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Adrenal glands disorders in children
MD, PhD Ievgeniia Burlaka
Bogomolets National Medical University
Department of Pediatrics no.4
The Adrenal gland
ƒ The adrenal gland lies just above the kidneys
ƒ Divided into two main sub-organs
ƒ Adrenal cortex
ƒ Secretes the steroid hormones
ƒ Glucocorticoid
ƒ Mineralocorticoid
ƒ Androgens
ƒ Adrenal medulla
ƒ Secretes Catecholamines
ƒ Adrenaline (epinephrine)
ƒ Noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
Adrenal glands functions
•The zona glomerulosa (ZG) is the most superficial layer of the adrenal cortex and it produces
the hormone aldosterone as well as some small amounts of progesterone (a sex hormone).
- plays a central role in regulating blood pressure and certain electrolytes (sodium and
- aldosterone sends signals to the kidneys, resulting in the kidneys absorbing more sodium
into the bloodstream and releasing potassium into the urine.
- thus, aldosterone helps to regulate the blood pH by controlling the levels of electrolytes in the
•The zona fasciculata (ZF) is the middle zone of the adrenal cortex, and it primarily
produces cortisol.
- it helps control the body’s use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates; suppresses inflammation;
regulates blood pressure; increases blood sugar; and can also decrease bone formation.
- this hormone also controls the sleep/wake cycle. It is released during times of stress to help
your body get an energy boost and better handle an emergency situation.
•The zona reticularis (ZR) is the inner most zone of the adrenal cortex and it is adjacent to the
adrenal medulla. Functions of the zona retularis are to store cholesterol for steroidogenesis (the
making of steroid hormones) and the secretion of sex hormones such as estrogen, and
testosterone (in small amounts).
- These hormones produced by the zona reticularis are precursor hormones that are converted
in the ovaries into female hormones (estrogens) and in the testes into male hormones
Disorders of Adrenal gland
ƒ Hypofunction
ƒ Addison’s disease
ƒ Hypoaldosteronism
ƒ Hyperfunction
ƒ Cushing’s disease
ƒ Excess androgen secretion
ƒ Excess estrogen secretion
ƒ Adrenal enzyme deficiencies
ƒ Congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia
ƒ Several enzymes involved
ƒ Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
Primary adrenal insufficiency
„ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
„ Congenital adrenal hypoplasia (X-linked & A.R)
„ Adrenal unresponsiveness to ACTH
„ Adrenoleukodystrophy
„ Adrenomyeloneuropathy
„ Refsum disease
„ Wolman disease
Primary adrenal insufficiency
„ Isolated adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s)
„ Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 1
(Addison’s, hypoparathyroidism, chronic candidiasis)
„ Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 2
(Addison’s, IDDM, autoimmune thyroid disease)
Primary adrenal insufficiency
„ Tuberculosis
„ Systemic fungal infections
„ Histoplasmosis
„ Blastomycosis,
„ Cryptoccosis,
„ Coccidiomycosis)
Primary adrenal insufficiency
„ Adrenal hemorrhage
„ Medications
ƒ Decreased steroid synthesis (ketoconazole)
ƒ Increased steroid metabolism
(rifampin, phenytoin, Phenobarbital)
Secondary/Tertiary adrenal
insufficiency. Etiology
„ Isolated ACTH deficiency
„ Pan hypopituitarism (congenital / acquired)
„ Hypothalamic / pituitary disorders
„ Tumors, surgery, radiation therapy
„ Withdrawal from glucocorticoid therapy
„ Inadequate glucocorticoid replacement
„ Infant born to steroid-treated mother
„ Surgical removal of ACTH-producing tumours
of the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease)
Adrenal enzyme deficiencies
ƒ Congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia
ƒ Several enzymes involved
ƒ Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
(Adrenogenital syndrome)
• The first case was described in 1865
• Family of inherited disorders of adrenal
• Each disorder results from a deficiency of one
of several enzymes necessary for steroid
• The adrenal cortex synthesizes
Mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex
Types of CAH
•Classic CAH. This rarer, more-severe form is
usually detected at birth or in early infancy.
•Nonclassic CAH. This form is milder and
more common. It may not be identified until
childhood or early adulthood.
CAH due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency
ƒ 90-95% of CAH cases are caused by 21- OHD
ƒ Females affected with severe, classic 21- OHD
are exposed to excess androgens prenatally and
are born with virilized external genitalia
ƒ First described in the mid -19th century
ƒ A more thorough understanding of this disease
was not forthcoming until the mid -20th century,
when the recessive nature of the genetic trait
and identification of hormonal abnormalities
were recognised
Classic CAH, Signs
•Insufficient cortisol. Classic CAH causes the body to produce an insufficient
amount of cortisol. This can cause problems maintaining normal blood pressure,
blood sugar and energy levels, and cause problems during physical stress such as
•Adrenal crisis. People with classic CAH can be seriously affected by a lack of
cortisol, aldosterone or both. This is known as an adrenal crisis, and it can be life-
•Atypical genitalia. Female infants may have atypical genitalia appearance, such
as an enlarged clitoris that may resemble a penis, and a partially closed labia
resembling a scrotum. The urinary opening (urethra) and the vagina may be only
one opening instead of two separate openings. The uterus, fallopian tubes and
ovaries usually develop typically.
Male infants usually have typical-appearing genitals.
•Excess androgen. An excess of the male sex hormone androgen can result in
short height and early puberty for both males and females. Pubic hair and other
signs of puberty may appear at a very early age. Severe acne also may occur.
Excess androgen hormones in females may result in facial hair, excessive body hair
and a deepening voice.
•Altered growth. Rapid growth may occur during childhood with an advanced bone
age. Final height may be shorter than average.
•Fertility issues. These can include irregular menstrual periods, or not having any
at all, and having infertility problems in females. Fertility issues can sometimes occur
in males.
Nonclassic CAH. Signs
 Often there are no symptoms of nonclassic CAH when a baby is born.
 Some people with nonclassic CAH never have symptoms.
 The condition is not identified on routine infant blood screening and
usually becomes evident in late childhood or early adulthood.
 Cortisol may be the only hormone that's deficient.
Females who have nonclassic CAH may have typical-appearing genitals at
birth. Later in life, they may experience:
•Irregular menstrual periods, or not having any at all, and problems getting
•Masculine characteristics such as facial hair, excessive body hair and a
deepening voice
In both females and males, signs of nonclassic CAH may also include:
•Early appearance of pubic hair and other signs of early puberty
•Severe acne
•Rapid growth during childhood with an advanced bone age and shorter than
expected final height
Non-Classical CAH
Adrenal hypoplasia congenital (AHC)
„ Incidence 1:12,500 births
„ It may be sporadic or familial
„ Familial (A.R or X-linked)
„ May be associated with other congenital
anomalies (polydactyly, renal and cardiac)
„ Gonadotrophin deficiency and hearing
impairment may develop with time
„ Can be linked to contiguous gene located
XP21.3 including DMD, glycerol kinase ↓
Congenital lipoid hyperplasia
„ Reported in 1995 by Lin and co-workers
„ Mutations in the steroidogenic acute
regulatory protein “StAR”
„ “StAR” protein has an essential role in the
mobilization of cholesterol from lipid stores to
cytochrome P450 in the inner mitochondrial
membrane and controls steroid synthesis
„ Rare autosomal recessive disorder
„ Characterized by severe adrenal insufficiency
in the neonatal period
Peroxisomal disorders
„ Inherited disorders characterized by
progressive neurological dysfunction
associated with primary adrenal insufficiency
„ Defects in the oxidation of VLCFA
„ Neurological symptoms often precedes
adrenal failure symptoms
„ Adrenal failure onset usually at 4-8 years
Peroxisomal disorders
„ Adrenoleukodystrophy
„ Zellweger syndrome
„ Adrenomyeloneuropathy
Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
„ Type I (APECED) occurs in children
„ Adrenal insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism,
pernicious anaemia, chronic candidiasis,
chronic active hepatitis, and hair loss
„ Type II “Schmidt's syndrome” usually affects
young adults
„ Features of type II include hypothyroidism,
adrenal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus
„ About 10% of patients with type II have
Addison’s disease
„ Described by Dr Thomas Addison in 1849
„ Rare endocrine disorder
„ Incidence 1 in 100,000 Autoimmune
destruction of adrenal gland
„ TB was the commonest pathology in 70-90%
„ Occurs in all age groups
„ Males and females are equally affected.
Adrenal insufficiency occurs when 90 % of the adrenal
cortex has been destroyed
„ Often positive adrenal antibodies
Clinical Features
„ Fasting hypoglycemia
„ Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur in
50% of cases
„ Weight loss
„ Fatigue and muscle weakness
„ Hyperpigmentations
„ Hypotension → Shock → Death
Clinical features
Addisonian crisis
„ Sudden penetrating pain in the lower back,
abdomen, or legs
„ Severe vomiting and diarrhoea followed by
„ Low blood pressure and shock
„ Hypoglycemia
„ Loss of consciousness
„ Fatal, if left untreated
Biochemical features
„ Low Na and high K
„ Hyponatremia (due to free water
Elevated serum urea due to
associated dehydration
„ Fasting hypoglycemia
„ Normochromic anemia and eosinophilia
„ Elevated plasma Renin and ACTH
„ A review of a patient's medical
History, thorough clinical examination (B.P)
„ Serum electrolytes and BSL
„ Cortisol, ACTH, Renin, Aldosterone, 17-
„ X-ray exam of the abdomen for calcification
„ A tuberculin skin test
• Hydrocortisone 10-20 mg/m2/day divided into
three doses
• In infancy and early childhood, sodium
replacement is required
• Fludrocortisone 0.05 - 0.2 mg/day
• Monitor growth, signs of androgen excess,
pubertal development and blood pressure
• Biochemical tests can show under treatment
but cannot indicate optimal suppression as
oppose to over treatment
Adrenal Cortical Hyperfunction
Adrenal Cortical Hyperfunction
ƒ Hypersecretion of one or more adrenocortical
hormones produces distinct clinical syndromes
ƒ Excessive production of androgens results in adrenal
ƒ Hypersecretion of glucocorticoid produces Cushing's
ƒ Excess aldosterone produces hyperaldosteronism
ƒ Adrenal Hyperfunction may be:
ƒ compensatory, as in congenital adrenal hyperplasia
ƒ acquired hyperplasia, adenomas, or adenocarcinomas.
Cushing’s syndrome
ƒ First described by Cushing in 1932
ƒ A constellation of clinical abnormalities due to chronic
exposure to excesses of cortisol
ƒ ACTH-dependent
ƒ ACTH - independent
ƒ production of cortisol by an adrenocortical adenoma
or carcinoma
ƒ Therapeutic administration of supraphysiologic
doses of cortisol or related synthetic analogues
suppresses adrenocortical function and mimics
ACTH-independent hyperfunction.
Cushing’s syndrome. Ethiology
•A pituitary gland tumor (pituitary adenoma).
• An ACTH-secreting tumor.
•A primary adrenal gland disease.
•Familial Cushing syndrome.
ACTH dependent
ƒ Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex resulting
from pituitary ACTH Cushing's disease
ƒ Hypersecretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland
ƒ Patients with Cushing's disease may have a
basophilic or a chromophobe adenoma of the
pituitary gland
ƒ Secretion of ACTH by a non pituitary tumour
ƒ small cell carcinoma of the lung (ectopic ACTH
ƒ administration of exogenous ACTH
Clinical manifestations
ƒ rounded "moon" face with a plethoric appearance
ƒ truncal obesity with prominent supraclavicular and
dorsal cervical fat pads "buffalo hump“
ƒ distal extremities and fingers are slender
ƒ Muscle wasting and weakness
ƒ The skin is thin and atrophic, with poor wound healing
and easy bruising
ƒ Purple striae may appear on the abdomen
ƒ Hypertension
ƒ Renal calculi
ƒ Osteoporosis
Clinical manifestations
ƒ Glucose intolerance
ƒ Reduced resistance to infection
ƒ Cessation of linear growth
ƒ Females usually have menstrual irregularities
ƒ In adrenal tumours increased production of
androgens in addition to cortisol lead to:
ƒ Hypertrichosis (hirsutism)
ƒ Temporal balding
ƒ Other signs of virilism in the female
Cushing’s syndrome
- Surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Medical (adrenal enzyme inhibitors)
• Ketoconazole
• Metyrapone
• Aminoglutethimide
• Etomidate
Conn's Syndrome
ƒ Primary aldosteronism
ƒ Adenoma, usually unilateral, of the glomerulosa
cells of the adrenal cortex
ƒ rarely, adrenal carcinoma
ƒ Hyperplasia
ƒ The clinical picture may mimic CAH from of 11
β-hydroxylase deficiency
ƒ In children, Bartter's syndrome are
distinguished from Conn's syndrome by the
absence of hypertension in the presence of
hypokalemia and hyperaldosteronism
Symptoms and Signs
ƒ Hypersecretion of aldosterone may result in:
ƒ Hypernatremia
ƒ Hyperchlorhydria
ƒ Hypervolemia
ƒ Hypokalemic alkalosis manifested by:
ƒ episodic weakness
ƒ Paresthesias
ƒ transient paralysis
ƒ tetany
ƒ Diastolic hypertension
ƒ Hypokalemic nephropathy with polyuria and
Secondary Aldosteronism
ƒ Increased production of aldosterone by the adrenal
cortex caused by stimuli originating outside the
ƒ Caused by reduced blood flow in the affected kidney.
ƒ Hypovolemia, which is common in oedematous
disorders, particularly during diuretic therapy,
stimulates the renin-angiotensin mechanism with
hypersecretion of aldosterone.
ƒ cardiac failure
ƒ cirrhosis with ascites
ƒ nephrotic syndrome
ƒ Bartter’s syndrome
ƒ accelerated phase of hypertension is due to renin
hypersecretion secondary to renal vasoconstriction
Aldosterone resistance
„ First described in 1958 by Cheek and Perry
„ Autosomal recessive and dominant forms
„ Unresponsiveness of the kidney to
„ Salt losing symptoms with poor response to
Fludrocortisone but adequate response to
„ Improvement wit age (by 1-2 years of age)

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Adrenal glands disorders in children.pptx

  • 1. Adrenal glands disorders in children MD, PhD Ievgeniia Burlaka Bogomolets National Medical University Department of Pediatrics no.4
  • 2. The Adrenal gland ƒ The adrenal gland lies just above the kidneys ƒ Divided into two main sub-organs ƒ Adrenal cortex ƒ Secretes the steroid hormones ƒ Glucocorticoid ƒ Mineralocorticoid ƒ Androgens ƒ Adrenal medulla ƒ Secretes Catecholamines ƒ Adrenaline (epinephrine) ƒ Noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
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  • 4. Adrenal glands functions •The zona glomerulosa (ZG) is the most superficial layer of the adrenal cortex and it produces the hormone aldosterone as well as some small amounts of progesterone (a sex hormone). - plays a central role in regulating blood pressure and certain electrolytes (sodium and potassium). - aldosterone sends signals to the kidneys, resulting in the kidneys absorbing more sodium into the bloodstream and releasing potassium into the urine. - thus, aldosterone helps to regulate the blood pH by controlling the levels of electrolytes in the blood. •The zona fasciculata (ZF) is the middle zone of the adrenal cortex, and it primarily produces cortisol. - it helps control the body’s use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates; suppresses inflammation; regulates blood pressure; increases blood sugar; and can also decrease bone formation. - this hormone also controls the sleep/wake cycle. It is released during times of stress to help your body get an energy boost and better handle an emergency situation. •The zona reticularis (ZR) is the inner most zone of the adrenal cortex and it is adjacent to the adrenal medulla. Functions of the zona retularis are to store cholesterol for steroidogenesis (the making of steroid hormones) and the secretion of sex hormones such as estrogen, and testosterone (in small amounts). - These hormones produced by the zona reticularis are precursor hormones that are converted in the ovaries into female hormones (estrogens) and in the testes into male hormones (androgens).
  • 5. Disorders of Adrenal gland ƒ Hypofunction ƒ Addison’s disease ƒ Hypoaldosteronism ƒ Hyperfunction ƒ Cushing’s disease ƒ Excess androgen secretion ƒ Excess estrogen secretion ƒ Adrenal enzyme deficiencies ƒ Congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia ƒ Several enzymes involved ƒ Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
  • 6. Primary adrenal insufficiency Etiology Hereditary „ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia „ Congenital adrenal hypoplasia (X-linked & A.R) „ Adrenal unresponsiveness to ACTH „ Adrenoleukodystrophy „ Adrenomyeloneuropathy „ Refsum disease „ Wolman disease
  • 7. Primary adrenal insufficiency Etiology Autoimmune „ Isolated adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s) „ Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 1 (Addison’s, hypoparathyroidism, chronic candidiasis) „ Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 2 (Addison’s, IDDM, autoimmune thyroid disease)
  • 8. Primary adrenal insufficiency Etiology Infectious „ Tuberculosis „ Systemic fungal infections „ Histoplasmosis „ Blastomycosis, „ Cryptoccosis, „ Coccidiomycosis) „ HIV „ CMV
  • 9. Primary adrenal insufficiency Etiology Causes „ Adrenal hemorrhage „ Medications ƒ Decreased steroid synthesis (ketoconazole) ƒ Increased steroid metabolism (rifampin, phenytoin, Phenobarbital)
  • 10. Secondary/Tertiary adrenal insufficiency. Etiology „ Isolated ACTH deficiency „ Pan hypopituitarism (congenital / acquired) „ Hypothalamic / pituitary disorders „ Tumors, surgery, radiation therapy „ Withdrawal from glucocorticoid therapy „ Inadequate glucocorticoid replacement „ Infant born to steroid-treated mother „ Surgical removal of ACTH-producing tumours of the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease)
  • 11. Adrenal enzyme deficiencies ƒ Congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia ƒ Several enzymes involved ƒ Congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
  • 12. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (Adrenogenital syndrome) • The first case was described in 1865 • Family of inherited disorders of adrenal steroidogenesis • Each disorder results from a deficiency of one of several enzymes necessary for steroid synthesis • The adrenal cortex synthesizes Mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex steroids
  • 13. Types of CAH •Classic CAH. This rarer, more-severe form is usually detected at birth or in early infancy. •Nonclassic CAH. This form is milder and more common. It may not be identified until childhood or early adulthood.
  • 14. CAH due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency ƒ 90-95% of CAH cases are caused by 21- OHD ƒ Females affected with severe, classic 21- OHD are exposed to excess androgens prenatally and are born with virilized external genitalia ƒ First described in the mid -19th century ƒ A more thorough understanding of this disease was not forthcoming until the mid -20th century, when the recessive nature of the genetic trait and identification of hormonal abnormalities were recognised
  • 15. Classic CAH, Signs •Insufficient cortisol. Classic CAH causes the body to produce an insufficient amount of cortisol. This can cause problems maintaining normal blood pressure, blood sugar and energy levels, and cause problems during physical stress such as illness. •Adrenal crisis. People with classic CAH can be seriously affected by a lack of cortisol, aldosterone or both. This is known as an adrenal crisis, and it can be life- threatening. •Atypical genitalia. Female infants may have atypical genitalia appearance, such as an enlarged clitoris that may resemble a penis, and a partially closed labia resembling a scrotum. The urinary opening (urethra) and the vagina may be only one opening instead of two separate openings. The uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries usually develop typically. Male infants usually have typical-appearing genitals. •Excess androgen. An excess of the male sex hormone androgen can result in short height and early puberty for both males and females. Pubic hair and other signs of puberty may appear at a very early age. Severe acne also may occur. Excess androgen hormones in females may result in facial hair, excessive body hair and a deepening voice. •Altered growth. Rapid growth may occur during childhood with an advanced bone age. Final height may be shorter than average. •Fertility issues. These can include irregular menstrual periods, or not having any at all, and having infertility problems in females. Fertility issues can sometimes occur in males.
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  • 19. Nonclassic CAH. Signs  Often there are no symptoms of nonclassic CAH when a baby is born.  Some people with nonclassic CAH never have symptoms.  The condition is not identified on routine infant blood screening and usually becomes evident in late childhood or early adulthood.  Cortisol may be the only hormone that's deficient. Females who have nonclassic CAH may have typical-appearing genitals at birth. Later in life, they may experience: •Irregular menstrual periods, or not having any at all, and problems getting pregnant •Masculine characteristics such as facial hair, excessive body hair and a deepening voice In both females and males, signs of nonclassic CAH may also include: •Early appearance of pubic hair and other signs of early puberty •Severe acne •Rapid growth during childhood with an advanced bone age and shorter than expected final height
  • 21. Adrenal hypoplasia congenital (AHC) „ Incidence 1:12,500 births „ It may be sporadic or familial „ Familial (A.R or X-linked) „ May be associated with other congenital anomalies (polydactyly, renal and cardiac) „ Gonadotrophin deficiency and hearing impairment may develop with time „ Can be linked to contiguous gene located XP21.3 including DMD, glycerol kinase ↓
  • 22. Congenital lipoid hyperplasia „ Reported in 1995 by Lin and co-workers „ Mutations in the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein “StAR” „ “StAR” protein has an essential role in the mobilization of cholesterol from lipid stores to cytochrome P450 in the inner mitochondrial membrane and controls steroid synthesis „ Rare autosomal recessive disorder „ Characterized by severe adrenal insufficiency in the neonatal period
  • 23. Peroxisomal disorders „ Inherited disorders characterized by progressive neurological dysfunction associated with primary adrenal insufficiency „ Defects in the oxidation of VLCFA „ Neurological symptoms often precedes adrenal failure symptoms „ Adrenal failure onset usually at 4-8 years
  • 24. Peroxisomal disorders „ Adrenoleukodystrophy „ Zellweger syndrome „ Adrenomyeloneuropathy
  • 25. Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy „ Type I (APECED) occurs in children „ Adrenal insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism, pernicious anaemia, chronic candidiasis, chronic active hepatitis, and hair loss „ Type II “Schmidt's syndrome” usually affects young adults „ Features of type II include hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus „ About 10% of patients with type II have vitiligo
  • 26. Addison’s disease „ Described by Dr Thomas Addison in 1849 „ Rare endocrine disorder „ Incidence 1 in 100,000 Autoimmune destruction of adrenal gland „ TB was the commonest pathology in 70-90% „ Occurs in all age groups „ Males and females are equally affected. Adrenal insufficiency occurs when 90 % of the adrenal cortex has been destroyed „ Often positive adrenal antibodies
  • 27. Clinical Features „ Fasting hypoglycemia „ Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur in 50% of cases „ Weight loss „ Fatigue and muscle weakness „ Hyperpigmentations „ Hypotension → Shock → Death
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  • 29. Clinical features Addisonian crisis „ Sudden penetrating pain in the lower back, abdomen, or legs „ Severe vomiting and diarrhoea followed by dehydration „ Low blood pressure and shock „ Hypoglycemia „ Loss of consciousness „ Fatal, if left untreated
  • 30. Biochemical features „ Low Na and high K „ Hyponatremia (due to free water retention). Elevated serum urea due to associated dehydration „ Fasting hypoglycemia „ Normochromic anemia and eosinophilia „ Elevated plasma Renin and ACTH levels „
  • 31. Diagnosis „ A review of a patient's medical History, thorough clinical examination (B.P) „ Serum electrolytes and BSL „ Cortisol, ACTH, Renin, Aldosterone, 17- hydroxyprogestrone „ X-ray exam of the abdomen for calcification „ A tuberculin skin test
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  • 33. Management • Hydrocortisone 10-20 mg/m2/day divided into three doses • In infancy and early childhood, sodium replacement is required • Fludrocortisone 0.05 - 0.2 mg/day • Monitor growth, signs of androgen excess, pubertal development and blood pressure • Biochemical tests can show under treatment but cannot indicate optimal suppression as oppose to over treatment
  • 35. Adrenal Cortical Hyperfunction ƒ Hypersecretion of one or more adrenocortical hormones produces distinct clinical syndromes ƒ Excessive production of androgens results in adrenal virilism ƒ Hypersecretion of glucocorticoid produces Cushing's syndrome ƒ Excess aldosterone produces hyperaldosteronism ƒ Adrenal Hyperfunction may be: ƒ compensatory, as in congenital adrenal hyperplasia ƒ acquired hyperplasia, adenomas, or adenocarcinomas.
  • 36. Cushing’s syndrome ƒ First described by Cushing in 1932 ƒ A constellation of clinical abnormalities due to chronic exposure to excesses of cortisol Aetiology ƒ ACTH-dependent ƒ ACTH - independent ƒ production of cortisol by an adrenocortical adenoma or carcinoma ƒ Therapeutic administration of supraphysiologic doses of cortisol or related synthetic analogues suppresses adrenocortical function and mimics ACTH-independent hyperfunction.
  • 37. Cushing’s syndrome. Ethiology •A pituitary gland tumor (pituitary adenoma). • An ACTH-secreting tumor. •A primary adrenal gland disease. •Familial Cushing syndrome.
  • 38. ACTH dependent ƒ Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex resulting from pituitary ACTH Cushing's disease ƒ Hypersecretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland ƒ Patients with Cushing's disease may have a basophilic or a chromophobe adenoma of the pituitary gland ƒ Secretion of ACTH by a non pituitary tumour ƒ small cell carcinoma of the lung (ectopic ACTH syndrome) ƒ administration of exogenous ACTH
  • 39. Clinical manifestations ƒ rounded "moon" face with a plethoric appearance ƒ truncal obesity with prominent supraclavicular and dorsal cervical fat pads "buffalo hump“ ƒ distal extremities and fingers are slender ƒ Muscle wasting and weakness ƒ The skin is thin and atrophic, with poor wound healing and easy bruising ƒ Purple striae may appear on the abdomen ƒ Hypertension ƒ Renal calculi ƒ Osteoporosis
  • 40. Clinical manifestations ƒ Glucose intolerance ƒ Reduced resistance to infection ƒ Cessation of linear growth ƒ Females usually have menstrual irregularities ƒ In adrenal tumours increased production of androgens in addition to cortisol lead to: ƒ Hypertrichosis (hirsutism) ƒ Temporal balding ƒ Other signs of virilism in the female
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  • 42. Cushing’s syndrome - Surgery - Radiation therapy - Medical (adrenal enzyme inhibitors) • Ketoconazole • Metyrapone • Aminoglutethimide • Etomidate
  • 43. Conn's Syndrome ƒ Primary aldosteronism ƒ Adenoma, usually unilateral, of the glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex ƒ rarely, adrenal carcinoma ƒ Hyperplasia ƒ The clinical picture may mimic CAH from of 11 β-hydroxylase deficiency ƒ In children, Bartter's syndrome are distinguished from Conn's syndrome by the absence of hypertension in the presence of hypokalemia and hyperaldosteronism
  • 44. Symptoms and Signs ƒ Hypersecretion of aldosterone may result in: ƒ Hypernatremia ƒ Hyperchlorhydria ƒ Hypervolemia ƒ Hypokalemic alkalosis manifested by: ƒ episodic weakness ƒ Paresthesias ƒ transient paralysis ƒ tetany ƒ Diastolic hypertension ƒ Hypokalemic nephropathy with polyuria and polydipsia
  • 45. Secondary Aldosteronism ƒ Increased production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex caused by stimuli originating outside the adrenal ƒ Caused by reduced blood flow in the affected kidney. ƒ Hypovolemia, which is common in oedematous disorders, particularly during diuretic therapy, stimulates the renin-angiotensin mechanism with hypersecretion of aldosterone. ƒ cardiac failure ƒ cirrhosis with ascites ƒ nephrotic syndrome ƒ Bartter’s syndrome ƒ accelerated phase of hypertension is due to renin hypersecretion secondary to renal vasoconstriction
  • 46. Aldosterone resistance Pseudohypoaldosteronism „ First described in 1958 by Cheek and Perry „ Autosomal recessive and dominant forms „ Unresponsiveness of the kidney to aldosterone „ Salt losing symptoms with poor response to Fludrocortisone but adequate response to NaCl „ Improvement wit age (by 1-2 years of age)