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Advanced Testing
  RubyEnRails Conference ’09

• Share our experiences about testing
• Make you start thinking critical about testing
  like an advanced tester
• Unit testing with RSpec
• Integration testing with Cucumber
Student Master of
               Computer Science

@edwin_v   Edwin Vlieg
                            Course: Testing
Student Master of
               Computer Science

@edwin_v   Edwin Vlieg
                            Course: Testing
• Web application written in Ruby on Rails
• Create and send invoices online
• More than 16.000 invoices sent
• Short development cycle: 2 months
• API for web developers
• More info:
“A donkey does not knock
himself to the same stone twice”
It is okay to write code that doesn’t work...

         But never ‘cap deploy’ it!
So we started testing
Unit testing
Software testing
... is a technical process performed by executing
a product in a controlled environment, following
  a specified procedure, with the intent of
measuring the quality of the software product by
demonstrating deviations of the requirements.
Unit testing

• Test individual units of code
• A unit is the smallest testable piece of
  code: methods of classes
• E.g. methods of controllers and models

Test before you write a single piece of code

Test before you write a single piece of code

Can be a nice approach, but requires a lot of
  discipline and might not fit your needs,
       but know how it can help you!
                 Recurring invoices

Calculate the next occurence of a recurring invoice.

  Start date          Current occurence         Next occurence

        Jan    Febr          Mar          Apr       May
First version

def next_occurence(today)
  today + 1.month

describe "Date calculation" do
  it "should return the next month" do
    next_occurence(Date.parse('2009-01-01')).should ==

                               You ain’t testing this,
                             because it looks too easy
Done! It is green.
Customer: “I want to bill every
         last day of the month”

‘2009-01-31’ + 1.month = ‘2009-02-28’
‘2009-02-28’ + 1.month = ‘2009-03-28’
‘2009-01-31’ + 2.months = ‘2009-03-31’
Boundary Value Analysis
Find the boundaries of the input and test them
Boundary Value Analysis
Find the boundaries of the input and test them

        Start       Current       Next
       2009-01-31   2009-01-31   2009-02-28
       2009-01-31   2009-02-28   2009-03-31
       2009-01-31   2009-03-31   2009-04-30
       2009-01-30   2009-01-30   2009-02-28
       2009-01-30   2009-02-28   2009-03-30
       2009-01-30   2009-03-30   2009-04-30
       2009-01-29   2009-01-29   2009-02-28
       2009-01-29   2009-02-28   2009-03-29
       2009-01-29   2009-03-29   2009-04-29
       2009-01-28   2009-01-28   2009-02-28
       2009-01-28   2009-02-28   2009-03-28
       2009-01-28   2009-03-28   2009-04-28
Boundary Value Analysis
Find the boundaries of the input and test them

        Start       Current       Next
       2009-01-31   2009-01-31   2009-02-28
       2009-01-31   2009-02-28   2009-03-31
       2009-01-31   2009-03-31   2009-04-30
       2009-01-30   2009-01-30   2009-02-28
       2009-01-30   2009-02-28   2009-03-30
       2009-01-30   2009-03-30   2009-04-30
       2009-01-29   2009-01-29   2009-02-28
       2009-01-29   2009-02-28   2009-03-29
       2009-01-29   2009-03-29   2009-04-29
       2009-01-28   2009-01-28   2009-02-28
       2009-01-28   2009-02-28   2009-03-28
       2009-01-28   2009-03-28   2009-04-28
Boundary Value Analysis
Find the boundaries of the input and test them

        Start       Current       Next
       2009-01-31   2009-01-31   2009-02-28
       2009-01-31   2009-02-28   2009-03-31
       2009-01-31   2009-03-31   2009-04-30
       2009-01-30   2009-01-30   2009-02-28
       2009-01-30   2009-02-28   2009-03-30
       2009-01-30   2009-03-30   2009-04-30
       2009-01-29   2009-01-29   2009-02-28
       2009-01-29   2009-02-28   2009-03-29
       2009-01-29   2009-03-29   2009-04-29
       2009-01-28   2009-01-28   2009-02-28
       2009-01-28   2009-02-28   2009-03-28
       2009-01-28   2009-03-28   2009-04-28
Boundary Value Analysis
Find the boundaries of the input and test them

        Start       Current       Next
       2009-01-31   2009-01-31   2009-02-28
       2009-01-31   2009-02-28   2009-03-31
       2009-01-31   2009-03-31   2009-04-30
       2009-01-30   2009-01-30   2009-02-28
       2009-01-30   2009-02-28   2009-03-30
       2009-01-30   2009-03-30   2009-04-30
       2009-01-29   2009-01-29   2009-02-28
       2009-01-29   2009-02-28   2009-03-29
       2009-01-29   2009-03-29   2009-04-29
       2009-01-28   2009-01-28   2009-02-28
       2009-01-28   2009-02-28   2009-03-28
       2009-01-28   2009-03-28   2009-04-28
Create tests for all boundary values...

      ...and improve your code!
The solution

def self.calculate_next_occurence(start_date, current_date)
  next_date = current_date + 1.month
  while != and
        next_date != next_date.end_of_month
    next_date = next_date.tomorrow
“Testing shows the presence,
  not the absence of bugs”
                        - Dijkstra
So, why test?
So, why test?

     When working with dates, it takes a while
      before the Boundary Values occure.
Isolate for productivity

• Test isolated units of code, assuring they are working
• No need to bother about it later
• No need to find all edge cases in the user interface:
  F5 syndrom
Isolate your tests

• Don’t test code that is tested elsewhere
• Only make sure it is used well in the code you’re testing
• The solution: mocks and stubs
Mock objects are simulated objects that mimic
the behavior of real objects in controlled ways

  A stub is a piece of code used to stand in
  for some other programming functionality
Very hard
Method A   Method B
Method B   Very hard

Method A
Method B   Very hard

Method A    Mock
Method B   Very hard

Method A        Stub

Method B          Very hard

Method A

       Mock              Stub
Mock   Stub
How to isolate?
def create_invoice(contact)
  invoice =
  invoice.contact_id =
  invoice.details_attributes =
    [{ :description => "RER09", :price => 79 }]

class Invoice < ActiveResource::Base = ""
How to isolate?
def create_invoice(contact)
  invoice =
  invoice.contact_id =
  invoice.details_attributes =
    [{ :description => "RER09", :price => 79 }]

class Invoice < ActiveResource::Base = ""
                          ActiveResource is tested elsewhere +
                                   very slow to test
describe "MoneyBird API" do
  it "should create the invoice" do

    create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true
describe "MoneyBird API" do
  it "should create the invoice" do

   contact_mock = mock(:contact)

    create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true
describe "MoneyBird API" do
  it "should create the invoice" do


   contact_mock = mock(:contact)

    create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true
describe "MoneyBird API" do
  it "should create the invoice" do
   invoice_mock = mock(:invoice)


   contact_mock = mock(:contact)

    create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true

Isolated    A    B

Isolated        A       B

Not isolated    A   B

Isolated        A       B

Not isolated    A   B
                            Extra test work +
                            maintenance work!
What to test?

But never too much!! Be critical
Downside of testing

• Every test gives overhead
• Testing the obvious takes time
• Ruby library, CRUD controllers
Downside of testing

 • Every test gives overhead
 • Testing the obvious takes time
 • Ruby library, CRUD controllers
But what if suddenly:
         BigDecimal("10.03").to_f != 10.03
We use (very) fat models

                           So we unit test them

• All business logic in models
• Models tested with RSpec
• Basic data model in fixtures
• Models make use of the database
• Sometimes data in de database is needed
  for the model to work
• Fixtures are easy to manage on the
  filesystem (+ version control)
• Fixtures can be used for bootstrapping
  application: rake db:fixtures:load
  company: bluetools
  name: Edwins company
  contact_name: Edwin Vlieg
  address1: Street 82
  zipcode: 7541 XA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: mail
  created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  contact_hash: 1
  company: bluetools
  name: BlueTools B.V.
  address1: Postbus 123
  zipcode: 7500EA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: post
  contact_hash: 2
  company: bluetools
                                Unique identifier for
  name: Edwins company          ‘row’ in database.
  contact_name: Edwin Vlieg     Don’t set the id column!!
  address1: Street 82
  zipcode: 7541 XA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: mail
  created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  contact_hash: 1
  company: bluetools
  name: BlueTools B.V.
  address1: Postbus 123
  zipcode: 7500EA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: post
  contact_hash: 2
  company: bluetools
                                Unique identifier for
  name: Edwins company          ‘row’ in database.
  contact_name: Edwin Vlieg     Don’t set the id column!!
  address1: Street 82
  zipcode: 7541 XA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: mail
  created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  contact_hash: 1
  company: bluetools
  name: BlueTools B.V.         Yes, you can use Ruby!
  address1: Postbus 123
  zipcode: 7500EA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: post
  contact_hash: 2
  company: bluetools
                                Unique identifier for
  name: Edwins company          ‘row’ in database.
  contact_name: Edwin Vlieg     Don’t set the id column!!
  address1: Street 82
  zipcode: 7541 XA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: mail
  created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %>
  contact_hash: 1
  company: bluetools
  name: BlueTools B.V.         Yes, you can use Ruby!
  address1: Postbus 123
  zipcode: 7500EA
  city: Enschede
  country: NL
  send_method: post
  contact_hash: 2     Reference to unique identifier
                      in companies table
We don’t test controllers and views.

• Controllers are just plain CRUD actions
• Views just contain HTML
• And both are tested with integration
  testing in Cucumber
Integration testing
The goal
• Test the full stack: models, views and
• Behaviour driven approach
Our story
So we started testing
Feature: Homepage
    Visitors at the homepage should get clear information about
    our product and be able to create an account

    Scenario: Create a new free account
        When I visit the homepage
         And I follow "pricing"
         And I follow "Signup"
         And I fill in the following:
            | Company name          | Test company          |
            | Your fullname         | Edwin Vlieg           |
            | E-mail                |          |
            | company_domain        | testcompany           |
            | Username              | Edwin                 |
            | Password              | testtest              |
            | Password confirmation | testtest              |
         And I press "Create your account"
        Then a company with name "Test company" should exist
         And an e-mail with subject "Welcome to MoneyBird" should have been sent
         And I should see "Thanks for signing up!"
Cucumber stories

• Each line is parsed and matched on a step
• Step contains actual execution of code
• 3 types of steps: Given, When and Then.

        When I follow "Signup"


When /^I follow "([^"]*)"$/ do |link|
Reuse step definitions

                       In MoneyBird:

              40 step definitions

      695 steps executed
40 steps

• 21   Webrat steps (Cucumber default)
•4     Common steps (DB & Mailer)
• 15   Domain specific steps

• Webrat gives you control over the user
  interface (almost) like an end user has
• But doesn’t emulate a browser like
  Selenium or Watir (= no JavaScript)
  Web browser


Mongrel / Passenger              Webrat

When I follow "Signup"

1. Locate the link on the page
<a href="/signup">Signup</a>

<a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a>

<a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a>
When I follow "Signup"

1. Locate the link on the page
<a href="/signup">Signup</a>

<a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a>

<a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a>
When I follow "Signup"

1. Locate the link on the page
<a href="/signup">Signup</a>

<a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a>

<a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a>

2. ‘Click’ the link
Grab the ‘href’ attribute from the element and feed it to the
Rails application. HTML is replaced: next search of element
will be in new page.
Cucumber & Webrat
Cucumber comes with default Webrat steps to:
• Visit pages
• Click links
• Fill in forms
• Submit forms
• Assert the content of the page
Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write
unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable.
  Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write
  unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable.

<a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a>

                 Link opens popup, even without JavaScript
  Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write
  unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable.

<a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a>

                    Link opens popup, even without JavaScript


          JavaScript adds extra behaviour to link
          Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write
          unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable.

   <a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a>

                            Link opens popup, even without JavaScript

Rails 3

                  JavaScript adds extra behaviour to link
Common steps
Database steps:
Given I've created an invoice with invoice id "2008-0100"

Then a contact with name "Test company" should exist

Mailer steps:
Then an e-mail with subject "Invoice 2008-0100 from
Bluetools" should have been sent

         Full source:
Database steps

 Given I've created an invoice with invoice id "2008-0100"

     Should create a new invoice with invoice id
“2008-0100”, but what about the rest of the attributes?
     • Makes it easy to create records in the
     • Define default attributes for a record:
Factory.define :contact do |c|
  c.company_id      { |c| Company.find_by_domain($subdomain).id }            "Test company"
  c.contact_name    "Edwin Vlieg"
  c.address1        "Hengelosestraat 538"
  c.zipcode         "7500AG"            "Enschede"         "NLD"           ""
• Easy instantiation of records in database:
     Factory(:contact, :name => "Foobar")

    Factory name          Override default

              More information:
           When I follow "Signup"

       What if we want to change “Signup”
              to “Create account”?

Test breaks, but application is functionally correct.
Testing takes time,
so be critical about what to test
Don’t stare blindly at TDD or BDD

 Creating mesmerizing products needs creativity,
this doesn’t always fit into the ‘test-first’ approach,

   but know the ideas behind the approaches,
       so you can use them when needed!
Creating a good test environment takes time:
   it just doesn’t end with RSpec or Cucumber

Mocks, stubs, fixtures and factories are your friends!
Write testable code

Keep the units small for easy unit testing

   Keep the HTML clean for webrat

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Advanced Testing on RubyEnRails '09

  • 1. Advanced Testing RubyEnRails Conference ’09
  • 2. Goals • Share our experiences about testing • Make you start thinking critical about testing like an advanced tester • Unit testing with RSpec • Integration testing with Cucumber
  • 3. Student Master of Computer Science @edwin_v Edwin Vlieg Course: Testing Techniques
  • 4. Student Master of Computer Science @edwin_v Edwin Vlieg Course: Testing 5 Techniques
  • 5.
  • 6. • Web application written in Ruby on Rails • Create and send invoices online • More than 16.000 invoices sent • Short development cycle: 2 months • API for web developers • More info:
  • 7.
  • 8. “A donkey does not knock himself to the same stone twice”
  • 9. It is okay to write code that doesn’t work... But never ‘cap deploy’ it!
  • 10. So we started testing
  • 12. Software testing ... is a technical process performed by executing a product in a controlled environment, following a specified procedure, with the intent of measuring the quality of the software product by demonstrating deviations of the requirements.
  • 13. Unit testing • Test individual units of code • A unit is the smallest testable piece of code: methods of classes • E.g. methods of controllers and models
  • 14. TDD / BDD Test before you write a single piece of code
  • 15. TDD / BDD Test before you write a single piece of code Can be a nice approach, but requires a lot of discipline and might not fit your needs, but know how it can help you!
  • 16. Example Recurring invoices Calculate the next occurence of a recurring invoice. Start date Current occurence Next occurence Jan Febr Mar Apr May
  • 18. RSpec-t describe "Date calculation" do it "should return the next month" do next_occurence(Date.parse('2009-01-01')).should == Date.parse('2009-02-01') end end You ain’t testing this, because it looks too easy
  • 19. Done! It is green.
  • 20. Customer: “I want to bill every last day of the month” ‘2009-01-31’ + 1.month = ‘2009-02-28’ ‘2009-02-28’ + 1.month = ‘2009-03-28’ ‘2009-01-31’ + 2.months = ‘2009-03-31’
  • 21. Boundary Value Analysis Find the boundaries of the input and test them
  • 22. Boundary Value Analysis Find the boundaries of the input and test them Start Current Next 2009-01-31 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-03-31 2009-01-31 2009-03-31 2009-04-30 2009-01-30 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-03-30 2009-01-30 2009-03-30 2009-04-30 2009-01-29 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-03-29 2009-01-29 2009-03-29 2009-04-29 2009-01-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-03-28 2009-01-28 2009-03-28 2009-04-28
  • 23. Boundary Value Analysis Find the boundaries of the input and test them Start Current Next 2009-01-31 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-03-31 2009-01-31 2009-03-31 2009-04-30 2009-01-30 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-03-30 2009-01-30 2009-03-30 2009-04-30 2009-01-29 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-03-29 2009-01-29 2009-03-29 2009-04-29 2009-01-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-03-28 2009-01-28 2009-03-28 2009-04-28
  • 24. Boundary Value Analysis Find the boundaries of the input and test them Start Current Next 2009-01-31 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-03-31 2009-01-31 2009-03-31 2009-04-30 2009-01-30 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-03-30 2009-01-30 2009-03-30 2009-04-30 2009-01-29 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-03-29 2009-01-29 2009-03-29 2009-04-29 2009-01-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-03-28 2009-01-28 2009-03-28 2009-04-28
  • 25. Boundary Value Analysis Find the boundaries of the input and test them Start Current Next 2009-01-31 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-01-31 2009-02-28 2009-03-31 2009-01-31 2009-03-31 2009-04-30 2009-01-30 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-01-30 2009-02-28 2009-03-30 2009-01-30 2009-03-30 2009-04-30 2009-01-29 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-01-29 2009-02-28 2009-03-29 2009-01-29 2009-03-29 2009-04-29 2009-01-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-01-28 2009-02-28 2009-03-28 2009-01-28 2009-03-28 2009-04-28
  • 26. Create tests for all boundary values... ...and improve your code!
  • 27. The solution def self.calculate_next_occurence(start_date, current_date) next_date = current_date + 1.month while != and next_date != next_date.end_of_month next_date = next_date.tomorrow end next_date end
  • 28. “Testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs” - Dijkstra
  • 30. So, why test? When working with dates, it takes a while before the Boundary Values occure.
  • 32. Isolate for productivity • Test isolated units of code, assuring they are working • No need to bother about it later • No need to find all edge cases in the user interface: F5 syndrom
  • 33. Isolate your tests • Don’t test code that is tested elsewhere • Only make sure it is used well in the code you’re testing • The solution: mocks and stubs
  • 34. Mock objects are simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in controlled ways A stub is a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality
  • 35. Very hard Method A Method B work
  • 36. Method B Very hard work Method A
  • 37. Method B Very hard work Method A Mock
  • 38. Method B Very hard work Method A Stub Mock
  • 39. Method B Very hard work Method A Mock Stub
  • 40. Mock Stub
  • 41. How to isolate? def create_invoice(contact) invoice = invoice.contact_id = invoice.details_attributes = [{ :description => "RER09", :price => 79 }] end class Invoice < ActiveResource::Base = "" end
  • 42. How to isolate? def create_invoice(contact) invoice = invoice.contact_id = invoice.details_attributes = [{ :description => "RER09", :price => 79 }] end class Invoice < ActiveResource::Base = "" end ActiveResource is tested elsewhere + very slow to test
  • 43. describe "MoneyBird API" do it "should create the invoice" do create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true end end
  • 44. describe "MoneyBird API" do it "should create the invoice" do contact_mock = mock(:contact) contact_mock.should_receive(:id).and_return(3) create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true end end
  • 45. describe "MoneyBird API" do it "should create the invoice" do Invoice.should_receive(:new).and_return(invoice_mock) contact_mock = mock(:contact) contact_mock.should_receive(:id).and_return(3) create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true end end
  • 46. describe "MoneyBird API" do it "should create the invoice" do invoice_mock = mock(:invoice) invoice_mock.stub!(:contact_id=) invoice_mock.stub!(:details_attributes=) invoice_mock.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) Invoice.should_receive(:new).and_return(invoice_mock) contact_mock = mock(:contact) contact_mock.should_receive(:id).and_return(3) create_invoice(contact_mock).should be_true end end
  • 48. Isolation Isolated A B Not isolated A B
  • 49. Isolation Isolated A B Not isolated A B Double = Extra test work + maintenance work!
  • 50. What to test? Everything! But never too much!! Be critical
  • 51. Downside of testing • Every test gives overhead • Testing the obvious takes time • Ruby library, CRUD controllers
  • 52. Downside of testing • Every test gives overhead • Testing the obvious takes time • Ruby library, CRUD controllers But what if suddenly: BigDecimal("10.03").to_f != 10.03
  • 53. We use (very) fat models So we unit test them
  • 54. RSpec • All business logic in models • Models tested with RSpec • Basic data model in fixtures
  • 55. Fixtures? • Models make use of the database • Sometimes data in de database is needed for the model to work • Fixtures are easy to manage on the filesystem (+ version control) • Fixtures can be used for bootstrapping application: rake db:fixtures:load
  • 56. first_contact: company: bluetools name: Edwins company contact_name: Edwin Vlieg address1: Street 82 zipcode: 7541 XA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: mail created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %> contact_hash: 1 second_contact: company: bluetools name: BlueTools B.V. address1: Postbus 123 zipcode: 7500EA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: post contact_hash: 2
  • 57. first_contact: company: bluetools Unique identifier for name: Edwins company ‘row’ in database. contact_name: Edwin Vlieg Don’t set the id column!! address1: Street 82 zipcode: 7541 XA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: mail created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %> contact_hash: 1 second_contact: company: bluetools name: BlueTools B.V. address1: Postbus 123 zipcode: 7500EA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: post contact_hash: 2
  • 58. first_contact: company: bluetools Unique identifier for name: Edwins company ‘row’ in database. contact_name: Edwin Vlieg Don’t set the id column!! address1: Street 82 zipcode: 7541 XA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: mail created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %> contact_hash: 1 second_contact: company: bluetools name: BlueTools B.V. Yes, you can use Ruby! address1: Postbus 123 zipcode: 7500EA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: post contact_hash: 2
  • 59. first_contact: company: bluetools Unique identifier for name: Edwins company ‘row’ in database. contact_name: Edwin Vlieg Don’t set the id column!! address1: Street 82 zipcode: 7541 XA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: mail created_at: <%= 60.days.ago.to_s :db %> contact_hash: 1 second_contact: company: bluetools name: BlueTools B.V. Yes, you can use Ruby! address1: Postbus 123 zipcode: 7500EA city: Enschede country: NL send_method: post contact_hash: 2 Reference to unique identifier in companies table
  • 60. We don’t test controllers and views.
  • 61. Because, • Controllers are just plain CRUD actions • Views just contain HTML • And both are tested with integration testing in Cucumber
  • 63. The goal • Test the full stack: models, views and controllers • Behaviour driven approach
  • 65.
  • 66. So we started testing
  • 67. Feature: Homepage Visitors at the homepage should get clear information about our product and be able to create an account Scenario: Create a new free account When I visit the homepage And I follow "pricing" And I follow "Signup" And I fill in the following: | Company name | Test company | | Your fullname | Edwin Vlieg | | E-mail | | | company_domain | testcompany | | Username | Edwin | | Password | testtest | | Password confirmation | testtest | And I press "Create your account" Then a company with name "Test company" should exist And an e-mail with subject "Welcome to MoneyBird" should have been sent And I should see "Thanks for signing up!"
  • 68. Cucumber stories • Each line is parsed and matched on a step • Step contains actual execution of code • 3 types of steps: Given, When and Then.
  • 69. homepage.feature When I follow "Signup" webrat_steps.rb When /^I follow "([^"]*)"$/ do |link| click_link(link) end
  • 70. Reuse step definitions In MoneyBird: 40 step definitions 695 steps executed
  • 71. 40 steps • 21 Webrat steps (Cucumber default) •4 Common steps (DB & Mailer) • 15 Domain specific steps
  • 72. Webrat • Webrat gives you control over the user interface (almost) like an end user has • But doesn’t emulate a browser like Selenium or Watir (= no JavaScript)
  • 73. Web-what? Web browser Apache Mongrel / Passenger Webrat ActionController
  • 74. When I follow "Signup" 1. Locate the link on the page <a href="/signup">Signup</a> <a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a> <a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a>
  • 75. When I follow "Signup" 1. Locate the link on the page <a href="/signup">Signup</a> <a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a> <a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a>
  • 76. When I follow "Signup" 1. Locate the link on the page <a href="/signup">Signup</a> <a href="/signup" title="Signup"><img src="..." /></a> <a href="/signup" id="Signup" title="Click to signup"><img src="..."></a> 2. ‘Click’ the link Grab the ‘href’ attribute from the element and feed it to the Rails application. HTML is replaced: next search of element will be in new page.
  • 77. Cucumber & Webrat Cucumber comes with default Webrat steps to: • Visit pages • Click links • Fill in forms • Submit forms • Assert the content of the page
  • 78. Testability Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable.
  • 79. Testability Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable. HTML <a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a> Link opens popup, even without JavaScript
  • 80. Testability Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable. HTML <a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a> Link opens popup, even without JavaScript JavaScript $('open').click(...); JavaScript adds extra behaviour to link
  • 81. Testability Webrat doesn’t execute JavaScript, so write unobtrusive JavaScript to keep it testable. HTML <a href="/popup.html" id="open">Open popup</a> Link opens popup, even without JavaScript JavaScript $('open').click(...); Rails 3 JavaScript adds extra behaviour to link
  • 82. Common steps Database steps: Given I've created an invoice with invoice id "2008-0100" Then a contact with name "Test company" should exist Mailer steps: Then an e-mail with subject "Invoice 2008-0100 from Bluetools" should have been sent Full source:
  • 83. Database steps Given I've created an invoice with invoice id "2008-0100" Should create a new invoice with invoice id “2008-0100”, but what about the rest of the attributes?
  • 84. FactoryGirl • Makes it easy to create records in the database • Define default attributes for a record: Factory.define :contact do |c| c.company_id { |c| Company.find_by_domain($subdomain).id } "Test company" c.contact_name "Edwin Vlieg" c.address1 "Hengelosestraat 538" c.zipcode "7500AG" "Enschede" "NLD" "" end
  • 85. FactoryGirl • Easy instantiation of records in database: Factory(:contact, :name => "Foobar") Factory name Override default attributes More information:
  • 86. Downside When I follow "Signup" What if we want to change “Signup” to “Create account”? Test breaks, but application is functionally correct.
  • 88. Testing takes time, so be critical about what to test
  • 89. Don’t stare blindly at TDD or BDD Creating mesmerizing products needs creativity, this doesn’t always fit into the ‘test-first’ approach, but know the ideas behind the approaches, so you can use them when needed!
  • 90. Creating a good test environment takes time: it just doesn’t end with RSpec or Cucumber Mocks, stubs, fixtures and factories are your friends!
  • 91. Write testable code Keep the units small for easy unit testing Keep the HTML clean for webrat