. Advertising has successfully transcended from
                                                                         identified sponsor. (Principles of Marketing: Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong)
one of the most interruptive commercial medium of modern

times to something that everyone wants a piece of. Not                   Advertising is the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media.
surprisingly, everybody has an opinion about advertising.

The functions of an advertising agency:
                                                                                                                                      • To accelerate economic growth and create
                                                                                                                                        public awareness

 What exactly is an
                                                                                                                                      • To provide a total, professional, experienced
                                                                                                                                        service which is very personal in its nature
                                                                                                                                      • To take the advertiser's message and convert it
                                                                                                                                        into an effective and memorable communication

 advertising agency?
Getting the best out of advertising is a highly skilled job.      Advertising has not only come to reflect pop culture but has also

It requires the inputs of experts in many different fields like   become an important element of economic growth. Today, every

writers, artists, photographers, designers, television            person connected with the Indian economy or public should be

production crews and many others. Even the biggest                fully aware what advertising really is and why effective

advertisers cannot afford to employ all these experts.            advertising campaigns can be performed by full-service

Almost all advertising is therefore arranged through an           advertising agencies.

advertising agency which provides the necessary skill to turn

the message into a memorable and effective advertisement.

     An advertising agency is a firm that specialises in the creation, design and placement of advertisements, and in the
     planning and execution of promotional campaigns for products and services of their clients.

Myth: An agency always
Who needs advertising?                                                                                                         helps to sell a product
Advertising is primarily used as a tool by companies to:                Government and autonomous bodies use advertising to:   What does a professional advertising agency have that is               If the advertising needs to be successful,

 Inform people about new products and services                           Inform people about their policies                    unique? With professional talent and loads of communications’          the product needs to:

 Brand building                                                          Promote birth control                                 experience under their belts, agencies are perfectly suited             Solve a purpose

 To remind customers about their brand at the right time and place       Educate the masses on health care                     to take over their clients’ marketing communications problems           Fulfil a need

 To reinforce customer confidence in purchase                            Prevent panic during natural disasters                and help them with specialised services. But like everything it         Be satisfactory

 To build Corporate Identity                                             Dispel harmful rumours                                too has its limitations. Effective advertising can contribute           Have a credible proposition

 To help their sales force become more effective                         Attract foreign investment                            immensely to the success of a product. Similarly, if the product is

 To give their brand and company a “personality” that makes it unique                                                          bad or something that the people cannot accept, then no amount

                                                                                                                               of advertising can save it.

        Advertising is required because it explains
        complex issues in ways that are interesting,                                                                                                                                                 Fact: Advertising can never
        easy to understand and meaningful.                                                                                                                                                           succeed in selling something
                                                                                                                                                                                                     which the public will not accept.

The parts of an agency                                                                                                                   How advertising works
Advertising agencies need to have a wide expertise in the area       Media Planning: It is their job to ensure that the client's money
of marketing and communications. Which is why they employ            is spent efficiently to get maximum efficiency from a campaign.

specialists who can easily understand economic, demographic          Account Planning: The planners come up with insights
                                                                                                                                           Account Executive                       Account Planner
and psychographic data given to them.                                and are the 'futurologists' of the agency. They analyse markets

They add significant insights to this from their own experience      and consumer behaviour and are the ones who write the briefs.

and data banks.                                                      Creative: Probably the most important set of people.
The various departments of an agency can be classified as follows:   They are the guys who write the ads and it is their work

Account Management: The face of the agency. These are the            that the world gets to see.

people who meet the client on a day to day basis. It is their        Digital Studio: Often called the DTP section, this set of                                    Insight

responsibility to ensure that the work goes out on time and the      people work on the final artworks that are sent to the

bills are paid.                                                      various publications for release.
                                                                                                                                                               Creative Brief

                                                                                                                                                               Creative Director


Ok, now what's a brand?                                                                                                              Can you really "build" brands?
                                                                                                                                                                        Step 1: Defining the message.
A brand is not just a logo.
                                                                                                                                                                        Why should consumers care? What is different about the product?
By creating a logo one cannot create a brand. A logo is merely an aspect of a brand.
                                                                                                                                                                        e.g. It is about high performance outdoor apparel (Woodland);
A brand as a whole encompasses the physical attributes of a logo and encompasses the life of
                                                                                                                                                                        It is about strength and durability (Ambuja Cement);
the company, its employees and its audience.                                                                 Brand building is about product
                                                                                                                                                                        Step 2: Building the image.
A Brand is an experience. An experience gained from a company and its services or products.                  identification and trust.
                                                                                                                                                                        How does your difference translate into the image? Both
Brands have personality. It has a specific group of people it wants to get to know and
                                                                                                                                                                        visually and verbally it needs to consistently communicate
befriend, but is open to all.
                                                                                                     To start building a brand one has to start by defining the         the company’s message and value.
Brands are powerful. It can influence someone to buy into its personality rather than the product.
                                                                                                     target customer group and its needs and expectations and go on     Step 3: Marketing the image.
Brands are consistent. They need to talk the same language across all communication.
                                                                                                     to realistically assess how well the brand currently meets them.   How aggressively can the word be spread? The advertising

                                                                                                                                                                        campaign needs to establish the image.

    Simply put, a brand is a set of associations:                                                    Efforts need to be taken to fashion an image around the brand      Step 4: Living the message.
    • That is related to a brand or company name
                                                                                                     that is not only consistent with its core benefits but one that    Is the message real? Can the consumer identify with it? Is the
    • That has a special place in consumer’s memory
    • That helps the consumer understand the following:                                              also credibly promises to bring about excitement and               promise being delivered? Does the consumer expectation meet
       -   What the brand or company is
                                                                                                     satisfaction to the consumer.                                      satisfaction on usage or association with the brand?
       - Why it is potentially relevant to them
       - How it is different or similar to other products made by the firm
       - How it is similar or different from competitor's products

"Break ke baad!"
 Advertising in India
                                                                                                                                 Advertising and Society
                                                                                                                                                        How did a small pill change the future of a country? Simple,
                                                                                                                                 Balbir Pasha           through advertising.
                                                                                                                                 and Mala D             The Government of India has for a long time relied considerably

                                                                                                                                                        on the talents of the Advertising Agency and the Advertising
                                                                                                                                 or how advertising
In the beginning. In the 70s and 80s, Doordarshan                                                                                can make history       Agencies Association of India for social causes. One of the
was the only TV channel in India. Being the only carrier,                                                                                               biggest success stories has been the story of the simple birth
it had a mix of programmes for both the urban and rural audiences                                                                                       control pill. A poor country like India faces a major problem
and agencies had to live with the fact. Though Doordarshan                                                                                              with overpopulation.
promised exceptional reach, in the coming years it fell                                                                                                 The Mala D commercials and the family planning campaign
woefully inadequate to the needs and wants of the advertisers.                                                                                          popularised in the 80s by advertising agencies to educate
The Second Wave. The advent of Satellite Television saw the         Success after success of Indian Agencies at International                           the masses were extremely successful.
advertising industry undergo a sea change in the early 90s.         Awards like Cannes, AdFest and the New York Festivals have                          One of the biggest problems facing India today, is the rising

While the satellite channels had limited reach they could           made Advertising a sought after profession in India today                           number of HIV and AIDS related cases. Again illiteracy was the

target very niche audiences at half the cost. It also opened a      with a high demand for talented individuals.                                        core of the problem. That unsafe sex is one of the most potent

whole new world in terms of quality of production, content          Advertising in India Today. Advertising in India today has                          ways for it to spread was a fact unknown amongst the masses.

and tonality - something that advertising professional              evolved into an highly evocative and arresting medium of      Family Planning is    The Balbir Pasha campaign did wonders to spread awareness

watched with keen interest.                                         portraying society. It has value-added tremendously to the    the most successful   about the problem.

A decade and a half later, the kind of work that Indian             quality of television programming in the country and has      campaign for a
                                                                                                                                                        Since the inception of the the advertising agencies they have
                                                                                                                                  social cause by any
agencies are producing is at par and some even better               brought with it a new generation of ideas that can only                             donated crores of rupees worth of time and services to make
                                                                                                                                  advertising agency.
than their foreign counterparts.                                    contribute towards the progress of the nation.                                      the crusade a success.

Advertising and Society                                                Brand India
The hu man condition                                                   The pulse of a nation

Advertising agencies have always played a pivotal role in              Each subsequent report of the National Council of Applied
improving general human condition the world over. In India             Economic Research shows that the quality of life in India is

too, it has been tremendously successful in educating the              constantly improving at the grassroots level.

public about cancer and its prevention, AIDS, TB and a host of         The role of advertising here is of supreme importance.

other situations that demand mass scale communication.                 Literacy is on the rise and more and more of the middle

Fact is that today advertising has become a reflection of human        class are being exposed to the wonders of modern living.

life, whatever state it may be in. If times are good, it celebrates.   Almost simultaneously, the banking and financial sector

If not, it mourns. From creating ads that call for donations to        continues to bolster the economy with products and services

actually working towards the fulfillment of various causes,            that are beneficial to the rising needs of the working class.

advertising professionals are a set of people who need to be in        The urban population, meanwhile, is displaying an evolved

constant touch with the human condition. They are not and              sensibility that's more attuned to that of the global citizen.

cannot ever be mutually exclusive.                                     It is in this way that advertising agencies help the Government to

                                                                       take care of its various agendas across the length and the breadth

                                                                       of the country. This is how they help a nation get rid of illiteracy,

                                                                       hunger and unemployment. This is how they build a nation.

Our members

A K & I Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                DaCunha Communications Pvt. Ltd.     Madison Communications Pvt. Ltd.                                 Quadrant Communications Ltd.
Advertising Avenues                          Dattaram Advertising Pvt. Ltd.       Magnum Intergrafiks Pvt. Ltd.                                    R K Swamy BBDO Pvt. Ltd.
Advertising & Marketing Associates           Dentsu Communications Pvt. Ltd.      Mass Marketing & Advertising Services Pvt. Ltd.                  Radeus Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
Advertising & Sales Promotion Company        Dentsu Marcom Pvt. Ltd.              McCann-Erickson India Ltd.                                       Raka Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Adwit (India) Pvt. Ltd.                      Equus Advertising Company Ltd.       Mechanix Marketing Associates                                    Rashtriya Advertising Agency
Akshara Advertising                          Euro RSCG Advertising Pvt. Ltd.      Mindset: E.Y.W Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                             Ratan Batra Pvt. Ltd.
Ambience Publicis Advertising Pvt. Ltd.      Everest Brand Solutions Pvt. Ltd.    Mudra Communications Pvt. Ltd.                                   Rediffusion-DY&R Pvt. Ltd.
Ankur Media Pvt. Ltd.                        FCB-Ulka Advertising Pvt. Ltd.       Multimedia Aquarius Pvt. Ltd.                                    Roger Pereira Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Anugrah Madison Advertising Pvt. Ltd.        The Flagship Advertising Pvt. Ltd.   National Publicity Service                                       Saatchi & Saatchi Pvt. Ltd.
Avishkar Advertising Services                Fusion Advertising Services          Navnitlal & Co.                                                  Sai Advertisers
B Y Padhye Publicity Pvt. Ltd.               Grey Worldwide (India) Pvt. Ltd.     Network Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                                    Seasons Advertising Associates
Bates India Pvt. Ltd.                        Impressions Advertising Pvt. Ltd.    Newfields Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                                  Shantilal G Shah & Co.
BEI Confluence Communication Ltd.            Inter Publicity Pvt. Ltd.            Ogilvy & Mather Ltd.                                             Situations Advertising & Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd.
Bidhan Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.     Interface Communications Pvt. Ltd.   Overture Communications Pvt. Ltd.                                Standard Publicity Pvt. Ltd.
Brand David Communications Pvt. Ltd.         JWT                                  Parichay Advertising                                             Sunflower Marketing & Advertising
Canco Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                  Jaya Advertising Pvt. Ltd.           Pen A Trait Communications (India) Pvt. Ltd.                     3 Brothers & Fils
Capital Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                Jaytiyaar Services                   Percept H Pvt. Ltd.                                              TBWA Anthem Pvt. Ltd.
Catalyst Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.   L A Advertisers                      Pinnacle Advertising Pvt. Ltd.                                   Triton Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Contract Advertising (India) Pvt. Ltd.       Leo Burnett                          Prem Associates Advertising & Marketing                          TV Ads
Cornerstone Communications Pvt. Ltd.         Lintas India Pvt. Ltd.               Pressman Advertising & Marketing Ltd.                            Vidit Advertising
Crayons Advertising Ltd.                     MAA Communications Bozell Ltd.       Publicis (India) Communications Pvt. Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                            Advertising Agencies Association of India
                                                                                                                                                       35, Maker Tower 'F', 3rd Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005.
                                                                                                                                    Tel: (022) 2218 2164 / 2218 7609 Fax: (022) 2218 9590 Email:

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Advertising management Unit - 1 for BBA 3rd Semester
Advertising management Unit - 1 for BBA 3rd SemesterAdvertising management Unit - 1 for BBA 3rd Semester
Advertising management Unit - 1 for BBA 3rd Semester
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  • 1. AAAI Beginners Series er... what exactly is an advertising agency? 1
  • 2. Advertising?!! What's that? someone once said that advertising is the most fun So what is advertising? Is it a science? Is it an art form? Is it one can ever have with their clothes on. Fun aside, it also merely commerce made interesting? There are various schools of performs one of the most important functions in society that thought, different opinions and diverse points of view. But all of is to inform; it gives people the power of choice; the power of these collide into something that we all agree upon. That it is knowledge that helps them make important decisions everyday. probably one of the most powerful influencers of human Today, advertisements are everywhere. On television, on the behaviour since religion. internet, radio, billboards and even on the empty coffee mug Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an on your desk. Advertising has successfully transcended from identified sponsor. (Principles of Marketing: Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong) one of the most interruptive commercial medium of modern times to something that everyone wants a piece of. Not Advertising is the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media. surprisingly, everybody has an opinion about advertising. 2
  • 3. The functions of an advertising agency: • To accelerate economic growth and create public awareness What exactly is an • To provide a total, professional, experienced service which is very personal in its nature • To take the advertiser's message and convert it into an effective and memorable communication advertising agency? agenc Getting the best out of advertising is a highly skilled job. Advertising has not only come to reflect pop culture but has also It requires the inputs of experts in many different fields like become an important element of economic growth. Today, every writers, artists, photographers, designers, television person connected with the Indian economy or public should be production crews and many others. Even the biggest fully aware what advertising really is and why effective advertisers cannot afford to employ all these experts. advertising campaigns can be performed by full-service Almost all advertising is therefore arranged through an advertising agencies. advertising agency which provides the necessary skill to turn the message into a memorable and effective advertisement. An advertising agency is a firm that specialises in the creation, design and placement of advertisements, and in the planning and execution of promotional campaigns for products and services of their clients. 3
  • 4. Myth: An agency always Who needs advertising? helps to sell a product Advertising is primarily used as a tool by companies to: Government and autonomous bodies use advertising to: What does a professional advertising agency have that is If the advertising needs to be successful, Inform people about new products and services Inform people about their policies unique? With professional talent and loads of communications’ the product needs to: Brand building Promote birth control experience under their belts, agencies are perfectly suited Solve a purpose To remind customers about their brand at the right time and place Educate the masses on health care to take over their clients’ marketing communications problems Fulfil a need To reinforce customer confidence in purchase Prevent panic during natural disasters and help them with specialised services. But like everything it Be satisfactory To build Corporate Identity Dispel harmful rumours too has its limitations. Effective advertising can contribute Have a credible proposition To help their sales force become more effective Attract foreign investment immensely to the success of a product. Similarly, if the product is To give their brand and company a “personality” that makes it unique bad or something that the people cannot accept, then no amount of advertising can save it. Advertising is required because it explains complex issues in ways that are interesting, Fact: Advertising can never easy to understand and meaningful. succeed in selling something which the public will not accept. 4
  • 5. The parts of an agency How advertising works Advertising agencies need to have a wide expertise in the area Media Planning: It is their job to ensure that the client's money Client of marketing and communications. Which is why they employ is spent efficiently to get maximum efficiency from a campaign. specialists who can easily understand economic, demographic Account Planning: The planners come up with insights Account Executive Account Planner and psychographic data given to them. and are the 'futurologists' of the agency. They analyse markets They add significant insights to this from their own experience and consumer behaviour and are the ones who write the briefs. and data banks. Creative: Probably the most important set of people. Research The various departments of an agency can be classified as follows: They are the guys who write the ads and it is their work Account Management: The face of the agency. These are the that the world gets to see. people who meet the client on a day to day basis. It is their Digital Studio: Often called the DTP section, this set of Insight responsibility to ensure that the work goes out on time and the people work on the final artworks that are sent to the bills are paid. various publications for release. Creative Brief Creative Director Campaign 5
  • 6. Ok, now what's a brand? Can you really "build" brands? Step 1: Defining the message. A brand is not just a logo. Why should consumers care? What is different about the product? By creating a logo one cannot create a brand. A logo is merely an aspect of a brand. e.g. It is about high performance outdoor apparel (Woodland); A brand as a whole encompasses the physical attributes of a logo and encompasses the life of It is about strength and durability (Ambuja Cement); the company, its employees and its audience. Brand building is about product Step 2: Building the image. A Brand is an experience. An experience gained from a company and its services or products. identification and trust. How does your difference translate into the image? Both Brands have personality. It has a specific group of people it wants to get to know and visually and verbally it needs to consistently communicate befriend, but is open to all. To start building a brand one has to start by defining the the company’s message and value. Brands are powerful. It can influence someone to buy into its personality rather than the product. target customer group and its needs and expectations and go on Step 3: Marketing the image. Brands are consistent. They need to talk the same language across all communication. to realistically assess how well the brand currently meets them. How aggressively can the word be spread? The advertising campaign needs to establish the image. Simply put, a brand is a set of associations: Efforts need to be taken to fashion an image around the brand Step 4: Living the message. • That is related to a brand or company name that is not only consistent with its core benefits but one that Is the message real? Can the consumer identify with it? Is the • That has a special place in consumer’s memory • That helps the consumer understand the following: also credibly promises to bring about excitement and promise being delivered? Does the consumer expectation meet - What the brand or company is satisfaction to the consumer. satisfaction on usage or association with the brand? - Why it is potentially relevant to them - How it is different or similar to other products made by the firm - How it is similar or different from competitor's products 6
  • 7. "Break ke baad!" Advertising in India Advertising and Society How did a small pill change the future of a country? Simple, Balbir Pasha through advertising. and Mala D The Government of India has for a long time relied considerably on the talents of the Advertising Agency and the Advertising or how advertising In the beginning. In the 70s and 80s, Doordarshan can make history Agencies Association of India for social causes. One of the was the only TV channel in India. Being the only carrier, biggest success stories has been the story of the simple birth it had a mix of programmes for both the urban and rural audiences control pill. A poor country like India faces a major problem and agencies had to live with the fact. Though Doordarshan with overpopulation. promised exceptional reach, in the coming years it fell The Mala D commercials and the family planning campaign woefully inadequate to the needs and wants of the advertisers. popularised in the 80s by advertising agencies to educate The Second Wave. The advent of Satellite Television saw the Success after success of Indian Agencies at International the masses were extremely successful. advertising industry undergo a sea change in the early 90s. Awards like Cannes, AdFest and the New York Festivals have One of the biggest problems facing India today, is the rising While the satellite channels had limited reach they could made Advertising a sought after profession in India today number of HIV and AIDS related cases. Again illiteracy was the target very niche audiences at half the cost. It also opened a with a high demand for talented individuals. core of the problem. That unsafe sex is one of the most potent whole new world in terms of quality of production, content Advertising in India Today. Advertising in India today has ways for it to spread was a fact unknown amongst the masses. and tonality - something that advertising professional evolved into an highly evocative and arresting medium of Family Planning is The Balbir Pasha campaign did wonders to spread awareness watched with keen interest. portraying society. It has value-added tremendously to the the most successful about the problem. A decade and a half later, the kind of work that Indian quality of television programming in the country and has campaign for a Since the inception of the the advertising agencies they have social cause by any agencies are producing is at par and some even better brought with it a new generation of ideas that can only donated crores of rupees worth of time and services to make advertising agency. than their foreign counterparts. contribute towards the progress of the nation. the crusade a success. 7
  • 8. Advertising and Society Brand India The hu man condition The pulse of a nation Advertising agencies have always played a pivotal role in Each subsequent report of the National Council of Applied improving general human condition the world over. In India Economic Research shows that the quality of life in India is too, it has been tremendously successful in educating the constantly improving at the grassroots level. public about cancer and its prevention, AIDS, TB and a host of The role of advertising here is of supreme importance. other situations that demand mass scale communication. Literacy is on the rise and more and more of the middle Fact is that today advertising has become a reflection of human class are being exposed to the wonders of modern living. life, whatever state it may be in. If times are good, it celebrates. Almost simultaneously, the banking and financial sector If not, it mourns. From creating ads that call for donations to continues to bolster the economy with products and services actually working towards the fulfillment of various causes, that are beneficial to the rising needs of the working class. advertising professionals are a set of people who need to be in The urban population, meanwhile, is displaying an evolved constant touch with the human condition. They are not and sensibility that's more attuned to that of the global citizen. cannot ever be mutually exclusive. It is in this way that advertising agencies help the Government to take care of its various agendas across the length and the breadth of the country. This is how they help a nation get rid of illiteracy, hunger and unemployment. This is how they build a nation. 8
  • 9. Our members A K & I Advertising Pvt. Ltd. DaCunha Communications Pvt. Ltd. Madison Communications Pvt. Ltd. Quadrant Communications Ltd. Advertising Avenues Dattaram Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Magnum Intergrafiks Pvt. Ltd. R K Swamy BBDO Pvt. Ltd. Advertising & Marketing Associates Dentsu Communications Pvt. Ltd. Mass Marketing & Advertising Services Pvt. Ltd. Radeus Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Advertising & Sales Promotion Company Dentsu Marcom Pvt. Ltd. McCann-Erickson India Ltd. Raka Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Adwit (India) Pvt. Ltd. Equus Advertising Company Ltd. Mechanix Marketing Associates Rashtriya Advertising Agency Akshara Advertising Euro RSCG Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Mindset: E.Y.W Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Ratan Batra Pvt. Ltd. Ambience Publicis Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Everest Brand Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mudra Communications Pvt. Ltd. Rediffusion-DY&R Pvt. Ltd. Ankur Media Pvt. Ltd. FCB-Ulka Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Multimedia Aquarius Pvt. Ltd. Roger Pereira Communications Pvt. Ltd. Anugrah Madison Advertising Pvt. Ltd. The Flagship Advertising Pvt. Ltd. National Publicity Service Saatchi & Saatchi Pvt. Ltd. Avishkar Advertising Services Fusion Advertising Services Navnitlal & Co. Sai Advertisers B Y Padhye Publicity Pvt. Ltd. Grey Worldwide (India) Pvt. Ltd. Network Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Seasons Advertising Associates Bates India Pvt. Ltd. Impressions Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Newfields Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Shantilal G Shah & Co. BEI Confluence Communication Ltd. Inter Publicity Pvt. Ltd. Ogilvy & Mather Ltd. Situations Advertising & Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. Bidhan Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Interface Communications Pvt. Ltd. Overture Communications Pvt. Ltd. Standard Publicity Pvt. Ltd. Brand David Communications Pvt. Ltd. JWT Parichay Advertising Sunflower Marketing & Advertising Canco Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Jaya Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Pen A Trait Communications (India) Pvt. Ltd. 3 Brothers & Fils Capital Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Jaytiyaar Services Percept H Pvt. Ltd. TBWA Anthem Pvt. Ltd. Catalyst Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. L A Advertisers Pinnacle Advertising Pvt. Ltd. Triton Communications Pvt. Ltd. Contract Advertising (India) Pvt. Ltd. Leo Burnett Prem Associates Advertising & Marketing TV Ads Cornerstone Communications Pvt. Ltd. Lintas India Pvt. Ltd. Pressman Advertising & Marketing Ltd. Vidit Advertising Crayons Advertising Ltd. MAA Communications Bozell Ltd. Publicis (India) Communications Pvt. Ltd. Advertising Agencies Association of India 35, Maker Tower 'F', 3rd Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005. Tel: (022) 2218 2164 / 2218 7609 Fax: (022) 2218 9590 Email: