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For the 4th year students of the Faculty
of Medicine №2
MD, professor
Krivopustov Sergey Petrovich
Dept. of Pediatrics №2
Head of the Department:
Corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, professor Volosovets A.P.
Глава I
Швейк несколько лет тому назад, после того
как медицинская комиссия признала его идиотом,
ушёл с военной службы и теперь промышлял
продажей собак, безобразных ублюдков, которым
он сочинял фальшивые родословные.
Кроме того, он страдал ревматизмом
и в настоящий момент растирал себе колени
For many centuries, the term «rheumatism» was used as
the definition of all musculoskeletal pathology…
«Rheumatism» from Ancient Greek- «Stream, flow»
World wide known publications of Sokolsky G.I. – professor
from Moskow University and French physician Jean-Baptiste
Bouillaud. In the thirties of the XIX century they described
heart damage in patients with rheumatism. That’s why it also
called Sokolsky‘s- Buyo‘s disease.
Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud
(1796 –1881)
Professor Kisel A.A. (1859-1938)
It is known that Ukrainian doctor Volkovinsky F.I., who
worked in Ostrog (Rivne region), in 1817 defended the thesis
for a degree of Doctor of Medical Science “Research about
rheumatic carditis” in Latin. The thesis was submitted to
Vilenskyi University.
Viktor Michailovich Sidelnikov defended his
PhD thesis “Protein spectrum of blood
plasma in the clinic of children’s
rheumatism” in 1958.
Chief children‘s cardiorheumatologist Ministry of
Health of Ukraine, Vice-President of Association of
Ukrainian rheumatologists, Corresponding member of
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
Professor Volosovets Alexandr Petrovich
Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) – acute inflammatory disease of
a connective tissue with primary localization of process in
cardiovascular system that develops in connection with the
acute infection caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus A group
in predisposed individuals.
In developing countries the incidence of ARF is more, than 50
patients per 100 000 population, in USA - 0,5 per 100 000
population (M. A. Gerber, 2011).
In Ukraine the incidence of ARF is 1 patient per 100 000
children, the prevalence is 3 patients per 100 000 children
(Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2011).
The initial attack of ARF occurs most frequently in children
aged 5-15 years.
It is rare among children in the first three 3 years of life and
persons older than 30 years.
will not disappear until circulating group A streptococcus»
Postulate J. Rotta
Acute rheumatic fever (I00-I02):
I00 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement
I01 Rheumatic fever with heart involvement
I01.0 Acute rheumatic pericarditis
I01.1 Acute rheumatic endocarditis
I01.2 Acute rheumatic myocarditis
I01.8 Other acute rheumatic heart disease
I01.9 Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
I02 Rheumatic chorea
I02.0 Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement
I02.9 Rheumatic chorea without heart involvement
ARF is caused
by β-hemolytic streptococcus A group.
There is sufficient evidence on the relationship between
pharyngitis (tonsillitis), caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus
A group, scarlet fever and ARF.
Streptococcal skin infection usually does not cause ARF.
There are the so-called “causing ARF” strains of β-hemolytic
streptococcus A group: serotypes M 1, 3, 5, 6, 18, 24.
Relation between HLA markers, presence of B-cell marker
D8/17 and predisposition to ARF is proved
 research among twins have shown higher lever ARF in
monozygotic pairs, than in dizygotic
The modern theory of pathogenesis of
Rheumatism is toxic-immunological
Toxic mechanism is due to toxic effect of
streptococcal toxins.
Mechanism of cross-reactivity means that bacterial antigens
cross-react with various target organs in the body, resulting in
molecular mimicry.
The term for development of this reaction takes usually 2 weeks.
ARF is caused by streptococcal infection, contributing factors
are age, supercooling and genetic predisposition.
Cell membrane of streptococcus consist of capsule and
proteinic, polysacharyde, mucoproteide layers.
Streptococcus capsule
(hyaluronidase, streptokinase, DNAase, С5а-peptidase)
 Streptolysins
Pyrogenic toxins
Cardiohepatotoxic toxin
М protein (mucoid) is a main virulence and type specific factor.
М protein inhibits phagocytic reactions, it directly affect on
phagocytes or masks reception for components complement
and opsonins. It binds fibrinogen, fibrin and its degradation
Anti M-protein antibodies provide long-term immunity, but the
presence of more, than 80 serovars of M-proteins reduce the
effectiveness of this humoral defence.
Besides, М-protein has the ability of super antigen, it causes the
synthesis of antibodies with low affinity, tolerance own tissues
Streptolysin О (oxygen sensitive) shows the ability of the
hemolysin, cause damage of cardiomyocytes.
Streptolysin S (stable) bears no antigenic load.
Hyaluronidase takes part in the destruction of connective
tissue and facilitates the movement of bacteria on its fibers.
DNAase (streptodornase) promotes DNA disintegration.
Streptokinase activate plasminogen. С5а-peptidase inhibits
the activity of phagocytes, inactivate С5а component of
Rheumatic process is cyclic.
There are four phases of pathomorphological process:
1) Mucosal swelling
2) Fibrinoid swelling
3) Prolipheration stage with development of Aschow-
Talalaevsky granulemas
4) sclerosis
Duration of this process – from 4 to 6months.
If it affects the heart most often happens endomyocarditis. It
begins from valvulitis, that characterized as failure of the
connective framework with subsequent deformation. Farther
process of connective tissue disorganization leads to valve
deformation, sclerosis and development of fibrous tissue.
In most patients the mitral valve affected. Aortic valve
affected less, valves of the right heart – much less.
Course of
Clinical criteria
Heart failure
Basic Additional UKR Ross
Acute Rheumatic
Rheumatic fever
rheumatic heart
Without heart
With heart
 clinical-time versions of the disease, that used before
(subacute, prolonged,reccurent, latent) and division «аctive
phase» into 3 degrees lost their meaning
 Recurrent rheumatic fever is now considered as a new
episode of ARF, not as relapse of first episode ARF
Chronic rheumatic heart disease – disease, characterized
by failure of heart valves as postinflammatory fibrosis of
valve leafless, acquired heart valvular disease (dilatation
and/or stenosis), which were formed after undergoing ARF
Major manifestation Minor manifestation
Sings, which confirm
1) Carditis
4) Subcutaneous
1) Arthralgias
2) Fever
3) Elevated levels of
acute-phase reactants
(ESR, С-reactive
4) Prolonged PR
Detection of hemolytic
streptococcus as a
result of
examination of
pharyngs or Strept A
Rapid test
High titer or increase
of anti streptococcal
antibodies in
Revised diagnostic Jones criteria for the first attack ARF
(American Heart Association, 1992)
Revised diagnostic Jones criteria for first attack ARF
(American Heart Association, 1992)
Presence of
2 «major» manifestations
1 «major» plus 2 «minor»
If there is evidence of group A streptococcal infection
Allow the diagnosis of the first attack of ARF
Present in 75% of patients
Characterized as migratory polyarthritis, that typically affect
large and medium joints (the knees, ankles, elbows,
shoulders, wrists).
Often manifest as oligoarthritis.
Main characteristics:
migratory joints damage,
Symmetrical joints damage,
Painfulness and limitation movement in the joints with
lesion of periarthricular tissues (local hyperemia, swelling,
local temperature rise).
Rheumatic arthritis is characterized by benign course and
the absence of joints deformity
French physician
Ernst-Charles Lasègue
Present in 50-60% of all cases ARF
Characterized as pancarditis, but endocarditis (valvulitis) is
typical. Myo and/or pericarditis may or will not be presented.
Carditis in mostly cases is presented as valvulitis
Usually affects the mitral valve or there is a combined failure
of aortic and mitral valvules. Isolated failure of aortic valve or
valves of the right heart are not typical for patients wits
The main implication is formation of aquired heart disease,
often insufficiently of mitral valve.
Patients complain on slackness, fatigue, dyspnoea, pain or
discomfort in chest.
Physical findings – cardiomegaly, tachycardia, weakening I
sound and systolic vulvular murmur above the apex,
arrhythmias, congestive heart failure.
Systolic murmur is due to valvulitis with defeat of mitral
valve, has blowing timbre, it is associated with І weakening
sound, takes most of the systole, may be different in
intensity. Point of its best listening is apex of the heart, it is
usually held in the left axillary region.
Gallop rhythm
Cardial murmur
Occurs in 10-15% patients with ARF
Typical for childhood age, mostly for female.
Is characterized by gradual onset of neurologic symptoms.
Child becomes irritable, occurs behavior change, deterioration
of handwriting, declining school performance.
Uncoordinated jerking movement, facial grimacing, coordination
disorders occur.
Hyperkinesis usually bilateral.
Presented involuntary movements of various muscle groups,
that aggravated by stress.
Hypotonia, for exemple symptom of «flabby shoulders» is
typical. Dysarthric speech may be present.
Stretch reflexes are increased, especially the knee jerk.
Gordon’s symptom – leg remains up for a time after a knee
jerk, occurs tonic contraction of quatriceps femoris. May
occur ankle clonus.
Coordination disorders, negative Romberg’s test, negative
finger-nose and knee-heel tests are presented.
Rheumatic chorea also called «Saint Vitus Dance».
Occurs in more, than 3% patients with ARF
There are light pink macules with pale centers, which is not
accompanied by itching.
Most often appears on the trunk and proximal extremities, but
not on face. Over time erythema marginatum disappears
Are rare, not more than in 1% patients with ARF
Are painless nodules, up to 1 сm in diameter, are located in
fascias, aponeurosis, periosteum, around joint capsules, in
subcutaneous tissue on extensor surfaces.
Usually, subcutaneous nodules disappear completely during
1-2 months.
Damage of other organs and systems in patients with ARF
occurs significantly less
 lungs (pneumonitis, pulmonary vasculitis, pleuritis)
 kidneys (nephritis)
 gastro-intestinal tract (peritonitis)
 vessels (vasculitis)
 eye (iritis, iridocyclitis)
 thyroid (thyroiditis)
To confirm streptococcal etiology apply throat swab culture
Abroad is widely spread Rapid strep test or rapid antigen
detection test, that works by detecting the presence antigen
unique to group A streptococcus.
Result are generally available in 5-15 minutes.
The test have high specifity 90-100%, but sensitivity в
зависимости от условий может колебаться от 10% до 95%
(Morandi P.A. et al., 2003).
If the rapid test is negative follow-up culture might be
Works by detecting the presence
antigen unique to group A
Increasing titer of antistreptolysin О (АSО),
antistreptohyaluronidase, аntistreptokinase, аnti ДNAase.
Most often used titer of АSО. Positive ASO titer is found in
80-85% of patients with ARF.
Usually antistreptococcal titers start to rise in the end of
second week after streptococcal pharyngitis (tonsillitis),
reach of maximum of up to 3-4 weeks and remain on that
level 2-3 months and then decrease for initial level.
leukocytosis, elevated ESR, C-reactive protein, blood
seromucoid, sialic acids, DPT(diphenylamine test), alpha-1,
alpha-2 and gamma-globulines.
Chest X-ray determines shape and size of the heart, the
presence of pulmonary congestion.
Is used for determination of prolonged PQ (PR) interval,
Also assess the rhythm, signs of heart hypertrophy,
evaluating ST-T…
In patients with valvulitis detecting thickening of mitral
valve leaflets, its «shady», hypokinesia of back leaflet,
reducing of total excursion leaflets, mitral regurgitation.
In patients with aortic valvulitis detecting
Aortal regurgitation.
Also detecting left ventricular contracility, presence of
pericarditis etc.
Rheumatic cаrditis is necessary to differentiate with viral
myo- and pericarditis, infection endocarditis, congenital
heart disease, Kawasaki disease, mitral valve prolapse,
functional heart sounds etc.
Rheumatic аrthritis – with rheumatoid arthritis, reactive
arthritis, Lyme disease, septic arthritis, tuberculosis,
psoriatic arthropathy, «growing pains» in legs etc.
Chorea – Tics, encephalitis different etiology, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, Huntington‘s chorea, Gilles de
la Tourette syndrome, Cerebral palsy etc.
Erythema marginatum – allergic rash, infections erythema
nodosum (Epstein-Barr, measles, parvovirus В19,
tuberculosis, Yersinia etc), systemic lupus erythematosus,
sarcoidosis, lymphoma and other diseases.
Subcutaneous nodules – rheumatoid nodules and others.
In 1998 Dr. Susan Swedo describe PANDAS syndrome
(pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated
with group A streptococcal infections), which is still stay the
subject of scientific debate.
Differential diagnosis is actual, when chorea minor is the only
manifestation of ARF.
PANDAS syndrome is characterized by choreiform
hyperkinesis, obsessive movements and thoughts; relation
with group A streptococcus infection is proved.
Later scientists have questioned autoimmune etiology of
syndrome and its relation with group A streptococcus
infection. Has been shown, that patients with PANDAS
syndrome are clinically heterogeneous (Roger Kurlan et al.,
The primary goal of treating an ARF – eradicate
streptococcal organisms and bacterial antigens, elimination
of activity of rheumatic process, preventing the formation of
aquired heart diseases.
There are few stages in treatment of ARF.
First stage – hospital.
Second – specialized cardiorheumatologic sanatorium.
In the third stage in the outpatient setting are conducted
secondary prevention.
Children with ARF are necessary hospitalized, them
prescribed bed rest, usually for 2-3 weeks.
The regime expand, when signs of acute inflammation is
subsides. In the present of carditis bed rest should be
In children with heart failure and edema restricting cooking
salt and liquid.
Antibiotics start when diagnosis of ARF is established, its
main goal – eradication of group A streptococcus.
Antibiotic of choice- penicillin during 10 days.
As an alternative in patients who are allergic to penicillin
macrolides are recommended (erythromycin,
mydekamitsin, clarythromycin, josamycin, spyramycin or
roxithromycin) per os during 10 days, course of
azithromycin is shorter.
After the initial course of antibiotics, patient schould
receive long-term secondary antibiotic prophylaxis.
Antibiotic of choice for secondary prevention
600.000 units for children ≤ 27 kg
1,2 million units for children > 27 kg
Intramuscularly every 3- 4 weeks
Anti inflammatory therapy depend of the clinical variant of
the disease.
Children with typical rheumatic polyarthritis, carditis
without cardiomegaly or heart failure prescribed аcetyl
salicylic during 4 weeks.
If carditis with cardiomegaly or heart failure
developing, glucocorticosteroid hormones are prescribed.
during 2-3 weeks,
Therapy of moderate and severe carditis include prescribing
of digoxin, diuretics, oxygen.
It must be remembered, that cardiotoxity of digoxin
increases in case of inflammation of heart muscle.
In treating of chorea anti inflammatory drugs are usually not
used. Assign protection regime, drug of choice is
Aminochinoline derivates in the treatment of ARF in our time
is not used.
There are primary and secondary prevention of ARF.
Primary prevention – are complex of actions, which are
directed at the prevention of primary morbidity of ARF. They
include an effective treatment of acute inflectional disease,
caused by group A streptococcus (pharyngitis, tonsillitis,
scarlet fever).
Adequate antibiotic treatment of acute streptococcal
infections for preventing ARF has a high level of evidence
Also important are measures for preventing the spread of
streptococcal infection and increasing child’s natural
resistance to adverse environmental factors.
Secondary prevention – prevention of new episodes of
disease and progression of pathological process in patients
undergoing ARF.
Is a regular long-term antibiotic therapy (level of evidence: В).
Antibiotic of choice for secondary prevention
600 thousand units for children ≤ 27 kg
1,2 million units for children > 27 kg
Intramuscularly every 4 weeks
(in high-risk situations - every 3 weeks).
Bicillin-5 at the present time are not recommended.
In case of allergy to penicillin used macrolides.
Duration of secondary prevention
In patients without carditis should be continued
5 years or until patient reaches 21-years of age (the principle
«as long as possible»).
In patients with ARF, which have carditis without valvular
heart disease should be continued 10 years or until patient
reaches 21-years of age (the principle «as long as possible»).
In patients, in which has formed a valvular heart disease
should be continued up to 40 years of years, and sometimes
for life.
Rheumatic arthritis and chorea have not delayed effects.
The prognosis of ARF is mainly determined by cardiac
disease (the presence of valvular heart disease, its severety,
the severety of heart failure etc)
Frequency of formation of valvular heart disease after the
first attack of rheumatism: 11-14%. (Kovalenko V.M., Nesukay
O.G., 2001)
With repeated episodes of ARF frequency is much higher -
50%, that confirm extremely importance of secondary
prevention of ARF.

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Acute rheumatic fever presentation lecture

  • 1. LECTURE For the 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine №2 ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER Lecturer: MD, professor Krivopustov Sergey Petrovich Dept. of Pediatrics №2 Head of the Department: Corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, professor Volosovets A.P.
  • 2. Глава I ВТОРЖЕНИЕ БРАВОГО СОЛДАТА ШВЕЙКА В МИРОВУЮ ВОЙНУ Швейк несколько лет тому назад, после того как медицинская комиссия признала его идиотом, ушёл с военной службы и теперь промышлял продажей собак, безобразных ублюдков, которым он сочинял фальшивые родословные. Кроме того, он страдал ревматизмом и в настоящий момент растирал себе колени оподельдоком. For many centuries, the term «rheumatism» was used as the definition of all musculoskeletal pathology…
  • 3. «Rheumatism» from Ancient Greek- «Stream, flow» World wide known publications of Sokolsky G.I. – professor from Moskow University and French physician Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud. In the thirties of the XIX century they described heart damage in patients with rheumatism. That’s why it also called Sokolsky‘s- Buyo‘s disease. Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud (1796 –1881)
  • 4. Professor Kisel A.A. (1859-1938)
  • 5. It is known that Ukrainian doctor Volkovinsky F.I., who worked in Ostrog (Rivne region), in 1817 defended the thesis for a degree of Doctor of Medical Science “Research about rheumatic carditis” in Latin. The thesis was submitted to Vilenskyi University.
  • 6. Viktor Michailovich Sidelnikov defended his PhD thesis “Protein spectrum of blood plasma in the clinic of children’s rheumatism” in 1958.
  • 7. Chief children‘s cardiorheumatologist Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Vice-President of Association of Ukrainian rheumatologists, Corresponding member of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volosovets Alexandr Petrovich
  • 8. DEFINITION Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) – acute inflammatory disease of a connective tissue with primary localization of process in cardiovascular system that develops in connection with the acute infection caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus A group in predisposed individuals.
  • 9. EPIDEMIOLOGY In developing countries the incidence of ARF is more, than 50 patients per 100 000 population, in USA - 0,5 per 100 000 population (M. A. Gerber, 2011). In Ukraine the incidence of ARF is 1 patient per 100 000 children, the prevalence is 3 patients per 100 000 children (Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 2011). The initial attack of ARF occurs most frequently in children aged 5-15 years. It is rare among children in the first three 3 years of life and persons older than 30 years.
  • 10. «Rheumatism will not disappear until circulating group A streptococcus» Postulate J. Rotta
  • 11. ACCORDING TO ICD-10 Acute rheumatic fever (I00-I02): I00 Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement I01 Rheumatic fever with heart involvement I01.0 Acute rheumatic pericarditis I01.1 Acute rheumatic endocarditis I01.2 Acute rheumatic myocarditis I01.8 Other acute rheumatic heart disease I01.9 Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified I02 Rheumatic chorea I02.0 Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement I02.9 Rheumatic chorea without heart involvement
  • 12. ETIOLOGY ARF is caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus A group. There is sufficient evidence on the relationship between pharyngitis (tonsillitis), caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus A group, scarlet fever and ARF. Streptococcal skin infection usually does not cause ARF. There are the so-called “causing ARF” strains of β-hemolytic streptococcus A group: serotypes M 1, 3, 5, 6, 18, 24.
  • 15. GENETICS Relation between HLA markers, presence of B-cell marker D8/17 and predisposition to ARF is proved  research among twins have shown higher lever ARF in monozygotic pairs, than in dizygotic
  • 16. PATHOGENESIS The modern theory of pathogenesis of Rheumatism is toxic-immunological theory Toxic mechanism is due to toxic effect of streptococcal toxins. Mechanism of cross-reactivity means that bacterial antigens cross-react with various target organs in the body, resulting in molecular mimicry. The term for development of this reaction takes usually 2 weeks. ARF is caused by streptococcal infection, contributing factors are age, supercooling and genetic predisposition.
  • 17. PATHOGESIS Cell membrane of streptococcus consist of capsule and proteinic, polysacharyde, mucoproteide layers.
  • 18. VIRULENCE FACTORS OF STREPTOCOCCUS: М-protein Streptococcus capsule Enzymes (hyaluronidase, streptokinase, DNAase, С5а-peptidase)  Streptolysins Pyrogenic toxins Cardiohepatotoxic toxin PATHOGENESIS
  • 19. PATHOGENESIS М protein (mucoid) is a main virulence and type specific factor. М protein inhibits phagocytic reactions, it directly affect on phagocytes or masks reception for components complement and opsonins. It binds fibrinogen, fibrin and its degradation products. Anti M-protein antibodies provide long-term immunity, but the presence of more, than 80 serovars of M-proteins reduce the effectiveness of this humoral defence. Besides, М-protein has the ability of super antigen, it causes the synthesis of antibodies with low affinity, tolerance own tissues violated.
  • 20. PATHOGENESIS Streptolysin О (oxygen sensitive) shows the ability of the hemolysin, cause damage of cardiomyocytes. Streptolysin S (stable) bears no antigenic load. Hyaluronidase takes part in the destruction of connective tissue and facilitates the movement of bacteria on its fibers. DNAase (streptodornase) promotes DNA disintegration. Streptokinase activate plasminogen. С5а-peptidase inhibits the activity of phagocytes, inactivate С5а component of complement.
  • 22. PATHOMORPHOLOGY Rheumatic process is cyclic. There are four phases of pathomorphological process: 1) Mucosal swelling 2) Fibrinoid swelling 3) Prolipheration stage with development of Aschow- Talalaevsky granulemas 4) sclerosis Duration of this process – from 4 to 6months.
  • 23. If it affects the heart most often happens endomyocarditis. It begins from valvulitis, that characterized as failure of the connective framework with subsequent deformation. Farther process of connective tissue disorganization leads to valve deformation, sclerosis and development of fibrous tissue. In most patients the mitral valve affected. Aortic valve affected less, valves of the right heart – much less.
  • 25. Course of disease Clinical criteria Consequences Heart failure Basic Additional UKR Ross Acute Rheumatic Fever Recurrent (repeated) Rheumatic fever Carditis Arthritis Chorea Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules Fever Arthralgias Abdominal syndrome Serositis Recovering Chronic rheumatic heart disease: Without heart valvular defects***, With heart valvular defect**** 0 I II IIA IIБ III 0 I II III IV CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION OF ARF
  • 26. USE ONLY TERM ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER (ARF)  clinical-time versions of the disease, that used before (subacute, prolonged,reccurent, latent) and division «аctive phase» into 3 degrees lost their meaning  Recurrent rheumatic fever is now considered as a new episode of ARF, not as relapse of first episode ARF Chronic rheumatic heart disease – disease, characterized by failure of heart valves as postinflammatory fibrosis of valve leafless, acquired heart valvular disease (dilatation and/or stenosis), which were formed after undergoing ARF
  • 27. Major manifestation Minor manifestation Sings, which confirm streptococcal infection 1) Carditis 2)Polyarthritis 3)Erythema marginatum 4) Subcutaneous nodules 5)Chorea 1) Arthralgias 2) Fever 3) Elevated levels of acute-phase reactants (ESR, С-reactive protein) 4) Prolonged PR interval Detection of hemolytic streptococcus as a result of bacteriological examination of pharyngs or Strept A Rapid test High titer or increase of anti streptococcal antibodies in dynamics Revised diagnostic Jones criteria for the first attack ARF (American Heart Association, 1992)
  • 28. Revised diagnostic Jones criteria for first attack ARF (American Heart Association, 1992) Presence of 2 «major» manifestations or 1 «major» plus 2 «minor» If there is evidence of group A streptococcal infection Allow the diagnosis of the first attack of ARF
  • 30. АRTHTRITIS Present in 75% of patients Characterized as migratory polyarthritis, that typically affect large and medium joints (the knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, wrists). Often manifest as oligoarthritis. Main characteristics: migratory joints damage, Symmetrical joints damage, Painfulness and limitation movement in the joints with lesion of periarthricular tissues (local hyperemia, swelling, local temperature rise).
  • 31. ARTHRITIS Rheumatic arthritis is characterized by benign course and the absence of joints deformity
  • 32. acute-rheumatic-fever-mitral-valve-valvulitis.jpg «RHEUMATIC FEVER LICKS AT THE JOINTS, BUT BITES AT THE HEART» French physician Ernst-Charles Lasègue 1884
  • 33. CARDITIS Present in 50-60% of all cases ARF Characterized as pancarditis, but endocarditis (valvulitis) is typical. Myo and/or pericarditis may or will not be presented. Carditis in mostly cases is presented as valvulitis Usually affects the mitral valve or there is a combined failure of aortic and mitral valvules. Isolated failure of aortic valve or valves of the right heart are not typical for patients wits rheumatism. The main implication is formation of aquired heart disease, often insufficiently of mitral valve.
  • 35. CARDITIS Patients complain on slackness, fatigue, dyspnoea, pain or discomfort in chest. Physical findings – cardiomegaly, tachycardia, weakening I sound and systolic vulvular murmur above the apex, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure. Systolic murmur is due to valvulitis with defeat of mitral valve, has blowing timbre, it is associated with І weakening sound, takes most of the systole, may be different in intensity. Point of its best listening is apex of the heart, it is usually held in the left axillary region.
  • 39. CHOREA (CHOREA MINOR, SYDENHAM CHOREA) Occurs in 10-15% patients with ARF Typical for childhood age, mostly for female. Is characterized by gradual onset of neurologic symptoms. Child becomes irritable, occurs behavior change, deterioration of handwriting, declining school performance. Uncoordinated jerking movement, facial grimacing, coordination disorders occur. Hyperkinesis usually bilateral. Presented involuntary movements of various muscle groups, that aggravated by stress.
  • 40. CHOREA (CHOREA MINOR, SYDENHAM CHOREA) Hypotonia, for exemple symptom of «flabby shoulders» is typical. Dysarthric speech may be present. Stretch reflexes are increased, especially the knee jerk. Gordon’s symptom – leg remains up for a time after a knee jerk, occurs tonic contraction of quatriceps femoris. May occur ankle clonus. Coordination disorders, negative Romberg’s test, negative finger-nose and knee-heel tests are presented.
  • 41. CHOREA (CHOREA MINOR, SYDENHAM CHOREA) Rheumatic chorea also called «Saint Vitus Dance».
  • 42. ERYTHEMA MARGINATUM Occurs in more, than 3% patients with ARF There are light pink macules with pale centers, which is not accompanied by itching. Most often appears on the trunk and proximal extremities, but not on face. Over time erythema marginatum disappears completely.
  • 44. SUBCUTANEOUS NODULES Are rare, not more than in 1% patients with ARF Are painless nodules, up to 1 сm in diameter, are located in fascias, aponeurosis, periosteum, around joint capsules, in subcutaneous tissue on extensor surfaces. Usually, subcutaneous nodules disappear completely during 1-2 months.
  • 46. Damage of other organs and systems in patients with ARF occurs significantly less  lungs (pneumonitis, pulmonary vasculitis, pleuritis)  kidneys (nephritis)  gastro-intestinal tract (peritonitis)  vessels (vasculitis)  eye (iritis, iridocyclitis)  thyroid (thyroiditis)
  • 47. To confirm streptococcal etiology apply throat swab culture Abroad is widely spread Rapid strep test or rapid antigen detection test, that works by detecting the presence antigen unique to group A streptococcus. Result are generally available in 5-15 minutes. The test have high specifity 90-100%, but sensitivity в зависимости от условий может колебаться от 10% до 95% (Morandi P.A. et al., 2003). If the rapid test is negative follow-up culture might be performed.
  • 48. Works by detecting the presence antigen unique to group A streptococcus RAPID STREP TEST
  • 49. Increasing titer of antistreptolysin О (АSО), antistreptohyaluronidase, аntistreptokinase, аnti ДNAase. Most often used titer of АSО. Positive ASO titer is found in 80-85% of patients with ARF. Usually antistreptococcal titers start to rise in the end of second week after streptococcal pharyngitis (tonsillitis), reach of maximum of up to 3-4 weeks and remain on that level 2-3 months and then decrease for initial level. leukocytosis, elevated ESR, C-reactive protein, blood seromucoid, sialic acids, DPT(diphenylamine test), alpha-1, alpha-2 and gamma-globulines.
  • 50. CHEST RADIOGRAРH Chest X-ray determines shape and size of the heart, the presence of pulmonary congestion.
  • 51. ECG Is used for determination of prolonged PQ (PR) interval, Also assess the rhythm, signs of heart hypertrophy, evaluating ST-T…
  • 52. Echocardiography In patients with valvulitis detecting thickening of mitral valve leaflets, its «shady», hypokinesia of back leaflet, reducing of total excursion leaflets, mitral regurgitation. In patients with aortic valvulitis detecting Aortal regurgitation. Also detecting left ventricular contracility, presence of pericarditis etc.
  • 53. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Rheumatic cаrditis is necessary to differentiate with viral myo- and pericarditis, infection endocarditis, congenital heart disease, Kawasaki disease, mitral valve prolapse, functional heart sounds etc. Rheumatic аrthritis – with rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, Lyme disease, septic arthritis, tuberculosis, psoriatic arthropathy, «growing pains» in legs etc.
  • 54. Chorea – Tics, encephalitis different etiology, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Huntington‘s chorea, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, Cerebral palsy etc. Erythema marginatum – allergic rash, infections erythema nodosum (Epstein-Barr, measles, parvovirus В19, tuberculosis, Yersinia etc), systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, lymphoma and other diseases. Subcutaneous nodules – rheumatoid nodules and others. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
  • 55. In 1998 Dr. Susan Swedo describe PANDAS syndrome (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with group A streptococcal infections), which is still stay the subject of scientific debate. Differential diagnosis is actual, when chorea minor is the only manifestation of ARF. PANDAS syndrome is characterized by choreiform hyperkinesis, obsessive movements and thoughts; relation with group A streptococcus infection is proved. Later scientists have questioned autoimmune etiology of syndrome and its relation with group A streptococcus infection. Has been shown, that patients with PANDAS syndrome are clinically heterogeneous (Roger Kurlan et al., 2008). DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
  • 56. TREATMENT The primary goal of treating an ARF – eradicate streptococcal organisms and bacterial antigens, elimination of activity of rheumatic process, preventing the formation of aquired heart diseases. There are few stages in treatment of ARF. First stage – hospital. Second – specialized cardiorheumatologic sanatorium. In the third stage in the outpatient setting are conducted secondary prevention.
  • 57. TREATMENT Children with ARF are necessary hospitalized, them prescribed bed rest, usually for 2-3 weeks. The regime expand, when signs of acute inflammation is subsides. In the present of carditis bed rest should be longer. In children with heart failure and edema restricting cooking salt and liquid. Antibiotics start when diagnosis of ARF is established, its main goal – eradication of group A streptococcus.
  • 58. Antibiotic of choice- penicillin during 10 days. As an alternative in patients who are allergic to penicillin macrolides are recommended (erythromycin, mydekamitsin, clarythromycin, josamycin, spyramycin or roxithromycin) per os during 10 days, course of azithromycin is shorter. After the initial course of antibiotics, patient schould receive long-term secondary antibiotic prophylaxis. Antibiotic of choice for secondary prevention BENZATINEPENICILLIN 600.000 units for children ≤ 27 kg 1,2 million units for children > 27 kg Intramuscularly every 3- 4 weeks
  • 59. Anti inflammatory therapy depend of the clinical variant of the disease. Children with typical rheumatic polyarthritis, carditis without cardiomegaly or heart failure prescribed аcetyl salicylic during 4 weeks. If carditis with cardiomegaly or heart failure developing, glucocorticosteroid hormones are prescribed. during 2-3 weeks,
  • 60. Therapy of moderate and severe carditis include prescribing of digoxin, diuretics, oxygen. It must be remembered, that cardiotoxity of digoxin increases in case of inflammation of heart muscle. In treating of chorea anti inflammatory drugs are usually not used. Assign protection regime, drug of choice is Phenobarbital. Aminochinoline derivates in the treatment of ARF in our time is not used.
  • 61. PREVENTION There are primary and secondary prevention of ARF. Primary prevention – are complex of actions, which are directed at the prevention of primary morbidity of ARF. They include an effective treatment of acute inflectional disease, caused by group A streptococcus (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever). Adequate antibiotic treatment of acute streptococcal infections for preventing ARF has a high level of evidence (А). Also important are measures for preventing the spread of streptococcal infection and increasing child’s natural resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  • 62. Secondary prevention – prevention of new episodes of disease and progression of pathological process in patients undergoing ARF. Is a regular long-term antibiotic therapy (level of evidence: В). Antibiotic of choice for secondary prevention BENZATINEPENICILLIN 600 thousand units for children ≤ 27 kg 1,2 million units for children > 27 kg Intramuscularly every 4 weeks (in high-risk situations - every 3 weeks). Bicillin-5 at the present time are not recommended. In case of allergy to penicillin used macrolides.
  • 63. Duration of secondary prevention In patients without carditis should be continued 5 years or until patient reaches 21-years of age (the principle «as long as possible»). In patients with ARF, which have carditis without valvular heart disease should be continued 10 years or until patient reaches 21-years of age (the principle «as long as possible»). In patients, in which has formed a valvular heart disease should be continued up to 40 years of years, and sometimes for life.
  • 64. PROGNOSIS Rheumatic arthritis and chorea have not delayed effects. The prognosis of ARF is mainly determined by cardiac disease (the presence of valvular heart disease, its severety, the severety of heart failure etc) Frequency of formation of valvular heart disease after the first attack of rheumatism: 11-14%. (Kovalenko V.M., Nesukay O.G., 2001) With repeated episodes of ARF frequency is much higher - 50%, that confirm extremely importance of secondary prevention of ARF.